How to produce gas at home. Installation for biogas production with manual loading of raw materials

Rising energy prices make us think about the possibility of providing ourselves with them ourselves. One option is a biogas plant. With its help, biogas is obtained from manure, droppings and plant residues, which, after purification, can be used for gas appliances (stoves, boilers), pumped into cylinders and used as fuel for cars or electric generators. In general, processing manure into biogas can meet all the energy needs of a home or farm.

Construction of a biogas plant is a way to independently provide energy resources

General principles

Biogas is a product that is obtained from the decomposition of organic substances. During the process of rotting/fermentation, gases are released, collecting which you can meet the needs of your own household. Equipment in which it takes place this process I call it a “biogas plant”.

The process of biogas formation occurs due to the vital activity of various kinds of bacteria that are contained in the waste itself. But in order for them to actively “work”, they need to create certain conditions: humidity and temperature. To create them, a biogas plant is being built. This is a complex of devices, the basis of which is a bioreactor, in which waste decomposition occurs, which is accompanied by gas formation.

There are three modes for processing manure into biogas:

  • Psychophilic mode. The temperature in the biogas plant is from +5°C to +20°C. Under such conditions, the decomposition process is slow, much gas is formed, and its quality is low.
  • Mesophilic. The unit enters this mode at temperatures from +30°C to +40°C. In this case, mesophilic bacteria actively reproduce. In this case, more gas is formed, the processing process takes less time - from 10 to 20 days.
  • Thermophilic. These bacteria multiply at temperatures from +50°C. The process is the fastest (3-5 days), the gas output is the largest (with ideal conditions from 1 kg of delivery you can get up to 4.5 liters of gas). Most reference tables for gas yield from processing are given specifically for this mode, so when using other modes it is worth making a smaller adjustment.

The most difficult thing to implement in biogas plants is the thermophilic mode. This requires high-quality thermal insulation of the biogas plant, heating and a temperature control system. But at the output we get maximum amount biogas. Another feature of thermophilic processing is the impossibility of additional loading. The remaining two modes - psychophilic and mesophilic - allow you to add a fresh portion of prepared raw materials daily. But, in the thermophilic mode, the short processing time makes it possible to divide the bioreactor into zones in which their share of raw materials will be processed different terms downloads.

Biogas plant diagram

The basis of a biogas plant is a bioreactor or bunker. The fermentation process occurs in it, and the resulting gas accumulates in it. There is also a loading and unloading hopper; the generated gas is discharged through a pipe inserted into the upper part. Next comes the gas treatment system - cleaning it and increasing the pressure in the gas pipeline to working pressure.

For mesophilic and thermophilic modes, a bioreactor heating system is also required to reach the required modes. For this purpose, gas boilers running on produced fuel are usually used. From it, a pipeline system goes to the bioreactor. Usually this polymer pipes, since they best tolerate being in an aggressive environment.

A biogas plant also needs a system for mixing the substance. During fermentation, a hard crust forms at the top, and heavy particles settle down. All this together worsens the process of gas formation. Mixers are needed to maintain a homogeneous state of the processed mass. They can be mechanical or even manual. They can be started by timer or manually. It all depends on how the biogas plant is made. An automated system is more expensive to install, but requires a minimum of attention during operation.

According to the type of location, a biogas plant can be:

  • Overground.
  • Semi-recessed.
  • Recessed.

Recessed ones are more expensive to install - a large amount of excavation work is required. But when used in our conditions, they are better - it is easier to organize insulation, and the heating costs are lower.

What can be recycled

A biogas plant is essentially omnivorous - any organic matter can be processed. Any manure, urine, or plant residues are suitable. Detergents, antibiotics, and chemicals negatively affect the process. It is advisable to minimize their intake, as they kill the flora that processes them.

Cattle manure is considered ideal, since it contains large quantities of microorganisms. If there are no cows on the farm, when loading the bioreactor, it is advisable to add some of the manure to populate the substrate with the required microflora. Plant residues are pre-crushed and diluted with water. Plant materials and excrement are mixed in a bioreactor. This “filling” takes longer to process, but at the end of the day, under the correct mode, we have the highest product yield.

