Boletus mushroom: characteristics of species and cooking rules. Description of false boletus

Kira Stoletova

The boletus mushroom is one of the most delicious and healthy basidiomycetes. Its quality characteristics are comparable to porcini mushrooms. Belongs to the Boletov family, the Obabok genus. In our forests, the boletus mushroom is represented by several species. All of them are edible, but differ in taste.

General characteristics

The mushroom cap is matte, has a hemispherical shape, and is colored grayish or pale chocolate. As it gets older, it begins to resemble a pillow. The diameter of the head reaches 18 cm. When humidity increases, sticky mucus appears on the surface of the cap.

Boletus looks like Boletus. The main differences are the shape of the stem and the color scheme of the cap. The long, dense and fibrous stalk, expanding at the bottom, reaches 9-12 cm in height. The color of the leg is off-white. In the lower part, its surface is covered with dark scaly processes.

The hymenophore is predominantly tubular, in some species it is lamellar. It is painted white, and as it matures it becomes gray and watery-loose. The pulp is white and has a greenish tint. When cut, it turns slightly gray when exposed to air. Exudes a pleasant mushroom aroma.

In young specimens, the fruit body is dense and delicate in taste, in old specimens it is loose and contains a large amount of moisture. Boletus grows singly or in groups. The collection season begins in May-June, which depends on the region, and ends late autumn. The Spring Boletus appears very first.


There are more than 40 species of boletus. Most Popular:

  • Common boletus;
  • Marsh or White boletus;
  • Boletus Pinkish or Oxidizing;
  • Gray or Grabovik;
  • Black boletus, which is popularly called blackhead;
  • Boletus variegated.

In Russia, the most famous are Common boletus and Grabovik. In addition to them, there are 7 more varieties. All types of boletus mushrooms are edible mushrooms.

The false boletus, which is dangerous to human health, is distinguished by its pink hymenophore in older representatives. The young false boletus has a white hymenophore. Young specimens are recognized by pressing on the spore sac: if it turns pink, then the mushroom is poisonous.

Obabok Birch

Common boletus is an edible cap-pediculate mushroom that grows in birch plantings, deciduous, mixed forests. Its cap is dome-shaped, diameter is 15 cm. White boletus has a color from dark chocolate to grayish, which depends on the region in which it lives. The surface of the cap is thin felt or bare.

The hymenophore is tubular and detaches from the body without effort. Young hymenophore white, becomes grayish as it matures. The spores are olive-brown. The fruit body is white, does not change color at all or acquires a slightly pink tint when cut.


Swamp Boletus or White Berezovik, growing in small groups or singly in moist areas, is located on the outskirts of swamps and lakes. Appears in September after heavy rain. Fruits until the end of autumn. Forms mycorrhiza with the root system of birch.

The Bolotnik's hat reaches 12 cm in diameter. The shape is convex, then cushion-shaped. The surface is dry, white or off-white. Old Bolotnik is painted greenish-gray. Such specimens are not collected.

In young mushrooms, the hymenophore is tubular and gray-green. The pulp is watery, white, loose structure, does not change color when cut. Exudes a mushroom aroma. The leg is tall, thin, slightly widened at the bottom. Painted white, covered with small scales.


The pinkish edible mushroom Boletus forms mycorrhiza with tree and shrub birch trees. Collect the pinkish look in northern forests, it prefers to grow on the slopes of groves, in highlands, and on waterlogged soils. It appears in forests in autumn after heavy rains. It is distinguished by a small cap, colored yellow-brown. The tubular hymenophore is white and later turns gray.

The white stem is shorter when compared to other mushrooms in this family. Its surface is covered with a large number of gray scales. In some specimens, the legs are bent to the side where more light falls. The pulp is white, dense, and turns red when cut.


The Gray boletus is popularly called Grabovik. The young specimen, growing in the same area as Oxidizing, is distinguished by the wrinkled structure of its hemispherical cap, its diameter is 6-15 cm. The color palette is varied. The surface of the cap can be painted in the following colors:

  • grey;
  • yellow;
  • black;
  • olive brown.

The leg, 6-18 cm high, is strongly swollen, later becomes cylindrical, narrowed downwards. When pressed, the leg acquires a darker tone. Gray boletus mushrooms form a mycelium with birches, oaks, beeches and nuts; collection begins in June, when the mountain ash blooms.


These mushrooms, growing in moist and swampy soils, are called "Black" for dark color hats. Wormy boletuses of this type are very rare, which distinguishes them from other species.

The first mushrooms appear in summer time. The peak of mushroom fruiting is observed in September. If the summer was dry, they will not appear.

