Activities of a senior teacher and methodologist of a preschool educational organization in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. The main activities of the senior preschool teacher

Often, novice educators have a very difficult time in terms of maintaining documentation in a preschool educational institution, since an incredible amount of paperwork needs to be filled out and maintained. And no one cares that the main task of a teacher is to love and educate the children of his group; in our country, paperwork becomes more and more voluminous every year for both preschool teachers and teachers. What documentation should be kept and how? Let's figure it out.

Due to the fact that the educational process has introduced state standards, for kindergartens this is the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, then maintaining documentation of the preschool teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is a necessary stage of work. But record keeping can be a stumbling block for young, inexperienced educators. But properly designed plans are not designed to make the teacher’s work more difficult, but to make it easier. This is where the paradox arises. Why doesn’t the Ministry of Education themselves develop at least approximate plans, to which it remains to make its own adjustments in accordance with the specifics of the group. It’s unlikely that they need it; it’s always easier to push the work onto those lower on the career ladder. But that's not what we're talking about now. In the end, documentation still needs to be maintained, the system requires it.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the teacher must maintain and document:

1. Local acts– this is a folder with instructions: job description, occupational safety, health and life protection of children, modeled on your preschool institution. It is done once and updated periodically. Shelf life is permanent.

The list of basic teacher documentation includes local acts to ensure the activities of the teacher:

1.1. Job description of a teacher.

1. 2. Instructions for protecting the life and health of children.

1.3. Labor protection instructions.

2. Documentation on the organization of the teacher’s work:

2.1. Working programm, which was compiled as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education by age group for 1 academic year. It reflects the main directions of educational work with children of a certain age. Take, for example, the work program “From birth to school” as a basis and, based on the general program, you need to create such a document for your group.

Comprehensive thematic planning.
It is built on a thematic principle and allows the teacher not only to systematically solve assigned tasks and easily introduce regional and ethnocultural components, but also, depending on the characteristics of his preschool institution, at his own discretion, partially or completely change topics or topic names.
Complex thematic plans are plans for working with children by season and week of each month, where general areas of work are recorded. That is, what do you want to achieve each month.

Calendar plan for educational work.
To specify and adjust the educational work provided for by the comprehensive thematic plan, the teacher uses a calendar plan in his work. For ease of use of the plan, the teacher divides it into two parts: the first and second half of the day.
To write a plan, it is recommended, in addition to a comprehensive thematic plan, to use a cyclogram educational activities groups (it is not mandatory, but it is very convenient and helps the teacher to properly plan his work with children during the day.)
In the first half of the day, the teacher plans conversations, individual and joint activities, reading fiction, morning, finger, articulatory gymnastics, didactic games, instilling cultural and hygienic skills, walking.
In the afternoon - invigorating gymnastics, conversations, individual work, experimentation, role-playing and didactic games, walks, work with parents.

The calendar plan for educational activities is already specific detailed plan on every day. It must be consistent with the work program and comprehensive thematic plan. Here we write down everything that we will do with the children during the day: exercise, activities, games, walks, routine moments, work with parents, etc.

2.3. Model of organizing educational activities (grid of classes).

The activity grid simplifies the planning of educational activities and is a table by day of the week, in which we enter all activities, including music, physical education

It helps the teacher systematize work with children during the current month. According to the requirement of SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations” on the maximum permissible volume of educational activities, the load in the first half of the day in the junior and middle groups should not exceed 30-40 minutes, in senior and preparatory - 45 minutes and 1.5 hours, respectively. In the middle of the time allotted for continuous educational activities, a physical education session is held. Breaks between periods of continuous and educational activities are at least 10 minutes.

2.4. Evaluation of the results of mastering the program

Pedagogical diagnostics.
Each teacher constantly studies his students while working. Such work is carried out during observations of the activity of children in spontaneous and specially organized activities. For this purpose, the teacher’s documentation kindergarten includes observation maps child development, allowing us to record the individual dynamics and development prospects of each child during various types activities (speech, cognitive, artistic, gaming, design and physical development)
During educational activities, teachers must create diagnostic situations in order to assess the individual dynamics of children and adjust their actions.
Example - ready-made observation cards of child development with recommendations for building an individual development trajectory for each child for all age groups to an approximate basic general educational program "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva.

Pedagogical diagnostics folder - here are cards of observations of children, diagnostics and recommendations.