Location determination

To minimize the costs of organizing the process, it makes sense to locate the biogas plant close to the source of waste - near buildings where poultry or animals are kept. It is advisable to develop the design so that loading occurs by gravity. From a barn or pigsty, you can lay a pipeline at a slope through which manure will flow by gravity into the bunker. This greatly simplifies the task of maintaining the reactor, and also removing manure.

It is most advisable to locate the biogas plant so that waste from the farm can flow by gravity

Typically, buildings with animals are located at some distance from a residential building. Therefore, the generated gas will need to be transferred to consumers. But laying one gas pipe is cheaper and easier than organizing a line for transporting and loading manure.


There are quite strict requirements for manure processing tanks:

All these requirements for the construction of a biogas plant must be met, as they ensure safety and create normal conditions for processing manure into biogas.

What materials can it be made from?

Resistance to aggressive environments is the main requirement for materials from which containers can be made. The substrate in the bioreactor can be acidic or alkaline. Accordingly, the material from which the container is made must tolerate various environments well.

Not many materials meet these requests. The first thing that comes to mind is metal. It is durable and can be used to make containers of any shape. The good thing is that you can use a ready-made container - some old tank. In this case, the construction of a biogas plant will take very little time. The disadvantage of metal is that it reacts with chemical active substances and begins to collapse. To neutralize this disadvantage, the metal is coated with a protective coating.

An excellent option is a bioreactor container made of polymer. Plastic is chemically neutral, does not rot, does not rust. You just need to choose from materials that can withstand freezing and heating to sufficient temperatures. high temperatures. The reactor walls should be thick, preferably glass fiber reinforced. Such containers are not cheap, but they last a long time.

A cheaper option is a biogas plant with a container made of bricks, concrete blocks, or stone. In order for the masonry to withstand high loads, it is necessary to reinforce the masonry (in every 3-5 rows, depending on the thickness of the wall and the material). After completing the wall construction process, to ensure water and gas impermeability, subsequent multi-layer treatment of the walls is necessary both inside and outside. The walls are plastered with a cement-sand composition with additives (additives) that provide the required properties.

Reactor sizing

The reactor volume depends on the selected temperature for processing manure into biogas. Most often, mesophilic is chosen - it is easier to maintain and it allows for the possibility of daily reloading of the reactor. Biogas production after reaching normal mode (about 2 days) is stable, without surges or dips (when normal conditions are created). In this case, it makes sense to calculate the volume of the biogas plant depending on the amount of manure generated on the farm per day. Everything is easily calculated based on average statistical data.

The decomposition of manure at mesophilic temperatures takes from 10 to 20 days. Accordingly, the volume is calculated by multiplying by 10 or 20. When calculating, it is necessary to take into account the amount of water that is necessary to bring the substrate to an ideal state - its humidity should be 85-90%. The found volume is increased by 50%, since the maximum load should not exceed 2/3 of the tank volume - gas should accumulate under the ceiling.

For example, there are 5 cows, 10 pigs and 40 chickens on a farm. The result is 5 * 55 kg + 10 * 4.5 kg + 40 * 0.17 kg = 275 kg + 45 kg + 6.8 kg = 326.8 kg. In order to bring chicken droppings to a humidity of 85% you need to add a little more than 5 liters of water (that’s another 5 kg). The total weight is 331.8 kg. For processing in 20 days you need: 331.8 kg * 20 = 6636 kg - about 7 cubic meters only for the substrate. We multiply the found figure by 1.5 (increase by 50%), we get 10.5 cubic meters. This will be the calculated value of the reactor volume of the biogas plant.

Loading and unloading hatches lead directly into the bioreactor tank. In order for the substrate to be evenly distributed over the entire area, they are made at opposite ends of the container.

When installing a biogas plant in-depth, the loading and unloading pipes approach the body at an acute angle. Moreover, the lower end of the pipe should be below the liquid level in the reactor. This prevents air from entering the container. Also, rotary or shut-off valves are installed on the pipes, which are closed in the normal position. They open only during loading or unloading.

