Turning garbage into money, or how to open your own waste processing plant. Waste recycling as a highly profitable business in Russia

Any living organism leaves waste in the process of its life. In this case, the first place here goes to the person. Huge landfills are proof of this. Mountains of garbage not only spoil the appearance and have an unpleasant odor, but are also a source of pollution of the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere, including infectious and toxic agents.

At the same time, waste in landfills is often a resource base. Therefore, their processing is not only necessary for preserving environment, but also a cost-effective measure. And there are many technologies.

Garbage sorting

The separation of waste into certain components is rather a preliminary step in processing. Ideally, it begins at the stage of waste production and accumulation, that is, in citizens’ homes and apartments.

Several containers are used for this. A separate type of waste is thrown into each of them: paper, glass, organic food waste, metal, plastic, etc. In Russia, this practice is taking root slowly, but residents of European countries do not consider special labor waste separation. This is especially true for pedantic Germany. Here even glass is sorted by color. But the Germans were faced with a problem such as a lack of space for a huge number of garbage containers. And not every Russian apartment has space to accommodate containers for various waste.

For this reason, waste sorting at waste treatment plants is more relevant, which includes several actions:

  1. Shaking trash, breaking plastic bags and paper and separation of adhered sand and dust particles.
  2. The separation of all waste into fractions is carried out in several stages. For this purpose, special gratings with different throughput diameters are used.
  3. Separation from the total mass of metal waste capable of magnetization. This procedure is carried out using special magnetic separators.
  4. Manual sorting of waste transported on a special conveyor. The use of robots allows people to be relieved of this monotonous work.

As a result of sorting, secondary raw materials are obtained, and the unselected material is also subjected to further processing: burning, burial, etc.

How to dispose of waste correctly and safely

On modern market You can find shredders of various sizes, capacities and specializations. Read more about how they work and what to look for when choosing a shredder

How many products does humanity produce every day? How much can he consume in the same time? Where will the rest go? What to do with it? We bring to your attention the answers to these questions.

Universal equipment for waste sorting and highly specialized machines for shredding rock. Profitable, reliable, affordable

In the modern world, time and quality are valued in any work, including waste recycling. The bag opener is one of the reliable devices that saves time and gives excellent results.

According to statistics, a huge amount of bottles are recycled per year. In pre-processing, bottles are usually baled and sent for recycling.

With the help of crushers, large waste can be converted into crushed raw materials for secondary production. One of the most common means of crushing waste is rotary crushers. With the help of such a machine you can crush wood, crushed stone, plastic, cardboard, film.

To process recyclable materials, presses of horizontal or vertical type are used. Horizontal devices require significant space for placement. Vertical ones are compact and mobile, but less productive

Waste disposal in the cement industry - implementation paths, methods and necessary procedures. How to profit from trash

What legal subtleties await an entrepreneur when licensing waste processing and disposal?

Disposal of hazardous waste is a necessary stage in the development of industrial areas and megacities. It must be done in accordance with safety requirements and compliance with all rules.

Correct and strict adherence to safety rules when disposing of ammonia will allow you to recycle it efficiently and safely for the environment. Ammonia processing is a necessary step in working with gases in production.

Has the evolution of solid waste recycling technologies affected it? What methods of waste recycling have appeared in recent decades and are they used in Russia?

The problem of waste accumulation is one of the most pressing problems of humanity. There are many methods for recycling and neutralizing hazardous waste: incineration, burial, recycling, neutralization.

The problem of rice husk disposal is relevant all over the world. What technologies exist for processing rice husks and how can the secondary product be used?

This is one of the oldest and most common methods of waste disposal. Nowadays, large volumes of waste are disposed of using special furnaces in waste incineration plants.

This processing method has several advantages:

  • significant reduction in waste volume;
  • obtaining thermal energy;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora.

However, this recycling process also has one significant drawback: the formation and release of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. This has led to the fact that incinerators are subject to high requirements for cleaning gaseous waste, which often deprives enterprises of the required level of income. And the heat from combustion is rarely used in Russia.

This is one of the most common methods for treating animal waste, solid household and . Its essence lies in natural decomposition organic matter during the life of bacteria. There are several technologies.

They consist in the fact that periodically turned over heaps of organic waste are formed on special sites. The tedding of the piles is carried out using special tedding machines. In the very effective option processing is carried out in special bioreactors with aeration.

However, this method is rarely used in Russia.

In addition, in our country composting is often carried out without preliminary sorting; the resulting compost is dangerous and cannot be used for its intended purpose as fertilizer for gardens, agricultural enterprises, etc.

But even with preliminary preparation it is not possible to get rid of heavy metals in solid waste. This compost can be used to cover landfills.

Another disadvantage of composting is the need to allocate areas.

High-quality purified compost from organic animal waste (manure and droppings) and plant residues is great source nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, which are in a form digestible for plants. Composting also destroys helminths and pathogenic microorganisms.

