Carrying an Air Gun: Basic Rules for Carrying and Storing Air Guns. Rules for transporting weapons in a car

An article on how you can and should transport weapons in a car, important rules and responsibility. At the end of the article - interesting video on the transportation of weapons.

However, not everyone knows that the most law-abiding citizens have the legal right to transport weapons in a personal car, which will be discussed now.

Transportation of weapons in the car

When traveling by car, absolutely all citizens can carry weapons with them, as long as the legislation is respected. These can be hunters, athletes, military personnel, police officers or employees of other organizations, whose work requires the presence of service weapons (for example, collectors).

And, in the end, private persons who care about their own safety can carry weapons with them. But, nevertheless, despite the fact that the law allows all people to transport weapons in vehicles, the law treats different categories of citizens differently.

The fact is that some citizens can carry weapons without permission, while others must have this permission so as not to come into conflict with the law.

To whom the law is not a decree

So who doesn't need to get a special permit to transport weapons? These are, as a rule, civil servants, whose work forces them to have personal protective equipment with them. These include:
  • Legal entities transporting weapons by car within the boundaries of those administrative territories where these weapons were received and registered;
  • Persons carrying weapons that do not need specials. registration, as well as ammunition for it;
  • Law enforcement officials and military personnel who act in accordance with the internal charter and orders of those who are senior in position and rank. These categories of civil servants can move by car both within their administrative region and throughout the country, but, again, guided by the charter and orders of their higher authorities;
  • Athletes equipped with weapons that do not require any documentation. However, it is they who still have the documents for the weapon, even if the traffic police officers do not ask for these documents.

Weapons without documents

What types of weapons do not need special permission and documentation.

There are such types of weapons for which no one will require permission within the territory of the Russian Federation. Such weapons are usually used for self-defense:

  • pneumatic pistols with a shot force no more powerful than 7.5 J;
  • gas cartridges;
  • steel arms;
  • all sorts of bats, as well as other items that can be used instead of impact weapons.
All of the above items can be purchased and used without any permits and can be freely transported anywhere in the car. However, in order to avoid misunderstandings with traffic police officers, try to take with you at least the data sheet of the transported personal protective equipment.

As we already said, such unregistered weapons can be transported as you like. Therefore, drivers often hide it either near the driver's seat or in the area of ​​the steering column. They do this so that in a life-threatening situation, weapons can be quickly obtained.

But at the same time, one should not forget that for causing grievous harm to human health with this type of weapon, you can yourself be subject to criminal prosecution. It is no secret that sometimes citizens who have exceeded the level of self-defense are sent to places of imprisonment.

Who is eligible for a weapon transport permit

As mentioned earlier, any Russian citizens can transport weapons, but only if they comply with the conditions stipulated by law. Let's consider these conditions. So, the following persons are entitled to a license:
  • citizens who are at least 21 years old;
  • persons under the age of 21, but at the same time being military personnel;
  • state employees of paramilitary organizations;
  • persons with class ranks and military ranks;
  • persons over 18 years of age, for whom weapons are an important attribute of national dress.
For the possession and, accordingly, the transportation of hunting weapons, additional conditions are required. Only those who have a hunting ticket can buy and use both hunting firearms and pneumatic weapons.

In addition, you will need more documents giving the right to hunt (confirming that you have at least five years of experience in using the weapon). A hunting rifle license is given from the age of 18.

As for weapons with rifled barrels, the question of their use by hunters today is very controversial, even for the legislature. In any case, if anyone manages to get permission to hunt with rifled barrels, there will always be quite a few restrictions in this permission.

But it is much easier for athletes in this regard - they can always purchase rifled weapons, but in this case they will need to present:

  • athlete's passport;
  • a special certificate confirming that its owner is indeed an athlete of the sport that requires rifled weapons.
In addition, an athlete must have high performance, awards and titles, or at least five years of experience in using weapons.

What the driver must present when transporting firearms

If, for example, you are transporting hunting weapons, and you are stopped by traffic police, then you will need to present the appropriate transport permit and, of course, your passport and driver's license.

You will always get a weapon permit from the local police department. First, write a statement according to the established model, attaching all certificates confirming your ability to use a weapon. After that, within a month you will be provided with a permit.

The regulations for granting permits for permissible types of weapons are enshrined in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 814 and Order of the Ministry of Nature of Russia No. 319.

Rules for the transportation of weapons in Russia

The rules for transporting weapons within the country are quite simple, so it is not difficult to remember them.
  1. Before setting off on the road, you must unload the weapon and remove the clips, if any. This rule is dictated by life: if the car follows a rough road, shaking the trigger can work spontaneously. As a result, the consequences can be unpredictable: it can be damage to the car interior, and the driver's fright, which entailed serious accident, as well as mental trauma of passengers, including children.
  2. Whatever weapon you take with you on the road, it cannot be carried to open form... Therefore, be sure to put it in a case. In principle, you can use any covers, but it is better to purchase holsters, covers or boxes that are made specifically for this or that type of weapon. And if you want to have at your disposal such a means for storing weapons that would meet the requirements of safety measures as much as possible, then you cannot think of a better car safe for weapons. But whatever you use to store weapons during transportation, the main thing is that these funds have certificates of the manufacturer and all other documents, in the presence of which there will be no complaints from the traffic police officers.
  3. If you are transporting a weapon, then, of course, along with it you will carry ammunition, for which there are also transportation rules. So, cartridges must be transported in their original packaging. If the cartridges are not packed, then in this case you can purchase special plastic boxes at any weapons store. It is strictly forbidden to transport cartridges in containers in which they can touch and beat against each other (in backpacks, in bags, in metal containers). And the same weapon safe can provide you with maximum safety, because it has special sections for storing cartridges.
Note: knives and any other edged weapons are transported only in safe cases. This is necessary for the safety of passengers and the driver.

If you are going to transfer weapons to another region of Russia, then you will have to take a special permit. At the same time, be aware that one person is allowed to simultaneously transport no more than five items of weapon and no more than 400 cartridges for it.

