Steamed vegetables for a 1 year old child. Curd breakfast

The older our baby gets, the more foods we can safely introduce into his diet, but there are still a number of restrictions. Children's menus from 1 year of age should be varied, healthy and tasty, but they are far from being suitable for adults, since the baby's body is not yet strong enough. From this article we will learn how to choose the right diet for children from 1.5 years old, so that they eat both profitably and with pleasure.

What should be on a little fidget's plate after a year? Let's look at the most important nutritional principles for children of this age.

Principles of nutrition

4 meals a day

A child of this age should eat 4 times a day - this will allow him to form correct eating habits and follow a daily routine.

At breakfast, the baby should receive 25% of the total daily ration, at lunch - 35%, at dinner - 25%, and in the afternoon - 15%. This distribution will teach him to continue to eat properly.

Food structure

Now that the child already has significantly more teeth, it is not necessary to wipe or grind food in a blender; it will be enough to mash it with a fork or grate it on a coarse grater.

Soft foods such as bananas, berries, soft bread can be given whole, cut into slices.

Meat can now be offered not only in the form of puree or souffle, but also cutlets, meatballs and meatballs.

Heat treatment

Fried foods are still unacceptable in the diet. It doesn’t matter what we are talking about, meat, cereals or vegetables, we steam them.

So let's look at specific examples, what breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner should look like for children aged 1.5 years.


As we remember, it should be quite high in calories, protein and carbohydrates. It is optimal to cook porridge with milk or water.

IN children's menu from 1.5 years old there can be oatmeal, wheat porridge, buckwheat and millet. They are the most useful. As for rice, it is better to cook it less often, since unpolished, that is, brown, is still rough for the baby’s gastrointestinal tract, and white is less healthy.

We offer you several sample breakfast options.

Option I - porridge


Let's prepare milk millet porridge. The serving should be approximately 150 – 170 ml.

To cook the most healthy porridge, it needs to be cooked as little as possible, and to do this, it’s enough just to soak the cereal for a few hours or overnight. Millet is the densest and most difficult to boil, so it makes sense to soak it in the evening.

  • Pour 2 tbsp. cereals and leave overnight.
  • In the morning, wash the cereal and pour clean water so that it covers the millet by less than half a finger, add salt and put on fire.
  • As soon as the porridge boils, add 2 tbsp. milk, add 1 tsp. sugar and cook for another 5-7 minutes.
  • Turn off the finished porridge, let it stand under the lid for 5 - 10 minutes and serve. You can add 1 tsp per serving. butter.

Instead of sugar, you can use jam or preserves as a sweetener, but it is better to avoid honey for now - it is too allergenic.


We prepare it for children over 1.5 years old only from regular Hercules flakes. No instant cereals, since there is no benefit left in them, only extra sugar and preservatives. But if you want to cook it as quickly as possible, we also soak 2 tbsp. cereal.

Fill them with boiling water in a ladle so that the water is level with the cereal, add some salt and cover with a lid. Keep for about half an hour, pour in 3-4 tbsp. milk and put on fire. Bring to a boil, that’s it, you can turn off the porridge, it’s ready!

We also fill it with oil and either add 1 tsp. sugar or jam.

In addition, it is good to add fruit to oatmeal. It is better to do this 5 minutes before the end of cooking, and if the cereal has been soaked, then immediately after the porridge boils.

Children's cottage cheese

We choose a product with medium fat content, 9 or 15%. Nutritionists categorically do not recommend village cottage cheese for children 1.5 years old because it is too high content fat in it.

The serving should be approximately 100 - 150 g. You can use children's store-bought cottage cheese. If desired, add fresh fruit to it: cut an apple, pear or banana into slices and mix.

If the child eats cottage cheese well, but avoids porridge, or vice versa, we will prepare an original breakfast by combining both ingredients.

Cottage cheese with oat flakes

To begin, grind 3-4 tbsp in a blender or coffee grinder. oatmeal. This amount is enough for several servings.

Take 100 g of cottage cheese, add 1 tbsp to it. the resulting oatmeal, sweeten it with sugar or jam at your discretion, mix and serve! From such a curd mass you can form a hedgehog or any other figure familiar to your baby.

It’s also good to add ¼ banana to the cottage cheese - you can simply cut it up or other seasonal fruits. We remember that for children from 1.5 years old, apples and pears need to be grated.

Option III - omelet

Since we do not yet offer fried food to children of this age, we will prepare the same omelet as for adults, but in a different way.

  1. Mix 1 egg with 3 tbsp in a plate. milk, salt.
  2. Then take a small jar with a lid, grease the walls with vegetable oil, pour the egg mixture into it and place it in a pan with cold water. The level should correspond to the height of the omelette.
  3. Place on the fire and cover the pan with a lid. After boiling, cook the omelette for 20 minutes, turn it off, let it cool without opening it and take it out. To do this, you need to shake the jar, then the omelette will slide out on its own.

If your baby loves this dish, you can begin to diversify its taste by adding grated vegetables: zucchini - literally 1 tbsp for this volume, broccoli or cauliflower.

In addition to this breakfast, you can offer a slice of bread and butter. From the age of 1.5 years, a child can already receive up to 15 - 20 g of this product per day. The best option would be a sandwich with white bread or a loaf, since rye varieties are much more difficult to digest and can cause bloating.


Lunch should account for the largest amount of food, as we remember, so for starters, you can offer your child a salad. The portion should be purely symbolic so as not to kill your appetite before the main course, but fresh vegetables improve peristalsis and have a positive effect on the body as a whole, so you shouldn’t neglect the salad either.

Well, if the child is not a fan of first courses, it will even more so become a worthy alternative to soup.


In the summer we cook from seasonal vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers. We chop everything finely or grate it. The serving should be about 1.5 tbsp, fill it with ½ tsp. vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream.

In winter and autumn we make salads from boiled beets, Chinese cabbage (cut very finely) and carrots. It is better to leave cabbage until 2 years old - its fibers are too coarse.

First course

Children's menus from 1 year of age include the preparation of soups, both vegetable and meat broths, so we can safely choose what the child likes. The main condition is that if the first is vegetable, the second must contain animal protein.

Option 1 – beetroot soup with rice

Thanks to the vegetables included in the composition, it combines the qualities of a salad.

  • To prepare 2 servings, take a piece chicken fillet 60 – 70 g. Fill it with 2 glasses of filtered water and put it on fire.
  • Meanwhile, grate 30 g of raw beets (3 x 2 cm block), peel ½ of a medium tomato and, together with ¼ bell pepper finely chop.
  • As soon as the chicken boils, salt it to taste and, after waiting 10 minutes, add the vegetables to the broth. We also put ½ tbsp there white rice. Cook until the cereal is ready.
  • Cut the meat into small pieces and serve with 1 teaspoon of low-fat sour cream or the same amount of olive oil.

Option 2 – fish soup with cauliflower

We choose the fillet at our discretion: pangasius, tilapia or sole. We will need 60 - 70 g. Pour in 2 glasses of water and put on fire.

1 large cauliflower inflorescence (50 g), washed well and finely chopped. We also chop ¼ of a small onion and the same amount of bell pepper.

As soon as the fish boils, add vegetables to it and add some salt. Cook until the cauliflower is ready.

If desired, you can add ½ tbsp to this soup. “Gossamer” noodles, this will make him more filling, but remember that you shouldn’t give pasta to a 1.5-year-old child more than 2-3 times a week.

Second course

You should not often choose potatoes - they contain too much starch; it is better to accustom your baby to stews made from other vegetables. At this age, he can already eat zucchini, broccoli, carrots, onions, Brussels sprouts, tomatoes and bell peppers - there will be plenty to choose from!

We also prepare side dishes from cereals.

Option 1 - vegetable stew with rice and egg

For 2 servings we will need: 100 g of zucchini, 30 g of carrots, 20 g of onions, 30 g of bell pepper and 60-70 g of broccoli. Finely chop everything and put it in a small saucepan. Add ½ tbsp there. rice, salt and pour 1/3 cup of milk.

Simmer until the cereal is ready and at the end of cooking add a separately beaten raw chicken egg. Stir the stew several times to cook the egg faster, turn it off and serve.

This dish, as you can see, combines both vegetable and protein components.

Option 2 – liver soufflé with vegetables

To prepare the soufflé, we will need turkey or chicken liver - they are more tender and milder in taste than beef.

Place 200 g of liver into a blender, the crumb from one slice white bread, 50 ml milk and 1 egg. Beat everything well until smooth. Add some salt, mix again and place in silicone molds, filling them 2/3 full.

