Illegal possession of bladed weapons is sanctioned according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. What is the penalty for carrying a bladed weapon Responsibility for carrying a bladed weapon

The storage of edged weapons is regulated by Federal Law No. 150, approved on December 13, 1996, amended on December 29, 2017. On its basis, legal interactions with civilian, official, and combat weapons are regulated small arms in the Russian Federation. The legislative act is aimed at protecting citizens, property, and public safety. Its provisions support sports competitions using combat mechanisms, strengthen the international cooperation in combating crime and illegal proliferation of weapons.

Classification by distinctive characteristics

Shopping centers offer in large assortment beautiful knives. The purchase of household items is not prohibited by law, for the rest there are special conditions and requirements, these include proper storage of edged weapons. There are different types of combat equipment, they differ in their purpose and characteristics.

Devices for injuring an enemy using the attacker’s muscles and physical strength are classified:

  • diameter, handle volume;
  • the size of the blade;
  • metal quality;
  • butt width.

A household sharp object will not turn into a weapon because it is used as a threat to a living creature. It will remain a kitchen knife, although the investigator will add it as evidence to the crime weapons.

Items that are dangerous for simple storage

There are many different appliances in the kitchen that can cause injury if you are careless. There are no strict requirements for them from the authorities, unlike products designed to hit a target:

  • sabers;
  • checkers;
  • daggers;
  • Finnish knives;
  • daggers;
  • brass knuckles;
  • stilettos

With their help, one person can:

  • to stab;
  • to slaughter;
  • chop up;
  • crush.

Combines and separates melee weapons characteristic methods use.

a brief description of

By what method a person tries to hit his opponent, this is the name given to military instruments that differ in purpose and direction of impact.

He is called:

    Percussion. The worldwide distribution is small due to its specific species and impact-crushing actions. It is produced by handicraft methods in the form of maces, flails, clubs, brass knuckles, clubs, handhelds, and cue balls. Manufacturers are mostly criminals; they use crude, improvised parts for production.

    Throwing. A rare species, not popular among militants. In combat, weapons are used for greater effectiveness against long-range hits. Destroy enemies with crossbows, bows, throwing knives, small in size with a balanced shape.

    Stabbing. Such equipment causes damage to human organs with one blow. It is enough to penetrate a vital artery to remove the opposite side from its normal state. Knives consist of 1-2 blades.

Behind historical path people, each country created its own axes, axes, pikes, and tridents. Over time, weapons changed and became museum exhibits. Now in society, in order not to fall under the article, you need to know the law, be able to defend your rights if a police representative defines a folding weapon found in a bag or a kitchen item purchased in a store, for which no special permission is required, as a bladed weapon.

Safes for better safety

Storage of edged weapons should be equipped similarly to smooth-bore and rifled weapons. Even though it does not shoot, it must be securely hidden and closed. The purpose of such tools is to hit an object through direct contact. Items certified for industrial or household needs can be kept loose, like household appliances; these include the following types of knives:

  • kitchen;
  • pennies;
  • shoemakers;
  • gardening

Despite the accuracy of the characteristic parameters, the type of device is determined by forensic examination. Storing edged weapons is prohibited in ordinary boxes for the same reason as for firearms: a stranger does not need to use it for its intended purpose. The owner is responsible for the improper maintenance of piercing and cutting equipment.

Types of safes

The owner is responsible for poor storage of bladed weapons. The manufacture of safes is carried out by entrepreneurs modern technologies from innovative materials. They can hold any type of weapon, both firearms and sabers with dirks. Such metal cabinets are called:

  • pistol;
  • weapons;
  • collectible.

Any type of weapon can be stored in specialized weapon safes for a long time combat devices:

  • gas pistols;
  • small-caliber;
  • hunting rifles.

The specialized box is equipped with holders for stable fixation. Collections are stored in separate boxes.

License restrictions

For sports, hunting attributes or national costumes, where a saber, blade or sailor's uniform with a dirk is a mandatory part, these piercing objects are regulated by a separate law; they are not subject to Article No. 150. Storage and carrying of bladed weapons is permitted under a license.

