What awaits the dragons? Dragons will achieve success in the year of the yellow dog

The dragon has long been considered a very mysterious sign eastern horoscope. He is impulsive and cocky, but at the same time, the Dragon is successful in many matters and is also endowed with virtues. Harmony and long life- a “trick” of people born in the year of the Dragon.

Confident in its superiority, this symbol will always be able to achieve its goals and emerge victorious from the most seemingly impenetrable scrape. Endowed with some very special worldly wisdom, The Dragon is the unquestioning leader in his environment. But, nevertheless, he lacks breadth of perception, and the lack of sophistication prevents the Dragon from living life to the fullest.

A lover of grandiose projects in which the Dragon puts himself at the center of the undertaking, he can be overly boastful. The dragon is distinguished by its sincerity and extraordinary intelligence, which, of course, allows it to manipulate friends, family and acquaintances.

If on the way of the Dragon he encounters a worthy opponent, obviously stronger than himself, the Dragon will never organize “undercover” games, fighting bravely and desperately. He can be called a good friend; the Dragon’s advice is worth listening to.

If you were born under this wonderful eastern sign, then Horoscope for Dragon for 2018 will be able to help you understand how to act in a given situation and what is best to pay attention to in the coming year. for this sign?

General horoscope for the eastern sign – Dragon

It promises to be full of a variety of events. Moreover, these can be both good and bad incidents. The latter will clearly be connected with family matters - perhaps one of your family members will upset you with their misconduct, for which you will have to answer.

The beginning of the year will not bring satisfaction financial affairs, therefore, tighten your belts and get to work with special zeal. By spring, a friendly Dog will bring the Dragon a promotion at work or a new money project.

Even cash flow will start rushing river into your pockets, you shouldn’t spend it right away - in the near future a major acquisition will loom on the horizon, which will require almost all the funds you have stored.

Autumn will pass in some tension. There will be quarrels with friends and conflicts in the family. All this is not the most in the best possible way will affect the psycho-emotional state of the Dragon. In December, there will be an opportunity to make the “necessary” acquaintance, which will affect the improvement of your financial condition.

Man - Dragon

The Dragon knows how to please a woman and 2018 will give him every chance to do this. Starting from the first days of January, representatives of this sign will have no end to fair half humanity. Knowing the Dog’s temperament, you should think about changing tactics - if you don’t establish strong relationships With new darling, then by the end of the year all the advantages will change to squabbles and quarrels on every occasion, and sometimes without it at all.

In the Year of the Dog, you will most likely be able to acquire new interesting connections, which will later develop into strong male friendships. It is possible that the Dragon will have to make a lot of effort to win over a new person. Innate sincerity and selflessness will help in this difficult matter.

It is better for Dragon men to give up excessively in 2018 active rest associated with the risk of injury. Recklessness has never brought anyone any good. Try to put off adrenaline-filled entertainment for the time being, especially in the second third of the year. Spend more time with your family, relatives and friends.

Dragon Woman

The Mistress of 2018 favors all representatives of the fair sex. Dragon women also deserve special favor, so the Dog will not create tricks. Overall, the year will go well, with the possible exception of a few not-so-pleasant moments.

Among the surprises prepared for you in 2018, there is one very interesting acquaintance, having a romantic background. A man will appear in your life who will have feelings for you. However, the feelings will not necessarily be exclusively “tender”; the Dog is a friendly and sociable sign, so it can also attract the appearance of a new friend.

In the fall, representatives of the sign may find themselves in the grip of blues or even depression. Unfortunately, the latter often amazes the cheerful disposition of Dragon women. You should put all your efforts into strengthening your own love of life.

The recipe for happiness is simple - drive away anxious thoughts, enjoy pleasant little things, enjoy communication with friends and do not let the autumn melancholy get to you.

Health in 2018

Dragons have always had excellent health. The coming year will not bring surprises, so many representatives of the sign will be able to avoid even banal acute respiratory infections.

However, you shouldn’t relax, because in the summer a cautious Dog can test you - fans of a high-energy holiday will be subject to various kinds injuries that can be avoided with extreme caution. Then not only fractures and serious injuries, but also dislocations and cuts will bypass you.

Home is also worth following basic rules safety, so that the fair and correct Dog does not teach the careless Dragon a memorable lesson.

In autumn, the most restless time of the year will come for you. Due to frequent conflicts at home, at work, among friends, disorders are possible nervous system. Peace of mind should be supported especially carefully, because depression in the Dragon is very difficult.

Yours the main task– do not take minor troubles to heart. A little rest and a change of environment will help you avoid the blues. By the New Year, everything will definitely get better, and the cheerful, cheerful Dragon will once again become the soul of the company.

Love horoscope for Dragon for 2018

For free Dragons, the Dog will give a lot of flirting, a lot of new acquaintances and a lot of have a nice meeting. To keep a new person, you will have to work hard. By changing their approach to relationships, lonely Dragons will settle down and find their soul mates. You just have to want it - and love will burst into your life in a swift stream.

Autumn will bring unpleasant surprises in romantic life Dragon. Family representatives of the sign are expected to have ugly quarrels with their spouses. Some couples will end up getting divorced. In order not to quarrel over a trifle, you need to control yourself and show truly Dragon patience.

To those Dragons who are just building their love relationship, the eastern horoscope recommends moderating your ardor and not provoking your significant other. Otherwise you will have to look for yourself new pair. And quarrels and disagreements will occur for a banal reason - flirting, which in 2018 the Dragons are expected to have in abundance.


One can only envy the willpower and determination of the representatives of the sign. The Year of the Dog will give the Dragons some special tenacity. Rest assured, your efforts will not go unnoticed. The management values ​​such personnel.

Anyone who puts in a lot of effort and is planning a promotion can breathe easy in 2018, as the next step will be conquered. The work and effort spent in the first half of the year will bear fruit in the second half of the year.

New acquaintances, useful connections and inevitable success await those Dragons who show their efficiency and determination not in words, but in deeds. In the fall, you should be careful - there is a high probability of ill-wishers appearing in the workplace.

Take a closer look at your surroundings, slightly dampen your friendliness and loyalty - perhaps you do not notice obvious envious people.

Finance and business

2018 may present a surprise that is not very pleasant for the Dragon at the very beginning. This sign is extremely developed sense debt. And under his authority, he very often solves the problems of loved ones. In the Year of the Dog, there is a high probability that someone from the inner circle may substitute the Dragon with their actions. The problem will be solved quickly enough and without any significant losses, but the mood will be ruined for a long time.

The year will not bring significant changes, except for some professional and financial growth. Dragons who are carried away and eager for impressions can get bored. The best solution would be to go on vacation. Try to choose a place where you have not been before and choose a rich entertainment program.

The horoscope warns Dragons against carelessness: the risk of domestic and sports injuries is increased. Screw down doors that have been loose for a long time, be careful in icy conditions, and do not engage in extreme sports.

Astrologers recommend not spending money on unnecessary little things. Income will exceed the Dragon's expectations, and in the spring they will reach new professional heights. Without limiting himself to the usual, but avoiding excesses and saving a little every month, by the fall the Dragon will be able to afford the desired large acquisitions.

Completion years will pass For this sign it’s quite calm, you can take stock and slowly make plans.

Love horoscope

Dragons in their personal lives, as in other areas, cannot stand routine and primitivism. Those close to you initially adhere to the same priorities or have already learned from sad experience. By 2018, personal relationships that began earlier will develop successfully.

Fate will provide lonely representatives of the sign with the opportunity to find what they want: non-binding relationships or a worthy partner for life. Astrologers advise thinking carefully and weighing the pros and cons when determining your priorities and making plans. The dog will patronize only those who have serious intentions and will not waste their time on affairs.

With their own children or nephews, representatives of this sign seem to return to childhood. On this basis, excellent mutual understanding arises and parents become an authority. The Dog is the patron of the home; this year the offspring will pleasantly surprise the Dragons. Diligence, the desire to spend leisure time together and the desire to please parents will come to the fore among the motivations of children: to restore order in the house, to improve their academic performance.

In 2018, it will be important for representatives of this sign to devote enough attention and time to the older generation. Joint leisure time with parents and grandparents will not be limited to feasts. The Dragon's mind, rich in inventions, will help diversify entertainment, surprise and delight loved ones.

