Ecology quizzes for elementary school. Scenario of an ecological quiz game for primary schoolchildren

Target: instill a sensitive and caring attitude towards nature.

Tasks: promote a sense of kindness;

empathize with all living things;

develop an interest in the animal world.

Preparing for the Quiz

1. Prepare an exhibition of books about animals.

2. Hold a drawing competition about animals.

3. Hold a competition of crafts made from natural materials.

Design, equipment: organize an exhibition of the best drawings about animals and crafts made from natural materials.

Two teams participate in the quiz (the captain of each team and its name are selected).

Leading: Man has lived on Earth for 2 million years. And only 10 thousand years ago he began to grow plants and domesticate animals. In those distant times, rivers and lakes were teeming with fish, and ducks nested along the banks. The forests were full of game. The land was rich and productive. But this was not enough for the man; he always wanted to have more: land, crops, livestock. And over time, he received all this, but did he become closer to nature? No! Man is only now striving to understand the life of animals and plants, and to become familiar with nature. Today, by playing and learning some of the secrets of animals, we will learn to take care of them and understand them.

1st round Blitz - questions

1. What happens to a bee after it stings someone? (dies)

2. Is it a female or a male cuckoo? (male).

3. Dry or fresh mushrooms eats squirrel? (dry)

4. Where do crayfish spend the winter? (in burrows, in silt, along the banks of rivers and lakes)

5. Which bird was called the “winged cat”? (owl)

6. Where do little kangaroos live? (in the bag, on mom’s stomach)

7. Do ants swim? (Yes)

8. What is the largest land animal? (elephant)

2 round "Guys about animals"

1. At what time of day do beavers build their homes?

2. When does an owl have owlets?

3. Who runs the fastest?

1. cheetah; +

2. antelope;

4. When does a baby zebra start running?

1. one hour after birth; +

2. in a week;

3. in a month.

5. What do male lions do with their prey?

1. given to the female;

2. given to children;

3. eat themselves. +

6. Who flies the fastest?


3. haircut + (140km/h)

7. What does a wolf do with its prey?

1. eats himself;

2. feeds the she-wolf; +

3. feeds newborn wolf cubs.

8. When does a kangaroo sleep?

9. The largest of all bears?

1. white; +

2. Himalayan;

10. The animal with the most precious skin?

1. sable; +

2. marten;

11. What animals are born sighted?

1. fox cubs;

2. bunnies; +

2. ostrich; +

3. crane.

Round 3: “Catch a Fish”

1. Did you know that not only elephants, but also fish can have a trunk? Moreover, in Russia we have such fish. What is it called? (bream)

2. This fish has fantastic greed. In her stomach they find not only other fish, but also mice, rats, birds and even... watches, coins. What kind of fish is this? (pike)

3. This fish is called the water fox. And she is really cunning, like a fox, and once in the cage, she simply cuts the net of the cage, if it is not very strong, and runs away (carp)

4. Russia has the largest of freshwater fish. What is it called? (som)

5. There is such a fish - a chameleon. It can quickly “fit into any interior” and change color. Scientists conducted an experiment: they placed a chessboard next to an aquarium with fish. So what do you think? The fish also became “checkered”. What is this fish called? (flounder)

6. If you had to drink fish fat, you should know, it is obtained from fish meat. What is it called? (cod)

Round 4: “Live Barometers”

1. The cuckoo makes sounds similar to croaking (for rain)

2. Birds in the spring build nests on the sunny side (summer will be cold)

3. The fish jumps out of the water (towards the rain)

4. In the evening, grasshoppers chirp loudly, frogs scream, (clear, warm)

5. Rooks arrive early in the spring (spring will be warm)

6. Pillar of smoke (toward frost)

Round 5: “Find out from the picture”

1. swallow;

2. tit;

4. capercaillie;

5. sparrow;

Round 6: “Captain”

Make as many words as possible from the word “ermine”.

Leading: Our game has come to an end. I hope that by learning a little more about the complex and varied life of nature, you will learn careful attitude to all living things that surround us, to those whose lives directly depend on man, and therefore on you and me.

Nature connoisseurs

(Cognitive game program for children of primary school age)

1st tour “From a drop to the ocean”

Teams are given names of large and small bodies of water. You need to arrange them in ascending order: drop, puddle, spring, stream, lake, river, sea, ocean.

Additional question: Which bodies of water have running water?

Round 2 “Suddenly a cone fell”

Teams are given cards with pictures of cones (you can add a nut and an acorn to make it more complicated). The guys must determine which tree these cones come from. (Alder, spruce, pine, larch, cedar).

Additional question: Which tree is not from this “company?”

Round 3 “Isn’t it time to change clothes?”

Divide the proposed animals into two groups:

1st group - Who doesn’t change their fur coat?

2nd group - Who changes it according to the seasons? (Fox, bear, wolf, elk, hare, marten).

Additional question: Name two reasons for the change of fur in animals according to the seasons.

Round 4 “Who lives in the little house?”

The children are offered pictures with bird “houses”. It is necessary to determine who lives in which “house”. (There is a stork on the roof, a starling in the birdhouse, a swallow on the river bank, etc.).

Round 5 “Berries”

Randomly arranged berries are divided into wild and cultivated. (Strawberries, strawberries, currants, raspberries, rowan berries, lingonberries, bird cherry...).

Round 6 “Mushrooms”

Divide the proposed mushrooms into edible and inedible. (chanterelle, russula, fly agaric, death cap, oiler...).

