Quest game "We are for a healthy lifestyle!" Scenario of the sports game "sports quest"

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A quest game with interesting stations, through which students will be able to learn more about their health and learn to take care of it. There are applications in development that contain necessary materials for the event.

The target audience: 6-7 grades.

Purpose of the game: to develop attentive and careful attitude to your health, by solving tasks, improving teamwork skills, teaching understanding and helping your loved ones.

Equipment: ribbons of three colors , tokens, music for flash mobs, materials for stations, pictures of human organs, route sheets.

Progress of the event

– Hello, dear quest participants. What's your mood? (Whoa!) If you're ready to have fun and benefit from this time, then let's go. In order to divide into teams you need to take one ribbon from the box. (The organizer needs to know the number of participants in advance and prepare the same amount of each ribbon color).

- Great! So we divided into teams, tie your ribbons on your hands, come up with a name and chant for your team. So, we start, the team captains take route sheets, the main condition is to go quickly, efficiently and at each station name your team and chant. GOOD LUCK!

Route sheets:

Team 1

Station 1

Station 2

Station 3

Station 6

Station 5

Team 2

Station 2

Station 3

Station 1

Station 5

Station 4

Team 3

Station 3

Station 1

Station 2

Station 4

Station 5

Station 1. “We are a team”

Accessories: pencils.

The team must complete the task together. Students stand in a circle and index fingers hold a pencil, then squat. The team earns a token if no pencils fall while completing the task.

Station 2. “Tasty and healthy!”

Accessories: chips, apple, carrots, candy, water, Coca-Cola, milk, tangerines, porridge, cheese, yogurt, sour cream, Kirieshki, chocolate, onion, garlic, ice cream.

- Guys, this station is called “Tasty and Healthy” on the table you see different products nutrition. Now you will collect in one package all the products that you consider useful. The team receives a token if they collect all useful products in 1 minute.

Station 3. “We are for a healthy lifestyle”

Supplies: leaves with proverbs, divided into parts.

Students are given pieces of paper with proverbs, they connect the beginning and end of the proverb. The team earns a token if they connect all the proverbs correctly within 1 minute.

Sample proverbs:

  1. Temper your body for good.
  2. Don’t be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist.
  3. Anyone who plays sports gains strength.
  4. The sun, air and water always help us.
  5. Anyone who loves sports is healthy and cheerful.
  6. And ingenuity is needed, and hardening is important.
  7. IN healthy body healthy mind.
  8. The athlete is in control of the sails and tackle.
  9. You'll be toughened up from a young age, and you'll be good for the rest of your life.
  10. Get started new life not from Monday, but from morning exercises.
  11. Strong in body - rich in business.
  12. If you are not friends with sports, you will worry about it more than once.
  13. Walking means living long.
  14. Give your time to sports and get health in return.

Station 4. “The very best”

Accessories: mat, stopwatch

The team comes to the gym, each student from the team pumps up the press, the number of all students is summed up.

Station 5. “Traditional medicine”

Supplies: cards with plant names, cards with disease names.

Students receive cards with the names of plants and cards with the names of diseases.

  1. Chamomile - sore throat
  2. Raspberries - heat
  3. Plantain – cuts, abrasions
  4. Coltsfoot - cough
  5. Nettle – sciatica
  6. Celandine - skin diseases
  7. Garlic - flu
  8. Blueberries - eye diseases
  9. Valerian – nervous disorder
  10. Kalanchoe - runny nose

Station 6. “First Aid”

Accessories: bandage, cotton wool, scissors.

The team captain selects a ticket that describes the patient's wound. One student is chosen to do the dressing, and one to act as the doctor. A token is given if the wound is bandaged correctly, quickly and accurately.

Station 7. “What? Where? Why?"

Supplies: board with a drawn silhouette of a person, drawings of organs (heart, lungs, liver, brain, stomach)

In 2 minutes, students must place all the organs in their places and name their main functions. A token is given if students complete the task on time.

- Well done everyone! Guys, let's count the tokens and sum up the results.

Winner's reward ceremony

– Health is strength! Take care of yourself!

Elfimova Elena
Game - quest “We are for healthy image life!

Educational area:

Cognitive development;

Social and communicative development;

Speech development.


Propaganda healthy lifestyle


Bring to the understanding that each person must take care of his own health from childhood, consolidate cultural hygienic skills, instill a love of sports, consolidate knowledge about vitamins and healthy products, introduce beneficial influence music on the human body, develop physical qualities, cultivate the will to win, cognitive activity.

