Rune Isa: meaning, description and interpretation. Magic rune Isa - meaning and photo

The rune Isa occupies a special position among the signs of the Elder Futhark. Designation magic symbol reminds English letter I ( ). The mysterious letter is very powerful and is associated with the word “ice”, “freezing”, suspension of any process or activity.

The appearance of the Isa rune

The need for the appearance of the Isa rune is directly related to the internal and external processes of life, relationships between people. A kind of freeze that temporarily stops a certain kind events. They ask this symbol about how to behave in a specific situation or setting.

The rune answers in monosyllables when there is a need to temporarily stop doing what you have planned. It's time to wait a little and then continue. How long you need to wait will be determined by other runes that appear in the runic spell.

Runa Isa advises that during the “freezing of affairs” not just move away from them, but think through everything carefully, plan again, make sure that everything is correct, without harming anyone. Often stopping activities allows you to rethink and turn things around. Perhaps the questioner is confused, he needs time, and then go the right way. Trying to circumvent the warnings of the pentagram with cunning and deception, you can only harm yourself. The arrival of the rune is natural and there is no need to change the inevitable.

The meaning of the rune Isa

Based on the area from which the questioner wants to know the answer, the meaning of the interpretation changes, but the essence remains the same.

Basic meaning

Suspension and freezing often concern not only external factors, and above all internal. It is important to be careful and be able to compare everything sensibly. You need to learn to compare the main meaning with what is happening in life and find a connection. Understand that when asking about health, you need to deal with it; about a career means to understand the work field. Ice touches everything that exists.

Love and relationships

Speaking about gender relations, such a sign is characterized by a prediction of an upcoming quarrel, betrayal or mistrust. Serious conflicts will certainly follow, but the neighboring runes will tell you how dangerous everything will be.

Work and career

Affairs, projects, and perhaps professional activity In general, it will have to be suspended for a while. In any case, the matter will get stuck in place, activity will fade away. Relationships with colleagues can deteriorate sharply. Those around you and the authorities are cool and do not show any participation in the applicant’s business. If in addition the rune is surrounded by negative brothers, this arrangement means one thing - you need to leave your favorite field. It's about to get worse.

It is very important what accompanies the rune, often everything is not as bad as it might seem at first glance, the main thing is to correctly evaluate and humbly accept the information received.

The meaning of the reversed Isa rune

In fact, based on the spelling of the letter, the fortune-telling layout is always the same, no matter how you look at it; this symbol cannot appear upside down, because in any case it remains the same. However, to distinguish the position of the sign, pay attention to where the point was originally located.

Basic meaning

The great sign of procrastination, if reversed, means the same interpretation, but with a negative, negative slant. It is considered very powerful, it cannot be denied, and it does not make sense; upcoming events will happen in any case and their outcome directly depends on whether the questioner finds the strength to slow down and stop for a while in the planned process.

Comprehend everything that is happening with a different perspective, and after a while return to your endeavors, ending with inevitable success. You need to realize that the advice is important and positive. An unexpected obstacle lasts different period time, you need to be able to wait out the wait, occupying this time with thoughts, your thoughts about the matter.

Love and relationships

Indicates misunderstanding, lack of respect, love and attraction. At the same time, it is important to realize that nothing can be done right now, and perhaps it is not necessary. After taking a pause, everything will fall into place. A person realizes whether these relationships are important to him or whether they have completely outlived their usefulness.

Work and career

A sudden negative obstacle indicates a loss of motivation. The desire to create, to create, to do what you love has disappeared. Everything is so confusing, incomprehensible primarily to the person asking.

That is why, in order not to aggravate the situation further, or even to lose a once-loved job, it is advisable to take a vacation, stepping away from work for a while. Although, it is often better to simply quit and look for a more suitable option.

In fact, the falling rune of the inverted version indicates that there is no serious background to what is happening. It's just time to do it this way, you can't go any other way. Relationships and undertakings were plunged into uncertainty, they were drawn into darkness, covered muddy water. The hopes are unjustified, the desired result will not come, but this is only for now. With patience, you will be able to overcome everything, and then what you want will become inevitable.

The pentagram, interesting in its design, advises never to rush. Evaluate what is happening around you calmly, without rushing, and always take a pause before any undertaking.

It is important to realize that the less worried, worried, or in a hurry the applicant is, the better things will turn out and the success will be colossal.

Magical use of Isa

Practicing magicians, psychics and fortune tellers often turn to the freezing sign for help. The card, which suspends any process, is quite effective for both good deeds and negative messages. The white magician’s ideas concern the “freezing” of diseases, the black “drying” of beloved hearts.

At the same time, it is important to realize that any process is postponed only for a while; if the questioner behaves correctly, he will be able to delay it for a certain period, or speed up its occurrence. It is advisable not to use bad ideas, since everyone bears a certain price for what they do. Allows the karmic symbol to analyze the work of the magician. Protect from black negativity.

Talismans and amulets made from runes

A symbol that is not entirely universal in its description will become an ideal protector, a person’s assistant. However, it must be used with some caution. Talismans, amulets and amulets often feature his image. Anyone can wear such products, regardless of gender and age.

It is advisable to acquire such a talisman for those who react strongly to what is happening around them, for those who worry too much, taking everything to heart. Such a protector will help a person become a little different - not so sentimental, even cold-blooded. Other people's problems will cease to be important.

This characteristic magic sign without this, it will make an indifferent person selfish, therefore, having a similar disposition, you cannot carry such talismans with you. Indifference will affect the dearest loved ones, who at a difficult moment will dare to ask for protection and help.

The meaning of the Isa rune as a tattoo

Knowing that Isa does not have the opposite position, many, comparing its beneficial effect on a person’s aura, decide to put a tattoo with this image on their body. Despite the fact that the interpretation of the symbol is positive, this is not recommended.

Anyone who wears such a pentagram on his body risks living his life in complete “freezing.” Such a person will have no illusions about what is happening, and will not experience a feeling of pity and compassion for loved ones.

His actions and actions will always be slow, and when necessary, he will still not do anything. The state of suspended animation will certainly affect the fate of the person asking and his surroundings. It can cause significant harm in career matters and personal relationships.

Formulas with the rune Isa

Depending on what formula Isa contains, the interpretation of the situation changes, but everywhere the essence remains unshakable - pause:

  1. Mannaz (inverted) – Isa. What is happening now needs to be stopped as soon as possible, or the questioner is looking for benefit for himself personally, without thinking at all about those around him. At the same time, in all problems and difficulties, he tries to find someone’s fault.
  2. Isa - Dagaz. A positive neighborhood confirms that stagnation will end very soon, and the time will come for active action.
  3. Eyvaz - Algiz - Isa. There are inevitable obstacles to be overcome in order for everything to be successful; it is recommended to pause the movement. Obstacles were created by higher forces, with some kind of protection for the person himself, allowing him to bypass the trouble by gathering his thoughts.
  4. Turisaz - Isa. Soon things in the labor field will become as bad as possible, the reason is associated with the intervention of ill-wishers whose rank is higher.
  5. Soulu - Isa. Problems at work are associated with a person who was once very offended by you.
  6. Perth (reversed) – Isa. Your significant other no longer has any feelings for you, it’s gone sexual attraction, spiritual attraction.
  7. Laguz - Isa. Treason has recently occurred or will happen very soon.
  8. Teyvaz - Isa. The head of your “half” is filled with thoughts of a completely different man.
  9. Laguz - Berkana - Isa. Your chosen one is in love with another woman, most likely a married person.
  10. Teyvaz - Turisaz - Isa. The applicant is under the most powerful protection. Any negativity sent by bad people will be rejected.

When using runes to answer your questions, you should remember the main thing - the interpretation of the signs can differ significantly. Different experts interpret many things in their own way, but the essence cannot be changed. It is important to listen to what is said and be able to perceive it correctly.

Rune Isa (Isa) is the rune of stagnation, ice, death, the end of something. This is the goddess of Fate, who rules over current situations in life. The rune symbolizes stagnation and degradation of any processes. Nose reverse side has a hidden development of an internal magical state. The symbol of the rune is a vertically drawn straight line, like a connection between heaven and earth. Isa is ice, the solid state of water when any process or development is frozen.

Rune of stagnation, ice, death, the end of something - “Isa”

Although this is a stationary, passive process, it helps to understand further actions so as not to make mistakes. When the ice falls on the river, we can only see the shell and it seems that life there has stopped. But all the signs of life are preserved there and this does not prevent them from developing and existing. So, the Isa rune, the meaning of which is not to hinder development, but to freeze and preserve the existing result, to think about your actions and further correct development.

The main meaning of the rune

The Isa rune can only be in one position; it cannot be inverted. Its main meaning is to stop a process.

But this is not enough for a complete picture. It all depends on what runes Isa is in relationship with.

Definitely, if you want advancement in your career, in love, in some business, you should not use this rune separately. You need to add a certain runic becoming or formula. But there are some nuances here too.

In combination with other runes, the meaning of the Isa rune may change. There are runes that are completely incompatible with each other, so it is important to choose the right pair:

  1. Isa-Thurisaz. The interpretation of such a pair will tell you that it’s time to find the necessary strong shoulder, advisor and friend in life.
  2. Isa-Yer - be attentive to what is happening around you. Watch your words and actions, otherwise the consequences will be bad.
  3. Isa and the inverted rune Algiz - stop being a victim. Your internal stagnation is precisely due to unnecessary self-sacrifice.
  4. Soulu - such a couple speaks of an excessive rush of events. There is no need to chase after something and try to get ahead of everyone. Don't jump over your head. Monitor your actions. Pause the process and think about it again.
  5. The direct rune Mannaz-Isa reveals your internal stagnation. The Mannaz rune itself has a similar meaning - it is the rune of the relationship between one’s own self and another world.

Many runes paired with others provide more specificity and understanding. The Isa rune also has the meaning of spring. Rebirth into something new, but this is a very long and tedious process. You cannot influence the acceleration of development in any way, but it will slowly but surely move towards its goal.

It will be difficult for impatient and active people during this period of life; this can lead to depression and stress. This can be compared to pregnancy in women; this process cannot be influenced in any way, it is laid down by nature and you just have to wait for the birth of something new.

Waiting is hard for all people without exception; no one likes the opportunity to sit in one place and wait for a miracle.

If you are the same restless person, then find yourself another goal, strive for it, develop, and when the time comes, you will rise higher for yourself in every sense.

Fortune telling for love or relationships

The relationship layout has a similar meaning as in its usual state - love at a dead end, cooling, hostility and even disgust. Predicts betrayal of both one and both parties. When doing fortune telling, when the inverted Laguz rune with the Isa rune appears, your partner has cheated on you (is cheating). It is fraught with a break with your soulmate, disappointment in love, mistrust, hostility and cooling.

The option when any rune falls upside down from Isa is definitely a break in the relationship. Moreover, the termination of any ties with this person: friendly, intimate, love, physical.

If during fortune telling the pair Isa-Teyvaz appears, then your other half has a lover, which is why your relationship is now at a dead end, there is no attraction in your direction.

Perth-Isa pair - loss of spiritual connection, disgust from you as a man (woman). Reversed Mannaz-Isa suggests that your relationship is not completely lost, you should wait for a while, let everything take its course, and then take any action.

Career fortune telling

In pairs: with Feu - this means that everything can still be saved, you just need to wait for the right moment and then try your hand again; with Turisaz - your boss or a high-ranking person in society is preventing you; a couple with Soulu - this could be your colleague or an envious person, for the sake of his own benefit or envy, he is ready to sacrifice common achievements and goals, just to make you feel bad; with Dagaz - reconsider your worldview, if you have a difficult character, it is not easy for everyone to get along with him, the principle of “go over your head for the sake of a goal” is good, but as long as it does not harm you.

Did the “Isa” rune fall out along with the “Dagaz” rune? You should think about your character and reconsider your worldview!

Summing up

The principle of the Isa rune is that there is no need to rush things, accept the passage of time and let everything take its course; when the time comes to get involved in the work, higher powers will tell you.

It’s worth taking a break from the process, from work, even from love relationship to understand yourself, understand your purpose, prevent mistakes in the future and solve problems of the past. This is a time of wisdom, perseverance, and analysis of the situation from the outside.

The best adviser for you is yourself, your inner world, connection with space. In order not to drive yourself into depression, take a break, it cannot be that only this business requires advancement, that this relationship requires salvation. No. You only need to put yourself first. You are the most important person for yourself, and what is happening in your life, in this moment, what awaits in the future - it all also depends solely on you.

It is worth being like the symbol of Isa - vertical, reaching upward and keeping in touch with the worldly and unearthly.

Waiting is a difficult process, it is difficult to accept the situation as it is at the moment, it is impossible to be 100% satisfied with something. There is no point in complaining about fate or life. The main thing is not to lose your inner Spirit, strength and break through the ice. Success is not easy to achieve, but to understand what to strive for, not to lose your inner core and be sure that everything will change.

The value of Isa’s experiences seems unnecessary to anyone, but these are wrong thoughts. Nothing ever works out the first time. Having discovered this rune, you find yourself in nature, there is no external noise, you have time to listen and hear your thoughts. Life seems to freeze around, and awareness of oneself and the inner self is the highest value; not everyone is given this.

The main advice of the Isa rune is to relax and go with the flow. If the wind blows, become this wind; if the sun illuminates with its rays, then become these rays. Favorable time He will come to continue business, but for now it’s worth resting and unraveling from the web of the Universe.

Most often in complex life situations we turn to mysticism, esotericism, occultism. Perhaps we are at a crossroads and don't know where to go next. Or the pace of life is so intense and intense that we don’t have time to follow it and don’t know where it will all lead us.

Or maybe the future is so foggy and vague that simply living, moving with the flow, becomes scary. In such situations, you can resort to fortune telling using runes. They help to understand the existing situation or can give useful advice for the future.

So, for example, the Isa rune will ask you to stop and think. And that’s exactly what we’ll talk about in this article.

Features of working with runes

There are specialists you can turn to for help. But establishing your own connection with ancient symbols is not so difficult. Moreover, after this it will open before you new world, the existence of which you only vaguely suspected.

And ancient signs - runes - can become your guide in this hidden mystical side of life. In addition to their historical and occult significance, they have much great opportunities. Thanks to its connection with higher powers, runes can help you solve difficult life issues. They will help open your eyes so that you see what you had not paid attention to before.

To work with runes, you must first of all arm yourself with knowledge. To do this, you can familiarize yourself with the works of great researchers who devoted their lives to revealing the secret meaning of the ancient symbols of Scandinavian culture.

In addition, you will need to clear your mind and thinking from stereotypes accepted in society. Template thinking imposed from the outside will interfere with your desire to touch the sources of spirituality. Freed from this burden, you will be able to more easily master the path that ancient symbols with mystical powers will indicate.

Rune Isa - fortune telling

If you decide to ask for advice by fortune telling with runes, then everything should be done according to the rules.

To begin, create your own ritual kit, which should include:

  • the runes themselves, made of natural material;
  • velvet pouch with drawstrings;
  • pure natural fabric.

Be sure to make sure in advance that there is already a connection between you and the set of created runes.

Before fortune telling, choose a special place on which to spread a clean cloth. Then pick up the rune bag and focus on the question you are about to ask. Pour all the runes onto the canvas. Now turn to the three goddesses of human destiny (norns) for help, saying:

"Urd, Verdandi, Skuld!"

Turn the spilled runes upside down and start mixing them with your right hand clockwise until you feel the need to stop. Then raise your hands and, turning them palms down, hold them for a while over the runes. At this moment, turn to Odin and Freya with the wish not to hide the truth from you.

If you feel a tingling sensation in your palms or a concentration of energy, move them over the runes. As soon as you feel the attraction or distinctive energy of one of the runes, take it out and put it in the right place in the layout. Please note that you cannot turn the rune over during transfer, since its position (straight, inverted) affects the meaning. You need to turn the runes face up after the required number of them has been selected for the layout.