But if it happened that the amount of weapons and ammunition exceeded the specified rate, then you will have to focus on the following rules:

  • organize escort from a group of persons consisting of at least two people, equipped with firearms and having all the necessary permits;
  • agree with the competent organizations the proposed route and the vehicle used.

How to take out and import weapons across the border of the Russian Federation

Crossing the state border of Russia with weapons largely depends on whether you are a resident of the country or not. The fact is that there are separate rules for each of these two categories of people.
  1. If you are not a resident of Russia, then you have the right to transport only sports and hunting weapons across the Russian border, having everything with you Required documents, the presence of which is strictly required. Such documents can be an invitation to sport competitions, hunting license, etc. Foreigners are strictly prohibited from importing weapons into Russia for self-defense purposes.
  2. If you are a resident of the Russian Federation, then you are allowed to transport no more than five items of weapons by car across the border with accompanying documents provided by the police. These documents should reflect the description of the weaponry and the amount of ammunition transported. Plus, you will have to comply with all the other rules for transporting weapons, which were mentioned above.
  3. Before you can import or export a weapon, you will have to go through the certification procedure and customs inspection.
The certificate is not required if your weapon:
  • passed certification in advance;
  • transported on the basis of a long-distance contract with a license obtained from the customs authorities.
  • delivered for temporary use in hunting or for sports, as well as cultural and historical events.
Note: Antique weapons of historical value can be exported only after obtaining a special permit and a list of number registration certified by the Ministry of Culture.

Responsibility for violation of the rules

Violation of the rules for transporting weapons is punishable by law. If a violator of these rules was detained by traffic police officers, he may be subject to administrative liability as a fine from 1,000 to 1,500 rubles.

In case of violation of the rules of transportation firearms a criminal case is initiated, which may result in the offender in the following measures:

  • restriction of freedom for up to 4 years;
  • arrest up to 6 months;
  • forced labor up to 4 years;
In addition, the offender can be punished with a fine of 80,000 rubles or three months' working income.

Weapon transport video:

The rules governing baggage transportation were not invented by airport employees. They are installed for all, without exception, passenger air transportation. The purpose of such a limitation is one - safety. And before going on a trip or on business, you need to see if everything that lies in will be allowed to be carried on board the plane.

Pneumatic weapons: to take or not to take?

Quite often at the airport, difficulties arise precisely with the transportation of weapons, and not only firearms, cold ones, but also pneumatic ones, as well as models and children's toys imitating different types weapons. To prevent this from happening, you need to know that transportation pneumatic weapon, as well as firearms, cold and antique ones in aircraft cabins are not allowed. Air rifles and pistols can only be carried as baggage or cargo. In this case, the prior permission of the carrier is required.

A passenger wishing to carry an air gun must arrive at the airport well in advance of check-in. He must declare the presence of weapons and his intentions during check-in at the counter, when filling out a customs declaration or when passing through security control. After that, a law enforcement or airport security officer will be invited to the counter.

They will check the permits and accept weapons for transportation, having issued documents for it. Permits are required for pneumatic weapons, the muzzle energy of which is more than 7.5 J. If the muzzle energy is from 3 to 7.5 J, the permission of law enforcement agencies to carry such weapons is not required. In the event that the muzzle energy of a pneumatic weapon does not reach 3 J, the product does not belong to a weapon, but is considered structurally similar. But in all cases, the rules for transporting pneumatic weapons are the same.

Rules for the carriage of pneumatic weapons

Pneumatic weapons are transported disassembled only in the luggage compartment, in a place designated for this purpose. During the flight, it must be inaccessible to either passengers or crew members. The weapon is packed in special bags and placed in a container, the key to which is kept by the crew.

Transportation regulations are strictly forbidden to transport even carefully packed weapons in the cockpit, as well as return them to the owner on board the aircraft or at the gangway. The passenger can pick up the pneumatic weapon seized from him for transportation at the point of destination in a specially designated place. The transfer is made by the aviation security personnel in the presence of an airline representative. The transfer is made in compliance with all formalities.

Under the battle weapon means devices and means used to destroy manpower and equipment. In addition to combat, there are hunting and sporting weapons designed for hunting and sports. Weapons also include hunting knives, bayonets, daggers, which make up a group of edged weapons. Given the special nature and certain danger of the weapon, Russian legislation determined the order of its transportation.


The first mandatory rule is that it can only be in cases and special cases and holsters. The permission is given by the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There are rules for the amount transported. So, if there are more than 5 pieces of it, and there are 400 cartridges, then in this case it is necessary to ensure that he is accompanied under armed guard by at least two people, which must be agreed with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When transporting weapons to passenger aircrafts, the aviation security service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs inspect passengers and accept weapons and ammunition from them for storage during the flight. Upon arrival at the airport, you must present the transported weapon for inspection and all the necessary documents for its transportation. In this case, an act is drawn up in triplicate, signed by the owner of the weapon and an authorized person. One copy remains with the owner, another is handed over to the crew, and the third is attached to the baggage list. Upon arrival at the airport of destination, weapons are issued upon presentation of an act. On the way, the weapon must be in the cargo hold in a metal box, placed in a paper or plastic bag.

In contrast to air transport, the rules on the road are not so strict. When traveling in a general or reserved seat carriage, he must hand over his weapon to the foreman. In the compartment carriage, the safety of the weapon rests with the passenger. He is required to have the weapon unloaded, sheathed and kept separate from the cartridges.

There are still some categories of weapons, which include spearfishing, weapons, axes and ice axes. They are also transported in baggage, but without special clearance. Gas weapon may be transported with the permission of the competent authorities. Cartridges for them and gas cartridges are prohibited.

If you intend to travel by air, be sure to take the necessary medication along the way. Despite the fact that there is always a medication-rich first aid kit on board the aircraft, it may not contain the medication that a passenger with a chronic illness needs.

You will need

  • - doctor's opinion
  • - prescription medication
  • - receipt


According to the RBC news agency, in most cases, in order to carry a particular medical product in the cabin, you will need a written opinion from your doctor, a prescription for the medicine and a receipt, which you must keep after the purchase. In some cases, a translation may be required for a doctor's opinion.

A similar set of requirements for the carriage of drugs is presented at most airports in European countries... But to avoid possible troubles it is best to inquire about the relevant regulations at a particular airport in advance. For example, many airlines prohibit expiring medicines, etc.

Patients with diabetes mellitus, among other documents, must provide a certificate confirming the diagnosis or a special passport (passport of a diabetic patient). They should indicate the name of the insulin used, the dose and frequency of administration of the drug.

Experts warn that taking insulin into the luggage is fraught with trouble: the medicine can deteriorate when high temperature... The same caveat applies to most other medications.

In order not to be left without the necessary medicines in the event of a possible loss of luggage, divide them into two parts.


When traveling to a particular country on board an aircraft, check with the airport not only the rules for transporting the medicines you need, but also other items and substances that, in the airline's opinion, may pose a hazard.


  • Traveler's First Aid Kit: How to Carry Medicines on an Airplane

If you go to ski resort on the plane and take your skis with you, you are probably worried about transporting them. It is important to know how to properly pack them and check them in luggage, whether it will cost extra money.

You will need

  • Sturdy ski bag.


Most people worry that skis, because of their length, are oversized baggage and that difficulties with them will arise for this reason. But such fears are in vain. Carriers, with rare exceptions, are not concerned with its weight. Skiing is not the most long view baggage that passengers are trying to carry. Therefore, make sure that the total weight of the bags, including the skis, does not exceed the norm.

As a rule, free baggage allowances differ little from one airline to another. If you are flying in Economy Class, you will most likely be allowed 20-25kg of baggage. For first or business class passengers, it is increased to 30-40 kg. There are low-cost airlines that do not include free baggage in the ticket price at all; you need to pay for it separately. Check this point in advance.

If, in the total amount by weight, the things that you have with you exceed the established norm, you will need to pay extra for this. Some airlines adhere to the rules that if the baggage includes skis and other sports equipment, in case of excess weight, all sports equipment is estimated at 3 kg. But this is not always the case. It is possible that for each extra kilogram you will be charged a fee. You can try to "outwit" the check: put heavy things in and carry it to the salon. The main thing is to take with you only those things that are not prohibited for carriage in the cabin. Carry-on baggage is usually not weighed. There is nothing illegal in this method.

The skis you intend to transport should be fine. To do this, it is best to buy a special ski cover, moreover, it is better to choose the one that is stronger. The straps and handles must be attached to it conscientiously. The fact is that workers usually do not stand on ceremony with their luggage, so that weak fasteners will quickly come off. The cover itself can also be damaged from such treatment, so take a strong and high quality one.

Stack your skis securely together. Rewind so that they do not rub against each other, otherwise the sharp edge of one ski can damage the surface of the other.


Airport security staff can prevent you from entering the terminal building with your skis. They may ask you to pay a fee for oversized baggage, even if the airline does not consider it as such. In this case, you have two options: 1) pay the duty, and then demand its return from the airline by presenting a receipt; 2) ask to call the representative of the airline to resolve the misunderstanding. You can also try to take a printout of the carrier's rules with you and show it, but this method of informing security services is not always effective.

Helpful advice

Just in case, be sure to find out the rules for transporting skis that your airline adheres to. This will help avoid possible misunderstandings.

We all remember the adventures of a certain lady from the poem by S. Marshak, who went on a train journey with impressive luggage. What if it was an airplane? With air transport, everything is much more complicated. A cardboard box with a basket of questions would not have raised, but the picture would have to be registered separately. A dog without a veterinary passport would not fly anywhere at all.


Why did it happen? What are the features of air transportation? flight search service will tell you about this and not only you.

How much weight can the plane lift?

The maximum load is set at the factory stage of aircraft production and depends on its design features. Aircraft lift makes a huge difference different classes such as the small E-175 and the huge Boeing 777 with 10 seats in a row.

However, the weight of the board in the air is always different. Loading varies greatly from flight to flight and is calculated individually for each flight. The amount of fuel in the tanks plays one of the main roles. This value is highly dependent on weather conditions and the characteristics of the passenger train. In other words, the fuel load is also calculated based on the total weight of the people being transported, the ability to land for refueling and the location of alternate airfields. For an uninitiated person, all this looks rather complicated ...

The same type of board does not necessarily mean the same passenger capacity. Differences are observed due to different distances between the seats, the presence or absence of superior comfort classes (business, first). In this field, charter companies stand out, striving to squeeze into the plane as much as possible more people and increase flight revenues.

Loading the luggage compartment is a science based on a number of rules. For example, tonnage may vary due to the nature of the transported goods. Oversized duvets take up a lot of space by themselves, and heavy items should not exceed the floor load. Separate speech - dangerous goods requiring transportation at a distance from other objects.

That is why the weight of the luggage compartment, as well as of the aircraft itself as a whole, is extremely variable. Passengers have to focus on average values: 5, 7, 8 or even 10 kg for hand luggage, and the weight of baggage should not exceed 20, 23 and 25 kg. Specific figures are specified by the airline itself, prescribing them in the itinerary receipt.

This entire system is built in such a way that passengers have the opportunity to overpay for extra baggage. And now - we will consider in detail the subtleties of the transportation of certain goods. Attention: all this is also very, very difficult.

A little about liquids

1 liter is a strictly set limit for carry-on baggage. Everything that goes beyond the limit is sent to the luggage compartment. This is not about duty-free alcohol - there will be a separate discussion about it.

According to the rules, the liquid must be contained in vials. The volume of the latter should not exceed 100 ml. It is rational to fill small bottles completely - no one will calculate the amount of contents.

The second rule requires airtight packaging in the form of a transparent 18x20 cm bag. In Russia, they will not pay attention to such subtleties - if only other requirements are met. In other countries, this is stricter. For example, employees at the Marseille airport will force the negligent passenger to collect small bottles and vials all over the bag. The package, so be it, will be provided free of charge. By the way, all containers over 100 ml become luggage - don't expect any indulgences.

