What month is best to fly to Tunisia. Best time to holiday in Tunisia

Season in Tunisia - we consider it by month and sort it out: when, where and how much to count on (both in rubles and in degrees Celsius).

We’ll tell you what the difference is between “when it’s cheaper” and “when it’s better” to go on vacation to Tunisia.

The tourist season for recreation in all its forms in Tunisia continues from May to October when charters from Russian cities are actively flying. In other months, Tunisian resorts freeze, fall into suspended animation and become noticeably cheaper. In general, in winter people come here to breathe the sea and for spa treatments.

The season is heating up in Tunisia in June: at the end the air temperature reaches +30°C, the water temperature up to +23.5°C (with the exception of the island of Djerba, where everything is +26°C). July and August can scare vacationers with dry heat and jellyfish. But in September the influx of tourists will repeat - the velvet season is coming.

The off-season in Tunisia, as probably elsewhere, is the best time to “travel and see.” If you like excursions, arrive in early spring or late autumn. And another important point: Tunisian resorts stretch along the coast from north to south of the country. And in the same month different places The climate may differ (as well as the concepts of season/off-season).

To avoid confusion, here is our table by month:

Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct But I Dec
All Tunisia - - - - +/- + + + + + - -
Djerba - - - +/- + + + + + + - -

Where to look for cheap tours?

Online aggregators are good at this. They collect offers from all leading tour operators, suggest when it is more profitable to fly and are easy to use:

Prices for tours are displayed directly from travel companies, but the advantage is that you can reduce the cost of the tour using promotional codes. Our personal name is currently in effect - UAF1000howtrip- giving a discount of 1000 rubles on tours from 60 thousand.

✓ On average, the cost of a tour for two to Tunisia in the 2019 season is from 57,000 rubles for 7 days (all inclusive); You can fly for a 10-day vacation for 65 thousand

✓ Family tour (mom, dad, me age 2+) will cost a minimum of 75,000 rubles per week

✓ Budget and seasonal Tunisia occurs in early May and late October

Weather in Tunisia by month - 2019

The weather in Tunisia is almost African. Almost - because the nights can be cool, and the heat is easier to bear than tourists imagine. All because of the winds blowing either from the neighboring Sahara or from the sea. They are the ones who “smooth out” the summer heat (the main thing is not to get burned in such a breeze) and cool the night air. The rainy season, on the contrary, makes it especially chilly.

So, we analyze each season in Tunisia by month, weather surprises and comfort level.

Tunisia in March, April and May

In March Winter rains may still fall on the heads of random vacationers. The air temperature fluctuates indefinitely from +15°C to +25°C (5-10 degrees lower at night). There’s no need to even mention the water temperature yet (+15°C, for those who are interested).

Tunisia in June, July and August

Tunisia in September, October and November

Tunisia in December, January and February

The weather in Tunisia in winter is quite mild. Yes, it rains, but they are still replaced by bright sunshine, which sometimes warms you up to +17°C. In general, Tunisia in winter turns into a worldwide (I’m not afraid of this word) health resort: in the low season people come and fly here for the thalasso therapy centers.

December It's not very rainy yet. On New Year's Eve (read: almost the whole of December), “winter” hotels entice with discounts, and tour guides drop the price tag from $120 for the popular Sahara to $100.

In January Tunisia is flooded, the rainy season is in full swing. Only 10-12 bad weather days per month. The air temperature is comparable to December, +13°C. Strangely, the almond trees are beginning to bloom and the citrus fruits are ripening. By the way, even in early January there are tours to Tunisia from Moscow. And people travel!

In February warms up to +16°C. There are fewer rainy days, especially in the south of the country. Tunisia is preparing for the arrival of spring. And to new tourists.

When is the best time to go on vacation to Tunisia?

To decide when is the best time to go, answer yourself: why are you going to Tunisia?

  • Do you want to catch holiday season and have a blast? Then tune in summer months(preferably June), end of May or beginning of September. The weather will definitely not let you down. For me personally, the best month to holiday in Tunisia is September!
  • Do you dream of putting another “I was here, I saw that” check mark on the world map? Can't wait to personally capture all the ruins in a photo, see a live camel and bring back 100,500 souvenirs? Then welcome to Tunisia in April or October. This is the most suitable period for excursions. And traders at local markets are more accommodating at this time
  • The beach season in Tunisia does not interest you, do you just want to relax your soul and body, smeared with life-giving mud? Come in winter. When does it end good weather, and the rains drive away belated swimmers, the time for complete relaxation comes

If you have already decided when to go on vacation, move on to the next point.

