Scientific proof of the existence of God. Does God exist? Science answers yes

Believe it or not

Does God exist? This is a rather topical issue of all times and peoples. Of course, religion gives only a positive answer to it. If a person is not an atheist, then he believes in the Almighty, regardless of whether he exists or not! Until recently, it was impossible to prove the existence of the Lord through mathematical calculations and physical formulas. The only and indisputable proof of the Creator's existence was considered to be a firm belief in him and knowledge gleaned from the Bible... But first things first.

"Seventh Proof"

Do you remember how Bulgakov's heroes - the editor Berlioz and the poet Bezdomny - in the chapter entitled "The Seventh Proof" (the novel "The Master and Margarita") assured Satan (Woland) himself that neither the devil nor God exists? True, they should be given their due: they did not know who was in front of them. But Woland was not at all moved by this justification. He did not like these atheistic speeches directed at the Almighty. Woland - evil, but fair! He firmly knows that God exists, and he does not accept such speeches that refute such truths! In general, the aforementioned literary figures were punished - each in his own way: Berlioz had his head cut off by a tram, and Bezdomny became a schizophrenic and, pardon the pun, found his home in ... a psychiatric hospital. Do you understand what I'm getting at? If suddenly you find yourself involved in a discussion on the topic "Does God exist?", do not furiously, foaming at the mouth, deny the very fact of his existence! It might backfire on you! It’s better to get out with a joke by answering “I didn’t see it - I don’t know” ...

Let's take a word

Whether God exists or not - everyone decides for himself. Statistics show that almost 90% of the world's population believe in the Almighty today. The remaining 10% are divided approximately equally into those who believe not so much in the Lord, but in the existence of some higher powers, and those who believe only in themselves, calling all talk about the Creator - inventions of religious fanatics. Be that as it may, but it is impossible to prove with complete certainty whether God exists. Just like you can't disprove it. The Holy Orthodox Book (Bible) says that a person must accept the existence of the Creator as an indisputable fact by his very faith in the Lord, which many people do with great pleasure.

Is there or not?

So, we found out that the fact of the existence or absence of the Creator is unprovable from the point of view of the rational logical mind, it can only be taken on faith. It turns out a kind of "axiom". Now let's talk about what, perhaps, will soon turn some of our religious ideas, pleasantly surprising believers. Science has proven the existence of God!

Scientific justification for the existence of the Lord

For a long time, pundits did not touch this aspect. Since the purpose of science is to study the material world with the help of rational empirical methods, and the Lord is not material, no scientific explanations were given for this. The question "Does God exist" was completely given over to religion. Today, however, it is the scientists who take the liberty of unequivocally asserting that there is a Creator! How do they prove it?


They say that the material world was created by the non-material Lord, which corresponds to the law of conservation of energy (the first law of thermodynamics), which states that energy (matter) does not arise on its own, that is, "out of nowhere." Indeed, at the present time there is no longer any matter but the existing one. This is consistent with biblical statements that the Creator completed his creation in the first six days. In other words, since that time God no longer creates new matter. The second law of thermodynamics is clearly seen in the "curse" mentioned in the Bible. His Lord imposed on the material world.

In the form of a conclusion

It is these reflections that are given as the main argument regarding the existence of the Almighty. This is a logical consequence of two fundamental and scientifically proven laws of thermodynamics established empirically.

Cause and Effect: Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God

Kylie Butt

The universe exists and it is real. Every rational thinker should recognize this. If the universe didn't exist, we wouldn't be here at all, and we wouldn't be able to talk about it at all. So the question is: “How did the universe come into being? Did she create herself? If it didn't create itself, there must have been some reason for creating it." In this is evidence for the existence of God .

Let's look at the law of cause and effect. As far as science knows, there are no exceptions to the laws of nature. This, of course, also applies to the law of cause and effect, which is the most universal and most permanent of all laws. In simple words, the law of cause and effect states that any material effect must have an adequate cause that existed before this effect.

There are no material effects without adequate causes. Also, the cause never takes place after the effect. Moreover, the effect can never exceed the cause. That is why scientists say that any material effect must have adequate reason. The river could not become polluted because a frog jumped into it. The book didn't fall off the table because a fly landed on it. These are not valid reasons. For any visible effects, adequate causes must be presented.