Round 7 “Verbal duel”

A verbal duel can be held on the topic: “Birds”, “Flowers”, “Trees”.

Summing up, rewarding participants.

Flower Ball

It is carried out in the form of a game-competition. 2 teams participating: “Bouquet” and “Wreath”.

Business Card Competition.

D/z.: prepare “defense” - poems about flowers, emblems.

Team "Bouquet"

1. When the heat of autumn is cool

The bread will turn yellow,

Star of the meadows - earth aster

Sends greetings to the heavenly stars.

2. Night, scattering stinging dew,

Has clouded the East,

And then from the moonbeams

Water lilies wove a flower.

3. There is cold dew on the lawn,

The water doesn't move.

Lily throws white color

To the thoughtfulness of the pond.

4. On grass green lace

In the light of dawn

Daisy like a pearl

It burns like a small drop.

5. Mimosa sunshine

Flies into someone's dreams

The first joy of the bouquet,

The first swallow of spring.

Team "Wreath".

1. In the middle of withered meadows,

Scorched by the hot heat,

Blonde daisies

Rising with the surf.

2. Like a flame, the dawn fades,

Casting purple shadows.

Lilac sunset embraces

Purple bunches of lilacs.

3. There are cold shadows in the blue field,

White frost in the garden at dawn...

Chrysanthemums are blooming, chrysanthemums,

It's an autumn day outside.

4. Bright bouquet of surprised violets

Looks like a purple sunset.

Like the sunset it shines wearily

And a gentle aroma flows.

Nightingales sing in anticipation of the June dawns.

Roses shine like dawns, and dawns like fresh dew,

In the white-maned fogs they bloom shyly and hotly.

Competition "Let's sing, friends"

Teams take turns singing a few lines from songs that mention the names of colors.

Competition "Dance of Flowers"

Teams perform any dance.

Competition "Chamomile"

Riddles are written on the petals of a daisy glued together from paper.

Teams take turns opening the petal, reading and guessing the riddle:

1. White peas on a green stalk. (Lily of the valley).

2. The ball grew white, the wind blew and the ball flew away. (Dandelion).

3. The face is fragrant, the tail is prickly. (Rose).

4. It blooms from under the snow and welcomes spring before anyone else. (Snowdrop).

5. Hey, bell, Blue colour! With the tongue, but no ringing! (Bell).

6. White lamps hang in a row on large pillars. (Lily of the valley).

7. Jugs and saucers do not sink or break. (Water lilies).

8. White basket, golden bottom. (Chamomile).

9. The girl is holding a cloud on a stem in her hand. (Dandelion).

10. A blue flower was found near the snow-covered hummocks. (Snowdrop).

Competition "Ikebana".

Teams prepare bouquets and give them names.

Competition "Legend of Flowers".

Teams perform a dramatization of a legend or fairy tale about flowers. While the teams are preparing, a quiz for the audience “Flower Festival” is held:

1. In Paris, the queen of this holiday is called Rosiera. What flowers is her wreath made of? (Of roses).

2. On the first Sunday in March, Germans celebrate the day of these flowers. (Day of Violets)

3. In Japan, these flowers are displayed on the platforms of railway stations in the fall so that they can be seen as much as possible. more people. (Chrysanthemums).

4. A holiday of the Slavs, when both real and fabulous flowers become a reason for dancing and singing. (Kupala).

5. This is a holiday in Japan flowering tree celebrated in April. (Sakura is cherry).

6. During this holiday in Venice (Italy) everything is decorated flower garlands. (Flower Festival).

7. B American city Holland, inhabited by the descendants of Dutch emigrants, hosts a festival of these flowers in mid-May. (Tulips).

Summarizing. Presentation of prizes (audience choice, best reader, actor, dancer, etc.).

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Target: generalization and systematization of children’s knowledge about nature, the beauty of the forest and its riches, and medicinal plants.

Educational: To consolidate in children knowledge about the culture of behavior in nature and the ability to correctly evaluate the actions of others.

Educational: Develop logical thinking children through problem solving.

Educators: Foster love and respect for nature, the ability to work in a team.

Integration educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic -aesthetic development, physical development.

Materials and equipment: multimedia installation; emblems for team members; pictures with rules of conduct in the forest; tree silhouettes puzzles; didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?”; tree fruits: walnuts, Pine cones, chestnuts; berry crossword; pictures with edible and inedible mushrooms; green and red card; pictures depicting migratory and wintering birds.

Preliminary work: learning poems and songs; reading works Russian writers; conversations about plants, insects, birds and animals, their habits and characteristics; looking at illustrations and books about nature.

Progress of activities:

Children enter the hall and the teams take their places.


Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches:

Birds teach singing

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

The sun teaches kindness.

Snow teaches us purity.

Nature has it all year round

Need to study

All the forest people

Teaches strong friendship.

Today we have gathered in the hall to show our knowledge about the nature of our region, about animals and plants, about their characteristics. Our quiz is called “Nature Experts”. Three teams will compete. Team "Hares", "Foxes" and team "Squirrels". Tasks will be given for each team. Rules: listen to the question, task to the end; do not prompt the respondent; who knows the answer, raise your hand; If the children of one team do not know the answer to a question, then the children of the other team answer. We present to you the jury of our quiz: ...