The price is per person when purchasing a tour for two

What to see in Tunisia?

Take any guidebook to Tunisia, and you will immediately be offered excursions to the ruins of Carthage, sent on an ATV ride across the Sahara, or there on a camel to watch the sunrise ($120 for two days, as already mentioned).

But Tunisia does not stop there. Therefore, for you my personal selection of attractions:

  1. Cape Angela is the northernmost point of the African continent, and the most convenient way to get there is from Bizerte. AND better in spring(because it's prettier).
  2. Lake Chott el Djerid – salt Lake with red-violet water and mirages. Located in the central part of the country. Visit in the summer, when the water dries up and creates those very mirages.
  3. Natural Park "Ishkel" - the lake of the same name in the park is fed by hot mineral springs, in which you can immerse yourself for 20 minutes. Why not complement the resort SPA?
  4. Tatooine Village, of course! It is also mentioned in any advertising brochure. But I'm a fan" Star Wars", so forgive me. You should definitely go there!
  5. Zaguan Park at the foot of the Zaguan Mountains. In addition to the mountains themselves, people go there to see the Water Temple, where the ancient system water supply of local cities.

African exoticism with French charm, this is how you can characterize a small country spread out along the coast Mediterranean Sea. Millions of tourists flock here to enjoy snow-white beaches and the turquoise sea, immerse yourself in history on the ruins of ancient cities and experience for yourself healing properties seafood in thalassotherapy centers. When is the best time to fly to Tunisia on vacation? Let's look at the holiday seasons in this amazing country by month.

Weather in Tunisia

The Republic of Tunisia is located in the northeast of the African continent. Due to its large extent, the country is located in two climatic zones: subtropical and tropical. The weather here is influenced on the one hand by the Mediterranean Sea, which softens the air on the coast, and on the other by the Sahara Desert, which brings heat in the summer.

In general, the country's climate is warm and humid throughout the year. The temperature difference in the north and south is small; in the northern parts of Tunisia it is usually 2-4ºС cooler than in the south. The further from the sea, the less precipitation and the more dry areas.

In the north of the country the climate is temperate, Mediterranean. In summer it is hot and dry here, the air warms up to 32-35ºС, but the sea wind softens the heat. In winter it is relatively cool (12-15ºС) and rainy. At night the thermometer can drop to 7ºС, and there are frosts in mountainous areas. Spring pleases the eye with flowers and greenery, and in autumn the soft velvet season begins.

In the southern regions it dominates hot climate, determined by proximity tropical deserts. Often scorching sirocco winds blow from the desert, raising the air temperature even higher. It rains here only in winter, and the temperature rarely drops below 17ºC. In summer, the sand becomes hot, and the thermometer rises to 40ºС. The flora is also more sparse in the south.

When choosing a resort in Tunisia, consider its location. So, in the north of the country beach season lasts from May to October, and in the south the holiday season lasts a little longer. Let's look at the holiday season in Tunisia in more detail.

Beach season in Tunisia - when does it start?

The beach season opens in the spring, at which time you can sunbathe, but not swim - the water in the sea is still cool. Tunisia is great for beach holiday in summer - clear weather, warm and calm sea, no rain. September-October is considered the velvet season, the summer heat gradually subsides, and the sea is still warm.

April in Tunisia

In April, Tunisia is surrounded by greenery, exotic flowers delight the eye and intoxicate with aromas. During the day the sun gets a little hot, the temperature rises to 22-25°C, so it’s quite possible to lie under gentle sun and get a golden tan. The sea is calmer and cleaner. But it’s too early to swim, because it doesn’t have time to warm up properly. The water temperature on the coast is about 16°C. The evenings are quite cold, the thermometer drops to 13°C. So you should definitely take warm clothes with you. Also at this time it is not uncommon southerly winds from the Sahara, which raise clouds of sand and dust.

