Is it possible to distinguish an edible mushroom from an inedible one? How to distinguish a good mushroom from a bad one

Mushroom picking is one of the favorite autumn activities. It should be remembered that, in addition to edible ones, poisonous mushrooms may accidentally end up in the basket. The latter cause eating disorders, poisoning and can lead to death. Therefore, you need to know how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones.

How to recognize a poisonous mushroom

The easiest way to identify bright red fly agaric mushrooms with characteristic white speckles on the cap is by appearance.

To collect only tasty and healthy edible mushrooms in the forest, you should go for them with an experienced mushroom picker. If you don’t have such a friend, then you need to use the following recommendations:

  • Only familiar mushrooms are collected. It is better to study information about a couple of species that are most common and cut only those. It is important to familiarize yourself with possible inedible doubles, look at them not only in a picture on the Internet, but also in person. The easiest way to start collecting is with tubular mushrooms. These are boletus, boletus, boletus. There are fewer poisonous species among those similar to them.
  • Raw mushrooms cannot be tasted; the effect of the poison can be immediate.
  • If a clearing is found with mushrooms of the same type, but of different sizes, consider the largest of them. The absence of worms or wormholes on the cut may be due to the fact that the mushroom is poisonous. In addition, for large specimens it is easiest to determine species identity.
  • It is better not to cut off overripe mushrooms. It is difficult to determine from the dried stem and cap whether this species is edible or not.
  • Do not cut off mushrooms whose stems become thicker at the bottom.

Signs characteristic only of poisonous mushrooms:

  • bright color;
  • change in color on the cut;
  • pungent odor (can be medicinal, chlorine).

A reliable sign edible mushrooms can be considered the spongy structure of the cap. Among poisonous representatives, this structure is typical only for satanic mushroom, which is very similar to boletus. They are distinguished by their cap.

False and real types of mushrooms

Edible mushrooms often have poisonous doubles. For the porcini mushroom, it is a satanic mushroom. The inedible species is distinguished by the appearance of a blue color on a cut or fracture. The cap of this mushroom is white or beige.

The color of the porcini mushroom cap can vary - from reddish-brown to almost milky white.

It is more difficult to distinguish real honey mushrooms from false ones. It also grows in groups on stumps and among protruding roots. The edible mushroom is distinguished by a “skirt” on the stem and scales on the cap. Inedible ones do not have a “skirt” and are brighter in color.

False honey mushrooms often have an unpleasant odor

False and real chanterelles are bright and elegant. The real one can be from pinkish to orange color. The false one is not pale in color, it is bright orange or red. The smell of the inedible mushroom when cut is unpleasant; the cap grows 25 mm in size. The caps of real chanterelles grow up to 10 cm in diameter.

When pressed, the surface of real chanterelles turns reddish.

Butterflies can also be false. Inedible species It has a more rounded cap than the edible ones. The main difference is false mushroom turns blue on the cut.

The pulp of the champignons is dense, turns red at the break

Video: How to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones

You should not take a mushroom if its species is in doubt. And there is no need to hope that a mushroom brought home will be better examined and determined whether it is edible. There is a danger that this is a poisonous species, it will get lost among the edible ones, and then end up in the prepared dish. In this case, the awareness and caution of the mushroom picker is vital.

From childhood, parents teach every child to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous and dangerous ones in the forest. But there is another category - inedible mushrooms. These are non-poisonous mushrooms, which, nevertheless, people do not eat because of one or another of their properties.

From childhood, parents teach every child to distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous and dangerous ones in the forest.

The reasons may be as follows:

  1. Very small sizes. The saying about mushrooms “pick one at a time and you’ll get a whole bunch” is not always true. Some of their varieties have a certain set of nutrients, but are very small in size, so collecting them is simply impractical: the project will be labor-intensive, and the volume of “production” will be too small.
  2. Unpleasant taste or smell. In the kingdom of mushrooms there are species that have a persistent unpleasant or even unbearable taste - bitter or burning. Other species have a repulsive odor. All this makes them inedible, especially if the taste or smell does not disappear after cooking. The exception is spicy varieties: their pulp is used in seasonings, alcohol tinctures or included in another culinary project.
  3. Unsuitable consistency. Species that are too hard, fibrous or, conversely, have a mucous-gelatinous consistency are also practically not eaten.
  4. Toxicity. A number of families are classified as inedible due to their content toxic substances in not large quantities. They are not considered poisonous to humans, since they have little effect on the body, and their accidental use does not lead to serious consequences, but digestive system may not cope with such mushrooms.