We bake the soufflé either in a slow cooker using the “steam” mode, in the microwave (2-3 minutes) or in the oven. To do this, place the molds in a baking tray half filled with water and cook at 180°C for 20 minutes.

Serve with vegetable stew from the previous recipe, but without rice and eggs.


One and a half year old children love dried fruit compote. We make it almost unsweetened, since the taste will already be very rich.

  • For a liter of drink we will need 50 g of dried apricots, prunes and raisins.
  • We thoroughly rinse everything in a colander, add 1 liter of filtered water and put it on the fire.
  • Cook for half an hour after boiling, add a couple of teaspoons of sugar and cook for another 10 minutes, taste for sugar, if there is not enough, add a little more and turn off.

Serve cooled.

Afternoon snack

During the intermediate meal, we offer the baby something light, like fruit - 1-2 slices of apple, crackers or unsweetened cookies.

It is better to abstain from confectionery products such as cakes and chocolate cookies, as at 1.5 years of age they can cause allergies.

Or you can make a wonderful carrot casserole, older children will also appreciate it, so let’s make more.

  1. 200 g of carrots, three on a fine or coarse grater and simmer with the addition of 2 tsp. butter over low heat along with 20 g of semolina, making sure that they do not brown, but simply cook.
  2. If necessary, add water.
  3. Let cool and beat in 1 egg.
  4. Mix, add 80 - 100 g of cottage cheese.
  5. Add sugar to taste and stir again.
  6. Place the mixture on a greased frying pan, baking sheet, or fill silicone molds with it and bake for 25 - 30 minutes at 180°C.

Serve the finished casserole with sour cream and jam.


For dinner, the portion on the children's menu for 1.5 years old should be small, but high in calories.

Option 1 – fish pilaf

We choose fish fillets based on the child’s tastes, remembering that it should not be fatty and bony.

  • Grate ½ medium carrots, finely chop ½ onion.
  • In a small deep frying pan or saucepan, heat 2 tsp. olive oil and add vegetables to it, salt.
  • Keep them stirring for 5 – 7 minutes.

While they are cooking, cut 100 g of fish fillet into pieces. Add to vegetables and mix. Wash 50 g of round rice well and also place it in a frying pan. Pour water onto your finger and close.

Cook over low heat until full readiness rice If necessary, add water.

Serve sprinkled with herbs.

Option 2 - turkey cutlets with buckwheat

  • Cut 200 g of fillet into cubes and place in a blender bowl along with 2 quail eggs (or ½ chicken), 1 tbsp. breadcrumbs and 1/3 chopped onion.
  • Grind everything, add a little milk if necessary, and salt.
  • Let the minced meat sit for 15 – 20 minutes and form the cutlets.

You can cook them in a double boiler, multicooker (“steamed” mode) or in the oven - the children’s menu for children from 1.5 years old does not prohibit this. Serve with buckwheat.

You see how tasty and interesting your baby’s food can be! The children's menu from 1 year is very varied. Cook and delight your little one with new tastes!

You can plan the daily menu of a 1-year-old child taking into account the foods that adult family members eat. Gradually transferring the baby to the common table, it is necessary to thoroughly think through a balanced and good nutrition baby. The health and development of the toddler directly depends on the correct diet.

Features of feeding

At the age of 12 months, the digestive system is able to assimilate new food; the mouth already has a number of teeth ready to actively chew it. While not all products can be included in children’s diets, the need to grind all the ingredients is gradually disappearing. It should be remembered that children of this age are already developing their own taste preferences. They learn to choose for themselves which foods they like and which ones to refuse.

If your baby is still breastfed, you should not deprive him of nutrients found in breast milk. The feeding process provides the baby with a sense of security and a close connection with a loved one. An evening portion of mother's milk will help the baby fall asleep faster. Weaning should be done in stages, reducing the number of sessions to morning and evening, with a gradual complete cessation of breastfeeding.

A child's diet at 1 year old remains almost unchanged. You should stick to 4-5 meals a day - every 3-4 hours. During this time, the little one will have time to get hungry. Feeding 5–6 times a day is also allowed, taking into account breastfeeding. Depending on the baby's appetite, the mother will decide how many times a day to give him food. It is important not to violate the established regime for proper operation digestive system. You should gradually stop feeding at night.


Morning awakening is accompanied by a gradual transition from breast milk or formula to a full breakfast. Porridge remains the main product in the diet. In addition to the usual oatmeal, buckwheat and rice porridge, you can offer corn or wheat porridge, which are no less healthy.

If necessary, milk porridges can be replaced with those cooked in water. You can also use vegetable broth.

Portion volume one year old child ranges from 150 to 200 ml. Add 5 g of butter to the porridge. You can add chopped fruit to the plate, or separately prepared fruit puree will do. Boiled yolk will complement your morning diet. Porridge can be replaced with steamed omelette. For a sandwich with butter, you should choose wheat bread: products made from rye flour can provoke fermentation processes in the intestines.

The diet for a 1 year old child includes up to 3 chicken eggs per week. When calculating the norm, you should remember that eggs are also present in soufflés and are added to cutlets and cheesecakes. For drinks, you can offer juice or tea.


You can start your lunch with salads made from fresh or boiled vegetables and leafy greens, seasoned with sour cream or sunflower oil. Soups or broths are prepared from lean sirloin meat. Vegetables, cereals and pasta are used to season soups. A one-year-old child can be given puree soup made from vegetables, cabbage soup or borscht, milk soup, as well as soup with meat or fish meatballs.

What should I cook for my child for the second meal? You can make a meat casserole. As a second course, meatballs, cutlets or zrazy are prepared using fish or meat. Suitable as a side dish vegetable puree. Dishes from veal and chicken liver. Of these valuable products You get delicious puddings and healthy pates. You can finish your lunch with juice, jelly, compote of fresh fruits and berries or dried fruits.

Afternoon snack

After a nap, you can have cottage cheese with sour cream or yogurt, cottage cheese, casseroles or milk soufflé for an afternoon snack. To obtain a sufficient amount of phosphorus and calcium, you will need 70 g of cottage cheese per day. Children will also be happy to eat puree made from fresh fruit or drink juice.


The baby's dinner consists of vegetables with the addition of cereals or some meat. This can be pumpkin or carrot puree added to porridge, or vegetable stew with meat. Complement dinner with berries or fruits. Drinks: juice or tea.

Before going to bed, it is useful for the baby to drink kefir or yogurt. The daily intake of fermented milk drink is 200 ml. For a baby who is still breastfed, breast milk will be sufficient.

About fish and meat

When purchasing fish for a baby who is one year old, you should pay attention to low-fat varieties. Pollock, cod or greenling fillets are suitable. Pieces of fish are boiled, all the bones are carefully selected and chopped. A child needs from 40 to 80 g of fish dishes per week, prepared in the form of soufflés or cutlets.

Meat is required to be included in the daily diet in the amount of 60–80 g. When purchasing, it is recommended to choose rabbit or poultry meat. Veal and lean beef are suitable. Pate or puree soup is prepared from thoroughly cooked meat. The minced meat will be used for steamed meatballs, zrazy, meatballs and casseroles. It is allowed to include chicken or calf liver, as well as tongue and heart, into the monthly diet.

About vegetables and fruits

Salads and purees from vegetables and fruits must be present in children's menus to provide the body with vitamins and microelements and improve the functioning of the digestive system. IN seasonal time It is preferable to eat fresh produce grown in your region. Vegetables with a high fiber content must be thoroughly boiled to avoid colic in the intestines and bloating in the child.

To prepare vegetable salads use:

  • boiled potatoes;
  • green pea;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • boiled beets;
  • boiled pumpkin;
  • raw or boiled carrots;
  • stewed zucchini;
  • cucumbers

Fruit salad for a baby consists of chopped apples or pears. Bananas, peaches or apricots can be cut into slices. Freshly picked berries are added to porridges, salads and fruit purees.

Pay attention to a number of tips that pediatricians give to young parents.

  1. It is recommended to introduce unfamiliar components into the diet gradually, observing the body’s reaction to the products.
  2. Vegetables and fruits bright colors may cause an allergic reaction, so they should be offered to your baby with caution.
  3. It is recommended to serve meat dishes for lunch so that they have time to be absorbed by the body during the day.
  4. Hard cheese can be added to dishes in small quantities - for example, sprinkle cheese on casseroles or serve it with pasta.
  5. The nutritional value of pasta is not very high, so they can appear in the diet of a 12-month-old child no more than 1 or 2 times a week.
  6. It is recommended to add a little salt to the dishes, but if possible it is better to do without salt.
  7. Sugar in the daily diet should not exceed the norm of 30–40 g; it is preferable to replace it with fructose.
  8. Cookies, marshmallows, marmalade and jam are allowed as confectionery products.
  9. Proper drinking regime is necessary for the health of the child. Your baby can only be given clean bottled or boiled water in the amount he wishes.
  10. You can feed your child only freshly prepared food.

