The name Anna, Anya, Nyura: different names or not? What is the difference between the name Anna, Anya and Nyura? Anna or Nyura: what is the correct way to say the full name? Why is Anh called Nyurami?

Biblical name Anna - Jewish origin, and at its root lies a wonderful and noble definition for its bearer - “favorable, giving favor.” However, in the Russian version, Anna is often called Nyura. How did this happen?

Saint Anne

Almost all names in Rus' are Christian, and Anna is no exception. This was the name of the mother of Our Lady Mary, that is, the grandmother of Jesus Christ. It is believed that Anna in life has a kind of protection from troubles, because this name is an anagram, that is, it is read the same from left to right and from right to left. Accordingly, all options for this woman’s fate should be equally successful.

In the Sumerian form of this name the word “heavenly” is encrypted, in Arabic - “happiness”, in Turkic - “mother”. Indeed: happy heavenly mother and Saint Anna, wife of Saint Joachim, after for long years childless marriage miraculously gave birth to a daughter, who later became the Mother of God.

Thus, Anna is ancient female name with very strong fateful heavenly protection and divine predestination.

Peasant Nyura

All Russian children were given biblical names at baptism in honor of the saint whose memory was celebrated on this day. The only exceptions were hereditary, family names - and, as a rule, they were given to boys. This tradition strengthened in Rus' over the first few centuries of Christianity and existed until the October Socialist Revolution of 1917. Among the 365 days of one year, the feast day of St. Anne is celebrated 35 times. That is, for almost 8 centuries in a row, every 11th girl in Russia was called Anna. But not all of these Annas were distinguished by the qualities strong woman, who had fateful heavenly protection.

On the contrary, these were often the children of poor parents, who understood that their heirs could not expect a good share. And if among the noble classes Anna was rarely called anything else even at home, then in the bourgeois, merchant, peasant environment, little Anya was often called Anyuta, then Nyuta, Nyutochka, Nyura, Nyurochka, Nyusha. And this name already corresponded to her difficult peasant fate. Not a single Russian landowner would think of calling his serf pig farmer or scrubber Anna, but Nyushka, of course.

Finno-Ugric nickname

19th century ethnographer and lexicographer Vladimir Dal in his “ Explanatory dictionary living Great Russian language" translates the word "Nyura" from Karelian language inhabitants of the Olonetsky plain Russian Empire like an "underwater strand". Since ancient times, the Karelians of this area have been fishing; there were shallows on the rivers. the best places For fishing.

In the villages Arkhangelsk region before the Revolution of 1917, nyuriks were leather summer shoes Pomors and peasants. It was sewn tightly and, unlike bast shoes, it was possible to enter the water. Perhaps the word “nyur” passed from the Karelians to the Russians, who always lived in their neighborhood, as a common folk designation for diving or even snooping.

Peasant girls, like boys, with early childhood were forced to help their parents get food, and their agility and small stature allowed them to do things that adults could not do. It may have happened more than once that the nimble and dexterous Anya, named by the priest of the local church in honor of the saint, was called Nyura in the northern villages for her own skills. And this nickname eventually turned into a home nickname for Russian girls, who were baptized with the name Anna.

According to statistics, the most popular name in the world - Anna, almost one hundred million women wear it. This name has a lot of derivatives - Annette, Hannah, Ann, Ganna and many others. The name Anna is even in Chinese and Japanese, and even the pronunciation is very similar to European. Men's uniform The name Anna exists only in India.

However, in no other language in the world, except in Russian, does this name have such a number of diminutive derivatives - Anyuta, Anechka, Annushka, Nyura, Nyusya, and the list goes on.

Origin of the name Anna

The name Anna first appears in Old Testament, which means it has Hebrew roots. The name comes from the Hebrew word hannah, which means “God’s mercy” or “grace.”

Anna was the name of the mother of the Blessed Virgin, who after many years of infertility gave birth to Mary. Maria went down in history as Holy Mother of God who gave birth to Jesus Christ. Many people do not know that in those ancient times, not only women, but also men were often called Anna.

