If anything it won't be hot there. What to do if the house is hot

Last year beat everything temperature records, but 2017 is not going to lag behind. According to forecasts from the World Meteorological Organization, it could be the warmest on record. What to do if your apartment is very hot in summer, and how to survive the heat in the city? We've collected everything valuable advice in one longread.

How does heat affect the body?

Physical discomfort from heat is the lesser of the evils. What's worse is that it can be harmful to your health. The human body is sensitive to changes in the environment, and the capabilities of the thermoregulation system are not limitless.

Heat causes the body to overheat. Skin temperature rises, and heat exchange between the body and external environment increases significantly. Sweating becomes more intense, the water-salt balance in the body is disrupted. Because of this, the mucous membranes, designed to prevent harmful microorganisms from entering the body, dry out, and the body’s defenses are reduced. Children are especially susceptible to this process: their thermoregulation mechanism is not yet fully formed, and in the heat their body temperature rises faster. That's why even in mid-July, kids can catch a cold infection.

Violation of the water-salt balance also depletes muscle tissue. They do not receive enough nutrition, their performance decreases, fatigue and discomfort appear.

On hot days, it’s a good idea to help the body come into balance, not overload it, and try to lower the temperature if possible. environment.

How to cope with heat in an apartment: household appliances

They say that if you concentrate and imagine something cold, you can actually feel the coolness. But if thoughts about ice cream and Everest do not affect you, then we advise you to move from the spiritual to the material and look for salvation among household climate control appliances. They will help normalize temperature and humidity, a decrease in which during hot weather can have a negative impact on health. But first things first.

Air conditioner

The most popular type of air conditioner in everyday life is the wall-mounted split system. It consists of two blocks - external and internal. Freon continuously circulates between them. In the indoor unit of the air conditioner, freon changes from a liquid state to a gaseous state and, in the process of evaporation, takes heat from the air. The cooled air is supplied back to the room, and the heated air from room air freon enters the external unit.

Many modern split systems are equipped with an inverter, which allows you to smoothly change the heating and cooling power. Due to this, inverter air conditioners are quieter and, as a rule, more economical than conventional ones.

Life experience says: under certain circumstances, an air conditioner can show insidiousness and, along with the desired coolness, bring a sore throat, runny nose, and even an attack of radiculitis. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to approach the choice of the location of the device with all responsibility. The main thing is to prevent a person from staying for a long time in the area where the cold air stream is directly directed: this is approximately 2–3 meters from the device. In the bedroom, it is recommended to hang the air conditioner above the head of the bed. This way the recreation area will be protected from direct exposure to cold air.

When using an air conditioner, you must remember that it requires care and attention. If filters are not changed regularly according to the instructions, bacteria can grow on them.

And one more important point, which is often not known or forgotten. The air conditioner does not provide fresh air from the street. Therefore, you will still have to ventilate the room, regardless of the temperature outside the window. In a clogged room, even with air conditioning, a person will soon feel lethargic.

Appeared in Lately air conditioners with air flow (we devoted an entire chapter to them) also do not eliminate the need to ventilate. They supply only about 30 m3 of fresh air per hour. Compare with a specialized ventilation device: its productivity reaches 160 m3/h. This is enough to ensure fresh air five people. In addition, the use of air conditioners with inflow is limited in the cold season. And the breather can be used not only in June-July-August, but all year round thanks to the heating function. So it would be optimal to use two devices: entrust the breather with ventilation, and the air conditioner with cooling.


A fan is a cheap and cheerful way to escape the heat. Of course, if the room is very hot, then the air conditioner will help out faster and more efficiently. But the fan is not without its advantages. Affordable price, ease of installation, lack of need for any maintenance and low cost - these are, in fact, the reasons why many, answering the question “what to do if the house is hot?”, choose a fan.

When choosing a fan, pay attention to the diameter of the propeller blades: the larger it is, the stronger the device will accelerate the air. The most popular fans are floor fans. But if the room is small and there is nowhere to place such a fan, look for wall-mounted models. Ceiling fans are still more commonly seen in food service establishments than in friends' living rooms. But lately they are still gradually penetrating into design projects.


No, a humidifier does not help with heat. In the sense that it cannot reduce the air temperature. But in cases where heat is combined with dry air, a humidifier is strictly recommended for use. By supporting at least at home, we allow the mucous membranes to rehabilitate their protective capabilities. True, it is important not to overdo it: excessive humidity in the heat makes sweating difficult and therefore difficult to tolerate. Therefore, a humidifier should only be used in dry weather.

There are several ways to make your life easier in the heat without using special devices.

To keep the hot sun out of your rooms, close the windows with thick curtains or blinds. Alternative method: glue on window glass reflective film that prevents the room from heating up.

If possible, try to limit the time you use an electric or gas stove, otherwise the air will heat up even more. During the heat, you can try to give up hot dishes and switch to fresh vegetables and fruits, especially since your appetite usually decreases in summer.

Cold air is heavier than hot air and sinks. Therefore, during abnormally hot weather, you can change your usual bed to a mattress on the floor - it’s cooler there.

Pets also suffer from the heat and, as a rule, become thirsty more often than usual. It is important to ensure that there is always water in their feeder. But you shouldn’t leave meat or fish for the whole day: in the heat, food quickly spoils. It's better to switch to dry food.

How to survive the heat in the city

Whatever oasis you create in your apartment, sooner or later you will have to leave it and go out into the scorching heat. What to do in hot weather in the city?

The first thing you should take care of is your equipment: clothing in hot weather should be light, it is better to give preference natural materials, cotton and linen. Synthetic clothing impedes heat transfer and prevents the evaporation of moisture, which is necessary to cool the body.

Eating in the heat is worth paying attention to Special attention. Heavy high-calorie foods at this time are not the best choice, because the body has no need for extra energy. But spicy food, on the contrary, is recommended for use in hot weather: it increases sweating and thereby promotes thermoregulation. Just don't forget to drink spicy food big amount water to prevent dehydration. In hot weather, it is advisable to eat little by little, but often - 5-6 times a day. It is better to abstain from alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks: all this provokes dehydration. Give preference to water, plain or mineral.

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  • Illustration copyright Punch magazine Image caption The lack of sewerage then cost the lives of many people, wrote Punch magazine

    Are you suffering from the heat? Think for a moment about those who lived in London in 1858 - a year record temperatures and the Great Stench.

    As the London Standard newspaper wrote, by mid-June 1858, the air temperature in the city rose to 30 degrees Celsius and remained at this level for several weeks.

    There were no air conditioners or refrigerators then: food spoiled quickly, and in addition, says curator of the London Museum Beverly Cook, there was no properly functioning sewage system in the city.

    Everything that people didn't need - from the contents of chamber pots and newfangled flush toilets to carcasses of pets, spoiled food and waste from fishing - ended up in the Thames.

    The waste included parts of cows and pigs from butchers and chemicals from tanneries located along the river.

    The granite embankment of the Thames had not yet been built, people often drowned in the river - intentionally or accidentally - and their corpses often remained in the water.

    In addition, horses served as the main traction force for all transport, and huge piles of manure constantly accumulated on the city streets, says Cook.

    “They attracted flies, which, of course, spread diseases, such as diarrhea or typhoid fever,” explains the expert.

    The city was filled with a sickening mixture of odors, which were only made worse by the heat. To feel the urge to vomit, it was enough just to go to the river.

    This summer went down in history as the Great Stench, and there was no exaggeration in that.

    Image caption Getting this close to the Thames in 1858 would have been impossible, says Museum of London curator Beverley Cook.

    In the 1850s London became largest city on Earth, with a population of more than 2.5 million people suffering from a shortage drinking water and sanitary.

    • The heat is returning to Europe. Record temperatures expected in Spain and Portugal

    In his novel Little Dorrit, written in the 1850s, Charles Dickens describes the Thames this way: “Through the whole town, instead of a beautiful, cool river, rolled its muddy waters gutter".

    Worse, for the townspeople, the Thames and the rivers that flowed into it, often equally polluted, served as a source of drinking water.

    The concept of “summer diarrhea” was common among Londoners, and many suffered from typhoid fever. Cholera epidemics claimed thousands of lives.

    "The living conditions of Londoners were absolutely terrible," says Beverley Cook.

    “The river runs through the whole city, so it was obviously difficult to avoid it. And as soon as you approached it, you were immediately enveloped by a terrible smell, which Londoners of that time called nothing less than miasma.”

    “A lot of information came to us from city residents of that time - they said that the smell made them feel sick as soon as they approached the river, they had to cover their faces with masks or cloth.”

    Illustration copyright Museum of London Image caption Label from a 19th century package of bleaching lime - the buyer is guaranteed that food sprinkled with lime will be free from all unpleasant odors

    The newly erected House of Commons building was located near the river, and deputies complained that it was absolutely impossible to be in rooms with windows overlooking the Thames.

    The curtains were soaked in calcium hypochlorite, also known as bleaching lime.

    The manufacturers of this drug claimed that it counteracted diseases, but in fact it was nothing more than a weak air freshener, hardly able to cope with the terrifying stench.

    The word “terrifying” here must be taken literally: then it was believed that miasma carried diseases, and people were frightened by the reigning stench.

    The fact that some diseases can be transmitted through water was only just beginning to be realized.

    Illustration copyright Punch magazine Image caption Caricature from Punch magazine: "Father Thames introduces his offspring to beautiful London"

    In satirical magazines one could often find the figure of “Thames the Father” - a dirty old man with sick and disfigured offspring.