Develop coherent, dialogic speech, answer questions with sentences, encourage children for the ability to express and defend their opinions.

Activities: gaming, practical, communicative,


Forms of organization: individual, frontal.

Equipment: bag, vegetables and fruits for identification by touch, washcloth, soap, shampoo, toys, pen and pencil for playing, Russian folk instruments, two hoops, two balls, poster with secrets health, cut into 4 puzzles, route map.

Preliminary work: conversations are held with children about the importance of vitamins and their content in various products, about hygiene skills, sense organs, what a healthy lifestyle is; children are introduced to folk instruments during a music lesson.

"Music Station" (music hall) meets Petrushka

M: Hello children. Tell me, how can music influence our health? Now guess my riddles.

1. He is tight and thick-skinned.

Hit it with a stick.

Bam. Bam. It will rattle.

He will not be able to remain silent.

It's loud - (drum.)

2. Wooden plates,

colorful pictures,

They knock, they ring, they tell you to dance. (ratchets)

3. You will take it in your hands,

you stretch it, you squeeze it,

Voiced, elegant,

Russian, two-row (harmonic).

4. They eat soup at lunch,

Wooden girls

Musical sisters

Play a little too,

On beautiful bright (spoons).

M: Well done. And now I’ll turn on the music, and you guess what genre it belongs to music: march, song, dance, etc. etc.

"Hygienic station" Doctor Aibolit meets the children

A: Hello children. Tell me when you get out of bed where you are going.

A:What should you do while washing? Brush your teeth correctly every day; if you don’t brush, germs accumulate in your mouth and your teeth begin to hurt.

Now guess the riddles.

1. Smooth, fragrant, washes clean (soap)

2. I walk, wander, not through forests, but through mustaches and hair,

And my teeth are longer than those of wolves (comb)

3. Bone back, stiff bristles,

Makes friends with mint paste and serves diligently (Toothbrush)

4. And smooth and shaggy and soft and striped (towel)

A: Well done.

When should you wash your hands?

Why do we wash them?

A::Now let's let's play. (soap, washcloth, towel, album, pen, pencil are laid out on the table.) One child chooses those things that help take care of the skin.

A: a game"Allowed - prohibited" I name good and bad habits, and you answer YES or NO.

Brush your teeth.

Bite your nails.

Picking your nose.

Wash hair,

Use a handkerchief.

Walk around in dirty clothes.

Do not wash your hair.

Take a shower.

To wash hands.

"Vitamin Station".

The children are greeted by the cook.

P: Hello children. Tell me what vitamins are.

P: That's right, if there are not enough vitamins, then a person becomes sad and often gets sick. Vitamins are found in many foods, especially fruits and vegetables.

Guess the riddles.

1. The red nose is rooted in the ground, and the green tail is outside.

Carrots contain a lot of vitamin A, which is needed by the eyes, and also helps to grow faster.

2. I was born to glory, my head is white and curly. Who loves cabbage soup, look for me. (cabbage)

In ancient times, people ate cabbage and used it as a cure for many diseases. Cabbage contains a lot of vitamin C.

3. If you touch it, it’s smooth, but if you bite it, it’s sweet. (apple).

Well done. Apple is a favorite fruit of children; it is not only healthy, but also sweet. They have a lot of iron and vitamin C.

Why do we need vitamin C?

4. I fight colds and sore throats, better than any aspirins, the taste is a little sour. I am a vitamin champion, my name is lemon.

Well done. Lemon contains a lot of vitamins C and P.

Now let's let's play"Guess by touch"

Do you need to stick your hand into the bag and determine by touch whether it is a fruit or a vegetable?

"Healthy lifestyle station"

Meets children (Dunno).

N: Hello children. Tell me what it is healthy lifestyle.

N: It’s right that our body should be healthy you need to play sports, do exercises in the morning, and toughen up.

Guess the riddles.

1. I walk around the apartment,

I squat: three four.

And I am firmly convinced -

Success awaits me with her (Charger)

2. He is cold, he is pleasant,

I've been friends with him for a long time, guys.

He will pour water on me,

I'll grow up I'm healthy! (Shower)

3. I will never get sick

If I warm up my body,

And cold water

Guys, I'm not scared. (Rubdown)

4. I’ll open the window wide,

I need clean air.

