Chewing gum after meals: benefits and harms. How harmful is chewing gum? Consequences of long-term use

Chewing gum has harmoniously entered into daily use by people on all continents, despite widespread rumors about its harm to human health. What was the reason for such popularity? IN commercials emphasis is placed on beneficial properties chewing gum for teeth, but whether this is so can be understood only by analyzing the composition of the product and the effect of individual components of chewing gum on the human body.

Chewing gum composition

The birthplace of the first rubber chewing gum, patented in 1869 by W. Semple, is America. However, archaeological finds indicate that a similar product was used in Ancient Greece and the Middle East, only the basis of chewing gum was not rubber, but the resin of mastic trees. Such chewing gum was sold in America, being the predecessor of modern chewing gum.

Back then, small pieces of pine resin were mixed with beeswax and sold in portions. Perhaps then the harm of chewing gum was invisible to those who actively used it. Without synthetic polymers, flavor enhancers, preservatives, dyes, and flavors, it was much more harmless than its contemporary.

Over time, the composition of chewing gum ingredients has changed to meet consumer needs and to remain competitive. So, in 1880, its composition was enriched with corn syrup and peppermint, and in 1898, Dr. E. Beeman is trying to increase sales by adding pepsin powder and positioning chewing gum on the market as a remedy for diseases gastrointestinal tract.

However, there was no mention of the harmful effects of chewing gum. The version of its usefulness for teeth appeared in 1899 thanks to V. Canning, and remained a favorite in terms of promoting trade to this day. However, the composition of the chewing gum confirms the opposite.

There is a threat of harm to both the teeth and the gastrointestinal tract. It is possible to neutralize its negative impact only by knowing how much you can chew gum and what time of day is most suitable for this.


The basis of chewing gum is rubber, latex and other polymers of synthetic origin. They make up 60% of the volume of the finished product. No negative effects of polymers on the human body have been identified.

Glycerin (E422) – has the ability to draw water from tissues, therefore products with the addition of glycerin are contraindicated for people with kidney disease, heart disease vascular system. The opinion that there is very little glycerin in chewing gum is true, but do not forget that it is found in many other products: bread, candy, cookies, marshmallows, cakes and even dairy products.

Daily consumption of many glycerin-containing products can cause significant harm to health.

Butylated hydroxyanisole (E320) is an antioxidant, preservative, and antioxidant. The additive was tested on animals, and in large quantities the carcinogenic effect of the product was observed. There is no such data regarding humans. In some cases, it acts either as an anticancer agent or as a cancer-causing agent.

Citric acid (E330) – does not have negative impact on the human body, and only large quantities, getting on mucous membranes and skin, can cause burns. But the amount of additive in chewing gum is not dangerous.

Emulsifier (E322) is produced on the basis egg yolk. This supplement cannot cause serious harm to the body, but for people with a tendency to allergic reactions Products containing lecithin (E322) should be avoided.


  1. Aspartame is a sweetener that doctors recommend completely eliminating from the diet. Regular intake of aspartame causes allergies, headache, sleep disorders, depressed mental condition. Aspartame cannot be washed off from the mouth with saliva, so the sweetish taste in the mouth causes a constant feeling of thirst. Phenylalanine, being a component of aspartame, disrupts chemical processes in the brain, affects work nervous system and human hormonal background.
  2. Xylitol (E697), maltitol (E695) are relatively safe food additives, but can cause gastrointestinal disorders.
  3. Sorbitol (E420) – emulsifier, sweetener, received wide application in the production of products for patients diabetes mellitus. However, it cannot be called safe for human health, since long-term use of sorbitol-containing products leads to visual impairment, diabetic retinopathy, gastrointestinal disorders and flatulence. Sorbitol is prohibited for use in the production of baby food, and in the USA it is classified as an additive hazardous to human health.

As a coloring agent most commonly used to make chewing gum snow-white color, use titanium dioxide (E171). On the one hand, there is no information about the dangers of this substance. But one should doubt its safety, since during experiments on rats, inhalation of titanium dioxide powder caused the development of cancer. In addition, vegetable dye (E120) is used, which is an allergen.

This is a shortened list of chewing gum components that are used in production to give it more attractive qualities: ductility, better extensibility for blowing bubbles and a unique taste. But with a complex effect on the body, they can give a number of negative manifestations.

