Where to work in the summer? School summer: money and experience. Where and how can a teenager earn extra money during the holidays?

IN additional income Today many people, including teenagers, need it, because everyone in their young years wants to be independent and have pocket money. Despite young age, some schoolchildren receive a very good income for their work, which allows them to pay for the Internet and operator services cellular communications, buy various goods, and also provide a small financial assistance parents.

Today, every teenager who wants can start working at the age of 14, and if real life you won’t be able to get a paid vacancy, there is always a simple one available on the Internet. Let's talk about what young people can do to earn a small but stable income.

Labor Code provisions for minors

Before we begin our review of the most popular methods of obtaining legal profits, you should refer to Labor Code RF. It has labor provisions employees who are already 14 years old. According to current legislation, Russians under 16 years of age must work no more than 24 hours during the week. If a 14-year-old teenager is officially employed by an enterprise, he is entitled annual leave, the duration of which is at least 31 days (Article 267 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). By law, a minor citizen has the right to register it at a time convenient for himself.

Important: Despite the loyalty of Russian labor legislation in relation to teenagers who want to work from the age of 14, they must remember that from the moment of registration labor relations responsibility comes to the employer. If a minor citizen causes damage, he will be obliged to compensate for it, and he will have to pay material costs even after termination of the employment contract (Article 232 of the Code). Also, according to Art. 192 of the Labor Code, disciplinary sanctions are provided for all employees (including persons over 14 years of age) for failure to fulfill official duties.

If a teenager decides to officially get a job and work part-time in free time, he must take into account several important points during employment. Employers who comply with the law will always:

  • pay wages in a pre-agreed amount (officially);
  • concluded with the consent of one of the parents (guardians) employment contract with a teenager;
  • eliminate the occurrence of overtime;
  • do not allow the teenager to perform heavy physical labor.

Unfortunately, many employers do not sign employment agreements with minors. In this case, the child is deprived of legal protection and may not receive the money due to him for the work performed. When employed, a teenager must be asked to sign a civil contract. The legislator justifies this by the fact that, starting from the age of 14, citizens have the right to independently manage the money they earn and make small transactions. These include agreements for the provision of various services or contracts ( this fact confirmed in Art. 26 Civil Code of Russia).

Important: if, without concluding a written agreement (with the knowledge of parents/guardians), the employer does not pay the child money for work performed, then even judicial procedure obtaining them will be very problematic, since such transactions will be declared invalid, since one of the parties to the agreement (the teenager) does not have full legal capacity. This must be taken into account before signing documents.

Conditions for getting a job at 14 years old

To get a job at 14 years old, a student must meet a number of conditions. According to the law, a minor citizen has the right to begin fulfilling labor obligations only after undergoing a medical examination. If planned further work in a certain organization, doctors will have to be visited every year. If a teenager does not pass the medical examination, he cannot be allowed to work. Employers should also take this fact into account, since an organization that violates the law will be fined.

The teenager must enter into an employment agreement with the employer. It would be a good idea for parents (guardians) to remind the child to read the terms of the document, and also make sure that the contract contains a clause that should indicate the length of the minor’s working hours.

You should also carefully read the provisions on accrual conditions wages. As a rule, it is time-based and piecework. To apply for a job, a 14-year-old citizen must provide consent from parents or representatives of the guardianship authorities for employment. If this concerns 15-16 year olds, they need to have with them:

  • passport;
  • work book;
  • insurance certificate.

It is advisable that teenagers provide a certificate from their place of study with a lesson schedule. The employer must ensure that work will not interfere with school.

Where can you work at 14 years old?

Before considering the most popular types of work for schoolchildren, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with simple tips that will help you avoid being scammed. First of all, you should contact your friends and acquaintances who can help you find a job.

You also need to visit specialized sites and study printed publications, where there is a sufficient number of job offers from verified organizations. To minimize risks, you can use the services of a recruitment agency or employment center. Such organizations will assist in finding a job for a teenager and will refer him only to reliable companies for an interview.


