Land animals and insects according to Feng Shui. Money toad according to feng shui, where to place the figurine to attract wealth and good luck

How to sleep correctly according to Feng Shui, what direction should the head be during sleep, what is the best way to position the bed in? Have you ever thought that a person's sleeping position has a strong impact not only on well-being, but on life in general? Let's listen to the advice of the ancient.

It turns out that in order to change your life for the better, you don’t always need to move mountains on your way. Often this is simply enough to follow the rules of Feng Shui and take the correct position while sleeping.

If you calculate how much time we sleep, it turns out that a person spends about a third of his conscious life sleeping. This takes from 20 to 30 years of our life. All this time we are in a motionless state, and for hours we do not change the position of our body in space. And during this period, we are influenced by various energy flows, against the influence of which we are practically defenseless.

The teachings of Feng Shui help to direct, balance and harmonize for the benefit of people these mysterious forces of the earth and space, which we know as “qi”.

To determine which sleeping direction will be the most successful for you, let’s listen to Feng Shui knowledge about what kind of energy each direction has.


The northern direction of the head is perfect for good rest, sweet and sound sleep. This position is recommended for hot-tempered and unbalanced people, for whom life constantly throws unpleasant surprises and nervous shocks.

Good for married couple who is prone to frequent quarrels and showdowns. Sleeping with their head to the north will make their life more peaceful and harmonious and reduce the number of conflicts. In addition, the northern direction contributes to greater intimacy in relationships and the partners’ affection for each other.

Sleeping with your head to the north is also very useful for people suffering from chronic diseases - it will help them recover faster. But for young and active people, ready for unexpected adventures, the north will be too calm and measured.


Has rough and harsh energy. Suitable for timid and indecisive people who find it extremely difficult to make a choice. By placing the head of the bed in the northeast, you will save yourself from the need to constantly make decisions in agony. It's not magic. It’s just that the energy of the northeast activates the brain, improves analytical thinking and speeds up reactions. But this direction is not suitable for people suffering from insomnia, as their condition may worsen.


The East is the place of sunrise, which gives us life and fills us with energy. By placing the head of the bed to the east, you will very soon feel a surge of vitality. You will have a desire to act actively, new perspectives and opportunities will open up before you, you will be able to achieve what seemed impossible just yesterday. The eastern direction during sleep is most suitable for people experiencing a lack of energy.


It is an ideal destination for shy, insecure people who suffer from various complexes and have problems with self-esteem. By choosing the southeastern direction, they will become more self-confident and less vulnerable.


Sleeping with your head facing south is recommended for people who have problems with finances and careers. If you make an effort, positive changes will happen in your life very soon. Perhaps you can find another job or sources of additional income will appear.

But you must take into account the fact that for this you will have to sleep alone in bed. Also, people who are very impressionable and vulnerable and prone to depression should not sleep with their heads facing south.


An ideal direction for people who are not practical and reasonable enough, who often regret actions committed in a fit of violent emotions. People sleeping with their heads to the southwest will become less conflicted and tolerant of others.


Helps awaken creative energy, romantic feelings and bright emotions. Suitable for people who suffer from melancholy and monotony and want to add color to their lives. Every new day will bring them new interesting adventures and events.

If spouses sleep with their heads to the west, changes will occur in their sex life. dramatic changes, and feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.


The Northwestern direction should be chosen by indecisive people who are afraid of responsibility. Dreaming in this direction will strengthen their morale and strengthen their leadership skills. It is useful for older people to sleep with their head to the north-west - this will make their sleep healthy and complete. Not very suitable for young and active people.

Rules for healthy sleep according to Feng Shui

When choosing the ideal direction for sleep, pay attention to these feng shui tips:

  • The bed should not be positioned so that the head or feet are opposite the entrance to the room. This may have a negative impact on your health.
  • Don't place your bed between a window and a door. Such energy will have negative impact on relationships and worsen well-being.
  • You should not place your sleeping place in a draft - this will disrupt correct flow Qi energy, not to mention colds.
  • There should be no sharp corners near the sleeping place, and there should be no overhanging objects above the headboard: shelves, lamps, paintings.
  • The marital bed should not consist of two halves - the bed should be wide and solid. You cannot move two beds together or use a folding sofa that divides the sleeping space into two halves. Otherwise, the same thing will happen in family life - the couple will gradually move away from each other.
  • The head of the bed should not be directed towards the window. This will lead to health problems and deterioration of family relationships.
  • It is advisable not to keep various literature near your bed, especially horror stories, detective stories, and publications about incidents.
  • Do not place your sleeping place in front of a mirror - this will adversely affect your health and mental state.
  • It is best that the bed is new and does not contain any marks from previous owners. When purchasing an inexpensive bed at a thrift store, you are not insured against the fact that the previous owner could have died on it or had serious health problems.
  • The bed should have a back, preferably solid and rectangular. The copper backrest is not suitable for a sleeping person.
  • The bed should be positioned with the sleeping place against the wall so that the person feels reliable support and felt protected.
  • Furniture intended for sleeping should have strong legs and be in a stable position. A bed on wheels is not suitable for a bedroom designed according to Feng Shui. Furniture that is in an unstable position symbolizes uncertainty and instability.
  • Do not place the bed directly outside the door, otherwise you will suffer from nightmares and disturbing dreams.

How to arrange a bedroom according to Feng Shui?

To ensure that your sleep is always healthy and complete, you need to take the arrangement of your bedroom seriously.

The bedroom should be located as far as possible from the entrance, and the door of the bedroom and bathroom should not be opposite each other, otherwise family relationships may deteriorate.

It is best to decorate the bedroom in delicate pastel shades - beige, coffee, peach. This color scheme promotes proper energy circulation. And saturated dark shades absorb Qi energy, which has a bad effect on well-being.

A bedroom decorated in bright red colors will bring you relationship problems, insomnia and nightmares. When decorating a bedroom, it is best to use small red details.

In the matrimonial bedroom, you should use decor in the form of paired items: two doves, two hearts, two figurines. This will help strengthen family ties and fill relationships with harmony and passion.

Don't turn your bedroom into a pile of furniture. According to Feng Shui, it is enough to have a wide, comfortable bed and a spacious closet in the bedroom. It is better to opt for furniture from natural materials. But it is better not to use furniture made of metal, because it has an electromagnetic effect on people.

