What to bring souvenirs and unusual gifts from Vietnam. What to bring from Vietnam

When traveling around Vietnam, you really want to bring something unusual that will help preserve the memory of your trip for a long time. Let's look at what you can buy in Vietnam and bring home.

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Features of shopping in Vietnam

It’s worth saying about Vietnam that it’s simply a paradise for those who love shopping. There are especially many opportunities for lovers of exotic goods and souvenirs as well. And in this country you will see not only a huge assortment, but also very low prices.

If we talk about prices, they will differ in different stores and markets. And although the difference is not so significant, it is there. Most often, in stores you can find branded clothing and shoes, different kinds technology or jewelry. You will also find souvenirs there. But a lot of goods can be found in the markets.

There is a wide range of handmade products here. And it’s especially profitable to buy in such places Exotic fruits. It’s more profitable to go here than to some shopping centers, since in this case they are aimed at the local population, as well as those who want to save a little money.

However, this side has its own nuances, since when making purchases only on the market, there is a high risk of receiving products of obviously low quality. Moreover, if the price of the product is low, then doubts about the quality will immediately begin. At the same time, tourists who do not want to spend a lot of money simply buy everything.

When choosing souvenirs, follow these steps:

  • the region in which you are vacationing is taken into account;
  • the amount allocated for the acquisition;
  • you need to decide whether you are buying a gift or whether it will be an ordinary souvenir.

Now let's talk about what you can bring from Vietnam

We buy coffee and tea

In Vietnam, you can buy various types of drinks, such as coffee, cheaply. It not only has high quality, but also has an affordable price. Today, Vietnam is one of the leaders supplying the world market. Their prices will be fully regulated regarding the size of the grains and their quality.

Tourists are often taken on excursions to where they see how coffee is grown and processed. In those places you can taste the finished coffee drink. Naturally, it is possible to purchase the variety of coffee beans you like. And don’t forget that you are in Asia, and here it is customary to bargain. Let's look at the main varieties of Vietnamese coffee:

  • Nguyen Trung or Trung Nguyen is the most common variety. The beans are well roasted for great flavor;
  • – one of the most expensive coffees in the world. Its peculiarity is that grains are first fed to specially raised animals. It is believed that after passing through the food tract, they acquire a special taste and aroma. And remember that real Kopi Luwak cannot be bought cheaply;
  • Arabica is the main one distinguishing feature– there is very little caffeine in it, but at the same time it has a bright and rich taste and aroma;
  • Robusta is the cheapest type of coffee. Contains a large number of caffeine It has a slightly sharp, slightly bitter, but very rich aroma.

In addition to coffee, you can buy delicious teas. The most common is green tea. Moreover, it can be pure, or it can have various additives. The most common ones are lotus, ginger or oolong. It is recommended to buy it in specialized stores. Moreover, where you can try to choose the most suitable taste. The most common tea that foreign tourists buy is Than Nguyen. At the same time, tea with additives will cost $6.5 or more, and pure tea will cost $4.

Clothing and jewelry

The peculiarity of clothes from Vietnam is that they are made from natural materials, most often silk, has high quality and low prices. It’s true that it’s better to buy clothes and other silk souvenirs in stores rather than in the market.

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The silk paintings and handmade fans here are very beautiful. Chopsticks can also be a great addition to the interior.

For jewelry, you should pay attention to items made of silver, gold and pearls. Despite the prices, they will still be cheaper than in.

Traditional medicine

Various medicines prepared according to folk recipes and made from natural raw materials, show high efficiency, and therefore often become the subject of purchase by tourists.

You can buy a variety of snake and scorpion tinctures, healing ointments and balms in Vietnam. It is worth knowing that the tincture is limited to 2 bottles per person.


If you think about what you can buy in Vietnam, then come to this wonderful country and decide for yourself what you like.

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Vietnam is a country rich not only in its historical culture, unique customs and traditions, but also an endless number of souvenir shops, shops, boutiques, markets and supermarkets. Tourists leaving Vietnam after a wonderful beach holiday, unusual excursions and numerous entertainments, be sure to buy original souvenirs for yourself and as a gift to your loved ones.

What can you bring from Vietnam to your relatives, colleagues and yourself and your loved ones? What gift would be a beautiful reminder of a great time spent at the seaside?

Souvenirs from Vietnam

Silk from Vietnam is an excellent choice for a gift.

Tourists who travel a lot and always bring a lot of gifts and souvenirs with them from vacation are advised not to run shopping on the first day of their vacation. As a rule, the first thing purchased often turns out to be expensive, and on another street, for example, you can buy exactly the same thing, but much cheaper. Also, do not forget that you should bargain with sellers and not be shy about it - a smart trader will always lower the price, as long as the goods are not left behind.

What is most often brought from Vietnam? The most popular and popular gifts among travelers include:

  • silk;
  • decorations;
  • clothes;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fruits;
  • Coffee and tea;
  • hats;
  • Leather Products;
  • pearl;
  • trinkets made of stone, wood, silver;
  • musical instruments;
  • medications;
  • aromatic oils and candles;
  • seashells;
  • paintings, etc.

Is it possible to bring silk from Vietnam?

Vietnamese silk is one of the most popular goods purchased by tourists. For a low cost you can purchase high-quality items made from this fabric: bed linen, stoles, scarves, bathrobes, dresses, blouses, pajamas, etc.

XQ Nha Trang Traditional Art & Craft Gallery is the center of handicrafts in Nha Trang.

For example, you can buy a silk robe for just $10. Silk goods should be purchased in branded stores, which are usually located next to clothing factories, but not in the market.

Near Hanoi, just 10 km away, is the Silk Village, where you can buy silk products at very affordable price. And in the handicraft center in Nha Trang, called XQ Nha Trang Traditional Art & Craft Gallery, tourists will not only be sold the item they are interested in, but will also be shown the process of its step-by-step production. Many stores that sell silk products provide the service of customizing the purchased item to individual sizes.

Jewelry you can bring from Vietnam

What jewelry can you bring from Vietnam? These can be products made of pearls, ivory, silver, etc. If travelers are interested in inexpensive jewelry made from such materials, then they will be able to find it in the market. If tourists are determined to buy high-quality, expensive jewelry, then in this case it is best to go to a special store.

Markets can often sell fake pearl and silver jewelry, and stores, as a rule, provide certificates for their products. By the way, products made from sea pearls will cost much more than jewelry made from river pearls. However, even this price for sea pearls will be almost 3 times cheaper than identical Russian jewelry.

The cheapest pearl items can be purchased in the town of Mui Ne, while higher quality and more expensive ones can be purchased in specialized stores in Nha Trang, on Cat Ba Island and Phu Quoc.

Clothes brought from Vietnam

What to bring from Nha Trang and other Vietnamese resort cities? How to surprise your friends and relatives? Of course, national clothes, which are most often made of natural silk. However, such things even today look very attractive, modern and fashionable. Vietnamese clothes can be worn not as a whole suit, but separately. It can be combined with tops, trousers and other suitable elements of regular clothing.

How and what kind of alcohol to bring from Vietnam?

Tourists buying souvenirs for themselves and their relatives in Vietnam quite often take alcoholic beverages home with them. One of the most popular is vodka with snake. This drink attracts travelers not only for its original appearance, but also many useful qualities.

What souvenirs should you bring from Vietnam, besides vodka with a snake? For example, vodka with frogs, seahorses, lizards, scorpions and other crawling creatures. A bottle with such contents does not always look appetizing, but everyone who sees such a souvenir will be very surprised.

The cost of such an extravagant gift varies depending on what kind of animal is in the bottle, what size it is, and also on the tourist’s ability to bargain with the seller. Tourists often buy rum, wine, and various liqueurs for the trip.

Fruits that can be brought from Vietnam

Many people have heard that Vietnam is the birthplace of all kinds of exotic fruits, but only those who come to this wonderful country on vacation can verify this personally. They are exported both fresh and candied - in the form of candied fruits or chips.

How to bring fruits from Vietnam fresh and not crushed? To do this, you don’t need to wash the fruit before traveling - it’s better to do it after arriving home. Also need to be packaged carefully delicious delicacies- line them with paper, wrap them in breathable fabric. Bananas and mangoes are the worst fruits to travel with, so it is better to take lychee, mangosteen, pineapple, rambutan, etc. with you.

Medicines that can be exported from Vietnam

Cobratoxan cream from Vietnam based on snake venom.

The Vietnamese are specialists in the production of a variety of ointments, tinctures, creams and balms. All these preparations are made exclusively from natural ingredients, therefore they have a truly enormous healing power and are deservedly in demand among tourists and guests of the country.

What medicines should I bring from Vietnam? All drugs produced in Vietnam have high therapeutic effect and in short time cure many diseases. Most often, travelers take with them from Vietnam the “Star” balm, various balms based on python, cobra, tiger fat, etc. Some of them, the most popular, are balms against radiculitis “Red Games”, “ White Tiger" You can also buy them in Russia, but they are five times more expensive than in Vietnam.

Very common drugs among tourists include the dermatitis cream “Silkeron creme”, the “Cobratoxan” cream containing snake venom, and the dietary supplement “Glucosamin”, which supports the normal condition of the joints.

Coffee and tea from Vietnam

What to bring from Vietnam, from Nha Trang? Perhaps 99% of all tourists do not leave Vietnam without packing aromatic coffee or delicious local tea. Vietnamese people usually drink green tea, both hot and cold. They often add chrysanthemum, jasmine or lotus petals to the drink, and “snack” the tea with candies made from nougat, coconut milk, peanuts and lotus seeds, and various candied pieces of fruit.

It is best to buy tea in large supermarkets - sellers at the market can also sell low-quality goods. The same goes for Vietnamese coffee, which has an incomparable taste and, when cold, perfectly quenches your thirst in the heat. It is better to drink hot coffee in the morning, welcoming a new day, or in the evenings, admiring beautiful sunset. It is best to export coffee beans from Vietnam, since ground coffee may lose its aromatic properties along the way.

Other gifts and souvenirs from Vietnam

Vietnam - what to bring from Vietnam, besides clothes, drinks and jewelry? Great gift and products made of bamboo, leather, and mahogany will become a reminder of your vacation in Vietnam. All kinds of wooden boxes, trays, figurines, photo frames, etc. A huge selection of such products can be found in the town of Hoi An - there are numerous shops with wooden and leather products at low prices.

Products made from crocodile leather are several times cheaper here than in Russia. In the shops you can buy key holders, wallets, business card holders, belts, bags, purses, document covers and other leather products.

So, Vietnam: what to bring as a souvenir? For example, a pointed Vietnamese hat. This is an original and at the same time useful souvenir made from simple straw. This headdress may seem uncomfortable to wear, but you just need to get used to it.

You can take out many other, no less interesting and original souvenirs and gifts from Vietnam, such as:

  • porcelain dishes;
  • toys made from scraps of fabric;
  • incense burners and sticks;
  • keychains made of crocodile legs;
  • wooden dolls, etc.

Many tourists bring Coconut oil from Vietnam, it has nutritional properties and is used, for example, as a softening and soothing agent after hair removal, as a hair mask, nourishes and restores hair, and many others.

The main thing is not to violate the laws of the country and export only what is permitted by the Vietnamese authorities.

Russian tourists, who have long mastered Egypt and Turkey, began to penetrate further and further in search of adventure and relaxation. Gradually get used to it exotic countries, including Vietnam. It is much cheaper than the popular Thailand, and at the same time offers good products light industry, handicraft items. Our article will tell you.

Naturally, souvenirs to remember this wonderful country. It is best to purchase them not in the stores where the guide takes you (he receives a certain percentage of sales, which is calculated from your own pocket), but in the market. Just one visit to such a colorful under open air- an unforgettable excursion. But unlike a museum, here you can buy the exhibits you like most. Prices in Vietnam in 2013 pleased Russian tourists. Everything is so cheap that you just can’t believe it: picture self made on silk it costs from three hundred to one and a half thousand rubles (the cost depends on the size of the canvas).