The advantages of a holiday in Tunisia in April are low prices. Hotels offer tourists significant discounts. This great time for excursions and getting to know the culture and history of the country. You can also go surfing or improve your health at the famous thalassotherapy centers.

In April, oranges are harvested in Tunisia, and the city of Nabeul hosts a romantic Citrus Flower Harvest Festival. The season for pears, apples and strawberries begins in the same month.

May in Tunisia

If you don't like extreme heat, then May is perfect for a holiday in Tunisia. There are still very few tourists, the beaches and the most famous attractions are not crowded. No exhausting summer heat. During the day the air warms up to 25-27°C, in the south of the country - up to 30°C. But in the evening you will want to wear a long-sleeved jacket - after sunset the wind is quite cool.

Swimming in the first half of the month is still not very comfortable; the water temperature is only 17-19°C. It won't start until the end of the month swimming season, when the water on the coast warms up to 21°C, and then in the capital region and the resorts closest to the city of Tunisia.

While it's not too hot yet, you can go on an excursion to the famous Sahara Desert or visit most interesting places countries: the Colosseum in El Jem, the mausoleum of Habib Bourguiba in Monastir, the ruins of Carthage, the Uqba Mosque in Kayuran and many others.

May is strawberry season. You can buy it on the market for ridiculous prices. Also on the shelves are melons, watermelons, peaches, apricots, oranges, cherries and plums. If you happen to attend the colorful holidays: the Rose Festival in Ariyana and the Spring Festival in the resort town of Tabarka, be sure to visit the fair where you can buy rose oil, honey, tea and other flower products.


In June, Tunisia opens the high tourist season, which affects the cost of vacation. The beaches fill up and the water is very comfortable for swimming, warming up from 21°C to 24°C.

It's quite hot during the day and the sun is blazing, so don't forget sunscreen and hats. The thermometer at the beginning of June shows 29-30°C.

Diving lovers should choose resorts in the north of the country: Bizerta and Tabarca. Traveling around the country is best planned for the first half of the month. The closer to July, the hotter it gets. By the end of the month the air heats up to 35-37°C, in the south - up to 42°C. And the nights no longer bring coolness, the air only cools down to 25-26°C.

This month you can safely buy watermelons and melons, now they are very tasty and very cheap. Please note that June is the month strict fasting Ramadan. Locals do not eat or drink until sunset. Tourists should show respect - they should not eat, drink or smoke on city streets.


In July, the tourist season is in full swing. The heat is coming to Tunisia. Hot sand and warm sea attract beach lovers. Indeed, water is like new milk: The Mediterranean Sea heats up to 23-26°C. And don’t forget to take flip flops - walking on sand barefoot is no longer very comfortable.

Daytime temperatures in Bizerte and Tabarka average 30°C above zero. In Tunisia and Hammamet the thermometer rises to 32°C. On the island of Jebra and in Kayuran it is even hotter - up to 39-41°C.

Tourists spend the bulk of their vacation on the coast, but excursion trips are difficult to endure due to the heat. Which, however, does not stop Russian tourists. It is best to go for walks in the evening, when the heat subsides a little. But African nights are also very warm (27-29°C), so tourists will not need additional things.

July is also very rich in events. Music, dance, theater, and sports festivals with costumed processions and spectacular performances attract tourists from all over the world.


August in Tunisia is the season big heat. The stuffiness can be felt even on the coast. But the water is no longer refreshing at all; the sea temperature off the coast is 26-27°C. It is not safe for your health to be on the beach during the day; it is better to sunbathe and swim before 11 a.m. and after four in the afternoon. However, daytime highs of 32-35°C do not frighten tourists at all - hotels and beaches are full, and vacation prices are at their maximum. More moderate weather sets in in the northern part of the country, and the water here is slightly cooler.

It is better not to go to the desert at this time: the air temperature here often exceeds 40°C, sometimes reaching a peak value of 50°C in the shade. The heat begins to subside a little only towards the end of the month.

Another danger that vacationers in Tunisia may face in August is jellyfish swimming to the shores from Morocco and Algeria. The higher the water temperature, the more they multiply and the more they disturb tourists. Moreover, it is impossible to foresee their invasion: sometimes there are very few of them, and in some years they literally occupy the coast, making it impossible even to plunge into the sea. Some hotels even protect the beach with a special net from jellyfish.

