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Volleyball (history of origin and development, rules)

Volleyball (English volleyball from volley - “to hit the ball from the air” (also translated as “flying”, “soaring”) and ball - “ball”) is a sport, a team sports game, during which two teams compete on a special site , divided by a net, trying to direct the ball to the opponent's side so that it lands on the opponent's court (finish to the floor), or a player of the defending team makes a mistake. At the same time, to organize an attack, players of one team are allowed no more than three touches of the ball in a row (in addition to touching the block).

Central body of volleyball international type sport, defining the set of rules FIVB (English) - International Volleyball Federation. Volleyball has been part of the Olympic Games program since 1964.

There are numerous variants of volleyball that branch off from the main type - beach volleyball (an Olympic sport since 1996), mini-volleyball, pioneer ball, park volleyball (approved by the FIVB Congress in November 1998 in Tokyo).

William J. Morgan, a physical education teacher at the YMCA College in Holyoke (Massachusetts, USA), is considered the inventor of volleyball. On February 9, 1895, in the gym, he suspended a tennis net at a height of 197 cm, and his students, including There were no restrictions on the court, they began to throw a basketball camera over it. Morgan called new game"mintonet". In 1897, the first volleyball rules were published in the USA: court size 7.6 x 15.1 m (25 x 50 ft), net height 198 cm (6.5 ft), ball circumference 63.5-68.5 cm ( 25-27 inches) and weighing 340 g, the number of players on the court and touches of the ball was not regulated, a point was counted only with one’s own serve, if the serve was unsuccessful it could be repeated, up to 21 points were played in a game.

As the game developed, its rules, techniques and tactics were constantly improved. In 1922, the first national competitions were held - the YMCA championship was held in Brooklyn with the participation of 23 men's teams. In the same year, the Czechoslovak Basketball and Volleyball Federation was formed - the world's first volleyball sports organization. In the second half of the 1920s, national federations of Bulgaria, the USSR, the USA and Japan emerged. During the same period

Post-war history

After the end of the Second World War (1939-1945), international contacts began to expand. On April 18-20, 1947, the first congress of the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) was held in Paris with the participation of representatives from 14 countries: Belgium, Brazil, Hungary, Egypt, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, USA, Uruguay, France, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, which became the first official members of the FIVB. In 1949, the first world championship among men's teams took place in Prague. In 1951, at a congress in Marseille, the FIVB approved official international rules, and an arbitration commission and a commission to develop and improve the rules of the game were formed. Player substitutions and timeouts in games were allowed, and matches for both men's and women's teams began to be played in 5 games.

The first president of the FIVB was the French architect Paul Libault, who was subsequently re-elected to this post several times until 1984. In 1957, at the 53rd session of the International Olympic Committee, volleyball was declared an Olympic sport; At the 58th session, a decision was made to hold volleyball competitions among men's and women's teams at the Games of the XVIII Olympiad in Tokyo.

In international competitions of the 1960-1970s, the national teams of the USSR, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, and Japan achieved the greatest success. For women, right up to the 1980 Moscow Olympics, the rivalry between the Soviet and Japanese schools looked most significant - the USSR and Japanese national teams competed for gold medals in the first four Olympic tournaments and won two victories each. The national teams of Poland, East Germany, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Northern and South Korea. In 1978, the usual balance of power in women's volleyball was disrupted by the Cuban national team, which unexpectedly won the world championship held in the Soviet Union with a huge advantage over its opponents.

1980s. New rules

In 1984, Paul Libo was replaced as FIVB President by Dr. Ruben Acosta, a lawyer from Mexico. At the initiative of Ruben Acosta, numerous changes were made to the rules of the game, aimed at increasing the entertainment of competitions and the “telegenic” nature of volleyball associated with reducing the duration of matches. On the eve of the 1988 Olympic Games, the XXI FIVB Congress was held in Seoul, where changes were adopted in the regulations of the decisive fifth game: it began to be played according to the "rally point" or "tie-break" ("draw - point") system, in 1990- In those years, a “ceiling” of 17 points was also set for the first four games (that is, they could end with the opponents having a 1-point advantage with a score of 17:16.

The game has become more powerful and faster. Volleyball has increased the demands placed on the height and athletic training of athletes. If in the 1970s there might not have been a single player on the team taller than 2 meters, then since the 1990s everything has changed. In teams high class below 195-200 cm there is usually only a setter and a libero. New teams have been added to the list of the strongest - Brazil, USA, Cuba, Italy, the Netherlands, Yugoslavia

Since 1990, the World League began to be played - an annual cycle of competitions designed to increase the popularity of volleyball around the world. Since 1993, a similar competition has been held for women - the Grand Prix. Since the second half of the 1980s, the first truly professional league has been created in Italy, the organization of which becomes an example for national championships in other countries.

