Independent travel around Georgia in October. Holidays in Georgia in September, October on your own, reviews and tips Tbilisi temperature in late September early October

We have prepared a guide to autumn Georgia: weather in Georgia in autumn and options for autumn travel in Georgia.

Autumn in Georgia not at all similar to what residents are more used to northern countries, especially in the plains and coastal parts. Autumn is a time of holidays and food abundance, warm sea and gentle sunshine. And lovers of active recreation have something to do - many hiking and off-road routes are available at least until mid-autumn. And, of course, autumn is the best time for artists and photographers: a riot of colors combined with mountainous terrain creates magical landscapes.

Weather in Georgia in autumn

The only short answer to the question: “What is the weather like in Georgia in autumn?” is: “Different.” Georgia is a small country, but extremely diverse in terrain and climate. In any season, and especially in the off-season, the weather in the regions is radically different. It all depends on the terrain, elevation changes, the presence of reservoirs, wind roses, climate zone, anomalies in the region and thousands of other factors. The same factors correspondingly influence the types of recreation available in the fall.

Consider each region, and even more so each climate zone, we will not. If you try to describe everything, you will end up not with an article, but with an encyclopedia. We can’t handle it :)

For convenience, we are very conditional(may professional geographers forgive us) divided the area into four categories:


The climate here is temperate continental, the city is located at an altitude of ~380-750 meters above sea level. Highest point- the top of Mount Mtatsminda, where the amusement park of the same name is located, the difference in the weather is felt, but not dramatically - at the top it can be a degree or two colder or, say, the wind is blowing.

September in Tbilisi: Mostly sunny, very little precipitation. The July-August heat subsides and walks around the city become more pleasant :) It’s not uncommon to spend the entire month of September in shorts and a T-shirt.

October in Tbilisi: happen periodically heavy rains, but not necessarily, the amount of precipitation varies from year to year. Temperatures drop significantly relative to summer, but can easily reach 20-22°C.

November in Tbilisi: year to year does not occur, but there is a possibility of occurrence " Indian summer"at the beginning of the month. The average temperature is around 13-16°C. It gets colder towards the end, as expected. Precipitation is possible, but according to observations it is even less than in October, apparently due to the proximity of winter, which is surprisingly dry in Tbilisi.

In autumn, prices for seasonal vegetables and fruits decrease; there is real abundance in Tbilisi markets. Compared to summer, hotels also become cheaper.


This refers to regions located low above sea level, without complex terrain.

On average in flat parts In Georgia, the weather is warm, dry and comfortable almost all autumn.

September: average temperature 22-26°C, little or no rain.

October: the average temperature is 16-20°C, rain is likely, but rather torrential rather than prolonged.

November: the average temperature is 12-15°C, there is a chance of rain.

Available types of recreation(September, October – free, November – according to forecast): the same as in summer: contemplative rest in hotels, car travel , excursions, fishing, leisure etc.

Interesting places to visit in the Georgian plains in autumn


September and October in Kakheti– some of the best months and not only because of the decline in heat. Harvest festivals are held throughout Kakheti - Rtveli. Moreover, there is no specific date - different grape varieties ripen in a cascade and the celebration does not stop for a couple of weeks. Some winemakers invite guests to participate in harvesting grapes and creating wine - pressing grapes, placing future wine in a qvevri (Georgian clay jug). You can also head the churchkhela with your own hands. And after all the work, straight to a feast with Kakheti kebab, lavash, wine, herbs...

Kakheti is an agricultural region. In September and October, many vegetables and fruits ripen here: nuts, watermelons, grapes, herbs, pumpkin and much more.

Autumn is also suitable for outdoor sightseeing (not only in Kakheti, throughout the country): Uplistsikhe, Vardzia, David-Gareji, ancient temples and monasteries - you no longer need to come in the morning or evening, so as not to get lost while walking through ancient places.

September and October are the right time to visit the National Park Vashlovani(in summer it is very hot there, above 45°C), located in the southeast of Kakheti. The place is surreal, as if it came here by chance from the other side of the planet. Vashlovani is a real semi-desert, which is completely uncharacteristic for Georgia. Low sandstone mountains, dwarf trees, roads running along the beds of dried up rivers. It can take a long time to describe, but it’s better to see it once :)

Small Mountains

Here we mean the terrain in the foothills, passes at low altitudes, not counting the peaks.

Characterized by a larger gap between day and night temperatures, the weather is harsher than on the plains.

September: average temperature 20-23°C during the day, 15°C at night, there is a chance of short rains.

October: the average temperature is 14-17°C during the day, and 10-13°C rain is likely, but rather torrential rather than prolonged.

November: the average temperature is 11-14 °C during the day and up to 3-5 °C at night. The first half is rather sunny, however, there is a chance of rain, and in the second half of the month it may rain and snow. Some dirt roads may become inaccessible due to weather conditions.