August may be interesting for tourists because at this time (the date of the holiday is determined by lunar calendar and sometimes falls in September) Muslims celebrate a major religious holiday sacrifices - Hades Kbir (in Russia it is called Kurban Bayram). Tunisian families try to buy Alchey (rams) in advance; sometimes they share it among several families. On the day of the holiday, a ram is slaughtered and shish kebab is prepared from it, so that by evening the cities are drowned in the aromas of meat roasted over a fire.


According to tourists, September is one of the best periods for relax. Autumn in Tunisia is warm and suitable for both weather-sensitive people and small children. Prices for tours and hotels are slightly reduced.

After a grueling August heatwave subsides, the sun no longer burns so much, and sunbathing and swimming on the beach becomes more than comfortable. If passive relaxation does not appeal to you, you can safely go on excursions. The air in Tunisia warms up to 32°C by midday, the sea is still very pleasant (25°C). Since the middle of the month, even greater coolness has already been felt, especially in the north of the country, and the winds have become stronger, which surfers cannot help but appreciate. When choosing a place for a beach holiday, it is better to stay in the resort town of Sousse or the island of Jebra.

Market stalls in September are bursting with oranges and tangerines, apples and pears, melons and watermelons. In September, pomegranates also ripen in Tunisia.


October in Tunisia is the height of the velvet season, it's quite good time for beach holidays, excursions and active entertainment. It’s not for nothing that Tunisians themselves prefer to relax at their resorts in October. There is no heat, no stuffiness, and the sun no longer burns so much. During the day the air warms up to 22-27°C. The evenings bring coolness, the temperature drops to 21°C, so don't forget a stole or a light jacket.

Swimming in the sea is still comfortable, the water warms up to 21°C. However, the wind often rises, so the sea can be stormy, and getting out of the water can be quite uncomfortable. When the weather is not favorable for swimming, you can go to the Sahara, visit the Chott el-Jerid salt lake and national parks.

It is better to plan the trip for the first half of the month. In the second half of October the rains begin, in some cases quite heavy. Even if there is no precipitation, the sky is increasingly clouded.

In October, you can taste sugar dates in Tunisia; it is at this time that the country’s new harvest ripens.


In November, summer finally leaves Tunisia. Along with the cooling (in the daytime the thermometer reaches only 21-22°C), the sea also cools down (18°C). It rains more often, the air becomes humid, strong winds blow from the desert, often leading to storms at sea. It's quite chilly at night, so without warm jacket no longer possible. An umbrella and waterproof shoes should be an indispensable travel companion.

You shouldn’t even think about a beach holiday in Tunisia in November. The only people who come here for the sea are surfers. For other tourists, there are excellent opportunities to explore the country. Even to the Sahara you can safely travel with children. You can also swim on the hotel grounds. Heated swimming pools are common practice here.

Holiday prices in November fall by 30-50%, so Tunisia in November is a pretty good option for an educational holiday.

Winter in Tunisia

The African winter, of course, is different from the Russian one. The soil, saturated with moisture, amazes with the abundance of greenery, and the air is fresh, citrus fruits, pomegranates and dates are ripening.

In December, the thermometer shows values ​​of 17°C during the day and 10°C at night. So you can wear a T-shirt during the day, and in the evening you should put on a jacket. It rains in the north of the country, and often in the south sandstorms. The sea is stormy, the water is cold, there are algae everywhere, so swimming is only possible in the pools.

In January, even frosts are possible in the mountains, and the peaks are covered with snow. However, on sunny days, some tourists even manage to sunbathe on the coast. The average daily temperature in January is 16°C. And at this time you can admire the blooming almond and orange trees.

In February the weather in Tunisia is unstable. It's already getting warmer during the day, but it's still cool at night. Fogs, rains and cloudy skies are brightened up only by a riot of natural colors.

What to do in Tunisia in winter? This is a great time for sightseeing and health tourism. There are no queues at museums and temples; you can safely immerse yourself in the rich world of Tunisian history or appreciate natural beauty African country.

