The most interesting facts about fish. Interesting facts about bony fish

There is a lot on our earth that causes surprise in people. For example, this includes interesting facts from the life of fish, and here are some of them.

List of the most...

The whale shark rightfully takes the place of the largest fish. It is found in three oceans - Indian, Pacific and Atlantic. Its main diet is plankton. The largest specimen from this family ever caught was discovered in 1949. When it was measured, it reached a length of 12.65 meters.

The oldest fish was 88 years old. It was an eel that died in 1948. He lived in the Swiss Museum in an aquarium. When he was caught from the water, he was (approximately) three years old. This happened in 1860.

The following interesting fact about fish may already be familiar to some. The most dangerous and bloodthirsty among freshwater animals are piranhas. They stay in flocks and together attack the prey, regardless of its size. They live in South America. In Brazil in 1981, there was a shipwreck and three hundred people were thrown into the water. No one could survive because there were piranhas there.

The fastest inhabitant of the aquatic depths is the sailfish. Tests were organized in Florida that confirmed this fact. In just three seconds, this fish covered 91 meters. Its speed reached 109 km/h.

Amazing fish

There are fish on our planet that many people don’t even know exist. Here are some of them. There is a fish that freely leaves the water and moves on land. It's called the Anabass. She can survive without water for up to eight hours. Fins help her move. Pineapples emerge from the water to find food or move to another body of water. They can also climb trees.

There is another interesting fact about fish related to eels. Some of their subspecies are capable of swimming backwards. The rest of the fish do not know how to do this “trick”.

The taste sensations of stingrays are superior to those of humans. While humans have only 7 thousand, this fish has 27 thousand.

Pisces are water-drinkers. Every day they consume an amount of liquid equal to their own weight.

There is a predator who always has a “fishing rod” with him. It has a process on its head that it uses to lure fish.

Unbelievable but true

It is worth paying attention to other interesting facts about fish that seem incredible at first glance. So, it is known that these creatures can also drown. If there is a small amount of oxygen in the water, the fish may suffocate, since air is important for its life.

There is a very unusual subspecies in the imperial angel family. Males have several wives. But if he dies, a female takes his place. The most amazing thing is that she changes her gender to lead the “harem”.

How to tame a fish

Another interesting fact about fish is that they can be tamed. Of course, this applies to aquarium inhabitants. This is possible if the fish develops a reflex. To do this, you should feed her at the same time every day and at the same time make a certain sound, for example, a knock. After a few days, your pet may develop a tapping reflex, which tells him it's time to eat.

About cartilaginous fish

In an unusual class, cartilaginous facts about these aquatic creatures help broaden your horizons. To begin with, it is worth noting that this long period was considered to be one of the bone brethren.

Many species of their representatives today are inhabitants of aquariums.

Representatives of some species of this class secrete with their glands toxic substances, which can cause harm to a person, and if help is not provided within a short time, the victim will die.

Cartilaginous fish differ in internal fertilization.

About sharks

The most famous cartilaginous predators are sharks, but despite this, the facts about them are very interesting. For example, these fish almost always feel hungry. They can eat anything they see, even their own entrails that fall out of their torn stomach.

In the belly of this predator, strange things have been discovered more than once that do not harm it. These include suitcases, horseshoes, and pots.

The structure of the shark is also of interest. Her jaws and skull are not connected to each other, so if necessary, for example, before a bite, she moves them forward. In addition, they have no bones at all.

Males bite females during courtship, and therefore their skin is three times thicker than that of males.

Fish that can fly

Another representative underwater world- this is a flying fish. Interesting Facts she is also impressive. These fish have large fins that help them float above the surface of the water for some time. During flight, their speed can increase to 80 km/h. These fish soar in the air an average of 50 meters. But if you're lucky, they are able to extend the flight due to the trapped air flow. Thanks to their fins, fish can change their flight direction. The caviar of these creatures is widely used in Japan to make sushi. It's called tobiko.