We introduced you to the secrets of Feng Shui teachings on how to sleep properly. And in conclusion, we recommend watching this interesting video:

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

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Each feng shui figurine this is a talisman that is a kind of zone activator, attracting a certain type of energy. For example, some talisman helps to gain wealth, another to attract success, a third to strengthen health, a fourth to the emergence of mutual love... We can say that talismans are kind of magnets that attract favorable energy flows into your living space, harmonize them, generating a certain magnetic field , which is designed to increase the owner’s well-being and strengthen his position. However, you shouldn’t turn your apartment into a museum of mascots. But well-chosen and correctly placed Feng Shui figurines can really work wonders!

When choosing talismans, purchase exactly those figures that you like, both in appearance and in symbolism and meaning.

Never buy a talisman if you don't like it.

The Dragon

One of the most revered symbols in the East is the Dragon, this creature is sacred, it embodies complete harmony, nobility, courage, strength, greatness and wisdom. In China Dragon holding a pearl in its paws was considered a symbol of the emperor, his heavenly patron. The most powerful element of Feng Shui with pronounced Yang energy, the Dragon protects the strong half of humanity, promotes career growth, helps to achieve financial success, protects from competitors, unscrupulous partners, and generally from bad people.

It is recommended to place the Dragon figurine in the East; it is better if the figurine stands on a pedestal, stand or small elevation, but not higher than the owner’s eye level, otherwise the Dragon will dominate. Since the Dragon is an exclusively yang animal that creates active energy, we do not recommend storing it in your bedroom, since the bedroom should be conducive to rest, and yang energy flows are not suitable for this.

Do not be afraid of the dragon, honor it and believe that it is a guard protecting you from troubles and enemies, in this case the dragon will be beneficial.


A variety of fish, both together and separately, are a very common talisman in Feng Shui. Goldfish is a symbol of success in financial affairs, so a very successful placement would be the wealth zone in the Southeast. Fish figurines are also well suited for activating the territory of the element of water - the North - a zone of career growth, new opportunities and endeavors.

It is best to purchase a figurine of Carp or Arowana. Carp or sacred fish "Tai" symbolizes good luck and spiritual achievements. Placing it in the wealth zone in the Southeast contributes to the accumulation of capital and material well-being. Two carps represent the harmony of relations between spouses, and nine carps represent enrichment and prosperity. Carp is also a symbol of determination and perseverance, because Carp persistently overcomes the current and river rapids, reaching the mouth of the river.

However, the most successful way to activate the wealth zone is to purchase a fish with a mysterious name Arowana aka "Dragon Fish". In nature, this is a fairly rare and very expensive fish; the cost of some of its species can be tens of thousands of dollars. In Feng Shui, Arowana symbolizes enormous, simply fabulous wealth. She is characterized by bewitching grace, amazingly beautiful colors and a proud appearance.

“Dragon Fish” is considered the strongest magnet for wealth, which always works. The only peculiarity is that different people Arowana bestows different amounts of material wealth. It is also worth noting that just one Arowana is enough to activate the wealth zone in your home. If you want to have several of them, then you should purchase only an odd number of these beautiful fish, otherwise they will create friction between you and your friends, and quarrels may begin over money.


In China, and throughout the world, a dog is a symbol of loyalty and devotion. And the arrival of an unfamiliar dog portends prosperity in the future. Some people believe that if a strange dog comes and stays in their house, then this is a good omen for the family and a harbinger of future prosperity. Puppy – symbolizes renewal, energy, joy and growth. A dog figurine can be placed in the office on your desktop as a symbol of good luck in your career or business. For people born in the year of the dog, this talisman will be doubly favorable.

United talismans, so to speak, have gained particular popularity. For example, a dog holding a coin of happiness in its paws protects the owner from evil forces and brings material well-being, other popular talismans have a similar meaning - a dog with a gold bar or a chest. A powerful talisman is a dog holding Ba Gua octagon. In the center of the octagon is Yin-Yang, this ancient symbol in Chinese philosophy, denotes the harmony of two opposites Yin and Yang. Yang – white (day) – male sign, Yin – black (night) – female sign. Eight tigers represent a magical amulet - protecting against evil spirits.
Such an amulet can protect a room from negativity and harmonize the space.

It is recommended to place the dog figurine in a visible place, then the dog will know that its arrival is welcome and expected. In return, the dog will become your faithful friend and helper. It will protect your profits, help you achieve your plans, and will protect you throughout the entire time.


The magical king bird Fen Huang or Phoenix, the patron saint of all feathered creatures. This bird has such strong energy that it can be reborn from fire and ashes and rise above the most terrible circumstances. Phoenix figurine very effectively activates the energies of success, fame and prosperity. The figurine of a magical bird is recommended to be placed in the South, since it symbolizes the warmth of summer, sun and fire. IN Feng Shui Phoenix brings happiness, the ability to change the unfavorable outcome of circumstances and win, receive unexpected support, wisdom, beauty and prosperity. A fire bird contributes to the development of your creative inclinations and helps your wishes come true. The Phoenix requires free space in order to rise unhindered into the sky in order to look out for danger in the distance and learn about news.


The talisman of heavenly protection and support, the turtle, is also a symbol of wisdom, longevity and persistent movement forward. In Feng Shui black turtle brings good luck to its owner and helps in business, steadily and smoothly increasing income and standard of living. The support of a turtle is especially important for the owner of the house and the head of the family. The one who has a turtle behind his back is safe, since his rear is protected from attacks. The turtle is a symbol of hard work, which will be rewarded in the future. Figurine with three turtles lying on top of each other, denotes the well-being of three generations, this talisman is especially good for families who live under the same roof with their parents.

Turtle- this is the keeper of the north, by the way, which is why it is advised to place the study in the north of the home. It is best to purchase a turtle made of metal, or with a metallic tint - bronze, golden or silver, since in the circle of the generation of elements, metal creates the element of water. Black also suits the turtle well. However, keep in mind that the bedroom for water talismans is a forbidden territory. Water symbols standing in the bedroom destroy the romantic atmosphere.


The rooster is an intermediary, a watchman, making contact between Heaven and Earth and being a conductor of solar energy, which is why it is also called the bird of the Sun. Thus, in Japan, the Rooster is associated with the first ray of light and hope for a better and more successful life. In China, the Rooster is endowed with an image that combines five virtues. He is a protection for the weak and oppressed. The ability to protect his home from evil forces makes him an excellent watchman, and the ability to fairly distribute food among the inhabitants of the yard, feeding the weaker, speaks of his kind heart. Fearlessness, kindness and wisdom make one treat him with great respect.

