Reiki is the art of healing with your hands. General rules for conducting a session

Among the familiar attributes of Japanese culture, Reiki is the art of healing. hands- one of the youngest. Unlike other healing techniques, reiki does not require sophisticated knowledge or rare talent: the art of reiki is accessible to many. By following the principles of Reiki, you can heal yourself, alleviate the suffering of loved ones, and even improve the well-being of other people from a distance.

This is powerful reiki. The name "reiki" comes from the combination of two Japanese words: Rei, which means " high power" and Ki - "life energy".
According to the teachings of Reiki, each object, such as trees, has its own energy. Living beings, including humans, have a special aura - vitality. Mental and physical illnesses arise due to the destruction of this vital force. The healer’s task is to fill the patient’s body with new energy. Reiki healers use their hands as special channels for transmitting life force: such transmission does not require touch, but only desire, concentration and experience. Reiki can help normalize your heart rate, high pressure, cure mental illnesses, alleviate cancer, diabetes, eliminate aching pains, migraines, discomfort in the stomach.

History of reiki. At the beginning of the 20th century, Japanese theologian Mikao Usui formulated the basics of Reiki and became the founder of the most popular movement - Yusui Reiki. It is believed that the idea of ​​reiki came to Mikao Yusui after a long fast and regular meditation, and the basic techniques of reiki were told to him by unknown voices. Reiki quickly gained popularity and is currently practiced not only in the East, but also in many Western countries. For example, in the USA, more than a million people have resorted to the help of Reiki healers at least once in their lives, or have practiced this art themselves.

Despite its small age, reiki already represents several directions, and the reiki techniques themselves, described by Mikao Yusui, have changed. According to the original source, for healing hands It is not necessary to know the exact diagnosis of the patient or to hold your hands over the sore spot. Energy can flow not only through the air, but also through the human body. It is enough to open the transmission channel so that the vital force is directed exactly to the place where it is most needed. During the time of Mikao Yusui, Reiki healers literally “scanned” the human body hands, to feel where the transfer of vital energy takes place most effectively. Later, as the idea of ​​reiki became more popular, the basic positions in which healers hold their hands were formulated.

Basic techniques. To use your life force to heal a person, you need to concentrate on this goal. We must be prepared to transfer some of the energy to those in need. Before the session, the patient needs to lie down and relax. Conducting hands above the body, the reiki healer carefully “listens” to his palms. They can tell you a lot about the disease. Thus, tickling in the palms indicates inflammation, dull pain in the hands occurs over the site of an old injury or scar, and acute pain calls for paying a lot of attention to the patient: serious health problems are possible here. The transfer of energy itself can bring unpleasant sensations to the healer: for example, when the flow is too great, the hands get tired, they literally “cramp”, the palms warm up. Based on the feeling of warmth or cold, the healer evaluates the effectiveness of the procedure, as well as the patient’s mood. For example, cold hands indicate that the patient is resisting, his energy channels are blocked. If the patient does not believe in healing, or does not believe in the idea of ​​Reiki, the sessions do not bring results. This attitude cannot be hidden from an experienced healer: in this case, there is no special sensation in his hands, and there may be a cold that does not go away even during a long session. You don't have to see a renowned healer to experience the power of Reiki. You can conduct small Reiki sessions at home. For example, placing your palms on your stomach during menstruation can help relieve discomfort. Also, hand energy helps eliminate headaches in your loved ones.

Successful healing requires not only the willingness of the patient to get rid of the disease, but also the attitude of the healer. Narcissism and self-gratification cannot be used in Reiki. The healer follows this art not for his own benefit, but for the benefit of other people. True, new reiki schools revise the classical principles and, for example, do not prohibit accepting money for a session. Such material reward is interpreted as replenishing the energy balance that was disturbed during the session.

Reiki practitioners need to know not only how to use their hands, but also follow simple ethical principles. According to Mikao Yusui, these are:

avoid feelings of bitterness;

don’t be nervous and be grateful for every moment of your life;

enjoy your work;

be kind to people;

Cross your hands in prayer every morning and evening.

Following these principles helps to achieve harmony and bring energy into balance.

Beyond healing hands, Reiki followers also offer healing at a distance, when energy transfer is possible through a TV screen. Even more interesting is the direction of gyoshi ho, in which energy is transmitted through the gaze. This reiki allows you to influence a person who is quite far away or is not ready to receive traditional reiki. For example, children playing on the playground.

Scientific interpretation. The effectiveness of reiki in the treatment of many ailments has prompted scientists to search for explanations for this phenomenon. Although there are still no clear scientific descriptions of exactly how reiki works and what is the carrier of vital energy, many scientists adhere to the following hypothesis. Millions of electrical impulses flow through human nerves. Muscle movement, concentration and even the sensation of pain are based on “living electricity”. Of course, the transfer of such electricity from person to person is impossible, but it creates magnetic fields that can affect other people. So, when a Reiki healer brings his hands to a sore spot, the magnetic fields of his palms act soothingly and provide therapeutic effect. This hypothesis was enough to introduce the practice of Reiki to many hospitals. For example, in the UK, Reiki is used as a regular therapy for patients.

Reiki followers themselves do not seek scientific evidence: healing hands gives people spiritual harmony and physical comfort. For true connoisseurs of reiki, this is an art, and it, like everything beautiful, requires no explanation.

When I was asked to talk about reiki, I didn’t agree for a long time. But my students were persistent. They wanted to understand how well the practice that had become popular was consistent with traditional yoga, tai chi, and qigong. Once, when they came to my yoga class, they even began to chant in unison: “We want to know! We want to know!
I have written many times in my books that, despite my adherence to the ancient traditions, which involve spiritual improvement, self-denial and the acquisition of light in the soul, I am trying to make them “work” in our days, which are called the Iron Age period, lately.
First of all, I try to get people to get rid of the idea that they can do everything. Such a belief leads to the fact that the forces of goodness and love are dissipated, and a person begins to feel lonely. It is important to feel like you are part of a great whole. This does not in any way detract from personal freedom. Christians know her as the image of God. It is this combination of freedom and integrity that allows us to correct both ourselves and the world.
"How so?! Is it possible to combine such different messages?” – one of my students once asked me in bewilderment, interested in Eastern practices and the peculiarities of their impact on mental health. But it is the ability to see the unified and exclusive in oneself that helps to find Right way.
So, following the urging of my students, I decided to take a closer look at the Reiki system in order to adapt it to the needs and requirements of people familiar with many of the Eastern practices that I have discussed in a number of my books. I pursued one important goal - maximum practicality and simplicity of the material presented.


