What you can buy in Vietnam: the best purchases and their costs. What to bring from Vietnam - unusual souvenirs and gifts

For any traveler, shopping becomes an integral part of the trip. It's not just an acquisition souvenir products as a gift for loved ones, but also the purchase of useful goods for the home, health and other needs. In Vietnamese lands, the level of shopping is quite good, although less developed than in neighboring Thailand. The country has a lot to offer foreign guests. What is better to bring from Vietnam when your eyes run wild from the variety of goods offered?

You need to focus on three key criteria:

  • where does the tourist relax?
  • what amount does he have;
  • what is priority - souvenirs or useful things.

Despite the similarity of gift products, each Vietnamese region has its own characteristics, for example, when decorating the same products. There are many markets in the state, prices here are affordable. Small magnets can be purchased for 10-15 rubles, painted plates - 60-100 rubles, a kilogram of quality tea - from 150 rubles. The country's currency is the Vietnamese dong.

Tea and coffee

These drinks are imported from Vietnam first of all. The price-quality ratio is impressive - you can get a high-quality product for little money. The coffee of this state is highly rated on the world market. Few people know that the country ranks second on the planet in coffee exports.

The main variety grown here is robusta; a kilogram will cost $25. For a package of Arabica or bourbon mocha of similar weight, the buyer will pay $18. A variety called green sells for $30. The most expensive variety is Luwak or Chon coffee. Gourmets leave rave reviews about it - for preparing it coffee beans passed through the stomach of musang animals. They are processed with enzymes, which is the highlight of the unusual taste.

In Europe, a customer will be charged about 50 euros for a cup of natural Chon. The Vietnamese ask for $1,800 per kilogram of this variety. On store shelves you can find Chon for $45, but this is not a natural product. It is made from grains artificially treated with enzymes.

Tea is no less popular here. The Vietnamese value green drink. Its average cost is from $4, if there are additives, the fee will increase by another 2.5. The most popular varieties of green tea are Thai Nguyen and Blao. The drink with jasmine, ginger and cinnamon has a strong aroma and unique taste; additives made from lotus, mountain herbs, and chrysanthemums are also in demand. One of the most fertile regions of Dalat is famous for its Atiso artichoke tea.

A $1 brewing device would be a great addition to this gift. And for those with a sweet tooth, you can buy locally produced candies with peanuts and nougat, made from lotus seeds, filled with caramel, or fruit chips. It is worth paying attention to medicinal teas that promote healing and therapy of certain diseases.

Shoes, clothing and silk

Clothes can be divided into two groups: those sold in company stores and those sold in markets. You won’t be able to buy branded outfits at a discount; they won’t do it in boutiques. But the cost is already lower than in other countries. For example, a T-shirt from Nike or Adidas can be found for $10, sports shoes for $15. Local producers include Blue Exchange and Nino Maxx.

You can also buy quality goods at market stalls, but there is a possibility of stumbling upon a fake. Therefore, you should choose your item carefully. The advantage of market trading is the opportunity to bargain. With a skillful conversation with the seller, the clothes will cost 4-5 times cheaper than similar ones on Russian markets.

As for footwear, it is worth highlighting traditional flip-flops. They are suitable for more than just wearing. This is also a great souvenir bought in the country that invented them. The cost is about 1 dollar.

What should notorious fashionistas bring from Vietnam? Of course, silk products and local costumes are made from this material. They are called Ao-Dai. Silk is characterized by high quality and low cost for this condition. A meter will cost about $80. This type of board is typical for natural materials. In the markets there is a risk of stumbling upon a fake, so before your trip it is advisable to learn how to distinguish fake silk from the original. The production factory is located in Dalat, where excursions are organized. At your nearest atelier you can turn a purchased piece into a chic outfit.

Truly memorable gifts from Vietnam are silk paintings. In Halong Bay, fabrics are embroidered right in front of customers, in the store. It's hard to believe, but this is truly exclusively handmade. But you will have to pay a considerable amount for this. A small painting will cost almost a hundred US units.

A nuance associated with buying clothes is that it is not always possible to choose the right size, especially for those who are inclined to be overweight. The Vietnamese are mostly a tiny people. Tourists with non-standard shapes are better off going to Hanoi or Da Nang, where they offer european sizes. And those who like to dress warmly should head to northern regions, since in the south there are practically no such goods.


What is the first thing they bring from Vietnam and other tropical countries? Of course, fruits. The choice of this treat in the country is very rich, the cost is low. Moreover, they are grown right there, which distinguishes them taste qualities from analogues on Russian shelves.

It is not necessary to go to the markets for them. For travelers, merchants will overcharge. But in supermarkets you can not only buy inexpensive fruits, but also ensure their transportation. For ease of transportation, they are sold in special plastic containers. It is better to purchase the fruits the day before departure so as not to spoil.

Approximate prices per kilogram of fruits (indicated in $):

  • mango - from 1 to 3;
  • papaya - about 1;
  • rambutan - from 1 to 2;
  • pomelo - 70 cents;
  • guava - about 1;
  • noina - 1.5.

Medicines and cosmetics

Medicines are not pills for headaches or blood pressure, but alcohol tinctures and ointments. There are many sellers of such balms on the street. They are credited with various healing properties. It's pretty unusual gifts, because the basis of the tincture is often a snake, scorpion or lizard.

Often such drugs are sold on tap. The price ranges from $2 to $10. An ointment made from tiger and python fat helps relieve muscle pain and costs 30 rubles. Herbal balms are also in demand, for which tourists will pay 2-3 times less than in Russia. In addition, the popularity of drugs that increase potency has been noted.

Cosmetics will especially please travelers. Its peculiarity is the use of natural ingredients, vitamins and minerals. Unrefined Coconut oil, shampoos with soap tree seeds, pearl powder and many other lotions and creams.

Souvenir products

Nha Trang is famous for its souvenirs. Its resort location led to the presence of many marine-themed products - shells, pebbles, corals. You will also be able to purchase ceramic and bamboo products, ivory products, figurines, Vietnamese musical instruments.

Men will like products made from crocodile or snake skin - belts, wallets, bags. A souvenir from Vietnam that almost no one leaves without is the local non hat. It has a wide brim and is pointed at the top. The most interesting options for decorating hats are observed in the Hue region. They are not only embroidered, but also entire images or poems are inserted.

The female sex will be pleased to receive jewelry. In addition to beautiful jewelry and gifts with precious stones, the Vietnamese are famous for their pearls. It is grown on oyster farms. A thread will cost $15-20, a chain will cost $10, and earrings will cost $5. Girls will also like jewelry boxes, hairpins and pins.

When the question arises of what to buy in Vietnam, the specifics of export should also be taken into account. At customs they will not let you out with watermelon, coconut or durian. Alcohol should be no more than 40 degrees, and it is better to leave receipts for shells.