World famous thalassotherapy centers are open all year round and it is at this time that thrifty Europeans try to get out here. Moreover, prices for hotels and treatment are now the most affordable. It is believed that “sea treatment”: water, sea mud, algae and stones, removes toxins, rejuvenates the skin and relieves many health problems. If you are traveling to Tunisia for the purpose of treatment, then you should pay attention to such resort centers as Hammamet, Sousse and the island of Djerbu.

As you can see, you can come to Tunisia at any time, and not just at the height of the beach season. Many hotels and health centers are open all year round. So if a beach holiday is not an end in itself for you, then rich story And cultural heritage even in winter it can surprise even the most picky tourist.

Tunisia is one of the most popular Mediterranean countries among tourists. Here, a magnificent beach holiday is combined with the world's best thalassotherapy and SPA, and the landscapes great desert and the ruins of ancient cities conceal a lot of interesting things for inquisitive travelers.

The north of the country is located in the subtropics, the south is in tropical zone, and a third of the country is desert. Climate in different areas different from each other. The change of seasons occurs clearly. Before planning a trip to this country, you need to figure out which season in Tunisia is best for relaxing on the beaches, and which for sightseeing or wellness tours.

Climate of Tunisia

There are three in Tunisia climatic zones. The weather in the north of the country is dictated by the Mediterranean Sea. The climate in the coastal areas is typical Mediterranean, characterized by mild, rainy winters and hot summers. The closer to the south, the greater the influence of the Sahara Desert, and the interior of Tunisia has a semi-arid climate with little rainfall. The south has a desert climate with extremely rare rainfall and sudden temperature changes.

Beach season in the resorts of Tunisia

Tunisia is primarily known as seaside resort, where the beach season lasts from May to mid-October.

  • Holidays in May and early June are more suitable for those who do not tolerate heat well and prefer a pool to sea bathing: the water in the sea is still cool, its temperature is not higher than +17°C. But already from April you can safely sunbathe - during the day it is quite warm, about +25°C.
  • The sea warms up by mid-June. At this time it officially begins high season, which ends in mid-September. At the beginning of the season, sea water is already +24°C, air - up to +30°C.
  • July and especially August are the peak beach season. At this time there is practically no rain, and the water in the Mediterranean Sea reaches a maximum of +26-27°C. But even at this temperature it seems cool and brings relief from the daytime heat, because the thermometer usually shows more than +30°C, and in August the thermometer readings often exceed +40°C.
  • In September, the weather in the Mediterranean resorts of Tunisia becomes very comfortable: the sweltering heat subsides, and the sea remains as warm.
  • The period from mid-September to October is called the velvet season due to the warm, calm weather. This is a great time for those who don’t like the heat and crowds on the beaches. Although the water begins to cool and gradually drops to +20°C, the gentle autumn sun allows you to take air baths and sunbathe without fear of sunburn. The average daily temperature in October is +27°C. You can feel the arrival of autumn cool nights, sometimes it happens cloudy days, but such periods are not long-term.

The Velvet season preferred by those who love a varied holiday, because this time of year is considered the best for aquatic species sports and excursion trips countrywide. On the island of Djerba, located in the south of the country, the holiday season is longer - the temperature here is about 3-5 degrees higher, and you can swim in November.

Low season in Tunisia

Winter in Tunisia is warm and mild. On sunny days the weather is conducive to long walks. fresh air, nature pleases with a variety of flowers and greenery. But during these months you need to be prepared for stormy days with piercing winds and cold nights.

  • The weather starts to change in November. Although it is still warm during the day - about +21-22°C, strong winds are blowing and it is raining. The sea is rough and cold, no more than +18°C.
  • December and January are the coolest months of the year. They go often heavy rains, accompanied strong winds, the temperature drops to +15°C during the day, and about +5-7°C at night.
  • In February there are sudden changes in weather, cloudy days are not uncommon. But little by little, winter begins to lose ground, the air becomes warmer and warms up to 18-20°C. It’s still too early to sunbathe and swim in the sea, but it’s time for thalassotherapy and spa treatments.
  • In March-April you can already feel the approaching holiday season. spring weather pleases with abundance sunny days, and by the end of April it is already warm - up to +24-25°C.
  • Low season ideal for budget tourists who want to travel around Tunisia or relax in spa salons. At this time, hotels and thalassotherapy centers reduce prices as much as possible.

