Less salty sea. What is the saltiest ocean in the world

Red and Dead Sea

The saltiest seas in the world's oceans are two: the Red and the Dead. At the same time, it is difficult to consider the Dead as a sea as such. It's more of a lake than a sea. Therefore, they are placed alternately in 1st and 2nd places when answering the question about the saltiest sea on the planet.

The world ocean is a single integral natural body that occupies 2/3 of the entire area of ​​the globe. Sea water, of which it is composed, is the most common substance on the surface of the Earth. It's different from fresh water bitter-salty taste, specific gravity, transparency and color, more aggressive effect on Construction Materials and other properties. This is explained by the content of more than 50 different components in sea water.

Theoretically, seawater contains all known chemical elements, but their weight content is different.

Of the total amount of dissolved substances, 99.6% are halide salts of sodium, potassium, magnesium and sulfates of magnesium and calcium, and only 0.4% of the salt composition accounts for the remaining substances. The table shows that only 13 elements of the “periodic table” are contained in quantities of more than 0.1 mg/l. Even those important for many processes in the ocean (especially for life marine organisms) elements such as phosphorus, iodine, iron, along with calcium, sulfur, carbon and some others, are contained in quantities less than 0.1 mg/l. Sea water also contains in the form of living matter and in the form of dissolved “inert” organic substances organic matter, amounting to a total value of about 2 mg/l.


What determines the salinity of the sea?

The salt composition of sea water differs sharply from the salt composition of river water, but is close to the waters released during volcanic eruptions, or hot springs, fed from the deep bowels of the Earth. River water also contains dissolved substances, the amount of which very much depends on physical and geographical conditions.

The greater the amount of evaporation, the greater the salinity of sea water, since salts remain during evaporation. To change in salinity big influence are caused by oceanic and coastal currents, the removal of fresh water by large rivers, and the mixing of waters of oceans and seas. In depth, fluctuations in salinity occur only up to 1500 m; below that, salinity changes insignificantly.

Large-scale features of salinity distribution in the World Ocean have good stability. Over the past 50 years, no significant changes have been noticed in the salt state of the World Ocean, and it is generally accepted that its state is on average stationary.

Composition and features of the Red Sea

Red sea. 1 liter of its water contains 41 g of salts. On average, no more than 100 mm falls over the sea per year atmospheric precipitation, while the amount of evaporation from its surface reaches 2000 mm per year. In the complete absence of river flow, this creates a constant deficit in the water balance of the sea, for the replenishment of which there is only one source - the supply of water from the Gulf of Aden. During the year, approximately 1,000 cubic meters are introduced into the sea through the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait. km of water is more than is removed from it. Moreover, according to calculations, it takes only 15 years for the complete exchange of Red Sea waters.

In the Red Sea, the water is very well and evenly mixed. In winter, surface water cools, becomes denser and sinks down, and rises up warm waters from the depths. In summer, water evaporates from the surface of the sea, and the remaining water becomes saltier, heavier and sinks. Less salty water rises in its place. Thus, all year round the water in the sea is intensively mixed, and throughout its entire volume the sea is the same in temperature and salinity, except in the depressions.

The discovery of hot brine basins in the Red Sea was real scientific discovery 60s of the twentieth century. To date, more than 20 such depressions have been discovered in the deepest areas. The brine temperature is in the range of 30-60°C and increases by 0.3-0.7°C per year. This means that the depressions are heated from below by the internal heat of the Earth. Observers who dived into the depressions on submersibles said that the brines do not merge with the surrounding water, but are clearly distinct from it and look like silty soil covered with ripples, or like swirling fog. Chemical analyzes have shown that the content of many metals in brines, including precious ones, is hundreds and thousands of times higher than in ordinary sea water.

The absence of coastal runoff (or, more simply, rivers and rain streams), and therefore dirt from the land, ensures fabulous water transparency. Water temperature is stable all year round- 20-25°C. All these factors determined the richness and uniqueness sea ​​life in the Red Sea.