    The British Empire was at the peak of its power - the Thames was traditionally considered the "river of wealth." “It carried countless treasures from the growing empire to London, but it also turned into a river of death,” says Beverly Cook.

    “The situation had been deteriorating for several years, and I think the hot summer of that year was the peak of the crisis. The fact that parliament continued its work during those hot summer days, was an additional incentive to take some action about what was happening,” says a curator at the Museum of London.

    Illustration copyright PoppyPixels Image caption There was no escape from the pervasive stench in the parliament buildings

    Benjamin Disraeli, who was then Chancellor of the Exchequer, took up the problem. He proposed a bill, which parliamentarians approved in 18 days.

    At the first reading, on July 15, 1858, Disraeli told parliamentarians: “This noble river, which has so long brought joy and pride to the English, hitherto associated with the great deeds of our traders and the beautiful lines of our poets, has become a Stygian swamp, exuding an intolerable, horrible smell".

    "Public health is at stake; almost all life that once lived in the waters of the Thames has disappeared or been destroyed. There is a natural fear that the same fate awaits those living things that have settled on its banks. This great city is consumed by the fear of epidemics," said Disraeli.

    The project became law on August 2, 1858. The city's public utility was given the finances and authority to undertake the greatest engineering project of its time. Work was to begin at next year, and Joseph Bazeljet was appointed head of the project.

    Bazeljet designed a system of interconnecting sewers that would intercept London's slop before it reached the Thames, as well as a new embankment with built-in drains.

    Illustration copyright Crossness Engines Peter Scrimshaw Image caption This is what Crossness, one of the first pumping stations in London looks like from the inside

    The waste was pumped out using carefully designed pumping stations, which included the famous Crossness and Abbey Mills stations.

    Sewage was still washed into the river, but in less populated areas. “Out of sight, out of mind,” explains Greg Warner, a volunteer at the Crossness Engines Trust, which restores Victorian pumping stations.

    These stations stopped working only in the 20th century, when they simply dumped untreated wastewater into the environment has become unacceptable.

    Warner calls Bazeljet a hero of sorts who has done a lot for the health of Londoners.

    "Imagine a 45cm layer of sewage on the surface of the Thames," says Warner. "It physically drained all that waste away from central London."

    According to Thames Water, which supplies the city, drinking water, the old sewer pipes are still in excellent working order, although they were created for a city that was much smaller.

    London's water and sewerage system is currently undergoing a major overhaul, with the city's population expected to reach 10 million by 2030.

    Bazeljet's architectural design was carried out to the highest standards, at the highest technical level, says Beverly Cook.

    "This project was very well conceived and executed. The advantage was the wealth of the city - there was no need to worry about money, you just had to execute everything at the highest level."

    Thank you

    How does a person adapt to heat?

    Heat is an excessively high ambient temperature ( more than 30 degrees Celsius). This article will talk about how the human body adapts to such high temperatures and what to do when it is too hot.

    The human body is designed to feel comfortable both in summer and winter. For this purpose, there is a thermoregulation center that ensures the body’s temperature remains constant and triggers compensatory mechanisms in response to changes in ambient temperature. In the summer, to prevent heat stroke, mechanisms are activated to cool the body.

    The body's mechanisms to prevent heat stroke are as follows:

    • decrease in heat production by the body;
    • maximum increase in heat transfer.
    These mechanisms are based on the principle of thermoregulation, that is, heat production - heat transfer. This means that the body is capable of both producing heat ( heat production), and give it away ( heat transfer). The balance between these two processes is regulated by the thermoregulatory center, which is located in a region of the brain called the hypothalamus. It maintains a constant body temperature ( about 36 – 37 degrees) regardless of the ambient temperature. The exception is fever, when the body temperature changes due to infection. In other cases, the hypothalamus ensures the constancy of body temperature. When the ambient temperature decreases, heat transfer decreases and heat production increases. When it’s hot outside, the opposite happens - heat transfer increases sharply, production decreases.

    The brain receives signals about temperature changes from skin receptors. These are special heat receptors ( sensors), which are embedded in the superficial layer of the skin. They instantly react and send signals to the brain when the ambient temperature changes even by 2 - 3 degrees.

    The mechanisms for reducing heat production and increasing heat transfer are as follows:

    • All processes in the body slow down. Breathing becomes shallow, heart rate becomes slower. All this happens in order to stop the production of heat.
    • Skin vessels dilate, and the volume of circulating blood in them increases. This leads to increased heat transfer.
    • At temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius, the sweat glands are activated. Sweat production is the main mechanism of heat transfer. So, by evaporating, sweat cools the body, leading to a decrease in body temperature lower than the ambient temperature. Sweating can significantly lower your body temperature, but it is important to understand that it loses a large amount of fluid.

    How to escape the heat in an apartment?