Needed in summer and winter,

All adults and children. (Ventilation)

5. Cold water in winter

I'm not afraid to swim

I just healthier, Guys,

I'm becoming. (Hardening)

6. The sun's hot rays

Very hot in summer.

So that healthy, be strong,

You need to be friends with the sun,

Bathe in its rays,

Run, jump, toughen up. (Sunbathing)

7.One, two, three, four, five,

You need to breathe correctly.

Dexterity will help us here,

Exercise, training. (Breathing exercises)

N: Now let's let's play"Put the puzzle together"

Who can collect it faster? (receives a chip)

Puzzles (Sun, towel, dumbbells, jump rope, bicycle, sled)

"Station Secrets of Man".

Meets children (Pinocchio).

B: Hello children. Tell me what your body is made of.

B: That's right, it consists of many organs that help a person live and be healthy. Man has sense organs.

B: Let's let's play“What assistant is missing?”

Target: show children the importance of each individual sense organ. Develop a cognitive attitude towards the world around you and yourself.

Game actions: large colored ones lie pattern down on the floor or on shifted tables paper models eyes, tongue, ear, nose, hand. The teacher informs the children that there are "scouts" let the children guess who he is talking about. Then the children are given a task collect each scout into a single whole.

Material: paper models of the eye, tongue, ear, nose, hand.

Guess the riddles.

1. Two windows at night

They close themselves

And with the sunrise

They open on their own.

(organ of vision of the Eye.)

Open the paper model

What are eyes for? (Watch, observe.)

2. Everyone has a sad look on their face

It has two caves.

What kind of mountain is this?

(respiratory organ. Nose.)

Open the paper model

What is the nose for? (breathe, smell.)

3. Always in the mouth, not swallowed.

(Touch organ Tongue)

Open the paper model

What is the tongue for? (sour, salty, sweet, bitter.)

4. The five brothers are inseparable,

They are never bored together.

They work with a pen

Saw, spoon, axe. (Fingers)

Open the paper model

What are fingers for? (hold, grab, etc.)

5. I’ve been wearing them for many years, but I don’t know how many. (Hair.)

Open the paper model

What is your hair for? (protect from heat and cold)

7. What is the head for? (think)

Open the paper model

8. What do you have one of each? (Head, nose, etc.)

"Sports Station" The children are greeted by a physical education instructor.

AND: Welcome to the sports station.

Good sleep and appetite

physical education gives us

full of energy for games and walks.

So as not to get a sore throat

and don’t be afraid of colds,

I advise you to play sports.

We agree to compete.

1. Relay "Walk through hoops"

Children reach the landmark, go around it, shifting hoops and moving from hoop to hoop.

2. Relay "Roll the ball".

Children dribble the ball with their hand to a landmark and back, holding another in his hand.

3. Relay "Jumping on two legs with a ball held between your feet".

Each child on the team holds the ball between their knees and jumps to the finish line, trying not to drop the ball. Runs back.

4. Relay "Knock down the pin".

Team captains are invited. You need to roll the ball with both hands to knock down the pin standing 3m in front. Each captain has 3 attempts, 1 point for each pin knocked down.

5. Relay "Hit the target".

Each child has a bag of sand in his hand. Participants need to hit the target with the bag (throw it into the hoop). The total number of hits in each team is assessed.

"Chistyuli Station"

Malvina meets the children.


2. Cleanliness is the best beauty.

3. Live purely - be healthy.

Tell me what the laundry is for kindergarten? Right. Bed linen, towels, curtains are washed and ironed there

M:Now guess mine puzzles:

To iron the T-shirt, does the mother plug in the watch into the socket? (iron)

There is a box in the bathroom

He looks with a transparent and round eye.

It's interesting to look into the eye when

There is water bubbling in this box. (washing machine)

Tell me, who are my assistants? (iron and washing machine)

Guys, listen to proverbs and sayings related to cleanliness and health.

1. He who is neat is liked by people.

2. Cleanliness is the best beauty.

3. Live purely - be healthy.

4. Don't think about being smart, but think about being neat.

5. Pure water- it’s a disaster for the sick.

M: Now guess my riddles

As many as 25 cloves

For curls and tufts,

And under each tooth

The hair will lie in a row. (Comb.)

I've been wearing them for many years

But I don’t know the number of them.

I don’t sow, I don’t plant -

They grow up on their own. (Hair.)