Facts about the Dead Sea

Dead Sea located in Western Asia in Israel and Jordan. It is located in a tectonic depression formed as a result of the so-called Afro-Asian fault, which occurred in an era somewhere between the end of the Tertiary and the beginning Quaternary period, that is, more than 2 million years ago.

Square Dead Sea 1050 sq. m, depth 356 meters. It flows into the only river Jordan, but nutrition also occurs due to numerous mineral springs. The sea has no outlet and is drainless, therefore it is more correct to call it a lake.

The surface of the Dead Sea is 400 meters below the level of the World Ocean (the lowest point on the globe). In its current shape, the Dead Sea has existed for more than 5,000 years, during which time a sedimentary silt layer more than 100 meters thick has accumulated on its bottom.

Over the years, under the hot rays of the sun, the water of the Dead Sea evaporated and minerals accumulated, increasing the salinity of the sea. These conditions largely determine the unique composition of the water and mud of the Dead Sea.

Dead Sea salinity

In terms of the composition of its salts, the Dead Sea differs sharply from all other seas on the planet. The salinity of the Dead Sea is 8 times higher than the salinity of the Atlantic Ocean and 40 times Baltic Sea. While in the waters of other seas the sodium chloride content makes up 77% of the total salt composition, in the waters of the Dead Sea its share is 25-30%, and the share of magnesium salts accounts for up to 50%, the bromine content is a record: 80 times higher, than in the Atlantic Ocean.

High salinity waters of the Dead sea ​​explains its high density, which is 1.3-1.4 g/cm3. The increase in water density with depth apparently creates the pushing effect when immersed in water. The water of the Dead Sea has a high content of trace elements such as copper, zinc, cobalt and others. The peculiarities of the Dead Sea water include a high pH value of 9.

Today everyone knows that the water in most seas is very salty. However, many people will probably find it difficult to answer unequivocally the question of which sea can be called the saltiest in the world. There is often a version that the saltiest is the Dead Sea. Nevertheless, such an answer is far from the truth, since, despite the more than impressive salt content in this reservoir, it is essentially not a sea, but a closed lake, although one of the saltiest in the world. globe. This salty lake is located between Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian National Authority. The Dead Sea coast is considered the lowest landmass on the planet. Having learned that this body of water cannot be called the most salty sea in the world, the inquisitive reader will surely be even more interested in what the correct answer to this question is...

Red sea

So, the most salty sea included in the World Ocean is the Red Sea, located between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. The saltiest sea in the world washes the coasts of African and Asian countries, such as Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, etc. The Red Sea covers an area of ​​450 thousand km 2. The map below shows geographical position Red Sea.

It is known that sand and silt are usually transported with river water, which contributes to a significant decrease in the level of transparency of sea water. Distinctive feature What is inherent in the Red Sea is that not a single river flows into it. It is for this reason that the water in the Red Sea is very clean. In 1000 ml of water contained in the Red Sea, there are 41 g of salts (for example, in the open ocean this figure is 34 g).

Throughout the year, no more than a hundred millimeters of precipitation falls over the sea (and even then not over the entire sea and only in winter period), while twenty times more water – 2000 millimeters – evaporates from the surface of a reservoir over the same period. It should be noted that in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait there are currents that enter and exit the Red Sea. Over the course of a year, about 1,000 km 3 more water is brought into the saltiest sea on the planet than is taken out of it.

It is not only the saltiest, but also one of the most warm seas on our planet. It existed about 30-40 million years ago. It is believed that it was through the waters of this sea that Moses led the Jewish people. At one time, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, and Queen Cleopatra washed their feet in the waters of the Red Sea. Today it is a major tourist center, very popular among divers and fans beach holiday. Distinguished by unrivaled beauty undersea world and the riot of colors attracts everyone here every year more people.

Which sea is the saltiest in our country?