Description of the black boletus mushroom:

  • cap 16 cm in diameter, matte black or chocolate brown;
  • the surface of the fruiting body is dry, velvety, after rain and with increased humidity it is sticky and slimy;
  • the pulp has a hard structure, the pores turn blue when cut;
  • the leg is dirty white, thickened, about 12 cm high.

Obabok Tsvetnoy

The main symbiont for the formation of mycorrhiza is birch, minor beech, and aspen. The multi-colored representative is painted gray and white, with pronounced strokes. The hat is up to 12 cm in diameter.

The flesh is white and turns pink after a while when cut. The smell is barely noticeable. The tubular hymenophore is finely porous. The spores are light brown.

Beneficial features

High the nutritional value and low calorie content make these mushrooms indispensable ingredients in the diet of people who want to lose weight or gain muscle mass. The fibrous pulp, after heat treatment, tastes like meat. Boletus contains protein, which includes 8 essential amino acids that the human body is not able to synthesize on its own.

The mushroom pulp includes 35% protein, about 14% glucose, 4% fat, 25% fiber. Among the beneficial properties of the mushroom, the presence in the composition is noted large quantity microelements and vitamins:

  • thiamine;
  • zinc;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • vitamins of group B, C, D, E, A;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • manganese.

This species is the record holder for manganese content. Phosphoric acid present in the composition has a positive effect on the functioning of the musculoskeletal system due to its participation in the construction of enzymatic cells. Porcini(Boletus) and Boletus are considered competitive specimens. They have been actively used in folk and traditional medicine for a long time.


There are no contraindications to the use of birch as such, but it is prohibited in case of individual intolerance. It is not advisable to prepare such food for children under 8 years of age and people suffering from stomach ulcers. The fiber contained in mushrooms takes too long to digest, which can cause stomach upset in babies.

You should not collect boletus mushrooms in forests located near factories, landfills, in public places and near the highway. They accumulate toxins. An overripe green organism is dangerous.


He is ranked among delicacy types mushrooms, so most people only know about its use in cooking. In fact, this representative of basidiomycetes can be a good substitute medicines. The fiber and protein content makes it possible to prepare dietary supplements for athletes.

Boletus will be useful in agriculture. After burning the mushroom bodies, ash is formed, which contains calcium, phosphorus, zinc and nitrogen, which provides stable nutrition and prevents the soil from losing its quality. Mushroom products are suitable for formulating feed for cattle, pigs and poultry.

In cooking

The product must be processed before use. First, you should clean it from adhering dirt, remove the skin, and cut off the lower part of the leg. If the product needs to be dried, it should not be washed. Dirt is removed, and then the cap is simply wiped with a damp cloth.

To prevent the product prepared for gourmet dishes from turning blue, after cleaning it is soaked in a slightly acidic solution of water and lemon (juice from 0.5 fruits per 1 liter of water). It does not need to be soaked for several hours like milk mushrooms, 20-30 minutes is enough. Cooking technology involves double boiling. For the first time, you only need to boil the product for 5 minutes after the water boils. Then it is transferred to another pan, put Bay leaf, a whole onion, a couple of allspice peas, cook for 20-30 minutes until fully cooked.

Boiled raw materials are used for pickling, making soups, mushroom caviar, salads and other dishes. You can prepare for the winter dried mushrooms or freeze fresh or boiled products in portions. Storage requires compliance with the following rules:

  • dried fruits with signs of mold must be disposed of;
  • frozen products are used immediately and are not re-frozen;
  • When the brine in the jar becomes cloudy, the product is discarded.

In medicine

IN folk medicine it is used in tinctures and ointments to eliminate pain in osteochondrosis and gout. The affected areas should be treated 3-4 times a day. Tinctures are taken 2-3 times a day to increase immunity and sexual activity. Individual components of the basidiomycete, together with alcohol, provide an analgesic effect and eliminate nervousness.

The exceptional properties of the body allow it to be used in the manufacture of weight loss products. In cosmetology, an extract from it is used as a rejuvenating component.


Basidiomycetes are being actively cultivated. At home it is easy to grow personal plot clearing with delicious mushrooms. You can plant seeds at your dacha that you collected yourself or buy ready-made hymenophores. The basidiomycete will bear fruit well in an area where there are birch trees that are 2 to 4 years old.

If you need to collect seeds with your own hands, select several old fruits. At a distance of 50 cm from the trunk, beds are made with a depth of 21-31 cm. Crushed stone is laid on the bottom, then coarse sand and a turf mixture. All this needs to be treated with high-quality compost.

