Download analysis of the lesson in the dhow. Observing the progress of the lesson

MBDOU "Kindergarten" Kindergarten "Romashka" in the village of Belyanka, Shebekinsky district Belgorod region

Prepared by: senior teacher Dracheva I.N.

Practical advice conducting classes at a preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

    Think over the organization of children during the lesson (alternating different types of children’s activities: sitting, standing, on the carpet, in groups, in pairs, etc.)

    High qualitypreparation of visual materials classes (accessibility to every child, modernity, quality and size of illustrations, multimedia presentations can be shown)

    Compliance with the structure of the lesson:

    Introductory part (creating motivation and “not forgetting” about it throughout the entire lesson. For example, if Dunno came, it means that throughout the lesson he “participates” in activities with children, at the end of the lesson you can sum up the results on behalf of the character)

    Also in the first part of the GCD you need to createproblematic situation (or a problem-search situation) for children, the solution to which they will find throughout the entire event. This technique allows preschoolers not to lose interest and develops mental activity, teaches children to interact in a team or in pairs.

    During the main part, the teacher can usevarious leadership techniques: visual, practical and verbal, allowing you to solve program problems of the lesson and posed problem-search situations.

    After each type of children's activity, the teacher must conductanalysis of children's activities (either on your own behalf, or on behalf of a character or with the help of other children) is a requirement

    In the event that something does not work out for children, the teacher can use a technique such aspedagogical support . For example, the teacher says: “I really liked how Seryozha, Marina and Lena made the traffic light, but Maxim and Oleg’s parts came off, but I think that next time they will definitely try and do everything well”)

    Throughout the lesson (especially in senior groups preschool age) the teacher must monitor and encourage children to engage in speech activity with the help of questions. Therefore, questions for children must be thought out in advance; they must be exploratory or problematic in nature; strive to ensure that children answer “completely.” You also need to control your own speech and construct speech phrases in the third person. For example, moving away from the expression: “I want to invite you on a trip...” is not correct, because... the teacher seems to “impose” the upcoming activity. It would be more correct to address the children in this way: “Let's go on a trip...”

    Also in accordance with the new educational standards the teacher can usepedagogical technologies: problem-based learning, research activities, project activities, health-saving technologies and more. (Depending on their type of children’s activity and on the assigned tasks in the lesson) For example, in a lesson on cognitive development On the second younger group The teacher can conduct a “visit to Cockerel” articulatory gymnastics on the development of breathing, etc.

    The final part of the lesson should be organized in such a way thatproblem solving and search situation (so that children can see the solution to the task: either a verbal conclusion, or the result of productive or research activity, etc.).

    It is also necessary to summarize the entire lesson: giveassessment of children's activities (can be used pedagogical support, analysis of each other’s children, themselves, praise the children on behalf of the character, etc.). The main thing is not to forget about motivation (which is set at the beginning of the lesson, see point above)

4. A distinctive feature of classes in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education isactive speech activity children (questions to children should be problem-solving in nature), and also carefully thought out.

For example, children need to help the Chicken find chickens. The teacher may ask: “Do you want to help the Hen find the chickens? How can this be done? That is, the question is problematic in nature and forces children to think through possible answers: call the chickens, follow them, etc.

5. The teacher is simply obliged to provide children with“freedom of choice” of upcoming activities and, at the same time, with your skill to captivate children with you. For example, during an educational lesson, the teacher of the first junior group told the children the fairy tale “Kolobok”, and then offered motivation for the upcoming activity (collective application of the character Kolobok)

“Guys, Kolobok ran away from his grandparents, they are crying bitterly. How can we help our grandparents? Then he offers possible answers: maybe we should draw a Kolobok and give it to our grandparents? Thus, she captivated the children, organized motivation for drawing, got them interested, and also solved the educational task: to make the children want to help their grandparents in finding Kolobok.

Thus, it should be concluded that currently the requirements for conducting classes have changed, because there are pedagogical technologies that must be used in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

Dzagoeva Irina Yurievna
Job title: senior teacher
Educational institution: preschool department of MBOU Odintsovo secondary school No. 3
Locality: Odintsovo, Moscow region
Name of material: article
Subject:"How to correctly prepare an OOD outline in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education"
Publication date: 27.01.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budget educational institution Odintsovo secondary school No. 3 (preschool department)
“We are compiling a summary of organized educational activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education” Prepared by: Senior teacher of the Preschool Department of the MBOU Odintsovo Secondary School No. 3
Dzagoeva I.Yu.
Odintsovo 2016
The abstract is the main document of the teacher, without which not a single organized activity can take place! The most important thing is that the notes should reflect current trends in the development of preschoolers and
be methodologically literate.
First of all, it should be noted that there is currently no clear replacement for the word “occupation”. In some regions they call
"directly educational

