Where to start with a raw food diet? A system for effective transition to a raw food diet. Sample raw food menu for a week

Many people are interested in the topic of eating raw foods, where and how to start a raw food diet, the basics for beginners and recipes for raw foodists. A raw food diet can benefit the body. However, you should switch to a diet very carefully, under the supervision of a doctor.

During heat treatment, products lose 75% of nutrients, including vitamins, proteins and amino acids. Fresh vegetables and fruits saturate the body with elements without which it cannot function normally.

Consult a nutritionist before starting a raw food diet, especially if you suffer from kidney stones. It is recommended to switch to a nutritional system after your doctor’s approval.

Once at the reception, do not reveal all your intentions. The attitude of medicine towards a raw food diet is skeptical. Therefore, even after a visit to the doctor, you will have to draw your own conclusions. I would like to note the existence of factors that prevent the transition to eating raw foods. I will dwell in detail on three main ones.

  • The opinion of the external environment, which denies the strange food system. Many beginning raw foodists, unable to withstand the temptation, return to the standard diet.
  • Lack of awareness. To achieve your goal, you need to eat only raw foods and do it right. It's about choice, proportions and quantity of food.
  • The transition to a raw food diet is often accompanied by an exacerbation of old diseases and the emergence of new ones. This is caused by unbalanced consumption of raw food, in which the body does not receive enough nutrients.

After consulting with your doctor and thinking about it, gradually or abruptly switch to a raw diet. Let's look at both transition options in detail.

A sudden transition to a raw food diet

It will seem that the right and simple thing is a sharp transition when a person decides to instantly give up fried meat, boiled potatoes, pastries and other dishes. In reality, everything is not so simple. Over many years, the body gets used to a certain diet, and quickly switching to a different diet is problematic.

If you abruptly abandon traditional food, the body will constantly signal that it does not like food innovations. This manifests itself in the form of nausea, weakness, high temperature and dizziness.

Beginners claim that this state of the body is caused by restructuring digestive system. They are partly right, but do not forget that when eating raw food, the body experiences a lack of nutrients. The stage is temporary, but sometimes lasts several years, during which old sores appear and weak spots body.

Smooth transition to a raw food diet

To avoid this situation, use the method of a smooth transition to a raw food diet, which involves gradually reducing the amount of cooked food consumed in favor of raw food. The method is the safest for health, since it helps prepare the body for a new diet and minimizes the likelihood of psychological and physical discomfort after giving up usual treats. As a result, the chance of a successful transition to a raw food diet increases.

The process is accompanied by “withdrawal” and problems with loved ones. This can be avoided if you act deliberately, smoothly and secretly. You should give up your usual food gradually. At first, exclude tea, meat, and baked goods from your diet. The order of actions is arbitrary and the sequence of failures can be manipulated at your discretion. As a result, maintain friendship with the body and will not break down.

It is possible that in practice you will have to deviate from the chosen course several times. Raw foodists call this phenomenon a common breakdown, which is a simple satisfaction of the needs of the body, yearning for oven-baked salmon and delicacies.

Just don’t confuse “gluttony” with the needs of the body. If the condition does not improve even after several meals of traditional food, the reason is not a nutritional deficiency, but a lack of moral support.

On the way to your goal, problems with friends, relatives, and medical representatives will appear. To make the process go more calmly, it is better not to talk about raw food diet. At first, say that you are following a diet, the duration of which depends on the result.

Video experience and basics for beginners

Now I'll share a few useful tips for beginners. If you are new to the raw food diet, following the recommendations will increase your chances of success.

  1. Decide if you really need it. Only after careful and lengthy consideration make a decision that will radically change your life.
  2. Take control of your thoughts. If you imagine fried chicken, you won't achieve your goal. Get rid of such thoughts as quickly as possible and eat a raw treat: bananas or apples.
  3. As you move towards your goal, forget about parties, banquets and buffets. If you cannot avoid the event, take food with you. It doesn't hurt to find like-minded people. This will make things easier.
  4. Don't count yourself out greatest man, because they switched to species-specific nutrition. Eat your favorite foods and don’t preach a raw food diet, otherwise you won’t be able to avoid trouble.
  5. It is recommended to switch to a raw food diet in the summer, since during this period the likelihood of a breakdown is minimal. Summer is abundant with access to greens, vegetables, berries and fruits.

Don't forget, the world of raw food nutrition is rich and unknown. Having plunged into it headlong, track actions and watch the activity of your colleagues. Otherwise, you'll miss out on interesting discoveries.

What can a raw foodist eat?

Continuing the topic of the article, I’ll tell you what a raw foodist can eat. Let me look at a list of products that are popular among raw foodists.

Each region of the country is characterized by the cultivation of certain products. But thanks to supermarkets and personal plots A raw foodist does not have to starve.

  1. Fruit comes first . They should be present in the diet of every person who has switched to a raw food diet. Bananas, pears, apples, peaches and oranges will help lift your mood and charge you with energy and positivity. A similar effect will be provided by pomegranate, nectarine and other gifts of nature.
  2. Dried fruits and dried vegetables . These include dates, raisins, prunes, beets, carrots and mushrooms. If instead of store-bought products there is a homemade delicacy on the table, that’s great.
  3. Root vegetables and vegetables . In addition to zucchini, eggplant, cabbage and potatoes, the raw food diet includes turnips, carrots, tomatoes, asparagus, cucumbers, radishes and radishes.
  4. Berries are a source of vitamins . Strawberries, lingonberries, currants, rose hips, blueberries, viburnum - this is an incomplete list of berries allowed to be eaten on a raw food diet.
  5. Nuts. If a person eats raw foods, the need for protein does not go away. Nuts help solve the problem. As you move towards your goal, make sure there are pistachios, peanuts, Brazil nuts or walnuts on the table.
  6. Cereals . They will provide protein and energy if the sprouts are sprouted and used as food.
  7. Seaweed, sorrel and spinach . They contain many microelements that help strengthen the heart. Romaine and lettuce provide a similar effect.
  8. Spices . Eat basil, parsley, dill, turmeric or green onions. Spices complement the taste of raw dishes and protect against harmful microorganisms.
  9. Honey – the source of longevity and youth . In addition to honey, eat beebread, royal jelly and pollen.
  10. Wild plants . If you like the exotic, eat wild plants, including quinoa and nettle. The plants are rarely used as food, but were once popular.
  11. Weeds and wild plants . Based on them, green smoothies are prepared according to many recipes.

