How to choose a name for a child by date of birth, by the church calendar, by the names of the parents? How to choose the right female or male name for your unborn child? How to name your child correctly.

The meaning of names is very important important role when choosing a name for a child.

« The meaning of the name is often underestimated, says Natalia Gusakovskaya, an astrologer-linguist who has been studying the meaning of a name and its influence on a person’s character, in combination with his Zodiac sign, for 20 years. - And this is one of the key reasons for the formation of certain character traits of a child, which can manifest themselves already at a young age».

Spring children- These are sensitive individuals, with an easily vulnerable and unstable nervous system. They are often talented, especially in creativity, but lack self-confidence, so it is difficult for them to achieve anything in life. The best option for such a person would be a solid-sounding name, which will give the person more determination and fortitude.

Summer children proud, brave, love risks, often even to the point of extremes, and adventure. They get along well with animals. But they often suffer from timidity, cowardice and spinelessness. To give such a child more confidence, it is better to give him a firm name.

Autumn children universal. They are reasonable and thoughtful, have a gentle character, an inquisitive mind, and never repeat mistakes. Show sufficient wisdom and generosity towards the mistakes of other people. Comprehensively gifted. Any name will suit such individuals; it will only complement their already harmonious nature.

Zodiac sign of the child

Your zodiac sign is also important to consider when choosing a name for your child.

Tough fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) need soft names.

Soft water(Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio) and earthly signs(Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo) neutral or hard names are suitable. It is better to choose neutral ones, first of all, for Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn, in order to soften the specificity and excessive stubbornness.

Air signs Both hard (Gemini) and neutral (Libra and Aquarius) names can be suitable.

And finally - more Some general tips for choosing a name for a child:

  • Do not name your child after relatives, especially those who are no longer alive.
  • Don't give your child an overly exotic name.
  • Do not give in to the temptation and do not give your child a name in honor of famous personalities, significant events (for example, the Revolution), heroes of your favorite films, literary works, etc.

Good luck choosing a name and a happy destiny for your child!

A name is a person’s identifier, a means of personalization and individualization of an individual. When choosing a name for a child, you need to carefully think and weigh everything. I'll tell you what to name the child.

As astrologers say, a name affects a person’s destiny and health. Therefore, choosing a name for a child is a difficult task that future or newly made parents will have to solve. In some states, parents are required to name their baby immediately after birth. In Russia, everything is different and parents are given a month to solve the problem, after which the child must be registered.

Until 988, children were given a nickname, which was later often changed. The nickname indicated the qualities of a person. It is not surprising that there were many talking names in those days. Later in Rus' they began to call newborns according to the calendar, which simplified the task.

After baptism, new names appeared that had Latin or Greek origin. At first, people took a long time to get used to nicknames of foreign origin, but over time they became familiar, changed and became similar to Russian names.

The long period of newborns was named using the month word. At the beginning of the last century, the tradition changed, and parents received the right to choose their own name for the baby. At this point, neologisms appeared. Some are beautiful and interesting, others are completely absurd.

Neologisms are still used today. Often, parents who keep up with the times register their child under the name “Hacker” or “Google.”

Let's decide what to focus on when choosing a name for a newborn baby. I offer several interesting ideas that will make your life easier.

Orthodox calendar. In the calendar, find the date of birth of the baby and check out the list of names written on this day. All that remains is to choose the appropriate option.

Name of a relative or celebrity. Children are named after a person who left a bright mark in the life of their parents. Is it a relative, family friend or famous person. Children are often named after a character from a movie or book.

Origin and meaning of names. Earlier caring parents they named the child, guided by a superficial idea of ​​meaning and origin. Bookstores sell dictionaries containing full information about different names.

Esoterics. Scientists in the field of numerology and astrology have repeatedly proven that the name influences a person’s destiny. To choose a baby good name, it is recommended to carefully analyze the option you like and find out how it is related to the date of birth. This selection method is not yet widespread.

Fashion. Fashion is a tricky thing. There are often cases when only Sasha and Nastya play in the same small sandbox.

Originality. Some parents prefer original names, ignoring fashion trends. Often, fathers and mothers, using their imagination, come up with a unique name for their child, and this is wonderful.

I don’t know which technology for choosing a name for a child you will choose. Each person has his own life and religious views. When solving this problem, remember that with the name you give preference to, the child will have to walk through life, and successes and achievements will largely depend on it.

Baby names by month of birth

Each family has its own technique for choosing a name for a newborn baby. Some are guided by the church calendar, others follow signs, and still others listen to the advice of experts. There are parents who are interested in what to name a child born in a certain month.


Boys: Valentin, Pavel, Egor, Kirill, Fedor, Artem, Nikita.

Girls: Evgenia, Irina, Vasilisa, Anastasia, Polina, Maria, Tatyana.


Boys: Gregory, Boris, Oleg, Yuri, Roman, Timofey, Kirill.

Girls: Maria, Zoya, Christina, Veronica, Valentina, Anna, Rimma.


Boys: Leonid, Anton, Matvey, Yuri, Yaroslav, Vasily, Alexey, Danil.

Girls: Christina, Marina, Nika, Galina, Margarita, Antonina, Marianna.


Boys: Danil, Zakhar, Philip, Ivan, Nikolai, Samson, Antip, Peter.

Girls: Lydia, Anastasia, Alexandra, Maria, Eva, Sofia, Akulina.


Boys: Konstantin, Sergey, Vitaly, Mikhail, Lavrenty, Grigory.

Girls: Valentina, Zoya, Alexandra, Pelageya, Irina, Taisiya, Christina.


Boys: Oleg, Mikhail, Dmitry, Yan, Gabriel, Kirill, Tikhon.

Girls: Antonina, Theodora, Kira, Kaleria, Feodosia, Valeria, Nellie.


Boys: Stepan, Efim, Georgy, Evgeny, Stanislav, Ivan, Roman.

Girls: Inna, Anna, Olga, Zhanna, Marina, Efrosinya, Alevtina.


Boys: Rodion, Yuri, Vladimir, Maxim, Konstantin, Denis, Boris.

Girls: Praskovya, Valentina, Magdalena, Milena, Maria, Svetlana, Seraphim.


Boys: Lavrenty, Denis, Arkhip, Victor, Ilya, Zakhar, Gleb, Timofey.