In the kingdom of mushrooms there are species that have a persistent unpleasant or even unbearable taste - bitter or burning

The use of inedible mushrooms

It was mentioned above how inedible mushrooms can be used in the food industry. Another area - ethnoscience: her recipes, along with the usual edible ones, include inedible mushrooms. IN official medicine products based on them are also found: more than one pharmaceutical project using them has already been implemented, and research in this area continues.

A number of families are classified as inedible due to the content of toxic substances in small quantities.

Inedible mushrooms (video)

Inedible mushrooms of central Russia

Anyone who likes to be in the forest should find out how to distinguish an edible mushroom from an inedible one.

Directly during picking, a mushroom picker can help out with a reference book or a printed table with descriptions of inedible mushrooms, but it is better to find out in advance how to determine the variety of these fruits.

The names and photos of the most common of them are given below.

  1. Boletus is inedible. It is very similar to white, but differs in that it is completely tasteless. The inedible boletus has a round brown cap with a yellowish or dark olive lower part. If you press on the tubular surface or cut it, blue spots appear on it. The leg is yellow-red, with a mesh surface.
  2. Valuy is false. Contains toxins that may cause breathing problems or paralysis. Outwardly it is similar to the edible valuu, but the false valuu has an uneven leg and is covered with scales. A young false valua has a convex cap, while a mature one has a flatter, wavy cap. How to distinguish inedible mushroom easiest way when in doubt? Smell: it has a recognizable strong smell of radish or horseradish.
  3. Orange talker. This is a “double” of the familiar chanterelle (although they belong to different families). To know how to recognize false fox, remember that its color is brighter than the real one, and the outer part of the cap is always lighter than the central one. The edges of the false chanterelle's cap are smooth and regular in shape. In addition, edible mushrooms differ from inedible chanterelles in that they grow only in groups (talkers can also be found alone).
  4. Gall mushroom. Other names are mustard (due to the very bitter taste that does not disappear, no matter what cooking methods are used), false white. The convex cap comes in different shades of brown, its tubular part is pinkish, which distinguishes gall mushroom from edible white or boletus. The leg is widened downward, its pattern matches the color of the cap.
  5. Scleroderma, or false puffball. These “tubers” begin to emerge from the ground in small balls and grow up to 6 cm in diameter. At the end of growth they may be covered with small warts or scales. When ripe, their color is dark yellow, the flesh is purple or brown, powdery. False puffball is inedible, and if eaten in large quantities it is poisonous. However, chefs believe that it makes sense to add a pinch of them to individual dishes: scleroderma gives the food a truffle aroma.
  6. The dung beetle is white. It can be found not only in the forest, but also in vegetable gardens, near the walls of wooden buildings, and if the design of a residential building involves a wooden floor, then the dung beetle can even grow through the gap between the floorboards (hence the second name - brown dung beetle). An oblong cap in the shape of a dome or egg, covered with large scales that puff up in all directions and, like all dung beetles, turn black over time. Previously, dung bean spore powder was used to make ink. In this regard, the meaning of the proverb becomes clear: “The toadstool is bad, yes, you need to know” - application can be found for everything, even inedible mushrooms.
  7. Pepper mushroom. Another name is sheep. The sign that determines its inedibility is its spicy peppery taste. As you can see in the photo, its cap is brown-orange, with a yellowish tubular part. This mushroom can be confused with an oil can, but real butter mushrooms are usually larger in size.
  8. The row is sulfur-yellow. Slightly poisonous, found in forests throughout September and half of October. Bright yellow color, lamellar, on a long thin uneven stalk. It has an extremely unpleasant aftertaste.

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After the rains that have covered Estonia these days, mushrooms will probably appear, so let's get ready. To make it easier to distinguish an edible mushroom from a false one, use this infographic-memo, which you will find below...

