The warmest European country. You should know which countries are warm in winter

December has arrived and winter has officially arrived in our country. If you want to get rid of heavy winter clothes and forget about Russian frosts, then you can go to Europe for a while. Although most of the Old World experiences fairly cold weather in January, there are still places where it is warm this month. But you shouldn’t expect very warm weather even in these places. If you want to swim in the sea and sunbathe every day, then you might be better off looking at other options, such as the Caribbean or Southeast Asia. We talked about these places in another article on our website. On this page we will tell you where in Europe it is warm in January.

Canary Islands

Without a doubt, the warmest place in Europe during the winter months is located on one of the Canary Islands. Located in the Atlantic, close to the coast West Africa, The Canary Islands have almost 200 hours in the winter months sunlight(almost 7 hours of sun every day) and the temperatures are warm enough for you to sunbathe. The Canaries offer a wide variety of activities and entertainment, as well as a large number of landmarks and dramatic landscapes. Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and other islands of the archipelago will not disappoint you as a destination for winter holiday.


Another island lost in the Atlantic, Madeira is a place where many Europeans go to escape cold winter. Thanks to its mild temperatures and a full ten hours of sunshine a day, Madeira is one of best places in Europe for a holiday in January. This island is worth visiting in winter because there are not as many tourists at this time of year as in summer, and hotel prices are extremely low. Of course, there is no question of swimming, but you can fully enjoy the sunny weather, which is ideal for walking and hiking.
Madeira's capital, Funchal, is a wonderful mix of modern and historical with a steep hill offering magnificent views of the sea and the white and red-winged houses below. Away from the city you can find black volcanic sand beaches, the world's largest laurel forest and some of the best hiking in Europe. Even though the weather in Maider is not very warm, do not forget about sunscreen. Still, the sun shines here constantly, and even with low activity it can damage your skin.


Greece's largest and most populous island lies deep in the sunny Mediterranean Sea and promises temperatures of around 15 degrees Celsius in January. Tourists from Russia are accustomed to the fact that you can relax in Crete from the end of April to the beginning of October, but in fact you can have a good rest here in the winter. While locals consider January a very cold month, for Russians the weather here will seem quite warm. January in Crete is the perfect temperature for walking or cycling through the island's mountainous landscape. So that you can relax with maximum warm weather, we recommend going to South coast, Where average temperature 2-3 degrees higher than in the north of the island.
If you are a history buff, then a trip to Crete in January is for you good option. This month, the island, believed to be home to Europe's earliest recorded civilization, has very pleasant weather for visiting historical sites, and operating hotels do not skyrocket prices as they do in the summer.


A little further southeast of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea is the slightly warmer island of Cyprus. This is another island that allows you to escape the Russian winter. Temperatures in Cyprus in January can be the same as in some regions of Russia in summer. Temperatures of 20 degrees Celsius during the day are not surprising in Cyprus, even in January. On average, Cyprus offers around 180 hours of sunshine during the winter months. January is one of best months in Cyprus for sightseeing, since you won’t have to spend a lot of time in the sun and constantly look for a place where you can hide from the sun.


The island of Malta is one of the Mediterranean's best-kept secrets, often forgotten in winter. This means that the streets of the capital Valletta or the beaches of the nearby island of Gozo are more deserted than in summer months. A trip to Malta in January will allow you to experience some of Europe's finest examples of baroque and neoclassical architecture, visit many museums and galleries, and enjoy the city's growing coffee culture, where you can sit in outdoor cafes and watch life goes on in a beautiful city.
If you're visiting Malta with children, we recommend heading north to Popeye Village, a colorful collection of houses built for the 1980 film.

Other warm places in Europe in January

If none of the places in Europe suggested above suits you for some reason, then you can go to some other region of the Old World. But remember that the weather in these places will no longer be as warm as in Tenerife, Madeira, Malta, Crete and Cyprus.
Other places in Europe that are quite warm in January are: the island of Sicily, the Balearic Islands, the southern coast of Spain, the coast of Portugal and the island of Rhodes.