In Rus', the name Anna became popular after the adoption of Christianity. This was the name of the wife of Prince Vladimir of Kyiv, the baptist of Rus'.

If we turn to not very distant history, then Anna is a noble name that was given to royal persons. That was the name of the daughter of Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise; there were also many Annas in the Romanov family, the most famous of them being Anna Ioannovna. The Queen of France was Anne of Brittany, Anne of Austria was the wife of King Louis XIII.

Modern history also knows a lot of Annas - famous athletes, actresses and writers. Anna Akhmatova, Anna Pavlova, Anna German, Anna Kournikova - all extraordinary personalities with world fame.

Characteristics of the name Anna

Anna is a euphonious name that only evokes positive emotions, creating a feeling of something kind, gentle and bright. All women wearing it have an open and calm character.

The most important quality that all Annas are distinguished by is kindness. Along with compassion and attentiveness to others, this quality makes Anna an extremely pleasant and sensitive person. She is not at all a burden to take care not only of herself, but also of the people around her. If someone is crying and suffering nearby, Anna will never pass by. Very often people will abuse her kindness and selflessness, but even then Anna will put the interests of other people above her own.

Anna will never forget the birthday of her second cousin or colleague with whom she worked a hundred years ago, she will never forget to buy groceries for an elderly neighbor or pick up her friend’s baby from kindergarten. She does all these actions from the bottom of her heart, without demanding anything in return.

However, despite her flexibility and lack of conflict, Anna has determination and independence, which help her cope with all life’s difficulties. Anna is used to relying solely on herself, and rarely listens to other people's opinions. At the same time, a woman is not able to defend herself, and when faced with rudeness and rudeness, she prefers to “swallow everything” and not enter into open conflict. Anna experiences betrayal very hard and looks for the “root of evil” exclusively in herself.

The nature Anna is an introvert, she is completely unaffected by the opinions of other people. She has a very developed intuition, and her character is demanding and even domineering. Anna has an excellent memory and analytical mind.

Anna has a very good taste and a sense of style - she is always well-groomed and looks great, you will never see her in an old robe and worn-out slippers. Organically does not tolerate sloppiness and uncleanliness.

Anna in childhood

Little Anna is a charming child who does not cause her parents much trouble. The only thing she can be scolded for is the picked kittens, abandoned puppies, wounded birds, which she will constantly bring home. Annushka cannot refuse help to anyone - neither people nor animals.

From childhood, Anyuta will be distinguished by accuracy, diligence, obedience and prudence - just a gift for her parents. She will become independent early, and will rely only on herself all her life.

Anya is very artistic - she reads poems and fairy tales expressively, and easily learns them by heart. It’s easy for a girl to exact sciences, and humanitarian subjects. At school she will have many friends, and such a character trait as the desire for justice will make her a respected person among her peers. Anya knows how to defend her own opinion, even if this entails a conflict with her peers or teachers.

Parents should pay attention to their daughter’s talents - she has good voice and hearing, can draw and moves well.

The character of a child directly depends on the time of birth. If a girl was born in winter, then from childhood she will be distinguished by her intelligence and prudence, and will grow up to be a born leader - fair, but tough.
Anya Vesennaya is capricious, romantic and in love with herself. She constantly needs an admiring audience extolling her virtues.

If Anya was born in the summer, then she can be compared to an angel - kind, sympathetic, modest and reserved.
Autumn Anna has an even, calm character. She is respected by her family and colleagues, knows how to find a compromise and listen to the opinions of others.

Anna is an adult

Anna's girl's transition to adult life may be accompanied by difficulties. A growing girl does not listen at all to the advice of her parents, she has no authority, and other people’s advice causes nothing but irritation.

Anna will deliberately go the hard way, will take on all matters with great enthusiasm, and as soon as he feels that things have gone smoothly, he will quickly lose interest and will look for new difficulties for himself.

Anna the woman is a rational nature, which is guided primarily by reason and not by feelings, despite her subtle mental organization. Just as in childhood, she acutely feels injustice, but with age she has learned to mask her feelings and not show them out. She keeps all her grievances to herself.

Too much serious attitude life does not allow her to fully enjoy the gifts of fate, so Anna is subject to frequent nervous stress and depression, but innate optimism does not allow one to linger in this state for long.

Anna's sexuality

Anechka will begin her sex life quite early - back in adolescence. Adult woman not strict moral principles, on the contrary, she easily adapts them to the circumstances into which life forces her. Anna can have a husband and a lover at the same time, and will sacredly believe that she is faithful to both of them - this will not at all contradict her moral principles.

An intimate connection is very important for her, but only with her loved one. Having sex, Anna is able to completely liberate herself, and even after a few days she will feel excited. Anna does not accept quick and ordinary sex - she likes to make love for a long time, uninhibited and uninhibited.

Anna married, compatibility

Anna's first marriage often ends in failure. It may happen that she marries out of pity, and not out of love. Innate gentleness and caring forces her to choose as her husband a man who needs care - a man who is weak-willed or dependent on addictions. Anna will carry the entire burden of responsibility for the family until the very end, while not washing dirty linen in public and pretending that everything is fine with her.

Divorce is a disaster for Anna. When faced with difficulties in a relationship or her husband's betrayal, she will patiently wait for better times. And even when faced with domestic violence, Anna can turn into a submissive victim - filled with incredible feminine power, she will only blame herself for everything and endure, endure, endure...

The most successful union for Anna it will be with men named Alexey, Konstantin, Stepan, Zakhar, Rodion and Evgeniy. You should beware of an alliance with Leo, Alexander, Sergei, Stanislav, Georgy and Vadim.

The origin of the name Anna suggests that she will be a great mother. She will be a friend to her children who will always support and help. A woman is able to completely forget about her career and personal happiness and devote herself entirely to her children.

Anna will take care not only of her children and husband, but also of her parents and her husband’s parents. She will become an excellent daughter-in-law, and in the future - a good mother-in-law or mother-in-law.


Anna has an analytical mind and good memory, knows how to systematize information and accept right decisions, so she can successfully move up the professional ladder. The ability to argue and defend her own opinion adds to her respect from colleagues and superiors.

Anna's professional calling is to give people warmth and care. In this simpler way, a woman will feel in her place, and the work will give pleasure. Annushka makes excellent doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers and veterinarians. Kindness and sincerity will help you win over others, easily establish contact and evoke sympathy.

Anna will enjoy great love children, and this love will always be mutual. Anna will make an excellent educator or teacher primary classes- in the first place will not be developed professionalism, but an innate sense of caring for the small and weak.

Natural artistry will help Anna become a good actress, fashion model or journalist. Anna can also achieve success where great care and precision are required. The only thing you shouldn’t mess with is numbers, as such work will seem boring and tedious to Anna.

Whatever specialty is chosen, Anna will work conscientiously. He will spend everything he earns not on himself, but on his loved ones.


As a child, Anna cannot boast of good health - she is subject to frequent colds and bronchitis, which can develop into asthma. There is a risk of developing scoliosis, so parents need to pay attention to the child’s posture. Another problem is diathesis, so chocolate and oranges may be contraindicated for her.

At school, due to overexertion, vision may begin to deteriorate, and flat feet and gastritis may develop. Since childhood, Anna has been prone to being overweight, so parents should pay close attention to the child’s nutrition and under no circumstances overfeed. Anna, both small and adult, needs long walks, a lot fresh air and long sleep.

Horoscope for Anna

  • Patron sign - Virgo. All Annas born under this sign have the most gentle and flexible character.
  • Colors that bring good luck are red, orange, brown.
  • Red asters or rowan branches are best suited as a gift to Anna.
  • Patron stone - ruby, carnelian or opal.
  • The best time of the year is summer, and the luckiest day of the week is Wednesday.
  • The patron totem animal is the hare. Figures of this animal can stand in Anna’s house as a talisman.

Anna-Aries- an impulsive, uncollected and even irresponsible woman who promises more than she does. She has a lot of problems at home and at work - it’s all due to her impetuosity and thoughtlessness in her actions. He often falls in love, and marriage is not at all an obstacle to starting a new relationship.