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Nha Trang is a fun, bustling city that is considered the beach capital of Vietnam. It attracts tourists with its sandy beaches, vibrant nightlife, and first-class spa treatments. Impressions of your vacation will be complemented by souvenirs, without which it is simply impossible to leave the country.

1. Asian hat “Non la”

The hallmark of Vietnam is considered to be a peasant cone-shaped hat made of straw. The “Non la” hat is multifunctional: it protects from the sun, rain, in hot weather you can fan yourself with it and even use it as a container for water. And its main purpose is to highlight the beauty of a woman’s face.

You can buy a hat everywhere in Nha Trang - both from street vendors and in large stores.

2. Fun bike helmet

People in Vietnam ride bikes to work, to school, and on dates. On every street in the city there is a store that sells motorcycles, face bands, and helmets. You can choose a helmet to suit every taste: with frills, flowers or polka dots. The size can be adjusted even for an infant.

3. Clothes

Most casual Vietnamese clothing is made from natural fabrics, mainly silk. Traditional Vietnamese silk pajamas and tunics with slits on the sides are popular among tourists.

You can buy silk clothes in Nha Trang at the Nha Trang shopping center, at the Silk Factory. There are also many studios in the city where they will make an individual order for you.

4. Medicines

Vietnam is famous for its balms and tinctures, which are made from herbs and components of animal origin (snakes, scorpions). Such medicines are valued far beyond the borders of the country.

If you don't know what to bring from Vietnam, pay attention to:

  • Cobra ointment is a warming agent. Relieves pain from bruises, radiculitis, arthritis.
  • Tiger ointment - improves blood circulation, helps with colds.
  • Preparations based on lingzhi mushrooms improve vision, hearing, and memory. Mushrooms are believed to have a rejuvenating effect.
  • Meringa capsules - used for joint diseases, to cleanse the body of toxins, and to strengthen the immune system.
  • Mulberry tincture is a remedy for insomnia.

You can buy medications at any pharmacy.

5. Fruit

Vietnam has a very wide variety of exotic fruits.

Fruits that tourists will be interested in trying:

  • mango - choose soft fruits without damage or dents;
  • guava - should be sweet and soft, with white or pink flesh;
  • rambutan - juicy fruits are a bit like grapes;
  • noina (sugar apple) - you should choose soft fruits; their creamy flesh melts in your mouth.

You can buy fruits at markets, but it is better to do this in supermarkets. There you will see a name above each fruit, no one will weigh you down or inflate the price. There are often discounts in stores.

6. Nuts and dried fruits

Vietnam supplies nuts to many countries. The macadamia nut is exotic for foreigners.

Myt is a collective name for candied and dried fruits, which are prepared according to special Vietnamese recipes. Traditionally, as a gift for the Lunar New Year, the Vietnamese bring an elegant box with several types of candied fruits. You can buy washing anywhere:

  • coconut;
  • from lotus seeds;
  • ginger

7. Tea and coffee

Black tea is sold in Vietnam, but locals do not drink it, considering it dirty. Vietnamese use green tea, including lotus, jasmine, lemon balm.

You can buy tea and coffee everywhere in Nha Trang, but buying it at the market will be cheaper.

8. Alcohol

In Vietnam, everything is based on rice. Alcohol is no exception. Exotic lovers are attracted to rice liquor (Rượu thuốc). It is infused with herbs, scorpions and snakes. It is considered healing, you need to drink it little by little. You can buy an exotic tincture in a store or market. When buying, you need to be careful - there are many fakes.

Rum is also produced in Vietnam. The basis for its preparation is sugar cane. The most popular varieties are “Chauvet”, ISC.

Vietnamese wines do not have a special taste. The export wine “Dalat” is considered the best.

9. Pearls

Buy pearls in large stores, where they can show you quality certificates.

The best reviews from tourists about places to buy pearls in Nha Trang: the “Treasures of Angkor” center, “Princess Jewelry”.

The range of gifts and souvenirs that can be brought from this Asian country is incredibly wide. At the same time, many of the goods will cost the traveler truly ridiculous sums - you just need to be able to choose and “know the places”, since the same product in a shop in the center of the capital or a remote village can differ in price by 2-4 times.

4. Tea and coffee

Are you aware that Vietnam ranks first in the world in coffee exports? Now you know. It is of quite high quality and quite inexpensive - a kilogram of first-class Robusta coffee will cost $4. About 30 varieties of coffee are produced in the country, and Nguyen Trung coffee is considered the most popular. By the way, almost no local coffee is supplied to Russia; everything goes to the European Union countries.

Of course, the most interesting thing is to buy Vietnamese coffee directly on the plantations (for example, in the vicinity of Dalat): here they will not only sell you the variety you like, but will certainly give you a tour, and also introduce you to the intricacies of preparing the coffee itself. delicious drink. However, you will find high-quality local coffee in shops and markets throughout the country.

Vietnamese tea is in constant demand all over the world. Green, black, white, artichoke, pu-erh, oolong, with ginger or jasmine - there is an incredible variety of it here. Cost: 5-8 $ per kilogram. The most popular premium tea is green Thai Nguyen from the province of the same name.

It is best to buy local tea in specialized stores in major cities(for example, in Dalat or Phan Thiet). There they will offer you different varieties, tell you how to brew each one correctly, and will definitely let you try the selected tea before purchasing.

5. Exotic spirits

A separate item in the gifts is local alcohol: vodka, rum, wine and “snake” liqueurs. The wine here is not of particular quality, but rice vodka and rum with various additives are worth trying - you will be pleasantly surprised.

As for bottles with alcohol-preserved bastards, they are often bought as an exotic souvenir to decorate a bar, rather than as a pleasant drink, although here it is believed that such a tincture relieves many ailments. Tourists still prefer to buy bottles with snakes, scorpions and salamanders inside just “as a souvenir.”

6. Local goodies

If you love edible souvenirs, then you cannot do without local sweets. Unusual fruits for Europeans (lychee, longan, mangosteen) are brought from here both fresh and in candied or dried form - such “chips” can be found in almost any store or market.

Also popular are Vietnamese candies made from coconut milk and unusual-tasting candies with lotus seeds.

7. Bamboo and mahogany products

In any shop or shop you will see boxes, figurines, frames, trays, wall decorations made of bamboo and mahogany - Vietnamese artisans make and sell a lot of such souvenirs.

These trinkets cost about $10-15, and the largest selection is perhaps in the center of Hoi An, where several specialized shops are located.

8. National clothes and masks

If you are a lover of exotic things, pay attention to inexpensive local national clothing - bright and cheap. However, tourists rarely bring clothes from here: much more often they limit themselves to traditional conical hats made of palm leaves (check out the city of Hue) and pith “colonial” helmets (visit the Nha Trang market).