If the collected hymenophore is hard, it is better to soak it together with gelatin and dolomite flour in a ratio of 1: 0.2: 0.3. The mixture is placed in the holes, covered with compost, and mulched on top with a turf mixture. Consistently high soil moisture is maintained within 70%. To successfully grow a product on a plot, special attention should be paid to harvesting. The main thing is to make sure that the farm that produces the root shoots is not destroyed, otherwise this will be the last harvest.

An easier option is to buy a kit for a beginner, which includes a special basket with seed material, substrate and detailed instructions. You can easily find them in any specialty store.

Boletus / Where and when to collect this beautiful mushroom/ High definition video.

False and real boletus



Boletus is a delicious edible type of mushroom, including more than 40 subspecies. The name is due to the occurrence of symbiosis with birch. All representatives are rich nutrients and minerals. Today, planting forest basidiomycetes in summer cottages is actively practiced.

If you are not sure what you are holding in your hands - a false boletus or an edible one - it is better not to take it into your basket

Harvesting mushrooms is a pleasant and leisurely activity. It would seem that it could be simpler - walk through the forest, look for mushrooms, or a specific mushroom. But no! This is not an easy task. Difficulties and dangers in the face poisonous mushrooms– that’s the main problem. Even the most conspicuous boletus, familiar to everyone, can easily be confused with a false relative, successfully disguised as real mushroom. Inexperienced mushroom pickers, be careful!

True boletus

Real boletus- a modest and at the same time solid-looking mushroom of the genus Leccinum (Obabok), therefore it is often referred to as obabok. It comes in various shades from brown to gray depending on the region and where it grows. Distinctive features:

  • A white or dark gray soft cap of muted color, regular spherical shape, easily removable, smooth, only slightly silky surface.
  • The leg is not very thick, widened towards the bottom, resembles the shape of a cylinder, and has white or dark gray thick longitudinal scales drawn on it.
  • A slightly curved leg is a characteristic characteristic of a true obobok.

The first half of summer (late May-June) is the time when the first boletus mushrooms appear. Favorable weather for mushroom growth, moist soil in deciduous forests and plantings, and sun-warmed air create optimal conditions for their growth until the end of November.

Usually under a birch tree, forming a mycosis with its roots, which is where their name comes from. Although they are sometimes found under or in close proximity to other trees, such as aspen or poplar. Often found in damp, swampy areas and gardens where birch trees grow. Tundra, beech grove, spruce plantings, mixed deciduous forests interspersed with birches in Eurasia, Southern and North America- wide areas for the growth of these mushrooms. Experienced mushroom pickers climb into the very depths of the forest, where they grow in groups, en masse, without wasting time searching for them at the edges, where they grow alone.

Fried, pickled, frozen, boiled, dried mushrooms - they are delicious in any form, and in addition they are also useful, since they are absorbents, help remove toxins and ballast substances from the body, and support the functioning of the kidneys. When cooked, they disintegrate, creating a light mucus.

To get true benefits from this mushroom, it is important to learn to recognize it and distinguish it from false relatives, so that the imaginary benefit does not turn into harm. And such a deceiver is the false boletus.

Difference between real and false boletus

This is why the real boletus is called modest above, since it does not have much remarkable view, it doesn't catch the eye. The false mushroom, however, is exactly the same.

A mushroom similar to boletus is a common find in forests different regions RF. It is similar in all external features to the real boletus, which makes it difficult to accurately identify. It grows at about the same time. With early frosts it may stop growing in September. It mainly grows on loamy soil and sandstones, covered with a thick layer of fallen pine needles.

At first glance, it is difficult to understand how to distinguish a false boletus from a real one; you need to conduct an entire expert assessment.

Its main distinguishing and obvious feature is bitterness.

That is why it is also called gall fungus. But a mushroom picker won’t lick every suspicious mushroom. It is not poisonous, but not edible either. Bitterness is a toxin for the body. After eating the mushroom, poisoning of the digestive system occurs with accompanying nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

Regular consumption of pulp, saturated with toxins that quickly penetrate into the blood, leads to disruption of the liver, causes serious intoxication of the body, and can cause cirrhosis. Disruption of the functioning of internal organs and systems with subsequent destruction is guaranteed. Moreover, the consequences will not appear immediately, but after several weeks or months.

What does a false boletus look like? The leg is gray with a rowan of a similar shape, the same color and shape of the cap is a successful imitation of a true boletus. One piece of mushroom is enough to completely ruin the taste of a whole pan of real boiled boletus mushrooms. It will be impossible to eat such a dish, and the already incredibly bitter, disgusting taste becomes even more pronounced after cooking.

And yet there is a secret to calculating the deceiver. Simple, a little unpleasant, but effective. Doubting the picked mushroom, mushroom pickers touch the tubular surface with the tip of their tongue. This is not fatal, but the feeling of obvious bitterness followed by unpleasant sensations will be a reason to throw the mushroom away.

Foreign scientists do not recommend trying this test method on yourself. After some time, the mushroom picker may experience slight dizziness, and through contact with the skin, toxins will enter the internal organs. You need to learn to identify anti-boletus mushroom visually.

Methods for identifying false boletus

An inexperienced mushroom picker, coming to the forest, must try all the ways to determine deception:

  • U Not edible mushroom you can feel the pronounced velvety surface of the cap. A real obabok, on the contrary, has a smooth cap. However, the place where boletus grows can change its appearance both in color and surface texture - they can be smooth and dry, slightly velvety or moist even in dry weather. Old wet caps of mature mushrooms lose their shape when touched.
  • Gall mushrooms quite often grow in places “unusual” for boletus mushrooms: oak groves and deciduous forests, rotten stumps and ditches.
  • The birch coloring inherent in the tree may be absent, but on the contrary, it may have veins similar to blood vessels. Most likely this is an inedible mushroom. But even if the pattern characteristic of a real mushroom is present, a false mushroom will show a pinkish color under the cap or a slight greenish tint on it.
  • You can break the edge of the mushroom. Assess the color of the fracture. Smooth white color, darkening when drying indicates real prey, a little Pink colour at a break - a sign of falsity. Some mushroom pickers noted the fact that the color of the bottom of the cap changed when pressing on it from white-yellow to rich pink.
  • Worms also want to eat real boletus. They will not eat a false one, therefore, the picked mushroom will be perfectly smooth and clean, without bites. Most often, the conclusion is that the mushroom is inedible.
  • True boletus usually has a thin stem, since it grows very quickly, or a slight thickening towards the bottom. Its dome-shaped (when young) or cushion-shaped (when mature age) the cap reaches no more than 15 - 18 cm in diameter. Young mushrooms are distinguished by a white tubular layer at the base; in old mushrooms this layer is gray and protrudes slightly. The false mushroom is often large, massive, without veins in the form of tubes in at a young age, when mature it acquires a tuberous stem, and its cap straightens out, becoming saucer-like.
  • If a mushroom grows near a stump, ditch or other uncharacteristic place, you should not pick it. It is better to look for another one that definitely resembles a real mushroom.

Learn to look closely at every mushroom you pick up. Better throw it away doubtful than spoiling a whole basket of delicious mushrooms later.

The most important differences between false boletus and ordinary boletus:

  • A real mushroom has a normal taste, a false one is bitter.
  • The true boletus has a pattern similar to the birch trunk; on the false one, a network similar to blood vessels may be visible.
  • The lower part of the cap of a real cape is light - white or slightly grayish, while that of a false one is pinkish.
  • Smooth gray Brown color caps are a sign of a real mushroom, greenish is characteristic of a false one.
  • A cut or fracture in a real mushroom is white, while a false one gives off a pinkish tint.
  • False is a surprisingly clean mushroom, not eaten by worms, even in dry weather in the middle of summer.

A photo and description will help you identify the false boletus. A mesh or speckled pattern of the leg, a greenish velvet cap that is not typical for the real boletus, a pink or even bluish color at the break, large sizes, a smooth, non-worm-like surface - obvious signs inedible mushroom. If a mushroom cannot be analyzed according to any characteristics, it is better not to pick it at all and not to touch it with your hands, and even more so, not to test your stomach and health in general. And even more so, there is no need to pick mushrooms in contaminated areas, no matter how beautiful and safe they may seem.

Do you know how to distinguish a false boletus from a true one? Tell me about this

Mushroom connoisseurs believe boletus the most delicious mushroom after boletus. The boletus is the closest relative of the white boletus, but the difference is that its flesh turns black when cut and dried. boletus- one of the most valuable and noble mushrooms.

Names of Boletus

among the people boletus called: birch mushroom, black mushroom, aspen mushroom, gray mushroom, grandma, sub-grandmother.

Where does the boletus grow?

Photo: Yandex.Photos (Woodmen19)

boletus found in almost any light deciduous and mixed forests with a predominance of birch (which is how the mushroom got its name).

Boletus flowers are moisture-loving, so the harvest is especially large if summer and autumn are warm and humid. The boletus mushroom does not hide in the grass; it always grows in plain sight in sparse birch forests at the edges, on forest edges, in ravines, in clearings, along forest belts.

What does the boletus look like?

Depending on the place of growth, the appearance of boletus mushrooms changes. In damp places, on the edges and forest clearings, boletus mushrooms have a gray cap and tall thin whitish legs. There you can also find boletus mushrooms with olive caps. In dry birch groves you can find a mushroom with denser flesh, with a black-brown cap on a thick scaly stalk.

Boletus hat 15-20 cm in diameter, at first convex, hard, but then becomes cushion-shaped.

The color range of boletus caps ranges from gray and olive to dark brown, almost black.

Boletus leg long, up to 15 cm high, up to 3 cm thick, thickened below, with oblong gray, brown or black scales.

Boletus pulp dense, white, may turn slightly pink when cut.

Boletus. Collection time

When do boletus appear?

First Boletus mushrooms appear come into the light at the beginning of summer (as bird cherry blossoms), and grow until October.

All boletus species They are moisture-loving, so in humid and warm summers their harvest is especially large.

How is boletus useful?

Special value of boletus is that they contain a well-balanced protein, including leucine, tyrosine, arginine, and glutamine.

Boletyozovik has a sufficient supply of vitamins - B, C, D, PP and E.

Thanks to dietary fiber, boletus absorbs and then removes various toxins from the body.

Boletus is an excellent antioxidant.

Boletus mushrooms are effective for the treatment of kidney pathologies, nervous system, blood sugar regulation. They are beneficial for the health of the skin and mucous membranes. Due to the large amount of phosphoric acid, which is involved in the construction of enzymes, boletus mushrooms are a valuable product for improving the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

Boletus. Contraindications

In rare cases, boletus mushrooms can cause individual intolerance (idiosyncrasy). And one more thing: it is very important to distinguish the boletus mushroom from the gall mushroom, which is similar to it, but has a burning taste and is considered inedible.

Storing boletus

boletus boiled, fried, dried, pickled, salted. It is better to process mushrooms as quickly as possible. Old boletus mushrooms quickly deteriorate and are not suitable for harvesting.

How to cook boletus mushrooms

boletus not inferior in taste the best mushrooms, for example, white. The only drawback of Boletus is that it darkens with any processing. The color of the mushroom becomes almost black, which does not affect the taste in any way, but may confuse a cook unfamiliar with this property.

How to fry boletus mushrooms

It is believed that Boletus is ideal for frying. Before frying, clean the mushrooms from twigs, grass and soil, and cut off parts of the legs that are rough or eaten away by forest insects. Wormy Boletus You can soak them in salted water, but if the quantity of the harvest allows, use only mushrooms without wormholes.

boletus You don’t have to boil it if you are confident in the ecology of the place where you collected the mushrooms, but you need to rinse it. After cutting the mushrooms, place them in a heated frying pan, do not cover with a lid. On high fire the juice should boil away, then add l. oil, onion, salt, pepper to taste. Reduce heat and fry until golden brown.

How long to cook boletus?

The boletus is boiled for about 40 minutes.

Boletus mushrooms can be boiled and served cold with a dressing of garlic, olive oil and lemon. Cold boiled boletus mushrooms are very good with boiled potatoes with a piece of butter, sprinkled with fresh dill.

How to dry boletus?

Dry boletus Just. It is important that the mushrooms chosen for drying are best quality: No wormholes or damage. Young boletuses are dried whole, threaded through a thread, mature ones are cut into large pieces.

Boletus mushrooms are dried in the open air, but not in the sun if it is very hot, and in a stove or oven if conditions do not allow air drying. Optimal temperature oven - about 50 degrees. To do this, turn on the minimum heat and open the door completely.

Boletus. Interesting Facts

The boletus, as in a fairy tale, is growing by leaps and bounds. Its weight increases by almost 10 g per day, and its height by 4-4.5 cm. On the sixth day it reaches the peak of its maturity, and then begins to age. This mushroom lives only about 10 days.

One of the popular objects " quiet hunt“- the boletus mushroom, as its name suggests, prefers to grow under birch trees, so it can most often be found in white-trunked groves.

But often such mushrooms grow in mixed forests.

Let's find out what boletus looks like and look at a photo of this forest beauty.

Boletus: description

An edible representative of capped sponge mushrooms, the common boletus, belongs to the genus Obabok of the Boletaceae family. Meet boletus in the forests middle zone possible from the second half of June to the end of October in damp deciduous forests.

Interesting fact! In the tundra, the mushroom prefers to grow next to dwarf birch trees and is called superbirch.

On numerous photos you can see the following characteristics common boletus (this is what science calls the mushroom known to everyone):




  • Has no distinct taste or aroma.
  • They can be distinguished from false poisonous mushrooms due to their uniform color: where they are cut or broken, the color of the stem does not turn red, but may turn slightly black.

Knowing this description of a mushroom will help a novice mushroom picker avoid making a fatal mistake and bringing a whole basket of poisonous mushrooms into the house.