    When staying in an apartment during the heat, it is very important to stop getting sun rays into the room. Light from the sun can increase the temperature in a room by 5 to 10 degrees, thereby creating a greenhouse effect. To avoid this, you need to close the windows with thick curtains or hang blinds. Reflective film, which can be attached to the curtains on the window side, will help reflect the sun's rays as much as possible.

    Helps you cope with the heat in your apartment more easily the right clothes. It is not recommended to wear thick, synthetic fabrics, because they interfere with heat transfer and create additional heat for the skin. Loose cotton clothing will not interfere with heat transfer and will not create a greenhouse effect.

    What to do if your room is hot in summer?

    It is recommended to keep the windows closed during the day, while it is recommended to open them in the morning and evening to ventilate the room. A well-ventilated room will prevent oxygen starvation of the body. To refresh the room as much as possible, you can resort to a draft. To do this, you need to simultaneously open the windows in opposite rooms. This will help cool the room quickly, but it is also important to avoid catching a cold. To avoid this, it is not recommended to stay indoors during a draft.

    Replacing incandescent lamps with LED lamps will help reduce heat production in the room. The latter emit half as much heat as conventional incandescent lamps.

    What can and cannot be done if you have a chill?

    Why shouldn't you drink alcohol during the heat?

    What you shouldn't do during the heat is drink alcohol. From use alcoholic drinks worth refusing for several reasons. Firstly, when drinking alcohol in the summer ( and this even applies to beer) the load on cardiovascular system. The risk of developing myocardial infarction and stroke in the heat increases several times. Secondly, when alcohol enters the body, it needs a lot of water. It breaks down and uses body water for its metabolism. This is what explains dry mouth after drinking heavily. However, in summer time The body already loses water in large quantities, and drinking alcohol can even lead to dehydration. Doctors strongly recommend avoiding drinking alcohol while relaxing on the beach and in other places, as this increases the risk of heat stroke several times.

    It should also be noted that in summer the effect of alcohol increases. This is explained by the fact that the blood vessels are dilated, and blood circulation in them is more intense. Alcohol very quickly penetrates through the gastric mucosa into the dilated arteries and spreads throughout the body through the bloodstream.

    Cold drinks at home

    Cold drinks, prepared independently at home, are a good way to cope with thirst. In addition, the feeling of quenched thirst after them lasts for a long time, unlike industrial drinks. The fact is that various industrial juices and carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar, and quite a short time after drinking them, the feeling of thirst arises again.
    There are several types of homemade drinks, each of which has its own characteristics and specific preparation.

    The following types of soft drinks are distinguished:
    • fruit drink;
    • kvass;
    • lemonade;
    • compote;
    • Herb tea.
    All types of homemade soft drinks should be kept in the refrigerator, as they do not contain preservatives and the heat can spoil the drink. The shelf life of any drink does not exceed 2 days.


    Morse is a drink that contains berries or fruits ( fresh or frozen), water and additional components ( sugar, mint, ice). The history of fruit drinks goes back many centuries, and back in ancient Rus' it was prepared from wild forest berries and were used not only to quench thirst, but also to treat certain diseases. Today this drink is also used in the fight against certain diseases, and there is even such a definition as sea therapy ( fruit drink treatment).

    Rules for preparing fruit juice
    To prepare this drink, any berries or fruits can be used, but it is advisable to take those that have a lot of juice. The raw materials need to be kneaded ( crush with a mashed potato maker, e.g.) and squeeze out the juice using gauze. If fruit juice is prepared from frozen products, before carrying out this procedure, they must be thawed by keeping them at room temperature for 15 - 20 minutes. Dishes for preparing fruit juice should be used glass or ceramic, not metal.

    The remaining raw material after squeezing the juice must be poured warm water at the rate of a liter of liquid per 200 - 300 grams of fruit and bring to a boil over low heat. Then the broth should be strained from the extracts, cooled and combined with the squeezed juice. You can add various additional ingredients to taste.

    The following components can be used as an addition when making fruit juice:

    • sugar ( added at boiling point);
    • honey ( added after the broth has already boiled and cooled slightly);
    • mint ( added to the finished chilled drink);
    • lemon zest ( added during extraction of raw materials);
    • citrus slices ( used as a decoration for ready-made fruit drinks);
    • vanilla ( put when boiling);
    • cinnamon ( added when boiling);
    • ice ( used for cooling the finished fruit drink).
    There is another, simpler method of preparing fruit juice, which eliminates the boiling process. To prepare a drink according to this recipe, the raw material must be squeezed out and poured with boiled or mineral still water in the proportion of a liter of liquid per 300 - 400 grams of fruit. It should be noted that this fruit drink is not recommended for gastritis with high acidity.