2.5. Teacher's portfolio

In a modern preschool institution, teachers have to work in conditions of constant competition. In most cases, a kindergarten teacher’s portfolio is a folder that is created and updated by a preschool teacher in order to improve their qualifications, for which proof of work activity is required. We can also say that a teacher’s portfolio is a kind of form for teacher certification, with which you can present materials from your work, courses attended, achieved successes. The teacher’s portfolio is located in the group or in the methodological office of the preschool educational institution. Shelf life is permanent.

2.6. Creative folder for self-education (Shelf life - permanent).

Any profession requires self-improvement, and even more so work related to children. One of the ways to improve the professional skills of teachers is self-education. This is the teacher’s purposeful work to expand and deepen his theoretical knowledge, improving existing and acquiring new professional skills and abilities in the light of modern requirements of pedagogical and psychological sciences. During the academic year or other period of time, the teacher must study in depth a problem, the solution of which causes him certain difficulties or which is the subject of his special interest. Timely completion of this document also helps in collecting materials for teacher certification. Select a topic and gradually fill the folder with materials

3. Documentation on organizing work with preschool children.

3.1. Attendance sheet.

It is necessary in order, firstly, to record the number of children in the group daily. This helps ensure that children are fed and parental fees are paid.
Secondly, it is easier for the teacher to focus on conducting classes and distributing material for each child.
Thirdly, it helps to track the incidence of children in certain periods, outline the nurse’s work aimed at improving their health, and during the adaptation period, identify unreasonable omissions that complicate the child’s successful adaptation to the conditions of the preschool educational institution.

3.2. Individual information about parents and pupils.

Documentation of a preschool teacher in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education necessarily involves identifying information not only about children, but also about parents.

In officially accepted practice, a special journal usually contains the following information about children attending the group:
- surname, first name of the child;
- Date of Birth;
- residential address and telephone numbers;
- Full names of parents, grandparents;
- parents’ place of work and telephone numbers;
- social status families (number of children in the family, living conditions, complete - not complete family).

The teacher should, in a tactful conversation, find out information from the parents and reflect it in the journal. Moreover, the received data cannot be disclosed; this information must be confidential. Now parents are also required to provide written consent to the processing of personal data.

The information obtained helps the teacher neutralize possible negative impact family situation for the child, if any. And you can understand the child better if you know more about his living conditions and the status of his parents.

3.3. Age list of children.

The composition of children in the same group is heterogeneous in age, and sometimes the difference can reach up to a year. The teacher must take into account the age of each child in the group, since the difference in age affects the characteristics individual approach to each of the children. A simple age list can help prevent some very serious problems in the group.

3.4. Health sheet for group pupils.

In practice, it is important to develop a differentiated approach to children, taking into account their health status. For this purpose, groups have so-called "Health sheets", which are filled out by medical personnel. After all, as a rule, children do not attend preschool educational institutions due to illness. Medical staff and educators must work closely with each other. Without this relationship, competent health work is impossible.
The doctor distributes children into health groups. Based on the results of medical examinations (conducted 2 times a year in kindergarten groups and 4 times a year in groups early age) depending on the nature and severity of deviations in the children’s health, the doctor gives recommendations, documenting them.
IN practical work For educators, it is the recommendations that are important, not the clinical diagnosis. (it is a medical secret). All of the above is reflected in "Health sheet" for each child.

3.5. Journal of hardening events

The journal of hardening activities helps to carry out targeted recreational activities with children in compliance individual characteristics child.

3.6. Seating scheme for children at tables.

As you know, for the formation of correct posture and the prevention of visual impairment, the correct seating of children at the table is of no small importance, for which a set of furniture is selected for each child (height of table and chair). The height and weight of children are determined 2 times a year, respectively, a set of furniture should be determined 2 times a year. For this, we need a scheme for seating children at tables, which is adjusted as necessary depending on changes in the physical condition of the children in the group.

3.7. Group daily routine.

A daily routine for warm and cold periods of time is necessary for a rational duration and reasonable alternation of various types of activities and rest for children during the day.

3.8. Children's stool map and morning filter (only for children under 3 years old).

Children's stool map and morning filter allows you to identify a child's illness in early stage and take measures to preserve the health of the group’s children’s team. The morning filter in other age groups is carried out and filled only during the epidemiological period.