Since manure may contain large fragments (litter elements, grass stems, etc.), small diameter pipes will often become clogged. Therefore, for loading and unloading, they must have a diameter of 20-30 cm. They must be installed before the start of work on insulating the biogas plant, but after the container is installed in place.

The most convenient mode of operation of a biogas plant is with regular loading and unloading of the substrate. This operation can be carried out once a day or once every two days. Manure and other components are preliminarily collected in a storage tank, where they are brought to the required state - crushed, if necessary, moistened and mixed. For convenience, this container may have a mechanical stirrer. The prepared substrate is poured into the receiving hatch. If you place the receiving container in the sun, the substrate will be preheated, which will reduce the cost of maintaining the required temperature.

It is advisable to calculate the installation depth of the receiving hopper so that waste flows into it by gravity. The same applies to unloading into the bioreactor. The best case is if the prepared substrate moves by gravity. And a shutter will fence it off during preparation.

To ensure the tightness of the biogas plant, the hatches on the receiving hopper and in the unloading area must have a sealing rubber seal. The less air there is in the container, the cleaner the gas will be at the outlet.

Collection and removal of biogas

Biogas is removed from the reactor through a pipe, one end of which is under the roof, the other is usually lowered into a water seal. This is a container with water into which the resulting biogas is discharged. There is a second pipe in the water seal - it is located above the liquid level. Cleaner biogas comes out into it. A gas shut-off valve is installed at the outlet of their bioreactor. The best option- spherical.

What materials can be used for the gas transmission system? Galvanized metal pipes and gas pipes from HDPE or PPR. They must ensure tightness; seams and joints are checked using soap foam. The entire pipeline is assembled from pipes and fittings of the same diameter. No contractions or expansions.

Cleansing from impurities

The approximate composition of the resulting biogas is:

  • methane - up to 60%;
  • carbon dioxide - 35%;
  • other gaseous substances (including hydrogen sulfide, which gives the gas an unpleasant odor) - 5%.

In order for biogas to be odorless and burn well, it is necessary to remove carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and water vapor from it. Carbon dioxide is removed in a water seal if slaked lime is added to the bottom of the installation. Such a bookmark will have to be changed periodically (as soon as the gas starts to burn worse, it’s time to change it).

Gas drying can be done in two ways - by making water seals in the gas pipeline - by inserting curved sections into the pipe under the water seals, in which condensate will accumulate. The disadvantage of this method is the need to regularly empty the water seal - if there is a large amount of collected water, it can block the passage of gas.

The second way is to install a filter with silica gel. The principle is the same as in a water seal - the gas is supplied to the silica gel, and dried out from under the lid. With this method of drying biogas, the silica gel must be dried periodically. To do this, you need to warm it up in the microwave for some time. It heats up and the moisture evaporates. You can fill it up and use it again.

To remove hydrogen sulfide, a filter loaded with metal shavings is used. You can load old metal scourers into the container. Purification occurs in exactly the same way: gas is supplied to the lower part of the container filled with metal. As it passes, it is cleared of hydrogen sulfide, collected in the upper free part of the filter, from where it is discharged through another pipe/hose.

Gas tank and compressor

The purified biogas enters a storage tank - a gas holder. This can be a sealed plastic bag or plastic container. The main condition is gas tightness; shape and material do not matter. The gas holder stores a supply of biogas. From it, with the help of a compressor, gas under a certain pressure (set by the compressor) is supplied to the consumer - to the gas stove or boiler. This gas can also be used to generate electricity using a generator.

To create stable pressure in the system after the compressor, it is advisable to install a receiver - a small device for leveling pressure surges.

Mixing devices

In order for the biogas plant to operate normally, it is necessary to regularly mix the liquid in the bioreactor. This simple process solves many problems:

  • mixes a fresh portion of the load with a colony of bacteria;
  • promotes the release of produced gas;
  • equalizes the temperature of the liquid, excluding warmer and colder areas;
  • maintains the homogeneity of the substrate, preventing the settling or floating of some components.