Anna-Taurus- a patient and balanced person. He always justifies the trust placed in him and very rarely makes mistakes. Not prone to adventures, she remains faithful in marriage.

Anna-Gemini- an impetuous and impatient nature that cannot stand monotonous work. Always breaks the rules, often changes friends and husbands. Her passion is traveling and meeting new faces. Anna loves change and is not afraid of any difficulties associated with it.

Anna-Cancer- a strong-willed woman with a gentle disposition. Never loses heart, finds a way out of the most difficult situations life situations. Enjoys respect and love from colleagues and relatives. A faithful and caring wife, even if her husband is unworthy of her.

Anna-Lev- passionate and powerful, puts her interests first. I am sure that everyone around should obey her. This lioness craves admiration, so she is very susceptible to flattery. He will not yield his leadership to anyone, and anyone who does not agree will be considered an enemy. She will give her heart to someone who will look at her with adoration and constantly shower her with compliments and gifts.

Anna-Virgo- a very reasonable and sensible woman. All emotions are locked away - no one will see her furious or crying. Passion for love is also under control - all the “ah-sighs” are not for her. She will marry an equally reserved and reasonable man, and will be happy with him.

Anna-Libra- a reserved and very neat person. Surrounded by friends, her colleagues and children love her, because Anna is flexible and always compromises. Romanticism and belief in a fairy-tale prince can lead to a girl getting married unsuccessfully and living her whole life with a husband unworthy of her.

Anna-Scorpio- envious and arrogant, and also very secretive. He presents any action he takes as a favor, loves to brag about his achievements and does not value the successes of other people at all. Fans must give her flowers and compliments, otherwise she won't even look at them. Anna will have many affairs, but she loses interest in a man as soon as she feels that he can no longer offer her anything.

Anna-Sagittarius- the young lady is gambling and hot-tempered. She quickly makes decisions, which are often wrong, but Anna rarely admits she is wrong. I’m not used to being discouraged; I’m always surrounded by friends and fans. She plunges headlong into love passion and completely dissolves in her loved one.

Anna-Capricorn- quiet and laconic, does not know how to trust people. He treats all matters responsibly and performs the work carefully. Avoids noisy companies and feels uncomfortable in male society. She really needs love and care, she will be a wonderful wife and mother.

Anna-Aquarius- a big original, which is very difficult to understand, and it will not explain anything to anyone. Always strives for unattainable ideals, looks slightly down on others. She will find her happiness only if she is lucky enough to meet a like-minded person.

Anna-Pisces- a sensitive and dreamy girl living in the world of her fantasies. She needs creative work, which will be to her liking. Anna attracts men with her mystery, and she reciprocates their feelings, but a sea of ​​passions is not for her.

The name Anna came to us from Greece, and there from even more ancient Judea. In Hebrew the name Anna means "favour" or "favor". It is written in Hebrew like this - חַנָּה, and reads as Hannah. Name Biblical origin and is considered male version named Hanan. The name Anna can mean both favor from God and from others.

There is another hypothesis about the origin of the name Anna. It says that the name comes from the name of the god Anu, one of the gods of Sumerian mythology. But most scientists consider this hypothesis to be unfounded.

The name Anna is often used as a diminutive for other names. Thus, names such as Ariana, Diana, Zhanna, Ivanna, Liana, Lilianna, Marianna, Snezhana and many others are shortened to the name Anna. Naturally, this does not make them related names, although such versions often exist.

The meaning of the name Anna for a girl

Anya is growing up sweet, affectionate and kind child. She has many friends and easily makes new acquaintances. Unfortunately, her kindness is often used for selfish purposes. Anna will face many disappointments and “eye openings” to the truth of life. Anya is not shy and grows up as a child gifted with natural artistry. If parents make enough efforts, this talent can be successfully developed to a serious level.

Anya's studies are easy and she studies well. Minor problems may arise in adolescence, but this is more likely a feature of age, not name. She has a keen sense of justice and is difficult to teach diplomacy. This can especially cause problems in communicating with teachers. The girl is inclined to handicrafts and likes to sew, cook and many of the usual “female” activities.