Boletus: Wikipedia

The most popular online encyclopedia contains an article dedicated to this wonderful mushroom. Here you can see his photo, and also find out general description, the most popular varieties, how to recognize the mushroom and where to find it.

Boletus mushroom is very valuable in composition, since it includes a whole arsenal of vitamins: B, D, C, E, P. P. This mushroom also contains manganese, calcium and phosphorus - microelements necessary for the human body.

This delicious mushroom has several varieties with slight differences in description. Let's look at them:

In total, boletus has about 40 varieties, but not all of them can be found in Russian forests.

Most of the described varieties are good in cooking and have amazing taste properties and very nutritious.

False mushroom

It is very important to be able to describe and appearance mushroom to distinguish it from its double, gall mushroom, otherwise - bitterling. It is not poisonous, but has a very unpleasant taste, so one such specimen, if it ends up in a dish, will ruin all your efforts. What are its features?

  • Leg. Similar in color to boletus. But it’s worth taking a closer look: the scales of an edible mushroom resemble the pattern on a birch trunk, but the scales of a false mushroom are located completely differently. And the prominent veins on the leg are similar in location to the capillaries of the human leg.
  • Hat. U false mushroom the shade itself will be different from that of the edible one: the bilious forest dweller has a characteristic greenish or brick tint. When broken, its cap turns pink.

Knowing these features will help you not make a mistake and not bring home a gall fungus.

Boletus mushrooms: how to cook

Mushroom pickers are confident that in terms of their taste characteristics, mushrooms are second only to the true monarchs of the forest - porcini mushrooms. Therefore, they are safely used in a huge number of recipes: fried, pickled, salted, added to salads and soups. Pies filled with these aromatic mushrooms are very tasty, and boletus mushrooms can be dried or frozen for the winter. Some housewives first fry the mushrooms with onions, and only then freeze them.

The following boletus dishes are delicious:

  • fried mushrooms with sour cream and herbs;
  • julienne;
  • stew;
  • delicious creamy soup.

Advice! If you picked mushrooms in the immediate vicinity of the road or bought them from an untrusted seller, it is best to boil them in slightly salted water for at least 40 minutes before cooking.

boletus mushroom

Secrets for mushroom pickers

The boletus is rightfully considered one of the most delicious representatives kingdom of mushrooms. The possibilities for using them in cooking are truly endless; the resulting dishes are aromatic and nutritious, perfectly satisfy hunger and become true decorations for any table.

Strong boletuses, close relatives, belong to the genus Obabok and are considered mushrooms of excellent quality. As the name indicates, they are in symbiosis with birches, often developing under these trees. However, this does not always happen - various types can be found on the outskirts of swamps, in dry pine forests or in beech groves.

Main types

The best appearance of this group is characterized by a smooth hemispherical cap with a diameter of up to 15 cm. The skin is chestnut with a grayish, black or reddish tint; in young mushrooms it is light. The leg is up to 20 cm high, slender, wide at the base, the surface is dotted with a scaly dark pattern.

The pulp is grayish-white, then gray, does not darken when scrapped, first hard, then soft, porous. The structure is spongy in rainy weather. The taste is pleasant, the aroma is mushroom.

A tall mushroom with a very light, almost white convex cap up to 15 cm in diameter. The skin is thin, sometimes greenish or brown. The leg is long, thin, often curved, cap-colored or brownish. The tubes are whitish-cream, then brownish, turning green when pressed.

The pulp is creamy, later with a yellowish-green tint, does not darken when broken, watery, fresh in taste, with a slight mushroom aroma, often odorless.

The fleshy, robust species rarely becomes wormy, and is especially loved by mushroom pickers for this quality. The cap is up to 15 cm in diameter, hemispherical, then convex, concave in older specimens. The skin is first velvety, then smooth, matte, in wet weather - slippery, light chestnut, with a red tint, often with a lilac tint. The leg is up to 15 cm high, cylindrical, thickened in the center, cream-colored, covered with a mesh scaly pattern.

The tubes are creamy and turn greenish-brown where touched. The flesh is tight, white-cream, greenish-yellow at the stem, with a pink tint when the cap is broken, and greenish or blackened when cut at the stem itself. The taste is neutral, the aroma is pleasant, mushroom.

Externally and in culinary use, the species is similar to the common boletus. The cap is variegated - brown with whitish-gray spots and streaks, sometimes the main color is brown, almost black, reaches a diameter of 15 cm. The leg is brown, cylindrical, smooth, green at the base.

The tubular layer is off-white with bluish tint, darkens when pressed. The pulp is creamy white, when broken, it acquires a pink tint, and at the stem it turns red or green. The structure is watery, the taste is fresh, the smell is light, mushroom.