Features of nutrition of young children

When compiling a menu for a 1-year-old child, it is necessary to take into account certain standards. To feed a toddler, you will need 1200–1250 ml of food daily. It is necessary to alternate meals throughout the week to provide the child's body with the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The largest amount of calories comes at lunch, the smallest at breakfast and dinner, and the smallest at afternoon snack.

Products are distributed so that every day the child receives about 35% for lunch, about 25% for breakfast and dinner, and about 15% for an afternoon snack of the total daily amount of food.

Culinary processing of dishes is carried out by stewing, baking and boiling in water or steaming. From semi-liquid foods, the child gradually switches to pureed ones, then to crushed ones, and at the same time learns to chew food with a dense consistency. To develop chewing skills, it is recommended to offer pieces of fruits and vegetables. For some babies, 2 or 3 months is enough to begin to cope with such foods on their own. In children who are 1 year and 6 months old, due to an increase in the number of teeth, more possibilities for the absorption of coarser food.

How to create a menu?

When creating a menu for a 1-year-old child, you should focus not only on the recommendations of specialists. It is necessary to take into account the preferences of the baby himself. After waking up in the morning, you can offer him breast milk or formula. Before bed - any fermented milk product or mother's milk. The volume of servings for breakfast, lunch and dinner should be calculated taking into account morning and evening feedings.

We offer you several sample menu options for a one-year-old baby with recipes.

Menu No. 1

Menu No. 2

Menu No. 3

What to feed a one-year-old baby: recipes

Turkey meatballs

  1. Pass 300 g of turkey fillet through a meat grinder.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. Soak rice in water and add to minced meat.
  3. Add chopped onion.
  4. Lightly salt it.
  5. Steam balls formed from minced meat for 20 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole

  1. Beat 2 eggs with 2 tbsp. l. sugar and a packet of vanillin.
  2. Mix with 2 tbsp. l. semolina and 500 g cottage cheese
  3. Grease a baking dish with butter.
  4. Pour in the curd mass and bake for half an hour at 170 degrees.

Milk pudding

  1. Cook semolina porridge from 50 g of cereal, 150 ml of milk and 150 ml of water.
  2. Mix with 10 g butter and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  3. Beat in the egg.
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  5. Grease the mold with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  6. Place the dough and bake for 20 minutes at 175 degrees.

There is no need to rush to transfer the baby to the common table. It is much more useful to create an individual feeding regimen. It is important to follow all nutritional recommendations so that the child grows and develops in accordance with his age.

At one year old, the child has already learned a lot: he can stand, walk, and feed himself with a spoon. He already has several teeth, and the child’s menu begins to change at 1 year old. More and more unground food with small pieces appears in it, the diet becomes more varied. In this article I will write an indicative menu for a one year old child, and also write delicious and healthy recipes, according to which you can cook for your kids.

Also read the previous article: . At this age, many parents still have trouble sleeping at night, although it would seem that the child has already grown significantly. In the article I write about how to ensure good and deep sleep for the whole family.

At this age, a child eats on average 1200 ml of food per day. Of course, all children are individual. Some may eat more, some less. If a child flatly refuses to eat, you should not force him. Better make him have an appetite. Dr. Komarovsky advises to do this by walking more fresh air, move more. If, for example, a child doesn’t want to have breakfast, well, he’s not hungry yet, don’t force him. Go for an active walk, climb stairs and slides. In this case, there is a greater likelihood that by lunchtime the child will “work up” an appetite and eat without mother’s tears and nerves.

You don’t need to focus only on tables, look at your child. I'll write the averages. This is not the weight of the food, but its volume.

It is very good if the child has a feeding schedule. Then the digestive tract will already be preparing to digest food and secrete the necessary juices and enzymes. There should be about 3-4 hours between meals.

New products, as before, are introduced gradually. You can give only one unfamiliar product per week; this should be done for breakfast in order to be able to track a possible reaction in time. If the child responded well to the new product, the next day you can give it in larger quantities.

If your baby does not yet have chewing teeth, then food should be pureed or pounded with a potato masher. When the first chewing teeth appear, you need to teach the baby to chew, that is, small pieces of food may sometimes be found in the food.

At 1 year of age, food is prepared without sugar (until 2 years of age, sugar is not allowed). It is also better not to use salt, since natural products contain sodium. If you add salt to children’s food, do it in very small quantities. A child can only have half a gram of salt per day. For example, the norm for an adult is 10 grams.

Baby's daily diet

Breakfast. Most often, it is customary to give porridge for breakfast as a source of carbohydrates, that is, energy. Porridge can be either dairy or dairy-free. At this age, many children continue to eat instant cereals from boxes. If you wish, you can cook the porridge yourself and blend it with a blender. You can add fruit purees to porridges. If you make dairy-free porridge, then offer your child yogurt along with it.

You can also add a small piece of butter and half of the hard-boiled butter to the porridge. egg yolk.

In addition to porridge for breakfast, you can prepare a steamed omelette; the recipe is in this article. You can add greens and small pieces of vegetables to the omelette. You can also have cottage cheese with fruit for breakfast - it’s also very nutritious and energy-intensive.

At 1 year old, a child can eat up to 15 grams. good butter and up to 40 gr. white bread.

In addition to food, don't forget about drinks. Be sure to teach your child to drink clean water. In addition to water, you can give compotes without sugar, weak tea without sugar, juice.

Dinner. For lunch, mothers most often prepare soup for their children. It can be only vegetable soup, vegetable soup with meat, and also soup with cereals. At this age, children should not be given bone broth soups. Broth can only be on meat. The first broth is poured out after 5-10 minutes of cooking the meat and the meat is poured with clean water. The soup is already cooked in the second broth.

There are no restrictions on soups. You can put any vegetables there, and then puree them with a blender along with the meat. In addition to soup, you can serve vegetable stew with meat for lunch. You can also start introducing offal: liver, heart, tongue.

Before lunch, you can give your child a salad of fresh vegetables: grate cucumber, carrots, radishes or cut a tomato. Don't forget about the fish. Fish should be given at least 2 times a week. Fish can be steamed, boiled, or prepared into fish casseroles and soufflés. Take lean, white fish.

You should not get carried away with potatoes, as they contain a lot of starch. The total amount of potatoes per day should not exceed 1/3 of the total amount of vegetables. If you give your child a lot of potatoes, this can lead to weight gain, intestinal colic, and allergies.

We also give the child something to drink.

Afternoon snack. For an afternoon snack, offer your child a cottage cheese dish. If your baby is tired of eating just cottage cheese, make a casserole for him. You can put fruits or sweet vegetables (pumpkin, carrots) in the casserole. You can also give your child kefir or yogurt.

Dinner. For dinner they give meat or fish with a side dish. The side dish can be vegetables (boiled or steamed), pasta or porridge.

If you are still breastfeeding, your baby receives breast milk before going to bed at night. If not, you can leave the mixture or drink kefir at night.

What should not be given to a child under 2 years of age?

These products should not be on your child's menu.

  • sausages and sausage
  • fried foods
  • fatty fish
  • smoked meats
  • fat meat
  • Exotic fruits
  • mushrooms
  • caramel, chewing gum and lollipops
  • sugar
  • products with preservatives, artificial colors, flavors and other chemicals
  • fresh onions and garlic, can be boiled

Weekly menu for a 1 year old child

I offer an indicative table with a weekly menu for a 1-year-old child. Sometimes you just don’t know what to cook for your baby. After all, food should be healthy and at the same time tasty. All children have different tastes. Some people love meat very much, while others, on the contrary, spit on it, etc.

After the table you will find delicious recipes preparing meals for your kids.

Between breakfast and lunch there may be a second breakfast. Fresh fruit is provided for second breakfast, and juice is allowed once a week. Before bedtime, the child is given kefir or milk.

Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Tuesday Children's cottage cheese with sour cream and banana Soup with beef, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes and herbs Carrot-apple puree (you can make it yourself) Buckwheat porridge with steamed vegetables + Mozzarella cheese
Wednesday Rice porridge (or corn) + quail egg Pumpkin puree soup with sour cream and herbs + steamed turkey Homemade or baby yogurt with fruit, you can whip it into a smoothie Mashed potatoes + steamed chicken cutlets with zucchini
Thursday Buckwheat porridge with milk and a piece of butter Beef meatballs with rice + vegetable stew or vegetable soup with water Cottage cheese + prune puree Steamed fish + cauliflower, zucchini, carrots
Friday Steamed omelette + steamed vegetables Lentil soup (recipe below) Pumpkin and carrot casserole Baked turkey breast + rice porridge + vegetables
Saturday 7-grain porridge with water (or wheat) + yogurt + pieces of fruit or dried fruit Vegetable stew with rabbit meat (can be stewed, or baked with vegetables and natural herbs) Cottage cheese casserole with banana Fish casserole with pasta + vegetables
Sunday Oatmeal with milk, fruit and ground flaxseeds Steamed fish or fish casserole + vegetable stew or steamed vegetables Rice and pear casserole Steamed meat soufflé + vegetables

Recipes for delicious dishes for children over 1 year old


Broccoli soup with turkey.

This is a simple soup with a light turkey broth. There are only two ingredients: broccoli and turkey. If desired, you can add other vegetables to the soup that the child is already familiar with and to which he is not allergic (for example, zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, carrots, onions).


  • turkey fillet - 200 gr.
  • broccoli - 5-7 florets
  • water - 2 - 2.5 tbsp.

Pour water into a saucepan and boil it. Rinse the fillet and place in boiling water. It is better for children under 1 year old not to prepare soups with bone broths, they are too rich. Just cook the meat. To make the meat juicy and tasty, you need to put it in boiling water. For a rich broth, bones and meat are placed in cold water, but you don’t need to do this for a baby.

Cook the meat until done, about 50 minutes. You can add a little salt to the soup, literally a pinch of salt. At this age, children should not be given as much salt as adults eat. Or you can skip the salt at all. Then remove the meat from the soup and let it cool slightly.

Rinse the broccoli and place in the boiling water in which the meat was cooked. Cook for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the turkey into medium cubes. Add the chopped meat to the cooked broccoli. Use a blender to puree the soup. Before serving, place a piece of butter on a plate.

Creamy pumpkin soup.

This is a vegetable soup, the pumpkin and carrots provide beautiful color and added sweetness.


  • pumpkin - 200 gr.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • milk - 100 ml

Peel and seed the pumpkin and cut into cubes. Weight 200 gr. listed in clean form. Peel the potatoes and onions and cut them into small pieces so that they cook faster. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Place all the vegetables in boiling water, lightly add salt and cook for 30 minutes.

Using an immersion blender, puree the finished soup directly in the pan. Add milk, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for another 5 minutes. Vegetable cream soup is ready. When serving, you can sprinkle it with sesame seeds or flaxseeds for more usefulness.

Lentil soup.

Lentils - very useful product. If you want to try lentils for the first time, it’s better not to cook the soup, but just boil them and give your child a few pieces. If there are no colics, bloating, etc., then you can cook soups.

Ingredients (for 3 servings):

  • carrots - 1.5 pcs.
  • onion - 0.5 pcs.
  • red or green lentils - 150 ml (by volume)
  • vegetable broth - 0.5 l
  • garlic - 0.5 cloves
  • celery - 2 stalks
  • rapeseed or olive oil- 1 tbsp.
  • tomato paste - 30 ml

Vegetable broth for soup can be cooked in advance, or immediately. Use any vegetables for the broth: onions, carrots, celery root. To cook the broth, vegetables are placed in cold water and cooked for about 40 minutes. Then these vegetables are thrown away, all the benefits remain in the broth.

Lentils need to be soaked overnight in advance.

Pour a tablespoon of vegetable oil into an empty saucepan with a thick bottom, which can be heated and does not turn into a carcinogen. This can be refined olive oil or rapeseed oil. Place the onion and garlic cut into small cubes into the heated oil. Fry these vegetables a little until translucent (not yellow, let alone Brown), you just need to soften the onion.

Chop the carrots and celery stalks into small pieces. Add to softened onions. Also add washed lentils to the pan. Stir and let heat through for 1 minute.

Add tomato paste to the soup and pour in the broth. Bring the soup to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for about 20 minutes until the lentils are tender. Using an immersion blender, puree the soup. If the soup is too thick, thin it with water or broth.

Cauliflower soup.

This is a very simple white soup.


  • cauliflower - 200 gr.
  • potatoes - 100 gr.
  • rice - 50 gr.
  • butter or sour cream - 1 tbsp.

Peel the potatoes and cut into arbitrary pieces. Wash the cauliflower and separate into florets. Boil water, put potatoes and cabbage in it, cook until tender.

At the same time, in another pan, boil the rice until tender. It is better to soak the rice for at least 10 minutes first so that excess starch comes out of it. Place the finished rice with the cooked vegetables and use a blender to make a puree soup. Add sour cream or butter to the finished soup and stir. When serving, you can sprinkle with finely chopped dill or any seeds.


Cottage cheese casserole with banana.

For children who do not like to eat cottage cheese, mothers bake various casseroles, cheesecakes, puddings, as long as the child receives useful substances. This is a very simple casserole recipe with just 3 ingredients.


  • cottage cheese - 100 gr. (it’s better to take children’s without additives)
  • semolina - 2 tsp.
  • banana - 1 pc. small

Pour the curd into a bowl and add semolina to it, stir until smooth. Leave for 10 minutes for the semolina to swell. The banana needs to be pureed. To do this, you can use any device that you can use in this moment: blender, grater, chopper. Add banana puree to the cottage cheese and mix thoroughly again.

Place the resulting dough into silicone molds - they do not need to be greased, and the baked goods come out easily. Cook this casserole in a multicooker in the “Steam” mode for 20 minutes. Or just steam it in the container you have. The finished casserole is sweet, soft, easy to digest, and your child should like it.

If you have already entered egg white into the diet, then you can add half an egg or one quail to the casserole. This will make the casserole a little denser.

Pumpkin and carrot casserole.

This casserole is also steamed. You can do it, as in the previous version, in a slow cooker. You can just use a water bath.


  • pumpkin - 100 gr.
  • carrots - 100 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • milk - 50-70 gr.
  • semolina - 2 tbsp.

Grate the pumpkin and carrots on a fine grater. Place the vegetables in a saucepan and add milk. Place on the stove and bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat, stirring until the milk is absorbed. Remove the vegetables from the heat and let them cool.

Beat the egg into the cooled mixture and add semolina. Mix all the dough so that there are no lumps.

Pour the mixture into a deep small plate or broth and place it in the pan. Pour about 2 cm of water. There should be enough water so that when boiling it does not fall into the casserole. Bring water to a boil and reduce heat.

Cover the pan with a lid and steam the casserole for about 20-25 minutes. That's all, you can treat your child to the finished casserole.

Steamed fish casserole.

In addition to the traditional cottage cheese casserole, you can make fish and meat casseroles. I suggest making a delicious fish casserole.


  • white sea fish fillet - 100 gr.
  • green peas (can be frozen) - 2 tbsp.
  • milk - 30 ml
  • carrots - 1/2 pcs. average
  • chicken egg - 1 pc. (or 2 pieces of quail)
  • onions - 1/4 pcs.

If your fish is not in the form of fillets, then you need to remove the skin from it and carefully remove all the bones. Then turn the fish and onions into minced meat in a blender or meat grinder. Chop the green peas too and mix with the minced fish.

Grate the carrots on a fine grater. In a separate bowl, beat the milk and egg with a mixer until a loose foam forms. Beating is enough for 3 minutes.

It is convenient to prepare the casserole in a small silicone mold. Place the fish and pea mixture on the bottom of the pan and press down slightly with a fork. The next layer is carrot. Don’t put too many carrots, a thin layer is enough. Use a fork to compact the carrots a little.

Pour the milk-egg mixture over the fish casserole. Place the mold in a steamer. Pour half a liter of water into the multicooker and cook in the “Steam” mode for 35 minutes. Along with the form in which the casserole will be prepared, you can put vegetables in the steamer, which will be an excellent side dish. Cook the vegetables for 25 minutes, then remove them.

That's all. There are not many actions on your part, but the child is fed and happy.

Rice and pear casserole.

This casserole is a great option for an afternoon snack.


  • pear - 1 pc. average
  • rice flakes - 2 tbsp. without a slide (can be replaced with oatmeal)
  • children's cottage cheese - 100 gr.
  • sour cream - 1 tsp.
  • quail egg - 1 pc. (or half a chicken)

Mix sour cream, cottage cheese and egg in a bowl. To easily separate half chicken egg, drive it into a separate bowl and shake with a fork. Then pour half into the curd. Stir until smooth.