Territory Russian Federation washed by the waters of the twelve seas. IN different parts The salt content of these reservoirs is very different, but the Sea of ​​Japan is considered to be the most saline of them. So, the saltiest sea that washes Russia is connected to the Pacific Ocean and other seas through four straits. The Sea of ​​Japan, in addition to our state, washes the shores of such countries as Japan, the DPRK and the Republic of Korea. The area occupied by the sea is 1062 km 2.

The salinity of water in the Sea of ​​Japan ranges from 33.7 to 34.3%, which is inferior to similar indicators of the waters of the World Ocean. The maximum depth of the sea is 3742 m. The northern part of the reservoir freezes in winter. Moderate reigns here monsoon climate. During the coldest months, which are this region January and February are the average air temperature in the northern part of the Sea of ​​Japan is about -20 degrees, while in the south it is much higher at this time - up to +5 degrees. In autumn, the number of typhoons in the Sea of ​​Japan increases, resulting in hurricanes. At this time, the largest waves can reach a height of 12 m.

This sea is dominated by natural boundaries, but in some areas they are conditional. This is not only the saltiest sea washing the Russian coast, but also one of the largest and deepest seas RF. The entire territory occupied by the sea is dominated by a monsoon climate, which manifests itself most clearly in this area. Here they dominate strong winds(speed of about 12-15 m/s or more), blowing from the northwest. In autumn, typhoons sweep over the sea, accompanied by gusty hurricane winds. One more characteristic feature What is inherent in the Sea of ​​Japan is the fact that quite a few rivers flow into it, most of which flow from the mountains.

Our planet is the owner of about 80 seas, which together make up a certain part of the World Ocean. All sea water is, to a greater or lesser extent, salty. Our top 10 saltiest seas in the world will tell you about those bodies of water whose waters have the maximum saturation with salts.

10 White Sea

Located in the north of the European part of Russia. Being an inland sea, it belongs to the Arctic Ocean. Its water surface area is only 90,000 square meters. km., which makes it the second (after Azov) smallest sea. The White Sea is fed with its waters by the rivers flowing into it (Mezen, Onega, Kem, Northern Dvina and etc.). This influx of river water has resulted in the salinity of the surface water layer being only 26 ppm, but the salinity of the untouched deep waters is 31 ppm.

9 Chukchi Sea

Located between Chukotka and Alaska at the very edge of the Arctic Ocean. The area of ​​its water reaches 589,600 square meters. km. In winter, the salinity of the under-ice layer of water increases to 33 ppm. In summer, salinity levels reach 28 ppm. Large representatives of the fauna live here - polar bears, walruses, seals, whales, and fish - navaga, grayling, char, cod, etc.

8 Laptev Sea

Located on the edge of the Arctic Ocean. The area of ​​the surface layer of water is 762,000 square meters. km. Several flow into it large rivers– Lena, Anabar, Khatanga, Olenek, Yana, whose waters affect the salinity of the sea. Also, salinity depends on the melting of ice, the season, and the depth. So, in winter, salinity in the southern part reaches 20-25 ppm, and in the northwestern part it reaches 34 ppm. In summer, salinity decreases to 5-10 ppm and 32 ppm, respectively.

7 Sea of ​​Japan

It is a marginal sea within the Pacific Ocean, separating from it Japanese islands. The surface water area is 1,062,000 square meters. km. In winter, ice covers only the northern part of the sea. The salinity of surface waters in the sea varies between 33.7 and 34.3 ppm.

6 Barents Sea

Located on the edge of the Arctic Ocean. The waters of this sea wash the shores of Norway and Russia. Water surface area – 1,424,000 sq. km. The sea is fed by the waters of two large rivers - Pechora and Indiga. Salinity in surface water layers has different meanings depending on location: in the north - 33 ppm, in the east - 34 ppm, in the southwest - 35 ppm. In spring and summer, these indicators slightly decrease, but in winter they increase. The Barents Sea has a rich flora and fauna.

5 Ionian Sea

Is a part Mediterranean Sea. The Ionian Sea washes the shores of Southern Italy and Greece. Its water surface area is 169,000 square meters. km. The bottom of the sea is a basin covered with sediments, maximum depth which reaches 5121 m. These figures are greatest depth Mediterranean Sea. Salinity in surface waters sea ​​exceeds 38 ppm.