Reiki is a method of acquiring cosmic and revealing a person’s internal energy, aimed at healing from various kinds illnesses and gaining vitality. In this sense, it serves as a complement to the well-known yoga or tai chi exercises. It will not be difficult for you to conduct appropriate sessions, because the main tool here is your hands. The only thing is that practicing Reiki will require you to have a certain attitude. It will be better if it turns out to be what is required for spiritual concentration and deepening. In general, this system has absorbed a lot from Buddhism and Taoism, although it also has a specifically Japanese flavor.
It was created by Japanese doctor Mikao Usui, who studied the rules of meditation, breathing and a system of health exercises from childhood. It was then that he became familiar with the role of vital energy - qi (or ki). Usui then became a Buddhist monk, immersing himself in prayer practice. This allowed him to comprehend the secret of ancient beliefs, which he combined into his system. And for more than 80 years, Reiki has existed. Later, Mikao Usui developed the stages of training in healing skills: First level, internal comprehension and accession to higher energy (master level).
Traditionally, it has been the case that a person who comprehends the practice of Reiki progressively moves through entry (familiarization, first practice), immersion (mastery of the technique of revealing energy) to assignment (knowledge of peace and wisdom, which bestows the ability to calm).
“So what should we do now,” my student asked me somewhat perplexedly, having learned about reiki, “go and study with a master?” To this I told her and will repeat now the following: true strength It is not born by the person himself, it is given to him from above, only over time, obscured and hidden under the ashes of our imperfection, it fades, we hide from the gifts that are sent to us. Therefore, it is necessary to change in order to receive the highest acquisition given by heaven. This is the true communion that makes you a master. You tune into this insight that allows you to become a channel of passage healing power.
Actually, the word reiki formed from two roots. One is easy to identify: ki– “energy”, “life force”, “heart”, ray- “divine consciousness, wisdom”, as well as “spirit”. It turns out that a practitioner of this system can become his own doctor, transmitting universal energy without wasting his own. This is like your spiritual and physical nourishment, creating a tone of health and restoring balance. “I wouldn’t want to turn into a light bulb,” joked Sergei Maksimovich, a very smart and kind man. All the students who were in my class that day laughed together. The joke actually turned out to be successful. What could I answer? You shouldn’t become a reckless, blind imitator, you shouldn’t turn into someone who obediently rejects the most important quality inherent in a person - freedom. On the contrary, comprehension presupposes reflection and comprehension. By rejecting the image of God, a person only loses. He cannot purchase, much less heal. And one more indispensable condition: if you decide to turn your energy into helping your neighbor, it is important to truly feel for him Love And compassion.
At the same time, it must be said that we resort to healing with our hands very often. When something hurts, we instinctively place our hands on the sore spot, and it becomes easier for us. Or how a child calms down when mom or dad stroke his head or tummy. “Yes, yes,” Svetlana was delighted. “My son always asks, if he is upset, to “talk to his tummy.” This means you need to stroke it lightly. The baby becomes calmer, and even the unpleasant sensations seem to disappear!”
The very energy that literally has a healing effect is transmitted through our hands, because it is imbued with a sincere desire to help. The touch of a dear, close person creates special space around us. This is how it has a beneficial effect. A person who is such an assistant opens all channels for receiving and distributing energy. He becomes able to influence both his own condition and the condition of the one he wants to help recover.
A person, in addition to his physical - dense - nature, also has a spiritual nature, which cannot be seen and felt directly, but how we feel in general depends on its state. A person’s subtle body connects him with the entire Universe, which is why we are so receptive to what is happening above us.
Moreover, by going deeper into ourselves, we discover not only the earthly dimension, but also connect with the secrets of life. Wisdom lies in the attempt to comprehend the innermost, to find the center - stable, unchangeable. To touch the great and incomprehensible, holding and protecting.
The sages taught:
I look and don’t see - because the subtlest is there. I listen, but I can’t hear, because silence is the essence. I try to grab it, but I can’t keep it because I’m elusive.
The top is both light and hidden, the bottom is not darkened, but not fully visible. The path is long, winding, and leads to what is beyond reality.
An invisible form, an insubstantial appearance, an incomprehensible being. The pier is not visible, the pier is not visible, but I am walking along my Path. And so I can comprehend the ancient beginning.
Our ancestors believed that in the human being there are “centers” associated with the subtle nature (ether), although they can also be represented in a corporeal – “material” – form. For example, they correspond to the parts of the spinal column that forms the vertical human body. The spine is akin to the axis that permeates and holds the Universe, and therefore in training Special attention is given to the areas of the spine through which energy passes as it rises: coccygeal, sacral, lumbar, dorsal and cervical. The top is the brain, the control of which involves going beyond the thinkable, visible, and tangible. However, such zones do not represent nerve centers or nerve plexuses. These are subtle “channels” through which vital forces flow.
One of these “canals” is located inside the spinal axis. It reaches the hole that corresponds to the crown of the head. Two more pass along the outer side of the same axis, crossing and reaching the two nostrils - left and right. The remaining two lines are female and male. Every person has these two principles, often there is no balance between them, on which human health depends. Control over the advancement of energy flows is achieved correct breathing, special exercises. They organize human energies, opening up the possibility of coincidence with the cosmos. Reiki allows you to influence the subtle body, and therefore improves general health.
In the desire to help, a special role is given to the heart, its ability to be imbued with the great power of love. Even if you are trying to improve your own condition, you will not achieve what you want if love for others does not ignite within you. Only then will the energy begin to rise and open, resulting in a change in your well-being.