Even experienced mushroom pickers wonder whether they found a real mushroom or a false one. Inedible white doppelgängers look like noble mushrooms The same. Sometimes the false mushroom is not poisonous, but it is bitter. If it gets into the soup, you can pour out the whole pan; you won’t be able to put it in your mouth. But some doubles are very poisonous. For example, false honey mushrooms or toadstools, similar to champignons. Here you need to double-check everything carefully. The main rule of a mushroom picker: if in doubt, don’t take it. It is better to be left without mushrooms than to end up in a hospital bed.

There are no reliable methods for distinguishing edible and poisonous mushrooms by eye., so the only way out is to know each of the mushrooms. If the species identity of mushrooms is in doubt, you should under no circumstances eat them. Fortunately, among the hundreds of species found in nature, many have such clearly defined characteristics that it is difficult to confuse them with others. However, it is better to always have a mushroom identification guide on hand to distinguish poisonous mushroom from an edible mushroom.

How to identify poisonous mushrooms

1 - paneolus; 2 - gray float; 3 - glowing talker; 4 - common veselka; 5 - pale grebe; 6 - white fly agaric (spring).

7 - red fly agaric; 8 - variegated champignon; 9 - russula emetic; 10 - value; 11 - entoloma.

How to identify edible mushrooms

1 – breast; 2 – camelina; 3 – cone mushroom; 4 – greenish russula; 5 – edible russula; 6 – fox.

7 – oiler; 8 – morel; 9 – porcini mushroom; 10 – large umbrella; 11 – row; 12 – field champignon.

It is generally accepted that mushrooms are divided into edible and inedible, but this is not entirely true. You can also be poisoned by edible mushrooms, just like with proper preparation Some inedible mushrooms can be eaten. Also, the same types of mushrooms grow in different places may have features in appearance.

It is generally accepted that there are edible and inedible mushrooms. But experienced mushroom pickers know that not every inedible mushroom is poisonous. It is very important to know which of them is edible and which is dangerous in order to avoid serious consequences for health and life. When using this product as food, you must adhere to a number of rules, since you can also be poisoned by edible species if you do not comply with the requirements for their collection, use and processing.

With proper preparation of conditionally inedible mushrooms, you can completely protect yourself from possible food poisoning and diversify your diet with tasty and healthy dishes. These types of mushrooms include:

  • autumn honey mushrooms;
  • white and black milk mushrooms;
  • spring morels.

Before eating, they all require prolonged heat treatment. Cooking should continue for at least 40 minutes, then drain and rinse hot water boiled mushrooms. After such treatment they remain nutrients, including protein. Using heat treatment, harmful substances are removed that spoil the taste of conditionally inedible mushrooms, and such a product is quite suitable for consumption.

Those who like to quietly hunt should know how to distinguish a poisonous mushroom from an edible one. This is the basic safety rule when collecting and subsequently preparing them. Often, beginners collect baskets full of representatives of the mushroom world that simply cannot be eaten, and carry this burden all day through the forest, while the baskets of experienced mushroom pickers, who can immediately recognize a dangerous plant, are filled with edible mushrooms.

Beginning mushroom pickers need to know that all mushrooms are usually divided not into edible and poisonous, but into edible, conditionally inedible (mildly poisonous) and highly poisonous. Among edible species experts count more than 100 varieties that can be safely eaten without fear of severe poisoning. These types include:

Those who are just starting to collect such wild plants must first be able to identify a real edible mushroom, which is on the list of the most popular species, from a dangerous poisonous one, which is very well disguised as it by its appearance.

We must learn to recognize such things from afar dangerous mushrooms and just ignore them.

Caution, life threatening

Poisonous species made safe by pre-treatment high temperature impossible. Their consumption in any form causes severe poisoning, which often ends in death. The danger lies in the fact that the poisonous representatives of these living organisms have almost the same appearance as those that can and should be eaten. For this reason, you need to know how edible and poisonous plants differ from each other upon visual inspection.

The most recognizable poisonous representatives of the mushroom world are fly agaric and toadstool. The latter is very dangerous, since even a small piece of it will be enough for severe poisoning. Poisonous plants have a recognizable appearance and bear little resemblance to edible ones. They are most often picked by mistake by people who do not know at all how to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms.