Girls: Vera, Natalia, Nadezhda, Marfa, Raisa, Lyudmila, Anfisa.


Boys: Nikolai, Georgy, Pavel, Alexander, Khariton, Vyacheslav, Nikita.

Girls: Marianna, Praskovya, Jonah, Zlata, Pelageya, Ariadna, Veronica.


Boys: Dmitry, Taras, Vasily, Kuzma, Zinovy, Artem, Andrey, Afanasy.

Girls: Natalya, Zinovia, Maria, Nellie, Anna, Anastasia, Euphrosyne, Claudia.


Boys: Artem, Mark, Tryphon, Moses, Semyon, Valerian, Zakhar.

Girls: Augusta, Olga, Angelina, Marina, Zoya, Anfisa, Ekaterina, Anna.

Now you have a list of popular names for boys and girls at your disposal. Taking as a basis the month in which the child was born, you will choose an excellent option. Remember, the material is educational in nature. Choose the name you like best. This is just a hint.

How to choose the right name for your child

A name is a symbol of a person, reflecting character. There are a huge number of options, so many parents believe that choosing a name is simple task. But when faced with this exciting activity, difficulties arise.

It is not surprising, since the name that the father likes is associated with the mother. unpleasant person and vice versa. What can we say about grandparents who strive to participate in this?

1. Combination with patronymic and surname. The junction of the first name and patronymic should not have big amount consecutive vowels or consonants. Believe me, this kind of combination will not bring pleasure to either the owner or others.

2. No dissonance. Often the name is dissonant with the surname or patronymic. The reason for this phenomenon is different “nationalities”. Therefore, if the father has an Old Russian name, choose a similar one for the child and vice versa.

3. Exotic. Practice shows that names of an exotic nature are combined with surnames that are rare among the inhabitants of Russia. It is extremely important that the first name does not rhyme with the last name, since such combinations are comical and ugly.

4. Diminutive name. Ideally, the name chosen for the child should have harmonious diminutive options. If they are not there, the kids will still come up with something and no one will guarantee that the idea will turn out to be good and the child will like it.

5. Initials. When choosing, not all parents pay attention to the initials, but in vain. Sometimes such a little thing is extremely unpleasant, especially if the initials form an indecent or ugly word.

Possessing good name, the child will become an independent and confident person, conquering heights and achieving success.

Popular names for boys

I don’t know which option you will prefer, but the main thing is that it is in harmony with the middle name and last name. Many parents choose popular names, not paying attention to the fact that they sound bad with other components.

Fashion is unstable. A name that is at the peak of popularity today will become banal and common in a few years. Be sure to take this into account.

1. Arthur. This universal name has Celtic roots. Its bearers are usually hospitable, enthusiastic and emotional individuals. Sounds great in any country and brings good luck to the owner.

2. Herman. Boys with this name are extremely irritable, cunning and stubborn. But their patience, together with their determination, helps them achieve success in life and career as adults. At the beginning of this century the name was common, but then its popularity declined.

3. Lubomir. Popular in the Czech Republic and Poland. Its owners are consistent, intelligent and pragmatic people who come to the rescue at any time. If you choose it, you will notice that the child differs from his peers in euphony.

4. Nathan. Until a few years ago it was found only in Israel. Under the influence of fashion, it has gained popularity among Slavic peoples. The bearers of this universal and beautiful name are gifted, flexible and wise people. In the original, the emphasis is on the last letter “a”, although the other version is correct.

5. Stanislav. Owners of this Polish name are persistent, decent and kind people, characterized by having their own opinions. Stas is a shortened version, more harmonious and modern. The female version of Stanislav is rare.

6. Felix. This Latin name extremely rare. Its owners are extremely lucky in life and career. Gaining popularity and included in the list of the most beautiful names in Russia.

This is a sample list of popular male names. Choose responsibly, because the name will accompany your son all his life.

Popular names for girls

Many parents become interested in choosing a name from the moment a child is conceived, since medicine helps to find out the sex of the baby long before birth.

1. Anna. The name will not leave the top of popularity. Women who are honored to bear this name have a big heart, delicate taste and golden hands. They are trusting, selfless, attentive and careful.

2. Olga. The New Year predicts popularity for this Old Scandinavian name. Olga is a feminine, serious, ambitious and thoughtful person, an excellent housewife and wife. If you name your daughter Olya, she will achieve success and build a happy family.

3. Faith. The owner of this Slavic name- a wise, prudent and prudent girl, characterized by logical thinking. Being an obedient, gentle and affectionate person, Vera sets big goals for herself and never changes them. The treasure of the owner of such a name is modesty.

4. Hope. This name was common among the Slavs. Nadezhda are purposeful, adventurous, emotional and noisy individuals who value their mother’s authority and family values. Thanks to her intelligence and sociability, Nadya becomes a support for her family and friends.

5. Milena. Meeting a girl with that name is rare. If you want your daughter to be soft, kind and gentle, this is the best option. For Milena, nothing is more important than family. Her parents, husband, and colleagues love her for her virtue and loyalty.

6. Nina. I don't understand why this is Greek name a rarity today. It has been undeservedly forgotten. Nina is an independent, self-sufficient, proud and persistent person who is ready to do anything for the sake of justice. Thanks to her punctuality, responsibility and integrity, she feels comfortable in the leadership chair. In terms of softness, femininity and charm, these qualities ensure popularity among men.

On my own behalf, I will add that today parents are guided by dictionaries, paying attention to the meaning and origin of the name. I do not recommend unconditionally trusting interpretations. It is better to use generally accepted recommendations. This will help to do right choice, and the child will have a reason to be proud. What guides you when choosing a child's name?

From a logical point of view, it is most likely that the mother gives the name to the child. It was she who carried him for 9 months under her heart and she knows better what kind of character the baby has. It’s wonderful, of course, when the tastes of both mother and father converge and a name is given together. Observations have also shown that parents are very satisfied with their children if his name and the name of his child have at least one identical vowel letter. For example, if Maria and Alexey got married, in order for them to be satisfied with the lives of their children, the children’s names must contain vowels on behalf of the mother and father. That is, in our case, these are the letters - A, I, Z, E. The girl can be called Anna, Marina or Ekaterina, and the boy Alexander, Evgeniy or Elisha.

When choosing a name, we advise you to avoid names that are too pretentious or difficult to pronounce. Such a name will unduly attract attention, and the child may behave differently, either become overly proud of the name, or, on the contrary, be embarrassed by it. When choosing a name, be sure to take into account both the child’s last and patronymic names. It is desirable that the child’s full name sounds harmonious.
When choosing a name for your son, try to immediately turn him into a patronymic, so that your grandchildren will also feel comfortable. And the more harmonious the combination of the child’s patronymic and name, the more harmonious the person himself will be.

Please note that by calling a girl a name that originates from a male name, you endow her with certain masculine features character. If you do not set such a task for yourself, then you should not choose names such as Alexandra, Valeria, Evgenia, Valentina, etc. Many researchers say that women with these names have a more complex character, are prone to authority, and are obstinate. It's up to you to decide whether your daughter needs these qualities.

The meaning of names by letters in their composition

A is a symbol of the beginning, the desire for spiritual and physical comfort.
B – constancy, romantic at heart, perseverance, desire for financial independence.
B - sociability, unity with nature, creativity.
G – ability to understand everything, attentiveness, conscientiousness, desire for knowledge.
D – extrasensory abilities, family dominance, sometimes capriciousness. Before making an important decision, he thinks a lot and calculates everything.
E – desire to express oneself, insight, sometimes talkativeness.
E – emotionality, lack of restraint in passions.
F – deep, but not open to everyone inner world.
Z – high intuition, rich imagination, sometimes avoids problems by hiding like an ostrich in the sand.
And - kindness, peacefulness.
K – life credo – “all or nothing”, a strong-willed person.
L – artistry, subtle perception of beauty.
M – caring, sometimes shy.
N – intelligence, health care, hard worker.
O – ability to handle money. If this letter is in a person’s name, then his goal is predicted, you just need to take the right path.
P – wealth of ideas, ability to defend one’s opinion, concern for appearance.
P – ability to delve into the essence, self-confidence, desire to act, courage.
WITH - common sense, desire for a stable financial situation, authority and capriciousness. This person needs to find his own path in life.
T is a sensitive, creative person, a fighter for truth.
U is an active imagination, a generous, empathetic person. The desire to rise to the highest spiritual level. It is worth remembering that not every truth can be spoken about; there is the unpronounceable.
F – the desire to be the center of the universe, to shine. Friendliness, ability to lie.
X – the desire to achieve independence and authority on one’s own. He is not indifferent to the opinions of others. This letter in the name indicates that its owner should not violate moral laws.
C is a leader, unable to exist alone, arrogant.
H – desire for unity.
Ш – sense of humor, attentiveness, modesty.
Ш – generosity, generosity.
Kommersant – soft character, ability to smooth out rough edges of relationships.
Y – a sense of belonging, a down-to-earth spirit.
b – the ability to put everything into order.
E - the ability to see through people, good knowledge of the language in oral and writing. Curiosity.
Yu - the ideals of universal equality and brotherhood, the desire for truth, and at the same time the ability to commit cruel acts.
I am a feeling self-esteem, the desire to be loved and respected by others.

The meaning of male names

Alexander- “protector of people”, “courageous defense”. The main character traits are intuition, activity, determination, wit, intelligence.

Alexei- protector, assistant. The bearer of this name has Creative skills, calm disposition, reliable. Friendly towards others, strive for excellence. This is the man destined for Everyday life. Passions, ups, downs, unexpected decisions are not for him.

Anatoly– eastern”, “ascending”. Quite a mysterious person who likes to bring surprises. Doesn't accept defeat. Often unbalanced. Very inquisitive. Loves to teach others.

Andrey- courageous, brave. Andrey - affectionate son, true friend, ardent lover, excellent worker. Has an unstable character. Andrei with patronymics Alexandrovich, Igorevich, Olegovich have a complex character.

Anton- “entering into battle.” He is objective, capable of self-sacrifice, and a loyal friend. Lacks self-confidence.

Arkady- shepherd. This is an active and brave name. Easy to find mutual language with any person, is not vindictive, always tries to fulfill his promises. Family is the main thing for him. Loves stability. Arkady loves children very much, and they, in turn, idolize him.

Boris- struggling, fighter. Strong will, sometimes even tyrannical, purposeful, inquisitive. He knows how to react instantly, follow an idea to the end, and even sacrifice the happiness of loved ones. Sometimes he is quick-tempered and unpredictable.

Vadim- arguer, prover. Practical, hardworking, purposeful. Great importance His parents play a role in his life and he is very attentive to them. Strive to please everyone.

Valentine- healthy, strong. Him strong will, he is a faithful friend. Strives for knowledge. An excellent family man, but terrible in anger and jealousy. Sometimes he is eccentric and paradoxical.

Valery- strong, healthy, cheerful. Persistent and fearless, an optimist. Good organizer.

Basil- king, royal. Vasily does everything for pleasure. It's hard to piss him off. He is calm, open with others, friendly, and easily finds a common language with people. He prefers to go with the flow and not rush things. Possesses strong will.

Victor- victory, winner. Knows what he wants. Before making a responsible decision, he studies the issue from all sides. Patient and punctual. He is a typical workaholic, which, unfortunately, employers often take advantage of.

– vital. If Vitaly really wants, then he is able to change completely, change his character traits, get rid of habits. And he will live the way he wants, fate is favorable to him. Sanguine. We get excited easily. Doesn't have a strong will. Smart, purposeful, sometimes stubborn.

Vladimir- “owner of the world”, “ruler of the world”. He is inquisitive and has a good memory. Prone to risk and adventure. A leader by nature. He is closed in nature, although outwardly open. Selfish. An excellent speaker.

Vyacheslav- “great glory”, “most glorious”. Hot-tempered, touchy, outwardly strong and resilient. Quite sociable, sociable, but not too deep man. It is more banal than original and deep.

Gennady- noble, well-born. Gennady gets down to business with pleasure, giving his best to achieve the goal. But possessing such qualities as optionality and weak intuition, they make his success problematic. Such people are often called thick-skinned; they are quite indifferent to troubles. You can hardly call them subtle and deep.

Georgiy- farmer, tiller. Loving and generous. Open to those closest to you. Hates lies, especially in the family. Disdainful since childhood. Easy-going, cheerful. He has a resourceful and flexible mind.

