Carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.). Carob (carob): benefits, properties, and recipes

In Europe and the USA, carob syrup has become widespread in cooking, dietary nutrition, treatment, cosmetic, chemical and food additives. In cooking, such syrup, which is easy to buy, is added to baked goods, sweets, drinks, and is also used as a sweet sauce for various desserts.

In addition, it is part of many different medicinal syrups for symptoms of bronchitis, coughs and colds. So, what are the beneficial properties of carob syrup? Let's find out.

What is carob syrup?

The carob tree is also known to many as the Tsaregrad pod, ceratonia pod, sweet horn, in the scientific community it is called Ceratonia siliqua. Basically, such syrup is created in Cyprus and then exported to various countries peace.

When deciding to buy syrup, you should know that it is made from a plant of the legume family, which at the peak of its life can reach a height of 10–15 meters. It is distinguished by a fairly wide crown and dense feather-like leaves. The carob tree bears fruit in large pods, which in their own way appearance similar to a horn.

The total length of the pods ranges from 10 to 25 centimeters, the thickness is 5–10 millimeters, and the width is 2–4 centimeters. Inside a ripe fruit there may be 5–17 grains. In addition to seeds, carob beans have juicy pulp, inside of which there is up to 50% sugar - mainly sucrose, fructose and glucose.

What is made from carob?

Carob beans have a variety of properties, so they are used in almost any field. Flour is made from carob beans; it is widely used in cooking; in addition, they are used to create gum, which is used for the needs of the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industries.

In particular, such gum is included in most milk curds, as well as cosmetology products - anti-wrinkle creams, gels, serums. Syrup is also made from carob fruits.

Benefits of syrup

Every person who wants to buy carob syrup should know its use and the properties it has. This product is a general strengthening and immunomodulatory product. It has been known since ancient times for its nutritional value, as well as many beneficial properties. This product contains such useful components as:

  • minerals and trace elements;
  • all B vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • starch;
  • protein;
  • pectin;
  • natural sugar.

In fact, carob syrup is a natural chocolate substitute, distinguished by its sweet taste and its specific smell. The syrup is obtained by evaporating finely chopped fruits along with water. Sugar is not added to it, so the use of syrup is allowed for diabetics, and it can also be used in dietary nutrition. The syrup contains three times more calcium than milk. This sweet substance has virtually no contraindications.

Using syrup in cooking

The syrup has various properties, so it is also used in cooking. In most countries, especially the Mediterranean, it is practiced to add this product to the most different dishes. It is used for drizzling on pancakes, pancakes, ice cream, and is also used as a component for dough in baked goods. You can also simply add syrup to tea, coffee, water and other drinks.

Healing properties of syrup

Carob syrup has found its use in both folk and official medicine. It can be used to remove toxins from the body, for nervous disorders, insomnia, colds, sleep disorders, diarrhea, poisoning and for weight loss. The presence of zinc and calcium in the syrup makes it simply irreplaceable for bones and teeth. The syrup can also be used for colds, sore throats and coughs. Carob syrup is included in many medications.

This remedy is extremely effective during anemia, shortness of breath, it can also prevent rapid heartbeat, and can reduce the level of blood pressure and cholesterol. Due to availability large quantity vitamins and microelements, carob syrup is especially useful for children and pregnant women.

Harm of syrup

The product can cause individual intolerance, especially in those people who react sharply to the presence of fructose in dishes. Carob syrup should be used with caution. Today it has been proven that it raises blood sugar levels after consumption in the same way and can affect insulin secretion, like cheaper fructose-based syrups. The process occurs more slowly than with sucrose, but still, diabetics, as well as people sensitive to fluctuations in blood sugar levels, are advised to refrain from consuming carob products.