Career (finance) horoscope

At work, the Dragon will have time to do a lot, will receive wonderful opportunities and will not miss them. He will finish all last year’s affairs, and a fair amount of them have accumulated, since in the year of the Rooster, representatives of this sign were much more occupied with personal and economic issues.

In February you will consider the prospects and choose best projects for 2018. Find time to indulge your curiosity. The Dragon manages to combine gossip and idle conversations with colleagues with productive work activities. Relationships with colleagues and management will develop very well in the Year of the Dog. Various collective events will take place under your patronage.

Already in March things will go uphill, new project will prove to be very profitable. You will be very passionate and interested in this matter, and for Dragons this is the main secret of success in any endeavor. There is a high probability of promotion.

Income will slightly exceed the usual needs of the Dragon and the best solution would be to save up available funds. You can direct them into a short-term investment, but choosing the option with the smallest amount of risk. The Dog values ​​stability and honesty; dubious undertakings are doomed to failure, and will also bring failure in other affairs of the participants.

The dog is a house-loving sign, and under its protection everything large purchases manages to do successfully: choose the best option possible and save money.

Health horoscope

The Year of the Rooster went quite well in terms of health for the Dragons, but from time to time they felt overworked and blues. In 2018, representatives of this sign will feel full of energy and look at the world with optimism. Even colds and headaches will become infrequent. When choosing an outfit, do not forget to focus not only on aesthetics, but also on weather conditions.

Are you thinking about improving? physical fitness And general well-being, this initiative will give good results, if you approach its implementation correctly. Achieve on your own significant results it won't work. The dragon is not strong in self-organization, is capricious and takes seriously only what he likes. Decide on the most productive and comfortable type of training, select a group for collective training.

Representatives of this sign regularly “collect” corners, thresholds and jambs. Usually this gets by with scratches or bruises, but it’s still depressing. Be especially careful in spring, as the risk of injury is increased. You shouldn’t get into trouble if you are not a professional athlete or dancer; avoid intense and acrobatic activities and extreme leisure activities. Secure your home by frequently cleaning up foreign objects from the floor, and making sure that shelves and doors are well secured. Be careful when handling electrical appliances and the stove.

Horoscope for the Dragon man

Dragon men are attracted to adrenaline, but in 2018 they should be careful and restrain their desire for risky entertainment. Gambling per year A Dog that prefers reliability and stability is likely to bring losses. And physically extreme activities are associated with a high probability of injury. Find alternative ways to have fun and spend your free time.

Many representatives of the stronger sex, born in the year of the Dragon, are eager for female attention, relationships without obligations and extensive intimate life. In 2018, it will be easy for them to find new ladies to hone their charm and pickup skills. However, the Dog is not very approving of frivolity in his personal life, and astrologers in its year recommend deciding on the choice of a partner for a long-term relationship with an eye to family life. Otherwise, there is a high probability of significant claims from offended females, scandals and public showdowns.

The 2018 horoscope for the Dragon promises numerous meetings and pleasant acquaintances, developing over time into strong friendships or romantic relationship. If a representative of this sign does not have selfish plans, they are very sincere in communication. When expressing their sympathies and feelings, Dragons are very eloquent and expressive. This will be to the liking of the symbol of the year. The Dog will help you quickly find a soul mate if you have serious intentions and a desire to settle down.

Horoscope for the Dragon woman

Devotion to people allowed into their personal lives can turn against representatives of the sign, as has happened more than once. Some of them will get into trouble, but without taking responsibility, they will burden the Dragon with it. This time, not only a clear conscience, but also a fair Dog will generously reward such responsibility and dedication with luck at the most needed moment.

For single Dragon women, 2018 will be the beginning strong alliances. The meeting will be a surprise, and common hobbies will be an excellent basis for the development of relationships. It is extremely important for representatives of this sign to feel a spiritual connection and a common way of life with a man in order to build long-term relationships. And the Dog, the patron feminine and family, will bring just such an acquaintance.

For family representatives of the sign soul mate the circle of friends will be replenished. Such an event is significant; Dragons value their time very much and in 2018 they will not waste their time on empty communication. Only the most interesting and close people will be around, bringing joy and receiving it.

The main message for 2018 for the Dragon: you must manifest a strong character to cope with all the problems of this year.

2018 for the Dragon: general forecast

This year will not be easy for the Dragon. This will be the time when you have to demonstrate enormous power will and character traits that are not so easy for people of this sign to display Chinese calendar. They must soar to the heights of their capabilities in order to realize at least part of their plans. Fortunately, such a situation can become very motivating, which is why the entire period will be exciting and very dynamic, because Dragons love challenges.

The Year of the Dog 2018 may bring many opportunities for them. The Dragon can take on several new challenges and will work hard for its success. The 2018 Chinese horoscope encourages you to remain optimistic and not lose motivation in the face of difficulties. And in all likelihood there will be some, and in large quantities like a swarm of locusts.

The Dragons won't have as much free agency this year as they would like. The influx of responsibilities and difficult tasks will make you worry a lot stressful situations. Some negative events will happen already at the beginning of the Chinese lunar year, which will negatively affect the Dragon’s health. However, if he tries to face all challenges with calm, he should eventually take control of the situation.

All areas of dragon life must be carefully controlled in 2018. This person should not allow himself to become inattentive even for a moment, because the consequences can be disastrous. Also chinese horoscope 2018 invites Dragons to pay more attention to other people. You can achieve a lot through cooperation with competent people who are needed in a given situation - this will make solving problems much easier.

2018 Advice for the Dragon: Learn to tame your pride. This year, it is much better to act by collaborating than by flaunting your superiority.

Warning: Avoid risky ventures. It is best to engage in activities that generally do not involve risk.

What gives the Dragons the greatest chance of success in 2018?: moderation in food, drink - and in any other area of ​​life.

Golden thought: Be vigilant, like a shepherd's dog guarding a flock of sheep. Only in this case can you see the impending danger in time.

Prosperous periods in 2018 for the Dragon: April, August, December.

Unfavorable periods: February, September (do not make any rash decisions), October.

Friendly signs: Bull, Monkey

Who should you be careful with?: Rabbit, Dog.

Lucky numbers: 5, 8, 18, 22, 35.

Lucky colors: gold, white.

Love horoscope for 2018 for the Dragon

Unfortunately, the 2018 Chinese horoscope does not bring much to the Dragons. good news. For most of the year, they will be forced to reckon with rather unpleasant situations related to their personal lives. If this is a single person, he will certainly go on dates, but the problem is that most of these meetings will end in failure. The horoscope for 2018 assures that the Dragon woman and the Dragon man will not find their other half now, your soul mate. So if he did not find her in previous years, then now he will be doomed to the company of people who are completely unsuitable for starting a relationship. At least the Dragon will think so. Unfortunately, he will become involved in the relationship too quickly and realize his mistake too late.

Person of this sign Chinese Zodiac, living in a constant love affair, will have to reckon with the fact that in 2018 he will face many conflicts and disputes with his loved one. There is even a high probability of separation, so you need to be very careful in your words and actions. Let the Dragon not fight for supremacy: this will not benefit him this year. It is better to take the blame and resolve the situation before it turns into open war.

Horoscope for the Dragon for 2018: money, investments

The Dragon will have to work hard for every ruble. But if he puts his mind to it, he will earn extra money. Alas, we're talking about not about mind-boggling amounts, but at least annual balance will close with a plus, and this is already a pretty good success, considering the general not very pleasant forecasts for the Dragon.

In the face of numerous problems this year, the impulsive nature of the Dragon may make itself felt. How to calm yourself after another defeat or relieve stress due to too much large quantity responsibilities? The dragon thinks the best thing to do is... go shopping. The unfavorable atmosphere of the Year of the Dog will force you to spend too much money on this. If the Dragon does not pull himself together, he could lose a lot of money.

The best way to avoid financial problems- Focus your attention on other people. Let those born in the year of the Dragon think more about loved ones and less about themselves and their unfulfilled ambitions. Then he won't have this strong desire improve your mood through shopping.

Chinese horoscope 2018 Dragon: career

In 2018, the Dragon will be forced to confront many obstacles in his career. In addition, due to stress and nervousness, he will begin to make mistakes that can cost him dearly. The boss will quickly notice problems and, most likely, will not be too lenient. The Dragon horoscope for 2018 recommends that women and men be careful in everything and perform their duties very carefully.

This year it is worth spending more time on learning and improving your skills, and feel free to learn from more experienced colleagues. In this way, those born in the “dragon” year will not only avoid some mistakes, but will also demonstrate their dedication to the company’s business.

Regardless of whether the Dragon works for hire or for himself, he must carefully analyze all current projects. There is no need to sacrifice yourself for concepts that most likely will not work, it is a pity to waste time and money on them. The Year of the Dog for the Dragon 2018 will be more productive if, instead, you plan to reorganize your work and look for new paths to professional success. The dragon may even begin to develop completely new talents - if, of course, he finds enough willpower and courage.

What awaits the Dragon in 2018 in the family, at home

The Year of the Dog is a time of conflicts and misunderstandings. A person of this Chinese Zodiac sign will experience difficult moments in his family and home life. He will not be able to come to an agreement not only with his spouse - if he has children, he needs to be even more careful. Young hearts and minds, more impressionable than adults, can very easily take the path of war. And if this happens, it will not be so easy to “cease fire.” The dragon must be careful even during family holidays.

This may seem strange, but traveling together will not be a time of relaxation either. Each family member will want to do something different - completely different from the Dragon. As a result, everyone will mind their own business and not devote much time to each other. Even if family members go somewhere together, they will each sit in their own corner in a hotel or somewhere else.

Thus, 2018 for the Dragon woman and the Dragon man can become a time of a lot of problems in the family, but there is also a ray of hope. The Dragon can devote himself to helping his loved ones realize their desires. However, this must be done discreetly - while maintaining a certain distance, without demonstratively poking your nose into other people's affairs. If he uses these tips, he will be able to significantly improve the mood of his loved ones, which will certainly have a positive effect on the atmosphere in the house.

What will the Dragon's health be like in 2018 and what needs to be done to maintain it?

The horoscope for 2018 warns that the Dragon man and Dragon woman this year will be especially vulnerable to many diseases, but they should be especially careful with the stomach and the whole digestive system generally. Proper nutrition is the key to success in this matter. A person born in such a year needs to be selective in choosing the foods that he is going to eat, and not to take risks with exotic foods, which can greatly harm him.

The 2018 Chinese horoscope also warns Dragons about the high level of stress that will accompany them most of the time. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to remove emotional stress. Relaxation techniques are needed - and then 2018 will not become problematic for the Dragon. There are certain sports disciplines and types of physical activity that can provide significant relaxation - those born in such a year need to look for something suitable for themselves.

THE DRAGON (1964.1976.1988.2000.2012)

Horoscope 2018 for Dragon

The dog is not at all best friend Dragons. And they do not have to count on the comprehensive and constant help of the Mistress of the Year. True, Dragons, as they say, “have a mustache themselves,” so offending or trying to oppress these people is risky. But the surprises that 2018 will be full of due to the Dog’s inattention to dragon affairs will make representatives of this sign grumble and get angry with her. However, those of them who take care of planning their affairs and projects and are attentive to details and nuances in any situation will be able to minimize for themselves the “pendulum” effect (which consists in the fact that circumstances will force you to swing from side to side, again and again). again returning to the starting point).


2018 may be remembered by the Dragons as a traumatic period. They should be especially careful in the summer and the first half of autumn. However, those of them who will behave carefully and control their behavior (in particular, this concerns alcohol consumption) may not particularly worry about this.

In the fall, Dragons may experience stress syndrome. But they should not look for its cause outside, because it will “hide” exclusively within them. And it will consist in the fact that the Dragons will begin to take conflict and other unpleasant situations too close to their hearts, which in fact will be of a momentary and passing nature.


In 2018, the Dragons will mostly spend a lot. And these expenses will not always be rational. Pleasures will occupy the minds of Dragons quite often, and this will inevitably affect their financial condition. And since the Dog will definitely not like this, there is a high probability that in the second half of the year they will find themselves stranded every now and then. This Mistress of the Year will thus try to make it clear to the Dragons that they are absolutely wrong in allowing themselves systematic waste.

