Is it possible to tell fortunes on the waning moon? To improve your vision

Conspiracies for the waning moon have special power. At this time, conspiracies are read for wealth, good luck and purification, as well as for getting rid of bad habits. The last two days of the lunar cycle are considered the strongest regarding the manifestation of dark forces.

However, you can also turn to the forces of light at this time. This moment is favorable for redirecting energy in a positive direction. But you need to be careful that during these strong magical days don't get yourself into trouble

We will talk about whether waning moon conspiracies are really so powerful, and how dangerous they are, in this article. We have also given many examples of conspiracies intended to be pronounced precisely at this time of the lunar cycle.

Spell on a towel

For this ritual you need to buy a towel white. At midnight, open a window where you can see Moonlight. Stand in front of him and read the magic spell three times:

“As God’s servant (name) wipes himself with this towel, his craving for alcohol will cease. The illness from the servant of God (name) goes away, all the dirt goes into the towel. As soon as seven days pass, the servant of God (name) will be completely clean and healthy. My will is strong, my word is true, as I said, servant of God (name). That's what will happen. Amen".

You need to give the charmed towel to the person on whom the conspiracy was made. He must use this towel for seven days in a row. After the required time has passed, bury this towel in any deserted place. If you do not have this opportunity, burn the charmed towel.

Holy water spell

To free a person from addiction to alcohol, you need to take holy water from the church. She is charmed with special words magic words. They are pronounced thirty-three times in a row:

“Holy water, you, healing water, help me God's servant(name) to cope with his illness, with a severe addiction, with a harmful habit. Let his body not accept vodka, let him reject any alcohol from this day on and for the rest of his life. As soon as seven days pass, the craving for alcohol in the servant of God (name) will go away forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Pour the enchanted holy water into the alcohol that the alcoholic drinks. Gradually he will develop a persistent feeling of disgust from alcoholic drinks.

Rituals for the waning moon

Here is another ritual to get rid of alcohol addiction, which uses water. It can be collected in any clean reservoir, stream or source. Speak to her using a special spell:

“As this water gets inside the servant of God (name), his drunkenness will go away, all addiction will disappear, disappear and will not return. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Place the charmed water on the windowsill. The vessel should not be covered; it should be open. Every day, add the charmed water to drinks consumed by a person suffering from alcohol addiction. It is not recommended to add this water to alcohol.

Ceremony on the wedding ring

If there is a person in the family who suffers from alcohol addiction, it is very difficult. Most often, such a person refuses to voluntarily get rid of addiction. Scandals and quarrels often arise in the family. The following ritual can only be performed by the spouse of a person suffering from addiction.

Take the sick person's wedding ring and place it in a glass of holy water. Spell the ring with this magic spell:

“You are holy water, heal my husband, God’s servant (name), cure him of drunkenness, drive away the disease, so that it goes away and never returns. As long as my husband wears this ring, it will protect him from alcohol and binge drinking. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

After you have spoken the anti-alcoholism ring, return it discreetly to your spouse.

Ritual to get rid of excess weight

Excess weight is a huge problem for most modern girls. This is why rituals aimed at losing weight are very popular.

Weight loss ritual for the waning moon

Losing weight with tea. You will need to brew and cool any tea. You can assemble it yourself from medicinal herbs, you can use tea for weight loss or take regular green tea. Cool the tea so that it is warm and cast a spell on it using a special magic spell:

“Water, you cleanse the roots, wash the earth, wash me of fat, remove excess weight from my bones, and give me harmony and health.”

Read the spell seven times in a row (more is possible, but never less). Be sure to perform the ritual on the waning moon and you are guaranteed to lose weight.

A ritual that brings good luck

The waning moon is not able to attract money and material wealth to you. It can save you from various failures that accompany you through life. The effectiveness of these rituals is no different from the rituals performed on the waxing moon.

To perform the ritual, you need to go outside under the moonlight at midnight. If you don’t have this opportunity, look out the open window. Raise your hands up, turning them towards the moonlight. Tell the moon about your problems and failures, and then read the following prayer:

“The moon is bright, the moon is made of pure silver, the moon is waning, the moon takes all my troubles and difficulties with it. Just as the moon dissolves in a dark night, so there is new hope and new luck will be born. Amen".

Then return home and sleep. In a dream, imagine your future life– without problems, without complications, without illnesses and failures. Along with getting rid of everything unnecessary, you will attract material wealth, success, luck, money, health and well-being.

Healing and energizing ritual

This ritual is necessary for those people who want the following:

  • Heal from a serious illness.
  • Cleanse your body of toxins, waste and negativity.
  • Improve your mood and cheer up.
  • Charge your body with cosmic energy.

To perform the ritual, you definitely need to be alone. Find a quiet, secluded place where you won't be disturbed. The ritual is performed in good mood. Under no circumstances should you begin the ritual in a depressed or depressed mood. Place any blanket on the floor or ground. It depends on the location you choose. Say the spell quietly:

“Just as the earth is forever strong, young and healthy, so I, the servant of God (name), will be healthy and strong. Just as the earth gives strength to all living things, just as all plants and animals are born from the earth, so I will gain strength and cleanse myself of everything unnecessary. My words are strong, just as Mother Earth is strong, as I said, so she will do. Amen".

When casting a spell, imagine how you are filled with energy, cleansed of everything unnecessary, become younger and healed from diseases.

This ritual works best on your body in spring or early summer. It is during this period that the main growth of all living things occurs, the earth is filled with solar energy and warmed up with its heat.

Rituals to attract money

Take a comfortable position, take a raw chicken egg in your hand and roll it all over your body. This is how the process of self-cleansing of the body occurs. If you have a specific place where the pain is located, roll the egg in that exact place.

Take a felt-tip pen and write the following words on the egg:

“Healing comes, illnesses go away. I am healthy".

Next, you need to put the egg in a bag and throw it in the trash. Try to throw it so that it breaks.

Ritual from a “streak of bad luck” that attracts money

It's strong enough magical ritual. Such a ritual is necessary for a person to give him confidence to achieve his goals. It is carried out once a year and in no case more often.

For the ritual you will need pure water, drawn from a spring or source. Place a container of water in front of an open window overnight. In the morning, wash your face with a small amount of water. Dry your face in a natural way without using a towel, and then read the spell:

Such a ritual will attract good luck, success, prosperity, money, health and everything that you yourself desire.

Rituals are very important in modern life. Someone wants to recover from a disease, someone wants to become more successful, earn big money, someone needs to cleanse the body of waste and toxins, and someone’s dream is to lose weight. Our desires are varied. But they all have one thing in common - the waning phase of the moon.


When the brilliant disk gradually decreases, life-giving energy seems to leave the planet. This is the time for the earth to “exhale.” You know, you can compare it with the process of breathing, but with energy. That is, the life-giving force previously came to the planet, bringing with it what was needed for development. Everything useful from this “wave” has already been used and processed. The time has come to “release” the excess (like carbon dioxide from the lungs).

  1. This results in a planetary movement of energies. Can you imagine how powerful this flow is? Every month the earth pushes away what is unnecessary, harmful, no longer needed, and used up.
  2. A little person only has to “hook up” his problems to this huge current, and they will be blown away like the wind.
  3. Therefore, conspiracies for the waning moon have the goal of freeing a person from negativity, throwing into the planetary cleansing stream that which interferes with happiness.

If you do it right, life will be much easier. And if you make a mistake in something, you will still win, you just have to wait for the result. The whole planet cooperates with you in solving your problems, remember this.


Having started practicing magic, a person is obliged to study the phases of the lunar cycle. It is very important. If you confuse them, you will become the source of your own troubles and problems. Those who are not yet particularly versed in the subject are advised to consult a reliable source. If conspiracies must be pronounced on the waning Moon, then strictly observe this rule. After all, the words of the conspiracy awaken certain forces that can only help at this moment.

  • You see, if you involve them in your life at another time, they may not only not help, but also harm. Like a person who asks for directions to the library at three in the morning.
  • What will he do? If he gets it, he can beat him. Why are you waking up in the middle of the night? So are magical sources. If you call them at the wrong time, you might get hit in the face.
  • Conspiracies for the waning moon, unless otherwise indicated, are read specifically on the celestial disk. That is, you must look at it, or get into its dim light.

Sounds must be saturated with energy emanating from the satellite. Then the effectiveness of the ritual increases significantly. Please note that the Moon may appear in the sky not only at night. Sometimes it is visible before sunset. This means that the plot is read in the light of day. Be sure to check with lunar calendar, since without special training it is difficult to visually determine the phase of the moon.


For everyone: a cleansing ritual

Try to plan general cleaning precisely during the waning moon. While you begin to shovel the trash out of the house, say the following words:

“I drive all the trash, dust and dirt out of the house, I invite cleanliness! Departing moon, take away what harms me! Take it to the stars, remove it from the earth!”

Say the words randomly, several times. And when the luminary appears in the sky, read this plot to him seven times in a row. It is important to do this under open air(without obstacles in the form of glass). You will see for yourself how much easier it will be to breathe. Those who practice this ritual say that life becomes much “cleaner,” not only in the physical sense. Negative emotions, deceitful friends, and especially enemies, leave a person.

Waning moon spell for alcoholism

A completely new towel is required for the ceremony. It is hung under the moon all night. Be sure to ensure that the moonlight falls on the piece of fabric. Hang and read three times:

“The servant of God (name) wipes himself with a towel, the craving for vodka is collected from him, absorbed in a rag, but does not go away. Everything sits here, accumulates. It takes seven days to get rid of it, but each time it is freed from hardship. The week will pass and you will be as healthy as holy water. Amen!"

Give this towel to the alcoholic early in the morning. Just let him wipe himself with it. And after seven days it needs to be burned. The effectiveness of the conspiracy is very great. Try to perform the ritual on the first day of waning, so that the entire week falls during this phase.

Waning moon spell from a grumpy wife

This ritual is performed so that the person living next to you stops swearing and grumbling all the time. It is clear that the ritual affects not only women. That's just what it's called. Prepare a jar of spring water (you can also get it from the tap, but it won’t be as strong). Place it so that the moon is immersed in the liquid. Say:

“A drop by drop of water enters the body of Slave (name), kills all his anger, and fills him with joy. Whoever drinks this water will lead the whole world with him with his affection and kindness! A drop of water - a lot of kindness, no quarrels or insults more view! Amen!"

Leave the jar under the moon until the morning. And then add a couple of drops to the grumpy family member’s tea (any drink). They need to drink all the water. Do not stop taking the “medicine” for a day until it runs out.


There are rituals that, so to speak, “do not have retroactive effect.” That is, once you do it, it will be impossible to redo it.

  1. Most often these are rituals of black magic aimed at destruction. For example, when the moon is waning, you can break off someone else’s relationship.
  2. Keep in mind, if you take on something like this, that this is a great sin. You will ruin people’s lives, and you will introduce serious dissonance into yours.
  3. Most often, such conspiracies are read by old women, those whom people call witches among themselves.

Quarrel on the waning moon

You need to take a handful of salt, pour it into your (not new) handkerchief, put it in the moonlight and read the following words once:

“I will quarrel (names) with witch’s salt! I will dissolve friendship (we choose what we need according to the meaning), I will sow enmity. As soon as I throw salt between (name), the friendship will perish!”

Tie the scarf right away, but leave it under the moon. On the second day, you really need to spread the salt between these people. Not necessarily all of it, a few grains are enough for a “black cat” to form between them.

Money is the basis of the conspiracy

Did you know that life situations, physiological and psychological health, financial well-being, emotional state and even desires are guided by the Moon. And it’s not a matter of mysticism; many of the properties of the earth’s satellite are explained by physics: the lunar gravitational and magnetoelectric influence on the planet and people.

The lunar circle consists of several phases:

  • new moon;
  • growing;
  • full moon;
  • decreasing.

Each position of the celestial body affects our life, the state of the body and soul, actions and their consequences. However, it is also important which zodiac sign the Moon passes through.

The strength and effectiveness of using magic depends on the above factors. Knowledgeable people coordinate their plans with the lunar calendar. And experienced magicians know how internal energy flows depend on the position of the Moon in the sky, and they know how to correctly distribute them.