In 1985, the Volleyball Hall of Fame was opened in Holyoke, in which the names of the most outstanding players, coaches, teams, organizers, and judges are entered.

Current state

Since 2006, the FIVB has united 220 national federations volleyball, volleyball is one of the most popular sports on Earth. In August 2008, Chinese Wei Jizhong was elected as the new president of the FIVB. Volleyball is the most developed sport in countries such as Russia, Brazil, China, Italy, USA, Japan, and Poland. The current world champion among men is the Brazilian national team (2010), among women - the Russian national team (2010).

The FIVB management continues to work to improve volleyball rules. Some changes were made in 2009, and in the same year at the Club World Cup in Doha (this tournament was revived after a 17-year hiatus), the so-called “golden formula” was tested, according to which the host team must carry out its first attack strictly with back line. In practice, this innovation, which, according to the plan, should help equalize the capabilities of opponents and allow the ball to stay in the air longer, not only did not give the expected effect, but also led to a decrease in the entertainment value of the game, for which it was criticized by many players, coaches, specialists and volleyball fans and was no longer used.

Development of volleyball in the USSR and Russia

In the USSR, volleyball has been cultivated since the early 1920s. Official date his birth in Soviet country is considered to be July 28, 1923, when a match took place on Myasnitskaya Street between the teams of the Higher Art and Technical Workshops (VKHUTEMAS) and the State College of Cinematography. Representatives of the creative intelligentsia were indeed at the origins of volleyball in the USSR, but in a short period this game became mass entertainment for a wide range of people, and then turned into a modern and popular sport.

In January 1925, the Moscow Council of Physical Education developed the first official rules for volleyball competitions. In 1932, the All-Union Volleyball Section was created, which joined the FIVB in 1948, and was transformed into the USSR Volleyball Federation in 1959.

Since 1933, USSR championships have been held; volleyball was included in the program of all All-Union Spartakiads. The first international matches of Soviet volleyball players with athletes from Afghanistan date back to 1935, and in 1947 the volleyball team from the USSR took part in the first World Festival of Democratic Youth in Prague. Having entered the international arena, Soviet volleyball players immediately became the leaders of world volleyball - 1949 was marked by the victories of the USSR men's team at the World Championships and the women's team at the European Championships. The 1952 World Cup, held at the Dynamo stadium, became the first major international sports competition, organized by the Soviet Union.

In 1964 in Tokyo, the USSR men's team won the first Olympic volleyball tournament. She also won the Olympics in Mexico City (1968) and Moscow (1980). And the women's team won the title of Olympic champion four times (1968, 1972, 1980 and 1988).

Rules of the game

General rules

The game is played on a rectangular platform measuring 18x9 meters. The volleyball court is divided in the middle by a net. The height of the net for men is 2.43 m, for women - 2.24 m.

The game is played with a spherical ball with a circumference of 65-67 cm and weighing 260-280 g.

Each of the two teams can have up to 14 players, and 6 players can be on the field at any given time. The goal of the game is to hit the ball with an attacking blow to the floor, that is, to the playing surface of the opponent’s half of the court, or to force him to make a mistake.

The serve is performed by the player who, as a result of the last transition, moves from the second to the first zone. The serve is made from the service zone behind the back line of the playing court with the goal of landing the ball in the opponent's half or making the reception as difficult as possible. Before the player touches the ball when serving, no part of his body should touch the surface of the court (this is especially true for jump serves). In flight, the ball may touch the net, but must not touch the antennae or their mental extension upward. If the ball touches the surface of the playing court, the serving team scores a point. If the player who served broke the rules or sent the ball into touch, then the point is awarded to the receiving team. It is not allowed to block the ball when serving, interrupting its trajectory over the net. If the point is won by the team that served the ball, the same player continues to serve.

Receiving submission

Usually the players standing on the back line, that is, in the 5th, 6th, 1st zones, receive the ball. However, any player can accept the serve. Players of the receiving team are allowed to make three touches (you cannot touch the ball twice in a row) and, after the third touch, transfer the ball to the opponent’s half at most.

Defense (reception of attack)

Receiving an attacking blow differs from receiving a serve, since all 6 players on the court always participate in defense, some front line players block (sometimes all three), and everyone else plays defense. The goal of the defenders is to leave the ball in play and, if possible, bring it to the passer.

Typically, with a positive reception, the ball is received by the back line players (1st touch) and brought to the setter, the setter passes (2nd touch) the ball to the player to perform an attacking shot (3rd touch). On an attack shot, the ball must pass over the net, but in the space between the two antennas. In this case, the ball can hit the net, but should not touch the antennas or their mental extension upwards. Front line players can attack from anywhere on the court. Back line players must push off behind a special three-meter line before attacking. Only the libero is prohibited from attacking (that is, hitting the ball above the top line of the net).