Rooster figurine can be placed at the entrance or in the wealth sector in the Southeast. The rooster also perfectly activates the fame zone in the south, where it helps those who need not just a good reputation, but fame in certain circles and even fame. However, few people know that the rooster is an excellent talisman against infidelity. It is believed that the figurine of a rooster can suppress sexual promiscuity, debauchery and infidelity. If you are afraid that someone may try to steal your partner from you, then in this case the rooster figurine should be placed above the entrance or opposite the main entrance. If you believe that your companion is prone to cheating, then put the rooster in his closet. It is optimal to place two figures of roosters - on the right and on the left side .


The most popular deity in Feng Shui is a fat guy named Hotei, it symbolizes happiness, fun and prosperity. Hotei predetermines the destinies of people and helps in the fulfillment of desires. There is a belief that if you make a wish and rub Hotei’s belly 300 times, it will definitely come true, the main thing is not to make a mistake in the calculations.

The character Hotei has a real story - he was a monk who lived in China in the 10th century, he wandered through the villages with a large canvas bag and rosary, and wherever he stopped, fun, joy, happiness, prosperity and good luck came. And when they asked him what was in the bag, Hotei answered: “I have the whole world there!”

Figurine of Hotei is considered a universal talisman, so it can be placed in almost any sector. If Hotei is depicted with coins, a chest or a bag of gold, then it should be placed in the wealth sector in the Southeast, if Hotei is made with a ginseng staff or a gourd, then this is a talisman of health and longevity - this place is in the eastern sector, which is responsible for the health of the whole family, a laughing Hotei surrounded by children will bring you long-awaited offspring - such a figurine should be given a place in the southwestern part of your home - the zone of love and relationships. Hotei with a pearl symbolizes wisdom, with a fan - protects against bad energy, holding the Rod of Ruyi - a symbol of high position in society.


In China, they believe that the elephant attracts happiness and good luck with its trunk. It is a symbol of stability, stability, wisdom, prudence, longevity, royal greatness and indestructible strength. IN Feng Shui The elephant brings peace, prosperity, stability and a rich harvest to its owners, and also protects against all dangers and risks. According to an ancient Myanmar legend, the ruler whose ruler is an elephant with its trunk raised will achieve success in governing the country. Therefore there will be such an elephant a great gift for managers, bosses and heads of families.

Elephant figurine It is advised to place it on the windowsill, with its trunk directed towards the auspicious star, then it will draw good luck into the house from the street through the window.

To attract wealth and prosperity, a figurine of an elephant with a raised trunk is placed in the Southeast. The elephant personifies indestructible strength and power, which is why it is also used in the North-West sector of patronage and assistance. Among other things, the elephant helps to reduce unnecessary material waste; its stability and stability can affect the wastefulness of home owners, curbing their ardor to spend money on unnecessary, empty things.

Elephant with trunk down patronizes the female sex, he gives motherhood. Therefore, women who are trying in vain to have children should pay attention to this figurine. As a rule, such elephants are depicted next to their offspring - one or even several baby elephants.


Magic three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth, symbolizes wealth, immortality and monetary luck, it is considered the guardian of home and wealth. There is a legend according to which, in ancient times, when Buddha walked the earth, and Feng Shui was just in its infancy, there lived a three-legged toad, she was a very greedy and malicious creature with a bad character, but Buddha didn’t like it, and then he captured her and obliged her to help people and gain wealth as payment. Since then, the toad has been paying for his excessive greed by spitting out gold coins. She appeared at the doorstep of the house in the evening, and the next day the owners’ income increased significantly.

Usually a figurine of a three-legged toad is placed in the southeastern or northern sectors, you can place one toad in the southeastern sector of each room, this will increase monetary energy. Also, a figurine of a toad can be placed in a composition with moving water (fountain, waterfall) - this will further increase your monetary luck. It is believed that the toad should be placed with its back to front door, so that it appears as if she is jumping into your house. You cannot place the toad so that it looks out the window or faces the front door.. This talisman is very common in China; it is widely used in business and at home.


The horse figurine is a classic symbol for the glory zone. It is believed that the horse brings success in career, business, helps restore a damaged reputation and strengthen the image.

If in life you often face difficult competition at work or in business, then by placing a horse figurine on your desktop you can attract good luck and success. A horse directed upward is especially effective. Feng Shui recommends that businessmen and enterprising people have at least one such figurine in their office as a talisman of victory, perseverance, endurance, courage, strength, respect and unquenchable optimism.

The place where it should be horse figurine- this is the southern or southwestern sector of your office, but the horse should not be facing the window or door.


In Feng Shui, the ox symbolizes a long, stable, sustainable and fruitful life, and also indicates hard work, perseverance and perseverance in achieving goals. With the help of this talisman, you can activate the zone of prosperity and wealth in your home so that your income is stable and constant.

In some countries the bull is considered a sacred animal, which brings wealth, prosperity, abundance, success and happiness. The bull is a better talisman than the cow, its muscular structure is intended for those who want to achieve wealth and abundance. A bull figurine will be a wonderful gift for a manager, as well as for beginning entrepreneurs.

Each animal, be it an elephant, a sheep, a bull, a rhinoceros or a horse, reflects its own specific frequency. This is why images of animals in painting or sculpture influence our soul, bringing peace, inner harmony and healing.

To attract wealth, a bull figurine should be placed in the southeast corner of your living room. By placing the bull figurine in the north, you will give impetus to your career growth and overcome obstacles at work. The Ox will protect against the bad intentions of competitors and increase the profits of your business.

Mandarin Ducks

A pair of mandarin ducks symbolize tenderness, love, luck, eternal loyalty and happiness in marriage, they are used to activate the partnership zone.

The imperial duck or mandarin duck received its nickname due to its unusually beautiful plumage and superiority over other species. According to Feng Shui, any paired symbol is very favorable for marital relationships, but these birds are special, they select a mate once in their entire life and can even die if they have to be separated. If you want to meet a person with whom you will live a long and happy life, sharing love and joy, then you should activate the “love angle” with any paired symbol. Mandarin ducks- one of the most common talismans of “pairing”.

It is best to place a figurine of ducks in the love zone - in the southwest. This talisman will bring well-being, prosperity, good luck to your home and will help normalize or strengthen marital relations. Also, an image of a pair of ducks can be placed in the bedroom. If in your bedroom the bed is in the partnership zone, then make sure there are two pillows on it. To activate your romantic space, a pair of swans or doves, or crystal lotus- a symbol of double happiness.


The eagle represents knowledge, wisdom, freedom and power, it is one of the the best talismans for the glory sector. Thanks to its keen eyes, the eagle has a good overview, or in other words, has a wide horizon, it is able to see what is usually not possible to see and appreciate environment. The Eagle can rise to heights and achieve a holistic view of the world. Based on this, Feng Shui recommends that managers, businessmen, and those who want to achieve success in work or business have an image of an eagle in their office. This powerful bird helps you look at things more insightfully and makes it possible to assess the weight of a particular undertaking from other heights.

If you have big ambitions or grandiose plans, and you need a strong activation of the south zone, then you should put an eagle figurine there. This will strengthen your good reputation and bring success in business and fame.

Pi Yao

A mythical creature with the face of either a lion or a dog, one horn, hooves, a tail and small wings called Pi Yao– is considered a very powerful talisman that protects the house from unfavorable energies and evil people. He himself does not harm anyone. According to Feng Shui, figurines of these magical animals are placed in places where streams pass negative energy Sha Qi, that is, opposite sharp corners, towers, peaks, cemeteries, and certainly facing outward. Pi Yao creatures are loyal, very faithful and devoted to their owners, and in addition to protecting the home from unfavorable energy, they also help to gain wealth and increase income.

For the Chinese, the same as dragon turtle, Pi Yao is one of the few creatures capable of pacifying the formidable Prince Jupiter (Tai-Sui).

Since, according to legend, Pi Yao has an immensely large appetite, it will undoubtedly suit those who are engaged in business. The figurine should be placed below the eye level of the owner of the house, and should be avoided from being in the bedroom. If you travel a lot, are away, or often leave your home unattended, then you need to place the Pi Yao at the front door or in the hallway.

In the east they really love this figurine and mostly place not one, but a pair of Pi Yaos.
To keep the power of the talisman from running out, you need to ring a bell around it once a week (or hang a bell nearby) or burn a large candle near the Pi Yao once a month.

dragon turtle

The animal with the head of a dragon and the body of a turtle is a powerful combination of these two creatures. The dragon turtle stands guard over your home and protects it from problems and failures. She embodies wisdom and ambition, is a symbol of peace, tranquility and longevity. This almost universal talisman promotes career growth, a good position in society, attracting wealth, good health and mental balance.

The Chinese believe that any object symbolizing wisdom and knowledge, be it a book, manuscript, typewriter, fountain pen, pencil or even a computer, placed in close proximity to the Dragon Turtle, doubles its power.

For a career, the figurine is placed in the north, for successful studies it should be located in the northeast, to attract wealth it should be placed in the southeast, and for family health, in the east.

One of the most common amulets for the home is wind chimes. This is an elegant design consisting of several metal tubes, bells or other objects strung on a thin fishing line. When air moves, wind music produces a melodious ringing, which, according to Feng Shui, disperses negative energy and attracts good luck.

The talisman is hung above the front door, in the window opening, in front of the porch of a private house. For a wind chime to work, its elements need to be periodically exposed to air flow. If this is not possible, then it is advisable to lightly touch it with your hand when passing by the talisman.

According to Feng Shui, a wind chime amulet can perform various functions, it depends on the materials from which the product is made. If the talisman is made of metal tubes, then it will effectively ward off evil spirits and negative energy. Bamboo sticks with hieroglyphs printed on them attract good luck and happiness into the house.

A heart design placed in the bedroom can be used as a symbol of love. A talisman with a coin promotes material well-being. An amulet with feathers and bells will improve the aura in the house and fill the interior space of the home with peace and tranquility.

Talisman to strengthen family ties

According to Feng Shui, mandarin ducks are considered a symbol of marital fidelity, spiritual intimacy and love.

According to legend, ducks of this species literally cannot live without each other; without their other half, they die. A talisman in the form of two birds is placed in a prominent place in the bedroom; at night it is recommended to place wedding rings next to it.

The best material for mandarin ducks is jasper, jade or porcelain. It must be taken into account that the more noble the stone from which the product is made, the stronger the effect it has. Often the ducks are decorated with precious stones and painted with gold.

Advice! If you are single and want to find your soulmate, then buy a figurine with two mandarin ducks. Install the talisman in the southwestern sector of your house or apartment. It’s good if there is an aquarium or indoor flowers next to it.

Talisman to attract money

There are several amulets for improvement

welfare. The first one is the money tree, according to Feng Shui it should be located on a window facing southeast.

It can be either a real indoor tree, a living plant, or its artificial counterpart. The talisman needs to be looked after; its leaves must always be clean and shiny.

A living money tree needs enough daylight, and the artificial one can stand in the shade. It is recommended to hang a picture of water next to the talisman or install an artificial fountain. To enhance the effect, coins are sometimes buried in the ground with a living plant.

The Ancient Mystery of the Chinese Frog

There are other amulets and signs for money, including decorative elephants, turtles, and reptiles. A common symbol for attracting wealth is a frog or toad with a coin in its mouth.

Many people are interested in where to place the money toad according to Feng Shui so that it attracts wealth and prosperity?

The best place for the amulet there will be a south-east window (place it with its back to the window), the left corner of the desktop, a separate shelf in the living room or an artificial fountain. It is recommended to wash the talisman under running water at least twice a week.

Elephant and turtle according to feng shui

This talisman is endowed with powerful magical powers. His presence

in the house means prosperity and good luck. According to Feng Shui, the elephant should be positioned with its trunk facing the window. If you additionally decorate the amulet with gold jewelry or precious stones, the effect of the talisman will be greatly enhanced.

A very effective amulet is a turtle made of metal, stone, wood or ceramics. It serves as an excellent amulet against evil forces and brings success and good luck in business. The Feng Shui meaning of a turtle varies among different nationalities.

In Asian countries, a figurine depicting a reptile was endowed with the property of imparting wisdom and longevity to a person. In China, the turtle is associated with protection from enemies and negative energy. A talisman installed on the desktop helps to concentrate thoughts and improves brain function.

Where to place butterflies according to Feng Shui

According to ancient custom, feng shui butterflies are best placed in the bedroom, in the southwestern zone of the apartment, which is responsible for love and relationships.

You cannot hang butterfly figurines on curtains or tulle, or install a figurine on a windowsill - in this case, happiness will fly out of the window.

Attach butterflies to the head of the bed or place them on the wall. Do not use dead insects under any circumstances - this will bring negative energy into the house!

This is interesting! The butterfly is not only a symbol of tender feelings. These insects are credited with a mystical connection with the world of magicians.

Powerful symbol of good luck ndash Ganesha

This amulet comes from India and is capable of...

attract wealth to the house, improve commercial activities, remove obstacles from the path of its owner.

He helps those who travel, explore the world and make discoveries. The larger the figurine with the image of Ganesha, the more effective the amulet will work.

Where to place Ganesh according to Feng Shui? The best place for it would be the living room or the northwestern zone of the home.

Three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth.
A symbol of great luck and monetary abundance.
It is best to place the wealth toad at the door of the entrance to the home so
It's like she's jumping into the house.
You can also place one toad in each room in the Southeast sector, thus activating the wealth zone.
It is believed that toads are afraid of heights, so it is not recommended to place them on high shelves.
The Chinese love this talisman very much and use it very widely.

The horse figurine is considered a classic talisman for the zone of fame and career. A horse directed upward is especially good.
In the South, a horse figurine will activate glory, personifying endurance, swiftness, good reputation, and also be a symbol of undying optimism.
The horse brings with it the wind of change and favorable changes in life.

Birds Phoenix
The phoenix in China is considered a magical animal, the patron saint of all winged creatures. The Phoenix bird has such powerful energy that it can rise from fire and ashes and rise above the most terrifying circumstances. The Phoenix bird figurine very effectively activates the energy of prosperity, fame and success. It is recommended to place her figurine in the South.

Cup of Wealth
Traditionally considered a symbol of prosperity and greatness in Feng Shui. It is recommended to place it in the South-East to strengthen your material wealth and increase your income. It is recommended to fill a box in the shape of a gold bar with jewelry from precious metals or stones.
In Feng Shui, the Bowl of Wealth is the most in an effective way in attracting material well-being.
However, the presence of this symbolism is very easy to notice in other nationalities: remember the palaces of the maharajas, where the obligatory presence of vases overflowing with fruit is the first sign that prosperity and success are constant companions of this place.
And, for example, at a Russian courtyard, expected guests are always greeted with full baskets of various treats and sweets, and excess treats are always a sign that there is joy, prosperity and love in the family.

In China, the elephant is believed to attract good luck. It is recommended to place the elephant figurine on the windowsill, then it will attract good luck into the house from the street through the window. A good symbol is an elephant whose trunk is raised up.

Mandarin ducks
Mandarin ducks are a classic talisman of fidelity in love and inseparability. The figurine of ducks must be placed in pairs in the South-West, thereby activating the love zone.

Fountains in Feng Shui are an excellent source of pure vital energy qi! Remember that “feng shui” translated from Chinese means “water and wind”. It is running water that is a life-giving symbol of endless power. Decorative indoor fountains are usually placed in the East, in the zone of personal development, or in the Southeast, in the zone of wealth.

Money trees
A money tree, on whose branches Chinese gold coins grow, attracts financial flows into the house and favorable energy, stimulating the growth of your income. The money tree is a symbol of prosperity and wealth, as well as a symbol money luck. It is recommended to place the money tree in the wealth zone, in the Southeast sector.

Trees with stones
The tree on which semi-precious stones grow is considered the Tree of Happiness. The Tree of Happiness is a symbol of prosperity, wealth and financial well-being. Placing this tree in the East promotes good health, rapid implementation of plans and the implementation of new projects.

Fruit trees
Trees with peach fruits are a classic talisman of health and longevity. It is best to place such a tree in the East or in the center, and it can also be placed where the whole family usually gathers. Trees with tangerine fruits symbolize youth and ardor in relationships. The tangerine tree perfectly activates the love zone in the South-West. Fruit trees are also a wonderful symbol of wealth and abundance.

The Dragon,
holding a pearl of wisdom in his paws, personifies complete harmony, greatness and wisdom. It is considered one of the most powerful symbols in Feng Shui.
It is the dragon, with its breath, that gives birth to the life-giving energy qi, which gives life to all living things.
The dragon symbolizes power, wisdom and kindness, and also brings success in business. In China, a dragon with a pearl was considered a symbol of the emperor, his divine patron.
It is recommended to place the dragon figurine in the East. However, you should not place it above the eye level of the head of the family, otherwise in this case it is believed that the dragon will dominate.

dragon turtle
This is a mythical Chinese animal that protects your home from failures and problems. The dragon-headed turtle is a powerful combination of two creatures that radiate life-giving chi like dragons and protective chi like turtles. It is believed that the Grand Duke of the Year of Tai-Sui likes to have the dragon turtle look at him, and the prince does not show his anger towards people.

This is a wonderful talisman that attracts good luck in business. This symbol appeared in those days when a sailing ship was associated with the arrival of goods and money.
The ship is powerful symbol business success, prosperity and financial wealth.
Accordingly, this talisman means the symbolic “arrival” of good luck. When purchasing a sailboat, pay attention that its sails are raised and inflated, which means a fair wind and no stagnation in business. After all, as you know, the wind in Feng Shui is always auspicious sign. Also make sure that your sailboat is not a prototype model of any famous tragic shipwreck.
When the sailboat is chosen, load it with gold coins, both Chinese and any other, as well as all the same symbols of wealth that were mentioned above: gold bars, stones painted gold, crystal diamonds, gold items and various jewelry and stones.
Place the sailboat close to your front door or window. For efficient work For the talisman, it is necessary that the sailboat has its nose turned towards the inside of the house, that is, it is “arriving”. However, make sure that the sailboat does not turn its nose towards the front door or window, otherwise all the wealth that it carries will float past you. The ship of wealth is perfect not only for the home, but also for the office.

a very popular feng shui talisman. The goldfish is very well suited for the wealth zone and symbolizes success in financial matters.
Also, fish figurines are great for activating the North - the career zone, since the element of the North is water.

Any of the three star elders is a wonderful symbol of the family hearth, protecting the home and family, giving happiness, longevity, health and prosperity. Of course, placing the three elders Fu, Lu and Shu together is more effective, but placing the elders separately is also possible.
It is recommended to place Chinese star elders in the East, in the health zone
or where the whole family usually gathers.
An old man named Fu-hsing personifies happiness, symbolizes great monetary luck and prosperity.
Elder Lu-sin symbolizes family authority, and is also addressed to him
for help to give his family an heir.
Shou-shin is the god of longevity and health, and is almost always depicted with two symbols of longevity, a deer and a peach.
The Shaw figurine is often presented to men as a symbol of endless
source of male strength.

Hottei (or Laughing Buddha) is considered one of the most famous gods of happiness and wealth. It helps in fulfilling your deepest desires and represents well-being, fun, communication and carefreeness.
Translated from Chinese, Hottei means “canvas bag”.
By the way, the prototype of Hottei was based on a real character who lived in China at the end of the 10th century. At that time, a Monk named Qi Qi walked around the villages with a rosary and a large canvas bag, and wherever this monk appeared, good luck, health and prosperity came to people. When asked what was in his bag, he answered: “I have the whole world there!”
The image of Hottei is perfect for activating the Southeast, the zone of Wealth.

symbol of heavenly support and protection. It is best to activate the North turtle figurine, since water is considered the mistress of the north.
Just one turtle will be a good talisman, because the number of the northern sector is one.
Especially good results can be achieved by placing a turtle figurine in a vessel with water. However, do not forget to take into account that the bedroom is a ban for water talismans. Water symbols in the bedroom destroy romantic luck.