Often, when consuming carob drinks, a reaction similar to lactose intolerance appears. A person gets a strong laxative effect from one cup of a drink with milk, but this does not mean that he has an allergy. It’s just that milk lactose and carob fructose together are quite poorly absorbed, causing flatulence, gas formation and even in some cases diarrhea. Carob syrup, used for the purpose of losing weight, is by no means a panacea; it contains calories, unlike chemical sweeteners.

Those who use recipes with carob should count the caloric content of their diet and ensure that the amount of simple carbohydrates in each meal is not extremely large. In particular, it does not make much sense to consume syrup if you are on a diet containing about 1 kg of fruit per day. And, of course, switching from coffee and cocoa to carob may cause a temporary slowdown in the functioning of the nervous system, associated with caffeine withdrawal syndrome, and not with the effect of carob.

Contraindications for use

Oddly enough, such a product has its contraindications. The syrup has quite delicate characteristics that are not capable of causing harm to the body. Of course, you should regulate your consumption and adhere to a certain dosage.

It would also be a good idea to consult your doctor first to avoid allergic reactions which occur as a result of individual intolerance. Main positive property the product has an almost complete absence of contraindications for use, this distinguishes it from most others medicines from fruits and plants.

Using syrup

Carob syrup can be used as food additives for health improvement and treatment at home. To treat gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, and to remove toxins and waste from the body, you must take:

  • adults: 1 tablespoon of syrup 4-5 times a day, half an hour before meals;
  • children 2–5 years old – 1 teaspoon per day;
  • children 5 to 12 years old - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

From ARVI, sore throat, colds, cough, you need to take 1 tablespoon of carob syrup, diluted in one glass hot water(+ 60 degrees) 5-6 times a day.

In case of insomnia, neurological headaches, nervous disorders, this remedy should be taken orally up to 5-6 times a day, 1 tablespoon before meals. The course of taking the syrup is 3 months, it is recommended to repeat it after 2 weeks.

As mentioned earlier, this syrup is obtained by boiling its pods without the use of sugar. Therefore, people who suffer from diabetes can use this remedy, but in small quantities - from 1/2 to 1 teaspoon 1-2 times a day.

To reduce weight, 1 tablespoon of carob syrup is diluted in one glass of water at room temperature, with the addition of the juice of a lemon wedge. The ingredients are mixed and the finished drink can be consumed. It is recommended to drink it 5–15 minutes before meals (lunch and dinner). After 2 weeks, you can add one more dose - before breakfast.

Carob syrup is useful product, which is recommended for use by any person. If you want to maintain your health long years, replace sugar with it and add it to baked goods instead of cocoa. When losing weight, it is not enough to take only carob syrup, although it helps to reduce weight. It is also necessary to normalize your diet and add at least light physical activity to your daily schedule.

14.04.2016 Pelagia Zuikova Save:

Hello my readers! Spring has come. Everyone knows that this time of year is very changeable, and many, in a hurry to take off their warm clothes, catch a cold.

So I once became one of these “lucky” ones. Imagine my surprise when, instead of medicine, they brought me a bottle of carob syrup! The product itself is not new to me - I liked adding it to desserts or just to tea. But to treat colds with it? The amazing thing is that it really helps you get back on your feet faster!

Today I will tell you about the beneficial properties of carob syrup, how to take the product in food, to treat colds and other diseases. Make yourself comfortable, there is a lot of interesting things ahead!

Carob syrup - what is it?

Carob is a plant from the Legume family, 10-15 meters high. Its pod-shaped fruits look like horns, hence the name.

Carob syrup (pekmez) is made from carob fruit. They make it like this: the fruits are boiled with the addition of water. The result is a dark, sweet liquid that tastes like chocolate topping.

It is produced most of all in Cyprus, in other Mediterranean countries - in smaller quantities.

Chemical composition

Carob pekmez is beneficial for the body and contains the following substances:

  • B vitamins;
  • amino acids and minerals;
  • protein;
  • starch;
  • pectin;
  • fructose.

The product has a calorie content of 320 Kcal per 100 grams and low glycemic index(about 30). Don’t let these numbers scare you, you won’t drink much of it, and there are only 14.4 Kcal in a teaspoon!