Gleb- to give under protection, favorite of the gods. Serious, calm, reasonable. There are always very few friends; he rarely reveals his soul to anyone. Gleb will always come to the rescue and will never refuse. The motivation for his own actions is sometimes clear only to him.

Gregory- awake, cheerful. Sanguine, often dry. Vengeful. Stubborn. Often imposes his opinion on others. Daring, dapper. Sociable, balanced.

Daniel– literally means “my judge is God”, “God is my judge.” Intelligent, has good intuition, decent, sociable. He is a kind person and places great importance on his family. Doesn't tolerate lies.

Dmitriy- fruit of the earth. Strong-willed character. He is loyal to his friends, sociable, but it is difficult to get along with him. Diplomacy is often lacking. He tries to be the first in everything.

Eugene– noble. This is a pleasant and kind person. Combines both strength and weakness, contradictory. Very stubborn. He worries about the hardships of his relatives, but other than sympathy he cannot help. Demanding of himself and others.

Egor- young elk. Hot-tempered, boring, annoying. Doesn't tolerate lies. Diligent and hardworking. Likes to sort everything into shelves.

Efim- pious, sacred. Kind, sympathetic, very hardworking. Obsessed with cleanliness. Often selfish, but at the same time so smart that he sometimes suppresses his selfishness.

Zakhar- God's memory, the memory of the Lord. A modest, calm, kind person. Always wants to help his neighbor. Selfishness is inherent in him from birth.

Ivan- gift of God, grace of God. A very contradictory and multi-valued character, combines goodness and deceit, cunning, tenderness, rage, strength and weakness.

Igor- belligerent. Very resistant to failures and troubles. Often he speaks and acts first, and then only thinks about it. Sets a goal and goes straight towards it. Sociable, sometimes with high self-esteem. Has a very good memory.

Ilya- the strength of the Lord, believer. Hot-tempered, but quickly moves away. Well developed mind and intuition. Able to analyze and evaluate events from different angles.

Kirill- Mister, sun. Curious, constantly looking for new things. Ambitious. Has high self-esteem. He likes to dress beautifully, speak well and wants to be praised often.

Konstantin- stable, committed to constancy. Bright and interesting person. Rarely influenced. Loves communication. The character is quite complex, impulsive. Reliable and self-confident person.

a lion- king of beasts. Self-sufficient, calm, lucky, diplomatic. He accepts people as they are and is always good-natured with them.

Leonid- son of a lion, lion cub. Flexible, diplomatic character. A faithful and reliable friend. Able to adapt to any circumstances. Leonid has very skillful hands.

Maksim- the greatest, the biggest. Very balanced. He has the gift of persuasion and manipulating people. He is proud and has a good sense of humor.

Matvey- given by the Lord, a gift from God. Very honest and modest. Can't stand it conflict situations.

Michael- God-like. Generous, not petty, often sentimental. Refers to people who themselves are besieging.

Nikita- winner, victorious. Energetic, purposeful, knows his worth. Often talented and hardworking. Excessively worried about imaginary, almost non-existent problems. Sometimes he is not inclined to change, he goes with the flow.

Nikolai- winner of nations. You never know what to expect from Nikolai. 100% analyst. Strong personality. Smart. He wants to seem kind and simple, but this is not always the case. Hidden.

Oleg- sacred, bright. Easily susceptible to other people's influence. He devotes a lot of time to friends, but with age he becomes more family-oriented. He can be stubborn. Often his mother becomes his ideal woman. Kind, tries not to hurt others.

Paul- baby, small. He is easy to communicate with, but his character is quite complex. He has a wild imagination and a rich inner world. Will always come to the rescue; people often trust him with their secrets. He cannot be called a fighter. Peaceful.

Peter- stone, rock. Always strives for perfection in everything. Romantic, but can also be a tyrant and owner and very vindictive. Always fights for leadership.

Plato- wide, powerful. Independent, neat, often overly squeamish. He knows how to lead people and will not allow himself to be manipulated. He is difficult to understand, but it is always pleasant to communicate with him.

Prokhor- choir leader, singer. Usually very nice, takes good care of himself. Being jealous, he takes everything to heart. Hospitable, kind person. The children love him very much.

Novel- Roman, strong. Patient, has the gift of persuasion. He is easy-going, generous, does not impose himself on people, but it is always fun and easy to be with him. Can't stand monotony. Doesn't forget insults.

Ruslan- a lion. Loves universal recognition and praise. Excessive narcissism. Good-looking, loving. Brave and relaxed. True friend.

Sergey- highly respected, clear. He knows how to put forward interesting projects and can bring them to life. Open, does not hide his negative qualities. Conscientious and responsible. Sometimes he's cunning.

Stanislav- most glorious. Choleric, constantly seething inside. Secretive, capricious, indecisive, with a difficult character. He knows well what he wants. Striving for a goal, he can trample everything that interferes with him. A generous man.

Stepan- wreath, crown. Stable mental type: external stimuli have almost no effect on it emotional condition. Confident in yourself and your abilities. Heavy to climb. Has a good mind. Loves female company.

Timofey- worshiper of God. Truth-seeker. Does not tolerate injustice. Modest. He needs constant communication.

Tikhon– successful. Calm. Often looks like his mother. He is interested in adventure literature. He lives quite quietly, without lies, without self-praise. Good-natured and not touchy. He often loses in disputes and cannot always defend his position.

- God's gift. Friendship is very important to him. Closed personality. In life, he either achieves incredible heights or remains at the very bottom.

Yuri- land worker. A rather unpredictable person, he needs constant monitoring. He is not a leader, not a winner, but a reliable and mentally rich person. Smart, cheerful and sociable.

Yakov- following someone. Lives in harmony with himself. Doesn't waste words. Delicate in communication. Often envious. Always gives preference to old, trusted friends.

Yaroslav- strong and glorious. Very sociable, possesses good manners. Success in life does not come easy to him. If Yaroslav was born in January, it will be even more difficult for him, but at the same time he knows how to adapt remarkably even to the most difficult situations and be content with little.

Meaning of female names

Alexandra– protector of people, courageous. Often the character is similar to that of a man. She is a contradictory nature. Tries to be overly feminine. She always tries to avoid conflicts and is very charming. He likes to subjugate people and does not tolerate deception.

