Where to relax from September 15 at sea. Beach holiday in September

In September, some look at the calendar with longing, realizing that summer is inexorably passing, while others are proactive, take the “bull by the horns” and plan their long-awaited vacation.

Where can you relax in September?

This time can rightfully be considered a velvet season: it is not so stuffy, the weather is pleasant and mild, and the local bazaars of Europe are replete with an abundance of juicy and ripe vegetables and fruits. It is unlikely that any other month of the year can give such true pleasure.

Choosing the perfect vacation spot depends on your preferences and what you ultimately expect to get. You are quite satisfied with sailing on a yacht or a relaxing holiday on the beach, go to Egypt (), Turkey (for example, the resorts that are fascinating and worth visiting in different months are Alanya and Belek), Greece or Italy, are firmly aimed at sightseeing or sightseeing educational tour, it is better to visit Europe or everyone’s favorite Egypt (in particular, the capital Cairo, where it is warm in any month), and skiing, sledding or snowboarding will be provided to you by resorts in Finland, Austria, France and other countries.

Where to relax in autumn

The arrival of autumn evokes different feelings for everyone, some like to listen to the rain drumming outside the window, rustle fallen leaves in the park, while others yearn for the reckless summer and hot days.

  • Australia is the only country on earth that occupies the entire territory of the continent, which is why the climate here is not similar to European. Austria offers holidays for every taste: beach, active, educational excursions, hikes in the jungle, scuba diving and yachting are also practiced.
  • Indonesia is a country spread over 18,000 islands. According to legend, it was created by the gods and only after a while Indonesia was given to people. This is a great place for an active and beach holiday, for various excursions and more. I can't help but be pleased with the high service that the hotels offer. At first glance, it seems that the cost of such a vacation is high, but the price is justified if you take into account the sights and beauty of nature.

Where to go abroad in September

It is no secret that Indonesia is a country that is among the top most comfortable and advanced places in terms of recreation. An impressive part of its islands is located in Southern Hemisphere. And if you want to go here in September, then know that at the beginning of autumn it is dry here, but the sun is constantly shining, not hot and gentle.

It is also noteworthy that the ocean tides occur at this time, and therefore fans of yachting, surfing and water skiing should take into account this fact. In September, Indonesia is incredibly attractive and colorful: unusually beautiful sunsets and sunrises, the pleasant trill of birds, the favorable location of forests and a contrasting palette of colors seem to captivate the imagination.

Having decided to visit China, you should choose the most suitable direction for yourself: either it will be a trip in search of exciting excursions and interesting sights, or enjoying the peace and quiet of local beaches, distinctive feature which - velvet sand. The beauty of autumn China is a fascinating sight, but tourists are especially interested in the palaces and parks of the emperors, Beijing, Shao Lin and the Great Wall. And on Hainan Island you can get a bronze tan.

Must visit in China:

  • Palaces and parks of emperors,
  • Beijing city,
  • Shao-Lin,
  • Great Wall
  • Hainan Island.

You will also have a top-notch vacation when visiting Tanzania, where the impressive Kilimanjaro volcano is located. Also, not a single tourist can be indifferent and pass by the amazingly beautiful and huge Lake Victoria, from which the famous Nile begins its “path”. The nature in Tanzania is untouched and wild, so many will enjoy trips to comfortable and small villages and safaris. However, the pearl of this country is still Zanzibar, which attracts tourists with its picturesque and noble nature.

What is the best thing to see in Russia

It’s the beginning of autumn, and schoolchildren are starting a new school year, which is why attendance rates at resorts are sharply declining. But those who are lucky enough to get a vacation in September are beginning to understand what opportunities this month provides: a secluded holiday in the wild beautiful nature, leisurely sightseeing and so on.

In Russia, on September 8, the victory over Napoleon's troops by Kutuzov's army is celebrated, so why not visit the Borodino field on this day? Not far from these places, where French and Russian soldiers measured their strength, there is a museum-reserve where more than 200 monuments are available for tourists to view.

Baikal is the deepest lake in the world, which even the locals themselves treat with special trepidation, and what can we say about the guests, because for many of them visiting Baikal is cherished dream. True, such a desire can become a reality, and the trip itself can be timed to coincide with Lake Day.

Holidays abroad can be inexpensive

Do you want to have a cheap holiday abroad? No problem!

  1. Zagreb - favorable place for a holiday in September, the water temperature is ideal for swimming, and the Adriatic coast itself is very beautiful. Croatian architecture also adds special charm to it. You can sit in cafes and bars with a cup of coffee even for days on end. The narrow streets of Zagreb are full of souvenir shops and shops where you can buy gifts for your loved ones. A puppet show, the observatory and the history museum are the most favorite places for children.
  2. Porto is the most beautiful of small European cities, famous for its cobbled streets, architectural monuments and colorful houses. Galleries and museums house many exhibits that are of great value to art historians. It’s not a bad idea to relax here and near the Crystal Palace in the park.

Where to fly with children in September

Today, modern parents are accustomed to traveling with their children from the moment they are born, but not many of them actually choose tours for little tourists.

It is believed that best tour for children, you won’t find anything better in Morocco, since the locals have the foresight to provide a comfortable family holiday. Various playgrounds, warm ocean water that delights you and your child, and all kinds of entertainment with animators will not bring difficulties and problems. And to diversify children's holidays, Moroccans came up with rides on camels and thoroughbred horses.

