The largest elephant in the world. The largest animals in the world

The largest land animals are elephants. They are found in India and Africa. Elephants have their own record holders. Most big elephant in the world weighs 12 tons. But such a heavy weight is a rare curiosity in the animal world. Typically, the weight of elephants ranges from 3 to 8 tons.

Amazing qualities of elephants

Elephants are distinguished not only by their enormous size, but also by their outstanding abilities. They have an excellent memory, they recognize melodies and are trainable. For example, one of the elephants became famous throughout the world for his talent as an artist. With the help of his trunk he draws beautiful pictures.

Elephants live quite a long time. If conditions are favorable, the animal's life expectancy can be 60 years. Although elephants are considered intelligent, their brain is very small compared to their large body mass. Humans have never been able to truly domesticate these animals. Although some representatives were able to be tamed and used.

The Indian elephant already in 2000 BC. e. served man successfully. At the same time, attempts were made to tame the less docile African elephant. In India, giants were successfully used during military operations. For example, it is known that the Indian ruler Porus fielded 200 elephants with soldiers on their backs during the battle with Alexander the Great. A little later, the Indian king Pyrrhus defeated the Roman army by trampling the infantry with elephants. In peacetime, giants were used as draft animals. The largest elephants in the world have been a priority at all times.

At the same time, elephants are revered by some peoples. In India, the elephant-headed Ganesha is the god of wisdom, and Buddhism values ​​him as highly as the dove of peace. White elephants have always been held in special esteem in India. They belonged to the rajahs and were not used for work. In Siam, even the king did not have the right to mount a white elephant. Such an animal was fed from silver and gold dishes, and drinking water scented with jasmine flowers. In Africa, pygmies believe that the souls of dead leaders inhabit elephants.

Features of the life of giant animals

Scientists consider elephants to be the strongest and largest of all land mammals living in our time. These thick-skinned and tall animals inhabit the tropical regions of Africa and Asia. They use young shoots of bushes and trees for food. To maintain normal life, an elephant requires about 190 liters of water and 250 kg of food per day.

These animals move gracefully and smoothly, despite their enormous body mass. If biggest elephant in the world moves at a rhythmic pace, then its speed is 6.5 km per hour. However, it can accelerate to a speed of 40 km per hour at a distance of about 50 m. Animals cannot jump or gallop. If an elephant approaches a wide ditch that cannot be crossed, then it becomes a serious obstacle. The elephant is an excellent swimmer and can spend 6 hours in water, moving at a speed of 1.6 km per hour.

The elephant has a massive body and head, fan-shaped ears, a long trunk and ivory tusks. This family belongs to the order Proboscis. The trunk of animals is devoid of bones and consists only of muscles. It is formed by the fused and greatly elongated upper lip and nose. The trunk ends in two or one protrusions, depending on the type of animal. These projections can be used to grasp objects like fingers. With the help of their trunk, elephants pour or shower themselves with dust, trumpet, and send water and food into their mouths. Therefore, this organ is of vital importance.

Some elephants have tusks, which make them hunted by people. Ivory is highly valued as it is used to create original jewelry and figurines. Today, elephants are listed in the International Red Book, but this is not a barrier for poachers.

Interesting fact

The elephants that died in the jungle are missing tusks, but the reason does not lie in poachers. It turns out that the tusks of giants serve as food for African porcupines. In this way animals make up for the lack minerals in organism.

The largest elephant in the world

The largest representative of the elephant family is the African savannah elephant or Loxodonta. Some specimens reach 7.5 m in length and 3.5 m in height. Such elephants are found in Africa, their habitat is quite wide. But numerous herds of animals are no longer found these days, as their numbers are rapidly declining. Elephants need water, shade and food. These are the basic living conditions that are comfortable for them.

Representatives of the African species are much larger than Indian elephants. Average weight the female is 3 tons, and the male is 6 tons. Among them in different time real giants were noted, whose height reached 4 m and weight approached 12 tons. The largest elephant in the world had such dimensions, for which it was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The African species is distinguished not only by its massive dimensions, but also by the size and shape of its ears. Loxodonta's ears are 2 times larger than those of Indian elephants. With their help, elephants protect themselves from overheating, as their ears act as a thermostat. As for the trunk, it also deserves attention. The trunk of the largest elephant in the world is 1.5 m long and weighs about 135 kg. Its tusks grow up to 2.5 m in length and reach a weight of 60 kg. Females also have tusks, but not as massive as males.

Elephants have about 4-6 molars, each of which weighs 3.8 kg and grows up to 30 cm in length. The thickness of the skin of such animals is 2-4 cm. Elephants can boast of a good sense of smell and hearing, but their eyesight is poor. When communicating, animals use the language of touch, and also make loud trumpet sounds that spread 10 km around.

The largest land animal in the world is the elephant. It lives in Africa and India, has a good memory, and is able to distinguish melodies from just a few notes. It can be trained, for example, an elephant is known to use its trunk to draw pictures of itself.

Large representative

The animal is different large sizes, huge ears and a long trunk, which is a process in the form of a fused upper lip and nose. A pair of tusks is located on the upper jaw, but some individuals lack them. The animal often pours mud on itself to protect its body from annoying insects. The dried crust protects its thick skin well.

On elephants all the time the hunt is on because of their tusks, as they are highly prized and used in jewelry. Poachers are not stopped by the fact that the animal is listed in the Red Book. In India it is tamed and used as vehicle for difficult to pass places. But in Africa this is not accepted.

Elephants eat plants, bark and fruits of trees. Among vegetables, preference is given to carrots, and among fruits, apples and bananas. They love bread and sweets very much. However, they can’t eat a lot of sweets, this makes them fat and they get used to them: they can stand near the fence at the zoo for hours, waiting for visitors from whom they can beg something sweet.

The largest specimen that was officially registered weighed twelve tons. The average weight, depending on the type, is three to eight tons.

Sri Lankan individual

Asian - these are Sri Lankan, Indian, Sumatran elephants. The largest Sri Lankan individual weighs almost five and a half tons, and reaches a height of three and a half meters. Lives on the island, in honor of which it received its name.

The Indian elephant weighs about five tons. It lives in almost all Asian countries. The smallest is the Sumatran elephant, its height does not exceed two and a half meters, and it weighs only three tons. The animal is found only on the island of Sumatra.

African elephant

These elephants are larger than their Asian relatives. They are the largest land animals in the world. There are two types - savannah and forest. The first subspecies can weigh up to seven tons and grow up to four meters. Animals graze mainly in the vast expanses of savannas, but can be found on the shores of lakes and swamps.

The African forest elephant weighs about four and a half tons and reaches three meters in height.


One of the largest animals lives in the Safari Zoo. He is already thirty-two years old, however, he is still growing and has a rather difficult time getting through the gate that opens into the courtyard. Zoo workers have already raised the arch higher twice, but Yossi the elephant still needs to crouch down to go for a walk. Experts say that such exercise is very useful for him. But there are plans to rebuild the gate again as the animal continues to grow.

The elephant has already broken the world record for captive animals. His height reached 3.7 meters. Yossi weighs six and a half tons. Zoologists believe that the reasons for the record growth lie in his genes. No less important is the fact that in the zoo he has good food and a lot of sun.

The most powerful animals in the world

People have been using animals for a variety of jobs for a long time. They are accustomed to carrying loads, transporting people and even taking part in hostilities. An elephant can lift no more than a quarter of its weight. But still he holds the record for lifting weights among all other creatures.

No official measurements were taken among the animals. Data on their abilities varies from source to source, with normal loads being most often mentioned. Indian individuals are smaller in size than African ones, are easily tamed and used as draft animals. Therefore, more is known about them.

An Indian elephant can lift a load of two and a half quintals with its trunk. By grasping the rope with his teeth, he can drag a load weighing up to half a ton. African individuals often carry their babies with their trunks, which immediately after birth weigh about one hundred kilograms. According to various sources Weight Limit The weight they are capable of lifting is between one and two tons.

To provide energy for its large body, the animal is forced to eat about sixteen hours a day. On average, it eats three hundred kilograms of vegetation and drinks up to three hundred liters of liquid per day.

These animals are considered very large, but good-natured. The largest elephant in the world is Yosya from the Safari Park in Ramat Gan (Israel). Its size reaches 3 meters and 75 centimeters. Today he is recognized as the largest elephant in the world.

There are 3 species and 2 genera of these animals: African and Indian elephants. African elephants can be divided into forest elephant and savannah. It is also interesting that crossing African and Indian elephants is impossible, since they are completely different individuals. Male African elephants are slightly larger than Indian elephants.

Elephants have many mysteries and secrets. what these animals have unique nature and habits that distinguish them from other animals. And even not the largest and most beautiful elephant in the world is able to surprise others with the peculiarities of its nature. Here are a few interesting facts what is known about these animals today.

