Star menu: diet according to the horoscope. Diet by zodiac signs

None of the diets fundamentally helps ... And if you resort to another one - the stellar one? That is, a diet according to a horoscope, the meaning of which is to choose for yourself a certain list of products with which you can eat tasty and satisfying, without adding a single extra centimeter in the waist. Dreams? Not really. It turns out that in order to eat without prejudice to your own figure and body, it is enough to know ... your zodiac sign. Well, shall we try?


In their gastronomic predilections, Aries are not gourmets. They are, perhaps, pragmatic - they prefer simple products, without gourmet delights in the form of delicacies, spices or spices. This format sometimes deprives Aries of the necessary vitamins and energy recharging, but it supplies extra centimeters at the waist, since charming "sheep" after a hearty meal love to take a nap or sit for an hour or two with a book, or have a leisurely chat in the "nets".

Diet. It is advisable to include simple dishes - a variety of soups, cereals, salads from fresh and boiled vegetables, meat (preferably poultry) and fish treats stewed with vegetables and lots of greens - dill, parsley, cilantro, green onions. And most importantly - do not test your body for strength, observe the diet (a "backlash" is allowed for half an hour or an hour), and most importantly - try to refrain from "stomach holidays" after 18.00. Well, okay, after 19.00. And at night - so be it - the stars "allow" to treat yourself to a sandwich of a piece of black bread and a thin slice of hard cheese (better than low-fat cheese) plus a green apple or 1-2 tangerines.

Diet. If suddenly you really want to go on a diet, first of all, exclude animal fats (lard, fatty meats, smoked meats) from the diet, as well as coffee - you should not overexcite the already “fiery” nervous system. Try the MEJO Protein Diet - perhaps this menu will suit your tastes and shape.


These charming girls have an enviable appetite, they love to eat tightly and ... quickly, so they often tend to be overweight. In addition, Taurus's metabolism is too slow, so any excess in meals threatens to instantly turn into fat, and innovations from delicacies or exotics threaten with allergies.

Diet. A logical conclusion follows from this: firstly, Taurus should learn how to chew properly, or rather, chew. Only in this way can you avoid difficulties with digestion and not cause irreparable damage to your figure. For meat, prefer beef, for side dishes - rice, barley or corn grits. Secondly, include in the menu fiber-rich dishes - salads from cabbage (white, broccoli and sea), apples, carrots, beets and, of course, celery. Do not forget about seafood - iodine is necessary in your menu, as well as products with a slight laxative effect - prunes, raisins.

Diet. In view of the increased risk of allergies, it is useful to arrange detoxification sessions for yourself at least once a year - a gentle cleansing of the body using a special diet of non-nutritive dishes that have a "cleansing" effect. In this "rapid response squad" - oatmeal, apples, spinach, persimmons, cabbage, prunes, green tea.


The twins, always flitting through life, also love to eat, but due to their own restlessness, they are unable to follow the diet and selectively approach the food itself. Therefore, they do not hesitate to sit on sandwiches for weeks or feast on fast food. Fortunately, Gemini was partly lucky with the metabolism. But ... with such dynamism, the oxygen saturation of the blood is disturbed, that is, oxygen is consumed very quickly, and therefore the metabolic products do not have time to be quickly excreted from the body. Because of this, slags circulate in the blood for a long time, provoking intestinal "troubles" and skin "disorders" - a rash, abscesses.

Diet. It is important for Gemini to compose their menu, taking into account 3 points: regime, vitamins and support of the nervous system. The regime just needs to be observed - it is best to divide the "tasting" into 5-6 parts (especially if you work in an office). At the same time, in no case should you delete protein products from your diet: eggs, cheese, nuts, cottage cheese and various gifts from the bottom of the sea - fish, shrimp, seaweed. Prunes, raisins and dried apricots will work to support the nervous system. By the way, nuts are not forbidden for the Twins as a snack - peanuts, pistachios, cashews and even exotic delicacies in small quantities.

Diet. Gemini easily enter the diet - even if it's a Protasov option or a raw food diet. Another thing is that the Twins just as quickly switch from a dietary to their usual high-calorie diet. You have to be rational and count calories, and also limit yourself to sweets.


It just so happened that Cancer is a slave to its stomach, and like no one else, strict adherence to a diet is recommended. Diets, in a good and comfortable sense of the word - when you should choose tasty and healthy products, cook them using a minimum of heat treatment, plus - beautiful serving and cutlery. In this "configuration" Cancers manage to get special pleasure from the aesthetics of the meal, which, by the way, comes out no less satisfying than the body needs, while being more digestible and light.

Diet. Crayfish are shown seafood and veal. From vegetables beans, tomatoes, cauliflower and celery are especially recommended, from fruits - pomegranates, persimmons and apricots (dried apricots). Don't forget about fermented milk products and spices that will help to cheer you up.

Diet. Cancers will become much slimmer if they stop abusing salty foods, chocolate, and consuming significant amounts of fluids.


As true predators, Lionesses adore meat, and any of its "variations". It should be taken into account that these big cats are very partial to sweets and other delicacies, in which - to be honest - a lot of calories.

Diet. As little salt as possible. It is in salt and meat that all the "lion" diseases! White bread and hard candy can dramatically raise blood sugar levels. Meat - yes, but lean - chicken and turkey. But still, despite the obvious lion's addiction to meat, special attention should be paid to various fruits and dried fruits. Among vegetables, it is worth giving preference to tomatoes (preferably cherry), zucchini and eggplants in any form. Favorite olives - yes! Like no other, Leos love luxury, so from time to time you just need to indulge yourself with delicacies, such as caviar or outlandish fruits - feijoa, kumquat, carom, rambutan or pitahaya.

Diet. Any variant of a protein diet, subject to fasting days, during which it is not forbidden to drink juices or kefir (yogurt).


These feminines are big fans of health in general and nutrition in particular. If not a single "but" ... The figure and digestion of Virgos is harmed by an addiction to sweets and starchy foods.

Diet. Virgos are advised to be ovolacto-vegetarian (when the diet includes dairy products plus eggs) or separate meals of ordinary and simple foods. By the way, carbohydrate food - pasta, bread - is not forbidden, but without the "accompaniment" of fatty and hot sauces. Apples and greens in unlimited quantities have a very beneficial effect on the Virgo's stomach. But spicy and difficult to digest food should definitely be avoided - for this it is best to cook in a double boiler.

Diet. If anyone is contraindicated (and categorically!) To lose weight, it is Virgo - subject to nervous exhaustion and without that slender and fragile. Indeed, the general condition of the intestines depends on the state of her vulnerable nervous system.


Libras, like real aesthetes, are seriously puzzled by the taste and appearance of the dishes on their plate. Among the "pitfalls" in the Libra diet is an excess of sweet and salty.

Diet. Rule one: no herring, cucumbers and salted fish, especially at night! Rule two: do not fill your stomach with everything that comes to hand. It is better to eat one apple than to cram a three-layer sandwich into your body. Due to the tendency to vascular diseases, Libra is recommended to black currant, cranberry, viburnum. The ideal breakfast is oatmeal or sprouted cereal sprouts. It is worth giving up spicy and spicy dishes - it is better to diversify the dishes with exquisite sauces and vitamin salads.

Diet. Its components can be replaced with one word "minimum". That is, almost everything is possible, but in very small quantities. Use the rule of "three pieces", because we get the most pleasure from the first and last piece of food. And a refined atmosphere and a sense of harmony in the process of eating will be compensation for a slight feeling of hunger.


Young ladies born under this sign of the Zodiac are very picky about the contents of their plate - even a strong appetite will not make them eat "abnormally". Pole to all Scorpios, it is important to feel the taste of food, hence the addiction to various cuisines, especially those that abound in spices and peppers.

Diet. As you know, that is too - that is not sensible. Therefore, Scorpios - lovers of gastronomic "zest" - will have to limit themselves in tasting various national cuisines (it is optimal to stop at 1-2) and culinary "jokes". A Scorpio's addiction to exotic foods can lead to metabolic disorders. Dairy products are useful only in limited quantities, and you can pamper yourself with seafood and fish delicacies.

Diet. No diet can benefit them if they cannot taste the food. You should not experiment with different cuisines, since only the cuisine that has been familiar to him since childhood is suitable for this sign. To lose weight, Scorpio needs to eat as many fermented milk products as possible, including whey, every day. And, of course, fruits: oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lemons, apples, apricots and watermelons.


Incendiary Sagittarius prefer not only tasty, but also a thorough meal. They are naturally very mobile and athletic, but some of them forget about everything, completely immersed in their careers. It is here that, having changed their lifestyle, they begin to get better and very quickly gain excess weight. Plus, Sagittarius has two whole weaknesses: the liver and the nervous system. Both require the most caring attitude to yourself. But the main problem of Sagittarius is excessive fluid intake.

Diet. Eliminate smoked meats, sauces, seasonings, salt and sugar from the menu - to a minimum. Lean pork is prescribed for you from meat, which is optimal to replace with soy. But vegetables and herbs - dill and celery - you are allowed to feast on as much as you like. And more - try to eat only boiled food, but not fried. Put milk, fresh vegetables and fruits at the center of your menu. And do not forget to streamline your drinking regime: use mineral water. One or two bottles a day - and good health is guaranteed.

Diet. The key rule is not to eat or drink at night.


Alas and ah! -, but neat and perfectionists Capricorns practically do not think about their health and often subject their bodies to various strength tests. If they are busy with something, they can completely forget about food. But when there is a lull in work, they can afford to eat "to the fullest." Of course, this immediately affects their digestion - here is constipation - and figure.

Diet. Capricorn's metabolism is sluggish and slow, which is why the skeletal system suffers in the first place. Hence the requirement to include in the diet as many fermented milk dishes, fish, eggs and butter as possible, which help to activate vitamin D. Capricorns are not "distinguished" by better digestion, so they are not forbidden to drink something stimulating before eating, for example, a little dry red guilt. And breakfast is a must!

