Professions related to sports. Professions related to the sports industry

There are stories circulating on social networks and offline about how a child wanted to become an athlete, trained fanatically, became a champion among juniors, and then his parents forbade him from this whim and sent him to study to become an economist-lawyer. Now he is suffering in the office and dreams of returning to the stadium or the ring... According to adults, sports mean injuries, a short painful life, doping scandals, so it is better to be a clerk with excess weight and stability. But the most important argument is money: if you fail to become a champion, how will you earn money? We will tell you what an athlete can do if he does not become Klitschko.

Fitness instructor

For an athlete, unless he was involved in sumo wrestling, God himself ordered him to work. Even if our hero himself has never “swinged” in the gym, thanks to his athletic will and habit of training, he will quickly tone up and begin to resemble a bodybuilder.

Learning the rules developed by Joe Weider is not that difficult. Moreover, a professional athlete will definitely be able to add additional elements and life hacks to his training.

Finally, having gained experience and acquired connections, the athlete will be able to open his own “basement”, and then he will automatically become a businessman.

Courier and loader

Track and field athletes can become excellent athletes: they can easily cover distances by jogging or even running fast (suitable for sprinters). In addition, couriers are already choosing bicycles as transport. Professional cyclists and triathletes will be the most effective at this type of delivery.

Weightlifters can take up higher paying positions in the delivery sector: e.g. transport companies, engaged in organizing moves or transportation of large-sized furniture, pianos, and so on. Two weightlifters can lift a 400-kilogram piano, while ordinary people this will require at least four.

Double and stuntman

More attractive, although less stable work, suitable for an athlete - a stunt double in a movie. In big cities, it is not difficult to get such a job; vacancies are often posted on thematic websites, forums and social networks.

The understudy is required to have good physical form, endurance and sometimes the ability to do “tricks”. However, these stunts, as a rule, do not require stuntman skills. It’s enough not to be afraid to jump from an entrance canopy into a snowdrift, from a bridge into a river, or simply fall to the floor without bending your legs after being hit by a fist, a truck or other object.

Such work can rather be called project work, but in some cases you can get a job as a permanent understudy for a certain actor or a certain film studio.

Sports journalist

An athlete can become a sports journalist or commentator. In this sense, it has undeniable competitive advantages. It would be strange if a person who had never entered the ring would advise a professional boxer and world champion (for example, Povetkin) to be more assertive with the same Klitschko.

In addition, athletes have connections in their own small world and can get insider information first-hand.

An important advantage of this work is that you can do it until you are old and earn not only money, but also the love of the audience. The example of Vladimir Ilyich Gendlin, a master of sports in boxing, who, thanks to his brilliant programs and talent as a commentator, interested millions of young people in this sport, can inspire athletes to become journalists.

Security guard

Finally, one of the most obvious jobs for an athlete is. People who have encountered the criminal world joke that a security guard is needed in order to “get a pill” at a certain moment and then become a witness in the case of a robbery of a store or some beauty salon. However, an athlete security guard with a lightning-fast reaction has a better chance of doing something useful when attacked by robbers - for example, running 100 meters in 9 seconds and calling the police.

Excellent physical shape will be a big plus when applying for a job, and you will be able to get a job at a more privileged “object” with a serious salary and other bonuses. Then you won’t have to serve as a school “escort”, keeping an eye on the children during recess.

On the other hand, working as a security guard is quite boring and does not allow you to realize the full creative potential of an athlete - even if you get a job as a bouncer in night club. Such an activity can only be considered as a temporary refuge for a former athlete. Although former athletes, like former officers, can not be.

Those who work in sports know that sports are not only an exciting spectacle and a struggle for first places. This is also regular workouts, rehabilitation classes with doctors, trainings with psychologists. In addition, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the rules, maintain competition areas in good condition and conduct a lively discussion during the athletes’ performances. A whole team of professionals works for the sports industry, whom we sometimes do not see, but the outcome of the competition depends on them.