Educator: Girls and boys, the forest is the wealth of our Earth! It is home to animals, birds and insects. In the forest they find food for themselves, hide from enemies, and raise their offspring. Plants purify the air and delight with their beauty. Man makes furniture and builds houses from trees. The forest feeds us mushrooms, berries and nuts.

Educator: Let's first remember the rules of conduct in the forest.

(The teacher shows pictures, and the children explain what boys and girls are doing wrong.)

Physical education minute.

Educator: We are going to the forest,

Be careful, my friend. (Walking.)

There's a stream ahead,

Cross over - here is the bridge. (On the socks.)

Proceed carefully -

You can get your feet wet here. (Raise your legs high.)

We'll jump around a little

Along a winding path. (Jumping.)

When we hear thunder in the sky,

We'll hide under a bush. (Squat.)

Let's walk slowly -

The rain will catch us on the way. (Easy jogging.)

We came with you, my friend,

Into a dense forest. (Walking.)

Child 1: Take care and preserve the wealth of forests,

They will be grateful to you!

Child 2: Tree, animal, flower and bird,

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet!

Educator: Questions for all teams:

  1. What trees are called conifers?
  2. Why are trees called deciduous?
  3. Which trees do not change crown color?
  4. At what time of year do trees change leaf color?
  5. At what time of year do the leaves bloom on the trees?
  6. Which tree has a white trunk?

Educator: Now you must put together the puzzles and determine by the silhouette what kind of tree it is and name it.

Educator: Didactic game“Which tree is the leaf from?” (Each team is given sheets according to the number of children).

Educator: Outdoor game“Children from the branch” (Collect the fruits of the trees that are given: walnuts, pine cones, chestnuts).

Educator: Not only trees and shrubs grow in the forest, but also various herbs. The guys will tell us whether we need them.

Child 3: Many useful herbs grow

On the soil of our native country!

Helps against diseases:

Linden, mint, St. John's wort!

Child 4: We know these plants,

We protect and protect!

Let's collect not for fun,

You rubbed your foot on the road, what plant can relieve the pain? (Plantain.)

What medicinal properties possesses a mother-stepmother? (Cough medicine.)

The name of this plant speaks for itself - it treats many skin diseases. (Celandine.)

What plants will help strengthen hair? (Nettle, burdock, chamomile.)

What plant besides coltsfoot helps with cough? (Chamomile.)

What plant infusion is drunk to stimulate appetite? (Dandelion.)

Tea from which plant has a calming effect? (Mint.)

Medicinal plant for 99 diseases. (St. John's wort.)

Which plant is used for rinsing inflammatory processes oral cavity, toothache? (Yarrow.)

Educator: And now I propose to solve the “Berry crossword”.

  1. I'm red, I'm sour

I grew up in a swamp

Ripened under the snow,

Come on, who knows me? (Cranberry.)

  1. In the hot sun, the stumps have many thin stems,

Each thin stalk holds a scarlet light,

We rake the stems and collect the lights. (Strawberries.)

  1. She was born in a swamp,

Hidden in the soft grass.

Yellow brooch -

Berry... (cloudberry)

  1. What kind of berries are on the hummock?

Autumn makes their cheeks blush

And freeze, and soak, and cook jam,

And it’s good for fruit drinks - it won’t let you catch a cold.

Lean over and see if it’s ripe... (Lingonberry.)

  1. Under a leaf on every branch

Little children are sitting.

The one who gathers the children

He'll stain his hands and his mouth. (Blueberry.)

  1. Everyone knows these berries

They are replacing our medicine.

If you have a sore throat,

Drink tea at night with... (Raspberries.)

Educator: I invite you to take a journey “Through the pages of fairy tales.”

  1. What tree grows near the Lukomorye, in Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, along which the scientist cat walks and tells fairy tales? (Options: pine, oak, maple, poplar.)
  2. In Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "Thumbelina", from which flower did a little girl emerge? (Options: bell, lily, tulip, peony)
  3. In the Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans,” which tree hid and sheltered the children? (Options: plum, pear, apple tree, bird cherry.)
  4. What flower bushes did Kai and Gerda look after in Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale? The Snow Queen"? (Options: behind rose bushes, behind peony bushes, behind chrysanthemum bushes, behind aster bushes.)
  5. Under what tree does the squirrel gnaw nuts and sing songs in the fairy tale “About Tsar Saltan” by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin? (Options: under pine, under spruce, under larch, under oak.)
  6. In Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale The Wild Swans, what grass did Eliza weave shirts from for her brothers? (Options: from fern, from wild rosemary, from lungwort, from nettle.)

Educator: Let's play the game “Edible - not edible” (they call them mushrooms, and the children raise a green card if the mushroom is edible and a red card if it is inedible).

Educator: In the forest, in addition to trees and other plants, they live different birds and animals. It's hard to imagine the forest without them. All of them are our faithful helpers and friends.

Child 5: Feed the birds in winter!

Let it come from all over

They will flock to us like home,

Flocks on the porch!

Child 6: Train birds in winter

To your window

So that you don’t have to go without songs

Let's welcome spring!

Educator: Now we’ll check how well you know birds. On the tables there are pictures depicting migratory and wintering birds; boys select wintering ones, and girls select migratory ones.

Educator: “Who lives where?” (after looking at the image of animals on the screen, children name their home).

Child 7: Dear forest, dear forest!

We say thank you

For your beautiful air

For rowan and viburnum,

For chamomile, St. John's wort.

Child 8: On one big planet

You and I will live together.

Let's be adults and children

Treasure this friendship!