I’ll add that instead of buying dried fruits, you can make them yourself using an electric dryer. Some products are suitable for freezing. Even with a raw food diet, you can prepare for winter.

Common mistakes when switching to a raw food diet

In conclusion, I will consider common mistakes made by beginning raw foodists, which have a bad effect on health and delay the moment of achieving the goal.

  • Rapid transition . The body needs time to adapt to a new diet, and haste increases the likelihood of breakdowns and stressful situations.
  • Alcoholic drinks and tobacco products . If you really decide to eat healthy food, from bad habits refuse.
  • Drinking a small amount of water . Vegetables contain a lot of liquid, but drink at least two liters of water daily.
  • Lack of hygiene . On a raw food diet Special attention spend time brushing your teeth. Some fruits and vegetables contain acids that destroy teeth, and toothache is an unpleasant thing.
  • Only food. Beginners are sure that a raw food diet is a panacea. This is wrong. No walking, exercise, sunbathing or active image During life, the body degrades.
  • Product abuse . Consuming nuts and sprouts in excessive quantities does not bode well. So that your stomach does not experience discomfort, and your body receives the necessary substances, eat a little of everything.
  • Ignoring hunger . Remember, a raw food diet is not fasting. If the stomach requires food, then satisfy the whim. By limiting your appetite, you prevent adaptation to a new diet.
  • Thoughts on food . Don't think about food - this will lead to anxiety, and people eat stress. Just in case, keep an assortment of raw food in the refrigerator.
  • Salt and spices . They increase appetite and create a desire to taste something delicious. Do not use them on a raw food diet.
  • Lack of attention to yourself . Listen to the sensations and monitor your stomach reaction. He may not like some food.
  • Refusal of traditional food . If you have a desire to eat

A raw food diet is a special form of vegetarianism, but more strict and rigid. Raw foodists eat only dairy products plant products without any processing by fire or steam. They believe that this method of nutrition allows the absorption of substances in their original form, since under the influence of heat treatment and contact with the surface of the dishes, the energy value of the products decreases, and some of the beneficial substances are destroyed.

Raw foodists make an exception only for bread made primarily from whole grains and without yeast. Of the liquids, only simple unboiled or mineral water is allowed. The concept of a raw food diet is based on the fact that raw plant food directly transfers to a person the solar energy stored by the plant during its growth.

For raw foodists, fire is a destructive principle, and food prepared with its help is biologically inferior. There are a number of directions in the raw food diet: some recommend eating raw grains, others - fruits, others - nuts or raw plant products. An extreme manifestation of a raw food diet is feeding on herbs and plant tops.

If we talk about classical and gentle forms, when any raw products of plant origin are allowed, as well as some dairy products, then, strictly speaking, this is no longer quite a raw food diet. Unless, of course, you live in a village and don’t drink new milk. After all, absolutely all dairy products sold in stores have already been subjected to heat treatment to one degree or another and many of them contain artificial chemical substances(for example, preservatives), which fans of this nutrition theory do not accept.

The same can be said about dried fruits that are sold in the store (they are certainly not dried by the sun!), or nuts, which are often toasted. So a raw foodist who lives in modern city and buys food in the store, this is no longer a completely raw foodist!

Rules for a safe raw food diet

The transition from a regular diet to a raw food diet should be careful and gradual so that the body can get used to it. A sudden transition from your usual diet to a completely new diet is extremely dangerous for your health.

Doctors believe that it is better to become vegetarians and raw foodists after 30 years.

It is relatively easy for those who have already weaned themselves from meat and consume few animal products to immediately switch to a dairy-vegetarian diet. If you are used to eating meat or fish every day, this transition will be extremely painful for you. Nutritionists do not recommend abruptly giving up your usual food. This is not only difficult psychologically, but also causes great stress for the entire body.

It is better not to deny yourself the desire to eat anything from your previous diet in the first days and weeks. As the body adapts to the new diet, such cases will appear less and less often. However, there are things that need to be excluded already at this stage: confectionery products, extracts (for example, meat broth), flour soups and pasta.

There are several more rules for newly minted raw foodists. However, it is advisable to adhere to them with any other nutrition system.

  • When switching to a raw food diet, at first you should eat less, since moderation in food facilitates digestion and adjusts the body to accept raw food.
  • It is necessary to chew food thoroughly - otherwise it simply will not be absorbed.
  • In addition, you need to eat only when natural physiological hunger appears.
  • You should not drink immediately before or immediately after meals.
  • The temperature of food should be at room temperature at all times: you cannot eat food that has just been taken out of the refrigerator or brought in from the cold.
  • Cooked raw dishes(salads) should not be stored for a long time.
  • Fruits and nuts should be eaten before lunch, not after lunch. Then they are better absorbed.
  • Raw water must be clean, standing for several hours, filtered. It is better to use mineral or drinking water from bottles.