There are attacking strikes: direct (along the way) and side, strikes with translation to the right (left) and deceptive strikes (discounts).


This is a playing technique in which the defending team prevents the ball from being transferred to its side when the opponent is attacking, by blocking its progress with any part of the body above the net, usually with the hands transferred to the opponent’s side within the rules. It is allowed to move your hands to the opponent's side when blocking to the extent that they do not interfere with the opponent before his attack or other game action.

Two of the 14 players (since 2009, previously only one libero out of 12 players) of a team can be appointed libero. Players of this role cannot participate in the attack, block or serve. The libero's uniform must be different from the rest of the players. It is allowed to replace the libero an unlimited number of times without informing the referee. Since the libero does not have the right to attack or block, he usually stays on the back line, changing position with players who are advantageous to keep on the front line, such as a middle blocker.


A volleyball game has no time limit and lasts up to 25 points. Moreover, if the advantage over the opponent has not reached 2 points, the game will continue until this happens. The match continues until one of the teams wins three games. In the fifth game (tie-break) the score goes up to 15 points. In each game, the coach of each team may ask for two timeouts of 30 seconds each. Additionally, in the first 4 games, technical timeouts are assigned when one of the teams reaches 8 and 16 points (60 seconds each). After the end of the first four games, as well as when one of the teams reaches 8 points in the fifth game, the teams change sides of the court. In each game, the coach has the right to make no more than 6 substitutions of field players (except for the libero).

Violations of the rules

When submitting

The player stepped onto the court.

The player threw and caught the ball.

After 8 seconds have passed after the referee's whistle, the ball is given to the opposing team.

Touching the antenna with the ball.

Completed the serve before the referee's whistle.

When drawing

More than three touches were made.

Touching the top edge of the net by a player performing an active game action.

The back line player's entry into the three-meter line during an attack.

Receiving error: double touching or holding the ball.

The antenna touches the ball upon impact.

Advance into the opponent's playing half.


Violation of the arrangement.

Unsportsmanlike behavior of one of the players or coaches.

Touching the top edge of the grid.

[Rule changes (2009)

At the XXXI FIVB Congress in Dubai, changes to the rules were approved, which came into force from the 2009 season. Now the team's roster for official international matches is 14 players, 2 of which are liberos.

In 1894, William Morgan, officially considered the founder of volleyball, received an offer to coach a team of football players in Massachusetts (Holyoke). And he is offered this position by none other than Alonzo A. Stagg, the grand master of football of that time.

In the early 90s, basketball was especially popular in the USA. Having only appeared in 1891, 4 years later it became no less in demand than football. But William Morgan, in his research, noted that Americans prefer to watch basketball matches from the sidelines, but do not strive to personally throw the ball into the basket.

Only young people have enough strength and enthusiasm to participate in the game. Middle-aged and older people, according to Morgan, did not receive the necessary sports load, and basketball required too much dedication and did not allow one to relax even for a second during the match. In addition, the game quickly became aggressive; constant contact between basketball players often led to injuries, which did not suit the businessmen.” mediocre”, unwilling to take unnecessary risks.

The emergence of volleyball

Morgan decided to create or invent such sports exercise so that you can play a game during your lunch break and not get too tired. It was necessary to attract people to the sport, but not aggressively, without unnecessary struggle. William decided not to invent something completely new, but used the best from popular sports games that time:

  • from a basketball ball;
  • from tennis - a net;
  • from handball - playing with hands and serving the ball;
  • from baseball - the method of pitching the ball.

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At first the game was called "mintonet". The renaming to "volleyball" occurred at the YMCA Directors' Athletic Conference (Springfield). The author of the name is considered to be Alfred Halstead, who taught at the college. It was decided that the name “mintonet” was not too euphonious and did not fully reflect the essence of the game.

Changes to the rules

Over the past century, the rules of the game of volleyball have been adjusted several times. AND we're talking about not just about the name. The initial changes affected the number of athletes. If, according to Morgan’s idea, 9 athletes from each team could play at the same time, then later their number was reduced to 6. They decided that for a site 18 meters long and 9 meters wide, this was quite enough. Especially when you consider that each team gets only half of the entire territory.

In the early stages, the game was played with a ball based on a rubber chamber. But its popularity turned out to be so great that the Spalding company already in 1896 proposed a version of the ball, adopted as the official one. In 1900, a ball of the same weight and shape that is used by modern volleyball players flew over the net.

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The grid was initially located much higher. Subsequently, for men the distance between the floor and the top edge was 2.43 meters, for women - 2.24 meters.

The changes also affected the issue of determining the winner. At the initial stage, the team that scored 21 points against the opponent won. In 1917, it was enough to get 15 points to win. In 1922, it was decided to make the game more dynamic and technical. Volleyball players of one team could no longer touch the ball more than 3 times, but deception shots were allowed and put into practice, and serves became forceful. Defenders on the “block” are allowed to move their hands to the opponent’s side.

Spread of volleyball outside the United States

An interesting game, which absorbed the features of many popular sports, did not last long within one country. Missionaries from the United States, who visited the countries of the Middle and Middle East for educational purposes, became active distributors. Far East, South-East Asia. At the beginning of the 20th century, volleyball was included in the list of Far Eastern games held in Manila. The championship was competed by teams from Japan, the Philippines and China.

Asian countries played according to the original rules for quite a long time, and 16 athletes from each team entered the court at the same time. It was assumed that this would help popularize volleyball.

In Europe, the first country to “adopt” the “mintonet” was England. Then France and Poland “subdued”. In Tsarist Russia, the first game was held in 1913, and in 1950 the USSR team was the leader in international competitions.

Volleyball entering the intercontinental space

A single “control center” for the game for a long time did not have. Everyone played according to the rules that most fully corresponded to the ideas and spirit of a particular country, school, or educational institution. The situation changed in 1928 with the creation of the USA Volleyball Association. The FIVB has been operating since 1947 - International Association Volleyball. And in 1947, the first world championship among men was held.

A proposal to hold meetings as part of the Olympic Games was made back in 1924. But it did not find support, largely due to the obvious dominance of the United States and the lack of rules common to all.

Questions about the unification of the game, the introduction of refereeing and regulations were returned only in 1934. An agreement on the creation of a technical commission is signed in Stockholm. Its participants include 22 countries from Asia, Europe and America.

Volleyball received Olympic registration only in 1957. The first Olympic gold was played in 1964 in Tokyo. The USSR national team (among men) becomes its owner. For women, the winners are the hostesses - athletes from the Land of the Rising Sun. In total, 10 teams of representatives of the stronger sex and 6 of the weaker sex competed for medals.

A distinctive feature of volleyball at that time was that the team in possession of the ball received a significant advantage over the defending team. The rules were such that the defense had little to oppose the attack. To balance the capabilities of the teams, the “block” players were allowed to touch the ball a second time.

USSR - the second “homeland” of volleyball

In the USSR, special emphasis was placed on “cultivating” a physically healthy population capable of fighting capitalism on all fronts. And volleyball came in handy here.
In the 1920s, sections, schools and sections of volleyball appeared in the Volga region, Vladivostok and Ukraine. Residents of the devastated First World War and civil wars regions enthusiastically played the new game imported from the USA.

Moscow does not stand aside either. Oddly enough, the first venues appear not in schools or sports complexes, but at theatres, in particular those of Meyerhold and Vakhtangov. Among the most active participants in the matches are Rina Zelenaya, Boris Shchukin, painters J. Romas and G. Nyssky. Perhaps that is why volleyball in the USSR long years called "acting".

For the first time, the title of USSR champion was played at the All-Union Spartakiad, held in 1928. Important: the teams are represented not by sports societies, but by regions of the country: Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, regions of the Far East and the south. In the same year, the panel of judges began working on a permanent basis.

None of the countries besides the USA, where volleyball was born, paid as much attention to its development as the USSR. Venues were set up in public gardens, on beaches, in educational institutions. And no one was surprised that German publishers, in the rules printed in the 30s, called volleyball a game created by the Russians in time immemorial.

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In the period from 1941 to 1945, matches not only did not stop, but were also brought to the front line. Championships of divisions and regiments are held. In all territories liberated from invaders, the work of volleyball courts and sections is immediately resumed. The first post-war USSR championship took place in 1945.

In 1949, Prague hosted the strongest European teams in the continental championship. And Soviet volleyball players, reaching the highest level for the first time, immediately become winners.

If we take into account all the statistics of the Olympic Games, then most often the anthem was played in honor of the USSR national team: in 1964, 1968 and 1980 in honor of the men's team. The USSR women's team dominated in 1968, 1972, 1980 and 1988.

Volleyball is a game that is both complex and simple. The result is affected by the mood of each individual athlete, the ability to interact on the court, and the coach’s tips. Only a reasonable combination of all components will allow the team to fight for victory even against a strong opponent.

If at the initial stage V. Morgan sought to create a game for the “middle class”, not the youngest and most athletically trained athletes, then over time the requirements transformed. A volleyball player is required to have a good reaction, the ability to group himself in a jump or fall, and the ability to quickly move around the court.