Anya was in good health as a child. The first problems usually appear in adolescence and are related to the skin. Careful care and proper nutrition will help solve this problem if it arises.

Short name Anna

Anya, Anka, Anka, Nyusha, Nyura, Nyurka, Nyuta, Nyusya.

Diminutive pet names

Anya, Annushka, Anyuta, Asya, Aska, Nyurochka, Nyushenka, Nyushechka, Nyurasya, Nyunya.

Name Anna in English

The name Anna in English is written as - Anne, and sometimes as Hanna. Anne is read as Anne.

Name Anna for international passport- ANNA.

Translation of the name Anna into other languages

in Azerbaijani - Hanna
in Arabic - حنان‎‎‎
in Armenian - Աննա (Anna)
in Belarusian - Ganna
in Bulgarian - Anna
in Hungarian - Anna
in Greek - Άννα
in Hebrew - אננה ,חנה ,אנָּה‎
in Spanish - Ana
in Italian - Anna
in Chinese - 安娜
in Korean - 안나
in Latin - Anna
in German - Anne, Anna
in Polish - Anna or Hanna
in Romanian - Anna
in Serbian - Ana, Ana
in Ukrainian - Ganna
in Finnish - Anna
in French - Anne
in Croatian - Ana
in Czech - Anna
in Japanese - アンナ

Church name Anna(in the Orthodox faith) unchanged. This name is in Christmastide and Anna in the church is called Anna, unless of course she has a second baptismal name.

Characteristics of the name Anna

Anna has several characteristics that help her in life. One of Anya’s main characteristics can be called her hard work. She is very diligent and can work hard and hard. This helps her in her studies and career at work. A very efficient person.

Perseverance and diligence are good for performers at work, but Anya rarely possesses the characteristics of a leader. She's too kind to modern world successfully move along career ladder. However, her older comrades will push her as a good worker. So Anya can not be discouraged, her efforts will not be in vain.

Anya often chooses her husband so that she has someone to take care of. It's rare for Anya's husband to be an independent successful man. This is not her type. To start a family, she is looking for a calm, obedient man, a little like a child. She will feed you, give you something to drink, and send you to work. In general in family life Anya usually plays the role of "mother". Although there are exceptions to this among Anh.

The secret of the name Anna

Anna's secret can still be called kindness. Since childhood, people have been using Anya’s kindness for their own purposes. Almost everyone who understands the breadth of her heart wants to take advantage of it. And Anya doesn’t even take offense at them. Sometimes it feels like she can’t live her life and she definitely needs to help someone. If you have such Anya near you, take care of her, there are very few such people in the world.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

Totem animal- Hare.

Name color- Red.

Tree- Rowan.

Plant- Pink Aster.

Stone- Ruby.

Short form of the name Anna. Anya, Ana, Annochka, Nyura, Anechka, Annushka, Annusha, Annusya, Annusya, Asya, Nusya, Nyunya, Anyura, Nyurasya, Nyurasha, Anyusha, Anusha, Nyusha, Nana, Anyuta, Nyuta, Anusya.
Synonyms for the name Anna. Ann, Anais, Annetta, Hannah, Ganna, Ana, Ann, Annette, Aneta, Anita, Anya, Aninya, Ghana, Hana.
Origin of the name Anna. The name Anna is Russian, Jewish, Ukrainian, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Anna is translated from Hebrew as “courage”, “strength”, “grace”. In Christianity, Anna is the mother of the Virgin Mary, the grandmother of Jesus Christ (the mother of God), the wife of St. Joachim, who miraculously gave birth to a daughter after many years of childless marriage. Therefore, the name Anna is also translated as “mercy of God.”

The diminutive Anya is also short form many other names, both female and male (Anisya, Antoniana, Anfima, Diana, Heliana, Liana, Viviana, Liliana, Susanna, Fabian, Floriana, Christian, Christiana, Juliana, Juliania).

Many European variants of the name Anna have become independent names - Annika, Anita, Nancy (Nancy), Anya, Anais, Anahit, Anneli.

