Who is Wolverine? The only one from Gulo

Now I bring to your attention a new selection of potentially dangerous little brothers.

How to escape from a wolverine

In a good way, since the wolverine is a predator, it should have been mentioned in the previous article on the topic, but... I confess, I was careless. “Just think, an overgrown ferret!” - came to light in my head after viewing the photo and studying general information about the little animal. I underestimated this “ferret”. Oh, how I underestimated.

However, first things first.

It should be said right away that the likelihood of meeting a wolverine in the wild is extremely low. Simply unimaginably small. So small that naturalists would consider it great luck. If you see her, you can consider this day historic and celebrate memorable date Every year.

Wolverine doesn’t know what fear is, but he knows what ferocity is. This does not mean that it attacks every living thing in sight. This means that if she attacks, she will be cruel, and if she decides to kill someone, she will go and kill.

The wolverine is small - about a meter in length, and its weight usually does not exceed thirty kilograms. But she is very brave, strong, dexterous, has bone-crushing teeth and huge claws. How strong and brave is this animal? Well, let's say, there are known cases when a wolverine personally killed an elk. She won't be afraid of a wolf either. And once in some zoo, they say, a wolverine, being put in the same enclosure with a polar bear, squeezed his throat, and he suffocated. You understand? This plump badger killed polar bear!

There are very few cases of wolverine attacks on humans. This seems strange to me - judging by numerous descriptions, she should not be afraid of a person. But she has a very specific habit: climbing into houses, tents, hunting lodges and running the show there. She will break something, tear it, gnaw it, eat it, take something to her if she considers the item useful in her personal household. He might also mark his home in secluded places, so the smell there will be unimaginable. It is useless to set traps on her - she is smart, cunning and careful, so she is unlikely to fall into them. So just do everything possible to prevent her from getting inside.

If the historical moment has come, and you meet wolverine, then... I don’t even know for sure what to do. But let's speculate. Wolverine attacks humans extremely rarely. It turns out that it makes sense to watch her, because the beast can easily go off about its business. If the animal shows interest and it seems to you that it is not at all friendly, then you can try to use the methods from the previous article: increase in size and make noise. But something tells me that this will not scare the wolverine, but will only cause bewilderment. She can also handle a dog easily. I would use fire against her - his destructive force everyone should be afraid. Well, anyone who knows how to shoot wolverines with a gun has nothing to fear. Killing an animal, of course, is not best way out, but not when it comes to life and death.

It can be assumed that the wolverine seeks to avoid meeting a person (it is not for nothing that such an event rarely happens). So it is likely that noisy behavior in the forest - various screams and clanging - will protect you from the risk of meeting with this devil in the flesh.

How to escape from a moose

This is a rather big animal - an adult elk can weigh up to 600 kilograms (and how does a wolverine cope with them?). Despite its impressive size, this is a completely peaceful inhabitant of the forest: it grazes itself, chewing bark and moss and looking down on others. But in some situations it can be dangerous. You should avoid meeting him during the rutting period (late summer - autumn), and also stay away from a female with cubs. In these cases, moose can behave aggressively and easily crush and trample the enemy. To prevent this from happening, use already in a known way- Be loud in the forest. If you encounter a moose, hide behind a tree and jingle something metal. The elk is blind - he will immediately lose sight of you, and an incomprehensible sound will alert the suspicious animal, and it will prefer to hide. You can, again, suddenly “increase” in front of the animal’s eyes.

Moose often come out onto the road. At the same time, it happens that they rush at the car, either in a fit of rage or fear. A sound signal or bright headlights in the dark can scare them, so it’s better not to honk at moose on the road. If you know that on a particular section of the road there is a high probability of encountering a moose, then take the observance with particular seriousness speed limit and observing what is happening along the way. By the way, even if you hit a moose by accident, and it is not your fault, you will still have to pay a fine (and a rather large one) either personally or to the insurance company (if you have insurance).

As a bonus - an entertaining and educational video:

How to escape from a wild boar

The forest boar is not your cute pocket pig. This is a terrible powerful beast weighing up to three centners, decorated with strong teeth that can easily rip open the stomach. They rarely attack humans. Exceptions: females with cubs (please stay away from ANY babies of ANY wild animals), injured or rabid animal. If you make noise, whistle, shout, rattle, a healthy childless boar will most likely leave. You can hide from him in a tree. There is no use in running - most likely he will catch up.

