The animals are building a house. What unusual animals can you have at your dacha? Outdoor or backyard pool

Together with cats, these are perhaps the most traditional animals that live with people outside the city. But not all summer residents like the “traditional”. Make from country house mini zoo... why not? The children will be happy! Our article is about which unusual animals can be kept in the country or in the house. What if you like someone too?

Anteater without ants

The first person to have an anteater in his home was Salvador Dali. The artist, known for his eccentricity, walked with his pet, leading him on a golden leash, and took him with him to all receptions.
At first glance, this animal is not very suitable for home conditions. It feeds on ants, and its rather large claws can instill fear not only in its natural enemies, but also potential owners. And yet, this strange animal is no more dangerous than other “exotics”. On the contrary, he is distinguished by his playfulness, affection and good-natured character.

Maintaining it is not as troublesome as it seems. Domestic anteater It is not necessary to feed insects. Well-mashed minced meat with rice, fruit and eggs is enough - these animals have no teeth. But be prepared that his claw-daggers will sometimes damage not only the furniture, but also you. One consolation is that your pet will not scratch on purpose.
This unusual and cute animal can even be taught some tricks. For example, domestic tamandua anteaters can walk on hind legs. The price of domestic anteaters reaches up to 5 thousand dollars. But it’s not easy to buy them in Russia - you won’t find such an animal in a regular pet store.

Little hippo

If you have your own, then it’s time to think about your own... hippopotamus! But, of course, dwarf. Fortunately, such animals exist: the size of a small pig (adult animals are 150-177 cm in length and weigh up to 300 kg; for comparison, an ordinary hippopotamus weighs up to 4.5 tons). Hippos are not very smart and cannot be trained, but they quickly become attached to people.

On the one hand, maintaining them is not troublesome - just a pond or pool with a water temperature of at least 18 degrees and a lawn with green grass are enough. But on the other hand, to ensure all this in winter period It's not that simple. The solution is to teach the animal from childhood to eat not only grass, but also fruit.
Another advantage of these animals is that, unlike a regular hippopotamus, pygmy hippopotamuses are not aggressive. They are not inclined to defend their territory. So hang a sign on the gate that says “Beware of the evil hippopotamus!” hardly worth it.

Eared fox

It’s hard to take your eyes off this adorable little animal, slightly smaller than a cat. The sail-like ears evoke surprise and tenderness. Fennec foxes are not only cute, but also smart and quickly become tame. They are unpretentious in food: they are fed like other foxes, raw meat, insects and small rodents, fruits and vegetables. From time to time you can give fermented milk and grain products, eggs and fish. What you need to worry about is drafts. When walking in cool weather, the fennec cat wears overalls (sold at a pet store for small dogs). Otherwise the little animal will catch a cold. Another disadvantage is that it is difficult to train a fennec cat to a tray.

On average, chanterelles live 12 years. To maintain a home, they need a spacious enclosure or, preferably, a heated room where they can run around to their heart's content. The price for these animals is quite high - from 25 to 100 thousand rubles.

Sloth for the lazy

If you want “someone alive” at home, but one that doesn’t require you to spend a lot of time maintaining it, think about a sloth. This animal sleeps most of the day (up to 15 hours!), hanging on a branch. In the summer he is quietly released into the garden. The beast is so lazy that it will not run away. Slowness is a kind of defense: in this way sloths merge with environment and become invisible to enemies.
You don’t need to walk the sloth outside, and you won’t have to clean the enclosure often. Due to their physiology, these animals go to the toilet only once a week. IN natural conditions sloths feed on eucalyptus leaves. But at home they need special food with the taste of tree leaves.

The animal will spend more than a dozen years with you: in the wild they live up to 30-40 years. But we warn you: do not expect the same tender emotions from a sloth as from traditional pets - dogs and cats. Sloths are not intelligent and quick-witted; they will not play with you. The only thing you can count on is to scratch the animal behind the ear. If he gets used to you so much that he will occasionally crawl into your arms, then we can say that this is happiness.
You can buy a sloth in Russia in specialized nurseries. The price varies from 30 to 100 thousand rubles.

