Mask for colored hair with honey. The best hair masks with honey at home

Store products and salon hair care are good, but no one has canceled folk remedies. Especially honey. So we will talk about hair masks with honey.

Honey provides hair with beneficial substances

Why honey is good for hair

What can I say if the product contains more than four hundred components: amino acids, micro, macronutrients, vitamins in excess. Everyone will find in honey the substances that his hair needs.

Thus, B vitamins stop hair loss. Iodine with iron is needed to stimulate follicles, they perfectly regenerate the scalp. Ascorbin gives shine and tidies up the work of the sebaceous glands. Copper is needed to accelerate the production of elastins and collagens. Zinc - in the fight against dandruff, especially oily. He does not allow the hair to exfoliate and split. Potassium is needed to nourish the scalp. Don't forget, this is the best of herbs, flowers and even fruits. In addition, there are many enzymes that also have a very positive effect on the scalp.

Honey hair masks are capable of:

  1. Stop fragility and split.
  2. "Feed" the roots with all the necessary substances.
  3. Stop falling leaves on the head.
  4. Heal and simply heal the skin on the head.
  5. Eliminate dry and oily seborrhea.
  6. Normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.

Honey is best suited for owners of blond hair.

Correct preparation and application of honey masks

First, look for natural honey, without syrups and sugar. Secondly, it can only be heated in a water bath. No microwaves! The course can consist of 8 masks, a couple of times a week. If the composition contains vegetable oils, we must warm it up in a water bath. After application, we construct a cap from a shower cap and a thick warm fabric on top. You need warm water to rinse off, not hot water. After that, be sure to treat the hair with a balm. There are no special requirements for shampoos, but the best option is without any phosphates.

Contraindications for honey masks: Firstly, for those who do not digest this product when applied internally, as well as for those who are allergic. Secondly, for those who have recently dyed their hair, this tool can wash out the pigments.

Recipes for masks with honey for hair

Homemade honey hair mask recipes

You can add milk, yeast, oils, and lime juice to the mask for hair beauty. But we will focus on the most popular ones.

For the density and growth of hair with honey


  • salt - 125 g;
  • cognac - 0.5 cups;
  • honey - the same.

Preparation and application: After mixing well, keep in the dark and warm for half a month. Apply, rubbing well, on the roots. We wait, covering our heads, for about 25 minutes. To wash off, take the mildest shampoo. Salt strengthens the bulbs, but is not very suitable if the scalp is damaged or too sensitive.

To strengthen hair


  • yeast, even brewer's yeast, but fresh - a teaspoon;
  • honey - the same amount;
  • hot water - the same.

Everything is applied to the roots and insulated. We are waiting for 2 \ 3 hours.

Anti-hair loss honey mask

With hair loss, simply rubbing the melted product into the hair roots will help, but you can also make a mask that restores hair life.


  • jojoba wax and honey - 20-25g each;
  • mummy - a couple of tablets;
  • propolis extract - half a teaspoon.

Knead the tablets, mix everything, keep them on the curls and skin for 2/3 hours.

Nourishing hair mask with honey

Essential oils such as rosemary, rose, ylang ylang and tea tree are most suitable for a nourishing mask. For the mask, you need to warm up a couple of tablespoons of honey and add drops of the five mentioned oils. We keep it for half an hour.

Moisturizing hair mask with honey

For her, glycerin and her favorite cosmetic oil (20 ml each), as well as liquid honey (50 ml) are taken in equal proportions. Apply on all braids, wait 2 \ 3 hours.

Split hair mask with honey


  • apple cider vinegar and almond oil (15-20 g each);
  • honey (a couple of tablespoons).

Preparation and application: Everything is mixed, rubbed into the damaged ends, and at the same time the entire length. We wait half an hour, with my warm water.

Honey for the ends of the hair


  • broccoli and ricin oils;
  • aekol - 5-6 drops;
  • honey - 20 ml;
  • yolk;
  • balm - 4-5 ml.

Balm is needed for a more viscous consistency. It is applied to the strands dry, it lasts a couple of hours under the cap.

For colored hair

Suitable for braids colored reddish, auburn or chestnut. For cooking, pomegranate juice (from one fruit) and 50 g of honey are useful. Keep for about 1/2 hour.

Hair mask with pomegranate nourishes and moisturizes

For lightening hair

In order to lighten the hair, one honey is enough, only well melted. But there are also options. So, on 4 parts of a beekeeping product, you can add a part of apple cider vinegar (the most natural) and chamomile essential oil.

If the braids are dry, you can make a mixture based on lemon oil, burdock and honey. In order for the result to be, you need to keep such funds on your head for about ten hours. Therefore, it is better to start the procedure a few hours before bedtime and wash off in the morning, after rinsing with chamomile broth. Be prepared for the fact that your hair will only lighten a tone or two.

For dry hair with honey


  • a teaspoon of garlic juice;
  • 15-20 ml of aloe juice and liquid honey itself;
  • yolk.

All this is kept warm on the head for a third of an hour. After rinsing, rinse with mint water.

For oily hair with honey

In order to adsorb excess sebum, you can use clay, tomato juice, and sea salt. Honey in combination with these products will also allow you to put in order the work of the sebaceous glands on the head. To make the remedy effective, it is advised to rub the mask into the scalp for about 7 minutes.