The essence of the method is that garbage is distributed in special pits and covered with a layer of soil of 60-80 cm. Such treatment is carried out at landfills, the preparation of which prevents the penetration of contaminants into the soil and groundwater. In the most advanced version, landfills are equipped with special ventilation, a gas exhaust system and containers for collecting biogas, which can be used as fuel for heating.

The disadvantage of the method is that the risk of pollution of the atmosphere, soil and groundwater remains even if the most advanced filter systems are used. The accumulation of biogas for further use is rarely done today and mainly in Europe.

Thermal waste treatment

In addition to traditional incineration, this method of waste disposal includes pyrolysis, which is the decomposition of waste under high temperatures without oxygen. It is more advanced and technologically advanced than simple combustion.

Plasma waste treatment

Essentially this is gasification of waste. Processing occurs at temperatures from 900 to 5000 degrees. As a result, gas is obtained from organic matter, and slag is obtained from inorganic matter.

The first can be used to generate electricity and heat. The slag is absolutely harmless and compact.

At the same time, to dispose of waste using plasma treatment, there is no need to sort and dry the waste.

There are even small pyrolysis boilers for heating houses.

  • 1 How to start a waste recycling business in Russia
    • 1.1 Pros and cons of the activity
    • 1.2 What type of waste can be dealt with and what is most profitable
    • 1.3 Required documents for business registration
    • 1.4 Where to get garbage?
    • 1.5 Effective organization production
    • 1.6 Personnel
    • 1.7 Sales channels for finished products
    • 1.8 About costs and future profits
  • 2 Profitable recycling: How to build a waste recycling business
    • 2.1 Legal side of the issue
    • 2.2 Transportation
    • 2.3 Pressing
    • 2.4 Accommodation
    • 2.5 Incineration
    • 2.6 Sorting
    • 2.7 Recycling
    • 2.8 Composting
    • 2.9 Pyrolysis
  • 3 Waste recycling as a business from scratch - how to open a waste recycling plant
    • 3.1 Paperwork
    • 3.2 Recycling
    • 3.3 Plastic
    • 3.4 Paper and cardboard
    • 3.5 Tires and rubber products
    • 3.6 Wood waste and sawdust
    • 3.7 Broken glass and glass containers
  • 4 Opening a waste recycling business
    • 4.1 The problem of waste recycling and the creation of a special plant as current business idea for today
    • 4.2 Opening options
    • 4.3 Overview of mini-plants and their cost
    • 4.4 Description of the processing process
    • 4.5 Business registration rules
    • 4.6 Drawing up a business plan
    • 4.7 Narrative
    • 4.8 Production part
    • 4.9 Marketing part
    • 4.10 Financial part
    • 4.11 Possible problems

How to start a waste recycling business in Russia

One of the wise men once said a long time ago that you can make money even from what lies under your feet.

Modern practice confirms his words. Waste recycling is a very profitable business, and the following indicators confirm this fact:

  • Processing companies are not that common, and there is plenty of raw material.
  • An entrepreneur has the opportunity to accept various types of waste in an organized manner.
  • High profitability is ensured by the possibility of recycling waste and turning it into secondary raw materials.

Pros and cons of the activity

The relevance of this business can be seen in almost every aspect, from the fact that it has a positive effect on the environmental situation, and ending with the fact that the result gives greater profit to the owner.

The positive aspects include:

  • support from local authorities (this area is very poorly funded, and the local administration is obliged to ensure cleanliness, therefore, you can safely count on support for such an idea and help with finding industrial premises);
  • unlimited volume of production raw materials;
  • if it is not possible to get involved with the expensive and labor-intensive process of creating a waste processing plant, then you can limit yourself to building a workshop, which will cost several times less and will bring a decent profit.

Despite the many positive aspects, entrepreneurs may also have some problems related to the delivery and sorting of waste. The correct approach to these issues will certainly lead you to an adequate solution.

An interesting story about this field of activity in Russian conditions is in the following video:

What kind of waste can you deal with and what is most profitable?

So, let's look at the most common options:

  • Car tires. The most promising and profitable method of processing this variety is called pyrolysis (depolymerization), which consists in the decomposition of rubber:
    • on carbon;
    • for gas;
    • for steel cord, which is an excellent raw material for the metallurgical industry;
    • for synthetic oil.

    Each of these products is a sought-after raw material, and if sales are organized correctly, the result can be high profitability.

  • Construction garbage usually consists of concrete, brick, wood and metal. After careful sorting, you can, for example, begin processing concrete, which includes crushing and parallel extraction of metal particles from it. As a result, it is possible to obtain secondary crushed stone used in construction. In world practice, it is now increasingly common to dismantle buildings and sort construction waste, about 80% of which can be reused.
  • Recycling broken glass involves reusing non-standard and broken bottles that would otherwise end up in a landfill. Broken glass You can take it directly from production or organize your own glass container collection point or your own waste sorting line. Recycled raw materials are readily available to glass manufacturers because the material can be melted at lower temperatures than the glass-making process requires. Also, this secondary raw material is in great demand among manufacturers of abrasives, ceramic products, tiles and bricks.
  • Used paper. The process of processing simple (so-called wet) waste paper involves:
    • dissolving paper in water using a thinner;
    • removing all foreign objects from it with a cyclone cleaner;
    • thermomechanical treatment, if we're talking about about cardboard;
    • fine purification of the mixture (filtration).