These include products with the following parameters:

  • blade length - 9 cm;
  • thickness - 25 mm;
  • made of solid steel;
  • with a penetration depth of at least 2 cm;
  • with finger grooves.

The severity of the law prevents the development of crime. If you obtain a license, it will last for 5 years.

Registration procedure

Without a permit for possession of bladed weapons, the article is provided for under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation under No. 20.8 with administrative liability. Inspection authorities will confiscate the blades and impose fines of up to 2,000 rubles. Licenses are issued at the regional police department and for collectible items according to the following documents:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • photographs - 2 pcs.

Collectors also need permission to store bladed weapons to avoid confiscation.

It is prohibited to collect throwing tools that can cause cutting wounds, with the exception of sports equipment. It is forbidden to keep in the collection tools with automatic point release or the adoption of a statistical position by the trigger device.

Eligible devices for collecting include:

  • tools that have passed through a criminal trial as evidence;
  • imported products without certificates;
  • homemade weapons, they are no longer produced in production.
  • educational, scientific copies;
  • fake products;
  • exemplary inventory, close to the original.

Award items should also be taken seriously, just like sporting and hunting blades. All these rules apply to storage - for carrying sharp objects special purpose, you will need another permit.

What kind of license is issued to carry dangerous devices?

Punishment for possession of bladed weapons is only under administrative liability, but carrying or selling them takes on a completely different direction. Therefore, you need to purchase a separate license, for which you will have to collect additional paperwork:

  • medical certificate, confirming a thorough examination to detect health contraindications, absence bad habits and mental illness;
  • application;
  • identification;
  • photos;
  • written confirmation of inspection of the equipped place in accordance with all rules for storing weapons;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

The procedure does not end there. You need to undergo training through special classes where you will learn how to use edged weapons. Skills are confirmed by a test, only after answering all questions will it be counted.

The items are then taken to the police for registration and a thorough inspection. The first license sheet is issued for only six months for those citizens who have not yet purchased cutting and piercing means. After registration, the permit is extended for 5 years. When the document expires, the procedure must be completely repeated.

The license is prohibited for persons:

  • minors, obtaining is possible from 18 years of age;
  • have not passed the medical commission;
  • those convicted of intentional criminal acts;
  • attracted 2 times per year for administrative offenses;
  • without permanent registration;
  • under a court order prohibiting the purchase of weapons-related items;
  • with drugs and alcohol addiction;
  • registered at a psychoneurological dispensary.

If, according to the first points, citizens receive permission over time, then serious obstacles will close the path to weapons forever.

Criminal liability for possession of bladed weapons without permission

Until 2003, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in its Article 222, indicated the amount of punishments and sanctions for violations of the handling of piercing and cutting means, the sale of daggers, and any dangerous devices that fit the category of combat equipment.

In court, verdicts in the following amounts were possible:

  • imprisoned for 3 years;
  • imposed forced labor for up to 4 years;
  • fines of up to 80,000 rubles were awarded.

For group crimes, the sentence is twice as long, both in terms of money and imprisonment. The law was amended by Article No. 162 of December 8, 2003 regarding walking with weapons. Criminal penalties were abolished, replacing them with fines of 500 rubles.

Sentences for unlawful acts involving knives, pikes or arrows remained unchanged. Legislators introduced such a relaxation for carrying bladed weapons due to the criminal situation in the country. But they require owners to have a license and training so that a criminal does not use it in a dark alley against a law-abiding owner.




Possession of bladed weapons - responsibility and article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for carrying bladed weapons

Edged weapons are weapons that are used to hit a target using human muscle power through direct contact with the target. Such weapons can be piercing, slashing, piercing-cutting, crushing, and the like. Therefore, edged weapons include Finnish knives, daggers, knives, checkers, sabers, stilettos, brass knuckles, dirks and other objects that are specially adapted or directly intended to hit a living target.

Weapons are not products that are certified as products for industrial or household purposes. These are garden, shoe, kitchen, penknives and the like. You should know that there is responsibility for storing and carrying bladed weapons in 2019. This should be taken into account when purchasing metal products of a piercing or cutting nature. The issue of recognizing a certain object as a cold weapon is decided by forensic examination.