Volleyball (English volleyball from volley - “flying”, “hitting the ball from the air”, “serve with access to the net” and ball - “ball”) is a team non-contact sport. The game takes place on a court of 18x9 meters, divided in the middle by a net, which is fixed at a height of 2.43 m (for women - 2.24 m).

The goal of the game is to throw the ball (circumference 65-67 cm, weight 260-280 g) over the net so that it touches the ground on the opponent’s court, and at the same time prevent opponents from doing the same. Games of this kind have long been known in many countries around the world (in Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, medieval Japan). Modern volleyball originated in America in 1895.

In 1913, volleyball was included in the program of the first Southeast Asian Games, held in Manila (Philippines). In Europe, this sport appeared in the 20s of the last century, and quickly gained considerable popularity. The first European Volleyball Championship among men's teams took place in 1948; a year later, a competition of this kind was held among women's teams.

In 1949, the first world championship among men's teams took place in Prague, and in 1952 the fair sex competed for the championship title. Volleyball has been included in the Olympic sports since 1964. In 1990, the World Volleyball League was created.

Volleyball is a Russian folk game. This misconception occurred in the 30s of the last century (it was then that the rules of the competition called “Volleyball - a Russian folk game”) were published in Germany, since in Russia, where this sport appeared in 1923, volleyball was very popular. But in fact, the inventor of this game is a resident of Holyoke (Massachusetts (USA)) William J. Morgan, who worked as a physical education teacher at the YMCA college. It was he who, on February 9, 1895, came up with the idea of ​​hanging a net (some sources say it was a tennis net, others say it was an ordinary fishing net) at a height of 198 cm and throwing a basketball over it (some researchers believe that at first a camera from a basketball net was used for this game ball or bull bubble). At first the game was called "mintonette", and received its current name in 1896 - it was proposed by Professor Alfred T. Halsted.

The first volleyball federation was created in America. No, the world's first organization of this kind was created in 1922 (at the same time the first US championship in this sport was held) in Czechoslovakia. And only a few years later volleyball federations emerged in the USA, Bulgaria, the USSR and Japan.

First international organization Volleyball was founded in 1947. Yes, the International Volleyball Federation or FIVB for short (French Federation Internationale de Volleybal, FIVB) was founded in mid-April 1947 in Paris. Its first official members were Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, France, Italy, Brazil, Egypt, the USA, and Uruguay. Nowadays, this organization is the largest in the world, and unites 220 national volleyball federations. However, back in 1936, a congress of the International Handball Federation was held in Stockholm, during which the Polish delegation made a proposal to organize a volleyball technical committee within the federation. As a result, the first international commission for this sport, which included 5 American countries, 13 European countries and 4 Asian countries.

Experienced athletes become FIVB presidents. A completely wrong opinion. The first president of the International Volleyball Federation, Paul Libault (France), was an architect, who succeeded him in 1984, Ruben Acosta (Mexico), a lawyer.

Volleyball was first introduced to the Olympic Games in 1964. Volleyball was indeed included in the list of Olympic sports only in 1964, at the XVIII Olympiad (Tokyo (Japan)), but exhibition matches of volleyball players took place back in 1924 at the VIII Olympiad in Paris (France). It was then that the American delegation received a proposal to classify this sport as an Olympic sport.

Volleyball rules appeared in 1897. This is true. However, subsequently many significant changes were made to them. For example, since 1917, the game has been limited to 15 points, and the net is fixed at a height of 243 cm (versus 198 cm, provided for by the first rules), since 1918, a limit on the number of players has been introduced (six), the three-touch rule was introduced in 1922. The modern dimensions of the court were approved in 1925 (initially the game was played on a court 7.6 x 15.1 m), team action tactics (group block, insurance, etc.) took shape in the 30s of the last century, and serving in The jump has become one of the favorite (and extremely effective) techniques of volleyball players since 1984 - it was then that at the XXIII Olympics in Los Angeles (USA) it was first performed by players of the Brazilian team. The tie-break system for scoring was introduced in 1988 (initially only for game 5, and a little later for the remaining games of the game).

Since 1925, volleyball matches around the world have been played according to the same rules. This is wrong. Until the 60s of the last century, in Asian countries the game was played according to the rules according to which there were not 6, but 12 players on the court and changing positions was not practiced. And the site itself was of non-standard size - 11x22 meters.

Athletes from the USA achieve the best results in volleyball competitions. According to statistics, the highest results, for example, in volleyball competitions at the Olympic Games were achieved by athletes from the USSR and Russia (a total of 17 medals, of which 7 gold), Japan (8 medals, of which 3 gold) and Brazil (7 medals, of which 3 are gold). The achievement of athletes from the USA, the birthplace of volleyball, is somewhat more modest - 6 medals (3 of them gold). The championship in the European and World Championships in this sport was firmly held by the team from the USSR and Russia. And according to FIVB data published in 2000, the best national teams of the last century were women's team Japan and the Italian men's team.