(GCD), in others -
"organized educational

(OOD), thirdly -
"educational situation"
(OS). All these definitions are correct, as they reflect specific educational activities. So, how to write a note correctly. There are two options for preparing this document, but the title page must always meet the following design requirements: 1. Title page. At the top title page, in the center, the name of the educational organization is indicated. The center also indicates the type of organized activity, its topic, and for which age group this summary was compiled. In the lower right corner (not quite at the edge of the sheet) it is indicated who compiled the summary (full name, position, group number - if any). At the bottom of the sheet, in the center, the name of the locality and the year of writing are written. Next: Option 1 At the beginning of the outline, the direction of activity under the program and the specific area of ​​implementation of this activity must be indicated. (Type of OOD) 1. The topic of the lesson is written briefly. 2. Purpose – final result, what we strive for. Program content is what requires execution; solutions that need to be solved in class are written out in detail. 3. The trinity of tasks is observed: educational (what new the teacher will teach children); developing (what cognitive processes will develop or improve) (or correctional and developmental) educational (what socially significant personal qualities will be cultivated or knowledge about them will be replenished). 4. Integration educational areas: The main educational area is indicated first, and other educational areas included in this lesson are indicated in brackets. 5. In vocabulary work, words are indicated that are introduced into the active and passive dictionaries of children for the lesson, and their meaning must be explained to the children. Reminder! The words planned for the active and passive dictionaries are specifically listed. It must be remembered that words from the passive vocabulary are included in the active one after 2-3 lessons. During classes on speech development, tasks from the sections “Grammar structure of speech”, “ Sound culture speech", "Coherent speech". 6. The notes briefly outline what preliminary work is required to ensure that the lesson is successful and all tasks can be completed. 7. The pedagogical tools and equipment necessary for this lesson are reflected: technical (including computer, methodological, organizational tools. 8. The course of the lesson is described in the logic of the sequence of use of these tools, when and which slide will be used, what questions will be asked children, what kind of game will be played (If the game was compiled by the author independently and is not reflected in the teaching aids, both the course of its implementation and the purpose of its use at this stage of the lesson should be indicated).
Stages of work: 1.
Introductory part:
An organizational moment, including: setting a goal that must be achieved by students at this stage of OOD (what must be done in order for them to further work was effective); determining the goals and objectives that the teacher wants to achieve at this stage of the educational process; description of methods for organizing students’ work at the initial stage and topics educational activities(taking into account the real characteristics of the group with which the teacher works). 2.
Main part:
Getting to know new material. A didactic game (game situation) that creates motivation for activity. Children are offered a game during which they remember what will help them get acquainted with a new topic (updating knowledge and skills). The game should be such that during its course there are no difficulties in the child’s activities. 3.
Final part:
Fixing the material. Reproducing something new in a typical situation. At this stage, games are played where children use new knowledge or skills. At the end, a game situation is created that records each child’s individual mastery of new material. The child self-assesses his activity in mastering new things. **** Repetition and developmental tasks. (Provided in the notes at the request of the teacher) 4.
Summing up the lesson
: description of positive actions of students, determination of the prospects of acquired competencies (what new things have been learned, where new things will be useful). Option 2 1.
Type of OOD:
classes on communicating new knowledge; classes to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities; lessons on generalization and systematization; final; accounting and verification; combined (mixed, combined); complex; integrated

Purpose of OOD
Software content,
which includes: 1. Educational tasks (it is written what we will teach children in this lesson). 2. Developmental tasks (it is written that we will consolidate, clarify, not forgetting about development mental functions and various properties). 3. Educational tasks (what mental, aesthetic, moral and volitional qualities will be formed in this lesson).

Integration of educational areas
Vocabulary work
must be planned for every lesson. The words planned for the active and passive dictionaries are specifically listed. It must be remembered that words from the passive vocabulary are included in the active one after 2-3 lessons. During classes on speech development, tasks from the sections “Grammar structure of speech”, “Sound culture of speech”, “Coherent speech” must be included. It should be remembered that each new task is written on a new line. 6.
, which will be used in this OOD (for example: interactive whiteboard, easel, wall board, cubes, stands, etc.). The following is indicated
Demonstration material,
where not only all manuals and paintings are listed, but also their authors, quantity, and sizes are indicated. 8.
It is necessary to list what material is taken, indicating the size and quantity. 9.
Previous work as a teacher
in preparation for the lesson: what they designed, what they made, what they compiled, studied, wrote, etc. After this, preliminary work with children, the entire scope of frontal and individual work with children (where they went on an excursion, what object they observed, what read to the children, what they learned, etc.) 10.
Individual work,
with whom (indicate the names and surnames of the children) in what part of the lesson it is planned to take place. It is advisable not to forget to include this work in the part of the lesson in the notes in which you planned. eleven.
methodological techniques,
used in class. The parts of the lesson and specific methodological techniques are indicated.
For example:
I. Introductory part - 3 minutes. a) reading the poem “Autumn” by A. S. Pushkin; b) watching the autumn sky from the window; c) verbal didactic game“Come up with a word” (selection of adjectives for the words sky, autumn, foliage). II. The main part is 15 minutes. a) conversation about weather events in autumn; b) looking at weather calendars; c) children naming autumn signs; d) writing stories about autumn weather; e) children naming sayings about autumn; d) didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from”... etc. III. The final part is 2 minutes. a) reading a story about autumn; b) listening to the recording of P. I. Tchaikovsky “September”; c) generalization by the teacher; e) analysis of the lesson (what knowledge the children showed). 12.
Organization of children in educational activities.
The placement of tables, equipment, seating and placement of children is indicated - if necessary, a placement plan is included. If placing children in different parts lesson changes, describes how the transition from one part of the lesson to another is carried out. 13.
Description of the lesson
. The course of the lesson is written in direct speech. Be sure to write down all the words that the teacher will say. If during the lesson the teacher needs to perform some actions, this is indicated in the notes.
So, if we briefly formulate all the requirements, then the structure will look like