To save yourself from all these animals and prevent the sad consequences of meeting them, do not forget to prepare for a trip to the forest, following the recommendations that I gave in the article about predators.

Open spaces or forest-tundra, you need to prepare mentally and physically in advance for unexpected meetings with its inhabitants. There are not so many inhabitants of these wonderful places, or rather, few who would pose a danger to humans. One of these animals, whose “soul” remains obscure to this day, is the wolverine. This cute-looking animal hides a lot of secrets and unknowns. Canadian Indians consider wolverines to be cunning, strong and independent animals, but the Sami have the opinion that the wolverine is the personification of a demon.

Time will tell which of them is right. Be that as it may, like any other animal, the wolverine can pose a danger to humans. To eliminate all options for negative memories of meeting this animal, let’s first try to find out more about it.

A unique representative of the mustelid family, it belongs to predatory mammals. Existing on Earth in two subspecies, the wolverine is divided into inhabitants of North America and Eurasia. Wherever she lives, her lair can most often be found in rock crevices, under uprooted tree roots, or in places hidden from prying eyes.

Having had a good night's sleep, the wolverine goes hunting at night. Possessing acute hearing and vision, the animal perfectly navigates in the dark, slowly and quietly creeping up on its “prey” from behind. If the intended prey is larger than the wolverine, the animal will attack from above, jumping onto it from a cliff or tree.

Often many negative moments during travel can be avoided if you know how to behave in a given situation. The same principle applies to meeting a wolverine. If you know how to behave, you can avoid animal aggression and the likelihood of being bitten.

The first thing to remember is that you do not need to walk alone in areas where wolverines are likely to spread, especially at night. It’s not worth explaining that exploring the taiga or forest-tundra together or the whole company, the chance of being attacked by a wolverine is practically reduced to zero.

Secondly, in the territory where the animal lives, you need to behave as calmly as possible, without attracting unnecessary attention to yourself. A loud noise, a cheerful picnic with a lot of aromas attractive to the animal can result in a “fierce” fight for food supplies.

Never approach wolverine cubs or any other animal in general! Sometimes travelers themselves “incite” the animal to aggression. As they approach the beast's offspring, they unknowingly pose threat number one. Any animal will rush to attack without hesitation in a fit of desire to protect its cubs from the enemy.

In order to eliminate the possibility of a wolverine attack, you need to stock up on special repellents in advance to scare away the wild animal. They will allow you to protect yourself to some extent from the bite of an animal that may be susceptible to rabies. Even if the animal is wounded, you should not tempt fate and come closer to it. And in general, if you do not have the knowledge and skills to hunt wolverines, it is better not to do this.

If you are a victim of a wolverine attack

First of all, do not underestimate the power of this cute animal. fragile, little creature in fact, he turns out to be an irreconcilable fighter for his rights. Powerful jaws and large claws are capable of defeating even a bear. Therefore, wounds inflicted by a wolverine can not only cause severe injuries, but even pose a threat to life. If unpleasant contact with an animal occurs, there is no need to rush to stop the bleeding. Nobody knows how this animal can be sick. And the flowing blood allows you to partially get rid of dangerous microorganisms.

No matter how dangerous the wound may be, in any case you should seek medical help from the appropriate institution as quickly as possible. Before you get there, however, there are a few things you can do. If you have it on hand laundry soap(ordinary toilet soap will do in a pinch) and water, you need to make a soap solution and wash the wound. Taking a third of a bar of soap and 2 glasses of water, you should wash the wound with the resulting soap solution for 5-15 minutes. The rinsing time depends on the degree of its depth. The deeper the wound, the longer the rinsing will take.

After washing the wound and treating the edges with an antiseptic, you should interrupt the trip and go to the nearest locality and seek medical help. Remember, every minute counts!

When we think of animals that can take our lives in an instant, most likely in order to then eat us, we usually think of lions, sharks or tigers. However, there are animals in the world that are capable of killing a person, which we would never suspect of this, since they are generally considered harmless. Below is a list of such animals, including the man-eating seal, that pose a natural threat to human life.

10. Man-eating seal

The seal is not the first animal that comes to mind when it comes to man-eating animals. However, Antarctica is home to a terrifying marine mammal known as leopard seal. The body length of an adult reaches 3.7 meters, and the weight is more than 450 kilograms. These snake-like leopard seals prowl the coastal waters of Antarctic ice shelves. Leopard seals are distinguished by their ferocious temper, huge fangs and the ability to chase prey at enormous speeds.