  • potato starch - 50 g;
  • aloe juice - ampoule;
  • melted honey - 10 g.

The starch dissolves in a small amount of warm water, everything is mixed. We keep it on the skin and the entire length of the hair for two-thirds of an hour.

Anti-dandruff hair mask with honey

The easiest option is to melt the honey and add a few drops of oils with antimycotic properties to it. First of all, it is a tea tree and eucalyptus. Bergamot, rosemary and lavender are also good options. We rub it well into the roots, keep it on the head for 1/6 hour.

We get better in a dream: a mask with honey at night

In order to nourish each hair and strengthen it, we take light honey (a couple of tablespoons) and one yolk. Whisk it thoroughly and mix with honey melted in a water bath. It is best to do this 30 minutes before bedtime.

Egg-honey mask stops hair loss and strengthens the roots

With honey and egg

This is a classic of the genre that allows you to strengthen very quickly even the most damaged hair. For cooking you will need:

  • an egg is a piece;
  • 20 ml of brandy;
  • dessert spoon of honey.

Having melted the beekeeping product, grind the egg with it and pour in alcohol. You can warm it up a little. Half an hour is enough for the effect.

With cinnamon and honey

This combination is not only tasty and warming, but also brightening. For cooking, the components are taken in the same proportions. To have a lightening effect, we make such a mask at night. It is important to wash the seasoning well out of your hair.

Honey mustard hair mask

There is a canonical recipe for a mask for the growth of braids from mustard (a couple of tablespoons), sugar, butter and eggs. If you replace sugar with a beekeeping product, then the mask will not dry your hair so deadly. There is another mustard option.


  • mustard itself (a teaspoon);
  • onion and garlic juices (20 ml each);
  • one ampoule of aloe juice;
  • 25 g of honey.

First, dissolve the powder in a very small amount of water, then add all the other products. We keep it under the usual cap from half an hour to 90 minutes.

With honey and aloe

This plant not only moisturizes, but also phenomenally quickly regenerates everything it can, at the same time stopping inflammatory processes. Its juice can be bought in ampoules, or you can get it yourself. True, it is best to lightly ferment at first, holding it in the refrigerator and in a film. This is one of the most effective masks.


  • mustard - 40-50g;
  • the same amount of aloe juice;
  • the same amount of honey;
  • nectar;
  • two yolks.

We hold from a quarter of an hour to a third.

With gelatin and honey

This is a good hair lamination product that will thicken your hair and nourish it with collagen.


  • warm milk (70ml);
  • gelatin - 20-25 g;
  • the same amount of honey.

Preparation and application: First, dissolve the gelatin powder in milk, wait two-thirds of an hour to swell. Putting honey, put it on the smallest fire (you can even do it in a water bath). In no case do we boil. We cover with a cap only after the mixture applied to the braids has cooled down. We wait another two-thirds of an hour, you can not use shampoo when rinsing.

With kefir and honey


  • fatty fermented milk drink;
  • mustard powder - 15 g;
  • almond oil and honey - dessert spoon each;
  • yolk;
  • rosemary oil - 6 drops.

Preparation and application: Be sure to warm up kefir before adding other components. We keep from a quarter to half an hour. The product is applied to the strands that are dirty, but slightly wet. It is a very nourishing hair product.

With onions and honey


  • 80 ml of onion juice;
  • a tablespoon of burdock oil;
  • the same amount of honey;
  • yolk.

Preparation and application: We start by rubbing the latter, add everything except the juice, put the bowl in a saucepan of boiling water. Warming up, pour onion juice. We keep on the roots for about 50 minutes.

Result: It perfectly stops any leaf fall on the head, "feeds" the skin and roots, and heals.

With sour cream and honey


  • sour cream and honey, 25 ml each;
  • one raw potato;
  • yolk.

Preparation and application: Peel the potatoes and squeeze the juice. You can even just use a cloth (natural) or gauze. Rub the yolk with sour cream and honey, pour potato juice into it. We hold for a third of an hour and another five minutes.

With banana and honey

Banana is equally good for dry and for. This is a super nourishing and shine-giving mask.


  • an egg and a banana, one at a time;
  • avocado oil - 3-4 ml;
  • honey - about 10 ml.

Preparation and application: A meat grinder is suitable for mixing, but a blender is better. The consistency of the mask should be the same as that of airy desserts. We apply it to the entire length of the curls, keep it for 7-8 hours. It is not very easy to wash it out, therefore, it is better to wash it off in two passes.

With yeast and honey

It can also be attributed to the most nutritious. For cooking, you will need about 0.05 kg of honey, the same amount of yeast and 65-70 ml of warmed milk. We dilute baker's yeast, heat everything up again (water bath) and put honey in the process of heating. It is best to apply it to braids warm. We hold for about 90 minutes. Shampoo is needed when rinsing.

With honey and red pepper

Such a tool has only one purpose - to accelerate the growth of hair. Just mix red pepper and honey in equal proportions. To not be so vigorous, you can add a couple of grams of jojoba wax. We keep on the roots from a third of an hour. When washing off, we do everything so that it does not get into the eyes.

Honey and Pepper - An Effective Blend for Hair Growth

With mayonnaise and honey

Perhaps mayonnaise, especially factory-made mayonnaise, is not the most useful product, but it works amazingly on dry curls. With it you can remove dandruff and nourish your hair well. Keep such a mask for two-thirds of an hour.