Five-year-olds are excellent at applying the law of cause and effect. We can imagine a small child asking, “Mom, where did peaches come from?” Mom replies that they grew up on a peach tree. The child then asks where the peach tree came from, and the mother explains that it grew from a peach tree. And you see this circle. Finally, the child wants to know where the first peach tree came from. He sees that everything must have a reason, and he wants to know what that reason was.

source - NASA

One thing can be said with complete certainty: the universe did not create itself! We know this as a scientific fact, because matter cannot create matter. If we take a stone weighing 450 grams and run 50,000 experiments on it, we will still never be able to create anything more than a stone weighing 450 grams. So, whatever caused the creation of the universe, it couldn't be something material.


I know that for an intelligent person like you it may be offensive that I included this paragraph here, but many people today claim that the universe arose from nothing. However, if there ever were times when nothing existed, then nothing would exist now. After all, the law that nothing comes out of nothing has always been in effect. If something exists now, then something has always existed.

Evidence for the Existence of God - THE BIBLE TALKS ABOUT THE REASON

The Bible, of course, is not silent about what caused the creation of the universe. The very first verse of the very first book of the Bible says: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". Acts 17:24 notes that God, who created the world and everything in it, is Lord of heaven and earth. Exodus 20:11 says: "In six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them".

  1. Without a doubt, God is the adequate cause, since He is omnipotent. In Genesis 17:1, God told Abraham: "I'm God Omnipotent» .
  2. The existence of God was before the appearance of the material world, meeting the criterion that the cause must exist before the effect. The psalmist wrote: “Before the mountains were born, and you formed the earth and the universe, and from everlasting to everlasting you are God” (Psalm 90:3). Here are the textual and logical proofs of the existence of God
  3. And, of course, He wanted to instill in humanity the concept of morality, since He is the God of morality. Titus 1:2 says that God is immutable in his word.

Only the Existence of God meets all the necessary criteria for an adequate cause, which was before the appearance of the Universe (proof of the existence of the Creator).

source - NASA

Evidence for the Existence of God, WHY IS THERE NO REASON FOR GOD?

Wait a minute! If we say that every material effect must have a cause, and we say that only the existence of God could cause the universe to come into existence, a reasonable question arises: "What caused the creation of God?" Doesn't the law of cause and effect apply to God?

There is one word in the law of cause and effect that will help us answer this question. This word " material". Each material the effect must have a cause that existed before it. Scientists have formulated the law of cause and effect based on their observations of the Universe, which consists of matter. No scientific proof of the existence of God or experiments can be done on God because He is the eternal Spirit and not matter (John 4:24). Science is still far from knowing everything about the material world, and even further from understanding the eternal nature of God's existence. There must have been some first cause, and the existence of God is the only appropriate answer. , which is not material, cannot be found scientifically. But everything points to the existence of a God.

Evidence for the Existence of God - CONCLUSION

The law of cause and effect is a well founded law with no known exceptions. It was not created so that creationists could find evidence for the existence of God (although he does a great job of proving it). There is ample evidence for the existence of God, evidence that some non-material cause was necessary for the appearance of the material universe. And this immaterial cause is the existence of God. If the universe were created by natural forces that randomly produced some kind of selection, then it would be impossible to explain the morality of man. Why does the universe exist? Because in the beginning was God.

American intelligent design proponent Thomas Woodward visited Denmark and presented a refutation of Darwin's theory of evolution. The journalist Videnskab discussed his hypothesis with Danish scientists.

On a Saturday evening in May, Thomas Woodward enters Hoynes Church in Rødovre. The audience prepares to listen to Woodward's third lecture entitled "Scientific Evidence for the Existence of God?"

The invitation describes the lecturer as follows: “Dr. Thomas E. Woodward is a professor at Trinity College in Florida and the author of several books questioning the teachings of Darwin. Woodward will talk about the results of scientific studies that do not support pure materialism, but rather give reason to believe in a creator God.

In other words, Woodward is a supporter of the idea of ​​the so-called intelligent design. The meaning of the idea is that natural science and especially Darwin's theory of evolution cannot explain the origin and development of life. Behind all this is God. The author of intelligent design.


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The Wall Street Journal 27.12.2014 Intelligent design versus evolution

“Intelligent design theory analyzes the physical world to find out what is due to nature and what is due to divine design. To be convinced that the theory is correct, we can study samples and find evidence in nature.