Consequences of long-term use

The harm caused by chewing gum both from its components and from the process of continuous chewing itself is as follows:

IN kindergarten or at home, a child can go to bed without taking the gum out of his mouth. Her getting into respiratory organs may lead to suffocation or consequences incompatible with life.

The disadvantages of chewing gum that neutralize the usefulness of its use include:

  1. Short-term odor improvement effect oral cavity, lasting only a few minutes.
  2. Deterioration of short-term memory from chewing gum and manifestation of absent-mindedness.
  3. The negative impact of constant use of chewing gum throughout the day on the condition of nails, hair, and skin.
  4. Along with strengthening the maxillofacial apparatus, a child may develop an incorrect bite caused by chewing, and teeth may become loose.

Video: harm of chewing gum, composition – shock!

Rules for use and alternatives to chewing gum

Despite the harm from chewing gum, if you don’t have a toothbrush at hand, its use is acceptable. And even then you should adhere to the rules for using chewing gum:

  • Chew gum not in between meals, but only strictly before meals or immediately after eating food.
  • You can chew gum for no more than 5 minutes. Then the additional production of saliva and gastric juice will not harm the body.
  • Do not swallow chewing gum after its taste has been neutralized, and do not throw it on the street in an unsuitable place.
  • Choose chewing gum with a neutral color, taste and smell.

If possible, you should replace the use of chewing gum with more natural products that cause a similar effect:

  1. Chewing marmalade that is easy to make at home.
  2. Coffee beans, which, when chewed, will permanently eliminate unpleasant odor in the mouth by destroying bacteria.
  3. Mint and parsley leaves can dull the feeling of hunger, make your breath fresh and saturate the body with useful vitamins.

When using chewing gum, it is important to remember that everything must be done in moderation. If possible, it is worth replacing chewing gum with more natural products that can fortify the body, neutralize bacteria and refresh the oral cavity.

The most beloved and desired product for children, the undisputed winner in the “yummy” category, is, of course, chewing gum. Chewing gum (or, as it is scientifically called, a culinary product made from an elastic, but not suitable for ingestion base) after some time turns into a tasteless piece of gum, which then must be spat out or thrown away. Many are interested - how long can you chew gum without harm to teeth and stomach? Before answering a question like this, let's talk about chewing gum in a little more detail.

Chewing gum: history of creation

The history of the first chewing gum goes back to the Mayan tribes, who chewed rubber. There were also American Indians who consumed resin from coniferous trees. But the official production of chewing gum approximately in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing it (portions wrapped in a wrapper) began in America in the mid-19th century of the last century. The year of birth of chewing gum was 1848. Moreover, initially chewing gum was served as a medicinal product, sold in pharmacies. Only in the second half of the 19th century did chewing gum receive aromatic and sweet additives, after which its popularity grew sharply, and the famous “Tutti-Frutti” and “Wrigley” appeared.

What are the benefits of chewing gum?

Let's list the well-known advantages of chewing gum and why we love it so much. Here Why is chewing gum good for you?:

  1. The chewing gum is aromatic and tasty;
  2. It is beautifully packaged and often contains interesting inserts and memorable wrappers;
  3. It can be chewed for a long time;
  4. You can blow bubbles from it, bursting them loudly and deliciously after that;
  5. Chewing gum helps clean the mouth and teeth from pieces of food after eating;
  6. It improves breathing;
  7. Chewing gum imparts a certain coolness to its owner.

Yes Yes! A chewing child, no matter how strange it may sound, for some reason imagines himself as the most cool kid in the world. Perhaps this is due to the fact that chewing sweet gum is not often possible - parents forbid it.

Gum. Negative sides

But chewing gum also has obvious disadvantages. What is the harm of chewing gum:

  1. Chewing gum for a long time harms your teeth. In addition to the notorious caries that occurs from sweets, which can ruin teeth (it should be noted here that chewing gum manufacturers also produce versions of gum that do not contain sugar), chewing gum negatively affects fillings - chewing increases the risk of fillings falling out;
  2. Chewing gum eaten on an empty stomach can have a bad effect on the stomach, because when chewing, gastric juice is released, but no food is supplied;
  3. Chewing gum in the presence of other people is unethical (in particular, you should not chew gum at school, during college classes, or when communicating with other people);
  4. You can easily forget to spit out the gum or accidentally swallow it;
  5. Sometimes there is nowhere to throw used chewing gum, and then some people don’t cultured people Instead of wrapping it in a napkin or, at worst, sticking it behind the ear, they stick the used chewing gum under the table, on a chair, on the subway handrails, or simply throw it somewhere under their feet.