Distinctive features of edged weapons

Melee weapons have the following distinctive features:

1. Blade length is over 90mm;

2. The blade thickness is over 2.4 mm;
3. the angle of convergence of the butt and blade is no more than 70 degrees;

4. blade roll is no more than 9 mm;

5. The hardness of the steel is at least 25 Rockwell;

6. the blade penetrates to a depth of at least 20 mm;

7. there is a pronounced limiter for the fingers;

8. the tip of the blade, which is convenient for stabbing in the presence of the other above point;

Edged weapons can be recognized as such only based on the results of certification or forensic examination. Punishment for carrying a bladed weapon may occur in the absence of a permit.

What bladed weapons are prohibited?

The article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on carrying bladed weapons prohibits the circulation as official weapons, including civilian weapons boomerangs, shurikens, brass knuckles, flails, as well as other objects of throwing and impact-crushing action specially adapted for use as weapons. In Russia, according to Article 6 of the weapons law, the circulation of the following weapons as service weapons, including civilian weapons, is prohibited:

1. knives and bladed weapons, blades and blades have a length of more than 90 mm:

2. are removed from the handle automatically by pressing a button or a special lever, and are also fixed by them;

3. They extend using accelerated movement or gravity, and also lock automatically.

What bladed weapons are citizens entitled to have?

The rules for carrying edged weapons require it.

1. Citizens who have permission to carry, including storage of hunting firearms, have the right to purchase hunting bladed weapons. At the time of buying of this weapon The seller notes the entry in the citizen’s hunting license. In this case, a permit to carry this bladed weapon will be a permit to carry a hunting weapon.

2. Some citizens can also buy edged bladed weapons, used to carry with national costumes nationalities of Russia, as well as the Cossack form. These are daggers, knives, checkers and sabers. The Russian government determines the attributes of national costumes.

In other cases, carrying edged weapons is prohibited.

Responsibility for illegal carrying or storage

At the moment, violation of the rules for carrying or storing edged weapons is subject to administrative liability. Before the advent of Law N 162-FZ of 2003, Article 222 of the Criminal Code could be used. A fine is imposed on the citizen with or without the confiscation of weapons. Paid seizure involves the seizure of weapons and sale in accordance with the established procedure. The proceeds, in addition to the costs incurred, are returned to the former owner.

Article 222 of the Criminal Code establishes only liability for illegal sales. Article 223 of the Criminal Code establishes liability only for illegal production. This is imprisonment for up to two years, including arrest for up to six months, and correctional labor.

Edged weapons are products used to hit a target through the application of a certain physical force by a person. Wherein prerequisite is the presence of direct contact with the affected object. Products of this type can be piercing, crushing, slashing, cutting, etc. Thus, these include: finks, daggers, daggers, stilettos, saber checkers and other products intended to cause physical damage to a living target.

In the Criminal Code Russian Federation Punishment is provided for carrying, storing and selling bladed weapons. It should be understood that the article for carrying a bladed weapon provides for punishment only if the product was recognized as such as a result of a forensic examination. At the same time, there are a number of piercing, chopping, cutting and other objects that a priori do not fall under the definition of edged weapons, and examination of them is not carried out. Such items include garden, kitchen and pocket knives. This article will discuss how to avoid being punished for illegal possession of bladed weapons, what this concept implies, and what types of liability are provided for the offenses specified in Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (on bladed weapons).

Melee weapons are characterized by the following features:

  • blade length is more than 9 centimeters;
  • blade thickness is more than 2.4 millimeters;
  • the angle of convergence of the butt and blade is not higher than 70 degrees;
  • blade roll no more than 0.9 centimeters;
  • minimum steel hardness 25 Rockwell;
  • penetration depth of at least 2 centimeters;
  • the presence of limiters for comfortable grip with the palm.

If a product found on a person has all of the above characteristics, he cannot be held accountable for illegally carrying a bladed weapon until experts confirm that it is indeed such.