The pale toadstool, which beginners usually confuse with the russula, has a characteristic thin leg and a flirty skirt just under the cap. The leg itself grows as if from a glass. Russulas have a straight stem growing from the ground. To avoid confusing them with toadstool, you should always check the shape of the stem before picking. Almost all inedible mushrooms have this cup (volva). All mushroom pickers with extensive experience distinguish dangerous species from edible ones precisely by this shape of the stem.

Another dangerous species is the Patouillard fiber mushroom, the toxicity of which is no less dangerous than that of the toadstool. They usually grow as a whole family. The cap of an adult mushroom is strikingly different from the cap of a young one. In the latter it is cone-shaped and has a characteristic whitish tint. With age, it increases in size and becomes straighter, and its color becomes yellow or red. The color of the leg also changes, which is always the same color as the cap.

You can tell by the structure of the cap whether a mushroom is edible or inedible. In dangerous species it is usually spongy. This is precisely what distinguishes the similar poisonous satanic mushroom from real boletus mushrooms.

You can also recognize poisonous types of mushrooms by their unpleasant odor. This is exactly the smell that the most dangerous look fly agaric - smelly. It differs from its relatives in being pale yellow in color and having a very unpleasant odor.

However, this does not mean that all edible species have a characteristic mushroom odor. For example, one of the types of poisonous mushrooms is the waxy talker, which has an attractive White color caps, very pleasant mushroom smell and taste. You can distinguish it by its cap, which has plates characteristic of poisonous mushrooms that extend onto top part legs.

You can distinguish a bad and dangerous mushroom from the family of poisonous and inedible ones by the following criteria:

  • color;
  • shape of the stem and cap;
  • cap structure;
  • characteristic unpleasant odor.

If a novice mushroom picker learns to quickly determine how to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms, then his edible trophies quiet hunt will always be rich.

Twin mushrooms, whose edibility is largely conditional, pose a considerable danger. They do not cause severe poisoning, but can spoil the taste of winter mushroom preparations and dishes. The most dangerous consequence of eating them can be intestinal upset and loose stools.

One of these look-alikes is the gall mushroom, which beginners may mistake for boletus or boletus. The lower part of its cap has a pinkish tint, and in a real porcini mushroom this part of the cap has a characteristic yellow color. On the break of the cap, a characteristic pink tint is also clearly visible, which is not found in boletus and boletus mushrooms.

False honey agaric very similar to its real relative. U edible color The caps have a characteristic brown color, while in false ones it can be greenish or yellow. False honey mushrooms taste bitter and unpleasant.

Another characteristic double is the false champignon, which differs from the real one in its unpleasant odor.

In forests middle zone you can find a false fox. She has a brighter yellow color with an orange tint, characteristic of inedible mushrooms, and a smooth surface of the cap. U edible chanterelle the edges are more torn and the shape of the cap is irregular. The color of the edible mushroom is less intense.

Real chanterelles grow in coniferous and mixed forests compact families. They have a very thick leg, and the cap size can reach 10 cm. real fox it is never hollow, and the edges of the cap are always lowered. The color of the cap varies from light yellow to pale orange; inside the edible mushroom, the flesh has a characteristic red tint.

The counterpart of the porcini mushroom is the satanic mushroom. A real boletus always has a brown cap, which, when broken, can be white or olive. The stem of a satanic mushroom with a characteristic mesh on the surface. Porcini has a pleasant smell, while its inedible counterpart smells like rotten onions.

Real boletus should be distinguished from false ones. The real (edible) ones have a slippery oily cap and the same stem. The skin on the cap glides as if lubricated with oil (this is where the name comes from). This property is especially evident in wet weather. During the dry period, the skin dries out, but remains glossy. It is easy to remove with a knife, and it stretches like rubber.

The structure of the hat is similar to a sponge and also absorbs water. As for the color, it varies depending on the types of butter. Inedible doubles often change their color: when broken or cut, it acquires a reddish or bluish tint.

Beginning mushroom pickers often confuse a real champignon with the extremely dangerous toadstool. U edible champignon the cap is round, smooth or slightly rough, white or cream in color. The plates under the cap are pink and darken with further growth. The pale grebe's plates are light and do not change color.