Typically, a small homemade biogas plant has mechanical agitators that are driven by muscle power. In large-volume systems, the agitators can be driven by motors that are activated by a timer.

The second method is to stir the liquid by passing some of the generated gas through it. To do this, after exiting the metatank, a tee is installed and part of the gas flows into the lower part of the reactor, where it exits through a tube with holes. This part of the gas cannot be considered a consumption, since it still enters the system again and, as a result, ends up in the gas tank.

The third method of mixing is to use fecal pumps to pump the substrate from the lower part and pour it at the top. The disadvantage of this method is its dependence on the availability of electricity.

Heating system and thermal insulation

Without heating the processed liquid, psychophilic bacteria will multiply. The processing process in this case will take 30 days, and the gas output will be small. In the summer, if there is thermal insulation and preheating of the load, it is possible to reach temperatures of up to 40 degrees, when the development of mesophilic bacteria begins, but in winter such an installation is practically inoperative - the processes proceed very sluggishly. At temperatures below +5°C they practically freeze.

What to heat and where to place it

For getting best results use heating. The most rational is water heating from a boiler. The boiler can run on electricity, solid or liquid fuel, and you can also run it on the produced biogas. The maximum temperature to which water needs to be heated is +60°C. Hotter pipes can cause particles to stick to the surface, reducing heating efficiency.

You can also use direct heating - insert heating elements, but firstly, it is difficult to organize mixing, secondly, the substrate will stick to the surface, reducing heat transfer, the heating elements will quickly burn out

A biogas plant can be heated using standard heating radiators, simply pipes twisted into a coil, or welded registers. It is better to use polymer pipes - metal-plastic or polypropylene. Corrugated stainless steel pipes are also suitable; they are easier to install, especially in cylindrical vertical bioreactors, but the corrugated surface provokes sediment sticking, which is not very good for heat transfer.

To reduce the possibility of particles settling on the heating elements, they are located in the stirrer area. Only in this case everything must be designed so that the mixer cannot touch the pipes. It often seems that it is better to place the heaters at the bottom, but practice has shown that due to sediment on the bottom, such heating is ineffective. So it is more rational to place heaters on the walls of the metatank of a biogas plant.

Water heating methods

Depending on the method of pipe arrangement, heating can be external or internal. When installed internally, heating is effective, but repair and maintenance of heaters is impossible without stopping and pumping out the system. Therefore, special attention is paid to the selection of materials and the quality of connections.

Heating increases the productivity of the biogas plant and reduces the processing time of raw materials

When the heaters are located externally, more heat is required (the cost of heating the contents of a biogas plant is much higher), since a lot of heat is spent heating the walls. But the system is always available for repair, and heating is more uniform, since the environment is heated from the walls. Another advantage of this solution is that stirrers cannot damage the heating system.

How to insulate

First, a leveling layer of sand is poured onto the bottom of the pit, then a heat-insulating layer. It can be clay mixed with straw and expanded clay, slag. All these components can be mixed and poured in separate layers. They are leveled to the horizon and the capacity of the biogas plant is installed.

The sides of the bioreactor can be insulated with modern materials or with classic old-fashioned methods. One of the old-fashioned methods is coating with clay and straw. Apply in several layers.

Modern materials include high-density extruded polystyrene foam, low-density aerated concrete blocks, etc. The most technologically advanced in this case is polyurethane foam (PPU), but the services for its application are not cheap. But the result is seamless thermal insulation, which minimizes heating costs. There is another heat-insulating material - foam glass. It is very expensive in slabs, but its chips or crumbs cost very little, and in terms of characteristics it is almost ideal: it does not absorb moisture, is not afraid of freezing, tolerates static loads well, and has low thermal conductivity.

Of course, DIY biogas is not for everyone. First, you must be the owner of a private home. A homemade installation has dimensions and installation options for which the apartment conditions are absolutely not suitable. Secondly, at home it is possible only if there is organic waste a lot. And thirdly, perhaps most importantly, you need knowledge.