Internally, Anna is uncompromising and truth-loving, but externally, she is a real tomboy. Passion is visible in Anna's gaze. Over the years, a woman becomes wise, as if she has some secret knowledge.

By nature, Anna is a busybody. Like a bird, she tirelessly builds her nest, trying with equal diligence both at work and at home. She tends to live not only with her own concerns, but also with other people’s concerns. Sometimes the desire to participate in the lives of others turns Anyuta into an uncontrollable gossip. One way or another, this girl strives to prove herself as a sacrificial nature. That is why she is often compassionate to the detriment of herself and others. However, this does not prevent her from remaining neat and attentive.

Anna just radiates kindness. This is the main quality of her character and it manifests itself from childhood. The girl enjoys taking care of pets and imagines that the dolls are her youngest children. Growing up, she readily helps her elders and helps them out of difficult situations. Anna's internal energy pours out into faith, mercy and understanding of others. That is why a girl is capable of loving a sick person, a drinker or a loser. Moreover, the girl will not regret her choice even once and will bear her cross without complaint, devoting her life to helping the unfortunate. Anna is able to return to a person the desire to live, fight and rejoice in what has been achieved. Everything that happens around invariably worries Anna. She is always at the center of events.

Anna is an introvert. She rarely succumbs to the influence of others. Everyone can envy Anna's memory. By way of thinking, the girl is an analyst. She does not miss even minor events, and thanks to her attractiveness and charm, she easily wins people over to her side.

A girl with this name is capricious and demanding. Like a lynx, Anna lies in wait for her prey, but her mood changes too often. She anticipates events and envelops you with her charm.

It should be remembered that Anna does not have strict moral principles. She believes that she can easily change the norms of behavior at her own discretion. True, she always remains a caring and sensitive person. The concerns of family and friends are the same as her concerns. Even when these qualities are abused, Anna does not hold a grudge.

In relationships, she is restrained and passionate; violent impulses are rare for her. Anna often has an attractive appearance and has many fans. However, it is useless to force your love on her; the girl makes her choice on her own. It is normal for Anna to have both a husband and a lover at the same time. The girl will seriously believe that she is faithful to both.

Often Anna's first marriage breaks up, which can unsettle the girl for a long time. For her part, Anna is always honest and devoted to her husband, but she cannot forgive rudeness, rudeness and betrayal on the part of her husband. Divorce and subsequent loneliness for a girl with this name are not always preferable to insults. More often she withdraws into herself and waits for better times.

Children become a real passion for Anna. She knows how to sew well. The girl takes pleasure in dressing herself and her children beautifully.

Most often, Anna finds her calling in medicine. She could become an engineer or a teacher. The girl talks well and makes herself listen. She is conscientious and dedicated to her work. She works best with people. Anna often spends her energy on the well-being of loved ones, forgetting about herself.

Sound. Anna - short name, containing only hard sounds. The vast majority of people pay attention to its beauty. Many also note the lightness (88%), strength (86%) and majesty (85%) of the sound of the name. Some discern a certain femininity in him (79%). Names similar in phonosemantic profile are Maria, Emma and Natalya.

Anna's birthday

Anna celebrates her name day on January 11, February 3, February 16, February 17, February 23, February 26, March 11, March 14, April 8, April 13, May 11, June 23, June 25, June 26, July 18, August 3 , August 5, August 7, August 29, September 10, September 22, October 11, October 15, November 4, November 10, November 11, November 16, November 23, November 27, December 3, December 11, December 22, 23 December.