Clown fish

Another unusual representative marine fauna is a clown fish. Interesting facts about these creatures are very bright and entertaining. Despite its small size, this fish is very brave and staunchly defends its territory from uninvited guests. She is ready to fight even with divers, whom she perceives as encroachers on her property. In his anger, a clown can even bite a person (the fish's teeth are not sharp). It is also a fact that only females guard the territory. These fish representatives live in sea anemone corals. Despite their warlike disposition, they are afraid to sail more than a meter from their house. After the death of the female, some “boys” change sex. All fry are born males, only over time some of them turn into “girls”.

Pisces in ancient times

Here are some more interesting facts about fish and how they were perceived by people in the past:

  • The monks of the Middle Ages were sure that the beaver was a fish. This animal was included in their menu during the fasting period.
  • The Romans and Greeks thought that stingrays had extraordinary energy, since in those days people had no idea about electricity.
  • In ancient times, stingrays were believed to be medicinal fish, and they were used to perform shock therapy sessions. If a person suffered from headaches, this fish was put on his head.
  • It was first mentioned in 1590. According to Chinese writings, these fish had bulging eyes and symmetrical body parts. The most beautiful individuals were those with special big eyes. They were called telescopes. Some representatives' eyes reached five centimeters.
  • Here's another interesting fact about swordfish. It is known that they attacked and still continue to attack ships. In the past, ships have sunk as a result of these attacks, since the swordfish can pierce the lining made of even two-centimeter steel. Her impact leaves a gap 25 centimeters in diameter.

Along with invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, fish are one of the 6 main groups of animals, and are widely distributed in oceans, seas, lakes and rivers around the world. In this article, you'll discover 10 basic facts about fish, ranging from how these aquatic vertebrates breathe to their reproductive habits.

1. There are three classes of fish

Fish are divided into the following three main classes:

1) Ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii)- the most diverse class, including more than 20,000 species known to science fish;

2) Lobe-finned fish (Sarcopterygii)- class of bony fish, to which the genus of ancient fish - coelacanths - belongs;

3) Cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes)- a class that includes such well-known fish as sharks and rays, as well as chimeras.

2. All fish have gills

Like all animals, fish need oxygen to maintain their metabolism: the difference is that terrestrial vertebrates breathe air, while fish get oxygen from water. To this end, fish have developed specially adapted gills - complex, efficient, multi-layered organs that absorb oxygen from the water and release carbon dioxide. For the gills to function normally, it is necessary that oxygenated water constantly pass through them; for this reason, fish are in motion most of the time and quickly die if they are out of water.

Some species of fish (for example, lungfish), in addition to gills, have rudimentary lungs, and are able to breathe air when circumstances require it.

3. Fish were the first vertebrates on the planet

Before the appearance of “true” vertebrates, there were small marine animals with bilateral symmetry, as well as primitive nervous system, running along the length of their body. A little over 500 million years ago, during Cambrian period, the chordate population evolved into the first true vertebrates, which became the foundation for the reptiles, birds, amphibians and mammals we all know and love.

The largest of the 6 major groups of animals, invertebrates have followed their own evolutionary path and today they make up a whopping 97 percent of all fauna species.

4. Most fish are cold-blooded

Like amphibians and reptiles, to which fish are distantly related, the vast majority of fish species are cold-blooded: they depend on temperature environment(water) to support internal metabolism. However, barracudas, tuna, mackerel and swordfish - all belonging to the suborder mackerel - have a warm-blooded metabolism, although it is quite different from that of mammals and birds. Tuna can maintain a core body temperature of 32 degrees Celsius, even when swimming in 7 degree Celsius water!

Mako sharks are also warm-blooded, which gives them extra energy when chasing prey.

5. Fish are oviparous, not viviparous.

Unlike other vertebrates, most species of fish fertilize their eggs (eggs) externally: the female lays hundreds or thousands of small, unfertilized eggs, and the male at this moment releases his sperm into the water, thereby fertilizing the eggs. Some fish are characterized by males using their penis to transfer sperm into the female.) There are exceptions: ovoviviparous fish, the fry of which emerge from eggs in the female’s body, as well as viviparous fish, for example, the lemon shark, which has an organ very similar to the placenta of mammals.

6. Most fish have a swim bladder

Fish live in stratified ecosystems: 10 meters below the water surface is very different than at a depth of 1-2 kilometers. For this reason, it is in the fish's best interest to maintain a constant depth, which most species achieve using the swim bladder, a gas-filled organ that keeps the fish buoyant and eliminates the need to swim at top speed.

