Means of production and productive forces. Productive forces - structure and features

As already noted, the productive forces of society are a combination of personal factors of production, which consists of people with their ability to work, and objective factors, including the means of production that are used by people in the production process. Productive forces express the active relationship of people to nature, consisting in material and spiritual development, modification and appropriation of its wealth. In the process of functioning of the productive forces, the conditions of existence of society are reproduced, and humanity develops.

The central place in the productive forces belongs to man with his ability to work and create wealth. The knowledge and production experience of people, their efficiency, activity and hard work determine the possibilities and power of social production. The leading role of people in the productive forces, on the one hand, is manifested in the fact that only living labor is capable of creating wealth. Without it, as one of the classics of political economy noted, the objective factors of production are a dead pile of things. On the other hand, material factors of production are the product of the mind, experience and labor of people. Any element of material productive forces always acts in production as a direct continuation of the natural forces of people, their energy abilities. The role of this factor is evidenced by the following fact. Based on an analysis of the national wealth of 192 countries, experts World Bank determined that the share production assets in their national wealth is 16%, natural resources- 20%, and human capital - 64%.

Land occupies a special place in the productive forces of society. Being an objective factor of production, in certain sectors of the economy it acts primarily as a means of labor (this applies to agricultural production), and in others - as a subject of labor (mining industry). But in all areas economic activity it serves as a production area and a material condition for production. The forces of nature are a universal subject of labor. Their subordination to man increases the productive forces of society. The material and material elements of the productive forces include the level of technology, science within the limits of the productive use of its achievements and the level of organization of production.

So, the productive forces express the attitude of people to nature. The level of their development is determined by the degree of human impact on nature, the possibilities of creating a certain volume of material and intangible goods and services. It is characterized by the means and methods of production by which people obtain goods, what their production experience is, which, in the end, determines the degree of man’s mastery of the forces of nature. The development of productive forces determines the ever more complete subordination of man to the spontaneous forces of nature and the growth of productivity of human labor, which leads to an increase in the wealth of society and forms the basis of social progress.

The development of productive forces occurs under the influence of a number of factors. This is, firstly, the level of material elements of the productive forces. The more powerful the technical means of production, the more advanced the technology, the greater the volume of goods created with their help. Evolutionary development human society primarily due to changes in means and methods of production. The transition from manual to machine production, scientific and technological progress - these are the main prerequisites for the development of productive forces and their rise to the current level. It is the obsolescence of technical means and technological processes in Ukraine is one of the factors hindering the development of productive forces.

An important factor in the development of productive forces is the level of progression of man as the main productive force. As already noted, both the use of objective factors of production and its effectiveness largely depend on the level of a person’s knowledge, his ability to work, and production experience. Special meaning acquires human factor V modern conditions, when the level of technical equipment of production sharply increases as a result of the scientific and technological revolution. Innovations in the technological basis of production under the influence of scientific and technological revolution lead to a change in the role of man in production, in particular, the role of mental labor is increasing. Confirmation of the increasing intellectual saturation of work is a significant increase in the general educational and professional level of workers. Thus, in the USA, the minimum duration of education for workers after receiving secondary education has reached 14.5 years. In modern conditions, it is believed that investing in people (the human factor) is one of the most profitable.

Another factor in the development of productive forces is the level of organization of production. The latter acts as an organizational and economic form through which the social productive power of man is realized. It arose as a result of manifestations of the socialization of production based on the division of labor, specialization and cooperation of production. On modern stage development of human society, the role of this factor increases significantly. This is manifested primarily in the greater role of production management, which is confirmed by the widespread development and dissemination of such production management sciences as management and marketing.

Among organizational factors The social division of labor occupies an important place in the development of productive forces. This is a process of differentiation of labor activity, leading to the separation and coexistence of its various types. Division of labor is a form of organization social labor, in which certain groups of producers are assigned for a long period of time according to certain types production activities. According to the economic criterion, general, partial and single division of labor are distinguished. The general division of labor is the division of social production into such areas as industry, Agriculture, construction, transport, services. The division of labor between enterprises is a shared division, within an enterprise between its structural divisions there is a single, or technological division of labor. On a territorial basis, the following levels of division of labor are distinguished: within the enterprise, between various enterprises, between different regions countries and between different countries(international division of labor).