The hemispherical cap eventually becomes cushion-shaped and reaches a diameter of 12 cm. The skin is yellowish-brown or brown, often spotted, with light streaks. The leg is low - up to 10 cm, sometimes curved, the surface is light, with a black-brown scaly pattern.

The tubes are creamy and turn pink when pressed. The pulp is firm, light cream, turns pink when cut, and later becomes dark. The smell is insignificant, the taste is simple.

An appetizing mushroom with a round cap up to 15 cm in diameter, which is first hemispherical, then cushion-shaped, and later flat. The color of the skin is in brownish-gray tones - from light gray to brown, olive, black, yellowish in the center at the edges. The surface is velvety, at first wrinkled, then matte, cracked in hot weather, and slippery in damp weather.

The leg is tall - up to 16 cm, thick at the top, the surface is light, darkens when pressed, and is dotted with black scales, which later become brownish. The tubes are white, creamy-gray, and brown or purple when pressed.

The pulp is whitish with a yellow tone. When broken, it acquires a deep pink or red color, later turning black.

Squat appearance with a dark brown cap of hemispherical, then convex shape, up to 10 cm in diameter. The leg is up to 12 cm high, smooth, brown or grayish, abundantly dotted with darker scales. The skin is velvety, then matte, and sticky when damp.

The tubes are large, cream or grayish-white. The pulp is firm, white, and does not darken or turn slightly blue when cut. Mushroom aroma, neutral taste.

How to distinguish boletus from boletus?

Despite their eloquent names, these mushrooms, belonging to the same genus, can settle under aspens, and under birches, and under the canopy of many other trees.

Young mushrooms, especially light-colored species, are difficult to distinguish, and to more accurately determine the species, it is better to look for adult specimens. They are distinguished by the color of the skin, the structure and color of the pulp when broken.

Generally boletus colors more modest, often in gray-brown or brown tones, brighter - their caps are reddish-brown and orange-yellow. However, this difference is not always characteristic - the common boletus and the red boletus are similar in their chestnut-red caps, and both of these species can grow side by side.

An experienced mushroom picker will distinguish boletus according to the structure of the pulp- it is more porous, loose, becomes watery with age and when broken does not darken or change color slightly - more often it turns pink.

They are characterized by tight flesh, which quickly becomes colored when cut - turns blue, purple or brown. The fruiting bodies are hard and are not destroyed by heat treatment, and therefore these species are often preferable to boletus mushrooms.

Both mushrooms are edible, have excellent quality and can be safely eaten - they are suitable for drying, pickling and any culinary delights.

Places of distribution and time of collection

Various species are common in temperate climate, in deciduous forests and parks. They live in abundance under birch trees; it is with this tree that mycorrhiza forms the titular species - common boletus. Tight fruiting bodies are found on the edges, clearings and along forest roads. The noble mushroom does not like acidic peat soils, preferring neutral loams or calcareous soils. The collection time is long - from the end of spring until the chilly autumn and the first frosts.

In swampy lowland forests, including on peat bogs, most often under birch trees, myceliums develop marsh boletus. These fragile mushrooms appear in whole clearings, from July until the first frost.

In deciduous and deciduous-coniferous forests under aspen and white poplar you can find quite rare mushroom boletus is a bit harsh. It prefers calcareous soils and appears singly or in small families from July to mid-October.

On the sun-warmed edges and clearings of gloomy mossy forests, under birches and poplars, colorful caps are found boletus variegated. The species settles in small groups or singly; collection time is from July to early autumn.

Found in birch groves and mixed forests boletus turning pink. More often it settles on the outskirts of swamps, on peat soils. This one is stable, but quite rare view forms mycorrhiza with birch and is distributed wherever this tree grows, up to the tundra zone. The harvest takes a short period of time - from August to early October.

Mid-summer and early autumn - harvest time black boletus. Places of growth - damp lowlands of birch and mixed, most often birch-pine forests, the outskirts of swamps and clearings.

In the clearings, edges of beech and hornbeam forests, in poplar, birch and hazel groves, fruitful plants grow in abundance. gray boletus or hornbeam. Fruiting bodies are collected in three waves: the first - during the flowering of rowan - in early summer; the second - in July, after haymaking; the third, autumn - in September-October.

False species and doubles

Tube mushrooms do not have such dangerous doubles, like lamellar. And yet, due to inexperience, the very poisonous pale grebe can be mistaken for a swamp boletus, and the real and pinkish species can be confused with a gall fungus.