1. Coach

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A sports person is a confident leader and a first-class organizer, well prepared physically and mentally. Why does he need such qualities? Because on his shoulders lies a huge responsibility for the preparation of the athlete. And it doesn’t matter whether he works with one person or with a whole team.

The tasks of a sports coach include developing an individual training plan, load distribution, psychological support, motivation and much more. Any sport is very dangerous and the mentor is obliged to explain to the students how to avoid bruises and fractures (for example, show ways to group the body when falling). In fact, coaches are the people on whom the entire sport rests.

What specialty to master:

  • (profile , ).

2. Sports medicine doctor

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But sometimes situations occur in which the athlete cannot avoid injury. Then . comes to his aid. Sports doctor- a general specialist - therapist, traumatologist, rehabilitation specialist, psychologist all rolled into one.

A sports doctor is present at every training session (game, performance), because his help may be needed at any time. In this profession, patience, tact, attentiveness, as well as speed of reaction and resistance to stress are important. The resulting injuries require a long recovery, and the doctor helps the athlete get back to normal as quickly as possible.

What specialty to master:

  • (profile “Therapeutic physical education and sports medicine”).

3. Sports psychologist

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Injuries are not only physical. The desire for victory and sudden defeat, loss of faith in one’s strength and fractures that can put an end to one’s career... These and many other factors negatively affect the mental health of an athlete. It is not surprising that in the future many of them need help in overcoming psychological barriers.

A sports professional diagnoses a person’s condition, identifies the problem and selects various methods of work: training, consulting, individual programs psychological preparation. In general, this is the same psychologist, but working in a sports environment.

What specialty to master:

  • (profile “Psychology of Sports”, “Sports Psychology”)

4. Sports commentator

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And now a trained athlete appears before the public to show what he is capable of. Ice rink, football field, gymnastics arena: there are many places for sports competitions around the world. During the performance, the viewer sees only the participant and his main attention is focused on him.

But “behind the scenes” there remains another important person - who also creates the mood in the playing space. The commentator leads a lively discussion of how the athletes perform. In this regard, he must have good diction, passion for sports, sociability and neutral judgment.

What specialty to master:

  • (profile “Sports Journalism”);

5. Sports referee

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In big sports there is big money. This is understandable to anyone, even a non-athletic person. This is probably why people think that golden rain is falling not only on the stars of the NHL or Russian football, but also on those who are more or less involved in records and sports victories. There is some truth in this belief - professionals who train champions, restore them after injuries or comment on their performances in front of a multimillion-dollar television audience are in demand and also earn good money.

1 Sports trainer
Portrait  This area of ​​training is intended for people with a large supply of vitality and energy, as well as good physical fitness. A sports coach supervises the training of teams or individual athletes. A huge responsibility lies on his shoulders: based on the physical abilities and psychology of a particular person, he needs to select an individual training and physical activity plan that will lead the athlete to the status of a champion. The coach’s responsibilities also include developing tactics, selecting the most effective techniques work and exercise. In individual sports, a coach is not only a sports leader, but also a close person to whom you can turn for help and advice. In team sports, this is a person who maintains team spirit, an excellent strategist and psychologist. The earnings of these specialists are a separate matter: an athletics coach at a children's sports school will receive about 10 thousand rubles a month, but they don't even talk out loud about the salaries of coaches of leading football clubs. Education  In Voronezh there is a specialized university engaged in training personnel in the professional sports field - Voronezh state institute physical culture (VGIFK). Usually, entrance examinations for future coaches are biology, physical education and Russian, as well as an exam in the chosen specialization (for example, gymnastics, football or skiing). And finally, the most important thing: for admission to specialized universities, the applicant is required to have sports category: for example, the Russian State University of Physical Culture (RGUPK) considers candidates not lower than the first category, and the Moscow state academy physical education (MGAFK) - not lower than second. And even despite high requirements, the competition in leading sports universities is large - from 2 to 9 people per place. The most popular specialty is football coach. What you need to know and be able to do  Coaching work is not easy; it requires organizational talent, confidence in your actions and leadership qualities. Venue Senior students undergo internships in sports institutions - most often these are children's and youth sports schools, secondary schools or sports clubs. Beginning specialists are willingly accepted here, but the circle of applicants is small - the pay is so low that most graduates work outside their specialty. The place of work also directly depends on the qualifications of the athlete - those who have achieved great success in sports coach children's and youth teams and thus begin to build a career. Today, graduates of coaching faculties can work as instructors in fitness, yoga, and martial arts. Salaries in private sports centers average 20 thousand rubles, but again fluctuate depending on the candidate’s experience and often on the status of the fitness club.

2 Sports psychologist
Portrait  Sports psychologists are a rarity in our country. “The responsibilities of a sports psychologist may include psychodiagnostics, monitoring the psycho-emotional state of athletes, developing individual psychological training programs, consulting, conducting psychological trainings and much more, for example, predicting a sports result based on a retrospective analysis of individual records,” says Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Olga Tiunova.

Education  The direction of training “Psychology” exists only in one university in the capital - RGUFK. But you can graduate from the psychology department of any university in the Black Earth Region and subsequently successfully specialize in sports psychology.
What you need to know and be able to do  You need to be an expert in the field practical psychology and understand the basics of physical education and sports, have leadership qualities, and be able to analyze a lot of diverse information.
Scene of action  There are practically no sports psychologists in the national teams of our country, let alone the Youth Sports School and other sports institutions. But their time has come! Athletes, coaches, and heads of sports federations understand this. A sports psychologist can work not only with athletes, but also with coaching staff, parents of young athletes, and will always be useful to those people who set themselves highly significant personal or social goals.

3 Sports journalist
Portrait  Sports journalists can work in magazines, newspapers, conduct programs and reports on radio and TV, as well as work as sports commentators and press service specialists. Some choose to work on staff and receive a fixed monthly salary, while others engage in freelancing and write for several publications at once. In this case, payment depends solely on the quality and quantity of work performed.
Education  Faculties of journalism exist in many universities in the Black Earth Region, for example in VSU, BelSU, etc. At the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, as part of a professional retraining program, there are nine-month courses in the specialty “sports journalist”, the cost is about 80 thousand rubles. The Department of Philology and Sports Journalism operates at RSUPC.
What you need to know and be able to do  A sports journalist is required to have absolute knowledge of the sport with which he works. Maria Ivanova, a correspondent for the online magazine, says: “A person who wants to work in this field of journalism needs to know sports specifics, terminology, and history. If you go to work, then you need to have connections in this area and regularly update your phone book. You must have your own independent opinion, and it must be interesting to people. Well, of course, you need to be obsessed with your profession - without this nothing will work out.”
Scene of action  As a rule, studying at the Faculty of Journalism involves regular practice: without a certain number of publications it is impossible to obtain a diploma. Therefore, most students already have work experience by the fifth year. Graduates of leading universities in the Central Black Earth region are willingly hired both for student internships and for work in major publications and television channels. Starting salaries for those who graduated from such universities, as a rule, are 10-12 thousand rubles per month and above. In general, a graduate of the Faculty of Journalism has many job options - from the press service football club to the NTV+ correspondent: everything depends only on the person and his professional acumen.