When we talk about man and the universe, and touch on the laws of energy perception, we must also talk about two principles, without understanding which it will be difficult for you to correctly imagine reiki. Of course, yin And yang.
These are the two components of everything. Usually they mean respectively masculine And feminine, light And darkness, activity And inaction, movement And peace. Neither side can be an absolute dominant, both are balanced and proportionate; everything is separated by these poles and brought together by them at the same time. These are two parts of one whole.
This unity of opposites is symbolized by a circle. It is divided into two halves by a wavy line. One half is dark, feminine (yin), the other is light, masculine (yang). In the center of each of them there is a small circle: on black - white, on white - black. This is a sign of the interconnectedness of principles, their balance. Graphically, the symbolism of yin and yang reflects statics and dynamics at the same time, time and timelessness, space and spacelessness. The two principles not only remain in balance, but also create tension that leads to development. In China, they believe that yin precedes yang. The first principle is soft, passive. It is associated with water, night, earth. The second is active, rational. It correlates with the sky, mountains as a place of supreme light, a sunny day.
In the human body, the kidneys, lungs, spleen, and liver are associated with yin, and the stomach and intestines are associated with yang.
The first principle is cold but calm, the second is hot and active. Under normal conditions, a transition occurs from one state to another. This is an endless process. To feel the fullness of life, to be in health and harmony, a person needs to learn not to upset the balance of principles within himself. Otherwise, it can lead to physical, spiritual illness or even death.
These two principles determine the entire diversity of phenomena in the world, in particular in man himself. They appeared after the creation of the world began. At the same time, the human body was imagined as a small cosmos, repeating the large one down to the last detail. It is like a drop of water reflecting the ocean. Or into two parts of the universal waters: upper and lower, the heavenly ocean and the earthly ocean. But we must remember that a person has to rise to the light, perceiving it in himself and recognizing it in a world created from darkness. Moreover, he needs to penetrate through this light to the original unity. If it is absorbed by currents external life, then he is pulled down into muddy waters and to the death of the spirit. If he is focused on the inner, then the mountains and the happiness of an illuminated existence open up to him. This makes you feel movement and accumulation of energy. The principle of non-action also helps with this.
Actually, not doing does not mean “not acting.” This is inner serenity, minimum effort with maximum effect. An act in harmony with oneself and nature, and not contrary to it. In a certain sense, this is the opposite path to Western civilization. I won't judge how good or bad it is. It exists, and that’s a lot. You can always influence events without getting irritated, without fuming, or even taking any deliberate measures. You need to trust the inner light that will help you be satisfied with what you have. But you have to be able to find a way, not to walk, but to take off. In relation to reiki, this means that you should achieve a balance of forces, restore the balance of the polar principles, in order to be able to distribute life force.
The interaction of yin and yang is associated with the five elements. They are forms of manifestation qi(energy). First of all, this Water(extreme peace and concentration). If the water is not disturbed, then it is in a state of equilibrium (harmony between statics and dynamics). Look at the river, its flow: you see How is water flowing? You see and you don’t see. The second state is formed from the first: energy begins to expand, grow. This Tree. It's amazing how quickly the trees leaf out in the spring. Just yesterday there were buds, and today the first leaves have already appeared, and after a couple of days the tree has shot up with greenery.
This deployment of energy cannot last long; it soon turns into a uniform release. The third element is Fire. It supports the release of energy over a long period of time. But the fire is also dying out. The fire flares up, flares up quickly, but if the wood is dry, it burns out. The fourth element is Metal. Energy is concentrated in metal. All these four elements are balanced by the fifth - Earth- their basis. If yin and yang are the foundation of the universe, then the elements are the building material. Absolutely everything is made up of them. It is a universe of energy ruled by yin and yang. Reiki restores the harmony of the primary elements in a person.


It is better to start practicing reiki with what are called the three main components. This is relaxation, inner peace and equanimity.
Relaxation is an indispensable condition not only for the state of the body, but also for the mind. This results in you being at peace with yourself. Modern man, even if he has achieved considerable success in his business, even if he is outwardly absolutely satisfied with the way his life is going, he still often experiences an internal conflict that does not allow him to calm down. Reiki teaches you not to conflict with yourself. Internal agreement allows the brain to find its optimal operating mode. Strength is restored in your body and in the other person you are helping.
A state of rest does not mean trance or sleep. Consciousness should not give way to the subconscious. You are awake but have achieved inner serenity. Psychologically, you become a different person. No extraneous thoughts about vanity, worries and sorrows. Leave them behind you. There is a smooth surface in front of you mountain lake– calming water. Your brain becomes your ally. It receives impulses from the body and recodes them into new rules of action. Nervous system turns out to be placed in such conditions that it can re-adjust the functioning of your body and protect you from negative influences.
Calmness is combined with the naturalness of the movements performed. Even the slightest lack of freedom is unacceptable here, otherwise the qi will negative impact on your body. Remember: you do not overcome anything, you gain and give. This is joy, not punishment.
Human life force consists of external And internal qi. The first we get with food and water - from the outside; the second grows, passing to the end points on our fingers and toes and head. Reiki allows you to become a conductor of life force, concentrate it correctly, and eliminate the negative influences of the environment.
And further.
1. Watch your thoughts and actions. One should adhere to the main moral principles: non-violence, truthfulness, chastity, renunciation of greed.
2. Curb your passions. The rules are simple: keep your soul pure, avoid excesses, do not allow desires to attack you.
3. Learn to achieve higher energy in hand positions. Certain touches or hand positions at some distance from the body help to find spiritual balance, replenish strength and fight illnesses.
4. Know how to breathe correctly. It is important to learn full breathing, when all parts of the lungs are involved in the process of inhalation and exhalation, the diaphragm and abdominal muscles are actively working. This opens up all the cells in the body to receive oxygen and improve blood flow. It is equally important to master the technique of abdominal breathing. In addition, other ways of inhaling and exhaling, which are known in various Eastern practices, are also useful.
5. Don't focus on yourself. This requirement has a double meaning. This applies to both the spiritual foundations of your life and purely physiological ones. The latter means distraction from external stimuli in order to immerse oneself in contemplation and achieve enlightenment.
6. Concentrate. Tune in to the passage of energy and assistance, feel the vibrations of the flows and the penetration of life-giving light.
7. Meditate. This state will help you understand the secrets of the penetration of life-giving force.
The main principles that guide the release of energy are:
Don't feel angry or anxious.
Drive away worry and sadness.
Be filled with gratitude for everything in the world.
Remember your conscience and honesty.
Be imbued with kindness and love for people.
You must accept such foundations of life immediately, now, and only through them can you provide healing benefits. Now think about how difficult this is. “But how can it happen right away!? – Nelly Sergeevna was surprised. “We need to change completely, will it take time?!” My student is absolutely right. But if you can feel all the listed messages in yourself at least for a moment, you will already be open to the energy that bestows harmony and balances the strength of your body.
Very often, reiki is interpreted as a kind of almost secret chain of incredible knowledge, and therefore people who want to learn the basics of this practice sometimes go through stages of initiation. Little is revealed to them, but they are assured that they now find themselves initiated into disciples, then into deeper fundamentals, and then (as years pass) some even become masters. At the same time, the need for constant payment for familiarization with the practice and the inevitability of such a phased “entry” are justified.
However, it is no secret that the energy with which a person opens does not ask for a diploma about completing “reiki courses”. And although not every person will be able to manage it properly, anyone can tune in to this wave of improving their own condition and the well-being of the person who needs help. In my book you will not find half-hints and half-recipes. I would like to offer you the story of an experience that, if you adhere to the most important spiritual principles, you can learn directly.