In addition, the toadstool completely lacks a ring of film at the base of the leg, which is a distinctive feature edible plant. Champignons and pale toadstools and habitats - the former grow in open and well-lit places (on the edges or along forest roads). And pale grebes live in shady deciduous forests.

Knowing the differences will help you avoid mistakes when picking mushrooms.

The best rule is experience

Beginners can be guided by the set simple rules, which will help them distinguish dangerous mushrooms from edible ones. When using them, you should remember that there are also conditionally poisonous mushrooms that acquire good taste after proper processing.

Correctly carried out treatment completely eliminates toxic substances or bitterness that such mushrooms have when cut. These include:

  • waves;
  • milk mushrooms;
  • morels;
  • pigs.

Some of them just need to be soaked in water to remove dangerous and unpleasant substances, others should be dried and heat treated.

Distinguishing edible mushrooms from inedible ones is not always easy. For shape, size and color different types mushrooms are influenced by various factors:

  • the place where they grow;
  • season;
  • weather.

To learn to distinguish mushrooms, you need to become familiar with their structure and appearance. It’s good if knowledge is acquired under the guidance of an experienced mushroom picker.

To quickly understand how edible mushrooms can differ from inedible ones, you need to go into the forest with an experienced mushroom picker. In practice, you can quickly remember the differences and avoid the danger of poisoning.

Mushrooms are a useful, but very insidious product, mishandling which can lead to serious health consequences. They require a lot of knowledge and practical skills. Beginning mushroom pickers should be well prepared.

Find useful information possible, for example, in books. You should carefully look at the pictures to learn to highlight the most important hallmark in one or another mushroom. By being well prepared for mushroom picking, you can always provide your family with tasty and useful product growing in the forest.

You cannot start collecting mushrooms without preliminary preparation, which should consist of: theoretical foundations and practical exercises. You need to study the differences to maintain your own safety and the safety of your loved ones. After all, among the mushrooms there are also those whose consumption will lead to severe poisoning with a fatal outcome. You should not taste unfamiliar mushrooms in the forest, as you can get poisoned, and it will be impossible to get first aid.

Poisoning with dangerous inedible mushrooms leads to disruption of the central nervous system. nervous system and complete refusal of all important functions body. Therefore, if you have the slightest doubt about the edibility of a mushroom, you should discard it if there is no experienced mushroom picker nearby who can check it.

After visiting the forest, everything collected mushrooms you need to carefully examine them again, get rid of the inedible ones and sort them by type. Each type of edible mushroom should be processed separately from others, so as not to spoil the taste of the preparations or pickles.

A wicker basket, the chirping of birds, fresh forest air, the joy of noticing a round hat... “Moskvichka” tells how to go mushroom hunting without harming your health.


Mushrooms are not only tasty, but also rich in proteins, carbohydrates and minerals. They also contain enzymes (especially in champignons), which, by accelerating the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, contribute to better absorption of food. True, mushrooms are quite a heavy food, so you shouldn’t eat them every day. The most popular edible mushrooms include champignons, saffron milk caps, chanterelles and porcini mushrooms.

Mushrooms, when consumed in normal doses (serving at lunch), a person receives severe poisoning with toxins. Poisoning is divided into three groups: food poisoning, which disrupts the activity of the central nervous system and leads to death. The most dangerous poisonous mushrooms: satanic, fly agaric and toadstool.

Conditionally edible
Such mushrooms are also called conditionally poisonous: all the poison contained in them is eliminated when culinary processing. At a minimum, such mushrooms should be scalded with boiling water, but best of all, boil for 40 minutes and rinse with hot water. By the way, these mushrooms are very tasty. This category includes morels, pink mushrooms, milk mushrooms and autumn honey mushrooms.

Edible mushrooms can also cause poisoning. Mushrooms absorb toxic substances better than plants, such as corn. Therefore, near roads and industrial enterprises even “good” mushrooms can be poisonous, and it is much better to collect them away from large cities and roads.

Signs of mushroom poisoning: disorders gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Although such symptoms may be associated with dysentery, food infection, or exacerbation of chronic diseases. Understanding the reasons is the point medical workers. But you shouldn’t expect that everything will work out and the symptoms will go away. The earlier treatment is started, the better the results.
Another sign that helps diagnose poisoning with poisonous mushrooms is the “latent period.” Normal poisoning from food or simply stale mushrooms manifests itself within 30–40 minutes after consumption, and the temperature rises. In case of poisoning with poisonous mushrooms, the temperature remains normal, but it can become bad after 6 or even 24 hours.