The lion in feng shui is, first of all, considered a strong symbol that neutralizes negative influences from outside.
Usually it is placed in front of the front door or by the window if there are buildings or structures there that have an unfavorable effect (road, pipes, a lamp on a pole, a large lonely tree, etc.).
If there is a place in the room with destructive energy, then you can also place a figurine of a lion there; this will weaken the negative impact.
In addition, lions strengthen the authority of the leader or head of the family.

Chinese coins are round coins with a square hole in the center and characters. Coins are used everywhere in Feng Shui.
It is very effective to tie three coins with a red ribbon with the yang side (hieroglyphs) facing up and place them in the wealth sector, as well as place them in places that are associated with finance.
Many successful businessmen do not hide the fact that they use Chinese coins to increase monetary luck, placing them under the rug in front of them.
the front door. Good Feng Shui for construction country house there will be Chinese coins buried under the path leading to the house.

An eagle soaring proudly in the skies is one of the best images for the glory sector. If you have great ambitions, and you need to very powerfully activate the South zone, then it is recommended to place an eagle figurine there; this will strengthen your good reputation, bring fame and success in business.

Pi Yao
Pi Yao is used to strengthen sources of wealth and increase income.
Pi Yao love their owners very much, are obedient to them and very loyal.
Like the dragon turtle, Pi Yao is considered one of the few animals capable of pacifying the prince of the year, who is in the West in 2007.
If you are doing business, then Pi Yao will undoubtedly suit you,
because according to legend, Pi Yao has an immense appetite.
Pi Yao should be placed below the eye level of the head of the family,
and also refrain from placing it in the bedroom.
If you often leave the house unattended and travel long distances, then you should place the Pi Yao near the front door or in the hallway.

are not only a beautiful element of interior decor, but also a strong feng shui tool that helps cope with the influence of the negative energy of protruding corners, sharp objects and others design features your house. Fans perfectly dissipate energy, transforming it into positive energy.

Dream catchers
A dream catcher is hung above the head of the bed or nearby and helps good sleep and good dreams.
The creation of this device was noticed many centuries ago among the North American Indians.
The wise people found mutual understanding with nature through meditation and deep study. When inventing the dream trap, the Indians recreated a woven web from leather ropes.
It was in this way, in their opinion, that she did not allow evil spirits to enter, causing chaos in the mind and, thus, did not allow nightmares to form.

Fu dogs
symbol of protecting the well-being of the home. They personify courage, selflessness and justice. Fu Dogs are good in pairs, as they combine the harmony of Yin and Yang energies. It is recommended to place figurines of these dogs opposite the front door or in the wealth area. In this case, they will serve the well-being of the family and the stability of relationships, as well as protect each family member from troubles and failures.

Red Chinese lanterns are a very effective talisman for the love zone. Chinese lanterns are usually hung in pairs, since paired items in themselves are strong activators of the zone of love and marriage, and the red color of the lanterns only enhances their effect.

Gourd pumpkins
The gourd pumpkin or Hu-lu is a strong talisman of the health zone in the East. Also, the chola gourd should be placed at the head of or above the bed of a sick person, and after his recovery, it should be thoroughly washed under running water, wiped dry and a large candle burned next to it.
In addition, kholu pumpkin harmonizes relationships between children and adults
and between spouses who have lost interest in each other.

Master of money
The Master of Money or Chen Loban is one of the most revered symbols in China, the keeper of money.
The owner of the money should be placed where you usually keep your savings,
then your money will not slip through your fingers, but, on the contrary, will be preserved and multiplied.
It is believed that the figurine of the Master of Money should be inherited,
along with it, financial success will come to your descendants.

During the time of the emperors, the lotus flower was associated with royal power,
and in China it was revered as a sacred plant. The structure of the lotus flower symbolizes the interaction of the feminine and masculine principles, as well as life, chastity, harmony and purity.
Crystal lotus fills family members with excellent health - place in the center of the room.
For career growth, it is recommended to place it in the South in the glory zone.
Its transparent petals transmit negative chi energy through them,
transforming it into a positive one and distributing it evenly throughout the room.

This is a necklace made of beads that are sorted while repeating mantras or prayers.
The rosary is used to count the spoken mantras and calm the mind.
A person touching a rosary not only strengthens his spirit,
but also becomes more balanced.

Health balls
Chinese health balls are used to maintain harmonious balance
Yin and Yang in the human body.
Targeted stimulation of certain areas with the help of health balls has a positive effect on all areas of the body.
Along the palm there are three Yin meridians (meridians of the heart, circulation and lungs) and three Yang meridians (meridians of the large and small intestine), which are connected to the organs of the body and the brain.
By rotating Chinese balls in your palms, you stimulate many acupuncture points.
Rotating the balls quickly clockwise increases Yang energy, while spinning slowly counterclockwise increases Yin energy.
The sound produced by the balls during exercise has a calming and at the same time stimulating effect. Regardless of whether you exercise with balls for fun or exercise with them for medicinal purposes, such regular exercise will have a beneficial effect on your health.

The music of wind
Wind music will protect against unfavorable flows of qi energy, dispersing them through its hollow tubes and transforming them into pure and beneficial ones. With the help of wind music, the room will be filled with strength and harmony, and the soft sound will remind you of purity and wisdom.

Candlesticks are not only a wonderful element of interior decor,
but also carry the energy of fire.
To improve any feng shui zone, you need to light candles there at least occasionally. Warm light candles in a beautiful candlestick will gently diffuse throughout the room, attracting beneficial chi energy into your home.

Money envelopes
Storing even a symbolic amount in gold cash envelopes is a sign of multiplying existing capital.
However, you should never save money “for a rainy day,” otherwise it will definitely come.
Save money exclusively for something pleasant (travel, shopping, a happy life)

Heavenly Guardians
are protectors of man both physically and spiritually.
Warrior figurines will protect your home from uninvited guests and people with evil thoughts, protect your material well-being and rid your home of gossip and negative energy from strangers.
Many entrepreneurs keep a warrior figurine on hand during important business negotiations. In China, the heavenly guardians are treated with great reverence and respect, as they represent courage and devotion to their emperor.
In China, it is believed that warriors with their fierce faces can frighten even a robber or an emotionless ghost.

considered the god of wisdom and the remover of obstacles.
He is the patron and powerful symbol of good luck in business, as well as the patron of trade and travel, helping to gain authority and influence. The Ganesha figurine is best placed in the assistant zone in the North-West.
His figurine can also be placed on your desktop. In this case, it will help you increase your income and stimulate professional success.