By the way, don’t be surprised that tourists bring souvenir masks not only from Venice - on the shelves of Vietnamese shops you will definitely find hand-painted masks made of coconut or bamboo. This is a very colorful souvenir with unforgettable emotions on your face.

Well, and flip-flop slippers, which you should definitely try on before buying, yes, where would you be without them?

Pleasant trifles

In addition to all of the above, you can easily find a lot of other nice little things and souvenirs in Vietnam. From here they bring:

  • national wooden dolls and musical instruments;
  • ointments and balms based on snake venom;
  • porcelain dishes with hieroglyphs;
  • bronze coins and Buddha figurines;
  • decorative silk or bamboo lanterns;
  • incense sticks and incense burners;
  • keychains made from crocodile legs;
  • patchwork animal toys...

Useful information about goods from Vietnam

Trade in the country is thriving: tourists can not bother with choice and spend the whole day walking around the huge specialized stores and shopping centers of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (Vincom City Towers, Trang Tien plaza, Saigon Square) or look for unusual things in craft centers, local markets, and small souvenir shops or on the islands and suburbs. Just remember: bank cards are accepted only in supermarkets; to pay in other places you need to have local cash (Vietnamese dong), which can be exchanged at any bank or exchange office.

Although the range of goods in the country is not very different, each city and province in Vietnam traditionally has its own “specialization”. Thus, green and artichoke tea, as well as coffee, are usually brought from Dalat. They buy porcelain in Bat Chang, and pearls in Phu Kok. Silk Village is famous for its natural fabrics, Phan Thiet for its incense sticks and incense burners, and Nha Trang for its crocodile skin products.

And the most important thing that you will definitely need after many hours of shopping is additional bags and suitcases to bring all these souvenirs from Vietnam back home. Happy shopping!

Most souvenirs can be purchased in any resort town in Vietnam - from Nha Trang to Phu Quoc; they can be found in markets, shops or souvenir streets.

Clothes and shoes from Vietnam

One very important feature of Vietnam that stands out his among most other countries, it is high quality clothing at low prices.

The fact is that many European and American branded clothing companies have factories in Vietnam. And in order to be able to export products outside the country, they enter into an agreement with the government.

foreigners and local Vietnamese shops

Some of the manufactured products remain in the country, but are produced without brand logos. This product the same quality as expensive European items, but sold 3-4 times cheaper, even without logos.

This situation applies to both clothing and shoes, bags, and backpacks.

As for local Vietnamese companies, the most popular are: Garment Company, Eva de Eva, Vinatex, An Phuoc. They are famous for their excellent tailoring quality and reasonable price.

And, of course, you should definitely visit shops with silk items. Prices for it throughout Vietnam are not so high, but the quality is the best.


One of the most valuable gifts that you can bring from Vietnam is a little thing made of real silk.

Silk made in Vietnam is in great demand. It is rightfully considered the capital of the country's silk industry. Bao Loc city.

Here, centuries-old silk manufacturing traditions are harmoniously combined with modern technologies. Therefore, if you decide to buy silk, be sure to check out Baolok.

Silk is made from very comfortable dresses, ties, bed linen, etc. But real examples of art – paintings woven from silk – are considered especially valuable.

Vietnamese craftsmen handcraft paintings of wonderful landscapes.

It is better to buy silk products in stores located at silk factories. Then you can be confident in the high quality of the products and not overpay to resellers.

For example, for a beautiful silk tie you will be asked to pay about 4 euros, for a long wide skirt about 8-10, and for comfortable, light silk pajamas about 10-12 euros, and a beautiful silk robe can be purchased for 7-8 euros.


Alcoholic drinks are always popular.

What do you need to know?

One citizen leaving Vietnam can take with him a maximum of 1.5 liters of strong alcohol. If the drink is no more than 22 degrees, then you can withdraw 2 liters.

Vietnamese alcoholic drinks

The exception is beer, which can be served in 3 liters. Thus, each tourist can bring with him only 1-2 bottles of exotic elixir.

If the drink in the bottle exceeds the volume by no more than a liter, then it can be passed through the border freely. But if it is more, you will have to pay additional customs duties.


Alcoholic drinks in Vietnam are of very high quality. Rum is especially appreciated by tourists.It is of very high quality, but the price is quite low, about $6-8 per bottle.

Interesting flavors include cane and coconut rum.

Vietnamese rum Belami

When buying rum, look for Rhum Chauvet.

Its quality is top level, and the bottles of “ISC Rum” have a snake in alcohol, which gives the drink a strange taste.

Wine drinks are no less popular. They began to be made in Vietnam during the French colony. Therefore, it is not surprising where Vietnamese wine comes from such excellent quality.

The most famous Vietnamese manufacturing company is Dalat Superior.

The wines of this company are in great demand both domestically and abroad. And the most big producer Vietnamese wine company is Vang Dalat.

Their products can be found in almost every Vietnamese town. On average, good wine in Vietnam costs from 5 to 10 $ per bottle.


In Vietnam, tea is one of the popular drinks.

It is made exclusively from plants. Its spicy taste and enchanting aroma cannot be confused with anything else.

a girl on the streets of Vietnam sells and prepares tea

The most popular varieties grown here are Assam and Ceylon.

Green tea

Green tea is considered part of the culture in Vietnam.

It is made from the leaves of the same plant as black, but the production technology is significantly different. It contains high content caffeine and is rich in vitamins P and C. In addition, green tea also has medicinal properties.

For example, catechin, which is contained in tea leaves, is an excellent substance that prevents the development of cancer cells, copes well with food poisoning, helps fight hangovers and strengthens the immune system.

Also an integral part of green tea is the addition of lotus flowers. They are collected in the morning, before they have time to open. This adds a distinctive aroma and invigorates the whole day.

To prepare it the way the Vietnamese do it, you need to take a teapot under the bottom of which you place a tray, pour tea into it and pour boiling water (70 - 80 degrees) so that the water pours out. This is done in order to maintain a constant temperature of the tea.

Sugar is not added to this drink. Because they prefer to maintain a holistic, natural taste. In addition, it is better not to consume sugar in principle.

Black tea

Vietnam is the leading exporter of black tea. A famous brand that everyone knows is Lipton.

The uniqueness of the production is that after processing it is dried directly under the sun. This is what gives it its richness and dark color.

As you know, black tea has the properties of dilating blood vessels, brings back to normal blood pressure and heart function, but these properties are very easy to neutralize by adding milk to the drink.

In Vietnam, artichoke is also added to black tea, which helps in healing inflammatory processes and urolithiasis.

Herb tea

Vietnam also produces healing herbal tea.

In addition to black and green teas, in Vietnam you can buy herbal teas and teas with spices for weight loss

Artichoke tea is also worth mentioning. They sell it in every store here and it’s delicious.