Estonia, a vacation in which promises to be memorable and enjoyable for your baby, because these are hotels, sanatoriums, attractions, intertwined with slowness and tranquility. But don’t think that various excursions and noisy entertainment are alien here; on the contrary, the country is characterized by excellent youth attractions, for example, eco-tourism and outdoor recreation.

Hot holiday on the beach

If you don’t know in which country to get some “relaxation” and simply relax mentally, then be sure to visit the captivating and mysterious Rincon beach, located on a peninsula of captivating beauty. The top of the most notable resorts also includes the island of Saona, where, by the way, there is no paraphernalia of civilization: you definitely won’t see hotels and bars here, but this small drawback is fully compensated by the snow-white and golden sands.

You can also admire the local color, among which there is pristine nature and picturesque landscapes that are pleasing to the eye. In the Dominican Republic, crystal clear water awaits you; starfish and corals can be seen in its depths.

It would also be nice to visit Santo Domingo, located on the shores of the Caribbean Sea, because it is notable for its historical and cultural monuments, among which the Museum is recognized as the most interesting royal houses and the Columbus Lighthouse. And if you can’t imagine yourself without fruitful and exciting shopping, then definitely go here in search of optimal prices for quality items. And all the beauty underwater world you can see if you don't go past the coral reef.

Oman is a great option to spend a long-awaited vacation or vacation. The water in the local Gulf of Oman is clean and incredibly pleasant - this creates the right mood for diving and surfing. The local nature is a little ascetic, however, in general, it creates a picturesque and attractive landscape. Among the most common entertainments, it is worth highlighting, first of all, camel riding.

You can get excellent relaxation in United Arab Emirates(UAE), for example, in its most famous place - Dubai. This city is located on the shores of the Persian Gulf in the Arabian Sea, and is an excellent place for beach holidays, diving and other water sports, as the water here all year round warm.

With equal success in Barcelona you can relax both on the beaches and with children, because the temperature of the Mediterranean Sea and the weather in September are just as delightful as in the summer months. It cannot be said that the Altantic Ocean, which washes Tenerife in Spain, is very warm in different months, but you will most likely be pleased with the huge selection of beaches, hotels and the level of service on the island.

You can get some “relaxation” and just mentally relax:

  • On the mysterious Rincon beach,
  • On the island of Saona,
  • In the Dominican Republic,
  • In Santo Domingo,
  • To Oman,
  • In the UAE (United Arab Emirates).
  • In Barcelona.


Autumn is approaching. We haven’t had time to enjoy summer yet, and it’s time to think about warm clothes, snow and frost again... wait, is autumn really that bad? There are thousands of places in the world where autumn, especially at the very beginning, is simply gorgeous. Don't believe me? Then let's find out where to go on vacation abroad in September 2019 inexpensively to see the most beautiful places on the planet. And so, let's begin our virtual tour.

Warm sea in September? This is reality!
A huge number of tourists stay at home in the summer and rush to the sea in September. Why? Firstly, there are fewer tourists. Secondly, prices are starting to decline. And thirdly, at this time of year in most resorts the weather is beautiful without heat and stuffiness. Therefore, September is an ideal place for a seaside holiday. But where to go?

As an option, take a closer look at the Greek islands - Rhodes and Crete. At this time of year the weather is ideal for swimming and sunbathing. The air warms up to +27 degrees during the day. But it’s not as hot and stuffy as in summer. There is no rain, the wind barely blows and nothing will interfere with your vacation.
Local hotels are also starting to offer discounts. After all, tourists are leaving for home, and hotels need something to live on. And here you can save a lot.

Chinese island of Hainan.
Few people know, but China also has its own resorts, which are about to become the most famous and best in the world. And all these resorts are located on the island of Hainan.

This island is completely dedicated to tourists, relaxation and the sea. The weather here is warm all year round, it is sunny and beautiful all year round. In September, the island will greet you with weather up to +33 degrees during the day. There will be little rain and on average no more than 5 millimeters of precipitation falls per month. There is also no wind and it is simply ideal to relax here.
In addition to beaches and hotels, the island is full of attractions that every tourist should see. There are both ancient sights and modern ones, built just a couple of years ago.
If you have never been to the island before, then feel free to buy a tour and enjoy the best vacation of your life.

Holidays in September in Europe.
You can relax in September not only at sea, but also just in beautiful cities while enjoying the local culture and beauty. For example, you can visit autumn Italy and enjoy its views. There are many cities in Italy that are worth seeing. Firstly, this is of course Rome. It is in the capital of the country that the most famous sights are collected.

And if you are a romantic or looking for new adventures and experiences, then Florence is your best bet. There are many ancient buildings there, the walls of which preserve the memory of what was here hundreds of years ago.

Also in September, tourists like to visit Budapest and Prague. These cities attract tourists with their beauty and simplicity.
The two capitals are both similar to each other and completely different. Each of them is beautiful in its own way, each has something that makes you walk around the city slowly and look at everything around you.

Overseas in September.
There are also tourists who prefer to relax in places that are very remote from our country. For example, this is Cuba or Mexico. People fly here not only to relax, but also for new experiences. Countries Latin America They are beautiful, there is a lot of virgin nature in them and people have not broken much here yet.
When visiting these distant countries, you find yourself in a completely different world. A world that is different from the one you lived in before.