For beauty

It's not a hassle to show off an unusual pet You can also use... snails. But, naturally, not ordinary ones, but giant ones. Their shell reaches a length of 25 cm. They live for about ten years. For example, the Achatina snail is an option for the lazy. Or for those who often leave home for a long time.
This snail comes from East Africa. Hence the peculiarities of the content: the main thing is heat and humidity. This is where the difficulties end. The animal eats almost everything - vegetables, fruits, chopped eggshells, greens, meat, porridge, mushrooms. But you may also have your own preferences: some people lean on cucumbers, others can’t get enough of banana skins, and others only require lettuce leaves. Therefore, it is important to initially accustom them to a variety of foods. By the way, the Achatina snail is an intelligent creature and is able to distinguish “its own” from “strangers”.

What happens to the snail if you forget to spray the terrarium or feed Achatina? Nothing. At unfavorable conditions she crawls deep into the sink, seals the entrance with a hard film and falls asleep - until she feels that things are getting better. It's easy to wake up a snail - just expose it to a stream of warm water.
The cost of snails is low - 50-70 rubles, and many will even give their pet for free, because the animals are very fertile.

Chip and Dale

Jumping and funny squirrels with a fluffy tail are very cute, and many people have probably thought about buying them. Country plot with an aviary - a good option for the animal. But keep in mind: the squirrel needs a large cage, and it will have to be cleaned often. Squirrels are also believed to have short memories. Imagine: you tamed her, tamed her... Almost achieved success, now she comes up to you, plays with you, takes food from your hands. And then I have to leave for a couple of weeks. You arrive and the animal doesn’t recognize you. Doesn't fit in your hands, and may even bite. It's a shame, in general.
But there is no need to despair. There is a more flexible animal, an excellent alternative to the usual squirrel - the chipmunk.

If the animal is alone, it does not need a large cage. Eats nuts, seeds, grains, fruits, vegetables, greens, raw eggs. There will be no problems with cleaning the cage: firstly, chipmunks do not have a “mouse” smell, and secondly, they are very neat. Unlike a squirrel, a chipmunk “goes potty” in one place, just like a cat. It is enough to place a small tray in the cage and remove it periodically.
How fun it is to play with this little animal! And watch her run across the wallpaper, fly from the table to the floor, or bask on the pillow! Of course, you shouldn’t leave a chipmunk completely unattended - it’s a rodent, after all.
And one more feature. Chipmunks hibernate in winter, but not all do. If your house is not cold, the animal is unlikely to lie down for several months. But it is very possible that he will become aggressive - he will bite, protecting his reserves, which he will strain in abundance in the cage. An aggressive chipmunk can inflict serious bites, so if you notice changes in behavior, do not let him out of his cage. The chipmunk will live in cramped conditions for several months, but with the arrival of spring he will “kinder” again.
Chipmunks are inexpensive - up to five thousand rubles.

Live surprise

Giving animals, especially to strangers, is a big risk. It may well turn out that a person does not want to bother with a kitten or puppy. But if you still want to surprise your family or friends with a living gift, buy them homemade butterflies. They are on sale and affordable. And there is plenty to choose from: there are many species, different in size and color. Particularly spectacular are butterflies of the genus Morpho.
They are easy to care for: just give the butterfly nectar once a day: mix a drop of honey with water, pour it into a saucer and place the insect there. You can also feed it with fruits - breaking, for example, a grape so that the juice comes out on the surface.
In dry air, especially with air conditioning, the butterfly should be lightly sprayed with a spray bottle more often, at least three times a day. With minimal care, the butterfly will live for a whole month! Of course, it is sad to see the death of a creature that I cared for. But you will understand whether you are ready to have a more serious pet?
You can buy a wide variety of exotic animals here.
Do you have experience keeping exotic animals in your dacha? Tell us about it!