There is no point in inventing an installation - everything has already been invented a long time ago. But in order to implement a ready-made idea using ready-made drawings, this must be understood. A tool, ingenuity, understanding and awareness of the design of the device, and also a desire that will allow you not to deviate from the intended goal - this is all very important.

Let's summarize:

  • Place. Only private courtyards with areas up to 10 m2 free from buildings and trees. It is also worth considering such options when it is possible in the future to construct a building of a commercial or even residential type above the installation itself.
  • Material. Stainless steel, brick, concrete, pipes (metal and/or plastic) - these are the basics. Let's add tools to this list: welding equipment, concrete mixers, metal-cutting tools.
  • Raw materials. The main source of biogas can only be organic matter - manure, plant waste, slaughterhouse waste. Each type of raw material produces its own amount of biogas of a certain quality. In any case, there must be enough raw materials to increase profitability.
  • Understanding and awareness of the idea. It’s possible without this: invited, paid, received – why understanding? But even the most primitive installation designed for small-scale biogas production is expensive, and the whole point is to get everything you need based on your own strength. So here you have to be a bearer of the unspoken title of “folk craftsman”.

Many European farmers have long switched to this alternative type of fuel. The payback period for a biogenerator is 3-5 years, it all depends on the scale of consumption. For example, Danish owners of mini-farms, with livestock numbers of only 50-100 heads, manage to produce biogas with their own installations, which fully satisfies the needs of both the residential building and the farm itself. Comfort at home and on the farm, thanks to their own biogas, is perceived as something ordinary.

How it works

In the entire biological installation, almost every element is important:

  • A reservoir is a container in which fermentation of biomass occurs due to the action of bacteria. The tank, of different sizes and made of different materials, serves as a kind of pan. It would be more correct to call it a bioreactor. This complex structure must not only accommodate biomass for fermentation, but also have such qualities as reliability and durability. A biogas production plant is not a reusable building. You need to do it once and only improve the design, otherwise profitability will drop below zero.
  • Connecting elements that must not bleed gas. Methane is an explosive gas and an accidental spark can lead to disastrous consequences.
  • Raw material mass mixing system. It is quite difficult to make in artisanal conditions, but highly desirable. Regular mixing improves productivity.
  • Reactor insulation system. Reliable and high-quality insulation allows you to maintain the required temperature inside the reactor. Bacteria can survive at low temperatures, but they are not viable. And although the temperature inside will always be above zero, it must be able to be maintained and controlled.
  • Gas holder is a container for temporary (until consumption) gas storage. In artisanal conditions it is represented by a steel tank.
  • Filtration system or filtration system. It is advisable to clean the gas resulting from fermentation from CO2.

The raw materials entering the bioreactor begin to ferment. The gas released is not pure. It contains a proportion of methane (up to 80-90%), carbon dioxide (up to 20-30%), hydrogen (up to 5-10%). Periodic stirring promotes the frequency of gas release. The gas enters the gas tank, then through the filtration system, and then to the consumed unit (boiler, furnace, etc.).

Basic moments

Biogas can be obtained at home in different volumes and different quality. This is influenced by several factors:

  • Quantity of raw materials. For continuous operation of the bioreactor, biomass must be periodically fed inside. The feeding frequency depends on the size of the reactor. High performance is achieved by filling the container to 75%. A lower figure reduces production efficiency, as does a load above 75%.
  • Origin of raw materials. Manure or corn pulp - the difference is significant. Usually they start from the presence of one or another type of raw material. For example, a huge number High Quality methane can be obtained from animal fats - up to 1500 m3 from a ton of raw materials. At the same time, the methane content will also be the maximum possible – up to 90%. The production of biogas from algae has lower figures - up to 250-300 m3 per ton.
  • Frequency of raw material supply. Fermentation must be completed almost completely, the released water must be drained, unfermented residues must be disposed of, and only then can a new supply of a certain amount be possible. In artisanal conditions, this process is quite difficult to control. Industrial installations are more progressive and the entire process is controlled automatically.
  • Combination of raw materials. Some types of biomass can complement each other, acting as catalysts for chemical processes inside the reactor. Some, on the contrary, are able to slow down the reaction. For example, grain stillage in combination with manure gives good results as a result of the combination. Whereas fats are not combined with almost any other type of raw material.

