The lowest air temperature recorded. Where is the coldest point on Earth: a detailed tour

Winter is already over, but memories of frost and cold are still fresh in my memory. When it's below zero, your breath takes away, your lips begin to crack, your skin dries out... Your legs and arms freeze. Every year there are reports of people who decided to take a short break in a snowdrift. And no amount of civilization, science, medicine, nanotechnology can save us from this most terrible victim of winter.

However, in most Russian cities winter temperature rarely drops below 30-40 degrees from zero, whereas this is not the limit at all. Even on our warm and cozy planet there are places with a rather frightening climate. And the most low temperature on Earth can impress anyone.


A small village in Yakutia is considered a real pole of cold. It is the coldest populated area. About five thousand people live in it, who are accustomed to the local climate and consider it a completely worthy payment for life in native land.

And the climate here is truly more than harsh. The village is not only located far in the north, it is also quite high relative to sea level and remote from the oceans. And due to the fact that it lies in a lowland, frosty air flows here in winter. The sum of these factors results in impressively low average annual temperatures, with the absolute minimum being -64.3 degrees Kelvin. It’s not very comfortable, but people have adapted to this too.

Vostok station

No matter how paradoxical it may be, the lowest temperature is at South Pole. Of course, “southern” in this case means “located at the bottom of the map,” and not “in the warm and pleasant south.” The coldest continent is frozen through, only in the summer does a small surface layer of soil thaw, allowing a limited amount of flora and fauna to survive.

Nice summer day

People do not live there, with the exception of particularly extreme scientists studying this inhospitable region. There are stations there from many countries, including Russia. And it was the inhabitants of the Russian “Vostok” who recorded the temperature, which for a long time was considered minimal - -89.2 degrees. This happened historical event June 21, 1983. And for almost twenty years this record seemed absolute.

Fuji Dome

Antarctica is an extremely inhospitable continent, but there are some impressive places there, for example, the Fuji Dome, also known as Mount Valkyrie. This hill is located in Queen Maud Land, one of the coldest areas. In addition, it is located at an altitude of 3600 meters above sea level, which makes the climate even more harsh. By the way, the Fuji Dome is one of the most high points continent, which contributes to obtaining unique weather conditions.

Bad day

It was in this area that the existing this moment temperature minimum– 91.2 degrees. It is interesting not only that this is the minimum temperature, but also the first recorded one that crossed the line of 90 degrees below zero.

The method for detecting this temperature also differs. The fact is that most often the temperature is measured with a regular alcohol or electronic thermometer. The result obtained shows the temperature of the surface layer of air. But new temperature record was measured not in the usual way, but from a satellite. Thus, the temperature of the earth's surface was measured, and therefore many question the validity of this record.

Somewhere over Sweden

If we talk not about the surface temperature, but about the entire planet, including the atmosphere, then the lowest temperature will differ significantly from the values ​​already mentioned.

Thus, in the Earth’s atmosphere at an altitude of 85 kilometers above Sweden in 1963, a temperature minimum that had no analogues was recorded -143 degrees below zero Celsius.

On the other hand, if you continue to rise, the temperature will decrease until it reaches -270 degrees, characteristic of outer space. True, it will no longer be considered a planet.

Somewhere in the laboratory

In 2001 Nobel Prize in physics was given to a group of scientists who were able to develop theoretical basis cooling the substance to ultra-low temperatures and testing them in practice. To do this, the gas is cooled in a magnetic trap, where it cannot come into contact with the walls and be heated by them.

Later, based on this technique, the lowest temperature on the planet and in the entire Universe was obtained - 0.0000000001 Kelvin, which is one picokelvin above absolute zero.

It is unlikely that this particular thermometer was used, but the result would be similar

In outer space it is even higher, because its space is heated due to the background radiation left after Big Bang. Now average temperature in interstellar space is about 3 degrees Kelvin. The Universe is gradually cooling, but very slowly, by about 1 degree every 3 billion years.