Inattention and forgetfulness are best left at home. It is worth getting rid of flammable liquids in advance - fuel for a fire will definitely not be useful to you on an airplane. Toxic, radioactive and poisonous substances are also not allowed for transportation - you can safely throw them out of your bag. Carry-on baggage with luggage will become easier, and the screening procedure will take place without any questions.

A little about the intricacies of alcohol transportation

Each country regulates the import of alcohol into its territory differently. For Russia, the realities are as follows: with a duty per person, up to 5 liters of alcohol can be consumed; without a duty, the maximum volume of alcohol-containing drinks should not exceed 3 liters. Other countries - other rules worth reading about separately.

You cannot drink on the plane - these are the current rules. You should not look at the behavior of compatriots, otherwise you risk getting into the black lists of airlines. Whatever one may say, the impending restrictions for "difficult" passengers are a harsh reality.

Carriage of water

The desire to drink is a natural need for any passenger, even if the flight takes no more than 2-3 hours. Unfortunately, you will be asked to part with the bottle of water you have stored in advance. Will have to for high price buy it at duty-free or endure it before planting. Additional costs can be avoided if fountains with drinking water... You can fill the bottle there, but such amenities are rather pleasant exceptions.

Eau de Toilette

Perfumery is also a liquid, albeit of a special composition. Eau de toilette is affected by general rules- transportation in hand luggage is carried out in 100 ml bottles. Need more? Duty-free doors are always open for you.

It is important to take into account the legislation different states... For example, Ireland has imposed a restriction on the import of more than 50 ml of perfume and 250 ml of eau de toilette. Enough for personal needs, but for small business lovers, this will create certain difficulties.

Food transportation regulations

An important role is played not by the rules for transporting food on the plane, but by the customs regulations of the states. The plans may also be interfered with by existing sanctions. Unfortunately, there is no getting away from this.

For example, the United States has banned foreigners from importing any food into the country. To please an American friend national cuisine- knowingly bad idea... It is possible to joke with foreign customs officers, but still not worth it. This is a risky business, no matter how you look.

Cheese in carry-on baggage will become a red rag for security checkers at French airports. They will not be released from the country with this product - they will have to part with the delicacy. To avoid an unpleasant event, the cheese should be checked in. Another option for the rich is to buy a product in the duty free for the appropriate price.

A little about seafood: fish, caviar and others

The legislation of the Russian Federation allows the export of seafood (including fish) with a total weight of up to 5 kg. Sturgeon caviar is considered separately - no more than 250 g. The presence of receipts and factory packaging is required. Such are the rules.

The import also did not remain without restrictions. It is allowed to bring with you no more than 5 kg of vegetable and 5 kg of animal products. Exceptions are made for seeds, seed material, seedlings and potatoes. Products of animal origin are allowed to be imported into the country only in finished form. The presence of the original packaging is still necessary.

It is also important to take into account the current restrictions on products from other countries. New bans are introduced regularly, so it is worthwhile to study the lists in advance.

Rules for the carriage of fruits, meat and sausages

Some products cannot be exported from the country at all. Transportation authorization also depends on the characteristics of the product itself. For example, a watermelon can burst corny on the fly, so the airport staff will rightly ask you to leave it overboard. Another "unloved" product is coconut. The fact is that it cannot be X-rayed. There is no need to prove the absence of under-shell contraband - you will simply be asked to leave the nut at the airport.

It will not be possible to import more than 5 kg of meat or exotic fruits into Russia, so you need to choose products wisely. Each airport has its own requirements for packaging - you should ask in advance, you will be sure to be prompted.

Important! The presence of a strong smell from carry-on luggage will lead to problems. The same lemons may not be allowed for transportation due to the blue scent of citrus. It turns out that the French are not in vain taking away cheese from poor tourists, but just taking care of the people in the cabin

Sausage may also fail odor tests. A pleasantly smelling product is the very place in the luggage - and passengers are calmer, and the check at the airport will be passed without additional delays. Another nuance lies in the negative attitude of many countries towards animal products. Their excitement is understandable - no one wants to start epidemics of exotic infections on the territory of the state. Lard is also banned if you transport the product without its original packaging.

It is quite easy to avoid verification delays. Should be read thoughtfully customs regulations the countries you are traveling to.

Cakes, honey and canned food

Confectionery is a rather rare guest at airports. Nobody forbade the transportation of cakes, but it's still worth asking the airline employees. What if additional rules apply to the product? If it comes about bars, muesli, chocolates and other sweets - everything is fine. Several kilograms of sweets from foreign stores will be passed without any questions. You can also take a snack in the aircraft cabin.

Honey and oils will not cause difficulties. Their transportation is carried out according to the rules for transporting liquids in an airplane. In other words, small bottles may remain in carry-on luggage, while bulky containers will go to the luggage compartment. Before the flight, it is worth reading the customs rules, which may change at the most inopportune moment.

Canned food will feel good in the luggage. Small jars of jam or jam can be left in your carry-on baggage. It is not forbidden to eat a little sweet on board during the flight, and the satisfied passenger will have something to remember.

Rules for the carriage of baby food

When it comes to this product, then special rules come into play. Baby food does not have to comply with the 100 ml standard. The presence of a child during the flight allows you to freely carry the relevant products into the cabin of the aircraft. When traveling to the United States, it is worth considering that the state prohibits the import of more than 12 ounces or 350 ml of baby food into the country. This applies to both liquids and powders.

Hookahs, IQOS, vape, lighters and cigarettes: can I take them by plane?

Of course, airlines and states have not yet managed to introduce bans on the transportation of tobacco products. However, the heavy smoker will have to endure before disembarking. Smoking on board is prohibited: this is done for the comfort of other passengers and the safety of the flight in general.

The transportation of electronic cigarettes, vapes and IQOS is acquiring a slightly different character. All this falls under the concept of "electronics", which will be discussed below. In short, this good should be transported in the cabin, but charging from outlets is not allowed.

In order not to get confused, you should keep in mind a number of provisions:

  1. A disposable lighter is allowed to be carried in hand luggage, though only in the amount of one piece per person. Most airlines do not allow gasoline analogues to fly - do you remember the rules about flammable liquids?

  2. Hookah can be transported. Another thing is that the device will have to be disassembled. The inspectors believe that the elements of the hookah structure (for example, a pipe) can be used by a passenger as a weapon. All potentially dangerous parts are included in the baggage.

  3. Customs regulations of states can define in their own way maximum amount tobacco products that are allowed to be imported. Usually allowed per person: 200 cigarettes (one block), or 50 cigarillos, or 250 g of tobacco

  4. Smoke detectors are a serious reason to quit smoking in the cabin. You don't want to be the reason for an unexpected landing, do you? Other passengers will certainly not be happy. Numerous videos about "soaring" Americans on board are the exception, not the rule. Vaping is prohibited, although it is not a tobacco product.

  5. When it comes to IQOS, it's worth sticking to common sense. Although not spelled out in the law, electronic cigarettes are still the same smoking device. And smoking is prohibited on board.

Medications: how to transport syringes and medications

Each country determines its own rules for the import of medicines:

  • The UAE prohibits tourists from bringing with them a fairly extensive list of medicines. These include even the simplest antipyretic and pain relievers. Corvalol and Pentalgin are also strictly prohibited. The situation is similar with drugs containing codeine.

  • Australia is quite sensitive about medicine. Tourists are required to have a prescription for almost any pill or ampoule.

  • The United States has a negative attitude towards analgin. It is impossible to bring such a harmless medicine to the territory of the state by legal means.

Questions regarding medications should be clarified in advance before the trip. Detailed advice can be obtained from the embassy or from the customs officials.

Now about the pills. It is not a good idea to transport assorted pills and capsules in one bottle. The customs authorities require the presence of the original packaging, but in reality these requirements can be ignored.

A prescription is a mandatory addition to a prescription drug. Without an important document, passengers face difficulties during airport checks. It should be noted in advance that this is not a simple piece of paper with an illegible handwriting of the attending physician. A document drawn up in accordance with all the rules is required, with a stamp and signatures of the responsible persons.

A case from life: when departing from Tunisia, a passenger was demanded for half an hour a prescription for noshpu. This once again confirms the simple truth: any medicine requires a prescription. Keep this in mind to avoid problems during departure.

Inexpensive pills are not the worst loss. However, it is better not to risk valuable medicines. If there is no prescription, the best solution is to check the pills in your baggage. This will save you from tedious checks and possible delays.

Syringes and needles are potentially dangerous - this fact cannot be disputed. In order for airport staff to admit their presence in carry-on luggage, you must have a certain kind the documents. The papers must explain and confirm the need for needles and syringes for the passenger during the flight. This is especially important for patients with insulin-dependent diabetes - documents will allow you to avoid putting fragile insulin ampoules in your luggage. Needles are not allowed in carry-on baggage without confirmed reasons.

Folding knives and other weapons

According to the main provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the following are allowed for transportation in the baggage compartment of the aircraft:

  1. Spearguns for spearfishing.

  2. Crossbows.

  3. Imitators of any type of weapon.

  4. Knives with ejected blades and locking locks.

  5. Swords and swords.

  6. Broadswords and bayonets.

  7. Scimitars and checkers.

  8. Sabers and cleavers.

Other types of weapons can also be carried in the hold. True, this will require documents. In addition, the owner of the weapon is obliged to warn the airline of his intentions in advance. Aeroflot employees ask such passengers to come to check-in in advance, at least 1.5 hours before departure.

Domestic flights with weapons require a permit, and the procedures for the import and export of potentially dangerous cargo are carried out only when the relevant documents are drawn up by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

As a rule, during the flight, the weapon will need to be handed over for temporary storage. The passenger will be able to receive the cargo upon arrival at the destination, at the airport. Each piece of weapon during transportation must meet a number of requirements:

  1. Transportation is carried out in packaging (holster or case).

  2. The weapon must be unloaded.

  3. The total weight of ammunition must not exceed 5 kg per person.

  4. It is prohibited to carry ammunition for the gas pistol.

  5. It is prohibited to import and sell on the territory of the Russian Federation stun guns manufactured abroad.

Of course, not all states adhere to a similar attitude towards weapons and their imitators. Vietnam and Belarus require mandatory registration and storage of pneumatics, while Spain forces passengers to mark the transported weapons with special tags. This rule even applies to imitations.

Weapon models are not allowed in the cabin. Even children's plastic automatic machines and pistols are checked in luggage.

Household knives, corkscrews, knitting needles and even pocketknives are all sent to the hold and stored there until the end of the flight. It is worth noting that samples suspicious from the point of view of the inspectors will be additionally subjected to an examination for signs of cold weapons. Even your favorite professional cleaver can cause an annoying delay - don't forget about it.


If you are going to export currency equivalent to the value of US $ 10,000 and below - all in all right... Such amounts do not need additional documentary support. The situation is different with more impressive capital. In this case, the currency will need to be declared in advance. Such an urgent need for cash is rare, but it does happen.

Many numismatists face difficulties in exporting the unique national currency. Some countries, including the popular Egypt and Tunisia, prefer to keep their money within the country. Tourists can only be advised to organically hide local coins and bills among dollars and rubles. True, it is morally worthwhile to prepare for parting with the cherished currency when checking in at the airport.


The transportation of cosmetics is regulated by a number of simple and clear rules:

  1. Potentially hazardous items include nail scissors and a nail file. The place of these things is strictly in the luggage compartment.

  2. Aerosols are liquids, so you can safely carry them in your luggage. Cylinder parameters: 0.5 kg or 500 ml maximum for luggage, no more than 100 ml for the aircraft cabin. The total volume of household or sports aerosols (others are not allowed on board) - no more than 2 kg or 2 liters per passenger. Aerosols marked "flammable" will also not be accepted for carriage.

  3. Creams, gels. All this again applies to liquids that are transported according to the rules of 100 ml and no more than 1 liter per person. Luggage can contain large quantities, but the variety of cosmetics will surely attract the attention of customs officials. What if you are going to sell goods abroad? In this case, you will need to issue a declaration.