4 Sports doctor
Portrait  There are no sports doctors as such - this means a whole group medical specialties related to sports. This group includes manual therapy, traumatology, physical therapy, sports pharmacology and much more. The work of a doctor in this field is well paid, but wage directly depends on the place, work experience, and academic degree.
It is worth noting that graduates of specialized fields are most willingly hired medical universities, like the Voronezh State Medical Academy named after. N. N. Burdenko (VSMA) and Kursk State medical university(KSMU).
Education  To work as a doctor in the field of sports, you need to obtain an education in the specialties “Therapeutic physical education and sports medicine”, “Regenerative medicine” or, for example, “Manual therapy”. But for this you need to have a higher education in the specialty “General Medicine” or “Pediatrics”, as well as have several years of postgraduate education behind you: internship and residency. VSMA and KSMU train specialists in the last two named specialties. The Faculty of Medicine of RUDN University provides internship and residency training. But not only medical universities are engaged in training sports doctors; at the Russian State University of Physical Education there are also departments of “Therapeutic physical education, massage and rehabilitation”, “Sports medicine”, “Theory and methods of adaptive physical culture”.
What you need to know and be able to do  As a rule, doctors working in the sports field deal mainly with traumatology and rehabilitation medicine. The doctor may specialize in first aid during competitions or long-term restoration work with injured athletes. The range of knowledge required for this specialty is very extensive and requires for long years theory and practice.
Scene: Traumatologists, chiropractors, and post-traumatic rehabilitation specialists can work, for example, in scientific and practical sports medicine centers. A university graduate can get a job in a sports school, in the staff of sports teams, in rehabilitation center, city hospital and even to a private fitness club. The range of salaries is quite wide: for example, a chiropractor can earn up to 40-50 thousand a month, depending on work experience and an academic degree, and the income of a traumatologist starts from 15 thousand rubles.

5 Sports manager
Today this specialty is a piece goods for our country. The tasks of a sports manager include solving a variety of problems: organizing the activities of sports clubs and athletes, working with journalists, resolving issues regarding the purchase and sale of players, and much more. Education in the specialty “Sports Management” can be obtained, for example, at VGIFK.

6 Greenkeeper
This is a rare, valuable and highly paid specialty, which is taught at special courses. A greenkeeper is a person responsible for the quality of sports lawns. In golf it is highest category agronomists, who must have a whole range of knowledge to create playing fields whose standards are very high. You can complete courses in this specialty at the Greenkeepers School training center (Moscow). Higher education in the related field of "Agronomy" can be obtained at the Voronezh State University Agrarian University.

7. Director of theatrical performances and celebrations
The only institute training specialists in this field is RGUFK. Perhaps that is why there are very few such specialists. A person who has graduated from the institute with a degree in “Directing Theatrical Performances and Celebrations” can organize both children’s sports events and Olympics - it all depends on his work experience and, of course, professional level.

Brader is a hairdresser who specializes in weaving African braids, as well as plaits, dreadlocks, etc.

Makeup artist - specialist in creating artistic image using makeup.

Greenkeeper is a sports turf specialist.

Adaptive physical education instructor

Afk instructor - Conducts group and individual sessions with disabled people and persons with health problems of all age and nosological groups in the prescribed manner.

A cosmetologist is a specialist in solving aesthetic problems of skin, hair and nails. The basis of beauty is health and grooming. This is what the cosmetologist’s efforts are aimed at.

The massage therapist does not straighten the joints, does not touch the spine, he works only with the surface of the body. But the touches of a skilled craftsman give an amazing effect.

A manicurist is a specialist in the care of nails and skin on the hands. Deals with their hygiene and appearance.

A tattoo artist is a specialist in applying permanent makeup.

Hunter is one of the most ancient professions. We can say that this is the first profession of a man on earth.

The work of a hairdresser consists of cutting, styling, dyeing, and perming hair. A true specialist perceives his client as a whole - from head to toe, taking into account the shape of the face, body structure, and general appearance.


A hairdresser-stylist is a master who does hairstyles or haircuts, and also selects a style that is most suitable for a particular client.

Assistant referee (football)

Assistant referees - participants football match who assist the referee in conducting the match.

Rigger (parachuting)

The rigger profession is directly related to parachuting, more precisely with the stowing and maintenance of parachutes. The work is very responsible, requires a mathematical mind, and the specialist must also have solid experience in skydiving.

A sports commentator is a journalist who covers sporting events in real time.

Sports manager

A sports manager is a specialist in the sports industry who holds leadership position, endowed with the rights to make management decisions.

A sports coach is a specialist in educating athletes and preparing them for competitions.

A stylist is a specialist who creates a person’s style (image).

Stylist-image maker

An image stylist helps the client create the most effective image for self-presentation to society.

A sports stringer is a master of stringing rackets.

