Abstract: Alder G. Nlp: Modern psychotechnologies

The past century has been a period of intensive development of the humanities; the formation of the anthropological approach led to an increase in scientific interest in all aspects of personal life, the formation of various directions psychological research. The expansion of the scope of psychological research has resulted in the emergence of new psychological technologies.

Modern psychological technologies: approaches to definition

Psychotechnology in modern scientific literature is often used as a synonym for applied psychology. To this day, in the literature there is no single approach to the interpretation of the term; in the works of various authors, the content of the term depends on the personal understanding of the author.

The term can be used to nominate training forms of education, to designate neurolinguistic programming, transactional analysis, methods of consciousness control, etc.

Definition 1

One of the most complete interpretations is presented in the works of V.V. Kozlov, who by modern psychological technologies understands a system of categories, models and principles that describe a human being, social group, mental reality itself as a developing integrity, focused on practical work with the psyche of an individual, certain social groups, which includes specific skills, abilities, techniques and methods for the purposeful transformation of an individual or group.

Psychotechnologies: areas of application

In recent decades, psychotechnologies, which are developed at the intersection of psychology and other areas of science and practice, have become increasingly widespread ( mass communications, neurocybernetics, linguistics, Information Systems, psychotronics, etc.).

Applied aspects of such research are reflected in various spheres of human life, including politics, business, management and organizational consulting. New psychotechnologies are successfully used in election and advertising campaigns, they are taken into account by defense departments and intelligence services, with their help serious crimes are committed and numerous destructive cults are formed.

In other words, modern psychotechnologies have a huge impact on the psyche of the individual, on mass consciousness.

Main characteristics of modern psychological technologies

The enormous impact of modern psychological technologies is due to their high technological effectiveness, based on the timely identification, understanding, knowledge and effectiveness of using sequences, patterns of mental processes, personal behavior in various life situations and different conditions, as well as a high level of performance.

These characteristics allow modern psychological technologies to influence others, penetrate their consciousness and the sphere of the subconscious.

Approaches to the classification of modern psychological technologies

Definition 2

In essence, modern psychological technologies are a subtype of social technologies, a set of methods, techniques, and means that are used to achieve set goals; a consistent set of mental processes and personal actions; the science of patterns, identification and practical implementation of the most efficient processes personal psyche.

Based on the criterion of intensity and power of influence on the consciousness of individuals and social groups, the following types of modern psychological technologies are distinguished:

  • integrative psychotechnologies that have an integral, complex effect;
  • target technologies that implement certain tasks and form certain, specified qualities;
  • metapsychotechnologies – technologies for teaching the use of integrative and targeted psychological practices.

Note 1

Thus, on modern stage development of psychology within the framework of the scientific direction, new tools for studying, interpreting empirical data on various aspects of the life of the individual and society, technologies for influencing the psyche are constantly being developed, which can be used in various spheres of socio-political life.

U DK 159.9:001.4
Uzlov, N.D.
Psychotechnologies: to the problem of defining the concept
/N.D.Uzlov //Bulletin Perm University. Ser. "Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology". - 2011. - Issue. 1(5). - P.32-42.

6. Integrative model of psychotechnologies

V.V. Kozlov made an attempt to systematize various approaches to psychotechnologies and the requirements that are put forward to them from a psychoecological point of view. The author describes psychotechnology as “a system of categories, principles and models that describe mental reality, a human being or a social group as a developing integrity, focused on practical work with the individual psyche or group psychology, and includes specific methods, techniques, abilities and skills for purposeful transformation of the individual and the group." The concept of psychotechnology can be explicated only by all contexts in which psychotechnologies are described and studied; only in this sense, V.V. Kozlov emphasizes, can we talk about a complete, exhaustive explanation of psychotechnology. Another important thesis that the author develops concerns the level of reflection of the foundations and the level of methodological justification of psychotechnologies, in other words, their ideological justification, which ultimately comes down to the problem of the origin of the individual and the world. In this sense, there are psychotechnologies “from the world,” or social psychotechnologies, and transcendental psychotechnologies that go beyond its boundaries. From the perspective systematic approach and from the point of view of the tasks being solved, it is proposed to distinguish three main groups of psychotechnologies: 1) integrative psychotechnologies, which have a complex, integral effect; 2) targeted psychotechnologies that solve certain narrow problems or form specific qualities; 3) metapsychotechnologies (psychotechnologies for the application of psychotechnologies), teaching how to master them. The author made an attempt to classify psychotechnologies on the basis of the paradigm of integrative psychology he developed, based on the idea of ​​a five-level model of a human being, which distinguishes the bodily (physical, somatic), energetic (vital), emotional (sensual), mental (intellectual) and spiritual levels. At the same time, it is considered possible to carry out intervention from each of these levels to any other or to combine levels. V.V. Kozlov also raises such an important issue as the requirements for psychotechnologies when working with the individual and society, their environmental friendliness and psychological safety.

Concluding the review of currently existing approaches to understanding the essence of psychotechnology, it should be noted that most authors agree that it contains two sides: what is inherent and can be detected in the human psyche and the executive component. Psychotechnology should include information about mechanisms understood as the internal process of formation and manifestation of a certain property of the psyche in combination with conditions conducive to this. Information about mechanisms (patterns, algorithms for the functioning of the individual and collective psyche, communication, activity) is laid in the foundation of psychotechnologies and precedes any specific methods or techniques. Technology and mechanisms form what is common in every person, and technical techniques act differently. In this sense, psychotechnology is an integral system, the unity of which includes theoretical constructs and their practical implementation, based not only on strictly scientific knowledge, but also everyday experience, taking into account the whole variety of options, situations, and possible contexts. Therefore, knowledge of one technique and even virtuoso mastery of it do little to ultimately achieve the desired result. Thus, in practical terms, mastery of technology appears to be a more reliable approach than mastery of technology alone. In addition, understanding the essence of psychotechnology and its mechanisms allows you to create countless new methods, techniques, exercises and techniques.
To summarize the above, it should be noted once again that currently the term “psychotechnology” is widely used and used in various meanings. In practical terms, in our opinion, the meaning of this concept most fully reflects the definition given by T.S. Kabachenko to explain the mechanisms psychological impact(influence) as “an algorithm for solving psychological problems leading to a certain social effect.”

At the same time, using the category of activity as an explanatory principle makes it possible to consider psychotechnology as:

1) intrapsychic formation, a priori existing and working inside us and organizing mental functions(levels OOD-I and OOD-II);
2) executive component - practical (algorithmic rational and expedient) use of the identified patterns of mental activity (OOD-III and OOD-IV).

It seems possible to give the following working definition of “psychotechnology” that meets the objectives of practice:

Psychotechnology - this is the organized and productive activity of people in various spheres of social practice, focused on the effective solution of psychological problems with a predetermined social effect, and is a set of techniques, means and methods of psychological influence and influence, united by a certain algorithm for their application.


Psychological technology (also known as psychotechnology or psychotechnics) is a method of “correct” handling of the human psyche, that is, a method of creating certain experiences - sensations, emotions, memories, actions necessary to achieve some goal. In other words, if we want to achieve something from ourselves or from other people, we must do certain things in a certain order. In a sense, psychotechnology is a map of our thinking, a description of how we think when we do something.

Psychotechnics as a scientific field has a long history. Its roots go back to the 20s, the history of labor psychology. As for the psychotechnics of influence, it is based on particular theories related to the development of advertising, the use of media, psychotherapy, etc. However, about general theory There is no need to talk about techniques of socio-psychological influence. Developments in the field of “behavior modification,” aimed at manipulating mass behavior and shaping public opinion and attitudes, have advanced especially far.