In various deciduous forests - under birches, aspens, beeches, from July to October this poisonous mushroom. The cap is first spherical, then flattened, glossy, light, sometimes with a greenish or olive tint, reaches a diameter of 10 cm. The leg is slender, without scales, with a cuff under the cap, the expanded base is hidden in a kind of pouch near the ground.

The whitish pulp is aromatic, fragile, and tastes sweet. Unlike tubular mushrooms, wide white plates are found under the cap. The species is very poisonous and even a small amount causes severe poisoning, and there is no antidote.

This species is not poisonous, but is not eaten due to its unpleasant, bitter, acrid taste. The cap is hemispherical, up to 15 cm in diameter. The skin is glossy, brownish or light chestnut. The leg is squat, thickened in the middle, with a dark mesh pattern at the top.

The pulp is very bitter, white, and turns pink when cut, reminiscent of pink boletus. In the latter, the tubular layer is creamy and turns pink only when pressed or at a break, while in the gall fungus the tubes are initially bright pink. Found in coniferous and coniferous-deciduous forests from mid-summer until frost.

Beneficial features

Nutritious boletus mushrooms in dried form are close in calorie content to bread and are significantly superior to many vegetables. But unlike carbohydrate or fatty, energy-rich foods, their calorie content is determined by the presence of proteins, which are a building block of the body and must be present in the diet.

The protein composition is characterized by the presence of essential amino acids - leucine, tyrosine, arginine and glutamine, which are in an easily accessible form and are quickly absorbed.

The pulp is rich in vitamins; thiamine, nicotinic and ascorbic acids, vitamins E and D are significantly present in it. A whole complex of essential microelements - calcium and phosphorus, sodium and potassium, manganese and iron complement this wonderful natural store of valuable substances.

These mushrooms are known to act as antioxidants, which reduce the number of free radicals and thus reduce the risk of cancer, slow down the aging process, and strengthen the immune system.


Useful, delicious mushrooms boletus mushrooms are among the best edible species, but dishes made from them should absolutely not be eaten by people suffering from gastritis, duodenal ulcers, hepatitis of any etiology, inflammatory processes in the gallbladder.

Some people may have individual intolerance, which is typical allergic reactions, and with insufficient enzyme activity gastrointestinal tract Digestive problems arise, which are expressed by nausea, indigestion, and fermentation processes in the intestines.

Recipes for cooking dishes and preparations

Strong mushrooms are good in a variety of dishes - in roasts and sauces, kulebyaki and pies, pickles and marinades. Beneficial features They are perfectly preserved when dried, but only young, tight specimens are suitable for these purposes; old fruiting bodies become watery and dry poorly.

Boletus mushrooms in hot marinade

This delicious, flavorful appetizer is quick to prepare and keeps well.

First of all, prepare the marinade: for 3 liters of water take 600 g of 5% vinegar, 100 g of salt, 120 g of sugar, a little citric acid, spices to taste.

Pre-cleaned mushrooms are boiled in salted water (50 g of salt per 1 liter of water), not forgetting to periodically remove the foam. As soon as the mushrooms have sunk to the bottom, they are ready, they are strained, packaged in jars and boiling marinade is poured on top. The preservation is sterilized for 50 minutes and rolled up.

Boletus mushrooms in tomato sauce

For 3 kg ready-made dish take 1800 g of peeled and chopped mushrooms, 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar, 600 g tomato paste, 600 g of water, 120 g of odorless vegetable oil, bay leaf, black peppercorns.

The fruiting bodies are cut into pieces, simmered in vegetable oil until softened, and tomato diluted with water is added. The workpiece is heated, salt, sugar, vinegar and spices are added. Mix everything thoroughly, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 5 minutes. The mass is placed in jars, sterilized for 50 minutes and rolled up.

Boletus mushrooms with vegetables

For this healthy dish take 1 kg of chopped fruiting bodies, zucchini, squash, tomatoes, 300 g of tomato sauce, flour, vegetable oil, spices.

Young zucchini and squash are cut into pieces, dipped in flour and fried in oil. The mushrooms are lightly blanched and fried. The tomatoes are divided into four parts and simmered until softened. All ingredients are mixed and poured tomato sauce, salt, pepper and boil until tender. The food is served hot or cold.

Video about boletus mushrooms (boletus mushrooms)

Everyone was successful with boletus mushrooms - beautiful, nutritious, tasty mushrooms, famous for their productivity and long-term fruiting. A knowledgeable mushroom picker will never be left empty-handed and, after a mushroom rain, he will easily find the stout caps under birch, hornbeam or poplar trees, notice the sturdy ones peeking out from under the leaves in swampy lowlands and on the edges of light birch groves, and will definitely fill the basket with these fragrant gifts of nature.