The most compelling evidence is provided by biology, the professor says, and gives several examples, which in this article will comment on two Danish scientists who support the theory of evolution - Peter Funch, professor of biology at the University of Aarhus, and Tobias Wang, professor of zoophysiology at the same educational institution. ).

Skepticism about the basic principles of evolution

The theory of evolution is based on two basic principles - mutation and natural selection. Mutation is a change in the genetic material that transforms the entire organism, and natural selection is the primary mechanism of evolution. Individuals whose genes are best suited to their environment are the most successful in surviving and reproducing.

Sometimes unfavorable mutations also occur, they make survival difficult and therefore are not passed on to the next generations. In other cases, mutations are useful, as they make the organism stronger and give it an additional chance to survive.

Thomas Woodward says, referring to American biochemist and fellow intelligent design proponent Michael Behe:

“Mutations destroy, not create. The question is whether there is credible evidence that mutations and natural selection can create something new. In my opinion, this is the Achilles' heel of the neo-Darwinian theory."

And what is the opinion of Danish scientists?

“Indeed, most mutations are harmful, but it is not true that they are exclusively destructive. Sometimes mutations occur that make the organism more resistant and give it an advantage over other individuals who do not have similar mutations,” says Peter Fünch. Tobias Wang also disagrees with Woodward's statement.

“Yes, most mutations are destructive, but they are weeded out and only a few positive versions remain. This mechanism is well described.

Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a concrete example of natural selection.

A person with a bacterial infection may be treated with antibiotics that kill the bacteria. But some bacteria have genes that make them better resistant to antibiotics. If they survive, they begin to reproduce in the patient's body, and a new generation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria with the same gene appears. Further in the same spirit. Individuals whose genes are best adapted to their environment survive.

Mystery of the Cambrian Explosion

Thomas Woodward finds another biological sign of intelligent design in fossils.

“The most powerful evidence for design in nature is that living organisms suddenly arose in the Cambrian geologic period without any sign of evolution at work. Marine animals suddenly appeared in the Cambrian, but under the Cambrian layer lies an empty layer with only fossil microorganisms, for example, bacteria.

Thomas Woodward talks about the so-called Cambrian Explosion, which happened about 540 million years ago. According to fossil finds, at the beginning of the Cambrian, marine fauna suddenly arose. Woodward believes that this phenomenon cannot be explained in any way through the theory of evolution.

Animals existed before the Cambrian

The phenomenon of the Cambrian explosion has not yet found a reliable scientific explanation, but there is nothing unnatural in it, says Peter Fünch.

“The statement that there were no animals before the Cambrian explosion is false. There are also older fossil animals, although they are few. I think the Cambrian explosion can be explained by changes in the environment that created better conditions for the emergence of life,” explains Peter Fünch, adding that there are other theories.

For example, many believe that the oxygen content in the atmosphere increased, which determined the existence of a number of life forms.
There is also a simpler explanation.

“The discovery of any fossil today means that they were stored in exceptional conditions. So the farther into the past, the less likely such finds. Fossils of the Cambrian period were found in a small number of places where, for example, landslides could occur and bury fauna under them. The fossils were preserved because there was no oxygen access to them, ”says the scientist.

Scientists continue to argue about why, according to the findings, complex life forms arose at the beginning of the Cambrian period.

Bats defy the theory of evolution?

During a lecture at Redovre, Thomas Woodward shows pictures of a fossil bat.

“This is a bat from the Eocene era, which means it is about 50 million years old. As you can see, its structure is almost identical to the structure of the modern red evening. Just incredible, right? According to the theory of evolution, early bats must be different from the current ones. We cannot observe the step-by-step development that Darwin talked about,” points out Thomas Woodward.

Then he shows a picture of a fossil fern. It is also so similar to the modern one, which grows in any forest around the world, that it is easy to confuse them.

But, according to Tobias Wang, this cannot be called an argument against the theory of evolution.

“Bats or ferns have changed little, because even then they took on a shape that is ideally suited to the environment. Evolution by natural selection does not mean that every organism will necessarily change over time. Since the bat is so well adapted to its conditions of life, it is quite natural that it does not change.

Intelligent design is a matter of faith

Until we have undeniable explanations for the emergence and development of the universe and life in it, the conflict between the natural sciences and the theory of intelligent design will continue, and maybe even longer, because the natural sciences, by definition, cannot prove that the creator did not exist, concludes Tobias Wang.