A tattoo artist is a specialist in applying artistic tattoos.

Physical education and sports are excellent activities that help develop perseverance, perseverance in achieving goals, honesty, and the ability to win and lose with dignity. A person involved in physical education or sports has not only good health and a trained body, but also a strong spirit.
The main difference between these concepts is the degree of involvement of the subject, goals and rules. Sport is constant training, working to the limit of your strength and capabilities. After all, when the competition comes, you need to be better than the rest. They engage in physical education to the best of their ability and strength. Anyone can do it, regardless of age, physical skills, or social status.
If you want to make a living doing sports or exercise, there are many good professions related to this activity.

Coach (by sport)

The coach conducts educational and training work and forms a team. Provides comprehensive physical, technical and tactical preparation of athletes for competitions. Manages training, correctly distributing loads, intensity and mode. Selects optimal methods of tactical, physical, psychological, theoretical and technical training to achieve the best results. In the process of preparation, he develops moral and volitional qualities in athletes, instructs them in everything, from lifestyle and life philosophy, to ways of performing exercises and quickly recuperating for the decisive start.

Takes part in team training camps, develops individual training plans for athletes (teams), keeps records of sports results, ensures the safety of classes and compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

A coach can work in specialized educational and sports institutions (children's sports schools, Olympic reserve schools, etc.), physical education and sports organizations (sports clubs, sections, etc.), departmental teams, voluntary sports societies, and national teams. The nature of the coach's workplace depends on the sport. These could be gyms, courts, swimming pools, GYM's and so on.

The coach must have teaching abilities; organizational and communication skills; analytical thinking. This profession requires good physical training And high level development of motor (motor) memory. For success in activity, dedication, patience, perseverance, endurance, self-confidence, ambition, and developed leadership qualities are important.

Manager in sports

A sports manager is a specialist in the field of managing the sports industry and sports organization in particular. He is engaged in the formation of an optimal management structure for a sports organization (for example, a sports club); definition marketing strategy; competently building relationships between a professional club, athletes and agents; correct formation of the club budget and minimization of expenses; selection of personnel, training and scheduling of work; effective distribution of functions between managers of the organization; working with partners, sponsors and advertisers. Participates in organizing events to strengthen and develop the material and technical base of the organization.

The functions of a manager in sports involve planning and conducting sports classes, conducting group and individual training different types sports Such a specialist plans and conducts mass, family events and holidays, taking into account the interests of various audiences, age categories and the individual needs of participants. He organizes work at various sports facilities and develops promotions and events to attract new visitors.

A manager in sports must have highly developed organizational skills (the ability to lead a team and influence the people around him); communication skills (the ability to make contact, establish relationships); analytical mindset, logical thinking (the ability to analyze many factors, establish cause-and-effect relationships, predict and anticipate results). Personal qualities will contribute to success in activity: energy, erudition, determination, business acumen, initiative, self-confidence and decision-making.

Instructor-methodologist for physical education, health and mass sports work

An instructor-methodologist for physical education, health and mass sports work can work in enterprises, institutions, sports schools, sports centers, sports complexes, sports clubs, swimming pools, and sanatoriums.

The specialist organizes and conducts physical education, recreation and sports activities. Organizes enrollment in sections and health-related groups, conducts physical education and health classes, works closely with health authorities to ensure medical supervision of those involved. Conducts academic work in general physical training groups, provides group and individual consultations for those involved in physical education. Carries out propaganda measures healthy image life, conducts propaganda and lecture work in the field of physical culture.

The instructor-methodologist organizes educational, educational and methodological work, controls the implementation training sessions, implementation of programs, curricula. Manages the work of the office, organizes its provision with visual aids, equipment, and inventory.

The specialist must have good physical fitness, organizational skills, communication skills, leadership qualities, a penchant for teaching and methodological work.

Instructor physical therapy

Therapeutic physical culture (motor rehabilitation) uses specially selected physical exercises and some sports equipment to treat and restore body functions impaired as a result of diseases, injuries, overwork and other reasons.

An exercise therapy instructor can work in healthcare institutions (clinics, hospitals, hospitals, etc.), as well as in sanatorium-resort institutions.

This specialist prepares the room, gymnastic apparatus and apparatus for conducting physical therapy classes. Conducts individual and group classes in the gym, swimming pool and on mechanical therapeutic devices. Monitors the well-being of patients before and after classes. Gives recommendations on physical exercises and swimming in the pool, walking and cycling, hiking, skiing, sports games, training on exercise machines and mechanical devices, and occupational therapy. Together with the doctor, the exercise therapy instructor develops therapeutic exercise regimens for patients with various diseases and sets of physical exercises that contribute to the restoration of performance. Maintains medical documentation and registers patients in a timely and high-quality manner.

The physical therapy instructor knows the basics of physiology and pathophysiology of the body, the methodology for conducting physical therapy classes for patients with various diseases; indications and contraindications for conducting exercise therapy classes, the basics of therapeutic massage.

Requirements of the profession for a person: good physical fitness, communication skills, organizational skills, developed verbal abilities (ability to speak clearly, clearly, expressively), patience and endurance, goodwill, responsibility, empathy.

Occupational therapy instructor-methodologist

An occupational therapy instructor-methodologist is a specialist whose main task is to develop or restore the patient’s lost functions using special technical devices, as well as adapt him to environment. A specialist can work in healthcare, education, social protection, physical education and sports organizations.

The activities of an occupational therapy instructor-methodologist are aimed at restoring the motor activity of people with disabilities. This activity helps improve functionality human (motor, emotional, cognitive and mental). The specialist develops proposals for improving work and rest, recommendations and others teaching materials by use various forms and methods of physical education to restore, to the maximum possible extent, a person’s ability to live independently, regardless of his or her existing impairments, disabilities, or limitations on participation in society.

The instructor-methodologist recruits for sections and health-related groups, conducts group and individual classes. Maintains accounting and reporting documentation and analyzes the effectiveness of physical education and recreation activities.

The profession requires good physical fitness, the ability to concentrate, and an analytical mind. Success in activity is facilitated by communication skills, organizational skills, goodwill, contact, sociability, poise, patience, tact, and empathy.

Tourism instructor-methodologist

An instructor-methodologist for tourism organizes and conducts educational and training work and planned tourist trips with tourist groups. During the hike, monitors the health status of tourists (if necessary, provides pre-medical assistance) medical care), monitors the pace of movement, proper nutrition, compliance with sanitary hygiene requirements, uniform distribution of cargo between tourists, compliance with environmental protection rules. Informs tourists about natural, ethnographic, cultural and other attractions of the travel area. Thus, the instructor masters several professions at once. He is a tour guide, organizer of sports and cultural events, cook, doctor, lifeguard, skilled storyteller and local historian, good psychologist and teacher.

A tourism instructor-methodologist can work in tourism organizations (travel agencies, travel bureaus, etc.).

A tourism instructor should have a well-developed logical thinking, intuition, ability to navigate the terrain. The profession requires good physical fitness and special skills (insurance and self-insurance skills, first aid in case of accidents; the ability to develop a tourist route and plan the logistics of a trip; the ability to set up a bivouac in any weather and extreme conditions, etc.). Success in activities will be facilitated by communication skills, organizational skills, creative imagination, a high level of development of emotional stability, the ability to feel easily and freely in any non-standard situation.


The athlete-instructor carries out an individual preparation plan, training and competitive tasks. Maintains a high level of general physical and special training, ensuring the achievement of international class results. Keeps records of the completion of tasks provided individual plan preparation. Complies with standards ensuring the safety of training sessions, rules sports competitions. Transfers experience during the educational and training process sporting achievements and provides practical help young athletes.

An athlete-instructor can work in specialized educational and sports institutions, departmental teams, voluntary sports societies, and national teams.

Sport is extremely multifaceted. If in some sports priority is given to strength (hammer throwing, lifting), then in others the most important quality for an athlete may be flexibility, coordination of movements, stretching, ear for music (synchronized swimming, rhythmic gymnastics, sports dancing). Therefore, the athlete must have physical strength, level of training and special abilities optimal for this sport. Success in activity will also be facilitated by a high level of development of motor (motor) memory, good coordination of movements, speed of reaction, the ability to volitional self-regulation, and high psycho-emotional stability.

Every professional athlete in his field must have excellent physical data, endurance, and the desire to win and exceed his capabilities. Any athlete is driven by the desire to set a record and leave a mark in the history of sports. Therefore, personal qualities are very important in this profession: perseverance, perseverance, patience, determination and willpower.

Sports columnist

This profession is associated not only with sports, but also with journalism. Sportswriter preparing analytical materials, overview notes on key sporting events. Within its professional activity he attends training, sports public events, press conferences, monitors sports news and interviews characters sports sphere.

A sports columnist works in the field of mass media (sports newspapers, television, radio, etc.).

The profession requires communication skills and developed verbal abilities (the ability to speak clearly, clearly, expressively, and present information clearly); analytical thinking, ability to quickly navigate events. A professional sportswriter needs to know a lot about sports. It is important that his knowledge and attention are concentrated not on a separate sports “branch”, but on sports as a whole. Also, a very important quality for a reviewer is not only his ability to understand the intricacies various types sports and individual sporting events, but also his awareness of the destinies and biographies of athletes, coaches, sports functionaries, both past and present.

Sports commentator

This profession is in sports facilities mass media presented mainly on television and radio. The position of commentator is usually given to a professional journalist for whom the relevant field is an area of ​​specialization. A representative of this profession is the author of comments regarding a specific event, for example, a football match.

Sports commentators often work together. This is especially important for those sports where there are few spectacular events during the broadcast, and commentators are forced to tell things that are not directly related to what is happening on the screen: biography, news from the professional career of athletes, etc.

You don't have to be an athlete to become a sports commentator. But the commentator must have extensive knowledge of at least one sport, as well as be an ardent fan, a passionate connoisseur and a fair (if subjective) judge. The profession requires a high level of development of verbal and public speaking abilities. It is important for a commentator to be rich lexicon, be able to clearly express thoughts and accurately formulate questions, speak emotionally, artistically, excitingly. For success in activity, mobility, efficiency, the ability to quickly adapt to new conditions, resourcefulness, a sense of humor and quick wits are important.

Actions during sports games can unfold extremely quickly. The commentator must be able not only to see what the audience might not have noticed, but also to verbally describe all the key processes of the game in a timely manner. To do this, it is important to be collected and observant, to have impeccable diction and correct speech. In addition, the sports commentator must have good memory, because in the process of work he has to commentate on a large number of different matches - he needs to know the composition of each team by heart. Communication skills are also important, the ability to easily make contact, win over and develop a conversation with your interlocutor.

Physical education teacher

A physical education teacher works in educational institutions, children's creativity centers, sports organizations, clubs, etc. Conducts mass sports and health-improving physical education work with students. In general secondary education institutions, he conducts training in the subject “Physical Education and Health”, prepares students for practical application acquired knowledge. Plans educational material, ensures the implementation of the curriculum, organizes and carries out physical education of students, conducts educational and training sessions, health activities and sports competitions. Analyzes student performance according to physical culture, ensures their compliance with academic discipline, develops skills and abilities of independent learning. Assesses the level of physical fitness of students, forms in them the need for constant self-improvement, and instills interest in systematic physical education and sports. Uses various methods and forms of physical hardening of young people, teaching them sports skills. Conducts public health and sports events, leads clubs and sections. Participates in methodological work, in the development and implementation of educational, curricula, composes thematic and lesson plans. Prepares documentation. Resolves issues of equipping sports facilities, halls and grounds.

Teaching ability is important in the profession; organizational and communication skills; good physical fitness and coordination of movements, physical endurance; high level of development of motor (motor) memory; patience, perseverance, endurance, emotional stability.