Meaning and interpretation of the Isa rune

Now let's talk about the situation when the Isa rune appeared in your fortune telling. Remember that it can be interpreted both in isolation and in connection with the meanings surrounding it.

Before interpretation, it is necessary to take a quick look at the entire layout, unless it is fortune telling based on one rune, in order to understand it general meaning and existing connections.

So, the Isa rune is one of the most powerful. There is no point in resisting her, since this can lead to very bad consequences. You need to interpret the rune based on the question you asked, although most often the interpretation of fortune telling occurs on an intuitive level.

The main meaning conveyed by the Isa rune is “freezing”, “stagnation”. That is, she focuses on the fact that it is necessary to stop any activity in the area that is discussed in fortune telling. In the situation represented by this symbol, it is important for a person to turn inward to his Ego.

Reflecting on ideas about oneself helps to realize the limitations of one’s capabilities to the level that a person has determined for himself. And then the outward movement begins, designed to destroy the ice of the surrounding frames. But this is not so easy to do, and in this situation it is not necessary. You can simply turn inward to your Ego and expand these boundaries from within. The principle here is clearly expressed: “Do you want to change the world? Begin with yourself!"

It is important during the period of action of this rune to make every effort to freeze and stop the situation. The person himself must put on the brakes, allowing an individual phenomenon to adapt to the movement of the overall system. Moreover, such a stop is akin to the action of a stop valve, which is designed to abruptly stop movement in the event of emergency. And what could be more important than the uncertainty that you are moving in the right direction?

Streamlining activities

The appearance in the layout of such a symbol as the Isa rune will allow the correct distribution of forces and directions for their use. Indeed, in addition to the existing plans and aspirations of an individual person, there is also general system, the universal plan. And often people do not take it into account in their activities, striving to achieve what they want by any means and ways. Such activity can introduce an element of disharmony into the entire system, tearing a person (his physical, mental and spiritual essence) out of the overall picture.

If, being in a certain situation and performing certain actions, you feel that some dissatisfaction or heaviness has settled inside, then this is a sure sign to take a break. Stop, look around, listen to yourself and, through the unnecessary tinsel, realize the truth of your existence and the correct vector of movement.

Moreover, the plan of higher powers will still be fulfilled in one way or another. Therefore, do not resist it and do not disrupt the cyclical movement. Everything goes as it goes, he just needs time to mature, and you need to see the result. Sometimes we forget what waiting is, trying to quickly get closer to the goal, which often leads to disappointment with the result.

Another virtue that the Isa rune reminds us of is humility. It must manifest itself not only in the process of waiting for the planted seeds to ripen, but also in accepting the losses that are inevitable.

After all, some processes occurring in our lives lead along the wrong path. The wrong direction, prompted by untrue aspirations, forces us to spend a lot of energy, physical and spiritual, on what we really don’t need. It is very easy to succumb to such temptation in conditions modern life, which dictates its own rules to us.

That is why it is so important to discard existing prejudices, patterns, guidelines and follow the true path. Yes, you have to come to terms with the loss of something that took a lot of effort. However, it is better to stop now and redirect your activities in the right direction. Rather than reaching a goal and ultimately being disappointed.

Because of this, the rune is often disliked in the scenario. But it is resignation to the expectation and the necessary loss that ultimately leads to the emergence of more important phenomena and events that correspond to your path. Harmony with the processes occurring in the universe will be a real reward in life for you.

Vertical of human life

Isa symbolism corresponds to pure vertical human life. It represents a connection with the Spirit or communication with egregors (mental essences of things) and higher powers through prayer, intuition and other appeals. It is important that this channel is clean and not clogged with alien phenomena (life problems, selfish aspirations).

The Isa sign helps you to better comprehend your essence and understand yourself. This affects the ability to correctly determine your goals and objectives in life. Thanks to this symbolism, a person can cut off the horizontal component of life dictated by social phenomena, and return back to the “home of your soul.”

To do this, of course, we often have to sacrifice the bustle of life and phenomena that burden our consciousness. But such deliverance grants true enlightenment and the opportunity for direct communication with the Spirit and the Creator. This rune calls for spiritual development, self-knowledge through the means that are closest to a person. This could be prayer, meditation and other practices that can help in understanding the deepest within each person. And this is a direct path to a higher spiritual level.

Very often we feel confused and meaningless in life's issues. We don't know where to move next. However, the ability to stop and look inside yourself allows you to clarify the situation.

Numerous external actions that we are forced to perform under the pressure of modern life often make us forget about the most important thing - who we really are and what we strive for.

A spiritually developed person will not be able to feel lonely and abandoned to the mercy of fate. The Isa rune allows you to get rid of excess “garbage”. It gives strength to cope with problems in the “ringing silence” of loneliness.

A person thus finds his inner core, the foundation thanks to which he can accept right decisions further. Therefore, you should not be afraid of this rune, but prepare for the battle for your true essence.

Magic Application

Isa protects against severe stress, slows down the course of events, and helps rationally distribute your time and energy. It promotes the creation of a focus on internal values, as well as the embodiment cherished dream in life. With its help, you can develop willpower, train your ability to solve problems, and resist unexpected obstacles that arise in life. It will cool existing passions and reduce aggressive behavior.

Using the power of Isa can help to:

  • calm down and enter a state of meditation;
  • concentrate attention;
  • neutralize an attack or hostile intentions directed at you;
  • strengthen willpower;
  • overcome anxiety;
  • achieve a sense of balance and stability.

Meditation over this rune will allow you to get answers to the following questions:

  • Am I too cold?
  • Am I in control of my passions?
  • What am I dreaming about?
  • What can I do to make my dreams come true?
  • Am I decisive?
  • Am I able to distance myself from problems?
  • Am I able to make plans wisely?

Amulet from the rune Isa

The purpose of using an amulet with the image of this rune comes from its meaning, which is almost the same for all existing systems. Most often, Isa is used as a rune that gives protection and creates obstacles.

To work with it you need to have considerable experience, since the rune has great power. However, the effort will be worth it in the end. After all, when such an amulet is worn by a person, it creates a unique atmosphere around its owner. magical protection- “ice shell”. It envelops the entire body, like a glacier surrounding a stone.

For greater effect, in addition to using the amulet, it is necessary to periodically perform a small magical ritual. You need to relax, concentrate and draw a rune in front of you with your palm or finger. Then call for protection to the World Ice, which is a powerful and ancient force.

Runa Isa - video

The rune of ice in the literal and figurative sense of the word. The main meaning of the rune is freezing, binding, stagnation. However, it should be remembered that in the Nordic Tradition, ice is, along with fire, one of the creative elements, the unity and opposition of which gives birth to the whole World.

Name: ISA or IS - ice. Ice (Goth.), Ice (English), Ice (Norwegian), Ice (Islamic)

Runic formula — ᛁᛋᚨ

Isa action: ordering, crystallization.

Deity: Ice giant Ymir. (It seems to me wrong to compare with Ymir, although there are similarities, because all matter is created from Ymir’s body)

And peace, etc. Brimir (Ymir, “Stormy”): great giant among other Scandinavians, 1st Living being, exc. from the ice of Niflheim and the flame of Muspelheim. He ate the milk of the cow Audhumbla, which arose at the same time as him; was bisexual and gave birth to a dynasty of giants - the Khrimturs. Then, falling asleep, he sweated, and because of this, a son and a daughter grew in his left armpit, and a son, Trudgelmir, grew in his legs. Ymir was killed by the gods Odin, Vili and Be. Ymir died, and so much blood flowed from his wounds that all the Khrimturs drowned in it. Only Bergelmir escaped. One, Vili and Be took Ymir’s body, placed it in the center of Ginnungagap and created our world.


Character: magnetic rune.