Crystals are a wonderful symbol of love and wealth.
Small crystal diamonds transmit negative chi energy through themselves, transforming it into positive energy and distributing it evenly throughout the room.

Feng Shui talismans raise many questions among adherents of Eastern philosophy or simply interested people. These questions relate to both their correct use and their correct placement in certain sectors. As a result, we decided to write an article that will describe in detail all the features of using Feng Shui talismans, including issues of choice and location. In the article, we divided all talismans into 8 BaGua sectors and 5 elements. The element will be indicated first, and then the BaGua sector, activated by the talisman in case of constant failures or stagnation in life. Read the information carefully, since not all of the talismans listed work with these sectors. And remember that there are a great many Feng Shui talismans, so it will not be possible to describe them all. At the same time, the strongest representatives will be described in more or less detail. website

Water. North (Career sector), East (Family and Health sector), South-East (Wealth sector).

1. Aquarium.

The main water mascot is the Aquarium. This is a powerful and quite expensive Feng Shui talisman. Like other water elements, an aquarium is responsible for material wealth and well-being. If there are fish swimming in the aquarium, they will act as additional Feng Shui talismans. This is especially true for goldfish, the number of which should ideally correspond Gua number the person who is considered the main breadwinner in the family. The Aquarium talisman will become even more powerful if there is a toad with a coin inside it. But we will talk about it in more detail below. A similar effect can be achieved by using a ship with a treasure trove of gold coins, or an ordinary treasure chest. Do not forget that the aquarium will have to be maintained regularly. The water in it should be perfectly clean, and the fish should always be in complete comfort. It is not necessary to build an entire wall aquarium. Its dimensions should be harmoniously combined with the dimensions and content of the room and apartment.

2. Three-legged toad.

People seeking to improve their well-being with the help of Feng Shui have certainly come across this popular talisman. The toad must hold a gold coin in its mouth, which will be a symbol of home and family wealth. The talisman has several features. Firstly, the coin should not stick to your mouth, because this way the toad will not “give you the money.” Secondly, it is better to place the three-legged toad at the bottom of the fountain, and the fountain should be in the Wealth sector or at the entrance to your apartment. To activate the talisman, regularly place the toad in an aquatic environment. After pulling it out, it is better not to wipe the toad.

3. Heron.

Surprisingly, the Heron bird is a water talisman of Feng Shui. It is best used in the Family sector, that is, in the East. The most useful is the image of a heron in a nest, which is a symbol of family comfort and home. The tasks of the Heron include protecting and cleansing the house from various evil spirits. In China, the heron is found in almost every home, and it is usually located on the sunny side. If the heron has a snake in its beak, which the bird brings to the chicks as food, then the talisman is intended to care for and protect children. If a stone is clutched in the paws of a heron, then this is a talisman for travelers, in the broad sense of the word. The stone adds weight, and this allows you not to go astray and not fly far from the goal. If a heron stands on one leg and holds a stone with the other, and at the same time retracts its neck, then this Feng Shui talisman symbolizes vigilance.

4. Turtle.

This, of course, is a water talisman, carries longevity, wisdom and heavenly protection. Legend has it that the turtle is the founder of the eastern teachings of feng shui. When she crawled out of the water onto the shore towards the Emperor, there were 9 numbers on her shell. Within the mascot there should be one turtle, not a group. Well, it is considered the most effective live turtle, which will live in your aquarium filled with water. Feng Shui philosophy indicates what the turtle will bring with it stable income and material well-being. She will be a very good help to the main breadwinner of the family. The talisman is most often produced in black, which corresponds to the water element. However, sometimes you can find gold-plated and metal turtles. The theory of the five elements states that metal can generate water, as a result of which a metal talisman will be even more powerful than a black one. If the turtle is made not in the form of a mascot, but in the form of an image, then you can attach your photograph to its shell. This will help the turtle raise you to the surface, that is, to the goals that you have outlined for yourself.

Tree. East (Family and Health sector), South-East (Wealth sector), South (Glory sector).

1. Money tree.

To attract finance, there is no more powerful talisman, as a result of which it needs to be placed in the Southeast (Wealth sector). The money tree is a succulent with large leaves. round shape. You can put a couple of coins in the pot, which will only strengthen the talisman. You can put a fountain or any other next to the tree water source, including all kinds of images of streams. It is not advisable to place cacti in close proximity. Also, it is better not to place plants in the bedroom. If you do not want to purchase a living tree, you can use a panel for this purpose, which will have a corresponding image. You can make the tree yourself. To do this, you can use coins and banknotes instead of leaves. Sometimes on sale you can see money trees which are decorated semiprecious stones. But this is rather a talisman of happiness, rather than a talisman of wealth. Only you can decide which feng shui tree is ideal for attracting material wealth to your family.

2. Dragon.

An equally powerful talisman, which is very common in the teachings of Feng Shui. For example, the Qing Long dragon, in whose paws there is a pearl, is the personification of Qi energy. A powerful male talisman for Yang energy. It symbolizes the Emperor, with all the ensuing consequences. It is best to place it in the Southeast or East. The dragon should be, maximum, at human eye level. If it stands higher, the talisman will begin to dominate, which is completely undesirable for the owner of the house. The dragon is able to bring material well-being to the family, increase activity and in a positive way influence business success. It is better to place it in the living room or hallway. In addition, some experts recommend placing the dragon on the left side of the front door. Do not place the mascot in the nursery or bedroom. He doesn't belong there. The dragon does not like to be placed in the South, which cannot be said about other Feng Shui wood talismans. Jade green dragons, as well as dragons of corresponding shades, have the greatest power.

Fire. South (Glory sector), South-West (Marriage sector), North-East (Knowledge sector).

1. Peacock.

This is a talisman for improving career issues, but it will only work if you sincerely love it, periodically admire the beauty of its outline, etc. The peacock will sense this and repay it with kindness. Before you even have time to blink an eye, career heights will approach you at an alarming speed. It is better to place the peacock in the South, that is, in the Glory sector. As for the Feng Shui talisman itself, it is better to purchase a Peacock made of precious metals, inlaid with stones. It is also possible to use an image of a peacock, but you need to choose the most beautiful and bright picture. The bird likes it when candles are burned near it and it is fed grains.

