Krachkovskaya in a coffin. Episode Queen: The Life and Death of Natalya Leonidovna Krachkovskaya

In Russian cinema there are actors who are recognized by the audience at first sight and at the same time cause a sincere smile of joy. These performers include Natalya Krachkovskaya, an unsurpassed comedian, Honored Artist of Russia.

Natalia was born in Moscow in 1938, at a difficult time for our country. The policy of the Stalinist state also intervened in the life of Natalya's family: Leonid Belogortsev's father was repressed. Natasha and her younger sister Irina were raised by their mother, actress of the Pushkin Theater Maria Fonina.

As a child, Natalya grew up as a real tomboy, constantly disappeared with the boys and even was a yard leader, organizing predatory raids on neighboring gardens. But as a teenager, the girl spent more time behind the scenes of her mother's theater, especially since the Belogortsevs were quartered in the same building.

Maria Fonina categorically did not want the life of an artist for her daughter, so she insisted that Natalya enter the Institute of History and Archives. She did not dare to disobey her mother's orders, but at the same time, secretly from her parent, she submitted documents to VGIK, although she knew perfectly well that there was an incredible competition - more than 250 people per place! And the plump figure was not too associated with the profession of an actress.

However, Krachkovskaya, then still Belogortseva, never had complexes because of her fullness, because gentlemen always courted the girl. Moreover, later the actress turned the figure into a branded "chip".

At the examination tests, the girl read the monologue of Ivan the Fool from The Little Humpbacked Horse and completely captivated the artistic director Vladimir Belokurov, who was just gaining a course. But studying was not a simple matter for Natalia Krachkovskaya.

Shortly after the beginning of the semester, the student was in a car accident and was seriously injured, even causing temporary loss of vision. The doctors forbade the girl to continue her studies, but Natasha did not give up and did not deviate from the chosen path. Moreover, soon Belogortseva began to enter the theater stage and appear on the set.


The debut of Natalia Krachkovskaya on the screen was the role of Raechka in the melodrama The Tale of the Agronomist. During the 50s and 60s, the actress regularly starred with popular film directors, but the name of the actress remained known only to movie lovers. The girl appeared in episodes of the films "Russian Souvenir", "Battle on the Road", "Colleagues". In 1964, Natalya appeared in the popular comedy Balzaminov's Marriage with the title role.

Everything changed in 1971, when the director began working on the comedy 12 Chairs. The director reviewed many contenders for the role of Madame Gritsatsuyeva, but the actresses did not suit the director. Then Gaidai shouted out a phrase that was fateful for Natalya: "I need an actress who looks like Krachkovsky's wife". The fact is that Natalya Leonidovna's husband worked as a sound engineer and was also involved in the film. And the husband of the actress replied to the director that since you need someone like Krachkovskaya, then let him shoot it.

Everyone benefited from this decision - Natalya got a spectacular role, and the director probably found the most suitable candidate. At least for most compatriots, this character is inextricably linked with the appearance and charm of Krachkovskaya.

Later, the actress continued to collaborate with Gaidai and starred in the famous comedies, “It can’t be!”, “The weather is good on Deribasovskaya, or It’s raining again on Brighton Beach” and “Private detective, or Operation Cooperation”.

In 1972, Krachkovskaya appeared in the comedy "Nerves, Nerves", playing the role of an employee of the research institute, and also appeared in the image of Chipollon in the musical fairy tale "Cipollino", in which, in addition to regular participants in films for children - and - the author of the work also starred.

A year later, the name of the actress appeared in the credits of the fantastic comedy "This Wonderful Planet" about aliens celebrating the new year on Earth. At the same time, with the participation of Krachkovskaya, the drama "Kalina Krasnaya" and the satirical comedy "Nylon 100%" were released.

In the late 70s, the artist took part in the filming of "At the very Black Sea", "Step towards", "Two captains". In the famous adaptation of the fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", which was called "Mother" in the film version, the actress played the role of the Bear. The wife of the Bear was played by a popular Soviet clown.

The actress, in addition to comedies, also appears in the military film "Foreshadows Victory", the detective story "Connoisseurs are investigating", the melodrama "Summer Tours". In the 80s, the actress's filmography was replenished with works in the melodrama "Be My Husband", the historical film "Vasily Buslaev", the comedy "Pokrovsky Gates", the fairy tale "There, on unknown paths ...", the film adaptation of "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" .