During Ernest Shackleton's historic expedition to Antarctica, one of the crew members was attacked on the shore by a huge leopard seal. The man miraculously escaped death, and only because the leopard seal was shot by his comrades. In 2003, a leopard seal grabbed and dragged researcher Kirsty Brown, causing injuries that led to her death - the first fatality after three recorded attacks.

9. Spitting Cobra

African spitting cobras grow up to 3 meters in length and have specifically adapted mouthparts that allow them to spit venom over distances exceeding 2.5 meters. Snakes aim for the eyes of victims and release venom, which can effectively dissolve the eyes if the person does not receive immediate treatment. health care.

Scientists have determined that spitting cobras react even when they are shown fake faces. They hit the fake face's "eyes" eight out of ten times, releasing a very precise stream of poison with the force of a water pistol. Moreover, the worst thing is that a spitting cobra releases poison so quickly that a person does not have time to react. That is why, if you are planning a trip to the habitats of spitting cobras, do not forget to wear Sunglasses.

8. Transiting killer whales

Killer whales are the most ferocious creatures of all marine mammals. They became famous for killing sharks, devouring giant baleen whales and swimming into tidal pools to catch seals. Although scientists and amateurs marine fauna It is often stated that "orcas are harmless to humans" - there is a danger that a potential threat that is fatal dangerous predators represent to humans are actually underestimated. Transiting killer whales or rogue killer whales prefer to hunt animals and can easily find a replacement for seals, their usual prey.

In 1972, a California surfer needed 100 stitches after being dragged away by a killer whale. More than thirty years later, a 7.6-meter killer whale attacked and mauled a boy from Canada. Another scary incident involved a whole group of killer whales trying to use their movements to own bodies, create a huge wave that would “wash” the scientists out of their boat. They use this tactic to catch seals sitting on ice floes. Despite the fact that killer whales have attacked very few people, it is possible that such a small number of incidents can only be explained by the fact that they did not have a suitable opportunity...

7. Wolverine

Wolverines are exactly what nightmares are made of, and their ferocity deserves deep respect. They weigh only fifteen kilograms, look like some kind of small bears, and are not much different in size from a medium-sized dog, however, this lone hunter can take down a moose on his own and even kill a person.

The wolverine is actually a member of the mustelid family, however, it has special adaptations that allow it to rush forward at high speed and mutilate large prey by piercing its jugular vein, hamstrings, or spine at the base of the skull. The teeth, which are disproportionately large and capable of crushing bone, can cause serious and usually fatal injuries to the victim. Wolverines almost never attack people, but they most likely do not do this due to their remoteness northern places habitat from humans. However, there have been several recorded deaths from wolverine bites throughout history, and the injuries they inflict on humans are usually very serious.

6. Killer Coyote

Agile coyotes, whose body is one and a half meters long and weighs 30 kilograms, can run at a speed of 64 kilometers per hour and jump over a distance of four meters. Over the past few decades, a huge number of coyote attacks on people, and especially children, have been recorded.

In a recent attack, a child was killed by a suburban coyote, and in another case, Canadian pop singer Taylor Mitchell was killed and partially eaten by coyotes in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. Recent injuries sustained in non-death coyote attacks include back injuries, severed ears, scalps, chewed bones, and eye injuries.

5. Great Eagle Owl

The Great Eagle Owl is a magnificent and sometimes ferocious predator endemic to the Americas. Weighing more than 1.8 kilograms and with a wingspan of one and a half meters, the Great Eagle Owl, also known as the “Flying Tiger,” hunts prey three times its size.

The great eagle owl uses its huge claws to hunt skunks and cats, and they have earned this 60cm predator the title of the only bird of prey, which caused fatal injuries to a person during the attack. The attack occurred when the scientist took some eggs from the nest for research, which caused the enraged predator to rush at the man and inflict fatal wounds on him, piercing his skull with its claws. Great eagle owls live from Alaska to Brazil and often occupy crow nests. Climbing into the nests of unfamiliar birds can have deadly consequences...

4. Giant anteater

This is a giant anteater strange mammal, living mainly in meadows and grasslands, endemic South America. It can grow up to 1.8 meters in length and reach a weight of approximately 70 kilograms. Despite the fact that anteaters look completely ridiculous, and even cute in their own way, you should not hug or approach them.

