Do I need to recycle energy-saving lamps? Where to return energy-saving light bulbs after use? 

The daylighting design perfectly combines good qualities operation and relatively inexpensive cost. Today, the demand for such light sources is only increasing. One of the disadvantages is the unfavorable composition of the fluorescent lamp, due to the violation of the integrity of which, immediate disposal will be required fluorescent lamps.

The fluorescent light bulb must be handed over to the relevant authorities upon expiration of its service life. In this article we will look at exciting questions regarding energy-saving lamps.

Fluorescent lamps are found in everyday life, industrial and office settings. Some time ago, such devices were used only in conditions unsuitable for habitation, due to their bulkiness. Over time, the design has changed, and is now made even in the size of ordinary incandescent lamps.

Today, the daylighting device has a built-in trigger mechanism and is equipped with a conventional base. Now light bulbs can be wall and ceiling, and can also be used as night lights.

By external signs fluorescent lamps can differ significantly, depending on the manufacturer and the purpose of the device, in general the principle of operation remains the same.

Important! Violation of the integrity of fluorescent lamps entails the release of toxic mercury vapors.

Why are energy-saving lamps harmful to the environment?

  • environmental pollution: soil and atmosphere;
  • release of dangerous mercury vapor;
  • harm to any species of plants;
  • poisoning of the human body.

If you regularly throw away mercury lamps, it will accumulate in the soil. a large number of methylmercury. This substance can penetrate the body of animals, fish and birds. Contact of these animals with humans is quite dangerous.

How to recycle energy-saving lamps: disposal technology

All methods of destroying harmful mercury vapors from faulty lamps begin with their transportation to a special enterprise. Afterwards, a special disposal method is selected. There are several options that accomplish this task.

Outdated way

The technique of this operation consists of washing the glass and other shells of fluorescent lamps with water. After which the resulting solution is redirected to the workshops for further processing. Once the harmful chemicals are separated, they are used to create new materials.

Modern way

Thanks to improvements in technology, it has become possible to separate all the components of a day llama. All glass from lamps is crushed together with the phosphor located on the shell. Then, with a stream of air under high pressure, all the harmful composition is blown away from the crushed composition. Afterwards, the phosphor is sent to boiling containers, and subsequently the mercury is cooled and reused for other purposes.

You cannot recycle fluorescent lamps yourself, so you need to know where to take them energy-saving lamps for processing. IN major cities there are special collection points for mercury lamps, if such an organization does not exist - in populated areas It is customary to install special bins for products to be disposed of.

What to do if there is nowhere to return toxic energy-saving lamps?

  1. Try to sort your garbage correctly. Be sure to set aside materials that can be stored separately. long time. It can be plastic bags, plastic bottles and, of course, fluorescent lamps.
  2. You can agree with your neighbors to throw fluorescent lamps into separate bins, or you can install them yourself. Utility services will find where to identify toxic products.
  3. Any management facility must accept fluorescent lamps. Contact your home maintenance service if no other options are available.

Important! If a mercury-type lamp breaks at home, be sure to ventilate the room and treat the floors with disinfecting chemicals.

  • Project Description
  • Description of the enterprise
  • Service staff
  • Organization services
  • Marketing plan
  • Production plan
    • Enterprise expenses
    • Enterprise income
        • Similar business ideas:

We present to you a business plan for opening an enterprise for the collection and processing of fluorescent lamps using the example of Dimitrovgrad.

Project Description

Disposal of fluorescent (energy-saving) lamps- This important problem V modern world, as there is a rapid growth in the widespread use of energy-saving lamps, both in production and in everyday life. Their popularity is primarily due to their high luminous efficiency of up to 100 lm/W at low operating temperatures and a service life of up to 40 thousand hours. These indicators are tens of times higher than the parameters of ordinary incandescent lamps. Considering the constant rise in prices for global energy resources, it becomes clear that in the near future there will be no alternative to fluorescent lamps. But despite all the advantages, such lamps have one significant drawback - they contain mercury, a substance dangerous to humans.