In 1987, with the participation of Krachkovskaya, the adventure film “The Circus Has Arrived” was released about the fate of a boy who found salvation from his formidable stepfather Sergei () in a private circus troupe. The film takes place in the Soviet state in the 1920s.

Beloved stepfather played Natalia Krachkovskaya. In the same year, the actress reincarnated as the heroine Conchita in the comedy film The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines, a year later Natalia appeared in the film adaptation of Dubrovsky.

In the 90s, the actress was not lost in the film horizon. The unspoken title of the queen of the episode helped Krachkovskaya get characteristic roles in comedies of a new format: Alphonse, Russian Business, Vitka Shusher and the Car. In the film adaptation of The Master and Margarita, Natalya transformed into the heroine Sofya Petrovna. The actress also appeared in episodes of films - in the melodrama "Moscow Holidays" with and in the lead roles and the comedy "Children of Monday", where they shone, and.

In the 2000s, the actress becomes a guest on television. With the participation of Krachkovskaya, the television series “The Perfect Pair”, “Medics”, “My Fair Nanny” saw the light. The last works of the actress were the comedy "Phenomenon", the melodrama "Moscow History", the series "Three from Above". In 2013, the screen star was invited to the sketch show Caution: Children!, which was broadcast on the STS TV channel.

For more than 50 years of the creative biography of the film actress, Natalya Krachkovskaya starred in 152 films and television series. Surely any viewer without delay will be able to name 10 paintings with her participation. And despite the fact that the role of Natalia Leonidovna always meant a supporting role. But Krachkovskaya, with the help of incredible talent, was able to create a real masterpiece from a fleeting episode.

Personal life

Many women are worried about being too curvaceous. But Natalya Krachkovskaya did not worry about this and was constantly in the center of attention of men. The actress has always had many fans who even complimented the weight of the actress, saying that Natalia is a 100 kg dream. The personal life of the actress developed safely.

In 1962, Natalya met the Mosfilm sound engineer Vladimir Krachkovsky, the son of the famous academician Vasily Krachkovsky, who was shot in 1938. Soon the young people got married and lived in harmony for 26 years, until the death of Vladimir Vasilyevich.

The wife immediately switched to her husband's surname, but since Vladimir's sister, Nina Krachkovskaya, is also an actress, at first Natalya appeared in the credits under the double surname Belogortseva-Krachkovskaya. The only son Vasily was born in the family, who followed in the footsteps of his father and also became a sound engineer. There were no more children in the Krachkovsky family.


Back in the early 2000s, Natalya Krachkovskaya suffered a severe stroke. Then the doctors managed to save the life of the actress and prevent death, but the disease gave a complication to her legs, so Krachkovskaya moved only with a stick, and even appeared on the theater stage in a wheelchair.

Later, age and overweight took their toll, the artist's health worsened, Natalya repeatedly ended up in the hospital with various diseases, including hydrostatic pulmonary edema.

On February 28, 2016, Natalia Krachkovskaya was admitted to the First City Hospital with acute myocardial infarction. Doctors immediately assessed the woman's condition as extremely serious. On the morning of March 3, 2016, Krachkovskaya's heart could not withstand the stress and stopped forever. The reason was the complication received after the crisis.

The funeral, which took place on March 5, was attended by friends, family and fans of the artist. The grave of Krachkovskaya is located at the Troekurovsky cemetery. So far, the monument has been decorated simply: there is a wooden cross on the grave, a photo of Natalia Krachkovskaya and bouquets of flowers, which are regularly brought by grateful spectators.


  • 1971 - "12 chairs"
  • 1973 - "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession"
  • 1973 - "Cipollino"
  • 1975 - "It can't be!"
  • 1982 - "Pokrovsky Gate"
  • 1985 - "Beauty Salon"
  • 1987 - "The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines"
  • 1993 - "Treasure of my family"
  • 1995 - Moscow Holidays
  • 2002 - "The elevator leaves on schedule"

Viewers often saw Natalya Krachkovskaya on the screens of a TV show as a good adviser and peacemaker. Either she calls on actress Elena Proklova to make peace with her husband, or she scares her colleagues with stories about lonely old age. But few people knew that these were not just the advice of an authoritative and knowledgeable person, but the feelings and suffering that Natalya Leonidovna herself experienced.

She was a very lonely person, - confirmed to us au pair Krachkovskaya Inna Petrovna.- She has a son. Has a younger sister, Irina Leonidovna, who lives in Georgia. But when Natalya Leonidovna began to get seriously ill, there was no one to help her. They hired me.

Natalya Krachkovskaya has died. Favorite actress died at the age of 78

As it turned out, Krachkovskaya did not communicate with her sister for 25 years. Irina Leonidovna lives in Georgia, Natalya Krachkovskaya lives in Moscow. The sister didn't seem to come to their mother's funeral. Natalia was very offended by this. In addition to unspoken grievances, modest pensions and state borders separated them. The meeting of the sisters after a quarter of a century was organized by one popular TV show. Everything was nice, with smiles for the camera. But there was no real contact.

Irina Leonidovna will not fly to her mother's funeral, - he told us son of Natalia Krachkovskaya Vasily.- They almost did not communicate. I know that my mother helped her. But this was one-sided help. I felt sorry for my mother, but I did not delve into their relationship. Perhaps my aunt claimed my mother's apartment. I do not know....

The son's words are also confirmed by the actress' au pair, Inna Petrovna. She said that, secretly from her son, Natalya Krachkovskaya regularly sent money to her sister in Tbilisi. While material assistance was coming from Moscow, the younger sister answered the calls of Natalia Krachkovskaya. But as soon as the actress began to get sick and her earnings became more modest, her sister immediately lost interest in her. Therefore, the son forbade communication with relatives from Georgia.

True, Irina Leonidovna Shatirishvili offers her own version. She claims that Natalya complained to her more than once that there was no one to look after her. Irina Leonidovna offered to move to Georgia, where there are more relatives who could look after two elderly women. But she did not have time ... She will not be able to come to her sister's funeral, because she herself is already old and suffers from hypertension.

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The best roles of Natalia Krachkovskaya. Favorite actress passed away


// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov /

Popularly beloved actress Natalya Krachkovskaya passed away this week. Her death was a huge shock for fans of Soviet cinema. Today, March 5, the country says goodbye to one of the brightest artists. Exactly at noon, a civil memorial service began in the ritual hall of the Troekurovsky cemetery, after which the body of Natalya Leonidovna would be interred. According to the relatives of the actress, she wanted her farewell to be modest. Krachkovskaya will be buried on the Walk of Fame, next to the graves of other famous actors and directors. On the mournful day of farewell to Natalia Krachkovskaya, StarHit remembers what she was like.

Last summer, Natalya Leonidovna came to us to shoot Andrei Malakhov's program "Flea Market". At the flea market, she appeared in a simple black dress, dark glasses ... Like other heroes, she brought a thing with a history - a corkscrew from the 30s.

Even then, the actress could hardly move and could not climb into the grimwagen - the steps turned out to be too high. But she was not upset, she joked about the “big” person and comfortably settled down in the fresh air on a sofa under an awning. To the question of the administrator: “Bring you something tasty?” - joked: "Do I look like a person who is malnourished?"

According to relatives, she had a presentiment that she didn’t have much time left ... “I visited Natasha at the end of August,” recalls actress Tatyana Chernopyatova. - She brought watermelon - she adored them. She ate just one bite. I was about to leave, and she said: “Tanyush, bring a jade necklace from the box. Take it, it's a gift." I protested: "It's expensive!" But Natasha insisted. I was restless in my soul, I felt that this was not just a gift, it was a thing that was transferred to me for eternal memory ... "

On February 28, Krachkovskaya was taken to the intensive care unit of the First City Hospital with a heart attack. On the morning of March 3, she was gone. In recent years, she needed help. “For many years we were next to Natalya Leonidovna,” says neighbor Oksana Konstantinova. - Together with my mother, they cooked for her, cleaned up, went for food, medicines ... At night, they used to come running - she calls, says: “Something is wrong with me.” Recently I got up from the chair, my head was spinning and fell ... They raised it. Everyone dreamed of repairing the floors. The pipe somehow broke through, and the parquet reared up a little.

Vasechka often visited Krachkovskaya, as she called her only son, and her beloved grandson Volodya visited less often. “I was very worried when Vova had problems with studying at Moscow State University, he never graduated from the university,” continues Oksana. - Another misfortune knocked her down: two months ago Vasya's mother-in-law, also a heart, died. Natalya Leonidovna was close to her.”

The actress needed to lose weight, but she loved flour, spicy, salty: she asked her neighbor to bring her herrings, salmon. “In 2012, I helped her lose weight from 133 to 100 kg,” recalls nutritionist Gavrilov. - When she came to our clinic, she had a whole bunch of ailments: hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and diabetes. We started monitoring her diet. Somehow I came to her house to check the refrigerator and found sausage, mayonnaise, cakes there. But Natalya Leonidovna assured that it was for guests.”