1. Every elephant has ears different shapes. There are no two elephants in the world with the same ears, although, at first glance, it may seem that this is not the case.

3. Elephants can talk. True, at very low frequencies that the human ear is not capable of perceiving. And their speech is very similar to human speech. In conversation, elephants are capable of conveying many low sounds and intonations and expressing emotional states.

4. The heart of an adult elephant can beat about 30 times per minute. The average weight of this organ is 30 kilograms. For comparison, the human heart beats about 70 times per minute.

5. Average duration The life of an elephant is 80 years. At the same time, up to 50 years of age they are able to produce offspring.

6. Female Indian elephants do not have tusks.

7. Elephants eat exclusively plant foods. These animals usually spend a lot of time eating, sometimes eating for about 16 hours every day.

8. The pregnancy of a female elephant lasts a little less than 2 years. Typically this period is 22 months. A newborn elephant weighs about 100 kilograms. At the same time, all the elephants in the herd rejoice at the birth of the baby and depict emotions similar to joy.

9. A female elephant can only conceive a baby elephant for a few days a year.

10. Elephants can be vindictive, despite their outward good nature. These animals do not forgive insults and can remember them after many years. When angry, an elephant can be very dangerous and trample its offender. At the same time, he will not chase his prey, but can behave very aggressively if it approaches him.

11. Elephants have the most large brain Among all mammals, it weighs about 5 kilograms.

12. These animals never abandon their elephants. If the mother dies, then other elephants in the herd begin to inspect them until they grow up.

13. Even if an elephant falls into a hole, other animals help him get out. They begin to lower their trunks into the hole and gradually help the poor fellow out. However, there are cases when an elephant, left without a trunk, can survive. The flock does not leave him and feeds him like a child. The elephant itself will not be able to feed without a trunk.

14. Elephants always live in packs. These are collective animals that always help each other. However, in rare cases there are solitary elephants. They are very aggressive and dangerous, including to humans.

15. Elephants are only aggressive if they feel pain. An animal with a broken tusk, like any wounded one, can be very aggressive and attack a person. The elephant is very dangerous. Such individuals do not join the pack and, if they manage to survive, they again become ordinary elephants and are no different from other animals.

16. From the outside, elephants may seem very slow and clumsy, but this is not so. If an elephant wants to eat or bathe in a river, then it becomes incredibly active and its movements are quite light.

17. African elephants often become victims of poachers, because their tusks are worth their weight in gold. However, hunting them was banned 50 years ago. It is for this reason that their birth rate has risen today. Now the ban on killing them remains in some countries.

18. In India, it is customary to decorate elephants with ribbons, flowers, beautiful and expensive fabrics. And the animals don’t resist this one bit.

19. In reserves where there are elephants, it is undesirable to cross their path. They can easily turn over your car with just their trunk.

20. The African elephant, unlike the Asian one, has tusks, and the shape of the ears is slightly different.

21. Elephants love water treatments. They pour water on themselves with their trunk, like a fountain. This helps them escape the heat, since elephants do not have sweat glands.

What do elephants like?

Even the elephant in the world loves sweet oranges, mangoes and other fruits. Therefore, those who visit the zoo can take a couple of bright fruits with them. Usually elephants happily accept such gifts and are very happy about oranges, like children about sweets.

Elephants are amazing animals. People have admired their intelligence, endurance and wisdom for thousands of years. In addition, the elephant is the most large mammals of those living on land. These animals have a huge powerful body, large ears and a long trunk, with which you can not only eat, but also bathe or pick up objects. If elephants have tusks, unfortunately, they endlessly attract poachers, hunters for easy money. Usually the weight of the animal does not exceed eight tons, but in history an elephant weighing 12 tons has been recorded. How much does it weigh? this moment biggest elephant in the world?

If you deviate from official facts towards archival data, then big elephant would be an animal caught in Angola in the 19th century. It weighed almost 12.5 tons, and both tusks weighed no less than half a hundredweight.

Relatively recently, the title of the world's largest elephant was given to an animal named Yosi. He lives in the Israeli Safari Zoo and is quite old. His age has already exceeded three decades, and he weighs 6000 kg. Yossi’s tail is 100 cm long, his ears are about twenty meters long, and his trunk is two and a half meters long. His height is about four meters.

The elephant is the so-called "elder" of the zoo

Because of his size, he has difficulty pushing through the gate of his pen, he even has to crouch down to do this. Veterinarians agree that these physical exercise do not harm him, but on the contrary, benefit him.