3.9. Adaptation sheet.

For the period of adaptation of children, another type of document is introduced - an adaptation sheet. It notes the date of admission of the child, his time spent in the preschool educational institution, and behavioral characteristics in a symbolic manner. Timely analysis of this document helps teachers identify and eliminate or smooth out the child’s adaptation problem. Based on the analysis, it is coordinated collaboration “teacher – physician – psychologist – parents”.

3.10. Register of reception and care of children signed by parents.

The daily morning reception of children should be carried out by educators who interview parents about the state of health of the children, examine the pharynx, skin, if indicated, measure body temperature. In nursery groups, admission takes place with daily measurement of body temperature. During an influenza epidemic, body temperature is measured daily in all age groups. Children identified during examination with suspected illness are not admitted to kindergarten, and those who are ill during the day are isolated from healthy children in an isolation ward until their parents arrive.

4. Documentation on organizing interaction with families of pupils.

4.1. Interaction with parents of group students.

The content of work with parents is planned for a month or a week. It should be indicated on what days and what will be done by each teacher of the group, and what general garden events will be held. Moreover, it is necessary to write not only those events that are carried out by the teacher, but also by the specialists working in this group. Regardless of who conducts the classes, the organizer will in any case be the teacher.

Work can be scheduled in various forms carrying out:

Parent meetings,
- consultations (individual, group,
- workshops,
- thematic exhibitions,
- occasional conversations with parents,
- interest clubs,
- joint holidays,
- entertainment and leisure,
- survey,
- parent gatherings,
- trainings
- excursions,
- hiking trips,
- parental participation in public life groups and more.

How many events to plan is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Work in kindergarten with parents should be planned in accordance with the annual goals of the institution. You can find out about the joint activities of raising adults, which can be organized in a variety of traditional and innovative forms, in the program "From birth to school".

- master classes
- trainings
- assemblies,
- evenings of music and poetry,
- visits by families to family subscription program events organized by cultural and art institutions, at the request of the kindergarten;
- family living rooms,
- festivals,
- family clubs,
- question and answer evenings,
- salons, studios,
- holidays (including family,
- walks, excursions,
- project activities,
- family theater.

4.2. Minutes of parent group meetings.

The minutes of parent meetings in kindergarten are an important document. Its preparation must be approached responsibly and competently. Any decision becomes valid only if there is a protocol. It must always be carried out, regardless of the degree of importance of the issues being discussed. The protocol notebook is started during the formation of the group and is maintained until graduation from kindergarten. It is numbered page by page, filed, sealed with the seal of the kindergarten and the signature of the head.

Protocol drawing up plan:

Full name of the institution
- Date of the meeting at the preschool educational institution
- List of those present (teachers, administration, parents)
- Topic of the meeting (agenda)
- List of speakers (educators, medical worker, speech therapist, educational psychologist, heads of clubs, studios, parents, etc.)
- Solutions
- Signature of the secretary, teacher, and chairman of the parent committee

All protocols are kept by the teacher.

All this documentation can be divided into mandatory and recommended. But what is mandatory and what is not is decided not by the teacher, but by the authorities.

For competent planning and documentation, you need to firmly know the subject of the documentation: the work program of your kindergarten, on the basis of which almost all other documents are based.

The following documentation is required:

Calendar plan of educational activities for the group;
- Teacher’s work program for his group;
- Children's attendance sheet.

Recommended documentation that may or may not be kept:

Information and regulatory folder: local acts, job descriptions, safety regulations, health protection regulations, etc.;
- Planning and analysis folder: information about the children, about the parents, a plan for hardening and other routine moments, a schedule of classes, a scheme for seating the children at the table, adaptation sheets, a register for the reception of children, etc.;
- Methodological support for the educational process: a comprehensive thematic plan of work, a list of programs, technologies, author’s developments, materials for pedagogical diagnostics, a teacher’s portfolio, materials for self-education, work with parents and everything you have.

If you are not a fan of long texts, you can switch to cards. This is not prohibited and very convenient. A file of work with parents, a grid of activities, work plans can be drawn up in the form of separate sheets of cardboard with written activities.

An example of comprehensive thematic planning according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

An example of how to create a comprehensive thematic plan for October for middle group. We use the same principle to prepare for other months, but take on other tasks.