How long can you chew gum?

So how long can you chew gum by time? Firstly, and this is what the manufacturers recommend, as soon as the taste of the chewing gum disappears, you should immediately spit it out. And with different chewing gums from different manufacturers, the taste lasts and disappears in different ways. Secondly, we must not forget that chewing for a long time on an empty stomach is harmful to health. Optimal chewing gum time: 5 - 10 minutes. After which it is recommended to remove it from the mouth.

However, no matter what the disadvantages of chewing gum, despite the fact that we all really like it and it also has quite a few advantages, we will not stop chewing it, as if imitating the experience of our ancestors, because it is no secret that ancient Greece people chewed tree resin to give their breath a pleasant aroma, but why are we worse?

Finally, let's remember a few popular chewing gums from abroad from our childhood in the 90s: Turbo (with great inserts that we played and collected), Tipi Tip (with the image of a weirdo with a long nose), Donald (also very popular in the Soviet Union), Love is... (still in production), Boomer (on the wrapper there is a man in a superhero costume with a long leg), Pink Pantera, Lazer. And here are the domestic hits: Orange, Strawberry, Coffee aroma, Mint, etc.

Updated: April 7, 2016 by: Punisher

The chewing gum market has a stable annual growth. This means that people are chewing more and more. What is it about these flavored polymer pieces that we love so much? And is constant use of chewing gum so harmless?

The benefits of chewing gum

It should be noted that the habit of chewing something on the go is not a feature of our days. People have chewed gum since ancient times. Chewing tobacco, mastic tree resin, rubber sap, leaves different plants- and this is still far from full list natural chewing gum.

Chewing gum as we know it appeared in 1848 in America. Since then, the expansion of this product has spread throughout the planet.

So what are beneficial features chewing gum? First, chewing gum after eating improves your oral health. The consistency of the gum helps food debris stick to it and thus remove it. Secondly, during chewing, saliva is actively produced - a natural teeth cleaner. The refreshing effect of chewing gum is also undeniable. True, it has a short-term effect, masking bad breath, and not eliminating its cause.

American scientists have found that chewing gum after eating increases metabolism by 19%. Chewing also stimulates nerve endings that transmit a signal to the brain area responsible for satiety. That is, it can be argued that chewing gum is useful for those who want to lose weight.

Chewing gum is useful for concentrating - scientists came to this conclusion as a result of experiments. The fact is that when chewing, the activity of the parts of the brain responsible for memory increases, insulin production and heart rate increase, which means that a person thinks much better. So, during the experiments, a group of students chewing gum coped with test tasks 10% faster than their counterparts who did not chew gum.

Chewing gum has a calming effect. Scientists have noticed that chewing gum is an excellent cure for stress. During the chewing process, the brain switches from anxious thoughts to analyzing the taste and consistency of the chewing gum. It’s not for nothing that the expression “eating stress” exists. After all, it’s true that stressful situations we want to chew on something.

Chewing gum harm

Now let's talk about the harm chewing gum can cause. So, most chewing gums contain components that themselves cause diseases of the teeth, gums and oral cavity such as caries, periodontal disease and different kinds gingivitis (). In the process of intensive chewing of gum, you can damage a dental filling, bite your tongue, lip or inner surface of the cheek.

For the gastrointestinal tract (stomach ulcer), the most dangerous thing is to use chewing gum on an empty stomach.

Flavorings in chewing gum can cause allergies. All kinds of dyes are also far from harmless substances - many of them have carcinogenic properties.

American neurologist John Olney proved the dangers of glutamate ( food additives, which enhances the taste of almost any chewing gum). He discovered the phenomenon of excitotoxicity: the death of nerve cells due to their overexcitation caused by glutamate and aspartame. According to the scientist, these substances represent great danger for the developing brain. Therefore, during pregnancy, he strongly recommends giving up chewing gum.