Looks like a hedgehog

But he doesn't ask for food.

Runs over clothes -

She will become cleaner! (Clothes brush.)

A warm wave splashes

On shores made of cast iron:

Guess, remember

What kind of sea is in the room?


Elastic band - Akulinka

I went for a walk along the back.

And while she was walking,

The back has become pink.

Sponge (Washcloth)

M: Let's let's play a game“Don’t miss the word about helping objects”

I will name the words, and you listen carefully and as soon as you hear a word that belongs to objects that help us to be neat, you should jump up and clap your hands.

House, ball, comb, puck, book, hoop, clothes brush, stick, cat, run, tablet, plate, book, snow, fork, boot, bath, computer, paper, paper clip, washcloth, scissors, machine, stone, birch , hair, etc.

Sports quest

The goal of the game is:

    systematization and generalization of previously acquired knowledge on a healthy lifestyle and sports;

    acquisition in a playful form of new vital necessary knowledge on healthy lifestyle;

    developing students’ motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle, instilling responsibility for their health and the health of their loved ones;

    promoting the development of communicative qualities of the student’s personality;

    developing the ability to work in a group.


Each team chooses a color that will accompany them throughout the game. The team receives the first riddle according to its color and starts to the place of the first test; if the riddle is not solved, the leader asks additional questions that will help the team guess the place of the first test. At each station, the team must find a sheet with a riddle that will tell them where to move next. The winner is the team that is the first to pass all the tests and guess the location of all the stations.


    Formation of teams . Options: based on the class, the team of one circle group, or during the general gathering of students for an event by distributing color tokens. The number of teams in the game should not exceed the number of stations. Team compositions should be as equal as possible in terms of age and number of participants. The number of players in teams is not limited.

    Preparation of props. In accordance with the expected number of teams, route sheets are prepared, in our case riddles (Appendix No. 1), signs on office doors with the names of stations, station props (see description of stations).

    Training of station managers. Stewards can be high school students, school students, teaching staff who have received necessary installation and consultation with event organizers.

    Preparation of the award fund. As in any game where a winner is expected to be identified, when summing up the results there should also be a moment of rewarding. Rewards can include medals based on the number of team members, as well as sweet prizes and diplomas.


(speech by the competition organizer)

Good afternoon, Dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to this hall.

Today we will conduct a sports search game and identify the fastest and most savvy participants. Let's get acquainted with our teams participating in the game. Let's welcome the teams. Team name and motto.

At each of them, station managers will be waiting for your team with tasks corresponding to the theme of the station. Route sheets with the indicated order of passing stations will serve as your guide to the country, but we will not tell you the order of stations; you must guess them; how correctly you guess, the faster you will pass the test.

Good luck! Have a nice trip and new necessary for later life knowledge!


1 station "Gym"

Mystery: There are no desks, but there is something to sit on. You can play there and you can learn there.


Girls 5 people – jumping rope in 30 seconds (it is necessary to collect the total number of jumps 300 times)

Boys 5 people - throws into a basketball basket in 3 minutes (need to hit 10 times)

5 people – standing long jump (total 8 meters)

5 people – press in 30 seconds (total number of 125 times)

Provided that the team has completed all the steps and dialed required amount points, the manager allows you to start finding the next riddle. If the team does not score the required number of points, the manager assigns an additional task.

Station 2 "Cabinet of Music"

Mystery: There the song flows

And the music plays. It can be classic and popular.

Exercise: sing a song about sports with the whole class.

3 station "Biblioteka"

Mystery: Knowledge is stored there. There are a lot of fiction and educational books. You need to run to the keeper.

Exercise: Solve the crossword puzzle and answer the questions.

Exercise: Based on the description, determine which sports we're talking about. Write the words - sports in the cells of the crossword puzzle. Make up a word combination from the letters in the highlighted cells.

1. One of the types of skiing, which includes several disciplines: ski acrobatics, ski cross, mogul, halfpipe, slopestyle. Originally emerged as a mixture alpine skiing and acrobatics. (freestyle)
2. A type of luge that requires a controlled sled. These sleds are used to descend along specially equipped ice tracks. (bobsled)
3. One of the most popular types of gymnastics. There are three types: jumping, pairs and group. (acrobatics)
4. Fans of this sport have to climb mountain peaks, which are sometimes difficult to reach. (mountaineering)
5. Water competitions at various distances, which are held both in swimming pools and in open reservoirs. (swimming)
1. This is most often called cross-country running. However, not everyone knows that some other types of cross-country racing are also called this way. Can be car, bicycle, ski, motorcycle. (cross)
2. Those who engage in this sport must be proficient with hand-held bladed weapons, strike (thrust) with them, and also reflect the blows of an opponent. (fencing)
3. A winter sport in which competitions take place on ice. Members of the two teams alternately “roll” the shells towards the “home” - a target drawn on the ice. the main task– hit the target as accurately as possible. (curling)
4. In this sport, athletes need special gloves to hit each other. (boxing)
5. In this sport, athletes compete not only in cross-country skiing. After walking a certain distance, the athlete shoots from a rifle. For each miss he receives a penalty lap or penalty time. (biathlon)
6. For this sports game You need a round target that hangs on the wall. Players throw darts, trying to hit the target. (darts)


 Which modern state is considered the birthplace of the Olympic Games?

 What birds are traditionally released at the opening of the Olympic Games?


 At the opening of the Olympic Games, the teams are in alphabetical order of the host country. But the team of the same country always marches ahead. Which?

 What color is the Olympic flag?

 What time of year are the White Olympics held?

 Name the continent where the Olympic Games in 2000


 How many meters are in the shortest track and field distance of the modern Olympic Games?

(100 meters.)

 How many athletes on one team take part in the Olympic relay race?

 What Olympic sport is played in a swimming pool?

(Water polo.)

 In which Olympic sport is the saber used?


 Which of the following was included in the program of the first modern Olympic Games?

a) Towns; b)Tug of war;

c) Domino; d) Hide and seek.

 What is the name of the complex of residential premises for athletes participating in the Olympic Games?

A)Olimpic village ; b) Sports village;

c) Town of record holders; d) Champion's capital.

 Which of these martial arts is an Olympic sport?

a) Sambo; b)Judo ;

c) Karate; d) Aikido.

 In which part of the world have the modern Olympic Games never been held?

a) In Asia; b) In Australia;

c) In America; G)In Africa .

 Which country hosted the 2012 Summer Olympics?

A)In England ; b) In Sweden;

c) In France; d) In Austria.

(In London.)

4th station "Stadium"

Mystery: He's standing outside the school oval shape, there are trees around there.

Exercise: 30 meter run - performed by 6 people

Ball throwing 5 people (total points or meters 125m)

Station 5 "Doctor's office"

Mystery: If you suddenly get sick or have a slight injury

You need to contact us urgently...

Exercise: 1. What no amount of money can buy. (Health)

2. For normal functioning, a person needs 2.5 liters of this substance per day. What is this? (Water).

3.What is the name of a mass disease of people? (Epidemic)

4. What is the rational distribution of time called in one word? (Mode)

5. Training the body with cold. (Hardening)

6. Which liquid carries oxygen in the body. (Blood)

7. What is the science of purity called? (Hygiene)

8. The smallest organism that carries an infection. (Microbe)

9. Voluntary nicotine poisoning. (Smoking)

10. This Russian commander was a very weak child as a child, but he perfectly tempered himself. The best way He considered the Russian bathhouse to be the best way to harden. There he withstood terrible heat on a shelf, after which 10 buckets were poured on him cold water. (Suvorov).

11. Why already in Ancient China and in Persia did healthy people apply a little blood of smallpox patients to a scratch?

(Thus, infected people suffered the disease more easily. It’s like a vaccination).

12. Name a vitamin that is produced in the human body only under the influence sun rays. (Vitamin D).

13. People spend a third of their lives in this state. It is useful and necessary. What is this? (Dream)

14. Can I immediately sit down after running to rest?

(No. You need to walk around so that the blood does not stagnate in the veins)

15. What you need to take before bed is mandatory, and in hot weather- in the morning and in the evening? (Shower).

Station 6 "Gymnastics Hall"

Mystery: They call it gymnastics, there are stairs and carpets.

Exercise: push-ups – 5 boys + 5 girls (perform 125 times)

Shuttle run 4 *9 m 6 people.

Medicine ball throws at a distance of 5 people (45 meters - total number of meters)

After testing, collection in assembly hall, the winner is determined by the number of arrival at the final point (assembly hall). Summing up, awarding.

Svetlana Vladimirovna Prokopchik
teachers physical culture
The health station QUEST game is intended for students
technical school
The goal of the game is:
 systematization and generalization of previously acquired knowledge on healthy
lifestyle and sports;
acquiring new vital knowledge in a playful way
on healthy lifestyle;
creating motivation among students to maintain a healthy lifestyle
life, fostering responsibility for one’s own health and the health of one’s
loved ones;
promoting the development of communicative qualities of the student’s personality;
developing the ability to work in a group.

In accordance with the team’s route map received in hand
queues visit Health stations, where station managers ask
task teams, evaluate their completion and assign earned points to
route sheet. The team with the highest score at the end of the game wins
number of points.
Purpose: Propaganda active forms leisure
1. Formation of healthy lifestyle attitudes.
2. Formation of leadership qualities and development of organizational abilities,
ability to work in a team.
3. Development of an active life position.
4. Expansion of communicative experience.
5. Raising awareness on healthy lifestyles
About a healthy lifestyle.
A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a person’s way of life aimed at
disease prevention and health promotion.

A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite for the development of various aspects
human life, achieving active longevity and
full implementation social functions, for active participation in
labor, social, family, and leisure forms of life.
A healthy lifestyle appears as a specific form of expedient
human activity – activities aimed at preserving, strengthening and
improving his health
The relevance of a healthy lifestyle is caused by the increase and change
the nature of the loads on the human body due to the complication of social
life, increasing risks of man-made, environmental, psychological,
political and military nature, provoking negative changes in
state of health. IN modern society is growing more and more
tendency to lead a healthy lifestyle
1. Formation of teams. Options: team based during general
gathering students at an event by distributing color tokens
teams are determined. The number of teams in the game should not exceed
number of stations.
Team compositions should be as large as possible
equal in age and number of participants. Number of players in
teams is not limited. Before completing the game, instructions are given.
2. Preparation of props. According to the expected quantity
teams prepare route sheets (Appendix No. 1), signs with
station names, station details (see station descriptions).
3. Training of stewards at stations. Managers can be
senior students, teachers, additional teachers
education of the technical school, teaching staff who have received the necessary
installation and consultation of event organizers, aimed not only at
to determine the team that is stronger in terms of training level, how many
expanding students' horizons on healthy lifestyles.
4 Preparation of the award fund. As in any game where it is supposed
identification of the winner, when summing up the results must be present and
moment of awarding. As rewards they can be like medals in quantity
team members with the symbolic inscription “We are for healthy lifestyle!!!”, and
sweet prizes and diplomas.

(speech by the competition organizer, all teams gather in the assembly hall
Good afternoon We are happy to greet you. On April 7th the World
Health Day. This day is held annually so that people can
understand how much health means in their lives and decide what they need to do,
to improve the health of people around the world. We want you to be
healthy and exercised. For this purpose, we are celebrating the Day
Health. Today we will all go on a journey together. After all, health is
this is the most important value human life. To become a resident of this
countries, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, follow the correct regime
day, nutrition and conditioning, love sports, don’t get sick, and if a little happens
get sick, be able to quickly recover yourself and help others.
When completing the game, your team will be expected at each station
station managers with tasks corresponding to the theme of the station.
As a guide to the country, you will use route sheets with the indicated
the order of passage of stations. In these sheets the station managers
will contribute the points you earned at the stations. Keep in mind that the team
The one who completes the tasks the fastest will receive extra point, and
the team that violated discipline during the game will receive points
Good luck! Have a good mood and new necessary for
further life of knowledge!
Start of the game:
Each team is given route sheets indicating the sites and
the name of the competition.
A certain time is given to complete each competition (510 min.
depending on the composition of the teams, venue, etc.). Teams together
perform practical, thematic and intellectual tasks. At first
completing the game is timed and turns off after completion
last stage, also at each stage teams receive points (points) for
correct completion of the task and the number of completed tasks.
At the end of a stage, the team moves on to the next
tests by performing given exercises.
1. STATION “Healthy Wisdom”
Station manager:

Health is the state of any living organism, in which it, as a whole,
all his organs are capable of fully performing their functions; absence of illness,
illness (a detailed discussion of definitions of health is provided below). TO
sciences that study health include: dietetics
,pharmacology, biology,
(health psychology, developmental psychology,
experimental and clinical psychology,
social Psychology),
psychophysiology, psychiatry, pediatrics, medical sociology and medical
anthropology, mental hygiene, defectology and others.

Protecting human health (health care) is one of the functions of the state.
On a global scale, the World Health Organization is responsible for protecting human health.
healthcare organization.
The purpose of this station is to folk wisdom proverbs and
sayings about health. You need to make up well-known proverbs about health from words.
The proverbs are printed on paper, the words are cut out.

jumping - depicting a “centipede” (everyone stands in one column, bends one
leg in the knee, the partner standing behind takes the leg of the one in front in the hand, etc.),
jump without breaking the chain - you need to cross a given line.
2. STATION “Healthy eating – Tasty and healthy!”
Station manager.
Healthy nutrition is nutrition that ensures growth and normal development
and human life activities that contribute to the strengthening of his health and
disease prevention. Following the rules of a healthy diet in combination with
regular physical exercise reduces the risk of chronic
diseases and disorders such as obesity, cardiovascular
diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer.
Of course, the composition of an ideal human diet depends on the gender
activities, lifestyle and place of residence, but there are more or
less universal advice,
developed by healthcare
organizations. You need to follow: diet, caloric intake,
distribute correctly daily ration, diversify your diet, you need
be moderate in food, eat slowly, drink more water, combine correctly
products, eat simple and fresh food, try to exclude fried
I'm going.
You should definitely consult your doctor about diets,
trust only nutrition developed by reputable institutions
Some products, or rather the substances contained in them, are capable of
have a beneficial effect on the body, others, on the contrary, can worsen it
activity and have a detrimental effect on the condition of many organs and even systems.

Task proper nutrition– eliminate junk food from your diet and enrich it
useful, which is what we will do today.
Assignment: create a menu for one day - according to the rules of healthy eating.
Application: prepare food cards.
Until the next stage, the team moves in the following way: all
divide into two people and perform the exercise. “cart” (one stands on his hands,
the second holds - by the legs, moves on the hands) to the line, (middle of the distance)
– then they change roles.
Station Manager
Today I will talk about the benefits of sports. IN modern world, Where
power prevails information technologies, it's hard to support yourself
form constantly. But everyone needs sports! Sedentary lifestyle
entails such dangers as obesity, atherosclerosis, strokes, migraines and
other ailments. There is a way out - start playing sports. And quite
it is not necessary to visit the pool or gym, you can do physical exercises
exercises at home. The health benefits of sports are invaluable only with proper
approach to classes. Each person should choose exactly the right type for themselves.
physical activity that suits him based on his health and
personal preferences. Working out with pleasure and without unnecessary stress,
exhausting the body, you can not only keep the body in good shape, but also
change your life for the better. Playing sports. Health benefits and
human body
Many words have already been said about the benefits of sport. So what
influence physical exercise on the body? What are the benefits of sports for
After classes:
is improving muscle tone, endurance and strength increases;
immunity increases (as a result of which a person gets sick less);
the musculoskeletal system is strengthened;
weight is normalized;
blood circulation improves.
Sports also have a positive effect on the functioning of the visual and respiratory organs.
systems. Such activities reduce the risk of early strokes,
heart attacks and much more.
Sport fosters discipline, fortitude and responsibility, and
also improves mental health.

Agree that such a beneficial action is worth a break
away from the TV screen and play sports!
The task is who can guess the most sports (Crocodile game)
Rules of the game: the manager thinks of a word, phrase or phrase.
One of the players must show the word hidden without words, only. Only
gestures, facial expressions, and postures, i.e. pantomime. It is forbidden to pronounce with lips
words, spell a word, take foreign objects. Guessers
can ask the player questions; ask the player to show synonyms; list
any options that appear. To display a word or phrase, use the
certain time. If the correct answer is not given before the end of this
deadline, the word is considered not guessed.
Until the next stage, the team moves in the following way:
the first takes the position crouching, the second jumps over it - stands point-blank
crouching, the third begins to jump over two in turn, etc. not yet
reach the next station - the last player on the team.
4. STATION “Poetic” (creative)
Station Manager
A lot of poems have been written for children and adults about healthy
lifestyle, its benefits and harms bad habits. Today you
try yourself as a writer.
Assignment: words are given, you need to come up with a rhyme for them and come up with
a catchy chant about health and a healthy lifestyle.
Until the next stage, the team moves in the following way:
“Transportation of the wounded”, the team is divided into three people and in any way
carries the "wounded"
5. “Ambulance” STATION
Station Manager
Fleeting modern life requires a person's knowledge of basic
techniques and methods of providing first aid medical care yourself or your loved ones.
This stage will show how much you possess such knowledge and skills.
Tasks: name medications from the first aid kit and indicate their area
Until the next stage, the team moves in the following way:
"crossing in hoops" As many people stand in one hoop as

fit in and run to the next stage, one returns in the hoop behind
the rest, etc.
Station manager.
In modern society, a person experiences a whole complex
unfavorable factors: emotional stress, information
overloads, poor environmental conditions. These factors are often combined with
insufficient physical activity. The cumulative effect of unfavorable
factors environment and a sedentary lifestyle has
extremely negative impact on the body, disrupting its normal
functioning and contributing to the development of various diseases.
In such conditions, it is very important to use a complex of various
means that help maintain and strengthen the health of the body. Healthy
a person is a full-fledged member of society who is distinguished by a high level of
physical and mental performance, good health,
inner spiritual comfort.
One of the activities that has beneficial effect to your health
body, is morning hygienic gymnastics. In addition to specific
influence facilitating the process of transition from a state of rest to a state
active wakefulness, performing morning exercises
increases the level of general physical activity of a person. For most
urban population morning exercises is often the only
specially organized physical exercise.
Like most effects on the body, morning exercises are beneficial
only subject to its proper use, which takes into account the specifics
functioning of the body after sleep, as well as individual characteristics
a specific person.
Assignment:And as you already understand, the next task is to compile
UGG complex of 10 exercises and do it all together.
Until the next stage, the team moves in the following way:
"crossing over bumps." Bumps are made from pieces of wood and the whole team takes hold of
hands pass through the “swamps”. If someone goes off the bump, the whole team
comes back.
Station manager:
(about promoting healthy life)
Assignment: Draw and make a propaganda poster from available materials
"Formation of a healthy lifestyle."

Station manager.
Movement is life! This slogan has been tested by more than one generation
of people. Only active image life, and even better – sports and physical education
will help you and me to save ourselves from a number of diseases, and first of all - from
cardiovascular and musculoskeletal diseases. Teams
you need to go through an obstacle course.
Task: all team members go through an obstacle course from the available
sports equipment one by one.
For example: running in a straight line 15 m;
Crawl along the bench only by pulling yourself up on your hands;
Climb into the tunnel (a hoop with 3D material on it);
Somersault on the mat;
Climb through the hoops with a snake (without knocking them down);
Get the ball into the basket (1 attempt, the player who threw runs after the ball
and returns it to the next one, etc.);
A web is stretched between the trees (a rope - one lower, the other higher
etc.). Players overcome obstacles under the rope and jump over it.
All teams gather in the assembly hall. The jury sums up the results.
Team awards. 10
a game
propaganda poster
10 b
right answers
10 b
10 b
Name it
score by
point for
points for

Application to competition 1:

God grant us health, but we will find happiness.
Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your feet warm.
If you want to be healthy, toughen up.
Move more - you will live longer.
Application to the competition 2.

Appendix to
Athletics -
running, relay race, javelin throw, discus throw, jumping
running length, sports gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, figure gymnastics
skating, trampolining, diving, water polo, hockey, handball, football,
boxing, judo, karate, aerobics, arm wrestling, bodybuilding, dance sports,
figure skating, bobsleigh, skeleton, curling, freestyle skiing, luge,
ski jumping, snowboarding, short track, Nordic combined,
speed skating, hockey, skiing, biathlon, cross-country skiing,
basketball, badminton, wrestling, water sports, cycling, volleyball,
trampolining, rowing, judo, sailing, equestrianism, triathlon,
tennis, archery, shooting, fencing, taekwondo, ice hockey
Appendix (station 4): (words are given from which you need to make
poem) save, live, swim, must love, engage,
laugh, visit, respect, save.

Application (station 5)
1. Iodine is a disinfectant for damaged skin.
2. Zelenka is a disinfectant for damaged mucous membranes.
3. Analgin – pain reliever
4. Aspirin – antipyretic
5. Paracetamol – antipyretic, for headaches
6. Ammonia (ammonia) - for fainting conditions
7. Activated carbon– for poisoning, stomach pain
8. Valerian tincture or extract – nervous disorders, nervousness
9. Citramon – for headaches
10. Validol - for pain in the heart.
Appendix (station 7): Whatman paper, markers, paints, magazines, glue.