7. It's possible that fish can feel pain.

Even people who advocate more humane treatment of "higher" vertebrates such as cows and chickens are tight-lipped when it comes to fish. But there are some controversial studies suggesting that fish can feel pain, even though they lack the brain structure associated with pain like mammals. In England, the Royal Humane Society passed a resolution against cruelty to fish, which supposedly applies more to mutilations from fishhooks than to industrial fish farms.

8. Pisces are unable to blink

One of the anatomical features that makes the fish a little strange is the lack of eyelids, and therefore their inability to blink: the mackerel's gaze will remain the same glassy, ​​regardless of the relaxed or anxious state of the fish. In this regard, there arises logical question, is the fish sleeping? Despite constantly open eyes, there is some evidence that fish do sleep, or at least tend to sleep. restorative behavior dream-like people: some fish slow down their swimming pace, and also hide under stones, in corals and algae.

Even when the fish are completely motionless, underwater currents still supply the gills with vital oxygen.

9. The lateral line replaces hearing and smell in fish

Many fish have excellent eyesight, but their hearing and sense of smell leave much to be desired. However, these marine animals have a sensory organ, the lateral line, which is absent in terrestrial vertebrates. The lateral line is located along the entire length of the body and detects water vibrations, and in some species, even electrical impulses. This organ is especially important for maintaining a place in the food chain: predators use the lateral line to track prey, and prey, in turn, to avoid encounters with predators.

Fish also use their lateral lines to form schools and choose the right direction during migration.

10. Commercial fish stocks are declining at a catastrophic rate.

The world's oceans are so vast and teeming with life that people could be forgiven for thinking that tuna, salmon and other game fish are an inexhaustible source of food. In fact, overfishing can easily lead to the extinction of many fish populations as people consume more seafood than they can replenish.

Unfortunately, despite the real risk of loss valuable species, commercial fishing for some fish species continues. If trends continue, some of our favorite fish could disappear from the world's oceans within 50 years.

A message about fish for children can be used in preparation for a lesson. A story about fish for children in grades 1 and 2 can be supplemented with interesting facts.

Report about fish

Fish are aquatic inhabitants whose bodies are covered with scales. The body of a fish consists of a head, body, tail and fins. With the help of fins, fish turn in the water and change direction. The tail serves as a rudder for them.

Most fish have eyes located on both sides of the head, and the fish can see with each eye separately: it sees immediately in front of it, above it, behind it, and below it.

Fish breathe using gills. They close their gills and take a mouthful of water, and then open their gills and release water through them, “taking” oxygen from the water.

Most fish spawn. Each egg then produces fry. They don't look exactly like adult fish. But a little time will pass and the fry will turn into adult fish.

In winter, when the water freezes, the fish sink to the bottom. At this time, they lead a sedentary lifestyle and eat little. But there is very little oxygen in the water under the ice, so people make ice holes to make it easier for the fish to breathe.

Depending on the diet of fish, there are:

  • herbivores that feed on algae, midges - caught in the water - these are such fish How: bream, ruff, silver carp, grass carp, bleak and others.
  • predatory fish that are omnivores - pike, carp, catfish, perch, piranha, shark and others.

Depending on their habitat, fish are divided into river and sea fish.

River fish

Sea fish

  • Swordfish is one of the largest predatory fish. It reaches 4.5 meters in length and weighs up to 500 kg. It has a large semi-lunar fin on its tail, its upper jaw carries a sword, and its body is naked, without scales.
  • Angler - big fish up to 1.5 m long and weighs up to 20 kilograms. On the head there is a fishing rod - an appetizing glowing “bait” for other fish.
  • Flying fish are small, from 15 to 25-35 cm. Even the giant flying fish is no longer than 50 cm. Its pectoral fins are slightly shorter than the body and contain a large number of rays.
  • The electric stingray is a large fish, often reaching a length of 2 m and a weight of 100 kg, with an almost round body disk and bare skin, devoid of thorns and spines. They use their formidable weapons mainly to kill prey and, of course, for defense.
  • Zebra fish – sea ​​fish, painted with cream and burgundy stripes. The zebra fish's body is equipped big amount fins, spines and other appendages. In a moment of danger, she quickly turns from side to side, trying to stand with her back to the enemy, and hits him with her dorsal fins. Lionfish venom is extremely dangerous.
How long do fish live?