Today, many enterprises, both small and large, have switched from conventional lamps to energy-saving ones. At some large production complexes their number can reach tens of thousands. In this regard, the problem of recycling fluorescent lamps and other mercury-containing waste arises. This problem requires systematic approach. Where to put waste that is extremely dangerous to humans and the entire environment?

According to Art. 8.2 of the RF Code on administrative offenses, for failure to comply with environmental and sanitary-epidemiological requirements when handling toxic waste, officials will be fined from 10 to 30 thousand, for entrepreneurs the fine amount will be even higher - from 30 to 50 thousand, and for legal entities Fines have already reached 100 - 250 thousand rubles. In the event of a repeated violation, liability may become criminal. To avoid such consequences, organizations and individual entrepreneurs need to hand over damaged lamps to special enterprises for processing (recycling) mercury-containing waste.

Purpose of this project is the opening of the first enterprise in Dimitrovgrad for the processing of fluorescent lamps and mercury-containing waste. Currently, all enterprises, organizations and residents of the city are forced to hand over fluorescent lamps to remote collection points located in Ulyanovsk or in Samara region. This fact contributes to situations of violation of the rules for recycling fluorescent lamps, which negatively affects the environmental safety of the city environment. Opening a lamp processing plant in Dimitrovgrad will help solve this problem.

How much money do you need to open an enterprise for collecting and processing fluorescent lamps?

To implement the project, it is necessary to attract investments in the amount of 3,395,000 rubles. Of these, half of the funds will be used for the construction of a facility for processing mercury-containing waste. Also, a significant part of the investments is aimed at developing projects and obtaining licenses.

Indicators of social and economic results of the project:

  1. Registration new organization on the territory of Dimitrovgrad;
  2. Assistance in improving the environmental safety of the city of Dimitrovgrad;
  3. Creation of new jobs;
  4. Admission to budget system Dimitrovgrad additional tax payments.

Description of the enterprise

To organize the processing process, a workshop with an area of ​​200 m2 will be built in compliance with all SanPiN standards. The company is planned to be located in the industrial zone of Dimitrovgrad near the street. Automakers. The organizational and legal form of the enterprise is limited liability company "AERA". Tax system - simplified tax system (6%).

What equipment to choose for a fluorescent lamp processing plant

The necessary equipment for recycling includes: The Ecotrom-2 installation (model 150-300), with a capacity of about 300 pieces per hour, is equally beneficial for recycling lamps in large cities with a population of more than a million people, and for small cities with a recycling volume of 200 thousand units per year (family business).

This installation is used in workshops for the production of direct fluorescent lamps for the purpose of recycling:

  • blown glass tubes;
  • phosphor;
  • plinths;
  • and other metal products.

90% is gas purification with a phosphor capture efficiency of 99.99% and mercury vapor capture efficiency of 99.9%.

The installation is small-sized, environmentally friendly and easy to operate. After purchase, it does not require installation or adjustment. With an annual recycling volume of up to 200 thousand lamps, all recycling and waste disposal operations are carried out by two workers.

Service staff

Planned staffing

Fluorescent lamp recycling technology

First, let's talk about processing technology. The technology for neutralizing spent lamps consists of removing the phosphor from the inner surface of the lamp, which has been opened from the end and is at that moment under discharge.

The blown phosphor is captured by gas cleaning devices (cyclone and bag filter) and collected in special collectors installed underneath them. The mercury content in neutralized tubes is less than 2 mg/kg. With this installation option, the extracted phosphor is not treated with a chemical demercurizer.

But when using the installation in the usual version neutralization, the captured phosphor is treated with a demercurization agent, which stabilizes mercury in sulfide form to a product of the fourth hazard class.

Organization services

Reception of spent lamps and other mercury-containing waste will be carried out both from organizations and from individuals. The processing price for organizations will average 14 rubles/piece. In the regions, the price of admission ranges from 6 to 80 rubles.

To generate additional income, the following services will be offered:

  1. Own transport for transporting waste, as well as loading and unloading it;
  2. Sale or rental of special containers (containers) for collecting, storing and transporting lamps;
  3. Demercurization of fluorescent lamp storage areas;
  4. Inspection of territories and premises for the possibility of mercury contamination;
  5. Visiting the customer to draw up contracts for the recycling of fluorescent lamps.