But before that - in the spring - the Dog may, for no apparent reason, begin to give them money. Probably, in this way the Mistress will try to push the Dragons to the idea that the time has come to make a big purchase or investment. Therefore, the money that comes to you during this period (if, of course, we are talking about significant amounts for them), Dragons should not spend, but save. And for what - they know better.


The professional sphere is that side of the life of Dragons, when discussing which they should immediately remember the recommendation regarding planning (see above). The point is that there will be errors here highest value for their future.

Another important point is as follows. Any undertaking that the Dragons begin to implement must be implemented consistently and steadily. Negligence and attempts to let events take their course will invariably lead not just to a return to “zero”, but also to a rollback to “minus”.

Of course, you won’t be able to foresee everything, however, at least following the established routine and striving, while solving one problem, to think through ways to implement the next one. Dragons in 2018 can and should be accomplished. And besides, during this period the so-called human factor Therefore, it is advisable for them to strive in every possible way to establish and strengthen warm relationships with colleagues, partners, and management. And, if the Dragons follow these tips, they will even be able to optimize the time spent on work matters, finding that very notorious “hour” for “fun,” that is, for solving everyday problems, for communication with loved ones, for leisure, etc.


Dragons connected by marriage will be able to harmonize their home life. Moreover, the more such “experience” each individual Dragon has, the more large-scale – and positive – the changes that will happen to him will be.

Lonely Dragons during this period of time may face excessive care from their environment. Someone may be too zealous about organizing their personal life; in other cases, undisguised curiosity masquerading as interest will cause trouble... Dragons definitely shouldn’t put up with him and, moreover, encourage such manifestations, because it doesn’t benefit them. There will be not only no benefit, but also no interest. This leads to another important point: many Dragons, still in search, will give themselves the freedom to start one-day affairs in order to have fun and avoid any obligations and restrictions. However, exceptions to in this case there will definitely be. They will be Dragons who will prefer the search to frivolity. Serious relationships and will be able to find a compromise between themselves and the environment, as well as responsibilities and pleasures.

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According to the eastern horoscope for 2019, Dragons should prepare for events that will occur directly through their fault. We are not talking only about negative situations, because you can easily become the culprit of positive changes in life.

General characteristics of the sign

Before leaving the earth, Buddha called all the animals to him and only 12 representatives of the fauna appeared. The fifth in a row was the Frank Dragon - a powerful and wise creature with magical abilities. The sign belongs to the Yang group, the element Earth. Stones: amber, sapphire, chalcedony, opal and a number of synthetic minerals.

Colors that bring happiness to the Dragon are yellow, black, silver.

The best time of the year is spring, the month of April. At this time, representatives of this zodiac sign feel a colossal surge of strength and are ready for bold decisions and actions. The time spent under the auspices of the sign is from 7 to 9 am. The dragon is compatible with all figures of the eastern horoscope except the Dog.

In the Celestial Empire, the Dragon is a symbol of the dynasty of great emperors.

Personal characteristics of Dragon representatives

Everyone born in the year of the Dragon is a bright, amazing and charismatic person. Such persons are always called an extraordinary personality with colossal energy and a lot of talent. A person born under the sign of the Dragon is always distinguished by his non-standard worldview and wild imagination, for which he finds himself in the center of attention. It won’t be difficult to pick out the Dragon from the crowd: he is a self-confident person who knows how to behave in society and show off his virtues. It's never boring with him. A rich imagination, a sharp mind and an amazing sense of humor can brighten up the leisure time of any company. With the arrival of the Little Dragon, everyone's mood rises, positivity and a feeling of true celebration arise. It is about them that we can safely say “the soul of the company.”

The Dragon's creativity and useful curiosity know no bounds. They are always passionate about some interesting business, craft, or hobby. Restless Dragons quickly lose interest in the matter if someone tries to control the process. The desire to move forward and learn new things forces them to be in constant search.

The Dragon is an excellent conversationalist who knows how to listen and analyze. At the first request, he will come to the rescue and complete what he promised. Most often they are called lucky, receiving gifts from Fate without any effort.

Among the world's famous people born under the auspices of the Dragon are Al Pacino, Michael Douglas, Marlene Dietrich, Ringo Starr, Placido Domingo, Gregory Peck, John Lennon, Martin Sheen, Friedrich Nietzsche, Nicholas II, Sigmund Freud, Bernard Shaw, Lewis Carroll and etc.

