Presentation on the topic of plants of the Pacific Ocean. Presentation on the topic of animals and plants in the world's oceans

"Animal world" - Caucasian Reserve. Lemming. Little Bustard. Russia is a country with a vast territory, and therefore a rich wildlife. Forest-steppe beam. " Animal world Russia." White Owl. Birds include larks, steppe eagle, harrier, bustard, and demoiselle crane. Steppe eagle. Boar. Maral. Created to protect the sable.

“The World of the Indian Ocean” - Moray eels (lat. Muraena) are a genus of fish from the eel family (Muraenidae). Moray eel-. The fish has bare skin, without scales. Tuna food includes some cephalopods, as well as small fish. Hamsa (lat. Sharks. Caridea) is an infraorder of crustaceans from the order of decapods (Decapoda). Lobsters (lat. Undersea world Indian Ocean.

“Diversity of the animal world” - Light and temperature, terrain, wind and humidity. Aristotle (384-322 BC). Animals Mushrooms. Water thickness. Competition commensalism symbiosis. Plants Animals Mushrooms. Soil Ground-air. Eukaryotes. Soil formation. Habitats. Diversity of the animal world Body shape. Diversity of the animal world Nature of movement.

“Plant world” - Color and remember. Map of natural areas of Eurasia. Drought-resistant plants. Schrenk's tulip. Vegetation of the steppes. We and the world. Vegetable world steppes. Vegetation map Rostov region. Early flowering plants.

"Ocean Animals" - Stingrays are sometimes jokingly called flattened sharks. Parrotfish are found in many seas. Stingrays. The largest animal. Cetaceans live in almost all seas and oceans of the planet. A shark does not swim in the ocean alone. But no. The largest animal on earth is the WHALE. Annotation. Life in the ocean. Sea stars.

“Development of the plant world” - Algae. Development. The emergence of aquatic life 2-3 billion years ago on Earth. Emergence and dominance of the Land Over 200 million years ago Gymnosperms. Mosses. Lesson objectives: Seed plants. Higher plants. Ferns. The emergence and dominance of terrestrial moist pteridophytes 300 million years ago.

State educational institution " high school No. 12 Pinsk"

Plants - inhabitants seas and oceans

Mesha Svetlana Leonidovna

teacher primary classes

World Ocean

The flora and fauna of the ocean is rich and diverse. Currently, about 160 thousand species of animals and more than 10 thousand species of algae have been discovered in the ocean.

  • Most of the ocean (almost 5%) has a complex topography, and its depth is over 4000 m.

Distribution of living organisms

  • Living organisms are distributed everywhere, but unevenly
  • The species difference depends on:

- latitude of the place

-from depth

-from the distance from the coast

- on salinity and density of waters

Deep layers

  • Poor lighting
  • High pressure
  • Low temperatures

Surface layers

  • Good lighting
  • Oxygen saturation
  • Warmer zone

The living conditions of organisms are very favorable

1. There is a buoyant force of water, so large organisms can live in it.

  • 2. There are no sharp changes in water temperature between seasons.
  • 3. Oxygen is dissolved in water, marine organisms breathe.

Vegetation in the ocean

  • Aquatic plants - algae. Distributed to a depth of 200-250 m.
  • Divided into attached and free-floating
  • Absorb oxygen across the entire surface


Seaweeds are ancient plants that live primarily in water. Here we encounter both unicellular and multicellular organisms, as well as large forms of various structures.


  • Even in color, seaweeds are not the same, since some contain only chlorophyll, others also have a number of additional pigments that color them in different colors.

Flora of the seas and oceans

  • The flora of the ocean and seas is as rich and diverse as the flora of land. Most of the biomass comes from the Pacific Ocean (about 50%).

  • These are unicellular and red algae.

Wolfia rootless is the smallest plant in the world.

  • Fucus plants, among which there are sea oaks.

The main feature is many pairs of air bubbles that help the plant maintain a vertical position in the water.

  • sea ​​grapes

algae king

And the coasts of the Pacific Ocean

  • are famous for their magnificent mangroves that can grow in salt water.

  • kelp


  • In the northern part of the Indian Ocean, closer to the equator, there are amazing dinophyte algae that can glow at night.

Dinophyte glow of algae

  • About 240 species of phytoplankton and the hardiest algae live there. There are only 18 types of them:

diatoms, distomea, red algae, kelp, fucus, sea anemones, sea ​​lilies, and others.


Geographical position:

limited to eastern coast Eurasia and Australia , west coast Northern And South America, Arctic Ocean in the north, Antarctica in the south

Pacific Ocean It is customary to divide into northern and southern regions, the border of which runs along the equator.

Common data:

  • Square 178.68 million km²
  • Volume 710.36 million km³
  • Average depth : 4,282 m.
  • Greatest depth : 11022 m (Mariana Trench).
  • Salinity : 30-36.5 ‰.
  • The international date line runs along the 180th meridian of the Pacific Ocean.

The name “Quiet” is associated with the name F. Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan crossed it for the first time in 1519, the ocean was called “Pacific” because during the entire three months of the journey, Magellan’s ships did not encounter a single storm.