The lifespan of fish is from 5 to 100 years!
Small fish live less, but large fish (pike, catfish) can live to a ripe old age. After all, they have no enemies in reservoirs. If they do not get caught by a fisherman, they will live a very long time.

Do you think you know about fish and others? sea ​​creatures almost everything? Then check out 30 interesting facts from their lives.

1. Fish are cold-blooded vertebrates, which means their body temperature depends on the temperature of their environment.

2. About 96% of all existing species fish belong to the bony superorder, the rest belong to the cartilaginous superorder.

3. Electric eels can discharge up to 550 volts of electricity from the body. This is quite enough for them to paralyze prey or protect themselves from predator fish.

4. Vital organs electric eel occupy only 1/5 of his body and are located directly behind his head. The rest of the body consists of organs that produce electricity.

5. Aravana is capable of leaping out of the water to catch prey such as insects, birds and bats.

6. The largest number of fish species live in the Amazon River - much more than in all of Europe.

7. Sargan fish is known as a “living fossil”. The remains of these fish, found by scientists, date back to the Cretaceous period.

8. The female seahorse lays her eggs in the “pouch” of the male, where they remain until the young emerge from them.

9. Red lionfish look very nice in an aquarium. But in their homeland, in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, they are considered one of the most aggressive fish.

10. The Asian snakehead fish has a swim bladder, the function of which is similar to the function of the lungs. With it, she is able to absorb air and long time travel the earth in search of a new body of water.

11. Piranhas hunt in large groups called schools, or packs.

12. Most big fish in the world - whale shark. The body length of an adult can be over 41 feet.

13. Young sharks are called puppies.

14. The tiger shark is the only shark that can regulate its buoyancy. Being at the surface of the water, it swallows air, turning its stomach into a kind of ballast, and then belches it back. This allows the shark to “hover” in the water column.

15. A shooter fish, or a sniper fish, seeing an insect on a branch, uses its tongue to knock it down with a strong stream of water in order to feast on it.

16. The male cardinal fish Bangai carries eggs in his mouth. The newly born fry remain in the mouth of their father for some time, who thus provides them with additional protection.

17. Blenny lay eggs in empty oyster shells. These fish powerful jaws, which they use to scare away or eat small fish and crustaceans that inadvertently get close to the eggs.

18. Green Moray is actually brown in color. The yellow tint of the mucus covering its body, combined with the gray background, gives the fish its characteristic greenish color.

19. Southern stingrays are viviparous fish. The eggs develop in the mother's body. Up to 10 cubs are born, having a diagonal length of up to 9 inches (about 22 cm) at birth. The cubs are born with folded “wings”, but immediately after birth they straighten them and dive into the ocean.

20. Cichlichts are covered with short thick spines, vertically located and motionless. In contrast, the hedgehog fish has movable spines.

21. When in danger, the puffer fish swallows water and literally turns into a ball, which is several times larger in size than its usual form.

22. Flounder is the only fish in the world in which both eyes are located on the same side of the body. During larval development, one eye can migrate. Like most flat fish, flounder can change color and patterns on their skin to make themselves undetectable. Burying itself in the sand and leaving only two eyes outside, the flounder thus waits for prey.

23. Jellyfish have existed in the world for more than 500 million years. This means that they lived on Earth before the dinosaur period.

24. A seahorse discovered in the Chesapeake Bay is the only one of its kind that develops leafy appendages on its body, which it uses for camouflage.

25. Clown fish have a strict hierarchy in their school. It is dominated by the largest and most aggressive females.

28. Catfish are believed to have no teeth. However, it is not. Their teeth are hidden in the back of their mouth. Catfish use them to search for food.

29. The Australian Grunter fish is so called because when it is removed from the water it makes sounds similar to grunting.

30. Barramundi fish, found in Australia, has one interesting feature. Born as a male, when it reaches a length of 19 inches, it turns into a female. In nature, the length of this fish can be 6.5 meters.