The table shows the volume of gas produced (in m3) from one ton of raw material:

How to use

Biogas can be used at home based on its quantity and quality. Usually this is heating of outbuildings or a residential building. With small volumes of gas, it may only be enough to heat water, but in this case, the profitability of the installation needs to be reconsidered. Some craftsmen have pushed their designs to enormous levels of productivity and completely forgotten about the consumption of government electricity and natural gas.

In any case, through an installation for producing biogas, several positive aspects are realized both for the gas consumer and for all of humanity as a whole:

  • transition to low-cost production,
  • saving money,
  • partial waste disposal,
  • preventing global warming.

Humanity has made a giant leap forward, learning to control nature and everyday life. Biogas, as an alternative fuel and form of energy, has now become possible to obtain at home. Of course, the high cost of the equipment is somewhat daunting, but payback calculations show that a bioreactor at home is a profitable and expedient solution.

A DIY biogas plant can be done without much effort. Its use will allow significant savings on energy resources, which today are becoming more and more expensive every time. If you independently decide to build equipment that allows you to obtain biogas from waste, you will be able to consume cheap energy, which will be used for heating your home and other needs.

Beneficial use

If during the operation of the installation excess biogas or fertilizers are generated, then it is possible to sell them at market price, thereby you will turn into profit what is literally lying under your feet. If you are a large farmer, then you have the opportunity to purchase a ready-made biogas production station. Such factory-produced installations are very expensive, but have a long lifespan.

A do-it-yourself biogas plant can be made from scrap materials, it will not cost very much, and such equipment will work on the same principle. In this case, you can use available tools, as well as parts available in the master’s arsenal.

Principle of biogas formation

If you set out to make a plant that will run on biological gas, then you need to present the technology for the generation of biogas. So, in a special container, which is called a bioreactor, the process of processing biological mass is carried out, and anaerobic bacteria take part in this.

A do-it-yourself biogas plant for home using quail droppings works on the principle of creating conditions that are characterized by the absence of air and fermentation. All this lasts for some time, the duration of which depends on the amount of raw materials used in the process.

Ultimately, a mixture of gases is formed, which contains 60% methane and 35% carbon dioxide. The remaining gaseous components are contained in the mass in an amount of 5%. Among the latter, hydrogen sulfide can be isolated in small quantities. The gas thus formed is continuously removed from the reactor, and after undergoing a purification process, it is used for its intended purpose.

Service Features

Waste that has undergone processing becomes high-quality fertilizers, which from time to time must be removed from the bioreactor. They can be laid on the fields. A DIY biogas plant can be done without much effort if you have access to livestock and agricultural facilities. This indicates that the production of biogas will become economically profitable only if there is a source of supply of manure and other organic waste from livestock production.

Features of self-construction of a bioreactor

In order to understand how to make a biogas plant yourself, you need to understand what parts it consists of. You can take as a basis the simplest diagram of equipment that you can build on your own. The design does not provide heating and a mixing device, but there is one of the main parts - a reactor, which is also known as a digester. This component is required for manure processing. In addition, there is a bunker through which raw materials are loaded. It is necessary to equip the structure with an entrance hatch, as well as a water seal. But in order to be able to unload waste raw materials, a pipe will be needed. A similar element will be required in order to realize the possibility of removing biogas.

This is what the diagram of a biogas plant looks like. It is not difficult to make such a design with your own hands. In order to receive free biological fuel, you should choose a place on the site where you can build a reinforced container, which will be based on concrete. This vessel will act as a bioreactor. At its base, it is necessary to provide a hole through which processed raw materials will be removed. This hole must be made in such a way that it can be closed well. This is due to the fact that the system can only operate in sealed conditions.

The dimensions of the concrete compartment can be determined taking into account the amount of organic waste used at a time. You need to find out how much raw material will appear on a farm or private farm every day. But you should not save, since it will be possible to ensure full operation of the bioreactor only if the tank is filled to 2/3 of the available volume. If you make a biogas plant with your own hands from a barrel, it will work according to the following principle: as soon as organic waste enters a well-closed bioreactor container, which is located deep in the soil, it begins to ferment, which leads to the release of biogas.

Features of container manufacturing

A DIY biogas plant can be made taking into account the daily use of a small amount of waste. In this case, it is permissible to replace the reinforced concrete tank with a steel container, which can even be a barrel. If you decide to resort to just such a solution, then you need to choose a metal vessel, guided by certain rules.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the welds, which must be strong enough and airtight. When using a small container, you should not expect to obtain a significant amount of biogas. The yield will depend on the mass of organic waste that is simultaneously processed in the reactor. Thus, in order to generate 100 m 3 of biogas, it is necessary to process a ton of waste.

Reactor heating equipment

A do-it-yourself biogas plant for the home can be made in such a way that its operation can be more efficient. This is ensured by heating. Such manipulations will speed up the process of fermentation of biological mass. If the equipment is installed in the southern regions, then such a need does not arise. Temperature external environment provides natural activation of fermentation. However, if the installation operates in regions with cold climates, then winter period heating acts as a necessary condition for the operation of biogas production equipment. It must be remembered that the fermentation process begins at a temperature that exceeds 38 o C.

Methods for equipping a biogas plant with heating

A do-it-yourself biogas plant for your home can be equipped with heating using several methods. The first involves the need to connect the installation to a heating system using a coil type. It must be mounted under the reactor. The second method involves installing an electric heating element at the base of the tank. The third method is characterized by providing direct heating of the tank by using electric heating systems and gas equipment. Activation of biological gas production at home can be supplemented with the function of mixing the mass in the compartment. To do this, you should design a device that resembles a household mixer. It will be driven by a shaft brought out through a hole in the cover as alternative solution you can place it in the walls of the tank.

Equipment of the installation with an output system

A mini biogas plant, designed with your own hands, cannot operate without a gas exhaust system. To do this, the installation must have a special hole, which must be mounted in the upper part of the lid, the latter must cover the tank well. To eliminate the possibility of gas mixing with air, it is necessary to ensure its removal through a water seal.

Farms need fuel for heating systems, generating electricity and other daily needs. Since energy prices are steadily rising year after year, every home or small business owner has at least once thought about how to produce biogas at home.

Biogas plants are increasingly being used in farms, allowing you to save money on heating

A biogas plant for a private home allows you to organize the production of biogas right in your yard, which solves the fuel problem. Since a significant percentage of village residents have skills in working with welding and metalwork tools, the question self-made installation for gas production seems logical. This way you can save not only on work, but also on materials if you use improvised means.

What is biogas and how is it formed: obtaining and production

Biogas is a substance formed during the fermentation of organic waste, which contains methane in sufficient quantities to be used as fuel. When burned, biogas releases heat, which is enough to heat a house or refuel a car. the source of energy is manure, which is easily accessible and cheap or even free if we're talking about about a livestock enterprise or a large private farm.

Biogas is an environmentally friendly biofuel that you can produce with your own hands; biological gas is related to natural gas. Gas is produced as a result of waste processing anaerobic bacteria. Fermentation takes place in an airless container called a bioreactor. The rate of biogas production depends on the amount of waste loaded into the biogenerator. Under the influence of bacteria, a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide with some admixtures of other gaseous substances is released from the raw material. The resulting gas is removed from the bioreactor, purified and used for its own needs. The processed raw materials upon completion of the process become fertilizer, which is used to improve soil fertility. Producing biogas is beneficial for livestock enterprises that have access to free manure and other organic waste.

Benefits of burning fuel from manure (farm fertilizer) for heating: electricity from methane

The advantages of biogas as a fuel include:

  • Efficient and environmentally friendly waste recycling
  • Availability of raw materials for gas production in rural areas
  • Possibility to organize closed loop waste-free production of gas and fertilizers from manure
  • Non-exhaustible, self-replenishing source of raw materials

How to build a bioreactor (installation) with your own hands

Biogas plants that produce gas from manure can be easily assembled with your own hands on your own site. Before assembling a bioreactor for processing manure, it is worth drawing drawings and carefully studying all the nuances, because container containing a large number of explosive gas, can be a source of great danger if it is used incorrectly or if there are errors in the design of the installation.