Educator: Wherever a person lives: in the city or in the countryside, he is always surrounded by plants and animals. But unfortunately, people do not always treat nature with care. By cutting down forests and polluting water in rivers, people unwittingly destroy many wild animals for which the forest and river are home. Because of people, some plants and animals have disappeared forever, and many have become rare. Where are they listed? rare species animals and plants?

Children: To the Red Book.

Educator: The Red Book is a reference book about endangered animals and plants. Why red?

Children: Signal, danger...

Educator: Yes, indeed - the color red is a signal of alarm and prohibition, understandable to people all over the world. All animals and plants listed in this book must be protected. People create nature reserves and parks where hunting is prohibited.

Educator: Our environmental quiz is coming to an end, we ask the jury to sum up the results and identify the winners.

Child 9: Love native nature -

Lakes, forests and fields.

After all, this is ours, with you

Forever native land.

Child 10: You and I were born on it,

You and I live on it.

So let's all be together, people.

We treat her kinder.



(a week primary classes)

Target: expand and deepen students’ natural history knowledge, cultivate a caring attitude towards nature and care for its inhabitants; the desire for good deeds, pure thoughts and feelings; improve communication skills, as well as promote a sense of beauty and responsibility for the world.


1. Organizing time

Student 1:

In the morning the sun rises,

He invites everyone to the street.

I'm leaving the house -

Hello, my street!

I sing - and in the heights

The birds sing along with me.

Student 2:

The herbs whisper to me on the way:

Hurry up, my friend, to grow up.

I answer to herbs,

I answer the winds

I answer the sun, -

Hello, my Motherland!

Student 3:

There is just a temple

There is a temple of science.

And there is also a temple of nature -

With scaffolding reaching out

Towards the sun and winds.

Student 4:

He is holy at any time of the day,

Open to us in the heat and cold,

Come here, be sensitive to your heart.

Do not desecrate her shrines.


– Nature is rich and varied. On land, in the air, in water and under water, life is in full swing everywhere. This life is full of secrets, riddles, miracles. Now we will conduct a quiz “Take care of nature.” We will compete in teams, the winning team will receive the “Nature Expert” medal.

The class is divided into 2 teams. Each team has a name and motto.

Team Rainbow.

Our motto:“We will always be friends, like the colors of the rainbow.”

Team "Ducklings"

Our motto:“Never lose heart, keep your beaks high.”

The teacher announces the start of the game.

And let the struggle rage more intensely,

Stronger competition

Success is not decided by fate,

But only your knowledge.

And let the struggle rage stronger

And your friendship is stronger with her.

2. Ecological quiz


All people on Earth love flowers, have you ever thought about the fact that a person picking in a meadow beautiful flower, makes your homeland poorer? This is true. After all, the meadow is part of the native Earth. And its beauty is part of the beauty of the Motherland. Some people love wildflowers, some love garden flowers, and some love those that grow in a greenhouse.

1. COMPETITION “Riddles about flowers”

1) Sisters are standing in the field:

Golden eye, white eyelashes. (chamomile)

2) Hey, bells, blue color,

With a tongue, but no ringing. (bells)

3) A colorful carpet in the meadow,

I can't stop looking at it.

Put on a smart sundress

Beautiful velvet…(tulip)

4) Even at night there is an ant

He won't miss his home.

Path-path until dawn

Lights up the lanterns.

On large pillars in a row

White lamps are hanging. (lily of the valley)

5) On a green leg

The ball grew near the path.

The breeze rustled

And spread this ball. (dandelion)

6) Everyone knows us.

Bright as a flame.

We are namesakes

With small clusters,

Admire the wild

Scarlet... (carnations)

7) Four bright red

Shiny petals

And grains in a box

This flower has. (poppy)

8) Lovely beauty

Only afraid of frost

Do we all like everything in the bouquet?

What flower? (rose)

2. COMPETITION “Connoisseurs of poetry about nature”

Name the next line.

Questions for team 1:

1. The wind is blowing across the sea... (and the boat is pushing)

2. White birch tree under my window... (covered with snow, like silver)

3. Winter sings and calls... (the shaggy forest lulls)

Questions for team 2:

1. I love thunderstorms at the beginning of May... (when the first thunder thunders in spring)

2. It’s a sad time!.. (the charm of the eyes)

3. The sky was already breathing in autumn... (the sun shone less often)

3. COMPETITION “If you know the forest, the animals, name them quickly”

1) Lying between the trees

Pillow with needles.

She lay quietly

Then suddenly she ran away.

Answer: Hedgehog

2) I wear a fluffy fur coat, I live in dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts.

Answer: Squirrel

3) The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,

And in winter, under the blizzard howl,

He sleeps in a snow hut.

Answer: Bear

4) Cunning cheat, red head,

The fluffy tail is beautiful!

And her name is...

Answer: fox

5) Small, white,

Jump-jump along the forest!

One snowball at a time!

Answer: Bunny.

6) He is a persistent hard worker,

He was born in a black fur coat,

And he lives in the earth all his life,

Who is this? This...

Answer: Mole.

7) Slender, fast,

The horns are branchy,

Worn all day.

Answer: Deer.

8) He only makes friends with a fox,

This beast is angry, angry.

He clicks and clicks his teeth,

Very scary gray...


One question is asked to each team in turn.