Finally a vacation! How you want to lie on the sand, bask in the sun and swim in the warm sea, throwing away thoughts about pressing matters! If your vacation is in September, where to go? There are many amazing places for a relaxing holiday. These are Morocco, Tunisia, Montenegro, Greece and other wonderful countries.

Holidays at sea

The beginning of autumn is considered a velvet season - there is warm sun, a light breeze, and a pleasant sea. This is a great time for those who don't like heat. In September, the Mediterranean Sea warms up to an average of +25 degrees, the Red Sea - up to +28, the Black Sea - up to +22. The air temperature also allows you to feel comfortable at the resorts.


Autumn in this country is one of the most pleasant times of the year. Amazing nature and soft white sand attract thousands of tourists every year. The country is perfect for a family holiday. Where to go in September in Tunisia? Northern Hammamet attracts with its huge water park with many water attractions, and its southern part is famous for its unusual amusement park. For younger travelers, the resort of Sousse will be relevant. It is famous for its open-air discos, a wide selection of excursions, as well as the Ice Cream House, where more than a hundred varieties of treats are presented.


Ideal holiday conditions include September. Where is the best place to go on holiday in Egypt? The average air temperature ranges from +30 to +35 degrees, and the Red Sea warms up to +28. The beaches of the city of Alexandria are sandy, but not all hotels have them. Basically, hotel guests will have to relax on city public beaches. In Hurghada, swimming areas are gently sloping and artificially dredged lagoons are common. The beaches of Sharm el-Sheikh are also sandy, but it is advisable to have special shoes for swimming, as corals often begin to grow almost at the very entrance to the sea.


The beginning of autumn is a magical holiday destination on the islands of Crete and Rhodes. The air warms up to +27 degrees, and the water - up to +23. The country is famous for its variety of fruits, delicious food and amazing sights. For example, while vacationing on the island of Crete, you can go on excursions to the Lassithi Valley and the Knossos Palace, go sea fishing, visit water parks and much more. In Greece, the beaches are mostly sandy, but there are also pebbly ones.


Where to go in September in this country? The beginning of autumn gives a comfortable holiday on the coast of both Antalya and Aegean Sea. Türkiye is famous for its low prices and good quality service. This is a country that is washed by the Black, Marmara, Aegean, and Mediterranean seas. The air temperature in September reaches +28 degrees, water temperature - +27. The sea is calm for almost the entire month, which is favorable for trips on yachts, diving, and you can simply laze on the sandy beach. During the same period, brand stores open their sales season, which is an additional advantage when choosing a tour. Thanks to the mild climate, a holiday in Turkey will be useful for children who will quickly get used to natural conditions.


The holidays started in September, where to go? The gentle climate invites tourists to Israel, where the air temperature reaches +30 degrees, and the Red Sea - above +25. Medical resorts Dead Sea With high quality services attract travelers who want to combine relaxation with health promotion. The city of Arad in Israel has been recognized as one of the most environmentally friendly in the world. Here you can treat respiratory diseases, as well as nervous disorders, take a walk around the National Park and the Masada fortress. An unusually sunny city in the country is Eilat. It practically never rains here. The city is famous for its great marine reserve, which contains various types corals and representatives of fauna and flora.


Where to go in September? Resorts in Montenegro open their doors this month. The Adriatic Sea caresses tourists tired of everyday work. Its temperature reaches +26 degrees. Holidays in Montenegro are suitable for budget, unpretentious travelers who are looking for a relaxing pastime. The country has both sandy beaches and artificial concrete platforms on the coasts. Most of them are located in bays sheltered from the wind. Montenegro is known for its incredible harmonious landscapes and ancient sights. For example, the Ostrog monastery, the bastions of Forte Mare, the Cathedral of St. Tripun and many others. The country is open to diving enthusiasts. The Adriatic Sea contains many reefs and corals, as well as sunken submarines, an Austrian warship, and a World War II destroyer that will be of interest to explorers.


This country is a holiday filled with bright lights and friendly smiles. This is a place that is known to everyone as the birthplace of crazy carnival and dynamic football. Brazil combines striking contrasts - islands, deserts, and jungles. There is something to see and where to lie down. The country's beaches are distinguished by their diversity. Clean and cozy places there are holidays in Rio de Janeiro. For example, Lebnon, Copacabana, Botafogo, Vidigal and so on. The beaches mainly contain coral reefs, which attracts diving enthusiasts.

Tourists will be interested in visiting the Botanical Garden in Rio de Janeiro, the Foz de Iguazu and Tijuca national parks, the world famous statue of Christ on top of Corcovado, as well as beautiful waterfalls, zoos and, of course, the Amazon jungle. The last place is one of the most mysterious in the country. It is named after the Amazon River, which flows through the territory. Traveling along it, you can meet pink dolphins, caimans, a huge water lily, as well as settlements of Indian tribes.

The temperature in September is conducive to traveling around the country, but in different areas she hesitates. Thus, in the northeastern part of Brazil the air warms up to +33 degrees, and on the tropical coasts - up to +27. The water is also warm, in some places reaching +28 degrees. So, if the question arises: “Where to go in September?”, then the unmistakable answer will be: “To Brazil!”

