One-day project “Primorye, my oceanic land, the pearl of the Russian land. Presentation on the topic "plants and animals of the Primorsky region"

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Unique nature Primorsky Krai ( short description)

February 20, 2017

The nature of the Primorsky Territory is rich and beautiful! It fascinates tourists with its beauty and wealth at different times of the year. The natural features of the Primorsky Territory, which we will briefly discuss in today’s article, really deserve attention.

You need to know nature

Nowadays, people have practically ceased to be interested in the beauty of nature. They recognize gadgets more easily than birds or trees. This is not very good, because nature is our everything.

The nature of the Primorsky Territory is unique and is protected. There are many monuments created without human assistance. The fauna and plant world is rich here. Also, the Primorsky Territory is the only place on the planet where a glacier did not penetrate in ancient times.

Video on the topic

Uniqueness of Primorye

Since ancient times, the nature of the Primorsky Territory has preserved many species of plants and animals that currently cannot be found anywhere else.

All corners of Primorye are picturesque and beautiful. Quiet and warm rivers suddenly fall like a waterfall from heavy rocks, the steppes change into impenetrable taiga, and the plains into mountains.

There are places here where you can see both the taiga and the sea surface; from the mountains you can see all directions of the world.

People come to Primorsky Krai from all over the world to be alone with nature for a few days, to take a break from the bustle of cities.

Fauna of Primorsky Krai

The diversity of nature in the Primorsky Territory will be appreciated by true animal lovers. Only here can one find such a beautiful and dangerous predator as the Ussuri tiger. An ordinary tourist will not be able to meet this animal, since the striped cat hides from people in the impenetrable forests of the taiga. Tigers are very afraid of humans, because it was we who caused their low population and the extinction of the species.

Black and brown bears are the real kings of the coastal animal world. In the forests there is a high probability of encountering this animal, so without a guide you should not go too far into the domain of bears, and under no circumstances should you leave the path.

The diversity of the nature of the Primorsky Territory extends to herbivores, rodents and snakes: many squirrels can be seen in the crowns of trees, there are sika deer, mice, and hedgehogs. One of the most poisonous snakes, the Ussuri copperhead, lives here. She lives in the rocky areas of the mountains.

In the swamps that are closer to human settlements, there is a heron. This beautiful bird will never be touched by local residents, and tourists are strictly warned about responsibility for every Living being Primorye.

Chum salmon, pink salmon and masu salmon splash in the rivers of Primorye from May until the freeze-up. In recent years, due to deforestation of the taiga, the rivers have been greatly reduced, so there are fewer and fewer “pedigreed” fish.

Flora of Primorye

The plant diversity of the nature of the Primorsky Territory includes many plants listed in the Red Book. Some of the species grow only here, so you should be aware of the full responsibility for the life of the whole species when picking another flower in a bouquet. It’s better to admire nature rather than try to make a herbarium for yourself as a souvenir. Store memories and emotions in photographs.

Chinese Schisandra and Eleutherococcus, the world famous ginseng root are the treasure of these places. The nature of the Primorsky Territory has given people many medicinal plants; you just need to use these gifts correctly.

The trees here are also diverse: broad-leaved oaks, birches, and alders are found at the low level of the forest. If you climb a little higher into the mountains, you will find yourself in a mixed forest. At the very top, the coniferous lands begin: fir, larch, spruce and cedar - long-livers of the taiga.


The Sikhote-Alin ridge is a real jewel box. There is tungsten, tin, zinc and gold.

In the early fifties of the previous century, there was a gold dredge here that was mining and processing gold sand. This metal was mined for several years, until management decided that mining was too expensive and closed production.

On this moment these are abandoned places in which there are a large number of gold-bearing veins.

Natural monuments of Primorsky Krai

Since 1974, 214 natural monuments have been created in the region, and 94 are awaiting government confirmation. Unfortunately, it is impossible to describe each of the monuments in the size of one article. Let's consider the most excellent places where every tourist should go.

Those who come to get acquainted with the nature of Primorye are advised to visit the Chandalaz ridge. His age exceeds all expectations - more than one hundred and fifty million years! Bones of ancient animals were found here. If you love ancient places, then be sure to visit this ridge.

The Lotus Lakes, located in the Khankaisky district, will amaze anyone with their beauty. The nature of the Primorsky Territory will not leave people indifferent, revealing to them the aquatic relict plant Schreber's brassica. There is also a wide variety of mollusks, including unique ones.

The “Meteor craters of Sikhote-Alin”, the Brother and Sister mountains, the Zarod mountains, which have no analogues in the whole world - these places also have scientific historical value, since thanks to them scientists can accurately determine the origin and history of the entire Primorye.

The nature features of the Primorsky Territory are many waterfalls: Bolshoy Aminsky, Milogradovsky, Shkotovsky, Elamovsky, Arsenyevsky and many others.

A large number of crystal clear lakes and caves are the pride of Primorye. Of particular note are the uniquely beautiful caves: Sleeping Beauty, Spasskaya, Geographical Society.

The nature of the Primorsky Territory is truly beautiful and rich. To preserve this pearl, we all have to try hard. After all, it is always easier to destroy than to build and preserve.

Natalia Frolova
One-day project “Primorye, my oceanic land, the pearl of the Russian land”

Mini – project

« Primorye, my ocean edge, pearl of the Russian land

Type project: group, cognitive and creative.

Implementation period: short-term (1 day).

Participants project: children of the preparatory group for school, parents, teachers.

Relevance:Uniqueness of nature Primorsky Krai, with its diversity of flora and fauna, is on the verge of extinction. People hunt rare animals and destroy rare plants. Even the most better laws unable to protect them. Only people themselves can do this. But for this, starting from preschool age, they must understand the originality and features surrounding nature Primorsky Krai.

Project« Primorye, my ocean edge, pearl of the Russian land"will show children the diversity of our nature and the need to protect it.

Target: Introducing preschool children to nature native land, creating conditions for the development of cognitive and creativity children and parents.


Deepen children's knowledge about native land

Seaside, its features and differences from other regions.

To introduce valuable species of plants and animals that grow and live in our region.

Learn to observe individual natural objects.

Consciously form the correct attitude towards representatives of living nature.

Cultivate a sense of pride in your edge

Implementation stages:

Stage I: preparatory:

Working with children Working with parents Activities of a teacher

Excursion to the mini-museum of the kindergarten;

Looking at illustrations of plants and animals Primorye;

Didactic games: “Fold the picture of an animal”, "Who lives where", "The Fourth Wheel";

Outdoor games : « Sly Fox» , "By the Bear in the Forest", "Migration of Birds";

Word games:

"Who's screaming", "Whose house", "To whom should I give what":

Creating a laptop "Wild animals". Memorizing poems with children about Primorsky Krai, Motherland.

Making tiger masks;

Photo exhibition

"Favorite places Primorsky Krai» :

Creating a mini library "Favorite Primorye» ;

Memorizing poems about Primorsky Krai. Studying the level of knowledge on topic: "Animal and vegetable world Primorsky Krai» ;

Drawing up a work plan for implementation project;

Creation noticeably-developmental environment on the topic project;

Creating a presentation for organized educational activities;

Selection of literature, photos, poems about wild animals;

Reading stories, fairy tales, asking riddles.

II Stage practical:


1. Morning exercises : "Sailors"


1. Strengthen children’s ability to walk and run easily.

2. Continue to improve motor skills.

3. Develop physical qualities.

4. Cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle.

1. Introductory part.

1. Construction, alignment, checking posture.

2. Walking in a column on toes, on heels, with lunges.

3. Light running alternating with walking.

4. Rearrangement in 2 columns.

2. Main part.

1. "Signalers" AND. P: basic stance, hands on the belt. 1 - rise on toes, arms up above your head, 2 - return to I. p. (8 times at medium pace)

2. "Binoculars" I. p: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. 1- turn the body to the right, make binoculars with your fingers, 2- return to I. p., 3- turn the body to the left, 4- I. p. - 8 times.

3. "Pitching" I. p: standing, legs wide apart, arms down. 1- arms to the sides, lunge to the right, right leg bent at the knee, 2- return to I. p. 3- arms to the sides, lunge to the left, left leg bent at the knee, 4- I. p. 8 times.

4. "Where is the ship?" I. p.: basic hand position on the belt. 1- turn your head to the right, 2- return to i. n. 3-turn the head to the left. 4-return to i. p. - 6 times.

5. "Steering wheel" I. p: feet wider than shoulders, arms down. 1-2-3 - spring forward tilts, 4 - return to i. p. - 8 times.

6. "On the Waves" I. p: basic stance, hands on the belt. 10 jumps in place alternating with walking and repeat jumping with walking again.

3. Final part.

Line up in one column, walk on your toes, light jogging alternating with walking. Breathing exercise "Breeze".

2. Conversation on the topic: “Why is our the edge is called« Seaside»

Tasks: Continue to expand knowledge about Primorsky Krai, the features of its location.

3. Examination of an album about animals and plants of the region

Tasks: Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the characteristics of the flora and fauna of the region.

4. Making a collage "Wild animals"


1. Practice making a collage.

2. Fix the names of wild animals.

3. Cultivate accuracy in work.

Organized educational activity:

Cognitive development

« edge in which we live"


1. Deepen children’s knowledge about native land, explain why it is called - Seaside.

2. To develop knowledge about valuable species of plants and animals growing and living in our region.

3. Foster a sense of pride in your edge, encourage a desire to get to know your native places better.


1. Observation of spruce and pine in comparison.


1. To consolidate and deepen children’s knowledge about spruce and pine, as representatives of coniferous trees.

2. Develop the ability to compare these trees, see the similarities and differences between them.

2. Outdoor game "Sly Fox"


1. Strengthen the ability to run while dodging.

2. Improve reaction speed.

3. Cultivate endurance and patience.

3. Basic types of movements: Climbing on all fours in a bear style.


1. Help strengthen large muscle groups of the body.

2. Develop flexibility of the spine.

4. Didactic game “Find a tree by description”


1. Teach children to describe characteristic features trees,

recognize an object by description.

2. Develop logical thinking, coherent speech.

3. Activate your vocabulary.


1. Reading competition "Love you, Primorye blue-eyed»


1. Create conditions for cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic development of children.

2. To develop expressive reading and artistic skills in preschoolers.

3. Identify the best readers among children and provide them with the opportunity for self-expression.

4. Develop a sense of rhythm and rhyme.

2. Role-playing game "Sea Expedition"»


1. Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the professions of scientists studying the seas and marine life.

2. Give children information about the characteristics of the inhabitants of the Sea of ​​​​Japan.

3. Instill in children respect for the work of scientists.

4. Activate vocabulary stock: oceanographer, hydrologist

3. Didactic game "The Fourth Wheel"


1. Develop logical thinking, the ability to classify, generalize, and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

2. Develop visual perception.

3. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Stage 3: Final

1. Drawing “What new have we learned about Primorsky Krai»

2. Preparing for the quiz "Know and love your edge»

Planned results:

Children will expand and consolidate their knowledge about native land, its features and differences from other regions, will know why it is called - Seaside

Children will learn what valuable species of plants and animals grow and live in our region.

Learn to observe individual natural objects.

They will feel proud of their edge, wish to get to know your native places better.

Children will be more careful about nature, and a consciously correct attitude towards representatives of wildlife will be formed.


1. Program by N. E. Verax "From birth to school"

2. Methodological manuals for the program of N. E. Veraks "From birth to school":

3. S. N. Nikolaeva Partial program "Young ecologist" System of work in senior group kindergarten

4. Dikalyuk G. A. "Our home is nature"

5. "Outdoor games in kindergarten"

Primorsky Krai is different rich nature and the special diversity of the landscape.

Here you can see rocky peaks, rocky and wooded slopes, mountain rivers with waterfalls and rapids, calm lowland rivers, oxbow and lagoon lakes, caves and swamps...
Most of the territory of the Primorsky Territory (80 is occupied by numerous ridges and separate hills, the remaining 20% ​​of the territory is made up of lowlands (Prikhankaiskaya, Ussuriyskaya, Suifunskaya).

The mountains of the Primorsky Territory mainly belong to the region, which extends more than 1000 km from southwest to northeast (with a width of 250 km). The highest points of the ridge are the Tardoki-Yani (2077 m) and Oblachnaya (1855 m) mountains.

The flora and fauna of Sikhote-Alin is rich and diverse. At altitudes up to 150-200 meters they grow broadleaf forests. Higher up (up to 600-700 m) they give way to coniferous-deciduous forests, dominated by linden and Korean cedar. Even higher (from 750 to 800 m) taiga forests begin with Ayan spruce, white fir, Daurian larch, stone birch and maple. The tops of the mountains are covered with sparse tundra vegetation.
The famous Ussuri taiga occupies 2/3 of the territory of the region and is distinguished by the richness and diversity of plant species. The northern taiga, southern subtropical and western steppe types of vegetation converge here. A third of all plant species in Primorye are medicinal, including the famous ginseng. The fruits of more than 50 trees, shrubs and vines are edible, and edible mushrooms there are more than 200 species.
The fauna of Primorye is represented by: Amur tiger, East Asian leopard, Amur forest cat, goral, sika deer, wapiti, roe deer, musk deer, sable, raccoon dog, Ussuri cat, fox, weasel, otter, wolverine, squirrel, hare and chipmunk.
There are about six thousand rivers in Primorye, the largest of which are: Ussuri, Bikin, Bolshaya Ussurka, Arsenyevka, Ilistaya, Samarga. The main watershed of Primorye is the Sikhote-Alin. From its eastern slope the rivers of Primorye flow to the Sea of ​​Japan, and from the western slope to the Ussuri River. From another (less extended) watershed system of the East Manchurian Mountains, rivers flow into Peter the Great Bay.
The picturesque islands of Primorye are scattered in the Peter the Great Gulf: Russky, Popova, Reineke, Rikorda, Askold, Putyatina, etc.

Lake Khanka is the largest lake not only in Primorye, but throughout Far East. Its area is about 3 thousand square meters. km. The lakes and rivers of Primorye are distinguished by the richness and diversity of fish species. The most common of them are: catfish, carp, pike, chebak, crucian carp, grayling, taimen.
From the east and southeast, Primorye is washed by the stormy Sea of ​​Japan. In terms of fish species diversity, it ranks first among all Russian seas. 179 species of fish in the Sea of ​​Japan are commercial. The most significant of them are: Pacific herring, anchovy, mackerel, capelin, greenling, cod, flounder, halibut, Far Eastern sardine, chum salmon, pink salmon and others. Near the sea coast of Primorye you can find about 30 species of dolphins, whales and seals.
The rich and unique nature of the Primorsky Territory needs protection and protection. For this purpose, numerous natural parks, nature reserves and sanctuaries. The most famous of them: Ussuriysky, Khankaysky, Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve, Far Eastern Marine Reserve.

rocks Dragon Park

Natural monuments of Primorsky Krai
Primorye is the pearl of the Far East, which delighted the first explorers and conquerors of the region with its beauty and uniqueness. Today, the natural treasures of Primorye delight us, and in order to convey them in pristine integrity to future generations, reserves and wildlife sanctuaries have been created in the region, as well as natural monuments - specially protected natural objects, unique in their uniqueness.
The first natural monuments were established in Primorye in 1974. Today there are 214 natural monuments in the region, and another 94 natural objects are awaiting confirmation. All natural monuments of the region are classified as regional, but 9 of them are nominated for the status of federal natural monuments.
Typically, a natural monument has an area of ​​10 - 150 hectares, but there are natural monuments that occupy thousands of hectares. For example, the “Cedar Forests” of the Krasnoarmeysky district are spread over an area of ​​4929 hectares, and the largest natural monument of Primorye includes the waters of the Novgorodskaya and Expedition bays and part of the Reid Pallada bay.
Unfortunately, the scope of this article does not allow us to dwell on every natural monument of Primorye, so we will consider only some of the most important and characteristic of them. First of all, these are the lotus lakes of the Khanka region, the Ussuri River basin and Putyatin Island;
Lake Zarya in the Lazovsky district, which is home to a unique mollusk, the Zareysky arsenium-shaped one, and a relict aquatic plant, Schreber's brazenia, grows.
Next we can note the natural monument “Meteor Craters of Sikhote-Alin”, which has no analogues in the world. Very unusual and beautiful natural monuments are the Sister and Brother mountains, the summit parts of which are dotted with big amount stone remains of the most bizarre shapes. Of the mountains, Mount Zarod should be especially noted, which has special scientific value for compiling the geological history of Primorye.
Among the rocks of the sea coast, natural monuments are the “Toad” and “Seal” kekurs in the Ussuri Bay. Among the natural monuments of the Primorsky Territory are the most beautiful waterfalls: Milogradovsky,
Bolshoi Amginsky, Arsenyevsky, Elamovsky, Shkotovsky. Among other natural monuments of the region, the following caves stand out for their beauty and unusualness: Spasskaya,
Sleeping Beauty, Mokrushinskaya, Geographical Society, Przhevalsky, etc.
Numerous lakes, tracts, groves and forests, mountains, rocks and rock formations have the status of other regional natural monuments, mineral springs, geological sections and outcrops, river sections, extinct volcanoes, islands, etc.

Stone Cheeks
The standard of rock communities with rare species is the natural monument Kamennye Shcheki near the village of Chernyatino in the Oktyabrsky district. Here the Razdolnaya River cuts through a Paleozoic intrusion, which forms almost vertical cliffs on both banks of the river and remnants in the riverbed, composed of pink granite. Pyrrosia lingual and Selaginella involuca grow on the rocks here.

Kekurs "Toad" and "Seal"
“Kekury Toad and Seal” is a natural monument of Primorye, located in the Ussuri Bay, 3 km south of Shamora Bay. Kekurs “Toad” and “Seal” are named so because of their external resemblance to these animals.

Meteor craters of Sikhote-Alin
On the morning of February 12, 1947, residents of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Primorye witnessed a unique natural phenomenon - a meteorite fall.

Senkina's Hat
Among the monuments of reference significance is Senkina Shapka in the Oktyabrsky district. Located on the right bank of the Razdolnaya River near the village of Zarechnoye, the Senkina Shapka hill from afar resembles a huge turtle with its head raised. The top of the hill is formed by diabase stocks that filled the crater of the Neogene volcano.

rocks Castle

Mount Golets
Mount Golets is a beautiful peak located in the Partizansky region of the region. You can climb to the top in two ways: along the ridge, the elevation gain will be 600 meters, or from the foot along the Podgorny stream, the elevation gain will be 950 meters.

Mount Dome
Mount Dome, height 1240 m. Przhevalsky Mountains, Partizansky district. Having reached the village of Serebryany along the road, first along the 3rd Serebryany spring, and then the Kupol stream, you will rise to a height of 400 meters. Once you reach Mount Kumpol (754 m), you will begin the main climb to Mount Kupol (1240 m).

Mount Kurortnaya
Mount Kurortnaya is located on the watershed of the Amgu and Maksimovka rivers and is one of the main peaks in the north-east of Primorye. The open top of the mountain is covered in places with dwarf cedar and blueberry bushes. The slopes of the mountain are strewn with lingonberries, which in the fall attract numerous animals, including bears. The spurs of the peak and the ridge of the mountain abound with rocky outcrops and outcrops, reaching 35 meters in height. On the ridge of Mount Kurortnaya, numerous tributaries of rivers originate, distinguished by numerous different rapids, plums, large (up to 30 m) and small waterfalls.

Mount Livadia (Pidan)
Mount Livadia (Pidan) is one of the most famous and visited peaks. Tourists and travelers, occultists and ufologists, and simply curious people rise to the top of the mountain, they all go to the top in search of a miracle. Mount Livadiyskaya (Pidan) has a height of 1332 meters and is located in the Shkotovsky district of Primorsky Krai.

view from Mount Pidan

Mount Litovka (Falaza)
Mount Litovka (Falaza) is one of the well-known peaks of the Livadia ridge among tourists in Primorye. The height of the peak is 1279 meters. Several paths leading to the top cross the picturesque valleys of the ridge, where plants from the Red Book grow, such as wild rose, wild grapes, and lemongrass.

Mount Lysaya
Mount Lysaya, height 1560 meters, one of the main peaks of the Partizansky ridge. At a distance of 2 km from the taiga, Mount Belaya rises above the taiga. The peak of Lysaya is located on the territory of the Lazovsky district. On the slopes of Mount Lysaya, the Elamovsky spring begins, on which several beautiful waterfalls cascade.

Mount Makarova
The Makarovsky ridge and Mount Makarova are located in the Partizansky region of Primorye. From the mountain, the slopes of which are covered with forest, there is a beautiful view of the city of Partizansk, Rocky Mountain (Chitinza 1239 meters) and the southern spurs of the Partizansky Range. To the west of Mount Makarova rise Mount Smolnaya (1248 meters) and Skalistaya, to the north are Lysaya, Belaya and Olkhovaya.

Mount Mokrusha
Mount Mokrusha height is 1442 meters, the height gain during the ascent is 800 meters. Mount Mokrusha stands out against the backdrop of the forested slopes of Sikhote-Alin with its rocky peak. It is quite easy to climb the mountain, as it is located close to the road, at a distance of about 4 kilometers.

Mount Cloud
One of the most famous peaks of the Primorsky Territory is Mount Oblachnaya, which is located in the Chuguevsky district, in the northwestern part of the Call of the Tiger national park. On Mount Oblachnaya there are tigers and Himalayan bears, red deer, and pikas. Mount Cloud has a height of 1854 meters above sea level, it is the highest peak of the Southern and Central Sikhote-Alin.

Mount Cloud

Mount Alder (Chinese)
Mount Olkhovaya (Chinese), height 1669 meters, is located in the Partizansky district. A special feature of this peak is the lakes located at the top, in which newts are found. The path to Mount Olkhovaya lies along the Alekseevka River and the Olkhovy Spring, which will lead you to a plateau located under the top of the mountain.

Mount Sister
Mount Sestra (height 1671 meters) and Mount Gorelaya Sopka (height 1471 meters) are the peaks of the ridge, which is called the Dragon's Teeth for its picturesqueness. Mount Sister is located on the territory National Park"Call of the Tiger", Lazovsky district of Primorsky Krai. The rock outcrops on this spur of the Sikhote Alin create a special, fairy-tale world. The peak is especially beautiful in autumn.

Mount Blue
Mount Sinyaya, height 1487 meters, is located in the Lazovsky district of Primorsky Krai. From the top of the mountain, several spurs diverge to the cardinal points, but the top of the mountain remains the high point. From the top of the mountain there is a beautiful panorama of the surrounding ridges and the valley of the Kievka River.

Mountain Rocky (Chitinza)
At the top of the north-eastern spur, there is a metal structure, which, even in a weak wind, emits a variety of whistles that can be heard quite far from all sides. There, among the rocks, if you drop 100 meters in height, a clear spring gushes out from under the stone, allowing a tired traveler to quench his thirst.

Mount Snezhnaya
Mount Snezhnaya, height 1682 meters, is located on the territory of the National Park "Call of the Tiger" in the Chuguevsky district of the Primorsky Territory. On the slope of Mount Snezhnaya, the Ussuri River, the largest and deepest river in Primorye, originates. In autumn, the slopes of Mount Snezhnaya are rich in lingonberries.

Mount Troynaya
Mount Troynaya is located in the upper reaches of the Kema and Bolshaya Lugovaya rivers, in the Terneysky district of Primorsky Krai. The slopes of the hill overgrown with dwarf cedar and grass are a habitat for small animals and birds, and the treeless peak of the mountain opens up the horizons of the north of the region. .

Mount Misty
Mount Tumannaya is located in the Partizansky district of Primorsky Krai. This is a corner of the real Ussuri taiga. In the area of ​​the Big Sparrow ridge, on which this peak is located, the Amur tiger and the Himalayan bear are found, and several hundred species of rare plants grow, most of which are not found anywhere else.

Livadia Ridge

Livadia Ridge
Livadia Ridge is the most visited ridge in Primorsky Krai. There are three famous peaks on it: Livadiyskaya (Pidan), Litovka (Falaza) and Bald Grandfather with heights of 1332, 1279 and 1120 meters, respectively. Opens from the Livadia Ridge beautiful view to the Big Sparrow ridge and the Shkotovskoe plateau. The altitude gain during the ascent is 1100 meters, the length is about 30 km from west to east.

Rock Pigeon Rock
The Pigeon Rock rock is a natural monument in the middle of a swampy plain, located 8 km southwest of Lake Khasan, near the border with Korea. The cliff is 180 meters high, its slopes are covered with bushes. The cliff is separated from the sea by a marsh and a wide strip of sandy beach.

Chandalaz ridge
The Lozovy (Chandalaz) ridge is located in the Partizansky district of the Primorsky Territory, 15 km southwest of the city of Partizansk. Its length reaches 7.5 km, width up to 2 km, height 760 meters. The Chandalaz Ridge is an ancient marine reef that rose from the ocean floor many millennia ago as a result of shifting tectonic plates.

Shkotovskoe plateau
The Shkotovskoe plateau is located in the northeastern part of the Shkotovsky district. The plateau is unique. It is characterized by flat, table-shaped watersheds that cut through numerous streams and rivers, forming narrow canyon-like valleys. The Shkotovsky Plateau includes the famous and unique natural monuments on the Tigrovaya River near the village of Brovnichi, the unusually picturesque Cheeks gorge, which is called the “Cheeks of the Dardanelles”.

Usually, highest peaks The Sikhote-Alin Mountains have a sharply defined contour and vast areas are covered with large stone placers. The relief forms resemble heavily destroyed circuses and carts of mountain glaciation.

They are composed of sand and shale deposits with numerous intrusion breakthroughs, which led to the presence of deposits of gold, tin and base metals. In tectonic depressions within the Sikhote-Alin there are deposits of hard and brown coal.

Basalt plateaus are common in the foothills, of which the largest plateau in area is to the west of Sovetskaya Gavan. Plateau areas are also found on the main watershed. The largest is the Zevin plateau, on the watershed of the upper reaches of Bikin and the rivers flowing into the Tatar Strait. In the south and east, Sikhote-Alin consists of steep mid-mountain ridges, in the west there are numerous longitudinal valleys and basins, and at altitudes of more than 900 m there are chars. In general, Sikhote-Alin has an asymmetrical transverse profile. The western macroslope is flatter than the eastern one. Accordingly, rivers flowing to the west are longer. This feature is reflected in the very name of the ridge. Translated from the Manchu language - the ridge of large western rivers.

Mount Snezhnaya

List of the most famous peaks:

No. Mountain Height above sea level (m)
1 Tordoki-Yani 2090 Khabarovsk Territory, Nanaisky district
2 Ko 2003 Khabarovsk Territory, district named after. Lazo
3 Yako-Yani 1955 Khabarovsk Territory
4 Anik 1933 Primorsky Krai, Pozharsky district
5 Durhe 1903 Khabarovsk Territory, district named after. Lazo
6 Oblachnaya 1855 Primorsky Krai, Chuguevsky district
7 Bolotnaya 1814 Primorsky region, Pozharsky district
8 Sputnik 1805 Khabarovsk Territory, district named after. Lazo
9 Acute 1788 Primorsky Krai, Terneysky district
10 Arsenyeva 1757 Primorsky region, Pozharsky district
11 High 1745 Primorsky Krai,
12 Snezhnaya 1684 Primorsky region, Chuguevsky district
13 Olkhovaya 1668 Primorsky Krai, Partizansky district
14 Lysaya 1554 Primorsky Territory, Partizansky/Lazovsky districts
15 Taunga 1459 Khabarovsk region
16 Izyubrinaya 1433 Primorsky Krai

Rock "Castle" or "Devil's Finger"
In Spokoinaya Bay there is one of the most amazing natural monuments of the Primorsky Territory. People call it differently: Castle, Pirate's Castle, Devil's Finger. It's about about stone remains formed as a result of weathering of gray granite rocks of the Cretaceous period.

Rocks "Fortress"
The "Fortress" rocks are a natural monument of the Primorsky Territory, located one kilometer from the Razdolnaya - Khasan highway, close to the turn to Slavyanka.

Livadia Ridge
Livadia Ridge: elevation gain of 1100 m, length about 30 km from west to east. The most visited ridge in Primorsky Krai

Chandalaz Ridge
Of course, the nature of the ancient reef is unique. The length of the rock mass is 7 km, height is 760 m. From the top, which includes both ridge-like and plateau-like areas, a magnificent view of the nearby valleys and hills opens. Steep, up to sheer, often rocky slopes are cut by deep valleys.

Tiger River

Amgu River
The Amgu River is located in the northeast of Primorsky Krai, in the Terneysky district. The length of the river is about 40 km. The river is famous for its beautiful waterfalls and deep canyons. On the Srednyaya Amgu River there is the largest waterfall, the 30-meter “Black Shaman” and several smaller waterfalls. The river is very picturesque, its bed is winding, and the high rocky banks are covered with cedar groves.

River Armoo
The Armu River is a major tributary of the Bolshaya Ussurka River. The main part of the Armu River basin is located in the Krasnoarmeysky district of Primorye. The river valley is very winding. In the lower reaches of the Armu River, it has a width of up to 80 meters and a depth of up to 3 meters, with a flow speed of up to 10 km per hour. The banks of the Armu River are uninhabited and deserted; this is a wonderful holiday destination for wildlife lovers, fishermen and travelers.

Arsenyevka River
The Arsenyevka River (old name Daubikhe), a left tributary of the Ussuri, originates on the southwestern slopes of Sikhote-Alin. The river is formed at the confluence of the Dalny and Zolotoy springs, then flows through a wide valley and flows into the Ussuri near the village of Beltsovo.

Artemovka River
Artyomovka (or Maykhe) is a river in the south of the Primorsky Territory, which originates on the slopes of the Przhevalsky Mountains, at an altitude of 460 meters. Smooth and leisurely on the plain, the Artemovka River flows into the Ussuri Bay of the Sea of ​​Japan near the village of Shkotovo. The length of the river is 73 km.

Bikin River
The Bikin River is the right tributary of the Ussuri River. The sources of the river are located on the northern slopes of the Kamenny ridge, in the central part of Sikhote-Alin. Until the 30s of the 20th century, in these inaccessible upper reaches of the Bikin, where there are almost no good roads even now, only the indigenous peoples of Primorye lived - the Udege and the Old Believers. Here, on Bikin, is the national Udege village - Krasny Yar.

Bolshaya Ussurka River
Bolshaya Ussurka (old name Iman) is one of the large tributaries of the Ussuri River. From the spurs of the Sikhote Alin Mountains, the river rushes into the valley and flows into the Ussuri near the city of Dalnerechensk. Many small streams feed the river in the upper and middle parts of its basin.

Vodopadnaya River
The Vodopadnaya River is one of the southern rivers Primorye, left tributary of the Partizanskaya River. The Vodopadnaya River originates on the western spurs of the Partizansky Range, near Mount Vysokaya, then flows west and flows into the Partizanskaya River near the village of Nikolaevka, Partizansky District, Primorsky Territory.

Zhuravlevka River
The Zhuravlevka River is one of the tributaries of the Ussuri. The Zhuravlevka River is an excellent place for fishing; it is one of the rivers in central Primorye where lenok, grayling and small taimen are well caught. The river bottom is rocky and pebbly; there are many small rapids and riffles on the river.

Zeva River
The Zeva River is the upper left tributary of the Bikin River, flows along a basalt plateau, in the middle and lower reaches through a deep valley. Getting to Zeva is not easy. Zeva - unique place For fishing. Grayling, lenok and taimen are caught here. The banks of the river are real, impenetrable taiga.

Ilistaya River (Lefou)
The Ilistaya River (the old name Lefou) originates on the slopes of the Przhevalsky Mountains (this is the southern part of Sikhote-Alin), flows north and, dividing into two branches, flows into southern part Lake Khanka. The length of the river is 220 km, the basin area is 5,470 km².

Bystraya River

Kema River
Kema is one and large rivers Primorye, in its northern part, in the Terneysky district. The length of the river is 119 km. The stormy and capricious river begins at the Sikhote Alin ridges and then rushes south to the sea, where near the village of Velikaya Kema it falls into one of the many bays of the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan called Storm.

Kievka River
The Kievka River (the old name Sudzuhe) flows through the territory of the Lazovsky district. The river originates on the southwestern slopes of the Sikhote-Alin mountain system and, after traveling 105 km, is divided into 2 branches, after which it flows into Kievka Bay, in the central part of the coast of Primorsky Krai. The area of ​​the river basin is about 3120 km2.

Maksimovka River
The Maksimovka River (old name Khutsin) is a river in the north of Primorye, it originates in the spurs of the Eastern Sikhote-Alin, in the upper reaches of the Amgu and Peshernaya rivers. It flows into the Sea of ​​Japan near the village of Maksimovka. The length of the river is 105 km, the total fall is 1200 meters.

Milogradovka River (Wan Chin)
The Milogradovka River (Van-Chin) is located in the Olginsky district of Primorsky Krai. Falling from the spurs of the Sikhote Alin ridge into the valley, the river flows through a rocky, picturesque gorge. Many tributaries flow into Milogradovka, of which the Kamensky and Razboynik springs are considered the most beautiful. Milogradovka is famous for its pink and blue rapids and cascading waterfalls, the most famous of which is the Devil's Bridge waterfall.

Partizanskaya River (Suchan)
The Partizanskaya River (old name Suchan) originates on the southern spurs of the Sikhote Alin ridge, in the Przhevalsky Mountains, and crossing the entire Golden Valley, flows into Nakhodka Bay (Sea of ​​Japan). The length of the river is 142 km, the basin area is 4140 km2. The entire river basin is covered with forest.

Razdolnaya River
Razdolnaya (or Suifun) is a river in the south of Primorsky Krai, it originates in China and is formed at the confluence of the Xiaosuifenhe and Dasuifenhe rivers. On the territory of Manchuria, the Razdolnaya River is a turbulent mountain river; in Primorye, it flows freely and widely in the valley as a full-flowing lowland river.

Samarga River
The Samarga River basin is one of the last corners of nature in the Primorsky Territory untouched by human hands. This remote area of ​​Sikhote-Alin, in whose territory there are only two settlements, preserved all the beauty of the Ussuri taiga. The local population is the indigenous Udege people, who from time immemorial have been engaged in traditional crafts on this land - hunting and fishing.

Steklyanukha River
The Steklyanukha River on the slope of Mount Obrublennaya, in the Przhevalsky Mountains (southern Sikhote Alin), at an altitude of 850 meters and rushing to the southwest, flows into the Shkotovka River. The length of the Steklyanukha River is 40 km, the basin area is 230 km2. Tributaries of the river: Gorbatov spring, Zagorny and Yasenevy streams.

Tiger River (Sitsa)
The Tiger River (old name Sitsa) originates in the spurs of the Southern Sikhote Alin. The length of the river is 53 km, the basin area is 698 km. Tributaries of the Tigrovaya River: the Molochnaya, Serebryanka, and Gryaznaya rivers. The Tigrovaya River flows through mountainous and hilly terrain; the river basin is covered with mixed forest.

Ussuri River
The main river of Primorsky, and previously Ussuri Territory, is the right tributary of the Amur. The border between Russia and China runs along the Ussuri River. The length of the river is 897 km, the basin area is more than 193,000 km². The Ussuri River originates in the spurs of the central Sikhote Alin, on the slope of Mount Snezhnaya. Having descended into the valley, the river becomes flat, and its steep rocky banks become gentle. In many areas the river bed is winding.

waterfall on the Kravtsovka river

Kronstadt Reservoir
The Kronstadt Reservoir is located in the Spassky district of the Primorsky Territory, next to the village of the same name, which gave the name to the reservoir. The reservoir is fed by the waters of numerous small mountain streams flowing into it. The coastline of the reservoir is varied, from swampy and gently sloping areas to steep ones, several meters high.

Lakes of Khasansky district
There are a huge number of lakes in the Khasansky district of the Primorsky Territory. Most of them are small and small, each with its own fish fauna. Khasan lakes attract primarily fishing enthusiasts. Almost all lakes in the Khasan region are overgrown with aquatic plants in the summer, among which the main plant is the lotus.

Lake Livadia
Lake Livadia - large freshwater lake near the coast of Rifovaya Bay. Lake Livadia is connected to Peter the Great Bay by a shallow bridge and is rightfully considered one of the main tourist attractions of Livadia.

Lake Mramornoe
Lake Mramornoe, or rather two lakes (Bolshoye and Maloye), is located between the coast behind the Nazimov Spit and the low hills separating Lake Mramornoe from Lake Ptichye (Talmi). The lakes lie in a picturesque tall grass valley and are connected to the sea by channels. Lotus grows on the lake, crucian carp and snakeheads are found.

Bird Lake
Lake Ptichye is located in the Khasansky district of Primorsky Krai, in the interfluve of the Bolotnaya and Tumannaya rivers. The lake is the largest in the Khasansky district and the second in the Primorsky Territory. The lake is connected to the sea by a system of channels, due to which the water in the lake has a salty taste, and tides are observed in the lake itself. Communication with the sea is the reason for the habitat of both freshwater and marine fish species.

lake on the Olkhovaya hill

Lake Soldatskoye
Lake Soldatskoye is a freshwater reservoir of artificial origin, on the southern outskirts of the city of Ussuriysk, Primorsky Territory. It has existed since pre-revolutionary times. It owes its name to nearby military units and a military hospital.

Lake Khanka
Lake Khanka is the largest lake in Primorsky Krai, located in the center of the Khanka Lowland in Russia and China. The northern part of the island, which is wider, belongs to China. The area of ​​the lake is not constant and depends on climatic conditions: the maximum reaches 5010 km², the minimum - 3940 km².

Lake Khasan
Lake Khasan is a small beautiful freshwater lake in the south of the Khasansky district of Primorye. The Khasan region is distinguished by very beautiful, unique landscapes. The area of ​​the lake is 2.23 square kilometers, the shores are pebbly.

Shandui Lakes
A group of mountain lakes located in the north of Primorye, in the Terneysky district, in the Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve, on the Shandui paleovolcano, in the upper reaches of the Solontsovoye stream, the left tributary of the Zabologennaya River. The formation of these lakes, called Shandui lakes, is associated with a powerful landslide of large blocks of liparite tuffs that blocked the stream bed. There are six lakes in total, the largest of which is Lake Tsarskoye.

Milogradovka river, Devil's Bridge waterfall

Alekseevskie waterfalls
Alekseevsky Waterfall is located in southern Primorye, on the Alekseevka River, in the Partizansky district. The waterfall is very picturesque, and is considered one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Primorye. The waterfall is located on one of the spurs of the Partizansky ridge, at an altitude of 800 meters, on the northern slope of Mount Lysaya, next to Mount Olkhovaya.

Benevskie (Elomovskie) waterfalls
To the north of the ancient village of Benevskoye, Lazovsky district of Primorye, the right tributary, the Elomovsky key, flows into the Kievka River. This is a small mountain river, only 15 km long, but it is famous for the fact that there is a whole cascade of waterfalls on it, which are known as “Benevskie” or “Elomovskie”. Benevsky waterfalls begin at the foot of Mount Lysaya (Lazovsky district).

Berendey Waterfall
Berendey Waterfall is rightly called the pearl of Primorye for its uniqueness and beauty. The waterfall is located near Partizansk on the Kamenka First River, surrounded by an ancient untouched forest. The waters of Berendey fall down from an 8-meter height and fall into a picturesque backwater surrounded by boulders, partially covered with moss.

Big Amginsky Waterfall (Black Shaman)
The Bolshoi Amginsky waterfall or "Black Shaman" is located in the upper reaches of the Amgu River, Terneysky district of Primorsky Krai. One of the highest waterfalls in the Primorsky Territory is located in the very picturesque gorge of the Devil's Mouth.

Wan Chin Waterfall
Below the Devil's Bridge tract on the left side, the Razboinik spring flows into Milogradovka (Van-Chin), here is a very beautiful waterfall “Razboinnik”, its height is 9 meters. In the gorge of Kamensky Spring there is the highest waterfall in Primorye, “Podnebesny”, 59 meters high.

Voroshilovskie waterfalls
Voroshilovskie waterfalls are located in the Partizansky district of the Primorsky Territory, next to the ancient Chandalaz reef, on the Voroshilovka River, where the river forms small cascades, falling from the upper reaches of the rock massif into a small but deep backwater.

Kravtsovskie waterfalls - Malysh

Kravtsovskie waterfalls
Kravtsovskie waterfalls are a natural monument of the Khasan Primorsky Territory. A cascade of five small waterfalls formed by the flow of the Kravtsovsky stream is located near the Razdolnoye-Khasan highway.

Smolny waterfalls
Smolny waterfalls are located in the Shkotovsky district of Primorye, in the vicinity of the village of Anisimovka. The waterfalls are named after the spring on which they are located. The Smolny Klyuch, a small mountain river that originates on the southern slope of the Livadia ridge and flows into the Sukhodol River, in the Anisimovka region.

Khasan cascade of waterfalls
The Khasansky cascade of waterfalls or Kravtsovsky waterfalls are located on the Muravyov-Amursky peninsula, in the Khasansky district. Each of the waterfalls has its own name. The cascade of waterfalls is located near the village of Kravtsovka, on the Razdolnoye-Khasan highway.

Shkotovskie waterfalls
Waterfalls on the Shkotovsky plateau, on the Gorbatov and Tigrovy springs are located in the Shkotovsky district of the Primorsky Territory. The most famous and visited of the waterfalls of the Shkotovsky plateau is the Unexpected waterfall on the Left Gorbaty Spring, its height is about 10 meters.

White Palace Cave
The White Palace cave is located in the same mountain range as the Seaside Giant and has long been known to local hunters. The cave was first described by geologists in 1962. In 1966, paleontological excavations were carried out here. In 1985, speleologists from Vladivostok found a continuation of the cave cavity. The entrance to the cave is at the base of the steep and rocky western slope of the mountain, approximately 10 meters above the river water level.

Cave Rich Fanza
The Bogataya Fanza karst cave is located in the Khasansky district of Primorsky Krai, 9 kilometers west of the village of Barabash, in the valley of the Bogaty spring, on its left bank, in the Bogataya River basin. The first mention of the cave dates back to 1950, but the study of the cave by Vladivostok speleologists was carried out only in 1973. Bogataya Fanza Cave is a geological natural monument.

Komsomolskaya Cave
The Komsomolskaya Cave was discovered by local residents at the end of the last century, but after some time its coordinates were forgotten. The cave was rediscovered by V.P. Barkin in 1966, and he also drew up a plan of the cave. The cave consists of three interconnected halls; its total length is 250 meters, depth is 57 meters, volume is 25,000 m3. Komsomolskaya Cave is the largest marble cavity in the Far East.

Cave Bat
It is located on the right bank of the APartizanskaya (Suchan) river, 11 kilometers south of the city of Partizansk. The entrance to the cave is clearly visible when approaching the platform, on the right as the electric train moves from Partizansk to Nakhodka. The entrance to the cave is located on a steep rocky slope. Horizontal ledges stretch along the walls of the cave; these are traces of a decrease in the level of the ancient underground river.

Small Cave
On the Chandalaz ridge, on one of the slopes of the valley, at the base of the cliff, there is the Malenkaya cave, a small horizontal one. The cave is a gallery 2 meters high and up to 2.5 meters wide. The length of the cave is 13.5 meters. The Malenkaya Cave is located on the saddle of a small ridge that separates the karst basin from the western slope.

Bear Cave
The Medvezhya Cave is located on the ridge of a high watershed between the Povorotny and Medvezhiy springs, the left tributary of the Sinegorka (Daubiheza) River, in the Yakovlevsky district of Primorye. The cave was discovered in 1966 by local hunter I.I. Panasenko. The first explorations of the cave were carried out by Vladivostok speleologists in 1968, and a plan of the cave was drawn up. Detailed survey was carried out in 1969.

Mokrushinskaya Cave
The Mokrushinskaya cave is located in the Olginsky district of Primorsky Krai. The largest karst cave in the Far East is unique in the richness and diversity of stalactites, stalagmites, stalagnates, and cascading deposits. The multi-tiered cave is very beautiful, there are many small lakes in it, and the stalactites have special colors - from blue and greenish to red-brown.

Tender Cave
The Nezhnaya Cave is located in the north of Primorye, in the Dalnegorsky region, in the upper reaches of the Krivaya River. Tender Cave was opened in 1974. The cave is damp. The cave has an abundance of deposits of various forms.

Nikolaevskaya Cave
The Nikolaevskaya cave is located in the Dalnegorsky district of Primorye, in the middle reaches of the Nikolaevsky spring. The cave is open in late XVIII centuries. In 1906, it was visited by V.K. Arsenyev, later explored by S.N. Anishchik and A.Ya. Barabanov (in 1964), O.I. Prikhodchenko (in 1969). The plan of the cave was drawn up in 1976. Nikolaevskaya Cave is a labyrinth that has three floors.

Seaside Giant Cave
The “Primorsky Giant” cave, length 540 meters, depth 93 meters, one of the largest in Primorye, is located in the Partizansky district, 32 km southeast of the village of Sergeevka. The cave was formed in the massive limestones of Mount Constantinople, which is located in the upper reaches of the Left Alekseevka River, on its right bank.

Silver Cave
The Silver Cave is located in the Shkotovsky district of Primorye, on Mount Van Gou in the vicinity of the village of Mnogoudnoe. Thanks to the clearly visible entrance hole, the cave has long been known to local residents. In 1966-1967, excavations were carried out there under the direction of E.G. Leshka. During the excavations, a large number of bone remains of various animals were found, as well as fragments of charcoal and stone tools.

Spasskaya Cave
Spasskaya Cave is located within the city limits of Spassk-Dalniy at the foot of the northern slope of Malaya Sopka. The cave was formed about 20 million years ago and is a highly branched horizontal cavity, the entrances to which are located at the bottom of the funnel near the Spassky Cement Plant. The cave has 11 halls (Kapelka, Amphitheater, Stalactite, etc.), as well as a large deep lake and several small lakes (Transparent, etc.).

Sleeping Beauty Cave
The Sleeping Beauty Cave is located in the Shkotovsky district of Primorsky Krai. The karst cave is located in the valley of the Artemovka River, in its upper reaches. Here, on the territory of the Ussuri State Nature Reserve, is Mount Zmeinaya, an ancient karst reef of the late Permian period.

Devil's Gate Cave
The Devil's Gate Cave is located in the Dalnegorsky district of Primorye. The cave has an entrance with a diameter of about 15 meters. Soon after the entrance, the gallery quickly narrows after several tens of meters and is blocked by sagging. In the side wall of the entrance gallery there is a second entrance, which leads to the grotto.

Caves of Mount Van Gou
In the Shkotovsky district of Primorye, on one of the peaks of the Bolshaya Griva ridge, in the vicinity of the village of Mnogoudnoye, there are the Serebryannaya caves (locally called Sitsa) and the Dragon cave. In 1966-1967, excavations were carried out in the Serebryannaya cave under the direction of E.G. Leshka. During the excavations, a large number of animal remains were found, as well as fragments of charcoal and stone tools.

Caves of the Partizansky district
In the Partizansky district there are several limestone massifs, most of which are located in the valley of the Partizanskaya (Suchan) River. In the area of ​​the village of Ekaterinovka there is a large massif of limestone, the Lozovy (Chandalaz) ridge and the Ekaterinovsky ridge, where the caves are located. The largest karst cavity of the Lozovy (Chandalaz) ridge and the deepest is the Solyanik cave, depth 122 meters.

Caves of Shkotovsky district
The caves of the Shkotovsky district of the Primorsky Territory are located in the valley of the Artemovka River, in its upper reaches. Here, on the territory of the Ussuri State Nature Reserve, there is an ancient karst reef of the late Permian period, which is known as Mount Zmeinaya.


Team Nomads
Encyclopedia of tourism
Wikipedia website
photo: S. Kozlov, Vlad Sh., D. Kornilov, D. Podkopaev, E. Efremov,
Primorsky Krai website

MBOU "Secondary School No. 21"


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The largest continent in the world, Eurasia, meets the most big ocean on the planet Quiet. The most important thing that Primorye has is a diverse world of wildlife. The nature of Primorye is amazingly beautiful and interesting. There are places here where at one glance you can see the beautiful taiga and the blue sea. There are many ancient caves and waterfalls in the taiga. From the tops of high mountains a magnificent view opens in all directions of the world. (Pidan)

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The wildlife world of Primorye and the Far East is very different from nature on other continents of the globe. Here you can meet the king of beasts - Amur tiger, graceful animal - sika deer. And also in the taiga you can accidentally stumble upon the owner of the forest - a black or brown bear. Squirrels rule the treetops. Many mice live in the thick leaf cover of the taiga.

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Representatives of the southern Chinese-Himalayan fauna that remain for the winter, on the contrary, often acquire brighter and darker colors. For example, a sika deer “loses” the white spots on its sides in winter. Such wild animals as the Ussuri tiger, amur leopard, forest cat, raccoon, black and brown bear. And among the ungulates: wild boar, sika deer, wapiti, musk deer, roe deer and goral give a special brightness to the taiga of the Primorsky Territory. Other animals that live here include wolverine, lynx, sable, and marten. There are many insectivorous shrews and rodents, an ordinary hedgehog, a flying squirrel and many others. Wild animals of the Primorsky Territory, what do we know about them? Most people see them only as profit, mainly forgetting that these are our little brothers. Just think about winter, the cold, the deep snow, the long, dark nights, and you think what endurance and adaptability these animals have to the world around them. After all, frosts here reach minus 30 degrees, and sometimes even minus 50. How can you survive in such conditions?

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Snow Leopard.

Himalayan bear

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Goral. Far Eastern reed cat. Kharza.

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    There are hedgehogs in the fields. Poisonous snakes, the Ussuri copperhead, live in rocky places high in the mountains. Sometimes you can see a heron in swampy places. They usually live near settlements. And no one touches them. It is forbidden. And people themselves understand this. Representatives of the Far Eastern flora, characteristic only of the Primorsky Territory, grow here - ginseng root, Chinese lemongrass, Eleutherococcus and many other medicinal and beneficial plants for humans.

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    The Mandarin duck is a very beautiful and shy duck. It lives not only on lakes, but also on rivers of the Primorsky Territory.

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    The majestic bird White-tailed Eagle impresses with its size and calm soaring in the sky; its wing alone reaches one meter.

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    The snake's belly is gray or brown with dark small spots. The tip of the tail consists of dense skin in order to frighten them in times of danger, vibrating on a dry leaf and making a strong warning noise, similar to a loud rustling. Cottonmouth.

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    True ginseng (root)

    Ginseng is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Araliaceae family. Includes 11 species native to Asia and North America. A well-known medicinal plant. Mainly used as an adaptogen and as a general tonic. In Korea and China, ginseng root is also used in cooking. Eastern medicine claims that ginseng preparations prolong life and youth.

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    Lady's slipper. Lotus Komarov. Water lily tetrahedral

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    Drooping lily. Iris ensiform.

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    Cross-paired microbiota

    Microbiota is a genus of coniferous shrubs of the Cypress family. Consists of a single species of cross-pair microbiota, found on the southern and western slopes of Sikhote-Alin in the Russian Far East.

    Agree, many people nowadays are well versed in the quality of imported goods, car brands, and the merits of electronic equipment, but when they get out into nature, they cannot distinguish an oak from an ash and a woodpecker from a thrush. I'm not talking about those who measure the pleasure of communicating with nature by the amount of alcohol they drink and snacks they eat. Many people go to the forest, to the seashore, and go on hikes to take a break from the bustle of cities and get a charge of vivacity and positive emotions. And, believe me, the one who knows what is growing, jumping, flying and chirping around him will receive much greater satisfaction. IGNORANCE IS THE ENEMY OF HARMONY.

    Primorsky Krai is not deprived of Mother Nature. They tell a parable about how God, settling all life on Earth, mixed the remains of living material and threw them on our land. True, they say the same thing in Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka, but Primorye is beyond competition. Yes, the nature of our northern neighbors is original and unique, but you will not find such diversity as ours. On the mountain plateaus in northern regions edges there are areas permafrost, with heaving mounds, “bulgunias”, “drunk” forest, lichens and dwarf vegetation, and below, in the lakes, the lotus blooms. Reindeer come to the upper reaches of the Samarga River, and in the neighborhood you can find a tiger. A classic example has already become when the trunk of a spruce tree is wrapped around grapes or lemongrass.

    The landscapes of Primorye have many faces. There are no active volcanoes among them. And so: rocky peaks, wooded and rocky slopes, mountain rivers with rapids and waterfalls and calm plain streams, oxbow and lagoon lakes, swamps, caves. The Khanka plain and the Khasan forest-steppe, rocky sea coast and sandy beaches. And everywhere has its own vegetation, its own living creatures.

    Here is the northern taiga of the Terney region - stubborn larches and mighty spruces, the mountain slopes are overgrown with Sikhotin rhododendron, wild rosemary (real wild rosemary, with white flowers) in the undergrowth, “gray” lichens, lingonberries, and blueberries everywhere. In the high bogs there are even (rare for Primorye) cranberries. The severity of the landscape can also be seen in the relief: the amazing “Grand Canyon” on the Amgu River, reaching a depth of 200 meters. The largest, thirty-five-meter waterfall in the Primorsky Territory falls here. On the Right Amgu, a smaller waterfall roars among the rocks - eight meters. And down the river, a few kilometers from the coast, the Warm Spring gushes out of the ground. Its waters are healing, which is why a small resort appeared in this remote corner. In neighboring Kema there are the famous rapids and “cheeks”, so popular among extreme rafters. The protected Lake Blagodatnoe, located right next to the sea, is a place of pilgrimage for migratory birds in spring and autumn. Here you can meet both a graceful swan and a colorful mandarin duck. And on the shore - what a miracle - edelweiss grows. Alpine flower at sea level!

    Having crossed the Sikhote-Alin in a westerly direction, we find ourselves in the upper reaches of the Bikin, Armu, and Iman (Bolshaya Ussurka) rivers. The western gentle slopes of the ridge up to Ussuri, with the exception of places “developed” by loggers, are covered with virgin coniferous taiga. Tigers, bears, moose, wapiti and other animals “live and work” here. In the lower reaches of the rivers, the relief levels out, and many lakes and swamps appear. In the Bikin floodplain, right next to the road, lies Lake Spondinskoye. This is the habitat of an interesting aquatic plant - the fearsome Euryale. Its flat, leathery leaves are generously studded with sharp thorns. True, they did not protect it from land reclamation workers, through whose efforts it was destroyed near Khanka during the time of “rice mania.” The plant is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. In other lakes and creeks of Ussuri one can find a lotus of amazing beauty. These same reservoirs are also the habitat of the Far Eastern leatherback turtle.

    Moving east through the Venyukov Pass, we find ourselves in Kavalerovsky and then in Dalnegorsky districts. The surrounding hills are filled with polymetallic, tin and other ores; there is gold, silver, and lead. What is this impressive hole in the mountain the size of a four-story building? This is the entrance to the Devil's Gate cave. Some thousands of years ago people lived here. And in the Doomed, cave grasshoppers still live. On the outskirts of the village of Kavalerovo rises the limestone rock Dersu Uzala, it was under it that V.K. Arsenyev met with his legendary guide. This place has been declared a Natural Monument.

    Let's now go south, to the Olginsky district. Here we also find the creations of Nature worthy of admiration. You don't even know which one to give preference to. Take Mokrushinskaya cave. The huge hall in the upper tier stuns with its amazing acoustics. It’s time to organize symphonic music concerts here; the effect would be amazing. We “dive” into a thirty-meter well and find ourselves... on the shore underground lake. Eternally calm, terribly clear water serves as the “floor” of a tall fifty-meter hall. Having climbed up, we find ourselves in a small hall where luxurious deposits, stalactites with stalagmites and stone “curtains” have been preserved intact and unsmoked. Cave pearls come across.

    Or the Vanchin (Milogradovka) river with its famous waterfalls. For millennia, water has been “sawing through” rocks to reveal to us its grandiose creation. Rocks crowd along the sea coast. Coastal strip up to Valentine Bay it is a series of sheer cliffs, sometimes reaching a hundred meters in height. Gorals - our coastal antelopes - come out to these steep slopes to frolic. Unfazed by the dizzying heights, they confidently jump from one tiny ledge to another. Interestingly, this protected species is also in demand in neighboring China. The whole goral is placed in a vat and boiled with horns and hooves until the brew becomes a homogeneous mixture. It is considered a miracle cure.

    The coastal strip of the Olginsky and Lazovsky districts is the habitat of the endemic Olgin larch. There is also cedar, some specimens of which manage to grow on the very cliffs - an excellent subject for oriental landscape painting.

    Among other natural attractions of the Lazovsky region, one can note the cascade of waterfalls on the Elamovsky spring, the island of Halerbe in Melkovodnaya Bay, Lake Latvia, and many picturesque rocks. At the mouth of the Sudzukha River (Kievka) rare plants grow - ephedra and one-seeded ephedra. But, of course, the pearl of the area is Petrov Island. The rocky shores are home to many seabirds, and the island itself has a magnificent yew grove. In addition, in the twilight, under the canopy of coniferous relics, one can meet real uniqueness of the plant kingdom. Here, for example, is a specimen of Acute Actinidia - a real patriarch among vines. The trunk diameter reaches thirty centimeters. And here is the Amur velvet tree. But, excuse me, what kind of tree is this? The trunk bends, twists and spirals upward. An indicative example of what kind of tricks a living organism is capable of in order to take its place in the sun. This tree even got its own name - If you want to Live, know how to Spin. And there is a lumpy mass of incredible size, covered with bark - this is what the trunk of an old linden tree can turn into with the help of burls.

    The area bounded by the Da Dian Shan (Przhevalsky), Ta Chin Guan (Partizansky), Chandolaz (Lozovy), Pidan (Livadia) ridges can rightfully be called the heart of the South Ussuri taiga. Here you can find most of the unique representatives of the flora and fauna of our region. In the mountain taiga, zamanika grows - a relative and substitute of the legendary ginseng, and there are also thickets of medicinal bergenia. The tree-like hard juniper was chosen by Chandolaz. The beautiful Wolf's lilac blooms in the mountain saddles in July. And in the alpine belt, the cross-paired microbiota spreads its branches. This coniferous shrub is unique in all respects: a relic, that is, a representative of the pre-glacial era, an endemic found only on some peaks in Primorye and not found anywhere else in the world, even in fossil form. The dwarf cedar forms impenetrable thickets; conifers are adjacent to the ukurundun maple and stone birch. In general, we have nine types of maples: small-leaved, riverside, false-siebold, warty, Manchurian, greenbark, Komarova, the already mentioned Ukurundunsky and introduced American. There are also quite a few birches: white Manchurian, black Daurian, ribbed, stone, Schmidt and dwarf. The Araliaceae family is also diversely represented - starting with the herbaceous ginseng, shrubby Eleutherococcus, acanthopanax, zamaniha, rare continental aralia, a small tree of Manchurian aralia and ending with the majestic dimorphant - a large thorny tree with large leaves.

    The taiga is littered with windbreaks. Small fir trees grow on decaying trunks, and in the rotten wood the contemporaries of dinosaurs, black relict cockroaches, live and have been living for three hundred million years. The thick trunks of the mountain elm are perforated by large white caterpillars - these are the larvae of a beetle, a giant woodcutter. Anyone who saw the flight of an eleven-centimeter helicopter will never forget this spectacle. Another phenomenon of our fauna lives in the crystal clear mountain springs. This is the Ussuri lungless newt - a small amphibian with the “face” of a tadpole and the gait of a crocodile. Unfortunately, lately it has become less and less common.

    The mixed coniferous-deciduous forest around fully lives up to its name. Indeed, there is so much to be “mixed” here. Cedars, spruce, ash, elm, Manchurian walnut and Amur velvet, bird cherry and lilac, poplar and alder. And all this different types, and everything is intertwined with various vines: grapes, actinidia, lemongrass, dioscorea, moonseed and others, others, others. The dense undergrowth is represented by various honeysuckles, mock orange (jasmine), spirea, mountain ash, and euonymus. More than forty species of ferns are a living reminder of prehistoric eras. At the appropriate time, all this blooms and smells, and there is a buzz in the air from flying insects. And their diversity seems to have no end. Common wasps, as well as burrowing and road wasps, wild bees and scary hornets, scorpion flies and lacewings, blackbirds, dragonflies and beetles. Club-winged scale-wings, colloquially butterflies, are a separate article. Flying flowers decorate their petal wings with all the colors of the rainbow. the world. Everything in nature is interconnected, and sometimes the life of an exotic insect is inextricably linked with an equally exotic plant. For example, the caterpillars of the Maak swallowtail feed on the leaves of the velvet tree, the alcinoe tail-bearing plant - the Manchurian kirkazona. Sounding names butterflies to match their colors: ludorphia, sericinum, danaidae, sesiphus, Moltrecht's ribbon moth, Demetrius's tail-bearer. Large "flyers" - birds - are also represented by interesting rare species. Such as, for example, the paradise flycatcher and the blue rock thrush. Many more ordinary birds fill the clean, “non-urbanized” air with their chirping.

    But not only during the period of lush flowering does nature give us its charm. At any time of the year it has its charms. The main thing is to be able to see and feel them.

    There are two more areas with their own natural “face” in Primorye. These are consonant with the names Khanka and Khasan. The first is a plain with fields and meadows. Lake Khanka - our internal "sea" - is rich (for now) valuable species fish On its muddy banks, in the floodplains, you can observe amazing birds: cranes, herons, ibises, swans. The feathered inhabitants of the lake left an indelible impression on one of the first explorers of the Primorsky Territory, N. M. Przhevalsky.

    The southernmost district of the region - Khasansky - is a precious pearl of our coast. Picturesque bays with clear water, rocky capes covered with pine, Schliepenbach rhododendron with large pink flowers, sika deer, the unique underwater world of the islands - all this can be seen only here...

    A person visits museums around the world to see and admire the masterpieces stored there - the creations of human hands. We gasp in awe as we look at the paintings of Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci. No NORMAL person would ever think of destroying a work of art. Why do people sometimes treat masterpieces that are “exhibited” so carelessly? open air and publicly available? Look at the drawing, painting, composition around! So much plasticity and grace! What nuances! Maybe it’s worth remembering the original source and learning to enjoy its harmony?

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