Diet. If Capricorn noticed a couple of extra pounds or centimeters, he immediately begins to fight them, often in barbaric ways. Fasting is contraindicated for you. It is optimal to arrange fasting days for yourself once a week, and close the refrigerator after 18.00. However, the key to getting rid of those extra calories is to detoxify your body. Bath, sauna, and herbal infusions give a good effect.


Ladies born under this sign are perhaps the biggest sweet tooth and least of all fixated on their forms. They start looking for an effective method for losing weight only after they cannot pull their favorite outfit on their figure. Fortunately, Aquarius does not need much effort to get rid of excess weight, it is enough to regulate the consumption and consumption of calories.

Diet. No more than half a bar of chocolate or brownie per day. It is better to drink tea and coffee without sugar. Meat - only white, baked fish. Instead of butter - vegetable oil. Instead of sugar - honey. But milk, kefir, rice, pasta, vegetable salads - as much as you want.

Diet. It is advisable to "cleanse" the body once every six months, switching to a porridge-fruit-vegetable diet for a week. And in order not to torment yourself with diets especially often, have lunch no later than 15.00, and have dinner no later than 19.00 and allow yourself nothing more than a glass of juice or yogurt at night.


Do not think that if a young lady is a Pisces, then she is sluggish and lack of initiative in life. This is truly the most creative sign! But the fact that their metabolism is really slow is an indisputable fact. Fish are more prone than others to allergic manifestations, overwork and "accumulation" of extra pounds.

Diet. He in Pisces reflects their sign - feast on all possible seafood, refined and not so, like seaweed and seaweed. You will have to give up canned food, hot spices and fried, especially in a large amount of fat. Forget about fried and gravy, sauces and fats. Useful cereals (especially rice), foods rich in iron and phosphates: grapes, apples, nuts, pomegranates!

Diet. You just have to adhere to the banal gastronomic "legislation": have breakfast, have a hearty lunch, and reduce dinner to a minimum. At the same time, try to refrain from "Lucullus feasts" even on holidays. And if the "feast of the belly" took place, you are shown a weekly diet consisting of cereals, boiled fish and vegetable salads.

Consultant - Irina Batalova-Samoilenko, endocrinologist, nutritionist

The diet according to the sign of the zodiac has become for many people who are unsuccessfully struggling with excess weight, a real life-saving straw.

In order to become the owner of graceful parameters, astrologers are advised to listen to the heavenly bodies.

Weight loss by zodiac sign: essence and features ^

Astrology is a rather mysterious science that not only predicts fate, but also contributes to weight loss. Each person, thanks to the influence of the stars, has his own temperament, character and even metabolism. Astrologers and nutritionists have long proven that losing weight according to the horoscope is much more effective than other diets.

Personality, formed from the cradle, thanks to the horoscope, must follow his zodiacal forecast in everything: in food, clothing, professional and personal spheres. And people who neglect these recommendations subsequently suffer from negative consequences, which is primarily reflected in the figure.

Physical and mental health is deeply entwined with the stars. Astrologers advise to prepare the body for weight loss, a month before your birthday. On this day, people receive gifts not only from friends, but the universe also rewards them with its gifts - it charges them with positive energy for the entire next year.

And since people are used to spending their gift to the left and to the right, a month before the birthday, the state of health significantly deteriorates both on the emotional level and on the physical: apathy, depression, weakness, dizziness and various diseases become aggravated.

Before a new portion of energy, a person at a subconscious level begins to cleanse himself of the negative that has accumulated over the year. Therefore, appetite decreases, and fat cells leave the body much more efficiently. But not only before the holiday, calories are burned with lightning speed - the diet according to the horoscope gives excellent results in the first, third and tenth months after the name day.

Astrodieta proposes to arrange fasting days in strict accordance with their zodiac sign.

Fasting days according to the signs of the zodiac

  • Tuesday is the perfect day for Aries. Its essence lies in the complete rejection of fatty foods. Chicken, apples and cabbage are preferred.
  • On Friday, Taurus needs to eat pumpkin and beetroot dishes.
  • Gemini should forget about sweets. Meat dishes are allowed in combination with corn and peas. And plums, apricots and peaches are good as a dessert.
  • Taboo for Cancers: stress. And your favorite foods should be seafood and eggs.
  • It is advisable for Leos to cleanse themselves on Sundays. The diet is simple: vegetable and fruit delights.
  • Wednesday is the day of the Virgin. It is worth stocking up on recipes for cooking beef. Use fresh salad as a side dish.
  • A Libra must love apples, peaches, carrots, and light meats. It is preferable to arrange unloading on Fridays.
  • For scorpions, Tuesday is a fasting day. Forget about fried potatoes and smoked meat. It is recommended to consume mustard, onion, figs and cabbage.
  • Thursday is a great day for Sagittarius. Rice, fruits and vegetables will become indispensable helpers on this day.
  • On Saturday, Capricorns need to eat cabbage, lentils, prunes and cucumbers.
  • And Aquarius needs to fall in love with fish, carrots and apples on Saturdays.
  • For Pisces, Thursday is ideal for unloading. Diet: seafood, nuts, raisins.

How to properly lose weight for each sign of the zodiac? Astrologers believe that a proper nutrition system should be based on a horoscope.

Diet by zodiac sign for Aries

The main problem of Aries is that they are overly active, and this interferes with good nutrition. You need to eat food on a schedule.

  • Since it is difficult for Aries to imagine their life without meat, make sure that chicken, rabbit, beef are in the refrigerator.
  • We must forget about the existence of a frying pan - it is allowed to stew and bake meat in foil. Cabbage, mushrooms, carrots and zucchini are a wonderful side dish.
  • Warming massages, baths and saunas are great for losing weight.

Diet by zodiac sign for Taurus

Taurus often gain weight, they are ruined by an excessive love of food.

  • You need to give up fatty, fried and sugary foods.
  • You need to eat mainly fish and vegetables.
  • In no case should you eat food before bedtime.
  • For Taurus, separate meals are ideal. And in order to get results sooner, visit gyms.

Diet by zodiac sign for Gemini

Gemini should not torment the body with rigid diets. By nature, they have a wonderful metabolism.

  • And if you need to lose a couple of three kilograms, it is enough to exclude high-calorie foods.
  • Gemini shouldn't get carried away with the same exercises. The dual nature demands variety.

Cancer Zodiac Sign Diet

In sensitive Cancers, all experiences affect the waist, as they are saved by goodies. Cancers, satisfied with life, are content with little. Therefore, the most effective diet for them is a good mood.

  • Pay attention to the drinking regimen. Their body is accustomed to retaining excess fluid, which provokes puffiness. Therefore, strong coffee and black tea should be replaced with juices, herbal decoctions and plain water.
  • Yoga will bring peace of mind to Cancers.

Diet by zodiac sign for Leo

Lions are lucky, they do not get better if they use their strengths in the right direction. But if their life purpose is not determined, they look for positive emotions in food.

  • A diet based on the use of vegetables and fruits in yellow and orange tones is ideal for Leo.
  • Lions are sloths by nature, who love to contemplate the beautiful, so physical activity should be beautiful: dancing, yoga, swimming.

Diet by zodiac sign for Virgo

Virgos, seeing the wrong numbers on the scales, start to starve, which leads to health problems.

  • In order for fat to be burned more intensively, it is necessary to normalize the intestinal microflora. Fiber can deal with these problems. In addition, it removes toxins.
  • Get in the habit of eating three types of fruits and vegetables daily.
  • Will greatly enhance the effect of the fitness training diet.

Diet by zodiac sign for Libra

Libra cannot imagine life without sweets, which inevitably affects the figure.

  • A complete rejection of sauces, seasonings, sweets and raw smoked meat products will help them lose weight.
  • Eat simple, light meals.
  • Sign up for the pool - swimming perfectly burns calories and strengthens the body.

Diet by zodiac sign for Scorpio

A complete nutritional system update will help Scorpios lose weight.

  • Spicy and fatty foods are prohibited.
  • Vegetables and fruits are best friends during a diet. Eliminate express diets. Sweet fruits and honey are effective.
  • Thanks to their fighting spirit, Scorpios are well suited to competitive sports.

Diet by zodiac sign for Sagittarius

Sagittarius are accustomed to seizing a bad mood, so often their waist is "decorated" with extra centimeters.

  • In order for a Sagittarius to stay in shape, you do not need to be led by your stomach, which constantly requires food. A categorical prohibition is imposed on frequent snacks.
  • Get distracted by reading books, walking, cycling, outdoor games. And in order to calm the nervous system, go camping with like-minded people.

Diet by zodiac sign for Capricorns

Capricorns are happy representatives of the zodiac sign, who, as a rule, do not have problems with their figure.

  • But if this happens, pay attention to express diets or arrange fasting days once a week.
  • Choose hiking as a physical activity.

Diet by zodiac sign for Aquarius

  • Exotic diets are suitable for Aquarius, since this sign is characterized by a love of experimentation. An interest in diet will keep it from being disturbed.
  • Don't go to the gym alone, as it gets boring quickly.

Diet by zodiac sign for Pisces

Pisces are often subject to despondency and apathy, therefore they cheer up with harmful delicacies.

  • Mono diets will help you lose weight. And a variety of cereals normalize metabolism and give you good health.
  • Power loads are not typical for the sign of Pisces, so sign up for a pool or do gymnastics.

Reviews and results of weight loss ^

Has the zodiac sign diet helped someone? Reviews about fasting days for weight loss according to the horoscope are numerous and varied, but they are extremely positive. According to astrologers, a horoscope diet should begin with the study of astrological data, since every day it should take into account the Lunar position in the zodiac signs.

Reviews of our readers

The results of diets and fasting days according to the signs of the zodiac are impressive. The diet has helped many people to start a new life with a clean slate! We publish some responses from our regular readers sent to the editorial office:

Tatiana, 48 years old:

“I've always been complete. I tried all kinds of diets, but nothing worked. Weight went away, and then rapidly added. A friend advised me to try the diet according to the horoscope. I was skeptical about this, but I tried. I am delighted, as I achieved excellent results - I lost 15 kilograms in 2 months. I lost weight on buckwheat, because according to the horoscope I was Pisces. The result has been lasting for a year already "

Eva, 25 years old:

“I am an Aries, I ate on a schedule, at the same time. Eliminated harmful products, according to the horoscope, and lost 10 kilograms in a month. The weight does not come back, because I liked the nutritional system, and I have been following it for 2 years already. "

Egor, 30 years old:

“The astrological diet is wonderful and effective. For a long time I could not lose weight, and the zodiacal diet helped to successfully get rid of extra pounds. Now I am a happy owner of a beautiful figure, thanks to which I lost many complexes and even got married. "

Eastern horoscope for March 2019

The signs of the zodiac are attributed, neither more nor less, but predestination of fate... There are people who believe that a bunch of stars have already decided everything for them in advance, there is no choice, all that remains is to follow the prepared path. But even within the same element and one zodiac sign, there are completely different people. They differ in character, way of life, values ​​and appearance.

Speaking of looks, many popular diets are based in part on the zodiac sign. What does not harm Capricorns at all is the enemy number 1 of Gemini's day, while Sagittarius is eating cutlets, Aquarius is sitting on buckwheat porridge. Whether or not you need to blindly believe this theory is up to you. Our editorial team conducted research and found out what will help each of the zodiac signs lose weight.

Element - Water

Representatives of the water element are susceptible to diseases of the endocrine glands. They should give up pasta and cereals. It is difficult for the body of a water sign to cope with excess fluid, no matter how strange it may sound. Therefore, in addition to what they should give up, they should also drink dried fruit compotes and green tea.

Element - Air

The main recommendation is to reduce the calorie content of the diet, give preference to mashed potatoes and porridge, soup and meat products. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius need to eat more fruits and vegetables. If you eat 200g portions six times a day, you can maintain your ideal figure for years to come.

Element - Earth

You cannot find people more focused on their health. Not only are they used to eating healthy, but they also know how to avoid major dietary mistakes. These zodiac signs can even go on a starvation diet, that is, stop eating. This sense of purpose is easy to explain: they have a very slow metabolism, and you always need to monitor their weight. If you are one of them, eat more fiber.

Element - Fire

Eating is a ritual. In their free time, representatives of these zodiac signs literally devour a wide variety of foods. And the process gives not only a boost of energy, but also guarantees positive emotions. The advice that is best to follow each fire sign is not to read or watch TV while eating.

What is your zodiac sign? If you have already tried a lot of diets, do not leave the gym for a year, and you have not seen breathtaking results, maybe you should try to lose weight according to the advice for your zodiac sign? Surprise your friends with a new approach to weight loss!

One can be skeptical about the assertion that the zodiac sign diet can be effective. But representatives of the same zodiac sign are united by the peculiarities of metabolism and general health, even a tendency to certain diseases. If you take into account all these features, you can develop an optimal diet specifically for people of a certain astrological sign.

Diet by zodiac sign Aries

The diet for the zodiac sign Aries involves the use of various vegetables and fruits: beets, carrots, radishes, cucumbers, cauliflower, apples, lemons. These foods are necessary to stimulate the brain, because active Aries, in their quest to be the best, can overestimate their strengths, which leads to overwork. Otherwise, they face headaches, depression and irritability. In addition, the listed foods have a good effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Aries are omnivorous and have a good metabolism, they are prone to atherosclerosis in adulthood, so it is better not to lean on fatty foods, lean meat should be chosen.

Diet by zodiac sign Taurus

The diet for the Taurus zodiac sign takes into account the tendency of the representatives of this sign to be overweight, therefore it recommends giving up starchy foods. Sweets for Taurus are not only the cause of a couple of kilograms, but can also lead to metabolic disorders. If they have to eat in a hectic environment, it threatens psychosomatic diseases. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the environment for eating and take the habit of chewing each bite calmly. Taurus is prone to thyroid disease, so you need to eat foods rich in iodine, mainly sea fish and seafood. Do not forget about vegetables as well.

Diet by zodiac sign Gemini

The Gemini zodiac sign diet recommends eating more foods containing proteins (lean meat, cheese, fish, eggs, nuts) and calcium (dairy products, cabbage) to avoid nervous system problems and other diseases. Gemini should also pay attention to the heart, so corn, peas, cauliflower, celery should be present in their diet. Dates, pineapples and plums will also help strengthen the heart muscle.

Diet by zodiac sign Cancer

The main problems of Cancer are overeating and related problems such as swelling. Therefore, the Cancer zodiac sign diet recommends avoiding fatty and high-calorie foods, as well as those that contain large amounts of sugar and starch. It is also necessary to monitor compliance with the drinking regime. The healthiest foods for Cancers are proteins (meat, nuts) and seafood. Often Cancers are also worried about diseases of the veins, teeth and decreased vision, so you should not forget about dairy products, cabbage, onions, oranges, rye bread.

Diet by zodiac sign Leo

The diet according to the zodiac sign Leo takes into account that the emotional state often affects the metabolism of representatives of this sign. Therefore, you should choose foods that stimulate the nervous and digestive systems. These are apples, nuts, lemons, cucumbers, lettuce, plums, figs. The healthiest food for Lviv is protein-rich lean meat, cheese, eggs, yoghurts. Do not forget about citrus fruits: they not only serve as vitamins and increase immunity, but also have a positive effect on the work of the whole body and increase the absorption of iron and protein.

Virgo diet

Virgos, unfortunately, often suffer from diseases of the skin and digestive system, so they are shown a strict diet according to the Virgo zodiac sign. No heavy food, you should choose lean beef, bran bread, fish, cereals. You can also eat protein-rich cheese, eggs and soy. The greatest harm to Virgo's body is caused by alcoholic beverages and coffee, so you should exclude them.

Diet by zodiac sign Libra

Libra gourmets often experience problems with the genitourinary system, because they adore exotic spicy foods and usually consume a lot of fluids, which puts an additional burden on the kidneys. The Libra zodiac sign diet recommends products that will help eliminate toxins and maintain the balance of the body. These are brown rice, corn, apples, carrots, asparagus. For good functioning of the nervous system, Libra should eat food rich in copper, meat, cucumbers, seafood, potatoes, and cereals.

Diet by zodiac sign Scorpio

Nature has endowed Scorpios with a good metabolism, but you shouldn't lean on fatty foods anyway. Diet according to the zodiac sign Scorpio orients to replace harmful and cholesterol-rich foods with soy, seafood, eggs, yogurt. On the table of scorpions, various fruits and vegetables should be present every day - they help to remove toxins and increase immunity.

Diet by zodiac sign Sagittarius

Diet according to the zodiac sign Sagittarius puts a ban on fatty and spicy foods that can disrupt the functioning of the liver. The same foods as sour cabbage, vegetable oil, egg yolk, offal due to the choline contained in them have a positive effect on the liver and kidneys. Sagittarius should also pay attention to carrots, radishes, potatoes, seeds, herbs, fruits.

Diet by zodiac sign Capricorn

The diet according to the zodiac sign Capricorn takes into account that the representatives of this sign have reduced rates of metabolic processes, therefore, restrictions on fatty and spicy foods, as well as alcohol, are needed. To improve the digestion process, you should drink mineral water between meals. The acceleration of metabolism is influenced by some vitamins, for example, A (carrots, sorrel, red pepper), C (watermelon, melon, orange), E (eggs, lean meat). It should be remembered that the weak points of Capricorns are bones and teeth, therefore, you should lean on dairy products, eggs, spinach, cabbage, and prunes.

Diet by zodiac sign Aquarius

Aquarius, by and large, do not care what they eat, and this explains most of the health problems. A diet according to the sign of Aquarius recommends always remembering about the diet (in small portions in 5-6 doses) and the need for the presence in their diet of all vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. Milk, vegetable oil, cheese, cabbage, soybeans, honey, nuts should be considered very useful products for Aquarius. Do not forget about fruits and berries: strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, oranges, pomegranates, pears.

Diet by zodiac sign Pisces

The diet according to the zodiac sign of Pisces is aimed at solving the main problems: metabolic disorders and the work of the endocrine system. Fish should eat iodine-containing foods, as well as protein foods: meat, cheese, eggs, nuts. The presence of lettuce, apples, grapes, spinach and other vegetables and fruits in the diet. Pisces should also not forget about immunity: raisins, nuts, lettuce, strawberries, cucumbers are suitable for increasing it.

Diet by zodiac sign

The diet according to the signs of the zodiac also takes into account the separation of all signs for men (Libra, Leo, Aries, Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius) and women (all the rest are Taurus, Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo). Representatives of female signs are less likely to experience hunger - this is due to the fact that their metabolic processes are slower. In order not to gain weight, you need to eat only when hunger is clearly felt. And for male signs with a fast metabolism, it is recommended not to break the diet.

Today you will not surprise anyone with a variety of diets, but not everyone knows about the existing dietary horoscope, that is, astrodiet. This is advice from nutritionists, selected for the biological characteristics of each zodiac sign separately ...

Today you will not surprise anyone with a variety of diets, but not everyone knows about the existing dietary horoscope, that is, astrodiet. This is advice from nutritionists, selected for the biological characteristics of each zodiac sign separately. Each representative of this or that sign needs his own personally selected "star diet", which will help solve health problems and effortlessly lose weight.

Let's consider, for example, Taurus, who is rapidly gaining weight, it is absolutely contraindicated for him to go on strict diets, because there is an opportunity to cause great harm to the whole body. But if this zodiac sign is limited in eating sweet and starchy foods, you can soon see a positive result. So, study a diet for your zodiac sign and lose weight for health benefits.