    What components are used for fruit drink?
    Any berries and fruits that have juicy, watery pulp can be used as the main component for preparing fruit juice. It is recommended to choose seasonal local fruits, because imported products have a high content of nitrates and other harmful substances.

    The following are the most popular fruits for making fruit drinks:

    • cherry;
    • sea ​​​​buckthorn ( the boiling process is mandatory).
    Sugar, mint and other additional ingredients are not prerequisite when preparing fruit juice.

    Recommendations for choosing fruit drink
    In addition to quenching thirst, fruit juice has positive influence on a person's well-being. Therefore, if possible, it is recommended to choose the type of fruit drink that will be most useful to a particular person.

    • Lingonberry. This drink will be useful for people with low resistance to various infections, as well as those who are employed in hazardous industries, because lingonberries remove harmful metals from the body.
    • Crimson. Indicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, as it strengthens the walls blood vessels, increases hemoglobin, improves blood characteristics. Raspberry juice is also recommended if you are prone to frequent colds and digestive disorders.
    • Cranberry. Cranberry juice is recommended for women with chronic diseases of the urinary system ( for example, with cystitis). The drink is also useful for gastritis with low acidity, swelling, kidney problems.
    • Blackberry. Blackberry juice improves function gastrointestinal tract, therefore, its use will be of particular benefit to those who suffer from constipation. The drink also reduces arterial pressure (therefore not recommended for hypotension), activates the process of bile outflow.
    • Cherry. Recommended for joint problems, as the berries prevent salt deposition. Cherries contain a lot of melatonin, a substance that is responsible for the sleep process, so if you are oversleepy, this drink is not recommended to be taken in the morning. If you have problems with sleep, you should not miss taking this fruit drink in the evening.
    • Bilberry. This fruit drink is indicated for people with vision problems, as well as those who expose their eyes to regular stress ( works on a computer, knits, repairs or produces small parts).
    • Sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn drink should be taken if you are prone to diseases respiratory systems s ( bronchitis, sore throat). In addition, this fruit drink is recommended for frequent stress, nervous fatigue, and depression.
    • Currant. Fruit juice from currants, especially black currants, is recommended for high cholesterol. All varieties of this berry have an anti-inflammatory effect, so the drink will be beneficial for chronic infections.


    Kvass is a drink that is produced by fermentation. Traditionally, kvass is made from bread, yeast, sugar and water, but there are other varieties of this drink. Since the fermentation process is the basis of the preparation, kvass is a carbonated drink with a small amount of alcohol ( not higher than 1.5 percent). Therefore, kvass is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

    There are the following types of kvass:

    • classic bread yeast kvass;
    • kvass from Borodino bread;
    • apple kvass;
    • dried fruit kvass.
    Classic bread yeast kvass
    Classic kvass is made from bread, yeast ( dry or pressed), water and sugar. The choice of bread affects the taste of the finished drink. So, if you use rye bread, the kvass will turn out dark with a rich, sharp taste. If you take wheat-rye bread, the drink will be lighter and have a milder taste. The process of preparing classic kvass consists of 3 stages.

    Bread yeast kvass is prepared according to the following rules:

    • First stage. First you need to prepare the starter. For this you need half a loaf of bread ( 200 – 250 grams) cut into finger-thick slices and dry in the oven. It is important that the bread does not burn, because the kvass will have a bitter taste. Dried crackers should be poured with 2 cups of boiling water, add 60 grams of sugar ( you can use reed) and grind into a paste. The resulting mass must be cooled naturally ( that is, do not put it in the refrigerator) to 35 degrees, then add 20 grams of dry or 30 grams of regular yeast. After this, the container with the starter must be covered with a cloth ( plastic cover is not allowed) and leave to ferment at room temperature for one day.
    • Second phase. After the starter is ready ( the foam that appears at the beginning of fermentation must settle), the mass should be transferred to a larger container ( the best option is glass jar 3 liter volume). 200 - 300 grams of crackers are added to the starter, after which the vessel must be filled with cool syrup, which is prepared from water and 50 grams of sugar. Then the jar is covered with a cloth and left in a cool place for 24 hours.
    • Third stage. The final stage is filtering the drink, for which gauze folded in several layers is used. Kvass should be poured through cheesecloth into a container with a tight-fitting lid and placed in the refrigerator. The remaining bread mass can be used to prepare 1 – 2 more servings of the drink.
    Kvass from Borodino bread
    Kvass from Borodino bread is prepared by analogy with classic kvass, but without the addition of yeast. In addition, 50 grams of raisins are added to this drink. Add raisins while preparing sourdough. Since the drink is prepared without yeast, the fermentation process may take longer than in the case of traditional recipe. As a rule, for full readiness Leavening takes approximately 3 days.