There is a limit on substitutions on the volleyball court. Yes, in each game no more than 6 substitutions and 6 more so-called reverse substitutions are allowed (when a player returns to the court once per game in the place of the athlete who replaced him). However, if one of the volleyball players is injured, an “exceptional substitution” is allowed, when any of the players (with the exception of the libero - a free defender playing on the back line) can enter the court instead of the incapacitated athlete.

Volleyball players are universal players, therefore, if necessary, they can replace any member of their team. This is wrong. In a volleyball team, each player has his own specialization:
- finishers (or second-tempo forwards), attacking from the edge of the net;
- diagonal (universal forwards, differing tall, great strength and jumping ability) - they do not participate in receiving the ball, they attack from the back line of the court;
- central blockers (or first pace forwards) - most often the tallest players in the team, their task is to block enemy attacks and attack from the third zone;
- setters (passers) - team leaders, players who are not only strong and agile, but also have knowledge of strategy and tactics of the game, as well as remarkable intelligence. Their task is to analyze the situation on the site and, in accordance with the conclusions drawn, choose attack options;
- liberos (free defenders or defenders on the back line) - as a rule, players who are not very tall, whose duties include receiving balls.

The best defenders should be on the front line, and the best blockers should be on the back line. This is true. However, after the players transfer, the situation may change, therefore, before the match, athletes and the coach devote a lot of time to choosing the initial arrangement of volleyball players, which will allow them to achieve the most winning combinations with the help of substitutions. In addition, each team has in its arsenal its favorite techniques and game patterns that have proven their effectiveness in practice.

A volleyball match can end in a draw. Wrong opinion. Usually the game is played up to 25 points (and the win is counted only if the difference is 2 points), but if the score is 24:24, the game continues until one of the teams reaches an advantage of 2 points. If, after 4 games have been played, the score is 2:2, a decisive game is assigned, in which the game is played to 15 points.

Only very tall athletes participate in international volleyball competitions. Indeed, these days the height of volleyball players most often exceeds 190 cm. However, the possibility of holding (for experimental purposes) international competitions, to which only players with a height of no more than 185 cm will be allowed (for women, the limit will be 175 cm).

In volleyball, only the serving team can earn a point. Yes, long time In the first 4 games, only the servers could earn a point, and the opposing team only played back their serve. As a result, matches sometimes lasted 2-3 hours. However, at the end of the last century, changes were made to the rules, according to which at first only the 5th game, and since 2000 - the remaining 4 games, are played according to the “tie-break” system (from the English tie - “draw”, break - “break” .) or "rally point" ("draw - point"), used in tennis. According to the mentioned system, any team can earn a point, regardless of who serves.

All athletes on the volleyball team wear the same uniform. This is wrong. The uniform of two (until 2009 - one) volleyball players differs in color from the equipment of the rest of the team members - this is how liberos are distinguished, that is, defensive players who can replace any of the athletes on the back line.

The best results are achieved by volleyball players with powerful muscles. Wrong opinion. Too big muscle mass negatively affects the player's mobility. Therefore, volleyball players scrupulously monitor their weight, and in training with weights, although they work with considerable loads, they perform a minimum number of repetitions at high intensity - this allows them to increase endurance and strength without increasing muscle mass.

Volleyball players need to train all muscle groups, therefore, when training with weights, they perform many different exercises. This is wrong. Fitness training for volleyball players includes only basic exercises, and are by no means very diverse, unlike, for example, the training of bodybuilders.

Strength training is contraindicated for female volleyball players. Women, like men who prefer this sport, not only can, but also need to do various kinds of strength exercises. It is working with weights that will help increase the strength needed when playing volleyball. Moreover, muscle mass in women increases much more slowly than in men. Therefore, you should not be afraid of weight gain, especially with properly structured training.

Strength training cannot help an athlete lose weight. It is better to prefer aerobic exercise. Wrong opinion. Firstly, during strength training a considerable amount of calories is burned, which helps to reduce body weight. Secondly, exercise with weights speeds up your metabolism, which again helps you lose weight. Therefore, for volleyball players who have set the goal of reducing their weight and increasing strength, training in the fitness center is simply necessary.