Therefore, so far the lowest temperature has been recorded on Earth, of course, if there are no other civilizations on other planets with their own scientists seeking to learn the secrets of matter and energy.

On one of the sunny and dry days summer days you might hear someone say, “It must be a hundred degrees even in the shade.” And in some places on our planet this may be close to reality. The hottest place on Earth is currently around 70°C. If you are one of those who like it hot, we have prepared for you top 10 hottest places in the world.

This city is located on the shores of Lake Nasser and is home to approximately 15,000 inhabitants. Historically, it was a very important trading post due to its location on the road between Sudan and Egypt.

The city is sometimes forced to endure stormy dust storms. This phenomenon is known as haboob and precedes a strong thunderstorm.

The highest air temperature recorded in this area is 52.8°C. She was celebrated in April 1967. IN summer period The average temperature in Wadi Halfa is around 40 °C.

9. Tirat Zvi, Israel, 53.9 °C

This is a religious kibbutz founded near the Israeli-Jordanian border. Thanks to the maximum temperature set in 1942, Tirat Zvi became the hottest place in Asia. However, due to the proximity of the Jordan River, the kibbutz area remains fertile.

About a thousand people live in Tirat Zvi, and the kibbutz is considered the largest date producer in the country. It has 18,000 date trees.

8. Timbuktu, Mali, 54 °C

Located in the south of the Sahara Desert ancient city with one of the highest temperatures on Earth. Its highest temperature reading topped a scorching 54 degrees Celsius.

Timbuktu was an important center for the spread of Islamic doctrine in Africa. Three important mosques for Muslims were built there and one of the largest collections in the world of ancient manuscripts. Thanks to your architectural features the city was declared a target World Heritage UNESCO.

7. Kebili, Tunisia, 55 °C

This city is famous for its ancient archaeological finds. The oldest of them were created about 200,000 years ago. Additionally, Kebili is known for its extreme temperatures, with summer maximums reaching 55°C. And at night the temperature can drop below zero.

At the same time, there are about 10 hotels in the city, one of them is five-star. Whether you should prefer the hot summer haze of Egypt instead of the most - decide for yourself.

6. Ghadames, Libya, 55 °C

A city in western Libya, located on the border with Algeria and Tunisia - where caravan routes once crossed. It is known as the "jewel of the desert" and has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

One of the main features of the old city is its multi-story adobe buildings. These houses have good reason for existence in the Sahara: they are cool in summer and warm in winter. And summer in Ghadames is very hot - temperatures range from 40 to 55 °C.

In addition to providing protection from the desert sun, walkways have been built between the adjacent ground floors and the open terraces of the houses located on the upper floors. They are traditionally used by women to move from one area to another.

5. Death Valley, California, USA, 56.7 °C

This desert valley in eastern California, on the border with Nevada, is often called the hottest place on Earth. And although this is not entirely true, Death Valley is undoubtedly the hottest and driest spot in the United States. Summer temperatures range between 46 and 50 °C, and on September 16, 1913, the highest temperature in the area was 56.7 °C.

To understand the origins of the valley's name, we need to go back in time to the Gold Rush era. This was between 1849 and 1850. Some gold miners tried to cross the valley, and instead of precious metal found their death. However, the valley continued to attract profit seekers, as it was very rich in gold and silver.

Every year, Death Valley attracts tourists from all over the world who want to admire its amazing landscapes. One of the most striking sites in this area is Zabriskie Point, composed of ancient lake sediments, salt mud and gravel that combine to create a beautiful, surreal landscape.

4. Al Azizia, Libya, 58.2 °C

In the north-west of Libya is the city of Al-Aziziya. In 1922, the air temperature in the shade was recorded there at 58.2 C, and for a long time it remained the highest temperature in the world. However, in 2012, experts from the World Meteorological Organization questioned these data because they considered that they were obtained using insufficiently reliable means of recording temperature. On ordinary days, the air in Al-Azizia warms up to an average of 33 degrees.