1. Who harms wild animals? (Poachers)

2. Who are poachers? (People who shoot animals without permission and outside the hunting season)

3. Where do wild animals feel safe and have the food they need? (In the nature reserve)

4. Why are some species of plants, birds and animals listed in the Red Book? (There are few of them left on Earth)

5. What should be done to support animals in winter? (Feed)

6. What should you do after you have rested in the forest? (Put out the fire, remove the trash)

7. What kind of wood are matches made from? (From aspen)

8. What kind of wood is used to make skis? (Birch)

9. This tree is familiar to everyone since childhood. With him under New Year a fairy tale comes. (Spruce)

10. Songs and poems have been composed about this tree, it is mentioned in fairy tales and riddles, and in ancient times it was also composed round dance songs. (Birch)

Teacher: And now CHANGE. The jury sums up the results of 4 competitions. During the break we received a telegram from MUSHROOMS: “Do whatever you want with us: cut, fry, boil, pickle. But don’t destroy us - don’t tear us out along with the mycelium, otherwise we will stop growing. Mushrooms"

Children sing mushroom ditties.

All: We'll sing funny lines

About forest mushrooms.

    Boletus in the morning

Was going to visit.

The squirrels stole the hat -

He stayed at home.

    Like red foxes

Three sisters appeared.

It would be nice if there was a boy -

Red-haired handsome guy.

    Russulas dressed up

In multi-colored dresses.

Look at us

What beauties we are!

    Morels are in trouble again!

Sick as always:

Noses sniffled

Snub noses.

    The fly agaric ran home

I lost all the peas.

And the wife’s answer was stern:

She didn't let me in.

    On the edge of the river

Mushroom pickers got lost.

Cunning honey mushrooms

They play hide and seek with them.

All: So we sang the lines for you

And let's put an end to this!

Teacher: There is a belief

And I’ll say this not for the first time:

Don't destroy trees

All trees are alive.

White trunk summer,

Golden-haired autumn -

Here are the live answers

To silent questions.

Don't destroy birch trees

Do not break rowan trees:

Their silent tears

Immaculately innocent.

5. COMPETITION “Collect a tree”

Both teams are given a picture cut into pieces. Teams must assemble the entire picture of the tree.

6. “Weather Bureau” COMPETITION

1. The ants are not in a hurry to work; all passages are closed. (Towards the rain)

2. All the flowers in the meadow smell strongly, the flowers of lilac and jasmine are fragrant. (Towards worsening weather)

3. Swallows are flying above the ground, the sparrows are ruffled. (Towards the rain)

4. Late in the evening, grasshoppers are loudly chattering. (TO have a nice day)

5. Ladybug, picked up, quickly flies away. (For good weather)

6. The spider is intensively weaving its web. (For good weather)

7. Bright red sun at sunset. (For windy weather)

8. There is no dew on the grass. (For rainy weather)

9. The birds sing merrily. (For good weather)

Teacher: Without water, nothing living on the Planet is conceivable.

And water is omnipresent - both in the depths and above the earth,

And planet Earth, blue grain in the Universe,

It would be much more accurate to call it not Earth, but Water.

I really want to believe that people will grow up,

That the source of all Life on this Earth will be preserved,

And in the bottomless space the planet Earth is blue

It will shine just as it did thousands of years ago.

7. COMPETITION “Blitz survey about water”

The teacher asks riddles to the teams one by one. For each correct answer, teams receive 1 point.

1. There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Sea)

2. Doesn’t burn in fire, doesn’t sink in water. (Ice)

3. In the new wall,

In the round window

During the day the glass is broken,

Installed overnight. (Ice hole)

4. The sleigh runs, but the shafts stand still. (River and banks)

5. I look out the window: long Antoshka is walking. (Rain)

6. Not the sea, not the land, ships don’t float, but you can’t walk. (Swamp)

7. It flows, it flows, it won’t leak,

He runs, he runs, but he won’t run out. (River)

8. The house is noisy, the owners are silent. People came, they took the owners, and the house went out the window. (Water, fish, fishermen, seine)

9. Silent cold winter

But talkative in the spring. (River)

10. Not water and not land - you can’t sail away on a boat and you can’t get away with your feet. (Swamp)

11. What can’t you take away in a sieve? (Water)

13. Came from heaven to earth and left. (Rain)

14. He doesn’t know grief, but she sheds tears. (Cloud)

15. What can’t you wash your face or get drunk without? (Without water)

16. What can’t you hold in your hands? (Water)

17. Without arms, without legs, but runs. (River)

18. He walks and walks along the sea, but when he reaches the shore, he disappears. (Wave)

19. It’s not fire, but it burns. (Ice)

20. The white tablecloth covered the whole world. (Snow)


The homeland is our country, our villages and cities. This is the air we breathe, the water we drink. These are fish in the river, animals, birds, insects in the forest. If the air and water are poisoned, mineral resources are wasted, forests are cut down, rare plants and animals, our country cannot be rich and happy.

By planting a tree, a flower, or helping an animal, we make our Motherland richer. Let's decorate our Earth with flowers!

Student performance

1. I look at the globe - the globe,

And suddenly he sighed as if alive;

And the continents whisper to me: “Save us, save us!”

2. The groves and forests are in alarm,

Dew on the grass is like a tear!

And the springs quietly ask: “Save us, save us!”

3. Sad deep river, losing our shores,

4. The deer stopped its run,

Be a man, man! We believe in you - don't lie:

“You save us, save us!”

5. I look at the globe - the globe,

So beautiful and dear!

And lips whisper in the wind: “I will save you, I will save you!”

6. Our planets,

Our land!

From now on we are your children and friends!

From now on we are together big family

Flowers and trees

Birds and me.

The jury sums up the results of the quiz and awards the winners.

Ecological quiz “Fairytale ecology”

Description. Ecological quiz “Fairytale Ecology” is intended for teachers primary school, teachers additional education and educators preschool institutions. Fairy tales for children retain folk wisdom in their text. Usually, fairy tales are seen as a good time for kids, as a help to understand what is good and what is bad. But few people know that fairy tales also teach about ecology. Environmental program“Fairytale Ecology” is aimed at obtaining the basics of environmental knowledge through the study of fairy tales.
Danilchenko Oksana Anatolyevna, head of the department for core activities of the State Educational Establishment “Slutsk EBCU”, Slutsk, Republic of Belarus
Target: upbringing ecological culture children through the study of fairy tales.
- promote the study of folk and original fairy tales from an environmental point of view;
- promote the development of interest in the surrounding world;
- promote a caring attitude towards nature.
Equipment: a selection of fairy tales, illustrations for fairy tales, presentation “Ecology in the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”, texts of poems for physical education classes.
Preliminary preparation: reading folk and original fairy tales.

Teacher's opening speech

Hello guys!
Today we met at the environmental quiz “Fairytale Ecology”. What is ecology?
Ecology is a science that studies the relationships of living organisms with each other and environment, or science that studies the conditions of existence of living organisms, the relationships between the environment in which they live.
The beginning of the history of ecology can be traced back to ancient times. In those distant times, in order to survive, every person had to have certain knowledge about the world around him, about the forces of nature, plants and animals. The relationship between man and nature is reflected in myths, legends and fairy tales.
In ancient times, folk tales carried environmental knowledge not only for children, but for adults. Almost the entire village was going to listen to a good storyteller.
Some fairy tales appeared from observations of the world around us, others - as an attempt to explain a natural phenomenon or the habits of an animal (for example, the Belarusian fairy tale “Bunnies”). Many fairy tales were about mythical creatures guarding forests, meadows, swamps, and so on (for example, the Russian folk tale “Leshy”).
By passing on and adding to stories from mouth to mouth, people passed on their worldview and environmental experience for generations.
In the 21st century, reading fairy tales different nations and authors, we, like in the old days, learn morality from fairy-tale heroes. But few people will learn to respect nature by listening to fairy tales. But in vain!
Today we will try to look for ecology in folk and original fairy tales.
First, let's take a look at the ecological study of the fairy tale "The Frog Princess."
Speech by Alexandrova Yanina “Ecology in the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” (Appendix).
- Now is the time environmental quiz"Fairytale ecology".
The guys are divided into 2 teams and choose captains.
- Attention! Fairy tales of different nations can be similar in content and differ only in name. For example, the fairy tale “The Man and the Bear” and the fairy tale “Tops and Roots.”

1st round “Plants in Fairy Tales”

- Without plants there would be no life on our planet. They play a huge role for humans (oxygen, food, fuel, paper, beauty, and so on).
Name fairy tales in which plants are found.

1. “Firebird” – apple tree
2. “Turnip” – turnip
3. “The Man and the Bear” – turnip, rye
4. “The Snow Queen” – roses
5. “Cinderella” – pumpkin
6. “Thumbelina” – tulip, water lily
7. “The Princess and the Pea” - peas
8. “The Frog Princess” - oak
9. “Geese-swans” - apple tree
10. “Wild swans” - nettle
11. “The Scarlet Flower” - flower
12. “White and Rosette” - roses

Round 2 “Magic transformations”

- Tales about animals are one of the sections of fairy tales that have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. In fairy tales, animals can turn into handsome princes and extraordinary beauties, talk human language, laugh, cry and worry.
Name fairy tales in which people turn into animals, and animals into people.
The players consult for 5 minutes, and then the captains, one by one, name the tales. (Each fairy tale – 1 point)
1. “The Frog Princess” - frog
2. “Finist - clear falcon” - falcon
3. “Wild Swans” - swan
4. “Cinderella” - rat, lizards
5. “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka” - kid
6. “Caliph Stork” - stork, owl
7. “White and Rosette” - bear
8. “The Frog King” - frog
9. “Puss in Boots” - lion, mouse
10. “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” - swan, kite, mosquito, fly, bumblebee
11. “Dwarf Nose” - goose
12. “Brave” - bear
13. “Cuckoo” - cuckoo
14. “Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf" - wolf

Physical education lesson “There is a hut in the dark forest”


Teams receive the text of the poem and independently come up with movements for it within 5 minutes. Then, one by one, they conduct their physical education session with the fans.
There is a hut in the dark forest. (Children walk.)
It's standing backwards. (Children turn.)
There is an old woman in that hut. (They shake a finger.)
Grandmother Yaga lives. (They shake the finger of the other hand.)
Hooked nose (Point with finger.)
The eyes are big, (Open eyes wide.)
Like coals burning. (Look to the left and then to the right.)
Wow, how angry! (Running in place.)
My hair stands on end. (Hands up.)