Essence: irreversible rune. Niflheim. (Nilfheim)

Niflheim m (Danish-Norwegian Niflheimr, Old German Nibelheim, from Nifl - fog and Heim - shelter, refuge): “Kingdom of fog”, invisible (underground) kingdom, cold North Pole Universe. Arose from the world chaos (see Ginnungagap) long before the appearance of the Earth. The Hvergelmir spring formed in it, and 12 rivers flowed into the abyss, collectively called Elivagar (cf. Rivers of the Underworld). In occultism - the image of a magnetic force, a “black hole” that draws everything into itself, a symbol of illusions, where external forms correspond to the inner essence of the observer (K. Meadows). From a psychological point of view - an energy-deficient personality (vampire), inability to control energy exchange with the outside world, hence the feeling of emptiness and powerlessness. "Look where your boat leaks"

Images of the Isa Rune:

  • water freezes into ice,
  • the fog freezes into a snowflake,
  • molten quartz solidifies into glass,
  • the salt solution crystallizes
  • the dough acquires a porous structure during baking,
  • a person organizes his own observations,
  • the athlete “builds” his own body,
  • tree branches are positioned so as to minimally block each other,
  • cells arrange their organelles as functionally as possible,
  • the old house is being rebuilt,
  • the company changes its internal organization,
  • the store rearranges display cases inside itself with the hands of workers,
  • the computer's hardware is changed by the administrator,
  • the collection is sorted in the right order by the collector,

Meaning of the Rune Isa

Internal order. The internal structure is the “axis”, the basis of the existence of any actor, so it must be orderly.

Internal order is constantly disrupted under the influence of internal and external factors. Insufficient internal order is a stimulus for action by Isaz.

The result of this action is the presence of a certain ordered internal structure in the actor.

Application of the Isa Rune in magic

Magical meaning: freezing, cold. Helps stop anyone unfavorable process, illness, cool passions, “freeze” the situation in order to gain time. This rune is dedicated to the giant Ymir, born from ice and symbolizing the beginning or renewal after a long “period of stagnation” Stagnation in business, obstacles; fulfillment of desires is postponed.

- preservation, consolidation.

The rune of ice in the literal and figurative sense of the word. The scope of the rune is very wide, and its main magical purpose is to “freeze” anything. With its help, you can stop (but not eliminate!) a negative process: illness (physical or mental), an outburst of anger (not only your own), something phenomenon in public life etc. In some situations, it allows you to get the necessary respite.

It should, however, be remembered that in the northern tradition, ice is not only a symbol of the frozen state, but also one of the creative elements that take part in the formation and change of the world. Ice, like fire, in this regard has its own acting force, and this force can be used, for example, in magical practices associated with self-transformation, as well as when creating protective spells.

Interpretation of the Isa Rune in fortune telling

Mantic meaning: “freezing” a situation, stopping; the need to renounce active action, stabilization, Taoist inaction; calm before the start of a new stage, passivity, lack of movement forward.


It’s time for an internal stop, events seem to be moving too slowly, you don’t notice their development at all. They themselves paused, slowed down their usual way and pace of life. This is not apathy, but a kind of reluctance to contact the outside world at all, to do something actively, to go somewhere. In fact, you are a passenger on a fast train rushing through the night to the city you need. There is no one in your compartment, it’s dark outside the window, and if you get used to the sound of wheels (everyday, routine things), it will seem that you are standing still, only sometimes the carriage shakes at the joints of the rails - and you remember that the process is going on, I'm going - but short term. And then again - silence, darkness, a state of deep reflection.

Features provided

An ideal opportunity to sort yourself out in a calm environment. Now, no matter what you say, what you wish, no matter how much you try to deviate from the path in your thoughts, it will not affect the process of life. Time to accurately assess your strengths, goals, tasks, make plans (which are most likely to be realized), understand your relationships with other people, make decisions - and follow them.

Rune's warning:

Don't prolong the Isa period. You can’t see how events are developing – but they are developing very intensively. Your train is fast. Don't get used to sitting and doing nothing. On the other hand, do not resist this period. Isa is ice, freezing your personal active activity. And if you really want to and you try to speed up events, influence them, you will be forcibly “frozen”, right up to ending up in a hospital, or even in another place of restriction of freedom.

reduce your social circle to a minimum, any contacts, up to going on vacation, turning off the phone, “escape” to the forest, mountains, unfamiliar city... Read, think, evaluate what you have lived, weed out what gets in the way, leave behind valuable experience, honestly deal with yourself and the outside world. Engage in self-treatment, training, repairs - concentrate your strength and opportunities to gain new knowledge and skills.