  • garlic juice (from one clove);
  • thinner honey - 5 ml;
  • mayonnaise (any fat content) - 25 g;
  • butter (almond, ricin, burdock) - how much honey.

With beer and honey

Hair rinse beer is the beauty secret of some Hollywood divas. Unpasteurized beer required. In total, you need half a glass. Take a couple of tablespoons of honey. This tool gives splendor, so, apply to the entire length of the strands. We hold for three quarters of an hour.

With vodka and honey


  • a couple of drops of rosemary oil and fir;
  • yolk;
  • 5 ml of honey;
  • 40-50 ml of olive oil;
  • 20 ml of vodka.

Preparation and application: The yolk is pounded with all the ingredients, the last pour in the fir and rosemary oil. Can be used every 4 days. Most suitable for light and dry hair.

With cognac and honey

Cognac not only makes the hair color of mysterious brown-haired women and fatal brunettes expressive, but also helps to ensure that other components penetrate the skin and each hair faster.

For cooking, we take the same yolk, 60-70 ml of brandy and 20 ml of honey. Dissolve it in alcohol and warm it up in a water bath. Fill in the yolk and grind. First, everything is applied to the roots, then - to the strands, without touching the ends. We hold an hour.

Masks with honey and vitamins

Honey is rich in vitamins in and of itself, but their effect can be enhanced with the help of fat-soluble vitamins E and A (separately and together), as well as ampoule vitamins from group B. Most of all, the roots need B 2.3, H and H1.6, acid folic acid and 12. But it is the scalp that needs them, so do not be lazy, rub it in.

Hair oils enrich our hair with vitamins and phospholipids

Masks with honey and oils

They nourish both the scalp and the curls themselves. It is true that you have to hold it for quite a long time, and rinse it off even longer, but the result is worth it. Remember that oil works best if you have warmed it up in a water bath.

With castor oil


  • 30 ml of ricin oil;
  • lemon juice (dessert spoon);
  • honey (how much juice);
  • yolk.

Preparation and application: First, castor oil is pounded with honey and warmed up. Then we grind with yolk and add castor oil (heat it up!). We keep it for half an hour.

You can read more about castor oil for hair at this address.

Honey and burdock oil

It is enough to simply mix them in equal proportions and heat them in a water bath. We apply both to the strands and to the roots. We wait half an hour and rinse well a couple of times.

Coconut oil and honey


  • a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil;
  • a couple of drops of rosemary (lavender) oil;
  • honey - 5 ml.

We use it like the first one. Suitable for damaged or dry curls.

Honey and olive oil

It is also sufficient to mix them one part of each component. After adding the yolk, heat it up. We use it in the same way as the previous masks.

Honey and linseed oil


  • medium onion juice;
  • beekeeping product and flax oil 20 g each

We wear it on the head from half an hour to 2/3. Help speed up.

Honey and sea buckthorn oil

For preparation, they are taken for the part of the oil itself, a beekeeping product, juice from lemon and brandy. Then put red pepper (several grains) and the same yolk. You can keep it up to 120 minutes. There are no flushing features. It is also a great growth medium.

Beautiful and well-groomed hair is a visiting card of any woman. Honey is rightfully considered one of the most effective helpers in the care of curls. Due to its composition, it is actively used in industrial cosmetics. At home, a hair mask with honey will perfectly cope with this task.

Since ancient times, the favorite delicacy of many people has been used not only for food or for medicinal purposes. It contains an incredible variety of useful substances that can give a second life to even very badly damaged curls. He gently envelops each hair, giving it all his strength. Even individually, each substance from its composition has the ability to revive the affected hair, and all together they work miracles.

  • Fructose helps to restore the hair structure and strengthen it.
  • Thanks to glucose, the curls become smooth and silky.
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) will help you to forget about dandruff and moisturize the ends. It also normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Folic acid acts as a growth accelerator.
  • Vitamin B5, found in calcium, makes hair shine.
  • With the help of iron, blood circulation is improved.
  • Prevent hair fragility, potassium helps to moisturize them.

Thanks to this complex effect, a hair mask with honey has become one of the most popular ways to restore the beauty of hair. It suits almost all people. The only exception will be those for whom beekeeping products can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is imperative to conduct a test before using it: apply a small amount of sweetness to the back of the wrist and wait 10 minutes. If the skin has not changed, you can safely use this excellent tool.

Gallery: hair masks with honey (25 photos)

How to use a unique product correctly

You need to know how to use any cosmetic product correctly. To honey hair mask was more beneficial, necessary:

Nutrient & Firming Blends

There are many different methods of using honey for hair. It brings benefits even without the addition of excipients and is the main component of all recipes. But there is one important condition - the product must be natural.

Recipe 1

This is the easiest way replenishment of hair with vitamins and microelements... In a water bath, warm up a few tablespoons of your favorite delicacy and rub it lightly into the skin on your head, and then gently smooth out the curls with "honey" palms from the crown to the ends. After 10-15 minutes, rinse well in running warm water. There is no need to use shampoo, honey not only nourishes, but also cleanses the curls. And finally, it is recommended to rinse dry hairs in chamomile broth, and oily hairs in water with a teaspoon of lemon juice. You can do this procedure once a week.