Exotic places

It's vacation in September, where to go? Especially if you want something unusual and surprising? For connoisseurs of extraordinary experiences, a trip to Cuba is suitable. With the arrival of autumn, the country begins a dry season, with virtually no rain. Cuba is being washed Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean. One of the most visited places in the country is Varadero. This is a resort located on the Hikakos Peninsula. Here, all holiday homes and hotels are located near the water. You can take a walk in Varadero Park, go on an excursion to the caves, and the resort also has 23 scuba diving centers.

Where else can you go in Cuba in September? The leader in tourist attendance is the city of Havana. There are majestic skyscrapers next to ancient buildings here. For example, the fortresses of Castillo del Punta and Castillo del Morro, the Monastery of Santa Clara, the Granma Monument and the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. In this city there is a Lenin Museum, a Museum of the Fight against Illiteracy, a Museum of the Revolution and others.

The hottest city in the country is Santiago de Cuba. The lowest air temperature recorded was +23 degrees. The sea water is very warm, not lower than +32 degrees. Behind amazing beauty streets of the city, as well as its ancient monuments, Santiago de Cuba was awarded the Golden Apple Award. There are luxurious parks, educational museums and even its own castle, surrounded by cannons and moats. Where to go at the end of September in this country? As in any month of autumn, tourists choose the following resorts: Havana, Varaero, Cayo Coco, Cayo Largo, Cayo Guillermo.


Where to go in September in this country? Many resorts welcome guests at this time of year, especially the islands of Pemba, Mafia, and Zanzibar. On the coast, the air temperature never drops below +25 degrees. Autumn in the country is a period of drought and migration of African animals. Therefore, safari lovers try to organize their holidays at this particular time. Wonderful beaches on the Indian Ocean coast, nature reserves where you can see many animals in all their glory and almost in natural conditions, stunning nature are important factors that play in favor of choosing a holiday destination. Of course, traveling to Tanzania is not cheap, and there is nothing to do there without routine vaccinations, but there will be a lot of impressions.

Ski holiday in September. Where to go?

For fans of this winter sport, some countries open their resorts before the official start of the season. These are vacation spots such as:

1. Sölden in Austria.

2. Tignes in France.

3. Saas-Fee and Zermatt in Switzerland.

4. Ukkohalla, Palyakka, Tahko and Himos in Finland.

If the answer to the question of where to go at the end of September is: “Of course, where you can ski!”, then these resorts will certainly be a good choice for a vacation destination. Here you can improve your health, take a break from the bustle of the city and breathe real mountain air.

CIS and Russia. Where to go on vacation in September?

“Indian summer” begins just at the beginning of autumn. It's better to spend this time in nature, enjoying the last warm days. When traveling to St. Petersburg, you can walk along quiet streets and visit many museums, without the traditional crowd of tourists.

The trip to Karelia will remain in my memory for a long time. In autumn there are no more mosquitoes and midges, and you can have a good rest in nature. During this period, the season of mushrooms and berries begins, which ripen in abundance in the forests. You can stay in cottages or holiday homes. There is often a bathhouse in the adjacent area. And, of course, fishing in this region is one of the most productive. Lovers of a calm, quiet holiday in their own country will not be disappointed in their holiday in Karelia.

So September has arrived. Where to go to the sea in Russia? At this time, most often visit the resorts of Stavropol, Crimea and Krasnodar region, namely Anapa, Sochi, Khosta, Tuapse, Evpatoria, Yalta and others. In autumn there is no longer a large flow of tourists, and therefore finding a place in hotels will not be difficult. The average air temperature reaches +29, water +25 degrees. You can spend time on the coast, entertaining yourself with boat trips, or going to a water park, or you can go on excursions to nearby cities and admire the nature outside the resort. There is a lot of entertainment, and their prices vary.

Where is the best place to go in September in the CIS countries? Abkhazia is considered one of the most peaceful and hospitable republics of the Caucasus. Mild climate, opportunity to improve health in sanatoriums, beautiful landscapes- all this attracts many tourists every year. Of course, there are also attractions. For example, in the famous Gagra you can visit the Castle of the Prince of Oldenburg, the Memorial of Glory, the Krubera-Voronya Cave, mansions of the early 20th century and much more. The air warms up to +23, and the water - up to +26 degrees.

Your holiday in Turkmenistan will be quiet and unfussy. On the shores of the Caspian Sea there are recreation centers that very warmly welcome guests. There are no attractions, but there are clean beaches, tasty food And good service. There are few tourists, so you won’t hear any noise from your neighbors walking around. The air temperature reaches +29 degrees, and the water - +26.

A holiday in Kazakhstan will be amazing. The tourist will see deserts, meadows, mountains, diverse animals and vegetable world, as well as beautiful and modern cities. The routes for travelers have been developed in a variety of ways; they can be chosen both for connoisseurs of mysterious caves and for wildlife lovers. An important landmark of Kazakhstan is the Great Steppe, which stretches over millions of square kilometers. The world-famous Baikonur Cosmodrome and the Medeo Ice Stadium are located in this country.

Where is the best place to go on vacation in September? There are many countries and cities that are ready to welcome tired tourists. All that remains is to decide on the type of vacation and price category and you can start your trip.