Yuri Ostapenko, chief toxicologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:

What to do if you discover symptoms of poisoning? You can’t delay your appeal medical care. Moreover, call not the local doctor, but ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, you can take measures on your own. It is necessary to replenish fluid loss: drink water and take rehydrating powders. Necessarily Activated carbon in large quantities. Under no circumstances should you drink alcohol. And I categorically do not recommend self-medicating and waiting for everything to go away on its own. Even if you feel better when the doctor arrives, do not refuse hospitalization.

How to distinguish good mushroom from bad

White mushroom (boletus)
Grows in old pine, spruce, birch and oak-broadleaf forests from May to October. The tubular layer at the bottom of the cap is finely porous, initially white, later yellow-green. The leg is white with a white mesh pattern. The pulp is strong, white, does not change color when broken, tastes slightly sweet, with an appetizing smell of lightly toasted nuts.

Gall fungus (false white)
This inedible mushroom at a young age very similar to white. The main differences from boletus are: a dark mesh pattern on the stem, a dirty pink bottom of the cap, the flesh turns pink at the break, and the taste is bitter (just lick the flesh of the cap).

The fox is real
The cap is bright yellow, for which the mushroom got its name, convex at the edges, even curled, and funnel-shaped in the center. Found in large quantities in all forests, there are especially many of them in rainy summer. Chanterelles grow in large “families” in the first half of summer and autumn.

False chanterelle
Unlike the edible chanterelle, whose cap edges are curved and corrugated, the false chanterelle has a funnel-shaped cap with a smooth edge. The color of a real chanterelle is bright yellow, while the false one is red-orange.

Real honey mushrooms
Most main feature, by which one can distinguish real honey fungus from false - a skirt with legs. This ring is a remnant of the blanket that protects the fruiting body of the young mushroom. False mushrooms do not have such a ring.

False honey mushrooms
False mushrooms include several types of mushrooms that are very similar to edible honey mushrooms. In addition, they are easy to confuse, because false honey mushrooms grow in the same places as edible ones - in families on stumps, fallen trees, on trunks and exposed roots of trees. Some types of false mushrooms are inedible, others are conditionally edible, and others are poisonous.

The cap of a young mushroom is conical, later it is flat-convex with a curved edge, dry, smooth or scaly, white or gray-brown. If you touch the records, they will darken.

Death cap
The common champignon differs from the toadstool by its pinkish plates and the absence of a sac-like film at the base of the stem, and also by the fact that it does not grow in the forest. The plates of the pale grebe are always white.

Discussion on the Internet

Is it possible to buy seasonal Forest mushrooms On the market? This topical issue is being discussed by discussion participants on the Internet.

Pavel Lentyaev ( Those who buy mushrooms at the market are left disappointed: the mushrooms they get are not the freshest. Meanwhile, freshness is the main criterion for evaluating mushrooms. The easiest way to identify it is by smell by sniffing the mushroom. If you don’t feel a mushroom smell, it means that this mushroom is not “just from the forest”, but has been in the refrigerator for some time.

Anonymous User ( Buy mushrooms in the store - good advice, suitable. Only in stores you will find only champignons and oyster mushrooms. You need to look for mushrooms along the edges and in overgrown fields, in the grass.

Tju ( I don’t advise anyone to buy mushrooms from their own hands. Firstly, you don't know where they were collected. This is very important, because mushrooms accumulate many harmful substances and then give them to people. It is strictly forbidden to collect mushrooms near roads, near factories and other sources of pollution. Secondly, you don't know when they were collected! Mushrooms are not allowed for a long time cut, they need to be processed quickly, otherwise harmful substances accumulate in them. Thirdly, if a mushroom sits for a long time, it loses its appearance, and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish what it is called. Fourthly, it is dangerous to buy canned mushrooms because of possible poisoning and even botulism!

Bidny ( I buy mushrooms at the market only when I myself do not have the opportunity to go to the forest. At home I sort through the mushrooms again, as toadstools may get in. Then I boil and cook delicious potatoes with mushrooms.