Dried artichoke tea is also very popular.

This tea is more of an acquired taste, but I also recommend taking it as a souvenir!


Coffee Luwak

Luwak coffee is one of the most expensive drinks and is famous for its originality throughout the world. Enough interesting fact is that Luwak is a small animal whose favorite food is coffee beans.

I don't want to sound boring or aggressive, but when you use Luwak coffee, you're exploiting me.

True, in the wild, the animal chooses only the best coffee beans for food, but for coffee for sale, Luwak is kept in a cage and fed with whatever is available, and in my opinion such coffee is not worth supporting or buying. Moreover, it is not tasty.

He eats them in such quantities that some of the grains end up in the stomach, and there they are processed by digestive enzymes. And it is this fact that significantly boosted the country’s economy.

1 kg of this coffee costs about $400, but when you arrive in Vietnam you can buy it for $15 per 150 grams.

Trung coffee is quite a famous drink. Although for the most part it is familiar to many under the name “Legendee”.

Translated it means “legendary”.

For sale, it is mostly packaged in 250 and 500 grams in massive boxes that have a magnificent design.There is no shame in bringing such a box as a gift to friends or colleagues. This coffee is brewed similar to espresso.

One feature is that you need to put condensed milk at the bottom of the cup, and then pour in a strong brewed drink. Let it brew, but do not stir. Drink in small sips.

The taste is astringent at first, and then it is diluted with the sweet notes of condensed milk.


It is quite difficult to find exotic fruits native to Vietnam in domestic markets, and if they are found, they cost up to 10 times more. In Vietnam you can buy as many of them as your heart and wallet desire.

fruits that can be bought in Mui Ne village at street stalls


Translated, the name means “hair”. It ripens between May and October.

The appearance of rambutan is scary, because it is thickly covered with needles, but they are soft and will not cause any harm. It is also known that this fruit perfectly quenches thirst.


This name is quite strange and hearing it for the first time gives the impression that we're talking about about mango. But there is nothing in common between them.

Mangosteen is a fruit that looks like an apple but is dark purple in color. Its taste is quite light and sour.

Durian is very different from all exotic fruits with its strong smell, which, when you smell it for the first time, reminds you of rotten onions mixed with stale socks.

Its transportation is officially prohibited even on public transport. Many of those who decided to try it claim that they have never eaten anything tastier in the world.

King of all fruits - Durian

If you still want to treat those closest to you with this fruit, you can try to convert it into hand luggage, in a small container, removing the fruits themselves from the durian peel.

They are unlikely to stop you if they think during a scan that there is some kind of ordinary food inside the container. But remember that you need to eat durian immediately upon arriving home, otherwise within a day it will no longer be suitable for consumption. It spoils quickly.

How to send fruit home?

When returning home, you may want to bring sweets and Asian fruits to your family. For this reason, you need to purchase all the desired products as close as possible to the time of departure and buy a special container for transportation made of durable material, such as plastic, foam, or even buy a separate suitcase for this, as we did.

A good option would be to transport them in a suitcase, wrapping each fruit separately in newspaper and your belongings on top. It is better to put softer, smaller foods on top of the suitcase, like mangoes, rambutans, and the hardest and largest ones on the bottom, like pineapple, watermelon, papaya.

If you want to carry a lot of fruit home, you can buy an inexpensive suitcase for this and ask the reception desk for a “fragile luggage” sticker for it so that it does not get thrown around.


Vietnamese cuisine has many recipes for delicious and unique dishes. And it is important to imagine their preparation without aromatic spices. The most popular in Vietnam are:


Used both dried and fresh. It is this component that gives the dish a pleasant aroma and delicate taste.

It goes best with soups, vegetable and fish dishes.

In addition, it goes well with other spices. So, for example, when mixed with thyme you can get a rather spicy dish, and with rosemary you can get a peppery smell.

Fresh basil is added to sauces. In addition, it goes well with tomatoes.


According to the Vietnamese, there are no dishes to which this unique spice cannot be added.It would be appropriate to add it to various salads, broth and soups, vegetables, mushrooms, legumes and cheese.

It is also included in other spices such as curry.

In addition, there are four types of ginger flour, from which you can then prepare sweet to savory dough. It is also used for baking and syrups.


This spice is perfect for both baking and meat dishes. And also for dishes made from peas, beans and lentils.Coriander has a spicy aroma and unusual taste.


Also popular in Vietnam are spices such as mint leaves, pepper, white peas, ground turmeric and star anise.


Vietnamese sauce

The preparation is quite simple. To do this, you need to grind two cloves of garlic into a puree in a deep saucer and mix it with finely chopped hot chili pepper.

Then fill all 200 ml with regular soy sauce and 3 tbsp. l fish sauce. Mix everything thoroughly and let it brew for 1-2 hours.

Makes a great addition to rice and pasta dishes.

Shrimp sauce in Vietnam

It is prepared with butter or high-fat sour cream. The shrimp are chopped, mixed with sour cream and spices are added.

Not only children, but also adults love sweets.Vietnam is exactly the country that has sweets for every taste.

The most popular and famous - coconut toffee, and indeed any sweets with coconut in Vietnam are very tasty. Even that same coconut milk.Therefore, always try to take a couple of packages of these with you.

Toffees are sold in different flavors and types. Can be found with the same durian, cocoa, honey, etc.

Also pay attention to candied fruits, and Meth- These are small candied pieces of flowers and fruits.

Sometimes you can find candied seeds - this is a very tasty treat.

Gourmet food lovers may like fruit chips. Or rice cookies with an unusual taste of beef for us. And of course there is fruit jelly with Asian fruits.


Natural oils are highly valued in Vietnam.

In addition, the Vietnamese like to use traditional sesame or corn oil. You can purchase any of them at your nearest market. There is enough of this kind of stuff in almost every store.

What souvenirs and gifts should I bring from Vietnam?

When returning from exotic country You always want to bring home something worthwhile and memorable. And in Vietnam there are many prophetic products that would be worth taking with you to your homeland.

souvenir shop in Vietnam

First of all, most tourists take with them and buy in the country quite cheap, but very high quality clothes, shoes and bedding.

The Vietnamese prices are not crazy, but very low, especially for silk items. You won't find such prices anywhere in Russia.

Particular attention should be paid to silk paintings. These are real examples of art. One such painting can cost quite a large sum.

Also very popular in Vietnam bamboo clothing. It is quite light and very comfortable.Prices in most markets are average.

Vietnamese bamboo conical hats are very interesting and remarkable. In city markets you can buy beautiful bamboo dishes and coasters.

Made from mahogany and bamboo They make various folk musical instruments, boxes, figurines, etc. Very popular among tourists national clothes and masks.

The second thing that most tourists prefer to buy in Vietnam is jewelry.

Vietnamese and colorful lanterns

You can take them for yourself or as a gift.

In any case, this is very profitable, because the prices for gold Silver in the country is comparatively lower than in other countries, and the work of the master is incomparably lower.

After all, if in Russia you pay a craftsman about $30-40 for processing 1 gram of a product, here a completely finished piece of jewelry will cost you that amount, or even more.

And of course pearl jewelry. They are very popular here and are much cheaper than in other countries.

Many flora lovers take with them from Vietnam orchid bulbs, in order to then plant them at home.

orchid bulbs

To do this, the bulb itself must be positioned above the ground, so that the lower part is slightly in the ground. And in order to prevent the bulb from turning over, it should be tied to a stick.

The plant is watered after small roots have appeared and have grown to the substrate. You can speed up the growth process by placing the orchid bulb closer to the sun's rays.

What cosmetics should I bring from Vietnam?

Moringa Cosmetics

Moringa is a miraculous oriental tree with healing properties.

The Vietnamese use this plant to treat both skin and infectious diseases. But the oil extracted from this plant is very often used in cosmetology. After all, it contains a huge range of biological substances that the human body needs.

Organic products from Moringa

The oil itself perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin and protects it from environmental influences.

IN modern world Moringa oil is often used in cosmetic balms, creams and other hygiene products. But the oil extract itself is used in the manufacture of elite Vietnamese perfumes.

Moringa-based cosmetics can be found in various Vietnamese shops and markets, but you can also look for it in pharmacies.

Hair cosmetics

First of all, you should pay attention to coconut oils. Organic oil should be used as hair masks. It can be simply applied to the skin and hair, or special masks can be made.

Shampoos and conditioners from the Vietnamese company Thorakao are quite popular and effective. Especially among their products, shampoo with soap tree extract stands out. It increases hair growth, strength and elasticity. And protects the skin from dandruff.

Hair masks made from rice powder and ginseng and mother-of-pearl powders have excellent healing properties.

Cosmetics Vedette

Cosmetics from the Vietnamese company Vedette are very popular among Russian tourists and all over the world. Face masks have proven themselves quite well. This cosmetics perfectly cleanses the skin and its pores.


Pay attention also to these miraculous Vietnamese creams:

  • organic aloe vera products. Aloe vera will help soothe the skin after the hot sun and moisturize.
  • cream (balm) white tiger (white tiger balm). This cream soothes the skin, relieves itching, headaches, etc.
  • collagen cream. This cream deeply moisturizes, makes the skin elastic and soft.
  • laevigatus cream.The cream is aimed at healing wounds and clearing the skin of acne, etc.

What medicines, ointments and balms should I bring from Vietnam?

Buying medicines in a foreign country is quite problematic, because there is a language barrier.

It is quite difficult to understand whether this remedy is suitable for you if you cannot fully understand the composition of the drug and its contraindications. Therefore, we advise you to select medications together with a specialist or at least a guide.

Among the popular Vietnamese medicines among tourists the following are distinguished:

  1. Cebraton is a drug that improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and has a positive effect on brain activity.It can be used if the patient has a hard job with constant stress, problems with memory, sleep, or poor concentration. It can also be used as a prophylactic after strokes.
  2. Glucosamine– has an excellent effect on the ligaments and sore joints. This is one of the most popular remedies in all of Vietnam, which is good for the restoration of cartilage tissue and ligaments after injuries. This product has enough a large number of active ingredients, therefore we strongly recommend that you first consult with your doctor about the permissible doses of the drug.
  3. And where would we be without drugs that stimulate the female or male system? There are quite a lot in Vietnam medicines improving the function of these systems. The most popular enlargement agent sexual attraction, for both men and women it is considered Song Hao. Eva Hoi Xuan This is a popular remedy for menopause. There are many medications that increase male potency. All of them are made from useful medicinal plants and herbs.


Of the wide variety of medicines in Vietnam, it is better to take ointments. Especially those that are popular all over the world.

Cobratoxan ointment

Such ointments include “Cobratoxan”, “ White Tiger" and "Star".

The first is recommended by many Vietnamese and our doctors for joint diseases, for stretch marks and pain in ligaments, back, and especially for radiculitis. No matter how strange it may sound, the main component of the ointment is snake venom. But don't be surprised.

The poison helps the ointment penetrate perfectly into the muscles, relieving tension and pain. Many of our tourists are accustomed to buying packages for themselves and their loved ones.

The second remedy, called “White Tiger,” has approximately the same effect on muscular system. At the same time, this balm perfectly warms up the muscles, thereby improving blood circulation. This is why the White Tiger balm is often used by Vietnamese massage therapists during massage sessions.

And, of course, everyone knows "Star" ointment, which was very popular back in the Soviet Union.

Modern Vietnamese have started producing this miraculous remedy. Now “Zvezdochka” can be purchased in the form of a balm, pencil or ointment.

Doctors recommend using this remedy for colds, migraines, bites of various insects, etc. The essential oils that are part of this remedy allow you to get rid of many symptoms in a few hours, and the Vietnamese themselves use them for their own therapeutic and preventive purposes.

Alcohol tinctures

Alcohol tinctures are no less popular in Vietnam.

When you see these for the first time, do not be alarmed by their contents. After all, if you are accustomed to making alcoholic tinctures exclusively from herbs, roots or other parts of plants, then the Vietnamese will greatly surprise you.

There are plenty of different options here.

Just look at the alcohol tincture, in which a cobra holds a scorpion with its teeth, but tinctures on rats and chicks are certainly not for the faint of heart. And that's not all.

Vietnamese alcoholic drinks with snake and scorpion inside

Entering one of the shops selling alcohol tinctures, you will see for yourself the strangeness of the Vietnamese people.

There are also special tinctures for potency, radiculitis, heart disease, etc. Some Vietnamese claim that snake tincture wards off dark forces, improves health and gives wisdom. Personally, I don't agree with this.

Highlight two types of tinctures:

  1. Drinking tinctures- quite pleasant to the taste. They are more alcoholic drinks than medicinal ones.
  2. Medicinal tinctures- are no longer as pleasant as most medications. They are created to help normalize metabolic processes, blood circulation, etc.

Diseases brought from Vietnam

Traveling to a foreign country always involves big risks. And first of all, there is a danger of contracting any disease. And no matter how much you would like it, Vietnam is no exception.

Here, many viruses and bacteria await unprepared tourists for which we have no natural protection.

Despite the fact that no epidemics or mass diseases have occurred in Vietnam for several decades, it is better to protect yourself. And the risk of catching any disease is not that high.

First and foremost, all travelers should be vaccinated against infectious diseases. First of all, you should protect yourself from malaria, hepatitis and the so-called Japanese encephalitis. Rotavirus diseases are also common.