With the arrival of autumn, the holiday does not end, because at this time it is still warm enough to go on vacation to the seashore, and it is no longer so stuffy for sightseeing tours. There are quite a lot of places where you can go on vacation in September, and each tourist can easily choose a destination in accordance with his interests.

Weekend getaway: an interesting weekend in September

In addition to a long vacation, each of us wants to somehow diversify our lives by traveling on weekends. But where can you go in September to have a good rest and have time to return before the start? working week? When answering this question, everyone proceeds from their own capabilities. For example, the first month of autumn is very successful for excursion trips to any country in Europe, because ancient cities look great against the backdrop of the lush colors of early autumn. Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Greece, France or Germany - all these places are perfect for a comfortable holiday and unforgettable excursions.

A calm period for tourism begins at this time in Russia. As the number of vacationers decreases, trips to the sea coasts begin to become cheaper. The “velvet” season begins at the beginning of September and Black Sea coast. In particular, Anapa resorts are a good option for relaxation, and although the sun is no longer so hot, rainy and cloudy days are rare at this time. However, even if the weather does not allow you to relax on the beach, you can go on a small excursion tour and explore the local attractions.

Abkhazia should not be ignored either. By September, a huge number of fruits grown here appear on sale, which can be purchased for almost pennies. Beach lovers can still spend time near the sea, swimming and sunbathing. It should be noted that with the arrival of autumn, group excursion tours by train or bus are still often organized in Abkhazia.

September is a great time to travel to Gelendzhik – a good place For budget holiday. The water temperature here continues to hover around +20 °C, and warm and dry weather is still observed on the coast. The entrance to the sea on almost all beaches is gentle and level, which is conducive to family holidays with children. Also, river resorts are not losing popularity, and before the end of September you may well have time to swim on the Volga.

If you have a limited amount of time, which is what happens when you go on a weekend trip, then you may want to consider bus tour along the Golden Ring or go for a walk through the picturesque places of St. Petersburg. Warm autumn weather is ideal for excursions to the Catherine and Winter Palaces, and also allows you to visit open-air museums.

If you find yourself in Ukrainian Odessa at the beginning of September, you can go to the city festival, which takes place annually on September 2. On this day, grand gala concerts with the participation of famous show business stars are organized on the famous Potemkin Stairs. In addition, the beginning of autumn is an excellent time to relax on the slopes of the picturesque Carpathian Mountains.

Connoisseurs of contemporary art will certainly be able to have a useful time by visiting the grand annual festival “Republic”, which takes place in the historical city of Kamenets-Podolsky on September 5-6. Here you will find a real festival drive, organically intertwined with the history of Ukraine (part of the action takes place in the Old Fortress - the main attraction of the city, dated, according to various sources, to the 12th - 14th centuries). Famous Ukrainian and foreign groups who come to the festival from many European countries perform on several stages.

In a word, if you are interested in where you can go in September to relax for a few days, then you have a very wide choice.

The best excursion tours in September

As we just noted, September is the best month for an active excursion holiday, for which you can go to any city in Europe. In particular, it is worth visiting the small but rich historical monuments the Czech Republic, as well as the Scandinavian countries, where the temperature in September only favors excursions and small trips around town. The UK and Italy are no less attractive in terms of autumn excursion holidays, since with the arrival of autumn the heat subsides and you can easily explore all the local attractions.

The universal September weather is perfect for traveling by bus to several European countries at once.

Interesting festivals and holidays in September

In many European countries(Germany, Austria, Czech Republic and Italy), as well as in Belarus, citizens traditionally celebrate the harvest festival, which is accompanied by folk songs and dances, as well as tasting of local products and wine. When you visit Italy in September, you can attend a separate festival of wine and winemaking (Asti), truffles, pizza and Parma ham, which is a real feast for the stomach. Venice will meet you International Film Festival and the Boatmen's Regatta held on the Grand Canal.

The Spanish national idea is manifested in various holidays, so tourists will be interested in visiting autumn holiday the grape harvest, which takes place in Ciudad Real, and the festival of horses and bulls in Castellon. No less interesting is the rice festival, which is traditionally organized in Valencia.

Countries neighboring Russia are also very suitable for holidays in September. About some festivals and festive events we already mentioned above, but this is far from full list all kinds of celebrations, and before leaving for a specific city, it is better to familiarize yourself with the holiday program in advance.

Ski holidays in September

Tourists who find it very difficult to wait for a full meal ski season, you can visit the Austrian Sölden or the French Tignes in September. Even in autumn, glaciers are open here and receive many guests from around the world.

IN Lately in the popular Alps, the number of areas suitable for skiing in the summer season has significantly decreased. The reason for this phenomenon is the fears of specialists who are worried about the beginning of the melting of glaciers, which it is better not to disturb again. According to rough estimates, skiers have already lost 30% of the ski trails that were previously available all year round.

In Switzerland the most famous ski resorts, welcoming tourists all year round, were and remain Saas-Fee and Zermatt, which offer some of the highest ski slopes equipped with lifts. When choosing a place where it is better to relax at the beginning or end of September while skiing, we recommend turning your attention to northern Finland, where two underground ski tunnels built for cross-country skiing are constantly operating.