Pour rice flakes into the cottage cheese (if you don't have them, grind the rice cereal in a blender). Grate the pear on a coarse grater and add to the general mixture, stir. Grease a silicone mold with butter and pour the dough into it. Next it is steamed, as in previous recipes. You need to put the casserole in a double boiler, then in a slow cooker and steam for 35 minutes. Alternatively, bake in the oven until done.

If baking in the oven, cover the pan with foil to prevent a crust from forming.

This casserole can be served with fresh berries or fruits, or topped with fruit puree.

Second courses.

Steamed cutlets with zucchini.

You can make cutlets out of meat for your child. Moreover, you can add any vegetables to the cutlets, it will turn out balanced product. Use the amount of ingredients at your discretion. It depends on what ratio of meat to vegetables you want.


  • minced meat (beef, veal)
  • zucchini
  • carrot
  • egg (or one yolk)

Grind the meat through a meat grinder or make minced meat in a grinder. Grate the vegetables or chop them together with minced meat. Combine all the products, add an egg or one yolk, lightly salt and mix until smooth.

Form cutlets and steam them for 30 minutes. This can be done in a slow cooker. If you don’t have a multicooker, you can put the cutlets on a sieve and place them in a pan of water. Cover the top of the sieve with a lid.

Steamed omelette.

When the child begins to eat egg whites, after a year, you can make steamed omelettes. They turn out soft and kids generally like them.


  • egg - 1 pc.
  • milk - 3 tbsp.
  • butter - 5-7 gr.
  • greens - optional

Beat the egg into a small bowl, but separate part of the white. At this age, it will be too much for a child to eat whole protein, separate half. Pour milk into the egg and beat with a fork. Place a piece of butter in a small ovenproof dish and pour the beaten egg over it. If desired, you can add finely chopped dill. Place on the steamer rack and steam in the slow cooker for 10 minutes (don't forget to pre-heat the water in the slow cooker for steam).

This steamed omelette is good to serve with steamed vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots).

Fish casserole with pasta.

If you want to diversify your baby’s menu, make him a fish casserole. It turns out quite fluffy due to beaten eggs. All ingredients used should be familiar to the child.


  • cod fillet - 300 gr.
  • whole grain pasta - 100 ml (measurement by volume)
  • green onion - 1 feather
  • butter - 30 gr.
  • flour - 2.5 tbsp.
  • milk - 250 ml
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • ground nutmeg - 1/3 tsp.
  • breadcrumbs - 2-3 tbsp.
  • carrots - 300 gr.
  • pepper - to taste

Immediately turn on the oven to preheat to 160 degrees. Cook the pasta (if you can’t find whole grains, then take durum wheat). The pasta is placed in boiling water and cooked for several minutes, see instructions on the package. In this case, it is better not to cook the pasta a little, so it will still be baked.

Cut the fish fillet (defrost it in advance and rinse it) into 2 cm pieces. Thinly chop the green onions. Now you need to make the bechamel sauce. To do this, melt the butter in a saucepan, add flour to it and stir. Now pour in the milk in a thin stream and stir so that there are no lumps. Cook the sauce for a few minutes until it thickens. Add nutmeg and black pepper to the sauce. Cool the sauce.

If you are in a hurry, simply beat the eggs with a whisk or even a fork. If you have time, separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites with a mixer into a strong foam. When turning the bowl over, the whites should not fall out. Whipped egg whites will make the finished casserole more porous and airy.

Chop the fish, cook the sauce, beat the eggs.

Mix the yolks into the whites; this can be done with the same mixer.

Add beaten eggs to the cooled sauce and stir. Add chopped fish, boiled pasta and green onions to the same mixture. Mix gently with a spoon. Grease a baking dish with butter, pour the entire mixture into it, and level it out. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Bake in an already preheated oven for about 40 minutes.

Grate the carrots and place in a deep plate. Place a portion of the casserole on top of the carrots. This makes a delicious dish for a child. As you noticed, there is no salt in the recipe. The dish doesn’t need to be salted at all, or you can add just a little salt to the sauce.

Steamed meat soufflé.

Very tasty for children meat recipe. It's easy to prepare.


  • minced meat - 50 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • white bread - 10 gr.
  • milk - 3 tbsp.

In a small bowl, pour milk over the bread and leave to swell for 10 minutes. Now you need to combine the minced meat, egg and soaked bread together. Using a blender, turn this mixture into a homogeneous mass.

Place the resulting mixture into silicone molds. Place the molds on the steamer. In the same steamer, immediately place the vegetables that you will serve with the meat: zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, carrots, etc.

Pour water into the multicooker, place the steamer, close the lid and cook in the “Steam” mode for 40 minutes. Mash the vegetables and soufflé with a fork before serving; you can sprinkle with fresh herbs.


Oatmeal with nuts and flax seeds.

If you decide to switch from boxed instant cereals to regular ones, then this year is the time to do it. Porridge for a child can be cooked with both milk and water. If you have not given regular cow's milk before, then for the first time, like any new product, you should give very little to see the reaction. If you are afraid to give regular boiled homemade milk, buy special children's clothing, it must undergo quality control.

If the child tolerates the introduction of milk well, his digestion does not deteriorate and there is no rash, then the amount can be gradually increased.


  • milk or water - 200 gr.
  • oat flakes - 100 gr.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • walnuts - 1 tsp.
  • flax seeds - 1 tsp.

Boil milk or water. Add the flakes and cook for 5 minutes, stirring. Cooking time will depend on the flakes you choose. By the way, it can be not just oatmeal, but 5-7 cereals. Read on the package how long to cook them. Better not take the cereal instant cooking, they are highly refined, they contain few useful substances.

Add banana pieces to the finished porridge and grind a little with a blender. Walnuts and grind the flaxseeds in a blender or coffee grinder. Add to porridge.

Add nuts if your child is already familiar with this product.


Avocado and banana salad.

If children don't eat vegetables well, it always upsets parents. They need to get their vitamins from somewhere. Avocado is very healthy fruit, it is not sweet, somewhat fatty (it contains a lot of Omega-9 fats, like olives). And avocado is simply a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. To make the salad tastier, add a banana to the avocado; children mainly love bananas for their softness and sweetness.


  • avocado - 1/2 pcs.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc. small
  • apple - optional

Grate half an avocado and carrots on a fine grater. You can simply crush a banana with a fork or cut it into small cubes to teach your child to chew. If you puree everything for a child for a long time, then, as he grows up, he will not be very willing to eat solid food. At one year old, give your child food with pieces.

Mix all prepared products. As you know, carrots contain a lot of beta-carotene, which is absorbed only in combination with fats. Avocado will be a fatty conductor of vitamin A to the cells of the body. There is no need to add any additional oil.

Serve this salad with cottage cheese or yogurt.

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1. Rice porridge with meat:
Meat - 100 gr.
Rice groats - 3 tbsp.
Butter - a small piece.
Salt - a pinch.

In this version, the porridge is suitable for children from 1 year of age. Children at this age already cope well with grains of rice, but chewing red meat is still a bit difficult, so it is better to twist it. We also do not add any fried ingredients or excess fat to the porridge.
For kids, you can also cook sweet porridge with prunes or pumpkin and zucchini from rice.
Recipe for rice porridge with meat:
1. Products for porridge: 100-150 gr. fresh meat, 3 tbsp. rice, a piece of butter for dressing and salt.
2. Separate the meat from the films and cut into pieces. The smaller the pieces, the faster they will cook.
3. Boil the meat until cooked. About 1 hour.
4. Rinse the rice.
5. Boil over low heat until cooked. It cooks for about 20 minutes.
6. Twist the finished pieces of meat a couple of times in a meat grinder.
7. Mix boiled rice with twisted meat. Cook everything together for 3 minutes.
8. Season with butter and serve.
Bon appetit!
On a note:
For this porridge, you can use whole grain or broken rice. If it is more convenient for a child to eat more small pieces, use broken rice.
If your child has a positive attitude towards greens, you can add them to the porridge.
For infants, you can prepare a similar dish, only with milk in the form of puree.

2. Cauliflower casserole Ingredients:
Cauliflower - 1 cup (or 2 cups)
Hard cheese - 70 gr.
Rusks - 1 tbsp.
Milk - 2 tbsp.
Oil drain. - 1 tbsp.