Where can a girl or boy start working at the age of 14 in order to receive a decent remuneration for their work? First of all, you should consider a courier position, which does not require special training.

The courier must know well locality where he lives, and also have an excellent understanding of the location large enterprises. Today there are enough a large number of organizations that do not have their own courier service, so they willingly hire schoolchildren and students who perform various tasks for a low fee.

You should know that workers involved in the delivery of correspondence or documents cope with their duties in 4-5 hours during the day. As a rule, most companies pay for travel for their employees, so using public transport significantly speeds up the completion of tasks. If you don’t know what you can do at 14 years old in the summer, a courier position will be one of the easiest. Moreover, during the time summer holidays You can earn good money and save money for any purchases.


IN summer time Cafe owners willingly hire schoolchildren to work as waiters, and it is during this period that you can earn very good money, especially if you work in the resort area. It’s easy to guess that due to tips left by customers of bars, restaurants and other establishments Catering, it turns out to be a very decent income.

As for working as a waiter in the midst of school time, certain difficulties may arise with employment. Many employers do not hire 14-year-olds because they will not be able to combine study and shifts in a cafe. However, you can try to get a job as a cook's assistant or a dishwasher. This kind of work pays well, and besides, most part-time work will be done in the evening, when the establishments experience a large influx of visitors.


One of the popular types of income for schoolchildren and students is working as a promoter. It is simple, does not require qualifications from the performer, and besides, teenagers only need a few hours of free time a day.

Promoters, in essence, are engaged in conducting advertising campaigns, introducing people to various goods or services. Payment for such work is usually fixed and negotiated before the start of promotions. Promoters receive money for every hour of work.

Since the work of promoters takes only a few hours during a certain day, this type of activity can be done during school and on vacation. To get this job, just contact advertising agencies. As a rule, they are the ones who organize various promotions.


The Internet allows everyone to earn money, so schoolchildren can also find a lot of options for making a profit. What should a teenager do who has neither experience nor special education?

There is a sufficient amount of simple work on the Internet, where no one requires performers to indicate age, education, or sign employment agreements. Schoolchildren can earn money online using:

  • commenting on information resources;
  • viewing advertisements, reading letters, autosurfing;
  • collection of cryptocurrency;
  • watching videos;
  • completing tasks on exchanges to earn money in social networks;

One of the simple and interesting types of work on the Internet is writing comments on sites. Many owners information resources and online stores order performers to write comments for articles or certain products. They pay good money for this, and besides, doing such work does not take much time. To avoid falling for scammers, you need to read on a specific website. Among the proven resources where you can consistently make a profit by writing comments, the Q-comment site should be highlighted. For example, to earn 300 rubles, a student needs to write about 40-50 comments (1 comment takes only a few lines).

If a student is good at writing essays and is comfortable with the Russian language, work such as copywriting and rewriting should be considered. To do this, you need to register on content exchanges such as Advego, Etxt, TextSale, after which tasks become available to the person. Most article writing sites have a rating system for participants, which determines the level of earnings. average cost work performed varies between 20-30 rubles per 1000 characters (without spaces).

To quickly get money, you should consider watching video clips and advertising, performing click tasks and autosurfing. To do this, you need to create accounts in active advertising systems, such as Seosprint, WMmail, Seofast and a number of others.

Earnings on social networks allow you to get paid for doing simple work. In the process, you need to like, repost, share links to various resources with friends, comment on photos and show other types of activity. For example, for 1 like or writing a simple comment you can get several rubles. Among the proven services, it is worth highlighting such resources as Sarafanka, VKtarget, Sociate, SocialTools and others.