Beach holiday in September

September is traditional the Velvet season“in many countries with a warm climate, so choosing where to go to the sea at the beginning, middle or end of September is not very problematic. The warm autumn sun, combined with a light sea breeze, which replaced the hot air and suffocating heat, is perfect for people who cannot stand the standard summer heat. At this time, the water in the Mediterranean Sea warms up to +26 °C, and you can easily choose one of the resorts in Cyprus, Turkey or southern Italy, where the air and sea temperatures allow you to spend your vacation with the greatest comfort. As for a beach holiday in sunny Greece, it is better to pay attention to the large islands (for example, Crete), since the small islands sometimes experience cool and windy weather.

Calm weather is observed in early autumn in Tunisia, where vacationers have white sand beaches and unique nature at their disposal.

Early autumn in Egypt contributes to the change from the sweltering summer heat to more comfortable weather, with daytime air temperatures no more than +34 °C, and the water in the Red Sea warms up to +28 °C, which contributes practically perfect holiday the whole family.

September is best time for a holiday in Cyprus, even though the weather here is sunny 320 days a year.

Turkey in September will appeal to those who, in addition to a comfortable holiday, prefer an all-inclusive system. Swimming season in the country it lasts all autumn, and in September it’s almost summer weather, perhaps not as hot as at the height of the season. The tourist infrastructure is developed enough to offer you not only a beach holiday, but also an excursion holiday. The air temperature in Turkey in autumn drops towards evening, so it is still worth taking a few warm clothes with you.

Warm, pleasant weather is observed throughout September in Jordan, which allows you not only to have a good rest, but also to improve your health. Spa centers located on the Dead Sea coast provide vacationers with a wide selection of various treatments, and in the Red Sea resorts you can go diving and spearfishing.

Sunny and warm summer weather continues into September in Israel. At this time, in the southern regions of the country, on the Dead Sea and in Eilat, the air temperature does not fall below +30 °C, and the water temperature remains at +25 °C. Such weather conditions allow you not only to enjoy a beach holiday, but also to stroll through the quiet corners of the coastal areas, enjoying the picturesque local landscapes.

When planning a seaside holiday in September, you should take into account that precipitation is possible in the middle of the month in the northern part of the Mediterranean. For example, rare rains and cold currents can spoil a holiday in Spain. On the northern coast of Italy and Croatia, the sea is quite cool in September, so a holiday here is not suitable for those who prefer more comfortable summer air and water temperatures or are traveling with children. In this case, it is better to choose southern resorts.

We are planning a family holiday with children in September

When choosing where to go in September to relax with your child, explore possible tours to Tunisia. For example, in northern Hammamet there is a water park with a huge number of all kinds of attractions, and South part resorts will delight your children with a large amusement park. In Sousse you will find a fairly popular “ice cream house”, where more than a hundred varieties of this sweet delicacy are presented.

According to experts, the calmest family holiday with children - in Crete, in the city of Chania. There is soft white sand and shallow warm sea. In addition, the nature of the area will also delight you. However, for children, the most fun and interesting place is the Limnoupolis water park, located 6 km from the city.

When choosing a place where it will be warm in September so that your seaside holiday is as comfortable as possible, also pay attention to the island of Cyprus, where children are offered a visit to a huge water park (Fasouri Watermania), which is located in a picturesque area outside of Limassol and is equipped with water slides, swimming pools and fountains for a variety of tastes. The leader of family holidays in Cyprus (according to Russian tour operators) is the resort of Ayia Napa, followed by Limassol and Protaras. The warm weather, with almost summer air and water temperatures, also contributes to an excellent holiday in this area.

The island of Tenerife (Spain) is also considered a fairly popular family destination for Russian tourists. This resort is chosen more often than such famous holiday destinations as Mallorca and Costa Dorada. By and large, this is not surprising, because in addition to all the advantages of the climate, there is also a lot of entertainment available here, designed specifically for children (take, for example, the Siam Park water park). Here you can see the largest collection of parrots in the world, collected in Loro Parque, a place that is at once a zoo, a circus and a botanical garden.

Loro Parque - parrot park

And, of course, when deciding where to fly in September with your children, you can’t help but think about Anapa. Firstly, you won’t have to get used to a different culture and language, and secondly, many boarding houses and hotels in the resort are traditionally family-oriented. The only drawback in this case is the less warm weather, compared to the options discussed above.

Best places to shop in September

When it’s too hot and stuffy outside, you don’t really want to go shopping, but with the arrival of autumn, the picture changes. Despite the fact that in September it is still quite warm, there is no strong stuffiness, which means it’s time to go on a shopping tour. Unfortunately, in many European countries there are practically no big discounts at this time, but if, for example, you get to Germany or Italy in early September, you may have time to grab the leftovers summer sale. Of course, going “for luck” is not very profitable, so it is better to go to Portugal or the Czech Republic, where good discounts will be valid throughout the first month of autumn. In the first case, you can get maximum discounts on trendy items (be sure to look at the price tag, it should indicate both old and new price), and in the second we recommend taking a walk along the two main shopping streets: Parizhskaya and “Na Prikop”, where you can find absolutely any thing at discounted prices (do not pass by large shopping centers).

Beyond collections famous designers, you will be able to purchase items from local, unfamiliar couturiers, but they will also be of high quality and affordable prices.