    Apple kvass
    This type of kvass is prepared from any varieties of apples, but it is better to take those that have a sour taste, which will give the drink a characteristic sourness. To prepare a liter of kvass, peel and seed 3 apples, cut into slices, add a liter of water and bring to a boil. After 5 minutes of boiling, remove the container from the stove and cool the apple broth to 35 degrees. Then you need to pour 200 milliliters of the broth into a separate vessel, add yeast there and wait until foam appears on the surface of the liquid ( Depending on the type of yeast, it may take from 15 minutes to an hour). After this, the fermented yeast should be poured into a container with a decoction, add sugar to taste, lemon juice ( if the apples are not sour), cover with a cloth and leave to ferment for a day. If desired, you can add cinnamon, honey instead of sugar, vanilla, mint to kvass.

    Dried fruit kvass
    Kvass from dried fruits is prepared according to the same principle as apple kvass. The only difference is that instead of 5 minutes, the dried fruits should be boiled longer - from 15 to 20 minutes. Dried apricots, raisins, prunes, and figs can be used as raw materials.

    Recommendations for consuming kvass
    During the fermentation process in kvass, various enzymes are formed ( substances that aid digestion), probiotics ( beneficial bacteria), amino acids. Thanks to its composition, the drink has a positive effect on all organs of the digestive tract and especially on the intestines. Regular consumption of kvass helps normalize microflora, which will be useful for those who often suffer from dysbiosis, constipation and other similar problems.


    Lemonade is a soft, sour-tasting drink traditionally made from lemons.

    How to make lemonade?
    To prepare approximately 1.5 liters of drink, you will need 10 - 12 lemons average size. Citrus fruits must be scalded hot water, in order to remove from them harmful substances that they are treated with during transportation. Then you need to peel the zest from the lemons with a fine grater, and then squeeze the juice out of them. The zest should be covered with sugar ( 150 – 200 grams) and pour a glass hot water. If desired, you can add mint to the syrup, after which the liquid should be left for 15 - 20 minutes so that the zest gives off its aroma. Then you need to strain the cooled syrup and add lemon juice and a liter of water ( You can use sparkling or still water). The drink should be stored in a dark container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, because exposure to light destroys the vitamins present in it.

    In addition to lemons, oranges are often used to make lemonade. The proportions of citrus fruits are based on personal preferences. Thus, the most popular recipe is one in which oranges and lemons are used in equal parts. This drink has a pronounced citrus aroma and characteristic sourness. If you make lemonade only from oranges, you should significantly reduce the amount of sugar so that the drink does not turn out too sweet. You can also add grapefruit and tangerines to lemonade, and replace mint with basil and oregano.

    Recommendations for drinking lemonade
    Thanks to a large number vitamins, lemonade will be useful for people who are often exposed to colds. Those who work in air-conditioned rooms especially often catch colds during hot weather. Lemonade also normalizes metabolism, improves brain activity and increases productivity.


    Compote is a decoction of fruits or berries with added sugar. This drink is the most popular and has a large number of preparation options. The difference between compote and other cooling drinks is its longer shelf life ( from 3 to 5 days), since the fruits from which it is prepared undergo heat treatment.

    How to prepare compote?
    Among all the compote recipes, it is impossible to single out one that could be called classic. The composition of raw materials, proportions, cooking features - all these factors are determined, to a greater extent, only by personal preferences. There are only general rules, which should be taken into account when preparing this drink.

    The following general rules for preparing compote are distinguished:

    • Dishes. It is not recommended to use aluminum utensils to prepare compote, since many beneficial substances are destroyed upon contact with this metal. It is better to use enamel pans.
    • Main raw materials. You can prepare compote from any berries or fruits in various combinations and proportions. Compote made from dried fruits also quenches thirst well.
    • Water. Used to prepare compote pure water, which is taken at the rate of a liter of liquid per 200 - 300 grams of fruit. If you want to get a richer taste of the drink, the volume of water should be reduced.
    • Sugar. The amount of sugar depends on the taste of the fruit and personal preference. On average, 2–3 tablespoons of sugar are used per kilogram of raw materials. For quince compote, sour apples or tart pears, the amount of sugar can be increased to 5 tablespoons.
    • Additional components. To get an unusual taste, various spices or herbs are added to the compote. Apple compote is combined with cinnamon, cloves or allspice ( in peas). Leaves of the cherry itself are added to the cherry compote or Bay leaf (1 – 2 leaves per liter of liquid). Mint and green cardamom are added to peaches and apricots.
    • Cooking time. The less vegetable raw materials are cooked, the more intense the taste of the compote becomes, but its shelf life is reduced. On average, you should cook compote, for example, from apples for 10 – 15 minutes. If the drink is made from watery berries ( for example, from raspberries), then the cooking time should be reduced to 5 minutes. If dried fruits are used as the main component, the cooking time should be increased to 20 minutes.