Anteaters are physically adapted to tearing anthills to shreds, allowing their elephant trunk-like snout to pull out hundreds of ants. If an anteater is afraid of a person or any other animal, it is quite capable of quickly tearing apart an uninvited guest with its powerful paws and knife-sharp claws. In one incident, a sanctuary worker working to help these endangered animals was attacked and subsequently died from his injuries.

3. Irukandji Jellyfish

In some cases, it is not the size, strength or ferocity that makes an animal dangerous to humans, but its ability to hide, which allows it to sneak past us freely, and when we notice it, it is too late. While box jellyfish warnings are a mandatory part of beach placards, it's worth noting that there is another "tiny killer" to watch out for - the Irukandji jellyfish. This transparent and almost invisible creature, whose size is only one cubic centimeter, swims aimlessly through the waves, dragging behind it 60 centimeter tentacles, which contain venom that is a hundred times stronger than the venom of a cobra.

Swimmers who barely touch this invisible creature require emergency hospitalization, and two deaths were reported in Australia in 2002. The Irukandji jellyfish even swims into UK coastal waters - meaning danger can be present almost anywhere...

2. Californian sea ​​lion

Those trained fur seals that we often see in circus performances or aquarium shows are actually California sea lions, large marine mammals, which live off the western coast of North America. Clever pinnipeds quickly learn to perform various tricks, but wildlife These 320 kg stuntmen, whose bodies reach 1.8 meters in length, can be quite dangerous. Males sea ​​lions very aggressive and territorial, and there have been cases of them attacking swimmers in coastal waters Pacific Ocean. In this region, there are far more cases of sea lion attacks on humans than cases of shark attacks. In 2004, a sea lion jumped into a fisherman's boat, pulled him off the boat and pulled him into the water - the man miraculously survived. The name “sea lion” was clearly given to him for a reason...

1. Asian carp

Asian carp are wild and fairly large relatives of the goldfish, reaching a weight of 45 kilograms and a length of more than 1.2 meters. These fish are endemic to Asian rivers and the fact that they were brought to North America turned out to be a big mistake: they flooded waterways and lakes in huge quantities.

Since the areas in which these fish live usually coincide with areas reserved for human recreation on the water, the fish's habit of jumping high out of the water poses a deadly threat. There have been many cases of motorboat drivers suffering serious head and body injuries due to huge carp jumping out of the water and hitting them. Injuries included broken bones, back injuries and black eyes. Government departments in the US and Canada have called for action to reduce the population of these killer carp before it becomes fatal...

When you see her, she may seem like a little bear to you, but in reality, a wolverine looks more like a weasel on steroids. This stocky little beast is the stuff of legends. Along with its insatiable appetite, it has a reputation for being an animal of unrivaled ferocity and apparently fears nothing. No other animal can match the wolverine's strength or attitude. However, this happy little bundle of terror lives in the sparsely populated outskirts of the Arctic Circle.

Below you can read facts about wolverine and some myths. And it is true that wolverine is capable of killing animals 10 times larger than itself, such as moose. But you will also want to know, can a wolverine attack and kill a person? Don't rush, let's go in order.

Meet Wolverine!

Wolverine (lat. Gulo Gulo)
Scientific name Gulo Gulo means glutton. This name comes from the reputation of the animal and its insatiable appetite.
Wolverines are also known as skunk bear, stinky bear, nasty cat, devil bear or quickhatch, carcajou (we couldn't find a translation - Ed.).
Wolverine is the largest representative of the weasel (mustelidae) subfamily., which lives exclusively on land. The South American giant otter (with a tail up to 2.5 meters) and the sea otter (sea otter) are larger than it.
Average males weigh 9-25 kg, but specimens have been recorded that weighed about 35 kg. It's about the size of a large pit bull.
Body lengthcomes without a tailup to 110 cm.
Wolverines have a very stocky, powerful muscular structure. Somewhere they even wrote that it can carry 2 people.
They have a wide, rounded head with a short muzzle and very strong jaws.
Wolverines are sometimes called the "hyenas of the North" due to the ability of their jaws to crack bones. This is essential when their diet consists mainly of frozen meat.
Like other mustelids, they have a pair of special molars at the back of the mouth, which are rotated 90 degrees. This makes it easier to tear pieces of meat from the victim, even if it is frozen.
Wolverine is perfectly adapted, with wide webbed feet. This allows her to run on powdery snow as if she were wearing snowshoes.
Wolverine's other weapon is her razor-sharp claws. The animal's claws are also long, curved and very strong. They are ideal for capturing prey and never letting go.
Despite the fact that the wolverine has small, beady eyes, it has a good sense of smell, which helps in hunting. She can detect prey or carrion that has been buried by heavy snowfall.
The thick, dense fur of the wolverine is extremely adapted to life in severe frosts. Not only does it repel water, but it is the only fur that does not freeze or become covered in ice. For this reason, it can often be seen on the hoods of coats and jackets.
Wolverines live on average about 4-6 years, but as is known, some of them lived up to 13 years.

Where can you find a wolverine?
Wolverines live around the Arctic Circle: V North America, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, Siberia and Northern Asia.
Wolverines are ferocious territorial animals, with males controlling large territories. They enjoy a solitary life, and the male's controlled territory can reach up to 620 km² (240 mi²). He may have several females that are much smaller than him. As a general rule, territories of the same sex should not overlap. If this occurs, then problems (conflicts) arise.
Male wolverines enjoy roaming. It has been recorded that one male in Yellowstone national park covered more than 800 km (500 miles) in 42 days.

Video. Undaunted and evil wolverine

Wolverine behavior
Wolverines sleep a lot and are active for 3-4 hours per cycle.
Wolverines are known to steal and then hide things that do not seem useful to them. According to one of the authors: “They will steal and hide all the contents of uninhabited hunting lodges: guns, knives, kitchen utensils and blankets... everything that has been left behind by people.”.
Wolverines can secrete an unpleasant-smelling yellow liquid from their anal glands. They use it to mark their territory.
Mating occurs in the summer, but the female can delay pregnancy until mid-winter.
A successful male may have a small harem of two or three females with whom he forms lifelong relationships. He visits them from time to time. Unfortunately, this means that some males must make do without females.
At the end of February, female wolverines build a den. They can dig them very deep in the snow up to 5 m.
Wolverines are great fathers! They visit their offspring regularly until they are weaned at 10 weeks. The young reach maturity in the first year of life and over the next six months some of them unite with their fathers.

How do wolverines reproduce?
Wolverines mate in summer, but are able to keep fertilized eggs in suspension until winter, a process known as embryonic diapause.
If females see that there are too few resources In order to successfully give birth to cubs, the embryos die before they begin to develop.
If there are enough resources, the embryos implant and the young are born in February.
They are born pure white and completely helpless and remain dependent on their mother until mid-May.
Very often, wolverines give birth to two cubs at a time.
Usually, even with big amount availability of food, female wolverines give birth only once every two years, and only after they are three or four years old. This means that wolverines have a very low reproduction rate.
In a study conducted by Glacier National Park, the mortality rate among the animals studied was almost 50%, which means that the average female wolverine gives birth to only one surviving cub every two years.

What do wolverines eat?
Wolverines will eat anything they can get their hands on!
For this size, favorite foods include: shrews, mice, voles, squirrels, rabbits, lemmings, marmots, porcupines, beavers, sheep, white-tailed and black-tailed deer, roe deer, caribou, wapiti and moose.
Moose you say? Yes, there have been cases when a wolverine killed a moose, although it was almost 20 times larger than it. But there may be other outcomes in these cases, for example, the moose was injured. But wolverines are exceptional hunters and will ambush large prey, even jumping from trees.
Occasionally wolverines also eat other smaller predators. Among them may be foxes, lynxes, weasels and even wolf puppies.
Wolves sometimes hunt wolverines.
They get most of their food in the form of carrion. Either they find animals in traps, leftovers that other predators have not eaten, or in some cases they will take the prey from another predator. There is even one report of a wolverine robbing a black bear ten times its size and killing it in the fight!
Wolverines use freezers Until leaner times, they sometimes hide their supplies in ice crevices or under stones.
Wolverines usually eat bones along with meat. It is even known that they can even eat teeth.
They are adventurers and are not averse to eating berries and fruits in summer time. They love eggs very much, you can even find information that they eat plants.

Notice her wide paws

How fierce are these wolverines?
In a word, very. These fierce little predators they're not afraid of anything. To put it mildly, their behavior can be described as: win or die.
They are incredibly strong for their size and successfully defend their prey from larger animals, including bears and wolves.
There is a documented story of a wolverine killing a polar bear. At the zoo, a wolverine was placed in an enclosure with a bear and immediately attacked him, squeezing the bear's throat until it suffocated.