Alla– another. Bright and invincible. Proud and very demanding of others. Strive to subjugate everyone and everything. Despotic. Sometimes naive.

Anastasia- resurrected, rebelled. The character is quite complex. Charming and charming. Subtle nature. Often lazy and cold. Has a sharp analytical mind.

Anna- merciful, pretty. Emits light, bright and responsive. Neat, and often too compassionate. Will always come to the rescue.

- acquiring in return. An ideal housewife, she knows how to create comfort and protect her hearth. Practical, kind. Knows how to listen. Sometimes he gets depressed.

Anfisa- blooming, colorful. Proud, arrogant, stubborn. She is more drawn to her father and is often very similar to him. Often strives to dominate, both in the family and at work.

Valentina- healthy, strong. Hardworking and smart. Kind and caring, she will always help others, even to her own detriment. Often closed and secretive.

Varvara- foreigner. Closed, she prefers to experience grievances within herself. Modest and flexible. More like his father both in appearance and character. Strives for justice and goodness.

Vasilisa- royal, royal. Temperamental, very domineering. He does not tolerate arguing with her, and may become offended if her advice is not followed. Very demanding of people. Has a very sharp mind.

Faith- faith, truth. A balanced, kind and reasonable woman. Always has a goal and firmly moves towards it. Sometimes she withdraws into herself and has a complex.

Victoria- victory. He stands firmly on his feet, does everything slowly and judiciously. Since childhood, she has been characterized by internal uncertainty and has struggled with it all her life. He has a masculine mentality, a desire for knowledge and an excellent memory.

Galina- calm. Hardworking, goes straight to the goal. Very kind and lively. Likes to show off in front of the mirror, loves male company. She often looks like her father and is very attached to him.

Daria- strong, victorious. Very charming and temperamental. She grasps everything on the fly and is very smart. Can't stand loneliness. Organized. Since childhood, masculinity and courage have been manifested in her. A very handsome and kind person. Does not like criticism addressed to him.

Evgenia– noble. Bright and determined. Knows how to save and stock up for future use. Easy-going, she easily changes cities, places of work, and family. Often quarrelsome. Seeks to subjugate those around him.

Catherine- pure, true. She does not tolerate superiority over herself, she is very proud. Calm, balanced, able to accept troubles and adversity as a given. There is no spiritual subtlety. Lives a rich and interesting life.

Elena- light, bright. Closed, immersed in her own world, very impressionable. She is similar in character to her father, very emotional. Has an innate sense of beauty. Flows with the flow, will not go ahead towards the goal. Gets along with people.

Elizabeth- God's oath. Difficult character. She is responsive, has the makings of a leader, and does not give in to the influence of others. All his life he searches for true love, and having found it, he surrenders to it completely, dissolves in it. Family is very important to Elizabeth. She is self-confident, but knows and admits her shortcomings.

Zinaida- daughter of Zeus. A leader, she strives to be the first everywhere. Arrogant and capricious. She does not deviate from her goal, but is not capable of meanness. Cheerful and serene.

Inna- strong water. Complex nature. Very stubborn and self-confident. Cheerful and frivolous. Can find it everywhere positive points, not subject to depression. You can’t call her vindictive, but she doesn’t forgive her offenders.

Irina- peace. Independent, sometimes harsh in her judgments. In groups she is sociable and cheerful. Skillfully adapts to circumstances. Too patient. All her life she strives to create an image of steadfastness and an independent woman, although in reality she is vulnerable and jealous.

Kira- mistress. Powerful and judicious. Very independent, has leadership qualities. Can't resist flattery. Loves to shock others. Luck rarely smiles on her. Failures greatly hurt her soul, but few people realize this.

Ksenia- wanderer. Sensitive nature, very receptive. Does not tolerate injustice and cruelty, defends his rights to the end. Restless.

Larisa- pleasant, sweet. A dual nature, at the same time helpless and independent, soft and harsh. Very objective. Does not forgive himself for his wrongdoings. Vulnerable and impressionable.

- Asian. Firm and confident in her path. She is harmonious and balanced in everything. A wonderful hostess, a sincere friend. A very bright and interesting woman. Open and rarely capable of revenge. Subject to attacks of anger and aggression. He has his own point of view on everything.

Love- love, beloved. Not conflicting, selfish. The most important thing for her is her own interests. She has a strong will and is very sociable. Outwardly she is quite calm, but passions are boiling inside her.

Lyudmila- dear to people. She tries to seem modest, very temperamental. The proverb “measure a hundred times, cut once” is about it. Often harsh, proud. He often changes his views and is easily influenced.

Margarita- pearl. Closed, restrained in emotions, never adapts to people. Selfishness is not inherent in her. She is straightforward and categorical in her judgments. Smart. Freedom-loving.

Marina– sea. Often takes risks. Freedom-loving, eccentric. Self-esteem is too high. Marinas have a mysterious charm and magnetism that men cannot resist. Loves attention to his own person.

Maria- beloved, stubborn, sad. A wonderful friend, a very warm and kind person. Constantly trying to help everyone, take care of everyone. She is smart, prone to philosophizing, and well versed in the human psyche. Calculating and self-confident.

Hope- will, to act. Mercantile, purposeful, secretive. on her life path many obstacles and suffering. Fighter for truth and justice. A person of mood, often unpredictable.

Nina- affectionate. Always tries to be in first place, to shine and cause delight. Great hostess. Rarely listens to other people's opinions and does not tolerate criticism. Always keeps his word.

Oksana- wanderer. Touchy, often keeps to herself. She has a strong will and does not conflict. Independent. Many people don’t understand it.

- holy, bright. Serious and stubborn. Very vulnerable and touchy. She is feminine and always takes good care of herself. She is characterized by hypocrisy, vindictiveness and arrogance. Good wife and the hostess.

Pauline- belonging to Apollo, small. Sociable and charming. Be critical of yourself and prone to self-examination. Good friend. Likes to sleep and relax a lot. She has a difficult character, but almost always has a very interesting and eventful life.

Rimma- Roman, apple. Complex and strong character. He understands people well and can adjust them to suit himself. She is vindictive. She has few friends.

Svetlana– light. A bundle of contradictions that combines both fire and ice. Heightened self-esteem. Hardworking and diplomatic, loves leadership. Rarely pays attention to other people's opinions. He treats men with distrust, believing that he can completely rely only on himself. Easy-going, sociable.