Lunar phases: their positive and negative effects

In my practice, I have repeatedly encountered cases when a magician trainee, without having studied the subject reliably, began to read conspiracies for money, love and luck at inappropriate times. lunar phase. As a result, clients, personal happiness, finances and success not only did not come into life, but even what existed disappeared.

It is important that the magical effect, let’s say, on the ether is provided not only correctly, but also on time. It is known for certain that:

The new moon is characterized by minimal energetic influence. During this period, it is not customary to perform magical rituals or read conspiracies. It is better to use this time to make plans;

  1. The waxing Moon promotes multiplication, attraction, increase, growth. This time is the best time for making ritual and magical instruments, amulets, and amulets. On the young moon you need to read conspiracies to attract clients, on successful trading, influx of money, improved health, love. If there are no plans to carry out magical effects during this period, then it is recommended to accumulate energy for the future.
  2. The full moon is a good period for creating rituals. Energy flows from the satellite are the most powerful, and magical actions are the most effective. Positive or negative impact(depending on the purpose of the magic being performed) will be the most powerful and complete.
  3. On the waning moon, conspiracies are read to cut off, destroy, get rid of unnecessary, negative, bad things. At this time, it is the best way to get rid of illnesses, enemies, unhappy love, poverty and failures. It is important to remember that during the waning moon you cannot lend or borrow money, apply for loans, invest in business projects or start new businesses.

The waxing Moon helps to multiply, attract, increase, grow

As you understand, the program for attracting clients embedded in the conspiracy will not work if the ritual is performed on the waning moon. Or it will work, but on the contrary, it will cut off the source of income and business development.

Money plot

To attract money into life, you need not only to work hard, but also to competently exercise magical influence on the world. The Universe does not know how to say no; it has an answer to everyone’s desire. If carried out correctly magic ritual and adjust your own thinking, additional financial aid will come to you out of nowhere: a promotion, a bonus, winning the lottery, a substantial inheritance, an idea for writing a bestseller, and so on.

  • As you already understand, rituals are prepared for the waning moon not to attract everything positive, but to cut off the unnecessary. Thus, conspiracies will be to ward off unreliable clients and partners, to get rid of poverty, debts and financial failures.
  • As a rule, a spell for the waning moon does not require the use of special ritual devices. As a last resort, use water, a candle or coppers.
  • A money plot is made using change from a wallet. Take out all the coins you have in your wallet, purse, or just in your pockets. Hold it in your right hand. Look at the waning Moon and say (memorize the spell ahead of time):

“Go to the beggar’s small change and copper and take my poverty with you. The beggar will drink and walk, and wither in poverty. I give change from the master’s purse, I bring the wealth back to my house. From now on I don’t know poverty, I live in wealth. My word is strong and molds to me. Key. Language. Lock. Amen".

The next morning, be sure to go to the church and distribute coppers to those asking for alms. You only need to give the coins right hand. You will see the result already on the waxing moon.

Spell against a streak of bad luck - attracts money

It is better to perform a magical ritual in the warm season, and you will understand why. For the conspiracy you will need spring water. It should be left in an open container overnight. open window. During this time, it is imbued with lunar energy and acquires magical properties. You can’t drink water, but you need to wash your face with it the next morning. There is no need to wipe moisture from your face and chest - let it dry naturally. Then read the plot:

“Mother, you, water, are pure and cold, like gold you are valuable, like silver you are precious. Just as water washes mountains and spills over wide open spaces, so it will wash away all bad luck, all failures and evil slander from me, the servant of God (name). It will wash away impurities from a clean body, with white body, from all a hundred joints, from the malice of those who meet and cross, from a black sorcerer, from a dark witch, from an old white man, and from an old woman, from evil eyes, and from vain speeches. Big beluga, you are a friend of clean water, you sharpened your iron teeth on stones, you took care of your tin eyes, you swam in all the waters of the seas and oceans, help me too, drive away all evil, bring good into the life of God’s servant (name). Let it be so. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The next morning you need to wash your face with spring water.

Important! The ritual will help you achieve your goals, ward off failures from business and work, and add confidence and strength for new achievements. But, but you can read the plot no more than once a year.

Ritual for lack of money

Poverty is not a vice, the vice is the unwillingness to change the situation. If you feel that the lack of money in your family is like evil rock, you can’t get rid of this, no matter how hard you work, then try reading the conspiracy against lack of money.

  • Here you will need church candle and any old thing, which you personally associate with poverty. This could be a tattered T-shirt with holes, pants with patches, a tattered bag, or boots that have been repaired many times.
  • Armed with the necessary tool for the ritual, wait until any Sunday on the waning moon (symbolizes ending, completion) and begin to cast a spell.
  • Carry out the ritual completely alone - no one and nothing should interfere, not even a domestic cat or dog. Light a candle and place or place an old item of your choice next to it.
  • First, read the discretionary prayer that you like, and only then proceed to the ritual of getting rid of lack of money. Say the words:

“All my poverty and misery, all my actions and thoughts leading to lack of money, go entirely into this subject. I cleanse myself of everything bad, get rid of what prevents me from becoming rich, and put an end to the old life without abundance. My word is strong. Key. Lock. Language".

While reciting the plot, cross the rag. Afterwards, hold your gaze for a while on the candle flame and imagine how new, expensive items, clothes, and how banknotes, tickets to resorts and other items from a prosperous life come to replace the old thing from “poverty.” You need to extinguish the candle with water or your fingers, but do not blow it out.

You need to throw away the old rags immediately after the end of the ritual. Take him out to trash can and place it next to it. Leave without looking back.

You need to throw away the old rags immediately after the end of the ritual.

Getting rid of debts

Debts and loans always leave your wallet empty, mentally exhausting, and drain all your energy. To get rid of this scourge, the main thing is to open the energy flows within yourself and allow money to float to you like a deep river. After all, it is because of the fear of money that many remain poor. It's a paradox, but it is true.

There are several effective rituals for getting rid of debts. For the first one, you need to arm yourself with leaves and a pen. On each piece of paper, write the name of the person or bank to whom you owe money. Please also indicate the exact amount down to the penny. You need to read the plot separately over each piece of paper:

“Dear... (name of whom they owe). I thank you for your help in difficult times and pay off my debt in full. Now I am calm, for now I am in abundance, and my income is enough to live in wealth and fully repay your kindness. My word is strong. Key. Lock. Language".

Afterwards, all notes with debts must be burned. In this way, you will mentally and psychologically set yourself up in a positive mood and take the burden of obligation off your shoulders. Money will flow in from sources you never imagined.

Another way using coins. For the ritual, prepare 32 small denomination coins. On the Killing Moon, you will go out at night to the crossroads of two roads. Nobody should see you. Standing in the center, throw a pair of coins in each of the four directions and say:

“I don’t throw away change, but I drive away my lack of money. Let it go into the forests, abyss and deep sea away from me, from my family and my home. Go, lack of money, into the distant distance, to a place from which you will never return. Amen".

You need to make four circles of prayer for each. When the change is over, turn around and go home. Don't look back and don't talk to anyone. The result of the conspiracy will manifest itself with the growing Moon.

And remember, you cannot treat money as the highest value. This is just a tool for fulfilling your plans. Release them easily (but deliberately), and the bills will flow to you even more easily.

Fighting alcoholism during the waning moon

There are many conspiracies that allow you to fight the green serpent. For many centuries, healers have been performing a special ritual with a white towel.

To complete this you will need a new towel. At night you should open the window and say three times:

A person suffering from alcoholism should use a charmed towel all week. The rest of the family should not touch the towel. A week later, the towel is buried in a remote place (where people do not walk) or burned. You can also try other conspiracies for alcoholism, which will help enhance the effect of the magical effect.

From bad luck

To attract good luck, you need to read conspiracies for the growing moon. As you know, the new month is a symbol of everything new in human life. But rituals during the waning moon phase are carried out not to attract success, but to eliminate an existing problem.

  1. Need to get rid of chronic bad luck? In this case, with the advent
  2. During the moon, leave your house or sit near an open window.
  3. Stretch out your hands to the night luminary and tell it about the adversities that worry you.
  4. Then read the conspiracy for the waning moon:

After finishing reading, go home and get ready for bed, thinking that your problems are over and great success awaits you from now on!

If there is a black streak

There are magic spells that are very powerful. Such conspiracies can be read only once during the year.

Take a bowl, fill it with water (preferably spring water or melt water), and place a silver item at the bottom. The container should stand on the window overnight. Then read the following spell on the water:

“Great mother moon! Send me good luck for this day and for this night, for this month and for coming year! So that I don’t know troubles, sorrows and worries! I conjure you with the power of the wind and the wisdom of the earth!”

But it’s better to try to read the spell in the original. You need to wash your face with the enchanted water, and pour the rest of the liquid onto the ground. Do not drink this water under any circumstances! She takes everything into herself energy negativity. In this way you can remove the damage caused.

Weight loss ritual

This ritual is also performed during the waning moon phase. Prepare one potato and a few anise seeds. Take a new knife and peel the vegetable. Then you should cut out a number on its surface that will indicate the number of kilograms you want to get rid of. Subsequently, a human figurine is cut out of the vegetable, and a lock of one’s own hair is glued to its head. The last action is aimed at establishing a magical connection between the figure and you.

  • Using a knife, areas of desired weight loss are marked on the figure. Then a mouth is cut out on the blank, into which several anise seeds are placed.
  • The choice of plant is not accidental, because anise is known to be an excellent appetite suppressant. The figurine hides in a secret place. Just remember that you can’t bury it in the ground!
  • There is one more good plot for weight loss during the waning moon.

It is not necessary to do it at night, the main thing is during the period when the Moon is waning. You will need a piece of paper and a pen, three banknotes (not necessarily large denominations, but 10 rubles each), and a new envelope. Write the following phrase on a piece of paper:

Then put the note in an envelope, seal it and take it to church on Sunday. Place your message in the donation box. In about a month, on the next waning moon, your weight will begin to gradually melt away. This has been tested many times famous people, show business stars and politicians. Magic sometimes works inexplicable miracles!

Water is a magical remedy for weight loss

Excess weight is a problem for many people. We offer an effective conspiracy for the waning moon to lose weight (you should read it completely alone). You will need water. The ritual is performed using not ordinary tap or store water, but taken from a natural reservoir. If you don’t have a river or lake in your city, then wait for it to rain and collect a glass of rainwater. It is best if you have spring water at your disposal.

So, here is a conspiracy for the waning moon to lose weight, you need to read it three times, in the bathroom or in your bedroom:

The spell is cast in a good mood. During the ritual, imagine your body the way you want it to be. Wipe your body with water in problem areas (those that need to lose weight). The main thing is to believe in the power of natural water, the stronger the desire to get rid of excess weight, the more likely the plot will work.

Rejuvenation ritual

This ritual is performed in a quiet, deserted place, for example, outside the city. Having reached the desired place, lay the cloth you took with you directly on the ground and lie down. Lie still, looking at the sky, and then turn slightly.

When you roll over onto your stomach, you will need to stand still for a few minutes. Then you need to return to the starting position and read the plot:

When performing the ritual, you should imagine that the planet is giving you its power, and you yourself are getting rid of everything unnecessary, and at the same time becoming younger. As a rule, the ceremony is carried out from late spring to mid-summer. At this time, the earth is warm enough and easily gives back to man its strength accumulated over the winter.

Conspiracy for successful trading

Few people know that the waning moon helps get rid of financial problems and financial difficulties, and also contributes to the successful sale of goods. The ritual is performed on Wednesday or Saturday. On this day, you should come early to the place of trade (shop, office, trading tent) and read the money plot for the waning moon:

Ritual for healing

Prepare a blue marker, a paper or plastic bag and a fresh chicken egg.

The egg should lie in a darkened room for an hour. Then you should enter the room, undress and lie down on the bed. The next step is to take the egg and roll it all over the body. Special attention should be given to sore areas. In this way you can get rid of papillomas, warts and age spots. While performing the ritual, you need to think that the disease is leaving you.

Then you need to take a marker and put the following inscription on the egg:

"Purgo Sordes, Non Renuntiat Omnibus Malis"

This line can be translated into Russian as “I cleanse the filth, I renounce all evil.” According to legend, such an inscription decorated the staff of the first Pope.