the summary will be as follows:
1. Type, topic of educational activities, indicating the age group of children. 2. The purpose of OOD 3. Program content (training, development, educational tasks). 4. Vocabulary work. 5. Equipment for OOD. 6. Demonstration material.
7. Handouts. 8. Previous work of the teacher in preparation for educational activities. 9. Preliminary work with children (with the whole group, with a subgroup, individually). 10. Individual work with children in educational activities (which one, with whom, in what part of the activity). 11. Structure of OOD and methodological techniques. 12. Organization of children in educational activities. 13. Progress of the OOD (in direct speech). 14. At the end there are final phrases or analysis of the lesson. "Properties of water." Lesson on cognitive research activities with elements of experimentation
OOD: “Travel with a Drop”
Cognitive and research activities with elements of experimentation.
Develop an understanding of the properties of water
Educational objectives. 1. Continue to introduce children to the properties of water (it has no color, taste or smell). Developmental objectives: 1. To develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation using the comparison method. 2. Activate children's vocabulary (colorless, tasteless).
Educational tasks. 1. Cultivate accuracy in work during the experimentation process.
Preliminary work
1. Conversations on the topics: “Where you can find water”; “Why and who needs water”; 2. Conducting experiments with water. 3. Examination of illustrations on the theme “Water”. 4. Reading fairy tales, poems, stories, proverbs, asking riddles about water. 5. Observing indoor plants in a corner of nature, doing errands (watering).
Kind of activity:
educational and research
Form - work:
Children's age:
second younger group (3-4 years)
Methods and techniques:
1. Visual (diagrams - symbols indicating the properties of water). 2. Practical (observation, experiment). 3. Verbal (teacher's story, search questions, artistic expression).
Integration of educational areas:
Cognitive - research, social - communicative.
Materials for classes:
Water drops made of paper; diagrams - symbols indicating the properties of water; cups of water and cocktail straws (according to the number of children).
Progress of the lesson
Educator: Oh, guys, what happened this morning, I forgot to tell you - I just went to the kindergarten, A droplet came to me (shows a picture of a droplet, He says, I have a miracle guest, I admire it from above, I like your Earth, Blue and big Educator: Guys, a droplet asked us a riddle: So that rain would fall from the sky, So that ears of bread would grow, So that ships would sail, So that jelly would boil, So that there would be no trouble - You can’t live without .... (Water) Educator: - That’s right, without water, So, what are we going to talk about today? (about water).
What is water? (children's answers). What kind of water is there, do you know its properties? Today we will learn the properties of water. And the droplet came to visit us and her droplet sisters who live in our group. I just couldn’t find them. Educator: - Guys, let's show Droplet where the droplet sisters live, what they do with us and what benefits they bring. Children in the group find a drop in a corner of nature: near the plants. Flowers need to be watered; without water they will wither, they need water. A drop is found near the sink: the teacher's assistant needs water to wash the dishes. They find a drop in the play corner; water is needed to wash the toys. A drop is found at the table on which there is a decanter of water; the water is needed so that we can drink it. A drop is found in the toilet room; water is needed so that children can wash their hands and face. Educator: Well done guys. - Look, Droplet, how many droplet sisters live in our group, who bring us great benefit. And we promise to take care of them with the guys. Educator: Guys, have we found answers to the questions, what kind of water is there? Maybe in the laboratory we will find answers to our questions? Educator: Let's go to the laboratory and invite Droplet with us. Before starting research, let's remember the rules of behavior in the laboratory: - Don't make noise - by doing this we disturb others. - Handle dishes carefully. - Listen carefully to the teacher. - After finishing the observation, draw a conclusion. Experiment No. 1: “Water is a liquid” One is with water, the other is empty. Carefully pour water from one to another. Educator: What happens to the water? Children: It's pouring. Educator: Why is it pouring? Water flows because it is liquid. So what kind of water? (Liquid). Because water is liquid and can flow, it is called a liquid. Conclusion: Water is a liquid (I hang the symbol on the board). Experiment No. 2 “Transparent water” There are two glasses in front of the children: one with water, the other with milk. Children throw coins into both cups. Educator: In which cup is the coin visible? That's right, in a glass of water. Why do you think there is a coin visible in this cup? Children: The water is clear, but the milk is not. Conclusion: Water is colorless, has no color (I hang the symbol on the board). Experiment No. 3: “Water has no smell.” The teacher invites the children to smell the water. Educator: Children, what does the water smell like? It doesn't smell right at all. Pure water has no smell (I hang up the symbol). Experiment No. 4 “Water has no taste.” The teacher invites the children to take a cocktail straw and taste the water. Educator: Children, tell me, does water have a taste? (Children's answers). That's right, pure water has no taste. The water is tasteless, has no taste (I hang a symbol). And if we put sugar or salt in a glass of water, what will the water taste like? (children perform the experiment themselves). Salty and sweet. Educator: Guys, after doing our experiments, did we find out what kind of water there is? (Children's answers). That's right, water has no color, taste or smell. Well done boys! Educator: Guys, let's please our guest and give her beautiful soap bubbles. Experiment No. 5. This experiment is called “Salute of soap bubbles.” Materials: glasses of water, pipettes with liquid soap, cocktail tubes.
Drop liquid soap from a pipette into a glass of water. Place a cocktail straw into a glass and blow through the straw. What do you see? (soap bubbles appeared). Educator: Well done guys, thank you! Droplet is very glad that you know so much about water.
The droplet says thank you to everyone for knowing her droplet sisters so well, knowing how they help and what benefits they bring to us. (Children are given bubbles with soap bubbles as a gift).