It's not just people who think about how to decorate their homes. And if you think that birds and insects are absolutely indifferent to where they live, you are very mistaken. Today Life #Home will show the most beautiful and unusual houses, built by animals, and will also tell you which of the “architectural innovations” of our little brothers have been used by humans.

Common social weaver

The miniature bird is called a “social” weaver because it lives in large colonies - from a hundred individuals or more. As a rule, these birds live in South Africa and are able to build houses that look like large haystacks, up to 8 meters in height.

Despite the outward carelessness, it is difficult to be inside such a “stack”: all the nests are structured in a special way, and their number can reach up to 300. In addition, a pair of birds live in each of them along with their offspring.

IN common house"social" weavers maintain a constant microclimate, and all entrances are protected from predators by special transverse sticks.

Architect Ruslan Kirnichansky drew a “construction” parallel between people and birds:

“The weaver builds cell-apartments, just like people build social housing, but if you look from a different point of view, the weaver chooses a safe place for construction - above ground level, in order to prevent predators from getting to their offspring. Even in ancient times, people took this method for armament and built fortresses and settlements on highlands (hills) in order to be able to see the approach of enemies earlier and ensure defense.”


Termites live in colonies of several million individuals, and those grandiose mounds up to 6 meters high that we can see in Africa or Latin America, in fact, only the outer, above-ground part of the dwelling of such a colony.

Termites build their homes from their own saliva and shredded wood, forming a quickly hardening mixture. The inside of the termite mound is incredibly complex: it contains many separate interconnected chambers for eggs and young larvae, worker individuals and soldier individuals (termites have a complex caste system), as well as its own ventilation system, which maintains a constant microclimate inside the termite mound.

Termites demonstrated to people the possibility of organizing powerful natural exhaust. In addition to passage channels, termites build air shafts that allow air to circulate freely. At the same time, insects create their own microclimate for some rooms.

This principle has helped people in the construction of mining mines and in the organization of tunnels. Termite “products” are also used in subway construction, where frequent replacement of exhaust air is necessary.”

Red Ovenbird

A small bird that lives in Latin America carries about 5 kilograms of clay during nest construction. Red-haired ovenbirds live in pairs and also choose a place to build a future nest together.

Red-haired stove builders resemble newlyweds who have decided to start building their home. To do this, they choose a site together and begin to build it together.”


Beavers rarely live alone, usually in a family of five to eight individuals, with children continuing to live with their parents until they are two years old.

Beavers are true natural architects: they build fantastic structures that water cannot budge. Beaver skills were useful in the construction of dams and hydroelectric power stations."

Paper wasps

This type of insect got its name because it builds nests that look very much like paper pots. Moreover, paper wasps are capable of constructing multi-level buildings surrounded by a special shell that protects the offspring from rain and cold.

entrance" for the wasp itself.

Architect Ruslan Kirnichansky says that nomads may have been inspired by the types of hives when designing their yurts:

“Paper wasps demonstrate the possibility of building housing from scrap materials. So, if you turn over a wasp’s nest, it resembles the yurts and huts that nomads set up in the steppes, because this form of construction provides the best protection from the wind.”

Red-eared Whistler

Males of red-eared whistlers (as well as of another similar species - satin bowers) cannot sing beautifully and do not have beautiful plumage. Therefore, in order to attract a female during the mating season, they build beautiful hut houses. Moreover, these huts have nothing to do with nests, but are used only during the mating period, while the female incubates the eggs in a nest in a tree.

house" with various colored objects. Than more beautiful house, the greater the chance of getting the female’s attention. Especially attracted to "feathered girls" Blue colour, so males try to bring as many objects of this shade as possible to their house: from plastic lids to ballpoint pens.

Architect Ruslan Kirnichansky believes that people learned many skills in construction from these birds:

“The skills of the red-eared whistler are aimed at attracting attention and conveying impressions to the female, who, having seen a strange design, falls under the charm of an unsightly male. This technique can be attributed to large developers who build residential complexes of dubious quality, but attractive appearance and, having captured the attention of buyers, sell they have their own apartments."

