How many years do crocodiles live in a house? How many years does a crocodile live? The smallest crocodile

Crocodiles have inhabited our planet for 250 million years. They survived dinosaurs and others because they were able to adapt to changes in living conditions. The evolution of these reptiles led to them becoming large amphibious predators. The crocodile frightens and at the same time attracts attention. We will tell you where the predator lives and what it eats in this article.

Why have crocodiles been around for so long?

All these many millions of years, crocodiles lived in the tropics and subtropics, settling in reservoirs with fresh water. Because the habitat for a long time remained virtually unchanged, crocodiles have hardly changed since ancient times. After the huge dinosaurs and others became extinct, crocodiles had no dangerous enemies left, and they became masters of their habitats. New predators from among warm-blooded animals, such as lions, tigers, leopards, and so on, had a different habitat and could not exterminate crocodiles. Well, they, in turn, being strongly tied to bodies of water, were not able to expand their possessions.

The most terrible and deadly enemy for crocodiles was man. Reptiles were killed for two main reasons. The first is fear of the one chained in durable shell a predator with a huge toothy mouth. The second reason is mercantile. became very valuable material for the manufacture of shoes, handbags and other leather products. Some peoples who eat reptile meat and eggs for food have contributed to the reduction in the crocodiles population. Where do crocodiles live and what do they eat? This is the question that all children ask when they see this reptile for the first time.

Who are called crocodiles?

Currently, all crocodiles are classified into three families:

  1. Real crocodiles.
  2. Alligators.
  3. Gharials.

Zoologists consider Caymans to be one of the species of the alligator family. In total, 23 species of crocodiles are known and described. Each of them has its own habitat and food system. Scientists have long been interested in the crocodile - where it lives, how it reproduces and whether it poses a danger to humans. All these questions were asked regularly, and in order to get answers, it was necessary to observe the animal for a long time.

Such different reptiles

Representatives of different families differ from each other primarily in the shape of the muzzle and teeth. In real crocodiles, the muzzle is narrow and elongated; the fourth tooth of the lower jaw is visible when the mouth is closed. Alligators and caimans have a wide and oval head; when the mouth is closed, the teeth are not visible, since they are covered by the upper jaw. Gharials are distinguished by a very thin and elongated muzzle. There are other small differences, such as the length of the teeth, the shape and location of the skin scutes, and so on.

The body of caimans and gharials is far from perfect, like that of all amphibians and fish. It is unable to maintain the body's thermal regime. All these reptiles can live only in hot climates and in warm water. They maintain body heat balance by immersing themselves in water or going ashore to bask in the sun. The salt metabolism of these reptiles is very poorly developed, so they live in fresh waters. Only true crocodiles have salt-exchanging glands. The process of removing salts through is called “crocodile tears”.

Reproduction and nutrition

Crocodiles spend most of their time in the water, but they lay eggs in a nest on the shore. Breathe atmospheric air through the nostrils. Powerful jaws crocodiles are filled with large and sharp teeth, but the crocodile cannot chew food. He is capable of dragging a very large animal underwater, drowning it, and then tearing it off the carcass big pieces and swallow them whole. Reptiles are very voracious, but can go without food for a long time, since their vital processes are slowed down. Yet crocodiles are patient hunters and ruthless killers. They are able to patiently wait for prey for a long time, sneak up on it unnoticed and silently, and then with a swift throw grab it and hold it with their jaws until it dies. Crocodiles do not disdain carrion, for this they are sometimes called water cleaners.

Where can you find crocodiles?

The characteristics of behavior, nutrition and development of reptiles are determined by where the crocodile lives and in what zone it lives.

The saltwater crocodile is the only species that can live in the salt water of seas and oceans. It is distributed over a vast territory - from south coast Asia to the coast of Australia. It can be found off the coast of India, on the islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, in northern Australia. This one large crocodile reaches a length of 6 meters or more and weighs about 1 ton. It feeds on animals, fish, that is, any representatives of the animal world that attract its attention. There are known cases of attacks on white sharks, large animals, including horses, tigers, and so on. There have been recorded cases of saltwater crocodile attacks on people. Now you know how this crocodile differs from the rest, where it lives and what it eats.