Forms of division of labor are specialization and cooperation of production. Specialization of production refers to the separation and creation of enterprises and industries for the production of homogeneous products. It consists in unifying the products being created and enhancing the technical uniformity of production. Three types of specialization are considered: subject, detail (aggregate) and technological (stage). With subject specialization, the production of certain types of products is concentrated in individual enterprises or industries. Partial specialization involves focusing on the production of individual parts and assemblies (for example, the production of tires). And the implementation of individual technological processes (for example, the manufacture of forgings) is a technological specialization.

The second form of social division of labor and cooperation of production. This is the establishment of permanent economic ties between specialized producers who jointly produce certain products, but retain economic independence. According to the types of specialization, subject, detail and technological cooperation of production are considered. It should be noted that most products are produced on the basis of cooperation in modern conditions.

The importance of the division of labor as a factor in the development of productive forces lies in the fact that such division makes it possible to use resources more efficiently and rationally, since it significantly increases labor productivity. On the one hand, the division of labor allows a person to concentrate on some type of work and improve in it, which helps to increase the effectiveness of its activities. On the other hand, the division of labor makes it possible to use the advantages created by natural and climatic conditions. It should be noted that Adam Smith was one of the first in economic theory to substantiate the role of the division of labor as a factor in the development of productive forces.

Productive forces are a set of means of production and people involved in production, a system of subjective (human) and material elements that carry out “exchange of substances” between man and nature in the process of social production. Productive forces express the active attitude of people to nature, which consists in the material and spiritual development and development of its wealth, during which the conditions of human existence are reproduced and the process of formation and development of man himself takes place, accelerating within the framework of changing socio-economic formations.

Productive forces form the leading side of the mode of production, the basis for the development of society. Each stage of development of the productive forces corresponds to certain relations of production, which act as the social form of their movement. In the process of their development, productive forces come into conflict with existing production relations. From stimulating forms of development of productive forces, these relations turn into their fetters. Then, in the conditions of antagonistic formations, the era of social revolution begins, a revolution occurs in the economic structure of society, in the legal and political superstructure. The main productive force of society is the people themselves, the participants in social production - workers, the toiling masses. The production experience and knowledge of people, their hard work, activity and ability to work, the achieved level of their personal development and the tasks that they set for themselves ultimately determine the potential of social production. K. Marx called the developed productive power of all individuals the real wealth of society. The position of the working masses in the system of productive forces determines the fundamental difference between the productive forces of one era and another.

Expediently expending his labor power in the course of labor activity, a person “objectifies”, embodies himself in the material world around him. The product of his mind and labor are the material elements of the productive forces - the means of production and the means of consumption. The means of production consist of means of labor that serve as a conductor of human influence on nature, and objects of labor to which human labor is directed. The most important component means of labor are instruments of labor (tools, mechanisms, machines, etc.). They form in modern production not only his main "skeletal and muscular system", but also the developing part of his control system. Labor tools also include pipelines and various containers (“ vascular system production"), industrial buildings, roads, canals, energy networks, communications, etc. Means of labor and especially tools of labor are a measure of the development of the labor force and, to a certain extent, an indicator of the relations in which labor is performed. They have a huge knock-on effect on workforce development. The means of production form the material and technical base, the productive wealth of society, created by Division I (production of means of production). Land in some industries is used as a means of labor (agriculture), in others - as a subject of labor (mining industry), but everywhere it serves as a production area. The universal subject of human labor is nature as a whole. Natural forces conquered by man (for example, electricity, atomic energy, light, wind, water, etc.) multiply the power of human productive forces. The growth of the worker's equipment with the means of production and the development of his labor force are the main factors in the historical process of increasing labor productivity as one of the universal laws of development of the productive forces.

Expediently expending their strength, man and society, in the course of consumer activity outside of production, “disobjectify” the surrounding material world, mastering material and spiritual values. In the holistic process of metabolism between man and nature, the leading and determining role is played by the material and technical base and labor activity, production, which creates material and spiritual conditions for the development of the cultural and everyday base and consumer activity. But this does not detract from the independent importance of consumer activity, especially in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution, when the total labor costs in it exceed the hours of work in production. With the help of consumer activity, not only the labor force is reproduced, but also the foundations of the spiritual and physical development human, a new generation is being formed, new human traits are being formed. V.I. Lenin characterized the historical trend in the development of this side of the productive forces as the law of rising needs and growth of public consumption, spontaneously making their way in the conditions of antagonistic formations.

In their upward development, the productive forces take on three increasingly complex forms: natural productive forces, social productive forces and general productive forces; they manifest themselves in the process of historical development of society in the form of three successive stages of development: primary, or archaic, productive forces, secondary, or antagonistic, productive forces, communist productive forces. The universal law of the development of productive forces is that the material possibilities of the subsequent form of productive forces originate and develop in the depths of the previous form, but it itself becomes dominant only at a new stage of development of society.

Natural productive forces of labor, or the natural conditions of labor productivity, which characterize the lowest level of productive forces, can be entirely reduced to the nature of the person himself (to his race, etc.) and to the forces surrounding a person nature: natural wealth in the means of life and labor (see Primitive communal system).

Social productive forces of labor arose as a result of the historical development of processes of unification and division of labor, i.e. as a result of the growth of the social nature of labor. The deep antagonism of the secondary productive forces manifested itself in the consolidation of mental labor, spiritual production and higher forms of consumption of material and spiritual goods for a few at the cost of the hardest, sometimes destructive labor of the masses, deprived of access to cultural achievements.

The development of secondary productive forces goes through ascending stages, at which three antagonistic socio-economic formations are formed (slave, feudal, capitalist). Within each of these levels of productive forces, the working masses, through their labor and class struggle, overcome hard way upward development. Within the framework of a certain socio-economic formation, productive forces, in turn, can go through a number of technological stages of production. For capitalist productive forces, this is simple cooperation, manufacturing, large-scale machine, engineering, conveyor and automated production. The most adequate technological form of productive forces for capital was large-scale machine production, the spread of which led to the displacement of feudal relations and the establishment of the dominance of the capitalist mode of production. The process of international development of social productive forces accelerated in the form of the emerging world market, and then economic capitalist integration.

General productive forces as a qualitatively new form of productive forces is the dominance of the developing social individual over the forces of nature with the help of science, which Marx defined as “universal social knowledge”, “universal forces human head", "general intelligence". The development of this form of productive forces since the mid-20th century. takes place during the scientific and technological revolution, which proceeds in fundamentally various forms in capitalist and socialist systems. Already under capitalism in the 19th century. science begins to become direct productive force, the most fundamental form of wealth, acting both as a product and as a producer of wealth, as ideal and as practical wealth (see ibid., p. 33). The first form of combining science with production (in the form of complex means of production, machinery) gigantically strengthened during industrialization the power and dominance of materialized labor (capital) over living wage labor, manifested itself “... in the form of a monstrous disproportion between the expended labor time and its product...” , thereby creating “... the material conditions of the new world...”. Highest form this process in the second half of the 20th century. Automation of production and mass use of computers are advocated. The progress of technology also lies in the fact that “... human labor is increasingly receding into the background before the labor of machines.” At the same time, new needs and interests of people create new areas for the application of displaced human labor, new industries that, in turn, embark on the path of industrialization. The needs for the development of the second form of merging science with production through the engineering-conveyor organization of mass production were an important factor in the extreme aggravation of the imperialists’ struggle for mass sales markets, sources of raw materials and spheres of investment of capital, which gave rise to gigantic clashes and world wars. Realization of the possibilities of engineering-conveyor production in the manufacturing industry in the 50-60s. 20th century gave a powerful impetus to the scientific and technological revolution. The merger of science with production, which is rapidly developing in the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution, is expressed in the rapid change in the quality, models, types and types of products produced final products and in the creation of new objects of labor. The main form of influence of science on production also receives an impetus for development: the embodiment of social knowledge in the working person himself as a result of the growth of free time and the development of spiritual production (the spheres of education, culture and active recreation). This leads the development of individuals to highest level, which is possible in the conditions of an antagonistic society, comprehensively reveals the painful inhibition and deformation of the process of development of productive forces as a result of the domination of capital and raises the class struggle of the proletariat against outdated production relations to a qualitatively new level. The inhibition of the development of productive forces by outdated production relations is also manifested in the coexistence under capitalism of the most backward forms and levels of productive forces with the most advanced. The bulk of the world's population is still engaged in simple physical labor without the use of machines. For almost 1 billion people. a hoe and a wooden plow served as the main tools of labor even in the late 60s, about 60% of the amateur population developing countries was illiterate, most women worked in conditions of virtual domestic slavery.

home driving force development of productive forces in an antagonistic society - class struggle, revolutions and creativity of the masses, preparing them for the perception, development and application of the achievements of science and technology. “Only struggle educates the exploited class, only struggle reveals to it the extent of its strength, broadens its horizons, raises its abilities, clarifies its mind, forges its will.” Only a revolution radically changes its place in the system of productive forces, raising this system to a new stage of development. It is the personal development of workers that social progress is largely measured and assessed.

The productive forces that form the basis of the communist formation are characterized by the complete triumph of universal productive forces - the active, creative control of science over all aspects of social production, the comprehensive transformation of this process in accordance with its requirements for the fastest and most multifaceted development of each individual. The comprehensive development of everyone is fully realized as the greatest productive force, a condition for the development of all. However, this new stage of productive forces arises in the form of an interweaving of social and general productive forces that are “inherited” from capitalism.

PRODUCTIVE FORCES - the totality of the means of production and people involved in production. According to Marxist economic theory, productive forces determine the type of economic system.

Raizberg B.A. Modern socioeconomic dictionary. M., 2012, p. 405.

Productive forces and relations of production

PRODUCTIVE FORCES AND PRODUCTION RELATIONS are the central concepts of Marxist sociology and philosophy of history, which fix two aspects of the method of production of material life: 1) the content of the method of production, or productive forces (personal, property and functional); 2) the social form of the mode of production, or production relations. Modern productive forces are determined by the general state of science and its technical and technological application in production. The main productive force is a person with his knowledge, production experience and work skills.

Productive forces (KPS, 1988)

PRODUCTIVE FORCES - the totality of the means of production and the people who set them in motion. The main productive force of any society is the producers of material goods, workers with certain labor skills and knowledge. From the material part of the productive forces (see Means of production) vital role means of labor play a role, because “economic eras differ not in what is produced, but in how it is produced, by what means of labor...

Productive forces of society (Lopukhov)

PRODUCTIVE FORCES OF SOCIETY - the totality of the means of production and labor power. In other words: material factors of social production and human, subjective factors (workers) in their interaction. The means of production (material factor) are a combination of objects of labor (what material goods are made from) and means of labor (with the help of which material goods are produced). The most important productive force of society, its real

Productive forces- tools with the help of which material goods are produced, and people who set in motion the instruments of production and carry out the production of material goods thanks to known experience and skills for work. The state of the productive forces answers the question of what instruments of production people use to produce the material goods they need, and expresses society’s attitude towards natural forces. The productivity of social labor depends on the historical level of development of the productive forces, the perfection of the instruments of production, and on the production experience and skills of people at work. At every historical moment, the life of society is ultimately determined by the productive forces at its disposal.

The existence of primitive man is just as unthinkable without a bow and arrow, a stone ax, etc., just as the existence of modern capitalism is unthinkable without machines, as well as without workers, who constitute the main productive force of society. The development of productive forces, primarily the development of instruments of production, underlies change and development (see). A change in the method of production leads to a change in the entire social system. Productive forces do not exist outside a certain social form, that is, outside (see). Marxism-Leninism sharply criticizes concepts that consider the forces of production apart from their interaction with the relations of production with which they are inextricably linked. This is the case, for example, when Bukharin’s concept is absolutely alien to Marxism.

The development of the productive forces can only be understood in connection with the relations of production. The productive forces are the basis on which certain relations of production grow. But these latter, arising on the basis of productive forces, have a huge impact on them. If production relations do not correspond to the nature of the productive forces and are in a state of contradiction with them, they hinder the further development of the productive forces. This discrepancy and contradiction is caused by the fact that the productive forces always go ahead, being the most mobile and revolutionary element of production. The revolutionary nature and mobility of the productive forces is explained by the fact that with the help of the instruments of production people obtain the means of subsistence necessary for life. In an effort to raise the material standard of Jewish life, people are improving the tools of production and achieving an increase in the productive forces.

Hence the pattern of production relations lagging behind the development of productive forces, and the emergence of a contradiction between them at a certain stage of development. In order for the productive forces to develop further, it is necessary to destroy the old relations of production and replace them with new relations of production. Marxism teaches that new relations of production are the main and decisive force that determines the further powerful development of the productive forces. Thus, the modern productive forces of capitalism can no longer develop as before, because bourgeois production relations inhibit this development. On the contrary, the productive forces of Soviet society are developing at a rapid pace, because socialist production relations contribute to this.

In his work “On Dialectical and Historical Materialism,” J.V. Stalin gave a picture of the development of productive forces from ancient times to the present day: “The transition from crude stone tools to bows and arrows and, in connection with this, the transition from a hunting way of life to the domestication of animals and to primitive cattle breeding, the transition from stone tools to metal tools (an iron axe, a plow with an iron ploughshare, etc.) and, accordingly, the transition to the cultivation of plants and agriculture; further improvement of metal tools for processing materials, the transition to blacksmith's bellows, the transition to pottery production and, accordingly, the development of crafts, the separation of crafts from agriculture, the development of independent crafts and then manufacturing; the transition from handicraft tools of production to machines and the transformation of handicraft production into machine industry; the transition to a system of machines and the emergence of modern large-scale mechanized industry - this is the general, far from complete, picture of the development of the productive forces of society throughout the history of mankind.” Along with the change in the instruments of production and in close connection with them, people, who constitute the most important element of the productive forces, developed and their skills for work developed.

During the transition from the old formation to the new, existing relations of production are eliminated, while the productive forces are preserved and developed further.

the totality of means of production (the totality of objects and tools) and the people who set them in motion. The main productive force of society is the producers of material goods - workers; the people themselves and the means of production (objects and tools, as well as science). A concept developed within the framework of Marxist-Leninist philosophy. From the point of view of Marxism-Leninism, in society there is a law of correspondence of production relations to the nature and level of development of the productive forces, i.e. production relations depend on the material conditions of their existence.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


unity, a system of subjective (labor) and material (means of production) factors necessary to transform the substance of nature into necessary for a person products that make up an active relationship with people. society to nature at this stage of its history. development; the basis for the development of society. During the historical development along with the progressive development of the department. elements of P. s. their composition is expanding and becoming more complex. At all stages of history. development of P. s. include people as producers of material goods and means of production, i.e. means and objects of labor used in production. process. How a person produces. Strength is a worker who has historically achieved stable labor skills and certain characteristics. all around scientific and technical knowledge, which is used by him in the process of creating goods given historical data. production conditions. The worker is creative. Start, active subject labor process. “The first productive force of all humanity is the worker, the toiler” (V.I. Lenin, Soch., vol. 29, p. 334). Among the means of production, the decisive ones are the means of labor, with which a person influences the object of labor, giving it the desired form. The means of labor are a measure of the development of mankind itself. strength and indicator of those societies. relationships in which work is performed. “Economic eras differ not in what is produced, but in how it is produced, with what means of labor” (Marx K., Capital, vol. 1, 1955, p. 187). Most creatures. part of modern means of labor are mechanical. means (tools of labor, tools of production) - tools, machines. Marx called them “the musculoskeletal system of production.” Degree of development of mechanical means of labor is a primary indicator of technical. progress. Ch. distinguishes a sign of each era of society. production is rooted precisely in how developed the means of labor are. Improving them, leading to deep qualities. changes in technology and production technology, is the ultimate cause of changes in production relations, determines the transition from one type of production. relationship to another. “A hand mill gives you a society with a sovereign at its head, a steam mill gives you a society with an industrial capitalist” (Marx K. and Engels F., Works, 2nd ed., vol. 4, p. 133). Of lesser importance is the “vascular system of production” - pipelines, various containers. But with the development of metallurgy. and especially chemical in industry, the role of this system is increasing unusually; it becomes the most important element of the machine itself. Marx also included production as means of labor. buildings, railways and highways, developed waterways, canals, communications, etc., as well as land for production. area and as a carrier of nature. properties used to influence the subject of labor. Other naturalities conquered by man can also be classified as means of labor. strength, eg. steam, electricity, atomic energy, light, wind, rivers, etc. Substance part of P. s. forms the material and technical base of society. P.S. perform certain society function primarily in the labor process. Neither a machine nor a person himself is a P.s. if they are not included in the production process. Outside of man’s actual relationship to nature, not a single element of production acts as a P. s. The concept of P. s. Methodologically, it is necessary to derive from the objective unity of the moments of the labor process as the relationship of people to nature, an integral part of which is the subject of labor. The subject of labor is not pristine nature, and societies. a function performed by a substance of nature and acquired by it at the moment when a person makes it an object of labor. The question of objects of labor is, first of all, a question of materials from which the means of labor themselves are produced, different kinds raw materials, as well as consumer goods. But the nature of the materials used in production gives a very significant, although not decisive, determinant. eras in the development of societies. production The use by man of a new substance or force of nature marks a step forward in the development of P. s. (see ibid., note 5a). The relationship between man and the means of labor, although it is the most important point internal The dialectics of labor itself, however, do not yet exhaust the dialectics of labor itself as an active process of influencing nature. In the labor process, the means of labor act together with the person as one whole, aimed at processing objects of labor. “Man and his labor are on one side, nature and its materials are on the other...” (Marx K., Capital, vol. 1, p. 191). This difference is within the unity, which is presented in P. s. and it contains its own driving contradiction, which is realized in the conditions of P.’s interaction with. and production relationships. The need for inclusion in the P. s. of all means of production also follows from the presence of a moment of relativity and mobility of the categories “means of labor” and “objects of labor.” “... Whether a certain use value is a raw material, a means of labor or a product, this entirely depends on its specific function in the labor process, on the place it occupies in it, and with a change in this place its definitions also change” (there same, p. 189). Even a machine that undergoes repair and improvement turns into an object of labor. And in such industries as, for example, chemical. industry or village. x-in, the distinction between means and objects of labor is sometimes impossible to make at all. This historical stage of development of P. s. is expressed in definition. the level of productivity of societies. labor, measured by the number of products produced per unit of time. The concepts of "P.s." and “labor productivity” are inextricably linked. P. s are factors, potentials of labor productivity, and the latter is the implementation of P. s. in the production results. Therefore, the level of labor productivity ultimately plays the same role in the development of production. relations, as the level of P. s. “Labor productivity is, in the final analysis, the most important thing, the most important thing for the victory of the new social system” (V.I. Lenin, Soch., vol. 29, p. 394). P.S. constitute only one side of the method of production and are always associated with a definition. society relationships. Marx discovered the law of the correspondence of production relations to the nature of P. with: “In the social production of their lives, people enter into certain, necessary, relations independent of their will - production relations that correspond to a certain stage of development of their material productive forces” (Marx K. and Engels F., Soch., 2nd ed., vol. 13, p. 6). Production and relations, taking shape in accordance with the level of development of the agricultural sector, in turn actively influence the industrial system, are societies. the form of their movement. The conflict between P. s. and production relationships constitute the material basis social revolutions in antagonistic societies leading to the victory of new industries. relationships. Under socialism, society is able to promptly detect emerging contradictions between political parties. and production relationships and systematically resolve them. Possibility