Beneficial properties of carob syrup

Friends, what are the health benefits of a carob product and why is it becoming more and more popular among our compatriots?

And all because he:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • rejuvenates the body;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing cancer;
  • used in medicinal purposes for cough and flu;
  • allowed during pregnancy and diabetes.

Instructions for use are below. Now let's see who shouldn't use it.


The syrup has no contraindications, so it is allowed even for children. However, you should not give it to children under 2 years of age. In any case, a consultation with a pediatrician will not be superfluous.

The exception is people suffering from kidney, stomach and liver diseases. If you have already bought a bottle, leave it until better times.

Don't forget about the possibility of individual intolerance, especially if you are prone to allergies.

Application of carob syrup

1. In cooking

In this area, you can use syrup in any way you like. Typically it can be used like this:

  • pour it over ice cream, pancakes, pancakes, etc.;
  • use for baking;
  • add to tea or just water (you get a light drink with a chocolate flavor).

2. For weight loss

The method of application is as follows. Add 1 tbsp to a glass of water. spoon of carob pekmez and lemon juice. Drink 15-20 minutes before meals.

If you are a beginner, it is better to drink this drink before lunch or dinner. Then you can try drinking it on an empty stomach.

If lemon is not your taste, just use 1 tbsp. spoon of syrup 20 minutes before meals. If you feel too sweet, drink some water.

3. In folk medicine

1. For colds, ARVI. Make a drink from a glass of hot water (about 60C) and 1 tbsp. spoons of syrup. Drink 3-4 times a day.

2. For migraines and headaches. Use the product 5-6 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon before eating. The course lasts about 3 months, if necessary, can be repeated after 2-3 weeks.

Be sure to consult with your doctor or naturopath. Remember, self-medicating can harm your health.

How to select and store?

Manufacturers offer 2 types of carob pekmez: with and without added sugar.

Of course, it is better to choose the second option, especially for people suffering from diabetes. After all, the product is sweet in itself and, to be honest, I don’t see the point of consuming extra carbohydrates in the form of such sweeteners. This will definitely not bring any benefit to the body.

Take only the product on the packaging of which the manufacturer indicates that no other ingredients are used in its production except carob! Don't let it attract you low price. NATURAL syrup without additives cannot be cheap.

It is better to store an open bottle of syrup in the refrigerator door. The shelf life is always written on the packaging, usually 1 year.

Dear friends, as you can see, carob pekmez is a product that has virtually no contraindications and is approved for everyone, even pregnant women, children and diabetics.

It promotes weight loss (of course, if you don’t get carried away with it), strengthens the immune system, speeds up metabolism and rejuvenates the body. And it's so delicious! Try it, you will definitely like it!

Write in the comments if you liked the carob syrup, did your little ones like it? And of course, I would like to know how else you use it in your diet?

ZY Subscribe to blog updates– there is still a lot of interesting things ahead!

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Fans of a healthy lifestyle and nutrition choose only natural and health-positive products. Carob syrup is high on the list for such people.

Useful ingredients and properties of carob syrup and recommended contraindications for its use

The main beneficial property of carob syrup is its ability to act as a sweetener. This syrup combines the benefits of a natural product with a relatively low calorie content. An additional bonus that contributes to the growth of popularity carob syrup, are its health benefits.

Carob syrup contains pectin (record holder - vitamin B), valuable minerals (especially a lot of calcium, potassium, magnesium), tannins, and organic acids. These components have an antioxidant, immunostimulating, bactericidal, and tonic effect.

The benefits of carob syrup are undeniable for:

  • lung diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • weakened immune system;
  • decreased metabolism;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • constipation (“lazy” intestines);
  • sexual disorders, impotence;
  • menopause in women;
  • dental diseases;
  • colds and infectious diseases;
  • migraines;
  • urolithiasis;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • nervous disorders.

Doctors strongly recommend it for smokers and people suffering from recurring bronchitis. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, eating carob syrup prolongs youth. And some manufacturers include it in their cosmetics.

Among the contraindications to the use of carob syrup are:

  • individual intolerance to the product;
  • intolerance to foods high in fructose;
  • age up to 1 year.

Carob syrup can be used to a limited extent for diabetes mellitus. However, before introducing it into the menu, you should consult your doctor.

It is forbidden to add carob syrup to dishes with milk - this will lead to problems with the digestive tract, multiple unpleasant symptoms- increased gas formation, nausea, diarrhea.

Beneficial properties of carob syrup for obesity

Separately, mention should be made of the benefits of carob syrup for weight loss. Nutritionists recommend this product as a dietary product, but it should not be abused - its calorie content is 320 kcal per 100 g.

When consumed in moderation, carob helps to increase the effectiveness of the diet, speeds up metabolism and alleviates the negative feelings that often appear when limiting the diet. Thanks to carob syrup, the diet is physically and psychologically easier to bear, which means that the risk of failure becomes minimal.

The permissible dose for weight loss is 4-5 teaspoons of carob syrup per day. If you exceed the norm, it can lead to the opposite effect and slow down your metabolism.

Slimming drink with carob syrup

Today I want to tell you about beneficial properties carob syrup. It is possible that you are not yet familiar with this unique dietary product being a natural sweetener. You will learn the benefits of carob syrup and how to use it in cooking, folk medicine and cosmetology.

I first became acquainted with carob syrup while vacationing in Cyprus. There you can find it everywhere: in supermarkets, in small shops, in the market, because Cyprus is the birthplace of this mighty evergreen tree.

Carob syrup is a sweet, viscous, chocolate-colored must-like liquid. It is made from carob pods, which resemble beans with large grains and juicy pulp without added sugar. Sweetness is achieved through sucrose, glucose and fructose contained in the pulp of carob pods.

What is the healing power of carob syrup?

Nature has created a unique product - a natural sugar substitute. Carob syrup contains vitamins such as: C, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, E, PP, as well as minerals: manganese, iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium (with 3 times more than in milk), copper, zinc, tannins, organic acids, pectin.

100 carob syrup covers 70.05% daily requirement of the body in iron, 14.72% in manganese, 11.25% in magnesium, 10% in calcium.

Thanks to this composition, carob syrup:

  • improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • restores blood composition;
  • regulates the activity of the digestive system;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • treats colds;
  • has a positive effect on eye health;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • increases libido;
  • has a mild diuretic effect;
  • is an excellent replacement for coffee and chocolate;
  • reduces bad cholesterol levels;
  • strengthens nervous system, improves sleep.

The uses of carob syrup are very diverse. It is used in cooking, medicine and even cosmetology.

Use of carob syrup in cooking

In cooking, it is used as a sugar substitute: added to baked goods, tea, coffee. Pour over porridge, cottage cheese, pancakes and even salad.

I will be happy to share the recipe vegetable salad with carob syrup . To prepare the salad you will need:

  • carrots, apple, orange (one piece each),
  • beets, celery root (100 grams each),
  • prunes (12 pieces),
  • olive or sunflower oil- 1 tablespoon
  • carob syrup - 3 tablespoons.

Grate vegetables (carrots, beets, celery root) on a Korean carrot grater, apples on a regular grater, steam prunes and cut into pieces, peel and cut the orange into slices.

Mix everything, season with oil and pour over carob syrup. The taste is very original.

Carob syrup has a special flavor that takes some getting used to, but I especially like using this syrup in baking.

If you add syrup when baking a cake, then after heat treatment you will feel the pleasant taste of chocolate and the cake will be chocolate-colored.

In addition, in Cyprus you can buy special sweets - nuts in carob syrup, usually almonds and walnuts. Such sweets are very useful for children and diabetics, as they do not contain sugar.