Tourists traditionally associate Europe with summer vacation, both beach and excursion. Some people come here in winter, but mostly to go skiing to the mountain resorts. Few people know that the southern regions of Europe are quite suitable for excursion holidays in winter. Winters here are mild, often there is no snow at all, temperatures range from +5 to +15 degrees and, in general, the weather is more like our autumn weather. We bring to your attention an overview of places in Europe that, in our opinion, are worth visiting in winter. There are much fewer tourists during the off-season, which means sightseeing will be much easier. Read about how to save on entrance tickets to Europe's top attractions here: A relaxing excursion holiday, a mild climate without the excruciating heat of the summer months, and as a result, a sea of ​​new impressions and sensations. So, where to go in winter?

Option number 1: Rome and its surroundings in winter

The eternal city of Rome is beautiful at any time of the year, but you will agree that without crowds of tourists you are more likely to appreciate the grandeur of this city. The Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Roman Forum, the Vatican - in the summer months all these places of worship, as a rule, are dotted with tourists, and the queues stretch for many meters ahead. In addition, in summer temperatures sometimes go off scale, which does not add to the charm of the city. In Rome in winter, free from traffic jams and queues, you can easily experience the entire cultural program of the city. In December and January, it is mostly sunny and dry here, the temperature stays between +10 and +11. Snow - extremely a rare event, there are rains, but, as a rule, they do not last long.

But in February it is better to stock up on a raincoat. The temperature in February is still relatively warm, but the amount of precipitation is significantly increasing, so an umbrella, and sometimes a raincoat, will not be superfluous. Italy is a fairly long country, which means that weather vary. To the north of Rome the amount of precipitation and cold days increases, to the south it decreases proportionally. And this means that such wonderful places, like Naples with its unique historical heritage, Pompeii, an excursion to Vesuvius, Amalfi and other southern provinces will pleasantly surprise you with sunshine and warm maritime climate. Read about how to travel by train in Europe here: In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in Rome is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website—>


Serge Vincent/flickr

Option number 2: Sicily in winter

Sicily is the most South part Italy, and here even in winter the climate is favorable for travelers. The island's mafia heritage is a thing of the past; today it is a paradise resort with many attractions, both architectural and natural. The Etna volcano alone is worth it! The weather ranges from +8 to +15 degrees, sunny days interspersed with light short rains. Overcast skies mainly occur in mountainous areas, while dry weather prevails in cities and on the coast. Snow falls only in the mountains. Both in January and especially in February, there are more sunny days, the length of the day increases, which is conducive to excursion tourism and relaxing holidays in the mountains. Sicily in winter is truly a pleasant place to travel. In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in Sicily is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website—>

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Giuseppe Giacoppo/flickr

Option number 3: Malta in winter

Malta is geographically located close to Sicily and has a similar climate. December is the most suitable month to travel to Malta. It's usually not here until Christmas. cold weather. The temperature ranges from +10 to +18 degrees. In Malta, winter weather is dominated by sunny weather with occasional short showers. In January-February it becomes cooler, the temperature stays at +10, it rains more often, but they are also interspersed with on sunny days. In general, we can say that winter in Malta is mild, warmer here than in any other part of Europe.

In-the-know tourists come to Malta in winter to see the unique architecture of the islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino with their own eyes, as well as to enjoy the natural attractions without the crowds of beach tourists. In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in Malta is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website—>


Josef Grunig/flickr

Option number 4: Andalusia in winter

Andalusia is an authentic region of Spain, where, like no other place in Europe, the beauties of Christian and eastern worlds. The Moorish heritage is very noticeable here, and the architecture will unmistakably indicate the past of this place. The region is not so far from the coast of Africa, which means that the climate here in summer is hot, dry, and sultry. Only die-hard lovers of hot weather will be able to feel like fish in water here. For others, there is also a way out - to come in winter, when the climate is mild and sunny, and the temperature stays around +15, +20 degrees. Agree, the weather is ideal for a leisurely walk through the narrow streets of Seville or through the labyrinths of the Granada Alhambra.

The region of Andalusia itself is heterogeneous and is divided into several parts. The Costa del Sol is dominated by modern buildings, many hotels, it is a full-fledged modern resort with fashionable hotel complexes, restaurants, cafes, the elite of many countries come here, incl. and our compatriots. Costa de la Luz is a historical area. It also has beautiful sandy beaches marked blue flags, but the emphasis is on visiting such ancient and beautiful cities as Cadiz, Jerez and others.

The interior of the region is the driest and hottest, so exploring this part of Andalusia is best done in the off-season. And you can see a lot here: the famous Seville, Cordoba, Granada and many small, but no less remarkable towns are located here. Another part of Andalusia, the Sierra Nevada, is a mountainous area where snow falls and the temperature sometimes drops below 0 degrees. In winter, the cost of hotel accommodation in Andalusia is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website—>

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Hernán Piñera/flickr

Option #5: Algarve in winter

The Algarve is the southernmost resort of Portugal, famous for its unique coastal landscapes of red and yellow shades. The sandy beaches here are protected by rocks, so the Algarve enjoys sunny, windless weather all year round. Most of January and February in the region are sunny, temperatures warm up to +17, precipitation is unlikely. December is generally considered the driest month of the year. In addition to the unique coastline, the Algarve's towns deserve attention as they preserve the unique atmosphere of the region. It is worth visiting, for example, both Faro and Lagos. From here it is worth going to the famous Cape San Vincent. In winter, the cost of hotel accommodation in the Algarve is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website—>

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Luis Ascenso/flickr

Option #6: Athens in winter

Athens, the center Greek civilization, are very popular among tourists who love history, because this city, like no other, is imbued with this very history. It's no secret that summer Athens is flooded with tourists, the streets are scorching hot and dry. In winter, the climate here is mild and conducive to long walks. December is a warm but rainy month, the temperature stays around +10. In January-February there is less precipitation, and all of it is in the form of rain. Snow falls extremely rarely here. In general the weather is intermittent bright sun and short showers. For an excursion holiday, the temperature is comfortable, not hot or cold, there are significantly fewer tourists, which means there is a chance to get to the main attractions without exhausting queues. In addition, interesting events and festivals are held here in winter. Read about public transport in Europe here: In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in Athens is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website—>

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Léa-Ly Roussel/flickr

Option #7: Split, Dubrovnik in winter

Winters here are humid and warm, in contrast to the dry summers. And there is always something to see, because the cities of the Mediterranean coast of Croatia are historical places that have suffered a lot over the centuries, but have their own charm and still attract tourists. Winter temperature ranges from +10 to +15 degrees. On the coast, winter is warm, windless, and snowless. IN central regions The country may experience a small amount of snow. In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in Split and Dubrovnik is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website—>

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Tejvan Pettinge/flickr

Option number 8: Montenegro in winter

Montenegro is a relatively small country, and its climate does not vary too much from city to city, so it makes sense to say that throughout the mysterious country of Montenegro, winter is mild and warm, there are many sunny days, windless and snowless on the coast and little snowfall in mountains Many people come to Montenegro in winter to ride in the mountains, but it’s also worth going on excursions to coastal cities, because at this time of year there are significantly fewer tourists, and historical streets, cozy restaurants and bars are at your disposal. In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in Montenegro is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website—>

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Dmitry Kalinin/flickr

Option #9: Canary Islands in winter

The islands that belong to Spain, but are located at a distance from it, are more similar in climate to Africa than to Europe, and this is not surprising, because the Canaries and Africa are located at the same latitude! It's warm and sunny here all year round, and swimming season does not end, just some kind of paradise! The air temperature, even in the winter months, stays around +23, +25 degrees. Outerwear You will only need it if you are going to the mountains. On the coast you can easily sunbathe and swim. In addition, the island offers an extensive excursion program, and the mild, warm climate will only contribute to pleasant walks among the extraordinary landscapes of the island, more similar to the landscapes of other planets than to earthly landscapes. In winter, the cost of staying in hotels in the Canary Islands is usually noticeably cheaper. You can check hotel availability for specific dates on the website—>

Find a cheap flight option to Tenerife—>

Francesco Crippa/flickr

As you can see, Europe is favorable for walking and relaxing even in winter, you just need to know the places. In most of southern Europe, the climate is mild and pleasant, and there are fewer tourists than in the spring and summer. Europe is diverse, and some people prefer ski resorts somewhere in the Alps, some Christmas markets in Munich or Prague, but we wanted to show you that the winter months are also suitable for excursion holidays, this is the period when you can see much of what is obscured by the ubiquitous tourists in summer. In this regard, answers to the question: “Where to go in winter?” There’s a lot, you just have to choose the direction you’re interested in!

Practical and eventful travels to you!

Not only Asian countries can boast of sunny days and warm water during the winter months. You don't have to fly far to enjoy the sun while... Nizhny Novgorod bad weather. Of course, Europe is not as hot as the Caribbean or Asia, but the weather remains quite comfortable.

Studio individual rest“4 Seasons Travel” offers to visit Greek Athens, Cyprus and several other places. Having been there, you can return home tanned even in winter. In addition to a tan, you will bring with you a bunch of memories from vacations and excursions, which are comfortable at this time: it is not so hot and there are not so many tourists.


The weather in the winter months on this island pleases tourists. The thermometer stays at +19-22 degrees. And all this thanks warm waters ocean along the coastline - the air does not have time to cool. In Europe, only here you can enjoy the waves 365 days a year. Water temperature is +19-22 degrees in the south. And for surfing enthusiasts, it will be best in the north, where the waves are of suitable size.

In winter, excursion holidays in Tenerife are especially good. It’s no longer hot, and long walks are not a burden. And there is something to admire: beauty surrounding nature and a rich heritage of ancient architectural objects. It will be a great pleasure to get to know La Laguna or admire the Martian landscapes in national park Teide. You should definitely visit the annual carnival, which takes place in February in Santa Cruz.


The southern part of the island is warmer in winter than the northern part. On average, the temperature stays at +20-23 degrees. The snow falls in an even layer in the mountains. If it is cloudy outside and the wind is blowing from the north, then you feel cool.

Winter holidays in Crete are attractive even without a beach. On the contrary, you can spend more time on leisurely walks and excursions. You can add the Dictaean Cave to the list of things to see - Zeus was born here (at least that's what the legend says). It will be interesting to get acquainted with the Frangokastello fortress, monastery. Postcards often depict the church of Panagia Kera - the main brand of the island of Crete. And if you come here in February, you can go to the carnival and plunge into fun dancing, music, see a chariot parade, and take part in street meals. And such a fun action takes place in Rethymnon.


Cyprus winter weather very similar to what happens in spring months in many European countries. Throughout all winter months the water temperature does not drop below +17 degrees, and the air temperature remains at +20 degrees.

Everyone will enjoy a winter holiday in Cyprus. Those who like to learn new things will appreciate exploring Paphos, Larnaca and Kourion, where they will see many interesting finds from archaeologists. Those looking to party will love the clubs in Ayia Napa. And the slopes mountain system Troodos will delight skiers and snowboarders. At the top of Troni Mountain is Kykkos, a monastery where you can try spicy wine according to a special recipe. It is also produced here olive oil. But getting here is not easy - you have to climb to the top. The taverns will certainly feed guests with excellent dishes.

Snowy cities, widespread flu, short daylight hours, slush, frost and blues - here back side medals called “Russian winter”. The soul craves the exotic, and the body, tired of vitamin deficiency, craves a powerful influx of vitamin D, which, as is known, is produced from sunlight.

I just want to take a vacation - even if it’s an extraordinary one - and go somewhere in warm countries. packages “to the south” are scattered like hot cakes on market day. But where to go Russian vacationer to warm frozen bones?

Those who are not tempted by the long flight turn their searching gaze to Europe. Obtaining a visa to the Schengen zone is a difficult and troublesome task, but if successful, a rich excursion and cultural program awaits you. But here’s the question: “Where is it warm in Europe in winter?” Even in Greece and Balearic Islands It's raining. Not cold, of course, but not hot either: + 15-20. The sea also does not inspire long swims. In the south of Italy and Spain it is a little warmer: + 20-25, but the water temperature leaves much to be desired.

There are only two archipelagos left where summer does not go away, but only slightly dims its sultry light. These are Madeira, which belongs to Portugal, and the Spanish Canary Islands. They belong to Europe, but lie in tropical latitudes. If you are planning a holiday in February and ask which countries are warm in winter, any travel agency will advise you to visit the Canary Islands. After all, they are famous throughout the world for their carnival, which begins at the end of January and lasts until the very beginning of Lent. The fun takes place in a completely comfortable atmosphere. The air temperature is suitable for sunbathing, and the water temperature is suitable for swimming.

If we turn our gaze to northern, Arab Africa, which countries are warm in winter there? In fact, you can go to Egypt, Oman, UAE, Morocco. It won't be too hot in any of these powers, but seasoned Russians will be quite comfortable. Of the two, choose Sharm el-Sheikh. Although it is located north of Hurghada, the wind rose there is such that resorts near the Israeli border are warmer in winter. It's real summer in the UAE (as we are used to perceiving it). However, daytime temperatures of +30 in the evening give way to noticeable coolness. A thick sweater and a warm windbreaker will not be out of place.

Well, if you are not afraid to travel for a long time and with transfers by plane, then the answer to the question “which countries are warm in winter” expands significantly. Firstly, even in temperate latitudes Summer begins in December-February. It's time to go to Australia Republic of South Africa, countries Latin America. What resorts can you recommend in these regions? Fernando do Noronha Archipelago in Brazil, in Uruguay, Chilean Lake District (in the far south of the country), Eastern Cape in South Africa- this is a far from complete list of wonderful places.

Well, now let’s remember our school geography lessons and think about which countries are warm in winter, spring, summer... In a word, all year round? That's right, lying near the equator. “Land of Smiles” Thailand, Seychelles, Fiji, Mauritius, India. And also “black” Africa - Kenya, Zambia (where the equatorial sun and real European service are waiting for you.

Winter holidays - where to go on vacation in January, February or early March to be warm and cheap? The choice is not easy. Holidays in warm countries are quite expensive. We decided to tell you 10 places to stay in winter if you want to bask in the sun, but cannot afford too expensive tours.


1. Madeira. This Portuguese island is beautiful at any time of the year. Madeira is located near the African coast, so it is warm all year round. It is also called the island of spring - temperatures there do not drop below +20 degrees Celsius, but there is also no unbearable heat there. (Photo: MR@tter/
2. Cambodia is one of the cheapest countries for exotic holiday. And winter is best season for traveling around Southeast Asia. The only downside to traveling to Cambodia is... high price air ticket, but if you buy it now, other expenses in this country will pleasantly surprise you. (Photo: Stefano Gambassi/
3. Cyprus. The warm and calm winter on this island should interest lovers of ancient sights, and the prices of tourist packages to Cyprus in the cold season should attract all those for whom important factor is their low price; moreover, it is now possible to buy last-minute tours on credit. It’s too cold there for sunbathing and swimming in winter, but just right for hiking and excursions in the pleasant warmth. (Photo: S Argyro/
4. Islands of Thailand. Turquoise sea, heavenly beaches, idyllic views and sunny weather. What could be better when it's terribly cold and cloudy in your home country? In Thailand, especially in the south of the country, winter is the most better weather- sunny and warm, but not hot. (Photo: Mike Behnken/
5. Tenerife. In winter you can spend a holiday in the Canary Islands for half the price summer tour, so why not go to Tenerife in February instead of July? Tenerife is the most diverse island in the Canary Islands and for this reason it is called a miniature continent (Photo: @morenox/
6. Hierro is the smallest of the Canary Islands, not as popular among tourists as its neighbors, despite the fact that it is in no way inferior to them in beauty. Hierro, first of all, is wild nature and beautiful landscapes. The island, green and mountainous, is great for hiking. Thanks to unique nature Hierro Island included in the list World Heritage UNESCO. (Photo: David Hernández Gómez/
7. Goa. Colorful and fascinating India is full of contrasts. Winter is good time to visit India, except in mountainous areas where there is snow and cold. If you want to relax and bask in the sun, go to Goa, an island that attracts millions of tourists with its sandy beaches, emerald waters, sun and atmosphere of relaxation and freedom. (Photo: Gerald Zinnecker/
8. Israel. Winter is the time good prices in Israel. This country cannot be called cheap. However, if you go there outside the holiday season and when there are no serious Religious holidays, then you can count on more low prices. In winter, Israel is warm, but not hot, and the weather is good for walking and sightseeing. The Dead Sea is warmer winter time You can swim there, just like in the Red Sea in Eilat, although the water here is certainly cooler. (Photo: Ran/
9. Morocco. Summer in Morocco means crowds of people, ubiquitous dust and unbearable heat. Winter in Morocco, although the weather is not conducive to swimming in the ocean - it is too cold, however, it is the best time for walks, excursions and just a pleasant time on the coast. (Photo: T Baran/
10. Croatia. In winter, the weather in this country is more spring than winter. In December, January and February, the air temperature remains above 10 degrees Celsius during the day. At this time of year, the water temperature in the Adriatic Sea is approximately at the same level. It’s not worth visiting Croatia in winter just for the sake of... beach holiday, but for active tourism. (Photo: Michal Sleczek/