Pacific Ocean in different time had several names:

Southern Ocean or Southern Sea (Mar del Sur) - that’s what it was called Indians, indigenous people of Central America, and this name was adopted by Spanish conquistador Balboa, the first European to see the ocean in 1513. Today Southern Ocean called water surroundings Antarctica .

Great Ocean- named by French geographer Buachem in 1753. The most correct, but not the most popular name.

Eastern Ocean- sometimes called in Russia .

Ocean relief

Map of the depths of the Pacific Ocean

The ocean floor is dotted with pits, crevices, and trenches, the depth of which is significantly greater than average. IN northern latitudes There are trenches such as the North Aleutian and Kuril-Kamchatka. In the east: Peruvian and Central American. In the west there are two huge trenches - the Mariana and Philippine trenches.

Along the bottom of the Tihog O ocean passes the Mid-Ocean Ridge.

The famous "Ring of Fire" of the Pacific Ocean

Two huge rings of water movement are formed in the ocean: northern and southern. The Northern Ring includes the Northern Trade Wind Current, Kuroshio, North Pacific and California Currents,

the southern ring consists of the South Trade Wind, East Australian Current, West Wind Current and Peruvian Current.

Natural features of the ocean.

Question to the class: What are the effects of ocean currents? ?

Flora and fauna Pacific Ocean

Concentrated in the waters of the Pacific Ocean more than half of the living matter of the entire oceans Earth. This applies to both plants and animal populations.

For a fauna totaling up to 100 thousand species: sperm whales, striped whales. seals ( sea ​​lions), northern seals; rich fauna fish (from 2000 in warm areas to 800 in cold areas), corals, plankton - 380 species

At the bottom Quiet ocean worms with glowing "bombs" live

D/z: §17

  • Mark the major islands of the Pacific Ocean on a contour map;
  • Fill out the table in the “Pacific Ocean” column.

Work by 7th grade student Nastya Skorobogatova. In the interior parts of the desert there is sometimes no rain for several years. Here and there isolated tufts of grasses and thorny bushes grow. Vegetable world. Due to the lack of rain, the salts are not washed out. Thus, antelopes are capable of running long distances in search of water and food. In summer, the daytime heat reaches + 40 C in the shade. Animal world.

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"History of Africa" ​​- The Nile River is the most long river peace. The largest East African land faults. Lake Tana. Lake Chad. Sahara Desert. Photos from space. Africa is a continent predominance of plains and high temperatures. History of the study. 1.Physics - geographical position 2. History of discovery and research. Ethiopian Highlands. Africa is the oldest continent in the world.

“Travel to Egypt” - Travel agency “Foreigner” Travel to the country of your dreams. Resorts: Sharm El Sheikh Hurghada Safaga Dahab El Gouna Marsa Alam. Why do many people flock to Egypt? That's how our virtual trip in Egypt. We bring to your attention the sights of Egypt. Even though there is no rich nature, we will not be disappointed. We invite you to Egypt!!! Where can you relax in Egypt?

"Savannahs" - Flora. And the body length is 4.5 m. Animal world. Economic activity of people. In savannas, tall grass grows up to 3 meters. The baobab is rightfully considered one of the symbols of sub-Saharan Africa. Climatic conditions. Umbrella acacia. Savannahs occupy almost 40% of the continent's area. Residents of the savannah have long been engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture. The work of Daria Tkachuk, a 7a grade student at the Privalenskaya Secondary School. Soils.

“Africa 7th grade” - The many faces of Africa. Annotation. Where and how does the population live in Africa? Creative project name. Population of Africa. The result project activities is created didactic and methodological developments. Educational: expand and concretize knowledge about the uniqueness of the African population. Project goals. What are the characteristics of culture African peoples? Private questions. Fundamental question. Papushkina Natalya Vladimirovna, geography teacher Rybinsk 2007. Why is Africa called the “black” continent?

- all the seas and oceans of the planet

2/3 of the Earth's surface is occupied by the oceans, and only 1/3 by land.

The continents divide the World Ocean into 4 oceans.

Atlantic Ocean

Pacific Ocean



Pacific Ocean

The largest in area. Occupies half the area of ​​the World Ocean and about a third of the area globe. That is why he is called the Great. It owns 20 seas and more than 10,000 islands. Called him quiet Magellan , because during his long journey across the ocean there was not a single storm.

The bottom of the Pacific Ocean is heterogeneous; there are underground plains, mountains and ridges. On the territory of the ocean is the Mariana Trench - the most deep point The world's oceans, its depth

Atlantic Ocean

Second by size. From north to south, the ocean floor is crossed by the mid-ocean ridge.

Indian Ocean

Third largest. It is located predominantly in the southern hemisphere.

Water temperature in Indian Ocean fluctuates from -1°C off the coast of Antarctica to + 30°C near the equator, average temperature water +18°C.

  • The smallest of the four oceans in area. It is located in the northern part of the globe. Most of the North Arctic Ocean covered with thick ice - in winter it is almost 90% of the ocean surface.
  • Only near the coast does the ice freeze to the land, while most of the ice drifts. The ocean is located entirely in northern latitudes and has a cold climate.