The city is also very inhospitable due to the strong wind, which reduces the temperature to twenty degrees in a few hours. Because of this, the weather varies from scorching hot to uncomfortably cold over very a short time. Despite this, the population of Al-Azizia exceeds 300,000 people.

3. Turpan, China, 66.7 °C

Located in the northeastern part of China, Turpan City is located at an altitude of 154 m below sea level. It is the hottest place in China and also the third hottest place on the planet.

Despite the heat, The groundwater and fertile soil have made Turpan a real oasis in the desert. The water system of this area consists of a series of vertical and horizontal wells connected to underground channels. This system ensures uninterrupted water supply throughout the year.

2. Queensland, Australia, 68.9 °C

This state is located in the northeast of the Australian continent. In 2003, a year of severe drought, a NASA satellite recorded a temperature of 68.9°C in inland Queensland. This area can be as dangerous as it is exciting; this is a region of rodeos, theme parks, lush tropical forests and various tourist attractions. A " business card» Queensland is considered one of the Great Barrier Reef.

1. Dasht-e Lut, Iran 70 °C

Here is the answer to the question, where is the highest temperature on Earth. This hellishly hot region is located on the Iran-Afghan border, and is the twenty-fifth largest sandy desert in the world. Its length is 400-450 km from north to south and from 200 to 250 km from west to east.

Dasht-e Lut is an extremely arid desert with very high summer temperatures. This is proven by measurements made by the MODIS instrument installed on NASA's Aqua satellite. Between 2003 and 2005, the device showed that in the Iranian wasteland the temperature rose to 70.7 °C. This is an absolute record for our planet. Thanks to this, Dashte-Lut has earned the title of “the hottest place on Earth.”

In spring it rains in this area, but for a very short time, and the ground dries out quickly. And strong and constant wind moves sand dunes up to 300 m in size. So Dashte Lut is not the place where you want to spend your summer holiday.

It's amazing but the highest temperature in the Universe at 10 trillion degrees Celsius was obtained artificially on Earth. The absolute temperature record was set on November 7, 2010 in Switzerland during an experiment at the Large Hadron Collider - LHC (the world's most powerful particle accelerator).

As part of the experiment at the LHC Scientists set the task of obtaining quark-gluon plasma, which filled the Universe in the first moments of its emergence after the Big Bang. To this end, at a speed close to the speed of light, scientists collided beams of lead ions with colossal energy. When heavy ions collided, “mini-big explosions” began to appear - dense fiery spheres that had such a monstrous temperature. At such temperatures and energies, the nuclei of atoms literally melt and form a “soup” of their constituent quarks and gluons. As a result, quark-gluon plasma with the highest temperature since the origin of the Universe was obtained in laboratory conditions.

Before this, in no experiment Scientists have never yet been able to obtain such an unimaginably high temperature. For comparison: the temperature of the decay of protons and neutrons is 2 trillion degrees Celsius, the temperature of a neutron star, which is formed immediately after a supernova explosion, is 100 billion degrees.

Above the temperature of stars

According to According to the Morgan-Keenan spectral classification, all stars are divided into the following classes according to luminosity, size and temperature:
O - blue giants - 30,000-60,000 gr. Kelvin (Vega)
B - white-blue giants 10000-30000 gr. Kelvin (Sirius)
A - white giants 7500-10000 gr. Kelvin (Altair)
F - yellow-white stars 6000-7500 gr. Kelvin (Capella)
G - yellow dwarfs 5000-6000 gr. Kelvin (Sun)
K - orange stars 3500-5000 gr. Kelvin (I don't know an example)
M - red giants 2000-3500 gr. Kelvin (Antares)

Our dear Sun It is a yellow dwarf and has a core temperature of 50 million degrees. Thus, the temperature of the resulting quark-gluon plasma was 200 thousand times higher than the temperature of the solar core. At the same time, pristine cold usually reigns in the surrounding space, since the average temperature of the Universe is only 0.7 degrees above absolute zero.