If you consider refrigerator magnets ($0.4) and painted ceramic plates ($2-3) vulgar bad taste, you can opt for something exotic and original. What can you bring from Vietnam that is not available in other countries of the world? Of course, national cone-shaped hats. True, they are bulky and do not fit well into luggage, so you will have to board the plane directly in them.

Snake tincture is considered South-East Asia a panacea for all ailments, and also a powerful aphrodisiac. Therefore, such bottles are sold not only in markets, souvenir shops and stores, but also in pharmacies. In addition to snakes, local residents also alcoholize various insects, lizards, toads and even birds. The price varies depending on the volume of the bottle, the animal contained in it, and the strength of the alcohol. In general, such a souvenir will cost you from 65 to a thousand rubles. The assortment includes: alcoholic products It’s time to get confused, and if you haven’t yet decided what to bring from Vietnam, then it’s better to stop at the so-called “Cobra with Scorpio”. This pot-bellied half-liter bottle contains a snake holding a black poisonous beetle in its mouth. The strength of this drink, sold in pharmacies, is 45 degrees.

When tourists get to the food market, they simply freeze with delight. Mountains of fruits, which fellow countrymen have not only never seen, but also never heard of such names, rise in pyramids on the shelves. I would like to please my relatives with mangosteens, longans, the eye of the dragon... A photo of the market where you bought the fruit - this is the first thing. And secondly, something that is easy to transport. Bargain, as sellers often inflate the price of their goods for Europeans. Do this politely but persistently. Then, perhaps, you will be able to buy a kilo of durian for 87, a mango for 60, and coconuts with tangerines for 50 rubles.

What is recommended to bring from Vietnam? knowledgeable people wife or girlfriend? Of course, pearls or sapphires. But if the former are cheap (since the whole country is covered with a network of oyster farms), then gems should only be purchased from licensed jewelry stores. The same goes for gold. Pearls are cheapest where they are grown. The highest quality is in Mui Ne, on the coast of the China Sea. You also don’t have to be afraid to buy silver in regular shops - Vietnam has the lowest prices in the world for this metal. You can get a couple of jewelry with pearl or ivory inserts, as well as dishes. Clothes and shoes of good quality will cost you four times less than in Russia.

There is a huge amount of interesting things in Vietnam, and since the country is divided into three parts, North, Center and South, so the souvenirs from its parts are different.

However there is TOP 10 souvenirs from Vietnam, which can be found in any big city or resort.

Small souvenirs such as magnets, wooden dolls symbolizing national culture, tools, porcelain dishes, traditional red lanterns, incense sticks, figurines of Buddha and cats do not count. This can be found even in small markets near any tourist area.

And so the main souvenirs from Vietnam are as follows:

1. Alcohol

At the same time, the main exotic drink is tinctures of snakes, scorpions and other reptiles.

It's not only interesting gift and a souvenir, but also a useful medicine for various diseases, which has been produced for many hundreds of years. Even if a person is indifferent to alcohol, you can always use such a bottle as an exotic element of the interior.

The price of such a bottle depends on the volume and the animal (insect) inside, ranging from $3 to $20.

There is no difference in the quality of a bottle bought from an old Vietnamese at the market or in an expensive hypermarket.

The most valuable tincture is “Scorpion with Cobra”, 0.5 liter inside. The strength of this tincture is 45 degrees. Price from 17 to 20 $.

An excellent souvenir that you can try on the spot is:

Jim Beam Whiskey - price $19; Jack Daniels price 25-30$, Red Label – price 20$.

2. Coffee and tea

An excellent alternative to alcohol for non-drinking friends and relatives.

The range of brands, varieties and tea blends in Vietnam is enormous and can simply shock a tourist; the same goes for coffee. Many tourists are very surprised to learn that they regularly drink Vietnamese coffee at home, packaged by world brands in their own packages. Yes, that’s right, Vietnam is one of the world leaders not only in the production of rice, but also tea and coffee.