Cauliflower, unlike white cabbage, does not cause allergies, so it is recommended to prepare it for infants in the form of a puree. Children from one year old can no longer grind it, but simply boil it in water or in a double boiler. Two-year-old children can already serve it in various versions (boiled, stewed, baked), one of which is cauliflower casserole with cheese. It's simple and easy vegetable dish Perfect as a second course for lunch or dinner.
Cauliflower Casserole with Cheese - Preparation:
1. Wash the cauliflower and separate it into inflorescences. Place in a saucepan with water, add salt and let simmer for 7 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, prepare the cheese sauce. To do this, grate a piece of cheese and add a tablespoon. crackers.
3. Pour in two tablespoons of milk.
4. Add st. a spoonful of soft (melted in the microwave or simply melted in the heat) butter and mix everything together.
5. Place the boiled cauliflower in a colander to drain the water. After this, place the cabbage in a mold with high edges and pour cheese sauce on top.
6. Place the pan in the oven for about 15-20 minutes until golden brown. Serve warm with herbs.

3.Curd steam soufflé – a tender and amazingly tasty dish for children. It just melts in your mouth! For children over one year old, you can add raisins and marmalade to the soufflé. With these sweet additives, the curd soufflé turns out even tastier!
cottage cheese – 600 gr.
semolina – 1/2 cup
water – 1 glass
granulated sugar – 2 tbsp.
vanilla sugar – 1/2 tsp.
butter – 2 tbsp. l.
vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.
egg – 1 pc.
seedless raisins – 1/2 cup
berry or fruit syrup - 6 tbsp.

The amount of marmalade should be according to taste and as desired - to decorate the dish when serving.
Curd steam soufflé, recipe:
To prepare the curd mass, you will need a saucepan with a capacity of 3 liters.
Boil semolina in water until a thick porridge is obtained. Remove from heat and cool.
Grind the cottage cheese to a homogeneous mushy mass, place in a bowl with semolina porridge. Mix thoroughly until smooth.
Break the egg, separate the white from the yolk.
Heat the butter until liquid.
Add the yolk to the resulting curd mass, pour in the butter, add vanilla sugar and granulated sugar, add raisins.
Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly again.
For further preparation you will need round deep molds.
Grease the molds with vegetable oil and place the prepared curd mass in them.
Place the mold in the pan, add water and cook for 15-20 minutes.
Remove the molds from steam. Cool.
You can serve in forms if they have a decorative appearance, or the product can be transferred to plates.
Before serving, pour syrup over the soufflé and place marmalade on top of the syrup for decoration and as a seasoning.
The curd soufflé is ready!

4.Zucchini casserole
Tender, tasty, low-fat, affordable casserole - a godsend for dinner for the whole family
400 g zucchini,
100 g cheese,
2 eggs,
100 g sour cream,
0.5 tsp slaked soda,
150 g flour,
0.5 tsp salt.,

Grate the zucchini and squeeze thoroughly. Chop or grate the cheese very finely, chop the herbs. Mix soda with sour cream, leave for 5 minutes, add eggs, salt, pepper, beat with a fork, add flour, mix. Then put cheese, zucchini and herbs there, mix and pour into a small-diameter mold (grease). Bake for 40-50 minutes at 180 degrees.

5.Cauliflower puree soup
Cauliflower inflorescences - 20-25 inflorescences
Potatoes - 4 pcs. little ones.
Rice - 3 or 4 tbsp. rice
Cream - 100 ml. (instead of cream, you can add 2-3 tbsp sour cream)
Salt - to taste
Drain. butter - piece

Cauliflower is a dietary and healthy product. It got its name from its inflorescences that resemble flowers. And not at all because of the multi-colored color, as you might think without seeing or knowing this product.
It can be introduced into complementary foods for children up to one year old, unlike white cabbage. Because it is softer and does not cause colic in the stomach. It also helps maintain normal bowel movements.
For the first feeding, just cauliflower puree is suitable, after which you can try cabbage puree with carrots. And from the age of 1, a child can prepare a delicate creamy soup made from mashed cauliflower and potatoes. The photo recipe for which is posted below.
Making Cauliflower Puree Soup:
1. The main component in this soup is cauliflower, so we take a little more of it than other products. We will also prepare potatoes, rice, cream, a piece of butter and salt. If you don’t have cream on hand, sour cream will do (about 3 tablespoons). This amount of product is enough for 5-6 servings. If you need a smaller amount, reduce the products in proportion to each other.
2. Separate the cauliflower into inflorescences. Cut the potatoes into small cubes. Place the vegetables in a saucepan with water and cook until tender. Approximately 20-25 min.
3. Boil rice in a separate pan.
4. From the pan in which the vegetables were boiled, pour the broth into a glass. We will still need it. Add boiled rice to the boiled vegetables and puree with a blender.
5. You should get such a homogeneous mass. Add salt to taste.
6. Add a piece of butter and cream. Stir.
7. Puree soup will get this light color. Adjust the thickness of the soup yourself. If it seems too thick, add the vegetable broth that was drained earlier.
8. For young children, soup is best served as is, without any additions.
9. For older children, it is better to serve cauliflower puree soup with breadcrumbs. In this option, there is a greater chance that the dish will be eaten. You can also sprinkle the soup with herbs or parsley leaves.

6.Chicken pudding
1. Chicken (pulp) – 100 g
2. Wheat bread – 10 g
3. Butter – 1\2 teaspoons
4. Milk – ¼ cup
5. Egg – 1 pc.
6. Salt solution – ¼ teaspoon
Take a piece of boneless chicken, rinse with cold water, and pass through a meat grinder. Scroll through a meat grinder a second time along with white stale wheat bread, previously soaked in 1 tablespoon of milk. This mass must be rubbed through a sieve and diluted with the rest of the milk to a thick paste. Then add raw egg yolk and salt solution. Beat the whites into a strong foam and add them, stirring carefully. Place the entire resulting mass in a small mug, thickly greased with oil.
Place the mug in a pan half-filled with boiling water, cover the pan with a lid, put on the stove and cook for 40 minutes.
Meat puddings made from chicken, veal, and liver can be served with potato or vegetable puree.

1. ½ onion;
2. 2 pcs. potatoes;
3. 1 carrot;
4. 2 – 4 pcs. quail eggs
1. Peel and wash the onion. Use half and cut it into small cubes. Wash and peel the carrots, and also cut them into cubes.
2. My eldest daughter prefers grated carrots, so I often grate them using a coarse grater.
3. Peel, wash and cut the potatoes into cubes.
4. Pour 500-600 ml into the pan. water (depending on what kind of soup your baby likes, thinner or thicker). Bring to a boil. Throw onions and carrots into boiling water. If you are making grated carrots, then add only onions. After 10 minutes, add potatoes.
5. After 15 minutes, add grated carrots, if you did not add diced carrots. You can also add a little baby pasta to the soup - 1 tablespoon if you want a thicker soup.
6. Don't forget that we won't be cooking with boiled egg, and soup with raw egg. If your child likes a thinner soup, then take 2 eggs; if it is thick, then 4. Break the eggs into a bowl and stir with a fork.
7. Now we just have to figure out how to add an egg to the soup. 15-20 minutes after adding potatoes to the soup, pour in the eggs. Pour the eggs very slowly into the boiling soup and stir thoroughly with a fork to form small flakes. Bring the soup with the egg to a boil and remove from the heat. Cool slightly and pour into a plate. Add unrefined oil to the plate, you can add separately cooked meat. Bon appetit!

8.Children's meatballs
Minced meat - 500 g.
1 egg
1 onion
Bread - 100 gr.
Rice - 100 gr.
Carrots - 1 pc.
0.5 cups milk
Salt to taste

1. Mix the minced meat with finely chopped onion and grated carrots.
2. Soak bread and rice in milk, boil a little, mix with minced meat
3. Add the egg to the minced meat, salt to taste
4. Shape and steam the breasts until ready (this will be convenient to do in a slow cooker)
Vegetables are great as a side dish. mashed potatoes or pasta.
For older kids, meatball sauce would be a great addition. It can be prepared by frying onions and carrots with tomato paste.

9.Fish soup
fish fillet - 150 g (hake, salmon, trout or pollock are suitable)
1/2 medium onion
1 small carrot
1 medium potato
sour cream
salt and herbs to taste

1. Place the fillet in a small saucepan, add water (1.5-2 cups), put on fire, add a little salt
2. When the fish is cooked, put it on a separate plate and strain the broth.
3. Finely chop the potatoes and onions, grate the carrots on a fine grater, and put them in the broth to cook. If the soup seems runny, you can add a little rice.
4. When the vegetables are cooked, add the fish again and grind everything with a blender.
5. Serve with sour cream and herbs

10.Mashed potatoes
Rub 100-120 g of boiled hot potatoes through a sieve (you can use a blender), gradually add a little (up to 20 ml) hot boiled milk to the resulting mass, stirring continuously. Beat the mixture until a homogeneous fluffy mass is obtained. Place the puree on a plate and pour over the melted butter.