Available types of recreation:

Road trips: September-October - including off-road, November - more likely on main roads.

Leisure (trekking, rafting, horseback riding, etc.): September – no problem, October – subject to the forecast. In November, as you gain altitude, it gets noticeably colder, and walking becomes a bit of an acquired taste.

Contemplative rest in hotels, sanatoriums: all months, with readiness for cold weather in the second half of November.

Interesting places to visit in the small mountains of Georgia in autumn


In September-October Borjomi is still good as a balneological and mountain climatic resort. In September it is warm during the day and pleasantly cool in the evening. The autumn air becomes clearer, around October, the mountains begin to turn yellow and the sky begins to turn blue - autumn here feels especially bright. And bathing in a hot sulfur spring takes on meaning.

In September and at least until mid-October, trekking along Borjomi-Kharagauli is possible national park– the altitudes here are relatively low, snow will fall towards the end of autumn. However, it is worth stocking up on warm clothes.


Bakhmaro- a village in Guria, where there was once a popular mountain resort, which has now fallen into disrepair. Now it is popular mainly among local lovers of mountain air without any special claims to comfort. In our opinion, this is an exceptionally autumn place where you can catch that very golden autumn in the mountains. Unlike Borjomi, there are practically no tourists here - only local residents busy preparing for winter. Breathe, wander and take photographs. Silence and foxes sneak past the tent at night...

Bakhmaro is available mostly in September and October, with November according to forecast.

Big mountains

Here we mean the alpine zone, not counting the peaks - you can’t take a walk on five-thousand-meter peaks even in the summer without being a climber :)

In high mountainous areas - such as the surrounding area Gudauri, Svaneti, Tusheti The weather is truly unpredictable even in summer, let alone autumn. The data below only reflects the average statistical trend. Snow may fall unexpectedly at the end of September, if it happens cold year, or vice versa, they will hold out relatively until October warm weather. More or less accurate forecast can only be obtained on the eve of the visit.

September: the average temperature is 13-20°C, rain is possible, but the number of rainy days is not so great.

October: the average temperature is 9-13°C, rain is likely, there may already be the first frosts at night, rain and snow are also possible, and snow towards the end of the month.

November: the average temperature is 2-10°C, rain and snow are possible, towards the end of the month there is a high probability of the first snow cover.

Available types of recreation:

Road trips: September - yes, including off-road, October - off-road according to forecasts, November - only main routes.

Leisure (trekking, horseback riding): September, first half of October - no problem, second half of October - taking into account the forecast, with a supply of warm clothes and preparedness for cold weather. In November, winter gradually begins here, with summer views It's time to say goodbye until next season.

Contemplative rest in hotels:all months, with readiness for colder weather in the second half of October and cold weather and possible snowfall in November.

Interesting places to visit in the big mountains of Georgia in autumn


High mountain region in northern Georgia. Majestic mountains, glaciers and waterfalls. The region will be of interest not only to lovers of nature tourism - Svaneti unique traditions and its own unique culture and cuisine. Family medieval towers have been preserved here (the oldest exist from the 9th century); the recipe for the spice “Svan salt” is included in the list intangible heritage UNESCO; several villages - a real “park of the Middle Ages” - have hardly changed their appearance since the 16th-17th centuries.

Golden autumn in Svaneti – October. Solitude and leisurely walks, there are very few tourists anymore, and most hiking routes are still accessible. And in the evenings the fireplaces are lit and leisurely conversations are held...

High mountain region adjacent to Kakheti. Tusheti– the edge of high forested mountains, passing into the alpine zone, gorges, wild rivers. Stunning landscapes are permeated with light, the mountains are soft and friendly. There are also medieval towers here, but completely different from the Svan ones. The entire region - national park. In Tusheti you just need to breathe, walk and look, take photographs, leisurely ride a horse or just sit on the grass. Incredible calm and tranquility. In autumn there are almost no tourists here - an ideal place to “reboot”.

Delicious national cuisine and wine flowing, beautiful ancient traditions, rich story and magnificent nature. Where to start if you are planning to go to ?

1. Flight and accommodation

From Ukraine to Georgia there are flights to Kutaisi, Tbilisi and Batumi.

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There are most flights to Tbilisi, and they are usually the most profitable. Tbilisi is an interesting ancient city, which is definitely worth spending a couple of days in. The regular cost of a flight Kyiv - Tbilisi when booking in advance is 110-150 euros in both directions.

Only UIA flies to Kutaisi and flight prices Lately more expensive than in Tbilisi. Usually Kutaisi is used as a starting point for a trip: the town itself is small and people rarely stay here for more than a day.

Batumi is a resort city in Georgia. Tickets to Batumi are usually the most expensive, but summer period There is profitable offer for flights about 150 euros in both directions.

Housing prices in Georgia they are also more than acceptable.