of active influence of production. relations on the development of P. s. stems from the deep unity and interpenetration of these aspects of production. P.S. are material carriers of production relations. Production workers are not only the main PS, but also participants in production. relationships. As a result, the elements of P. s. act as material-natural forms of production. relationships and receive specific social essence determined by production. relationships. For example, under the conditions of capitalism, the means of production - capital, is an instrument of exploitation by one part of society by another, deprived of the means of production. Under socialism, the means of production are the object of society. property. Socialist P.s., unlike capitalist ones, develop without crises or recessions, systematically and continuously. Under capitalism, a significant part of the labor force does not find use in production, is rapaciously wasted, and is disqualified. In the USSR, unemployment has not existed for a long time. Socialist society organizes the systematic preparation, distribution, and use of labor, taking into account changes in the composition and structure of the labor force. The general educational level of the population of the USSR is steadily growing, and the process of erasing significant differences in the general educational level of manual workers and mental workers is underway. Social essence of P. s. is also manifested in the fact that it is economical. laws of a given society. system determines the structure, placement, proportions, pace and nature of development, forms of concentration and management of industrial systems, the dynamics of growth of cultural and technical. level and living conditions of workers. Cooperation and division of labor, being forms of joint activity of people in the production of material goods, act as elements of social security. society. “... The method of joint activity is “productive force” ...” (ibid., vol. 3, p. 28). Cooperation, division and organization of labor form the so-called. society the organization of social networks express the way they function and are distributed among different types of societies. production Prom. The revolution led to a profound shift in society. nature of production, making cooperation the main form of labor in industry and unusually developed the division of labor in society. Modern production is based on the widespread use of scientific achievements. Anticipating organic the combination of production and science, Marx called it “... the general social productive force...” (ibid., vol. 26, part 1, p. 400). Transformation of science into direct P. s. begins with the advent of a machine, replacing hand tools, and occurs especially rapidly in modern conditions. scientific and technological revolution. The forms in which science acts as a P. s. are as follows: the use of scientific products in the production. labor – theoretical. research in the field of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, technical. discoveries and inventions aimed at improving means and objects of labor, creating new machines and mechanisms, incl. electronic counting machines and new materials, methods of mineral exploration and integrated development of natural resources, etc.; implementation of practical conclusions of economic and systemic research in the field of plant placement, organization of labor and production, use of economics and mathematics. methods in planning and production management; treatise designers, laboratory assistants, engineers, agronomists, innovators as an integral and integral part of the total production. labor to maintain current technologies. processes; scientific and technical modern equipment factory laboratories; design bureaus, n.-i. institutes working in production. Development of P. s. is the basis for the construction of communism in the USSR and the gradual transformation of socialism. society relations into communist ones, creating an abundance of material wealth. Creation of logistics. the basis of communism is defined in the CPSU Program (1961) as the main economic. the task of the party and the Soviets. people. Communist society presupposes the achievement of an incomparably higher level of development of personal qualities than their current level. shifts in all elements that make up P. s. Equipment and technology of production will develop in the direction of complete electrification of the entire country, all sectors of the people. x-va, complex, i.e. comprehensive, mechanization and increasingly complete automation of industry, transport and communications, extensive chemicalization of people. farming and production. applications of atomic energy. In modern stage, the role of chemistry in production increases enormously. processes. It opens up the possibility of changing the properties of natural materials, creating new materials that are not found in nature, revolutionizing objects of labor, accelerating the flow of technology. processes and on this basis increase labor productivity, improve product quality, and allows for a sharp intensification of agricultural production. x-in. In terms of its impact on production, chemistry is close to electricity. A rational organization of societies will be created. production in all sectors of the people. x-va. Development of P. s. communist society also presupposes a further rise in cultural and technical technology. level of workers through the implementation of universal obligations. secondary education, development of higher and secondary specialization. education based on reducing the working day and using free time for a comprehensive and harmonious. human development personality. Lit.: Marx K. and Engels F., German Ideology, Works, 2nd ed., vol. 3, section: Feuerbach; theirs, the Communist Manifesto. parties, ibid., vol. 4; Marks K., Introduction (From economic manuscripts of 1857–1858), ibid., vol. 12, sect. 4; him, To the criticism of political. savings. Preface, ibid., vol. 13; him, Capital, vol. 1, ch. 5, 11, 12, 13, ibid., t. 23; Engels F., Anti-Dühring, M., 1957, dep. 3, ch. 2; Archive of Marx and Engels, vol. 2(7), M., 1933, p. 67, 99, 121, 129; Lenin V.I., What are “friends of the people” and how do they fight against the Social Democrats?, vol. 1, Works, 4th ed., vol. 1; his, Notes on the book of N. I. Bukharin: “Economy of the transition period,” Lenin collection, vol. XI, M.–L., 1929, p. 371–74; Program of the CPSU (Adopted by the XXII Congress of the CPSU), M., 1961, part 2, section. 1, paragraph 1; Chagin B. A. and Kharchev A. G., On the categories of “productive forces” and “production relations”, “VF”, 1958, No. 2; Shenkman B.I., About certain fundamentals. trends in the development of means of labor, in: Problems of politics. Economy of Socialism, M., 1959; Heinman S., Problems of material and technical development. bases of communism, in collection: From socialism to communism, M., 1962; Gin L. T., To the characteristics of P. s. and logistics bases of society as economic. categories, in: Problems of politics. Economy of Socialism, vol. 1963, M., 1963; Shik O., Economics. Interests. Politics, trans. from Czech., M., 1964, ch. 1; Elmeev V. Ya., Communism and human development as a productive force of society, M., 1964. See also lit. at Art. Material and technical base of society, Communism. V. Cherkovets. Moscow.