The situation with insects is quite difficult. From their bites you can catch fever, leishmaniasis, schistosomiasis and more. And also quite often one can mention salmonellosis, amoebiasis, and of course various variations of helminthiasis.

One of the Vietnamese disease-carrying mosquitoes looks like this

If in cities with expensive resorts there is an excellent medical situation, then in distant rural regions the situation is quite tense. And if you decide to travel around Asia for the first time, then you should think about vaccinations.

What jewelry should I bring from Vietnam?

Vietnam is famous for its beautiful resorts, but no less often tourists come to this country to buy beautiful jewelry.

The most popular jewelry in Vietnam is, of course, pearls. After all, this country, due to its natural location, is the world's largest producer and supplier of pearls.

Pearls here can be found in all sizes, shapes and colors (from light pink to snow-white and even green, purple and other amazing colors).

selling pearls in Vietnam

As they say, if you have money, you can find anything you want. The assortment is huge. From small earrings and rings with pearls, to incredibly beautiful necklaces made from dozens of pearls.

You can find pearls in specialized stores here. highest quality, it won't be cheap.If you want to save money, then go to small shops. The range and quality there is not so high, but the prices are reasonable.

Pearl bracelets cost on average from $7 to $11, the same bracelet with a necklace costs about $23, and silver earrings with pearls cost $1 or $2.

But remember one thing: free export of jewelry from Vietnam is allowed only if its weight does not exceed 300 grams.

And at the border you may be legally required to provide documents for this jewelry. Therefore, if you decide to buy jewelry here, be sure to make sure that you will be given certificates. Otherwise you may have problems at the border.

Valuable jewellery

Another precious attraction of Vietnam is sapphires. After all, Vietnam has won a pretty good part for itself in this trade niche.

Products made from sapphires are valued almost on the same level as rubies and diamonds.

At the same time, here tourists can purchase beautiful jewelry of this gemstone is almost two to three times cheaper. And the quality will not suffer from this.

The range of sapphires in Vietnamese cities is quite large.Here you will find both familiar blue pebbles and fabulous orange, yellow, pink and cosmic purple ones.

Among other costume jewelry in Vietnam, you can find beautiful items made of ivory, pearls and precious crystals.

Precious stones can be purchased in their pure form, or already decorated in various gold and silver jewelry. And, of course, there is a classic gold frame for sapphires.

Local craftsmen offer their services for replacing frames or adjusting stones to the required sizes. In addition to sapphires in Vietnamese jewelry, you can find such gems like topazes, diamonds, citrines, etc.

Silver jewelry

Vietnam is also rich in silver deposits. Because of this, the country is relatively low prices for this precious metal.

Silver bracelet Sapa

Especially appreciated by tourists silver rings, bracelets and necklaces with different precious stones especially pearls.

The prices here are also not astronomical. For example, for a silver ring and earrings with sapphire inserts, on average you will need to pay $65-85. If, in addition to such a set, you also take a bracelet made in the same design, then $250-320.

Simple silver earrings with different stones will cost $30-70, etc.If we take it very roughly, then in Russia a jeweler can charge $30-40 for processing 1 gram of a product. In Vietnam, this is the price of finished jewelry.

A similar situation exists with gold. If throughout the world gold and its processing can cost large amounts, then Vietnam is an exception to the rule.

Gold items

In local jewelry stores, the payment for the work of a craftsman is much lower than in Russia. Therefore, buying gold jewelry as a gift is very profitable.

To find gold, of course. high quality and good quality, then you should visit specialized jewelry markets rather than local markets. The price will be a little higher, but the quality guarantee is worth it.

What to bring from Nha Trang?

Nha Trang is rightfully considered the resort capital of Vietnam.

It is extremely popular among tourists and the Vietnamese themselves. After all, most residents of the country come here for weekends and vacations.

Vietnamese souvenirs in stores

Tourists come to combine business with pleasure, that is, relaxation by the sea with shopping.

Most found here sea ​​souvenirs from various pebbles, shells, fish and other things. Paintings carved from wood, beautiful ceramic dishes, silk and linen items are also quite popular in Vietnam.

A variety of wooden boxes, figurines, and other souvenirs decorated with images of local flora and fauna of beautiful landscapes.And, of course, you can always find a variety of ripe, fresh tropical fruits in Nyaang markets.

Markets of Nha Trang

Before you go to a foreign country, you need to know everything about it. And first of all, you need to understand the local markets and their average prices. In the city of Nha Trang there are a dozen small markets and three large ones.

  1. North Market (Vinh Hai Market) ) - this is the most cheap market in the city, as it is located away from the main tourist areas. The assortment at the market is quite large; there is a huge selection of fresh seafood, fruits and meat. Market coordinates:
  2. Cho Dam- is the largest and most crowded market in the city. The range of products is truly huge; you can find almost everything you want. But due to the proximity to the resort part of the city and the large influx of tourists, local merchants like to set exorbitant prices.
    Market coordinates: 12.254736, 109.191815. You can get there by bus number 4.
  3. Som Moy– in comparison with other markets, there is a rather limited range of products, but the prices are not so high. If they seem overpriced to you, then be sure to bargain. To enjoy fresh fruit or meat, we recommend coming to the market early in the morning, which is when the delivery takes place. Market coordinates: 12.243125, 109.190179

Shopping centers in Nha Trang

For those tourists who do not like to go to markets and sincerely do not trust such products, we present a list of the most famous shopping centers in the city of Nha Trang.

For those tourists who are accustomed to our huge shopping centers with an unlimited selection of goods, at first glance the selection of goods in the local shopping centers may seem ridiculous. But don't be so critical, because for the Vietnamese this is great progress.

The choice is quite large, most of them are items from local brands.

The following are distinguished: big shopping centers :

  1. Bic C– located away from the city center and consists of 2 floors. On the first floor there are various clothing and shoe stores, a pharmacy with a large cosmetics store and shops with various equipment.
    Also on the first level you can find a bowling club, air hockey and other entertainment. And on the second floor the building itself is a huge supermarket with average market prices. Here you will find products from the Bic C company itself, such as its own wine, bakery products, Appliances etc.
  2. Nha Trang Center– one of the most famous centers in Nha Trang. All due to the fact that it is located on the embankment in the very center of the tourist area. This is a huge shopping center with big amount various shops, with its own supermarket, bowling alley, cinema, slot machine club, and a whole food court. It is clear that due to the constant influx of tourists, prices are slightly inflated.
  3. Maxi Mark– is located some distance from the beaches, but is still very much loved by both locals and tourists. We advise those who like walking to head towards this shopping center, because along the way you will see the beautiful local architecture and one of the attractions of Nha Trang - the Catholic Cathedral located near the supermarket. The shopping center itself is filled with many different stores offering a wide selection of products.
  4. Coop Mart is the least known supermarket among tourists, as it is located far from the main tourist centers. Basically, local residents and those guests of the country who have lived in the city for a long time become dull here.