So, October:

Week 1-2 theme “Autumn”. Contents of the work: expand children’s ideas about autumn as a time of year, give an understanding of different signs and features weather phenomena autumn, teach to establish basic connections between living and inanimate nature. Conduct seasonal observations of nature, note its changes and beauty. Give an idea of ​​the professions of agriculture and forestry. Expand knowledge about seasonal vegetables and fruits, including exotic ones. Introduce autumn flowers. Bring up careful attitude to nature and its gifts. Generate basic information about ecology.

Events: “Autumn” matinee, exhibition of crafts made from natural materials, “Harvest” project, targeted walks.

Week 3 theme: “The ABCs of Politeness.” Contents of the work: developing an idea of ​​moral and ethical standards, developing friendly relations between all students. Strengthen positive habits: saying hello, thanking, expressing requests correctly, etc. Filling out a development card for each child.

Activity: role-playing games"Polite Bear" puppet show"Hello!" Development of an individual development sheet for each child.

Week 4 theme: “My favorite toys.” Contents of the work: improvement and development of play activities of preschool children. Formation of knowledge and practical communication skills between peers and with adults through play. Expand gaming techniques and enrich children's experience in gaming activities. Develop Creative skills preschoolers towards the independent development of new game plots. Reinforce educational material through didactic games.

Events: holiday folk games and festivities, folk competitions outdoor games, a complex of didactic and role-playing games.

What does a calendar plan look like for each day?

Calendar-thematic plans for each day are designed in different ways; there are ready-made magazines for sale, lined up. Typically the columns are as follows: month, day of week, day. The theme of the week is in accordance with the long-term plan, for example, as I wrote above “Autumn”, “The ABC of Politeness”, “My Favorite Toys” for October.

Then the columns are as follows: vertically – joint activities of the teacher and children, organization of a subject-development environment, support for the child’s individuality. There may be other columns at your discretion. For example, by goals: social-communicative, cognitive-speech, physical and aesthetic development.

If we choose the second option for recording the plan, then what can we write in the column “Joint activities” on the topic “Autumn” in the line cognitive and speech development: Observation “ Autumn trees", examining the leaves and bark of trees that are on the site, learning to determine the difference between a tree and a bush, characterizing the shape of the leaves different plants, color. Encouraging children to actively communicate. We listen to the rustling of leaves, the sound of the wind, and develop sensory sensations.

Research activity: “What do trees like?” We find out what conditions are suitable for tree growth. We develop cognitive abilities, the ability to observe, analyze, and express our thoughts.

Problem situation: autumn is a controversial time of year. We learn to analyze the cause-and-effect relationships between natural phenomena and people’s attitudes towards them, we try to analyze the pros and cons of autumn, and we develop the ability to prove our point of view.
Conversations on the theme of autumn. There can be many topics, I won’t list them.

FEMP: learning to count, compare quantities, in general, according to the lesson plan. Didactic games. Also a great variety, define as you wish.

This is just one column filled in. You also need to fill out the rest, based on the program and long-term plan, as well as the schedule of classes. Difficult for a beginner, right?

On our 7guru website you can find a ready-made plan and simply rewrite it, changing the dates and modifying it to suit your group.

The theoretical side of the activities of a senior educator

Description: “In the article I affirm the credo of my work in the hope of getting a response, but do I understand everything correctly, since my work experience as a senior teacher is only 2 years”

Due to the fact that it came into force on September 1, 2013 the federal law No. 273 “On education in Russian Federation", preschool education received the status of the first independent level general education. And a year later, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science, “preschoolers” unanimously switched to the Federal State educational standard preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education), which is a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education. The subject of regulation of the standard is relations in the field of education that arise during the implementation of the educational program of preschool education.
I, as a senior teacher, am constantly in an innovative search mode, causing changes in various components of the activities of my teachers. Special attention I focus on continuous training and professional development of teachers, their active adaptation to new models of activity, increasing the level of preparedness to solve professional problems and improving the quality of results educational process generally.
I do all this so that our team as a whole can create conditions under which children fully develop and ultimately live a full life preschool age, and move on to the next level in comfortable conditions and can study at school with great desire. The main criteria for assessing the pedagogical process is the creation by each teacher of the most necessary conditions for the development of the child’s personality as a subject social life and creating a pedagogically appropriate environment to realize the goals of the educational process, to respect the rights and responsibilities of the child in society. I also think that attention should be paid to compliance with the content of educators’ activities:
1. Social order of the state for this type of institution;
2. Social expectations of subjects of the educational process (children, parents, legal representatives, teachers).
3. I would also add the involvement of other specialists from the institution and society (museums, libraries, clubs) in pedagogical work.
An important stage of my activity as a senior teacher is Full time job to improve the competence of teachers, which will allow them to organize educational activities in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. I conduct my actions in the following directions:
- identifying and solving problems that are relevant for teaching staff professional activity,
- testing and implementation of more effective models, methods, and technologies for the development of students.
All these actions are necessary for me to implement the planned work plan for the year as a senior teacher.
During the 2 years that I have been holding the position of senior teacher, I have been trying to promote the development of the professional competence of each teacher in the field of preschool education content, the development of his erudition and personal qualities. After all, the growth of a teacher’s pedagogical skills directly gives us a high indicator of the quality of the educational process. The main thing is that I can develop in teachers the ability to independently approach both their own activities and the activities of colleagues and the entire teaching staff.
At the end of the year, the whole team discusses the results of the professional activities of teachers, including mine. I check and report on the following indicators:
1. Clarity in the organization of professional activities.
2. The variety of application of methods and techniques for working with children.
3. Dynamics pedagogical support individual development of the child throughout the year.
4. Emotionally favorable microclimate in the group.
5. Information security for each area of ​​work.
6. Popularity among students, parents, colleagues.
7. Breadth of coverage of problems solved through social connections with government and public structures.
8. Pedagogical expediency of methodological support.
9. Availability of publications, generalization and presentation of experience at the city, federal and international levels.
I myself try to provide teachers with the necessary information in full, and help in providing educational and methodological complexes. I direct all pedagogical process to create various types methodological products. It is important to me that the joint work of the senior teacher and the team as a whole was productive.

interactions, determining the degree and causes of discrepancies in interaction and its quality. Determining the compliance of the developing subject spatial environment in groups with the approximate general education program, the age of the children, and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Content of methodological support, responsibility and activity of the senior educator Quantitative and qualitative analysis achievements of raising adults in interaction, self-analysis, determination of milestone achievements in interaction, development of an adjustment system, preparation of reporting documentation. Conducts analysis and self-analysis of joint activities in the context of the questions: “What needs to be taught to teachers and parents? What regulatory and methodological documents need to be developed? What methods and forms are more acceptable for interaction between teachers and parents. What has changed in the interaction between teacher and parent, parent and child, teacher and child?”

Methods of methodological support Analysis of video recordings of the event, analysis and self-analysis

Conducts analysis and self-analysis on the questions: How is the level of quality of interaction changing? Which internal and external connections are superfluous and which ones are missing? Which forms or data are superfluous and which are essential? What is not taken into account when constructing a developing subject-specific spatial educational environment. Prepares reporting materials for submission to the methodological service.

A modern senior educator is a missionary who knows how to convince another, to believe in what he himself believes in, who knows how to captivate and lead. This is a like-minded person who knows how to make the whole team think in a single impulse. A senior teacher is a creator, constantly in creative search. The job responsibilities of the senior teacher include organizing a rational structure in the kindergarten, aimed at ensuring the quality of the educational process. This is a diplomat who tries to manage his feelings, experiences, behavior, and respects those around him. A senior educator is a wise and flexible highly professional specialist, inventor, innovator, source of ideas and information, guiding everyone in a wide range of skills. Also, the senior educator is a strategist who masters the art of planning based on correct and far-reaching forecasts. He is a tactician and developer of programs, techniques, and ways to achieve assigned tasks. If you group all preschool educational institutions, you get four main blocks.

Job responsibilities of a senior teacher

The first block is the management of a preschool educational institution together with the head or director. The senior teacher, together with the head, manages the kindergarten staff, participates in the selection of personnel, and in the development and implementation of development programs and pedagogical plans. The main focus of work should be aimed at the content and methods of educational activities of a preschool institution. Also, the responsibilities of the senior preschool teacher include group assignments teaching aids, games, toys, organizing cooperation with others preschool institutions, schools, children's centers, museums, etc.