But why do the collisions of lead ions produce such high temperatures?

It's all about the charge of the particles. The larger it is, the greater the energy to which the particle is accelerated in the collider field. In addition, the ion itself is a rather large object. Therefore, when such particles collide, and even accelerated to enormous energies, a substance with a fantastic temperature is born.

By the way, they (ions) do not pose any danger, since the amount of super-heated substance is very tiny, less than an atom.

Previous record - 4 trillion degrees, installed at Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA), lasted only a couple of months. To do this, gold ions were collided in a collider. But even then, many scientists predicted that the LHC would surpass this record, because lead ions are much heavier than gold ions.

Obtained by scientists record temperature 10 trillion degrees Celsius lasted only a few milliseconds, but during this time so much interesting data was obtained that it took several years to analyze them. Many measurements were carried out and the data obtained were repeatedly clarified and double-checked. Once it was certain that quark-gluon plasma had been obtained, various indicators were recalculated into pressure and record temperature.

During a few microseconds after the Big Bang, the Universe consisted of a similar quark-gluon plasma, which is not an ionized gas, but rather a liquid, devoid of viscosity and flowing almost without friction. Later (as they cool), the quarks combine into neutrons and protons, and from them the nuclei of atoms arise.

What's next?

Physicists are sure that with the help of the LHC they were able to capture the moment before the plasma condensed into hadrons and the moment before a nonequilibrium state between matter and antimatter was created (otherwise our Universe would be filled only with pure energy). Thus, the ongoing research allows us to better understand the processes that took place in early stages space development. Ultimately, scientists hope to get even closer to understanding how and why existing matter emerged from a mass of homogeneous quark-gluon “soup.”

Emergence Such a special state of matter as quark-gluon plasma is a key prediction of quantum chromodynamics. According to it, as scientists succeed in recreating the conditions of earlier and earlier moments in the evolution of our Universe, they will see how the so-called strong force, which holds neutrons and protons inside the atomic nucleus, will come to naught.

Now using a detector installed on the tank ALICE weighing 10 thousand tons, scientists will be able to study the conditions that existed in the Universe just a millisecond after the Big Bang that gave it its beginning.

It is difficult to even imagine what other discoveries await humanity ahead.

Every body in nature has a certain temperature. The air also heats up and cools down. Of course, many people like warmth, and some strive to spend the cold months in hot resorts. However, there is a list of places that should be visited with caution. After all, there is the highest temperature on Earth.

Ethiopia, Dallol

The highest recorded temperature on Earth was in Ethiopia. The settlement of Dallol is located in the Afar Basin. This place holds the lead in the list of the hottest places. The highest was recorded here average annual temperature. Between 1960 and 1966, this figure in the settlement of Dallol was 34.4°C. Of course, the heat in this area is not considered horrendous. However, this temperature stays here throughout the year. At the same time, the flows warm air come not only from the sun - from above, but also from the heated soil - from below. It is for this reason that the temperature here is the highest on Earth.

It is worth noting that the Afar Basin is a region with volcanic activity, since the Dallol volcano is located very close. Of course, this hellish place is a ghost town. Back in 1960, a mining settlement was created in this area. In addition, the Afar Basin is the most remote place on the planet. Communication with the settlement of Dallol was carried out thanks to caravan routes, which were sent only for the delivery and collection of salt.

Israel, Tirat Zvi

So, where is the highest temperature on Earth, we figured it out. Of course, the Dallol settlement is not the only unique place. The list of the hottest places includes Tirat Zvi. It is locally a religious kibbutz located in Israel. Tirat Zvi is located in the Beit Shean Valley. In 1942, or to be more precise - on June 21, the highest temperature on Earth that has ever been recorded in Asia was recorded here. This figure was 53.9°C.

The Jordan River sustains life settlement and ensures soil fertility. However, during the hot summer months, the sun's rays simply scorch this valley.