The benefits of a raw food diet

Numerous studies show that people who consume plenty of fruits and vegetables are less likely to develop cancer and heart disease. Fresh, uncooked vegetables and fruits have the best effect on the body. Thus, during cooking, 30-50% of all useful substances that determine the specific pungent taste of cruciferous vegetables are destroyed: mustard, cabbage, watercress and horseradish. These substances not only create a special, incomparable taste sensation, but also protect vegetable lovers from cancer.

The same can be said about natural coloring compounds - carotenoids, found in yellow-red vegetables and fruits and dark leafy vegetables. Carotenoids prevent chronic diseases, stimulate the body's defenses, and prevent the development of tumors.

Some of these substances are destroyed during cleaning and cooking. Particularly biologically sensitive to heat treatment active substances, contained in celery, cabbage, and cherries. Garlic also loses most of its healing properties when cooked. This is, first of all, an essential oil with a strong bactericidal effect, killing pathogenic bacteria and fungi and improving blood circulation.

The undoubted advantages include the fact that a raw food diet is an excellent preventive cleansing of the body (not as powerful as fasting, but not as short-term either). Raw food diet is the best remedy against intestinal sluggishness, constipation and hemorrhoids due to increased dietary fiber content.

It is useful for patients with kidney diseases and for facilitating water metabolism. Treatment with a raw food diet gives good results for gout, freeing the body from uric acid. It is useful for atherosclerosis, skin diseases, rheumatism, etc. The use of a raw food diet for hypertension can improve health by sharply limiting intake table salt with food.

A positive aspect of a raw food diet is faster satiety when eating raw foods compared to heat-treated ones. Unprocessed food fills the entire volume of the stomach faster. This makes it possible to use a raw food diet for weight loss. It must be remembered that some foods have high energy value (for example, dates, nuts, raisins, melons).

By the way, for obesity, treatment with raw food gives even better results than fasting! In addition, raw vegetables and fruits are more beneficial for teeth than mushy soft foods. This also helps strengthen the gums. Contrary to the belief of many, fans of raw food do not deprive themselves of proteins if the diet is prepared correctly. Largest quantity proteins include nuts, legumes (lentils, beans, peas and soybeans), spinach, cauliflower, kohlrabi and wheat.

The harm of a raw food diet

For some diseases (gastritis, colitis, etc.), raw fruits and vegetables can cause discomfort or exacerbations.

It is believed that beneficial substances located inside cells are absorbed worse, since the dense cell membrane does not always break down and release these substances during the digestion process. Thus, carrot carotene (provitamin A) is tightly blocked by difficult-to-digest cellulose.

Gastric juice can absorb these organic matter only if the carrots are chopped or heat-treated. True, even in this case, fat is needed to absorb the beneficial substances of carrots. Otherwise, fat-soluble substances are not absorbed during any processing.

The loud thesis of raw food lovers is “The more natural, the healthier!” - doesn't always work. During evolution, different groups of plants have developed one or another survival strategy, and some of them accumulate toxic substances as a protective device. For example, legumes are a staple food for millions of people due to their high protein content.

However, they also contain toxic substances that are completely destroyed during the cooking process. Wheat and other grains contain substances of little use that are removed only by heat treatment. Oxalic acid, which is found in spinach, rhubarb, sorrel and chard, is also harmful in large quantities. It sets the teeth on edge and disrupts the body’s normal absorption of essential minerals.

With an excess of oxalic acid, beneficial proteins and calcium, so necessary for strengthening bones, are not absorbed by the body. Raw vegetables containing oxalic acid are contraindicated for elderly people and children, as well as those who suffer from kidney stones. Our great-great-grandmothers knew that the leaves and stems of sorrel must be scalded or boiled.

The raw food diet also has age restrictions:

  • raw food diet should not be used in children;
  • It is not recommended for very elderly people.

A raw food diet is an important step in life towards proper and healthy nutrition to regulate your physical and spiritual condition. Usually, all raw foodists start with vegetarianism, since it can encourage such life path can only be awareness of the harm of food of animal origin.

Why switch to a raw food diet?

People switch to such a food system various reasons. Someone is forced by a medically incurable disease, heavy weight or an impulse of the soul. Raw foodists claim that food of animal origin is not intended for humans.

Our intestines are too long and the meat has time to rot in it, releasing toxins into the body. And the teeth are just like those of herbivores; everyone can be convinced that they have no fangs.

After giving up meat and fish, people begin to notice that they become kinder and calmer, and therefore it was not for nothing that raw foodists concluded: “meat contributes to aggression, nervousness and anger.” But this can only be noticed by people who have already switched to a “living” food system mentally and physically.

Many people notice that all health problems go away from a raw food diet: high or low blood pressure, acne, excess weight, the functioning of all organs is stabilized: intestines, kidneys, heart, digestive system, thyroid gland, ulcers and colitis go away and many other problems.

Does this mean that eating raw food is ideal for the human body? Apparently this is true.

Raw food diet as a way of life

Raw foodists and fruitarians, as people who eat healthy plant foods call themselves, having come to this way of eating, they no longer return to the past. First of all, it must be said that such people are not entirely ordinary in their judgments and outlook on life.

They study themselves and the world around them and are not interested in typical problems. Raw foodists do not drink alcohol and are not addicted to cigarettes or drugs. Most often, these are people who are active physically and spiritually, have a positive attitude and, for the most part, are happy.

Principles of raw food diet

The rules of a raw food diet are as follows:

  • Refusal of meat, fish, dairy products and eggs.
  • Refusal of heat treatment of food: eat all fruits and vegetables only raw.
  • No baked goods.

This is a special diet in which you can eat any fruits and vegetables, as well as dried fruits, cereals and greens in any quantity and at any time. In the initial stages, when the body is just getting used to live nutrition, a person can eat up to 5 or even more kilograms of fruits and vegetables. This is normal, because the stomach is stretched and is not filled as quickly with fruits as, for example, with porridge.

Raw food diet for weight loss

With a raw food diet, weight always stabilizes. If a person is too thin, he gains weight, and if he is overweight, he loses weight. Raw foodists lose weight very quickly at first. So, in the first 4-6 months you can lose up to 40 kilograms of excess weight.

If nothing helps you lose weight, a raw food diet will definitely help. But motivation alone to lose weight is usually not enough. You need to be inspired by the idea of ​​self-development and then a raw food diet will become a way of life.

On initial stages All waste and toxins are removed from the body, so a person may not feel well, but will soon feel cheerful and strong.
Such people eat fruits and vegetables, which are low in calories, are also well absorbed and cleanse the body. That's why weight loss occurs.

How to switch to a raw food diet

To switch to a raw food diet and fruitarianism, you only need to have a strong intention, and everything else will be just excuses. But there is nothing wrong with preparing yourself mentally to make such a decision for yourself.

An effective transition to a raw food diet requires: psychological preparation. It is best to already be aware of possible difficulties on the path to a new diet and know what foods a raw foodist can and should eat and have information about fasting, which is sometimes carried out to cleanse the body. With this knowledge the transition will be much easier.

By and large, there are two options for switching to a raw food diet: fast and smooth.
With a smooth transition, a person gradually increases the percentage of raw food in his diet, starting from 50 and soon to 100%.

Another option is to immediately give up your usual food and start eating only raw plant foods. On the question of which of these options to choose, fruitarians disagreed.

Most often, young, ambitious and full of energy people prefer quick way transition. The gradual transition can last for many months. But both options may well work out if a person is determined to switch to a “live” diet.

The first 6-8 months are not easy. Sometimes you want some familiar tasty treats and various harmful things. Raw foodists during this period can eat a lot, a kilogram of bananas or a plate of salad at a time, followed by apples, pears and plums, and so on every half hour.

But this stage of “always hungry” will definitely pass and you will feel freedom, lightness and joy. Soon, with a successful transition to unhealthy food without long-term breakdowns, a raw foodist will be able to satisfy his hunger with a few apples or a handful of dried fruits.

How to prepare the body

It is best if a person is already a vegetarian or vegan by the time he decides to switch to a different diet. Then there are fewer toxins, wastes and stones in his body. But it is best to cleanse the body before eating a diet, since this decision is rarely lightning fast.

You need to start with cleansing the intestines, and then cleanse the liver and kidneys. During such cleansing, sand and even bilirubin stones, as well as toxins and waste, and other stagnant elements come out of the kidneys almost painlessly.

In the summer, stock up on berries: dry apple and apricot fruits in the sun, pick strawberries, hawthorn, freeze strawberries, cherries, fresh sweet peppers, herbs. During this period, such products are very inexpensive and accessible. And in winter they will be a real find.

And, of course, the most important stage preparation – psychological, setting yourself up for a new stage of life.

Psychological stage of transition

There are some rules on how to effectively set yourself up for new system diet:

  1. Make sure you have willpower. Do you know how to refuse what society has long instilled in you? If you have experience in this matter, for example, you quit smoking, alcohol, meat, fish, carbonated drinks, chips, then it’s much better. This means you already know how to tune yourself and manage your needs and desires.
  2. Commit to yourself to make this transition successful once and for all. Don't talk yourself into trying for a week or anything like that. Just take it and do it. After all, having tried a raw food diet for a week, you will only feel deprivation, the body will not have time to completely cleanse itself, and old habits will take over.
  3. Try to find companies of people who will understand you or at least accept you as you are, with your habits. It is ideal, of course, to have raw foodist friends who share your interests. With such comrades it will be very easy for you to take the path of living nutrition.
  4. Read literature about the raw food diet, reviews from people, and forums where people with similar interests gather. They can tell you the answers to all your questions and help you tune in to the result.
  5. There is no need to worry and count the amount of vitamins that a person needs and calculate them in products. It's stressful and tiring. Just trust your body. It will tell you what he needs. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, more of those that grow in your region.

Sports and raw food diet

On a raw food diet physical exercise not only recommended, but also necessary. Life without movement cannot be complete. But the body cannot be healthy. Daily walks in the fresh air are necessary for at least an hour a day, and preferably more. And be sure to include sports: it could be swimming, fitness, Gym, running, football, yoga, dancing, whatever your soul desires.

Raw food athletes feel great, because, although many are mistaken about protein and calcium, they get it from plants. So, like a cow, a chicken receives these elements in huge quantities from grass and cereals.

Protein in plants is no less than in meat. And plant proteins are absorbed much better, especially since they have not been subjected to heat treatment and do not have side effects, like meat.

Raw food diet for beginners

Beginning raw foodists should remember that by deciding to take this step, you are changing your life and even your views on it and the world. This world will no longer be gray and gloomy, but will be as colorful as your daily diet.

Every person who is thinking about a raw food diet should understand that there is a time for everything and one day he will feel when it is time to give up animal and processed foods for the benefit of his health.

Don't be afraid to start a raw food diet in winter. This is not a bad season at all. You can eat imported fruits: persimmons, tangerines, oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, grapes, avocado, mango, the usual apples and pears, as well as many vegetables. In winter there are no fewer products, they are just more expensive.
The most difficult thing is always to make a decision, and everything else is already going as it should, smoothly and evenly.

Beginner raw foodists, do not immediately look for support from family and friends. You may simply not receive it, and, having hoped, you will be upset. Just give them time to calm down and accept your decision. Find yourself good companies, there are probably raw foodists in the city too.

And also on the Internet there are hundreds of thousands of people - fruitarians and raw foodists who will gladly accept newcomers into their ranks and tell you anything.