Among the tea mixtures you can find with lotus, the familiar “milk oolong”, mountain herbs, roots, jasmine, ginger and many other additives.

There are specialized stores where you will be offered to taste the varieties that interest you before purchasing.

The price of tea in Vietnam ranges from $7 to $14 per kg.

The Vietnamese are terrible coffee drinkers. It is grown mainly on the mountain slopes of the southern part of the country. Traditionally, coffee in Vietnam is brewed differently than we are used to. To do this, small aluminum cups are used, which are placed on top of a glass cup, after which coffee is poured into the cup and boiling water is poured, which, passing through the holes in the bottom of such a cup, collects the coffee drink in glass cup. In good cafes, the guest is always offered a couple of spoons of condensed milk and a glass of cold water with this coffee.

Give advice on what kind of coffee it's better here pointless coffee beans you need to smell it on the spot and preferably taste it right there in the finished drink. All shops have a machine for vacuum packaging both beans and ground coffee right on site.

The main varieties of coffee produced in Vietnam are robusta, but it also occurs Arabica. Robusta is three times stronger than Arabica and greatly invigorates a person; Arabica has a taste and pleasant aroma that I drink more for pleasure than to invigorate.

The most expensive coffee in the world is produced in Vietnam - the legendary Luvac coffee. On special farms where martens are kept, these animals are fed ripe coffee fruits and the beans, after passing through the natural taste, acquire a unique taste and aroma so appreciated by all coffee lovers in the world.

Also worth noting is the interesting variety Moca Bourbon with the natural taste of cappuccino.

The price range depends on the harvest, quality and size of the grains.

Prices for Arabica coffee are $15-20 per kg.

Prices for Robusta coffee are $10-17 per kg.

3. Sweets

If traditional Vietnamese kozinaki are no different from ours and are also made with sugar or honey, the components of which are peanuts, nougat and lotus seeds.

The most popular sweet is coconut milk-based candy. Than Long . This is an analogue of our toffees. There are many flavors and types, this is the most favorite treat local kids.

Also buy dried and candied fruits in small boxes; children especially love them for their colorful selections. These fruits are stored for a very long time; you can always please your dear guests by placing mango, dragon fruit or star candies on the table.

4. Fish sauce

Nuoc mam (fish sauce) is a traditional element without which it is impossible to imagine Vietnamese cuisine.

If you have a friend who loves or is interested in Asian cuisine. Be sure to bring such a souvenir, because Vietnam is the birthplace of this product.

This product is produced very simply, but takes a very long time. small fish, mainly sardines, are covered with salt and left to ferment and yield juice for a year. The resulting juice is bottled and sold.

The more expensive sauce is a first-press sauce, so to speak. Since the product takes a long time to prepare, to increase volumes, manufacturers often add water in a second round and produce a second-grade sauce.

Traditionally, the liquid should be golden-red in color, which indicates the quality of the product.

The smell of the product is very specific. But when cooked and added to a dish, it evaporates, giving the dish a unique taste.

It is prohibited to carry this sauce on a plane, so pack it carefully in your suitcase.

5. Chopsticks

If you or someone you know loves Asian food, this will be a wonderful gift. Reusable chopsticks are not expensive, for whole set of 8-10 sets with personal stone stands for each pair you will pay $3-5.

Vietnamese everywhere use reusable chopsticks and many have special cases for them, like for a traveling spoon. Suddenly you get hungry, your cutlery is always with you.

You can also buy a small wooden bowl for soups and main courses.

6. Jewelry

In small shops, large salons or even in the market there is big choice products made of silver, semi-precious stones and pearls.

If everything is clear with the former, then you need to be careful with pearls, since tourists, in pursuit of price, often bring plastic to their loved ones.

The same applies to sapphires, which are mined and processed in this country. If you don't understand stones, they can easily slip you glass.

It’s better not to go to the market for such things, where the price will certainly be lower, but even a simpleton will be deceived there in no time.