Recipe 2

Dry and split hairs can be reanimated by adding yolks. This requires mix 3 tablespoons of honey with two yolks and spread the mixture evenly over the entire head. After 20-25 minutes, remove the insulating cap, massage the roots a little and wash off the mask. For greater effect, you can add a few drops of aloe oil to the mixture and rinse the curls in decoctions of medicinal herbs. After a month of regular use of this product, the hair will delight you with a healthy and well-groomed look.

Recipe 3

It is best to use honey for oily hair combined with lemon juice... The acid perfectly removes excess fat from the scalp, and the honey strengthens and revives the bulbs. The basic rule of using a mask is to strictly adhere to the time frame of the procedure. Lemon belongs to aggressive substances and if it is not removed in time, the delicate skin on the head may suffer.

In a container, mix two tablespoons of warm honey with 50 grams of lemon juice. The resulting mixture used in two ways:

  1. only on the roots, if, with a constantly shiny head, the tips of the curls remain dry;
  2. completely to the full length, if the entire head of hair is oily.

In both cases, after 25-30 minutes, the mixture must be washed off and rinsed with warm water and lemon. Such a recipe makes it possible to walk for several days with beautifully loose curls, and not collect them in a tail on the second day after washing.

Recipe 4

Homemade honey hair mask can be used instead of regular shampoo... To do this, you first need to prepare a mixture of three tablespoons of kefir and one spoonful of dry mustard. The consistency of the mixture should be like thick sour cream. Then gradually add one yolk, a teaspoon of honey and a spoonful of olive oil there.

The mask is applied for 10 minutes along the entire length of the curls, put on a bag and wrap the head with a scarf. Wash off, as always, with warm running water. Thanks to this natural "shampoo", the curls grow fat less, stop falling out, become soft and obedient.

Growth-accelerating masks

Natural mask for hair growth with honey does not easily help to strengthen the bulbs, but make curls grow much faster. This recipe perfectly saves the day with an unsuccessful haircut. For two months, the length of the curls increases by 7-10 cm... Its only drawback is the not very pleasant aroma of the medicinal mixture.


Grind one medium onion on a grater or with a blender. The gruel is rubbed through a fine sieve and two tablespoons of honey are added to it. To prevent the aroma of onions from remaining on the hair, a few drops of your favorite scented oil are applied to the hair before the procedure. First, the mixture is rubbed into the roots, and then gently spread over the entire head of hair. You must first put a bag on your head, and then a warm scarf. After 45-60 minutes, the mixture is washed off and the head is rinsed with bite water.


With mustard increased blood flow and hair follicles "wake up", and honey components nourish them with useful substances. For cooking, you need to dilute a tablespoon of dry mustard in water or milk, add yolk and two tablespoons of honey to the gruel. You can use the mixture only for the roots, because it dries the curls very much. Before starting the procedure, be sure to apply oil to the ends. The mask lasts no more than 15–20 minutes.


This recipe came to us from old medical books. Its effect on hair is simply incredible. ... Before our eyes she becomes more luxuriant, acquires shine and silkiness, and its growth accelerates several times. Ingredients: yolk, 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of brandy. Apply the product to the entire length and roots and, after a light massage, wrap the head for 25-30 minutes.

Live beer or yeast

The unsurpassed properties of honey for hair can be enhanced with live (non-pasteurized) beer. To do this, you need to prepare honey-beer gruel, warm it up a little and apply it to the entire length of the curls for half an hour. Before washing off, to enhance the effect of the ingredients, it is recommended to massage the skin. Such a procedure will provide beauty, strength and shine to the hair, and because of the rapid growth, you will have to visit the hairdresser more often.

The same result can be achieved by using live yeast instead of beer... The fungus helps the composition penetrate deeply into each hair and nourish it with strength and health. According to many women, such a mask can easily compete with procedures in expensive beauty salons. And this only applies to efficiency, but the price will be much lower.

Live yeast (1 tbsp. L.) Must be crushed and mixed with milk until pasty. Then add honey and leave in a warm place for 30-40 minutes. The mask lasts 50-60 minutes.

Hair lightening compositions

Honey procedures on the hair can not only strengthen and heal it, but also lighten it by several tones. This way to change the shade the safest of all... For this you need:

  • in the evening, wash your hair with your favorite shampoo, after adding a quarter teaspoon of baking soda to it;
  • blot the curls well with a towel and apply warm honey on them;
  • put on a bathing bag or hat, wrap it in a warm scarf and leave it overnight;
  • wash off in the morning.

Lighten light brown curls you can use one more recipe. First you need to prepare a mixture: 100 ml of water, 100 g of honey (acacia delicacy is best suited), 1 tbsp. l. dry cinnamon and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Apply the composition along the entire length with a coloring brush and leave for at least an hour. This method of lightening is very gentle and, it will not change the color of the hair drastically, but only by 2-3 tones.

Brunettes and brown-haired women can add brightness to your natural color, taking advantage of the coloring properties of pomegranate. Add freshly squeezed pomegranate juice to the honey-egg mixture in a ratio of 1: 1: 3. First, the mask is rubbed into the roots, and then distributed over the entire length and left to saturate for 30 minutes. This procedure can be done twice a week. Shine, brightness and beauty are guaranteed afterwards.