The main thing you need to be sure of is that you have the desire to conduct energy to the point you are influencing. It is necessary to strive to give away this life-giving force. And it will go where it is required. There is nothing super complicated here. “This is somehow unexpected. It turns out: we need to want, concentrate, and we will already have an impact?” – Vasily Petrovich was surprised. He wanted more "tangible" signs that energy was flowing in and filling the centers of concentration. Indeed, is it necessary to constantly think about whether the life-giving force is passing through and whether anything is preventing its spread?
Let me emphasize once again: the effectiveness of the practice depends on how attuned you are to the highest spiritual principles and to what extent you want to help people. And once the channels for receiving reiki open, all you need to do is remain serene. The hands themselves will fulfill their mission. You will feel warmth, tingling, and the pulsation in your fingers will increase. This means that energy is still being supplied. If you help another person, they will also feel the warmth, letting you know what is going on with them.
In order not to succumb to extraneous thoughts, prepare yourself to be grateful to the creator for beauty, love, life itself. Think about the good things people have done for you. But it shouldn’t be fake “pink snot” that will shield you from the cosmic force. It is important to actually experience feelings of love and gratitude so that you do not stop being a channel for receiving reiki.
If thoughts are swarming, and you just can’t adjust yourself to spiritual principles, try not to “get stuck” on momentary little things, skip and let go at your leisure. There is no need to fight with him, because this way you will lose your serenity. If you leave the state of rest, the effectiveness of the practice will drastically decrease.
This is what concerns the subtle body and mental attitude. But there are also quite material aspects that also cannot be ignored.
In Reiki practice, it is important to position yourself correctly in space so that the effectiveness of energy replenishment is maximized. To do this, sit on a chair and place your feet parallel to each other. You can also take a standing position. If possible, it is better to gain vitality when you can see the sky above you, when you directly feel yourself to be part of the universe. IN climatic conditions In Russia it is convenient to do this in summer, late spring and early autumn. At other times, you will have to confine yourself to living quarters.
Place your palms on your stomach, just below (about 5 cm) your navel, where the most important vital point is located. Hold them like this for 10 minutes, breathe deeply, evenly, breathing should be full or abdominal. You need to feel how the energy rises, filling you. In this way, you are included in the plane of the axis mundi, perceiving the passage of life force. Then there will be no gap between the earthly and heavenly worlds, which ensures an improvement in the human condition.
The same opening of yourself to the life force occurs when you assume a lying position. Lie on the floor, legs together, arms along your body. Socks are pulled out. The eyes are half-closed. Relax and feel complete peace. Nothing worries you, you know that the power of life nourishes you, and you become wiser, the balance of polar principles is restored in your body, which leads to harmonious balance.
In this state, you can perceive deep cosmic vibrations, but do not become their slave. Remember that the strength of the spirit lies in the ability to renounce the vain, from the evil, from dislike, in the ability to acquire compassion, complicity, and sincere concern for others.
The areas of those organs whose functioning appears to be impaired should be affected for approximately 10–20 minutes, while the full session lasts about an hour. During reiki, all jewelry and watches must be removed. Hands should be clean, washed under running cool water. The same should be done after the healing effect. The one you are trying to help must be disposed to receive the energy. It is necessary to loosen the tie, fasteners, and belts so that nothing interferes with its passage. You don't have to take off your clothes. Your patient's legs should be extended, not one on top of the other, with arms along the body. If he is lying on his stomach, which is not always a good solution, you can put your hands on your head.
You should place your palms on the body of another person carefully, barely touching him, so as not to disrupt the harmony of your interaction. Even better is to keep a few above it. The fingers of your hands are connected. Maintain each position for approximately 5 minutes. After the energy of your love has had an effect, your patient needs to lie quietly for at least 15–20 minutes. If you are trying to improve your own well-being, then you should also relax and lie quietly. Reiki, let me remind you, is not a recharge so that you immediately begin to move.
When assistance is provided, there should be no outside interference. Yes, and internal relaxations too. It is important to focus and tune in to release the energy. Various sharp sounds and smells are especially unacceptable. Of course, alcohol and tobacco are completely excluded. The light should be dim. It is better to cover the windows, although the room must be ventilated before the session. Optimal temperature air – 22–24 °C. It is important to choose relaxing music. It can be spiritual, classical, ethnic.
Choose the right furniture for the session. The key here is a combination of convenience and practicality. Strictness, restraint and justification - this is what you need to be guided by when choosing where you will be located or where the person to whom the reiki sessions are addressed will be.
When practicing Reiki, you should not complicate the sessions. Don't overdo it. Energy also acts in this way, if you wholeheartedly strive to get rid of an illness (to get rid of it), your attitude multiplies its effect.