Prices for hostels start from 5 euros per bed, and you can book a hotel in Georgia from 50 euros - 3 stars, and from 130 euros - 5 stars.

2. Why is autumn the best time to travel to Georgia?

Autumn holidays in Georgia are good various reasons. Firstly, at this time of year it is no longer as hot as it is in summer: the average temperature in September-October fluctuates between +25-27°C degrees, the sea is also warm enough (+25°C) to swim in it until beginning of October. But in November it is already cooler (+15-20°C), and at night the temperature can even drop to +3-5°C. True, Georgian weather has one peculiarity - it is different in each region. And if, for example, it is sunny in Kakheti, this does not mean that it will be sunny for the neighbors too.

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Secondly, the decline begins in the fall tourist season. There are fewer people, and with it, housing prices are falling (which, you see, is very tempting). In addition, the autumn harvest in Georgia is the ideal time to get to know national Georgian cuisine better. Grapes, fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts, new wine and grape juice, churchkhela - you can’t count it all!

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Well, and thirdly, autumn (especially October and November) is a very beautiful time in Georgia. If you want to admire the rich colors of the local nature, then you won’t find a better time to travel. You can go hiking in the low mountains (Borjomi or Lagodekhi region). These places seem to be created for long walks along forest paths, and in the fall mushrooms and berries already appear, so you can successfully combine useful things with pleasant things. True, it is already noticeably colder in the evening and at night, so warm clothes will be useful.

3. When and for what to go?

So, if your trip is planned for September , consider yourself lucky! After all, in September Georgia turns into one huge winery, and, accordingly, Georgians massively get rid of the remains of old wine. How? They drink it, of course! Fun, with noisy feasts and beautiful toasts, as only they can do here. Go to the famous “wine” region of Kakheti: you will have the opportunity not only to participate in the process of preparing young wine (some wineries offer such excursions), but also to taste real Georgian wine, so to speak, first-hand.

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Be sure to soak up the coast: the temperature in September is the most comfortable, there are not as many people as in August, so you can fully enjoy your vacation. Where to go? In a busy - for those for whom a vacation without company is still not a vacation. But if you are tired of society and want peace and quiet alone with nature, then the village of Chakvi is what you need. If you do get bored, nearby are the ruins of the ancient Petri fortress - there will be something to do in your spare time.

If you want to not only lie on the sand, but also spend time usefully, go to Kobuleti. Comfortable small-pebble beaches, developed infrastructure, no high prices and establishments with national cuisine will make your beach holiday as comfortable as possible, and clubs and bars pleasantly diversify your pastime. But the main advantage of Kobuleti is its healing mineral springs, are located a few kilometers from the resort. Of the beaches, it is worth highlighting Sarpi (a suburb of Batumi) - for clean sand and sea. True, for experienced tourists accustomed to European beach standards, there will not be enough entertainment here.

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Ureki is the famous black beaches with healing magnetite sand and cleanest air, filled with the aromas of pine and eucalyptus. The resort is ideal for families with children, as the shallow water here stretches 300 meters from the shore.

In addition to beaches and tasting local wine, Georgia can offer an interesting cultural program in September. In Tbilisi, for example, the Tbilisi Photo Festival will be held on September 16-22. The Batumi Music Festival is taking place from September 2 to 9, 2017. From October 17 to 24 – Art-house Film Festival in Batumi.

For those whose trip falls on October Georgia has also prepared a lot of interesting things. Thus, on October 19-23, 2017, the traditional Fashion Week will be held, and on October 11, film lovers will be able to enjoy their favorite art to their hearts’ content at the festival documentaries Cine Doc (Tbilisi).

Georgia in October is, first of all, 2 big holidays: Orthodox holiday Svetitskhovloba (Festival of the Robe of the Lord) and Tbilisobu (holiday of the city of Tbilisi and the new harvest). Festive services are held in churches these days, so if time permits, you can attend one of them.

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Unlike October, november - the most unpredictable autumn month regarding the weather. So don’t be surprised if Georgia in November, following warm sunny days, suddenly presents you with rainy and cloudy days. To prevent weather “mood swings” from spoiling your vacation, it is better to stock up on a raincoat and warm clothes and shoes in advance (it is better to choose the latter and comfortable ones if you plan to explore local country locations).

In November, it is preferable to travel to Kakheti, Borjomi, along the coast, since they are at a lower altitude relative to sea level, which makes the climate there optimal for recreation. But in the mountains at this time significant snowfalls and worsening weather conditions are already possible - it is worth keeping this in mind if you are going to conquer the Georgian peaks.

4. What is a must see in Georgia?

There are so many interesting things in Georgia that you definitely won’t have time to visit everything in one trip (of course, if you don’t go there for a year). That's why you'll probably find it useful short list must-see those places, without visiting which you cannot say that you have met Georgia. So, what and where should you pay attention to first?