2. Phoenix.

The phoenix bird is the strongest patron of winged creatures on the planet. She rises from the ashes and can quickly rise above all troubles. By placing the Phoenix in the South, you are guaranteed to attract success and fame. If you place Phoenix in the Southwest, he will help you in family matters, and childless couples can even count on replenishment. But remember that the Phoenix is ​​hot-tempered, so it is better to immediately balance it with the Feng Shui talismans of the Turtle or the Dragon. Otherwise, others will begin to notice your increasing impulsiveness. The dragon is the most suitable pair for the Phoenix, since according to Chinese mythology they are in a marital relationship. Appearance The Phoenix bird according to the teachings of Feng Shui is very different from how we imagine it. It has the beak of a rooster, the neck of a snake, the crop of a swallow and dragon patterns on the body. In addition, the Phoenix has multi-colored plumage and fish tail. From the back, such a “bird” resembles a turtle, and from the front, a swan.

Earth. South-West (Marriage sector), North-East (Knowledge sector), West (Creativity sector), North-West (Helpers sector).

1. Crystals.

These Feng Shui talismans are very popular due to the fact that they dispel all the negative energy in your home and even transform it into positive energy. It is worth recognizing that the canons of Feng Shui are not observed in all apartments in our country. For example, the door to the toilet may be located opposite the front door, which greatly affects the overall energy. If you want to correct the situation, hang a beautiful crystal above the toilet door using a red rope (symbol of Fire). Such a talisman will strengthen the Earth in your home, since the Crystal is a real earth talisman. Natural crystals, as expected, have maximum efficiency. Rock crystal can even demonstrate healing effects. Of course, artificial crystals will also work. Just make sure that they have the ability to refract light and that their structure closely resembles natural ones. Before use, it is recommended to clean the crystals in water with stirred sea salt. After this, you can charge the crystals with good thoughts by holding them in your hands. As for the accommodation sectors, they are determined from those listed above by the owner of the apartment. For example, you can hang a crystal, in accordance with the selected sector, on a window or purchase a crystal chandelier and lamps. The light refracted in the crystal will not only cleanse your energy, but will also attract good luck to your side.

2. Elephant.

This talisman is able to attract good luck to you in all its forms. The elephant is placed in almost any sector, since it is not picky. But we would still recommend placing the talisman in the North-West, in the Mentors sector. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the Elephant talisman can be made from any material. The only condition is that the trunk is directed upward. By placing the talisman on the windowsill, as if an elephant is looking outside, you can attract not only good luck, but also good Qi energy that will come from outside. If the elephant looks inside the house, then it will increase the luck that you already have. It is recommended to give the Elephant to those people who are famous for uncontrollably spending their money. The talisman will give them feelings of calm and confidence, which will be reflected in the character of the recipient. If the Elephant is placed in the Southeast (Wealth sector), then do not forget to decorate the talisman with precious jewelry to enhance its effectiveness. These can be rings, chains or beads.

3. Mandarin ducks.

Ducks are a Feng Shui talisman that is best placed in the Southwest (Marriage sector). The talisman symbolizes marital happiness, love and fidelity. Legend has it that beautiful mandarin ducks are capable of remaining faithful to only one single partner for the rest of their lives. But remember that there must be two ducks. This sector generally loves pairings, including figurines, candles and other feng shui paraphernalia. You can leave wedding rings near the ducks overnight. Some people even put them next to them wedding photo and marriage certificate. Mandarin ducks used as a mascot should be orange and made of natural materials. For example, stone ducks will enhance the Earth in your home.

Metal. West (Creativity sector), North-West (Helpers sector), North (Career sector).

1. Mobiles.

This is the name for constantly moving objects that allow you to activate energy flows in the house. The energy does not stagnate, but it does not leave the apartment too quickly. The mobile can be placed in any room, including the living room, office and bedroom. One way or another, it will be beneficial. Constant movement will manifest itself already on the first day after installation. The mobile phone will have the greatest effect in the Helpers, Creativity and Career sectors. If you are a business person, be sure to place a talisman on your desk.

2. Tiger.

This talisman is distinguished by its belligerence, for the tiger is a real protector and fighter. evil spirits and otherworldly forces. The tiger rules over all evil. This talisman must be used with great care in the house. The tiger is quite finicky in handling, and its warlike energy in some cases can be directed against residents. If someone in the family was born in the year of the pig, rooster and rabbit (traditional food of the tiger), then using the talisman is not recommended. If there are no such people in the house, you can use a sleeping tiger cub, which will protect the family from troubles. The most powerful feng shui talismans are the stone tiger. white, which are best located in the West. If you want to control the Tiger, buy him a Dragon talisman, which should be vertically higher than the tiger talisman.

Feng Shui talismans that can be placed in any sector at your own discretion.

These talismans can be located where you feel a special need. Note that these talismans are no less powerful than those described above, but their disposition is more good-natured and calm, as a result of which all members of your family will feel the positive effect of their use.

1. Unicorn.

This is a kind and mystical animal that will certainly bring wealth to your home and rid it of all negative energy. More than a year It is not recommended to use a unicorn, as the teachings of Feng Shui clearly tell us. Note that Chinese mythology shows us this mythical animal in a completely different form than we are used to. The unicorn has a dragon's head, a lion's tail, deer antlers, and cow hooves. Its body is covered with shell and scales. Tradition says that the Unicorn is the son of the Dragon. He is able to clearly distinguish between the concepts of good and evil. The Unicorn is also the Dragon's horse. In Japan it is called Kirin. A feng shui talisman is used if a couple is trying to have a child or wants to help existing children. You need to place the Unicorn so that it looks from your house. It is better to place it on the right side of the front door.

This Feng Shui talisman is designed to stabilize the energy flows in your home. Its goal is to transform negative into positive, control negative energy, and prevent it from leaving a certain territory. Hang the pagoda in the place where, in your opinion, the most negative energy accumulates. This could be a toilet, bathroom or any other room in your home. The pagoda will act as a gate guard if you hang it near the front door. People who unknowingly or consciously bring negative energy into your home will no longer appear in your home. Popularly this phenomenon is called the evil eye. If the Feng Shui talisman “Pagoda” is combined with a turtle figurine, then it is better to place it in the Southeast, East or Northern sector.

In the North, a pagoda with a turtle will more actively absorb negative energy and protect you from career failures. In the East, it will contribute to career growth. In the Southeast, the talisman will attract material wealth to you, and you will experience great success in your work. Pagodas with a tiger are no less popular. If you hang them in the West, the talisman will improve your health, since the tiger is a born protector of the Western sector. Hanging a tiger pagoda in the Northwest will reliably protect your career success. In the East, such a pagoda will protect creative success. And in the Southeast, she will protect material well-being. Finally, by placing a Feng Shui talisman in the South, you will protect your family from the evil eye and damage.

3. Pi Yao.