Of the resort towns, the cheapest is in Phan Thiet in the village of Mui Ne. It is also sold in Nha Trang, and the main tourist islands of Phu Quoc and Cat Ba.

Pearls are grown on oyster farms, the price is correspondingly not high.

The order of prices is as follows:

  • the bracelet costs $8-10;
  • string of pearls $15-20;
  • bracelet and necklace set $25;
  • silver chain with pearl $10
  • silver earrings with pearls $2.

When buying pearls, pay attention to:

  • color. Rare color cannot be cheap, if you are offered an unusual shade, the price should be two to three times higher than classic pearls;
  • Pearls are never dull; their radiance comes from within. Ask for more light and never buy in dark conditions. Ideal conditions inspection is daylight;
  • the price depends on the size, the larger the pearls, the more expensive;
  • Flaws. Pearls have small spots or irregularities; the fewer there are, the more expensive the product. A perfectly smooth, large pearl, extremely rare and the price for one unit can reach $10,000.
  • The holes must be free of chips and cracks.
  • When purchasing an individual pearl, drop it on a stone or tiled floor. Real pearls will not crack and will definitely bounce. Counterfeits simply roll and chip.

6. Clothes and things

(nón lá) is a traditional cone-shaped headdress of the Vietnamese, which is worn everywhere by the Vietnamese themselves. They cost from 1 $. These are the most common traditional ones.

Up to $10 which is covered special varnish drawings, Chinese characters, wishes for goodness, happiness and good luck.

"Ho Chi Minh Sandals" - those same flip-flops that became a household word for any resident of the once huge country of the USSR. The main difference between these sandals and classic flip-flops is that they leave footprints backwards, and are more of a tourist attraction, an echo of the war with the United States, when Vietnamese guerrillas wore them to confuse enemy search parties.

Shoes and textiles in Vietnam are cheap and good quality. To purchase clothes, it is better to go to large shopping centers such as in the city of Nha Trang, Phan Thiet (COOPMarket) or the “Russian” market in Ho Chi Minh City.

7. Leather goods

Vietnam is a country of crocodiles, which means there are plenty of products made from these animals, including all kinds of bags, wallets, belts, bags for keys, covers for documents.

Since this is an export product, the quality of the products is high level. You need to purchase such things in a store that issues a quality certificate. It will, of course, be cheaper on the market, but the quality of the products will be simpler.

The order of prices for leather products is as follows:

  • $10 belts;
  • bags for $15;
  • wallets $10-12;

8. Silk

This product in Vietnam is not only a material for the best clothing, women's accessories, but also a piece of art. This material has long been produced here and was not inferior to the Chinese Empire. Now all kinds of clothing items are made from it, ranging from suits, scarves, shawls and robes that will serve you for many years. So you will be asked to pay $10-12 for a robe. For a small scarf 2$ .

It is also worth paying attention to fans. They paint traditional Vietnamese motifs with temples, mules in rice fields and mountain rivers. Sizes can range from pocket size to gigantic for placement on the walls of the house, like paintings.

Natural silk (Van Phuc) is used for embroidering transparent paintings; some of the most skilled craftsmen make their products in the city of Da Lat, which is convenient to visit from Nha Trang. The cost of such paintings is high because it is complex and long manual labor. For a small painting measuring 50x30 cm, you will be asked $80-120, depending on the complexity of the drawing.

When purchasing clothes made from this material, always take a size larger, as natural fabric will always shrink after washing.

9. Medicines and drugs

Eastern medicine has penetrated into this country as much as into China. The traditions are thousands of years old, which is why many tourists take medicine when buying souvenirs.

The Vietnamese “Star”, known to everyone since childhood, and numerous balms made from the fat of a tiger, leopard, python or cobra, which help both from radiculitis and from many other diseases.

The most famous balm for radiculitis pain is “White Tiger”. His brother“Red Tiger”, the price is about the same, but the effect is much greater, since it contains red hot pepper extract.

Do not ignore the cream for various skin inflammations “Silkeron creme”, the biological supplement Glucosamin made from sugar with an amino acid that helps joints and cream Cobratox for the same purposes.