What can replace chewing gum?

If you are concerned about your dental health, then no chewing gum can replace proper oral care. Brushing twice a day, rinsing your mouth after eating, flossing and regular visits to the dentist - you simply won’t need chewing gum. In extreme cases, the smell of garlic or alcohol can be eliminated by chewing a leaf of mint, parsley or coffee bean.

If you just like to chew something during the day, then let it be a healthy snack. Pumpkin seeds, an apple, chewing marmalade or a handful of mixed nuts and dried fruits will be a hundred times healthier than any chewing gum!

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Dmitry Belov

There is an opinion that eating chewing gum while on a diet can have a negative impact on the body. Chewing gum is food product, confectionery product. The same high requirements have been developed for its quality and safety as for any other food product.

If we consider the composition of chewing gum, it contains only ingredients approved for use in food products. Let's consider how useful or harmful they are when losing weight.

Composition and calorie content of chewing gum

Back in the late 19th century, the composition of the ideal chewing gum was created:

  • 60% sugar or sweeteners;
  • 20% rubber;
  • 1% flavored additives;
  • 19% corn syrup.

The basis for modern chewing gum is 4 types of ingredients: base, flavors, dyes, sweeteners. Depending on the taste of the chewing gum, natural or identical natural flavors are used.

One piece of chewing gum contains about 16 kcal, as you can see, the product is low-calorie.

So fears about whether you can gain weight from chewing gum are in vain.

The benefits and harms of chewing gum when losing weight

If you want to lose weight, Under no circumstances should you try to replace chewing gum with your meals.. The body cannot simply be deceived. The desire to eat will decrease for a while, but then it will become even stronger, as chewing gum will provoke it.

A few records a day won't do any harm.

Also, when chewing, gastric juice is formed, but since the food does not penetrate inside, the juice will gradually corrode the walls of the stomach, which threatens diseases of the digestive tract.

Calorie content also raises questions many chewing gums contain sugar.

White sweetness is the most terrible enemy slim figure. Sugar not only increases body weight, but also does not provide anything useful to the body.

It does not contain vitamins, microelements and proteins - only harmful carbohydrates. Pure sugar is rarely used in the product. Analogues are in demand; they retain a sweet taste longer.

If the gum is sugar-free, you can use it to lose weight. Sorbitol is used in the food industry as a sweetener. In small quantities it is not harmful, but if you consume more than 10 tablets per day, there is a risk of developing diarrhea and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Compatibility of diet and chewing gum

Almost all diets advise monitoring the amount of calories you consume. Many people who are losing weight wonder whether chewing gum can be used on a specific diet. Let's take a closer look at the types of diets and their rules.


The diet has proven itself not only as one of the most effective, but also as a controversial method of losing weight. The diet aims not only to lose weight, but also to cleanse the body of toxins, and also reduce the size of the stomach.

The drinking diet includes a ban on solid food for a whole month. With the right approach, severe hunger should not interfere, since the number of servings and the amount of calories required by the body are not limited by the rules.

At drinking diet you need to give up chewing gum, and there is an explanation for this.

According to the method, the body is given a month to rest. And while chewing gum, the stomach automatically starts the process of digesting food. Only in this situation there is no food, which means there is nothing to digest, which is fraught acute diseases digestive system.


During dietary nutrition chewing gum helps reduce stress and relieves hunger initial stages. When you adhere to a special diet, you often fail to take a portion of food on time, and the process of chewing gum distracts from this.

Without harm to the body, you can use chewing gum after eating or immediately before eating.

Choose a product that is low in calories and without sugar, but with a long-lasting taste. Celebrity Nutritionist Pierre Dukan does not ban chewing gum and advises chewing it to temporarily reduce the feeling of hunger.

Table No. 5

The diet includes everything necessary nutrients. The products recommended for this diet are endowed with lipotropic substances, liquid, and fiber. Prescribed consumption of dairy and fermented milk products, boiled pasta, soft-boiled eggs, omelet.

You should remove from the menu foods containing significant amounts of cholesterol, purines, essential oils, nitrogenous extractives, fat breakdown products formed during the frying process, oxalic acid. Chewing gum is prohibited on this diet..