Lives in the southeastern United States. These reptiles are especially abundant in the swamps of Florida. Lives only in fresh water. It feeds on all living creatures that live nearby. Snakes, turtles, fish, birds and small mammals are included in its diet. A hungry alligator can come close to people's homes and attack small dogs and small pets. The Mississippi alligator is capable of digging small ponds. On the banks of these ponds, females make nests and lay eggs in them. In cool weather, alligators lose activity and are half asleep. Males are larger than females and reach lengths of up to 4-4.5 meters. People walk carefully in areas where crocodiles live.

In which country are these animals considered sacred? Previously, Egyptian residents treated these animals with trepidation. Today the situation has changed - they are trying to avoid predators.

Crocodile fisherman

The gharial lives only in the rivers of the Hindustan Peninsula. The only species that has survived to this day is called the Ghanaian gharial. There are no others anymore. Gharials have an elongated muzzle, very long jaws with big amount teeth. This allows them to hunt fish effectively. The length of the gharial reaches 4.5 meters, there are almost 100 teeth in its mouth. But despite big sizes, it does not attack large animals and people, since, thanks to the structure of its jaws, it is more of a fisherman than a hunter. Of all the reptiles of the crocodile order, the gharial spends the most time in water, and sometimes even manages to acquire shells. In addition to fish, it can also feed on small animals and carrion.

Such a crocodile is not dangerous for humans. Where this animal lives, you can often find small villages; people are not afraid of such a neighborhood.

All representatives of the crocodile family, having existed on Earth for millions of years, have found their niche in the animal world. As predators, they perform their function as orderlies of water bodies and coastal areas. They clear their territory of sick and weak animals, as well as their decaying corpses. Crocodiles and alligators do not expand their domain by capturing new territories and living spaces. Their fights with other predators are random and occur mainly at watering holes. Victory or defeat in these battles does not mean a redistribution of territory. But the life and further existence of crocodiles now depend only on humans. They have no natural enemies in nature. People don't like to go to places where crocodiles live. The country of America is inhabited by these animals; many residents see these creatures as an object for profit. Their skin brings in good income. But those who are not connected with the crocodile for profit try not to disturb this predator.

In the section on the question how long does a crocodile live? given by the author Neuropathologist the best answer is Life expectancy of crocodiles and alligators in natural environment habitat is not so great:

caiman - about 4 years old.
On this moment The oldest crocodile is the Mississippi alligator from Australia, which died at 66 years old. On average, at good conditions When kept, crocodiles can live up to 40-50 years.

Answer from Your Mightiness[guru]
Approximately 60-80 years. IN wildlife up to 100 happens.

Answer from All-Russian[guru]

Answer from ?Daniella?[guru]
Saltwater crocodile: 70 years
Nile crocodile: 70 – 100 years
Mississippi alligator: 30 – 50 years

Answer from Adaptability[newbie]
This animal is recognized as the largest land predator of all existing ones. A crocodile or an alligator can achieve truly colossal sizes. Accordingly, for this he needs a lot of food and time. Well, if everything is fine with the first one, then what about time? How long does a crocodile live in the wild and at home?
One thing is certain: the life expectancy of crocodiles and alligators in their natural habitat is not that long:
Nile crocodile - on average 8 years;
Mississippi alligator - about 5 years;
gharial - a large reptile of the order of crocodiles, lives on average 6 years;
caiman - about 4 years old.
Currently, the oldest crocodile is the Mississippi alligator from Australia, which died at 66 years old. On average, under good conditions, crocodiles can live up to 40-50 years.

Terrible and dangerous animals. And yet they too are our smaller brothers. Many of them live in nature reserves, crocodile farms and other places where people take care of them and enjoy it. Statistics are kept on such wards, which of them lived how long. And it’s true how many years do crocodiles live and what is the longest? old crocodile

in the world? Crocodiles are considered "adult" from 4 (small species) to 10 years (large species). A The life expectancy of crocodiles is 80-100 years. Thus, a crocodile may well outlive a person. And most often this happens, because even in the wild, only young crocodiles are in danger - they can be eaten by monitor lizards, turtles, herons and other mammals, which also willingly eat crocodile eggs. But in adult crocodiles large species natural enemies

Simply no - they themselves are feared more than fire. So, let's meet the oldest crocodiles in the world, who have broken all longevity records! On May 21, 2013, in Australia, a crocodile named Cassius Clay celebrated his 110th birthday. Let's hope that even now, in 2017, he is alive and well, although there is no reliable information about this. Cassius lives on a farm located in the Australian Northern Territory. The crocodile's longevity record did not go unnoticed. They prepared for him best gift

- a twenty-kilogram chicken cake. And this magnificent cake was also solemnly decorated with candles. Of course, Cassius appreciated the gift, because his daily diet is much more modest and consists of “only” a kilogram of chicken and a kilogram of fish. The crocodile devoured his gift in about half a minute. In addition to the chicken cake, the owners also gave their pet a musical number, singing to him “ Happy Birthday

" Let's hope that Cassius appreciated this gift too. True, 110 years is only the estimated age of the record holder , because Cassius' exact age is unknown.

His birthday is celebrated on a randomly chosen day. Cassius belongs to the saltwater crocodiles and was caught 26 years ago. He was caught after he began to attack boats sailing through the pond. So Cassius was lucky that they didn’t kill him, but on the contrary, they gave him a real home and family. He was taken in by rancher George Craig, and since then Cassius has been living quietly on their farm, where he is loved and cared for. By the way, longevity is not the only record of the animal. Its length is five meters and 48 centimeters, that is, if you put it on its tail, it would be as tall as a two-story house! This Cassius's record is included in the Guinness Book of Records. By the way, it is named after the legendary boxer.

After a crocodile 6 meters and 17 centimeters long was caught in the Philippines, Cassius temporarily lost his record, however, since he outlived his competitor, he again regained his record for body size and power.

Let's wish Cassius more for long years life!

Despite the fact that crocodiles spend most of their lives in water, they breathe through their lungs. This is surprising, but thanks to the unique structure respiratory system, they are able to survive without oxygen for 30 to 40 minutes. In captivity, reptiles grow faster because they have no shortage of food. Many people are interested in this question: how many years does a crocodile live? This representative of cold-blooded animals can easily afford to celebrate its 100th anniversary. But more often than not, reptiles simply do not live to such a respectable age.

Factors influencing the lifespan of crocodiles

Hunting for skins. It's no secret that crocodile skin is quite highly valued among haberdashery manufacturers. In addition to wallets and bags, it is used for sewing shoes. Therefore, these cold-blooded animals, due to merciless destruction by poachers, do not even live to be 50 years old.

Changes in habitual living conditions. The further a person encroaches into wild nature, the bigger place civilization occupies it. Deforestation, artificial drainage of water bodies and the construction of dams in most cases have an impact on Negative influence for animal life. In such conditions, crocodiles have no way to provide full development of their offspring, who die due to the lack small fish, frogs and insects.

Natural selection. Despite the fact that the female crocodile practically does not leave the clutch, in rare moments of her absence, the eggs can become easy prey for other predators. And even after moving to shallow body of water The cubs face many dangers, including their adult relatives, who will not disdain even the little ones.

Temperature regime. Optimal maintenance conditions are sufficient water space and warmth. At temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius, even in adults, life expectancy is significantly reduced.

How many years does a crocodile live?

In the limited space of the zoo with good care crocodiles are quite capable of crossing the 70-year age limit.

Wildlife dictates its own rules, so in its natural habitat it is extremely rare for this type of reptile to survive to a ripe old age. Caimans live the shortest (on average 4 years). The Nile crocodile has a much higher rate. Under favorable circumstances, he can live 8–10 years.

Unfortunately, despite the law prohibiting the killing of crocodiles, the hunt for them never stops. Therefore, long-livers among these animals are quite rare.

Video on the topic

The crocodile is perhaps one of the most terrifying animals used to scare children. His aggression is inexplicable to the unenlightened man in the street, although it is dictated only by instinct. Many stories have been built around the inexplicable desire of an adult crocodile to drag its victim to the bottom faster. works of art. Therefore, the answer to a purely practical question is always interesting: “How much does a crocodile weigh so that it can so easily deal with the victim?”