4 Aegean Sea

It is a semi-enclosed sea with islands, the number of which reaches two thousand. It is part of the Mediterranean Sea and is located between the island of Crete, the Balkan Peninsula and Asia Minor. Water surface area 179,000 sq. km. The salinity of the surface water layer varies between 37 and 40 ppm. Water temperatures and salinity are constantly increasing, which is caused by global warming.

3 Mediterranean Sea

This is an intercontinental sea, the area of ​​the surface water layer of which is 2,500,000 square meters. km. After all, his components are 11 seas. The waters of such large rivers as the Tiber, Po, Ebro, Nile and Rhone flow into the Mediterranean Sea. The salinity of the surface layer of water varies between 36 and 39.5 ppm. High evaporation contributes to such indicators.

2 Red Sea

It is an inland sea of ​​the Indian Ocean. Located between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Its water surface area is 438,000 square meters. km. Most of the Red Sea lies in tropical zone and washes Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Jordan, Yemen, Djibouti, Eritrea. The impeccable transparency of the water in the Red Sea is explained by the absence of rivers flowing into it, which usually bring silt and sand into the sea waters. The salinity of the water reaches 42 ppm.

1 Dead Sea

The sea is located between Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority. The water surface area is almost 810 square meters. km. The water level in the reservoir drops by about 1 m every year. And as a result, the Dead Sea is one of the saltiest bodies of water on Earth. The salinity of its waters is 300-310 ppm.

Each of these seas is unique in its own way. Therefore, if you have the opportunity and desire, it is worth seeing each of them.

Everyone knows firsthand that the water in the sea is salty. But most people will most likely find it difficult to answer the question of which sea is the saltiest on the planet. However, hardly a person thought about why the sea is salty and whether there is life in the saltiest sea in the world. The world ocean is a single whole natural organism. On the planet, they occupy two-thirds of the entire earth's space. Well, sea water, which fills the world's oceans, is considered the most abundant substance on the surface of the Earth. It has a bitter-salty taste; it differs from fresh sea water in its transparency and color, specific gravity and aggressive effect on materials. And this is explained simply - sea water contains more than 50 different components.

The saltiest seas in the world Which seas are more salty and which are less - scientists know for sure. The liquid in the seas has already been studied and literally broken down into its components. And it turned out that the salty seas in Russia occupy the highest positions in the salinity ranking. So, the main contender for the status of the saltiest is the Barents Sea. This is because throughout the year the salinity of the surface layers fluctuates around 34.7-35 percent, however, if you deviate to the north and east, the percentage will decrease.
The White Sea is also characterized by high salinity. In the surface layers the figure stopped at 26 percent, but at depth it increases to 31 percent. In the Kara Sea, salinity is about 34 percent, however, it is heterogeneous and at the mouths of inflowing rivers the water becomes almost fresh. Another one of the saltiest seas in the world can be called the Laptev Sea. At the surface, salinity is recorded at 28 percent. The figure is even higher - 31-33 percent - in the Chukchi Sea. But this is in winter, in summer the salinity drops.

Which sea is saltier By the way, everyone’s favorite Mediterranean Sea can also compete for the status of the saltiest in the world. Its salinity ranges from 36 to 39.5 percent. In particular, because of this, there is a weak quantitative development of phyto and zooplankton in the sea. However, despite this, the sea lives a large number of fauna representatives. Here you can meet seals, sea ​​turtles, 550 species of fish, about 70 endemic fish, crayfish, as well as octopuses, crabs, lobsters, squids.