Biogas production scheme

The capacity of the bioreactor is calculated based on the amount of raw material that is used to produce methane. In order for operating conditions to be optimal, the reactor capacity is filled with waste to at least two-thirds. A pit is used for these purposes. great depth. To ensure high tightness, the walls of the pit are reinforced with concrete or reinforced with plastic, and sometimes concrete rings are installed in the pit. The surface of the walls is treated with moisture-proofing solutions. Tightness is a necessary condition for efficient operation of the installation. The better the container is insulated, the higher the quality and quantity. In addition, waste breakdown products are poisonous and, if leaked, can be harmful to health.

A stirrer is installed in the waste container. It is responsible for mixing waste during fermentation, preventing uneven distribution of raw materials and the formation of a crust. Following the mixer, a drainage structure is installed in the manure, which facilitates the removal of gas into the storage tank and prevents leakage. It is necessary to remove the gas for safety reasons, as well as to improve the quality of the fertilizers remaining in the reactor after processing. A hole is made in the bottom of the reactor for. The hole is equipped with a tight lid so that the equipment remains sealed.

How to ensure active fermentation of biomass at home using a generator and other equipment: waste processing, composition and extraction

In order for the processing process in a bioreactor to proceed faster, heating is necessary. Temperatures environment it is quite enough for the manure to be processed without outside help. But under unfavorable conditions weather conditions, V winter time year, a mini-biogas plant needs an additional heat source, otherwise gas production becomes impossible. For bacteria to convert waste into gas, the temperature in the reactor must be above 38 degrees Celsius. It is not difficult to obtain biogas with your own hands; the main thing is to know certain manufacturing rules.

The container is heated using a coil, which is located under the reactor, or by installing electric heaters to directly heat the reservoir. , recycling waste into gas, already in raw materials. To activate microorganisms and start the process of biogas production, the temperature in the container must be sufficient for fermentation. To make it easier to control compliance with temperature conditions, automatic heating is connected to the reactor. It heats the container when fuel is loaded into it to the desired temperature and turns off the heating when the desired mark on the thermometer is reached. A temperature control device for, which is easy to find in a gas equipment store, can handle the role of an automatic heater.

Temperature control module. It can be purchased at any hardware store

Correct gas removal from the bioreactor: drawings, use of technology

To easily remove the formed gas from the tank, biogas plants are equipped with a number of devices:

  1. Vertically arranged plastic pipes with big amount holes to facilitate separation of gas from the feedstock. Top part the pipes should protrude above the mass of waste, allowing gas to escape freely.
  2. A film laid over the container and creating a kind of greenhouse effect. She supports desired temperature inside the container, and also prevents the mixing of gas with air.

    Sometimes the container is covered with a dome made of concrete or other material. To prevent such a dome from flying away under the pressure of the resulting gas, it is carefully attached to the structure and tied with cables.

  3. A gas exhaust pipe is placed at the top of the reactor. The pipe is equipped with a tight locking mechanism so as not to violate the tightness of the structure. The newly released biogas, entering the outlet pipe, is saturated with water vapor and contains many impurities. occurs by condensation: when cooled to ambient temperature, water settles in the form of condensation on the walls of the pipe. To avoid corrosion, the discharge pipe is installed in such a way as to facilitate the removal of condensate through the separator.
  4. To rid biogas of hydrogen sulfide impurities, a filter made of specially treated activated carbon, in which the mixture is oxidized into sulfur and deposited in the sorbent.


A self-assembled biogas plant, processing manure into biogas at home, significantly reduces heating and electricity costs. Such an installation will reduce the cost of providing a private home with heat, reduce the cost of farm products, thereby increasing the profitability of the farm. – the ability to turn waste into a source of energy and alternative natural gas. Biogas is environmentally friendly and modern.