    Herb tea

    Tea brewed from herbs helps quench thirst, and also gives strength and has a strengthening effect, which is important with the onset of summer and high temperatures. You can drink this drink warm ( in this form, it not only quenches thirst, but also helps the body resist heat), and chilled.

    How to make herbal tea?
    This drink is prepared from fresh or dried herbs, water and sugar ( can be replaced with honey or not used at all). You can also add lemon, spices, ice. If tea is prepared from fresh raw materials, use a tablespoon of chopped herbs per glass of boiling water. The herbs need to be filled with water and left to infuse. When preparing tea from dry herbs, take a teaspoon of the raw material, add a glass of water and bring to a boil.

    Everything is good in moderation. Despite the fact that “the heat does not break the bones”, in winter period Too warm and, therefore, dry air brings discomfort. In addition, problems with the skin, hair, and sometimes the condition of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems may appear. Summer overheating is fraught with even more serious health problems.

    In many regions, already at the end of May it becomes hot during the day, and housing does not have time to cool down at night. Discomfort both night and day interferes with normal rest; the heat “exhausts” you, depriving you of strength and performance.

    If the thermometer in your home shows more, it is better to take simple measures to correct the air condition than to use a lot of products to moisturize the skin, deal with dry hair or other, more serious health problems.

    Curtain the windows

    To reduce the penetration of sunlight into the room, you need to curtain the windows. For this we use:

    • foil;
    • light thick curtains;
    • special reflective curtain.

    Foil on the windows will reflect the sun's rays, keeping the room cool. Lightweight, light-colored fabric is best suited for summer curtains. Bright or dark fabrics will absorb rather than reflect the sun's rays. You need to choose a material that is resistant to color: it will protect the house from hot rays, and will also prevent furniture or wallpaper from fading.

    Insulating windows from heat

    Simple and easy way reduce the temperature in the house - use mirrored windows by purchasing a special sun protection film (it has an adhesive surface) with the effect of reflecting the rays of the sun. This option cannot be called very affordable. It’s even easier, but much more economical, to use regular foil. For example, take a 15-meter roll of packaging, it is enough for one window. Moisten enough inner side glass with plain water and you can sculpt foil. Surprisingly, it will last quite a long time. Of course, you can add a little tape around the edges.

    Advice: when it is very hot outside, when leaving the house, you need to close all the windows, otherwise the heat will be inside the room. It is worth ventilating only if the temperature outside the window is not much higher than room temperature. Ideal ventilation in summer is at night.

    We use modern technology

    A modern way to deal with elevated temperature indoor air - use an air conditioner and a fan. But, despite the fact that progress does not stand still, more and more air cooling systems are appearing, and they have many opponents. Air conditioners and split systems are accused of being sources of various diseases. Is it really? If so, how can you reduce the risk of getting sick under air conditioning?

    Pros and cons of air conditioners and split systems

    It is impossible to imagine modern stores without air conditioning, effective work in offices, coolness and comfort in houses and apartments. In addition to their main purpose - to optimize the air temperature, they can clean the air from dust and exhaust gases, disinfect the air, trapping germs, move air in different directions-patterns, eliminating drafts.

    But, at the same time, the air conditioner can cause illness if:

    • the equipment did not undergo technical inspection and preventive cleaning of the indoor unit on time;
    • a person stays for a long time in close proximity to a continuously operating air conditioner;
    • equipment operates under conditions not recommended by manufacturers.

    Read also

    How to make a drainage pit for a private house

    Cool from the fan

    Many people prefer to use a fan rather than an air conditioner. Sometimes this device is the only one affordable. Modern modifications have “bells and whistles” in the form of sprayed tiny particles of water. A traditional fan does not cool the air, but moves it around the apartment, creating a breeze effect. It's better than nothing, better than no air movement at all. When using the device, you also need to take precautions, do not fall asleep under the air flow from the fan, and do not come in steamed from the street. The greatest effect can be achieved if:

    • Place large pieces of ice in front of the fan. Cool air will spread throughout the apartment.
    • blow a breeze from a fan onto the hanging wet fabric it humidifies and cools the room well.

    A proven way to cool the air in your home

    Be careful with the fan: studies have been conducted, as a result of which it became clear that at temperatures above 35 degrees the fan threatens unpleasant consequences for the body. Hot air directed at a hot body does not cool, but causes dehydration. This is how heat exhaustion occurs. This painful condition, the cause of which is overheating.

    Using a humidifier

    Modern air humidifiers are excellent helpers for maintaining an optimal indoor environment, a healthy balance of humidity and temperature. Ultrasonic models are the most popular. They are the most efficient, compact, and economical in energy consumption. The traditional cold steam humidifier has its pros and cons. The saturation of the environment with moisture during operation of such a device occurs due to a special filter of cold distilled water. Another type of air humidifier is a steam model, which operates on a pair of electrodes immersed in water to heat and evaporate it.