Sophia- wisdom. Loves to be the center of attention, loves changes and new experiences. Open and often very frank. Decisive, capable of heroism.

Taisiya- wise, goddess of fertility. Energetic and bright. He knows how to stand up for himself and firmly pursues his goal. Smart, does not tolerate deception. Skillfully gets out of conflict situations, does not like gossip.

Tamara- fig tree, date palm. Nervous system unstable, capricious, unable to control her ambitions. A leader by nature, active, curious and very committed. A strong and rude woman.

Tatiana- establish, determine. Stubborn and often tyrannical. Doesn't tolerate arguing with himself. There is practically no sentimentality in it. Sociable, practical. Able to achieve set goals.

Ulyana- happiness. Simple and open. Often too timid and indecisive. He appreciates a sense of humor and lightness in people.

Faina- shining, light. Can't suppress negative emotions, hot-tempered. In appearance she often looks like her father, but takes her character from her mother. A lively and interesting woman. Glad to help.

Julia- fluffy, July. Capricious. Frequent mood swings. You could call her wild. Blames everyone but himself for his problems. Proud. She does not impose her opinion on others, but she herself does not know how to listen and listen.

Since ancient times, parents have taken a very responsible approach to choosing a name for their baby. It was believed that the fate of the little man depended on this. By naming the child, mom and dad conveyed to him a kind of message about what he should become in the future. How to choose the right and beautiful names for children? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Name and destiny

We select a name for a child based on our expectations. Someone wants the baby to repeat the fate of a famous person (saint, hero, poet) or beloved great-grandfather. Therefore, he names the baby the same name. Other parents value originality. They dream that their offspring will stand out among their peers. Still other mothers and fathers pay close attention to the characteristics of the child’s name. They name their son Arseny because they want to see him strong and courageous.

In any case, the name leaves its mark on a person’s character. Not only astrologers, but also scientists talk about this. The sounds that make up a name are of great importance. If they are soft (Ilya, Alina), the child grows up calm, obedient, and impressionable. Owners of a tough-sounding name (Herman, Daria) have been distinguished by independence and purposefulness since childhood. People with neutral names (Zlata, Anton) are balanced and prudent.

History also leaves a certain imprint. Children involuntarily remember information related to their namesakes. Admiring a brave commander or a brilliant scientist, they subconsciously copy them best qualities, become more confident. It is much worse if the same name was borne by a person with a difficult, ambiguous fate. This is why psychologists do not recommend naming children after prematurely deceased relatives.

Rare and strange names often become the cause of ridicule among peers. This leads to the emergence of psychological complexes. Having matured, a person still experiences discomfort. For this reason, some people decide to change their name.

To avoid regret later, choose a name for your child carefully. Please note the following points:

  1. Euphony. The name should be beautiful, easy to pronounce and read. Otherwise, those around you will constantly distort it.
  2. The name should not have any negative associations. Otherwise, the child cannot avoid the ridicule of classmates.
  3. It’s good if you can form a diminutive form from the name. When naming your son, think about your grandchildren. Surely they will want to have a harmonious middle name. How to form it if dad's name is Dusten or Steven?
  4. Choose a name that harmoniously combines with the child’s middle and last names. “Jessica Nikitichna” or “Talmas Ivanov” sounds ridiculous. Also avoid cluttering consonant sounds.
  5. Pay attention to the initials. Sometimes they make up ambiguous words, which is unacceptable.
  6. Name, given to the child, can borrow sounds from parent names: Matvey - Timofey, Christina - Arina. Psychologists say that in this case, the mother or father will experience more tender feelings for the baby.

According to the calendar

What names did our ancestors give to their children? They, unlike modern parents, did not have to rack their brains. The child was named after the saint who was commemorated on the child’s birthday or baptism. It was believed that the pious namesake becomes heavenly patron baby and protects him from harm.

Today this tradition continues in many religious families. The choice is huge - the calendar contains about 1,700 names. Most of them are male, so parents of girls sometimes have to come up with derivatives: Victor - Victoria, Vasily - Vasilisa.

How does the process of choosing a name for a child work? church calendar? Parents look at which saints are remembered on their child’s birthday. Sometimes there is nothing on the list that suits you. Or the names sound too exotic: Popius, Kurduva. In this case, you can look for saints who are revered on the eighth and fortieth days after the birth of a baby. In Rus', it was during this period that children were given names and the rite of baptism was performed. It is also permissible to name a child in honor of a saint especially revered by the parents.

Popular names for girls

It's not just clothes that can be fashionable. The choice of name is often determined by trends of the time. During the revolution, the Saints were banned, but Oktyabrins and Traktorins began to appear. In the 40s, at the peak of popularity were simple names: Ivan and Maria. In the 90s (influenced by Mexican TV series), girls were called Roses and Mariannes. Today they become popular names for children with Old Russian roots.

Modern girls are most often called:

  • Sophia (from Greek “wise”);
  • Polina ("dedicated Greek god sun to Apollo");
  • Anna (from Hebrew “joy, grace”);
  • Anastasia (from Greek “reborn”);
  • Angelina (Greek “goddaughter of angels”);
  • Alina (German: “blessed”);
  • Arina (from Greek “peace”);
  • Karina (from Latin “keel of a ship” or “sweetheart”);
  • Alice (translated from ancient German as “noble”);
  • Victoria (from Latin "winner");
  • Varvara (from Latin "foreigner");
  • Veronica (in Greek “bringing victory”, in Latin “true”);
  • Margarita (from Greek “pearl”);
  • Maria (from Greek “desired, stubborn, bitter”)
  • Yaroslav (from Slavic “bright, powerful glory”);
  • Ulyana (derived from Yulianna - “curly”);
  • Ksenia (from Greek “hospitable”);
  • Christina (from Latin “dedicated to Jesus Christ”);
  • Daria (Persian "strong, conquering");
  • Diana (“divine”, the Romans called the goddess of the Moon, femininity and hunting).

Popular male names

Naming a boy is not an easy task. The name of the future man should not only be beautiful and sonorous, but also be associated with strength and firmness. Modern parents often turn to ancient sources, which is why Elishas are running around in the yards again. However, names familiar to our ears (like Alexander or Nikolai) also do not give up their positions.