“The discussion about whether there is a creator of everything will never exhaust itself. It's all about faith. If one chooses to believe that the universe and life came into existence as a result of divine intervention, then this is a matter of religion. Of course, science has problems with this. Even if natural evidence is found, intelligent designers can always take a step back and point to the creator as the cause of everything.”

Thomas Woodward in Denmark

Intelligent design professor Thomas Woodward from the American Trinity College in Florida visited Denmark at the end of May with a series of lectures.

The performance at the Höynes church was one of the last on his Danish tour. He also visited Mariager, Aarhus and Copenhagen and told why he believes that life was created by the creator and developed under his supervision.

Especially for Sergei.

The evidence is based on the laws of thermodynamics

It is a very common point of view that the existence of God it is unprovable by rational-logical means that His existence can only be taken on faith as an axiom. If you want - believe, if you want - do not believe - this is a personal matter for everyone. As for Sciences, then it is most often considered that her business is to study our material world, to study rational-empirical methods, and since God intangible, then the science has nothing to do with Him - let, so to speak, “deal with” Him religion.

In fact, this is just not true - exactly the science provides us with the most compelling evidence for the existence God the Creator everything around us material world.

Already in the 9th grade of secondary school, students have an idea of ​​some fundamental scientific laws, for example, about Law of conservation of energy(also called the 1st Law of Thermodynamics), and the Law of Spontaneous Growth entropy, also known as 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. So, the existence of the biblical Creator God is a direct logical consequence of these two most important scientific laws.

Let us first ask ourselves the question: where did the observed by us surrounding us come from? material world? There are several possible answers to it:

1) World slowly evolved over many billions or trillions of years from some " primeval matter". At present, this is, so to speak, the "generally accepted" point of view. As if once there was a complete chaos, which then, for unknown reasons, suddenly "exploded" ( The Big Bang Theory) and then slowly evolved» from « primary broth” to amoeba, and then to humans.

2) Material world always existed, forever, in the form in which we observe it now.

3) Material world just took it and arose from nothing by itself a certain time ago.

4) World was created God some time ago as primeval chaotic matter, and then evolved to the modern form over many millions of years, but not "by itself", but under the influence of the same God. This is the so-called theory theistic evolution”, which is now also quite fashionable.

5) Material world was created from nothing God a certain time ago, completely completed and from then to the present is in a state of gradual degradation. Is this a biblical concept, or creationism.

Now armed with the 1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics, let's try to answer the question which of these concepts is correct, or, more precisely, which of them laws at least not contradictory.

The 1st of the above concepts, quite obviously, contradicts 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, according to which all natural spontaneous processes going in the direction of increasing entropy(i.e, chaos, disorder) systems. Evolution as spontaneous complication natural systems is completely and utterly unambiguously prohibited 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. This law tells us that chaos never, under any circumstances, can be established by itself order. Spontaneous complication any natural system is impossible. For example, " primordial broth"never, under any circumstances, for any trillions and billions of years could not give rise to more highly organized protein bodies, which, in turn, could never, not for any trillions of years" evolve» in such highly organized structure, as a man. Thus, this "conventional" modern view of origin of the universe is absolutely wrong, as it contradicts one of the fundamental empirically established scientific laws2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

2nd concept also contradicts 2nd Law. For if our material world was eternal and had no beginning in time, it is quite obvious that, according to 2nd Law, is he degraded by now to the level of full chaos. We, however, observe in the world around us highly ordered structures which, by the way, we ourselves are. So, the logical consequence of the 2nd Law is the conclusion that our Universe, all around us material world had a beginning in time.

3rd concept, according to which world arose from nothing “by itself” a certain time ago in a ready highly ordered sight, and since then slowly degrades, - of course, does not contradict the 2nd Law. But ... it is contrary to the 1st Law ( Law of conservation of energy), Whereby, energy(or matter, as E=mcc) cannot arise by itself, out of nothing.

Fashionable now 4th concept, according to which evolution exists, but not “in itself”, but under “ God's control", also contradicts 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. This law, in fact, it doesn't matter if the evolution"on its own", or "under the guidance of God". He simply speaks of the fundamental impossibility of flow in nature evolutionary processes and fixes the presence in it processes directly opposite - processes of spontaneous disorganization. If evolutionary processes of self-complication existed in nature (regardless of whether under the influence of God, or without it), then 2nd Law simply would not have been discovered and formulated science in the form in which it currently exists.