11.Carrot puree
Wash, peel, chop 100 g of carrots, put in a saucepan, pour a little boiling water, add half a teaspoon of sugar, cover with a lid and put on low heat. Simmer for 30-40 minutes, stirring and adding water little by little, until the carrots are soft. Then rub the hot carrots through a sieve, pour in 1/4 cup of hot milk, and boil. When serving, add 1/2 tsp. butter.

12. Boiled pumpkin
Cut the peeled pumpkin into cubes, place in a saucepan, add a small amount of boiling water, add a little salt and cook until tender. Cool the cooked pumpkin until warm (you can mix it with other vegetables, fruits or cereals), rub it through a sieve and offer it to your child.

13. Pumpkin stewed with apples
Place 200 g of finely chopped peeled pumpkin in a frying pan, add 100-150 g of peeled and finely chopped apples, a little salt and 1-2 tsp. sugar, 1-1.5 tsp. butter, up to 100 ml of water and simmer until tender, then cool until warm and rub through a sieve. You can pour a little jelly over the finished dish.

14.Assorted vegetable puree
Finely chop the carrots and cabbage, simmer covered in a small amount of water until half cooked, add chopped potatoes and simmer all together for another 30 minutes. Then grate the vegetables, including the added green peas, while hot, then add a little hot milk and salt to the mixture. Stir everything well, bring to a boil and, after removing from the stove, beat so that the puree is fluffy and without lumps. Season the finished puree with 1 tsp. butter.

15. Rice and carrot soufflé (in the absence of allergic reactions to eggs)
From 1 tbsp. sorted and washed rice, cook a slightly viscous porridge in water. Add 1 tsp to it. melted butter, 1/2 egg yolk, mashed with 1 tsp. granulated sugar in 25-30 ml of boiled milk, 1/4-1/2 carrots, grated on a fine grater. Mix everything well and carefully add 1/2 of the whipped protein into the resulting mass. Transfer to a greased mold and place in a water bath for 35-40 minutes (on a wire rack in a pan of boiling water).
There may also be other options for soufflé made from vegetables and cereals: semolina, pumpkin and zucchini (2 tablespoons of grated vegetables instead of carrots).

16. Omelet stuffed with meat
50 g boiled ground meat
1 egg
1/2 coffee cup milk
a piece of butter the size of a hazelnut
1 tbsp. spoon of pureed boiled vegetables from soup
1 tbsp. spoon of tomato juice

Grind the egg yolks with salt and butter, add the whipped whites. Grease a saucepan with oil, pour the beaten eggs into it, immerse it in another vessel with water, cover with a lid and place in a very hot oven for 10 minutes.
Flip the finished omelette onto a plate, place the ground meat and vegetables on it, roll it up and pour tomato juice over it.

This recipe is a real find for moms! When children become very picky and capricious, when you don’t want porridge, but are tired of cottage cheese))
children's curd "Agusha" - 50 g,
buckwheat - 4 tbsp. spoons,
butter - 1 teaspoon,
sour cream - 2 teaspoons,
quail egg - 1 pc.,
ground crackers - 10 g.

Take, wash and put buckwheat in a pan. Put it on high heat, and after the water boils, turn it to low heat and cook for about 25 minutes. Grind buckwheat porridge using a blender. Thoroughly mix buckwheat porridge with baby cottage cheese, add a raw egg and 1/2 teaspoon butter. Transfer the resulting mass into a greased form, sprinkle with ground breadcrumbs, smooth the surface and grease with sour cream. Bake for about 25 minutes (at 180 degrees).

18. Steamed cheesecakes
Cottage cheese – 200 g (ideally, homemade)
flour – 4 tbsp. l.
egg – 1 pc. (instead of chicken, you can take 2-3 quail)
sugar – 4 tbsp. l.
1. Add egg and sugar to the cottage cheese, mix thoroughly until smooth.
2. Add flour and mix again. It is better to add flour gradually so as not to overdo it: when the mass takes on the consistency of dough and begins to stick to your hands, this will mean that there is enough flour
3. Pinch off small pieces from a single piece of dough, roll into small balls and place them in a steamer at a short distance from each other so that they do not stick together.
4. Steam for 30 minutes.

19.Glazed cheese curds
Make this delicacy with your kids together! Delicious and no “eats”!!!
Cottage cheese (cottage cheese must be taken dry) - 400 g
Butter - 25 g
Cream (30% fat, butsmaller is possible) - 25 ml Powdered sugar - 100-150 g
Chocolate - 100 g

1. Mix cottage cheese, cream, powdered sugar and soft butter. The mass should not be liquid (the amount of butter and cream depends on the moisture content of the cottage cheese)
2. Make balls and sticks from the mass. Choose the form you like best. Place in the freezer for 10-15 minutes, meanwhile prepare the glaze.
3. Melt the chocolate and cream in a micro in a large container. We take the cheesecakes out of the freezer, put them in chocolate, roll it on all sides and take it out using 2 forks. Place on parchment paper. We put it in the cold.

A 1-year-old child’s menu should include multi-component dishes, since the body is already able to digest and absorb more complex dishes. This will be facilitated by the development of teeth, and by the year an average of 8 have already erupted! Also, the development of the enzyme system of the digestive tract allows both children and their mothers to switch to a more adult menu. However, we should not forget about the variety in products, as well as in the method and form of serving food. The dishes that one year old babies eat should be tasty, healthy and interesting, encouraging them to show interest in new products.

You can start introducing complementary foods at 5-6 months, the child will be happy to get acquainted with new foods, and by the age of one year his food is already quite varied. The diet of a one-year-old child differs from that of an adult in the method of preparation and a certain set of permitted products. What you can feed a one-year-old child, and how to create a menu for the week, every day, we will talk in this article.

Optimal menu

Undoubtedly, the diet of a one-year-old child includes the same foods that he ate before he was 1 year old. The kids' menu includes cereals, vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese and kefir, meat, and fish. The nutrition of a child from 1 year old will now combine the above products; you should include several combinations in the approximate daily menu for your little one ready meals- The child’s diet is now significantly expanded.

  • Breast milk and formula are also present in a child’s diet after one year. However, they are gradually being replaced by another full feeding - breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.
  • Portion sizes increase by the age of one year, and the consistency of food gradually approaches the “adult” version.
  • After a year, a child grows actively, and his chewing muscles also actively develop, and this must be facilitated by preparing food of a coarser consistency; ground purees should be excluded from the diet of a one-year-old child.
  • After 1 year, you can safely introduce meat into the diet of a toddler: rabbit, young beef, lean pork, chicken. You need to pay attention both to the quality of the meat itself and its freshness, and to the supplier.
  • For a 1-year-old baby feeding on mother’s milk, it is very important to maintain breastfeeding, but there are significantly fewer of them; it is also necessary to offer fermented milk products - baby kefir, cottage cheese.
  • The soups on the children's menu are not fried, and the first meat broth must be drained after boiling.
  • The child's diet consists mainly of boiled, baked and stewed foods, with a low sugar content and low salt content.

List of products needed for 1 year

Calorie content daily diet a toddler should have at least 1300 kcal. The menu for a 1.5 year old child remains the same. However, the mobility and activity of the child should be taken into account: some require fewer calories, while others require supplements. However, the menu for a one-year-old child must include the following products:

  • milk - 400 ml. (including mom’s);
  • fermented milk products - up to 200 g, of which 50 g cottage cheese and 150 g kefir;
  • porridge - 200 g;
  • meat - 60 g;
  • fish - 60 g;
  • bread - 10 g;
  • children's cookies - 15 g;
  • fruits - 110 g;
  • vegetables - 200 g;
  • fruit juice - 100 g;
  • liver - 20 g;
  • egg - 20 g.

A sample menu for the child is compiled from these products. When choosing vegetables and fruits, you need to especially consider seasonality. As the famous doctor Komarovsky says, it is better to offer your child fruits and vegetables in season. They contain more vitamins and more benefits for a growing body.

The daily menu for a one-year-old baby does not need to include all of the above products at the same time. Fish, liver, and eggs are given twice a week.

Diet menu

The frequency of feeding a baby 1 year -1.5 years is 6 times a day, early morning breastfeeding or formula feeding is maintained, and kefir can be offered before bedtime. The main meals on a one-year-old child's menu for every day are breakfast, second breakfast (lunch), lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. We should not forget about the second dinner. A well-fed child sleeps better at night. Next, consider the menu for a 1-year-old child.