- this is the Narikala fortress and Old city at its foot, as if straight out of a fairy-tale illustration. Also - Abanotubani (sulfur baths) and the symbol of Tbilisi - the Metekhi temple on the opposite bank of the Kura from the baths. While walking around the city, don’t forget about Rustaveli Avenue, or rather the funny miniature sculptures that adorn the main street of the capital. But if you are traveling with children, be sure to take them to the amusement park at the top of Mount Mtatsminda - your time will definitely not be wasted!

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If you feel cramped in the capital, pay attention to one of the most picturesque routes in the country, which stretches from Tbilisi to the foot of Mount Kazbek. The Georgian Military Road is stunningly beautiful landscapes, medieval fortress and the temple at Ananuri, the breathtaking gorge near Gudauri and the Gergeti Church with its famous views of Kazbek.


The ancient capital and the holiest (well, or one of the holiest) place for Georgians. This small town, 20 km from the center of Tbilisi, is famous for the fact that there are three objects at once World Heritage UNESCO: Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, St. Nino Monastery and the tiny Jvari Monastery, picturesquely rising on a high cliff at the confluence of the Kura and Aragvi rivers.

Georgia is a small, very beautiful and extremely hospitable country. Travelers and tourists are always welcome here, each of whom is a dear, welcome guest. This is a country where at any time of the year you can have a good, full rest at numerous resorts, visit the sights of the capital, visit small ancient towns, or just spend your entire vacation on the beach enjoying gentle sun and the warm sea.

By the way, autumn is the most favorable period to visit Georgia. It’s no longer as hot as in summer, the tourist season is winding down and prices are going down for almost everything. The markets are full of fresh vegetables, aromatic herbs, fruits and nuts, which are offered at very low prices.

Today we will talk to you about holidays in Georgia in September and October on our own, reviews and advice, as well as the impressions of travelers who have already been there, we will retell and discuss:

Holidays in Georgia on your own on the coast

To come to Georgia you only need your desire. Traveling around the country in autumn is especially great. Coming the Velvet season, there is no sweltering heat and scorching sun. Many people go to the coast in the fall, some on a tour package, and some on their own.

The air is still warming up well, the sea is also warm, you can sunbathe and swim. The water temperature in September and early October is +20C, and the air warms up to +25-27C. It’s also still very warm in the mountains +20-23C. True, by the end of October the water becomes colder and the air warms up to + 25C.

in autumn big choice housing that local residents rent out. This is especially true for tourists who go on vacation on their own, as “savages.” With the end of the main season, very good housing can be rented for quite affordable prices.

You can also relax at famous resorts, many of which are world famous. You can use a tour package, or you can come to the resort town on your own and rent accommodation. In any case, the healing air, mineral waters, and an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables will help improve your health and gain strength for the whole year ahead.

Resorts of Georgia

Many people recommend visiting the Borjomi resort, which is located in the gorge of the Kura River and is surrounded by mountains and forests (coniferous and deciduous). The town is famous mineral water and clean healing air. In autumn it is warm and comfortable here, you can have a great rest with your whole family and improve your health.

Very close to Borjomi there are other resort towns: Tsagveri, Likani, Tsemi and Patara-Tsemi. Near Kutaissi, which is also a resort town, there is wonderful place recreation - Tskhaltubo. The town is surrounded by hills and is valued for its healing air and world-famous thermal radon waters.

If you visit the mountain town of Sairme, which is located on the slope of the Meskheti ridge, you can get a good treatment. Famous mineral water Sairme is used to treat digestive organs, metabolic disorders, etc.

You can come to Shovi, a town surrounded by forests. There is a resort of the same name, known for its carbonic acid-hydrocarbonate sodium-calcium waters.

In autumn, many tourists from our country come to Akhtala, a resort located in the Alazani Valley. This is one of the main viticulture areas. There you can taste wonderful wine. By the way, Akhtala is the only resort in Georgia where healing mud treatment is practiced.

Traveling in an organized group, on a package tour or on your own, come to the small town of Kobuleti, which is famous for its healing climate, dense pine forest and a cozy beach.

The village of Sarpi, which is surrounded by the greenery of tangerine trees, has excellent, wide and long beaches.

And in Mtsvane-Kontskhi, a small resort town, you can live directly on the coast, or relax in the unique botanical garden, surrounded by exotic plants, vines and flowers.

If the goal of your trip is vivid impressions, a comfortable and active holiday, visit the ancient cities of Georgia, for example, Batumi and the capital of the country - magical, hospitable Tbilisi.

Resort city Batumi

The world famous resort city of Batumi is located on the sea coast. The climate is mild - it is still very warm in autumn. Tourists from Russia have loved to relax here since the times Soviet Union. Swimming season lasts almost until November, as the sea warms up well during the hot summer.

In addition to the beach, the city offers a huge amount of all kinds of entertainment. Tourists are recommended to visit the dolphinarium with smart, trained dolphins, which you can pet, or see the botanical garden, which displays plants from all over the world.