10. Mahogany products

In the central part of Vietnam, small shops sell beautiful mahogany products. You can see boxes, glasses cases, figurines of animals and people, trays and wall decorations. Their prices range from $10-20.

We would like to draw the attention of flower growers to a souvenir that is not included in the main list. Vietnam country with tropical climate and orchids of which there are a great variety of species grow beautifully here and, unlike their neighbor, their export is completely free. One of best selections orchids in Ho Chi Minh City, next to the central park. IN winter months Small flower markets open on the territory of this park.

I must say that Eastern culture since ancient times it has been famous for its the most unique recipes medicines, anti-aging agents and various tinctures. Nowadays, numerous pharmaceutical enterprises in these countries - India, China, Vietnam and others sacredly honor long-standing traditions, use ancient recipes and exclusively natural ingredients. Vietnam is no exception. All natural medicines are very cheap here, so, of course, you should buy as many of the medications you need with you as possible, especially since you have many elderly relatives.

Perhaps the most popular ointment in Vietnam these days is Cobratoxan, which has an excellent effect on arthritis, radiculitis, muscle pain and neuralgia. And this is no coincidence, because this ointment is based on snake venom, which has a healing effect. It quickly relieves all pain, penetrating deeply into muscle tissue. Tourists, as well as people who constantly visit Vietnam on business trips, buy whole packages of this ointment. On the modern medicinal market, this ointment is the best warming agent. A slightly less popular massage balm is “White Tiger”. It does not have as strong an effect as Cobratoxan, but it perfectly relaxes muscles, overcomes aching pain and improves blood circulation.

And remember how in Soviet times Was the Vietnamese balm “Star” popular here? So, it is still produced in Vietnam to this day, only, in addition to the usual ointment in the red packaging, many different variations have appeared. So now it can be found in the form of a pencil, and in the form of an inhalation product, and in the form of a liquid balm. Since that time, the asterisk is still used as excellent remedy from mosquito bites, nasal congestion, colds, headaches. I tried on myself the wonderful effect of this ointment on a wasp sting. The tumor subsided very quickly. And if you use “Star” at the very beginning colds, then you can cure this disease in its very germ.

IN Lately not only in Vietnam, but throughout the world are becoming increasingly popular medicines, made from Lingzhi mushrooms. Even 2000 years ago, these mushrooms were considered a remedy that gave, if not immortality, then certainly longevity. The Chinese called them mushrooms that “give eternal youth.” They have a truly unique composition and practically no side effects. They help restore immunity in the body, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, help stabilize arterial pressure, reduce sugar levels and promote liver regeneration.

Another drug that is popular among our tourists is Glucosamin. It contains quite a lot known substance glucosamine, which helps strengthen joints and ligaments, helps with the restoration of cartilage tissue after injuries. These drugs are produced with different contents of the active medicinal substance glucosamine, therefore, before using it, it would not be superfluous to additionally consult your doctor.

And another very useful and important medicine, especially for older people, sold in Vietnam is Cebraton. It effectively helps improve blood supply to the brain and generally improves its functioning, excellent remedy with deterioration of concentration, memory, stress and insomnia. Also, treatment with this drug is extremely effective for frequent headaches. This miracle drug contains many medicinal herbs, growing exclusively in Southeast Asia. And most importantly, this drug is used to treat the consequences of strokes, it helps patients recover faster and return to normal.

Recently, drugs that promote the restoration of separately male and female health have become increasingly popular among tourists. women's health. In Vietnam, a fairly decent number of such products are sold, helping in a variety of areas. There are drugs to increase male potency and libido in women, to normalize the condition during menopause, for the treatment of fibroids and other serious female diseases. All these preparations are created exclusively on the basis of natural herbs and plants.

And finally, it would not be amiss to bring from Vietnam such a very popular product recently post-Soviet space medicine, like an extract from artichoke leaves. It is sold in many pharmacies, so finding it will not be difficult. Basically, artichoke extract has an excellent antispasmodic and choleretic effect, has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, and also has a sedative and antipyretic effect.