Physical health is very often impaired due to mental imperfection. Of course, you shouldn’t think that reiki is some kind of magic wand, one wave of which is enough for all ailments to disappear by themselves. This will not happen, although many people now dream about it, believing that Eastern practices and life will extend up to 150 years and get rid of all diseases in a row. Understanding a problem cannot be converted into avoiding it. “But it’s easier for me,” my yoga student Ekaterina once said. – I turn away from the problem as if it doesn’t exist, and then I don’t notice it at all. It turns out that none of this happened, it’s all a mirage.” But then it turned out that after some time the problem from which Catherine wanted to hide still made itself felt. Therefore, it has to be eliminated, only sometimes spending more strength and energy that would be used to improve health. The main thing is not to run away from the problem or fiercely fight it, but to look for solutions to which reason, fueled by wisdom, will lead you. In general, the Creator gives a person the opportunity to learn new things and accept them to help himself. Therefore, ancient eastern practices can either be used to benefit one’s own well-being, or they can harm them, destroying one’s life.
Cosmic energy surrounds man. Therefore, everyone perceives it, but not everyone is able to use the ancient method of transferring energy and sacred knowledge from one person to another. Only one who understands the essence of what is happening to him knows how to open up to the life-giving force and transfer it to another. This is the introduction to the meaning of the teachings of Reiki. Therefore, you can provide support and help to the people around you.
In addition, we can safely say that Reiki is only a stage in a whole complex of measures, which include yoga, tai chi or qigong, as well as mudras and various types of breathing practices and meditation. I'm not even talking about other methods of treatment - both traditional and the most modern.
I am often asked: “How to choose from all this variety? You can get confused, but whether there will be any benefit is unknown!” The answer can only be revealed by wise reasoning and common sense. Empty, reckless adherence will only do harm. God punishes man by depriving him of his reason. This is what we should be afraid of. And there are many ways to help, so combine, consult with other specialists and knowledgeable people, choose, reflect. Stop your preference on what does not cause harm - neither spiritual nor physical.


So that you can accurately control the passage of energy, you should become familiar with the main channels available in the human body. They connect the whole body, all organs into a single whole. That is why change even at one point through which these paths pass is beneficial or, on the contrary, in a negative way affects the condition of the body as a whole.
The first channel begins in the area just below the navel, then it passes to the throat and lower jaw. After this it rises to the eyes. It controls yin.
The next channel originates in the lower abdomen, passing through the perineum. Next, the channel is located along the spine, one of its key points is on the back of the neck. It rises to the top of the head, to the highest chakra, then passing through the middle of the forehead to the nose. This is the management of all manifestations of yang.

End of free trial

© Dmitrieva I. V., 2014

© IP Krylova O. A., 2014

© RIPOL Classic Group of Companies LLC, 2014

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Reiki is the art of manual healing. It appeared in ancient times, but in the form in which it exists now, it was formed by the Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui in 1922 and is of great interest to supporters of alternative medicine. Currently, Reiki is a whole system of manual influence on the human body.

Reiki is often translated literally as universal life energy. Healing is carried out not by physical methods, but with the help of a directed energy flow, and on several levels at once - physical, mental and spiritual. Reiki promotes healing of the body, eliminates physical fatigue and emotional stress. Reiki energy spiritually cleanses a person, including eliminating addictions, which are often called bad habits. It increases a person’s energy and creative potential, which means it opens up new opportunities for him.

Reiki is not an artificially created system. It is based on natural movement, the instinctive direction of energy. Everyone has experience when, having hit something, you immediately put your hand to the sore spot. At the same time, it immediately becomes easier and you want to warm the bruise site with the warmth of your hand for some time. In this case, the person himself alleviates his condition. At this time, his hand directs the energy of the body and emotions exactly to the address. The energetic impact on the body can be carried out consciously, developing your abilities and making certain efforts.

Reiki includes techniques and techniques that originated in ancient times - Reiki was practiced by Tibetan healers many centuries ago. Then this method energy impact spread through Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome to India, China and reached Japan. Mikao Usui only revived and generalized the knowledge about the healing effects of hands.

There is nothing mystical in the transfer of energy through the hand. This phenomenon is inherent in nature, in which everything is interconnected and matters. From the point of view of the human energy system, which itself is a part of nature, the hand is an energy channel. Therefore, it can give and receive energy. The direction of energy movement depends on the intention of the healer. It can remove negativity from the patient or from one’s own part of the body, or vice versa, fill it with healthy energy.

By practicing Reiki, a person does not create anything new, he only opens his energy channels, develops intuition, the ability to concentrate, and perceive information from the outside on a subconscious level.

The effect of Reiki occurs by itself, for this the healer does not need to make any special effort: he simply enters the reiki flow and pronounces the desired affirmation. Then all that remains is to direct the energy to a specific part of the body or diseased organ. Healing energy causes a positive result, regardless of how accurately the hands are applied to the sore spot. During a healing session, the healer becomes part of the cosmic energy system, through him this energy is transferred to the patient.

The reiki experience is naturally transmitted by the master. Healing with your hands cannot be taught like writing or counting. What is important here is attitude, subtle feeling, and inner freedom. If this is inherent in a person and he trusts his intuition, then taking reiki will be easy for him.

Reiki affects not only people, but also animals and plants. Reiki treatment has no contraindications and side effects. That is why this healing method is of great interest to people who have chronic diseases and want to improve their health and restore physical and mental strength.

Reiki as a healing system has been studied for a long time at the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Scientists have confirmed the safety of this treatment and the absence of side effects from it. Although during the treatment, discomfort may appear (drowsiness, fever, unexpected burst of energy, etc.). Reiki has been proven effective in combating stress, fear, emotional disturbances, mental trauma and chronic pain. This allows you to use reiki when chronic diseases, for preparation for surgical interventions, recovery from illnesses and stress.

Reiki corrects energy imbalances in the body, removes energy blocks and restores balance. Everything is simple and effective. The practice of Reiki does not contradict any religious beliefs and is combined with many traditional and non-traditional methods of treatment - acupressure, massage, psychotherapy, physiotherapy. As a rule, a complex effect on the body always turns out to be more effective in treatment. Since Reiki does not provide side effect, it can be used as an auxiliary treatment for any disease. The energy from the hands is perceived by the body through clothing, bandages and plaster casts, since it is all-pervasive and there are no material obstacles for it.

Reiki does not have any adverse effects on the person giving reiki and helping others get rid of physical pain, moral worries and mental suffering. During a healing session, neither the healer nor the patient falls into a trance or changes their consciousness or worldview. They only achieve peace, spiritual harmony, unity with nature. They gain access to the universal energy flow.

Once having accepted initiation from a reiki teacher, they subsequently use reiki energy automatically. All adjustments to the cosmic energy system in right time happen by themselves, without effort or tension.

Reiki helps to harmonize the soul and body. Many diseases develop against the background of prolonged and frequent stress and psychological problems. Finding peace of mind, solving personal problems and internal harmonization are of great importance for recovery or prevention of illness. Therefore, Reiki benefits not only patients, but also healers.

Reiki is used to awaken kundalini - life energy. In esotericism and Eastern philosophy, it is represented in the form of a coiled snake. It is located in the lower part of the body, at the base of the spine. After removing energy barriers, kundalini begins to actively circulate along the spine and throughout the body. In Eastern philosophy and medicine, this is given key importance in the light of maintaining health, youth and longevity.

The awakening of kundalini positively adjusts the entire energy system in the human body. It fills not only physical strength, but also mental strength. Kundalini liberates consciousness and awakens inner freedom. The potential of kundalini is enormous and immeasurable; the activation of this energy causes dramatic changes, and it is impossible to resist them. But this is not necessary, since freely circulating energy harmonizes the entire body and many areas of life.

The human energy system is represented not only by energy channels, but also by chakras. It also includes subtle bodies, which are the shell of the physical body. These subtle bodies, the number of which, according to different systems, ranges from 3 to 7, significantly affect a person’s physical and mental health and protect against negative external energy. If all the subtle energy shells are in good condition, then a person is healthy and feels like a complete person, he is calm and self-confident, easily resists all troubles, and adapts to changing living conditions.

If disturbances occur in the energy system at any level, this affects the state of health. If they are associated with subtle bodies, then the person becomes especially vulnerable. Therefore, treatment of diseases is only medicines often turns out to be ineffective. It is necessary to restore the protective shells and integrity of the entire energy system in the body, then recovery will come. Reiki helps you achieve just that. The energy flow immediately affects all subtle bodies and restores the body's natural defenses. To restore the subtle bodies, a full course of Reiki healing is usually required, since one session is not enough.

Reiki energy can work wonders. Healing by laying on of hands is only the first step. A person who has received the second and third levels of reiki can influence the patient at a considerable distance, both on the physical level, and help correct karma, i.e. fate.

Chapter 1. Eastern ideas about health and illness

Flows of vital energy

Our world, the reality around us, is supported by constantly fluctuating, flowing and endless vital energy. She created the Cosmos, she filled with herself space. The existence of cosmic energy was known in ancient times. Ancient sages and scientists believed that there is earthly life energy and primordial life energy. The first is formed from food products that are processed digestive system. A person receives the original life energy along with his soul when he comes into this world. Strong vital energy means that a person has powerful protective forces - good immunity. The consequence of a lack of vital energy is weak immunity, susceptibility to various diseases, premature aging and death.

Also in Ancient China It has been noticed that the organs in the human body are interconnected. If a malfunction occurs in any of them, the reason for this lies in the fact that the functions of other organs or organs are impaired. The vital energy that circulates in the human body is divided into two streams: solar and lunar. The first one circulates along the right side of the body and exits the right hemisphere of the brain. The lunar flow of energy, accordingly, flows from the left hemisphere and moves along the left side. If these two flows are in balance, then the person is balanced, that is, healthy. It is the energetic nature of health and illness (or illness) that is placed at the forefront in Eastern medicine. And this is where it differs from Western medical practice, which takes into account only bacterial or viral theories of the occurrence of diseases.

It is interesting that life energy in different countries and religions had different names. In China it was called Qi, in India it was known as prana, in Japan - ki, in Greece - pneuma. In the Christian religion, life energy meant the Holy Spirit.

Another important aspect of Eastern ideas about health and illness is the inextricable connection between body and mind. This is a holistic approach to the concept of health: the body and mind are one, and they are connected by vital energy. As already noted, a person receives vital energy at birth. And while he is young, its flows are well balanced. But along the path of life, a person is exposed to stress that weakens the body’s defenses. Stress narrows blood vessels, muscles under stress are tense. As a result, blood circulation is impaired. The naturally flexible spine loses its flexibility with age, and the joints lose their mobility.

The goal of many spiritual practices (qigong, tai chi, yoga, etc.) is to slow down imbalance tendencies. Since illness, in the interpretation of Eastern medicine, is a blockage in the flow of vital energy, then by removing the blocks in the energy pathways that nourish the body’s organs (as well as muscles and ligaments), balance is restored. This allows the body to eliminate disharmony and improve health. Breathing exercises and special movements are of great importance. It is no coincidence that in modern China, a country with thousands of years of traditions of using special exercises promoting the circulation of vital energy - exercises are performed in open areas by people of all ages. And it is no coincidence that regular exercise in combination with meditation allows a person to maintain flexibility of body and thinking even in old age. However, Chinese and Indian masters, as well as Reiki masters, not only developed a system of exercises, but also cultivated the ability to awaken vital energy in other people. Here we should emphasize the uniqueness of the art of Reiki, which lies in the fact that the transfer of the healing power of life energy is possible only through the Reiki channel. If it is open, then transmitting healing energy to others, as well as healing oneself, becomes easy and simple.


Since ancient times it has been known that life exists only in the presence of a flow of vital energy. A person or animal through which life energy does not flow is dead. People already then identified a number of patterns regarding the flow of vital energy. First, it has been proven that the paths along which vital energy flows through the body are completely defined. In different countries they were given different names: in India they are nadis, in China and Japan they are meridians. Secondly, it became known that in the human body there are also centers in which vital energy flowing along energy paths accumulates. These centers were called chakras.

In reiki practice, the importance of chakras is very great. Without them, it is impossible to carry out attunements (or initiation, dedication) - the most important action that allows you to feel the power of reiki. To do this, you need to open the Reiki channel, which passes through the four upper chakras. And for self-tuning (without the help of a master), one of the main conditions is the presence of open four upper chakras. Finally, Reiki provides a unique opportunity to align and harmonize the chakras so that the body, soul and spirit of a person are strong and healthy.

There are seven main chakras. They are located on a line running from the pubic bone to the parietal bone (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Chakra locations

Each chakra has a specific color. Chakras deliver the vital energy that accumulates in them to organs and systems, determine the emotional background and influence a person’s mental and intellectual abilities.

First chakra is called root, or main. In Sanskrit it is denoted by the word “muladhara” (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Root chakra

The chakra occupies a location between the anus and genitals. Muladhara supplies a person with the energy of the earth. Based on this chakra, the activities of the other six chakras occur. The first chakra is responsible for the main human instinct associated with survival. From it follows the urgent need to engage in certain activities in order to provide oneself and family with food, housing, etc. All instincts are concentrated in the first chakra: the instinct of procreation, protection of health (physical and mental), protection from danger. The root chakra gives a person a feeling of stability, steadfastness and self-confidence, thereby making his life in the world around him easier and calmer. A person feels reliable, and this ensures his development not only on the physical level, but also on the mental and spiritual level.

The main chakra, like the others, can be either in a state of balance or unbalanced. In the first case, a person feels positive impulses coming from the energy of the Earth, he is full of activity and interest in life, he is satisfied with himself and the world around him. He accepts right decisions, without fear and doubt, brings them to life, acting consciously. If crises and conflicts arise, he resolves them (gets out of them) easily and quickly. Such a person, in the most literal sense, stands firmly on the ground, feeling this groundedness and at the same time the naturalness and perfection of the Universe. He builds his life in accordance with the laws of Nature and the Universe. In particular, he understands that the Universe is abundant and it will always provide him with everything he needs to live. Therefore, a person is freed from worries, fears, and worries about his material well-being. Moreover, by setting certain financial goals for himself, a person easily achieves them, since he has the main thing - confidence in himself, in his life and in the attitude of the Universe towards him. Finally, a person aligns his material goals with the spiritual principle. And this combination makes life even more harmonious.

However, the root chakra can also be in a state of disharmony. It manifests itself in many ways: it is a sexual imbalance, and a disproportion of one’s desires with available opportunities, and the concentration of one’s thoughts and resources only on the needs of the material plane. A person becomes literally obsessed with the thirst for material wealth and hoarding. At the same time, he does not take into account the interests of other people at all. But the main thing is that the need for acquisition will never be completely satisfied. Often the thirst for hoarding becomes the main goal in life and overrides other interests. The desire to get as much as possible and everything at once overshadows the ability to evaluate the consequences of one’s actions.

On the other hand, such a person is constantly haunted by fear of poverty, anxiety about his future, anxiety about his inferiority, both physically and spiritually (as it seems to him), insolvency, etc. The person does not love his body, treats him with contempt and even disgust. Such a person is poorly oriented in matters that relate not only to physical existence, but also to the spiritual aspect.

Imbalance of the root chakra leads to changes in character. As a rule, such people show rigidity and cruelty, aggression, intolerance to the judgments and actions of others. They are extremely selfish and self-centered, they strive to impose their will by all means (often not the best) and get what they want at any cost.

If the root chakra is unbalanced, this negatively affects the work and condition of the organs and systems with which it is connected - bone, skin, hematopoietic, endocrine. As a result, diseases arise that affect organs: joints suffer from arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, and among diseases of the spine, scoliosis often comes first. Problems with the functioning of the root chakra can cause anemia. The reason for the described pathologies is that with disharmony of this chakra, a person loses the feeling of support, support, and stability in life. Particularly negative in this regard are diseases of the spine as the support of the whole organism, its skeleton.

Translated from Sanskrit, chakra is a wheel. It received this name due to the fact that it has the shape of a circle or ball. The name “energy cycle” has also been assigned to the chakra.

Two other symptoms that characterize problems with the root chakra are constipation and hemorrhoids. Both symptoms are based on the fear of parting with something, which again stems from a feeling of insecurity. This could be parting with money, old things, grievances, thoughts and attitudes. Hemorrhoids, in addition, symbolize the pain of separation and often the fear that there is sorely not enough time. But at the core lies the same reason - distrust of the world around us, misunderstanding and non-acceptance of the natural processes occurring in the Universe.

An important consequence of root chakra disharmony is disruptions in the endocrine system, which is reflected in the emergence of problems such as infertility (male and female) and impotence. This leads to problems with procreation and decline sexual desire. Another manifestation of a malfunction of the endocrine system is defects in the activity of the adrenal glands. Thanks to them, the body produces important hormones such as aldosterone and cortisol. The first regulates blood pressure, it is necessary for the functioning of the kidneys and is responsible for retaining water and salts in the body. Cortisol helps a person cope with stress more successfully, as it promotes the accumulation of important nutrients such as glucose and essential amino acids. Cortisol is very important in various acute diseases and injuries, which are also stress for the body. Under stress important It also has the hormone adrenaline, also produced by the adrenal glands. In the early stages of evolution, adrenaline helped a person prepare for defense or escape. In the modern world, thanks to adrenaline, a person in a stressful situation is ready for immediate action. True, if stress becomes a common, chronic phenomenon, then nervous and immune system are depleted: after all, it takes a certain time to produce adrenaline, and it is consumed quite quickly. If the root chakra is unbalanced, then a person experiences stress in almost any situation, be it driving a car or an unpleasant conversation. With a balanced chakra, a person is in harmony with himself and the world around him, he consciously controls stressful situations. Hence, there is less activation of the adrenal glands and a lower risk of decreased immunity.