Eastern horoscope for the Dragon

The Year of the Yellow Pig will not be easy for all representatives of the eastern horoscope. The Dragon should be careful in his statements and actions. Excessive emotionality can confuse you, disrupt your perception of reality, and damage your relationships with colleagues and loved ones.

The Earth Pig will give tenderness and love to obedient and wise representatives, but in general, this is the year fateful meetings. Family Dragons will experience complete harmony and happiness. Single representatives of the sign need to properly prepare for radical changes in their personal lives. We are about to meet the other half. So, don’t get lost and grab Luck by the tail.

Horoscope for 2019 for Dragon Woman

Beautiful representatives of the sign will rise to the occasion. Their charm and charm will become the center of attraction for the admiring glances of men.

The patron of the year, Pig, will also make adjustments to the temperament of temptresses. Gentleness, compliance and diplomacy will help you avoid any conflict situations.


From the very beginning of the year until the month of March, the Dragons will be tested for strength. Events in the future depend on how they survive. You may have to change your job and give up your usual business. But this is not scary - in the new place the Dragon’s virtues will be appreciated much more, the main thing is to be patient and not to panic.

Lightness, freedom and creative freedom will be the key to excellent relationships, both at home and at home. new job. This year is especially successful for people with a creative approach to their work.


Everything here is just perfect. The moment is not far off when single ladies will encounter someone who will forever remain in their lives and bring happiness. At the same time, almost all year long, Dragon women will be a desirable object for many men, but do not waste yourself on dubious romances. Pay attention to a person with serious intentions and a decent disposition. It makes sense for married Dragons to demand a vacation for themselves. Remember: household chores never end, share responsibilities with your family, let them also take part in maintaining comfort in the nest.


Hard work and the desire to please your beloved household are, of course, good, but health is not ironclad. Fatigue can have a negative impact on your digestion and nerves. If you do not stop in time, attacks of aggression and depression will lead to a negative state of the whole organism. Against this background, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, insomnia, panic attacks, etc. are possible. As soon as you feel that you have no strength to endure, immediately go for a massage, sign up for swimming courses, yoga, learn the technique healthy breathing or take daily walks in the fresh air

For Dragon Men

The dragon is a personality that everyone listens to and strives to be like. In such a situation, it is not surprising to relax and forget about self-improvement. Therefore, you need to be vigilant and periodically treat yourself with self-criticism. Just like other representatives of the eastern horoscope, Dragons will experience interesting events.


In the year of the Pig, the Dragons will have good luck if they do not relax under the “oppression” of praise from the outside. Persistence in achieving your goals and hard work will bring significant profits. To do this, you need to be more active, reveal your ideas and offer management new methods of work and earnings. Yellow Pig will be happy to encourage creative individuals.

Do something exciting, find “your” hobby and feel free to put your own creation up for sale. Nowadays it is fashionable to buy handmade goods.


The Earth Pig patronizes family men and those who seek to create their own nest.

Troubles and tension at work should not affect relationships with loved ones. Despite the workload and incredible success in the work field, it is necessary to set aside at least 1-2 evenings to communicate with your beloved household members. Thanks to this, there will be complete harmony both in the family and at work.


Purposeful and hardworking Dragons will finally be able to forget about money problems. The main thing is not to be lazy and come up with new ideas and receive praise and rewards for it.


Unlike family Dragons, bachelors need to take care of their health. Poor diet, physical and mental stress at work can cause nervousness, insomnia and indigestion. To eliminate unpleasant moments, you should give up bad habits and start healthy image life. Include healthy and natural foods in your menu, drink more water and be more active. Even banal walks on fresh air will become in a great way get rid of depression and strengthen your immune system.

Regardless of gender, Dragons in 2019 should be more romantic and attentive towards their loved one and family. Good earnings can be spent on a joint vacation outside the city or at a comfortable resort. Quiet evenings with candles and light dishes will relieve nervousness after a hard day at work. As for lonely Dragons, they should be in public more often and attend parties and clubs with friends. Apparently, a new acquaintance has a chance of developing into true love for many years.

Look video with characteristics of people born in the year of the Dragon:
