How budget shopping began to bring a stable income. Clothing resale business from China

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to sell clothes over the Internet and try to consider all possible ways to implement our plans.

I have read a huge number of articles on the net on this topic and I can say that most authors are mistaken that it is easy to start selling clothes - this is a misconception. Before you make your first profit, you will have to spend a lot of time to set up your sales business. But we'll talk about this below.

And now, perhaps, let's get straight to the point.

How to start selling clothes online?

Deciding on a niche

First, you need to decide on the type of clothing that you plan to sell through the World Wide Web. It is best to do this in stages and as deep as possible. In simple words, you must give a detailed answer to the questions: "What will I sell?"

For example, goods for men - jackets - for winter. This chain can be continued with the types of jackets, colors, material, purpose, etc.

Why is this needed? Firstly, it will help to build a clear "portrait" of your future customers, and, accordingly, choose a method of selling goods on the Internet. Secondly, it will allow you to find buyers better and more efficiently, as well as save money on advertising.

Choose as few types of products as possible to sell, especially if you are new to online sales. This will help you concentrate on one task and one product, which means that your efforts will be concentrated in one place - which most often leads to success.

Naturally, in the future you will be able to expand the range of products sold, but for this you need to gain experience. And the costs in this case will increase.

Find a supplier

It is also the initial stage in setting up an online clothing business. After you have decided on the products you need to start looking for a supplier. It is best if it is an organization that manufactures the clothes you need - then you can exclude many intermediaries who have already added their markup to the cost of the goods. Where can I find a supplier? You just need to open the online directories of businesses in your country and start searching through the directory. If you find it, then you can already send a commercial offer to the management of the enterprise.

Now it has become very popular over the Internet, and you can also try your hand. But here you will face a dilemma: buy goods for your own money, and then expose them with a surcharge; find a seller and negotiate a long-term cooperation with him. I think you understand that both of these options are very risky, but at the same time quite profitable.

Affiliate programs are a modern trend on the Internet. With the help of them, you can start earning without investment on the sale of clothes today and now. Most major online clothing stores have affiliate programs. Therefore, start your search with online stores. It is also worth noting that one of the largest trading platforms in the world also has a very good affiliate program -.

Selecting a site for sale

Now that you have decided what you will sell and where to get the goods from, you need to choose the sites where buyers will find you.

If you started a business selling clothes over the Internet without start-up capital, then the following sites are suitable for you:

  • Social networks (in Vkontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki, you can create communities and configure them so that they look externally);
  • Forums - in particular, you should pay attention to thematic forums;
  • Free classifieds sites - for example, Slando.

By using all these sites, you can achieve a flow of regular customers, which will subsequently lead to good profits. But at the same time, you will need to spend a lot of time to "promote" your group, spread messages on forums, place announcements on relevant sites, etc.

Selling clothes through an online store is much more efficient and profitable. First, you can attract buyers from search engines (which is almost impossible with free sites). Secondly, the store gives customers confidence that you are a reliable seller, which means that the conversion rate of sales will be higher.

But in order to create a good online store, you will need an investment. Do not forget that you will be able to achieve even greater efficiency if you start selling clothes over the Internet, both through social networks and free classifieds sites, and through an online store.

Well, to complete this section with a positive, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the list of sites on which you can create an online store for free:,, I have already mentioned some of them in one of the previous articles, which dealt with.

Registration of a lot (product card)

In this section, I would like to tell you about some of the points that you must include when placing an ad, a page on a site, a message on a forum or in a product card on a social network.

  • Description- it is imperative that you provide the most complete information about your product. This is the color, size, material, manufacturer, etc. Detailed information can not only push the buyer to purchase the goods, but also give him the opportunity to find answers to possible questions regarding the lot;
  • Photo- the description is, of course, good, but it is difficult to imagine what the clothes look like only in words. Therefore, be sure to attach photos and there should be as many of them as possible so that the buyer can view the product from different angles. It is also desirable that the photos are unique.
  • Price- this item is required, but I cannot give you recommendations regarding pricing in the clothing market on the Internet, since this process is purely individual.

How to increase sales of clothes on the Internet?

The best and most effective tool for increasing sales is advertising. This tool is present in all sites for the sale of clothing, which were discussed above.

Particular attention should be paid to advertising on social networks, because if you do not use it, then it will take a very long time to recruit subscribers to your community. Yes, I almost forgot - hashtagging posts on social networks - this can attract visitors for free.

If you decide to sell clothes through an online store, then the best form of advertising would be Yandex.Direct and Google adwords... But first of all, you must collect the keywords for which you want to advertise, and for this you can use the special services and

From my own experience, I can say that the effectiveness of clothing sales can be added by videos showing the product itself. It would seem that this is a trifle that many people miss, but believe me - it is effective. Why? A large number of buyers are afraid to make a deal, because they are not sure that they will purchase the product that is shown in the pictures for it. And this is quite justified - very often deceptions are observed when buying Chinese goods. Therefore, the video can nudge the buyer to make a deal with you.

Also, a "feedback" - a consultation call or a message to the manager (or you) can prompt the decision to purchase your product. Be sure to consider such a moment - how to organize communication with the buyer. Simple clues with clothing size, color, selection guidelines, etc. can help you increase conversions, and, accordingly, bring more profit from this business.

In this article, we reviewed with you some useful tips that will help you successfully start selling clothes over the Internet, and possibly create your own business on the Internet.

The Internet has provided tremendous opportunities for people and you should definitely take advantage of them.

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about how to sell clothes over the Internet and try to consider all possible ways to implement our plans.

I have read a huge number of articles on the net on this topic and I can say that most authors are mistaken that it is easy to start selling clothes - this is a misconception. Before you make your first profit, you will have to spend a lot of time to set up your sales business. But we'll talk about this below.

And now, perhaps, let's get straight to the point.

How to start selling clothes online?

Deciding on a niche

First, you need to decide on the type of clothing that you plan to sell through the World Wide Web. It is best to do this in stages and as deep as possible. In simple words, you must give a detailed answer to the questions: "What will I sell?"

For example, goods for men - jackets - for winter. This chain can be continued with the types of jackets, colors, material, purpose, etc.

Why is this needed? Firstly, it will help to build a clear "portrait" of your future customers, and, accordingly, choose a method of selling goods on the Internet. Secondly, it will allow you to find buyers better and more efficiently, as well as save money on advertising.

Choose as few types of products as possible to sell, especially if you are new to online sales. This will help you concentrate on one task and one product, which means that your efforts will be concentrated in one place - which most often leads to success.

Naturally, in the future you will be able to expand the range of products sold, but for this you need to gain experience. And the costs in this case will increase.

Find a supplier

It is also the initial stage in setting up an online clothing business. After you have decided on the products you need to start looking for a supplier. It is best if it is an organization that manufactures the clothes you need - then you can exclude many intermediaries who have already added their markup to the cost of the goods. Where can I find a supplier? You just need to open the online directories of businesses in your country and start searching through the directory. If you find it, then you can already send a commercial offer to the management of the enterprise.

Now it has become very popular over the Internet, and you can also try your hand. But here you will face a dilemma: buy goods for your own money, and then expose them with a surcharge; find a seller and negotiate a long-term cooperation with him. I think you understand that both of these options are very risky, but at the same time quite profitable.

Affiliate programs are a modern trend on the Internet. With the help of them, you can start earning without investment on the sale of clothes today and now. Most major online clothing stores have affiliate programs. Therefore, start your search with online stores. It is also worth noting that one of the largest trading platforms in the world also has a very good affiliate program -.

Selecting a site for sale

Now that you have decided what you will sell and where to get the goods from, you need to choose the sites where buyers will find you.

If you started a business selling clothes over the Internet without start-up capital, then the following sites are suitable for you:

  • Social networks (in Vkontakte, Facebook and Odnoklassniki, you can create communities and configure them so that they look externally);
  • Forums - in particular, you should pay attention to thematic forums;
  • Free classifieds sites - for example, Slando.

By using all these sites, you can achieve a flow of regular customers, which will subsequently lead to good profits. But at the same time, you will need to spend a lot of time to "promote" your group, spread messages on forums, place announcements on relevant sites, etc.

Selling clothes through an online store is much more efficient and profitable. First, you can attract buyers from search engines (which is almost impossible with free sites). Secondly, the store gives customers confidence that you are a reliable seller, which means that the conversion rate of sales will be higher.

But in order to create a good online store, you will need an investment. Do not forget that you will be able to achieve even greater efficiency if you start selling clothes over the Internet, both through social networks and free classifieds sites, and through an online store.

Well, to complete this section with a positive, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the list of sites on which you can create an online store for free:,, I have already mentioned some of them in one of the previous articles, which dealt with.

Registration of a lot (product card)

In this section, I would like to tell you about some of the points that you must include when placing an ad, a page on a site, a message on a forum or in a product card on a social network.

  • Description- it is imperative that you provide the most complete information about your product. This is the color, size, material, manufacturer, etc. Detailed information can not only push the buyer to purchase the goods, but also give him the opportunity to find answers to possible questions regarding the lot;
  • Photo- the description is, of course, good, but it is difficult to imagine what the clothes look like only in words. Therefore, be sure to attach photos and there should be as many of them as possible so that the buyer can view the product from different angles. It is also desirable that the photos are unique.
  • Price- this item is required, but I cannot give you recommendations regarding pricing in the clothing market on the Internet, since this process is purely individual.

How to increase sales of clothes on the Internet?

The best and most effective tool for increasing sales is advertising. This tool is present in all sites for the sale of clothing, which were discussed above.

Particular attention should be paid to advertising on social networks, because if you do not use it, then it will take a very long time to recruit subscribers to your community. Yes, I almost forgot - hashtagging posts on social networks - this can attract visitors for free.

If you decide to sell clothes through an online store, then the best form of advertising would be Yandex.Direct and Google adwords... But first of all, you must collect the keywords for which you want to advertise, and for this you can use the special services and

From my own experience, I can say that the effectiveness of clothing sales can be added by videos showing the product itself. It would seem that this is a trifle that many people miss, but believe me - it is effective. Why? A large number of buyers are afraid to make a deal, because they are not sure that they will purchase the product that is shown in the pictures for it. And this is quite justified - very often deceptions are observed when buying Chinese goods. Therefore, the video can nudge the buyer to make a deal with you.

Also, a "feedback" - a consultation call or a message to the manager (or you) can prompt the decision to purchase your product. Be sure to consider such a moment - how to organize communication with the buyer. Simple clues with clothing size, color, selection guidelines, etc. can help you increase conversions, and, accordingly, bring more profit from this business.

In this article, we reviewed with you some useful tips that will help you successfully start selling clothes over the Internet, and possibly create your own business on the Internet.

The Internet has provided tremendous opportunities for people and you should definitely take advantage of them.

  • 1 The specifics of the work of an online store selling clothes
  • 2 Selling clothing through social media
  • 3 How to sell clothes through the Internet Vkontakte?
  • 4 Online sale of children's clothing

It is not very difficult to start selling clothes over the Internet, but the success of the business depends on preliminary preparation, taking into account investment risks, and a strategy for attracting customers. Just creating an online store and purchasing a product is not enough. It is necessary to develop a marketing strategy in advance, implement an advertising campaign and start building a client base.

The specifics of the work of an online store selling clothes

Selling clothes over the Internet, including through social networks (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki), is profitable. A shopping site can be created almost for free based on a free engine (for example, Joomla, OpenCart, WordPress, osCommerce, Magento) or social media applications. Finding a good supplier is essential for making a good profit. This can be done through search engines, paying attention to the offers of factories, wholesale clothing suppliers, official distributors, analyzing ads on the network, on thematic forums, in social networks, studying electronic catalogs and databases (, suppliers.rf, etc.).