Earning money from collecting cryptocurrency is no less interesting and profitable. To get started, you need to create a multi-currency wallet on the Cryptonator or Holytransaction website, and then register on a faucet rotator service, for example on ru.ifaucet.net. The essence of the work is as follows: a person goes to the site, selects the type of currency, enters his wallet address, goes to the web pages of each faucet, views ads, enters a captcha, and money is credited to his balance. After reaching a certain amount they are transferred to his account.

You can also create interesting video content and publish it. In this case, income will directly depend on the content of the videos, as well as the number of views. Among the types of activities that do not require investments, one should highlight the use. Today, many teenagers have smartphones that can be used as a work tool. For example, you need to go to the service Google Play, download the application, activate it, after which the user will have access to earnings. From installing one program you can earn about 50-70 rubles per day. Having multiple applications increases your income significantly.

Important: To withdraw money earned on the Internet, you should create wallets in electronic payment systems such as Webmoney, Yandex.Money, Qiwi, PayPal. To “cash out” you will also need bank card. Teenagers can solve this issue by contacting their parents, who only need to register the details in their name. You can also withdraw your earnings to your mobile phone account.

Posting advertisements

Fourteen year olds can easily make money by handing out or posting advertisements. To engage in this type of activity, you need to contact an advertising agency. As a rule, employees are paid immediately after completing a certain amount of work. For example, you need to post 300 advertisements per day. It will only take a few hours, and the work can be done in the afternoon or evening, and you will receive payment the next day (or at the end of the week).

How much can you earn at 14 years old?

According to statistics, the earnings of 14-year-old teenagers range from 9-13 thousand rubles per month. But here it is necessary to take into account the child’s part-time employment and the fulfillment easy work, which does not require qualifications from the performer. As for working on the Internet, these figures can be significantly higher. At the same time, no one forbids teenagers from combining their main activity with earning money on the Internet. The amount of income when performing various tasks on the Internet, depending on the type of activity and experience, has significant differences.

So, if the child speaks English or another foreign language, he can earn 300-500 rubles (and even more) daily from transfers. Writing articles will bring the student about 200 rubles a day. Working on exchanges to make money on social networks can also bring significant income. With some skill, reaching a daily income of 100-150 rubles will not be difficult.

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Let us note that the teenager’s desire to earn his first money will allow him to understand how this or that enterprise functions from the inside, to master for himself the new kind activities and become independent. Regardless of the chosen direction, you need to understand that work should be taken as seriously and conscientiously as possible in order to develop responsibility for your actions and gain skills that will be needed in adult life.

In contact with

Summer is a period of vacations and holidays for schoolchildren and students. Some people prefer to spend it relaxing at the seaside, with their grandmothers, friends, or just at home. Others want to spend it usefully, and at the same time earn additional money. A summer part-time job is an ideal option to earn money and gain a little experience in your specialty or simply knowledge that may be useful in the future.

Summer job last years is gaining increasing popularity among high school students and students. Teenagers learn to earn their own money, which they can then spend on entertainment and other personal needs.

In fact, finding seasonal part-time work in the summer is not a problem, especially in big cities. It is found in a wide variety of industries.

How to find a good summer job, industry sectors

  1. Cafe .

The service industry is popular as a side hustle. Flexible schedule, special
The administration of the institution does not require experience and high qualifications from students and schoolchildren.

Often people are hired as waiters in cafes, because in the summer season terraces and summer verandas open. This position requires a neat appearance and the ability to communicate well with people. Good memory is also important. You have to be efficient; this quality shapes the client’s overall impression of the establishment and the service staff.

Working as a waiter, you can get good tips every day, that is, you will have a job with a daily payment, albeit small, but real money will always be in your pocket. For such temporary activities, it is mandatory to obtain a medical record, preferably in advance;

  1. Restaurant employee (cook assistant, dishwasher, cleaner).

Of course, you won’t get a job as a cook, but it’s quite possible to wash dishes or sit on workpieces. Here you also need a medical book. In addition to salary, you can receive bonuses and bonuses, the schedule is flexible, shifts at fast food establishments are day and night. Restaurant employees usually have the opportunity to dine for free;

  1. Beaches and parks.

In summer, all parks are open, many children's attractions, ice cream and juice stands, and rental points are open. You can find different options;

  1. Courier .

Courier vacancies are considered in demand among young people. Such work can also be with
daily payment. The main activity is the delivery of goods or documentation to right time and place. Here the candidate is required to have responsibility, knowledge of the city, and communication skills. Payment depends on the volume of workload and the company;

  1. Promoter.

Another part-time job for the summer with a possible daily payment is a promoter and advertiser. The work consists of distributing advertisements, promotional materials, conducting various presentations, and tastings. Both boys and girls can work. Requirements – pleasant appearance, communication skills, speech without defects. Payment is hourly, depending on the scope of duties and the number of hours worked.

Even a schoolchild can post advertisements around the city; no special skills are required. The schedule is free.

But you have to work in any weather, and you also need to walk or ride a lot, be mobile and active;

  1. 6. Large companies.

Seasonal work in large companies This is an excellent internship option for young people. It may be paid, or it may not. If you need more experience than money, then a free internship will come in handy, especially in its own way future profession. Thanks to her, you can understand whether you like a profession or not, because changing it at 18 is much easier than at an older age;

7. Assistant sales manager.

This type of temporary activity is more suitable for students, especially those whose studies are related to the field of sales. Bonuses and bonuses may be attached to the salary.

It is important to have the following qualities:

  • communication skills;
  • efficiency;
  • literacy;
  • ability to multitask;
  • activity;
  • focus on results.
  1. Summer festivals.

Organize public events– it’s not an easy task, it requires creative thoughts and enthusiasm. But it's always exciting and interesting. You can be a volunteer, you will always be in the center of events, take part in the festival, meet new people, find new friends and gain experience. You can participate in events to improve the territories, streets, and parks of the city;

  1. Children's camps.

A camp counselor is an interesting job, but at the same time responsible. More suitable for those students who study in pedagogical universities. Camps can be located near the sea, and not just in the suburbs;

  1. Call center operator.

Not needed here high qualification, the main thing is to have competently delivered speech without defects, to be sociable, want to communicate with people and be able to express your thoughts correctly. Requirements may include high typing speed on a keyboard and knowledge of a PC.

11.Working on the Internet.

Making money on the Internet is very popular, especially among young people. It can be different, from a site moderator to a text typist. The main thing is not to fall for advertisements where they ask you to make a down payment; these are scammers that you can come across on the Internet at every step. Rewriting, copywriting, and typing are popular among women.

Seasonal summer work for women can also be varied.

These may be the following vacancies:

  • care for the elderly;
  • nanny;
  • cleaning of apartments and offices;
  • salesman in the store;
  • collecting vegetables on a collective farm;
  • housekeeper;
  • dishwasher;
  • fitness instructor;
  • operator on a PC or phone and much more.

Part-time jobs for teachers for the summer season, interesting options

The teaching profession is considered one of the most widespread in the world. During the summer they all go on vacation. To earn yourself an extra penny, you can take up tutoring.

Many schoolchildren want to improve their knowledge, especially in high school before exams and entering university. This type of temporary work brings in pretty good income. Finding it is not a problem; you can do it online or through school. There are other options for teachers - foreign transfers, copyright, rewrite.

Part-time work abroad for the summer, popular options

Those who want to spend the summer season profitably and earn extra money often go looking for paid work abroad. However, when choosing a foreign country, it is advisable to know the language spoken there, then work will be much easier.

What kind of part-time job can a 15-year-old teenager have? There is no clear answer to this question. After all, in modern world even minors strive to earn money to one degree or another. This means there are enough vacancies. But which options are best for a teenager? There is a generally accepted unspoken list of vacancies that may be of interest to a student. What should you look out for?