And only the 5th, biblical concept, creationism, fully satisfies both fundamental scientific laws. Material world did not arise by itself, it was created by an intangible God- and it matches Law of conservation of energy (1st Law of Thermodynamics), Whereby matter does not arise on its own out of nothing. Wherein 1st Law establishes the absence of matter (energy) from nothing at the present time, which also corresponds to the biblical statement that "in 6 days completed God his deeds, and rested,” that is, that from that time God no longer creates new matter. The one mentioned in bible"curse" inflicted God on the material world, just corresponds to the action 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

Thus, one can calmly and boldly, without any exaggeration, assert that creation material world proven by science, since this fact is an obvious logical consequence of two fundamental, empirically established scientific laws1st and 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics.

Another thing is that, after all, science you can not believe. For example, various inventors perpetual motion machines, in fact, do not believe in the truth 1st Law of Thermodynamics - Law of Conservation of Energy. Therefore, they are trying to invent a mechanism that would create energy"out of nothing". Similarly, those who believe in the truth theories of evolution, in fact, do not believe in the truth 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, which clearly prohibits the possibility evolution as self-complicating process- and in the same way they are trying to "invent", to come up with a supposedly existing "mechanism" or law, according to which there would be processes of self-organization of matter.

In this article, we will consider what in science is called the Cosmological and Teleological proof of the existence of God.

Convincing yourself that God really exists is actually not at all difficult. You don't have to be a scientist to do this, you don't have to have a special education or know the Bible. You just need to honestly and impartially look at the whole world around you and ask yourself a simple question: Where did all this come from?

How did the whole existing world appear: man, nature, Earth, the Universe? Could all this have come about on its own?

Artur Shavlov,
scientist physicist.

Artur Shavlov, renowned scientist and Nobel Prize winner in physics, wrote:

The world is so amazing that I can’t even imagine that it happened by pure chance.

If someone told me that, for example, my computer appeared by itself, then I would not even take it seriously. A computer is a complex device that many people have worked to design and manufacture. And although I have never seen these people, and I have not seen how my computer was made, but I can be 100% sure that it did not appear on its own, that there are people who designed it and manufactured it.

However, the world around us is much more complicated, and even more so, it could not appear on its own. Therefore, we can be sure that there is someone who created it. And it is Him, the Creator of our world, that we call God. Thus:

The existence of the surrounding world is proof of the existence of God, who created this world.

The legendary scientist and founder of modern chemistry, Robert Boyle, put it this way:

The immensity, beauty and harmony of the cosmos, the amazing structure of the animal and plant world, other wonderful natural phenomena - all this rightly prompts a reasonable and unbiased observer to come to the conclusion about the existence of a higher, powerful, righteous and good Creator.

This thought was also close to another no less famous scientist, Albert Einstein, who wrote:

The deeper I study the world around me, the greater my faith in God becomes.

The world in which we live is so amazing and complex that many natural processes remain an unsolvable mystery even for modern science. Science, for example, still does not know the answer to such a seemingly simple question as: what contributes to the growth of teeth in a child. Scientists only have different theories and assumptions on this subject, but so far the mechanism of tooth growth is not fully understood. Other examples of the amazing structure of our world are described in scientific documentaries in the section.

The fact that our whole so complex and wonderful world was created by Someone - you don’t even have to believe in it, it’s just an obvious fact. But in order to believe that all this happened by itself, by chance, - for this you really need a very great faith, which would be instilled in a person all his life from childhood. And such a belief is indeed inculcated by the so-called theory of evolution.

Despite the fact that, according to many famous scientists, the theory of evolution contradicts the fundamental laws of physics (read more about this in the article), it nevertheless continues to have a huge impact on people in modern society. According to recent surveys conducted by the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center, 35% of respondents said they believe in the theory of evolution.

Thus, about a third of society succumbed to the influence of this widely propagated idea and believed that everything appeared on its own and evolved into highly developed forms of life on its own. But every thinking person understands perfectly well that nothing appears by itself. Our wonderful world was created by Someone. Therefore, as Robert Milliken, also the owner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, said:

I have never met a thinking person who did not believe in God.
  • about God:
