Caracal cat: description of the breed. Caracal desert lynx: description and care of the steppe cat

Caracal, or steppe lynx - carnivorous mammal from the cat family, but people have learned to tame it. Domestic caracal quite friendly and sociable. But it was precisely for the combination of brutal appearance with an easy-going character that he became one of the most desirable exclusive pets.

In nature, caracals are found in savannas, deserts, steppes and foothills of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Asia Minor and Central Asia, and the Middle East. Cats live in rock crevices, sometimes occupying empty holes of other animals. Caracals are active mainly at dusk or at night, but they can also hunt during the day.

The peculiarity of caracals is that they can go without water for quite a long time, obtaining liquid exclusively from food. To store provisions, they, like cheetahs, use tall trees. Caracals drag and hide food on a branch, hiding it from the eyes of other predators.

Caracals breed throughout the year. The female has up to 3 partners during the courtship period. Pregnancy lasts 78-81 days, and then up to 6 babies are born. A month after birth, when the babies begin to go out into the sun, the mother begins to move the kittens from one den to another once a day. After six months, the teenagers will leave parents' house and find a new home.

How caracals became pets

Caracals are easy to tame. In ancient times, in some Asian countries, they even hunted hares, peacocks, pheasants and small antelopes with tame caracals.

Hunting with wild cats, in particular with cheetahs, was very popular in the East, but since their spotted counterparts were not cheap, poor people caught and kept steppe lynxes, which were called “the poor man’s cheetah.” Over time, such hunting became rare, and the taming of these cats was forgotten for a while.

Just literally 10-20 years ago, caracals could only be found in deserts, savannahs and zoos, but not in apartments or country cottages. Moreover, in nature these cats are endangered. Everything changed in the 80s. In the Moscow Zoo, a beautiful kitten with tufts on the ears and an unusual color was born to a caracal and an ordinary local cat, who accidentally or intentionally ended up in an enclosure. The hybrid boy was infertile and the story could have ended there, but no.

Naturally, the news about successful interspecific crossing did not pass by felinologists and breeders. Subsequently there were many more attempts to bring new breed. At the same time, the Caracal cat breed, or rather the species, has attracted the attention of numerous exotic fans who are not interested in breeding. The beautiful appearance wild cats, relatively small size and the fact that even kittens born in the wild are not poorly trained.

By the way, numerous attempts to breed caracals and domestic animals were ultimately crowned with success. The hybrid breed has already been officially registered and is called (cara(cal)+cat).


For a long time, caracals were classified as lynxes, which they resemble in appearance. The beautiful tassels on the ears, size and red color were misleading. Later, due to a number of genetic characteristics, they were separated into a separate genus.

Caracallas are cats with the beauty and grace of true predators. They are quite large. The height at the withers can reach 50 cm, average weight 15 kg, and the body length is about 1 meter. The physique is strong and muscular. It is impossible not to note the well-developed hind legs, thanks to which the caracal cat can jump 4 meters from a standing position.

Caracals have short, very thick, coarse-textured fur with a well-developed undercoat. The color shade differs slightly depending on the habitat, from brown to almost red, but the lower part of the body is always light and decorated with many small spots. There are black markings around the eyes on the muzzle. The auricle is decorated with long black tassels, and the back is covered with short black hair, which is why the cat got its name (from the Turkic “kara-kulak” - black ear or the Kazakh karakal - black brush).

Character and habits

Properly raised and raised with love, caracals are good-natured and playful animals that can scare people only by their appearance. The caracal is very energetic, curious and intelligent. He treats all family members well and makes contact. With strangers he shows restraint or even aggression if he believes that the time has come to protect his territory. The caracal becomes very attached to its owner, and recognizes only one owner. Although caracals are fairly easy to tame, they will never behave like regular house cats, although they may purr when scratched behind the ears.

The first 2 years of growing up are the most difficult. During this period, the caracal is the most emotional, just like people in adolescence. At the same time, he is vulnerable and scary, and can be dangerous for the owner and for others. Therefore, it is worth devoting as much time as possible to education and not neglecting the help of specialists. Having reached puberty, caracals begin to mark and defend their territory. Both males and females do this.

Caracals love to bathe, fetch toys, and walk well on a leash. In terms of character in games, they are similar to dogs, but at the same time they differ in the gracefulness of cats. They get along well with other cats and their brothers. It is difficult to predict a relationship with a dog. But birds and small rodents will in any case be potential dinner for the red pet.

Families with small children should be careful when introducing caracals. One way or another, the animal is a predator with an independent and capricious character.

Keeping a caracal at home

Those who want to have a ginger kitten should understand that the caracal will need good footage, high-quality natural feeding, walking and care. You should not bring a wild cat into your apartment. The best option would be to live in a private house with an attached enclosure and free access to it. At the same time, the height of the cat house must be at least 2.5 m, and the size must be from 15 sq. m. meters.

Caracals are quite destructive and, when played out, can turn the whole house upside down, spoil or break many things. Most cat toys are not suitable for caracals. They are too fragile and small. Toys for dogs of medium breeds or just for children are suitable. The domestic caracal is a cat whose price is not small, as are the subsequent maintenance costs.

Video about caracal content. Underwater rocks.

Caracal food

In the wild, they feed on birds, rodents, hares, and small reptiles. This should be taken into account when creating a diet for pet. There are several options for feeding caracals, but the basis is always meat: chicken, beef, poultry, rabbit, feed rats and mice, sometimes a raw egg. Some owners prefer feeding exclusively live food; they offer mice and quails to kittens, and rats and chickens to adult cats. In rare cases, caracals are fed high-quality cat food with minimal grains and additives, but this is not the best option for wild cat.

The caracal's diet must include live food, with fur/feathers, bones and entrails. This is necessary to maintain normal digestion and microflora.

During the first three years, vitamins and supplements with a full range of micro and macroelements must be introduced into the diet. Caracals are fed once or twice a day, but different time so that he does not get used to the schedule. A wild cat needs to periodically feel hungry. In addition, she must understand that the only access to food lies through the caring hands of the owner.

The amount of food depends on the weight and age of the animal. The daily portion of meat is approximately 3-5% of the total weight of the predator. That is, a 10 kilogram cat will need 300-500 g of meat food per day. During the warm season, appetite may decrease slightly, while during the cold season it increases. Water should always be freely available. Every 7-14 days you need to do a fasting day. Only access to water is left.

Buying a caracal kitten, choice and price

Like other exotic animals, the caracal cannot be found at a bird market or on an online bulletin board under the query “caracal cat price in rubles.” The search for a kitten should begin through breeders of exotic animals or hybrid cat breeds, in specialized nurseries. In general, if you have the funds and the desire to buy a caracal, it is not difficult.

It is advisable to take caracals in home-type nurseries, and not in open-air cages. It is important that the baby is in constant contact with a person from birth. This does not guarantee, but it increases the likelihood that he will grow up to be tame, kind and affectionate.

It is recommended to buy a kitten before 6 months of age. Raised by a human, he will quickly get used to new family and the environment. In terms of adaptation, the caracal is similar to puppies; it is friendly, sociable and not as sensitive to changes in the usual routine and home, as, for example, servals.

You should not purchase animals from resellers, or from people who cannot provide an official package of documents.

It is immediately necessary to determine whether a kitten is needed as a pet or for breeding. Firstly, it affects the price. Secondly, if matings are not planned, it is better to castrate/sterilize the animal at 3-5 months, otherwise problems with marks, aggression and the desire to leave their native land cannot be avoided.

The price of a caracal kitten in official nurseries ranges from 8500-12000 dollars. As a rule, kittens for breeding are more expensive. Gender matters, a cat is often cheaper than a caracal cat, the price in Russia may also vary depending on the geography of the nursery.


A selection of beautiful and bright photographs in which the caracal is presented in all its glory, the cat in the photo in domestic and wild conditions.

The name of the breed is an interpretation of the Turkish word "karakulak", which means "black ears". Outwardly, this wild cat resembles a small lynx. Thus, the animal’s body length is 65-82 cm, tail - 25-30 cm, height - 45 cm, weight - 16-19 kg. However, there are also larger caracals, whose body length is 90-99 cm and weight is 20-25 kg. The coat of these animals is short and varies in color from the color of wine berries to dark sand, the underside is light. There are black spots on the animal's face that are absent on the body. It is noteworthy that the tail of these wild cats is much longer than that of other representatives of lynxes.

It is interesting that these animals have lived next to humans since ancient times. Thus, in the countries of Asia and Africa, caracals were used instead of dogs during hunting, taming them. IN eastern countries this type of hunting was especially common. In some regions of Africa, caracals are called “red cats” for their copper-colored fur, in others they are called “gazelle cats” for their amazing agility and mobility. In India, these wild cats were called "little cheetah" or "poor man's cheetah" because... Compared to cheetahs, caracals were not kept by wealthy people. Wild cats caught antelope, pheasants, peacocks and hares. IN modern days such hunts have become rare.

Caracals practically did not resist taming. They showed obedience and were particularly intelligent. Perhaps that is why, for some time now, they have been kept in homes not as hunters, but as pets.

Distribution area and habitat

The caracal lives in Africa, Asia Minor and Central Asia, and the Arabian Peninsula. However, in modern days it has become possible to keep caracals at home. These animals adapt to new conditions like dogs. Therefore, it is better to purchase a caracal kitten before six months of age, then it will be able to quickly get used to its new owners. In addition, it is recommended to buy it in only domestic-type nurseries, avoiding aviary-keeping establishments. In this case, the pet will be more affectionate. You should also ensure that the caracal interacts with people from an early age.

These wild cats are graceful, playful and intelligent. Caracals love communication and will be able to get along with other pets in the house. Caracals eat raw meat and fish.

Caracal and hunting

Caracal prefers to lead night image lives and goes hunting in the dark. He always takes special care and is quite secretive. Possessing excellent hearing, the caracal is able to confidently navigate in the dark. However, in winter he prefers to hunt during the day. Wild cats have lightning-fast reactions and are able to catch several flying birds at once. Caracals pursue prey so actively that at short distances they can even catch up with a hare. But the animal will not be able to pursue for long. Having caught prey, the cat, like a leopard, drags it into a tree and eats it there. Caracals excel at climbing trees and vertical surfaces.

In spring, wild cats prefer to rest in thickets of bushes, and use the burrows of foxes and porcupines as shelter. Moreover, they can use the same hole for several years.

Enemies of the caracal

Caracals are not hunted. Their main enemies are shepherd dogs that guard flocks of sheep, as well as steppe wolves. If the caracal senses danger, it will actively defend itself. Therefore, it can pose a danger even to humans.

Despite its similarity to a domestic cat, the caracal cat is a wild animal. Representatives of the genus of caracals, which includes one species ( Caracal caracal) and nine subspecies distributed in different regions Africa and Asia. African subspecies are very numerous, while the Turkmen one is listed in the Red Book as endangered.

The exotic beauty of the animal and external similarity to the domestic cat contributed to the spread of domesticated caracals as pets.

Species features of caracals


The natural habitat of caracals is savannas and semi-deserts. In the desert he can go further than his close relative serval, due to the fact that the caracal is better adapted to do without water.


Caracals are nocturnal predators. Hunt and
leave the lair daylight hours days they can be forced by hunger, this usually happens in winter and in early spring.

Caracals live strictly alone. During mating, a cat can be visited by up to three different cats, but then she raises the cubs on her own for up to 3–4 months.

Grown-up kittens leave to find unoccupied territory - caracals are jealous of protecting their hunting grounds. They are usually larger in caracal cats than in cats.
Life expectancy is 15–20 years.


Caracals hunt stealthily - they track prey and attack when it is at a short distance.

Long-legged and flexible, caracals are excellent jumpers, and their retractable claws help them catch up to several birds from a group in one jump. In addition to birds, they hunt a variety of game - from small gerbils to lambs. A predator that enters the territory of caracals can also become lunch. They can eat a fox or even a small dog.

If possible, the caracal will happily feed on domestic animals - ducks, chickens or kids.
Cats eat their prey on the ground, burying the uneaten food in sand and leaves.

History of the domestication of caracals

The first caracals began to be tamed back in Ancient Babylon, in III–IV
century BC. This is evidenced by archaeological finds, where caracals are depicted on leashes along with cheetahs and lions.

Kittens are still caught by shepherds in Central Asia to use for joint hunting.
Like the cheetah, despite the centuries-old history of life next to humans and the many domesticated animals, the caracal never became truly domestic.

What does a caracal look like?

General silhouette

The caracal is an elegant, elongated animal, strong and
graceful. The body is rectangular in shape, the legs are long, and the structure of this cat resembles a miniature lioness. The croup is often higher than the withers because the hind legs are much longer than the front legs. This structure allows you to jump tens of times your own height.


This cat has a round head, an elongated and small muzzle.
The most notable part of a caracal is its ears. They themselves are elongated, and visually they are even longer due to the black tassels, which clearly contrast with the overall sandy color of the cat.

As a child, these decorations stand on end, mature age hanging down along the ear.
Large triangular shape the eyes are usually light blue or pale green. The black “edge” of dyed wool gives them expressiveness and depth.

Color and coat

The fur of caracals is 3.5–9 cm long, thick, densely packed, and shiny. On the paws, the fur forms brushes that help move along loose desert soils.
The color of these cats can vary from light yellow to red-brown. From top to bottom, the color becomes lighter and the coat becomes longer. The belly of caracals is almost white, and the fur is the longest. The black rims of the ears and black whisker pads contrast sharply with the white chin.
On inside There are spots and stripes on the paws that give the animal its individuality.

Character of caracals

Usually tamed cats are gentle. If the kitten was adopted when it was small, or preferably from a tamed mother, and was regularly handled during childhood, then the caracal grows up to be docile and non-aggressive.

Caracals are non-social animals, unsuited to living in groups. These cats fight with their relatives, defending their territory.

Representatives of other species are considered prey and may attack a dog even larger than themselves.
In nature, caracals move a lot, therefore even tamed ones are mobile and active. They love to play various items, very smart and well trained.

Caracals willingly communicate with their owners, go on walks together, love to be stroked and scratched, and are not intrusive. Excessive attention tires them and in this case the cat may begin to fight back with its claws and teeth.

Caracals are not demanding of conditions, as for a wild predator, but will require more effort from owners than a pet.

The habit of hiding food supplies in secluded corners can cause a lot of trouble in a human home, so an aviary is best suited for keeping a caracal.

How to set up an enclosure for a caracal

An enclosure for a wild cat may not be too large in area,
but always high, at least 4 meters to the ceiling and deaf. The mesh or lattice needs to be frequent, because the caracal is able to slip into a gap only 7 cm wide.
It is advisable to make the floor in the enclosure concrete - it is easier to clean and the caracal will not be able to undermine it. In the enclosure you need to put a house-house and a tree or several branches so that the animal has conditions to climb and jump.


If the animal is not planned for breeding, then sterilization and
whether castration - great way make it easier to communicate with this predator.

Neutered cats do not try to attract male cats into hunting by leaving “messages” of particularly smelly urine. Neutered cats are more docile and less aggressive.

Other aspects of care

To simplify caring for a caracal, training it to use a tray will help - this will be useful both in an apartment and in an enclosure.
Cats' fur does not require special care; they take care of it themselves. cleanliness.

Seasonal molting of caracals occurs twice a year. During the molting period, it is worth brushing your pet with a thick brush made of natural bristles - this will speed up the change of coat and give it an elegant look.

It is important to monitor the condition of the claws. If they are not worn down enough, you may need to contact your veterinarian for trimming.

Feeding caracals

Caracals are strict predators. They eat only meat and it is impossible to replace it with any other products without harm to health.
To best meet the cat's needs, the diet should include carcasses of rodents and birds.

Day-old chicks are sold at poultry farms; they must be given whole, with feathers and bones. In the same form, you can also feed adult birds - chickens, ducks, quails.

A good food for a caracal would be a rabbit (along with its entrails) or rats. These can be purchased at places that sell snake food.
It is better to choose beef or lamb that has enough bones and membranes. Feeding the pulp alone may cause diarrhea.

You can treat the caracal with dry food or a piece of cheese, but you cannot feed the cat only with them.

These cats usually digest milk poorly.
Caracals drink little; they get enough moisture from raw meat.

They do not need constant access to water, but they should be offered a drink from time to time.

Diseases of caracals

Like all wild animals, caracals are healthy and hardy animals.
However, they require timely vaccination against feline panleukemia, rhinotracheitis and calcevirosis.

It is imperative to vaccinate caracals against rabies - this is a deadly and incurable disease dangerous for people.

Caracals can carry chlamydia, although the disease does not manifest itself clinically in them.

Who is the caracal suitable for?

The caracal is best suited for lovers of exotic predators living in
private house.

You should not bring a caracal into a family with children - it is difficult to explain to a child how to behave correctly with a predator who may consider him as prey.

A caracal will be a good companion for an enthusiastic person who is willing to spend a lot of time raising a pet. Caracals are well trained and can become an excellent assistant to a hunter.

Where can I buy

It is best to buy caracals in specialized nurseries,
where they are bred to be domesticated. There you can see how the parents behave, how they get along with people, and look at the relatives of the future pet.

Kittens from nurseries are usually litter box trained and accustomed to handling and interacting with humans.

Zoos sometimes also sell caracals, but such cats most often view humans not as an owner or friend, but as a source of food. It is very difficult to instill discipline in such animals.

You should not buy animals that have been caught in the wild - they are more difficult to tame than those born and raised near people.

What to look for when buying a kitten

Before choosing the kitten itself, you need to look at it
parents and other adult relatives.

This will help you get an idea of ​​what he will look like as an adult and what his character will be like. Ask the breeders what the cats eat and whether the parents have had any illnesses.

Each kitten must have a veterinary passport with stamps from the state veterinary clinic on vaccinations against at least rabies and panleukemia. Without the stamp, state vaccination clinics are not valid!

A healthy little caracal should have:

  1. shiny wool;
  2. clear eyes without streaks or tears;
  3. dry nose without discharge;
  4. clean pants on hind legs and a place under the tail.

Ask the breeders to show how the kitten plays, allows itself to be brushed, and has its ears or paws examined.

A resistant and unplayful animal is much more difficult to tame.
If the cat is offered sterilized, it is worth finding out who performed the operation.

If one caracal is offered for sale, ask for documents about its origin. The purchase and sale of Red Book species, which include the Turkmen subspecies of caracal, is prohibited by law.

How much does a caracal cost?

Having your own predator is not a cheap pleasure. Prices for domesticated caracals in nurseries start at $6,500 for a neutered kitten. Animals suitable for breeding will be even more expensive.

Sometimes they offer to buy cheaper cats. These may be untamed caracals caught in Africa or Asia, and they will require much more effort to train. Such animals are dangerous because they can carry exotic diseases.

Caracal (steppe lynx or desert lynx) is a fast and very agile predator. If not a long tail and enough large sizes, it could be taken for common lynx or some other representative of the lynx family. However, geneticists think differently. They separated the individual into a separate genus, leaving ancient name- caracals. The word has Turkish roots and is translated into Russian as “black ear.”

This animal lives in the deserts and steppes of Arabia, Africa, Turkey, Iran, and Turkmenistan. It is found in the Bukhara region of Uzbekistan, the foothills of Dagestan, and the desert areas of India and Iraq. On this moment Scientists know about nine subspecies of this predator.

  • African subspecies are quite numerous and do not need protection. Local hunters shoot animals, luring them with the help of various devices that imitate the cries of wounded animals, or simply set traps and collect random prey.
  • The number of Asian subspecies is declining catastrophically. They are listed in the Red Book and are under state protection. The population of the Turkmen caracal numbers no more than 300 individuals; it is now classified as an endangered species.

History of the breed

In the old days, hunting with caracals tamed by predators was popular in the countries of the East. These animals are smart, quick-witted, obedient and did not particularly resist taming. They were chosen as companions by not very rich people, those who could not afford to acquire a more expensive cheetah. Trophies in joint campaigns included hares, peacocks, small ungulates, and pheasants. Tamed animals often took part in competitions where they could catch several birds at once in one jump.

Thanks to its balanced and gentle character, playfulness, energy, natural grace and beauty, the caracal has recently been mastering a new role as a pet. And this despite its very high cost.


A brief description of the breed suggests that the animal is very similar to a lynx. This is true. From common features– a strong muscular body, powerful paws, tufted ears and round pupils. Otherwise, the caracal cat has a bright personality.

  • The body is slender, graceful, length - 65 - 85 cm, height at the withers about 45 cm, weight from 11 to 19 kg. Particularly large individuals grow to a length of 99 cm and gain a body weight of 20 - 25 kg. Tail length is from 25 to 30 cm.
  • The head looks unnaturally small against the background of the body.
  • The muzzle is elongated, there are no sideburns, a mustache middle length. There are black markings around the eyes and on the sides of the muzzle.
  • The nose is quite large dark color with a pink mark in the center.
  • The ears are large (up to five centimeters high), with long black crescent-shaped tassels, erect, completely black at the back, with a white edge inside.
  • The paws are high, massive, the claws are sharp and retractable. Above your fingers is a stiff wool brush (helps you move quickly through the sand).
  • The coat is thick, not very hard, and short.
  • The coloring of this animal most closely resembles a puma. The coat color is uniform, the main tone is sand with a brown or reddish tint. The chin, throat, inner part of the ear and belly are white.

Black kittens can appear in the litter of any subspecies. Apart from their color, they are no different from their relatives, they live a normal life for all caracals and produce viable offspring. It's pretty a rare event in the population, so it is quite difficult to find a black caracal in nature.


The caracal, like the lynx, hunts under the cover of darkness. In winter and early spring, it breaks the established rules, going in search of prey during the day. The male's hunting grounds cover tens of kilometers, are marked with urine, and are jealously defended. Females huddle in smaller territories. Their possessions are located on the periphery of the territories of males, the boundaries are violated only during the mating period.

These animals equip long-empty fox holes, abandoned by the previous owners of the porcupine den, as a den. They can build a rookery under dense bushes or in a rocky crevice. Caracals get used to their homes and live in the same den for several years in a row.


The diet of the steppe lynx consists of small animals inhabiting the steppes and deserts. The most favorite food of this predator is young antelope. But most often, caracals hunt jerboas, hares, gerbils, birds, hedgehogs, reptiles, and mongooses. On occasion, he does not refuse lambs, domestic game, or kids (they drag them from cattle farms).

He tracks the victim for a long time and secretly pursues him. The predator gets tired from running fast and tries to catch the game in several jumps. The length of one such jump reaches 4.5 meters. The steppe lynx is famous for its incredible speed of reaction. It is best manifested in bird hunting - the animal jumps up above a flock sitting on the ground like a serval and, at the moment when the birds take off, captures them with its clawed paws. It hides its prey in trees from other predators.

Reproduction and care of offspring

Animals breed all year round . The mating season does not have any special peaks. The caracal cat is free in its choice and can mate with two or three partners. The offspring are raised independently.