The underwater world never ceases to amaze us. It would seem - fish, what's special about them? Silently they swim, hunt, and reproduce. But it turns out that there are specimens that walk on land, fly, talk and even climb trees! Now we will “throw in” something interesting about fish for children...

Pisces are walkers

There are fish that you don’t feed with bread, just let them walk on the ground. Thus, a small fish called Anabas lives in the freshwater reservoirs of South Asia. Having left the pond, she is able to calmly “walk” on fresh air 6-8 hours. In search of food, Anabas can “move” from one puddle to another or climb a tree. Its fin bones are very strong, and for breathing there is a special organ in the form of a labyrinth, so the duration of the walk sometimes reaches 8 hours.

Mudskippers living in the tropics also love to walk. The fins located on their chest look like arms. Actively using such “devices”, mudskippers move along the ground, and during high tide they are able to climb a tree.

Pisces are chatterboxes

Fish can “talk”: whistle, hiss, squeal and growl. They do not have vocal cords, so they use teeth, bones and muscles, with the help of which they produce sounds similar to groans, growls, grinding, hissing. Most often this happens when the fish gets into some kind of difficult situation. For example, a hedgehog fish, frightened, begins to howl, and a moonfish begins to grunt.

Pisces are flyers

There are fish that can fly. Naturally, not like birds, but soaring above the water. The key role in this is played by the side fins, which have a rigid frame, big sizes and their structure resembles bird wings. Flying fish, accelerating in the water, presses its fins to the sides, works intensively with its tail, and then emerges to a height of 6-7 m. In the air, its speed increases and can reach 70 km/h. This acceleration makes it possible to “fly” about 50 m, and sometimes, especially in the presence of a tailwind, the flight duration reaches 200 m. If the speed drops, the fish is pushed off the surface of the water with its tail, flying tens of meters more.

Pisces are monsters

A prominent representative is the drop fish. Externally resembling a large jelly, it has no muscles, fins or scales. But her “face” is very expressive: a big nose, the mouth is framed by “lips” and very sad eyes. She lives on great depth, practically does not move independently due to the lack of muscles. This is a fish - a mother who not only hatches her eggs, but also, in the future, raises her offspring.

The ugliest fish is considered to be the Wart, or stone fish. A huge head, a large, upturned mouth and small eyes make it a real monster. She also has no scales, and her body is covered with growths. This is very poisonous fish, the dorsal fin has sharp spines and poisonous glands. She does not like to swim, but moves by crawling along the bottom.

Big Mouth Fish is another owner of a scary appearance. Its lower jaw resembles that of a pelican, and its body resembles that of an eel. Hence its other names: pelican eel or pelican fish. At the top of the huge mouth is a small head with eyes. Largemouth have no scales, no ribs and poorly developed fins.

Pisces are raiders

Swordfish really don’t like boats and ships and, as soon as they notice them, they immediately attack them. Considering that it accelerates to 130 km/h, it’s not hard to imagine what destructive force there will be a blow. A swordfish can pierce through a 40-centimeter wooden board and 2-centimeter steel. She can easily make a hole about 25 cm in diameter in the ship’s hull.

Pisces are kind people

The most striking example of kindness and harmlessness is the moon fish. Despite its huge size, it is absolutely safe. It is often called the “round fool” because of the size of its brain (only 4 g). A person can calmly approach her, and sharks, when they swim up, bite off pieces of her body. True, this is quite difficult to do, since her skin is thick like armor. The sunfish feeds on plants and zooplankton.

The manta ray is the largest ray in the ocean. Its huge mouth has two projections on the sides, thanks to which it looks menacing and has earned it the nickname devil fish. In fact, it is a completely harmless fish that feeds on small fish and crustaceans. Manta rays are not aggressive and do not attack humans.

Pisces are orderlies

There is also a queue for the doctor fish, but only people. This fish is an active participant in the procedure known as ichthyomassage. It feeds on dead skin cells, so it does an excellent job of peeling, cleansing the surface of the human body from dead cells. After this treatment, the skin becomes smooth, smooth and healthy.

Of course, that's not all amazing fish of our planet. It is simply impossible to list them, and how many more unknown representatives of the underwater kingdom there are! But science does not stand still, scientists are working and we are still learning a lot of new and interesting things from the life of the water kingdom.