Coral reefs

Corals (or more precisely, colonies coral polyps), unlike all the previous “houses” on our list, no one is building it, and what we see when we scuba dive into the Red Sea is a “skeleton” left after the death of many living polyps.

home" for many tropical species fish and mammals.

Architect Ruslan Kirnichansky believes that even ancient cities were built according to the principle of organizing coral reefs:

“Corals are an example of laconic self-organization of the environment. In an empty but favorable place for living, a settlement is formed, which begins to grow and eventually turns into a huge city. All ancient cities were built on this principle.”

Quiz-trip “Wildlife”
Extracurricular activity in biology for students in grades 5-6
Sadovskaya Dina Ivanovna, biology teacher, Patrakeevskaya Secondary School
Description of work:
This material will be useful for teachers of biology and ecology who want to conduct interesting extracurricular activity. The age of the students is grades 5-6, but some of the tasks can also be used in grades 3-4. The presented tasks can also be used during a lesson on the subject.

    Cultivating observation skills Development of mental activity
Equipment: tokens for correct answersDecor: The game may be accompanied by multimedia presentation, reflecting the path of the participants.
Organization of the game: Students are divided into 2 teams, choose a name and captain. From students of grades 8-9, assistants are formed - 2 people (for issuing tokens) and a jury - 3 people (for counting points). The presenter at each stop asks questions about nature, the teams answer who is faster.
Leading: Hello guys! Today we will do short trip into the world of living nature.Every step is a new miracle for you! When you walk along a forest path, Questions overtake you in a crowd. One “why” rushes between the trees, Flies on the heels of an invisible bird. Another - a bee climbed onto a flower, And the third - jump like a frog into a stream. Let's go, my friend, along the path together Look for answers under the green tent. Several stops await us along the way, and in order to overcome them, you will need all your ingenuity, attentiveness, and, of course, knowledge. Bon Voyage!
    Stop 1. “Green Friend”
    What coniferous trees and shrubs grow in our forests? (spruce, pine, larch, juniper, cedar) Which conifer tree does it shed its leaves for the winter? (larch) Who needs hollow trees? (birds, animals for housing and storing supplies) This shrub is the closest relative of the garden rose (rose hips) In spring, this tree stands elegant, festive, as if covered in white foam. And its smell can be felt from afar. (cherry) The berries on this tree can hang all winter. And the stronger the frost bites them, the sweeter they will be (rowan)
    Stop 2. “Keen Eye”
    Which bird skillfully imitates the voices of many birds? (starling) What does the “crying” of a birch tree in spring mean? (sap flow) Why are young birch leaves sticky? (protect from frost) It happens that a tree is injured, the bark is torn off. The trunk under the bark is usually white. And this one quickly starts to turn red. (willow)
    Stop 3. “Guess by the description”
    These mushrooms live on trees or stumps in large groups (honey mushrooms) In dry weather, the caps of these mushrooms are unremarkable. And in damp weather they shine, as if oiled (oiled) Beautiful mushroom, bright. But you can’t eat it! But also destroy. (fly agaric) Cut a mushroom and you will soon see: its stem has darkened when cut. And this one never gets dark. Even if you dry it ( White mushroom) These berries look like raspberries. Only black. Moreover, there are spines like a hedgehog (blackberry) This plant is considered the most famous predator plant and, unlike its own kind, it really is a hunter. It waits for its victim for a long time and at the most convenient moment slams the trap, thereby leaving its victim not the slightest chance to survive (Venus flytrap) This flower is a parasite, which, in addition to its unusual appearance, also emits a terrible, corpse-like odor. In addition, the plant has the largest flower in the world, which sometimes reaches 2 meters in diameter (rafflesia) These herbaceous plants grow faster than anyone else on Earth. In some species, their stem can increase by 1 meter per day (bamboo)
    Stop 4. “Musical break”
Each team in turn is asked to sing a few lines from songs about various representatives of wildlife.
    Stop 5. “Forest Pharmacy”
The forest is not just for fun, He is the wealth of the entire country. All the trees and grass in it Raised for our benefit. The forest is like a fairy tale kingdom, There are only drugs around, In every grass, in every branch And medicine and pills.
    What marsh plant can be used instead of iodine and cotton wool? (sphagnum moss) What berry replaces lemon? (cranberry) Which plant leaves can be applied to a wound? (plantain) What grass do cats really like? (valerian) What healing qualities does coltsfoot have? (used for cough) The leaves of this plant are used for swelling and bruises, tied to the right places (burdock) These berries northern plant useful for those with vision problems (blueberries) You won't find a tastier medicine than jam made from these berries, which help with high temperature(raspberries)
    Stop 6. “Little secrets of nature”
    Name a predatory insect that feeds in the air (dragonfly) What animal builds a house with a swimming pool? (beaver) What happens to a bee after it stings? (dies) What is the name of the bird that hatches its chicks in winter? (crossbill) This bird has the longest legs. Lives mainly in the tropics and subtropics (flamingos) This bird, which lives in the tropics, has unusual feathers that resemble thick wool, and it itself is least similar to the bird (kiwi) These eggs large birds can weigh up to 10 kg (ostrich) This spider is considered the largest on Earth (tarantula spider) In their flying skills, these birds have reached the point that they can sleep on the fly at an altitude above the clouds (swifts) What plant is named after the bird's eye? (crow's eye)
Summing up the game. Rewarding. Leading: Love your native nature - Lakes, forests and fields. After all, this is ours with you Forever native land. You and I were born on it, You and I live on it.