Before giving birth, the female caracal manages to prepare several shelters in different secluded places. Pregnancy lasts almost three months (78 – 81 days). There are usually two kittens in a litter, rarely three or four. The first month in a baby's life is the most difficult and dangerous. The female, in order to protect her cubs from other predatory animals, has to drag them from den to den every day. The only food available to them at this time is mother's milk.

It is difficult to know what newborn kittens look like in the wild, since the family leads a secretive lifestyle. But the cubs born in captivity look very funny in the photo - fluffy, with small spots on the skin (in adults they remain only on the face), with bright blue eyes, Very big ears with long thin tassels at the ends.

A one-month-old caracal kitten can move independently and, in case of danger, hides in the den. The mother gradually transfers the cubs to solid food, teaches them the wisdom of hunting, and six months after birth, she leaves them. The younger generation settles near their mother's lands and begins independent life. The Caracal cat breed reaches sexual maturity at one and a half years. Average duration life in conditions wildlife 10 – 15 years.

Life at home

Among other predators, the caracal breed stands out for its softest and accommodating character, and in this it can compete even with some breeds of domestic cats. The animal is kind, playful, and gets along well with pets. However, it is better not to introduce them to lemmings and squirrels - they will take them for prey and will definitely eat them.

The domestic caracal is curious and always tries to be the center of attention and all the events happening in the house. Takes an active part in children's games. If there are children under five years old in the house, it is better to refrain from buying this animal until the child learns how to properly handle pets.

A caracal can be kept in an apartment, but in this case it is necessary to walk it outside more often - it is in dire need of physical activity, running and warming up. Walk your pet while keeping it on a leash.

They raise domestic steppe lynx from childhood. Behavior in games is reminiscent of dogs - the caracal loves to run after a ball and bring it to its owner, walks well on a leash, breathes with an open mouth when it runs too hard. Loves to cuddle, lick, and purr. He is well accustomed to the tray.

Bathe the cat as needed and brush it once a week. Play with the animal only with toys; keep hands and feet away to avoid injury.. For games, choose durable natural toys and hide them periodically so that the animal does not lose interest in them.


A pet's diet includes meat, eggs, fish, and sometimes dry food. The menu composition changes periodically.

  • For feeding from meat products They use game, rabbits, chicken, beef, rats and mice.
  • They do not give pork meat.
  • Until the age of three, calcium supplements and vitamins are added to food.
  • When choosing dry food, they approach it thoroughly, always consult with a veterinarian and choose only high-quality food.

Daily daily norm products for an adult animal is 3-5% of body weight. In the summer, the caracal eats less at home, and more in the cold season. Kittens feed more often than adults. Food should be at room temperature and fresh.

Diet: one, less often two feedings per day. The cat should not have constant access to food; any remaining food should be removed. Fasting days are carried out approximately every 10 days (this rule does not apply to kittens and lactating females).


  1. The caracal is endowed with good health and strong immunity. At proper care and he rarely gets sick while feeding.
  2. Eating pork can lead to Aujeszky's disease, which causes nervous system and skin itching. Therefore, giving pork meat to cats of this breed is strictly prohibited.
  3. Vaccinations are given according to the schedule established by the veterinarian.

Choosing and purchasing a pet

The official breeding and sale of these exotic animals is carried out by specialized nurseries (home and aviary type); you can legally buy a caracal only in them. Keep this predator at home without necessary documents prohibited and subject to confiscation. In addition, caracal purchased from poachers and resellers may turn out to be sick.

It is better to purchase a kitten from a home-type nursery. There you can find out more accurately how much a caracal costs. The pet is taken home when it is 5-6 months old. At this age, he is already ready to change his surroundings, meet and make friends with new acquaintances.

A kitten is not neutered for breeding and future owners should prepare for problems with marking their territory. Pets are prudently neutered at 3–5 months.

A healthy kitten has thick and shiny fur, is active, and does not show aggression towards humans. His nose, ears and eyes are clean, without unpleasant-smelling discharge.

The nursery will provide everyone who wants to purchase an animal detailed information about the peculiarities of keeping and caring for caracals, based on personal experience, observations, will familiarize you with all the necessary documentation.

Starting price for a caracal kitten is $10,000.

  1. Tame, trained caracals help ward off birds from the runways of military airfields in South Africa.
  2. This predator gets its liquid from the food it eats and can go without drinking water for a long time. It needs an additional source of moisture only in summer.

Caracal is a predatory member of the cat family. Due to its external resemblance to lynxes, the animal has several additional names: steppe (desert) lynx, Barbary lynx.

Josh More

A thorough study of the genetic characteristics of the mammal was marked by the separation of the caracal into a separate genus. In addition to lynxes, caracals are similar to pumas and African servals.

The name of the vertebrate has Turkic roots (“kara-kulak” means black ear). The animal, which is smaller in size than the lynx, has a uniform color. Length more slim body varies between 65-82 cm, a third of which falls on the tail (25-30 cm). Weight is not too much large predator reaches 11-19 kg, height at the withers - 45 cm, which corresponds to the parameters of the average spaniel. The ends of the large ears are equipped with tassels (up to 5 cm). In young animals they point upward, in older animals they hang down.

Richard Blake

The fur fibers covering the body are short and densely located. The color is dominated by reddish-brown and sandy shades. The lower part of the body is lighter, whitish. There are black markings on the sides of the muzzle. The outer parts of the ears and tassels are also painted this color. It is extremely rare to come across melanistic black caracals.

The habitat of caracals is limited to the foothills, deserts and savannas of Africa, as well as the deserts of Central and Asia Minor. Felines of this species can also be found in the desert corners of the Arabian Peninsula. In the vast expanses of the CIS, predators have taken a liking to the deserts of Southern Turkmenistan and the coastal regions of the Caspian Sea. Periodic appearances have been recorded in Uzbekistan (Bukhara region). The paws of graceful animals are adapted to move on shifting and hot sand. Coarse hair helps them conquer the treacherously pliable surface, forming a kind of brush on their paws.

Gregor Bergquist

Caracals are active mainly at night. In winter and spring months animals can get out of shelters during the daytime. Predators use burrows abandoned by foxes and porcupines or crevices in rocks as shelters. Males control large areas. Females are more modest in this regard. The territories they occupy are usually located on the periphery.

As for hunting, caracals are not capable of long pursuit. This deficiency is made up for by dizzying jumps. A jumped animal easily moves 4-4.5 m. If necessary, in a state of “flight”, a representative of the cat family changes the direction of movement almost with lightning speed. This skill is in demand when catching birds snatched from a flying flock using sharp retractable claws. A quarter of the diet comes from rodents (gophers, jerboas and gerbils). Caracals also feast on hares, antelopes and goitered gazelles. Reptiles, porcupines, hedgehogs, insects, young ostriches, mongooses and foxes add variety to the menu. There are known cases of attacks on goats and lambs. Animals also dare to kidnap poultry.

Irv Lefberg

Unpretentious caracals can go without water for quite a long time, being content with the liquid contained in the prey. Animals drag lifeless game into trees, thereby hiding it from the sharp eyes of predatory competitors.

The breeding season depends on the region of residence. During one estrus, a female can mate with 1-3 partners. Preference is given to older and larger males. At the end of pregnancy, which lasts 78-81 days, from one to six kittens are born (most often there are 3 babies in a litter). Cubs under one month of age caring mother drags from one shelter to another. The transfer process is carried out once a day. A six-month-old youngster leaves his mother. Males move away to greater distances. Individuals who have reached the age of 16-18 months are considered sexually mature.

Caracals can be tamed. In Persia and India steppe lynxes It was customary to go hunting. Most of all, these beauties were suitable for catching peacocks, pheasants, hares and small antelopes.

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