With the development of psychotechnologies, persuasive communication, based on facts and arguments, began to increasingly transform into suggestive communication. The main attention of researchers was transferred to the development of means and methods of external (subthreshold) influences on the sphere of the unconscious, with the aim of purposefully modifying mental processes, states and human behavior, that is, bypassing the control of consciousness over external stimulation. In recent years, developments from the field of psycholinguistics, suggestive linguistics, neurolinguistic programming, Ericksonian hypnosis, and the psychology of perception have become widespread for the needs of influencing mass consciousness. All of them are highly effective and are designed mainly for subconscious perception.

Conscious perception is the acquisition of information through focused attention. Resistance to something, as a response to information, is largely due to thinking (the function of consciousness). That (and most) part of the information that is not realized is perceived by the subconscious and utilized by a system of congenital and acquired automatisms. If advertising information is configured in such a way that, bypassing consciousness, it is aimed at using automatic stereotypes, then we are talking about manipulation. Psychotechnological tools make it possible to manage human behavior in an environmentally friendly manner.

Next, let's look at the psychotechnologies that underlie the widespread known techniques advertising production. By putting this knowledge into practice, advertisers gain access to manipulating the mechanisms of thinking, attention, memory, the emotional and sensory sphere, and human behavior itself.

1. Target modeling. Some advertising agencies in their advertising campaigns successfully use habitual buyer thinking strategies. In terms of the neuro-linguistic direction (NLP), the method on which advertising specialists rely in their work, these familiar strategies are called “meta-programs”. Habits of thinking, like any other habit, are not clearly understood by a person, and therefore metaprograms act autonomously. In essence, metaprograms are nothing more than habitual filters that people apply to everything they see, hear or feel in the world around them. These filters seem to select only that information that will be allowed into the consciousness of the individual. What does not correspond to the meta-program is not realized and is not covered by his attention. Consequently, because of these filters, people, without realizing it or noticing it, exist in a rather limited space. There are about 25 meta-programs in total. Let's look at some of them.

Meta-program “Striving towards... - striving from...”. One of the meta-programs is the program of striving for something and from something. There are people who do something, say, make a purchase, in pursuit of some goal, and there are people who strive to avoid something. The desire for something is the motivation to achieve success, the desire for something is the motivation to avoid failure. “Striving to” best perceive the benefits that they acquire by purchasing a particular product or service. And “those who strive from” are motivated by avoidance unpleasant consequences. They first of all evaluate what problems they will be able to avoid, what will not happen to them when they become the owners of this product.

Meta-program “Man of opportunity - man of procedure.” To the question “Why did you choose this product/this job (if you need to recruit employees for the company)?” a person of opportunity will answer, mainly talking about the opportunities that will open up for him in creativity, making money, communication, and exploring new areas.

The opposite of a man of opportunity is a man of procedure. The answer to the above question will be that he needs to do this “because...” - for example, he must earn money, must support his family. He is motivated mainly by necessity, by the right course of action. A person focused on:


Similarity with difference;


For example, a similarity-oriented person feels comfortable when the world remains the same. Likes to see the sameness of things with something else. A similarity-difference oriented person accepts some changes as long as they do not occur too frequently. Loves to see things improve through evolution. His language: in descriptions he emphasizes the same things, and then begins to notice differences. For example: “I wanted the first three characteristics to remain the same, but the next two to improve.” A difference-oriented person likes to see new, different, changed in things.

2. The next example of the use of specific techniques is the use of visual submodalities. Increasing the attractiveness of an object is facilitated by the use of visual submodalities, for example: approach; increase in size; illumination, color saturation; adding highlights and shine, halo, contrast. If one image should be more attractive than the other, then it is better to make the second image black and white, in gray tones, blurred, with a darkened background.

3. Another parameter that influences perception and is used by psychologists is association. Associated perception enhances the experience, dissociated perception reduces it.

4. "Frame within a frame." Animation designers and cinematographers call this visual effect using the “box”, “reverse doll” or “mirror regression” technique. A plot or episode of a plot using this technique is based on the fact that a similar or different object appears from one object, etc. The technique itself is not new, and its use is simply a visual effect that attracts attention. When the frame-in-frame technique is used to connect to a consumer, it begins to work on the action potential.

5. Going beyond" and destroying the visual field. The meaning of this technology, often used in stand and TV advertising, lies in the following psychological effects:

a) a product, “breaking out” of the visual field (stand, frame, magazine sheet format or “jumping effect” from a television screen, etc.), “enters” our reality - the reality of the consumer;

b) a product that destroys the boundaries of the visual field indirectly “shows” the consumer its quantitative potential. He is simply cramped within the confines of a stand or television screen;

c) frame or border on a level visual perception is not only the denominator of the meaning of something, it works in the same way as the necessity operator. Destruction of the framework (especially in the image of a person) creates action potential in the consumer.

There are quite a lot of psychotechnologies used by advertising specialists, so I offer some of the work for independent research.

Alder G. NLP: Modern psychotechnologies

Part one



NLP - neuro-linguistic programming - is “the art and science of personal improvement.”

Why does one person’s efforts produce mediocre results or even lead to failure, while another person seems to be without special effort, achieves success? Getting to know NLP will help you answer these questions.

How to get the most out of your work? How to achieve perfection? How can I acquire the skills I need that others have? Read this book and you will answer any of these questions yourself.

NLP is not limited only to behavior, it also affects the way of thinking on which all our achievements as a whole depend. By modeling the thought process, the emergence and development of feelings and beliefs, NLP considers all components of human experience. But first of all, NLP deals with the process of communication - a person’s communication with himself and with other people.

Although NLP has only been around for a few years, it has grown incredibly quickly and is now the source of many interesting ideas. Much of the early work in the field of NLP was concerned with creating "perfect" human behavior. (“Perfect” behavior reproduced strategies for achieving success - from the personal experiences of some celebrities.) This book also offers you some of the experiences of people who have achieved significant success.

Apply the principles and techniques of NLP in your professional activities and personal life. Based on the tasks facing you, choose the right path to achieve your goal. Analyze your own thinking process. And you will be able to control yourself better. You will be able to control habitual, often unconscious behavior. Set goals for yourself that previously seemed completely unattainable. And you can achieve them.

Do you want to change? Read this book and you will get almost everything you want from NLP. For example:

You can become more persistent

You will begin to enjoy communication (regardless of whether it concerns public speaking or personal communication) and learn what success is;

You will achieve amazing results in everyday communication,

You will get rid of various negative beliefs and replace them with other, positive ones that will help you achieve success in your endeavors;

You will be able to control your well-being,

You will be able to put together the skills that you have developed in best moments life, and use them as you wish;

You will be able to borrow qualities and character traits that you like from people you admire and would like to emulate.

NLP is a technology for achieving excellence. As a result, all this will help you get to know yourself better and find peace in your soul. You will become more free and capable of self-control, which will certainly have a beneficial effect on all areas of your activity.

This is exactly what you need. In NLP you should try everything yourself, because success here depends more on practice than on theory. But there is absolutely no need to go out of your way.

Here's a piece of advice that seems very appropriate to me: try to treat everything you learn about in this book not as the ultimate truth, but simply as information that may be useful. Decide for yourself how suitable a particular technique or exercise is for you before moving on to the next one. You risk nothing and learning will be simple and natural.

Don't be afraid of the name

The name itself - neuro-linguistic programming - may be the first serious barrier on your way. Although the NLP method is quite complex, its name is quite simple to decipher.

Neuro - talks about the relationship to thinking or sensory perception - to the processes occurring in the nervous system and playing important role in the formation of human behavior, as well as to neurological processes in the field of perception - vision, hearing, tactile sensations, taste and smell.