Tatyana Nikolaevna Lyutaya
Conducting an analysis of an open lesson

There are two types open class. The first one is self-analysis of teacher training. The second type is analysis of those present.

If this open lesson, where educators from other groups and teachers were present, then one should proceed from the purpose of this classes.

Each goal has its own viewing algorithm. Exchange of thoughts during analysis of the lesson watched an excellent opportunity to improve professional skills, not only for those who spent, but also those present. Very important analyze the lesson. For this purpose we propose a oriented algorithm analysis of the lesson during open viewing.

Step 1. Assess children's readiness for occupation

Firstly, you should pay attention to how the teacher explained to the children the presence of strangers in the class, then - on the motivation of subsequent work.

Step 2. Analyzing pursuing the goal

Necessary analyze compliance with actual content classes(the volume of material offered to children, its nature, the use of games and exercises) of the set goal.

Step 3. Determine the effectiveness of organizing children on class

According to the purpose classes it is necessary to determine the effectiveness of organizing children in him:

The choice of teaching methods and techniques from the point of view of relevance for achieving the goal classes;

The effectiveness of ways to stimulate children's cognitive activity;

Optimal tempo of the teacher’s speech and tempo of the children’s work;

Ways to attract children's attention;

Using techniques to prevent fatigue;

Level of formation of organizational skills and abilities.

Step 4. Analyzing the progress of the lesson

Very important analyze the proposed move(subsequence) work on class, exactly relevance:

Distribution of time for different types of activities;

Changes in different types of activities, both in content and in the form of perception.

Step 5. Evaluate the structure classes

Necessary analyze compliance with the selected structure activities relative to the goal, as well as the motivation and sequence of each stage classes, a logical connection between them. Motivated microclimate should be assessed classes.

Step 6. Determine the communication style of the teacher, presenter class

One of the signs of success classes is the style of communication between the teacher and children. Therefore it is very important define:

Communication style of the teacher with children, presenter class;

General emotional atmosphere of communication;

Correctness and normativity of the teacher’s speech;

Techniques for encouraging children to interact.

Step 7 Analyzing used methods of forming assessment and control actions

Systematic training of preschool children in evaluative and control actions allows the teacher to develop in them correct speech, to form the prerequisites for educational activities at school. Therefore it is important analyze:

Does the teacher encourage children to control and evaluate speech activity;

Does it create situations of mutual control?

Step 8. Carry out general assessment classes

Finally, it is necessary to summarize the previous findings and carry out an evaluation classes.

The path to high skill as teachers is long and even thorny. Success depends on many factors. Firstly, from their comprehensive psychological and pedagogical training. No less important is the acquisition of practical professional experience, the enrichment of which is indicative open classes including.

And the help of a senior teacher in mastering technology and technology analyzing and attending classes of your colleagues, is the key to teachers improving their own skills in self-analysis.

Analysis of the lesson during open viewing

Step 1 Assess children's readiness for occupation

Step 2 Analyzing compliance with actual content pursuing the goal

Step 3 Determine the effectiveness of organizing children at class

Step 4 Analyzing necessity of the proposed move classes

Step 5 Evaluate the structure classes and provide a qualitative description of its individual elements

Step 6 Determine the teacher’s communication style on class

Step 7 Analyzing methods used to form assessment and control actions

Step 8 Carry out general assessment classes

Publications on the topic:

Analysis of the group lesson “Sounds [w]-[zh]” Analysis of a group lesson conducted by a student…. V preparatory group kindergarten No. "" Lesson conducted by student

Analysis of the test and final lesson on speech development in the second junior group Analysis of the test and final lesson on speech development in the second junior group 1. The topic of the lesson: “How the bunny looked for his fairy tale.” 2. Educator:.