The city has a very beautiful, ancient Cathedral Holy Mother of God, which is also worth a visit.

You can go to the ruins of the Tamara fortress - favorite place all travelers. From here you have a wonderful view of Batumi and the sea coast. In the evening, the city will delight you with colorful, singing fountains - a real picturesque show.

And, of course, in Batumi, Tbilisi and other cities of the country you can have a good and fun time in numerous cafes, restaurants and small restaurants, taste good Georgian wine and taste dishes national cuisine.

Holidays in the capital

Tbilisi is located in a valley between picturesque green hills. The city is conventionally divided into new and old.

In autumn, you can have a wonderful rest in Tbilisi, try the delights of national cuisine, and visit the sights.

For example, be sure to visit Jvari. This is of rare beauty, an example of ancient Georgian architecture - a popular and favorite place among tourists.

Be sure to visit the Narikala fortress, which is called the heart of Tbilisi. This is an ancient architectural monument, located on the top of Mount Mtatsminda, offering a majestic view of the city.

And, of course, go to ancient Kala, which is located on the site of old Tbilisi. The city was located there in the 12th century. You will enjoy strolling along the narrow cobbled streets along medieval buildings made of clay and brick.

Holidays in Georgia - reviews and tips

Many tourists who have already visited hospitable Georgia are planning to spend their holidays there again. Firstly, they note that holidays there are quite budget-friendly, especially in September and October, when the flow of tourists weakens, and you go there not on a tour package, but on your own.
In particular, comfortable, spacious housing in the fall in Batumi can be rented for $310 per month.

Internal transport, prices in cafes, tickets to attractions are very reasonable. Many tourist sites You can visit for free.

Many tourists note the cheapness of vegetables and fruits in the markets in the fall. Every day, without harming your wallet, you can enjoy the freshest products. There are many markets, they are open for a long time, there are many 24-hour markets.

Numerous reviews about holidays in Georgia in the fall indicate cheapness and discounts on many products and goods. With the end of the main tourist season, you can rent sun loungers for free; hotel prices drop. Housing in the private sector can be rented at reduced prices.

Holidays in Georgia in October can only be marred by the presence of many mosquitoes. But this problem can be completely solved with the help of special protective equipment: spirals or Raptor.

Experienced tourists advise viewing the country as a whole. This means relaxing on the Black Sea coast, going to the mountains, be sure to visit ancient cities with their sights, look at ancient fortresses, and visit small resort villages.

Tourists from Georgia always bring wine, chacha, delicious cheese and sweets. Jewelry and items are particularly popular national costume, dishes.

Finally, it is worth noting that Georgia is one of the favorite countries for travelers from Russia. Judge for yourself - you don’t need a visa, you don’t need knowledge of the language (most residents understand and speak Russian perfectly).

The climate for relaxation is excellent, the sea, beaches, ancient culture, not high prices, as well as the hospitality of the local residents - best conditions for a good rest.

Gamarjoba to everyone! Today I’ll tell you about the weather in Georgia by month, about holiday season at the sea and in the mountains in Georgia, about when is the best time to go to Sakartvelo, I will show photos of the regions of Georgia in different time of the year.

You can go to Georgia when you have the opportunity and desire. The peak tourist season is July-August. As for me, the ideal time to visit Georgia is May and September, when it is warm, but not hellishly hot. You can swim in the sea; there is no snow in the mountains. There are not many tourists yet, there is a large selection of housing for rent at affordable prices. Read more about this below.

When is the best time to relax at sea?

In general, the climate of Georgia is milder and hotter than in Moscow, Minsk or Kyiv.

On the coast of Adjara (Batumi, Ureki) the climate is mild subtropical. Relatively warm (but wet and chilly) winter (+7) with rain and hot summer (+27+30).

The weather in Batumi and other coastal cities can be changeable. It often rains in spring. Comfortable temperatures for swimming in the sea are from mid-June to early October. We swam at the end of May, the water was still cool at that time. You can swim in the sea until mid-October, but the water is already cold (+20C)

Holidays in the mountains

For the sake of mountain landscapes and beautiful views The best time to go to the mountains of Georgia is from May to October, when the roads are open, the snow has already melted, everything is growing and blooming, there is no rain or fog. From late October to April there may be rain, snow, fog, and ice.

It is clear that you can go to the mountains all year round. We went in February, March, May and June. Each season has its own charm and beauty.

Gudauri in winter
Hatsvali in winter (Svaneti)

Holidays in Georgia in winter

Georgia in December

  • During the day in Tbilisi +5+10, at night 0+5. There is sub-zero temperature in the mountains.
  • Winter in Georgia is warmer than in Minsk or Moscow, but the sun is not always there.
  • If you don't know how to dress, you can read ☞. Need warm clothes.
  • There may be fog and rain in the valleys, and snow in the mountains.
  • There is almost no one in Batumi. Fountains don't work

Georgia in January

  • January is not the best best month to explore Georgia
  • Winter is winter. In 2015 there was no snow in January, the winter was warm, but this is not an indicator. In 2016, there was snow in Tbilisi, and even in Batumi there were snowdrifts on the boulevard
  • There may be fog and sleet in Kakheti and Batumi
  • In winter, many fly to Georgia for ski resorts, which are priced lower than resorts in southern Russia
  • I recommend reading it

Tbilisi center in winter
You can drink wine and eat khinkali at any time of the year!

Georgia in February

  • From February to mid-March I walked around Tbilisi in a hat and winter jacket. ☞
  • The temperature remained +5+7, sometimes dropped to 0 C, it snowed a couple of times, but then melted.
  • There is relatively little sun in February
  • There is no snow in the cities (Tbilisi, Kutaisi), but sometimes it rains. Cold and chilly
  • If you are traveling in winter, look for accommodation with normal heating. There is no central heating in Georgia, so everyone warms their home as best they can. If there is no heating in your apartment or hotel, you will freeze. Read more about
  • There is snow everywhere in the mountains
  • There are enough people at the ski resorts of Bakuryani, but there are no queues for the lift. Nobody really bothers anyone

Tbilisi February 23
Children in Tbilisi in February wearing warm clothes
Tbilisi in February
Turtle Lake Tbilisi in February
Gudauri in February

Holidays in Georgia in spring

Weather in Georgia in March

  • At the beginning of March, gardens bloom in western Georgia, Tbilisi blooms from the end of March
  • During the day in the first half of March it was still snowing, in the second half of March it was warm during the day (+15-20), but cold at night. The weather is changeable. Today it can be +19, and tomorrow it can be sharply +7, and at night it can even drop to 0.
  • Closer to the middle of the month, you could wear a dress with short sleeves, but the wind is cold, in the evenings you need a jacket
  • There is snow in the mountains (from 2000 m), below that there is no snow by the end of March. At this time you can already go to Svaneti, but it’s better later.
  • At the end of March 2016, the Upper Lars crossing was closed for several days due to snowfalls in Gudauri. If you are planning a trip to Georgia via Vladikavkaz in March, keep in mind that the road may be closed on any day
  • In Mestia and the surrounding area there was snow at the end of March, the temperature was below zero at night, and +8 during the day
  • Batumi is still sleeping in March. Damp, no tourists
  • In March in Tbilisi you can wear an autumn jacket, and sometimes a winter one won’t hurt.
  • Follow the link ☞

Kutaisi in March
Kutaisi in March
Streets of Mestia (Svaneti) in March
Svaneti in March
Road to Svaneti in March
When there is no sun, everything is not so rosy. Svaneti in March
Georgian Military Road in March

Weather in Georgia in April

  • April is the most unpredictable month in Georgia. The temperature jumps between +6 and +25. Mostly sunny in Tbilisi, Kakheti, Borjomi, Kutaisi
  • It can be damp and chilly in Batumi, especially in the evening and at night. Daytime temperature up to +12+22, cold sea +7+11
  • Everything is blooming, aromas fill the streets of cities
  • Be sure to visit in April if you're on the coast
  • In the mountains +5+10, at night it drops to 0, sometimes sub-zero temperatures. Above 1800 there is still snow
  • There may be snow in the mountains along the Georgian Military Road, there may also be snow near the Trinity Church in Gergeti, but the road itself is most often open in April
  • You can read about it in detail - there are photos about the weather in different regions what clothes to take and what vegetables and fruits to eat at this time

Relaxing on the balcony in an apartment in Tbilisi, early April

Batumi Botanical Garden in April

Holidays in Georgia in May

  • It’s already warm in Georgia in May, but at the end of the month it can be +30
  • Ideal month to visit Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Kakheti, David Gareji
  • In May there is a festival of young wine
  • In the Mountains at night up to +10, during the day +15+20. Kazbegi is already possible
  • The beaches of Batumi, Ureki and Kobuleti are deserted. Dolphins in Batumi swim straight to the shore
  • You can swim in the sea at the end of May, but the water is still cold (+18+19)
  • May 26 is Independence Day of Georgia. The main public holiday of the country. On this day and the day before, Rustaveli Avenue is blocked, a parade is held, fireworks display in the evening

Kakheti in May
Mtskheta in May
Kakheti in May
Georgian Military Road in May
In the Kazbegi region in May
In May, there was still snow in some places in the mountains along the Georgian Military Road
Trinity Church of Gergeti in May
Tbilisi in May

Georgia in summer

Georgia in June

  • A good month to visit Georgia. You can go to the mountains and to the sea.
  • Tourists are actively traveling
  • The sea in Adjara and Guria is already warm. At the beginning of June +20C, in the middle of the month +21+23C, by the end of June it warms up to +24
  • From mid-June the beaches are filled with people. There are no people yet in early June
  • In Batumi during the day +25+29, at night +15+19. In Kakheti the temperature is +30, in Tbilisi it has also been hot since the beginning of June
  • The temperature in the mountains is comfortable (+25), but it is better to conquer peaks above 3-4000 meters (Kazbek, Tetnuld) in July

Lake Lopota in Kakheti in June
Batumi in June
Beaches near the Batumi Botanical Garden at the end of May
Batumi beach in early June. In July and August there is no place for apples to fall

Holidays in July-August

  • Peak season
  • The cities are very hot and stuffy (+32+36), even a bit hot in the mountains
  • tiring and uncomfortable, especially during the day
  • In August it is better to go to the mountains or to the sea. I recommend reading the article about the features - it answers most questions about beaches, cleanliness of the sea, where it is better to go with children, etc.
  • If you decide to visit David Gareji, then go early in the morning (at 7 am) so that you can leave there by noon. Bring water and a snack with you.
  • It is better not to visit David Gareji and Vashlovani during the day in July-August. Maybe under 40 - evaporate in the desert
  • Many tourists in Tbilisi, Svaneti, Batumi, Kakheti, on the Georgian Military Road
  • It is better to book accommodation in advance, especially if you need something on a budget. You can read the link,
  • There are a lot of people on the beaches
  • If you want to find a secluded place for a tent on the coast, then in July or August it makes sense to look for such a place in the north of Kobuleti, in the villages of Shekvetili or Grigoleti, on the wild beaches of Tsikhisdziri.
  • An abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits low prices(buy at the markets and bargain!)
  • If you are planning to rent an apartment, read other people's reviews and rent one with air conditioning or high ceilings

Batumi in summer
Batumi in summer

My dear friend Anna Romanova, who was vacationing in Batumi in the summer, kindly shared a photo of the beaches of Batumi in the second half of August:

There may be waves in the sea
There are a lot of empty sun loungers. People come with their own towels and lie down for free.
The beach is big, there is a lot of space. People are located along the edge of the sea.
There are a lot of people closer to the shore

Georgia in September

  • The weather in Georgia in September is simply perfect (+25+27)
  • The grapes ripen in September. It is collected from the beginning of September to October 10
  • If you are traveling in September, be sure to leave at least a couple of days for the grape harvest.
  • Fresh grape juice and churchkhela appear
  • Watermelons, tomatoes, tangerines, hazelnuts are available in abundance
  • It is comfortable to swim in the sea until the end of September - beginning of October (water +25C)
  • Comfortable temperature for sightseeing (not as damn hot as in summer)
  • It's warm in the mountains (+20+23)
  • The tourist season is on the decline, so they are decreasing

If you are thinking about going to Georgia in the fall, I recommend reading my article about - there I talk in detail with photos about the weather and features of recreation and living on the Black Sea coast of Georgia in the fall, as well as about the weather in Tbilisi and Mtskheta.

Deserted beach in Gonio in September
Persimmons are ripening in Adjara
Ureki at the end of September. There are few people on the beach

Georgia in October

  • In October the weather starts to change
  • In the first half of the month you can still swim in the sea. In 2015, people swam in the sea in Batumi until October 30th. The air is warm (+25), the water is cool (+20, drops to +16 by the end of the month)
  • In the Batumi area the temperature is +23+25C, and it rains more often. At night the temperature drops to +10+13
  • Because of the rains, apartments in Batumi become damp. You have to turn on the heating.
  • In Adjara, golden autumn is just beginning in the second half of October
  • If you want to catch the grape harvest in Kakheti, you need to go before the 20th of October
  • In the mountains it can be +8+10, frost at night
  • There is a golden autumn in Svaneti in October (until the end of October)
  • At the end of October there will most likely be no snow below 2000 m, but there may be fog and rain
  • More about ours (weather, water temperature, what to do)

October 27 on the beach in Batumi

Tsikhisdziri (Adjara) in mid-October. Everything green, +25

Georgia in November

  • In the mountains there is a high probability of fog, rain, hail and snow
  • On the Cross Pass (on the road to Kazbegi) there may be snow and ice already at the beginning of the month.
  • Temperatures can drop to -5C
  • If you go to the mountains for landscapes and colors, then it is better to do it in September and October. There will be no more colors in November.
  • If you want to see golden autumn in the mountains, then go to Adjara - there it lasts until the end of November
  • It may rain in Batumi, +18+20
  • In Tbilisi up to +15+20, sunny. At night the temperature can drop to +3+5. If you rent a home, look for an apartment with heating. We filmed in November - it was warm.
  • More about ours (air temperature, rain, what to do)

Tbilisi at the end of November
Adjara in November - there’s no smell of autumn in the valleys
In November it rains often in Batumi and the sea is stormy
It's golden autumn in mid-November in Adjara


Thus, the weather in Georgia (and especially in Adjara), as elsewhere, is unpredictable. For example, in 2011 there was no snow in the mountains, and in 2015 it snowed even in Batumi in March, when the gardens in Tbilisi were already blooming.