Tunisia, Kebili

Most of the places where the highest temperatures on Earth have been recorded remain abandoned. This list also includes the desert oasis of Kebili, located in Tunisia. However, this is where the local population escapes from the burning sun rays. After all, there is life-giving water and, of course, palm trees.

Despite all positive sides Kebili oasis remains the hottest. On its territory, the mercury column rises, as a rule, to almost 55°C.

Mali, Timbuku

The city of Timbuku, which is part of Mali, has rich history. However, the city is gradually losing ground and gradually retreating before the sands of the Sahara Desert. Timbuku is also on the list of the hottest places. You can often see large sand dunes on the city streets. Very often, houses find themselves buried under sand, which is blown here by the winds.

Of course, the proximity of the desert is not the most a big problem. The people of Timbuku are forced to cope with unbearable heat. The air temperature here often rises above 55°C.

Arabian Peninsula, Rub al-Khali

The southern third of the Arabian Peninsula is swallowed up by the sands of the Rub al-Khali desert. It covers part of the territory of the UAE, Yemen, Oman and Saudi Arabia. It is worth noting that the Rub al-Khali is a sandy continuous desert, which is considered the largest in the world. In addition, this area is considered the hottest. The average annual precipitation here is less than 30 millimeters. This is very little. In addition, the air temperature here rises above 56°C.

What's the weather like? In principle, it is possible to live at +50°C and -50°C, and even in a greater range. Air conditioners, fans and jackets will help us with this. Well, someone, of course, will die and nothing can be done about it, because we don’t live in a terrarium.

What is the lowest air temperature ever recorded on Earth?

The lowest air temperature on Earth was recorded at the Soviet Antarctic Vostok station on July 21, 1983, when the platinum thermometer at the weather site showed -89.2°C. This is the lowest temperature in the entire history of meteorological observations.

The lowest temperature recorded in our country is -78°C. Incredible frost occurred in the upper reaches of the Indigirka River.

The lowest air temperature in inhabited areas of the planet was recorded in 1964 in Yakutia in the village of Oymyakon - -71.1°C. The entire interfluve of the upper reaches of the Yana and Indigirka rivers is considered to be the region of the cold pole of the Northern Hemisphere.

What is the highest air temperature ever recorded on Earth?

The highest temperature on Earth recorded in Libya in 1922 is +57.8°C.

The highest soil temperature was recorded at Shurchi station in Uzbekistan. The temperature of irrigated light gray soils here reaches 79°C. At the Repetek station in Turkmenistan, the sand is heated to 77°C.

Which maximum temperature Can a person withstand outside air?

For a short time a person can be in dry air with very high temperature. A person can tolerate temperatures of 160°C. This was proven by English physicists Blagden and Chantry, who conducted an experiment on themselves. A person can tolerate a temperature of 104°C for 26 minutes, 93°C for 33 minutes, 82°C for 49 minutes, and 71°C for 1 hour; This was established during experiments with healthy human volunteers.

What is the minimum outdoor temperature that a person can withstand?

It depends on the state of his health and clothing, but most importantly - on the speed of the wind. In Yakutia in winter, people spend hours in the cold, with air temperatures below -50°C, but they are dressed appropriately, and in the conditions of the central part of the Siberian anticyclone there is usually no wind. In Antarctica, winterers from continental stations are also happy long time you have to be outside, but there very coldy often accompanied strong wind. Therefore, warm, windproof clothing is not enough there, and people are forced to wear a mask or cover their faces with the hood of a fur jacket (“parkas”). The staff of research stations in the Arctic and Antarctic, who are forced to regularly be outdoors due to the nature of their work, sometimes use electrically heated clothing, which weighs less than ordinary warm clothing, is less bulky, and less restricts movement. Minimum temperature, at which people spent a short time in the air, is -88°C.

And two more facts

The maximum temperature of solid objects with which people can come into contact for a long time is about 50 degrees Celsius (at a higher temperature a burn occurs).

At a constant body temperature of more than 42°C, a person dies.