Co.op mart shopping centers are very popular in Vietnam

What to bring from Phan Thiet?

Every city in Vietnam has its own shops. Likewise, in the city of Phan Thiet you can buy many different souvenirs.

In the city's markets you can find excellent national costumes, good shoes, clothes and bags.

The fact is that many well-known brands have their factories in Vietnam, and according to the country’s legislation, part of the manufactured products are not exported from Vietnam, but are sent to local markets only at a much lower price.

The only difference is that it is prohibited to put the manufacturer's label on these clothes. Therefore, in Vietnam you can find things of excellent quality from expensive global companies, just without a brand logo. Lots of these things can be found in Phan Thiet.

In the local supermarkets you can find the famous fish sauce, coconut toffee and other sweets. Also, in Phan Thiet there are many shops selling excellent silk goods.

Shopping in Phan Thiet is best done in large shopping centers. In them you can be confident in the quality of clothes and products. The largest and most popular shopping centers are Coop Mart and Lotte Mart.

What to bring from Ho Chi Minh City?

Ho Chi Minh City is one of the largest cities in Vietnam. It has about seven million permanent residents. With all this, Ho Chi Minh City is considered an excellent place for relaxation and shopping in Vietnam.

In this city, as in most cities in Vietnam, precious pearl products are especially popular. Here it costs much less than in Russia. Great gift There will be ceramic dishes from Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh City has many workshops and shops where you can buy beautiful ceramics.

If you are a leather goods lover, I recommend visiting Le-Loi Street. Here you can find various shops selling leather goods.

The next popular place for shopping is Ben Thal Market. Prices here are quite reasonable, and the quality of things is at the European level.

What to bring from Mui Ne?

Mui Ne is a Vietnamese resort town stretching for several kilometers along the sea beach.The main street of the city, which runs parallel to the shore, is dotted with a variety of shops, spa salons, massage centers and restaurants for every taste.

You can find a lot of interesting things in city stores. For example, clothes made from bamboo. This clothing is quite soft and comfortable.

The fabrics are of fairly good quality, sometimes they can be confused with silk. For the price of a T-shirt and bamboo shorts, it will cost 500 thousand VND.

market in Mui Ne

In Mui Ne there are many points with Asian fruits, but their prices are much higher than in non-tourist areas or large supermarkets for Vietnamese, like Co.op Mart.

There are shops that sell Vietnamese snakes. These are peculiar tinctures on the snake.

When purchasing, make sure which class this bottle belongs to. After all, there are special medicinal tinctures which, according to the Vietnamese, improve health, and there are also souvenirs on which it is clearly written that consumption is prohibited.

And, of course, there are a lot of leather goods in Mui Ne, especially crocodile leather. Here you can find leather bags, belts, shoes, etc. If you look hard enough, you can find stores offering excellent products at reasonable prices.

What to bring for children from Vietnam?

When returning from a foreign country, you think about what good things to give to your little children. So, when returning from Vietnam, you want to bring something worthwhile. And what will children always be happy about? Of course, sweets.

Vietnamese sweets in Dalat (Vietnam)

There's quite a lot in this country big choice. And you can find sweets for every taste. For example, sweets with coconut milk, which you will never find in Russia, sweets with lotus seeds.

Coconut milk in Vietnam is distinguished by its special aroma; candies with it have an amazing taste. And you can, without worrying about the chemistry in sweets. After all, adding various chemicals to sweets is prohibited by law.

In addition to sweets, you can bring local fruits.

What cannot be exported from Vietnam?

Many countries have a list of things that are prohibited by law from being taken out of the country.

Causes may be different, but that is not the point, the main thing is not to forget about this and not try to carry the following across the country’s border:

  1. Weapon. Moreover, any samples, be it firearms, bladed weapons or simply antique collectible weapons. This is strictly prohibited.
  2. Antiques You can withdraw, but only if you have official documents. The same applies to objects of art.
  3. No matter how strange it may sound - Nuoc-mam sauce and strong-smelling fruit durian. And also don’t even think about taking out corals, you can still get a substantial fine for this.
  4. The same prohibition applies to bird eggs and animal body parts.(teeth, bones, etc.) and turtle bodies.
  5. Animals on the verge of extinction listed in the Red Book of plants it won't be possible to get it out. After all, it is believed that in this way you are destroying an already weak ecosystem. Therefore, before buying products made from wool or feathers, make sure that their export from the country is permitted.
  6. Gold or precious stones in Vietnam are relatively cheap. And they can be removed only if their weight does not exceed 300 grams. True, you can get permission from the National Bank of Vietnam to withdraw more than 300 grams.
  7. It goes without saying that the export of drugs is prohibited. and medications with narcotic effects.
  8. It is prohibited to export products containing pornographic elements. and anti-government materials.

Prohibited for carriage in hand luggage and checked baggage

What to bring to Vietnam from Russia?

Of course, when you are going to another country, you wonder what interesting things you can bring home. But if this is a trip to visit relatives or friends from Vietnam, then I would like to bring them something interesting from Russia.

Let's look at what interesting things we can bring from Russia to Vietnam.

Most likely you won’t surprise a Vietnamese with a nesting doll. Such a miracle is sold there.

What the Vietnamese will really be delighted with is our famous Alyonka chocolate bar and other sweets. Such sweets are those delicious surprises that you won’t find in Vietnamese markets. The Vietnamese also really like chocolate-covered raisins and our Russian Hematogen bars.

Russian souvenirs

And if you want your friends to have a memento from their friends in Russia, then give them postcards and souvenirs with views of Moscow or St. Petersburg.

Dishes with beautiful ancient Russian painting are perfect.You can also bring mugs, keychains, souvenirs with Russian symbols or T-shirts and shirts decorated in traditional Russian style.

Vietnam is a country rich not only in its historical culture, unique customs and traditions, but also an endless number of souvenir shops, shops, boutiques, markets and supermarkets. Tourists leaving Vietnam after a wonderful beach holiday, unusual excursions and numerous entertainments, be sure to buy original souvenirs for yourself and as a gift to your loved ones.

What can you bring from Vietnam to your relatives, colleagues and yourself and your loved ones? What gift would be a beautiful reminder of a great time spent at the seaside?

Souvenirs from Vietnam

Silk from Vietnam is an excellent choice for a gift.

Tourists who travel a lot and always bring a lot of gifts and souvenirs with them from vacation are advised not to run shopping on the first day of their vacation. As a rule, the first thing purchased often turns out to be expensive, and on another street, for example, you can buy exactly the same thing, but much cheaper. Also, do not forget that you should bargain with sellers and not be shy about it - a smart trader will always lower the price, as long as the goods are not left behind.