You can make sweets from dried fruits and nuts by adding carob syrup.

Use of carob syrup in folk medicine

At home, carob syrup is good to use to treat sore throat, cough, etc.

For the treatment of colds dissolve one tablespoon of carob syrup in one glass of hot water (temperature about 60 degrees). And during the day they drink 5-6 glasses of this drink. It is well known that when you have a cold, you often need to drinking plenty of fluids. This drink has a mild diuretic effect, which helps remove toxins from the diseased body. You can also rinse your sore throat with the prepared drink.

If you have constipation or diarrhea , then carob syrup will come to the rescue. To overcome frustration gastrointestinal tract You need to take the syrup this way:

  • adults: 1 tablespoon of syrup 4-5 times a day, half an hour before meals;
  • children 2–5 years old – 1 teaspoon once a day;
  • children 5 to 12 years old - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
  • Children under 2 years of age are not recommended to consume carob syrup.

If you are worried about insomnia, nervous disorders, headaches , then you should take this syrup 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day before meals. Reception should be carried out in courses - 3 months, then a break of 2 weeks and can be repeated.

For weight loss you should prepare a special drink: take water at room temperature, and dilute a tablespoon of syrup in it, adding a slice of lemon and mix everything thoroughly until the syrup is completely dissolved. This drink should be prepared 2 times a day and drunk 5-15 minutes before meals (lunch and dinner). After 2 weeks, we add another dose before breakfast.

Use of carob syrup in cosmetology

Carob syrup is added to face and body skin care products. The presence of oxidants rejuvenates the skin, keeps it fresh and youthful, reduces fine wrinkles, and makes your skin radiant.

Today you learned about carob syrup and its beneficial properties and uses. I hope that this information was useful to you, my dear readers. Be healthy.

Sincerely, Nadezhda Karacheva

Carob is the pods of the carob tree, crushed to a powdery state. They are also called Tsaregrad horn. The pulp of the fruit is sweet in taste - it contains approximately 50% glucose and fructose - and after drying and grinding it successfully replaces coffee and cocoa. In its taste, carob is somewhat similar to sweetened cocoa, but is a little astringent. Fresh fruits are used to make syrup.

Areas of use of carob

The powder obtained from carob fruit tastes very much like cocoa, so it is often used in cooking. The peculiarity of the powder is its ability to impart thickness, viscosity and shine to products. That is why the product is used as a component in the manufacture of chocolate glaze and butter. Quite often, carob is included in “quick” cereals and drinks as a flavoring and natural sweetener.

Carob is used in the manufacture of cakes, drinks, ice cream and candies, the recipe of which contains an ingredient such as cocoa.

Raw pods, syrup and powder - what to choose?

Carob fruits can be used in any form. To choose the best option, you need to know the features of all forms of the product.

Dry pods

The fruits of the tree are quite convenient to store in the form of pods. In addition, chemical composition is fully preserved. To prepare aromatic and healthy drink, you just need to break the dried pod and grind it using a coffee grinder. Then brew it like regular coffee, it is best to use a Turk.


Stores will offer you both roasted and raw carob powder. To make a choice, you need to know the following:

  • Unroasted powder is considered the sweetest. Its difference is a pleasant beige-pink shade. The taste of this product is not at all like chocolate.
  • Lightly roasted powder. In order not to confuse it with fresh powder, you need to look at its color: it is slightly darker than fresh powder. After purchase, if you taste it, it will have a slight caramel flavor and slight sourness.
  • Medium roasted carob has a characteristic rich chocolate color and aroma. It tastes bitter, reminiscent of dark chocolate.

It must be remembered that fresh carob powder contains large quantity sugars than roasted. The product is successfully used in various culinary recipes.


Fresh carob fruits are used to make syrup. The product quite often acts as a natural sweetener. It is worth considering that the syrup contains more high percent sugars than powder.