Prohibited species

As it becomes clear from the above, there are a huge number of products that fall under the definition of edged weapons. At the same time, flails, brass knuckles, shurikens and boomerangs are completely prohibited. All of the listed products have an impact-crushing nature or are designed to be thrown, thus they pose an increased threat to society.

The article on edged weapons also states that specific social and service items that have characteristic features are prohibited.

These include:

  • piercing and cutting objects with blades longer than 90 millimeters;
  • blades and knives, the blades of which are pulled out from the handle by pressing a lever;
  • knives and blades, the blades of which extend from the handle due to acceleration or in accordance with the conditions of the laws of gravity.

A separate line considers products made in artisanal conditions. These can be various sharpenings, knives that are fashionable these days, made from diesel valves, brass knuckles cast from lead, etc.

Permitted species

According to the laws in force in our country, not every person has the right to purchase, store, carry and operate the items in question. Those wishing to acquire a product of this type must obtain a special document that allows them to store and transport a specific type of weapon. When purchasing a product of this type, the corresponding mark must be placed in the authorization document.

The permit does not give the right to carry such products with you anywhere. For example, it is strictly forbidden to attend any mass gatherings. social events with any type of weapon, including bladed weapons.

In some cases, obtaining permission to purchase, store and carry is not required. An example of such a situation is the purchase of a Cossack uniform or some traditional national costume.

Also, Federal Law No. 150 states that items with the characteristics of edged weapons can be used in everyday life without the appropriate permit.

Such items should include:

  1. Sports and tourist knives.
  2. Cutters used for cutting meat and skinning animals.
  3. Hunting equipment.
  4. Decorative elements.

Of course, there are certain restrictions. You cannot walk around the city with a butchering cleaver and claim that it is needed for processing carcasses. The use of products of this type without appropriate permission is permissible in certain places or subject to certain conditions. It should also be added that decorative objects that have signs of edged weapons must be blunted.

Purchase rules

Adult citizens who have the appropriate permit issued by regulatory authorities have the right to purchase bladed weapons. It must be remembered that the permit is issued for a specific type of weapon. Thus, when purchasing, you need to ask the seller for an information sheet for the item being purchased. Using it, you can understand whether you have the right to purchase a product of this type or not.

To avoid problems with law enforcement agencies, when carrying bladed weapons, you should have the appropriate permit with you. As was said earlier, you cannot attend a number of events with edged weapons. Even with permission.

Types of punishment for the sale, acquisition, storage and carrying of bladed weapons

Punishment for illegal possession of bladed weapons, as well as for their sale, acquisition and carrying are provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative Offenses.

According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the following types of punishment are provided for edged weapons, namely their circulation, use and production:

  • compulsory work in the amount of up to 200 labor hours;
  • correctional labor for up to 2 years;
  • restriction of freedom for up to six months;
  • imprisonment for up to 2 years;
  • a fine of up to 80,000 rubles.

In some cases, penalties are summed up. For example, the manufacture of a weapon may involve its use, as well as the infliction of serious injury or even death.

For the acquisition, storage and carrying of permitted bladed weapons, no criminal punishment is implied. This is an innovation for domestic criminal legislation. Previously, punishment was provided for such actions. What is the matter and are such provisions of the Criminal Code fair? This correct solution from the legislator.

The fact is that now in every store you can buy an item that has signs of a bladed weapon, but the information sheet will say that it is a souvenir or a decorative item. Thus, there is a high chance that absolutely innocent people misled by sellers will be held criminally liable.

At the same time, the above does not mean that the acquisition, storage and carrying of bladed weapons, that is, actions contrary to the law, always remain unpunished. The Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a fine for actions of this kind, ranging from 500 to 2000 rubles. In addition, the product can be confiscated, checked to see if a crime was committed with its help, and destroyed. In simple words, carrying a bladed weapon with you can become a suspect in committing a crime. Of course, if the person is not involved, then everything will be fine, but he is guaranteed a few hours in the company of police officers.

Having decided to acquire edged weapons to achieve any goals, you must obtain the appropriate permission and enter it into this document. Otherwise, problems with the law may arise.

What is a “cold weapon” from a legal point of view?