Analysis of an open lesson for grade 2 “Of all the earthly wonders, the Russian forest is dearer to me” Analysis of an open lesson for grade 2. The topic of the lesson is “Of all the earthly wonders, the Russian forest is dearer to me.” Goals: formation of a responsible attitude.

Analysis of the open lesson of ECD on FEMP in the middle group “In search of treasure” In my work, I have always strived to make children enjoy mathematics, and the program “Classes on the formation of elementary skills” helps me with this.

Analysis of a lesson on speech development in the preparatory group “Sounds, letters and words” Age group: pre-school group-subgroup of children (8 people) Purpose: To improve the ability to distinguish by ear and pronunciation.

Objectives: Educational: 1. Filling gaps in the development of the sound side of speech: development of phonemic processes; formation of analysis skills.



Practical advice for conducting classes on Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education

  1. Think through the organization of children in the classroom (alternating different types of children’s activities: sitting, standing, on the carpet, in groups, in pairs, etc.)
  2. High-quality preparation of visual materials for the lesson (accessibility to every child, modernity, quality and size of illustrations, multimedia presentations can be shown)
  3. Compliance with the structure of the lesson:
  • Introductory part (creating motivation and “not forgetting” about it throughout the entire lesson. For example, if Dunno came, it means that throughout the lesson he “participates” in activities with children, at the end of the lesson you can sum up the results on behalf of the character)
  • Also, in the first part of the GCD, it is necessary to create a problem situation (or a problem-search situation) for children, the solution to which they will find throughout the entire event. This technique allows preschoolers not to lose interest, develops mental activity, and teaches children to interact in a team or in pairs.

During the main part, the teacher can use various management techniques: visual, practical and verbal, allowing him to solve the program tasks of the lesson and set

  • problem-search situations.
  • After each type of children’s activity, the teacher must conduct an analysis of the children’s activities (either on his own behalf, or on behalf of the character or with the help of other children) - this is a requirement
  • In cases where something is not working out for children, the teacher can use a technique such as pedagogical support. For example, the teacher says: “I really liked how Seryozha, Marina and Lena made the traffic light, but Maxim and Oleg’s parts came off, but I think that next time they will definitely try and do everything well”)
  • Throughout the entire lesson (especially in groups of senior preschool age), the teacher must monitor and encourage children to engage in speech activity with the help of questions. Therefore, questions for children must be thought out in advance; they must be exploratory or problematic in nature; strive to ensure that children answer “completely.” You also need to control your own speech and construct speech phrases in the third person. For example, moving away from the expression: “I want to invite you on a trip...” is not correct, because... the teacher seems to “impose” the upcoming activity. It would be more correct to address the children in this way: “Let's go on a trip...”
  • Also, in accordance with the new educational standards, the teacher can use pedagogical technologies: problem-based learning, research activities, project activities, health-saving technologies and more. (Depending on their type of children's activity and on the assigned tasks in the lesson) For example, during a lesson on cognitive development in the second junior group “Visiting the Cockerel”, the teacher can conduct articulatory gymnastics to develop breathing, etc.
  • The final part of the lesson should be organized in such a way that the solution to the problem and search situation can be traced (so that children see the solution to the task: either a verbal conclusion, or the result of productive or research activity, etc.).
  • It is also necessary to summarize the entire lesson: evaluate the children’s activities (you can use pedagogical support, analyze each other’s children, themselves, praise the children on behalf of the character, etc.). The main thing is not to forget about motivation (which is set at the beginning of the lesson, see point above)

4. A distinctive feature of classes in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is the active speech activity of children (questions to children should be of a problem-searching nature), and also carefully thought out.

For example, children need to help the Chicken find chickens. The teacher may ask: “Do you want to help the Hen find the chickens? How can this be done? That is, the question is problematic in nature and forces children to think through possible answers: call the chickens, follow them, etc.

5. The teacher is simply obliged to provide children with “freedom of choice” for upcoming activities and, at the same time, to captivate children with their skill. For example, during an educational lesson, the teacher of the first junior group told the children the fairy tale “Kolobok”, and then offered motivation for the upcoming activity (collective application of the character Kolobok)

“Guys, Kolobok ran away from his grandparents, they are crying bitterly. How can we help our grandparents? Then he offers possible answers: maybe we should draw a Kolobok and give it to our grandparents? Thus, she captivated the children, organized motivation for drawing, got them interested, and also solved the educational task: to make the children want to help their grandparents in finding Kolobok.

Thus, it should be concluded that currently the requirements for conducting classes have changed, because There are pedagogical technologies that must be used in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Thank you for your attention!

Tatiana Bogdanova
Lesson on GEF before

In accordance with Federal State Educational Standard The education of preschool children is carried out in the process of organized educational activities. Organized educational activities combine various types of children's activities: (game; cognitive-research; motor; artistic-aesthetic).

As the main unit of the pedagogical process of a kindergarten, the educational situation can be distinguished - this is a form of joint activity of the teacher and children, which is planned and purposefully organized by the teacher in order to solve certain problems of development, education and training in various types children's activities.