    Recycled paper can be used to make packaging board, toilet paper or roofing material.

Necessary documents for business registration

Legal recycling of solids household waste assumes obtaining a license from the Ministry of Ecology.

The Law “On Environmental Expertise” regulates the obligation of each entity that decides to collect and process waste to conduct an environmental assessment.

This conclusion can be used throughout the entire life of the company (the approximate cost of this document is 5,500 rubles).

The entrepreneur must obtain permits from services such as fire, sanitary, and also stock up project documentation, which will describe everything technological processes future waste recycling organization. The total period for collecting and confirming documentation varies from 2 to 4 months, and the cost is approximately 24,000 rubles.

Where to get garbage?

The average trash can contains:

  • 50% polymers: polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, polypropylene;
  • 25% food waste;
  • 10% paper and cardboard;
  • 15-20% rubber, metal, textiles.

All in all, household waste at least 60% recyclable.

But this is only from a theoretical point of view, since separate collection of solid waste, generally accepted in many European countries, for us seems only a distant prospect.

And unseparated waste sent to a modern recycling line can only give a result of 25%.

The best option is to install special mobile processing units. They can be manual or automated, and their cost ranges from several hundred thousand to several million dollars.

There is another option: concluding an agreement with a local landfill or collection point for glass or plastic containers. Then the problem of sorting will disappear by itself: production will be provided with ready-made and sorted waste at a price of up to 5 rubles/kg.

Efficient production organization

Suitable premises - very important stage, because for waste processing production you need at least 600 m2, for a processing workshop - 300-400 m2, and for a warehouse - 200 m2.

In addition to buildings and structures for industrial purposes, it is necessary to allocate space for administrative premises, which can be located both on the production site and outside it.

By the way, workshops located next to the city landfill will help reduce costs both for the delivery of raw materials and for renting premises.

The minimum equipment package should include:

  • sorting line;
  • storage bunker;
  • crusher;
  • magnet;
  • bake.

Additional equipment is a melting furnace, but it is worth considering that it will significantly increase the cost side of the project.

Domestic equipment is considered the most affordable and functional.


It is impossible to recycle household waste without manual labor. In order to carry out sorting, selection, calibration and many other production steps, it is necessary staff from 20 to 40 people(it all depends on production volumes).

In addition, high-quality functioning of the enterprise is impossible without accountant, driver, manager and cleaner.

Sales channels for finished products

The final result directly depends on the raw materials used:

  • Toxic waste, such as mercury lamps, can be used to produce many industrial and construction materials;
  • compost can be made from plant waste, which serves as an excellent soil fertilizer;
  • from electronic waste (picture tubes, electrical appliances) - iron, copper, aluminum and glass;
  • from paper - secondary raw materials, from which new materials are subsequently formed.

And the main consumers of waste processing services and materials will be:

  • enterprises whose activities are related to one or another the final product- cellulose, wood, glass;
  • industrial and individual consumers in need of secondary raw materials.

About costs and future profits

Waste recycling is quite a profitable business even considering the amount of funds required for its organization. This type of business will pay for itself very quickly (1.5-2 years) if sales are well established.

Experts, based on their own observations, claim that The level of profitability of waste recycling production ranges from 42 to 80%, because this market segment is practically not subject to competition.

Based on the practice of existing enterprises, you can work with the following statistical data:

  • One shift can process 3 tons of waste paper, 1.5 tons of polymer waste or 250 kg of plastic raw materials.
  • One ton of any raw material costs on average from 9,000 to 45,000 rubles.
  • Consequently, the average monthly profit of such an enterprise can range from 150,000 to 3,300,000 rubles.

A huge universal complex for processing any type of waste (wood, plastic, metal, paper or glass) will cost a huge amount of money. Experts claim that the amount will exceed the $20 million mark.

But even a modest enterprise has the opportunity to bring a decent profit. Setting up a workshop specializing in one type of waste will cost from 50 to 300 thousand dollars.

Arrangement of warehouse and production premises in accordance with fire and sanitary requirements - another 2-3 thousand. And the crusher, sorting line and the rest necessary equipment will require 50-70 thousand.


In general, the business of receiving and processing waste is very relevant. The size of the initial investment is of course higher than that of a hairdresser or flower shop, but the amount of profit will also please you at the very beginning.