Here is one story from the book that is good example relationships between wolverines and other wild animals:

“A ranger follows the trail that leads to Hidden Lake in Overlook, looking through binoculars at a grizzly bear standing by the water. Then he noticed an excited wolverine nearby on a pile of brushwood. It may have been a beaver lodge, as sticks covered the structure. Bears often pile up dirt, snow, and branches on top of leftover food to hide it. Wolverines are known to do the same and more carefully, although they often carry pieces of food and hide them. As for the hiding place, as you might guess, “negotiations” were in full swing. The bear began to approach. Instead of giving up her position and retreating, the wolverine climbs forward and makes several sharp lunges towards the bear, as if she is preparing for a fight and the bear retreats a little. This sequence of actions was repeated several times. Eventually, the grizzly turned away and took a longer path around the lake.”

“Biologists describe several cases where a wolverine stepped on a grizzly bear that was feeding on a carcass and chased away the bear. We can totally agree with that, this beast is a badass because what else is there to do when you weigh maybe 30 pounds.”

Below in the video you can see how the wolverine drives away the wolves, take a closer look at how she falls with her back to the ground - this is not fear, on the contrary, this is how she defends herself, trying to tear the enemy’s belly, the most vulnerable place.

Video. Wolverine vs Wolves

And here is another short video that speaks about the fearlessness of the wolverine and that it is capable of going to great lengths to kill potential prey. This video shows how a hungry wolverine attacked reindeer. Despite the deer's best efforts, she deftly avoids the deer's antlers and pounces on him, biting his neck. You can guess how the fight ended.

Video. Wolverine attacked a reindeer

Can a wolverine kill a person?
Well, before we started writing this article, we believed that a pumped-up badger had absolutely no chance of attacking a healthy person. Now we're not so sure.

Let's look at the facts. A large wolverine is about the same size as an average dog, but not much smaller than a wolf. If everything that has been written about wolverines is true, then they are one of the strongest animals for their size. They also have no fear of anything, are incredibly ferocious and are armed with huge, sharp claws and bone-crushing jaws.

And everything that is written here only says that this is not such a fantastic idea about a wolverine attacking a person. Considering them physical fitness and reports that they have defeated predators many times their size, we take the wolverine's side. Wolverine has another one useful thing, they can run in the snow. In their environment, this gives them a great advantage and, as you may have guessed, the wolverine will not run away from you.

The good news is that there have not been any documented cases of wolverines attacking humans. So we think that we will never know what will happen for sure in such a meeting.

There are many rumors on the Internet about wolverine attacks on humans, but as we wrote above, there is not a single documented case of attack. The only mention takes us back to 2014, when a man was chased by a wolverine and, according to him, she even tried to attack him.

Interesting cases related to wolverine
Wolverine chased a man in Alaska

It was 38-year-old Craig Johnson, who spent three days in the cold in Alaska. He went on a trip to visit his family for the holidays and it was a trip he would remember for a long time.

Photo. Craig Johnson, who claimed he was being chased by a wolverine

On December 15, Johnson was halfway through his 130-kilometre ride from Wainwright to Barrow when his snowmobile began to sink in sea ​​ice. The icy water was already up to his chest when he somehow managed to get out of the ice. Despite his wet clothes, he began his 50-kilometre trek to seek help. Along the way, the wolverine picked up his trail and began to chase him across the entire icy expanse. Johnson knew the ferocity of this predator and his vulnerability.

It seemed to him that the animal was simply playing with him, waiting for the right moment to attack him. He often heard her scratching her claws on the ice. After warning shots were fired, the animal did not get away; Johnson was forced to defend himself with a stick. He eventually found a wooden box and climbed inside, where he heard at least three rescue helicopters fly overhead. He stated that the third helicopter flew over him 200-300 meters from where he was lying. That's when he felt like he had lost all hope.

"I almost gave up, but I couldn't let it happen," he said. “I had to do it for my boys, my family. I think it’s a miracle that I’m alive.”

Temperatures continued to fall, reaching minus 35 degrees. While Johnson was lying in the box, he already thought that he would never see his family. Despite severe disappointment, he continued to scream for help, and then one day he heard him cousin, Clifford Benson.