Natalia Stepanovna Savostyanova
“We are building a house for the animals, it will be more fun for all of them.” Design lesson for senior group

municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Zaigraevsky kindergarten "Fairy tale"


educational event

in the educational field “cognition. cognitive - research and productive (constructive) activity"




Educator: Savostyanova Natalya Stepanovna

Zaigraevo village 2013

Target: consolidate skill build house made of wooden cubes, using previously acquired skills and abilities, to cultivate a desire to help, to be needed, to teach to work in a team, to be able to solve problems, to think, to draw conclusions, to rejoice, to cultivate interest in occupation.

Integration of educational regions: artistic creativity, cognition, socialization, communication, fiction, Physical Culture.

Educator: Guys, trouble happened in our forest,

Winter is too cold and harsh,

There the animals are freezing, running away from the frost.

And today they came running to kindergarten,

We need to warm them here, take pity on them,

We will help them.

Something needs to be done!

Children: We are their home let's build,

Let them live in it

They take care of their children.

Children: And what animals came running from the forest?

Educator: And who came from the forest to us, you and I will find out if we guess the riddles.

1 riddle: Masha plays with him in the fairy tale,

He is deftly managed there,

Well, he's so big

Is he the only one who is friends with her?


2 riddle: Lives in Pushkin's fairy tales

And he sings songs there!


3 riddle: Grandfather Mazai saved him,

So that he doesn't disappear there.


Educator: You guessed the riddles,

Everyone you named the animals.

I know that you and I

(in unison) Together a friendly family!

Educator: Here, guys, we have wooden, plastic and foam cubes. What material do you think is better for us? build a house for animals?

1 child: A house made of wood is stronger,

It will be warmer for them!

2 child: If you had a brick,

We would choose him

After all, bricks don’t burn,

It will surprise everyone with its durability.

3 child: Don't argue, friends,

Since there is no brick.

We will build a wooden one.

This is the house I live in.

It's warm and nice there

And cozy and bright!

4 child: Maybe we’ll ask little animals that they are better and warmer.

(knock on the door. A forest fairy appears with a squirrel, a bunny and a bear in her hands)

Forest Fairy: I found out that something bad happened

And she quickly hurried here.

Now I'll wave my wand

AND little animals I will turn you into speakers,

So that miracles happen now,

Your eyes closed quickly!

(children close their eyes, a squirrel, a hare, a bear come out)

Forest Fairy: And now, friends, it's time

You can open your eyes

(Children open their eyes and rejoice animals, greet them)

Animals: We are very happy, guys.