If you have fructose intolerance, you should avoid using it in its pure form. In addition, the syrup may slightly increase blood sugar. And this should be taken into account if you have problems with blood sugar.

Where can I buy carob?

You can find fruits and powder in the following places:

  • stores specializing in healthy food, vegetarianism and raw food diets;
  • in shops selling teas and Indian spice stores;
  • in large grocery hypermarkets (look in the “diet” section).

Harm of carob

The syrup obtained from carob fruits is quite sweet. And its use in food can increase blood sugar levels (but much more slowly than sucrose). That is why the use of syrup must be limited if there is a predisposition to periodic surges in sugar, or the person has already been diagnosed with diabetes. In this case, the maximum dose of carob is no more than two teaspoons per day.

If a person has a problem such as lactose intolerance, then when preparing a carob drink, you should not add milk to it. Otherwise, you can get severe intestinal upset.

The use of syrup should be abandoned if there are problems in the functioning of the following organs:

  • kidney;
  • liver;
  • stomach.

In some cases, an allergy to carob may occur. It is due to the high content of fructose in the product. That is why you should avoid carob if you have fructose intolerance.

Carob syrup

Syrup obtained from carob fruits is widely used in folk and traditional medicine for the following diseases:

  • cough;
  • exacerbation of bronchitis;
  • colds;
  • sore throat;
  • various gastrointestinal disorders;
  • problems with sleep (insomnia);
  • poisoning;
  • strengthening immune defense;
  • improving the condition of teeth and bones;
  • intestinal upset (diarrhea);
  • stressful conditions;
  • slagging of the body.

Preparing the syrup is very simple. The pods are poured with sweetened water and boiled like regular syrup.

Carob syrup for weight loss

The syrup can also be used for weight loss, but in this case the pods must be boiled in ordinary water(without adding sugar to it). This will help reduce the calorie content of the product.

Every person knows that eating sweets before meals kills your appetite. The same principle applies here. If you drink a small amount of syrup before starting a meal, you will immediately feel slightly full. Reviews from women confirm this. This effect is achieved by the fructose present in its composition (it increases blood sugar levels). As a result, a person will eat much less food. Here's something for diabetics.

An additional benefit of syrup when losing weight is an easier transition from sweets. A small amount of syrup will help quench your sweet tooth.

The syrup contains high content minerals needed by the body for a more active metabolic process - iron, calcium and magnesium. Thanks to this, a person loses weight.

To lose weight, syrup (a large spoon) must be combined with water (one glass) and lemon juice(1/4 part of the fruit). You need to drink the composition about fifteen minutes before meals.

For the first two weeks, you need to drink the prepared syrup twice a day: before lunch and dinner. Then - if the body tolerates the drink normally - you need to drink it in the morning. It is advisable to give the body at least a little physical activity.

Syrup cannot be a substitute for a full meal. With malnutrition, metabolic processes slow down and weight loss does not occur.

Treatment of diseases using syrup

The benefits of syrup from carob pods have also been proven in the treatment of diseases.

If it is necessary to cleanse the body, eliminate vomiting and diarrhea, as well as other gastrointestinal disorders, then the syrup should be drunk according to the following scheme:

  • children age category 5...12 years - a small spoon three times throughout the day;
  • children aged 2...5 years - a small spoon once every twenty-four hours;
  • adults - a large spoonful of syrup half an hour before meals (four to five times a day).

Children under two full years, it is prohibited to give syrup!

If a sore throat, ARVI has been diagnosed, or a cough has begun, then a large spoonful of syrup will need to be diluted in water (necessarily warm). Drink four to six times throughout the day.

If you are worried about nighttime insomnia, headaches, or if you experience frequent stress, you should drink the syrup for three months. The scheme is as follows: before meals you need to take a spoonful of sweets up to six times a day. Then you need to take a break for fifteen days and repeat the course.

What are the benefits of carob?

Carob contains natural antioxidants that prolong youth. The substances have the ability to capture free radicals, slowing down the process of cell destruction.