Source: http://ZnayDelo.ru/biznes/idei/pererabotka-musora.html

Profitable recycling: How to build a waste recycling business

vc.ru columnist Elizaveta Semyonova figured out how to build a business in the field of recycling and waste processing, what funds and resources will be needed for this, how things are with competition in this area and whether it is possible to make money from such a business.

Garbage is a unique resource: people are willing to pay for both its acquisition and its sale. In addition, this resource is inexhaustible.

Recycling - headache municipal authorities, a potentially knowledge-intensive industry with virtually zero competition and a highly profitable business.

None of the regions of Russia has a developed waste management system.

To understand the scale of the problem: the country currently has more than 31 billion tons of unrecycled waste.

Unutilized means those with which nothing was done: they were not burned, not buried, and especially not processed - they are simply located on Russian territory.

The problem of waste disposal in the 21st century seems especially ridiculous because at every stage of this process there is money to be made - literally from nothing.

Legal side of the issue

State participation in recycling consists of environmental supervision, licensing, reporting, monitoring compliance with standards and setting tariffs for waste disposal.

The legal regulation of garbage relations (Federal Law “On Production and Consumption Waste”) is determined by five classes: from “extremely hazardous” waste of the first class to “virtually non-hazardous” waste of the fifth.

Categorization is based on the level of damage to the environment (examples in order of decreasing damage: mercury, asbestos dust - oil products, acids - pig manure, diesel fuel - tires, paper - shells, sawdust), but for commercial analysis It is more convenient to group classes by origin. The first three classes are industrial and construction garbage, and the fourth and fifth are household (the so-called MSW - municipal solid waste).

The owner of waste of classes 1–4 can transfer the right to dispose of it to a person only if that person has the appropriate license: for their use, neutralization, transportation, disposal.

From January 1, 2016, any unlicensed activity of this kind will be considered illegal.

In addition, all people involved in such a business must have a certificate confirming their professional training.

To find out what class of waste you will have to deal with, its owner (legal entity) must order an examination. In addition to the fact that garbage is considered property, it also has a passport.

The law says nothing about solid waste of the fifth, non-hazardous class. Thus, no permits are needed if the business works with food waste, metals, waste paper, wood, plastic containers, and plastic film.

There are several main stages in the disposal and processing of solid waste.


The primary task of waste disposal is its direct removal from the consumer’s territory.

The company of Canadian Brian Scudamore began with a used truck for $700 and the slogan “We"ll stash your trash in a flash!” (“We’ll destroy your trash in no time!”) in 1989.

Saving money for college, Scudamord in free time took away garbage that local authorities could not cope with. Freed from the problem, the clients willingly paid, and the entrepreneur ultimately chose trash over study.

Today, his company, 1-800-GOT-JUNK, has annual revenues of more than $100 million, with franchises in the United States, Canada and Australia.

Pros: there is no need for rental, complex equipment and expensive specialists.

Minuses: A significant expense item is fuel costs. In addition, it will not be possible to unload garbage on the side of the road; you need to negotiate with the landfill.

Profitability: the cost of removing a standard container (0.8 cubic meters) in Moscow is from 330 rubles. One garbage truck contains 25–60 such containers. Pricing in this area is subject to market laws, but is highly dependent on tariffs for waste storage (disposal).

Starter kit: special transport, drivers.

Competition: garbage removal from private individuals is included in the “maintenance of residential premises” and is under the responsibility of municipalities, while maintenance legal entities The competition is quite high - about 500 official companies are registered in Moscow alone.

Peculiarities: main problem of this business is to reduce transport costs.

The solution is achieved in two ways, and both are associated with increasing the capacity of garbage containers: a garbage truck with a press (manifold increases transportation productivity and reduces the cost of disposal), a trash can with a press (beneficial for the client, since it reduces the frequency of garbage disposal).


The American company Seahorse Power began developing bins with a press in 2004, introducing the world to autonomous BigBelly solar-powered pressing units.

The operation of the press is based on a chain drive without using the principles of hydraulics, and maintenance of the installation is reduced only to the annual lubrication of the door locking mechanism.

A wireless notification system allows you to automatically monitor container fill levels, providing additional opportunities to improve process logistics.

The price tag for the device ($3.1-3.9 thousand) can be considered as a long-term investment, since the capacity of the container is five times higher than that of a conventional tank.

The company is valued today at $5 million.

Source: Wikipedia

Despite the importance of timely waste removal and compaction, the above-described manipulations do not solve main problem: garbage needs to be stored somewhere or destroyed somehow.

You can look at waste as rubbish that needs to be disposed of, or as a resource. These opposing principles form two approaches to waste management.


Disposal of waste - its storage or burial: waste with an uncertain fate needs to be stored somewhere, but burial implies complete isolation, preventing any interaction with the environment.

Pros: business for the lazy.

Minuses: rapid depletion of area (a million-plus city requires an additional 40 hectares annually), relatively low profitability (since landfill tariffs are set by the municipality).

Profitability: Burying a ton of solid waste in the Leningrad region costs 400–1000 rubles; a non-compacting garbage truck can deliver from two to ten tons at a time.