Below is a list of the most popular male baby names:

  • Artem (from Greek “healthy”);
  • Bogdan (Slavic " given by God");
  • Egor (simplified from Georgiy);
  • George (from Greek “farmer”);
  • Danil (from Hebrew “God is my judge”);
  • Nikita (from Greek “winner”);
  • Maxim (from Latin "greatest");
  • Dmitry (from Greek “dedicated to Demeter, the goddess of fertility”);
  • Timur (from Mongolian “iron”);
  • Arthur (from Celtic "bear" or from Latin "strength");
  • Denis (from Greek “dedicated to the god of fun and winemaking Dionysus”);
  • Timothy (from Greek “who worships God”);
  • Alexander (from Greek “protector”);
  • Matvey (from Hebrew “gift of God”);
  • Roman (from Latin "Roman");
  • Stanislav (Slavic "became glorious");
  • Vladislav (Slavic "possessing glory");
  • Yaroslav (Slavic “possessing bright glory”);
  • Michael (from Hebrew “equal to God”);
  • Luke (from Latin "light").

Rare Russian names for girls

Studying history and getting to know national origins is very popular these days. In the 70s, parents, wanting to be original, named their daughters in a foreign manner: Isolde, Leonella. Today, forgotten Russian names for children are increasingly being chosen.

You can name your daughter:

  1. Bozhena. In Old Church Slavonic it means “of God.” Women with this name are attractive, determined, and independent.
  2. Vasilisa or Vasilina. Both names mean "royal". Vasilisa is distinguished by her breadth of soul, stubbornness, and determination.
  3. Zoryana or Zarina. Stands for "colorful", "star". Bearers of the name are cheerful, respectable and energetic.
  4. Zlata (full version - Zlatoslava). Derived from "gold". Girls named this way are curious, lucky and love to be the center of attention.
  5. Milana. Derived from the Slavic root "mil". Women with this name are charming, impressionable and caring.
  6. Pelagia. The name is of Greek origin and translates as “sea”. It was common in Rus'. Its bearers are ambitious, charming and independent.
  7. Karelia. Comes from the name of the people - Karelians. Its owner is a bright, active personality, gifted with creative talents.

Russian male names

For a child, the originality of parents can sometimes turn into big problems. Svyatogor and Dobrynya will have a hard time in kindergarten and school. Pretentious names are especially difficult for shy children. Increased attention surrounding people, constant ridicule aggravates existing psychological problems.

However, there are neutral Russian male names. For your child, you can choose those that have been forgotten over time, but continue to carry powerful energy. Here are some examples:

  1. Radomir. Stands for "joy of the world." Boys with this name are active, enterprising and sociable.
  2. Svyatoslav. Often translated as "sacred glory." The owners of the name are characterized by patience, nobility and determination.
  3. Gordey. Means "proud, lord." Men named this way are proud, friendly, energetic and hardworking.
  4. Borislav. Stands for "fighting for glory." Bearers of the name are optimistic, good-natured, friendly and determined.
  5. Rostislav. Derived from the expression "growing fame." A child named this way will have a sharp mind. He is also distinguished by complacency, emotionality and impulsiveness.
  6. Vsevolod. Stands for "owning everything." Men with this name are balanced, personable and sociable.
  7. Evdokim. Translated - "glorious". The owners of the name are taciturn, sedate and kind. They are usually happy family life and have golden hands.

Foreign names for girls

When naming their daughter, parents go through many options. Sometimes the final choice falls on the beautiful foreign name. It is important that it combines successfully with the patronymic and surname. Also find out the meaning of the name. It should have a positive effect on the child.

Here is a small list of European names that are included in the Top Most Beautiful:

  • Anita (from Spanish "graceful");
  • Bella (from Latin "beautiful");
  • Vanessa (from Greek “swift”);
  • Grace (from Latin "gratitude");
  • Jessica (from Hebrew "foresight");
  • Eve (from Hebrew “life-giver”);
  • Camilla (lat. “girl of impeccable origin”);
  • Caroline (from German "queen");
  • Melissa (from English “bee”, this was the name of the ancestor of the nymphs);
  • Monica (from Greek “the only one”);
  • Patricia (from Latin "aristocrat");
  • Stefania (from Greek “crowned”);
  • Suzanne (from Hebrew "lily");
  • Charlotte (from the French "queen, free").

In a Muslim family, parents can call their daughter the following names:

  • Alsou (from Tatar “pink-faced”);
  • Alfia (from Arabic “long-liver”);
  • Amira (from Arabic "princess");
  • Amina (from Arabic “faithful”);
  • Varda (from Arabic "rose");
  • Gulnara (from Persian “pomegranate flower”);
  • Zulfiya (from the Persian "attractive, possessor" beautiful curls");
  • Jasmine (from Persian "jasmine flower");
  • Ilnara (from Turkic “flame of the Motherland”);
  • Leila (from Arabic "night");
  • Leah (Heb. “slender”);
  • Maryam (name of the mother of Jesus in the Koran);
  • Nadira (from Arabic "rare");
  • Rashida (from Arabic: “walking the right path”).

Foreign names for boys

Do you want your son to have a European name? Below is a list of beautiful male baby names. They are especially popular among Europeans:

  • Alan (from Celtic "rock, beautiful");
  • William (from English "desired");
  • Gabriel (from Hebrew "God's stronghold");
  • Daniel (variant of the Russian name Danil);
  • Julian (from Lat. “from the Julius family”, according to another version - “born in July”);
  • James (from Hebrew "following");
  • Kevin (Scandinavian for "handsome king");
  • Leon (translated as "lion");
  • Lucas (from Greek "light");
  • Marcus, Martin (from Latin "warlike");
  • Nathan (from Hebrew "gifted by God);
  • Oliver (from German “army of shining elves”);
  • Sebastian (from Greek "venerable");
  • Eric (from Scandinavian "eternal ruler").

Muslim names noble and captivating. Here is a short list that parents can use:

  • Adil (from Arabic "fair");
  • Aziz (from Arabic "powerful");
  • Diamond (derived from the name gemstone);
  • Amir (from Arabic "prince");
  • Ildar (from Persian “ruler of the country”);
  • Ilgiz (from Turkic “wanderer”);
  • Ilyas (from Arabic: “Yahweh is my God”);
  • Kamil (from Arabic "perfect");
  • Kamal (from Arabic “mature”);
  • Malik (from Arabic "king");
  • Ramiz (from Arabic “marked with a special symbol”);
  • Sabir (from Arabic "patient");
  • Fayaz (from Arabic "generous");
  • Yasar (from Arabic "prosperous").