Famous people named Anna

  • Saint Anne (mother of the Virgin Mary)
  • Anna of Byzantium ((963-1011/1012) wife Prince of Kyiv Vladimir the Baptist, Native sister Byzantine Emperor Vasily II, the first queen in Rus')
  • Anna Akhmatova (outstanding Russian poetess)
  • Anna Ioannovna (Russian empress from the Romanov dynasty)
  • Anne of Austria ((1601-1666) Spanish princess, queen and regent of France)
  • Anna Karenina (heroine of the novel by Leo Tolstoy)
  • Anna Pavlova (Russian ballet dancer, one of the greatest ballerinas of the 20th century)
  • Anna Kern (Russian noblewoman, memoirist, best known in history for the role she played in the life of A.S. Pushkin)
  • Anne Marie Tussaud (founder of the Museum wax figures in London)
  • Anna German (famous Polish singer who performed songs in Polish, Russian and English)
  • Anna Knipper (Timireva) (Russian poetess, common-law wife Admiral Kolchak)
  • Anna Burda (Lemminger) (creator of the magazine “Burda moden”)
  • Anne of Brittany (ruling Duchess of Brittany, Queen of France (1477 – 1514))
  • Anna Samokhina (Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, Honored Artist of Russia)
  • Anna Dostoevskaya (Russian memoirist, stenographer, assistant and second wife of F.M. Dostoevsky)
  • Anna Golubkina (sculptor)
  • Anna Esipova (pianist, founder of one of the largest Russian pianistic schools (1851–1914))
  • Anna Stan (film and theater actress of Ukrainian origin)
  • Anna Andro (a contemporary of Pushkin, one of his muses)
  • Anna Bolshova (Russian theater and film actress)
  • Anna Politkovskaya (journalist, publicist)
  • Anna of Klevskaya (fourth wife English king Henry VIII)
  • Anna Mons (mistress of Peter I)
  • Anna Segers (German writer)
  • Anna Ostroumova-Lebedeva (graphic artist (1871–1955))
  • Anna Semenovich (Russian figure skater, actress and pop singer)
  • Anna Komnena ((born 1083) Byzantine princess, eldest daughter Emperor of Byzantium Alexei I Komnenos and Irene Duquesne; one of the first female historians)
  • Anna-Lena Grönefeld (German professional tennis player)
  • Anna Tsukanova (Russian actress and TV presenter)
  • Hanna Barvinok (real name - Oleksandra Kulish, Ukrainian writer (1828 - 1911))
  • Anne Bonny ((1700 - 1782) Irish female pirate)
  • Anne Rice (American writer, author of vampire novels)
  • Anna Radcliffe ((1764 - 1823) English writer, author of Gothic novels)
  • Anne Donahue (American screenwriter)

Anna is one of the most beautiful and ancient female names. It was worn by the Queen of England, the Russian Empress, and a famous poet. The name is energetically strong and pleasant to the ear. The origin, character, and fate of the name will tell about the personality of its owner.

Name meaning and character

Anna is characterized by tolerance, dedication, self-sacrifice. She is always ready to help, even strangers. In her desire for charity, she often forgets about her own needs and desires, which can result in deteriorating health, problems in her personal life and other troubles.

A woman named Anna is an unusually kind and sensitive person.

Anya’s kindness is ready to embrace the whole world, but most often this turns into a lack of attention on her part for those closest to her. She must learn to prioritize.

What does the name Anya mean for a girl?

Little Anya is a joy for parents. She rarely causes trouble and has a calm and balanced character. Prefers Mind games, loves to help mom in the kitchen.

Anyuta learns to cook and run a house from early childhood.

The girl endures abrasions and pain and rarely complains. Has a tendency to pick up stray animals. He enthusiastically reads fairy tales, easily memorizes poems, demonstrates excellent memory and a good analytical mind.

Annushka in her youth

The teenage girl is persistent and independent. She communicates only with those who are pleasant to her. She has few close friends. Anya will never invite someone she doesn’t know or doesn’t like to visit. Her parents can rest assured: the risk that the girl will get involved with bad company is very small.

Anna in adulthood

A woman with this name is characterized by slight coquetry and sexuality. This is most clearly evident in mature age. No man can resist the charming, sweet Anechka. She doesn’t do anything intentionally for this, grace is in her blood. A large number of fans stroke her pride.

Anna is characterized by falling in love and frequent changes of partners.

Anya works hard in any professional field, but rarely brings projects to their logical conclusion. Can submit ideas, implement plans, and at the final stage transfer the matter to someone else. She is interested in finding a solution to a problem, not the end result.