  4. Toothpaste. Also applies to liquids. A small tube is fine in carry-on baggage, but may raise some suspicions. For example, employees at Chinese airports tend to open and check toothpaste tubes for odor. The reasons for this behavior can only be guessed at.


Laptops, telephones, electric shavers and other equipment are allowed either to be taken with you in hand luggage or left in the luggage compartment. However, in the latter case, no airline will be responsible for the resulting breakdowns, so small-sized electronics should be taken with you into the aircraft cabin.

A separate story with Samsung Galaxy Note 7. If you remember, these smartphones often "delighted" their owners with sudden explosions and fires. Airlines do not want to take risks, so they are still extremely suspicious of this device.

Carriage of professional video and audio recording equipment requires a separate permission from the airline.

So that there are no surprises, it is worthwhile to think over the list of transported electronics in advance and ask the opinions of the airport employees. As a rule, all equipment that can potentially be used as a weapon is suspicious.

A separate story with batteries. They cannot be transported in the hold - only as carry-on baggage. Because of this, difficulties arise with the transportation of gyro scooters and similar vehicles. The reason lies in the battery, which must first be removed from the device and checked in hand luggage. In other cases, equipment is equated to dangerous goods, which requires separate registration.


And this is where it gets really fun, because the rules begin to balance on an extremely thin line between the laws. different countries and common sense:

  1. Egypt bans the export of corals from the country.

  2. African states have an extremely negative attitude towards tourists who take home ebony souvenirs.

  3. Shells, souvenirs, animal skins and antiques all require checks and a separate conversation with customs officials.

  4. $ 75,000 - this is the maximum price of diamonds that can leave the Russian Federation.

An extremely important nuance concerns music lovers. You should put your favorite instrument on the next seat in the aircraft cabin, and not check it in your luggage. In practice, even a fragile cargo is exposed to such influences that at the point of arrival it remains only to throw up his hands in despair. If you feel sorry for your favorite guitar, then it is still worth buying an additional ticket. Of course, a non-standard "passenger" will have to be coordinated with the carrier in advance.

Delicate cargo must be within reasonable dimensions. As a rule, these are household appliances and art objects. Despite being labeled “fragile” and a hefty surcharge, the safety of your baggage mostly depends on the passenger. A sturdy box and a generous layer of cotton wool or foam are all required of you.

Touching on the topic of art: keep a receipt for purchased paintings, vases and more. Prove to the airport staff that you are not a thief or a fraud - then they will let you through without delay. Transportation of valuable items cultural heritage always accompanied by the preparation of the necessary documents - ask in advance which ones.

Heavy loads such as furniture and large appliances are transported separately. Cargo planes are specially designed for this. The most budgetary option is to use sea transport.

Skis, snowboards, surfboards and other sports equipment travel without problems in your luggage. Seasonal trips (for example, to a ski resort) include discounts for passengers on the transportation of the corresponding equipment. However, paintball guns can cause problems. To prove the frivolity of such a weapon is rather a matter for lawyers and professional experts... Do you need it?

As for the bouquets, there is good news here. They can be transported as carry-on luggage, here even Victory will not say too much to you. Fresh flowers are an order of magnitude more complicated. It will be necessary to obtain plant safety documents.

A veterinary passport is needed to transport pets. Small cats and dogs can fly in the cabin, while large animals can be accommodated in the luggage compartment. Regarding the exotic: additional documents will be required confirming the safety of the animal, the possibility of transportation without harm to the environment, etc.


It is always worth keeping in mind the general rules of transportation - this way you will save time and nerves at the airport. If we are talking about an unusual cargo - do not hesitate to ask questions to the staff of the embassy and the airline.


If you have any necessary items that are prohibited from being carried in the aircraft cabin (a pocket knife, scissors, nail files, liquids with a capacity of more than 50 ml, etc.), put them in a suitcase or bag intended for transportation in the luggage compartment. aircraft. Otherwise, they will still be taken away at the entrance to the security area.

You can bring water or some other drink with you, but try to consume it before entering the security area. You can drink it right at the entrance, in front of the control post, and throw it into a special bin.

Identity documents, travel vouchers, cash, bank cards, necessary medicines, etc. take it with you on the plane.

How much baggage can I take on board? There are two systems of norms in the world: by the number of places and by weight. There is a weight system in Russia, that is, every first-class passenger has the right to carry

I got a lot of views and comments. This information turned out to be very useful for our "real guys", many even add to bookmarks in order to show them to traffic police officers during raids! However, many are asking to comment on the situation with pneumatic weapons, and in particular with pistols (it is still difficult to carry a rifle in a car). To be honest, I didn't really want to write, because we will turn to the same law again! However, many persistently ask to tell in detail, so that they can then appear in the article before the police. In general, they asked - read and watch the video at the end ...

To be honest, the situation with pneumatics is a little different from the situation with bats. And there is a completely logical explanation for this - pneumatic weapons are different. It is divided into three groups: - normal, sports and combat. YES you heard right, there is also a combat one, and it is practically equated to a firearm.

The differences here are in the force of air pressure from the barrel and the caliber of the projectile, often these are metal balls. Pressure is measured in Joules.

Classification of pneumatics

1) Pressure up to 3 J, calibers from 6 to 8 mm (maybe more), with plastic balls. It is practically a toy, used in games. Probably, all this is seen in toy stores. Cannot cause serious harm to any person or animal, even if shot with close range... Often the body is plastic, although it copies a real weapon. According to the law, it is not a weapon and is intended for entertainment.

2) 3 to 4 Joules, with steel shells. Copies a real weapon, a steel body. It is also an entertainment weapon, although some models with a pressure of exactly 4 J are already equated to a sports one, it is advisable to have documentation with it in order to prove its characteristics.

3) Up to 7.5 J, steel shells, up to 4.5 mm in caliber. Already a serious weapon, it is considered a sporting weapon, permission is not required for it, however, it can cause wounds to humans and animals. It is also advisable to carry a product passport with you in order to prove its characteristics.

4) From 7.5 to 25 J (calibers from 4.5 to 6.35 mm). It is considered a sporting and hunting weapon, it can kill both humans and animals from a certain distance. Sold only with special permissions! Equated to combat.

5) More than 25 J, metal shells, any caliber. It is considered "combat", not for sale on the territory of Russia. Some models are more powerful than some firearms... Licensing is also required.

What I want to say - even the second type of weapon, which is from 3 to 4 J, with steel balls, has an initial flight of a projectile of 100 - 170 m / s. And this is quite a lot, so that it can cause at least a bruise to a person. I am already silent about 7.5 - 25 J! So you need to be careful!

Moving on to the law

Again, we will consider our favorite gun law - No. 150 - FZ(of course, fresh edition). What does he tell us?

Are looking for " article 1"And define what it is, quote:

« Pneumatic weapon - a weapon designed to hit a target at a distance with a projectile that receives a directed motion due to the energy of compressed, liquefied or solidified gas

However, it does not say anything about what and what you can carry with you and what not, and how it is regulated. Therefore, we are looking further!

Article 6.... Answers all our questions. It is called “Restrictions imposed on the circulation of civilian and service weapons”. That is, what is described in it does not need to be done! So two points:

Point 2.

"Storage or use outside sports facilities of sporting firearms with a rifled barrel, sporting pneumatic weapons with a muzzle energy of over 7.5 J and a caliber of over 4.5 mm, sporting cold bladed and throwing weapons, with the exception of storage of sporting long-barreled firearms with a rifled barrel or a sports long-barreled pneumatic weapon with a muzzle energy of more than 7.5 J and a caliber of more than 4.5 mm, acquired by citizens of the Russian Federation in accordance with Article 13 of this Federal law, storage and use of bows and crossbows for carrying out research and preventive work related to the immobilization and injection of objects of the animal world (paragraph as amended by Federal Law of May 31, 2010 N 111-FZ "

Clause 2.1.

"Carrying and transportation within the borders settlements pneumatic weapons in a charged or equipped state, as well as the use of such weapons within the boundaries of settlements outside the premises and areas of the terrain specially adapted for sports shooting in accordance with the requirements established by the federal executive body performing the functions of developing and selling public policy and legal regulation in the field physical culture and sports, and agreed with the federal executive body in charge of the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of internal affairs (the item was additionally included from July 1, 2011Federal Law of December 28, 2010 N 398-FZ) "

For those who still do not understand, I will explain in simple and intelligible language.

First - in Russia in general, weapons with a muzzle energy of more than 7.5 J. are generally prohibited. Only athletes are allowed, and then for competitions, etc.

Second - it is forbidden to carry or transport in a car, any loaded pneumatic weapon, even if it is less than 3 J. That is, it must be unloaded, the “projectile receiver” removed, a can of compressed air unscrewed, etc.

I think it becomes clear!

Actions of traffic police officers

Often these pistols are carried in cars, assembled and ready to fire! What can I say to put it mildly - it is not legal and such a "trunk" can be completely withdrawn! There are no violations on the part of law enforcement officers - NO!

However, if the pistol is disassembled, and you are carrying it, for example, in a special purse, say in the trunk, then no matter how you should find fault! However, there is one BUT!

The employee needs to understand - that this pistol is not "powerful"! That is, it does not fall under 7.5 J or more. Then you still need to carry with you the technical document of the pistol to prove so to speak right away. Otherwise, it can again be withdrawn pending clarification of the circumstances. Torture yourself later to prove.

What do the lawyers say?

I also turned to my friend, an auto lawyer! And this is what he told me:

“It is possible to carry a pneumatic pistol in a car if it does not violate the law (power is less than 7.5 J). We also definitely disassemble, and ideally put it in a special bag, which also MUST contain a passport for this sample. Then there will be no complaints against you. "

However, if it lies ready to fire immediately, then it is no longer legal and it must be seized - This must be remembered!

He also urged never to argue with traffic police officers, because they really know all the laws, and especially before such a raid. And if you resist, then this can be regarded as disobedience to the traffic police, which can only come to the detriment of you, at least they can be imprisoned for 15 days.

Pneumatic weapons are view small arms, shot from which is fired by rendering high pressure on the projectile with compressed gas. This tool is purchased by citizens of the Russian Federation for the purpose of playing sports or hunting small animals. However, like any other type of shooting equipment, pneumatics can be dangerous to health and life. To resolve all issues related to the development, storage of pneumatics and other types of weapons, a corresponding law was adopted.

Federal Law "On Weapons" N 150-FZ entered into force on December 13, 1996. A valid normative act regulates the rights of representatives of Federal services, legal entities and ordinary citizens for the development, acquisition and use of all types of weapons. Last paragraph Art. 1 the law in question states that sports equipment similar in design to weapons cannot be considered as such. Thus, a small an air pistol is not considered a weapon in fact.

As defined in this law, pneumatic equipment is low in power. The energy output of the muzzle with a caliber of 4.5 mm is equal to:

  • For a pneumatic pistol - from 3 to 7.5 J;
  • For a hunting rifle - from 7.5 to 25 J.

However, in practice, a shot from pneumatics can cause serious damage to health and even death of a person.

The law establishes that the use of pneumatic equipment should not be directed against a living being(as an exception, hunting allowed by the authorized bodies). Shooting within the city is inadmissible. Violators are brought to administrative or criminal liability depending on the degree of damage caused ( in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative and Criminal Codes of the Russian Federation).

The procedure for purchasing pneumatic weapons according to the law

According to Art. ten of the law under consideration, they have the right to purchase pneumatic equipment adult citizens of the Russian Federation with the appropriate license. A license form for the acquisition of weapons (including an air rifle) is requested at Federal bodies of local government at the place of residence (Art. 9 FZ-150).

At the time of buying hunting pneumatics, it is necessary to register the fact of purchasing such at the police station at the place of residence... At the police station, after registration, it is issued right to wear air gun up to 5 years... In case of further necessity, the validity of this document can be extended.

When registering a license and permit for hunting pneumatics, one is provided with the list of required documents certificate of mental adequacy and absence of vision problems (form 046-1). Otherwise, the right to purchase equipment will be denied.