Problems caused by the Rune

Situations can be confusing and meaningless only to the mind. When you move inward, everything becomes clearer. Spiritual life is fiery, but hardly noticeable. We are used to working on rough enchanting external vibrations. The test for a person is that in oppression and darkness he can find himself, for any stop, any stagnation is always illusory. Even if emotions are empty, the mind is chaotic, there is always fire, love, faith inside. Such external stops help to manifest the deepest, most internal, which is spiritual. In the context of the Isa rune, spirituality can be defined as maintaining faith or a channel to the Spirit in any situation.

A spiritual person never feels abandoned. It is, in principle, vertical, and therefore does not depend on external situations. He understands that shells are a manifestation, a realization of the vertical.

Isa frees him from his clothes. He is left alone with himself. At first, this is perceived as loneliness, abandonment, abandonment. As the fire matures, it turns out that a person has everything and needs no one and nothing. Perhaps this is the most difficult of all tests. It is easy to fight external events. But when all this disappears and ringing silence sets in, then remaining yourself, without moaning or complaining about fate or people - this is very difficult to achieve. It seems that there is nothing left of what you had and what you strived for. And a person forgets that the most important thing is himself, his spiritual core.

If a person breaks through the illusion of ice, withstands the snow test, he is visited by a deep, imperceptible in everyday life, but real awareness of his own reality, the experience of his own individual existence, in which he is inextricably linked with the heavenly world. It's about about finding an inner foundation. If a person finds this foundation, he does not care about any obstacles or constraints. Otherwise, success in external activities, for a person truly creates only when he creates in him and through him spirituality. It is connected with the body, with events. It manifests itself through the shells. However, it is alive even when the shells fall off. This beginning rings in the void and glows in the darkness.

In Isa’s situation, the most important thing is not to forget that you exist, you are aware, feeling, alive. And the most important thing cannot be taken away from you. The Spirit cannot be taken out of you. Isa moves a person to this realization when he does not wait for external help, external events, when he calms down even in search of meaning, when he does not connect his inner being with anyone, but rejoices in the fact that he exists at all. This is a very difficult, cold, painful and at the same time the highest test. The highest in the sense that there is simply no other way to listen to yourself, your conscience and mission in your heart.

The more actively the channels are suppressed external action The more completely the connections with reality are severed - for a week or for a year - the more clearly a person realizes what no one can take away from him - himself. This awareness exists on top of everything people care about. It is self-sufficient and valuable in itself. It is impossible to forcefully search for him.

It is very difficult to meditate on yourself when external events are spinning like a wheel. But when Isa comes, a person gets a vacation to search for himself. He should not be oppressed, but rejoice at the fact that he has been given the opportunity to feel out of touch with people, with successes, with what has been acquired and achieved. Self-awareness is the highest human value. The more Capricorn encounters, stops, disappointments, melancholy, despondency, sadness in life, the greater the chances of finding yourself and ascending to the throne of your own consciousness.

Of course, this comes in due time. Nothing will work out either the first or the fifth time. To begin with, you just need to know about the value of Isa's experiences. These experiences provide real help to the Spirit, when suddenly all external noise is turned off and you can listen to yourself, feel that you are alive and will remain alive forever and ever. Because the beginning that sounds in you is not subject to anyone or anything. It is beyond the control of even your mind, your decisions. You cannot even destroy it, because it is not from you. And when you listen like this, life becomes more fun. You see that events are unfolding, but this inner witness is silent, smiling, sometimes rejoicing. But overall he is motionless. He watches the world, and you watch with him.


  1. Kolesov E., Torsten A. - "Runes. Futhark Classical and Armanic"
  2. A. Platov, A. van Dart - « Practical course runic art"
  3. Oleg Sinko - "Runes: the practice of predictions"
  4. Konstantin Selchenok - "Astrological interpretation of runes"
  5. T. Carlson - "Utark»
  6. Vladimir Smirnov (HaukwithR Gandwiki) — « Runika. Directory of values"

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