Benson told reporters that the wind and snow had almost erased all traces of Johnson, and only his cries for help led rescuers to him. Surprisingly, he heard the sound of snowmobile engines. Johnson was frozen to the chest and writhing violently in pain. He was flown by helicopter to Samuel Simmonds Memorial Hospital in Barrow and then evacuated to Anchorage, where he was treated for frostbite, a punctured lung and a throat injury.

Wolverines do not pose a threat to humans unless they are rabid or if, hypothetically, one can imagine that the person is very weak and unable to move. Wolverines sometimes come to people, they are curious and, according to some sources, their eyes do not see well, so they want to come closer and take a closer look. It's best to be careful in these situations, but don't think that the wolverine will chase you and attack you.

Wolverines can pose a threat to pets. If there are wolverines in your area, keep your pets indoors, especially from dusk to dawn. If you are walking your dog in the wild, keep your dog close to you. If you are lucky enough to have pet deer, don't let them roam unattended, wolverines consider pet deer to be quite tasty food. Never corner a wolverine, like any animal that is threatened, it will defend itself and is likely to cause serious injury.

Hugh Jackman didn't know wolverines were real animals
We've heard stories of superhero actors who have never picked up a comic book, but Hugh Jackman was ahead of them all when he first auditioned for the role of Wolverine in the X-Men movie back in the late '90s. He didn't even know wolverines existed, and he found out about it in the most awkward way possible.

Photo. Hugh Jackman as Wolverine in the X-Men movie.

"I didn't even know Wolverine existed," Jackman said at a press conference in 2017. “I literally embarrassed myself for about two weeks of research on wolves. I rehearsed for three weeks and shot, so I was alone. I remember walking past the IMAX in Toronto and being documentary about wolves, and so I thought, “I’ll go and watch this.”

As a result, Jackman came to X-Men and became the wolf superhero, which he probably would have been until director Bryan Singer corrected him.

"He said, 'Do you want it to be funny?' And I said, 'I did it as a wolf,' and he says, 'You know you're not a wolf, right?'" Jackman recalled.

When Singer told Jackman that wolverine existed, he said, “Well, there's no such thing as a wolverine,” and Singler responded, “Go to the zoo, man.” I literally didn't know it existed. This made me happy, but to be honest, I was embarrassed. If someone doesn't know Wolverines exist, I could easily imagine them thinking Wolverine is a superhero name modified from a character concept like Tiger or Magneto."

Plus, Jackman grew up in Australia, where there are no wolverines and very little reason to teach children about them. However, Wolverine didn't know that wolverines existed until he became Wolverine. Funny!

And finally, for those who are still interested in this animal, we suggest watching a documentary about the life of a wolverine, the film is called: “ Secret life Wolverine" (The Last Phantom), filmed in 1994.

And another documentary film from 2010, it is called: “The Elusive Wolverine” (Phantom Wolverine), the quality of the film here is already better.

This year, blockbusters are coming out - continuations of the stories of some of the most popular comic book heroes. It's about about Iron Man (aka Tony Stark) and Wolverine (aka Logan). Imagine that they met on the same battlefield. What could come of this?

Tony Stark

Genius, billionaire, public favorite, misanthrope, savior of humanity.

All of Tony's power is concentrated in his head, in his ingenuity.

Possesses various versions of the super suit.

The main feature and the main advantage over the enemy is that it can fly.

Energy weapons, accelerators, strong armor allow you to greatly exceed your capabilities ordinary person, and not only.


Mutant, former intelligence expert, mercenary and CIA agent.

Logan's strength lies in his highly durable adamantium skeleton.

The ability to regenerate is essentially immortality.

A distinctive feature of Wolverine is his sharp, powerful claws that can cut anything!

Heightened senses, fearlessness and, at the same time, humanity make Logan an exceptionally dangerous opponent.


This battle is very interesting because the opponents are at the same time similar (both for the most part remained human), and at the same time have completely different advantages. Tony Stark can be very vulnerable in close combat - Wolverine's claws and ferocity can seriously damage the suit, and without it iron Man not iron at all.

At the same time, at a distance and in the air, Tony is much stronger than Logan, because Wolverine can only cause real damage in close combat. Although, of course, his training allows him to skillfully handle various types weapons. It is difficult to even imagine who will be the winner in such a clash.

Iron Man and Wolverine are good heroes, so I don't really want to see one of them defeated. However, it is your vote for your favorite that will help determine the winner.

Who do you think is stronger? A man with incredible durable metal inside or a person imprisoned in an iron suit?