The Mediterranean Sea is saltier than many others. Certainly not saltier than the Mediterranean is another famous sea - the Caspian Sea. The Caspian Sea boasts a rich fauna - 1809 species. The sea is home to most of the world's sturgeon stocks, as well as freshwater fish(pike perch, carp and roach). The flora is also very rich - there are 728 plant species in the Caspian Sea, but, of course, algae predominate. Interesting fact, in Kazakhstan there is a unique natural object- Aral Sea. And him distinctive feature is that it can be called the second Dead Sea. Just half a century ago, the Aral Sea had standard salinity. However, as soon as water from the sea began to be taken for irrigation, salinity began to increase, and by 2010 it had increased 10 times. The Dead Sea is called not only because of its salinity, but also because many of the inhabitants of the Aral Sea became extinct as a protest against rising salinity levels. Why are the seas salty Why are the seas salty - this question has interested people since ancient times. For example, according to a Norwegian legend, at the bottom of the sea there is an unusual mill that constantly grinds salt. Similar stories exist in the fairy tales of the inhabitants of Japan, the Philippines and Karelia. But according to the Crimean legend, the Black Sea is salty due to the fact that girls caught in Neptune’s net are forced to weave white lace for the waves at the bottom for centuries and constantly cry about their native land. Because of the tears, the water became salty.

But on scientific hypothesis, salt water became a different path. All water in the seas and oceans comes from rivers. However, fresh water flows in the latter. On average, 35 grams of salts are dissolved in one liter of the World Ocean. According to scientists, every grain of salt is washed out of the soil by river waters and sent to the sea. Over centuries and millennia, more and more salt has accumulated in the World Ocean. And she can’t go anywhere.

In some seas, the concentration of salts is off the charts. There is a version that the water in the oceans and seas was originally salty. The first body of water on the planet is supposedly full acid rain, which fell to earth as a result of a major volcanic eruption at the beginning of the planet’s life. Acids, according to scientists, corroded rocks, entered into chemical compounds with them. Eventually chemical reactions salt water appeared, which now fills the World Ocean.

More details: http://www.uznayvse.ru/interesting-facts/samyie-solenyie-morya-v-mire.html

It would seem very simple to answer the question of what is the saltiest ocean in the world. Take samples of water from all of them, measure the salt content in it and compare. But it's not that simple. The article explains why it is impossible to say for sure which ocean is the saltiest on Earth.

Atlantic Ocean

Most scientists agree that the highest salinity is in the Atlantic Ocean, the oldest on the planet and the second largest after the Pacific. Even despite the fact that a large number of rivers carry considerable volumes of fresh water into its waters, the salinity of the ocean is 35.4%. This indicator is uniform throughout the entire territory, which, for example, is not observed near the Indian Ocean. In the Atlantic, underground fresh springs were found that dilute the water. But despite this, the concentration of salt in its waters is the highest in the world. This is explained by the fact that practically no precipitation falls on its territory, and evaporation is quite large. Strong currents distribute the salt evenly throughout the area.

Indian Ocean

Many scientists consider the Indian Ocean to be the saltiest ocean in the world, because in some areas the concentration of salt exceeds its value in the Atlantic. But in general, the Indian salinity is 34.8%, which is less than the Atlantic. Therefore, in our ranking it takes an honorable second place.

The highest water salinity is observed in places with the most big amount evaporation and with a minimum amount of precipitation per year. The least amount of salt is dissolved where the water is desalinated by melting glaciers. in winter monsoon current brings fresh water to the ocean from the northeast. Because of this, a tongue with less salinity is formed near the equator. In summer it disappears.

Pacific Ocean

In third place is the most big ocean on Earth - Quiet. The average salt concentration is 34.5%. Its maximum is dissolved in tropical zones– 35.6%. With distance from the equator specific gravity salts in waters decrease, which is explained by a decrease in water evaporation with a simultaneous increase in precipitation. In high latitudes, salinity drops to 32% due to melting glaciers.

Arctic Ocean

The Arctic region turned out to be the freshest on Earth – 32%. It contains a certain amount of water layers. At the top - cold water and reduced salinity. Here the water is desalinated by rivers, melt water and minimal evaporation. The next layer is colder and saltier. It is formed by mixing the top and intermediate layers. Intermediate - this is warm and very salty water, which comes from the Greenland Sea. Next comes the deep layer. The temperature and salinity here are higher than the second, but lower than the third layer.