    Ultrasonic Household Humidifier

    Which device to choose is up to you. The efficiency and long-term use are directly reflected in the cost of the humidifier. When the temperature is over 30 degrees, a humidifier is not a help. A reflective roller blind doesn't help either. Air conditioning only.

    We install open water in the house

    But it is not always and not everywhere in a country house or country house that it is possible to install an air conditioner. When it's very hot, fight the main thing side effect high temperature air - its dryness - simple and long-term help will help known method. You need to put several buckets or basins with cold water. It will have to be changed as it warms up. Cold water reduces the heating temperature of the air.

    Tip: water frozen in water can cool a room by several degrees. plastic bottles. This ice can be spread around the apartment - it will become cooler. The thawed bottle can be placed back in the freezer of the refrigerator - this is a source of ice in any season.

    And it gets hot at the dacha in summer

    In a city filled with concrete highways and high-rise buildings, summer heat it feels especially hard. It’s good if you have a country house where you can go during the hot season. Working city dwellers more often go out of town on weekends, and here you can also encounter a problem: it can also be hot in the country, especially during the day. To ensure that your country house retains its invigorating coolness for your arrival next weekend, you need to curtain the windows and leave containers of water in the room.

    It's great when the weather is warm and pleasant outside. The sun is shining, the wind gently blows on your face, it’s light and warm outside. But when the weather turns bad and it rains outside, it becomes uneasy, especially when you are not dressed for the weather. True, when you are wearing rubber boots and a raincoat, then it’s beautiful, “go” to walk through the puddles.

    Sometimes the weather can not only please us.

    For example, a strong snowstorm or severe frost outside and then you can catch a cold. You should know that it is dangerous to be in such weather conditions. The weather can be very capricious, so any weather conditions you need to be prepared.

    So, let's begin.

    What to do if it's too hot outside...

    It seems to us that hot weather is not as bad for us as cold weather. In fact, this is a big misconception. Hot weather can be much worse than frost or rainy greyness. And I will try to tell you why now.

    When we are cold, we try in every possible way to warm ourselves. To do this, we move, we try not to stand in one place.

    And when on the street heatwave, then our body does not feel it.

    We can sunbathe on the beach and not notice how the body overheats.

    This is how you can get sunstroke and this is a very dangerous condition for a person. The head begins to spin, nausea appears, and a high temperature rises.

    If you don't go to a cool place and stay in the sun, you can die.

    Therefore, when you sunbathe, try not to fall asleep, as you may not notice and get sunstroke.

    It is very important to protect your head from the heat. Are you asking "why"?

    Because our brain cannot stand overheating, and our head heats up first.

    Therefore, it is best to wear a hat in hot weather.

    You can, for example, wear a cap, but if you don’t like it, wear something else. Our head should be protected from direct sunlight.

    You will feel that your body is overheated, when your head hurts, it seems as if it has become heavy and it hurts your eyes to look at the bright light.

    You realize that you feel nauseous and it becomes difficult to breathe. Your legs and arms don't obey you. It could very well be heatstroke. You need to ask for help immediately.

    Drink water, wash your face with cold water, be sure to go into the shade and wait for help.

    Do you know that you can catch a cold in the heat? How? I'll tell you about it.

    So you come from the street, from the heat, into a room where there is an air conditioner and immediately closer to the cold air, you will feel refreshed.

    And your body is very hot and will begin to cool sharply. Or some cold water from the refrigerator or ice cream, and that’s it, you’re guaranteed a cold for a week.

    Remember: if you are warmed up in the sun and feel a pounding in your head (this means that it is difficult for blood to flow to the brain), under no circumstances should you jump into the water. It is very dangerous!

    The sun's rays are very dangerous: they can burn your skin.

    Sunburn is very unpleasant. It hurts to sleep, trembles all over the body, and then the skin itches, peels off and takes a long time to heal. When you get a burn from an iron, for example, you feel the pain immediately and pull back, but when you get a burn from the sun's rays, it does not immediately appear.

    How do you know when you're getting close to sunburn?

    Very simple. Press your finger on the skin if there is any left of it White spot it already smells like a burn, you need to immediately hide in the shadows. Well, we've come to the end. So what to do if you get sunburned?

    You need to tell adults about this. Remember, under no circumstances should you smear your skin with oil or sour cream! This can only make things worse. You can apply a little low-fat kefir to the burns; it will ease the pain a little. But this is a last resort.

    After that, you have to sit and wait until your back stops burning.


    • At lunchtime, sit in the shade; if you still have to go somewhere with adults, be sure to cover your shoulders and put a hat on your head.
    • Drink more fluids.
    • We don’t jump from the heat straight into the cold.
    • We don’t drink or eat cold things.
    • We don't stay in the sun for long.

    Just be responsible and attentive, then you will have a wonderful summer!