The largest animals belong to this species. Compared to its Asian relative, it is much larger, and both males and females have tusks. The African species included the largest and heaviest elephant in history, weighing 12 tons and 7 meters high. Even their individual tusks can weigh up to 200 kilograms. Tusks are needed both for protection from predators (although few dare to attack such giants, except perhaps the old and sick), and for digging the ground and stripping tree bark.

In the wild, they can be found in Zimbabwe, Senegal or Namibia.

Of course, the height and weight of an animal largely depends on nutrition. IN good conditions elephants eat about 1.5 centners of food per day, females eat a little less. Actually, it takes them about 2/3 of the day just to absorb food, only two hours to sleep, and the rest to search for food. During the dry season, they have to walk many kilometers in search of food and drink. The main delicacies of giants are grass and young tree shoots. If possible, they can eat fruit. However, only about half of this amount of food is absorbed.

Habitat territory African elephants used to be all African continent, but now the range has been significantly reduced due to human fault. Most of these animals found refuge in national parks Congo, Tanzania and Kenya.

This animal is significantly smaller in size than its African counterpart. The largest representative of this species was killed in 1924; its weight exceeded 8 tons. The tusks of the Asian elephant are several times smaller than those of the African elephant, and not all individuals have them.

Initially, these animals lived throughout the territory South-East Asia, ranging from the Malay Peninsula to Mesopotamia, as well as on some Indonesian islands, the Himalayas and certain areas of China. Now the range is greatly reduced; there are fragments in India, Malaysia, Thailand, Bhutan and some other regions.

In Sri Lanka, there is a subspecies of tuskless elephant, which is called Makhna in the local dialect.

Moreover, biologists have identified as many as five subspecies of the Asian elephant:

  • Indian, the males of which have not yet lost their tusks;
  • Sri Lankan - has a large head without tusks with spots on the forehead and at the base of the trunk;
  • Bornean is a rather small animal, but with a very big ears and almost straight tusks;
  • Sumatran is one of the smallest elephants, it was even nicknamed “pocket”;
  • a separate subspecies living in Sri Lanka. This elephant is quite tall, 30 centimeters taller than the standard Indian one. There are only about 100 of them left.

Elephants usually live for about 6-7 decades. Officially recognized as the longest living elephant from Taiwan, who died in 2003, Lin-Wan. This "veteran" was used by the Chinese from 1934 to 1957 during armed conflicts with the Japanese.

It is worth noting that the elephant is often considered a serious pest for Agriculture. And not without reason: it happens that whole herds of them destroy plantations of rice, sugar cane or bananas. And, despite their impressive build, these animals run quite quickly, especially in case of panic: then they will crush anyone who gets in their way, and can even demolish a brick wall.

At the time of death, the animal was 86 years old.

Unfortunately, the number of these beautiful animals is steadily declining. The reasons for this are as follows:

  • killing by poachers hunting for meat and tusks;
  • persecution by villagers trying to protect their lands;
  • general deterioration environment related to human activity;
  • Despite their size, elephants quite often die under the wheels of vehicles.

Elephants are one of the few animals capable of conscious emotions. They mourn when their neighbor dies, especially if it is a newborn baby elephant. And they rejoice at good events and even laugh in their own way. If little cub fell to the ground, an adult (not necessarily a parent) will certainly extend his trunk to him to help him get up. They hug very often using their trunks.

The largest elephant in the world - reliable data and amazing facts

Our planet Earth is beautiful and unique, it is inhabited by a wide variety of wildlife. But elephants are rightfully considered the largest land animals among them. Their size is enormous, even a person seems tiny compared to them. The elephant is a very smart animal, it has a good memory, is easy to train, the world knows elephants that are able to draw with their trunk. But even among these there are species that are significantly larger in size than their counterparts.

The elephant is a massive animal with large ears, a trunk and tusks found in some species. It is for their tusks that elephants are hunted, because they are valued in the jewelry industry and today elephants are already listed in the Red Book.

Elephants live in Africa and India and are respectively called the African elephant and the Asian (Indian) elephant. The standard weight of an adult elephant usually does not exceed eight thousand kilograms. But, if you believe archival documents, then in the 19th century the heaviest elephant was recorded, weighing twelve thousand kilograms.

Indian and African elephant, who is bigger?