The summer of 2015 and summer of 2016 were rainy in Adjara, but in the fall it was hot and the sun shone more often. The winter of 2016 became unusually cold and snowy for Batumi; in the spring the weather was also changeable.

The ideal time for a seaside holiday is June and September. There are a lot of people in July and August, but the sea is warm.

To the mountains in the Kazbegi region and to Svaneti for beautiful scenery and it is better to go camping with a tent from May to mid-October (golden autumn). If you want to see golden autumn in November, then go to the highlands of Adjara.

In winter, the Georgian Military Road may be closed due to avalanches and landslides. Take this fact into account and check the weather on the Georgian Military Road on the day of your trip. Also in winter, the minibus to Mestia (Svaneti) may be canceled.

You can explore Tbilisi at any time of the year, but in July and August it is very hot and stuffy, and in December and January it can rain or snow.

I recommend reading my article about how and in which areas it is more convenient to live. The site I used during my travels to the Caucasus: link to apartments in Georgia

Be sure to read my articles:

Dear travelers and vacationers! This article is for informational purposes only and describes historical weather. Based on this data, you can roughly imagine what the weather will be like in different regions of Georgia during your trip.

I am not involved in weather forecasting for a specific date.

Have a nice weather! Sincerely,

Two years ago, my friend and I vacationed in Tbilisi in September. This was my first acquaintance with the capital of Georgia. And since that time, I have associated this city with hospitality, sincerity and boundless joy, because I have never encountered such cordiality in any city in the world. Local residents: from the saleswoman at the market to the taxi driver, always tried to help and advise necessary information, find the way. And Tbilisi itself seemed surprisingly cozy, the kind where you always want to return.

What you need to be prepared for in Tbilisi in September: weather conditions

The weather in September is still quite warm and welcoming, but the arrival of autumn is already beginning to be felt. Thus, the air temperature during the day managed to warm up to quite comfortable, in my opinion, + 24 - + 28 degrees, which contributed to our long, leisurely walks along the streets of the capital of Georgia. But in the evening and at night it was already becoming much cooler. So, the air temperature dropped to + 14 - + 16 degrees. Therefore, my friend and I were glad that we took it as light summer clothes for daytime exits to the city, as well as warm sweaters, light windbreakers and stoles for evening promenades. By the way, comfortable shoes without heels are also useful, since there are a lot of ups and downs in Tbilisi. If we talk about precipitation, there was never any in ten days. Local residents later told us that rain in September in the capital of Georgia is generally a huge rarity, and it is not without reason that it is one of the driest months of the year. So the umbrellas remained in the suitcases. There was also practically no wind, only occasionally a slight breeze could blow. But we felt the humidity.

Holidays and festivals

At the beginning of September in Tbilisi we were lucky enough to attend the grandiose International Music Festival “Night Serenades”. For me, as a big fan of classical music, this was one of the most significant events of the year. We purchased tickets in advance (my husband bought them during his business trip to the capital of Georgia back in July). At the concert (held at the conservatory) brilliant works by Bach, Mozart, and Chopin were performed. Mendelssohn, Schubert, Brahms. And they were performed by musicians from Georgia, Great Britain, Austria, Russia, France, and China. I also liked the noble goal of the festival, because the entire amount collected from the event went to charity - the treatment of children with oncology.
Also in September, another equally interesting event takes place - the Tbilisi Photo Festival. It lasts a week. At this time, large monitors are installed on some streets (Aphazi, Tbileli, Abesadze), Shardeni Square, Abanotubani district of the capital of Georgia, on which everyone can see the work of the best photographers from many countries of the world. Also within the framework of this festival there are creative meetings, lectures, exhibitions and round tables.


We didn’t see many insects in Tbilisi in September. The approaching autumn cold has probably begun to take its toll. However, several mosquitoes still managed to bite me.

Seasonal food

We were very pleased with September with a huge amount of ripening delicious fruits. So, in the markets, just from street vendors, we bought apples, late peaches, white and black figs, pears, apricots, tried vashlatama for the first time (it reminded me of nectarine), melons, watermelons. I don’t recommend buying fruits in supermarkets, because there are a lot of goods brought from other countries.
Vegetables in the same markets were often tomatoes, especially tasty pink ones, peppers, and herbs: cilantro, parsley, tsitsmati.

Tourist saturation in Tbilisi in September

In September, you can still see many tourists in Tbilisi, especially from the CIS countries. However, this is not surprising, because the velvet season is beginning, and many people are still on vacation. Therefore, it is not yet possible to talk about a significant reduction in prices for hotel accommodation or flights. Although if you take care of all organizational issues in advance (two to three months in advance), then with the help early booking you can save a significant amount.