3rd round " Mythical creatures»

- In many folk tales There are fairy-tale creatures that man invented to protect the world around him. For example, Vodyanoy protected fresh water bodies, and Neptune protected seas and oceans.
Name fairy tales that contain mythical creatures.
The players consult for 5 minutes, and then the captains, one by one, name the tales. (Each fairy tale – 1 point)
1. “Oh and the golden snuffbox” - Oh
2. “Rolling Pea” - Smoke
3. “Baba Yaga and the Zhikhar” - Baba Yaga
4. “Ivan the peasant son and Miracle-Yudo” - Miracle-Yudo
5. “Leshy” - Leshy
6. “The Frog Princess” - Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga
7. “White and Rosette” - Dwarf
8. “Flying Ship” - Vodyanoy, Baba Yaga
9. “Magic Lamp” - Genie
10. “How Jirtdan took the children away from the terrible Div” - Div
11. “The Dragon and the Prince” - Dragon

Round 4 “Inanimate nature in fairy tales”

- Everyone knows that on our planet, in addition to living organisms (animals, plants, algae, lichens, mushrooms, etc.), there are mountains, rivers, sand, stones, air, and so on.
Name the fairy tales in which inanimate nature comes to life.
The players consult for 5 minutes, and then the captains, one by one, name the tales. (Each fairy tale – 1 point)
1. “Two frosts” - frost
2. “The Tale of the Dead Princess” - sun, moon, wind
3. “Geese-swans” - river
4. “Wind and Sun” - wind, sun
5. “How the Moon appeared in the sky” - moon
6. “Snow and the Hare” - snow

Physical education lesson “Gnome”

- And now, we have a fabulous physical education session.
Teams receive the text of the poem and independently come up with movements for it within 5 minutes. Then, one by one, they conduct their physical education session with the fans.
The gnome was walking through the forest, (Walking in place.)
I lost my cap. (Tilts left and right - “looking for the loss.”)
The cap was not easy (Spread your arms to the sides)
With a golden bell. (Clap your hands.)
Who can tell the gnome more precisely, (Jumping in place.)
Where should he look for what he lost? (Hands up)

Round 5 “Ecology and fairy tales”

- Guys, the time has come for the most important competition. We remembered many fairy tales with heroes who were animals, plants, mythical characters and even natural phenomena. All together is nature. Nature is a single house in which everyone needs each other: from the huge Sun to the smallest midge.
And ecology is the science of the laws of life of nature. Translated from Greek language this word means "ekos" - house, "logos" - science. That is, ecology is the science of the home. The main law of ecology is that everything is connected to everything. Nature needs bunnies and wolves, poisonous mushrooms and edible, beautiful butterflies and biting mosquitoes. And also rain, snow, and clean air.
Guys, in the 5th round “Ecology and Fairy Tales”, you must guess the fairy tale and find environmental aspects in it.
I went to visit my grandmother,
I brought the pies to her.
The Gray Wolf was watching her,
Deceived and swallowed.
Answer: Fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”, ecological moment – ​​wolf beast of prey.
Attention: There can be several ecological moments in one fairy tale!
The questions are laid out on the table, text down, the captains, one at a time, take one at a time. The team consults within 2-5 minutes and gives an answer. (If you guessed only the fairy tale - 1 point; if you guessed the fairy tale and named the environmental aspects - 2 points)
1. We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let the wolf into the house.
Who were these
Small children?
(The fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, an ecological moment - the wolf is a predator and is not averse to eating a kid.)

2. As a child, everyone laughed at him,
They tried to push him away:
After all, no one knew that he
Born a white swan.
(Fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling”, ecological moment - diversity of poultry.)

3. I bought a samovar,
And the mosquito saved her.
(The fairy tale “Tsokotukha Fly”, environmental aspects - biological diversity invertebrates; the spider makes webs and hunts flies.)

4. Sweet apple flavor
I lured that bird into the garden.
Feathers glow with fire
And it’s light all around, like during the day.
(Fairy tale “Firebird”, ecological moment - the benefits of apples for human health.)

5. She is the most important mystery of all,
Even though she lived in the cellar:
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Helped my grandparents.
(The fairy tale “Turnip”, the ecological moment is the benefit of all living organisms on the planet.)

6. The maiden is beautiful, sad:
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun!
The poor thing is shedding tears!
(Fairy tale “Snow Maiden”, ecological moment - snow at high temperatures melts.)

7. The bunny wanted to eat him,
Gray wolf and brown bear.
And when the baby is in the forest
I met a red fox
I couldn't leave her.
What kind of fairy tale?
(Fairy tale “Kolobok”, ecological moment - biodiversity of forest animals.)

8. Mom gave birth to a daughter
From a beautiful flower.
Nice, little one!
The baby was an inch tall.
If you have read the fairy tale,
Do you know what my daughter's name was?
(The fairy tale “Thumbelina”, environmental aspects - a reservoir as a habitat for frogs, fish and crayfish; a variety of invertebrate animals; soil is the mole’s habitat; the mouse makes provisions for the winter; the swallow is a migratory bird.)

9. Oh, Petya-simplicity,
I messed up a little:
I didn't listen to the cat
Looked out the window.
(The fairy tale “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”, ecological aspects - the fox is a predatory animal, the cat and the rooster are domestic animals that can get along well with each other.)

10. The mouse found a home for itself,
The mouse was kind:
In that house, after all
There were a lot of residents.
(Fairy tale “Teremok”, ecological moment - biodiversity of the animal world.)

11. Pounded and pounded
On the plate with your nose,
Didn't swallow anything
And he was left with his nose.
(Fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”, ecological moment - different type oral apparatus and method of feeding.)

12. An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,
And in that swamp someone caught her.
(Fairy tale “The Frog Princess”, ecological moment - protection of the animal world.)