You can open an online store and sell clothes, including children's clothes, in several formats, which is one of the advantages of such a trade organization:

  • creation of your own warehouse (allows you to quickly ship goods, but there is a need for large purchases and search for storage space, there is a possibility of a large amount of illiquid assets);
  • clothes are sold after the goods arrive from the warehouse of the wholesale supplier (this will reduce the cost of purchasing and storing goods, form a wide range, but the delivery time of the goods to the client will increase, there may be problems with the return in the event of a marriage);
  • dropshipping (the owner of an online clothing store plays the role of an intermediary between the supplier and the client, that is, he transfers the order, money to the wholesaler, and he already sends the goods to the specified address);
  • affiliate program (clothes are sold through the partner's website, when the client clicks Buy, he automatically switches to another resource, from which the implementation is carried out, the partner pays a certain percentage for this to the assistant).

Increasing sales is a topical issue for any entrepreneur, especially if the trade is carried out via the Internet. To monitor the quality and volume of goods sold, it is always worth considering some factors: the number of visitors to the online store over a certain period of time, customers who made a purchase, the average check, the effectiveness of marketing regarding repeat purchases, the percentage of margin. By regularly monitoring these indicators and changes in them, the entrepreneur will be able to make the right decisions, sell things quickly and profitably.

When selling clothes over the Internet (including using the Vkontakte social network), it is important to take into account some of the nuances of online trading:

  1. The client must always be warned that the shade, appearance of the product may differ from that indicated in the picture (if the item is not sent from a personal warehouse).
  2. Warn of possible delays or include delivery times with stock.

Before starting an online clothing store, you need to formalize your activity and choose its organizational and legal form - individual entrepreneur or LLC. It makes sense to use the second format only if several people create a common business. In other cases, it is easier to register as an individual entrepreneur (individual). As for the choice of the taxation system, the STS with a rate of 6% is considered the best option, which can significantly reduce the tax burden on an entrepreneur.

Selling clothes through social media

Creation of a correct interface, SEO-functioning of a trading site will not yet ensure a successful start of trading. It is very important to conduct a high-quality advertising campaign, develop an effective marketing strategy to tell potential customers about yourself and get them interested in buying. Selling clothes in an online store based on social networks (Vkontakte, etc.) will be quick and easy. It is very easy to create it on a free platform (product photos are uploaded promptly); large product catalogs can be generated in a short time. In addition, the organizer immediately gets access to a free tool for attracting customers (friend requests, sending private messages with an offer to make a purchase) and can advertise their services for free (posts in thematic groups, on the pages of friends, creating and promoting their own sales group).

It's important to know! A catalog of franchises has opened on our website! Go to the catalog ...

Depending on the chosen format of the online clothing store on the social network (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc.), the seller must negotiate with the client all the details regarding the purchase and delivery of goods. If an entrepreneur sells clothes on the basis of dropshipping, then the buyer needs to be warned that the photo and description of the product are provided by the supplier and may differ in some parameters (shade, sometimes drawing) from those indicated. After all, only the client will be the first to see the thing in reality. It is also important to ensure the quality of logistics - to pack the goods well, to comply with the promised delivery times. To start a successful online clothing trade, you can use the following business organization approaches:

  1. Clarify order details and warn about shipment by phone.
  2. Indicate in the Contacts section additional communication channels: e-mail, ICQ.
  3. Create your own base of clients, accounts, goods (this can be done using Excel, MoySklad, Client Base, etc.).
  4. Offer several ways to pay for the goods (transfer to a bank card, electronic wallet, using cash on delivery).
  5. Organize several methods of delivery of goods (state mail, private, courier services).

Many aspiring entrepreneurs are concerned about the best store to open in a small town. It all depends on the interests of the target audience, the level of competition and purchasing power. But for the start of successful trading in an online store, including through Vkontakte, the number of the population in the city does not matter, because the work is carried out, as a rule, in several regions.

How to sell clothes over the Internet Vkontakte?

How to open an online store Vkontakte? The algorithm of actions is simple. A trading platform on this social network is often created in parallel with a full-fledged trading platform based on a free engine. But successful sales will begin only if you pay enough attention to SEO promotion and filling the online platform with high-quality content, and increasing the number of subscribers. If an entrepreneur is not confident in his abilities, it is better to hire a freelance administrator for these purposes.

The first step is to create an online store, fill it, and implement advertising campaigns. Then it is necessary to engage in attracting new customers, to interest them in purchases, especially repeat ones. The main factors that influence this process are assortment and cost. If you fill the catalog well and offer the buyer a favorable price, he will prefer to choose this particular offer. The use of hashtags (for example, #obnova, #sale) will help to attract the target audience, which simplify the search for the desired product.

When selling clothes through Vkontakte, you need to create a base of regular customers from the very beginning, do everything to make them satisfied and make a second purchase. It is very important to help with choosing the right size, style of clothing. In order to maximize the high-quality demonstration of clothes, you can upload thematic videos on the site, use programs for virtual selection of clothes, provide a convenient interface and quickly navigate through the pages, create an online consultation.

Advice: to get additional income in your free time, it is worth taking advantage of the offers of sites where you can earn money by completing tasks (for example, SEOSPRINT, PROFITCENTER, Vktarget, Free-lancе, etc.).

Online sale of children's clothing

Trade in children's clothing is a business niche that will always be highly profitable. It is not very difficult to start effective sales via the Internet, the main thing is to approach the stages of creating your business responsibly. It will be possible to successfully sell children's clothing via the Internet in several formats:

  • trade in social networks (dropshipping, creating your own warehouse);
  • opening your own online store (it will take a lot of time and investments to promote the site);
  • work in the "partner program" format.

Some entrepreneurs start their work in the network selling used children's clothing. The principle of the commission shop is that the intermediary sells the item to the buyer for a certain margin. The owner of the goods initially determines its minimum cost (as a rule, 30-40% of the new price) and signs an agreement, which stipulates the terms of sale, return, the percentage of the seller.

Advice: in order to successfully start selling clothes through an online store or retail outlet, it is advisable to create a business card site. This will help attract new customers and increase sales.

  1. It is desirable to form a range of affordable prices (the average price for one item is 180-900 rubles, only 10% of buyers buy things more expensive).
  2. It is necessary to create a wide range of products.
  3. It is worth selling only high-quality goods, and keeping delivery times as short as possible.
  4. When specifying measurements of things, always take into account the possibility of an error of 1-2 cm.
  5. It is better to group clothes by seasons.
  6. To attract the attention of buyers, it is advisable to publish useful tips on the main page of the social network or create a separate section of the site for this.
  7. It is advisable to regularly hold promotions, sweepstakes, contests with prizes.

Alternatively, you can expand your assortment with original goods, making original drawings using a printer for printing on clothes.

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The normal rate of return for a children's clothing store is 10-15%. The success of trade, including through the Vkontakte network, largely depends on the preparation of the entrepreneur, the choice of a good supplier and pricing policy. The same rules are relevant in matters of organizing the sale of things for adults. To start successfully selling clothes through the network, it is not enough just to create and fill an online store with content. It is necessary to preliminarily think over and implement a plan for its promotion, ways of increasing sales, attracting new customers.

Have you read it? Now check out 10 rules of business success from genius businessman Jack Ma.
His starting capital of $ 20,000 was helped by his wife and friend. He is the first mainland Chinese businessman to be featured on the cover of Forbes magazine. He is the richest man in China and the 18th richest person in the world. His fortune is estimated at $ 29.7 billion. His name is Jack Ma and he is the founder of, and here are his 10 rules for success:

The matured idea of ​​a business selling clothes over the Internet haunts, but want to know more about this activity? Then you should concentrate and carefully study the available information.

To organize the process of selling clothes over the Internet, you need to understand that it is very difficult to attract a potential buyer to virtual purchases. To sell clothes, they most often use specially designed showcase sites on which the product is presented.

There are also alternative methods of disseminating information about selling clothes on the Internet:
Registration on specialized forums and sites
Selling clothes through social media
Use of any other sites on which there is the possibility of advertising and trading is allowed

If you decide to implement a business idea based on selling clothes over the Internet and plan to engage in this activity seriously, it is important to understand that it will not be possible to work for a long time without official legal registration. In addition, any business is required by law to be registered.

For this kind of business activity, Russian legislation provides for the registration of the seller in the following organizational and legal forms to choose from: individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Of course, you will need to open a bank account, keep accounting records, register with the tax authorities and submit all the necessary reports to them, as well as register a trademark, if necessary. More detailed information about the choice of one form or another, about the registration process itself and all the necessary details can be found by contacting legal advice or by studying official information from other sources.

How to get started and where to start selling clothes online

You have already made a decision on the choice of activity. It remains to competently organize the process of selling clothes. To begin with, it is important to determine which market segment you are looking for:
Age and gender group of potential customers
Buyers' income level (what pricing policy will you adhere to)
Product group: sportswear or evening wear, and possibly the entire assortment and wardrobe for every taste

In this area, there may be other open questions that should be concentrated on more carefully. For example, it is important to understand where your product will be coming from. Perhaps the clothes presented in the store will be sewn at a private enterprise. There are also various options for wholesale purchasing abroad.

A very important aspect in organizing the sale of clothes on the Internet is the method of payment for the purchase, as well as the delivery of the goods. Here it is worth deciding in advance and, if necessary, carry out all the measures for the proper organization of these processes:
Bank account registration
Opening e-wallets
Studying information about postal orders
Purchase of a vehicle for delivery
Search couriers

The main thing is to organize a serious approach to work. Believe me, you are planning to do a really profitable business. The clothing trade has always brought a decent income.

Did you know the most expensive clothing brand in the world?
Louis Vuitton is recognized as the most expensive luxury clothing brand in the world. According to official data, its cost is almost $ 26 billion and is growing annually by almost 10%.

What documents are needed to trade in clothing? Do I need to be formalized at all?

Registration of any business always entails a number of difficulties and formalities. To protect yourself and your clients legally, you need to competently approach the execution of all documentation. It is not even worth starting to talk about the illegal organization of trade, since it is impossible to avoid administrative liability for illegal business activity.

When selling clothes of a domestic manufacturer, there is no need to draw up any documents for the goods. If you nevertheless decide to contact foreign manufacturers and suppliers, then you need to draw up a number of documents and clear the goods through customs. Also, the need for registration of certain documents is influenced by your organizational and legal form and taxation system. These are quite specific legal questions that should be answered professionally within the framework of qualified legal assistance.

As for the choice of the taxation system, this issue also directly depends on whether you registered your organization as a legal entity. As a rule, a single tax is paid for retail trade in clothing in Russia. But there are options for using the simplified tax system or paying income tax to the budget.

How to find suppliers of clothing for an online store

At the initial stage of finding suppliers, it is important to understand what kind of capital investment you are willing to make. Most likely, it is immediately easier to contact the most common firms that are engaged in sewing clothes, for example, in China. It is a huge misconception that quality can fail here. As a rule, factory items are sewn using decent materials and original patterns.

The most common way to find a supplier of clothing for trade on the Internet is considered to be exactly the search on the net. Everything is very simple here. It is enough to formulate your request in any of the search engines, and the result will not be long in coming.

There is also a way of communicating directly with the supplier, which is fraught with a number of threats. It is good if the wholesale supplier has successfully established itself in the past. In any case, it is important to obtain the most reliable information about the product and to insure yourself against material losses legally.

Selling clothes via the Internet in social networks Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki

Today, the popularity of social networks is just at its peak. There is an almost one hundred percent guarantee that every person registered in any of the networks turns to the cherished site at least once a day.

Hence, we can conclude that placing a trade showcase of a clothing store on a social network is highly advisable. It is important to timely monitor the promotion and advertising of the created pages or communities in order to increase the number of visits. A social network is an almost endless source of potential customers and a fairly cheap way of advertising.

How to open an independent online clothing store

But for a serious and competent implementation of trading activities, there is a sharp need to create an independent online store. What does it give the seller:
Additional prestige
Website as the main source of information
An online store always inspires more trust than a page on a social network.
Organization in the trading process
The ability to actually promote your product by promoting and optimizing the site

When opening an online store, it is important to contact a professional website developer and not skimp on its creation. Next, you should pay attention to the timely maintenance of your store and its optimization. When choosing a name, you should refer to existing databases for this information to avoid unnecessary confusion and repetition.

What is the name of an online women's clothing store?

When naming an online store, there are many criteria to consider:
Potential client interest
Ease of perception, etc.

How to sell clothes correctly? How to increase sales in a women's clothing store?

Turning to the window of an online clothing store, a potential client faces a number of difficulties:

Difficulty finding the right size
Lack of opportunity to assess the quality of goods
The buyer is deprived of the possibility of personal consultation with the seller
There is no way to hear an opinion from the outside, in connection with the purchase of clothes without trying on

In order to somehow smooth out these controversial points, you should study all the latest marketing solutions in the field of online commerce. Often, an online clothing store looks like a simple catalog of goods with formal photographs of the models on offer.

Today there are more creative solutions for demonstrating clothes on the site:

Using videos showing a collection of clothes on models
Ability to view all color variations of the presented clothes
Virtual opportunity to "try on" clothes on a model. In this case, you can compose whole sets and select individual elements to each other in style, shape, texture and color.
The design of the website of an online store should correspond to the interests of the target market segment.
It is imperative when developing a site, you must take into account the ability to quickly move from section to section, highlight the most attractive clothing items, enlarge and view the model you like on the full screen
Organization of online consultation with a specialist

These and many other methods will increase sales by directly simplifying the product selection process.

Also, do not forget about a competent marketing policy and special promotions and sales. These classic techniques, as well as systems of discounts and bonuses, gifts for the holidays and the issuance of gift certificates in someone else's name, will increase the level of income from this type of business on the Internet.

Remember that organizing any business requires first and foremost financial investment, hard work, patience and a share of healthy risk. When opening an online clothing store, it is important to study this market for goods and the needs of potential buyers, as well as the specific aspects of online commerce.

The business of reselling goods is one of the simplest and most popular types of entrepreneurship today. The meaning of such a business is absolutely clear: buying things in bulk, selling at a higher price and making a profit. Thus, it turns out that the most important point in this type of entrepreneurship is to determinewhere to order wholesale clothes,find a good supplier, establish close commercial relations with him, control the goods and gain experience.

The sale of items purchased in bulk can be carried out in three ways:

  1. through the Internet;
  2. through your store;
  3. on the market.

Today we will talk about the third option for business development.

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Is it profitable to do sales on the market?

Definitely profitable!

In order to become competitive, it is necessary not only to learn,where they buy clothes for sale in the markets, but also follow a few rules, and then your business will only go up.