Aries. Aries, a strong and stubborn sign in essence, is almost impossible to limit in food, he is not a vegetarian, but he does not suffer from this. According to nutritionists, Aries who lead a fairly active lifestyle should not limit themselves in anything, and this applies not only to food. The main rule of astrodiet is that you need to be careful when choosing food, so as not to accidentally poison yourself and overeat.
The most vital ingredient for Aries is protein, a high content of which can be found in vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish, nuts and legumes, as well as in cereals, it is worth highlighting the healthy buckwheat porridge. Since Aries is still a herbivore, dill, parsley, green onions and spinach will be extremely useful to him, which will supply the body of this zodiac sign with the necessary vitamins.
Aries, like all other signs of the zodiac, should not lean on food in the late evening, but the main meal should be in the afternoon. Aries need to be careful with coffee, it shakes his nervous system, so the use of this drink should be minimized.
If Aries decides to make himself a fasting day, the stars recommend to postpone it to Tuesday. This sign is by nature a fighter and he can endure complete starvation, which others cannot. But only from this act on his figure and health it will not affect in any way, therefore strict diets are meaningless for him.

Taurus. Proper nutrition is very important for Taurus, it will help him feel great and avoid health problems. Especially Taurus needs to restrain themselves from eating a lot of sweets, in addition to all they are incredible sweet tooth.
Vitamin A is responsible for metabolic processes in the body of Taurus; it can be found in the liver, regardless of pork, beef or cod.
Since most of the representatives of this sign have a problem of edema, the stars recommend eating spinach, cabbage, pumpkin, onions and radishes, it is these greens that will remove excess water from the body. Of other products, Taurus should pay attention to those that do not undergo long heat treatment. Steamed food should be preferred, like vegetables or raw meat.
When following a diet according to the signs of the zodiac, Taurus needs to forget about fatty sauces or toasted crisps. People born under this sign, in fact, do not tolerate any restrictions, especially diets. And if Taurus remains hungry, the inner circle will see how grumpy and spiteful he is. The bull can achieve a quick effect only with the help of an hourly diet, he cannot eat heavy food until noon and the last evening meal no later than six hours before bedtime.

Twins. For such a zodiac sign as Gemini, there is no specific menu, they do not need this, so they are lucky in life in terms of food. They can eat anything, the main thing is not to overeat and adhere to the norm. Gemini is pleased that there are no strict taboos in food.
Representatives of this zodiac sign have a very vulnerable nervous system and the same immunity. For everything to come back to normal, they need to pay attention to foods high in calcium - milk, cabbage, yogurt, vitamin C - citrus fruits, currants, kiwi and green onions and sodium chloride - beets, asparagus, green peas and carrots.
Since Gemini has frequent health problems and in order not to aggravate the situation, they are strictly prohibited from severe diets and fasting. But there is one rule when fulfilling which Gemini will not only not lose physical shape, but also restore the body's strength. This variety in food, they must change their diet from time to time, not stopping at the same products.
And if Gemini has a few extra pounds, 4 meals a day with a total mass of 1200 kcal calories will help them.

Virgo. Virgos are very respectful of their health compared to other signs of the zodiac, they study healthy eating and the beneficial properties of foods. The most vulnerable places in the representatives of this sign are the stomach and intestines, so the main thing here is not to overdo it.
According to the zodiac sign diet, Virgos should avoid foods that are difficult to digest, for example, various canned food, smoked meats, as well as strong coffee and alcoholic beverages. Eat plenty of vitamins and no breakfast with a high carbon content. It is worth looking at protein-rich foods like veal, almonds, cheese and cottage cheese along with a variety of cereals and bran or whole grain breads.
If you have embarked on the war on fats, you do not need to give up vegetable oils. Also, you do not need to tell how healthy fruits, vegetables and herbs are. And do not constantly reproach yourself for the wrong food in your opinion. In order for Virgo to see the positive results from the diet faster, she needs to eat separately, for example, according to Shelton, and stop changing her diet often. Another huge plus for her body will be vegetarianism.

Crayfish. The diet of Cancers should include food that affects the water-salt balance of the body. It should contain calcium - milk, cottage cheese, seaweed, cheese and even crayfish with lobster. Especially lovers of dairy products will like such food, just do not lean on them too much.
The zodiac sign diet suggests Cancer eat a variety of greens, such as cabbage or vegetables and fruits containing a lot of water - cucumbers, watermelons, zucchini, plums and melons. Since Cancers often suffer from stomach diseases and have a sensitive nervous system, they are recommended only coarse bread and healthy tea with lemon, but without cookies and sweets.
Cancers are big foodies and won't go on a diet if they don't like it. Representatives of this sign can try the now fashionable cheating or the Mediterranean diet with various fascinating recipes.