Previously, scientists believed that everything existing elephants identical in size, no matter where they live. But later, after more in-depth research, this statement was not confirmed. Today, the largest elephant is considered to be the African one. It is significantly larger in mass and height than its other relatives. African elephants can also be divided into two subspecies based on their habitat: savannah and forest. The largest of them is the savannah. And it can be called not only the largest elephant in the world, but also the largest land animal on the planet.

African elephant

The African elephant is the largest animal that lives on our planet. It is much larger than the Indian elephant, its height can reach more than four meters, and its weight can be more than eight thousand kilograms. The largest elephant that was found weighed twelve thousand kilograms, and its length reached seven meters. Both females and males have tusks.

The largest tusks found weighed more than 200 kilograms and reached a length of four meters. Elephants use their tusks not only for protection from enemies, but also with their help to dig the ground. Many people believe that elephants have thick skin. But this is not so, their skin is very sensitive and in the open sun the animal can get burned. That is why elephants sprinkle themselves with sand and mud in order to somehow protect themselves from the hot sun. African elephants live relatively short lives: on average, they live up to seventy years. They live in small families of about fifteen individuals.

There is a legend that elephants cannot swim. However, in reality this is not the case: they are excellent at doing this, and use their trunk as a tube to breathe when immersed under water. In the old days, African elephants lived throughout Africa, but now, due to the extensive development of territories by humans, their halo is significantly narrowing and they can often be found only in national parks. Today, the main enemy of African elephants can be safely called humans.

Asian (Indian) elephant

The Asian elephant is smaller in weight and height than the African elephant. His weight barely reaches five thousand kilograms. Elephants of this species are currently listed in the Red Book and are considered endangered. The skin of the Indian elephant is covered with a small amount of hair and therefore it is somewhat similar to ancient mammoth. The tusks are several times smaller than those of the African elephant and weigh only about twenty-five kilograms with a length of one and a half meters.

But in Sri Lanka there is a subspecies of the Indian elephant that does not have tusks, it is called Makhna. Important role Teeth play a role in an elephant's life. It has 4 permanent teeth that change as they wear down, but it is important to note that new teeth grow behind the old ones. And when the last teeth wear out, the elephant dies because it can no longer chew food. Average asian elephants live sixty years. Elephants live not only in forests, but also in mountainous areas, due to the special structure of their feet.

Elephant named Yossi

The Safari Zoo is currently home to the largest elephant in the world, named Yossi. He weighs six thousand kilograms and is almost four meters tall. His age is thirty-two years old, but despite this, he continues to grow. Scientists believe that this may be due to the special structure of genes.

Amazing things about elephants

  • Elephants can hear not only with their ears, but also with their feet, thanks to special receptors located on the animal’s feet;
  • Elephants sleep standing up, except for their young;
  • African elephants are the only animal that says goodbye to its dead brother;
  • Elephants have not four knees, but two knee joint and two elbows;
  • Elephants have good memory and can remember their enemy in order to take revenge on him in the future;
  • An elephant drinks more than 150 liters of water per day and eats more than 300 kilograms of plant food;
  • An elephant can hold up to eight liters of water in its trunk;
  • Elephants, like people, can be right-handed or left-handed;
  • Elephants can have different feelings, such as sadness and joy;
  • Only Asian elephants can be trained;
  • An elephant can stand on its head;
  • There is even a day to protect elephants in the world – September 22.

Famous elephants

Elephants are amazing animals that not only can learn easily, but they can also laugh. Some representatives of these animals went down in the history of the whole world.

Elephant Batyr was able to perfectly imitate various sounds such as sounds, people's speech, barking. Lived in the Karaganda Zoo in Kazakhstan. He was even depicted on a Kazakh postage stamp.

Today, the elephant Kosik (Korean: Khosik) lives in the Seoul Zoo, which can pronounce some sounds very similar to human speech. Speaks Korean.

The first circus elephant was an elephant named Jumbo, who was later hit by a locomotive and died. Today his skeleton is kept in the History Museum in New York.

Gabi the elephant became famous for being born in Israel through artificial insemination. His birth in live within 6 hours, about 350 thousand people from many countries of the world saw it.

Topsy, an Asian circus elephant performing at New York's Luna Park, was electrocuted for killing three people over three years. One of her victims was a trainer who tried to force the elephant to eat a lit cigarette for the public's amusement. Approximately 1,500 people watched the execution of the animal.

The elephant Hanako became famous for her longevity; she died at the age of 69.

Elephants are such big and amazing animals.