Depending on what time your baby wakes up and whether you put him to the breast upon waking, breakfast is planned. Gradually, when the first breastfeeding or the bottle with the mixture is replaced with a full breakfast. This can be porridge with diluted cow's milk, or goat's milk. You can also use the mixture to prepare porridge if your child is intolerant to milk protein or lactose.

We include porridges: buckwheat and rice (they are the least allergenic), oatmeal, corn, millet. Cook porridge in the proportion of 200 g of liquid (milk, water) and 2 tbsp. l. cereals Boil for about 15 minutes. Semolina is less healthy, since apart from refined gluten, to which some children are allergic, there is very little useful in it.

We decorate the porridge with pieces of fruit, or grate them for a variety of tastes.

Can be given twice a week one year old child omelette of 1 steamed egg (chicken or 2 quail), with the addition of milk. You can try adding fresh dill to the omelette for beauty and good tummy function. It should be noted that by adding fresh greens to food, we increase the vitamin content of food and also have a beneficial effect on the digestion process.

For porridge, you can offer weak tea or compote of fruits and dried fruits. Bread should also be offered at breakfast. We only take into account the freshness and quality of the bread. Rye and refined white should not be given. One and two will cause bloating and gas in the baby. Let it be yesterday's bread, not a loaf, but simple white bread.

Second breakfast (lunch)

The second feeding after breakfast cannot be neglected! Your active child will ask to eat, and at this meal it is very good to give yogurt with fruit, or fruit puree. It is fruits that will stimulate the digestive tract to eat at lunch, increase the content of gastric juice and simply increase appetite, with which many children have problems.

A baked apple is very useful for this. Just need to keep an eye on allergic reaction for red apples, but it is better to buy yellow and green ones.

You can add cookies to lunch. But not crackers, but diet cookies, like Maria. Or any childish, insipid low-fat cookies.

Often the second breakfast falls during a walk. There are two options: either take a jar of food with you, which is not always convenient, or use store-bought fruit and yoghurt-fruit purees, specially packaged in airtight packaging, which is especially important on any trips. With this option, both hands are clean and the child is interested in trying new way feeding. And besides, it’s so fun and delicious to eat on the street!


The time has come when you returned from your walk and it is time for lunch. You can feed a one-year-old baby during the day with either soup or a combination of the first and second courses.

Based on the experience of many mothers, there are recommendations for preparing a thicker and more satisfying soup for lunch. The soup recipe will be based on your imagination and the child’s good tolerance of all colored vegetables. But if we cook soup on meat broth, then, naturally, the first broth is drained, and the second is seasoned with meat and vegetables, cut into small cubes, which are boiled together until tender.

When cooking vegetable soup, at the end of cooking you need to add a tablespoon of vegetable oil - this can be either olive oil or sunflower oil good quality. However, it should be noted that bone broth cannot be cooked for a 1-year-old child. This leads to increased secretory production of the stomach and pancreas.

The second course is unsweetened porridge without milk and vegetable purees, in combination with meat or fish dishes, do not forget about the liver (beef, chicken). Undoubtedly, the children's menu lacks fried foods, spices and a large amount of salt.

In the summer it is allowed to give the child for lunch vegetable salad. If you serve it, beautifully decorated in the form children's character, then such salads will not only improve the child’s digestion, but also his mood for feeding. Just try to introduce a new dish slowly, adding one new vegetable to your one-year-old baby’s diet at a time and observing the body’s reaction to the new product throughout the day.

Afternoon snack

A baby's afternoon snack in one year gradually replaces breast milk or formula feeding with other dairy products - milk porridge, cottage cheese with fruit, cheesecakes or cottage cheese casserole. You can also offer your child compote or cookies with milk.

Whole cow's milk is introduced into the diet very carefully. Children's reaction to it is individual, and if everything is normal with tolerance, then the milk is first diluted with water; in its pure form it can cause colic in the tummy.


Coming from an evening walk, (5 hours after lunch) dinner is planned. When observing the feeding and waking hours of a 1-year-old child, you should take into account that dinner is not too late. A sample menu for a child for dinner most often coincides with the second lunch course.

For dinner for your baby, you can prepare vegetable stew, porridge (without milk) with meatballs or pieces of meat or fish. Don't forget to add a drop of vegetable oil to the vegetable stew if the stew has been cooked. This way we will relieve the child from constipation, and his intestines will work like clockwork!

Second dinner

When breastfeeding, you should offer your baby mother's milk before bedtime. If artificial, it will be a mixture, or even better, a fermented milk mixture or simple baby kefir. For a sick baby, the number of meals can be increased by 1. Eating before bed should be light, but familiar.

If your child often wakes you up at night and asks for food, then it’s time to wean him off night feedings by offering him either milk or water from a bottle, since the digestive system is growing and rebuilding in an “adult way”, which in the future will be the key to successful his work and the health of your baby.

Menu for every day - table

The diet of a 1-year-old child is already quite varied. Below is a table with sample menu a one-year-old child for a week, the recipes of which are quite simple to prepare. With the help of our recommendations, you can create a convenient meal option for your baby.

Having written down what to cook for your 1-year-old child, you can buy the necessary products in advance, saving yourself time that you will be happy to devote to your baby.

Day of the week / Time Breakfast / 9:00 Second breakfast / 11:00 Lunch / 13:00–14:00 Afternoon snack / 16:00 Dinner / 19:00 Second dinner / 21:00
Monday Oatmeal milk porridge Baked apple Buckwheat soup with meatballs Kefir with cookies Baked cottage cheese with fruits Breast milk, formula, kefir
Tuesday Rice milk porridge Banana-apple puree Puree vegetable soup with fish and chicken meatballs, mashed potatoes Cottage cheese with fruit Vegetable stew, compote Breast milk, formula, kefir
Wednesday Buckwheat milk porridge Yogurt with cookies Soup with homemade noodles and chicken, vegetable puree Milk with bun Rice with steamed vegetables Breast milk, formula, kefir
Thursday Steamed omelette, tea Milk with bun Borsch, vegetable stew, steamed meat cutlets Yogurt with fruits Buckwheat porridge with meatballs Breast milk, formula, kefir
Friday Millet milk porridge Baked apple Rice soup, potato casserole with ground beef Cottage cheese casserole Broccoli puree with ground chicken Breast milk, formula, kefir
Saturday Corn milk porridge Fruit puree Fish soup with rice cereal, vegetable puree Fruit salad with yogurt Vegetable stew with minced meat Breast milk, formula, kefir
Sunday Steamed omelette, tea Yogurt with fruits and cookies Ground vegetable soup, millet porridge with liver pate Fruit puree with cottage cheese Corn porridge and steamed beef cutlets Breast milk, formula, kefir

  • It is very important to follow a diet. Subject to this simple rule, the child will eat your food with pleasure, since the body itself will require it at a certain time.
  • For a one-year-old child, the ritual of eating is very important. Let cutlery, napkins, and bread be beautifully laid out on the table. Allow your child to help you organize these items. Sit down to eat with him if he can already eat something on his own.
  • Place toys near your baby and they will also take part in the meal.
  • Don’t exclude a product you don’t like from your diet, just mix it discreetly into other dishes, so you won’t deprive it of the nutrients it needs.
  • Your 1-year-old baby may show you that he is not hungry by refusing to eat. Don't panic, you can either shift the feeding schedule when the baby is really hungry. Or reduce the portion size for the child. Or remove one of the feedings.
  • It is worth considering that when feeding, for example, lunch, you need to serve the dishes one by one, so that after the end of the first course the little one sees the second, but not before, otherwise overkill cannot be avoided.
  • Snacking on bread and cookies does not bode well. Lost appetite and diet - real headache parents. Therefore, do not allow anyone close to you to feed your baby between feedings.

The most important thing is to maintain an accessible drinking regime. The importance of this point is especially noted by Dr. Komarovsky in his interviews. Children may not say that they are thirsty, simply forgetting, playing too much, and then get drunk before eating, skipping lunch. Offer water constantly between feedings. But even during meals, you can give your child a little water or compote to drink.

Within a year, a growing child already becomes a full-fledged participant in the parental meal, and a child’s nutrition after 1 year should not frighten mothers different menus, recipes and products. After all, this time is so fleeting, and our help for a baby who is preparing to step into adulthood is priceless.

Take care of your children! Feed them tasty, healthy and varied foods. And soon you will remember with special trepidation this transitional period of your child’s growing up!