Beach volleyball is not considered a sport - it is just a type of active recreation. No, beach volleyball or beach volley (from the English beach - “beach” and volley - “flying”, “hitting the ball from the air”) has been an officially recognized sport for many years. Back in 1947, the first official beach volleyball tournament took place in California; in 1965, the Association of this sport was created and developed uniform rules holding competitions. The first unofficial World Beach Volleyball Championship was held in the USA in 1976, and in 1986 it was officially recognized International Federation volleyball This sport appeared in the program of the Olympic Games in 1996, at the XXVI Olympiad (Atlanta (USA)), a year later the first official world championship in beach volleyball was held (nowadays, competitions of this kind are held regularly, once every 2 years).

Beach volleyball originated in California in the 20s of the last century. Indeed, it is believed that it was there that the grounds for this game first appeared. However, there is an opinion that back in 1910 in Hawaii, surfers played beach volleyball while waiting for a good wave.

Beach volleyball tournaments are held on the beaches. Not always. Official world championships are most often held in the most famous and visited places big cities. For example, in 2005, the World Beach Volleyball Championship was held at Schlossplatz in Berlin (Germany), and the stages of the Grand Slam World Tour were held near the Eiffel Tower (Paris (France)) and on Poklonnaya Hill (Moscow (Russia)).

Beach volleyball first appeared at the Olympic Games in 1996. This is not entirely true. A demonstration performance of beach volleyball players took place in 1992 at the XXV Olympic Games in Barcelona (Spain), and on September 24, 1993, at the 101st IOC session in Monte Carlo, it was officially included in the Olympic sports.

Beach volleyball requires the same qualities of players as classical volleyball. Yes, however, in addition to good reaction, agility, and jumping ability, the player will need great strength (moving on the sand, replete with jumps and jerks, requires considerable effort) and endurance (in beach volleyball competitions, held under the scorching sun, and sometimes in the rain, strong wind, no replacements are provided). Universalism is also very important (since the team consists of only 2 people).

If a player gets injured in beach volleyball, a replacement is allowed. Wrong opinion. In case of disqualification, injury or refusal of one of the players to continue the competition, the team is simply counted as a loss.

Beach volleyball glasses cannot be broken. This piece of equipment is truly extremely durable - the glasses do not break even when the ball hits the volleyball player’s face.

Beach volleyball players are protected from the cold by a special insulated uniform made of swan's down or wool. No, in cool weather athletes simply wear T-shirts over regular T-shirts. It should be taken into account that there are no temperature restrictions in this sport, unlike classical volleyball, the rules of which strictly regulate the temperature in the hall - from +16 to +25º C, no more and no less.

People who play beach volleyball often find various lost things in the sand - Cell phones, watches, etc. Quite the contrary - beach volleyball players often lose various items(For example, Jewelry). And the finds that they constantly come across during the game (sharp shells, stones) are more likely to cause discomfort than to increase the budget.

Beach volleyball players exchange information through special gestures during a match. Yes, the signals that the player closest to the net gives behind his back (to hide from the opponent's view) are played in this sport important role. The hands correspond to the sides of the attack (for example, clenching and unclenching the left hand - readiness to serve from the left), and different positions of the fingers correspond to certain actions of the athlete (one finger - the player is ready to block a blow in line, two - a diagonal block, a clenched fist - refusal to block, etc.). During beach volleyball matches, the referee informs the players about various events on the court also through gestures. Thus, a double touch is indicated by 2 fingers raised up (4 touches - 4 fingers), a wave of the hand signals the permission of the serve, raising the hand and then bending it at the elbow is an error in the execution of an attacking blow, the raised hand of one hand, covered by the hand of the other hand - a break ( and if it is raised right hand- a break is announced at the request of the team located on the court on the right, if the left - vice versa), etc.

Nowadays, volleyball is played on an 18x9 meter court using standard equipment. This is true when it comes to classic or beach volleyball, or pioneer ball. However, there are varieties of this sport where the game is played on a court with different parameters. For example, in mini-volleyball the dimensions of the court are 6x6 meters, the height of the net is 2.05 m, the weight of the ball is 210 - 230 grams, the diameter is 61-63 cm (i.e., slightly less than usual). And in giant volleyball, the game is played on a court twice the size of a standard one. And the number of players is larger (sometimes there can be about 100 people in one team), and the ball is larger - its diameter can reach 80 cm. Sitting volleyball competitions (competitions for disabled athletes) are held on a court of 10x6 meters, the size of the net is 6, 5x0.8, it is fixed at a height of 1.15 m (for women - 1.05 m).

Volliball and volleyball are the same thing. Despite their consonance, these words are used to name various types of volleyball. Wallyball (English wallyball, from wall - “wall” and ball - “ball”) is a game during which athletes can throw a ball into the side walls of the hall to achieve a goal, created by Joe Garcia (USA) in 1979. Nowadays, there are volleyball associations, international tournaments are held, and Garcia himself plans to achieve recognition of this game as an Olympic sport.

Faustball originated from volleyball. No, faustball (from German faust - “fist”) or fistball (from English fist - “fist”) appeared much earlier than volleyball. Such fun was known back in the days of the Roman Empire. The rules of this game were developed in Italy back in 1555, and the center of world fastball became Germany, where the game was brought to late XIX century. There are many significant differences between the mentioned games. For example, instead of a net, a rope is stretched across the court at a height of 2 m, through which the ball must be thrown using a fist or forearm (according to researchers, at first the ball was thrown over a stone wall).

Volleyball is played exclusively with the hands. Indeed, earlier during this game, athletes could hit the ball only with their hands or with any part of the body above the waist. However, according to changes made to the rules after 2000, defense is allowed to be played with the legs and any other part of the body. And in takro (the full name is sepak takro - “volleyball with legs”, extremely popular in Asian countries, especially in Thailand), you can touch the ball woven from rattan with your hands only when serving, the rest of the time it is struck exclusively with your feet or head .

Volleyball players hit the ball to each other. This is true. However, there is a type of volleyball called kickball. During this game, the ball is not hit, but thrown. Matches in this sport consist of 3 games; to win, a team must score 15 points. In some countries, kickball is included in the school curriculum, and serves as a significant aid in mastering two sports at once - volleyball and basketball.

Only strong and resilient people with indestructible health can play volleyball. Not necessary. There is volleyball (two types - standing and sitting) for the disabled, included in the Paralympic Games program since 1976. This kind of volleyball appeared in the Netherlands back in 1956.

The court in all types of volleyball is divided in half by a net. Most often this is true. However, in faustball, the net is replaced with a regular rope, and in curlball, an opaque fabric is used instead of a net.

Volleyball competitions take place on courts with various types of surfaces. Yes, the composition of coatings can vary significantly. If competitions are held in a hall, the flooring is most often made of wood or various types of synthetic materials, but if outdoors, the area can be covered with ceramic or crumb rubber, artificial grass, sand (in beach volleyball). There are also some varieties of volleyball, where the game is played in an open area, flooded with water - approximately knee-deep to the players ("swamp volleyball" or swamp ball, from the English swamp - "swamp, swamp" ball - "ball"), or in a shallow pool (“water volleyball”, English water volleyball).

Volleyball is a sad game. Completely wrong opinion! According to experienced athletes, this is one of the most emotional sports. In some cases, it is volleyball (especially some of its varieties, for example, beach) that even helps get rid of depression.

The volleyball ball is soft, light and slow. Yes, this type of sports equipment, specially created for playing volleyball in 1900 and consisting of a frame around which 6 leather panels (natural or artificial) are stretched, really has both lightness and relative softness (thanks to the low internal pressure - 0.30 - 0.325 kg/cm2, and even less in beach volleyball balls). But the judgment about its slowness is erroneous - sometimes a ball launched with great force can reach a speed of 130 km/h. It is with these “hard” balls that some strong volleyball players can even take one of their opponents out of the game for a while.

Volleyball is an activity for young people. No, age in this sport (especially amateur) is not a barrier. For example, in the city of Ivanovo there is a whole team of volleyball players, whose ages range from 70 to 91 years. At first there were men on the team, but this moment representative strong half There is only one left of humanity. And the oldest athlete in Yekaterinburg, Sofya Ivanovna Komarevich, turned 100 years old, 40 of which she and her friends devoted to regular volleyball training. According to the centenarian, this sport helps her keep fit and get rid of many diseases. Moreover, according to research, people of the second mature age(40-60 years old) regular practice of team sports (in particular volleyball) is simply necessary, as they prevent the development of physical inactivity and have positive influence for health and slow down the aging process.

The inventor of the game of volleyball is considered to be a simple American teacher, William George Morgan. He worked as a physical education teacher in a regular school and in 1895, in order to entertain his students, he came up with a new ball game. Its name, loosely translated from English, sounds like “hitting the ball on the fly.”

Volleyball is a very beautiful, dynamic and full of surprises game. On a rectangular platform divided in the middle by a net, two teams of six players each fight. The point of the game is to prevent balls kicked into enemy territory from being hit and touching the floor of the opponent’s court.

It is true that volleyball is played even on the deck of ships.

As paradoxical as this may sound, it is true. The sailors found very original way, preventing the ball from falling overboard, it is placed in a net made of thin fishing line and suspended on a strong thin rope (in nautical language it is called a tench) to some support above the deck.

Most often this is a crane beam, which is found on almost all ships except tankers. Surprisingly, the rope does not interfere with the game and prevents the ball from falling over the side. The main thing is that the size and design of the deck allow a volleyball net to be mounted on it and allow teams to play, even if they are not in full strength.