Size and weight

How much a crocodile weighs and what its size will be depends on the type and sex of the reptile. The sea one (also known as the combed one) can grow more than seven meters and, accordingly, will weigh approximately a ton. Dwarf (aka West African) grow to a maximum of 1.9 meters, and it will gain weight up to 32 kg (maximum - 80 kg). Crocodiles are animals with pronounced sexual dimorphism; males grow much faster and become much larger than females. Moreover, a carcass weighing more than a ton grows from a baby measuring 20 cm.

Observing the size of crocodiles and their weight is difficult behavioral characteristics and inaccessibility of reptile habitats.

Only observations of crocodiles in captivity are reliable. Most big crocodile that has ever been observed is a hybrid of a saltwater and Siamese crocodile named Yai on a farm in Thailand. Its length is 6 meters, weight - 1114 kg.

The length of the largest crocodile caught alive is 6.17 meters, weight - 1075 kg (Philippines).

How long do crocodiles live?

It is difficult to determine with a high probability the age of a crocodile. The usual method is to measure lamellar rings in teeth and bones: once every year, when the climate changes from dry to humid, a new ring appears as a result of the change in growth rate.

Therefore, the age of crocodiles is almost always spoken with a speculative degree of probability. According to such estimates, almost all species of crocodiles live from thirty to forty years, although it is believed that large ones (combed, Nile, marsh, Central American) can live up to 70 years. Some of the largest specimens of saltwater crocodiles live more than a hundred years.

Crocodile like animal

The name crocodile is commonly used to identify all reptiles of the crocodilian species. But only representatives of the family of true crocodiles can be strictly classified as Crocodylinae.

Based on this, this article will discuss the features of the crocodile family (with the exception of gharials and alligators)

There are 24 known species of crocodiles in the world, divided into 3 families and 8 genera. The most big family
- crocodilians, includes three genera - true crocodiles, blunt-snouted, gharial.

    1st genus - real crocodiles:

    African narrow-snouted;





    New Guinea;






Central American.2nd genus - blunt-nosed crocodiles. Includes only one representative - the blunt-nosed crocodile(in Latin - Osteolaemus tetraspis

) - West African dwarf crocodile.

3rd genus - gharial.

It also has only one representative - Tomistoma schlegelii (false gharial).

African narrow-snout (Mecistops cataphractus) Classified as an endangered species, little studied. Habitat - by throughout Western tropical Africafrom Lake Tanganyika and Lake Mweru in the east/southeast to the west. D

length up to 4 meters (although specimens over 3-3.5 meters have not been seen during observations today), weight - presumably up to 230 kg. . It feeds mainly on fish, adults can eat turtles and birds, females lay up to 16 large eggs, the clutch is not guarded, the hatching period is up to 110 days. They live in rivers overgrown with vegetation; according to estimates, there are now up to 20,000 adult individuals; their numbers are constantly decreasing. They live in 10 subpopulations. Scientists cannot answer the question of how long the crocodiles Mecistops cataphractus live because of insufficient knowledge of the species.

Estimated data from the Red Book is 25 years.

Swamp (Crocodylus palustris) Listed in the Red Book, habitat - in India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal and possibly Bangladesh, its range extends west into eastern Iran, current status - about 87,00 individuals,

Lives in any reservoirs, even artificially created ones, digs holes along the banks, wheresurvives in dry times or extremely cold (up to 5 degrees).It feeds on fish, mammals, birds, and turtles. In a fight with a leopard, he often wins. Spotted in Lately in attacks on people, which, according to scientists, indicates an increase in numbers.

Considered an average species, the average size of a crocodile is:females - up to 2.45 meters, males - up to 3.5 meters, weight on average from 50 kg for females and up to 250 kg for males. The weight of a mature male can reach up to 400 kg with a length of up to 4.5 meters. A clutch can contain up to 30 eggs, the hatching period is from 50 to 75 days. It moves well on land and can reach decent speeds - up to 12 km per hour.An interesting feature is the creation of bait for bird hunting. The crocodile places tree branches on its muzzle (and it lies on the water in a horizontal plane). Birds worried about shortages building material for nests, fly very close to the reptile.

Combed, or sea

Most great view crocodiles and the most dangerous for humans. Distribution area - in internal and surrounding waters South-East Asia and Australia. This type is the most common and most studied.

How long the saltwater crocodile lives is known most fully, since both hunters and scientists have studied this species due to its danger. According to observations, the lifespan of this species is 50-80 years, although according to the studied remains, some specimens lived up to a hundred years.

The size of the saltwater crocodile is quite impressive. The maximum described is 10 meters, although today it is from 5 to 6 meters. Weight maximum up to two tons. On average - up to 700 kg.

It grows all its life. In the biosystem of its range it is the top of the food chain. Adults feed not only on fish, small and medium-sized mammals, but also on the largest animals, including predators.

According to paleontologists, this species of crocodiles arose more than 12 million years ago. It is considered very ancient.

The characteristics of the saltwater crocodile include its ability to move far in sea ​​water. Marked individuals swam at distances of up to 500 km from traditional places its habitat, using sea currents to conserve strength.

Scientists determine its status as least vulnerable to extinction.

Cuban (Crocodylus rhombifer)

Z included in the Red Book(there are up to 5,000 adults, endangered due to extermination and hybridization with the narrow-snouted (both in artificial and natural conditions, offspring reproduce). Lives in Cubais medium-sized in size (2.3 meters in length, weighing up to 40 kg), seasoned males can reach a weight of up to 200 kg with a length of up to 3.5 meters.

One of the most aggressive crocodiles. Moves well on land at speeds of up to 17 km per hour. Females lay up to 60 eggs, the incubation period is up to 70 days. They eat fish, mammals, and birds. People are rarely attacked in natural conditions; it is believed that this is due to their small numbers. Behavior in captivity extremely aggressive towards people.

Nile (Crocodylus niloticus)

This species is considered to be as aggressive as the combed one. The size of a crocodile is slightly smaller than that of a saltwater crocodile. The descriptions indicate a length of up to 6 meters, but today existing mature individuals, depending on the region of their habitat, can be up to a maximum of 3.5 meters. Modern reliable records of how much a crocodile weighs Crocodylus niloticus,there are enough to estimate its weight on average. Observations show that the weight of a modern Nile crocodile can range from 250 to 350 kg.

His cannibalistic predilections are known to all residents of the vast territory of sub-Saharan Africa. It prefers the fresh waters of Africa, but the population has also noticed it in coastal waters. He, like the saltwater crocodile, is the top of the food chain of his ecosystem, eats everything of varying weights that he can reach, jump, and grab. The status of the animal is the least dangerous for extinction.

New Guinea (Crocodylus novaeguineae)

A relatively small of the true crocodiles. According to DNA studies, it is recognized as a close relative of the Philippine, but isolated as a separate species. Habitat: Inland waters of the island of New Guinea. Until 1996, it was listed in the Red Book with the status of “threat of extinction”, then with an assessment of “least concern”. Like all crocodiles, it was destroyed in the fifties and sixties of the last century because of its valuable skin. In 1970, after the adoption of a program of conservation measures, the numbers were restored to the natural continuation of the population by 1996. Now, according to various estimates, there are up to 50 thousand.

Crocodile sizeCrocodylus novaeguineae -from2.7 meters in females up to3 .5 meters for males.Measured body weight: 294.5 kg.

The New Guinea crocodile is divided into two populations - northern and southern. The lifestyle (especially clutches) of crocodiles in them is slightly different. In the northern population, the nest is built on water from plants, in the southern population - more often on land.

The New Guinea crocodile is the most vocal crocodile: both babies and adults make a huge number of soundsfor different life situations, which allows them to “communicate.”


This crocodile(Crocodylus intermedius) has the status of an endangered species in the Red Book. Today, its numbers are estimated as extremely low to maintain the population - only up to one and a half thousand.

INIn the fifties and sixties of the last century, after mass hunting, the population was almost on the verge of extinction. In 1970, after the introduction of protective statusthe number has increased slightly.It is still exterminated because it has valuable skin.In addition, the local population collects baby crocodiles for subsequent sale.

Lives in Venezuela and Colombia (the basin prefers fresh lakes and rivers.

The size of the crocodile is quite impressive - up to 5.2 meters (males), females are much smaller - up to 3.6 meters. Due to the lack of knowledge (due to the lack of the individuals themselves), there is a problem in determining the mass. How much does a crocodile weigh? Crocodylus intermedius, known from hunters, the average weight of a male is 380 kg, a female is 225 kg.

IN clutch maximum of 70 eggs. The mother not only guards the eggs for two and a half months before hatching, but also takes care of the babies for the next three years.

There are known cases of attacks on people. But due to the small population and inaccessible habitats, this rarely happens.


The largest crocodile in the New World. Lives in fresh and salt lakes, at river mouths. They move well through the water, populating islands. The size of a crocodile of this species depends on the population, in some places it is smaller (on average up to 4 meters), in others it is larger (up to 5-6 meters in mature males). The main diet is fish, unlike the combed and Nile (similar in size), they do not switch to feeding on mammals. Seen in attacks on people, although these are quite rare cases.

Freshwater (Crocodylus johnsoni)

It does not go out to sea or river mouths for fear of being caught by a saltwater crocodile. It feeds on fish and small vertebrates. The average size is up to 3 meters; in the population in northern Australia the size is smaller. It is not dangerous for humans, since the compression force of its jaws is quite weak. How long do crocodiles Crocodylus johnsoni live in captivity (in particular, in Australia Zoo) is known for sure - up to twenty years, although presumably individual individuals can exist and grow up to a hundred years or more.

Siamese (Crocodylus siamensis)

AND Yvette V Indonesia, Brunei, East Malaysia, southern Indochina. Populations of crocodiles living in all countries of the region number only 5,000 individuals. Listed in the Red Book. In Kam Boja and Thailand are successfully operating special programs to preserve the species. The maximum size of this crocodile is 3 meters, although when hybridized with a combed crocodile it is up to 4 meters. It feeds on fish and small vertebrates.

Philippine (Crocodylus mindorensis)

Endangered species, only 200 adults. Maximum size up to three meters. It feeds on fish and small mammals. Previously considered a subspecies of the New Guinea crocodile, it is now separated into a separate species.

Central American (Crocodylus moreletii)

Lives in tropical forests Central America. The size of male specimens in today's conditions is up to 2.7 meters (previously, according to the results of hunts - up to 4.5 meters and weighing up to 400 kg). Cannibalism has not been noticed recently, the explanation for this is the remoteness of its habitats. It feeds on fish, reptiles and mammals.

Blunt-snouted crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis) - West African dwarf crocodile

Grows up to 1.8 meters (maximum), weighs from 18 to 32 kilograms (maximum - 80 kg), occurs alone or in pairs, lives in burrows or hollows lahs of trees leaning close to the water. This is a heavily armored crocodile(he needs this to protect himself from those who eat him large predators) , with dark spots on the back and sides, with a yellow belly.Compared to the biggest saltwater crocodile(before9 -and meters) he’s just a baby,countsthe smallest crocodilein the world (similar in size to the smooth-faced caiman).

Belongs to a poorly studied species. According to the study, the number of crocodile is slowly decreasing due to changes in the habitat ecosystem (deforestation, proximity of human habitation areas). Listed in the Red Book with slightly vulnerable status.

Lives in western Africa. Prefers fresh water bodies. Leads night look life. Digs deep holes, and quite often their entrance is located below the water level.

There are usually 10 eggs in a clutch (sometimes there can be up to 20).

Tomistoma schlegelii (false gharial)

Lives in Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam. Prefers slow rivers, swampy lakes. Lives among thickets or on drifting islands of vegetation. The species of false gharial is listed in the Red Book with the status “endangered. The size of all populations is no more than 2500 adult individuals. The size of males of this species can reach up to 6 meters. Because of its elongated snout it got its name - gharial. The narrow, long muzzle is a result of their feeding habits, mainly soft mammals and reptiles. IN last years b there were several cases of attacks on people to her.