For intact and damaged lamps, provision will be made separate collection. To collect damaged units, special containers will be used that provide good tightness, thereby eliminating the possibility of environmental contamination. To collect undamaged lamps, containers will be used to ensure their safety during storage, unloading and transportation.

Marketing plan

The main clients of the enterprise will be organizations in the city of Dimitrovgrad and the Melekessky district. Travel to other areas of the Ulyanovsk region is also possible. The organization's personal transport will be used to transport waste. The structure of clients by industry is presented in the diagram:

As we see, the vast majority of clients will be industrial enterprises, since they use greatest number energy saving lamps.

In total, more than 110 industrial enterprises operate in the territory of Dimitrovgrad and Melekessky district, more than 30 enterprises Agriculture, more than 100 government and municipal institutions, more than 500 organizations in the trade and service sector, and more than 300 enterprises in other industries. It is expected that cooperation will be established with 70% of all enterprises in the processing of fluorescent lamps. Moreover, it is planned to establish work with enterprises in other areas, such as the Cherdaklinsky district, Staromainsky district, Novomalyklinsky district and Ulyanovsk. In this case, the number of clients increases several times.

On average, each customer will recycle about 150 medium-sized lamps per year. The price for one light bulb will be about 17 rubles/piece.

Activities to attract clients

The following methods will be used to attract additional clients:

  • Active advertising in the media and the Internet;
  • “cold calls” to enterprises in all fields of activity;
  • "Word of mouth" good feedback clients;
  • Participation in promotions, sponsorship programs, etc.

What documents are needed to operate a fluorescent lamp processing plant?

Centralized service agreements will be concluded with education, healthcare and housing and communal services authorities, in compliance with all sanitary and environmental requirements for packaging and transportation.

In addition, it is planned to install special containers on the territory of Dimitrovgrad for collecting fluorescent lamps from the population (individuals).

Customers will supply used lamps based on monthly and intra-week supply curves based on 20 years of observations from companies operating in the mercury-containing waste recycling industry. Using these curves, you can determine the required equipment productivity, employment and interchangeability of workers.

Production plan

Number of employees and wage are presented in the following table:

The total monthly wage fund is 54,000 rubles.

Enterprise expenses

The monthly expenses of the enterprise are as follows: Total monthly expenses will be 111,840 rubles.

Enterprise income

The company's income will consist of:

  1. Acceptance of fluorescent lamps from organizations, enterprises of all forms of ownership and individuals;
  2. Sales of materials obtained after processing fluorescent lamps.

If you process 1000 units (weight 200 kg), the following primary useful waste comes out, which can be used in further production:

  1. Glass (from deformed lamps) - 190 kg or glass flasks - 1000 pieces. When receiving used lamps per 1000 pieces, 30% are broken and 70% are intact, suitable for the manufacture of new lamps;
  2. Aluminum - 3 kg;
  3. Phosphor (mercury-containing mixture) - 4 kg;
  4. Other waste, no more than hazard class 4, which is disposed of in the general manner at city landfills - 3 kg.

How much can you earn by recycling fluorescent lamps?

It is expected that the plant will process about 11,000 units per month. Of these, 10,000 pieces will be supplied from legal entities and individual entrepreneurs (payable service) and about 1000 will be collected from individuals, including with the help of prefabricated containers installed throughout the city. The total amount of income of the enterprise is presented in the following table: Total monthly revenue of the enterprise will be 203,050 rubles per month.

Based on the data presented, it can be seen that the bulk of the revenue, which is 84%, will come from the reception of fluorescent lamps. And only the remaining 16% of revenue will come from the sale of recycled waste.

Company revenue structure:

Step-by-step plan for opening a fluorescent lamp processing plant

To start the project you need:

  • Obtain a plot of land for the construction of a workshop at the address: Ulyanovsk region, Dimitrovgrad st. Car builders.
  • Prepare a project for the construction of a workshop, a package of EIA documents, a draft maximum permissible limit for pollutants in atmospheric air, as well as develop passports for carcinogenic production and hazardous waste. It is planned to spend about 432 thousand rubles on these activities;
  • Construct a workshop to house the equipment. It is planned to invest about 1.5 million rubles in the construction of the workshop;
  • Purchase necessary equipment and a vehicle for transporting waste. For this it is planned to spend about 1,445,000 rubles;
  • Select qualified personnel.

The list of main stages of the project implementation and the need for financial resources for their implementation are presented in the following table:

Which taxation system to choose for an enterprise

To optimize taxation, the organization plans to use a simplified taxation system at a rate of 6% of gross income. It is expected to provide monthly services in the amount of 214,000 rubles. The tax amount per month at a tax rate of 6% will be 12,840 rubles, per year 154,080 rubles.

A fairly large expense item for the organization will be the payment of insurance premiums for compulsory insurance of employees. At five employees will be paid monthly:

Contribution to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation 11,880 rubles (54,000 rubles × 22%)

Contribution to the FFOMS 2,754 rubles (54,000 rubles × 5.1%)

Contribution to the Social Insurance Fund 1,566 rubles (54,000 rubles × 2.9%)

Total insurance premiums for hired workers are 16,200 rubles per month, per year 194,400 rubles.

Energy-saving (fluorescent) lamps are increasingly being used instead of incandescent lamps. They are much more profitable and help save energy. New lamps must also be recycled, just like old ones. Only the technology for destroying lighting fixtures differs. Need to know how to recycle energy saving light bulbs so as not to harm environment and people.

Fluorescent lighting contains mercury. Therefore, energy-saving lamps should not be disposed of with other waste.

Disposal of energy-saving light bulbs

Mercury is very dangerous and toxic substance. In energy-saving lamps it does not pose a threat as long as it is behind the glass. A discarded lamp is not dangerous until it is broken. If the glass is damaged, then toxic fumes will escape into the atmosphere. For this reason, you should not throw fluorescent lamps into garbage chutes or household waste containers. Moreover, it is unacceptable to store them at home in a trash can or bucket.

Such lamps must be disposed of at special enterprises where the necessary conditions have been created.

  • First, the devices are divided into their constituent components.
  • Everyone goes through their own recycling journey.
  • Some of the recycled materials can then be reused.
  • Toxic and poisonous substances are filled with cement and sent to special burial sites.

According to the law, failed fluorescent lamps must be accepted at housing offices and REUs. There are also private companies that collect burnt or broken products. They then send them to factories. There the phosphor, which contains mercury, is separated, then treated with demercurizing chemicals. The waste is covered with cement and packed in sealed containers.

Delivery of energy-saving light bulbs

The recycling process is quite expensive. Therefore, in Russia there are not many companies that collect and distribute energy-saving lamps, and there are not many enterprises for processing products. To be destroyed, they must be separated from other garbage and placed in an individual container.

Where to donate energy-saving light bulbs?

  • They can be handed over to the service departments of IKEA hypermarkets. These stores have special containers for these purposes.
  • Also, separate tanks are located in some cities in the building maintenance and repair departments. These organizations are required to accept burnt out or broken fluorescent lamps.
  • Products are delivered to industrial organizations and businesses that provide electrical maintenance or lighting. These companies cooperate with companies for the disposal of toxic and toxic household waste.

However, not all cities have well-known drop-off points for energy-saving lamps. And most citizens will not go to the other end of the city to recycle one lamp. Therefore, in many localities there are special courier services that collect burnt out or broken fluorescent devices. Phone numbers of such companies can be found via the Internet. Couriers arrive when called and pick up broken energy-saving lamps.

  • You can also contact your building management with a request to place special containers next to garbage disposals.
  • Some community activists organize collections of products containing mercury. To do this, they install small containers and then hand over the products themselves to government recycling centers.

However, there are companies that charge money for such services, so only large industrial enterprises work directly with them.

You can return broken energy-saving lamps at battery collection points. They are disposed of correctly there. It is much easier to negotiate with management to give the products to a full-time electrician. His responsibilities include handing over the lamps for further recycling.