Try to visit fewer events with feasts where you may not be understood. You will laugh about it later, but at the beginning of your journey to a raw food diet, how other people treat you can cause stress.

Typical mistakes and misconceptions of beginners

The following mistakes remain in the diet of raw foodists:

  • consumption of salt and seasonings,
  • over-seasoned cereal sprouts (they can only be eaten when the sprout is just beginning to hatch),
  • purchasing nuts and dried fruits (more than 80% of them are heat-treated).

Nuts such as cashews are always processed, but it is better not to buy market and store dried fruits, they have already suffered from chemical and heat treatment. Prepare dried fruits yourself, and you can buy all the nuts except cashews, but choose carefully, try them.

Basic products of raw foodists

Raw food products:

  • Fruits and berries: cherry, watermelon, avocado, melon, apricot, peach, pear, grapes, lime, lemon, orange, grapefruit, pamelo, tangerine, pineapple, kiwi, banana, apple, nectarine, cherry, plum, quince, blueberry, lingonberries, barberries, pomegranates, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, figs, gooseberries, dogwoods, passion fruit, currants, papaya, feijoa, persimmon.
  • Vegetables: eggplant, tomato, cucumber, red cabbage, white cabbage, boussel cabbage, Chinese cabbage, savoy cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, peas, zucchini, pumpkin, ginger, corn, carrots, squash, bell pepper, turnip, radish, radish, Jerusalem artichoke, celery , asparagus, green beans,
  • Greens: parsley, dill, basil, favela, Bay leaf, nettle, green onions, mint, lemon balm, oregano, lettuce, rosemary, spinach, tarragon, thyme, tarragon.
  • Nuts: peanuts, Walnut, almond, coconut, cedar, hazelnut.
  • Dried fruits: prunes, dates, dried apricots, raisins, figs, dried apples, apricots, pears and peaches.
  • Cereals: buckwheat, wheat, rye, flax, chickpeas, bran, lentils, wild rice, barley, oats.
  • Honey is one of the most valuable raw food products. It is very healthy and replaces sweets.

Being a raw foodist is not as scary as starting a raw food diet. Good luck in your endeavors and good health!

The raw food diet is becoming increasingly popular due to its undoubted benefits. Many people happily adhere to this style of eating, considering it the only correct one. It is a mistake to think that a raw food diet involves a very meager, uninteresting and tasteless diet. In fact, raw fruits, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms and herbs have an indescribable aroma and taste that cannot be compared with boiled ones. For raw food dishes, spices, salt and sugar are practically not used, since there is no point in “tasting” them - they are filled with flavor. All raw foodists agree that with such a diet, you can also eat varied and tasty. Without heat treatment, many delicious and very tasty dishes are prepared from products of plant origin. healthy dishes, which fill the body with vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Many people want to start eating healthy, but they are scared away from a raw food diet by the lack of pleasure from the process of eating food, the meagerness of the menu and the constant feeling of hunger, which, in their opinion, all raw foodists experience. To dispel these myths, we bring to your attention a complete raw food diet menu for 7 days, which will fully satisfy the body’s need for vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, we will share with you recipes for popular and delicious raw food dishes that even an inexperienced cook can prepare in a few minutes.

Proper raw food diet

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that raw foodists should eat at least 4 times a day. Such a diet is very important for proper metabolism, adequate energy production and the absence of hunger. The last aspect is especially important, because if a person is constantly hungry, then sooner or later nature will still take over and a breakdown will occur, after which the body will suffer even more. Some raw foodists, and especially fruitarians, eat almost non-stop, but in small portions. For raw foodists, meals can be the main ones, during which they consume the most a large number of calories per day and snacks.

Secondly, raw foodists never wash down their food. They drink only pure still water or infusions of various herbs and berries, which can be taken either half an hour before meals or forty minutes after it. In their opinion, drinking water during meals further stretches the stomach and leads to increased gas formation. In addition to water and infusions, raw foodists drink freshly squeezed juices daily, which replace one meal or snack.

Nuts, which are included in the diet of any raw foodist, play an important role in saturating the body with plant protein, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids. These can be any nuts: cashews, almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, hazelnuts and pistachios. Peanuts are considered to be a nut, although this plant is a legume. It is important to remember that raw foodists eat everything exclusively raw, which means that nuts such as pistachios, cashews, almonds and peanuts must be purchased with caution, because they are often sold roasted. Roasted nuts are no longer beneficial and are not included in the raw food diet. In addition to nuts, raw foodists love to add apricot kernels to their food. They have an indescribable aroma and taste, and are also full of vitamins, minerals and healthy oils.

The most important attribute of a raw food diet is the consumption of grains and legumes. But since they cannot be cooked, raw foodists came up with the idea of ​​soaking and sprouting them. Cereals and legumes contain a large amount of vegetable protein, slow carbohydrates and fiber, which effectively cleanses the intestines and the entire body. Wheat sprouts, lentils, chickpeas, buckwheat, peas and mung bean are used in the menu of every raw foodist, because they give a feeling of fullness, energy, vigor, vitamins and nutrients. Sprouted wheat, chickpeas and buckwheat are consumed as independent tasty dish or as an ingredient for a fresh and filling salad.

Green buckwheat can be called the favorite dish of every raw foodist. You may be surprised to learn that brown buckwheat, which is sold in regular stores, has already been fried, because raw it has green color. It is green buckwheat that is used to prepare raw food dishes. It contains maximum benefits, a lot of iron and it cooks very quickly. To do this, you just need to fill it with cold water and wait until it swells. After this you can eat it, it becomes soft and edible, and almost everyone likes its taste.

All raw foodists are very fond of various raw seeds, for example, sunflower, pumpkin, flax and sesame. Before using, it is advisable to soak them briefly in cold water- this way they swell a little and you can eat smaller quantities to fill them up. The seeds contain a lot of valuable oils, omega fatty acids and minerals. They saturate, nourish, and support muscle mass.

Of course, the basis of a raw food menu is vegetables and fruits. They should make up 70 - 95% of a raw foodist's diet and be only fresh and raw. Doctors recommend eating seasonal vegetables and fruits; they contain the most vitamins, but do not contain pesticides or chemicals. The most useful are cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, avocados, onions, garlic, bananas, oranges, apples, watermelons and pineapples. Also very healthy and incredibly tasty are all berries that can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Do not forget about the benefits of fresh mushrooms, which are included in the diet of a raw foodist. But you should be careful when choosing mushrooms, since not all types can be eaten raw. It is better to opt for champignons and oyster mushrooms, which are sold in stores and are safe.

It is unlikely that any vegan or raw foodist can do in winter without dried fruits, which can be called a good substitute fresh fruit. Particularly popular are figs, raisins and dates - these dried fruits are very nutritious, contain a lot of glucose and can fill you up for a long time. Prunes and dried apricots perfectly cleanse the intestines thanks to the dietary fiber they contain. But raw foodists do not eat various candied fruits, as they are treated with chemicals. Followers of a healthy diet buy only those dried fruits that have been dried under the sun without adding any preservatives or additives.

All raw foodists eat leafy greens, from which they prepare various salads or green smoothies. Particularly popular are dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, arugula, dandelion, sorrel, spinach, green onions, lettuce, celery and the tops of various root vegetables. They are used to prepare wonderful salads and even sauces that are used to season sprouted grains or eat with raw food bread. Fresh herbs are very beneficial for the body, improve digestion, and also provide vitamins and minerals.

Another important ingredient a complete diet raw foodist nutrition is seaweed. It is rich in iodine and phosphorus, which play important role in the normal functioning of the body. Raw foodists do not buy ready-made seaweed in stores, as it is boiled and then seasoned with vinegar and refined oil. Adherents of a healthy diet buy it in dried form, soak it in water and after that it becomes edible. It is added to various green salads or consumed as a healthy side dish.

Of course, raw foodists also season their salads and some dishes vegetable oils, but they choose only those that have undergone the first cold pressing and have not been refined. Olive, flaxseed and sesame oils are considered the most useful. They give dishes a pleasant aroma, improve digestion, maintain skin elasticity, and also saturate the body with saturated omega fatty acids.

Sample raw food menu for a week

In order for you to be convinced that a raw foodist’s diet can be tasty, satisfying and varied, we have prepared an approximate menu for the week.

    Day 1

    Breakfast: 2 bananas, 2 kiwis, 3 oranges.

    Lunch: a handful of any raw nuts.

    Lunch: green buckwheat, salad fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and sweet peppers, seasoned with extra virgin olive oil.

    Afternoon snack: a handful of any dried fruits.

    Dinner: 1 glass of vegetable smoothie made from tomatoes, avocado, basil and parsley, 1 raw bread.

    Day 2

    Breakfast: 3 large grated apples with raisins and honey.

    Lunch: a glass of any freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juice.

    Lunch: raw carrot cutlets, sprouted wheat.

    Afternoon snack: salad of fresh cabbage, cucumbers and herbs, seasoned with lemon juice and flaxseed oil.

    Dinner: salad from any fresh fruits and berries.

    Day 3

    Breakfast: soaked cereals with strawberries and mango.

    Lunch: a handful of any raw nuts.

    Lunch: sprouted lentils, cauliflower, sweet pepper, broccoli and green pea salad, dressed with sesame oil and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

    Afternoon snack: 2 large apples.

    Dinner: pumpkin porridge with seeds.

    Day 4

    Breakfast: 1 glass of banana, strawberry and kiwi smoothie.

    Lunch: 150 grams of sunflower seeds.

    Lunch: uncooked creamy vegetable soup, raw onion bread.

    Afternoon snack: fresh melon or watermelon.

    Dinner: salad of seaweed, onion and broccoli, seasoned with lemon juice and flaxseed oil.

    Day 5

    Breakfast: any juicy fruits and berries.

    Lunch: a handful of raw nuts.

    Lunch: pumpkin porridge with pine nuts, zucchini salad with herbs.

    Afternoon snack: a handful of dates.

    Dinner: salad of arugula, sesame seeds, cauliflower and tomato, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil, 1 raw bread.

    Day 6

    Breakfast: a few slices of ripe watermelon, fresh strawberries and currants.

    Lunch: fresh cucumbers with garlic and dill.

    Lunch: sprouted wheat, salad of fresh cabbage, onions, carrots and herbs, dressed with sesame oil.

    Afternoon snack: green cocktail of zucchini, dill, parsley and sorrel.

    Dinner: soaked seaweed with sesame seeds and sesame oil, avocado sauce and Bell pepper.

    Day 7

    Breakfast: apples stuffed with dried fruits.

    Lunch: any freshly squeezed juice from fruits and berries.

    Lunch: sprouted chickpeas, salad of fresh champignons, onions, tomatoes and cauliflower, dressed with olive oil.

    Afternoon snack: Korean-style salad of young zucchini and carrots.

    Dinner: slices of various vegetables with a sauce of ground raw nuts.

As you have already seen, a raw food diet can be very varied and tasty. With such a diet, you will feel great and lose weight quickly, and hunger will not make itself felt.

Recipes for delicious and healthy raw food dishes

For those who have no idea how to prepare a dish without boiling or frying it, we have prepared several recipes for popular raw food dishes.