At the end of the ritual, the egg must be placed in a bag and taken away from your home. The bag should be thrown on the ground in such a way that the egg is sure to break.

Love drain from an induced love spell

Many people are interested in which moon to make drying spells on - waxing or waning? It has been verified that lapel rituals on the waning moon are carried out especially successfully. This period is ideal for breaking ties, so lapels and other rituals for quarrels are incredibly powerful.

  • If necessary, to get rid of the spell of love, the following ritual is performed. Prepare matches, a church candle and new needles.
  • In a deserted place, dig a hole and stick 9 needles into it. As you insert each needle, imagine that the person you are interested in is getting rid of the love spell.
  • Then you need to bury the hole, straighten up to your full height and say:

Leave without looking back, don’t talk to anyone along the way. The person targeted love spell, will be freed from magical influence within a month. Usually this conspiracy helps to get rid of a rival in love.

Rituals for the waning moon for love

You can also cast a love spell on the waning moon. If you need to bewitch a man who is not paying attention to you, then do this. When the moon begins to turn into a month, prepare a decoction of herbs.

  1. Take some dried wild chamomile flowers, thyme, rose petals, and a little orange zest. You should get one handful of mixture in total.
  2. Before sunset, brew it in a clay cup with boiling water, let it brew until it cools completely.
  3. You can add one teaspoon of honey to your tea. It is important that the cup with the decoction stands on the windowsill until the moon appears.

Then, when evening comes, drink three sips of the resulting tea. Repeat your lover's name to yourself with each sip. The energy of the waning night luminary will give you confidence in your abilities and help you attract the attention of your loved one.

When performing this simple but effective ritual (tested several times!), it is not at all necessary to read prayers and conspiracies for love. The main thing is to trust the magical power natural phenomena. Remember that the Moon is not only a celestial body, but also a faithful assistant in love affairs!

The influence of the phases of the night star was confirmed by our ancestors and modern scientists. Conspiracies for the waning moon are considered one of the most powerful magical actions to attract money, health and love. Not all of those presented are white magic, and you need to prepare for them. The speed of the result depends on the person and the readiness to perform the rituals.

Rules for waning moon spells

Rituals for the waning phase were used back in the 15-16th century, when the only means of obtaining wealth and love was considered to be the attraction of otherworldly forces. In addition to prayers and conspiracies, legends and omens were popular. Before casting spells during the magical period of the outgoing moon, it is advised not to cut your hair or borrow money.

In order for the outcome of the magical event to please you, you need to follow the basic requirements:

  1. On the eve of the ritual, do not eat fatty or heavy foods;
  2. Read “Our Father” 3 times, so a person will completely cleanse his energy;
  3. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the lunar calendar;
  4. Carry out alone;
  5. The moonlight should be directed through the window, this increases efficiency.

You should also carefully read the conspiracy and the procedure for its execution. If performed incorrectly or not prepared, the ritual may not work, or at worst, have the opposite effect.

Waning moon spells for money

Increasing wealth is one of the desires of any person. Rituals for the waning phase of the moon have magical power which affects: attracting clients, receiving sudden funds, searching for cash offers. Appeals are directed not to the bright side, but to neutral forces.

Before performing it, you need to cleanse yourself of bad things: thoughts, put on new clothes, take a shower or bath. You also need to clearly define your desire and formulate it verbally.

The result depends only on who will perform the magical action.

A simple money scam

A spell to attract money into your home does not require any additional equipment. It works to eliminate everything unnecessary from life and influences a quick increase in wealth. On a full moon, you need to take coins, sit in front of the moonlight and read the plot:

“Coppers and change, go to the poor man. Take my poverty, give it to others, my misfortune will go away, and it will bring wealth with it. My word is strong."

The coins must be distributed to the poor in the morning. You can expect an increase in your wallet at any time. The procedure can be repeated several times to enhance the effect.

Ancient ritual

The conspiracy against poverty should be carried out in the warm season; you will need spring water and an open vessel. The taken liquid is placed in a container and left overnight near the window. You can't drink it or eat it. It is advised to wash your face and while the moisture dries, you need to read the spell:

“Mother Voditsa, you are as precious as gold, pure as silver. Wash away from my face all adversity, protection from envious tongues, from evil people. Bring good and bright things into life, help you find the right path. Say Amen three times."

As a result, the following opportunities will appear: lucrative job, transfer of funds, inheritance.

Fading moon spell for good luck

There is such a thing as a “lucky person”, and it is not always personal qualities. People often resort to magic to improve their living conditions. Using simple spells, you can... If we consider luck from a practical point of view, it is the best way, to obtain the desired result.

The formulation includes all areas of life: money, love, health. You can perform the ritual at home or by contacting a professional. In everyday life, simpler actions are performed with a positive attitude. By giving preference to a magician, the client can receive the influence of dark or light forces. In any case, the outcome should be positive for the client.

Success and water

The spell for success is read on water, and has amazing properties: remembering information, changing the molecular composition due to energy influence. Spring or well water is used for the ceremony. You will also need three church candles, which are lit when performing the ritual on the waning moon. Take a clean pan and pour water.

They form a triangle around with candles and read the words:

“I will have both love and happiness. The water washes away bad weather, success attracts me. Amen"

After that, they go to the bathroom and douse themselves with the charmed water. The magical effect to attract good luck is performed once.

Mirror and luck

The ritual for luck is performed using a mirror. Please note that the influence of mirrors and addressing it can cause negative consequences. The mirror can be of any size and shape. You need to stand with your back to it and catch the reflection of the moon on yourself. Say the spell three times:

“Sister Moon, deliver me from adversity and poverty. Amen"

The ritual will get rid of negative attitudes, help you acquire a positive attitude and open up to new achievements. This could be a promotion career ladder, the possibility of additional income.

Luck will not be easy, but this way the spell will work.

Love spells during the waning phase of the moon

Love is a vivid feeling for the sake of which rash actions are taken. Before performing rituals, it is worth remembering: they can lead to changes in character, passivity, and have a strong energetic influence. If performed incorrectly, it can lead to serious illness and even death.

They are carried out completely alone, using magical paraphernalia.

Accurate execution of reading conspiracies guarantees attraction of love and attention.

Before starting the ritual, cleansing should be carried out. You can go to church or read the Our Father at home.

Spells are divided by gender, that is, male and female texts. Separation is necessary due to the different energies that come from the sexes. Therefore, trying rituals intended for women on a man is not recommended.

Attracting men's love

A simple one is performed using two photographs (of your beloved and yours), a church candle and any writing object. It is carried out on the waning moon in the evening or midnight. The woman must sit in complete darkness and light a candle. Place a photograph of your loved one in front of you and recite the plot three times:

“Just as clear stars love the moon, so you (his name) cannot live without me.”

Write 3 wishes that you would like to make with this person. Thoughts need to be formed in a positive way, with good intentions. After that, drip hot wax onto the photo and glue the second photo. Hide in a secluded place and do not separate, even in the event of a quarrel or offense.

To remove the effect, you will need a reverse procedure called “lapeling.” The object of love will cease to feel affection and will not experience problems in the future.

Ritual for a woman's love

The most powerful spell for a woman’s love is a ceremony in a cemetery. During the waning phase of the night luminary, you need to go to the cemetery at night and find the recent burial of the namesake of your beloved woman. Then return home and wash your hands and face thoroughly. On the second night, go with a photograph of your beloved, carefully bury it on the grave, read the plot:

“You, deceased (name of the deceased), no longer walk on earth. My beloved walks, but not next to me. I pray to you, the deceased (name), for help and blessings. Let her be next to me and forget about others. If you don’t fulfill my request, you won’t go to heaven.”

Then leave the cemetery without looking back at the other graves. On the way, do not pay attention to unnecessary sounds and people passing by; when you return home, take a swim and immediately go to bed. For thirty days, attend church and light candles for the repose of the dead. The result will show itself as soon as the photo begins to turn into dust.

Separation spell

A quarrel is a magical action aimed at returning a spouse to the family or taking him away from it. In the case of mistresses, the rollback can be strong, so it is recommended to place a protective block. With wives, everything is simpler - their actions are initially aimed at a good cause. The ritual will not work if the family connection is too strong or if both of the couple are happy. The energy barrier in such relationships is strong, which helps to “repel” negative energy.

When using salt, exactly at midnight, you need to scatter it on the table with a neat handful and say the words:

“Let the Servant of God (his name) turn away from his rival, they will only have fights and quarrels. Salt will help me cool his heart for (her name). He doesn’t look at her, he comes to me.”

They are taken to the bedroom and left under the bed until the morning. At dawn, go to the house where your mistress lives with her husband, or wife, and pour salt right under the threshold.

Conspiracies for the waning month for success in trading

Rituals on good trade can be classified as rituals for good luck or getting money. Some of them work on . They consist of daily conspiracies that help sell goods faster. As a means of distracting envious eyes, a red thread is used, which is charmed before the start of the working day.

Selling to the first client, even at a small discount, is considered a good sign in trading. The proceeds are kept until the end of the day and given to the last buyer. This applies to small retail, where the performer of the spells is constantly at the workplace. The situation is completely different for those who want to sell real estate or large assets.

Witchcraft for selling real estate

During the waning moon phase it is considered the strongest in its class. Strict confidentiality must be maintained during execution. No one should find out about the ritual, otherwise the deal will not take place. The plot is taken from the arsenal of White Magic and has only a positive effect.

Before you start, purchase seven candles in the church. At midnight, you need to light all the candles and place them on the floor around you in the form of a circle. Say the magic text:

“I light church candles - they help me in difficult matters. I want to sell my house, attract clients with my skill, and as soon as they cross the threshold, the money will come to me. The candles are burning out, but my luck helps me in transactions.”

After this, collect the remains, including wax, and wrap in white paper. Take it to the nearest tree and place the package under it.

Magic for selling things, goods

The text for successful trading is used only for inanimate objects. If you need to quickly sell an animal, then. In relation to things, after sunset they pronounce the spell for the goods only once:

“Just as a living thing cannot live without water, so a buyer cannot live without (name of thing). Amen".

Afterwards, go to bed and wait for buyers at dawn. The result can show itself within one month. Next you need to repeat the procedure 2 times.

Fading moon spells for thinness and beauty

Words for losing weight quickly will be effective when the performer takes any action - diet, sports. You won't be able to wait while lying on the couch. Appearance is one of the components happy life, attracting a partner into your life and finding harmony with yourself. Also, excess weight can affect your health and lead to obesity.

Besides physical activity and nutrition correction, you can turn to otherworldly forces. Spells for the waning moon will take away adversity and sorrow, clearly fulfilling your dream. Should be performed in accordance with the instructions provided.

Ritual with water

A magical text pronounced over a glass of water or a jar is one of the simplest rituals. They take blessed water in a jar, open it on the full moon and say the spell seven times:

“As the water flows away, so does my fullness leave. The moon is waning in the sky, it helps me. Let everything that exists dissolve, dissolve in me.”

Infuse for exactly seven days and take a sip during the new moon. You can repeat it as many times as the goal requires. In addition to its energy properties, the liquid has a positive effect on health.

The end result will appear after the performer begins to do exercises and monitor nutrition - the weight will melt.

Hex on salt

The food flap has a magical effect that must be broken over time. Long-term use is harmful to health and can cause psychological problems. It is performed on salt and has a quick effect. From a new pack of salt, pour a small amount into a wooden bowl, and repeat the words three times:

“Fullness, leave me - leave the hips and belly. Amen".

Salt is used to prepare food for the person who performed the ritual. If the result is not satisfactory, you can repeat the procedure again. Maximum amount- three.

Spell for the waning of the moon against alcoholism and bad habits

Alcoholism has destructive power, and the alcoholic’s loved ones, his social life, and his career suffer. Any misfortune can affect the regular desire to drink alcohol: from dismissal to critical situations (illness, death of relatives). Not everyone can withstand the blows of fate, so alcohol and drugs are used.

Sometimes the reason may be envy or damage that was sent by ill-wishers. At home, on the waning moon, you can perform several rituals that will relieve addiction. In critical situations, you should contact a specialist or a drug treatment clinic.

Continuing treatment on your own, in the absence of obvious changes, is not recommended.