She loved having a lot of people in the house. Volunteers from the Artist Charitable Foundation for Supporting Artists often came to visit Natalya Leonidovna and help her - they brought flowers, sweets for tea - cakes, sweets, certificates for the purchase of expensive medicines. One of the guys, volunteer Pavel Sosedov, recalls that the actress has always been a hospitable, hospitable hostess, invariably invited to the table. “Krachkovskaya has always been perfectly clean,” says Sosedov. - Somehow I came to her in the summer, her assistant Nina Petrovna just brought cherries. “So, quickly put everyone in bowls,” Natalya Leonidovna commanded me. Then he looks into my cup and says sternly: “Why, Pasha, did you put so little on yourself? How the bird pooped! Fill it up normally!”

In recent years, the actress lived with a pacemaker. “She had a dream to get rid of him,” says her friend Tatyana Chernopyatova, “Natasha believed in traditional Chinese medicine. I wanted to take a course of acupuncture, saved up money to go to good specialists in another country ... But I didn’t have time.”

There was no big screen to show film stills. There was no film music. There were no microphones at the coffin, because there were no mourning speeches either.

We don't delay. Forgive, farewell, Kingdom of Heaven. A personal request of Natalya Leonidovna, - the funeral director whispers to the visitors - a woman in white gloves with a red ribbon on her sleeve.

The coffin is hidden from the view of those who entered behind four wreaths: from the president, the government, Mikhalkov and the Union of Cinematographers. And the artist herself is hidden behind the high walls of the coffin.

She seems small and thin, - says an elderly woman, Svetlana Suponitskaya. She came from Germany to see off her friend Natasha, who had known each other for 40 years, on her last journey.

People's Artist of Russia Natalya Krachkovskaya was buried in the church at the Kuntsevo cemetery. Only close relatives knew about the burial place. After the funeral - farewell in the funeral hall of the Troekurovsky cemetery. Designed for 500 people, the hall barely gathered 50.

Gray mourning ribbons, artificial ivy on the walls tremble in the wind. Flocks of snowflakes fly into the hall of farewell from the bright square of the wide-open door. From there, where journalists with cameras crowd and blue firs with white lantern balls.

Krachkovskaya, who never refused interviews or comments, was especially loved by the journalistic environment. Her order - so that the last scene with her participation did not fall into the field of view of the lenses - was fulfilled by the journalists.

The high ceiling is reflected in the gray marble floor. There are no words. But in the large, half-empty hall, a whisper echoed: “The last one was. There are no others."

As young people say now, she was always positive, ”Arkady Inin admitted to reporters. The actor came to the gates of the Troekurovsky cemetery one of the first. He talked about how Krachkovskaya was called a cloud, although she was not a cloud, but the sun. The fact that, despite the hard life, she never complained. She worked easily and well, and it was unusual to work with her.

One of her last roles is in a private performance, where Natalya sits in a wheelchair throughout the entire role. But as soon as she entered the stage, the audience stood up and gave her a standing ovation. And in the end, she got up herself and said: “I can do it on my own legs.” The joy of the people knew no bounds.

The funeral service lasted 40 minutes. At twenty minutes to two, the coffin with the body of Natalya Krachkovskaya was closed.

There was no limousine with a portrait. There was no final applause. In the green tents on the Walk of Fame, the actress once again said goodbye to her son, grandson and close friends - Iraida Pugacheva, Svetlana Suponitskaya, friend Olya, friend Nadezhda. Actors Arkady Inin, Larisa Luzhina, Maxim Averin, Natalia Khorokhorina, Mikhail Kokshenov, Yuri Chernov.

The People's Artist was buried next to the grave of documentary filmmaker Vladlen Troshkin, not far from the burial place of Anatoly Poperechny.

Probably, Krachkovskaya understood more than others how ridiculous the phrase “the comedian died” sounds. All her life she brought light and joy to people. She didn't want to bear the tears. Therefore, whether she was right or not, she ordered that everything be as simple as possible.

That's why the farewell at Troekurovsky, and not in the Central House of Writers and not in the Actor's House. Because - an uncomfortable road, a long bus, plying at intervals of once an hour. And because the weather, like journalists, agreed with the will of the deceased. Not the sun, but rain, snow, dampness, as if specially putting up barriers to those who wanted to say goodbye.

But still, it was expected that about 3 thousand people would come to see off the people's artist. There weren't even two hundred.