Features of recycling

Before throwing away garbage, you need to sort it. Can't be put in one bucket food waste, batteries and used energy-saving lamps. They are packaged in separate sealed bags. If there are no special containers nearby, you can collect several lamps and then take them to collection points.

If the product burns out and breaks at home, you can call the rescue service. Specialists will help establish the level of safety in the apartment and treat the area where the surface comes into contact with the broken fluorescent lamp. It should not be thrown into the general garbage disposal. The products contain very little mercury, but in landfills it can accumulate in dangerous quantities, which will negatively affect the environment.

What to do if an energy-saving light bulb breaks at home?

If an energy-saving lamp breaks at home, you must immediately isolate the room from people and animals. It is enough to transfer them to another room. Next, you need to close the door to the dangerous room or tightly drape the entrance hole with curtains. This will prevent the mercury from spreading throughout the house.

In the room where the lamp broke, you need to open the window for 20-30 minutes. During this time, toxic fumes will disappear from the room. It is important to avoid a draft so that the wind does not carry the fragments everywhere. To collect lamp fragments, you need to attach a damp cloth or gauze bandage to your face and put it on your hands. latex gloves. Take two pieces of thick cardboard. One will be used instead of a scoop, the other will rake up the fragments.

They are poured into a jar of water or into an airtight container, then put into a trash bag. If there is a carpet in the room, you need to shake it out fresh air and hang it on the balcony for a few hours to ventilate. Floors are thoroughly washed with potassium permanganate or bleach. After completing these steps, you need to call the housing office or the Ministry of Emergency Situations and find out what to do with the fragments.

Energy-saving lamps contain much less mercury than thermometers. There is approximately 30 mg inside fluorescent products toxic substance. In energy-saving lamps it is only 5 mg, and in a thermometer it is almost 100 times more. Therefore, even if fragments hit the carpet or floor, knocking out, ventilating the room and disinfecting the surfaces in it is enough to prevent the spread of toxic fumes.

Many cities have special teams who arrive when called, check an apartment or house for toxicity and take away lamp fragments for disposal. If such services are not available, then you need to call the housing office or repair companies.

Energy-saving products operate on mercury vapor. Despite the minimal amount in lamps hazardous substances, they can cause serious poisoning if the protective shell (glass) is damaged. Low-quality products that have lasted less than 6-12 months can be returned back to the store. This will solve the problem of how to dispose of the lamp yourself. You need to do this yourself only if the product burns out or breaks after its intended service life.

Lamps should not be thrown away with others. household waste, since mercury vapor enters the atmosphere, it even seeps through the ground. As a result, everyone who is near this place will have to inhale poisoned air. This causes the kidneys, respiratory organs, and heart to malfunction. Let's prevent this together by disposing of hazardous waste responsibly.

The data set provides information about organizations engaged in the collection of waste energy-saving lamps, indicating the administrative district, district, address of the collection site, work schedule and coordinates.
Based on the order of the Moscow Government dated May 19, 2010. No. 949-RP “On the organization of work on the centralized collection, transportation and processing of waste mercury-containing fluorescent and compact fluorescent lamps”, a centralized system for the collection, transportation, neutralization and recycling of waste mercury-containing fluorescent and compact fluorescent lamps has been created in the city of Moscow.
The centralized system is financed from the budget of the city of Moscow.
The collection, transportation, neutralization and recycling of used mercury-containing lamps is carried out by a specialized organization that has the appropriate licenses for the management of hazard class 1 waste on the basis of a government contract concluded following an open auction in electronic form.
The accumulation of used mercury-containing lamps, including their acceptance from the population, is carried out by management companies: State Budgetary Institution Housing Development Districts, housing cooperatives, homeowners' associations, LLCs, etc. GU IS districts do not accumulate waste mercury-containing lamps within the framework of the centralized system.
List of Management Companies included in the above centralized system, is determined annually on the basis of applications from prefectures of administrative districts of the city of Moscow. Management companies that are not included in the centralized system manage hazardous waste at their own expense.
Under the terms of the state contract, the Contractor provides the Management Companies with special containers (containers) for the accumulation of used mercury-containing lamps and demercurization kits in case of damage to used mercury-containing lamps.
Control over the Contractor is exercised by the State Customer GKU "Mosekoprom" (specialized government agency), as well as structural divisions of Rospotrebnadzor and Rosprirodnadzor within their competence. Control over Management Companies is exercised by territorial bodies executive power, as well as structural divisions of Rospotrebnadzor and Rosprirodnadzor within their competence.
As part of the state contract, a specialized organization transports, neutralizes and processes waste mercury-containing lamps accumulated by Management Companies.
Do you know what? On this moment 907 collection points for waste mercury-containing lamps have been established in Moscow. Information about collection points for waste mercury-containing fluorescent lamps is also presented on the websites of management companies.