Vegetable cream soup

Like all raw food dishes, vegetable cream soup requires a minimum of time and effort to prepare. To do this, chop fresh onions in a blender, cauliflower, carrots, young peas, celery stalks and parsley until a smooth puree forms. You can sprinkle the top of the soup with pine nuts or pumpkin seeds- this way the dish will gain more piquancy and nutrition. Healthy and tasty raw food soup is ready! You can eat it in unlimited quantities at any time of the day without harming your figure.

Korean zucchini salad

Do you think raw foodists shouldn't eat Korean salads? Still possible, but only if they are prepared correctly without adding any chemicals. In order to prepare a Korean-style zucchini salad, you need to grate young zucchini on a special grater. Add grated carrots, ground nutmeg, coriander, crushed garlic and season the salad with olive or linseed oil. This salad acquires its most aromatic taste and pleasant consistency half an hour after thoroughly mixing the ingredients. It releases aromatic juice in which zucchini and carrots are marinated. In half an hour, you can enjoy the amazing taste of this salad and still reap the health benefits.

Pumpkin porridge

Pumpkin is a unique vegetable. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and microelements. Her taste qualities few people can be left indifferent and it is ideal for salads, soups and cereals. It is very simple to prepare pumpkin porridge without cooking; to do this, you need to choose a ripe specimen that has a rich aroma and a fiery orange color. The pumpkin must be cleared of seeds and skin, then grind in a meat grinder or blender until a homogeneous puree is formed. Those people who cannot live without sweets can add 1 teaspoon of honey to this porridge, as well as a little pollen. In other cases, it is better to season it with a small amount of flaxseed oil and sprinkle with raw pumpkin seeds.

Fruit and vegetable smoothie

A very healthy and tasty snack or light dinner can be various fruit or vegetable smoothies. Or you can combine fruits with vegetables and get a very unusual and piquant taste. To prepare it, you need to thoroughly wash the celery stalks, peel the oranges, kiwis and apples. All these ingredients must be thoroughly blended in a blender until a thick smoothie is formed.

Raw guacamole sauce

Among raw foodists, the spicy Mexican guacamole sauce is very popular, which can be eaten with slices of any vegetables, on lettuce or spinach, as well as with raw bread. To prepare it you will need ripe avocado, chili pepper, lime, tomatoes, garlic and a little coriander. All ingredients, except lime, must be thoroughly mixed in a blender until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, then season the sauce with lime juice. As a result, you will get an exquisite sauce that will suit any dish.

Mediterranean salad

This salad can be prepared for festive table and it will become its decoration, and will also appeal to absolutely everyone, even non-raw foodists. Wash tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers and cut into medium cubes. Rinse the arugula thoroughly and dry on a towel. Mix arugula with chopped vegetables, olives and sprinkle with sesame seeds or pine nuts. The salad should be dressed with a sauce of lemon juice, olive oil and finely chopped parsley and basil. This salad is a real work of culinary art, absolutely everyone will like it and will bring maximum benefits.

If desired, the raw food menu can be very varied, because culinary imagination has no limits. It is very important that the food is not only very healthy, but also tasty and beautiful. It is then that it will bring you pleasure, will not get boring and will not make you want to break loose. Experiment, prepare healthy raw food dishes to suit your taste and your eating style will bring only positive emotions.

Filatova Anna, nutritionist

Anna 08.08.2017

Indeed, the article is wonderful, but I would recommend understanding the combinations of vegetables and fruits. Because, for example, a tomato is eaten separately from a cucumber, for example, since a red tomato and a green cucumber are antagonistic foods, and it’s not at all a matter of external color difference. When consumed, tomatoes create an acidic environment in the stomach and digestive tract, while cucumbers create an alkaline environment. And as you know, this is how salts are formed. The consequences of eating such a salad can be very different: bloating, increased gas production. Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin C, but the enzymes contained in cucumbers contribute to the destruction of ascorbic acid and negate the benefits of eating salad.

Olga 06/26/2017

What do raw foodists eat in winter? On our Far East Vegetables are only in season two months out of the year.

Natalya 05/27/2017

Alexander 04/24/2017

What a variety!!! You walk around all day nibbling grass like a cow.

Marina 04/22/2017

Marina 04/22/2017

On a raw food diet for a month. I feel great! I lost 5 kg. And the weight is stable. The hardest thing for me was giving up sugar. Regarding “gluttony” and “filling the stomach” - complete nonsense. The stomach itself knows how much it needs. If you have an appetite, then eat to your health!
Great article! More information like this!

Svetlana 04/12/2017

Here it is difficult to gain 1000 kcal per day, and a healthy person needs from 1500 to 2000 kcal for normal life. After a month of eating this way, I would weigh 30 kg, or even less! Isn't it easier to just eat everything in moderation and exercise? physical exercise?

Daniil 04/02/2017

Tolya Talsky, you don’t understand this!

KittyLoves Whiskas 31.03.2017

However, if you follow a raw food diet, do not

Elena 03/23/2017

I really liked the article!
Only with breakfast, in my opinion, it's too much. It will be too much. A glass of smoothie is quite satisfying for me.

Artyom 02/10/2017

In general, everything is good, but in some places it turns out to be a bit much food at one time. Little has been said about greens - your teeth may start to hurt if you don’t eat enough of them. And I’m not sure with the mixture: is it possible to mix so many ingredients at once (I’m talking about salads). I think there should be a principle of separate nutrition here.