Starter kit: several hectares of free land outside settlement, water protection and recreational zones.

Competition: There are officially 1,092 landfills in Russia, and almost all of them are already approaching or exceeding 100% occupancy.

Peculiarities: the landfill must have a waterproof bottom and protection from the wind, so ideally it should be built.

However, most landfills are of “natural” origin - such as “Krasny Bor” in the Leningrad region, located above clay deposits.

It was assumed that the clay would protect groundwater from toxic substances, - it turned out not.

Legal subtleties: it is necessary to obtain permission to create a location (confirms compliance with geological, hydrological and other standards), enter the landfill into the unified state register and monitor the environmental situation - even after the end of operation.

Waste incineration

In most cases, arson is carried out illegally - in order to somehow relieve the pressure on landfills. There are only about ten legal waste incineration plants in Russia today.

Low competition should not create illusions: although it is expected to achieve profit through associated energy production, most waste incineration plants are exclusively subsidized, since the combustion of solid waste by all rules is a very expensive procedure. Therefore, considering such recycling as a business would be overly optimistic.

The only advantage of waste incineration is that it reduces the volume of waste by 90-95%, that is, it saves space at the landfill, but this cannot justify the terrible damage that this causes to the environment.

Those who are passionate about the idea of ​​more progressive waste management need to be prepared for the following obstacle: the fact that in Russia disposal is charged by the state - and charged cheaply - demotivates people to look for any alternative methods of disposal. For comparison, in the United States, burying and incinerating waste is three times more expensive than recycling it.


Any processing is impossible without sorting. At the same time, most recyclable materials lose their consumer properties when mixed in a common container - paper, for example, becomes damp and rots.

Therefore, recycling is most effective (and easy to implement) if sorting is carried out at the waste collection stage - this way, up to 60-80% of solid waste can be reused.

However, this requires a revision of the entire recycling paradigm (a well-known project in this area is the Japanese concept of Zero Waste).

Pros: the demand for sorting is quite high - you can find a buyer even abroad (for example, the Swedes and Danes import garbage from Germany and Norway to produce electricity).

Minuses: expensive equipment - a full-fledged waste sorting complex costs around 4 million rubles. The costs of organizing separate collection waste in St. Petersburg alone costs 1.5 billion rubles.

Profitability: depends on the quality of the raw materials. In rubles per ton: waste paper - from 500 to 10,000, broken glass - 2000–3000, plastic - up to 4000, ferrous scrap metal - up to 8000.

Starter kit: premises, installations (shredder, press, conveyor, crusher and others), workers, (optional) vehicle fleet.

Competition: Only 50 waste sorting complexes are registered in Russia.

Peculiarities: Sorting can be implemented in the form of purchasing individual types of waste (sorting at the collection stage). This is less profitable, but does not require any expensive installations.


Recycling is anything that turns waste into something useful, be it energy, new raw materials, fertilizers, and so on.


The most simple option composting is the processing of organic waste into homogeneous, odorless brown dust that improves the properties of the soil.

It consists of accelerating natural decomposition processes and can include up to 30% solid waste (food, grass, manure, cardboard, sawdust).

It does not require any complex equipment; the compost heap only needs mixing and moistening.


Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of waste that occurs without oxygen. It differs from simple combustion in that at the output, in addition to recyclable materials, it allows you to obtain electrical energy, gasoline, diesel and heating oil (analogue of fuel oil).

The quality of the pyrolysis product directly depends on the composition of solid waste, therefore decisive role Pre-sorting comes into play here.

This type of recycling has many advantages: it is environmentally friendly, significantly reduces the volume of waste and provides thermal energy that can be used.

The cheapest is the processing of mono-raw materials. A successful example is the Danish company Gypsum Recycling International.

GRI was founded in 2001 and thanks to a sophisticated collection system, logistics and patented mobile processing technology, today it is a world leader in recycling efficiency (the process of returning waste, discharges and emissions to technogenesis processes - editor's note), giving a second life to 80% of gypsum waste.

Pros: high profitability and demand for recyclable materials, low level competition, the interest of foreign investors and the favor of the authorities, a fairly quick payback (from two to five years).

Minuses: requires substantial start-up investments (the bill runs to tens of thousands of dollars, in case complex processing- millions, you can save on used equipment), there is no guarantee of full capacity utilization of such high-tech plants, since the waste collection system in Russia today is extremely chaotic.

Due to the underdevelopment of the market, prices for recyclable materials are very unstable: when demand increases, suppliers can no longer cope with waste collection and prices rise sharply; when demand falls, goods quickly accumulate and fill storage facilities, and therefore are sold at bargain prices.

Profitability: very high, especially if the recycling plant is also a manufacturer of the recycled product.

For example, buying a ton of green cullet for 2000 rubles, processing it into glass powder, and then blowing a batch of bottles and selling each for 50 ( approximate price in Moscow), you can ultimately earn about 100 thousand rubles.

Starter kit: production premises with an area of ​​at least 200 square meters, a warehouse with an area of ​​at least 100 square meters, equipped in accordance with sanitary and fire requirements, installations, technologists and workers, (optional) vehicle fleet.

Competition: In Russia, only 5% of the total volume of waste is recycled, while 50% of solid waste consists of raw materials that can be reused. In total, there are 243 waste processing plants registered in the country, and none of them carries out a full recycling cycle.

Peculiarities: efficiency recyclable waste depends on the quality of sorting, therefore the best waste processing complex is a complex system, established from collection and sorting to sale to the consumer. This cannot be done without close interaction with the authorities and a whole campaign to create a culture of waste management.

Legal subtleties: processing permit required.

Source: https://vc.ru/10789-recycling

Waste recycling as a business from scratch - how to open a waste recycling plant

Waste recycling is a serious and profitable business with great prospects. The problem with garbage has become very acute; up to 3 billion tons of it have accumulated in Russia; they need to be disposed of.

Their number is growing every year. Up to 96% of waste goes to landfill, while most of it can be recycled. Garbage is a valuable raw material.

How to start your own correctly successful business in this area, we will discuss in the article.

What makes this business promising?

  • availability of inexpensive domestic equipment;
  • the emergence of small and medium-sized production that processes recyclable materials;
  • introducing a ban on waste burning in the near future.


To start a waste sorting business you need to obtain a license. The document is received from the Ministry natural resources. The production complex undergoes an environmental audit carried out by the local environmental department.

Based on its results, a conclusion is drawn that is valid for the period of operation of the enterprise.

Before obtaining a permit, you should obtain consent from the fire inspectorate, SES, municipal and water management authorities with the provision of a project with detailed description technological process.

According to SES requirements, there should be a sanitary zone of 500m around the plant. The paperwork takes several months. Every year, the department must obtain permission to conserve solid waste in a certain area.

Garbage recycling

The average trash can contains 50% polymers, 10% paper and cardboard, a quarter food waste, the rest metal, rubber, textiles, etc. It must first be sorted. For example, construction waste contains wood, parts of metal, brick and concrete.

The purpose of recycling is to recover metal particles.

Production is divided into the following stages:

  • large parts are crushed;
  • then they are crushed;
  • metal is extracted;
  • particles are sorted by size.

Such recycling results in the production of secondary crushed stone. It matters for improvement ecological situation. As the pace of construction increases, many old structures are being demolished.

The resulting waste can be processed on site using a complex that crushes and sorts waste.

Recycled crushed stone is poured into foundation excavations during construction, which reduces the cost of concrete by a quarter.

In world practice, buildings are not demolished, but dismantled, while at the same time sorting and using 80% of the waste. It is preferable to choose a certain type of waste for recycling. Waste sorting


The best option is to recycle plastic bottles. Received as waste various varieties plastics. Plastic containers serves as a raw material for flex. It is used for the production of the same plastic bottles, paving slabs, films, artificial bristles, etc.

Plastic recycling goes through the following stages:

  • bottles are sorted by color;
  • remove stickers and dirt;
  • raw materials are pressed.

Grinding is carried out on the line, then it is processed in a steam boiler, which removes remaining impurities, rinsing and polishing.

Paper and cardboard

50% of used paper and cardboard is recycled. It can withstand 3 to 5 recycling cycles. Paper is sorted into 12 types by category, type of wood, shade white, density, etc.

The simplest technology is performed in the following sequence:

  • waste paper dissolves in water;
  • unnecessary items are removed.

Cardboard recycling is carried out using thermomechanical processing. 75% recycled material is used to make cardboard for packaging and toilet paper. The rest is used in the production of roofing material.

Tires and rubber products

Burning rubber is harmful to the environment and unacceptable for business.

Tires are recycled using 3 methods:

  • The most commonly used method is grinding into crumbs. It is used as a filler in soft street surfaces. Thus, crushed rubber is suitable for the construction of sports and children's playgrounds. In addition, the rubber is crushed to make it more convenient to transport for the production of the release.
  • the most promising method is pyrolysis. It consists of decomposing rubber waste into:
    • technical carbon product;
    • artificial oil;
    • raw material for metallurgy.

This good idea For individual entrepreneurs. The release products are in demand, and proper organization of the business will bring considerable profit.

Wood waste and sawdust

Wood raw materials include softwood left over from sanitary logging, waste from logging (stumps, roots, twigs), sawdust, and wood chips. When disposing wood waste low-grade waste is converted into gasoline or diesel fuel High Quality, flammable gas and electricity.

Broken glass and glass containers

They recycle broken and non-standard containers; such activity is profitable. You can purchase broken glass at enterprises; there will always be defective products there.

Remelting glass requires a lower melting temperature (saving energy). When preparing broken glass, it is cleaned and crushed using a special installation that will melt and filter the crushed mass.