An educational situation is a special design and use by a teacher of spontaneously arising pedagogical process situations in order to solve educational problems in different types educational (organized educational activities, regime moments, independent activity children) and children's activities (cognitive, gaming, musical, visual, communicative, theatrical, reading fiction etc.).

A feature of the educational situation is the emergence of an educational result (product) during specially organized interaction between the teacher and the child. Such products can be either material (story, drawing, collage, craft, etc.) or intangible (new knowledge, image, idea, attitude, experience). Focus on final product determines the technology for creating educational situations.

At the beginning of an educational situation, the teacher arouses children's interest in its content, sets an educational task for the children and ensures their acceptance of it. In younger groups - this is solved through the use of game and problem-game situations, surprise moments, bright and colorful materials, and toys. In older preschool age, children are presented with problematic situations, practical and cognitive tasks that require solutions, plot situations are created that ensure the acceptance of the educational task.

Technology for creating an educational situation

The types of children's activities organized on a single thematic content successively change.

Each part of the educational situation ends with the creation of an intermediate educational product of a relatively small volume.

A change in activities within one educational situation is associated with a change in the arrangement of children in the group (standing, sitting at tables).

It is important to combine tasks that require the participation of the teacher and tasks that can be completed by children independently, for example, using handouts.

The educational situation can be constructed in various forms of interaction with children ( classes, joint activity, intimate conversation, conversation on business, looking at illustrations, playing, etc.).

Completion of the educational situation.

Completion of the educational situation requires summing up and assessing children's achievements. In younger groups, the completion of the educational situation is associated with an increase in the emotional response of children; in older groups, the teacher evaluates the results of educational activities of all participants in the educational situation and individual children, involves them in the assessment, stimulates mutual assessment and self-assessment of activities.

Requirements for modern pedagogical event:

1. Form of educational event - integrated class, travel game, mini-project, quiz, etc. must be written (Annex 1).

2. Type of educational event - generalizing, consolidating, developing.

3. The goal is specific, realistic, achievable in this period time. (If the goal is not fully presented, or is completely absent, then the effectiveness of the educational event is absent.)

The goal is always the same.

4. The objectives must be triune in nature, i.e. they must include a teaching, developmental, and educational focus. In this case, there may be more than three tasks themselves. (There are a lot of tasks that cannot be fully worked out.)

Formulation of educational (educational) tasks must correspond to program tasks and must begin with a verb. (The educational task is to increase the level of development of the child - ZUN).

The choice of the right verb depends on what kind of OOD you are are you planning: according to the message of new knowledge, training or final.

Approximate formulations of educational objectives of OOD according to the message of the new knowledge:

, “To form knowledge about...”

“Motivate children to study independently...”

“To give children the opportunity, with the help of an adult, to learn about...”

“To formulate in children the need to correctly use in their own speech possessive pronouns», "Learn…", "Introduce...", “Shape...”

Approximate formulations of educational objectives of GCD training and final character:

“Update children’s knowledge about...”

“Expand children’s knowledge... through organizing independent experimental activities”

“To provide an opportunity to put into practice the acquired knowledge about...”

“To consolidate the ability in independent activities...”

“Practice children’s skills...”

Developmental tasks are aimed, as a rule, at the development of higher mental functions (thinking, memory, imagination, attention, will, general, fine, articulatory motor skills, prosodic components of speech (voice, rhythm, tempo, intonation, speech breathing, cognitive interest, creativity. The formulation of developmental objectives must correspond to program objectives and must begin with a verb.

Depending on the extent to which the children have developed the function you want to work on, a choice will be made verb:

If the function is not formed, then the task will begin with the words "to form...", “start development work...”, "contribute…." etc. ;

If the function is not sufficiently formed, or it is necessary to consolidate some skill, then the choice will be as follows "continue to form...", "continue to develop...", "to improve..." etc.

Develop operational experience (game, motor, musical, etc.)

Educational tasks are aimed, as a rule, at the development of value systems, personal qualities of the child, his emotional and volitional sphere. The formulation of educational objectives must correspond to program objectives and must begin with a verb. Depending on the extent to which the quality (property) you want to work on in children is formed, a choice will be made verb:

If the quality (property) is not formed, then the task will begin with the words "to form...", "bring up …" etc.

If the quality (property) is not formed enough, or it needs to be consolidated, then the choice of verb will be as follows "continue to shape...", "continue to educate...", "to improve..." etc.

5. Types of children's activities:

IN early age (1 year – 3 years)– object-based activities and games with composite dynamic toys, experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc., communication with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult, self-service and actions with household items-tools (spoon, scoop, spatula) etc., perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poems. Examination of pictures, physical activity

For preschool children (3 years – 8 years)– a range of activities, such as play, including role-playing game. A game with rules and other types of games, communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers, cognitive-research (studying objects in the surrounding world and experimenting with them, as well as the perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and basic household work (indoors and outdoors) , construction from various materials, including construction sets, modules, paper, natural and other materials, visual (drawing, modeling, applique, musical (perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical-rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments) and motor (mastery of basic movements) forms of child activity.

6. Methods and techniques used in OOD:

By external signs activities of the teacher and pupils:

conversation; excursion; story; briefing;

demonstration; exercises; working with illustrative material

By source knowledge:


- visual: demonstration of posters, diagrams, tables, diagrams, models; usage technical means; watching movies and video programs;

- practical: practical tasks; games; analysis and resolution of conflict situations.

According to the degree of activity of cognitive activity pupils:

explanatory; illustrative; problem;

partial search; research; creative.

According to the logic of the approach:

Analytical (From general to specific);

Synthetic (from specific to general);

Ways of learning:

Individual work (work on cards, on options);

Individual – group;

Group (work in groups, pair work);

Frontal (explanation, control, reinforcement)

Teaching methods:


Search engines;


Teaching students to consciously use methods activities:

Prerequisites for regulatory control (goal setting, reflection);

Prerequisites for cognitive UUD (analysis, synthesis, comparison);

Creative (imagery, associativity).

Techniques of a productive nature (problem situations, logical tasks, experimentation, modeling, etc.).

Methods for developing students:

1. Methods of increased cognitive activity

repetition method. comparison. modeling and design method. question method

solution logical problems. experimentation and experiments. elementary analysis (establishing cause-and-effect relationships).

2. Methods of increasing emotional activity.

game and imaginary situations. dramatization games. inventing fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, etc.

surprise moments. elements of creativity and novelty. humor and joke.

3. Methods of teaching and developing creativity

emotional intensity of the environment (musical background, bright picture, Bi-ba-bo toy, etc.) study of objects and phenomena living and inanimate nature (examination) forecasting (the ability to consider objects and phenomena in motion - past, present and future) problematic situations and tasks. unclear knowledge (guess)

motivating children's activities and playing techniques. humor and joke experimentation assumptions (hypotheses)

7. Structure of the OOD

Introductory part (2 – 3 minutes):

Organization of children;

Switching children's attention to the upcoming activity, stimulating interest in it, creating an emotional mood,

Accurate and clear guidelines for upcoming activities (sequence of tasks, expected results);

Creation of educational problematic situation, motivating children for upcoming activities (in a form accessible to children, leading to the goal of GCD (for example, to help someone, to find or learn something, to find, to build, to give a gift, etc.);


Three types of motivation (S. G. Yakobson)

The purpose of introducing these motivations into educational activities is to satisfy the child’s need for his own significance, competence, and consistency; encouraging children to learn new knowledge and skills.

Game motivation

Target: fulfillment of the child’s need for his own significance and competence through solving practical and intellectual problems encountered by the game characters.

Motivation for communication in the context of helping an adult

Target: contribute to the realization of children’s need to feel needed, important, and able to receive approval; develop children's interest in joint activities with the teacher. Self-interest motivation

Target: support the child’s desire to feel able, competent, encourage him to create various objects for his own use.

Motivation – (from Lat. set in motion, push)

1. Inspiration to activity.

2. The entire set of persistent motives and drives that determine the content, direction and nature of a person’s activity and behavior.

Why do you need motivation at all?

The purpose of motivation is to arouse children's interest in occupation, an entertaining business, or any activity, create conditions for passion, mental tension, direct children’s efforts to consciously master and acquire knowledge and skills.

Motivation determines the “program” of game actions. In doing so, we take into account the following conditions:

1. An organization in which the child is involved in the process of independent search and discovery of new knowledge, solving problems of a problematic nature.

2. Intellectual and practical activities on class should be varied.

3. You should constantly change the form of questions and tasks, stimulate the search activity of children, creating an atmosphere of hard work.

5. The more new material linked to existing personal experience child, the more interesting it is for him.

6. Taking into account the individual, age, medical, and mental characteristics of pupils.

7. The teacher’s emotionality, his ability to support and direct interest in the content classes or assignments, stimulate the cognitive activity of children.

Game methods and exercises used by teachers in their work allow solving several problems at once. tasks:

Expand and enrich the range of gaming skills.

Increase children's cognitive activity and performance.

Activate the processes of perception, attention, memory, thinking.

Smoothly regulate children's behavioral difficulties, gradually teaching them to obey the rules of the game.

Increase the volume of corrective action by including game exercises at various regime moments.

The gaming method involves the use of various components of gaming activity in combination with other techniques:

demonstration, explanations, instructions, questions.

One of the main components of the method is an imaginary situation in expanded form.

Why does the child not want to complete this or that task or assignment? class or in any type of activity?


Bad mood

Bad feeling

Not interested

Difficult beyond your age

Poor preparation by the teacher classes(ill-thought out, lack of visual material, plan)

Lack of motivation, lack of interest in the final result.

What and how to interest a preschooler child so that he breaks away from his own affairs and takes up the business you propose with interest?