A lion. The main rule for Leo is to never sit down at the table in a bad mood, since the metabolism of this zodiac sign depends on the emotional level. Food in this state will not bring any benefit, but lemons, walnuts and almonds, salad will have a completely opposite effect on the nervous system. And for better blood circulation, egg yolks, natural yogurt and cheese are suitable.
But Lions prone to atherosclerosis should not lean on animal fats and sweets, which contain a lot of the same fats. Representatives of this zodiac sign should eat foods that satisfy hunger for a long time, for example, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, stews, borscht and vegetable soups. Dried fruits and citrus are ideal for a snack, it doesn't look like French fries, but the benefits are much greater.
Since a lioness is still a predator, vegetarianism is categorically contraindicated for them, and even more so prolonged fasting. If you already choose a diet for weight loss, then only the royal one. Pay attention to diets such as the Mediterranean, the Kremlin, or the Clinton family's favorite diet - the presidential. And no experiments on your body, any diet should take place under the watchful eye of a nutritionist.

Scales. Libra optimists always hope that excess weight will go somewhere without any extra effort. But oddly enough it never works, and diets are not as scary as they seem at first glance. Even someone who has a slow metabolism should not exhaust his body with unnecessary hunger strikes, but just listen to nutritionists and they will advise what and when to eat.
For a while, remove hot sauces, a variety of exotic spices, and sophisticated dishes and desserts from your diet that you cannot live without. It is worth looking at simpler foods with more vitamins and different nutrients.
The Libra menu should include fresh vegetables, brown rice with buckwheat, seafood and raisins with figs. Apple Friday fasting days are especially good for the body of representatives of this zodiac sign. A diet according to zodiac signs suggests that you should not immediately give up vegetarianism, this is very beneficial for Libra.

Capricorn. This zodiac sign has always suffered from diseases associated with the stomach, for which it is quite difficult to digest seasonings, fatty foods, various sauces and alcohol. For Capricorn, the ideal diet is four times a day and no sandwiches between meals. Without fail, food should consist of such products: fish, cottage cheese, cereals, meat and pasta, but only hard varieties. For liquid dairy products, go for yoghurts and organic yoghurts.
Since Capricorn is a representative of the earth element, everything grown in the earth will bring great benefits to the body. These are raw vegetables, especially radishes, peppers, beets and carrots, garden fruits, not purchased and greens. Nutritionists recommend that this sign of the zodiac take a closer look at strict, but simple diets, with calorie counting and harsh scheduled menus.
Astrodiet for Capricorns includes separate meals or an interesting diet where carbohydrate foods alternate. And it is worth trying to fast, so not only the human body is cleansed, but also the soul.

Scorpion. This zodiac sign is sure that any diet, regardless of the ingredients, is violence against oneself. But nutritionists have prepared a diet specifically for the Scorpions, which includes seafood, lean meats, game stew and beef liver. Use only fresh vegetables as a side dish, such as onions, radishes, cabbage, asparagus and garlic, and for dessert you can pamper yourself with fruits and natural yogurt.
In order for Scorpio to feel vigorous, you just need to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice or good and not cheap mineral water. And from these drinks the eyes will sparkle no worse than from a martini or a baileys, which is especially liked by the opposite sex.

Sagittarius. Autumn Sagittarius are similar to Taurus in terms of food, they are lovers of good food, but also subsequently quickly gain excess weight. Therefore, this zodiac sign needs to carefully select food for itself. Although Sagittarius is not a fan of all fermented milk, he desperately needs it. Liver, a variety of vegetables and sprouted wheat will also be healthy foods, but heavy meat foods with a high fat content are best removed from the diet.
And after fatty foods, pickles, spices and, of course, everything sweet. It is worth paying attention to fruits that contain vitamin C. Vitamin P is vital for Sagittarius, which is found in parsley, potatoes and sorrel, these products should be in almost every dish.
If a Sagittarius has problems with being overweight, he needs to divide all foods into two types - good for the figure and bad. And then he will be able to keep his body in perfect shape without any problems, only no snacks and various sandwiches in the evening, especially before bedtime.

Fishes. Fish suffering from extra pounds should add eggs, lean meat, nuts, fish and cheese to their diet. Also, raisins and raw vegetables, which contain iron phosphate, cannot be avoided. But since it is a slave fish, it is necessary to increase the use of seafood, for example, seaweed, mussels and shrimp. Representatives of this zodiac sign need food iodized food like radishes, almonds, radishes and beef liver with buckwheat porridge.
But if Pisces is seriously considering going on a diet, pay attention to the soup diet or make yourself a detox day of fasting, consisting of spinach, watercress and lettuce. Choose a specific day of the week for such a diet, and you will always enjoy your excellent physical shape.

Aquarius. Nutritionists have prepared a truly healthy diet for Aquarius. This is a large amount of fresh fruits, vegetables and, of course, seafood. This list of products should be in the daily diet of Aquarius, and for a delicate and problem stomach, it is worth adding fermented milk products and herbs.
To lose weight, representatives of this zodiac sign should refuse baking, and use honey instead of sugar. Meat should always be on the table, but only dietary, like white chicken or baked fish. Another important rule for Aquarius is to drink a lot of water and no desserts, and even bread in the evening.