What is most often brought from Vietnam? The most popular and popular gifts among travelers include:

  • silk;
  • decorations;
  • clothes;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • fruits;
  • Coffee and tea;
  • hats;
  • Leather Products;
  • pearl;
  • trinkets made of stone, wood, silver;
  • musical instruments;
  • medications;
  • aromatic oils and candles;
  • seashells;
  • paintings, etc.

Is it possible to bring silk from Vietnam?

Vietnamese silk is one of the most popular goods purchased by tourists. For a low cost you can purchase high-quality items made from this fabric: bed linen, stoles, scarves, bathrobes, dresses, blouses, pajamas, etc.

XQ Nha Trang Traditional Art & Craft Gallery is the center of handicrafts in Nha Trang.

For example, you can buy a silk robe for just $10. Silk goods should be purchased in branded stores, which are usually located next to clothing factories, but not in the market.

Near Hanoi, just 10 km away, is the Silk Village, where you can buy silk products at very affordable price. And in the handicraft center in Nha Trang, called XQ Nha Trang Traditional Art & Craft Gallery, tourists will not only be sold the item they are interested in, but will also be shown the process of its step-by-step production. Many stores that sell silk products provide the service of customizing the purchased item to individual sizes.

Jewelry you can bring from Vietnam

What jewelry can you bring from Vietnam? These can be products made of pearls, ivory, silver, etc. If travelers are interested in inexpensive jewelry made from such materials, then they will be able to find it in the market. If tourists are determined to buy high-quality, expensive jewelry, then in this case it is best to go to a special store.

Markets can often sell fake pearl and silver jewelry, and stores, as a rule, provide certificates for their products. By the way, products made from sea pearls will cost much more than jewelry made from river pearls. However, even this price for sea pearls will be almost 3 times cheaper than identical Russian jewelry.

The cheapest pearl items can be purchased in the town of Mui Ne, while higher quality and more expensive ones can be purchased in specialized stores in Nha Trang, on Cat Ba Island and Phu Quoc.

Clothes brought from Vietnam

What to bring from Nha Trang and other Vietnamese resort cities? How to surprise your friends and relatives? Of course, national clothes, which are most often made of natural silk. However, such things even today look very attractive, modern and fashionable. Vietnamese clothes can be worn not as a whole suit, but separately. It can be combined with tops, trousers and other suitable elements of regular clothing.

How and what kind of alcohol to bring from Vietnam?

Tourists buying souvenirs for themselves and their relatives in Vietnam quite often take alcoholic beverages home with them. One of the most popular is vodka with snake. This drink attracts travelers not only for its original appearance, but also many useful qualities.

What souvenirs should you bring from Vietnam, besides vodka with a snake? For example, vodka with frogs, seahorses, lizards, scorpions and other crawling creatures. A bottle with such contents does not always look appetizing, but everyone who sees such a souvenir will be very surprised.

The cost of such an extravagant gift varies depending on what kind of animal is in the bottle, what size it is, and also on the tourist’s ability to bargain with the seller. Tourists often buy rum, wine, and various liqueurs for the trip.

Fruits that can be brought from Vietnam

Many people have heard that Vietnam is the birthplace of all kinds of exotic fruits, but only those who come to this wonderful country on vacation can verify this personally. They are exported both fresh and candied - in the form of candied fruits or chips.

How to bring fruits from Vietnam fresh and not crushed? To do this, you don’t need to wash the fruit before traveling - it’s better to do it after arriving home. It is also necessary to carefully pack delicious delicacies - line them with paper, wrap them in breathable fabric. Bananas and mangoes are the worst fruits to travel with, so it is better to take lychee, mangosteen, pineapple, rambutan, etc. with you.

Medicines that can be exported from Vietnam

Cobratoxan cream from Vietnam based on snake venom.

The Vietnamese are specialists in the production of a variety of ointments, tinctures, creams and balms. All these preparations are made exclusively from natural ingredients, therefore they have a truly enormous healing power and are deservedly in demand among tourists and guests of the country.

What medicines should I bring from Vietnam? All drugs produced in Vietnam have high therapeutic effect and cure many diseases in a short time. Most often, travelers take with them from Vietnam the “Star” balm, various balms based on python, cobra, tiger fat, etc. Some of them, the most popular, are balms against radiculitis “Red Games” and “White Tiger”. You can also buy them in Russia, but they are five times more expensive than in Vietnam.

Very common drugs among tourists include the dermatitis cream “Silkeron creme”, the “Cobratoxan” cream containing snake venom, and the dietary supplement “Glucosamin”, which supports the normal condition of the joints.

Coffee and tea from Vietnam

What to bring from Vietnam, from Nha Trang? Perhaps 99% of all tourists do not leave Vietnam without a package of aromatic coffee or delicious local tea. Vietnamese people usually drink green tea, both hot and cold. They often add chrysanthemum, jasmine or lotus petals to the drink, and “snack” the tea with candies made from nougat, coconut milk, peanuts and lotus seeds, and various candied pieces of fruit.

It is best to buy tea in large supermarkets - sellers at the market can also sell low-quality goods. The same goes for Vietnamese coffee, which has an incomparable taste and, when cold, perfectly quenches your thirst in the heat. It is better to drink hot coffee in the morning, welcoming a new day, or in the evenings, admiring the beautiful sunset. It is best to export coffee beans from Vietnam, since ground coffee may lose its aromatic properties along the way.

Other gifts and souvenirs from Vietnam

Vietnam - what to bring from Vietnam, besides clothes, drinks and jewelry? Products made from bamboo, leather, and mahogany will be an excellent gift and reminder of your vacation in Vietnam. All kinds of wooden boxes, trays, figurines, photo frames, etc. A huge selection of such products can be found in the town of Hoi An - there are numerous shops with wooden and leather products at low prices.

Products made from crocodile leather are several times cheaper here than in Russia. In the shops you can buy key holders, wallets, business card holders, belts, bags, purses, document covers and other leather products.

So, Vietnam: what to bring as a souvenir? For example, a pointed Vietnamese hat. This is an original and at the same time useful souvenir made from simple straw. This headdress may seem uncomfortable to wear, but you just need to get used to it.

You can take out many other, no less interesting and original souvenirs and gifts from Vietnam, such as:

  • porcelain dishes;
  • toys made from scraps of fabric;
  • incense burners and sticks;
  • keychains made of crocodile legs;
  • wooden dolls, etc.

Many tourists bring coconut oil from Vietnam; it has nutritional properties and is used, for example, as a softening and soothing agent after hair removal, as a hair mask, nourishes and restores hair, and many others.

The main thing is not to violate the laws of the country and export only what is permitted by the Vietnamese authorities.