Carob does not contain caffeine, which is part of cocoa. That is why the drink is not prohibited for pregnant women and people suffering from high blood pressure.

A drink made from carob is not addictive, and also does not affect the psycho-emotional state. This is explained by the fact that it lacks a special substance, theobromine, which can have a stimulating effect. The drink from Tsaregrad horn has a calming effect.

If we compare carob and cocoa fruits, carob wins significantly:

  • The powder contains less fat than cocoa: as much as ten times.
  • The sweetness of carob is given by natural substances - fructose and sucrose. And this allows us to call it a dietary product.
  • The minimum fat content increases the shelf life of products containing carob extract.
  • Fat, when oxidized (an almost inevitable reaction), gives the product a musty taste. But in carob the fats remain in their original state, and therefore the product for a long time will retain their original taste.
  • The vitamins and minerals contained in the Tsaregrad horn are absorbed much faster. The same cannot be said about cocoa.

The powder contains a small amount of fiber, but this is quite enough to solve existing digestive problems. In combination with antioxidants, the drink helps remove accumulated waste and toxins from the body.

Daily consumption of the powdered drink helps reduce “bad” blood cholesterol. That is why introducing a drink into the diet becomes excellent prevention pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Carob is much sweeter than cocoa, so there is no need to add sugar to it when preparing the drink. But if you are diagnosed with diabetes, fresh carob should be used with caution, since it contains much more glucose and fructose than roasted carob.

Drinking carob helps reduce the production of the hormone grenaline (it is responsible for the feeling of hunger). That is why a cup of alternative cocoa can reduce hunger and can replace an afternoon snack.

Another advantage of carob is that it is hypoallergenic. But, nevertheless, before the first cup of drink, it is worth making a test. In some cases, an allergic reaction may develop.

The fruit pulp does not contain oxalic acid. It is this that prevents the body from fully absorbing minerals such as calcium and zinc. They respond to good skin condition. This is why cocoa and chocolate fans often have problems with acne.

The composition of carob is rich in vitamins and microminerals. Approximately 8% of general composition substances are proteins. The product contains many vitamins and microminerals. In addition, carob contains calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Essential minerals for the body such as iron, manganese, copper, nickel and barium are contained in an easy-to-absorb format.

What can you cook with carob?

There are a lot of recipes that use carob. Here are just a few.

Cake with condensed milk

Here you will need to prepare the following products:

  • flour (250 gr);
  • baking powder (1 sachet);
  • soda (small spoon);
  • baking powder (small spoon);
  • carob (50 g);
  • butter (150 g);
  • condensed milk (400 ml);
  • vanilla (small spoon);
  • warm water (150 ml).

Here you will need a springform cake pan with a diameter of twenty-three centimeters.


  1. The oven must be preheated to 160 °C.
  2. Gently prepare the pan: grease the sides and bottom with butter and sprinkle with flour.
  3. Flour and carob need to be sifted so that the products are saturated with oxygen.
  4. Condensed milk, vanilla and water need to be combined and mixed well.
  5. The butter needs to be softened and rubbed with flour. The result should be butter crumbs.
  6. Now you need to combine both compositions (liquid and dry) and mix thoroughly.
  7. Now the resulting dough needs to be poured into the prepared pan and baked. The cake will be ready in about forty-five minutes.

You need to open the pan after the baked goods have cooled completely.

Cocoa recipe

Here you will need:

  • nut milk from almonds or cashews (one liter);
  • carob (four large spoons without a slide);
  • stevia (to taste);
  • a little salt:
  • vanilla;
  • vegetable oil (two large spoons).


  1. Mix all ingredients (except oil) using a blender. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, add oil without stopping the mixing process.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan and heat slightly. You cannot boil the drink!

This cocoa will be not only tasty, but also healthy. for good health.


Carob fruits are an excellent alternative to sugar and coffee and cocoa, which are harmful to the human body.