  1. The first step is to study your competitors. What product do they have, how do they offer it to consumers, what marketing moves do they use? Analyzing your competitors doesn't mean you have to emulate them exactly. On the contrary, the meaning of the analysis is to highlight useful moments for yourself and take advantage of them, note weaknesses and, against this background, present your advantages in the best light, show the buyer why it is more profitable, more convenient, more useful, more interesting to him.
  2. It is extremely important to define your target audience. In fact, this is a rather voluminous and energy-consuming process; often specially trained people are hired to determine their potential audience: marketers, advertisers, etc. The location of your point of sale will depend on the characteristics of your target audience, what hours it will work and how to properly present the product, who to pay attention to, who will definitely buy, and who will pass by. Qualitative definition of the target audience will save you time and money, find the "right" customers and immediately start developing your business, and not stagnate .
  3. If your product is unique, it is worth, again, focus on the tastes and needs of customers, and not your own.
  4. Before starting a business, you must carefully calculate all possible costs and leave a certain amount for unforeseen force majeure.
  5. You should understand that at first the profit may be either very small, or it may not be at all, because while you are looking closely at the place, the consumers, you are experimentally entering the necessary trading schemes.

Where can you order wholesale clothing?

Perhaps the most optimal, simple, safe and cheapest place is the internet.

As everyone and everyone knows, almost 100% of the things we wear are made in China, therefore, it is worth directing your attention there if you need bulk purchases.

The e-commerce leaders are just a few online sites offering a variety of Chinese products.

Long-established taobao and alibaba as well as offer a wide range of varied clothing from China. There you can buy things both wholesale and retail.

Directly on the sites it is possible to communicate with the seller and find out all the details of the purchase, delivery, etc.

Which site should you give the advantage to? It's that simple!

  • If you need 1 piece of 1 item of goods, then you are on taobao;
  • If you need more than 1 piece of 1 item of the product, then you are at 1688;
  • If you need to find a manufacturer even more or even directly, then you are on alibaba.
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To keep buyers safe, Alibaba uses Escrow. It guarantees the seller that he will receive money for his products only after the buyer receives his goods. Only after checking and agreeing to accept the lot does the seller receive money for it.

How to work with Escrow when shoppingclothes over the Internet?

  1. The seller and the buyer come to an agreement on the use of the Escrow system upon payment and delivery of the lot. They agree on who is responsible for paying for the services (buyer, seller, or equally). System commission - 6% of the transaction amount. Both parties register accounts and the transaction on their own. This allows both the seller and the buyer to check what stage the transaction is in. When registering, you must enter information about yourself and your credit card into the system, this guarantees delivery and payment for the goods.
  2. The buyer pays for the production through Escrow. The payment is verified and the funds are transferred to the system account.
  3. The seller sends the parcel and enters the number into the system. The supplier will immediately know that the money has been credited to the system's account. Steps 2 and 3 happen almost simultaneously.
  4. When the parcel arrives at its destination, the buyer checks it and, if the product matches the original, changes the Escrow status. The payment process starts, the system debits money from the buyer's account.
  5. The system transfers money from the system account to the merchant's account.

Benefit in comparison

The main rule of trading with China: never start working with the first supplier you come across. The best way out would be a thorough study of the market for offers, goods, acquaintance with different suppliers and manufacturers, a careful assessment of the pros and cons of working with each, and only then - the contract.

The PRC is a huge country. Here it is quite possible to find a similar product at different prices. If you want to run a profitable business, please be patient. The difference in price sometimes reaches impressive proportions.

How to organize your trading place in the market?

To do this, you will need to acquire a stall or trade tent. Before choosing, you need to think about how many goods you will have at the trading place, whether there will be a warehouse, etc.

You should not spare money on a quality tent, because this is a serious purchase. She will serve you faithfully for many years.

You can also find a good trade tent in one of the online stores and order it together with a batch of clothes.

Where else buy clothes for sale in the market?

If you do not know how or do not want to use the Internet while shopping online, there is another way to buy things for sale in the market - an independent trip to China.

So you can personally hold in your hands all the purchased items, get to know the supplier or manufacturer personally and check the quality of the consignment... However, it is worth remembering that in case of personal interaction, you will need at least the help of an interpreter and, at the most, an experienced person who works. with the Chinese not the first year and knowing all aspects of their behavior.