It is very easy and simple to use honey hair treatments at home. You can change ingredients, invent your own recipes. The main rule is that all products must be of high quality and natural.

Attention, only TODAY!

Beekeeping products with healing power were used by our distant ancestors. It was from them that we learned the recipes for traditional medicine that help in the treatment and prevention of many diseases, restore strength and vitality, normalize body functions and increase immunity.

Since ancient times, honey has also been used in home cosmetics for skin and hair care. Along with natural oils, it is one of the most popular and useful ingredients in nourishing and moisturizing face and hair masks.

Honey is a natural storehouse of health

Why will honey be good for your hair?

The healing qualities of honey are confirmed by modern medicine - it has truly unique properties, among which we can note:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • fortifying;
  • tonic;
  • antitoxic;
  • wound healing;
  • antiviral;
  • calming;
  • antioxidant;
  • immunomodulatory.

The beneficial qualities of honey for hair are due to its rich composition, which includes many vitamins, organic and inorganic acids, macro and microelements, enzymes, amino acids, as well as mineral and biologically active substances. All of the above medicinal properties apply only to natural raw honey, which has not undergone thermal or other technological processing, does not contain preservatives and other chemical additives.

Honey is almost a universal product. This health elixir has a softening and toning effect on the skin, eliminates flaking and dryness. Honey facials are used to combat wrinkles, age spots and freckles.

As part of the masks, honey stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss, strengthens the roots and nourishes hair follicles, restores vitality to dull, weak and damaged strands, eliminates fragility and is an effective moisturizer.

Having correctly selected the composition of the cosmetic product, you can prepare masks with honey for different types of hair at home, which can eliminate many problems:

  1. Healthy hair will grow stronger and thicker, grow faster and look well-groomed.
  2. Weakened - they will receive the necessary nutrients, vitamins and will be protected from the effects of negative environmental factors.
  3. Curls damaged by frequent staining, perms and exposure to hot styling products will restore their structure.
  4. For weak, thin and prone to hair loss, honey will nourish and strengthen the roots.
  5. For dull strands, this product will restore healthy shine and vitality from roots to ends.
  6. Tough and naughty curls will become soft and smooth, easier to comb and style.
  7. Dry and brittle hair will receive the necessary moisture and restore elasticity.

Each hair type has its own recipes, in which honey is combined with other natural ingredients. They enhance the effect of the application and help to achieve the best result. Below are the most popular formulations of honey hair masks that have received many positive reviews.

The best recipes for honey hair masks

The simplest hair care product is liquid natural honey undiluted. Like all masks that contain it, honey should only be applied to clean, slightly damp hair. The thickened product can be diluted with a small amount of lukewarm boiled water to the desired consistency and lubricated with curls from roots to ends.

It is better if you apply the home cosmetic product a little warm. However, honey should be heated carefully and only in a water bath, to a temperature that should not exceed 35-37 degrees. Otherwise, it may lose its healing properties. In the composition of masks, it is usually not honey that is heated, but natural oils, before mixing them with other ingredients. Prepare masks for one application, immediately before use.

The resulting mask is distributed over the entire length of the strands and rubbed into the scalp with light massage movements. To enhance the effect, a plastic cap is put on the head and covered with a terry towel on top. Honey masks are kept on the hair, on average, from 30 minutes to 1 hour, after which they are washed off with warm water.

If the product consists of honey, egg yolk, aloe juice and other non-fatty foods, it can be easily washed off with plain water. Masks containing natural vegetable oils must be washed off with water and shampoo.

Masks with honey and vitamins for growth and against hair loss

In addition to natural oils and honey, other natural products can be included in the composition of masks that have a beneficial effect on the hair: lemon juice, egg yolk, aloe juice, as well as pharmacy liquid vitamins in ampoules or capsules. For those with dark hair, keep in mind that lemon juice can lighten strands.

Here is the composition of the most effective masks for hair loss. These home remedies strengthen hair follicles and stop hair loss in the early stages:

  • Raw egg yolk - 1 piece, liquid natural honey - 1 tablespoon, aloe juice - 1 teaspoon, vitamin B1 - 1 ampoule, vitamin B6 - 1 ampoule.
  • Natural honey - 1 tablespoon, castor oil - 1 tablespoon, aloe juice - 1 tablespoon, vitamin A - 1 capsule, vitamin E - 1 capsule.
  • Burdock oil - 1.5 tablespoons, liquid honey - 1 tablespoon, yolk - 1 piece, lemon juice - 1 tablespoon, vitamin B12 - 1 ampoule.

Burdock oil has long been known to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss. Combined with honey, yolk, vitamins and lemon juice, it becomes one of the most effective natural treatments for weakened hair prone to hair loss. In addition, such a mask has a slight lightening effect on the curls.

Nourishing honey hair masks

Among natural remedies, walnut oil is considered a valuable source of vitamins and nutrients. For a nourishing honey mask, mix 1 teaspoon of natural liquid honey, 1 egg yolk and 2 tablespoons of nut butter. This mask nourishes the scalp and hair follicles and strengthens the strands.

An egg and honey mask is considered an effective nourishing agent that stimulates hair growth. To prepare it, you should take one tablespoon of brandy, one teaspoon of liquid honey and one egg yolk. It is better not to add protein, as it can curl up, and it will be difficult to clean the hair of its residues later. This tool stimulates hair follicles, nourishes them and activates growth processes, gives the strands splendor and shine.

The nourishing and revitalizing properties of coconut oil are used in this honey mask: one tablespoon of liquid honey and one tablespoon of coconut oil. This miraculous natural blend restores hair structure and restores strength and lost natural shine to curls.

The cinnamon honey mask is also famous for its nutritional properties. To prepare it, take one tablespoon of ground cinnamon and mix it with two tablespoons of base vegetable oil. Light oils like sweet almonds, grape seeds, or olive oil are perfect for this purpose. A mixture of oil with cinnamon should be held in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled to body temperature and mixed with one tablespoon of liquid honey. This natural remedy strengthens hair follicles, nourishes the scalp and promotes hair growth.

Moisturizing masks with honey

Hair needs moisture not only in the hot season. In winter, the strands are exposed to warm dry air emanating from heating appliances, a hair dryer, and hot styling products. All these factors have an extremely negative effect on the condition of any type of hair. In summer, the hot sun and hot wind continue to dry out the curls, after which it is no longer possible to do without moisturizing masks to put them in order. And honey is one of the main components of these remedies:

  1. Honey mask for normal to dry hair. It contains: jojoba oil - one tablespoon, natural honey - one tablespoon, aloe juice - one tablespoon. This mixture has a liquid consistency. It returns elasticity to the curls and saturates them with moisture.
  2. Mask for curly and unruly hair. To prepare it, you need to grind one tablespoon of lemon juice with one egg yolk, and add two tablespoons of olive oil. This life-giving mixture is poured into two tablespoons of liquid honey, slightly warmed up in a water bath to body temperature, one capsule of vitamin A and one capsule of vitamin E. This moisturizing mask can slightly lighten hair.
  3. Mask with honey for oily hair. It contains two tablespoons of oatmeal, ground in a coffee grinder and boiled with boiling water. After 10 minutes, add one tablespoon of glycerin and one teaspoon of liquid honey heated in a water bath to 37 degrees to this mixture. This mask performs a complex task: it moisturizes the hair shafts and dry ends, and also removes excess oil produced by the sebaceous glands from the scalp.

Contraindications and precautions

Perhaps the only contraindication to the use of honey in cosmetology is individual intolerance and allergy to bee products. To make sure that there is no allergic reaction, you need to conduct a simple test. For this, a drop of honey or a cosmetic product that contains it should be applied to an area of ​​sensitive skin, for example, on the wrist or the inner bend of the elbow. If after a while redness, itching and other unpleasant sensations are not observed, feel free to include honey in hair products.

The recipes for honey masks given above can be improved and changed, choosing the composition that is right for your hair. You can add other useful components to them. In addition to products that include cognac, there are useful hair masks using beer or vodka. When using them, be prepared for the smell of alcohol to stay on your hair for a while.

Honey masks with onion juice or garlic are very effective against hair loss. These products really have a powerful irritating and strengthening effect, but before making such masks, keep in mind: the onion and garlic smell is absorbed into the hair and scalp for a long time, and will emanate from them even after the course of masks is over. And you can replace them with pharmacy pepper tincture.

When starting to use homemade honey cosmetics, remember that one or two applications will not be enough to achieve a lasting result. It is necessary to make masks twice a week, in courses of 5-10 sessions. If necessary, and to achieve a greater effect, the course should be repeated after a while. And then you will notice changes in the condition of your hair and will be able to appreciate the miraculous natural power of natural honey!

In terms of its vitamin and mineral composition, honey resembles human blood, it has everything that the body needs for vigor and health. The medicinal properties of this beekeeping product are well known. It is also used in cosmetology, in particular for the care of curls. Hair masks with honey are used to strengthen the strands and improve the condition of the epidermis. Their range of action is expanding due to the inclusion in the composition of other components, valuable in their properties, but very accessible components.

The benefits of honey for hair

Let's try to figure out exactly what effect honey has, and in particular the main elements in its composition, on the condition of the hair and scalp.

  • The fructose and glucose found in honey help to restore the structure of the hair shaft, make the curls smoother and more elastic, restoring their shine. This is especially true after dyeing and lightening hair.
  • Riboflavin has a beneficial effect on the epidermis by regulating the sebaceous glands. It helps prevent dandruff, improve scalp condition, and reduce hair grease at the roots. At the same time, it does not dry the ends of the strands, but, on the contrary, moisturizes. This property of honey will appeal to the owners of curls, dry and excised at the ends, oily at the roots.
  • Vitamin PP has a beneficial effect on the state of the natural pigment, allows you to maintain the natural hair color. Due to the fact that honey contains it in a fairly large amount, honey masks help to avoid early gray hair, take good care of colored curls, so that they remain bright and shiny for a long time.
  • Vitamin B5 nourishes the hair roots, as a result of which they become strong and elastic, and grow better.
  • Vitamin B6, which honey is rich in, is renowned for its ability to resist stress. It helps the curls to resist the negative effects of the environment, not to lose moisture. Potassium has a similar property. Thanks to its moisturizing properties, honey helps to fight dryness and brittleness of the strands, allows you to get rid of dry seborrhea.
  • Folic acid has a positive effect on hair growth by intensifying the process of cell division.

Together, these and other elements allow you to achieve three goals. First, they nourish the hair from the roots, strengthen it and accelerate its growth. Secondly, honey helps to restore the structure of the hair along its entire length, so that the curls become smooth and shiny. Thirdly, honey masks have a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis, getting rid of dandruff.

You need to know about one more property of honey - ability to lighten curls... When honey interacts with some other substances, this property can be enhanced. Because of this, honey masks are most beneficial for blondes. Redheads need to be prepared for the fact that their curls will acquire a lighter and more delicate golden hue. For dark-haired girls, honey masks should be used with caution, not using them often and reducing the time of exposure to curls.

Features of the use of honey masks

Honey is one of the most allergenic foods. It can also cause negative reactions of the body when applied externally. In this regard, before making a honey mask, you need to check how your skin tolerates the product. To do this, apply some honey on your wrist for 15 minutes. In case of irritation, redness, itching or burning, rinse off the product and stop using the mask. If nothing bad has happened to the skin, honey can also be used for hair care.

Video recipe for the occasion:

In order to combine honey with other components, it must be liquid. In the event that it thickens, it needs to be melted. This can only be done in a water bath, otherwise honey will lose some of its beneficial properties.

Honey masks are applied only to clean hair. It will be easier to do this if the curls are still damp.

When applying masks, special attention should be paid to the roots and scalp. After all, the main task of honey is to nourish the curls with useful substances, and nutrition begins from the roots, more precisely, even from the hair follicles.

For a better effect, after applying the mask, it is advised to wrap the head with a warm towel, scarf or handkerchief over a plastic wrap. This creates a sauna effect, the pores expand and the nutrients penetrate better into the epidermis. It is convenient to replace the film with a cellophane cap; such products are produced in order to protect the hairstyle when taking a shower.

The recommended exposure time for honey masks ranges from 20 minutes to several hours, some can be left overnight. It all depends mainly on the rest of the ingredients in the mask. In order not to harm yourself, you should not exceed the exposure time of the mask specified in the instructions.

Moisturizing honey mask

  • honey - a tablespoon;
  • chicken egg - one;
  • olive oil - a tablespoon.

Cooking method:

  • Melt the honey.
  • Separate the yolk from the protein.
  • Combine the yolk, honey and butter in a blender.

The product nourishes and moisturizes the curls well, after which they become firm and elastic, soft and pleasant to the touch. Dull and dry strands seem to come to life after applying the mask. The effect will be especially noticeable if you apply the mask in the evening, leave it on your head until the morning and only in the morning rinse it off with warm water using shampoo. True, those with oily hair should not leave the mask overnight - just hold it on your head for a couple of hours.

Nourishing mask with honey

  • baking yeast - 50 g;
  • milk - half a glass;
  • honey - two large spoons.

Cooking method:

  • Heat the milk and dilute the yeast in it.
  • Melt honey and combine with yeast, mix well so that the mass is homogeneous.

Apply the mask, preferably warm, rubbing lightly into the scalp. Yeast enhances the nutritional properties of honey and itself saturates the hair follicles with useful substances. As a result, the hair becomes strong, elastic, and falls out less. The optimal exposure time of the mask is from an hour to one and a half hours. After it is washed off with water and shampoo.

Strengthening honey-cognac mask

  • cognac - a tablespoon;
  • chicken egg - one;
  • honey - dessert spoon.

Cooking method:

  • Melt the honey.
  • Separate the yolk from the protein, rub the yolk thoroughly together with honey.
  • Add cognac, stir well.

Before use, the mask can be slightly warmed up in a water bath. Thanks to the presence of cognac in it, useful elements from honey and eggs will be absorbed better, since alcohol will give a warming effect. This will strengthen the curls. They keep the mask on the head for half an hour, but always under a hat and a towel - without insulation, the result will be quite insignificant.

Hair loss honey mask

  • bow - one head;
  • garlic - one clove;
  • honey is a big spoon.

Cooking method:

  • Chop the onion in a blender.
  • Squeeze the garlic into the onion gruel.
  • Melt the honey and mix with the resulting mixture.

Such a mask is applied only to the roots of the hair, it makes no sense to distribute it along the entire length, especially since then it will be more difficult to wash it off. The head is insulated and allowed to wait for 20 minutes. If the burning sensation is weak, then you can sit with the mask for another 10 minutes. If the baking is strong enough, limit the exposure time to the mask. The mask stimulates blood circulation in the epidermis well, due to which the nutrition of the hair follicles is enhanced. They get a lot of nutrients from onions, garlic and honey. This improves their vital functions, strengthens the curls and stops their loss. The mask is recommended for the treatment of alopecia, but it can also be used prophylactically.

Mustard honey mask for hair growth

  • mustard (powder) - a tablespoon;
  • water -? glasses;
  • honey - dessert spoon;
  • burdock oil - a tablespoon;
  • chicken egg - one.

Cooking method:

  • Dilute the mustard with lukewarm water to make a smooth paste.
  • Separate the yolk from the protein, combine the yolk with mustard, rub well.
  • Melt the honey and add it to the mustard-egg mass, pour in the butter, mix everything well.

Due to the local irritating property of mustard powder, blood circulation in the skin will increase, especially if you warm your head. As a result, nutrients from honey and yolk will enter the hair follicles in greater quantities. In addition, the follicles will receive more oxygen. All this together will strengthen the curls and accelerate their growth. With regular use of the mask, a prickly “hedgehog” appears on the head - this means that the mask has awakened the “dormant” follicles. So as a result of using the mask, the hair becomes noticeably thicker. Keep the mask on the hair for 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the sensations. Applied in courses of 5-10 sessions with a break between sessions of 7-10 days. Important: the product is intended for application to the scalp and hair roots - do not apply it to the curls, otherwise they will become dry and brittle.

Beer mask with honey for lush hair

  • unpasteurized beer - half a glass;
  • honey - two large spoons.

Cooking method:

  • Melt honey in a water bath.
  • Without removing from the water bath, pour beer into the honey.
  • Stir until the honey is completely dissolved in the beer, after which the composition can be removed from the water bath.

Apply the mask warm, applying it to the hair along its entire length. They keep the product on the hair for a short time, for a quarter of an hour, although there will be no harm from a longer exposure. Just 15 minutes is enough for the mask to have the expected effect on the strands - to make them soft, fluffy, lush. It is recommended to use the product after each shampooing. It is to the liking of owners of coarse and unruly hair, and owners of thin curls.

Honey mask for hair shine

  • aloe - 2 leaves;
  • honey - dessert spoon;
  • almond oil - dessert spoon;
  • chicken egg - one.

Cooking method:

  • Squeeze the juice from the aloe leaves.
  • Melt honey and mix with butter.
  • Separate the yolk from the protein, beat into the honey-oil mixture.
  • Add aloe juice to the mixture, mix well.

The mask is recommended to be applied both to the roots and to the curls along their entire length. It has a moisturizing and refreshing effect on them, gives the curls a lively shine. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the scalp. The recommended exposure time of the mask is half an hour, but the effect will be noticeable even if this time is halved.

Mask for colored hair

  • honey - two tablespoons;
  • one pomegranate.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the pomegranate, squeeze the juice from its berries.
  • Melt the honey and combine with the pomegranate juice, stirring well.

After dyeing your hair, you want the curls to retain their color saturation and healthy shine for as long as possible. A mask of honey and pomegranate juice will help to achieve this goal. Apply it along the entire length of the strands for half an hour. The mask is suitable for those who dyed their hair in different shades of red.

Mask for bleached hair

  • honey - a tablespoon;
  • lemon - one.

Cooking method:

  • Squeeze lemon juice.
  • Heat honey in a water bath and mix with lemon juice.

The mask takes care of the hair, giving it shine and a pleasant golden hue. Can also be used to lighten light brown hair. You need to keep it on your hair for half an hour if it is about leaving, and an hour and a half if you want to make your hair lighter.

The secrets of a beautiful healthy head of hair lie not in purchasing expensive cosmetic products, but in using the “right” ingredients, ideally suited for each type.

Despite the presence of a number of products on the market that promise manageable, shiny and healthy hair, the chemicals they contain can be harmful in the long run.

The beneficial effects of honey

This is a natural product that occupies an honorable place in the rules of a healthy lifestyle. It is appreciated not only in folk medicine, but also in cosmetology. Natural sweetness is rich in many important substances, its use provides shine, strength, health to curls. The medicinal properties of the bee product are to strengthen hair follicles, promote growth.

It is a natural moisturizer that retains moisture in both hair and skin, preventing dryness and dandruff.

What ingredients to use in combination with honey:

  • for oily hair - lemon, garlic, agave, olive oil;
  • for strengthening and growth - castor oil, chamomile;
  • for shine and shine - mustard, lemon juice;
  • from loss - yolk, burdock oil, brandy.

To get the most out of your honey hair repair masks, follow these tips.

  1. If you need to heat the ingredients, do it slowly in a water bath. Rapid heating destroys the medicinal properties of the bee product and therefore reduces its effectiveness.
  2. When doing your beauty treatment at home, use a fresh blend made with fresh ingredients.
  3. After applying this mask, wrap your head with a warm towel or handkerchief. This will ensure maximum penetration of active substances into the scalp.
  4. Keep the mixture on your head for at least an hour, wrapped in plastic and a towel.
  5. After the procedure, do not wash your head with hot water! An ideal option is herbal tea (plantain, chamomile, calendula, nettle).
  6. Do not use a hair dryer to dry.

Honey shampoo

The main recipe for traditional medicine is the use of natural sweetness as a shampoo. Dissolve 1 tbsp. honey in 100 ml of warm water. Pour the mixture into a squeezable bottle and, while in the shower, gently pour the solution over your hair. Try to apply it as close to the roots as possible. Massage your scalp gently for about 1 minute.

Rinse. If you are just starting to use honey as a shampoo, you may feel a little dry at first after washing, until you get used to the new natural remedy.

Air conditioning

Mix 1/2 tsp. bee product with conventional conditioner. Apply to damp hair and massage. Rinse off after 5 minutes.


Consider masks based on honey, as auxiliary components - other natural products that are useful both for health and beauty. They are suitable not only for women, but also for men with long hair.


The mask is designed to revitalize and strengthen hair. Take:

  • 1 tbsp. cinnamon, honey;
  • 1 banana;
  • 3 tbsp jojoba oil.