This production is also used in the production of abrasives, ceramics, insulating products, tiles and bricks.

Recycling metal recyclables has a positive impact on the economy. It is used in the manufacture different types products.

Waste metal:

  • obsolete metal objects;
  • industrial waste;
  • used machines, mechanisms, etc.

Such waste is environmentally harmful, for this reason their collection and processing must be timely, complete and of high quality.

When processing waste you need:

  • dismantle and collect waste;
  • transport them;
  • check;
  • separate ferrous metals from non-ferrous ones and from various impurities.

Once upon a time, a wise man in the financial field said that money can be obtained from everything, even from those things that lie under our feet.

As practice has shown, he was right, since waste recycling is very profitable business, if you look at it in more detail. The main factor in the relevance of this business lies in all its aspects, starting from positive influences on the environment and ending with making big profits.

The essence of the waste recycling business

There is virtually no competition in the waste recycling market. The positive advantages in this area are that local authorities talk a lot about waste recycling, but they do practically nothing about it, but at the same time, they are under pressure from higher authorities. As a rule, the waste recycling industry is practically not funded, so the local administration always supports such ideas, helps to find industrial premises and provides financial support.

The volumes of production raw materials are not limited. Analytical data from experts suggests that on average a person throws out up to 250 kilograms of garbage per year, with 25% being food waste, 15% being paper, and the remaining waste consisting of metal, textiles, rubber, plastic and other valuable materials for industry. materials.

It is possible to create a waste processing plant, but it is an expensive and labor-intensive process. According to experts, investments in such a processing industry range from several tens of millions to hundreds of millions of rubles. It’s a completely different matter if you take as a basis not a plant, but a workshop.

In this case, investments will be an order of magnitude smaller and amount to about 1,800,000 rubles, and the profit will be no less than when creating an entire plant. It is worth noting that standard scheme Waste disposal is not at all environmentally friendly and poses some danger to the environment, since during disposal there is an accumulation of gases from rotting or combustion. This trend leads to the fact that the authorities have a positive attitude towards any ideas for processing food and household waste from the population and enterprises.

Despite many positive factors, this business has disadvantages. Entrepreneurs, starting to engage in recycling, are faced with problems such as delivery and sorting of waste, but even here, with the right approach, an adequate solution can be found.

Obtaining permission to create a waste processing workshop

When organizing a waste recycling business, there are many general points, as well as a scheme for obtaining permission to operate that is identical for many CIS countries. In the process of creating a business, you must obtain a license to collect solid household waste and process it. The procedure for obtaining it is quite simple. The head of the future organization is required to organize an environmental assessment, through which a conclusion is issued once and for all.

Having received the expert opinion, the manager is required to collect all documentation, certificates, design documents for the premises, documents describing the production technology, and also obtain permits from fire departments and other authorities. In addition, you will need to obtain permission to generate solid waste on the territory of your future enterprise. Collecting and confirming documentation takes 2-4 months of work, as well as up to 24,000 rubles.

Industrial premises for business

The second most important step is to find a room. The average area of ​​waste processing production should be at least 600 square meters, where 300-400 sq.m. – these are processing shops, and 100-200 sq.m. – warehouses. In addition to industrial buildings and structures, it is necessary to acquire administrative premises, which can be rented both on the premises of the workshop and separately. Each of the premises should be equipped in accordance with regulatory standards and requirements, in accordance with fire and sanitary safety. This procedure requires from 6,000 to 9,000 rubles.

Waste recycling does not require the manager to search for a specific location, but if you locate the workshops near the city landfill, then you will be able to save not only on the delivery of raw materials, but also on renting premises.

Waste sorting equipment

When purchasing equipment, you should pay attention that its cost is from 1,500,000 rubles. The most minimal equipment includes a sorting line, a storage hopper, a crusher, a magnet and a press. As additional equipment for waste sorting, you can purchase a melting furnace, which significantly increases the cost of the project. The most popular equipment, due to its availability and functionality, is created by domestic manufacturers.

Workers and staff

The essence of the household waste recycling business is that 50% of it consists of manual labor. Process of sorting, selection, calibration and many others production stages occurs through the work of employees. As a rule, they work in shifts of 10-15 people. The average number of such workers varies from 20 to 40 depending on the volume of business. In addition to production workers, do not forget that for the quality functioning of your enterprise you will need an accountant, driver, manager and cleaner.

Supply of raw materials

To ensure that your enterprise is always provided with a supply of waste, the easiest way is to enter into an agreement with the management of local landfills. This procedure does not cause any problems if there is permission to collect and process solid waste. In addition, you can enter into agreements with representatives of packaging collection points and plastic waste. Thus, recycling waste will not cause any problems, since ready-made and sorted waste can be obtained at a price of 1 to 5 rubles per kilogram. Everything will largely depend on the specifics of your future workshop. Among other things, local supermarkets, which have large volumes of cardboard and plastic boxes, as well as film, stretch and paper, can become reliable suppliers of raw materials.

Financial plan

Having considered all the main aspects associated with opening a waste processing plant, it is advisable to move on to figures that will fully show the profitability of this business. Based on practice, existing enterprises whose main task is recycling and sorting waste are capable of processing from 3 to 5 tons of waste paper, up to 1.5 tons of polymer raw materials, and up to 250 kilograms of plastic containers during one shift.

Price of one ton of pressed raw materials various types, varies on the market from 9,000 to 45,000 rubles. The average monthly profit of such an enterprise from the sale of pressed recycled materials ranges from 150,000 to 3,300,000 rubles, which fully justifies the profitability indicators in this segment, which are about 50%.

Thus, the business of collecting and processing waste waste is highly relevant for implementation. Naturally, the initial investment is significantly higher than that of hairdressers and flower shops, but the profits made are worth giving it a try.

I would like to offer my version of making money from garbage. I noticed when I was in Germany: there is such a thing as waste separation: tin, metal, bottles of all sizes, broken glass, waste paper, PET - bottles, plastic, cellophane, rags, etc. All of the above is MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE and costs money because it is recycled and, oddly enough, accounts for 40 to 70% of all household waste.

There are several options for implementing this idea:

The first option for business on garbage

1) The most profitable, but unfortunately the most unattainable is to simply take all the garbage from the dumpsters and take it all to your warehouse, where an ARMY works, I repeat: an ARMY of people close to the status of homeless people who will pedantically sort through this whole heap of garbage, at this sorting it all out. Glass to glass, waste paper to waste paper, etc.

The next stage of this process is to bring the selected “garbage” into a marketable form - the label is removed from glass bottles and if the bottle is dirty, it is washed, the same with PET bottles and so on. Each type of “garbage” has its own technical conditions (presentation).

Then, as decent volumes of one type of “garbage” accumulate, a truck is hired and transported to the nearest processing plant. Waste paper - to BUMkombinat, etc. Even if there are none in your city, then in the nearest cities you will definitely find, if not the enterprises themselves, then at least resellers of your “garbage”.

There will be mountains of smoldering and decaying organic waste: leftovers, spoiled food, etc. You can just as easily collect them and take them to a landfill, having previously concluded an agreement with the landfill.

This option is VERY difficult to implement; it requires huge investments and a head on your shoulders. But if you can put all this on stream, you will have a huge profit.

You’ll probably ask, what does Germany and waste separation have to do with it, but this would be option two (although the Germans sort waste for civic reasons).

The second option for business on garbage

2) This option requires lower costs, but the “exhaust” will be tens of times less. Let's look at the example of one microdistrict or block, as you please. There are courtyards around which 4-6 houses are located. You post notices on the entrances of these houses with approximately the following content: On December 1, a reception will be organized in the courtyard of house 64: tin, metal, bottles of all calibers, cullet, waste paper, PET - bottles, plastic, cellophane, rags, etc. All this must be free of contamination, without labels, etc. (here you describe all the technical conditions for recyclable materials).

For each type of “garbage” you set a price, some by the piece - like bottles and cans, and some by weight - like waste paper, iron, plastic, etc.

You give the announcement about a week before the deadline, i.e. Let's assume November 23 (the numbers are given as an example).

In the next “yard” you again hang up notices on the houses adjacent to it, only you hang them up on November 24th and set the collection date to December 2nd, etc.

With one truck you can serve 7 “yards” and, accordingly, from 28 to 42 houses in this way. It turns out that you will visit each “yard” approximately 4 times a month. A sort of mobile garbage collection point.

At the reception, you carefully look at the quality of the “garbage” sold to you, because it will no longer undergo secondary processing, but will immediately go to your warehouse, where it will be stored until a decent amount is collected, and then, as in the previous case, accumulated in this way “ garbage" you send to recycling plants.

Accordingly, you need to put garbage collection on stream and stand in one or another yard every day, so you need your own truck.

Perhaps you will say: “Who will sort the house for a week, wash all this “garbage”, and then sell it all to you for pennies? And I will answer you: “They will!” Pensioners travel through half the city (because travel is free for them) to buy cheaper products, even if they are only 30-50 kopecks cheaper. So draw your own conclusions.

I deal with waste paper myself. I buy it from organizations, enterprises, stores (cardboard boxes), etc. and hasn’t even tackled ordinary consumers yet. People would like to hand over the same waste paper, but they do not want to travel with all these bales across the city to the collection point. So, you have to go to them yourself.

As for prices, I’ll say what I know: for example, REsellers are ready to buy one ton of waste paper for 2,000 rubles, and prices at enterprises that process the same waste paper rise to 3,000 rubles. So consider that the truck is 20 tons, even if you hand it over to resellers, it’s 40,000 rubles.

There is certainly a demand for “garbage”. Just look at these sites:

The “garbage business” is just beginning to develop in our country, so we need to catch the wave.