Rules for applying and laying hands positions during a reiki session

When performing hand positions in reiki, a specific sequence is always used. During a Reiki session, three areas are identified: the head, the front of the body, and the back of the body. In each of them, four to five positions are defined, called basic ones. Healing must begin in these positions from the head, gradually descending to the feet from the front of the body, and then from the head to the feet from the back.

Exists important condition: The healer should never perform a session until his hands are sufficiently warm. Cold hands will only cause unpleasant sensations in the patient, and in addition, cold (negative) energy can be discharged into the patient’s body through them.

In reiki, the healer always uses both hands, palms down. The fingers are straightened and tightly closed.

Hands are placed in the desired position gently, relaxed, without pressure. Once the healer's hands are placed on the patient's body, the Reiki energy begins to flow automatically.

During the session, both the healer and the patient physically feel the passing flow of Reiki energy. But these sensations, as a rule, are always different. If the patient's body needs cold, then it will feel cool. And at the same time the healer can feel that his hands are very hot.

One Reiki session almost never feels the same as another. Each time these sensations change for both the patient and the healer. It is impossible to predict them, but they are always present.

In general, it should be especially noted that there is no right or wrong way to conduct a reiki session. You should always be guided by your intuition and feelings first. If you suddenly feel like you should skip a certain position, feel free to do it, your body knows better what it needs at the moment. Quite often during the session there is a feeling that your hands seem to be glued to one place. Do not try to “unstick” them; keep your hands on this part of the body until this feeling disappears, and only then move on to the next positions.

During the entire session, it is necessary to ensure that the hands are not crossed when applying (both during healing and self-healing), since such a position of the limbs interferes with the free flow of energy.

Healing must begin from the head, gradually moving down to the feet from the front of the body, and then from the head to the feet from the back.

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Meditation "Reiki Undo"

Meditation "Reiki Undo"

WITH Japanese language the word "undo" is translated as exercise. The main goal of Reiki Undo meditation is to make a person feel one with the Universe, to dissolve in the flows of energy.

Meditation itself is a free spontaneous dance in the flows of Reiki energy, during which internal clamps and blocks are removed and completely eliminated. It is performed to any music that pleases you, but a melody without words is preferable. When conducting this meditation, there are no specific postures and positions of the arms, legs, or head. Just free your mind and let your body move the way it wants.

For those who are just starting Reiki Undo meditation, we present three initial options for its implementation.

Place your feet shoulder-width apart with your toes slightly inward, relax, feel all your muscles and joints, and prepare for movement. Inhale and exhale with the sound “ha-a”, try to stop the mental flow and plunge into the lower abdomen, “grow” into the ground, feel the energy flow rising through your energy centers.

Place your palms together at your heart area, then very slowly raise your arms above your head along the midline of your body. Imagine your arms infinitely long, stretching into the sky towards the shining universal source of spiritual energy. If you wish, you can visualize the reiki symbol by saying its name three times.

Stay in this position for a while, feel the flow of universal energy in your body, and then slowly lower your arms and join your palms at chest level in Gassho. Say mentally “I begin Reiki Undo” and lower your hands along the midline along the body. Breathing occurs through tanden, it is calm and even. Listen to the center of energy accumulation located behind the navel, catch internal movement energy and direct your body behind this movement.

Go completely within yourself, remain in a state of no-mind, become a dispassionate observer and allow the body to follow the movement of the energy river, flowing absolutely freely and unpredictably. You may begin to make unexpected movements that involve your neck, arms, and hips. Do not interfere with this process, no matter how strange the movements of your body may be, and at the end of the meditation you will feel calm, relief and at the same time a surge of strength. Or maybe you will discover something new, something you didn’t know before.

The meditation time is 25–30 minutes, accompanied by suitable music. At the end of the meditation, consciously stop, take a deep breath, exhale equally deeply, open your eyes and jump a little on the spot.

Option 2

This is a more active option and is performed while standing. Stand with your legs slightly apart, your feet parallel to each other. Just like the previous option, feel yourself rooted in the earth, merge with the energy. Make fists with your thumbs tucked in and point them under your collarbones. Inhale strongly and deeply, keep your back straight, extend your arms to the sides at shoulder level, and tilt your head back. At the same time, the cervical vertebrae are compressed, which allows you to turn off the mind.

Then squeeze your anus and lean forward sharply as you exhale. As you bend over, bring your arms together across your chest and round your back. Repeat the exercise 2 more times, straighten up, lower your arms along your body, focus your attention on your lower abdomen and follow the movements of the energy flow.

Option 3

This option is performed on the floor and requires a lot of free space. It allows you to work out those blocks that cannot be worked out in a standing position.

Sit on your heels, clench your palms into fists, tucking your thumbs inward, pointing them under your collarbones. Inhale and exhale with the sound “ha-a”. Push your hands forward with force, without unclenching your fists, and taking a strong, long breath through your nose, round your back and pull your head into your shoulders. All these movements must be performed simultaneously. Then begin a deep, long exhalation with the sound “ha-a”, while simultaneously pulling your fists towards your body. When you finish exhaling, bring your hands together in your abdominal area. Your head will drop to the floor and your back will round.

Repeat the entire complex three times. Then lower your arms and let your body fall gently and begin to make any movements, sometimes very unexpected, but almost always useful.

There is no time limit for performing this meditation; the body itself will stop in right moment. Lie down a little relaxed, observing your body as if from the outside.

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