Linguistic - refers us to language models that play an important role in achieving mutual understanding between people, on which, in fact, all communication processes are based. In fact, it is difficult to imagine conscious thinking without connection with language - how often we talk to ourselves, give ourselves advice, scold ourselves for something.

Programming refers to the way in which we organize our thinking, including feelings and beliefs, in order to ultimately achieve our goals - just as we use a computer to solve specific problems using appropriate software.

That's all about the term NLP itself. In the following, I will also explain all the basic terms that you will need to use as you gradually move forward.

A few words about the structure of this book

It hardly makes sense in this book to touch on all the vicissitudes of the history of the development of the NLP method since its founding by John Grinder and Richard Bandler.

I avoided using the conventional NLP structure in writing this book. In the first part of the book - a kind of introduction - we will talk about the history of the emergence and some key principles of NLP. Further, the presentation will be structured in accordance with the most important areas of human activity.

In the second part we will talk about achieving goals, and several original, very significant comments will be added to the standard presentation of this topic, giving the reader the opportunity to consider already familiar issues from the perspective of NLP.

The third part will cover the topic of communication, which, as I have already said, seems to me central both for NLP and for almost any field of activity. In this part of the book you will find some useful tips and descriptions of techniques that you can immediately put into practice and then evaluate the results. Here you will find some ideas that may be useful for your professional activity and in any other field.

The fourth part is devoted to personal effectiveness. NLP significantly expands the framework in which it is usually customary to discuss the topic of using human resources, achieving mastery and excellence. From a personal excellence perspective, NLP has an extremely wide range of applications. This method can be used in almost any field of activity - in work, sports, family life, self-development. The NLP method is based on the idea of ​​a holistic approach to the individual from beginning to end.

In the fifth part of the book we will talk about ways to solve problems, including making decisions in situations of choice. If, due to the nature of your work, you often have to deal with complex problems, then here you will find a lot of interesting things for yourself. It should be noted that the NLP method in general is much more creative in nature than traditional problem solving methods. Once you become familiar with this method, you will never be short of new ideas, even when thinking about the most difficult and unattractive problems.

How to get the most out of reading this book

1. Drop your prejudices.

2. Be fully involved in your work.

3. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to give up some beliefs that constrain your freedom and analyze your own unconscious motives.

4. Try everything yourself.

5. Be patient.

6. As you read this book, constantly ask yourself:

How and where can I apply this?

What good will it do for me to apply this principle, idea, model, or exercise?

Can I make this skill even better?

Which approach is best?

What do I need to put this technique into practice?

A little history

NLP appeared more than twenty years ago at the University of Santa Cruz in the USA. Its founders were John Grinder, then an assistant professor of linguistics, and Richard Bandler, a student of psychology and mathematics who was also interested in psychotherapy. In their research, Grinder and Bandler tried to “model” the activities of three psychotherapists who had already received international recognition by that time. They were Fritz Perls, a talented psychotherapist, the founder of Gestalt therapy, Virginia Satir, a major specialist in the field of family therapy, who managed to understand a number of seemingly insoluble problems in the field of interpersonal relationships, and Milton Erickson, a world famous hypnotherapist, the founder of modern hypnotherapy.

The goal that Grinder and Bandler set for themselves was to reproduce the communication patterns that these outstanding scientists used in order to then try to use them in their work with their patients. The result of this initial stage of research was not so much a holistic theory of the subject, but a certain set of techniques used to increase the effectiveness of communication, optimize the learning process, as well as for personal improvement in various areas. The next significant contribution to the development of NLP was made by Gregory Bateson, a British anthropologist who also worked extensively in the fields of psychotherapy, cybernetics and biology. And although the researchers initially had no intention of developing another independent method of therapy, NLP began to develop quite quickly, offering people a variety of schemes for achieving success and excellence in a variety of areas of activity.

Michael O'Brien won an Olympic gold medal, improving the world record in the 1500m freestyle by 6 seconds. On the eve of the competition, this athlete performed relatively simple NLP exercises for an hour and a half. The victory became possible after 0"Brien discovered that then he eliminated the blocks existing in his consciousness and interfering with him; but before that he only dreamed of a bronze or, at best, a silver medal. NLP techniques have proven themselves in a wide variety of sports - from golf to target shooting and basketball - everywhere allowing them to achieve unprecedented results. On a personal level, NLP is often used to help quit smoking and other bad habits. Numerous cases of extremely rapid recovery from various phobias using NLP have contributed to the fact that this method has established itself as a reliable, effective and quick remedy, although it has some differences from traditional psychotherapy. With its help, many people manage to get rid of many years of fear of speaking in public or job interviews. But what is more important for you and me is that such strategies can be used by ordinary people, that you can learn this yourself and achieve outstanding results in a wide variety of activities. In this case, you will no longer be dependent on luck or the circumstances of your birth. You can learn the skills to achieve personal excellence in the same way that you can learn to drive a car, swim, or use a computer. This is the essence of NLP.


Most techniques for achieving goals in NLP are based on a fairly simple principle. Moreover, this principle is not the property of NLP alone; it is used in many systems, such as steam heating in homes, as well as in robotics, in the design of ballistic missiles, etc. This is the principle of negative feedback, which allows you to consistently adjust the ratio of the state of the system and the degree of achievement of the goal. The “success model” developed by psychologists is flexible enough to be applied in a wide variety of situations - from solving the problems of a commercial organization or sports team to solving personal problems.

Problem. Recall the basic issues discussed in Chapter 1 when we look at the four-tier cyclical model of success.

Link 1. Clearly define what you need

Even now many people give great importance correct goal setting. Without a correctly set goal, any activity will be unproductive - after all, it can only be successful or unsuccessful relative to some criterion. If you don't know where you are going, then any road will be long.

Every person has some kind of built-in system for setting goals. Those people who have not yet been able to concretely formulate their goals may nevertheless have very strong reasons for achieving something. Perhaps the fact is that their goals are not sufficiently conscious. For example, if someone does not want to participate in the “rat race” of modern life, dreams of getting rid of the routine of monotonous mechanical labor and living a calm, simple life, in fact, he also sets himself very ambitious goals. Someone who is considered a hopeless failure at work can achieve impressive success in his personal life. Goals that are of no interest to some may be as significant to others as world records. It is extremely important to try to use the desire given to us by nature to be goal-oriented, and also to be aware of those goals that were previously not clear enough and existed on an unconscious level. Whatever it concerns, clearly decide what exactly you need. Then you can consciously use this innate ability of yours to strive for a goal.

Link 2. Take action

No matter how strong the motivation, everything in the real world is achieved, in the end, as a result of certain actions. This is the key to understanding the main difference between a dreamer, even one with a fairly strong character, and a real doer. The actions we choose depend on what we consider the best remedy to achieve your goals, therefore, the more precisely the goals are defined, the greater the chances of successfully achieving them. It is likely that at the beginning of your path to success you will fail, because the rocket may deviate from its target. But if the general direction is chosen correctly, a negative feedback mechanism begins to work, which will help you bring the matter to a victorious end. But first of all, you must start the process in one direction or another - you must begin to act.

Link 3. Notice the changes that occur

Observing the changes that occur gives us the material necessary to provide feedback. We can answer the following questions: “How far have we deviated from the goal?”, “Is what we expected really happening?” The PDPR model comes into play: Try, Act, Try, Get Result. We must first try in order to decide whether the path along which we are moving will really lead us to our intended goal. If we realize that this is not happening, taking action means taking some other steps that we believe should bring us closer to this goal. We have to go through this cycle several times before we actually get on the right track and thus have the opportunity to achieve an acceptable result.

One of the main subjects of NLP consideration is the sensitivity of our perception, our ability to see, hear, and also generally feel what is happening in our environment. environment changes. The more accurate our observations, the more able we are to determine what type of behavior will occur. the best way contribute to achieving the goal. We need to be in constant attention and literally use all our senses.

Fortunately, along with the ability given to us from birth to focus our actions on certain goals, we also have extraordinary sensitivity. As with any natural talent - be it in sports, art or craft - our skill improves with practice, practical use the skills we have acquired. A little later I will dwell in more detail on special techniques that help enhance the acuity of perception. But all efforts make sense only when the goal is specific and observable.

Link 4. Be flexible

You must be constantly prepared to abandon your usual course of action if for some reason it has ceased to be effective, and try to approach the problem in a new way, and then re-evaluate the results obtained. Quite often this turns out to be a stumbling block, especially for those who are used to following the beaten path. Often a radical new approach is needed. The standard advice in this situation is: “Act, act and act again.” In NLP, the recommendation is formulated differently: “If something doesn’t work out, try something else; give up a course of action that has already brought you failure.”

In other words: if you always do the same thing as you do now, then the result will always be the same. If your

approach to the problem does not give the desired result, just try something new.

Rice. 1 shows a four-link model forming a closed loop.

Unlike perception that is relatively stable and subjective in nature, our desires are subject to change. IN real life Over time, we adjust certain goals or abandon those that previously seemed important to us. We either “adjust ourselves” to the world, we become more realistic, or, conversely, we constantly challenge him, or we simply change over the years. As a result, we return again to the beginning of this cycle, reflecting on what we really need, revising our goals and moving towards new goals. This amazingly simple yet universal model will be discussed in detail below.

Part two



Planning and goal setting will probably always be high on our list of priorities. Many people view planning as a kind of investment: the time and effort spent on it are usually rewarded handsomely. Before you make a phone call or schedule a meeting, spending at least half a minute thinking about what you want to get out of it and how best to achieve the desired result will certainly affect the effectiveness of your activities. Your ability to get things done may increase markedly. In addition, you will save money on telephone calls and also save your precious time. In the case of large projects, good planning can mean not only saving time, money and resources, but also the success of the entire enterprise. It can be helpful to write down your plans on a piece of paper or, for organizational planning, to document them in specific documents. But that’s not all, because it is in the field of planning that NLP gives us the most powerful technology.

How to achieve the desired state

The process of achieving a goal is comparable to building a bridge across an abyss. Once you have clearly defined your goal, the process moves into the implementation stage. The many smaller results that you get as you move along your chosen path - some acquisitions, new skills, perhaps new moods - all this seems much less significant than the final goal. But the process itself involves various changes in your behavior, thoughts and moods. All of them will require determination and energy. You must really want to move to a new state, otherwise you will not be able to overcome all the difficulties and obstacles that will come your way. Think about your goals from this perspective as well. What knowledge, resources, skills and attitudes will you need to move from one state to another?

The concept of “state” is quite broad and can also mean “state of consciousness.” The most important personal goals are usually related to our state of consciousness rather than to objective or material factors. It is our moods that inspire us to succeed. Deep purpose has more to do with how you feel about what is happening, the pleasure you hope to get from it. The most important goals usually relate to such aspects of life as financial independence, the possibility of self-realization, or simply happiness. All these goals depend on the state of consciousness of each individual person - one can be happy in a situation in which someone else will be unhappy, and vice versa.

How to achieve your goal without spending too much effort

Another twist to the problem of setting and achieving goals concerns the ways in which the human neuropsychological system reacts, often an unconscious reaction, to internal goals. The key here is to trust your ability to achieve the outcome that you can clearly imagine. The important thing is that, having a clear idea of ​​your goal, you do everything automatically, which turns out to be the most important for its implementation. The main thing is to believe so deeply in the reality of your goal that you simply cannot fail to achieve it.

But we should not forget that each person has his own approach and his own style of work.

Goal implementation systems

Such an approach to the problem of achieving goals can be called cybernetic. The cybernetic model of goal achievement includes a clearly stated goal, a feedback mechanism that shows us how far we have gone beyond acceptable limits, and some means of progressive course correction applied until we finally get what we want. We have already encountered a similar scheme (remember the four-tier model of successful activity?). When working with a steam heating system, you simply set the regulator needle to 20 ° C, and the system itself detects when its state begins to go beyond the set limits, in which case the boiler turns on, returning the system to the set state. A similar operating principle underlies the functioning of all natural and technical systems.

Human cybernetic system

Perhaps the model of the cybernetic system is most clearly demonstrated by the human brain and nervous system. The nervous system is extremely complex, which is clearly seen in the example of any vital function.

For example, breathing and blood circulation are regulated mainly without the participation of consciousness. Regulation systems are innate in nature, which allows regulation with the highest possible accuracy. If your body temperature drops below certain parameters, you begin to shiver; this generates heat, which allows the temperature to be raised to the required level. If you are too hot, you start to sweat. Sweat helps remove excess heat, just like in the cooling system of a car engine. And all this happens completely automatically. Also automatically this system It also works when performing more complex functions (although those discussed above are already quite complex).

Much less studied is our innate ability - the conscious achievement (with the help of the subconscious) of formulated goals. This is exactly the area in which NLP can help you. You need to visualize your goal in every detail, and then trust the autopilot and let it guide you along the intended course.

Your Hierarchy of Goals

Another, already third, way to consider your goal is to see it in the hierarchy of goals, where goals are more low level subordinated to higher level goals.

Your personal goals can be arranged in a hierarchical pyramid. At the top there may be an intention to “achieve a state of self-satisfaction”, at the very bottom - “send a fax to Milan no later than five o’clock”, and somewhere in the middle - “to extend your contract for the next six months”. The goals of the lower level should contribute to the implementation of the goals of the middle level, and those, in turn, should work to achieve the goals of the upper level. The pyramid constructed in this way clearly shows how the life orientation of each individual person is formed.

The personal goal of “being happy” must be supported and ensured by the entire set of goals. At a lower level, the desire to “be financially independent” “works” for her. At an even lower level - the intention to “get a promotion”, even lower - the desire to “get certain qualifications” and so on, down to a list of daily tasks that are also aimed at achieving higher-order goals.

Immediate goals should be formulated quite specifically, while higher-level goals may be less “tangible.” By thinking about your own hierarchy of goals, you can determine how your daily activities and concerns that consume most of your energy and time correspond to your mid- and high-level goals. This exercise will provide you with indispensable help in working on the correct distribution of time, which is always in short supply.

Combining business and personal goals

Official and personal goals inevitably overlap one another; you will have to work to coordinate them within a single hierarchy. Work tasks may conflict with non-work responsibilities, so you constantly have to worry about the correct distribution of time between them. Your goals must be consistent with each other within the same level of hierarchy and, in addition, they must correspond to long-term, fundamental goals, whether it concerns work, social, family or personal interests.

Life strategy model

A fourth way of approaching problems of formulation and planning concerns the way we think about them. Each of us has our own special structure of thinking, different life guidelines and values. We prefer different forms of behavior. In NLP parlance, these are called “perceptual maps.” For one person, the main thing in life is to gain as much knowledge as possible, for another it is to do something with one’s own hands, and a third is concerned about certain material signs of his success. The so-called life strategy model that will be discussed will teach you to understand such personal preferences and orientations. You will also understand how they influence the process of setting and achieving goals.

All goals can generally be divided into five main categories:



For example, you may want to get a new job or buy a summer house, learn something new, gain the respect or admiration of others, feel secure, or feel satisfied with yourself. The distribution of goals in order of importance is often expressed in formulations. Finding out what programming is, getting a qualification, joining a group, being happy - all these goals can be related. But how you think about them and express them reveals which of these goals are most important to you and how you intend to achieve your long-term goals.

Strategies for achieving goals

You must be able to classify your goals according to their importance and understand your own life strategy. The desire to “get better with your boss” falls under the category of attitude goals. The goals of “studying for a sociology exam” or “spending more time with your children” are primarily actionable. The goals “get a degree in sociology”, “have your own business” speak of your desire to possess something. An example of a goal to be someone is the desire to “be a director” or “become a good father.” All these are examples of different life strategies, which we will talk about in detail later. For now, let us note that the life strategy model will allow you to consider your own goals from different positions and points of view. It is quite possible that you will want to correct something in them, for example, strengthen the “know” component in some goal as opposed to the tendency to “have” or “be” - as opposed to “do”; at the same time, your goals will become clearer, and therefore your chances of success will increase.

For example, if you wanted to write a book, what would be the most important thought for you: “I would like to write a book that people want,” “I would like to see my book published,” or “I would like to become a writer”? Would all of the goals listed be meaningful to you, and if so, to what extent would each of them be important? The choice is yours. A clear understanding of your own goals is extremely important for achieving them.

And the life strategy model gives you the tool you need to do this.


There are several pretty simple tests, which will help you significantly increase your chance of achieving your goals. The criterion of the correctness of the set goal has proven itself well at a variety of organizational levels, but is most effective when working on oneself. Try applying this test to all your personal goals (and if it works, extend it to all your business plans and strategies for success).

Is your goal specific?

Some goals are more like dreams. Your top-level goal must be supported and clarified by the goals of the lower levels; this is very important for the success of the business. Ask yourself: what exactly do I need?

The goal specificity test can be applied in a variety of situations. For example, you might set a goal to learn Spanish. But such common goal will not pass the specificity test because there are many levels of language proficiency. Do you want to learn just how to communicate on the street and in shops during a trip abroad on your next vacation, or do you set yourself some more far-reaching goals? Maybe you want to learn Spanish so well that you can live and work in some Spanish-speaking country and freely conduct business negotiations in this language? The choice is yours, but if you don't make your goal specific enough, you won't stand a chance of achieving it.

Set a time frame to achieve your goal

A specifically formulated goal also presupposes a time frame for its achievement. For example, a firm intention to prepare necessary materials by Friday, by five o'clock, it allows you to concentrate much better on the work at hand. From the perspective of the four-tier model of successful activity we discussed earlier, the more specific your goal, the easier it will be for you to determine how far you have deviated from the right course, and the clearer it will be what needs to be done to correct the situation. Man, as a cybernetic system, acting mostly on an unconscious level, works best with clearly formulated, specific goals.

How to judge the result?

The more specific the goal, the more likely it is that you will be able to see, hear, or otherwise feel that you have achieved the desired result. Having such sensory evidence of success is very important (especially at the level of achieving individual goals).

Sensory authenticity

In most cases, making sure you've achieved your goal is easy. If you decide to study Spanish and take the qualifying exams, then proof of completion of this task will be a (visible and tangible) certificate of passing the exam. Many other areas of activity also have their own standard forms of such confirmation, for example, a bank account statement or a report on the level of sales for the past month. But in some cases you will have to specially invent this kind of indicator of sensory authenticity in order to give the result greater clarity and tangibility, and this will require some creativity. Let's say, if you decide to lose weight up to seventy kilograms, you can use some image associated with ordinary home scales.

External criteria

At the level of goals set in the area of ​​personal life (for example, related to health, family relations), you may have to come up with some of your own methods to measure your success. The goal of “becoming a good father” will require you not only to spend more time with your children, but also to learn how to feel how well the process of raising them is going. Financial success usually correlated with bank checks, sporting victories are expressed in the number of prizes, points, or in the information given in standings in your club. Your passion may gain additional vitality and appeal if you set yourself the goal of seeing something written in print - even in the local press. If you are an artist, you might want to try organizing your own exhibition or selling some of your work. This would be an additional sensory stimulus for your work, and in the future - evidence of its success.

Are you correctly assessing the complexity of the task?

Correctly assessing the difficulty of achieving a goal is also extremely important. If you underestimate the difficulty of a task, it is unlikely to motivate you to leave other less important tasks for it. If, on the contrary, you significantly overestimate the complexity of the task, it may repel you, frighten you, and then you will not be able to fully achieve the desired result, although you may be able to do something. True, there are significant individual differences here, and one will happily take on a job that will completely scare away another.

Optimal level of efficiency

Each of us has our own optimal level of success. For example, many people need to periodically find themselves in situations involving a certain amount of risk in order to work with the greatest impact. In such cases, we feel a surge of energy, the productivity of our activities increases sharply and it seems that we can handle absolutely everything. It is in this state that we find ourselves in the zone of mastery, where everything comes extremely easily, without effort. As a rule, a project or task can be divided into several subtasks. The time allocated to complete a long-term project can be divided into several time intervals so that the tasks located in each of these intervals are realistically feasible. At the same time, they required the exertion of all forces and the use of all abilities.

One of the parameters when setting the optimal complexity of a task is the time factor. True, it needs to be specified accordingly. So, for example, if you started studying Spanish, set yourself a specific date for taking the exam. It is necessary that the task is realistically feasible for you and at the same time requires sufficient effort. Then your motivation will be quite high

V.V. Kozlov, YarSU

Recently the congress on social psychology. Panov V.I., one of the leaders and founders of ecopsychology in Russia, gave a plenary report. He believes that the subject of research in the ecopsychology of evolution is the formation of mental reality in an individual (single and special) form in interaction with the environment:

· generation and development of mental processes (perceptual, intellectual, emotional, etc.);

· generation and development of the individual’s mental state (for example, a/ability as a functional state,

· arising during the performance of some activity: from perceptual to labor, b/a state of harmony with the surrounding nature, achieved through its contemplation, c/a critical state of the individual’s psyche, caused by extreme conditions of his life, etc.);

· the generation and development of a group mental state, i.e., a single state of a group of individuals (for example, the sociodynamics of a psychotraining group according to K. Levin / SM. V. Bolshakov /)

· formation of individual consciousness (for example, environmental consciousness of individual members of the human community);

· typology and development of group, mass consciousness (for example, the ecological consciousness of an ethnic group, expressing and constructing the interaction of members of a given ethnic group with the surrounding nature);

· conditions and patterns of formation of individuality of the human psyche in its various types and depending on various environmental conditions (family, educational, social, spiritual, etc.); conditions and patterns of formation of the psyche in the form of the noosphere.

Of all the research tasks that this new direction of psychology has put forward, we are most interested in studying the influence of social-environmental factors and conditions on human mental development (mental processes, mental states, consciousness, individuality). The author of this article has been researching the influence of various psychotechnologies on personal transformation and group dynamics for the last ten years.

This article is an attempt to carry out some systematization of various approaches to psychotechnologies and the requirements that are put forward to psychotechnologies from a psychoecological point of view.

Today, against the backdrop of an unlimited number of various kinds of practical methods, the need for theoretical and methodological understanding of this empirical basis of modern Russian psychology is becoming increasingly obvious. Used practical methods each author qualifies in his own way, without correlating with the general field of psychological ideas, based on criteria known only to him alone, often completely arbitrarily, subjectively defining psychological methods of working with people as psychotechnics, psychotechnologies, psychotherapy, psychological correction, personal growth, trainings, etc. .P. The own methodological, logical, epistemological, cultural and other foundations of these methods and techniques, their ontological relationships and significance for general theoretical concepts are not explored at all. There are no generally accepted classifications of applied techniques, their mutual logical correlation and clear assignment to certain areas of theoretical knowledge.

Any practice explicitly or implicitly proceeds from a certain set of ideas that constitute its various types of foundations. These foundations set the basic meanings, axioms and methods of psychological practice. If they are unconscious, and therefore unexplored, then this predetermines an inadequate understanding of the meaning of a specific psychological technique and the results of its practical application. The most important prerequisites and foundations of psychological practice include: general theoretical, proprietary, logical, methodological, epistemological, axiological, genetic, cultural, mythological, ethnic, subjective.

If we define the entire set of psychological techniques for influencing people as psychotechnologies, then every psychotechnology reveals two specific levels: theoretical and practical. At the theoretical level, psychotechnologies are represented by various kinds of ideas, concepts and models about the essence, structure, factors of the psyche, personality, social group, driving forces their development and goals, objectives, methods, stages of psychological regulation. On the practical side, which is represented by the direct application of these theoretical constructs - a system of skills and regulatory abilities.

Psychotechnology is understood as a system of categories, principles and models that describe mental reality, a human being or a social group as a developing integrity, focused on practical work with the individual psyche or group psychology, and includes specific methods, techniques, abilities and skills for the purposeful transformation of personality and groups.

What is essential in the analysis of psychotechnology as a social phenomenon is that the widespread dissemination of psychotechnologies manifests a new level of individual and social reflection, the awareness that, in particular, each individual is, in principle, capable of independently and effectively regulating his mental processes and states, forming desirable properties and qualities, purposefully and productively build relationships with others, carrying out the work of one’s own integration and transcendence. The spontaneous process of life, essentially unconscious in its most important moments, as it has predominantly been until now for most people, becomes a conscious self-construction for a significant part of society. The practical application of various psychotechnologies allows an individual and a group to become personally and socially prosperous, living life intensely, fulfillingly, in a positive emotional way, revealing their deepest potentials.

Already now we can say that mastery of various kinds of mental techniques of regulation and self-regulation and their systematic application is precisely that personal and social reserve, the activation of which can lead to a qualitative change in the life of a specific individual and group, and when used on a large scale - to obvious trends at the social level. The application of appropriate psychotechnologies to the learning process can dramatically increase the speed and efficiency of learning; to certain types of professional activity – to radically improve the results of this activity; to the spiritual and personal sphere - to resolve crises and integrate the personality; to the bodily component of the human individual - to optimize all health indicators. Thus, modern psychotechnologies have a great future in all social spheres.

IN modern world Various psychological techniques and methods of conscious regulation and self-regulation of mental processes and states, the formation of personality traits and qualities, solutions to personal and social problems, management of the formation, dynamics and development of social groups, public opinion etc., which in their totality have the status of psychological technologies (psychotechnologies).

Any psychotechnology has two clearly defined levels. Theoretical, where it is represented by various kinds of ideas, concepts and models about the essence, structure, factors of the psyche, personality, social group, their development and about the goals, objectives, methods, stages of mental regulation and self-regulation. And practical, which is represented by the direct application of these theoretical constructs and a system of skills and abilities of regulation and self-regulation. In addition, behind each psychotechnology there is found, usually in an implicit form, a certain methodology, including ontological, epistemological, logical, axiological, general theoretical, special scientific, genetic, mythological, cultural, ethnic, subjective and other foundations and prerequisites, as well as conscious and unconscious influence of other mental regulation technologies.

Currently, a countless number of different techniques, methods, methods, techniques and expanded psychotechnologies of regulation have been proposed, which require their theoretical understanding as a mass social phenomenon, the study of theoretical, methodological and other prerequisites and foundations of these techniques and technologies, their classification and inclusion in general context of psychological knowledge.

As already indicated, psychotechnology is a system of categories, principles and models that describe mental reality, a human being or a social group as a developing integrity, focused on practical work with the individual psyche or group psychology, and includes specific methods, techniques, skills and skills for purposeful transformation of individuals and groups. The starting point of any psychotechnology is certain conscious actions, although the point of application of these efforts can be both the psyche and the body.

The above definition gives a first approximation of psychotechnology and is of a working nature. Strictly speaking, the concept of psychotechnology can only be explicated by the entire context in which this concept is deployed; even more precisely, by all the contexts in which psychotechnologies are described and studied. In this sense, we can talk about a complete, exhaustive explanation of psychotechnology. On the other hand, any psychotechnology grows out of the direct process of life as an abstraction and refinement of its certain facet. And then, as a reflected, refined, productive cultural new acquisition, it returns to it, being strengthened by the awareness of its operating mechanisms and a clear understanding of its goals.

Behind each psychotechnology there is some psychological school, spiritual or religious movement, or some complex combination of them. Each of these cultural phenomena, in turn, has its own prerequisites, foundations and genesis. Often these schools and movements are opposite in their basic settings and, accordingly, their practices, goals and evaluation of results are different and opposite. The possibility of orientation in this ocean of concepts and practical methods requires an objective study of their methodological and other foundations and prerequisites.

The division of a person into the psyche and body is conditional; a person is integral in his physical and mental manifestations, revealing mental content in the physical and bodily representatives in the psychic world. Therefore, speaking about psychotechnologies, it is necessary to highlight the connection between the mental and physical in a person. In practical and operational terms, the human being can be divided into five levels: bodily (physical, somatic), energetic (vital), emotional (sensual), mental (intellectual) and spiritual. From each of these levels an intervention can be carried out to any other and, accordingly, psychotechnologies can be distinguished by the basic level from which the impact is carried out and the level at which transformation primarily occurs. Although many psychotechnologies are essentially polynomial, combining more than one level from which active messages are made to other levels, and are multicomponent in their results, having a complex set of consequences.

All identified levels are closely interconnected and influence each other. In particular, certain aspects of this interaction are studied in such medical disciplines as psychosomatics and somatopsychology. Three of them belong to the mental sphere itself: emotional, mental and spiritual. But at the same time, the first two (physical and energetic) make an active contribution to the mental sphere. For example, the energetic state of the subject determines the intensity of his emotional experiences. Or let’s say, certain somatic disorders affect at least partially the content of thought processes.

If we talk about psychotechnologies of self-regulation, then the very concept of self-regulation presupposes that the regulation of his mental sphere is carried out by the individual himself. But this kind of work involves not only individual efforts, but also the individual’s turning to specialists, to a group, to training forms, and generally including others in the process of self-regulation. The whole question is: an active position in finding a solution to this or that personal problem, the formation of desirable qualities, a way out of the crisis, etc. occupies a specific subject or not. In addition, it is in a group or with the help of a professional that self-regulation methods can be taught. Therefore, psychotechnologies that involve working in a group or with a specialist also acquire the status of psychotechnologies of self-regulation as their subtype (in terms of their relationship to the subject of self-regulation). In this sense, group methods of work also have priority in self-regulation technologies, although this does not completely eliminate the issue of individual work on mental self-regulation.

As a first approximation, the classification of psychotechnologies according to the basic level of impact may look like this. From the bodily plane it is possible to intervene on the energy level or in the psychic spheres. This type of procedure includes, in particular: various kinds of body-oriented techniques (dance-movement techniques, authentic movement techniques, theater of touch, holistic palsing, bioenergy (according to A. Lowen), etc.), breathing techniques (holotropic breathing, rebirthing, wave, free breathing, etc.), various types of yogic practices, psychedelic, tensegrity, mantra techniques, invocations, sound therapy, music therapy, self-massage, biosynthesis, bonding, etc.

Energy psychotechnologies include: qigong, some techniques of raja yoga, kundalini yoga, bioenergy therapy, auto-training, etc. Technologies that take psycho-emotional processes as a basic basis for influence include: gaming techniques, some visualization techniques, elements of auto-training, raja yoga and others. From the mental level as a base, work is carried out in such practices as: mental visualization, meditation, prayer, introspection, rationalization, etc. The sphere of the spirit refers to the area of ​​rather spontaneous experiences, characterized by ecstasy, the greatest depth of insight, cathartic revelations and leading to cardinal transformations of personality and its transcendence into fundamentally new ways of being and self-realization.

It is also necessary to take into account some convention in classifying certain techniques as basic levels influence (according to the prevailing mode), since in practice there is usually a certain combination of multi-level techniques.

Another question concerns the level of reflection of the foundations and the level of methodological justification of psychotechnologies. What is taken as the fulcrum in the development of psychological technology, what ideological justification, often unconscious, is its basic premise? Ultimately, this is a problem of the origin of the individual and the world. In this sense, there are psychotechnologies “from the world,” social psychotechnologies, and psychotechnologies that look beyond the world, transcendental psychotechnologies. The ultimate basis of the former are the values ​​of the world and society; the latter, to one degree or another, deny the world, at least they do not absolutize it, finding their justification outside the binary personality - society.

The individual is the bearer of society. The world is represented in the individual, and the individual, through his diverse activities, constantly reproduces it and gives rise to new meanings and social realities. Psychotechnologies of the first type work with personality problems or develop personality without discovering anything fundamentally new. Their the main task– to help the individual return to a certain sufficient level of social adaptability, to a socially acceptable norm of functioning in society, or to form and develop, strengthen previously known qualities of the individual. There are a lot of manipulative techniques that are aimed at solving certain problems, not always in a way that is beneficial to the individual, and often they generally represent the interests of another. But there are also enough methods that quite successfully implement the stated goals. The main criterion for classifying psychotechnology as this type is that it takes the world with its conditional values ​​as a starting point, which in the eyes of ordinary consciousness can have absolute meaning, but meanings that have an existential load are completely ignored by it or translated into the plane of socially acceptable values.

Psychotechnologies of the second type consider and resolve the issue of the origin of personality, its extra-social sources. This is the field of transpersonal research. Although the personality as such is entirely social in origin: there is nothing in it that was not brought into it by society, it itself is built in the continuum field of another reality, which set for social person the basic prerequisites for its existence in reality are the person - the world. Actually, the very ontological mechanism for constructing social space, and therefore personality, lies outside the boundaries of society. Transpersonal technologies use their methods to address this fundamental reality as the unlimited and non-deterministic source of all things, from the level of which all intrapersonal tensions can most successfully be removed, and the individual can receive additional and fundamentally new (not conditioned by society) development opportunities. In this way, the ideal of the self-actualized existence of the individual can be realized, although the individual himself may have only a very incomplete understanding of these potentials. In any case, it is assumed that metapersonal being, or the self, the soul, is capable of removing all the deep and closed to itself inversions of the personality and, having integrated its disparate and autonomous parts, manifest a new harmonized personal integrity. To do this, it is necessary that the personality itself takes the first step beyond its limits, opening those boundaries beyond which it no longer thought of reality, and allowing the entry into itself of that force that is infinitely greater and more powerful than all its capabilities.

In terms of awareness of its manifestations, a human being is characterized by two main strategies in manifestation own life: conscious (conscious) and unconscious (unconscious). Elements of awareness and unconsciousness may concern different aspects of an individual and his life, and therefore, in fact and practically, a person is a complex combination of conscious and unconscious components. At the same time (if we talk about stable trends, and not temporary fluctuations of personality), those structures of the psyche that are characterized in one subject high degree self-regulation, another may have the form of immediate reactions with a weak level of self-reflection.

The process of formation in a human individual of awareness: of his mental structure, personality traits, reactions, behavior, desires, intentions, etc. for the most part it is spontaneous and occurs as a collision of the individual with the demands of society on him (in the family, kindergarten, school, university, on the street, at work, in in public places etc.) and adapting it to these requirements. Thus, certain personality qualities and the ability to recognize them arise as a by-product of other processes. For example, as a result of studying at school, in addition to acquiring knowledge and developing intelligence - as the main goal of education - perseverance, patience, attentiveness, discipline, etc. are formed. etc., as well as elements of awareness. During physical games– motor functions, motivation for success, partnership, and so on develop.

There is a fairly widespread opinion that a person is valuable for his individuality and conscious interference with this individuality in conditions of mental norms in order to correct some of its aspects is unacceptable. Although, on the other hand, it is clear that this so-called individuality is constantly and in an unpredictable way adjusted by social reality. In addition, in fact, cases of individual self-correction are widespread (maybe without the results that the subject expected): everyone, to one degree or another, was engaged in character education and the formation of certain qualities in themselves. Therefore, the question is, rather, not whether to intervene or not to interfere, but how to intervene, for what purposes, to what extent, with an understanding of the various consequences of such intervention (including delayed ones) or without it.

Thus, on the one hand, we are dealing with individuals whose lives are predominantly unconscious, they are simply included in some social process of life (even if it is complex), completely dependent on it, all their attitudes, views, preferences, intentions , desires are determined by this external one and are easily controlled through a system of external incentives. Their consciousness is essentially dreamlike in the sense of minimal presence of awareness in the automatic process of life. On the other hand, there are individuals who are at different levels of awareness of their own existence, trying to understand themselves and shape themselves and their lives. The first group can also be described as those who shift responsibility for the circumstances of their lives to someone else. About the second - as about those who take, to one degree or another (and rarely - completely) responsibility for their lives.

The question of awareness of life is also a question of its conscious regulation and management. At the same time, often in practice explanatory concepts are less significant than the ability to achieve certain results in the process of self-regulation. Practical orientation presupposes the effectiveness of psychotechnological methods when used with the minimum necessary theorizing about this, since the very ideas, descriptions, theoretical constructs, etc. have a certain potential psychological impact and can be used in this way. Psychological theories do not explain the reality external to a person, but himself.

The question of the objectivity of certain theoretical models is extremely complex, but their consequences applied use, if a specific subject takes the conclusions of these theories to himself, they will be quite definite, and not necessarily positive for him. Therefore, in a praxeological sense, theoretical and psychological constructions are loaded not only technologically, technically and methodologically, but also carry specific ethical, axiological and humanistic content. If any theory claims that a person is bad by nature, and this theory underlies certain psychotechnologies, then the results of their use will be negative. Conversely, a concept based on the idea of ​​the positive potential of a human being has predictable positive consequences if its provisions are correctly tested.

Although each psychotechnology has some systemic effect on a person, a social group or society as a whole, according to the tasks that certain psychotechnologies are aimed at solving, they can be divided into: 1) those that have a complex, integral effect (integrative psychotechnologies); 2) solving certain narrow tasks or forming specific qualities (target psychotechnologies); 3) teaching the mastery of psychotechnologies, or psychotechnologies for the application of psychotechnologies (metapsychotechnologies).

The significance of the third group of psychotechnologies (which can be extremely simple in their recommendations) lies in the methodologically and practically competent application of psychotechnologies of the first and second groups to a specific individual or group. For example, turning to complex psychotechniques is not effective if you have not mastered the elementary ones, which represent a step in mastering high-level psychotechnologies. Or if the subject has not developed the mechanisms of volitional self-regulation, then it is pointless for him to set himself tasks that require significant volitional efforts.

Psychotechnologies can have different strategies for use. They can only be used once (to solve acute problem). They can be used from time to time (as the need arises). Or they can be an actual principle of life, a principle of self-development, achieving goals, when using psychic techniques constantly. For example, in the first case, in a situation of mental crisis, a person seeks help from a psychotherapist, hypnologist, psychoanalyst, friend, random fellow traveler, etc. In another case, a subject or a group of people have mastered some meditative technique or auto-training technique, and use it sporadically to solve any problems, relax, or achieve a state of harmony, calm, and confidence. If we're talking about about the use of psychotechnologies on an ongoing basis, then the question arises about the tactical, strategic and general goals of these practices.

The constant use of psychotechnologies opens up prospects for qualitative changes in the life of an individual, group, and social environment. Moreover, if, for example, we are talking about an individual or a training group, some integrative psychotechnology (or their complex) is systematically used: auto-training, introspection, rationalization, meditation, prayer, yoga, qigong, neuro-linguistic programming, affirmation, visualization, science mind, the Silva method, holotropic breathing, rebirthing, vibeysh, etc. - which creates the basis for constant personal growth and maintaining a certain level of general positive state. Against this background, including within the framework of integrative techniques, methods of specific self-regulation can be developed or certain personality qualities can be formed, i.e. targeted psychotechnologies are used. In this case, if any self-regulation skill has been developed, it can be applied relevantly, for example: maintaining a calm and efficient state, despite severe emotional impact; or make adequate decisions in a situation of time pressure; or find a way effective interaction with a “difficult” person, etc. At the same time, regular training in any psychotechnological system leads, in principle, to a higher adaptive level in relation to any everyday situations.

Psychotechnologies have a long history. At dawn human society they originated as shamanic practices, then existed in all cultures as sacred and esoteric elements of religious and church life and various secret societies. At the same time, psychotechnologies have always constituted a certain aspect of the direct process of life and activity, being included in them as an integral and essential part, although not always reflected and specifically identified and trained. From the 10s to the 60s of the CC century, as psychology increasingly developed its applied aspect, psychotechnologies received, on the one hand, scientific status, on the other hand, they began to penetrate into all areas of social life and gradually become an integral part of social life. being, turning into another active conscious force of personal and social progress.

In our opinion, from a psychoecological point of view, there are the following requirements for psychotechnologies when working with individuals and groups:

A) intensity.

The intensity of psychotechnologies is caused by the following circumstances:

A huge array of crisis states of the individual, high re-presentation of the crisis personality in society;

Compression of time, acceleration and compaction of energy-information processes in society and in individual consciousness;

A demonstrated need for quick and effective, accurate and safe resolution of personality problems by expanding the resources of self-awareness and reflection.

B) complexity and multi-levelness.

Psychotechnologies should work at the following levels of the psyche:

Physical and psychophysical (removal of somatic stress factors and stressful situations);

Psychological (resolution of intrapersonal problems, personal transformation, psychotherapy, achieving the goals of personality integration);

Resolution of socio-psychological problems of the individual (problems of communication and social integration, social adaptation, manifestation in social connections and relationships);

Resolving problems of personal self-actualization (expanding personal freedom of choice, discovering internal energetic intellectual and emotional resources, finding a person’s deep motivation and acquiring the right to fully express one’s individuality);

Satisfying the individual’s need for transcendence, finding the psychospiritual dimensions of the individual, determining answers to the basic questions of human existence.

c) adaptability of psychotechnologies in social space, which is ensured by the following factors:

Sufficient background of use in personality transformation and integration;

Close relationship with empirical self-integration techniques that are used by people in everyday life without theoretical understanding;

A high degree of scientificity in theoretical, methodological terms, as well as high dynamism, openness and close connection with practice.

D) ensuring the client’s freedom, which is expressed in the following requirements for psychotechnologies:

Environmental friendliness of psychotechnologies;


They must develop skills and abilities that are sufficient and necessary for the client to solve personal problems independently.

D) security, which is expressed at all levels of human existence:



Socio-psychological and social,


The search for psychotechnologies that meet the requirements set out above is not only an individual problem for a social worker, psychologist or psychotherapist, but also a rather complex problem in applied psychology and scientific methodology. Without a doubt, it is difficult to find a psychotechnology that would meet all the requirements put forward by social and psychological work as a specific activity with individuals and groups in crisis states. But, as experience with thousands of clients over the past ten years shows, it is quite possible.

When working with clients, we primarily encounter the following points:

Firstly - the client himself, who is he? Child, adult, man, woman - socio-demographic status, age, education, etc.;

Secondly - the problem field, what is the client's problem? Internal psychological factors, mental health disorders, social maladjustment in the form of conflict in the family, at work, various phobias, etc.

Thirdly, the problem of choosing psychotechnology, how can the system of the human psyche, which is in imbalance, be brought into a state of harmony, and integrate the problem?

The first and second moments are usually determined by the situation social work. The third point is the most problematic and requires greater knowledge and experience of a specialist.

In order for the resolution of personal problems to be effective, the following conditions must be met:

Attuned to the client’s condition;


Positive orientation;

Not getting stuck on the client's problem field.

When working with a client, there is one very significant difficulty that hinders the resolution of the problem. This difficulty is due to the fact that the client already lives normally with his problem, he has read a lot of literature about it, some even enjoy the consciousness of their own inferiority, and if their uncomfortable situation is abruptly resolved, they will begin to look for a new “sore” in themselves in order to focus all your attention on it. Therefore, here a lot depends on the psychologist’s ability to create an attractive lifestyle without this problem, to make the client want to lose this problem and forget it. When working, it is especially important to accurately identify the problem field and take the time to delve into the client’s problem, since the person’s mental and social “recovery” depends on this.

At the same time, as experience shows, an individual’s adaptive capabilities for transforming the ego, changing value orientations, direction, and motivational-need structures are often limited. The ability of the social niche in which the client lives to perceive and adapt his transformation is also limited. Old communication stereotypes and role expectations are broken, which often leads to partial and sometimes complete maladaptation of the individual. A person leaves his job, separates from his family, etc.

All this puts forward requirements for the quality of interaction between a specialist and a client. The strategy for this interaction should be systematic and take into account:

1. Personality characteristics of the client;

2. The structure and content of the material that is integrated by the personality;

3. Possibilities and limitations of psychotechniques used in the interaction process;

4. Providing feedback;

5. Possibilities of a support and tracking system in society.

The first point puts forward the following requirements:

Mandatory individual interview for group work;

Compliance with the “law of eight” (one specialist should not have more than eight clients);

A specialist’s possession of professional psychological knowledge and skills for personality research.

The second point is extremely important in the interaction strategy. If a specialist does not represent the complex internal architectonics of the material being integrated by the individual, then this, as a rule, leads to methodological errors, loss of effectiveness of transformation work, and sometimes to destructive changes in the client’s personality.

Without a doubt, one can rely on intuition, spontaneity of consciousness and the inner wisdom of the human psyche. But experience shows that relying on professional knowledge and elementary scientific ideas about the psyche makes the quality of interaction more flexible, multifaceted and, most importantly, in possible accordance with the internal picture of what is happening.

The third point assumes that a professional not only has theoretical ideas about psychotechnics, but also owns them. In psychoanalysis, it is a pattern that before a psychoanalyst begins working with clients, he undergoes psychoanalysis itself. We believe that before a specialist begins to work using various psychotechniques, he himself must go through them, experience them in internal work With myself. This places a requirement on curriculum at the university and retraining programs in their special practical psychotechnical orientation.

The fourth point assumes that a specialist must have the time and opportunity to receive feedback from his clients. Professionally, the university is obliged to develop the skills of conducting a reflective, sensitive, open interview with the client.

The fifth point is extremely difficult from an organizational aspect due to the lack of time of specialists and the high density of the work schedule. At the same time, it is a certain criterion of work efficiency and a way of monitoring the process of client socialization.

All five points in their synthesis open up broad opportunities for increasing the efficiency, correctness, accuracy, and psychoecological friendliness of using psychotechnologies when working with individuals and groups of clients.

There are currently more questions than answers in the psychotechnological support of professional activities. There are a huge number of models and approaches. This shows that this topic in psychoecology is promising in both theoretical and practical aspects.