According to Art. 13 valid law to acquire sporting pneumatic weapons power above 7.5 J can be purchased based on the provision documentation, confirming the employment of a citizen in this sport.

Do I need a pneumatics license?

According to the regulation Art. 1 Law on weapons 150-FZ, pneumatic equipment, muzzle exit of which does not exceed 3 J, does not need licensing, since it is not a weapon by definition. Pneumatics for classes shooting sports power up to 7.5 J also does not require a license.

Licensing is subject to sporting and hunting pneumatic weapons with a capacity of 7.5 to 25 J. To obtain a license, the following documents are required:

  • Application to the local police department;
  • A copy of the identity card with the original;
  • Medical certificate, form 046-1;
  • In case of purchasing hunting pneumatics, the original and a copy of the hunting ticket;
  • In the case of purchasing a sports rifle, a document confirming the practice of sports related to shooting.

Refuses to license:

  • Citizens under the age of 18;
  • In the absence or negative medical opinion, or in the absence of other necessary documentation;
  • In the presence of an unexpunged conviction, or an extinguished conviction for a grave offense with the use of a weapon;
  • Citizens without a permanent place of residence;
  • Due to administrative violations in the field of public order, hunting rules.

The license can be canceled:

  • In connection with the death of the owner of the weapon;
  • Due to voluntary refusal;
  • By the tribunal's decision;
  • Due to changes in the current law.

According to Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. 6, illegal possession and carrying pneumatic weapons entails administrative responsibility. The weapon is confiscated from the offender, a fine is assumed for wearing pneumatics without permission.

If the offender:

  • Individual - a fine is imposed in the range from 3000 to 5000 rubles, or from 5 to 15 days of administrative imprisonment;
  • An official - a fine from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles, or deprivation of powers for a period of one to three years;
  • Legal entity - a fine from 100,000 to 500,000 rubles, or a temporary suspension of the operation of an enterprise for a period of 10 to 60 days.

Where to store it?

Air pistols, like any other weapon, are best stored in a safe with a secure lock. These precautions are taken to ensure the safety of loved ones, especially if there are children in the family. The storage conditions for pneumatics are not regulated by this law.

Safe for storing pneumatic weapons is a sealed metal container. The space in it is designed for storing weapons and ammunition.

It must be remembered that the storage of the gas cylinder is carried out separately from the pistol in order to avoid unintentional detonation.

The use of pneumatic weapons

In the Law "On Weapons" 150 FZ, pneumatics is referred to as permitted equipment in the framework of permitted hunting and sports activities (Art. 3).The use of pneumatics in self-defense is not allowed. In most cases, self-defense with pneumatic equipment is not only illegal, but also ineffective - the force of destruction is small. However, under certain circumstances can cause irreparable damage to the health of the attacker, and this is already exceeding the permissible standards of self-defense.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that there are only two permissible areas of application:

  • Sports - shooting at targets made of paper or cardboard, benchrest and fieldtarget;
  • Hunting for small animals (ground squirrel, hamster, vole) and birds (turtledove, pigeon, partridge and hazel grouse). The regulations on hunting are established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2009 N 18 "On the extraction of objects of the animal world classified as hunting objects."

Shooting from pneumatics within the city limits entails administrative punishment. A fine of up to 1000 rubles is imposed, the weapon and all its components are subject to confiscation (Article 20.13 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation).

Download gun law

For a detailed acquaintance with the standards for the operation of pneumatic equipment and other types of weapons, you must refer to the provisions of the relevant law. The current text of the Federal Law "On Weapons" N 150-FZ with the latest amendments can be downloaded

Weapons transport rules:

With the transportation of weapons, everything is quite simple: it simply cannot be carried into the cabin of the aircraft. At check-in, you will be taken away from your hand luggage toy pistol... However, if you have all the necessary documents, then in the trunk you can hold a large arsenal.

Cold weapons and piercing-cutting objects:

The vast majority of knives inadvertently left in carry-on luggage are tourist knives and can be carried in checked baggage. However, if the blade has sufficient rigidity to hit a person (does not bend) or has a number of other signs of cold weapons, it can be taken for a special study. When you buy a knife, you may be given a certificate stating its model and the fact that this knife is not a melee weapon. To avoid having your knife seized at security screening, just take this certificate with you.

Hunting knives can only be transported in luggage and in a case. As a rule, they are numbered - the number is indicated in hunting ticket... Be sure to keep it with you, otherwise the seizure cannot be avoided.

Hunting rifles:

Russian companies (S7, Vimavia, Transaero, Domodedovo Airlines, KrasAir, etc.) are calm about the transportation of firearms (first of all, this concerns domestic flights). Just come to the registration and declare the presence of the gun at the special control point. It must be packed separately - it is delivered to the plane under special supervision. Attach to the weapon a permit for transportation (it is obtained in the same place where licenses for the storage and purchase of weapons are issued - at the place of residence in the permitting department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) and a hunting ticket.

The cartridges and the barrel are taken away, an act is drawn up (you receive one of the copies). Returned at the destination airport upon presentation of an act. As for the carriage of ammunition, weapons and special means, then the general standards for the payment of excess baggage and free transportation are in force. The trunks (their total number does not exceed 5) must be disassembled and disassembled (always in a case). Cartridges are packed separately: one person can have up to four hundred cartridges (they must be in the original packaging, the weight must not exceed five kilograms).

When moving abroad, the presence of weapons is declared in writing directly at the customs. After that, a procedure similar to the above is repeated: representatives of the security service - acts - seizure - return to the place of destination. Another condition is an export / import permit from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country where you are going, and from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It is, of course, desirable to have an invitation to the hunt.

Transportation by Aeroflot aircraft is similar to that described above. However, in addition, the company's requirements include an application for the planned transportation of weapons at the time of purchase of the ticket. If the ticket is electronic (purchased online), then you need to call the company in advance and make all the necessary explanations.

Transportation by train is much easier. Just put the gun in the case and the cartridges (they must be packed separately) in the bag (arrange it on the shelf) and, if the route does not include an intersection state borders, drive safely to your destination. As a rule, no one notices the weapon, you do not need to tell anyone that you are transporting it.
