How to explain to a child why it rains? Causes of rain.

Lesson type: combined


the formation of ideas about natural phenomena - rain and wind, the reasons for their occurrence, and the significance of these phenomena for humans. Plants and animals

Planned results


Will learn: explain the causes of rain and wind; talk about the types of rain from a textbook drawing (rain, whiplash, cottontail); understand the importance of rain and wind for wildlife, observe rain and wind; make assumptions and prove them;


Regulatory: understand the learning objective of the lesson, strive to complete it and evaluate your achievements.

Cognitive: watch the rain and wind; make assumptions and prove them; watch the rain and wind; make assumptions and prove them; compose and tell a fairy tale based on a drawing.

Communicative: adequately evaluate own behavior and the behavior of others, provide mutual assistance in cooperation.

Personal results

Respect for other opinions, basic adaptation skills in a dynamically changing world.

Basic concepts and definitions

Natural phenomena, rain, wind.

Preparing to learn new material

Let's learn to explain the causes of rain and wind.

Remember (based on your observations) what kind of rain there is. What kind of wind is there?

Learning new material


Complete the tasks.

1.Using this picture, tell us about the rain. What kind of rains are the names suitable for: downpour, club whip, cottontail?


1. Downpour - pouring rain.

2. Sitnichek - light rain like from a sieve.

3.Slant - slanting rain.

2. Try to explain why it rains?

Answer. If clouds appear, expect rain. A cloud is a dark, thick cloud. The droplets of water that make up clouds are heavy. They cannot stay in the sky for long and fall to the ground. So it turns out to be raining.

3. Based on the picture, tell us about the wind. What words are suitable to describe the wind: strong, green, cold, damp, sweet, warm, colorful, gusty, weak, wide.


The following words are suitable to describe the wind: strong, cold, damp, warm, gusty, weak.

4. Try to explain why the wind blows.


Wind is moving air. Land in different places Heated differently by the sun's rays. The air also heats up from the ground. Warm air is lighter than cold air. He rises up. And cold air rushes to its place. This is where the wind arises.

How plants and animals enjoy the rain!

Write a fairy tale based on the drawing.


It rains because the heavy droplets of water that make up the clouds fall to the ground. The wind blows because when the earth is heated by the sun's rays, warm air rises, and cold air rushes to its place.

Independent application of knowledge

1.What new did you learn about rain and wind? 2.Why is it raining? 3. Why does the wind blow?


Where does rain come from? Encyclopedia for children

Why it's raining? Children about rain.

Whyblowingwind. Why.


Have you ever wondered what they are - real reasons rain? Oh, do you have your own opinion on this matter, which you consider to be the only correct one? Oddly enough, all people also have their own opinions. So, maybe it’s worth finding out what the real reasons for rain are for them?

Here comes a young man, serious and preoccupied, with a tube in his hand. It’s immediately obvious that he’s a student, and who else, if not him, should know the true reasons for the rain!

Well, you give it! What are the causes of rain! Yes, every schoolchild knows this! At least he should know. Should I tell you about the water cycle in nature? About the fact that clouds are steam, it cools and falls to the ground in the form of raindrops? Or are you asking what they are in a philosophical sense? Like, why does the grass grow, why does it rain, why do people die? Then I can’t say anything, we will only have philosophy in the third year!

Wow, I've caught a very smart student! Although he didn’t really say anything - he didn’t want to talk about the water cycle in nature, and, you see, they weren’t told about the true causes of rain yet! Well, no imagination!

Reasons for rain? What's this? Why is it raining? Ah-ah-ah, well, why - the Lord mourns the sins of men, so he comes! It’s true, it’s true, and there’s nothing to smile about! When people were mired in sin, the Lord sent down on them global flood, it rained for many days and nights in a row. But only after the Lord promised not to send any more floods did he feel sorry for the people! Since then he has only been crying, mourning our sins, here are the reasons for the rain, it’s time for people to think about how they live!

Well, that’s also a wow version! No one has proven that there cannot be such reasons for rain. Soooo, who's next? Yeah, here’s a schoolboy with a briefcase jumping across the lawn while the adults don’t see and swear.

I know what causes rain! This is the water cycle in nature, we were told at school, water evaporates from rivers and seas, rises as steam up into the sky, and it’s cold in the sky, where the steam becomes water and flows, back into the seas and rivers. And then back to the sky! Everything seems to be... Ah! Another reason for rain is this: if it doesn’t rain, then all living things on earth will dry out and die, that’s why it rains!

Such a smart guy! I laid everything out as if on shelves. Let's go further, let's ask that little girl over there who, with a thoughtful look, is tormenting the daisy, probably telling fortunes. Love, you know, it’s love even at 8 years old!

I don’t know the reasons for the rain, we haven’t been to school yet... It probably rains when someone is sad, I’m always sad when it rains! And if, for example, you love someone, but they don’t love you, then you are sad, as if all the good things are over...

It’s also quite possible, although usually the opposite happens - and everyone becomes sad. Or maybe, indeed, the reasons for the rain are someone’s universal sadness, gathered at one time on earth...

Okay, let’s not be too sad, we’d better ask that little guy thoughtfully poking around in the sandbox. And what? As is known, the truth speaks through the mouth of a baby.

My mother didn’t tell me what the reasons for rain are... Why does it rain? I don’t know... Oh, no, I know! Grandma used to tell me that when it rains in the summer, angels pee on us from heaven! That's why I always hide from the rain!

Well, it's time to take stock. Everyone seems to know that rain is a phenomenon caused by the water cycle in nature; some even remember it. But everyone still has their own point of view on what the reasons may be. Of course, I would like to know what the true causes of rain are, but is it really that important? At least we talked to people.

Do you have your own versions - what are the reasons for the rain?

Why does it rain? It is unlikely that a person will begin to ask this question if the sky outside the window has frowned, the first drops have fallen from it, but he urgently needs to leave the house. In this case, people simply take an umbrella and go about their business. But it is quite possible in moments of leisure, philosophizing and contemplation

think about why it rains. There are many constant processes going on in nature. One of them is its main participants: liquids of various kinds and the sun.

The luminary not only illuminates the earth, but also warms it. When water heats up, it transforms into another state - gaseous. Water vapor rises. The higher the vapors rise, the colder the air surrounds them. In these circumstances, the molecules are transformed into crystals during the process of condensation, which, when accumulated, form clouds and clouds. When they gain a lot of mass, their stability is disrupted. Cloud accumulations are no longer able to hold water, and drops begin to fall out of them. That's why it rains.

The water that falls on the surface of the earth either evaporates again, or seeps into the ground, or immediately enters the reservoir. In any case, the evaporation process begins again. It is infinite and, like everything ingenious, simple.

Usually defined temperature conditions in the subcloud layer, the height of the clouds and their structure. As a rule, clouds bringing precipitation have a mixed composition: ice crystals and drops cold water. Falling down from the total mass, this mixture is transformed in conditions of either warm or frosty air. If the temperature of the subcloud layer is positive, then raindrops reach the ground. If the parameters are negative, snow falls on the ground.

The lower layers of the atmosphere also play a role. If in summer clouds form very high above the ground, in conditions of negative temperatures, then the main composition of the mass consists of ice crystals. This means that snow flies out of the cloud into the subcloud layer. But passing through warm air, snowflakes are melting. Then hail falls to the ground. If they manage to melt completely, then drops of water. That's why it snows, rains, hails.

In the summer - every schoolchild will answer this question. Because it's warm. But why does it rain in winter? It happens that atmospheric phenomena occur with deviation (according to various reasons) from the normal course of events. For example, in winter, mid-latitudes may be affected by warm cloud formations that form in a tropical region over an ocean or sea. In this case, a thaw begins, the previously fallen snow melts, and instead of snowflakes, rain falls on the ground.

This happens in the summer too. Masses of cold air are breaking through from the Arctic. The warm one is pushed back, but at the same time it forms with thick clouds. Rainfall can be extremely heavy. First it rains, then as the air cools it may start to hail or sleet. These precipitations can fall without a cold snap, but always in the presence of heavy clouds. If the front hovers over a certain area, the temperature of the atmosphere will drop even more, then real snow will fall on the ground.

Why is it raining? Rain is a natural phenomenon that is predicted by weather forecasters. Thanks to such great people, a person knows what the weather will be like the next day or in a week. Water drops are moisture that falls from heaven. It sometimes comes with a hurricane and most often with a thunderstorm, sometimes it comes with bright sun- this is called blind rain.

Why is it raining

Every person has encountered this phenomenon. Before going outside, everyone checks to see if it will rain soon. Some people love to walk in the rain, and some people hide under their umbrellas. Children often ask their parents why and where does rain come from?

Where does it come from

In order for the required conditions for rain to occur, it is necessary that the warm air that rises from the ground to the top cools down. It cools gradually until it reaches a certain level.

How does this all happen?

As it turned out, everything is much simpler than one thinks. Under influence solar heat Small droplets of water evaporate from the soil. Such drops are invisible to the human eye; they are also called steam or evaporation. Most of the water evaporates from the surface of various bodies of water, but it also evaporates from the leaves of trees, from the ground and from the surface of the human body.

As the water rises, it cools and forms hazy clouds. Different clouds form in different places, it all depends on where the water accumulates over. Then the wind collects all the clouds into one large layer, the clouds no longer become so transparent and light. In some places the clouds take on a dark blue hue. Such clouds do not allow the sun's rays to reach the ground. With them comes thunder, lightning and strong wind. Any particle contains its own amount of galvanic charge: positive and negative energy. In such a cloud, droplets collect among themselves and become very heavy; when they cannot support their own weight, they fall to the ground in heavy sediment.
A powerful, abundant rainfall does not form from the formation of drops. For this creation, it is necessary that 2 types of clouds come into contact: drop clouds and cold icy clouds. After this they form into clouds. The water balance begins to switch from one type to another, after which the ice crystals grow and small drops disappear. The water vapor that collects around the crystals lifts them up to the extreme part of the cloud, and from that place they fall under their own weight to the Earth. Along the way, they collect steam rising to the top and begin to grow more and more. If warm air appears at the level they reach, the ice crystals turn into heavy rain, and if the temperature is near zero, then hail begins to fall from the sky. Hail can be of any size and type.

What are clouds like?

Snow-white clouds are considered clear due to the predominance of evaporation over water droplets. This makes it possible to transmit direct sunlight to the Earth. Large black clouds accumulate a lot of liquid and do not allow sunlight to pass through. The cloud expands into the heights, where the temperature reaches minus thirty degrees. After which the particles crystallize and turn into pieces of ice.

When does it rain most often?

Why does it rain more often in autumn than in summer? If you look at this from a different point of view, there are many days in the fall when clouds cover the entire sky and no sunlight falls on the ground, thus creating the impression that it is constantly raining.
From a scientific point of view, the heaviest precipitation occurs in June, the earth begins to warm up with the first warm rays and a large accumulation of evaporation occurs from the earth.
Why doesn't it rain in winter? IN winter time, nature . The sun appears less and less often and warms the earth. It's getting cold on Earth. Small drops of water do not have time to reach the sky before they turn into fluffy snowflakes and immediately fall back. - this is the same water that is formed from evaporation.

How can you measure rain?

The rain can be prolonged - it lasts for a couple of hours or days, and heavy - it passes in a couple of minutes. All this precipitation is measured by specialists. A precipitation gauge is a special device on which you can see the amount of precipitation that fell during the day. All results are recorded on a pluviograph, from which, after processing the data, all information is read and transmitted to the center.
The degree of moisture in a particular area is usually determined by maintaining the humidification coefficient. It is calculated by dividing the annual precipitation into evaporation over the same time. The lower the humidity ratio, the drier the atmosphere. The largest amounts occur in the Pacific region and the Indian region, where up to twelve thousand millimeters of rain falls throughout the year.
The least amount of precipitation falls on the Libyan Desert, where almost no precipitation falls, and when it does occur, it does not reach forty millimeters per year.

Where does precipitation occur most often?

The fluctuation and intensity of rainfall in various parts of the earth depends on the zones atmospheric pressure. In the region of the equator, low pressure reigns, and the insulated air layer, rising upward, is constantly cooled. There is never a drought in this part; almost every day a large amount of water pours from the sky. Thus, it happens in other zones as well. globe, where the background is due to the spheres low pressure atmosphere. Where the air temperature ranges from thirty degrees, there is almost no rain.
There are also regions where rain may not appear for years, these regions could be the desert or Africa. In such areas there are no bodies of water; steam cannot evaporate from the sand. If this happens, it is not on a large scale, so that raindrops fall from the sky. Dry and hot weather does not allow this phenomenon to occur.
Everything in the world is interconnected and a complete cycle occurs here. When water evaporates, it reaches the sky and then falls to earth as rain or snow. Where does the rain go? All the moisture is absorbed into the soil and the cycle of things occurs again.

Every person has encountered this natural phenomenon. We have all hidden from the rain under umbrellas many times and have long been accustomed to checking before a walk whether there are any clouds in the sky. And the most curious are sure to ask the question, where does this rain come from?

Where does water for rain come from in the sky?

It turns out everything is very simple. Under the influence of the sun's heat, tiny droplets of water evaporate from the Earth's surface. These droplets are very small, almost invisible to the eye, such small droplets are called water vapor.

Water evaporates from the leaves of trees, from the surface of the earth, and even from the surface of our body. Most water, of course, evaporates in the form of steam from the water surface of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.

Evaporation over water can be seen in the early morning when steam begins to form droplets directly above the water. You can also see such steam when the kettle is boiling.

Rising higher and higher, the steam enters the cold layers of the atmosphere and collects into water droplets and tiny pieces of ice. After all, the temperature at the top, where the clouds gather, is about zero degrees. The wind collects droplets into huge fancy clouds. You can see before the rain how white clouds gather into a cloud and darken before your eyes. This is because such a large amount of water collects in the sky that it does not allow sunlight to pass through.

It happens that droplets freeze due to low temperatures and, together with raindrops, fall to the ground. It's hailing.

The droplets in the cloud connect with each other, become heavier and begin to fall to the ground. So it starts to rain.

Why does it rain more often in autumn?

It rains in Russia in autumn even less often than in summer. According to weather forecasters greatest number precipitation falls in June. And in the fall because large quantity cloudy days It seems to us that autumn is rainy.

In winter, evaporating water vapor does not even have time to form droplets, but immediately turns from steam into fluffy snowflakes. Yes, yes, snowflakes are formed from steam. And then instead of rain in winter it snows.

Now you know how water gets into the atmosphere and why it rains. Once on the soil in the form of rain or snow, the water goes into The groundwater, into the seas, oceans, rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water, and it all starts again and again. This a natural phenomenon called the water cycle in nature.

Without such a water cycle, our planet would turn into a lifeless desert.

You can even create a small water cycle at home. To do this, cover with a transparent lid and put on fire. You will see how the steam will rise and settle on the lid in the form of droplets. And the drops will fall down, only to rise up again, turning into steam. Such wonderful rain in a pan.