We take into account the date of birth

Astrologers recommend choosing a name for the baby after compiling individual horoscope. At the same time, they argue, it is possible to correct some character traits. Many parents believe that the date of birth and name of the child influence his destiny.

Astrologers pay the closest attention to the time of year and month of birth of the baby. Winter children most often have a firm, stubborn, somewhat stern character. Therefore, they choose names that are soft, sunny, and calm. The girl can be called Olga, Svetlana, Polina, Anastasia, Natalya, Ksenia, Lyudmila. Suitable names for a boy are Arseny, Valentin, Alexey, Mikhail, Semyon, Pavel.

Spring children are talented and mischievous, but often doubt their abilities. They choose solid names. The girls are called Alexanders, Larisas, Irinas, Veronikas, Victorias. The boy can be named Ruslan, Boris, Gleb, Victor, Timur, Oscar.

Summer babies are very emotional, but stubborn, active and risk-taking. Neutral and short names: Kira, Valeria, Nelya, Ulyana, Elena, Gleb, Denis, Mark, Roman, Anton.

Autumn children are calm, intelligent and inclined to be creative. Romantic names, as well as those with glorious history. The girl can be called Anna, Elizaveta, Sofia, Zlata, Vasilisa. Suitable names for a boy are Peter, Felix, Nikolai, Plato, Sergei, Kirill.

Choosing a name for a child is not an easy task for most parents. Approach it responsibly, so as not to listen to the claims of your grown-up offspring later.

Choosing a name for a child after birth for many parents seems like a simple task and does not cause problems. But in fact, which one you decide to choose for your baby may later affect his fate. Therefore, to ensure a happy future for your child, read important tips and selection rules.

Basic rules for choosing a name

To choose the right name for your future child, you need to pay attention to some subtleties.

  1. Before naming your son or daughter, check the consonance with the initials of the surname and patronymic. When composing them, there should be no obscene or funny words.
  2. Look for one that, together with your surname, will sound pleasant. Avoid rhyming combinations.
  3. It is recommended to avoid those combinations of first, middle and last names that lead to complex spelling.
  4. When choosing, avoid those that are popular this year or month. This often leads to a situation where there are, for example, five Sergeis in a class.
  5. The name should not be such that it could be used as a teaser.
  6. Think about those that will sound harmonious both in childhood and in adulthood.
  7. Don't choose those that you associate with people who evoke unpleasant memories.
  8. Psychogenealogy does not recommend naming children after grandparents.

If your loved ones are arguing about the issue of choosing a particular option, you should filter out relatives who are imposing their opinions. After you have already decided for yourself what you will name your child, a conversation with relatives can be held, and their advice taken into account.

You should not listen to the opinions of others about what to name your baby. This is only the parents' concern. Previously, on Russian soil there were 6 rules that guided the selection process. Now there are much more such recommendations, and each parent must decide for himself which of them to use.

We name the child based on the middle name

A difficult task for parents is choosing a name for their newborn, taking into account the father's name. After all, you want it to be not only beautiful, but also to go well with your middle name in the future.

Choosing a girl's name by patronymic

Here are some useful rules:

  1. Choose fashionable female name, which is an analogue of masculine for a girl, for example, Alexandra, Stanislav, Bogdan is only needed together with soft middle names (Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna). You should not develop a strong and quarrelsome character in your daughter.
  2. It is better to refuse foreign options if the father is not a resident of another country. For example, Cleopatra Ivanovna will sound very strange.
  3. It is advisable to choose those options for girls that will contain no more than one letter “P”. They go with almost all middle names.
  4. For soft middle names, you need to choose hard female names.
  5. If the middle name begins with a vowel, then it is desirable that the name ends with a consonant, and vice versa.
  6. If you have a long middle name, call the girl short.

Choosing a male name by patronymic

You shouldn't call the boy the same as his father's name. There are other recommendations for choosing a name:

  • Please note that at the junction of these two elements there is not a large cluster of consonants, for example, Eduard Dmitrievich. This leads to difficult treatment of such a person in the future;
  • If you are going to settle on a newfangled name, then do not allow it, together with your patronymic, to sound funny or stupid. For example, Ivan Sergeevich sounds much better than Genrikh Sergeevich;
  • For a boy, those that will give his future descendants a beautiful middle name are suitable.

How to choose a child's name by date of birth

Very often, numerology and the time of year help parents in their search. This method gives the baby the energy of a certain season.

  • winter. People born at this time of year have iron willpower and are very talented. They work hard, are not lazy and rarely complain about their undeveloped future. Based on the winter month, choose those versions that will soften his manners and character, and also relieve him of some excessive severity. For example: Vasily, Natalya, Lyudmila, Elena, Svetlana, Evgeniy, Danil, Peter;
  • spring People born in spring are selfish and indecisive. To get fighting qualities, consider fairly tough names: Dina, Zhanna, Dmitry, Sofia, Pavel, Ruslan, Maria, Daria, Yulia, Kirill;
  • summer This category of people is distinguished by their determination and pride. They are also very active and at the same time gentle people, you can call them whatever you want. But the best options can be considered such as: Igor, Valery, Roman, Irina, Tamara, Valeria, Vyacheslav, Alla, Anatoly, Anna, Alexander;
  • autumn. People born in autumn are very talented and intelligent, and also grasp everything on the fly. In order to slightly reduce their nervousness, you need to choose more romantic and soft ones: Olga, Nikita, Vera, Raisa, Sergey, Artem, Maria, Natalya, Anatoly, Maxim, Anna.

Selection according to the calendar or church calendar is again relevant. In Islam, a child is named according to the Koran. Having chosen a name from the book, the baby is given it at baptism. Despite the fact that there are a lot of outdated types offered there, you can also find quite interesting sonorous versions.

To choose the right one Orthodox name for your child according to the calendar, you need to take his date of birth and choose the appropriate one from the list of those offered on that day. If this is not the case, then you can look at those offered the day before or after your birthday.