Spring and autumn, when the winds are strong and the water is not too cold, are good for kiters and windsurfers.

The best time for sightseeing trips in Tunisia

The best time to get to know the country is in the off-season - in May or October. At this time, you can stroll around the sights without fear of getting sunstroke, and the weather is warm enough to spend a couple of days on the beach after a busy trip. September is perhaps the best month for tourists who want to combine a good beach holiday with exploring natural and historical monuments. For traveling around central regions we can recommend autumn and spring months, because in winter it is cool and windy, and in summer it is too hot. Winter is suitable for visiting the southern oases.

Holidays in Tunisia are good at any time of the year, but there is still a pronounced holiday season. The most best months- this is April-June and September-October. In the summer, at the height of the beach holiday, it is very hot in Tunisia, and you don’t want to get out from under the air conditioner during the day. This article will help you decide which month is best to go to Tunisia.

From the article you will learn

Choosing a holiday in Tunisia - the season matters

African exoticism combined with French charm - this is Tunisia. The holiday season here stretches for more than six months. Every year holidays in Tunisia are becoming more and more popular.

Gentle sandy beaches, warm sea and cozy hotels surrounded by greenery. Excellent conditions have been created in this country. Curious tourists will also not be disappointed - there are many historical monuments on the territory of Tunisia. Carthage alone is worth something.

When choosing a resort in Tunisia, it is worth considering its location. Resorts in the north of the country have a shorter beach season, and in November it is no longer possible to swim in the sea there. But on the island of Djerba it’s the other way around: the holiday season lasts from April to November. They are open even in winter.

Tunisia has all the conditions for a relaxing holiday with the whole family. The hotels have their own sandy beaches and well-groomed green areas. Many work according to the “all inclusive” system we love so much. There are animators for children and adults, there are playgrounds and opportunities to play sports.

There are water parks in the resort towns of Sousse and Hammamet, shopping centers, restaurants and local markets. Beach holidays can be varied with excursions. One of the most memorable is. Sunset in the desert is an enchanting sight. If you are lucky, you will be able to see real mirages.

And, of course, prices depend greatly on the season. Price calendar for tours to Tunisia by month:

When is the best time to travel to Tunisia?

The beach season on the coast opens in April. The beaches are gradually filling up. It's still too early to swim, but you're guaranteed a golden tan.

In May sea ​​water temperature becomes comfortable - more than 20 degrees, and in June, especially towards the end of the month, crowds of vacationers from all over the world flock to the resorts. Traditionally, the French prefer holidays in Tunisia - after all, these are the former possessions of the metropolis, the Germans and the British. The Russians take an honorable fourth place.

July and August– peak holiday season. At this time, there is real heat; at noon, tourists try to hide from the scorching sun. Families with small children should choose a different time for travel.

If you want to go on vacation when the season in Tunisia is most favorable for a beach holiday, choose June or September. It is at this time that the sun does not burn the skin. The sea has warmed up enough to swim - the water temperature exceeds 22 degrees. However, if you like to bask in the warm sea, you will enjoy your holiday in September more. The Tunisian velvet season means an abundance of fruits, a gentle sea and consistently warm but not hot days without rain. A great time to relax with children.

Best time to travel to Tunisia

  • In April-May You can swim and sunbathe without fear, although in the evenings you will want to throw a stole over your shoulders or put on a light jumper. After sunset during these spring months, the wind seems a little cool.
  • In the first half of June It's a little windy in Tunisia, although the daytime temperature exceeds 28 degrees. In the second half of June, even at night it is warm and comfortable in open clothes.
  • July and almost all of August It's hot in Tunisia. The water is heated to the state of “fresh milk”. The rather aggressive sun can severely burn vacationers, so it is better to sunbathe before noon and closer to sunset. To ensure that your tan “sticks” faster and your skin acquires a delightful bronze color with a peach tint, purchase a natural topical tanning product made from olive oil and lemon juice.
  • In October the air warms up steadily to 23-25 ​​degrees. The sea may seem cool in the mornings, but in the middle of the day the water beckons you to take an invigorating swim. In general, you can sunbathe without fear at any time of the day, the sun is no longer so hot, so the risk of getting burns is reduced to zero. The abundance of fresh fruit at this time of year is a good reason to vacation in Tunisia in October.

Jellyfish season in Tunisia

Among the Mediterranean jellyfish there are some quite dangerous ones. Meet these sea ​​creatures you can almost anywhere on the coast, but there are especially many of them in and. The only consolation is that the jellyfish season lasts no more than two weeks, during the hottest and most uncomfortable time for residents cold Russia time: late July and early August.

Djerba Island – summer never ends

There are places in Tunisia where the season opens earlier and lasts almost until the New Year -. Located in the south, away from the bustle, it seems as if nature itself is intended for a serene holiday. The holiday season in Tunisia on the island of Djerba lasts more than six months - from the beginning of April to the end of November. The water warms up to 26-28 degrees - like fresh milk. Even in winter there is something to do here - they work. And prices for accommodation and procedures are much more attractive than in summer.

Whether you're traveling to Djerba or Tunisia, the holiday season doesn't end in November. Many hotels are open all year round. A heated pool is normal practice in Tunisia.

African winter is quite mild - the air temperature does not drop below 15 degrees. From time to time it rains, sometimes quite heavily, but the sun often shines. This is a great time to explore the oases of the Sahara Desert, the ruins of Carthage and the caves of Matmata. The cost of flights and hotel stays has been reduced. On New Year Entertainment programs are offered.

If you want to escape the chilly Russian winter, head to the Mediterranean coast of Tunisia.

Thalassotherapy and more

If you decide to relax in Tunisia in winter, then you should forget about a beach holiday. Some hotels have heated pools, but the main highlight winter holiday- This is thalassotherapy, world-famous health procedures.

In Tunisia there are major centers thalassotherapy, working according to the French method. Sea water, raised from the depths, has a beneficial effect on the skin and joints. The course of treatment takes on average ten days. Prices are almost half lower than at French resorts, and it is much more pleasant to undergo a course of procedures in a relaxed resort atmosphere. If you want to save money, book hotels in the off-season. The effect will be the same, and besides, you will be able to impress your friends with a fresh look and a Mediterranean tan in the middle of winter.

Every year, Russians ask themselves the question: where to spend their holidays. And often in their search for a suitable place there arises hot country Tunisia. When is the best time to go on vacation to the Tunisian coast, what to do there and which resort to choose? We will tell you about all the features of holidays in this country.

Geographical position

In the north-east African continent The Tunisian Republic or, as it is popularly called, Tunisia, is located. When is the best time to go on vacation to this country? It depends on the purpose of the trip. The state is located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and has a very long story settlement by people. Therefore, it can offer tourists a variety of recreation.

Tunisia borders Libya and Algeria, and by water it neighbors Italy. The northern part of the country occupied the spurs of the African mountain system Atlas, coastal areas are characterized by a flat landscape. In the south of the state is the famous Sahara Desert. And the middle of the country is occupied by a series of salty picturesque lakes.

The capital of the state is the city of Tunis, it is the largest settlement. In addition to it, you can visit about 15 more fairly large cities. The coastal part of the country is the most populated; the most attractive cities for tourists are located here.


Tunisia occupies not the last place in the ratings of Russians’ favorite countries for beach holidays. When is the best time to go on vacation to this state? This question can be answered by assessing the local climate. The country is located in two natural areas: Mediterranean subtropical and tropical desert. The weather in the state is influenced by two main factors: the Mediterranean Sea, which softens and humidifies the air along the coast, and the Sahara Desert, which contributes to a significant increase in temperatures in summer.

Tourists mainly come to the coast, where a mild Mediterranean climate with long and short rainy winters prevails. In summer, the thermometer rises on average from 22 to 32 degrees, and in winter it stays around 7-15 degrees Celsius.

Best season

The main question for those who are planning to go to Tunisia: when is the best time to go on vacation? It depends on why the tourist is going to this interesting country. For those who want to swim and sunbathe, but not get too hot in the sun, the best time is from April to June and September to early October. In July-August there is quite intense heat here, up to plus 40-45. But the sea breeze makes life much easier in such heat. Therefore, these months are considered “high” tourist season, which affects prices, which increase by 30-40%.

But for those who want to get acquainted with the culture and history of this ancient country March-April and October-November are perfect. The rainiest months are January-February, and traditionally at this time the flow of tourists decreases to minimum levels. This is instantly reflected in the prices for hotels and food, so those who want to see Tunisia and save a lot of money come here during this period. Therefore, there is no clear answer to the question: what is the best time of year to relax in Tunisia? It all depends on your needs and capabilities.

Features of the holiday

When going to Tunisia, you need to soberly weigh the pros and cons. Compared to the usual “beach” destinations, this country has much less developed entertainment and animation services. The state religion is Islam, and this is reflected in many areas of life, including tourism. In non-resort cities it is not customary to go to beach view, that is, with bare arms, chest, legs. Therefore, it is important to decide, when going to Tunisia, where it is better to go on vacation - to small non-tourist towns or popular resort places.

The state has a low standard of living, so prices here are not very high. But far from the tourist routes one can see almost abject poverty. The country has a very long history, so the excursion program here is rich and varied.

The hotel base of Tunisia cannot be compared with the same Turkey and Egypt, there are few modern buildings. State for a long time was a French colony, so the main language international communication Here - French, although the service sector speaks English well. But the Russian language is not used here.


When thinking about which part of Tunisia is best to go on vacation, you should again evaluate your desires and interests. The most famous and popular resorts in the country are Sousse, Monastir, Mahdia, Hammamet. The latter is the most prestigious and fashionable vacation spot. Only the island of Djerba, where the best luxury hotels are located, can compete with it in a luxurious holiday. Prices in these places are above average, but the service is excellent.

Sousse is a gathering place for young people; there are many nightclubs, pubs, restaurants and discos under open air, the largest and most famous of them is “Voga-Voga”. Hammamet can be called a universal resort, which harmoniously combines opportunities for both relaxing and youth recreation.

Monastir can be called calm and quite economical, but you need to be prepared for the fact that tourist The infrastructure here has long been in need of modernization. The capital of the country is a real eastern metropolis, so it is better to come here on an excursion, but not to stay for long, as it is difficult to relax here.

One of the youngest and developing resorts is El Kantaoui, where you can find fairly modern hotels and good infrastructure for tourists, but the prices here cannot be called low.


Its documented history dates back to the 9th century BC. e., when in place modern country The city of Carthage was founded. And today the remnants of this ancient city are the most important attraction of the country.

The second most important place that tourists need to see is the Sahara Desert. Also, when arriving in Tunisia, you need to visit the blue and white city of Sidi Bou Said, which allows you to see the traditional way of life of the Tunisians.

Interesting sights also include the UNESCO-protected Colosseum in El Jem, the Sidi Uqba Mosque in Kairouan, and the Berber city of Matmata.

Things to do

For many tourists, Tunisia becomes synonymous with the beach. Rest, the time of year for which is limited in cold Russia, is, of course, the main entertainment in this country. However, there is plenty to do in Tunisia even without this.

The second most popular pastime, after the beach, is an excursion to the Sahara. It’s worth seeing this famous place; you don’t need to think that it’s just endless sands. As part of a traditional two-day tour, tourists ride camels and quad bikes, visit Bedouin dwellings, see the sights: Mount Tembain, Fort Tisavar, oases, try local dishes, and experience magnificent sunsets and sunrises.

Another attraction for tourists is the excellent opportunities for thalassotherapy. Medicinal algae grow off the coast of the country, which helps improve the condition of the body and skin. In Tunisia you can find luxurious spa centers and small beauty salons with reasonable prices, but in each place the services will be of decent quality.

Tourists are also offered to visit crocodile farms, go diving and fishing, and take a trip on a yacht. In addition, numerous clubs, cafes, discos, and water parks are available to vacationers.

Vacation with children

There are many reasons to visit Tunisia. When is the best time to go on vacation with your child to this wonderful country? Great for this the time will come with soft warm temperature conditions- this is April-June, September-October.

With children, it is better to choose quieter cities, for example, Sousse, Hammamet, Tabarka, Nabeul. In each of them you can find zoos, water parks, amusement parks, playgrounds, museums and entertainment centers. Tunisia is quite safe and comfortable for families with children; you just need to take the usual safety measures, for example, wash your hands, don’t drink tap water, and don’t indulge in spicy street food.