Criminal liability for carrying bladed weapons.

What kind of bladed weapon can an ordinary citizen purchase? What liability is provided by law for illegally carrying bladed weapons?

Your lawyer advises

Melee weapons are weapons designed to hit a target using human muscle power in direct contact with the target.

The Law “On Weapons” defines the concept of “edged weapons” as follows: “Edged weapons are weapons designed to hit a target using human muscle power in direct contact with the target” (Article 1 of the Law “On Weapons”).

Edged weapons include sabers, sabers, knives, daggers, Finnish knives, dirks, brass knuckles, stilettos and other objects specifically designed or adapted to hit a living target. They can be piercing, piercing-cutting, chopping, crushing, etc.

Weapons do not include products certified as household and industrial purposes(penknives, kitchen knives, shoe knives, garden knives, etc.), structurally similar to weapons (Article 1 of the Law “On Weapons”).

In a specific case, the issue of recognizing a particular item as a cold weapon can be resolved with the help of forensic examination.

What bladed weapons are citizens entitled to have?

Citizens who have permission to store and carry hunting firearms have the right to purchase hunting bladed weapons (Article 13 of the Law “On Weapons”).

When selling this weapon, the seller makes a corresponding entry in the citizen’s hunting (hunting membership) card, and the permit to carry this bladed weapon is a permit to carry a firearm.

Some citizens also have the right to purchase bladed weapons intended to be worn with a Cossack uniform, as well as with the national costumes of the peoples of the Russian Federation - these are sabers, sabers, knives and daggers (Article 3 of the Law “On Weapons”).

The attributes of national costumes are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. A license is required to store and carry such weapons (Article 13 of the Law “On Weapons”).

Thus, if you are not a hunter, not a Cossack, and your national costume does not include a saber or dagger, you have no right to have or carry any bladed weapons.

What bladed weapons are prohibited?

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the circulation as civilian and service weapons of flails, brass knuckles, shurikens, boomerangs and other items specially adapted for use as weapons with impact, crushing and throwing action is prohibited (Article 6 of the Law “On Weapons”).

On the territory of the Russian Federation, circulation as civilian and service weapons is prohibited (Article 6 of the Law “On Weapons”):

  • cold bladed weapons and knives, blades and blades of which, with a blade and blade length of more than 90 mm:
  • or are automatically removed from the handle when you press a button or lever and are fixed by them,
  • or are extended due to gravity or accelerated movement and are automatically locked.
Responsibility for illegal storage or carrying of bladed weapons

Before the appearance Federal Law dated 08.12.2003 N 162-ФЗ illegal carrying of bladed weapons was subject to criminal liability under Art. 222 part 4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Now, for violating the rules for storing or carrying knives, it is only possible to bring them to administrative liability in accordance with Part 2 of Article 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the form of a fine in the amount of 500 to 2000 rubles with or without the confiscation of weapons for a fee.

Paid seizure means that the weapon will be seized and sold in the prescribed manner by the internal affairs bodies, and the proceeds minus the costs of sale will be returned to the former owner of the weapon.

About wearing cold weapons - new criminal in legislation

Federal Law No. 162-FZ of December 8, 2003 amended the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, including in relation to crimes related to weapons. Before these changes were made, Part 4 of Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provided for criminal liability for illegal carrying of bladed weapons:

"Illegal acquisition, sale or carrying gas weapons, bladed weapons, including throwing weapons, with the exception of those areas where carrying bladed weapons is part of the national costume or is associated with hunting - are punishable by compulsory labor for a term of one hundred eighty to two hundred and forty hours, or correctional labor for a term of one year to two years, or arrest for a term of three to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years with a fine in the amount of up to two hundred times the minimum wage or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to two months or without it,”

— this is what Part 4 of Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation was before the amendments were made. Thus, for illegally carrying knives, one could get a prison sentence of up to 2 years.

Now part 4 of Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation establishes liability only for illegal sales:

“Illegal sale of gas weapons, cold steel, including throwing weapons, is punishable by compulsory labor for a term of one hundred eighty to two hundred and forty hours, or correctional labor for a term of one to two years, or arrest for a term of three to six months. , or imprisonment for a term of up to two years with a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or without it.”

So, as before, criminal liability is not provided for the illegal carrying of bladed weapons. However, it is provided for its illegal production (Part 4 of Article 223 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation):

"Illegal production of gas weapons, bladed weapons, including throwing weapons, -

shall be punished by compulsory labor for a term of one hundred eighty to two hundred and forty hours, or correctional labor for a term of one to two years, or arrest for a term of four to six months, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years.”

Is there administrative liability for carrying bladed weapons? In addition, in order to be held accountable under this rule, it will be necessary to prove a violation of the rules for storing bladed weapons, which is not seen in this case. When an act is excluded from criminal law, a new offense usually appears. administrative offense. But with regard to carrying knives, there is also no such composition. The only norm whose provisions can in any way be attributed to such actions is Article 20.8, which provides for administrative liability for violations of the rules for storing edged weapons. However, wearing and storing are various actions, therefore, the question of the possibility of prosecution under this norm if facts of carrying knives are discovered is controversial.

What is the penalty for carrying a bladed weapon?

Important But you don’t have to fill your head with this information. Just take my word for it - the victim of such a blade will not feel better if the surgeon tells him that they cut and stabbed him with a not very hard bayonet-knife.
But does that mean that its owner is a criminal? Not at all.
Attention: Honest sellers sell bayonet knives, sabers and other machetes together with a certificate of conformity.

The main information is the expert's conclusion that in terms of design characteristics it is only similar to edged or throwing weapons, but is not one.
A round seal and signature of a specialist are required. And some good advice: if you decide to put such a “structurally similar” blade in your pocket and it “rings” when you pass an arched metal detector in the subway, then it would be better for you to have a certificate with you.
This will make it easier to talk to the police.

Law on carrying bladed weapons

Responsibility for illegal carrying or storage At the moment, for violation of the rules for carrying or storing edged weapons, liability is provided with administrative liability.

Before the advent of Law N 162-FZ of 2003, Article 222 of the Criminal Code could be used.

A fine is imposed on the citizen with or without the confiscation of weapons.
The proceeds, in addition to the costs incurred, are returned to the former owner. Article 222 of the Criminal Code establishes only liability for illegal sales.
This is imprisonment for up to two years, including arrest for up to six months, and correctional labor.

Carrying edged weapons: general information, punishment

Determination of responsibility in terms of punishment for unlawful storage and carrying of bladed weapons was previously dealt exclusively with Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

According to it, there is liability for illegal arms trafficking.

The permit applies only to regions where carrying such items is part of the national costume or hunting activities are punishable as follows:

  • working for the benefit of the state (180-200 hours);
  • working in correctional institutions (1-2 years);
  • limited freedom of movement (3 - 6 months);
  • Stay in prison (about 2 years).

The article for carrying knives, in a new interpretation, defines punishment only for illegal trade in the same gas, knives, and throwing weapons.

Illegal possession of bladed weapons is sanctioned according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

However, the regulations indicate that:

  • Bladed edged weapons can be considered sporting and hunting.
  • Throwing devices are distinguished as an independent subtype.
  • Bladed edged weapons can be worn together with Cossack uniforms and national costumes of the peoples of Russia.
  • Leaders of paramilitary forces can accept edged weapons government organizations.
    The admission procedure is established by the Russian Government.

Other classification In accordance with the production method, edged weapons are divided into:

  • Factory.

    Carrying edged weapons article of the Russian Criminal Code 2017

    By design, such products comply with standards and technical specifications, and also have markings.

  • Artisanal.

    Such weapons are made to certain standards by master gunsmiths.

Knife from pocket

But if you are caught buying a modern combat knife, both you and the seller will receive suspended sentences.

And in aggravating circumstances - real. How can the average person understand what kind of knife he is buying: legal or prohibited? The Internet, including reputable media portals, is filled with advice. I quote the most popular ones: “Melee weapons have a blade length of at least 90 mm, thickness - 2.4 mm...” The problem is that independent attribution of weapons with the help of Internet advisers is the easiest and most reliable way to get into the dock. Qualification of edged weapons is based on 40 criteria, and even licensed experts often disagree in their assessments. There is only one way to protect yourself from troubles: buy in stores where you will be given the mentioned certificate along with the blade.

Those knives that you are not supposed to have will simply not be sold to you there.


Here it is important to understand how exactly these devices differ from other types of similar items. First, let's define what a bladed weapon is according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. This is a specific thing designed to inflict injury on a selected target using the muscle power of a human individual.

Among the specialists in a narrow field there are distinctive characteristics by which bladed tools are classified:

  • handle diameter and volume;
  • blade size.
  • determination of metal quality.
  • width of the butt part.

Except various types knives, the category “Cold weapons” includes the following types: sabers, daggers, brass knuckles, stilettos.

The main purpose of all of the above items involves achieving the intended goal. Wounds of various types are inflicted using edged weapons.

About the use of a knife / Responsibility for carrying a knife

Responsibility for carrying a knife

Previously, there was criminal liability for carrying knives, but today this article has been excluded from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Responsibility for carrying edged weapons, their purpose

All that remains is liability for violating the rules of carrying bladed weapons, which is established by Part 2 of Article 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

This part reads as follows: “Violation of the rules for storing, carrying or destroying weapons and ammunition for them by citizens - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred to two thousand rubles with or without a paid confiscation of weapons and ammunition for them.”

The main problem is that there are no clear rules for carrying edged weapons. There is a ban on carrying bladed weapons for self-defense established by Article 6 of the Law “On Weapons”, and there is an obligation to carry bladed weapons (and not a household knife) with documents, this is Section XII “Carrying and Use of Weapons” of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21. 1998 No. 814 “On measures to regulate the circulation of civilian and service weapons and ammunition for them on the territory of the Russian Federation.”

This section states that when carrying weapons, its owners are required to have documents proving their identity (passport or service ID, military or hunting license etc.), as well as a license or permit issued by internal affairs bodies to store and carry weapons they have.

There is also a well-established opinion, which, however, is shared by many police officers, that you can carry a knife “correctly”:

a) with identification documents and a hunting license;

b) in a backpack or bag.

No, of course, you can try to prove to the police that you are simply transporting a knife; from one place to another, and for convenience they hung the scabbard with it on the belt under a suit and tie. And there is a high probability that you will be able to prove this - in the district police department, an employee is smarter than a private from the patrol service.

In any case, you need to remember the basic lines that you should give to a police officer when presenting complaints to them about the “incorrect” carrying of a knife.

What normative act prohibited to transport hunting knife in a case on the belt with a hunting license?

If there is no direct prohibition on such transportation, then it is permitted.

No, I don’t carry a knife, and I certainly don’t carry one for self-defense. In full compliance with the Law “On Weapons”, I transport it from point A to point B. In this case, the knife, as expected, is in a sheath (sheath), and the sheath itself is in a place that ensures the safety of the knife and excludes access to it by unauthorized persons. What this place is a backpack; or a belt - the law does not determine.

Once again, to reinforce: carrying knives for self-defense is absolutely (!) prohibited and can be regarded as a violation of the rules for carrying knives.

Therefore, when meeting with police officers, you transport your hunting knife from point A to point B. And nothing else, even if this is not the case. Even if you have a hunting license with you, where the knife number is written. Even if there is no ticket. Even if you just cut the bandits who attacked you with this knife. In any case, you transport from point A to point B!
And once again about responsibility for improperly carrying a bladed weapon: the only thing you face is a fine of up to 2,000 rubles and the confiscation of the knife with the return of a small amount.

Separately, I note that the above-cited norms of the law cannot apply to knives for household use, since they are a priori not edged weapons.

Although when wearing such knives, the explanations should sound absolutely similar: you are not carrying a knife for the purpose of self-defense, but, for example, you carried it to work to sharpen pencils, and now you are carrying it (transporting it!) back home.

2008-2018 Self-defense on the street. Self-instruction manual. Street-Fight.RU

Responsibility for carrying and storing bladed weapons

What is the penalty for carrying a bladed weapon without permission?

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