The second block - the senior teacher plans educational and methodological work. First of all, this is assistance in working with children, assistance in certification and in the formation of a portfolio for each teacher, planning for advanced training of teachers and assistance in organizing their self-education. The activities of the senior educator include drawing up regimes and scheduling educational activities for each age group in the preschool educational institution, generalizing and transmitting work experience. Also, the senior teacher plans which experience will be generalized and implemented this academic year, and which in the next.

In addition, the senior teacher plans to get acquainted with what is new in pedagogical theory and practice. The responsibilities of the senior preschool teacher include planning forms of organizing work for continuity with the school, with other organizations, and with the parents of kindergarten students. He also analyzes the state of educational work and carries out all kinds of control (thematic, operational, final), taking measures based on it to improve work efficiency.

Third block job responsibilities senior educator is associated with the organization methodological work. Each kindergarten has its own characteristics, and the distribution of job responsibilities is the prerogative of the head of the educational institution, who writes and presents job descriptions to each employee of the teaching staff. The activities of a senior teacher in a preschool educational institution include quite diverse work, including equipping the scientific and methodological library and methodological classroom with new developments or manuals, replenishing children's literature and manuals. The responsibilities of the senior teacher of the preschool educational institution include analysis of whether what is stated on the cover and in the short annotation is really reflected in the content of the publication - only with such an examination should he purchase this or that scientific and methodological manual.

The fourth block of job responsibilities of a senior educator means monitoring. Monitoring carried out by a senior educator is understood as a system of control and diagnostic functions, which is highlighted in management activities. Every year, in the annual plan, the senior teacher needs to plan a control system. It includes monthly questions for operational control, thematic control on annual tasks, psychological and pedagogical monitoring of the implementation of the content of the pedagogical process.

In addition to these four blocks, the responsibilities of the senior preschool teacher include ensuring interconnection in the work of the kindergarten, family, school and other organizations.

The head of the kindergarten, depending on how the responsibilities within the kindergarten are distributed among all participants in the educational process, can remove any of the responsibilities from the senior teacher. The decision on the direct responsibilities of the senior preschool teacher is made on the basis qualification characteristics And job description, which is developed by the head or head of the preschool educational institution.

Organizer of methodological work in preschool educational institution is a senior educator, therefore in everyday communication he is also called a methodologist. Just as a person’s name initially has a certain meaning, so does the name of a profession. It is in the word “methodologist”, in each letter - the direction, content, essence of our work.
M missionary - must convince another to believe in what he believes in, be able to captivate, lead.
E dynamic thinker. The main desire of the senior educator is to make sure that the entire team thinks in a single impulse and is focused on work.
T a thief is constantly in creative search.
ABOUT organizer - the creation of a rational structure of the preschool educational institution, which is aimed at ensuring the quality of the educational process.
D diplomat You cannot effectively lead people if you cannot find an approach to a person, if you are not capable of compromise. We must try to manage our feelings, experiences and behavior, and be able to respect others. As diplomats, we have no right to be rude and irritable, inattentive and indecisive. We must be wise, flexible and highly professional.
AND inventor is an innovator, a source of ideas and information.
WITH spender The senior educator must master the art of leadership planning based on correct and far-reaching forecasts.
T Aktik - in our work it is necessary to develop techniques and ways to achieve the goal.

The senior educator is a strategist and tactician of the educational process.

The preschool educational institution has the following system of work for a senior teacher:

The main directions in the activities of the senior educator, aimed at improving the quality of the educational process.

  • planning
  • methodological support
  • working with a team
  • control
  • individual patronage;
  • mentoring;
  • consulting
  • self-education (self-education).
  • modeling individual options for methodological work for each teacher.
  • certification of teaching staff;
  • speaking to an audience;
  • generalization of work experience.
  • problem consultations;
  • organizing the work of creative groups;
  • “School of a young teacher”;
  • selection of organizational and activity-based, role-playing games for children;
  • organization of psychological and pedagogical workshops;
  • work of the certification commission;
  • organization of mutual visits to classes;
  • organization of methodological meetings; creative workshops; methodological associations of specialists;
  • modeling classes.
  • Pedagogical advice.
  • Psychological and pedagogical seminars.
  • Teaching hours.
  • Consultations.
  • Auctions of knowledge, methodological findings and ideas.
  • Reviews and competitions
  • "Round table".
  • Open classes.
  • Competition of methodological findings.
  • School of Excellence "Dialogue".
  • “Educational salon”, etc.