These should be used techniques:

Emotions are in the foreground - this is relevant for early and early preschool age. For example: teacher (during preparations for a walk. summer period): guys, the bunny is going for a walk with us, bunny, put on a blouse and catch up with us. and the bunny answers that he doesn’t know how. guys, let's show the bunny how to dress. Bunny, look, our guys know how to dress themselves. children set an example of how to dress properly.)

You can also be interested in the problem posed (for older people). For example: children, getting ready for a walk, find a note from the garden Scarecrow “Guys, help. The sun is so hot that all the plants in my garden are about to die. And my hat doesn’t save me from the heat at all.” The teacher asks the children what to do in this situation, the children voice the options and go outside to water the garden. You can extend the game further, not just bring a hat for the Scarecrow from home or a dressing-up corner, but organize a competition for the best hat for the garden Scarecrow. At the end, Scarecrow will send a letter of thanks again.

Brightness of the proposed image (beautiful, aesthetic, anatomically correct toy or aid)

Novelty (an unfamiliar object always attracts attention, little researchers awaken in children).

Main stage

Creating conditions for variable activities (differentiation of tasks, conditions for choice, work in subgroups (pairs, triplets, etc., techniques for supporting children’s independence and initiative);

Setting several educational tasks to choose from, for example, who wants to build a bridge from cubes... who wants from paper... who wants from a construction set... Possibility of individual choice. The teacher’s task is to provide the child with this opportunity.

Communication of new knowledge, or training in the use of new knowledge in children’s own practical activities (depending on the nature of the OOD);

The inclusion of allocated physical minutes for compliance with the physical activity regime during the NOD is not necessary if during the NOD there is permanent shift types of activities! In this case, you can use development exercises fine motor skills, phonemic hearing, sense of rhythm, development of interhemispheric interaction, etc.

During the EOD, remember:

At any moment, children can offer you an educational and developmental situation that is not in YOUR plan. Don't miss it. Remember the proverb "A spoon is on the way to dinner" and don’t be afraid to deviate from the outline! Knowledge gained in right time, will be absorbed by children much better.

Don't rush your children with answers! Take a break. Try to reformulate your question, because the lack of a child's answer may be due to incorrect the question asked, and not from ignorance.

Competent formulation of the question by the teacher increases the effectiveness and efficiency of the event.

Never ask a question that can be answered "Yes" or "No". It is pointless.

Don't rush to answer children's questions. Try asking in response his: "What do you think?" and listen carefully to the child’s assumption, and then, together with him or with others, find the answer to the question in various sources or by conducting some kind of experiment.

Provoke children to ask questions, especially at the stage of fixing difficulties in something. "You do not know? But what to do when you don’t know something? ( “You can ask someone”) Ask me!"

Changing activities: motor, productive, play, etc. an important component of an educational event.

The final stage (2 – 3 min.):

Consolidation and generalization of the studied material;

Summing up the results of activities, assessing the results of children's activities (Appendix 2)

Encouraging children who have completed tasks of increased complexity.

Transition from educational activities to joint or independent;

When finishing the GCD, it is necessary to remember that

in the younger group, the teacher praises diligence and activates positive emotions;

V middle group– takes a differentiated approach to assessing the results of children’s activities;

in the senior and preparatory groups, children are involved in the assessment and self-assessment of results (the content should be aimed at children understanding the dependence of the result obtained on the quality of the work, taking into account the specifics of the type of activity, the level of interaction of children, and the manifestation of the necessary personal qualities);

Competently summarize children’s answers, direct their attention to understanding the essence of the content classes.

Carry out activities that ensure the formation of basic self-control skills (reflection, comparison and correction of the result).

It is important to celebrate successful children, emphasizing how it was possible to achieve a positive result, to support shy, self-conscious children, and to pay attention to those children who are already doing something better in comparison with their previous results.

Place special emphasis on the manifestation of personal qualities and interaction skills.

Questions should not be aimed only at children retelling the main stages of an educational event. "Where we were?", "What did you do?", “Who came to visit us?” etc.

Use more problematic questions, such as “What allowed us to help the bunny?”, “Why did we do this?”, “Is what you learned today important?”, “Why is this useful in life?”, “What was the most difficult task for you? Why?", “Which task did you like best? Why?", “What would you like to tell the guys, Masha?”, “What do we need to do next time?”, “What will you tell your parents about our game today?” etc.

Do not praise all children with words every time “You’re all great!”. Celebrate specific achievements of EVERYONE child: “Dima, you came up with a great idea on how we can cross the river.”, “I was very pleased to see how Polina and Sasha agreed themselves who would draw first,” “Marina performed a difficult task wonderfully...”, “Pasha made me happy today. Although he was not very successful in completing the task, he showed a real example of how to overcome difficulties, etc., as needed.

A positive point is the presence in the final part of an emotional mood for subsequent activities, for the use of the information received, acquired skills in independent activities.

Note: when writing a summary of organized educational activities at each of its stages, it is necessary to reflect the goals and objectives, the activities of the teacher and the activities of children, methods and means of achieving goals, the main content of the relevant stages, the organization of work at each stage, taking into account the real characteristics of children of a given age group.