13. Grandfather and grandmother cry with tears of grief -
Why are we suddenly having such failure?
There was a golden egg lying on the shelf.
Yes, just a mouse -
The punishment is that I broke it.
(Fairy tale “Ryabka Hen”, ecological moment - the value of eggs for human nutrition.)

14. Masha went into the forest with a basket.
I got a little lost there.
I came across a hut,
She ate the porridge and went to bed.
(Fairy tale “Three Bears”, ecological moment - the habitat of bears is deep forests.)

15. In which fairy tale did a man and a bear farm together?
(Fairy tale “The Man and the Bear”, ecological moment - the omnivorous nature of the bear)

16. In what fairy tale did the boy turn into a kid?
(Fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, ecological moment - the importance of water for humans)

17. In the garden, near the hut,
The harvest is growing richly.
There they sit in the beds thickly
Turnips, beets and cabbage.
And they burn like the suns
Yellow sunflowers.
Who's puffing in the garden there?
(Fairy tale “Puff”, environmental aspects - diversity vegetable crops; a hedgehog sometimes visits vegetable gardens in search of invertebrates)

18. In this fairy tale the hero
Not like you and me.
Small in stature, small
He is not strong, he is not smart.
Somehow the wind blew the guy away,
Slipped across the river...
Here's the problem - my legs hurt.
How can they run along the path?
How to get home on time
Unhealthy, sick?
Open up your mind
Who is this? ...
(The fairy tale “How an ant hurried home”, ecological aspects - the diversity of invertebrate animals; methods of movement and appearance invertebrates)

19. We adjusted the sail,
They put a mouse in prison
In a dugout boat
And they let it go with the flow.
(Fairy tale “Mouse Peak”, ecological aspects - diversity of the animal world; lifestyle of some animal representatives)

20. In what fairy tale did the forest birds unite against the owl?
(Fairy tale “Forest Scouts”, environmental aspects - diversity forest birds; relationships between different bird species; owl - night bird)

(Note: not all environmental issues are given, but only as an answer option)

Final word from the teacher.

Forests, meadows, rivers, lakes - this is our common Home, and animals and plants are our neighbors on planet Earth. We must live in peace and harmony with our neighbors. Ecology teaches how to use nature without damaging it. For many, many years, people took whatever they wanted from nature, without thinking about the consequences. Therefore, it is not easy for nature now: many have disappeared different types animals and plants, while others are now on the verge of extinction. Instead of forests, deserts appeared, lakes and rivers dried up, and even the whole sea - the Aral Sea. Therefore, every person, from children to adults, must do everything to save our world. And this means:
- do not litter;
- do not pick wild flowers;
- do not break trees;
- do not bring home wild animals;
- do not pollute water bodies;
- pick mushrooms and berries correctly;
- do not light fires in the forest
and much more.
(Congratulations to the winners of the quiz)
Boris Zakhoder has wonderful poems with which we will sum up our event.

Everything in the world
The world needs
And midges
No less needed than elephants.
Can't get by
Without ridiculous monsters
And even without predators, -
Evil and ferocious.
We need everything in the world!
We need everything -
Who makes honey
And who makes the poison!
Bad things
A cat without a mouse,
A mouse without a cat
No better business!
And if we are with someone
Not very friendly
We are still VERY
We need each other!
What if someone
It will seem superfluous
Then this, of course,
It will be a mistake!
Everything in the world
The world needs
And these are all children
Must remember!


Mini-study “Ecology in the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”

(translit to the presentation)

1 slide
Mini-research “Ecology in the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”
2 slide
Fairy tales have come to us from time immemorial. Composed by folk storytellers, wonderful stories passed down by word of mouth, from generation to generation. Then the time came when fairy tales began to be collected and written down. By telling and reading fairy tales, we develop inner world, we gain knowledge about the laws of life and ways to demonstrate creative ingenuity. Reading a fairy tale forms the foundations of behavior and communication for life, teaches perseverance, patience, and the ability to set goals and go towards them. A fairy tale develops creativity, imagination, imagination and empathy. The fairy tale serves as a source for the formation of elementary environmental concepts.
3 slide
Fairy tale "The Frog Princess"
4 slide
“Meanwhile, Ivan Tsarevich took a moment, ran home, found a frog skin and burned it over a high fire.”
The ecological fact that frogs molt up to 4 times a year is reflected in the fairy tale.
5 slide
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bear came running and uprooted the tree; the chest fell and broke into pieces, a hare ran out of the chest and took off at full speed: lo and behold, another hare was chasing after it, caught up, grabbed it and tore it to shreds. The duck flew out of the hare and rose high, high; flies, and the drake rushed after her, when he hit her, the duck immediately dropped the egg, and that egg fell into the sea. Ivan Tsarevich, seeing the inevitable misfortune, burst into tears; suddenly a pike swims up to the shore and holds an egg in its teeth; he took that egg, broke it, took out a needle and broke off the tip: no matter how much Koschey fought, no matter how much he rushed in all directions, he had to die!
6 slide
Taking into account the lifestyle and habitats of animals, they are used in fairy tales. Pike is an aquatic inhabitant in order to find an egg in the water element. The bear is a strong forest animal in order to get the chest from the tree. Hare - good runner. It can also be assumed that the prototype of the hare from the chest was a hare. And Ivan’s “assistant” is a brown hare, since he runs faster. The drake and the duck are birds.