For summer

Children are more interested in working part-time in the summer. Teenagers 15 years old are gladly taken for it. Just take a closer look at the offers that appear in newspapers closer to the summer season.

The most popular option is the amusement ride operator. Or a salesperson This part-time job requires a child. Without it, many employers simply do not consider candidates. And this is correct: in the field of catering, as well as in the entertainment sector, it is prohibited to work without proof of health.

This type has been in demand in all cities for 15 years. After all, you can work on attractions or in specialized tents mainly during the warm season. A kind of temporary income. But some minors are looking for work on a permanent basis. What can they be offered?


The next scenario is the work of the promoter. A common vacancy among schoolchildren. Does not require a health certificate (only in exceptional cases). You don't need any special skills either. Typically, a promoter's job is to distribute leaflets. Payment is hourly.

Such a summer part-time job for teenagers aged 15 may well become permanent. Usually needed by companies all year round. The duration of work can be negotiated. For example, work for 2 hours. Then the student will be able to earn extra money even while studying.


Another type of job is nannying. This vacancy is suitable mainly for girls. As practice shows, teenagers are often allowed to look after children for a fee from about 16 years of age. But this option is also suitable as a part-time job for a 15-year-old teenager. Many parents require a medical record. This is a fairly common request and shouldn't be surprising.

An alternative is to work as an escort. The teenager's task is simple - to meet the baby in one place and bring him to another. For example, you can entrust a minor schoolchild to accompany the child to one or another club.

Often paid by the hour, but attendants are paid directly for the task. Such a part-time job for a 15-year-old teenager is not stable, but is in demand.

SIM card seller

Not a single vacancy to your liking? Then you can pay attention to other options for the development of events. What else can a teenager do in summer time? And not only in summer.

Another popular part-time job for a 15-year-old teenager is a SIM card seller. Or, as they are also called, distributors of telephone products. The task is simple - selling SIM cards, as well as other services of a particular operator. Earnings consist of the exit salary + % of sales.

The vacancy requires training - the potential employee is introduced to the operator’s offers. This process does not require any fee. This type of part-time job is good for the summer and any other time. Active, friendly teenagers cope well with it.


What other part-time jobs are there for 15-year-olds? Moscow and other cities offer minors work in cafes. Now she is popular. She is in demand among girls, but boys do not neglect her either.

Pay for the position is hourly, the requirements are serious, teenagers are required to have a medical record. But if you work conscientiously, it brings good profits. Especially through tips.

It is worth remembering that teenagers cannot work at night. The good news is that there are always enough places to work as waiters. This vacancy is suitable for active and hardy, neat and friendly, responsible people. Otherwise, the position will not generate income.

Work to order

Part-time work in Minsk for teenagers 15 years old is almost no different from the offers that exist in other cities. It should be noted that all of the above vacancies often require official employment. But there are also somewhat non-standard types of work.

For example, writing essays and doing homework. This type of work can be called freelancing. Teenagers very often help each other for money with homework, tests, essays and presentations.

This part-time job is especially successful during school hours. This is a kind of earnings on your own knowledge, skills and abilities. Only hardworking people can achieve success in this field.

Public catering

Of course, the most popular and common part-time job for a 15-year-old teenager (at any time of the year) is working in a fast food cafe. Now many minors work in such places. There are a lot of vacancies, the requirements are different everywhere. Basically, it is enough to have a medical book and undergo specialized training.

Depending on the type of cafe, the requirements for employees will change. Payment is hourly. This work attracts with its prospects. After all, teenagers are promised career, full social package and official employment. Lunch is provided, but there are no breaks as such.

Among the population, working in a fast food cafe is not considered prestigious. But it is very often considered by minors as a source of income. Many people stay in such places even during their student years.


You can also get a job as an operator in a call center. This vacancy is universal; it does not require any serious skills. Suitable for summer part-time work and permanent job. Often the task is to promote products over the phone. Or consulting clients.

Communication skills preferred. Pay for this position mainly depends on the amount of work performed. Well suited for those who intend to work for a long time, and not just earn extra money. Not only teenagers, but also adults work as operators. The main thing is to undergo a little training. It's not that difficult.

With animals

But here is a somewhat non-standard and original work. It is perfect for teenagers of any age. It's about about the provision of dog walking services. Good way earn money, especially if the teenager has his own pet.

This vacancy occurs primarily in major cities, where residents do not always have time for four-legged friends. Walking dogs for money is mostly a summer part-time job. But at other times of the year you can work this way.

Payment, as you might guess, is for walking. This the job will do people who love dogs. Teenagers without special labor trusted to walk their four-legged friends. No skills or abilities this vacancy does not require, the only important thing is the availability of free time.

In general, this list of part-time jobs for a 15-year-old teenager does not end there. There are many employment options. It all depends on the skills and desires of the minor.

It is clear that our children will always be children for us. Even when they started blaring through our flimsy mustaches or snatching away our favorite shoes without asking (and, oh my God, just the shoes!). But over time, their appetites become more than childish. And they need to buy this, and get this, and everything is somehow expensive.

If your child has already turned 14, then you can now rightfully grin and say: “You know what, baby, go ahead... earn money for your whims. You’re on vacation anyway.” Because according to Russian laws It is from the age of 14 that citizens are allowed to be employed. Which one should I go for?

Greening the city

This is one of the most common jobs for high school students. Landscapers are recruited by the district administration or directly by the mayor’s office, and relevant announcements can be found both at the school bulletin board and at the labor exchange. The work requires some physical skill, because young landscapers carry seedlings, dig holes for them and sometimes collect garbage in parks. However, this task cannot be called exhausting.

Distribution of advertisements

Typically, from September to May, advertisements are usually handed out to visiting students. But in the summer, when they take exams and visit their homeland, employers are waiting for high school students to help. Unlike students, by the way, teenagers are not in danger of frostbitten fingers at the post. Summer is the most fertile time for such work.


It’s a thankless job, there’s no way to make it your life’s work, so new positions are constantly being vacated there. Quick wits, the ability to navigate routes on public transport and efficiency - that’s all that’s required. Like any job for a private company, it is listed on job offer sites in the “no experience” category.

Shooting extras for movies and TV shows

Jobs that need to be looked for quickly - that is, on the Internet, by keywords. Viewers are constantly needed in the hall for programs, and in the summer the filmmakers come to life. Then it will be possible to show off at school: I am, supposedly, a rising film star. Well, unless, of course, they cut out the footage of the child’s face. You don’t need to have any special external characteristics to be an extra. Unless skin defects are not welcome.


Recruited for all sorts of events or shopping centers. Walking around in a giant fantasy character costume and being nice to little kids is all it takes. Usually you don’t even need to speak or smile. However, given summer heat This work certainly cannot be called easy.

Work in retail chains

A large store is always in need of a goods packer or cleaner. The work is hard to beat, but the earnings are greater than from handing out advertisements, and more stable than from filming as extras.

School camp counselor

If a school has a summer city camp, very often counselors from among the high school students are recruited to help the teachers. The pay is so-so, but the work is not very hard and sometimes you go to the movies or museums with your kids as an accompanying person. That is, free.

Work in social protection centers

Involves providing household services to disabled and elderly people. Usually you have to go to the store, pay bills and take out the trash. An opportunity not only to earn money, but also to feel like a kind person. Search for vacancies directly through social protection centers.

Providing assistance privately

A teenager can walk dogs, care for flower beds, wash dishes and do other tasks. domestic services privately, for a one-time payment. Naturally, it is better to look for such a job through friends. However, you can also follow an advertisement on the Internet, the main thing is that your presence will be required at the interview: you need to make sure that the employer is safe. And yes, it is completely legal for a teenager to provide paid assistance to a private person.

Text: Lilith Mazikina

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