Top saltiest seas in the world

Which sea is the saltiest on the planet? It would seem that the answer to this question is obvious: Dead. But that's not true. In fact, it is the Red Sea - 41%. It is located in a place with a very hot climate, which is why very little precipitation falls within its water area, and a lot of water evaporates. This is what it is main reason increased salinity of this reservoir. This indicator is also affected by the amount of fresh water flowing into the sea. Not a single river flows into the Red Sea. Thanks to this unique combination of factors, the sea is very salty, which does not interfere with the diversity of its animal and flora. The sea water in this reservoir is crystal clear.

The second place in the world is again occupied not by the Dead Sea, but by the Mediterranean Sea, its salinity indicator is 39%. The reason was also the large evaporation of water.

Next on the list is the Black Sea – 18%. It also has several layers. On the surface there is a layer with fresher and oxygen-enriched water. At depth it is salty, dense, without oxygen.

In fourth place is the Sea of ​​Azov - 11%. In its northern part, a small amount of salt is dissolved, which is why the water freezes easily.

The non-shipping period lasts from December to April. Salt is distributed unevenly throughout the territory. Somewhere the water is almost fresh, and somewhere very salty.

Do you know why the Dead Sea is not on this list? Because the body of water with this name is actually a lake.

The saltiest lake in the world

The saltiest is the Dead Sea - 300 - 350%. The fact is that the reservoir does not have access to the World Ocean. That is why it is considered a lake. The high content of salt and other beneficial substances has turned it into a unique healing resort. The accumulation of salt in the Dead Sea is so great that there are no fish or vegetation in it. You can lie calmly on its surface, like on a feather bed.

Not only the Dead Sea can boast such a high salt content. Its concentration at the level of 300-330% is observed in lakes Tuz, Assal, Baskunchak, Elton, Big Yashalta Lake, Razval, Bolshoye Solenoye and Don Juan.

There are 3 mines on Lake Tuz that produce most of Turkey's salt.

The salinity of Lake Assal in Africa is 330%. At depth it can reach 400%.
At Lake Baskunchak (Russia, Astrakhan region) this figure reaches 300%. Due to the extraction of salt, eight-meter breaks were formed at its bottom. Its depth is 6 meters.

In Lake Elton (Russia, Volgograd region), the amount of dissolved salt can reach different points from 200 to 500%, average – 300%. At the bottom there are large deposits of product. The reservoir is located on the border with Kazakhstan, and is considered by many to be the largest and salt lake Europe.

In Bolshoye Yashalta (Republic of Kalmykia) the amount of dissolved salt ranges from 72 to 400%.

This indicator is near Lake Razval (part of the Iletsky group Orenburg region) reaches 305%. Due to the high concentration of salt, the water in it never freezes. Like the Dead Sea, there is no vegetation or living organisms here.

The salinity of the Great Salt Lake (USA) ranges from 137 to 300%. The water level in a reservoir depends on precipitation, which is why its area changes. The salinity of water changes in direct proportion to the increase or decrease in its area. There's a lot in the water minerals, which bring meltwater from glaciers. Living organisms do not live in Bolshoye Solyony.

Lake Don Juan (Antarctica) can rightly be considered one of the saltiest in the world, since the salt content in it reaches 350%. This richness of Don Juan prevents the water from becoming icy even at very low temperatures.

But the oldest and bottomless lake on Earth - Baikal - will be at the bottom of the ranking of the most saline bodies of water in the world. The clean and crystal water of Baikal contains such a tiny amount of mineral salts (0.001%) that it can be used instead of distilled water. The water is so clear that in some places you can see 40 meters deep!

Total salinity of the waters of the World Ocean

The water on Earth is very different - from fresh to incredibly salty, to bitterness in the mouth (Dead Sea).

Scientists have calculated that the total amount of salt dissolved in the waters of the World Ocean is approximately 50,000,000,000,000,000 tons. If you collect all the product and evenly cover the land with it, then the layer thickness will be 150 meters!