Natalya 02/04/2017

Excellent and convenient site)) Thanks and well done to the creators. Easy to read)))

Fania 02/01/2017

Regarding the 1st day of the menu: for breakfast there is a lot - 2 bananas, 2 kiwis, 3 oranges. My husband and I are already full from just one banana. The rest, in my opinion, is overkill. The recipes are good, I liked them. But we decided to take up a raw food diet for health.


how much food do you need to prepare so as not to run to the store every day, how much does it cost, and all the vegetables and fruits are treated with chemicals, and how to combine all this with work. While you are looking for the right product, you will lose weight twice, and that’s good, thank you, well done.

Invisible 12/08/2016

When creating a raw food diet menu for the day, remember that you should like the products and bring pleasure. The benefits of a raw food diet lie not only in filling the stomach with useful substances, but also in the feeling of joy from life, enjoying the plant gifts of the Earth, which are filled with powerful solar energy.

Azamat 12/08/2016

So is pumpkin a vegetable or a fruit? As far as I know, the body needs to be alkalized. I eat it in large quantities, and from the hard part - juice. I also eat a lot of cabbage. All from my garden.

Valentina 09.11.2016

Valentina 08.11.2016

I think this is a sample menu, we choose the portion ourselves.

Anastasia 06.11.2016

Favorite dish green buckwheat for every raw foodist? You will plant everything for yourself with this buckwheat

Karina 10/19/2016

In response to Tolya Talsky:
If you stick to this diet, I think you will be very hungry in the morning! Especially after a smoothie for dinner. And by the way, all this food is digested very quickly.

Good day everyone! IN Lately I didn’t talk about a raw food diet, unless I was lazy. This wave has long swept across the entire West and reached us a few years ago.

Raw foodists completely reject any heat treatment of foods, preferring to eat the gifts of Nature in their original form. Today I want to talk to you about proper nutrition on a raw food diet, how to stick to it and what it should be like.

Let's figure out what a proper raw food diet is. Nutrition, first of all, must be balanced. Many who hear about this type of nutrition for the first time mistakenly believe that a raw food diet is very bland, meager, boring and not tasty!

In fact, the taste fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits is so diverse and interesting that not only raw foodists can appreciate it. Yet ordinary people, they hide this taste behind stewing, boiling and frying, thereby “killing” not only the beneficial elements, but also depriving them of their original taste.

A raw food diet (if it is followed correctly, of course), in itself already includes the basics of proper nutrition. Avoiding starchy, sweet and fatty foods has a beneficial effect on your health and figure. People who choose this lifestyle note how much more cheerful and better they begin to feel after just a short time.

Lethargy, drowsiness or insomnia disappears, relieves nervous tension in the muscles. It’s just that many people don’t even realize how much food affects our well-being and appearance.

By eating fresh berries, nuts, seeds, grains, fruits and vegetables, we fill the body with essential microelements, nutrients and vitamins every day. But for a raw food diet to be truly beneficial, you need to eat right.

An example of a complete healthy raw food diet menu for 3 days

So how to eat? A raw food diet does not mean consuming just one type of fruit or vegetable. Below I will give a sample menu that will tell you how you can make your diet tasty, interesting and healthy.

The first day

Breakfast. Sprouted grains, 1 kiwi, 1 orange.

Snack. 2 bananas.

Dinner. Vegetable salad (cucumbers+tomatoes+greens), nuts.

Afternoon snack.

Dinner. Vegetable juice (tomato, carrot, pumpkin)

Second day

Breakfast. 1 kiwi, 1 orange, 1 banana

Snack. Apple and carrot puree

Dinner. Sea kale, pumpkin porridge with pine nuts and 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil

Afternoon snack. Any dried fruits (no more than 50 g)

Dinner. Vegetable salad of arugula, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Day three

Breakfast. 2 apples and a handful of dried fruits

Snack. 0.5 avocado + glass of orange juice

Dinner. Cabbage salad with cucumbers, green buckwheat porridge with a spoon of olive oil.

Afternoon snack. Watermelon

Dinner. Raw vegetables and a handful of walnuts

This is just a sample menu that shows how varied and balanced a raw food diet can be. Show your imagination and you will get very tasty and interesting food. The more meager your menu is, the more temptations you will have to relapse and return to your previous type of diet. This should be especially taken into account by those people who are taking their first “raw food” steps.

Golden rules of raw foodism

  • Don't let yourself go hungry. Eat small meals at least four times a day. Beginners especially need to adhere to this rule, since due to hunger it will be easy to break down and snack on some junk food. Remember that a snack will protect you from breakdowns.
  • Never drink food, and you should stop drinking 30 minutes before meals. This will prevent excess gas formation and relieve discomfort.
  • Replace one snack with one glass of freshly squeezed juice or fruit drink.
  • Don't forget about the proteins. If you have eliminated meat, fish and eggs from your diet, then you need to very carefully monitor the amount of protein you consume, which you take from legumes, mushrooms or nuts. Remember that without protein it is not only possible beautiful body, but also good health.
  • If you buy nuts in a supermarket, be careful that they are not roasted, because this contradicts the basic law of a raw food diet.
  • Be sure to include grains in your diet. A new way of eating does not mean giving up cereals. In the evening, you can pour water over the sprouted seeds of green buckwheat and wheat. In the morning you will have a healthy, tasty and satisfying breakfast. Diversify your menu with lentils, chickpeas, peas, beans, beans, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and any nuts.
  • To feel comfortable throughout the day, you should not mix sugar and fat. Well, of course, we are not talking about candy eaten with a portion of pork. You should not eat sweet fruits (dates, dried apricots, etc.) with nuts and avocados.

If you want to go to new type nutrition, but don’t know where to start, take a look free materials Denis Terentyev, a raw foodist with five years of experience. In a concise and concise form, you will be taught the basic basics of a raw food diet and told how beneficial your new lifestyle will be for your health.

I hope I told you how to eat properly in order to stick to a raw food diet without harming your health? If you found this article useful, share the link with your friends!