It is the most popular and effective for weight loss. The point of the diet is to consume protein foods. This reduction in body weight is considered healthier than some of the mono-diets based on daily consumption of the same type of product.

Chewing gum can be consumed, but only up to 30 minutes before or after meals.

By blood type

The diet is based on elementary rule- a person with a certain blood type needs to eat what people ate at the time when this blood type appeared. Thus, nature itself tells a person which of the products is most useful for him.

Oksana Selezneva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, nutritionist, argues that it is wrong to prescribe individual nutritional recommendations, making a decision only based on a blood group test. However, chew You can chew gum while on a diet, but only if it doesn’t contain sugar..


The mono-diet takes only three days. During this time you can get rid of 3-5 kg excess weight. At the same time, nutritionists note that this diet is beneficial for the body, since the products contain a large number of useful substances. You can chew gum on this diet, but without sugar.


It is considered a low-carb diet option. The point is that all foods consumed contain a small amount of carbohydrates. Due to the fact that the intake of carbohydrates decreases, the body begins to consume its own “fuel” located in the fat folds.

It is not recommended to use chewing gum on such a diet.

Separate food

The method of separate nutrition is based on the rules of eating only compatible foods and not mixing incompatible ones into one meal. The main rule is not to mix proteins with carbohydrates. Therefore, chewing gum can be consumed only after carbohydrate meals.

What chewing gums can you chew while dieting?

Being on a diet and using chewing gum, you need to choose them wisely. Modern developers of this product present chewing gum for weight loss.

Diet gum

The manufacturer guarantees the following positive properties:

  • ensuring oral hygiene and fresh breath;
  • and stimulation of weight loss;
  • maintaining blood sugar levels;
  • the body receives useful vitamins and minerals;
  • prevention of cellulite;
  • increasing immunity.

The product does not contain chemical additives, but only natural herbal ingredients, which is important for those who are particularly picky about their health.

Boombody gum

Gum, according to manufacturers, promoting weight loss. She is capable of completely automatically receiving beautiful and slender body without any special physical exertion. The advantages of chewing gum are as follows:

Without regular physical activity and healthy balanced nutrition, no chewing gum can work a miracle.

If you can't imagine life without chewing gum, give preference only to those that do not contain sugar. It is better not to consume gum on an empty stomach. Try to do this immediately after eating and remember that no chewing gum can replace a full breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Many people have heard about the dangers of chewing gum. We try to buy it less often, as it is believed that it spoils the stomach and interferes with thought processes. However, these statements are not entirely true. It turns out that chewing gum can bring not only harm, but also benefit.

In fact, chewing gum does not spoil the stomach, but helps it. It promotes salivation, which increases our digestive activity, allowing us to digest everything we eat faster and easier. It’s just important not to overdo it with time, otherwise, having processed all the food, the stomach will begin to digest itself.

Another advantage of chewing gum is strengthening the mandibular joint and gums. Due to the fact that most food does not require active chewing, our mandibular joint is not sufficiently trained and developed. To keep the oral cavity in working tone, dentists advise using chewing gum every time after eating: starting from 3-5 minutes of active chewing and gradually increasing the interval. Of course, this advice only applies if there is no inflammation or damage to the lower jaw joint.

Don't forget that chewing gum freshens your breath. The effect may not be as long as the advertisement promises, but it is still better than the smell of just eaten salad. As they say in the same advertisement: “Fresh breath makes it easier to understand.”

The elastic band also promotes concentration. During Korean War American troops were specially supplied with tasty chewing gum so that the soldier could perform his task with maximum concentration. According to British scientists, chewing gum can affect the development of thinking and memory. Our teachers believe that chewing gum only distracts the attention of schoolchildren and prevents them from concentrating on the subject.

This raises the question: Should you buy your child chewing gum at all? On the one hand, strengthening the jaw joint and improving digestion will not hurt, on the other hand, this can be done in other ways.

The digestion of a growing organism, which has not yet been disrupted, does not require additional stimulation of salivation, and it is much more useful to strengthen the joint by eating carrots or apples. Rather, chewing gum can seriously harm children: accidentally swallowing gum during play and getting stuck in the throat, esophagus or intestines will cause a lot of trouble. If your child cannot imagine his life without bubblegum, then a chewing candy that gradually melts in the mouth can be a worthy alternative.