That they surrounded you with care,

We were warmed and fed.

To survive the winter,

We will live in any house.

5 child: Your house will be made of wood,

Don't be sad, don't be sad.

Sit together and relax.

Tell me about yourself.

Squirrel: We live together in the forest,

We have no time to be lazy there,

Need to stock up on cones

And carry them into the hollow.

Hare: So that the wolf doesn’t catch up.

I quickly changed my coat!

Bear: Well, I started to freeze,

I started calling the squirrel and the hare.

To "Fairy Tale" come to you,

And so that you help us.

Educator: Animals need help so badly,

It's time for us to get down to business!

(The children begin build house made of wooden cubes, they consult on how to make it better, express their ideas, quietly talking to each other)

Educator: Why does a person need a house?

Children: 1. if you have a house, that’s very good.

It means someone needs you.

You live in a house with your family,

You take care of your loved ones.

2. Home is where you can relax and retire; we can’t live without a home. Where home is, there are your friends.

3. every child or little animal

Must have his own home, of course,

And then always, everywhere

There will be peace throughout the whole world!

Children: Well, that's all, the house is ready!

(Children on their own built a house, during the work she specified which geometric figure it looks like a cube, a brick, please show me which wooden figure looks like a triangle, a cylinder)

Animals: Thanks guys,

You are very kind.

We'll live here for the winter

When it gets warmer, we'll go into the forest,

Your concern is not let's forget,

And always grateful we will!

Hare: You little forest come to us in the spring,

And bring your friends!

Educator: I'm glad, guys, that you are all friendly,

You helped the animals from the forest.

And together they were saved from trouble!

Forest Fairy (gives the children a model of a playhouse)

I'll give you a house

And thank you all!

You are smart and everyone is friendly,

You're the problem animals decided,

How did you surprise me?

And I wish you everyone,

Help when needed

Don't leave your friends in trouble!

(Children and the animals say"Thank you" and say goodbye to the forest fairy)

Educator: Guys, let's play with our animals.

The squirrel, bear and hare sit on chairs and fall asleep. We put Christmas trees around and talk, walking in a circle)

We are from "Fairy tales", we were walking.

All of a sudden we saw animals.

They all sleep under the tree,

And they don't look at us.

We walked around them all

AND we woke up all the animals.

Well, come on, little animals, everyone get up,

And quickly catch up with us!

(animals wake up and catch up with the children)

Animals: We played great, but the time has come to say goodbye. Thanks for the house! Come to visit us!

Saying goodbye to animals.

You have decided to build a house and not an ordinary home, but a house with a swimming pool. And you made the right decision because a pool in a cottage is not only a pleasant coolness in a hot day summer evening, not only a beautiful engineering structure, but also great way keep yourself in good shape, take care of your health.

Arranging swimming pool in a private house, it's worth knowing a few important points related to its construction and operation.

A lot depends on the soil!

Before you start construction, you should not forget that a pool is an ordinary bathtub with water, though large sizes and with special devices that ensure its operation. In order to build a pool, you must first consult with specialists who can conduct a thorough study of the composition of the soil in the place where you want to build a pool bowl. To do this, it is advisable to carry out geological surveys at the site of such construction, regardless of where you will install the pool in a private house - in the courtyard of the cottage or inside it. This weight will constantly press on the soil. Why is this so important?

For example, if you have clay or loamy soil under your feet, then building a pool will require not only significant costs, but also specific technology for its construction. In a place where the soil consists mainly of clay, due to the significant content groundwater, wet soil in winter deforms the ground when it freezes, and in the warm season, on the contrary, it shrinks the soil due to drying. Such changes in the soil will lead to cracking and sometimes breaking of the bottom or destruction of the side walls of the pool bowl.

If the soil is sandy or contains gravel, then you can safely build a pool without the fear of fractures in its structure. However, in such an area, the large weight of water and the weight of the pool itself can lead to the structure sliding down, subsidence relative to the ground level. The ideal place for the construction of an artificial micro-pond is rocky or rocky soil. You can build here house with large pool without any fears.

If experts determine that the soil where the house is located is still unsuitable for building a swimming pool, you can try to strengthen it by driving piles. In any case, it is advisable, before making a final decision, to listen to the opinion of designers, those who professionally designs houses and knows all the intricacies of construction and such a complex hydraulic structure as a swimming pool. This will not only save you from unnecessary financial costs, but will also ensure your safety by preventing possible landslides or destruction.

Selecting projects

Once the decision has been made, and the experts have given you the conclusion that it is possible to build a swimming pool here, look at the designs of houses with a swimming pool. The house with the pool in the photo looks very attractive. Among such projects there are both simple solutions and more expensive and complex. This way you can choose the pool you want and at the same time look at the elements that you like and that you can offer to designers for your pool.

But besides technical aspects, designs of houses with a swimming pool have purely aesthetic features. Typically, pools are built in a wide variety of shapes, and the complexity of the design directly depends only on the wishes of the customer and the capabilities of those who build it. Therefore, now it is possible to build both a square and complex-shaped pool. It is important to choose a design type of pool.

It could be:

  • in-ground pool - the upper edge of the pool is at ground level or protrudes slightly above it;
  • semi-buried - the pool is dug into the ground no less than 1/3;
  • above ground - the bottom of the pool is poured at ground level;
  • portable – collapsible, inflatable.

How to build a swimming pool?

A pool in a cottage can be arranged not only inside the house and in the yard. These types of pools have several important differences.

Indoor pool:

  • all-weather, works at any time of the year;
  • requires a special cleaning system;
  • heating is necessary in the cold season.

Outdoor or backyard pool:

  • used in spring and summer;
  • easier cleaning and maintenance system;
  • the bath is cleared of water in winter;
  • requires regular cleaning to remove dust, dirt and debris.

Depending on what type of pool you choose, the designer will receive this task. Tell the designer your wishes, which you can express, including in a sketch with your vision of how you want to see a house with a pool and a photo of the surrounding area. Despite the apparent simplicity of the design, it is still not worth the risk and trying to construct a pool yourself, especially if you have no experience in constructing hydraulic structures. Printed designs of houses with a swimming pool, catalogs where there is more than one house with a swimming pool in the photo are available. And if you intend to build both a pool and a house on the same site, do not forget about all the nuances. It is important to note that a pool bowl filled with water is a potentially unsafe structure and incorrect calculation of the thickness of the bottom, the system for collecting or draining water and much more can lead to breakdowns and sometimes man-made accidents.

How do swimming pools work?

It is advisable to build a swimming pool with the help of specialists who know design features work of swimming pools. We will only briefly describe the contents of a modern swimming pool in order to understand how difficult this part of the house is and how difficult it is to make it.

There are two main types of pools:

  • screamer;
  • overflow.

A skimmer pool is a pool in which water is transferred to a filtration unit from the surface of the pool. The skimmer itself is a hydraulic device that allows you to tighten the contaminated surface layer in the pool. Swimming pools are also usually built with a drain at the bottom of the pool. After collecting water from the skimmer and bottom intake, the water:

  • filtered;
  • heated (if necessary);
  • disinfected.

After cleaning, the water is transferred back to the pool. Scrimmer pools can be used for both outdoor and indoor pools.

An overflow pool is a pool where water overflows from the edge of the pool and enters special gutters. After this, the water is transferred to containers and from there it is taken for the filtration unit. Filtration, heating and purification of water from infections also takes place here. Through outlets at the bottom, water is supplied back to the pool. The overflow system is more complex, however, experts believe that it still works better and can serve large-capacity pools.

Security can be attractive

And a little more about safety. The fact is that statistics show that about 80% of people who end up in artificial reservoirs, including swimming pools, die. emergencies or it happens due to negligence. For example, only 11% of people die in fires in such cases, and no more than 2% die from electric shock. That is why it is worth taking simple safety measures and then, already at the design stage, you will guarantee peace of mind and safety for yourself and family members.

  • The first rule of arranging a safe swimming pool is that if you have small children (or you are expecting a new addition to the family), then it is best to choose a pool design so that the child cannot independently climb over the barrier or limiters along the contour of the pool. For a child, it is best to set aside a small area of ​​the pool and set the depth there to no more than 50 cm. This can be done by building a special partition inside the pool or making the bottom with a slope. If the bottom is sloped, then you can install a buoy and stretch a net so that the child, even if he wanted to and out of curiosity, could not swim into the danger zone.
  • The second rule is this: if you are not a confident swimmer, do not make the pool deeper than 1.5 meters. This depth is more than enough to splash around, practice swimming for therapeutic and preventive purposes, or try to learn to swim. For confident swimmers with experience, you can, of course, build a pool 2.5 meters deep.

  • And the third is very important rule– equipping the pool with handrails at the entrance and exit from the pool saves the swimmer’s strength, and so-called waterproof rubber can be laid along the edge of the bowl. This interesting material absorbs and expels water. Thus, the edges of the pool will not be slippery, and if necessary, a person will always get out of the water. In the third rule, it is worth mentioning that it is not advisable to equip the bottom with stone or concrete steps. This is very dangerous in terms of accidental injuries.

That's actually all the precautions that can decorate appearance swimming pool For example, shiny, metal handrails. Or they can also save a person’s life and protect all users and house with pool will be safe.

How to choose a location for a pool

We have already said that it is important to know whether the soil will support the weight of the filled pool bowl. But if this is all right, then it’s worth knowing a few more tips on the right choice pool construction site.

If it is an outdoor pool, then the ideal location would be:

  • sunny, open to constant and unobstructed access sun rays;
  • on the very high point land plot for good natural heating and the ability to organize gravity drainage of water;
  • without trees or if the trees are located at a considerable distance, since this will save the pool from splits in the walls due to the growth of roots and the need to collect debris flying from the trees - dry leaves and branches.

Building a swimming pool is a very difficult process. It differs greatly depending on the types of soil on which the structure is being built and therefore is usually trusted to professional builders.

Keep your water clean

The water in the pool is stagnant, it does not flow like in a river or the sea. Because of this standing water in the pool it is necessary to:

  • cleanse;
  • monitor and regulate the composition of water, its acid-base balance;
  • Fill or drain the water in the bowl on time.

We should talk a little more about caring for the water in the pool, if only because if you don’t monitor the condition of the water, you can get a very serious disease. Dirty water in the pool, which is saturated with microorganisms under the rays of heat summer sun, may cause skin rashes, inflammatory processes human mucous membranes, allergies various types, eczema and many other diseases and painful manifestations.

No less unpleasant are the imbalance of the acid-base environment, calcium hardness, alkalization, and the concentration of solids that do not dissolve. This also affects humans to some extent - it causes irritation and negative reactions on the skin, but all these factors have a greater impact on the condition of the technical equipment of the pool and tiles.

You can combat these negative factors with:

  • water chlorination;
  • chlorine-free disinfection;
  • coagulation, that is, the removal of small insoluble particles;
  • maintaining the acid-base balance with the help of special additives.

If you decide to get a swimming pool, then very the right decision There will be not only a consultation with specialists, but also a personal study of the issue of pool arrangement. We talked only about the main features of arranging swimming pools in a private house.

Now you have enough knowledge to start thinking about the possibility of building a full-fledged swimming pool both in the courtyard of the cottage and inside the house. But don’t forget - just a list mandatory conditions occupies dozens of positions. And this suggests that this issue should be taken very seriously:

  • Get advice from specialists and order special studies if necessary;
  • get ready for the need to reconstruct the house, and this may also concern communications and the need to install additional complex equipment;
  • It is necessary to spend considerable resources to make the pool safe and comfortable.

But there should be no obstacles in the way of a person who wants to create a home where he can not only sleep, eat, gather with friends for a picnic, watch movies in the living room, study homework with his child, but also have a good rest - this is a dream that can come true and this requires persistence and desire, and you already have certain knowledge .