Ritual for alcoholism

The ritual to prevent the husband from drinking is carried out using a clean towel at midnight. You need to open the window, place a towel under the light of the waning moon, and read the plot 3 times:

“Help, O shining light of the night, to the Servant of God (his name), to get rid of drunkenness. Let his illnesses go away and turn into a towel. Strength and health will come to him. My will is strong, and my word is strong.”

Duration of implementation and use is seven days. Exactly during this period, the alcoholic should lose interest in drinking.

At the end of the week, take the towel to the forest and bury it; if this is not possible, simply burn it.

Prayer and help from saints

Holy water is used, which was recently brought from the church. The spell is read 33 times for it to take effect. This method is used during magical practices and at a reception with professional magicians. Water is added drop by drop to any alcohol. Read the prayer:

“I pray for the Servant of God (name) to all the Saints. I ask for help in getting rid of drunkenness and bad habits. Let his body not be able to accept alcohol, and within seven days it will completely forget. Amen (three times)."

If everything is done correctly, within the specified period the craving for alcoholic beverages will disappear.

Wellness spells for the waning moon

The waning moon can even heal. You can wish health to yourself or your loved ones. Conducted specially strong rituals, which help restore vitality and drive away illness.

Hex to cleanse

This practice is used in many religions and denominations. Lie on the ground, covered with a soft cloth in advance. Lie down for a few minutes, trying to imagine how all the troubles leave the body. Turning to the sky, say a conspiracy:

“The earth gives me purity and strength. Like her, I am a Servant of God (name), I will be healed of my illnesses. Gives me strength, as it does to all living things: crawling and flying. I pray for health and prosperity. Amen"

The ritual is carried out in the warm season, when the earth has warmed up sufficiently.

The ideal time is early summer or late spring.

Youth in the waning moon and the spell

Beauty is what feats are performed for. It is impossible to be young and beautiful forever, but maintaining a good appearance is quite possible. To do this, you can resort to influence External Forces. There are several ways to implement your idea. The simplest one is to use the right images, visualize what you want and direct the energy towards Light Magic.

It was used in ancient times by our ancestors. Take milk, a spoon of liquid honey and a towel. At midnight, on the waning moon, sit opposite the window and pour milk into clean dishes. Think about the flaws in your appearance, imagine how they all disappear. Eat a spoonful of honey and say the spell:

“As milk is white, so is my face pure. Honey gives strength: your braids turn golden, your eyes sparkle with happiness. To be beautiful and stately for me, attractive to guys. Let it be so"

Drink half, and wash the third. Let the milk dry and then wipe it off with a damp towel. Give the remaining milk to a stray cat in the morning.

Are spells dangerous during the waning moon?

The waning moon is a time of change, the search for a new and interesting event. It affects mental and physical health. During the waning phase

We will consider in detail love spells for the waning moon - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

The moon plays a huge role in love magic. All love spells and lapel rituals are performed taking into account the phases of the night luminary.

Traditionally, love spells are cast during the growing month, as this period is favorable for magical effects aimed at creation, birth, and stay. Rituals during this period help to form a new feeling. There are love spells that are cast on the full moon. The full moon helps to increase the power of the ritual. A separate group are love spells for the waning moon.

Specifics of the ritual

The energy of the waning moon is designed for destruction. Love spells performed at this time have their own specific characteristics. Its goal is not so much to attract the person being bewitched, receiving his attention and reciprocal feelings, but rather to form a persistent disgust and hostility towards other women (or men), rivals (or rivals).

Most often, such methods are used to take a husband away from the family, or to win a man away from a rival. The purpose of such a ritual is initially negative; such love spells are considered black. And any dark love spell is fraught with negative consequences.

Possible consequences

The consequences of a love spell are similar to the consequences of any black method. It can backfire in the form of the following “side effects”:

  • change in a person's character;
  • health problems, including serious illnesses and deaths;
  • psychological problems, up to the development of a stable depressive state;
  • sleep problems (insomnia and nightmares);
  • mental problems, even insanity;
  • severe energy depletion;
  • addiction to bad habits (alcoholism, drug addiction).

The consequences listed above are common to all black love spells. A love spell on the waning moon, taken separately, can result in the following manifestations:

  • on the part of the bewitched - disgust towards the performer of the ritual;
  • a dark streak in the life of the love spell performer (a sharp deterioration in affairs);
  • problems with the reproductive organs.

Despite the high likelihood of negative consequences, such rituals are highly effective.

Ways to cast love spells on the waning moon

Using photography: method one

To perform this ritual, prepare photograph of a person the one you want to bewitch, 3 red church candles And a needle. The ritual is done at midnight. Procedure:

  1. Place the candles on the windowsill and light them. Stand by the window so that you can see the moon.
  2. Take a photo of your chosen one in your hands. Look at the photograph and the waning moon in turn, read the text: “Just as the night loves the moon and does not begin without it, so you, the servant of God (name of the chosen one), would love only me, (your name), your moon, be with me only, and not go to anyone else.” Say the words 3 times.
  3. After reading the plot, extinguish the candles and apply melted wax from the candles to the image of the chosen one in the photograph.
  4. Once completed, use a needle to draw a lock on the wax cast and say: “I lock it and take the key for myself. Amen".
  5. Hide the photo in a safe place, protected from prying eyes and hands. Keep it until your wedding with your chosen one.

This ritual will begin immediately after the new moon arrives.

Using photographs: method two

Prepare for the ceremony 2 photographs - yours and your chosen one, one church candle (preferably red) and a pen (felt-tip pen, pencil). The ritual is performed in complete solitude and silence, at midnight.

  1. Light a candle. Place a photograph of your chosen one in front of you. Read the plot 3 times: “Just as a clear month loves the red sun, so (the name of the chosen one) will love me, only with me.” .
  2. Turn the photograph over and write on it 3 of your deepest desires related to the person you are bewitching.
  3. Place melted candle wax on the back of the photo, then glue it to your photo.
  4. Hide the glued photographs in a secluded and safe place so that no one else can find or see them.

White Rite

This love spell is not tied to a specific lunar phase, so it can also be performed on a waning month. Its advantage is that it belongs to the arsenal of white magic, which means it is relatively safe, but no less effective. For his work, prepare photograph of the chosen one, wash in the sauna or take a bath (shower). After water procedures, say a photograph of the person being bewitched while reading the following words:

“With pure thoughts and bright thoughts, kind words, clean hands, loving eyes, I ask you, angel Gopoloya, you know everything, you see everything. What is in my beloved’s soul, look, look into his clear eyes, read his thoughts. Gopoloya, help me, as you help everyone in love. Let the beloved love me, let him worry about me, let him be jealous of me, let him love me alone and desire me alone. Gopoloya, help me, for you alone know how hard it is for me without him.”

This method has almost instant results.

See also an interesting video about rituals for the waning moon:

Conspiracies for the waning moon. What conspiracies are read on the waning moon?


Proven and instant conspiracies and rituals for the waning moon are a very popular topic. A love spell for everyone, in order to remove this gap, opened a separate topic of answers and the most common questions, answering them and telling the most powerful conspiracies on the waning moon that you need to read yourself - these are time-tested and people-tested rites and rituals with reading conspiracies on the waning moon.

Let's start with the most popular and interesting questions:

The waning moon has arrived - this is the time when certain conspiracies are endowed with the greatest power and act instantly.

  • waning moon spells for weight loss this is a proven way to quickly lose weight and remove fat in problem areas using the magic of the moon aimed at losing weight;
  • love spells for the waning moon are usually aimed at a rival for separation and cooling of her love feelings, as well as reconciliation and the return of her beloved to herself;
  • money spell for the waning moon read independently from poverty for good luck and financial well-being, will send the one who read it a lot of money and wealth. You can read this conspiracy but trade for good luck and success in any trading business when trading a wide variety of goods;
  • a spell for melancholy can be read on the waning moon if you want to attract the attention of someone you like, but does not reciprocate your feelings, so that he called or wrote;
  • Rejuvenation spells are best read on the waning moon which will help you quickly rejuvenate your appearance and look more attractive in the eyes of others beautiful and attractive;
  • waning moon spells against illness and alcoholism are such powerful and instantly effective rituals, that you can read a lot of reviews about them from those who read them and to whom they really helped, and believe me, there are a lot of such reviews.

Use right now and absolutely free of charge the most powerful and instantly active conspiracies on the waning moon, all the following rituals and conspiracies at the moment when the moon is waning do not require special preparation. Wait for the calendar phase of the waning moon and, having chosen a conspiracy or several, begin to read the conspiracies in solitude while the moon is waning in the sky.

waning moon spells for weight loss

An instant spell on water for weight loss should be read on the waning moon and to carry it out you need 200 milligrams of holy water. All existing conspiracies for weight loss should be read either in the evening after sunset or in the morning before sunrise while the waning moon is visible in the sky. Important: after you have read the weight loss plot, its effect cannot be stopped - it will stop on its own after the moon changes. Calculate your weight based on the amount you lose each day. How many grams of water you drink is how much weight you will lose per day (200 water = 200 grams of weight loss daily and that’s the maximum!). If you need to lose weight quickly, then a weight loss plot will help you with this, but for greater weight loss you will have to “sweat” by playing sports and limiting yourself in food.

As you understand the conspiracy to lose weight on water, you need to read it on the waning moon. Place a glass of water in front of you and quietly say the words of the conspiracy :

love spells and spells for the waning moon

The energy of the waning moon is perfect for enhancing rituals aimed at suppressing, weakening, destroying and any other actions of a negative nature. Thus, a love spell performed on the waning moon allows you not only to tie your lover to you, but also to break his ties with other women.

Traditionally, it is believed that the best time to cast love spells is the new moon or the nights of the waxing moon. This can be explained by the symbolism of the new moon - the birth and beginning of a new cycle. Of course, this time is perfect for starting a new love relationship. In addition, the moon has always had the highest magical properties and can significantly increase the effectiveness of any ritual.

But not only on the new moon, but also on the waning moon, love rituals can be performed.

Features of the ritual

We all know well that the phases of the moon directly affect the psychological and emotional state of a person. Each phase has its own, unique energy that can be used in divination. The energy of the waning moon is perfect for enhancing rituals aimed at suppressing, weakening, destroying and any other actions of a negative nature. Thus, a love spell performed on the waning moon allows you not only to tie your lover to you, but also to break his ties with other women. When performing such rituals yourself, you need to be extremely careful.

The ritual for the call may have only one thing.

The Moon plays not only the role of the Earth's satellite, but also...

Waning moon ritual with photo

To perform this love spell, you will need a photo of your loved one, a photo of the customer (performer), and three church candles.

Before starting the ritual, you need to make sure that no one can disturb you and nothing will distract you.

You need to turn off all means of communication (phone, computer), warn your acquaintances and friends that you will not be home that day in order to avoid unexpected guests.

After this, you need to wait until midnight, light the church candles, pick up a photograph of your lover and, looking at his face, read the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as a clear month, the sun loves red, so (beloved’s name) will love me (name), only with me.”

The plot needs to be read as many times as you are full years old. After that on back side In photographs of your lover, you need to write down your strongest desires regarding this person. At the end of the ceremony, the photograph must be securely hidden so that it does not catch the eye of anyone. In addition, it is not recommended to tell anyone about this ritual, even to your closest friends or spiritual mentors.

You need to understand that working on a waning moon requires energy output

In addition to love spells, which must be carried out in various lunar phases, there are rituals on which the state of the Earth's satellite has practically no effect. Most often this is strong love spells, held on a certain calendar day, as well as black and cemetery rituals.

Love spell on the grave

Cemetery rituals are rightfully considered strong and long-lasting, however, professionals do not advise performing such love spells on your own, since any mistake can lead to both the target of the ritual and the performer receiving a serious blow negative energy. In some cases, the rebound leads to illness and sometimes death of a person.

A very famous cemetery ritual among the people is a love spell on a grave. To carry it out, you need to come to the cemetery after sunset and find the grave of a person with the same name as the name of your lover. You should stand at the grave for a while and go home. The next night, closer to midnight, you need to take a photograph of your lover and bury it on yesterday’s grave with the words:

"You (name dead person) you lie in the grave damp, dead, cold and dumb. And my (name of loved one), alive, lives, but not with me. Give me the deceased (name) your word, your blessing, Let (the name of your loved one) be with me and forget about the other. If he is not with me, then in hell you, the dead (name) will burn, and the living (name of your beloved) will die right there.”

After saying the last words, you need to turn around and leave the cemetery, trying not to look at other graves. You can't talk to anyone on the way home, and then you have to go straight to bed. In a few days, when the photograph in the grave begins to become saturated with moisture and rot, your loved one will pay attention to you. The ritual is perfect for bringing back a departed loved one or husband.

Love spell on the waning moon: how to do it to get a man back?

Of great importance for a love spell is energy of the moon, therefore, many rituals are usually performed on the full moon or when the celestial body is in its waxing phase.

A ritual that takes place during such a period contributes to the formation of a new feeling, its effectiveness is more effective and has powerful magical powers.

In addition, love spells for a man’s love can be performed when the moon begins to wane. Witchcraft has its own specifics and causes several other emotions in humans.


The waning moon has destructive energy, so love spells that will be carried out in this period, have their own specific characteristics.

They consist in the fact that in addition to giving a young man an attitude to attract his attention and love for a specific girl, he will develop a stable feeling disgust as well as hostility to all representatives of the opposite sex.

In any case, the choice of which witchcraft to give preference remains with the girl, so she there is a huge responsibility for the fate of your loved one.

For the love of a man

The best conspiracies that are carried out when the moon is in its waning phase are black rituals. With their help you can achieve the love of a man, because love spells have enormous power influence. The main thing is not to spend them for selfish purposes, trying to attract wealth.

Before using the chosen ritual option, you should decide on the goal. Does the girl want to achieve love and long-term relationships, satisfy her sexual attraction and passion for the guy, get from young man any benefits.

If your favorite guy is already busy and dating another girl, you can force him to switch his attention with the help of a special love spell. To implement it, you should prepare:

  • fresh chicken egg, preferably from a village chicken;
  • felt-tip pen or marker of any color;
  • find out the name of the girl with whom the guy is in a relationship.

After that, as the sun disappears below the horizon, the ceremony can begin. On a chicken egg, the guy's name is written on one side and the rival's name on the other.

Then cast a spell on it using magic words: “this egg will never become a chicken, no one will ever collect its fragments, and the slave (boyfriend’s name) and slave (his girlfriend’s name) will never be together. The longing of the slave (boyfriend's name) for me will be swallowed up by the sadness of the slave (his name), he will not know peace until he comes to me, he does not love me, he will not follow me. He will love me will never let go. Amen".

The words of the conspiracy are read three times, so you should learn them by heart so that there are no hesitations. After they have been said, you should take the egg and go with him to the crossroads. Facing the moon, throw the egg onto the ground with all your might so that it breaks.

You need to return home without looking back. This ritual can also be performed if you need to return your husband from his mistress back to his wife.

When the time begins to approach midnight, you should go to the cemetery, where you try to find a fresh burial with the same name of the deceased as your loved one. You need to bow before the cross and ask for forgiveness for disturbance caused, mentally visualize the desired relationship, and then return home without saying a word or looking around. Upon entering the room, immediately go to the bathroom, where you thoroughly wash your hands and wash your face.

The next midnight, a photograph of the guy is taken, on whom a love spell is performed, and the path to the cemetery to that same grave is repeated.

A recess is dug under the cross, a photograph is placed in it, it is covered with earth with the words of the conspiracy: “you (name of the deceased) lie in damp earth, sleep peacefully. Bless me, the deceased, say a word for me. So that the slave (boyfriend's name) forgets his rival and is always only with me. And if this does not happen, then you, the deceased (name of the deceased), will suffer forever in hell, and the living (name of the guy) will die soon. Amen".

Having finished reading the plot, you must immediately leave the graveyard. All sorts of sounds and rustles will begin to be heard from everywhere. Under no circumstances should you pay attention to them, much less turn around. Otherwise you can get yourself into trouble.

When you arrive home, you need to wash your hands and face well and go to bed. Experienced magicians claim that anyone who turns around in a cemetery will see something that no one can imagine even in their worst nightmares. There is no need to test the theory.

Read on your own

For many, the ritual requires a photograph of a young man, so love magic on the waning moon is no exception. The photo should not be older than one year, plus, you need to choose an image where the chosen one is alone, without strangers or animals. In addition to the photo, you will need three red wax candles and one sewing needle.

The love spell should be carried out at midnight, strictly maintaining consistency in actions:

  • candles are placed on the windowsill and lit. The girl should position herself so that she can clearly see the moon;
  • the guy's image is picked up. You need to alternately look at the card, then at the luminary, pronouncing the magic words three times: “just as the night does not begin without the moon in the sky, so the slave (the guy’s name) cannot do without me, only the slave (his name) thinks about me, yearns , sad, doesn’t want to see anyone but me;
  • as soon as the spell is read, candles are taken one by one and melted wax is poured onto the photograph so that the image is completely covered;
  • using a needle a castle is drawn on wax with the words “the lock is locked, but I keep the key.”

The photograph should be hidden as securely as possible. No one should discover it, even by accident. This enchanted item is kept until the wedding day.

Adherents of esoteric sciences recommend that those who decide to use love spell magic for the first time should begin it precisely on the waning moon. A very simple and effective ritual with a photograph, a clay container and two wax candles in black and white. When the time on the clock begins to approach midnight, you need to sit down at a table covered with a clean tablecloth, drive away all thoughts and concentrate only at will get a lover.

A photograph of the chosen one is laid out on the table right in front of you, then it is covered with a clay container into which running water is first poured. Place a black candle on your left, and place a white candle on your right.

At midnight, light the wick of a white candle and say a spell, after wetting the fingers of your right hand in water: “as the flame of this candle burns, so does my feeling of love burn, let my beloved (boyfriend’s name) hear it.” Then the candle should be extinguished and light the black one. The words are pronounced like this: “help me, Moon, make the slave (name) burn with passion for me.”

All the water is drunk in one gulp, only then the candle is extinguished.


A love spell, which is carried out during the waning of the moon, has consequences that occur after turning to black magic. Basically these are kickbacks of this kind:

  • human character can completely change;
  • deterioration of health. Moreover, some problems are so serious that they can be fatal;
  • disturbance of the psychological state, up to to stable depression;
  • It's very difficult to sleep at night. If you still succeed, then nightmares begin to torment you;
  • discord mental state which often ends in madness;
  • a person’s energy is depleted, so he constantly feels tired and exhausted;
  • there is a craving for alcohol or drugs.

The performer of the love spell will feel the full force of the onset of a black streak in all matters. There will also be a blow to reproductive health - a woman risks becoming infertile and frigid.

Olga, Moscow: The husband suddenly demanded a divorce and left home. As it turned out later, he had a mistress, and their relationship developed rapidly. We have almost reached the division of property. I couldn’t allow this to happen; after all, we have a common business and I wasn’t going to give it to my rival. I had to use magic, because in the relationship between the spouse and his mistress, I suspect, it was not so simple either. Love spell performed on the waning moon. Soon he appeared with words of apology and explanations that he did not understand what was happening. Now I know what to do if something like this happens.

Love spells. Love spells for the moon.

The cyclic change in the phases of the Moon determines the lunar energy rhythm of human life. There is a minimum of energy at the New Moon, then an energy growth during the waxing Moon, reaching a maximum at the Full Moon, and then a decline during the waning Moon.

The effectiveness of love spells, love spells, lapels and other magical rituals and ceremonies is closely related to this lunar rhythm.

As a rule, love conspiracies during the waxing Moon are aimed at creation, and during the waning Moon they are aimed at destruction. During the Full Moon you can make a strong love spell.

On the waxing Moon, a person feels energetic and emotional uplift and is focused on creation. The waxing moon is the best time for love spells.

On a waning Moon, a person is more depressed, and, accordingly, the likelihood of destroying something in his destiny is greater than on a waxing Moon. The waning moon is the time for love spells.

On the days of the Full Moon, a person’s energy is at its maximum, and in many cases he is not able to adequately compare the ideas and plans that arise in his mind at this time with his own. real opportunities. On the days of the Full Moon, there is a great opportunity to impose a new opinion and position on a person from the outside. This is the ideal time for powerful love spells and love spells.

To effectively make love spells, you need to use the energetic rhythm of the changing phases of the Moon for your own purposes, and not act contrary to it.

In order to bewitch the Moon using love magic, proceed as follows.

Strong impact on love feelings produced on the Full Moon.

On the waning Moon, lovers' lapels and conspiracies for fidelity in love are carried out.

So, starting on the New Moon, in one lunar month you can perform a full cycle of love spells and correlate them with the phases of the Moon.

The appearance of a thin crescent Moon in the sky and the daily constant growth of the Moon as the origin and growth of love feelings.

Full moon like a cup of love filled to the brim.

The waning moon is like closing a lock connecting two loving hearts.

In order to return a loved one, it is necessary to carry out several more conspiracies.

Love spells and spells for love on the New Moon (days of Hecate)

An effective love spell on the New Moon should be aimed at attracting the attention of a loved one, promoting closer acquaintance, mutual sympathy and the emergence of feelings of love.

During the New Moon, the illuminated part of the lunar disk is not visible from Earth. Therefore, the days of the New Moon are called dark days or days of Hecate - ancient greek goddess moonlight, witchcraft and divination. Hecate is also the patroness of love.

Often in love conspiracies on the New Moon, they turn to the goddess Hecate for help.

Love spells and conspiracies on the waxing Moon

In the second quarter lunar month, when more than half of the visible surface of the lunar disk is already illuminated, an increasing impact on the beloved is required to enhance feelings of love. It is necessary to prepare your loved one for a powerful love spell on the Full Moon to ignite love feelings.

Love spells and spells for love on the Full Moon

The Moon on Full Moon days overwhelms a person with energy, and he becomes emotionally unstable. It's a great time to take advantage of this state and cast a powerful love spell. The Full Moon is the best time to plot to save love, especially when... love relationships the critical moment has arrived.

It is necessary to fill the lover’s heart with bright feelings of love, unite hearts and preserve love.

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More than one hundred years. This helps them solve many problems, attract good luck or get rid of something. Many rituals are performed taking into account the lunar cycle. This has some significance.

What can you do on the waning moon?

During the period when the moon is waning, conspiracies are read if you want to get rid of diseases, bad habits, failures, or exclude them from your social circle. certain people. The words and actions spoken should not be aimed at harming other people; this may also have consequences for the person performing the ceremony.

After the full moon, when the moon goes down for two weeks, conspiracies against warts, for getting rid of smoking, drunkenness, obsessive and unpleasant habits will be effective. They will help against unhappy love, against a rival, overweight.

They also perform rituals aimed at getting rid of poverty.. Here, conspiracies are important specifically against lack of money, and not for making a profit, otherwise the effect will be the opposite. Thus, the moon gives us the opportunity to get rid of problems in our lives.

It is important to know that if you decide to make a certain conspiracy, you are responsible for your actions, that is, each person must understand what consequences he may receive. How effective conspiracies and rituals are depends on the correct wording, day of the week, lunar day and the desires of the person himself. When you do something, you should cast aside any doubts, because ours directly affect the result.

First day after the full moon

On the first day, when the moon begins to wane, the effect of the full moon is still strong. The energy is at its maximum, the moon is in the third quarter, so the conspiracies turn out to be quite strong and effective.

The first days during the waning cycle are good for general cleaning of the house along with energetic cleansing of the space. This time is well spent getting rid of everything unnecessary that interferes with your life, brings failures and illnesses. If you want to escape poverty, it’s time to read a conspiracy or perform a ritual. During this period, it is good to cleanse the space of foreign entities that for some reason have settled in the house.

In addition to clearing the physical space around you, Spells to cleanse the body also work. They also help get rid of bad habits. Protective rituals also work well in the cold.

Here are 10 conspiracies that can be effectively read on the first day of the waning moon.

From poverty and lack of money

The ritual should be done in the dark. It is necessary to install a mirror. The night light will be reflected in it. Next, you should turn away from this mirror and say the words to the reflection three times.

“As the moon wanes, so does money come to me. I dare poverty - I bring generosity, from people - an increase, from the boss - an allowance. Let it be so."

A week before the ceremony, you need to start collecting coins. On the waning moon, stand at the crossroads and throw coins into each of the four cardinal directions in turn, reading the words:

“I don’t throw away change, but lack of money. It went into the deep abyss, away from me and my house. To the far-distance, they will not return to her from where. Let it be so."

Then you have to go home and don't look back. Improvements occur within a month.

For warts

In addition to folk remedies for this disease, conspiracies that were successfully used by our ancestors are also effective.

For the plot, take an apple and divide it into three parts.. Each part of the fruit should touch the wart. The fruit is then thrown away or buried.

“Just as apples in the ground wither and dry up, so do warts dry up and then disappear forever, the fruits cleanse my skin. Let it be so."

Pre-pour into a decanter and leave for 11 days. When the waning moon comes, you should find a birch tree. Standing under a tree, water your hands while saying words.

“I wash my hands with clean water and wash away bad warts with it. They leave me, leave my body. In the ground with water, there is their place. Amen."

Another powerful spell that works:

“Just as in a bathhouse the water disappears in the cracks, so my illness (or the person’s name) goes away, leaves. Amen."

The words of the conspiracy should be pronounced in the bathhouse while washing.

From fullness

Along with carrying out special procedures for improving the body, they also make conspiracies.

“The moon is waning - I’m going to lose weight. The moon has beautiful horns, I have a slender body.”

Read within 9 days.

For the next spell you will need a photograph, a candle and an envelope. The words are read over the photograph, which is placed in an envelope and sealed with wax.

"How the moon is coming wanes, and so my fullness goes with it. I am getting slimmer, prettier, and healthier. I lock fat with seven locks, with seven shackles, I don’t need to be fat, but I need to be slim. Let it be so."

From diseases

The waning moon is the time to get rid of ailments. At this time, conspiracies and rituals are most successful. When pronouncing any words, you must believe in the power of healing and sincerely desire this so that the effect is most successful.

To perform the ritual, a basin of water is taken. They wash her face, saying words. After which this water must be poured into the sink or outside. The ritual is carried out every day until the new moon comes.

“I give dirt and disease to water, and I invite health to me. The whole night is given to the moon, and the energy comes to me.”

The ritual is widely known egg rolling. On the waning moon, you can also carry it out by saying these words:

“Healing comes, illnesses and illnesses quickly go away from me.”

While pronouncing the words, roll an egg over the sore spot. At the same time, one must vividly imagine that illnesses go away, the body is freed from everything bad. The egg should then be buried in the ground as far as possible from the house.

From envious people

The following words are necessary say seven times, holding a lit candle in your hands:

“The candle burns out, but other people’s envy smolders. My defense grows, other people's anger will go away. I am always in health, prosperity and good luck, and other people’s envy passes me by.”

The waning moon will take all the negativity with it.

Vanga's conspiracy to lose weight

She was considered a successful healer and soothsayer. Therefore, its rituals are still used today.

To read the plot, take a glass of water and hold it in your hand. You need to sit in front of the window. It is important that there are no clouds in the sky at this time, and that the night light is clearly visible. You need to focus your thoughts on the desire to lose excess weight. During the ritual, it is necessary to exclude distractions and it is advisable that there are no other people nearby. Looking at the moon they say:

“The moon is waning, I (name) am going to lose weight. Let the night star be round and full, and let me be thin and slender. Let the moon waning, and I grow thin and fit. All my fat will go away by the moon, but it will add beauty to her. The will is strong, the words are strong, as it is said, so it will be.”

You should drink water from a glass and go straight to bed.

For melancholy

Sometimes it happens that your loved one forgets about you, but magic comes to the rescue. For this there are spells for melancholy, they are easier than a love spell and do not carry serious consequences.

To carry out the plot you will need a candle, preferably a black one, paper, a pen or pencil, and dishes for burning. At midnight, a candle is lit, and the name and date of birth of the person for whom the plot is intended is written on paper. Now you should concentrate on your desire. Then burn the paper while saying the words.

“I read the word and make (name) sad. He can’t see his life without me, he’s tormented, sad and bored. Walk next to me, make me happy alone, see happiness only in me. Let it be so."

Doing a ritual it's important to know that you really want this person around and you won't change your mind.

From enemies

You can get rid of enemies by casting various spells.

“Water, water, let me wash, don’t let others use my power. Deliver me from my enemy, drive away the one who wishes me harm. Amen."

Words slander a bottle of clean water, better than a well, then they wash themselves with it, and also spray the house and other property.

For the love of a man

In the next love spell, we ask you to take away loneliness and failures in your personal life. During the waning moon before going to bed, say the words while looking at the night star:

“Luna, please send me happiness, save me from celibacy and failures, save me. Give me your power, give me beauty, may I find happiness forever.”

This plot is read if you need to destroy love between people. Say the words while looking at the photo of your loved one:

“The moon is waning, the servants of God are quiet. Let (name)’s heart begin to ache with melancholy. May you, my love, be with me forever. In dreams and in reality, you can only see and love me. In your dreams you will see me as an obsession. I take your thoughts for myself and conjure you to dream about me. Let it be so."

From failures

In the third and fourth lunar quarters, you can also get rid of failures in life. For this you can use even the most simple conspiracies, you just need to be sure that the bad will certainly go away.

To do this, take a mirror. It should not be new, but stand and be used in your home for a long time. You should go with him to the crossroads. The mirror should be broken and the spell cast:

“Go back, failures, to where you came from. This is no place for you. You cannot stay in this house, you cannot linger. You can’t bring bad things to black people.”

After that you should leave, you can’t look back, otherwise everything will come back.

What conspiracies are they reading?

In the third and fourth lunar quarters, you can do a lot of conspiracies and rituals. This period begins after the full moon and ends when the satellite is no longer visible in the sky.

For beauty

At this time, women perform rituals to get rid of unwanted, ugly features of appearance. The following conspiracy is simple, it is used to get rid of shortcomings:

“Water, pure sister, take all the problems from my face. Give me youth and beauty. Let it be so."

Wash your face every day with water, reciting this spell until the problems disappear.

For money

It must be remembered that on the waning moon, conspiracies are made not to receive, but to get rid of the problem.

“As a candle burns out and melts, so my money troubles go away. The wax melts and the fortune increases.”

To perform it you will need three church ones. They are intertwined so that the wicks are side by side. This triple candle must be lit and the words read three times. Cross yourself and place the candle on the window to burn out. Repeat in a month.

Rituals and conspiracies that are done to improve one’s own well-being done alone.

From debts

To complete this plot you will need open the tap with cold water . Read three times.

“A drop goes to a drop, a stream tends to a stream. Just as water flows quickly, debts float past me and melt away. Washed with clean water, hidden from debts.”

Another conspiracy is being carried out over a river or stream with fast current . In this case, you need to throw a coin into the water.

“My payment for the debt is quick, my life is cleared of debts. Debts go into the water, and from the water they go into the ground. I cry with silver, I cry from myself. I'm closing my debts forever. I lock it with a coin, I close it with a word.”

For trade

If the goods are stale and not for sale, you can say the following words to the items:

“As many ants are in the house, so many buyers come to me, bring their money, and leave with the goods they bought.”

And if the seller needs to lower the price, during the auction they say to themselves:

“Break off your piece, seller, and half is enough for you.”

For good luck

This plot is read after sunset, when the night star becomes visible in the sky. L It’s better to go outside or at least open the window. Before pronouncing the plot, they tell the moon about all their failures, then say the words:

“The moon is bright, the moon is pure silver. The night star is waning, taking away all my difficulties. As the moon dissolves in the night, new luck will be born in me.”

As soon as the conspiracy has been pronounced, you should return home, go to bed, imagining that all the bad things will go away, and in the morning good luck will come to the house.

To reduce appetite

Place harmful foods in front of you and say:

“As you, Moon, decrease, so does the desire for these products, and my weight melts. I don’t want you, neither my will nor my body needs you. I will live well without you, I will gain harmony. So it will be.”

After this, the food should be taken out and left somewhere for the animals to eat. Then go to bed.

From drunkenness

To cure your husband's drunkenness, you will need his ring. It is thrown into a glass of water, and then the plot is read:

“You, water, cure my husband (name) from drunkenness, drive away the infection, restore a healthy life. The disease will go away, it will never come to him. As long as he has the enchanted ring, he is not afraid of binges. So be it.”

The ring must be taken out and returned to the husband for him to wear.

Another conspiracy with water. You will need it clean, preferably spring water. The following words are read on the vessel with water:

“As this water gets inside (name)’s body, his drunkenness goes away, his addiction disappears, disappears and never returns. Drunkenness is gone, health is back. May it always be so.”

The spoken water is gradually dripped into the food or drinks of the person who needs to be rid of the habit..

For my husband

Sometimes it happens that your husband leaves, and you want him back. In this case, conspiracies are assistants, a way to redirect a person’s energy and thoughts so that he wants to come back and start all over again.

It is necessary to light a candle, take a person and say:

“Just as the night loves the moon, so you (name) loved only me (name), you love me, you don’t go to anyone else. Let it be so."

Use candle wax to seal the photo and put it in secret place, additionally saying: “I lock it, I take the key for myself.”

The following words can be said over sweets:

“Just as food is rich and sweet, so will my (name) be sweet from me (name). If he doesn’t come to me, any food will taste bitter to him. I close the conspiracy, I protect love.”

Desserts should be given to the husband to eat.

For a mistress

A homewrecker often causes the destruction of a family, but you can also get rid of it using safe methods. There is absolutely no need to make strong conspiracies so that they do not harm you and your husband.

Words are spoken while looking at the moon, preferably near an open window.

“Go away, rival, this place is not yours, love is not yours, but yours beyond the threshold of our house. Luna, please give me back what is mine, and give her yours. I won’t give up my half, what’s mine is not hers.”

For the boss

An angry and picky boss can seriously poison your life or interfere with your career. To change his attitude, there are also effective conspiracies.

“I’m on one side, and you’re standing on the other. You should not shout in front of me, but remain silent and respect me. Your lips are closed, your thoughts are left with you, not directed at me. Now it’s always like this.”

Read before going to see your boss. You can do this before going to work.

When performing any conspiracies, you need to know that you definitely want this desire to come true. Any words can change our reality, so you should think before using them. Conspiracies and rituals are only assistants; you should not rely on them alone, because they also consist of many little things that should be taken into account.

Conspiracies for the waning moon have special power. At this time, conspiracies are read for wealth, good luck and purification, as well as for getting rid of bad habits. The last two days of the lunar cycle are considered the strongest regarding the manifestation of dark forces.

However, you can also turn to the forces of light at this time. This moment is favorable for redirecting energy in a positive direction. But you need to be careful not to bring trouble on yourself during these strong magical days.

We will talk about whether waning moon conspiracies are really so powerful, and how dangerous they are, in this article. We have also given many examples of conspiracies intended to be pronounced precisely at this time of the lunar cycle.

Spell on a towel

For this ritual you need to buy a white towel. At midnight, open a window that reveals moonlight. Stand in front of him and read the magic spell three times:

“As God’s servant (name) wipes himself with this towel, his craving for alcohol will cease. The illness from the servant of God (name) goes away, all the dirt goes into the towel. As soon as seven days pass, the servant of God (name) will be completely clean and healthy. My will is strong, my word is true, as I said, servant of God (name). That's what will happen. Amen".

You need to give the charmed towel to the person on whom the conspiracy was made. He must use this towel for seven days in a row. After the required time has passed, bury this towel in any deserted place. If you do not have this opportunity, burn the charmed towel.

Holy water spell

To free a person from addiction to alcohol, you need to take holy water from the church. She is charmed with special magic words. They are pronounced thirty-three times in a row:

“Holy water, you, healing water, help God’s servant (name) cope with his illness, with a severe addiction, with a harmful habit. Let his body not accept vodka, let him reject any alcohol from this day on and for the rest of his life. As soon as seven days pass, the craving for alcohol in the servant of God (name) will go away forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Pour the enchanted holy water into the alcohol that the alcoholic drinks. Gradually he will develop a persistent feeling of disgust from alcoholic drinks.

Rituals for the waning moon

Here is another ritual for getting rid of alcohol addiction, which uses water. It can be collected in any clean reservoir, stream or source. Speak to her using a special spell:

“As this water gets inside the servant of God (name), his drunkenness will go away, all addiction will disappear, disappear and will not return. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Place the charmed water on the windowsill. The vessel should not be covered; it should be open. Every day, add the charmed water to drinks consumed by a person suffering from alcohol addiction. It is not recommended to add this water to alcohol.

Ceremony on the wedding ring

If there is a person in the family who suffers from alcohol addiction, it is very difficult. Most often, such a person refuses to voluntarily get rid of addiction. Scandals and quarrels often arise in the family. The following ritual can only be performed by the spouse of a person suffering from addiction.

Take the sick person's wedding ring and place it in a glass of holy water. Spell the ring with this magic spell:

“You are holy water, heal my husband, God’s servant (name), cure him of drunkenness, drive away the disease, so that it goes away and never returns. As long as my husband wears this ring, it will protect him from alcohol and binge drinking. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

After you have spoken the anti-alcoholism ring, return it discreetly to your spouse.

Ritual to get rid of excess weight

Excess weight is a huge problem for most modern girls. This is why rituals aimed at losing weight are very popular.

Weight loss ritual for the waning moon

Losing weight with tea. You will need to brew and cool any tea. You can collect it yourself from medicinal herbs, you can use tea for weight loss or take regular green tea. Cool the tea so that it is warm and cast a spell on it using a special magic spell:

“Water, you cleanse the roots, wash the earth, wash me of fat, remove excess weight from my bones, and give me harmony and health.”

Read the spell seven times in a row (more is possible, but never less). Be sure to perform the ritual on the waning moon and you are guaranteed to lose weight.

A ritual that brings good luck

The waning moon is not able to attract money and material wealth to you. It can save you from various failures that accompany you through life. The effectiveness of these rituals is no different from the rituals performed on the waxing moon.

To perform the ritual, you need to go outside under the moonlight at midnight. If you don’t have this opportunity, look out the open window. Raise your hands up, turning them towards the moonlight. Tell the moon about your problems and failures, and then read the following prayer:

“The moon is bright, the moon is made of pure silver, the moon is waning, the moon takes all my troubles and difficulties with it. Just as the moon dissolves in a dark night, so new hope and new luck will be born in me. Amen".

Then return home and sleep. In a dream, imagine your future life - without problems, without complications, without illnesses and failures. Along with getting rid of everything unnecessary, you will attract material wealth, success, luck, money, health and well-being.

Healing and energizing ritual

This ritual is necessary for those people who want the following:

  • Heal from a serious illness.
  • Cleanse your body of toxins, waste and negativity.
  • Improve your mood and cheer up.
  • Charge your body with cosmic energy.

To perform the ritual, you definitely need to be alone. Find a quiet, secluded place where you won't be disturbed. The ritual is performed in a good mood. Under no circumstances should you begin the ritual in a depressed or depressed mood. Place any blanket on the floor or ground. It depends on the location you choose. Say the spell quietly:

“Just as the earth is forever strong, young and healthy, so I, the servant of God (name), will be healthy and strong. Just as the earth gives strength to all living things, just as all plants and animals are born from the earth, so I will gain strength and cleanse myself of everything unnecessary. My words are strong, just as Mother Earth is strong, as I said, so she will do. Amen".

When casting a spell, imagine how you are filled with energy, cleansed of everything unnecessary, become younger and healed from diseases.

This ritual works best on your body in spring or early summer. It is during this period that the main growth of all living things occurs, the earth is filled with solar energy and warmed up with its heat.

Rituals to attract money

Take a comfortable position, take a raw chicken egg in your hand and roll it all over your body. This is how the process of self-cleansing of the body occurs. If you have a specific place where the pain is located, roll the egg in that exact place.

Take a felt-tip pen and write the following words on the egg:

“Healing comes, illnesses go away. I am healthy".

Next, you need to put the egg in a bag and throw it in the trash. Try to throw it so that it breaks.

Ritual from a “streak of bad luck” that attracts money

This is a fairly powerful magical rite. Such a ritual is necessary for a person to give him confidence to achieve his goals. It is carried out once a year and in no case more often.

For the ritual you will need clean water collected from a spring or source. Place a container of water in front of an open window overnight. In the morning, wash your face with a small amount of water. Dry your face naturally without using a towel, and then recite the spell:

Such a ritual will attract good luck, success, prosperity, money, health and everything that you yourself desire.

Rituals are very important in modern life. Someone wants to recover from a disease, someone wants to become more successful, earn big money, someone needs to cleanse the body of waste and toxins, and someone’s dream is to lose weight. Our desires are varied. But they all have one thing in common - the waning phase of the moon.


When the brilliant disk gradually decreases, life-giving energy seems to leave the planet. This is the time for the earth to “exhale.” You know, you can compare it with the process of breathing, but with energy. That is, the life-giving force previously came to the planet, bringing with it what was needed for development. Everything useful from this “wave” has already been used and processed. The time has come to “release” the excess (like carbon dioxide from the lungs).

  1. This results in a planetary movement of energies. Can you imagine how powerful this flow is? Every month the earth pushes away what is unnecessary, harmful, no longer needed, and used up.
  2. A little person only has to “hook up” his problems to this huge current, and they will be blown away like the wind.
  3. Therefore, conspiracies for the waning moon have the goal of freeing a person from negativity, throwing into the planetary cleansing stream that which interferes with happiness.

If you do it right, life will be much easier. And if you make a mistake in something, you will still win, you just have to wait for the result. The whole planet cooperates with you in solving your problems, remember this.


Having started practicing magic, a person is obliged to study the phases of the lunar cycle. It is very important. If you confuse them, you will become the source of your own troubles and problems. Those who are not yet particularly versed in the subject are advised to consult a reliable source. If conspiracies must be pronounced on the waning Moon, then strictly follow this rule. After all, the words of the conspiracy awaken certain forces that can only help at this moment.

  • You see, if you involve them in your life at another time, they may not only not help, but also harm. Like a person who asks for directions to the library at three in the morning.
  • What will he do? If he gets it, he can beat him. Why are you waking up in the middle of the night? So are magical sources. If you call them at the wrong time, you might get hit in the face.
  • Conspiracies for the waning moon, unless otherwise indicated, are read specifically on the celestial disk. That is, you must look at it, or get into its dim light.

Sounds must be saturated with energy emanating from the satellite. Then the effectiveness of the ritual increases significantly. Please note that the Moon may appear in the sky not only at night. Sometimes it is visible before sunset. This means that the plot is read in the light of day. Be sure to check the lunar calendar, since without special training it is difficult to visually determine the phase of the moon.


For everyone: a cleansing ritual

Try to plan general cleaning during the waning moon. While you begin to shovel the trash out of the house, say the following words:

“I drive all the trash, dust and dirt out of the house, I invite cleanliness! Departing moon, take away what harms me! Take it to the stars, remove it from the earth!”

Say the words randomly, several times. And when the luminary appears in the sky, read this plot to him seven times in a row. It is important to do this outdoors (without glass obstructions). You will see for yourself how much easier it will be to breathe. Those who practice this ritual say that life becomes much “cleaner,” not only in the physical sense. Negative emotions, deceitful friends, and especially enemies, leave a person.

Waning moon spell for alcoholism

A completely new towel is required for the ceremony. It is hung under the moon all night. Be sure to ensure that the moonlight falls on the piece of fabric. Hang and read three times:

“The servant of God (name) wipes himself with a towel, the craving for vodka is collected from him, absorbed in a rag, but does not go away. Everything sits here, accumulates. It takes seven days to get rid of it, but each time it is freed from hardship. The week will pass and you will be as healthy as holy water. Amen!"

Give this towel to the alcoholic early in the morning. Just let him wipe himself with it. And after seven days it needs to be burned. The effectiveness of the conspiracy is very great. Try to perform the ritual on the first day of waning, so that the entire week falls during this phase.

Waning moon spell from a grumpy wife

This ritual is performed so that the person living next to you stops swearing and grumbling all the time. It is clear that the ritual affects not only women. That's just what it's called. Prepare a jar of spring water (you can also get it from the tap, but it won’t be as strong). Place it so that the moon is immersed in the liquid. Say:

“A drop by drop of water enters the body of Slave (name), kills all his anger, and fills him with joy. Whoever drinks this water will lead the whole world with him with his affection and kindness! A drop of water - a lot of kindness, there are no more quarrels and insults! Amen!"

Leave the jar under the moon until the morning. And then add a couple of drops to the grumpy family member’s tea (any drink). They need to drink all the water. Do not stop taking the “medicine” for a day until it runs out.


There are rituals that, so to speak, “do not have retroactive effect.” That is, once you do it, it will be impossible to redo it.

  1. Most often these are rituals of black magic aimed at destruction. For example, when the moon is waning, you can break off someone else’s relationship.
  2. Keep in mind, if you take on something like this, that this is a great sin. You will ruin people’s lives, and you will introduce serious dissonance into yours.
  3. Most often, such conspiracies are read by old women, those whom people call witches among themselves.

Quarrel on the waning moon

You need to take a handful of salt, pour it into your (not new) handkerchief, put it in the moonlight and read the following words once:

“I will quarrel (names) with witch’s salt! I will dissolve friendship (we choose what we need according to the meaning), I will sow enmity. As soon as I throw salt between (name), the friendship will perish!”

Tie the scarf right away, but leave it under the moon. On the second day, you really need to spread the salt between these people. Not necessarily all of it, a few grains are enough for a “black cat” to form between them.

Money is the basis of the conspiracy

Did you know that life situations, physiological and psychological health, financial well-being, emotional state and even desires are controlled by the Moon. And it’s not a matter of mysticism; many of the properties of the earth’s satellite are explained by physics: the lunar gravitational and magnetoelectric influence on the planet and people.

The lunar circle consists of several phases:

  • new moon;
  • growing;
  • full moon;
  • decreasing.

Each position of the celestial body affects our life, the state of the body and soul, actions and their consequences. However, it is also important which zodiac sign the Moon passes through.

The strength and effectiveness of using magic depends on the above factors. Knowledgeable people coordinate their plans with the lunar calendar. And experienced magicians know how internal energy flows depend on the position of the Moon in the sky, and they know how to correctly distribute them.

Lunar phases: their positive and negative effects

In my practice, I have repeatedly encountered cases when a magician trainee, without having studied the subject reliably, began to read conspiracies for money, love and luck in an inappropriate lunar phase. As a result, clients, personal happiness, finances and success not only did not come into life, but even what existed disappeared.

It is important that the magical effect, let’s say, on the ether is provided not only correctly, but also on time. It is known for certain that:

The new moon is characterized by minimal energetic influence. During this period, it is not customary to perform magical rituals or read conspiracies. It is better to use this time to make plans;

  1. The waxing Moon promotes multiplication, attraction, increase, growth. This time is the best time for making ritual and magical instruments, amulets, and amulets. On the young moon, you need to read conspiracies to attract clients, for successful trading, an influx of money, improved health, and for love. If there are no plans to carry out magical effects during this period, then it is recommended to accumulate energy for the future.
  2. The full moon is a good period for creating rituals. Energy flows from the satellite are the most powerful, and magical actions are the most effective. The positive or negative impact (depending on the purpose of the magic being performed) will be the most powerful and complete.
  3. On the waning moon, conspiracies are read to cut off, destroy, get rid of unnecessary, negative, bad things. At this time, it is the best way to get rid of illnesses, enemies, unhappy love, poverty and failures. It is important to remember that during the waning moon you cannot lend or borrow money, apply for loans, invest in business projects or start new businesses.

The waxing Moon helps to multiply, attract, increase, grow

As you understand, the program for attracting clients embedded in the conspiracy will not work if the ritual is performed on the waning moon. Or it will work, but on the contrary, it will cut off the source of income and business development.

Money plot

To attract money into life, you need not only to work hard, but also to competently exercise a magical influence on the world around you. The Universe does not know how to say no; it has an answer to everyone’s desire. If you perform the magic ritual correctly and correct your own thinking, additional financial help will come to you from unexpected places: a promotion, a bonus, a lottery win, a substantial inheritance, an idea for writing a bestseller, and so on.

  • As you already understand, rituals are prepared for the waning moon not to attract everything positive, but to cut off the unnecessary. Thus, conspiracies will be to ward off unreliable clients and partners, to get rid of poverty, debts and financial failures.
  • As a rule, a spell for the waning moon does not require the use of special ritual devices. As a last resort, use water, a candle or coppers.
  • A money plot is made using change from a wallet. Take out all the coins you have in your wallet, purse, or just in your pockets. Hold it in your right hand. Look at the waning Moon and say (memorize the spell ahead of time):

“Go to the beggar’s small change and copper and take my poverty with you. The beggar will drink and walk, and wither in poverty. I give change from the master’s purse, I bring the wealth back to my house. From now on I don’t know poverty, I live in wealth. My word is strong and molds to me. Key. Language. Lock. Amen".

The next morning, be sure to go to the church and distribute coppers to those asking for alms. You only need to give coins with your right hand. You will see the result already on the waxing moon.

Spell against a streak of bad luck - attracts money

It is better to perform a magical ritual in the warm season, and you will understand why. For the conspiracy you will need spring water. In an open container, it should be left overnight near an open window. During this time, it is imbued with lunar energy and acquires magical properties. You can’t drink water, but you need to wash your face with it the next morning. There is no need to wipe moisture from your face and chest - let it dry naturally. Then read the plot:

“Mother, you, water, are pure and cold, like gold you are valuable, like silver you are precious. Just as water washes mountains and spills over wide open spaces, so it will wash away all bad luck, all failures and evil slander from me, the servant of God (name). It will wash away impurities from a clean body, from a white body, from all one hundred joints, from the malice of others, from a black sorcerer, from a dark witch, from an old white man, and from an old woman, from evil eyes, and from vain speeches. Big beluga, you are a friend of clean water, you sharpened your iron teeth on stones, you took care of your tin eyes, you swam in all the waters of the seas and oceans, help me too, drive away all evil, bring good into the life of God’s servant (name). Let it be so. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The next morning you need to wash your face with spring water.

Important! The ritual will help you achieve your goals, ward off failures from business and work, and add confidence and strength for new achievements. But, but you can read the plot no more than once a year.

Ritual for lack of money

Poverty is not a vice, the vice is the unwillingness to change the situation. If you feel that the lack of money in your family is like an evil fate, you can’t get rid of it, no matter how hard you work, then try reading the conspiracy against lack of money.

  • Here you will need a church candle and any old thing that you personally associate with poverty. This could be a tattered T-shirt with holes, pants with patches, a tattered bag, or boots that have been repaired many times.
  • Armed with the necessary tool for the ritual, wait until any Sunday on the waning moon (symbolizes ending, completion) and begin to cast a spell.
  • Carry out the ritual completely alone - no one and nothing should interfere, not even a domestic cat or dog. Light a candle and place or place an old item of your choice next to it.
  • First, read the discretionary prayer that you like, and only then proceed to the ritual of getting rid of lack of money. Say the words:

“All my poverty and misery, all my actions and thoughts leading to lack of money, go entirely into this subject. I cleanse myself of everything bad, get rid of what prevents me from becoming rich, and put an end to the old life without abundance. My word is strong. Key. Lock. Language".

While reciting the plot, cross the rag. Afterwards, hold your gaze for a while on the candle flame and imagine how new, expensive items, clothes, and how banknotes, tickets to resorts and other items from a prosperous life come to replace the old thing from “poverty.” You need to extinguish the candle with water or your fingers, but do not blow it out.

You need to throw away the old rags immediately after the end of the ritual. Take it to the trash can and place it nearby. Leave without looking back.

You need to throw away the old rags immediately after the end of the ritual.

Getting rid of debts

Debts and loans always leave your wallet empty, mentally exhausting, and drain all your energy. To get rid of this scourge, the main thing is to open the energy flows within yourself and allow money to float to you like a deep river. After all, it is because of the fear of money that many remain poor. It's a paradox, but it is true.

There are several effective rituals for getting rid of debts. For the first one, you need to arm yourself with leaves and a pen. On each piece of paper, write the name of the person or bank to whom you owe money. Please also indicate the exact amount down to the penny. You need to read the plot separately over each piece of paper:

“Dear... (name of whom they owe). I thank you for your help in difficult times and pay off my debt in full. Now I am calm, for now I am in abundance, and my income is enough to live in wealth and fully repay your kindness. My word is strong. Key. Lock. Language".

Afterwards, all notes with debts must be burned. In this way, you will mentally and psychologically set yourself up in a positive mood and take the burden of obligation off your shoulders. Money will flow in from sources you never imagined.

Another way using coins. For the ritual, prepare 32 small denomination coins. On the Killing Moon, you will go out at night to the crossroads of two roads. Nobody should see you. Standing in the center, throw a pair of coins in each of the four directions and say:

“I don’t throw away change, but I drive away my lack of money. Let it go into the forests, the abyss and the depths of the sea away from me, from my family and my home. Go, lack of money, into the distant distance, to a place from which you will never return. Amen".

You need to make four circles of prayer for each. When the change is over, turn around and go home. Don't look back and don't talk to anyone. The result of the conspiracy will manifest itself with the growing Moon.

And remember, you cannot treat money as the highest value. This is just a tool for fulfilling your plans. Release them easily (but deliberately), and the bills will flow to you even more easily.

Fighting alcoholism during the waning moon

There are many conspiracies that allow you to fight the green serpent. For many centuries, healers have been performing a special ritual with a white towel.

To complete this you will need a new towel. At night you should open the window and say three times:

A person suffering from alcoholism should use a charmed towel all week. The rest of the family should not touch the towel. A week later, the towel is buried in a remote place (where people do not walk) or burned. You can also try other conspiracies for alcoholism, which will help enhance the effect of the magical effect.

From bad luck

To attract good luck, you need to read conspiracies for the growing moon. As you know, the new month is a symbol of everything new in human life. But rituals during the waning moon phase are carried out not to attract success, but to eliminate an existing problem.

  1. Need to get rid of chronic bad luck? In this case, with the advent
  2. During the moon, leave your house or sit near an open window.
  3. Stretch out your hands to the night luminary and tell it about the adversities that worry you.
  4. Then read the conspiracy for the waning moon:

After finishing reading, go home and get ready for bed, thinking that your problems are over and great success awaits you from now on!

If there is a black streak

There are magic spells that are very powerful. Such conspiracies can be read only once during the year.

Take a bowl, fill it with water (preferably spring water or melt water), and place a silver item at the bottom. The container should stand on the window overnight. Then read the following spell on the water:

“Great mother moon! Send me good luck for this day and this night, for this month and for the coming year! So that I don’t know troubles, sorrows and worries! I conjure you with the power of the wind and the wisdom of the earth!”

But it’s better to try to read the spell in the original. You need to wash your face with the enchanted water, and pour the rest of the liquid onto the ground. Do not drink this water under any circumstances! It absorbs all energy negativity. In this way you can remove the damage caused.

Weight loss ritual

This ritual is also performed during the waning moon phase. Prepare one potato and a few anise seeds. Take a new knife and peel the vegetable. Then you should cut out a number on its surface that will indicate the number of kilograms you want to get rid of. Subsequently, a human figurine is cut out of the vegetable, and a lock of one’s own hair is glued to its head. The last action is aimed at establishing a magical connection between the figure and you.

  • Using a knife, areas of desired weight loss are marked on the figure. Then a mouth is cut out on the blank, into which several anise seeds are placed.
  • The choice of plant is not accidental, because anise is known to be an excellent appetite suppressant. The figurine hides in a secret place. Just remember that you can’t bury it in the ground!
  • There is another good conspiracy to lose weight during the waning moon.

It is not necessary to do it at night, the main thing is during the period when the Moon is waning. You will need a piece of paper and a pen, three banknotes (not necessarily large denominations, but 10 rubles each), and a new envelope. Write the following phrase on a piece of paper:

Then put the note in an envelope, seal it and take it to church on Sunday. Place your message in the donation box. In about a month, on the next waning moon, your weight will begin to gradually melt away. This has been repeatedly tested by many famous people, show business stars and politicians. Magic sometimes works inexplicable miracles!

Water is a magical remedy for weight loss

Excess weight is a problem for many people. We offer an effective conspiracy for the waning moon to lose weight (you should read it completely alone). You will need water. The ritual is performed using not ordinary tap or store water, but taken from a natural reservoir. If you don’t have a river or lake in your city, then wait for it to rain and collect a glass of rainwater. It is best if you have spring water at your disposal.

So, here is a conspiracy for the waning moon to lose weight, you need to read it three times, in the bathroom or in your bedroom:

The spell is cast in a good mood. During the ritual, imagine your body the way you want it to be. Wipe your body with water in problem areas (those that need to lose weight). The main thing is to believe in the power of natural water; the stronger the desire to get rid of excess weight, the more accurately the plot will work.

Rejuvenation ritual

This ritual is performed in a quiet, deserted place, for example, outside the city. Having reached the desired place, lay the cloth you took with you directly on the ground and lie down. Lie still, looking at the sky, and then turn slightly.

When you roll over onto your stomach, you will need to stand still for a few minutes. Then you need to return to the starting position and read the plot:

When performing the ritual, you should imagine that the planet is giving you its power, and you yourself are getting rid of everything unnecessary, and at the same time becoming younger. As a rule, the ceremony is carried out from late spring to mid-summer. At this time, the earth is warm enough and easily gives back to man its strength accumulated over the winter.

Conspiracy for successful trading

Few people know that the waning Moon helps to get rid of financial problems and financial difficulties, and also contributes to the successful sale of goods. The ritual is performed on Wednesday or Saturday. On this day, you should come early to the place of trade (shop, office, trading tent) and read the money plot for the waning moon:

Ritual for healing

Prepare a blue marker, a paper or plastic bag and a fresh chicken egg.

The egg should lie in a darkened room for an hour. Then you should enter the room, undress and lie down on the bed. The next step is to take the egg and roll it all over the body. Particular attention should be paid to sore spots. In this way you can get rid of papillomas, warts and age spots. While performing the ritual, you need to think that the disease is leaving you.

Then you need to take a marker and put the following inscription on the egg:

"Purgo Sordes, Non Renuntiat Omnibus Malis"

This line can be translated into Russian as “I cleanse the filth, I renounce all evil.” According to legend, such an inscription decorated the staff of the first Pope.

At the end of the ritual, the egg must be placed in a bag and taken away from your home. The bag should be thrown on the ground in such a way that the egg is sure to break.

Love drain from an induced love spell

Many people are interested in which moon to make drying spells on - waxing or waning? It has been verified that lapel rituals on the waning moon are carried out especially successfully. This period is ideal for breaking ties, so lapels and other rituals for quarrels are incredibly powerful.

  • If necessary, to get rid of the spell of love, the following ritual is performed. Prepare matches, a church candle and new needles.
  • In a deserted place, dig a hole and stick 9 needles into it. As you insert each needle, imagine that the person you are interested in is getting rid of the love spell.
  • Then you need to bury the hole, straighten up to your full height and say:

Leave without looking back, don’t talk to anyone along the way. The person who was cast with a love spell will be freed from the magical influence within a month. Usually this conspiracy helps to get rid of a rival in love.

Rituals for the waning moon for love

You can also cast a love spell on the waning moon. If you need to bewitch a man who is not paying attention to you, then do this. When the moon begins to turn into a month, prepare a decoction of herbs.

  1. Take some dried wild chamomile flowers, thyme, rose petals, and a little orange zest. You should get one handful of mixture in total.
  2. Before sunset, brew it in a clay cup with boiling water, let it brew until it cools completely.
  3. You can add one teaspoon of honey to your tea. It is important that the cup with the decoction stands on the windowsill until the moon appears.

Then, when evening comes, drink three sips of the resulting tea. Repeat your lover's name to yourself with each sip. The energy of the waning night luminary will give you confidence in your abilities and help you attract the attention of your loved one.

When performing this simple but effective ritual (tested several times!), it is not at all necessary to read prayers and conspiracies for love. The main thing is to trust the magical power of natural phenomena. Remember that the Moon is not only a celestial body, but also a faithful assistant in love affairs!