They have long become an integral part of the everyday life of a person who does not want to overpay for electricity. You can purchase a similar attribute in any store for a relatively low cost. Everything seems to be simple. But what to do when the light bulb burns out? These lamps should never be disposed of with normal household waste. Such a burnt-out light source requires proper disposal.

Reasons for special lamp disposal

The main disadvantage of such lamps is that they contain a small amount of mercury in their design. Without it, the very principle of operation of the device is impossible, so it is not yet possible to completely abandon mercury.

The main danger of lamps daylight The main reason is that mercury can be converted into the harmful substance methylmercury and accumulate in the environment. Imagine if everyone throws lamps into a regular landfill, what kind of pollution this area could have over the years.

When entering the human body, all organic mercury compounds can cause serious poisoning, which will lead to disruption of the functioning of the central nervous system. nervous system. As a result, one can observe Negative influence mercury on all organs of the human body.

That is why you should remember that when the shelf life of this device expires, special disposal of the lamps must be carried out.

Technology and methods of disposal

Disposal of fluorescent lamps begins with transporting the object itself to the demercurization site. To put it simply, you just need to take such a light source to special item reception of similar waste, which can be found in every city. These can be management companies or housing offices that undertake to ensure reception, proper storage and transportation to processing plant hazardous waste.

After sending such objects to a demercurization plant, the lamps are recycled in several cycles. Initially, all the glass parts of the flask with the phosphor itself are sent to a grinder, which crushes them to a certain critical fraction. After this, a compressed air stream blows off the phosphor, which enters a special container after this procedure. This is where the small parts are heated to a boil. The result is gaseous mercury, which must undergo a cooling stage using special condensers. As a result, at the output you can get not only the pure metal itself, but also all the other compounds that got into it during the process and the components of the phosphor. After such actions, the resulting mercury can be used again.

Recycling of lamps by enterprises

Those used in enterprises contain much more mercury than household ones. Therefore, the disposal of such lighting devices requires due attention. All enterprises should dispose of failed light bulbs according to a special scheme, which should be documented. Such information passes through the accounting department of each organization, so if necessary, it can be easily checked and even a fine can be issued to persistent violators. Lamps must be stored in special containers before transportation to the recycling site. closed type. Such cargo must be sent for disposal at least twice a year.

Registration for lamp recycling by private individuals

Today, the question of how to properly dispose of lamps by ordinary consumers is still awaiting proper elaboration. This problem is best solved in the capital, where the process of recycling energy-saving light sources is provided by regional REUs or DEZs. There should be containers in the marked places where used lamps can be stored. At the same time, both DEZ and REU undertake not only to collect, but also to ensure the recycling of all lamps.

It is worth noting that such “garbage” is considered toxic waste, so it is worth using the services of a special organization for which proper disposal of lamps is important. The Ecology of Waste Management company can help both large enterprises and individuals in Moscow and the region carry out all the work quickly, reliably and efficiently.

What to do if the lamp breaks?

If for some reason it turns out to be broken, do not immediately rush to collect the fragments with your bare hands. First you need to ventilate the room where the accident occurred, and then, wearing disposable gloves and using thick cardboard, collect all the fragments in a separate garbage bag. Even in this form, lamps must still be disposed of properly. Photos of options for such lighting devices will help you better understand what this designation refers to.

In conclusion, it is worth adding that the disposal of toxic waste is considered very important process in the modern world, so it is worth paying due attention to this process.