Exotic destination in September

There are places for exotic lovers to go on holiday in September (some countries accept tourists even without a visa). For example, in Cuba the dry season begins at this time, although the possibility of short tropical downpours cannot be completely ruled out. The beginning of autumn in Bali is also characterized by a high level of aridity, where you can combine a beach holiday with classes at surf schools, and the cost of a trip in September will be much lower than in summer months. Until the end of September, you can have a good rest in Tanzania, only in this case you need to carefully choose your arrival time in order to plan your route across the regions.

Tanzania has the most high mountain in Africa - Kilimanjaro, as well as the famous Lake Victoria, from which the Nile River originates.

Tourists may be interested in trips to native villages and safaris, but the island of Zanzibar is rightfully considered the most beautiful place in Tanzania.

Good conditions for relaxation are observed in September and in Thailand, but in order to spend your vacation as comfortable as possible, it is better to give preference east coast Malacca (Tau, Samui and Koh Phangan), although you can have a good rest in Pattaya. Be that as it may, when vacationing on the west coast you should definitely take into account the possibility of strong winds and storms, although in general outline the weather is quite warm. Early autumn is also good for trips to Koh Samui or other eastern islands.

A very interesting place for autumn holiday is considered the state of Oman, which is located in the lower part of the Arabian Peninsula. If you visit this place in September, you will have a great time on the beach by the sea (the air temperature here often reaches +35 °C). The waters of the Gulf of Oman also offer an interesting holiday: you can go diving or surfing. In addition, you can diversify your vacation with a camel ride, especially since the nature of Oman will not leave even the most demanding tourist indifferent.

When visiting Oman, be sure to try National dishes states that, according to many vacationers, are simply the height of culinary art.

Morocco can surprise vacationers with its beauty and luxury, and it is better to start your trip from Marrakech.

Indonesia can easily be considered one of the best exotic holiday destinations in September, because at the beginning of autumn it is dry and sunny. However, lovers active rest surfers must take into account the sea tides, which are not always conducive to this. A pleasant addition to a holiday in these places is tropical nature and unusual flora and fauna.

True connoisseurs of the exotic will also enjoy a tour to China, which, together with the island of Hainan, will give you just a lot of fun positive emotions. When traveling around the country, be sure to visit the Chinese Wall, the imperial palaces and parks of Shao-Lin and Beijing.

Where can you vacation without visas in September?

Not all tourist countries require Russians to have a visa. So, when choosing where to go on vacation in September without this important document, we advise you to take a closer look at Turkey and Egypt, although it would be nice to spend time in exotic Cuba. If you don’t like hot weather, you can pack your bags for visa-free Montenegro, and for interesting excursions it’s better to go to Jordan, Israel or Thailand.

If you wish, you can enter China without a visa, but this is a very troublesome task. It can be accomplished in several ways: by transiting China, with a transfer at the same airport in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Dalian, Guangzhou or Chongqing (in which case you will only have 72 hours to explore the country), or by obtaining a tourist visa upon arrival at Hailar airport (for 30 days).

Where not to go in September

We have listed countries where you can safely go on vacation in September, however, not all the usual resorts still have comfortable conditions for spending a vacation with the arrival of autumn. For example, in the Maldives in September there is a lot of rainfall (up to 243 mm), so it is likely that when you go here you will spend whole weeks with rain. Of course, it may also turn out that monthly norm precipitation will fall in three days, and then the sun will delight you again, but it’s still not worth the risk. Also, at this time it is better not to plan a vacation in the countries of South and Central America, since in the first case it is very cold there, and in the second it rains constantly.

You shouldn’t go to the usual resorts in Bulgaria, Spain and Croatia in September, since the desired warmth will no longer be there. When choosing a tour, carefully study all the climatic nuances of the area you are going to visit, because bad weather can ruin your entire vacation.

Warm weather without sweltering heat and sizzling sun in most popular resorts is typical throughout September. This time can be considered the most favorable for holidays with small children, who will no longer be affected by increased level solar radiation. The beginning of autumn is chosen for travel by people with a negative attitude towards tanning or those who want to purchase a ticket at a lower price, but get a fairly comfortable holiday. So, next we will talk about where to relax in September on the sea.

Tunisia is one of those countries that are ideal for a beach holiday in September. The velvet season in this country is very good. The sea water temperature in the resorts of Tunisia in September is about +23 °C. Walking in the evenings is especially pleasant; you can wear tank tops and shorts. Rare September rains bring coolness. There is a lot of entertainment for tourists in Tunisia - youth discos, attractions, a light and music fountain, zoos, as well as a large number of various restaurants and cafes. In addition to excursions and visits to local attractions, in Tunisia there is the opportunity to undergo a course of rejuvenating procedures and improve your health in thalassotherapy centers and spa salons.

2. Türkiye

A holiday in Turkey in September would be a great decision! This month another one opens in the country tourist season. People go to Turkey who do not want to suffer from high temperatures while walking along noisy and crowded embankments, but want to enjoy peace and sunbathe a little. You can visit the resorts and beaches of all the seas washing the country - Marmara, Mediterranean, Black and Aegean, where the water temperature remains at the same level. At this time, it is worth going on a tour of historical places and visiting ancient cultural monuments for which Turkey is so famous. However, in mid-September there may be short periods of rain in Turkey, but this will only cause temporary inconvenience.

Early Spanish autumn delights guests of the country and tourists with its warmth. In southern Spain, September is usually dry and rarely rains, so you can have a good holiday here at this time of year. But still, despite the high water temperature, the beach complexes are gradually emptying, even local residents come there to relax less often. Prices for hotel rooms and souvenirs are noticeably reduced, and food becomes cheaper. In the north of the country and in the central part, the weather is cooler (no more than +25 °C during the day) and rainy. From the second half of September, the weather throughout Spain is not always pleasing to holidaymakers - it rains more and more often; on the coast, due to the onset of storms, there may be strong gusts wind.

Beach holidays at the famous resorts of Italy in September are calmer and more restrained. There are no more cheerful and noisy children - many of them are preparing for school. The school year in Italy, depending on the region, begins at different time, but from September 15, as a rule, everyone is already studying. The “Velvet Season” in the country is sunny and warm, the water on the beaches warms up well. The weather in Sicily is very warm, many tourists dive underwater to explore the underwater flora and fauna. Scuba diving is very popular here. Guests are welcome in Sardinia, Fr. Ustica, resorts of the Gulf of Naples. It is noticeably cooler on the Ligurian coast. Excursions to the ancient monuments of Rome, participation in holidays and festivals will not let vacationers get bored.

5. Cyprus

The island of Cyprus is slightly smaller than the other two islands Mediterranean Sea- Sicily and Sardinia. Its capital, Nicosia, is considered one of the most ancient cities. Tourists from all over the world come to see the local attractions and relax in the popular resorts of Cyprus in September. The population of Cyprus is not uniform, the majority of the inhabitants are ethnic Greeks. They live in the south and profess Orthodox Christianity. There is an Orthodox shrine on the island - the tomb of St. Lazarus in Larnaca. Ethnic Turks practice Islam. Their Turkish Republic is located in the northern part of Cyprus. In September, the main harvest is harvested on the island, and agricultural holidays begin. Ayia Napa traditionally hosts a culinary festival, and in Limassol the wine festival, which began in August, continues, with attractions running and selling fruits and berries. The weather in September in Cyprus is warm, the water temperature sometimes reaches +26°C, which is very comfortable for swimming.

Israel is a very popular country for a beach holiday in September. The weather is hot and dry throughout Israel. At this time of year, you can visit the beaches of the Mediterranean, Dead and Red Seas, see the mountains and even possibly climb them as part of an excursion. The sacred Mount Zion, as well as Carmel and others, entered forever world history, are described in many religious books.

In September, the weather on the Mediterranean coast from Acre to Tel Aviv is +28...+31 °C. At the Dead Sea resorts the thermometer rises to +34 °C. However, the highest temperature is on the beaches of the Red Sea - it reaches +35...+37 °C.

In the pilgrimage district - Bethlehem and Jerusalem - about +28 °C. In many places there is no rain at all, sea ​​water warm, in some areas its temperature can reach +31°C. Wind and sandstorms No.

September in Indonesia is very hot. Due to the ongoing dry season, the sea regularly experiences low tides, which affects diving and other activities. aquatic species sports In the capital of the state, Jakarta, the daytime air temperature remains stable at +33 °C, and at night not lower than +26 °C. Air humidity is noticeably reduced and is only 71%. The ocean water temperature this month is about 28 °C, which attracts a huge number of tourists to the country who want to swim and relax on the well-maintained beaches. A coffee festival is held on the island of Java in mid-September, as Indonesia is considered one of the major producers of this “life-affirming” drink.

At the beginning of autumn, vacationers come to the country who do not want to be exposed to the scorching rays of the sun, because it is in September that the “velvet season” begins in Greece. Every day it gets a little cooler. The water temperature drops noticeably and the wind begins to pick up. However, a beach holiday in Greece in September can still be successful. Swimming in the sea and sunbathing on the still warm sand is quite possible. The low cost of rooms in hotels and inns, the best opportunity to explore the country's sights, attract many vacationers to Greece.

Resorts and beaches in the south of Portugal in September still receive a lot of tourists from all over the world. Beaches in the Algarve, Monte Gordo, Falesia, Roche offer holidaymakers a high level of service at relatively low prices. In September, the weather in the south of the country can still be called summer. At this time, the waters of the Atlantic Ocean become even clearer, diving and watching fish are remembered for a long time. Those who prefer to stay on shore have unique opportunity visit one of the best aquariums with the most rare and exotic inhabitants Atlantic. In September, holidaymakers in Portugal will enjoy the most prestigious resort in Europe - Vilamoura, with high-quality golf courses, expensive restaurants and a casino.

The Mediterranean climate of this island nation has long been considered one of the best in the world. In mid-September, temperatures of +25 °C are considered normal. In addition to beach holidays and visits to entertainment venues, excursions to the lands of ancient Order of Malta. The island is located at a busy crossroads of trade routes between Asia, Africa and Europe, so its culture has been influenced by a wide variety of cultures. At the beginning of autumn you can go on cruises to the nearby islands of Gozo and Comino. Every Sunday early in the morning, the largest fish market in Malta opens in Marsaxlokk. In September, the so-called village festivals end, which reach their apotheosis on September 8, the day of celebration of the victory of the Maltese troops in various military battles. At the White Nights festival in Valletta, the best theater productions are shown, concerts and film premieres are held. At the end of the first autumn month, the International Air Show is held in Valletta with the participation of many famous pilots.
